Library Lady from Bulgaria Page I of I Jeanne Schneider - Bulgarian visitor From: To: Date: Subject: "Susan Henricks" <SHenricks@stout.dubuque.lib.ia.us> <Jschneid@cityofdubuque.org> 03/09/2006 11:38 AM Bulgarian visitor Jeanne, We have a visitor here at the library for the next month. Her name is Irina Koleva and she is from Bulgaria. Dubuque is one of three cities in Iowa participating in this library exchange which is administered through IRIS - Iowa Resources for International Service - and funded by a State Department grant. We'd like to do something special for Irina. Randy suggested we present her with a flag of Dubuque. Great idea - I ordered one. May this be put on the agenda for April 3? Also, let me know if I need to do something special... Thanks Susan file:/ /C:\Docwnents%20and%20Settings\jschneid.000\Local%20Settings\ Temp\XPGrp W... 03/09/2006