Olson Ltr re: O'Connor & Bluffs Program Page 1 of 1 Jeanne Schneider - Support for COPS and Jerelyn - Date: Subject: "Chris & Tim Olson" <chrisandtimolson@msn.com> < rdbuol@cityofdubuque.org>, <amichalski@cityofdubuque.org>, <kbraig@cityofdubuque.org>, < rjones@cityofdubuque.org>, <klynch@cityofdubuque.org>, <jconnors63@mchsi.com>, <pcline@cityofdubuque.org>, <jschneid@cityofdubuque.org>, <ctymgr@cityofdubuque.org> 02{09{2006 3:33 PM Support for COPS and Jerelyn From: To: To our honorable City Council and Manager, As president of the Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Association, I wanted to express our support for Jerelyn O'Connor and the COPS program. The services and gUidance provided to our association from Jerelyn and our officers is priceless. At meetings and throughout the month, we rely on these city employees to keep us up to date, help us through the process of working with the city, and provide guidance as we work to better our neighborhood. It's through their help that we're able to be effective. During the budgeting process, we hope you understand just how important they are to so many of us who are volunteering to make Dubuque a better place. Thank you for your time and attention, Chris Olson, President Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Association. file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\jschneid.000\Local%20Settings\ Temp\XPGrp W... 02/10/2006