Minutes Library Bd 4 11 06 , Carnegie-Stout Public Library Board of Trustees' Meeting Minutes of April 11, 2006 CO~y . . The Board of Trustees of the Carnegie-Stout Public Library (C-SPL) held a planning work session in the Library Auditorium at 4:00 p.m., April 11, 2006. Present: President Alan Avery; Vice President Sue Lindsay; Trustee Becky Hauder; Trustee Beverly Kolz; Trustee Michael Shubatt; Trustee Kristen Smith; Trustee Diann Guns; Library Director Susan Henricks; and Recorder Denette Kellogg. Library Board Trustee Becky Hauder Excused: 1. Board President Avery called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. ''Moved to adopt the meeting agenda of April 11, 2006 with the following additions; Status of Proposed Plan, Funding Alternatives, West End Service, Community Involvement, and Next Steps. " Motion: Second: Vote: Guns Smith Aye -6; Nay - 0 2. Status of Proposed Plan: A. Building Plan - The Board agreed that the proposed building remodeling plan as revised is the final plan. Avery asked that the information on how much additional space usage would be gained by the new plans versus what the Library has currently. Avery reported this information would provide meaningful information in a presentation to the City Council. Henricks reported that she would add this information to the presentation. B. Library Furnishings - Avery asked if the list of furnishings included in the plan include any "wanted" items versus "needed" items. Henricks reported that most items listed are on the needed list to be replaced. Henricks reported that most of the furnishings should have been replaced on a regular City replacement schedule in past years and were not on this schedule. The approach to planning was to use what could be reused in the newly renovated facility and to purchase current items with the intent of using in the renovated facility. Henricks reported on the additional cost of the self check machines. Any items purchased now are purchased with the intent of using in the renovated facility. The Board requested that the Library l3:9.aro of 'trustees Minutes of'April' II, 2006 final review of the furnishings be completed one more time and make any needed changes as found. C. Staffing in the Renovated Facility: Avery suggested that this is the issue in which the Library must be prepared to show in detail and ask questions in regard to why additional staffing is needed. Henricks reported without additional staff the renovation cannot be done. Guns reported that the annual report reflects staffing is needed, as C-SPL is the second to the lowest staff library in the nation for its size. Shubatt noted the additional floor space that will be added and utilized. Guns reported when walking into the library today and into the old building it feels not and is currently not staffed, and in the renovated facility this area will be newly used. Avery reported that the Board needs to do a better job of providing information on why the Library needs more staff and noted maybe the possibility of providing fewer services in one area to provide staff in critical areas also needs to be reviewed. Kolz noted the greatest growth in adult services with the renovation and this is where there is the most shortage. She noted that the Library is already beginning at a point of staffing weakness. Lindsay reported that a need for a better understanding of what the activities, especially adult services does needs to be provided in a presentation to the City Council and City Manager. Avery reported the need to show the existing model of change in the presentation. Henricks reported that the minimum total of additional staff in the renovated facility to open the doors is 5.6 full-time equivalent. All but one of the additional staff are hourly employees with the total budget impact of $144,111, with benefits $165,500. Kolz suggested that the presentation needs to address the Library's realistic need for staffing. The Board agreed that a detailed presentation of need be included in the presentation to the City Council and the City Manager. 3. Funding Alternatives - The Board discussed the various funding alternatives. Avery asked what Capital Improvement Projects (CIPS) are planned that could impact this project. Henricks reported that already approved projects scheduled out over the next ten years that would impact this project are replace the carpeting, interior painting, roof, and replace old HVAC. The already approved CIPS for window, sidewalks and roof projects do not impact the renovation. Henricks reported that all of these projects total 1.4 million dollars and would have been completed without the renovation, but it appears the City is counting these funds already approved for projects as part of new funding - 2- - Library Board of Trustees Minutes of April II, 2006 support for the project. The Board requested a list of approved crps and the year project is scheduled. Avery asked about the fundraising consultant and any funds available to hire a consultant. Henricks reported that Braren, Mulder German Fundraising Consultants were hired to conduct some initial fundraising work for the last plan in 2004 and some funds are available in the building renovation line to cover some expenses. Henricks recommends that the Library re-establishes its partnership with them with some initial questions of where to we start and where do we go from here. Henricks reported that she would proceed to investigate further some opportunities for grants. The Board discussed several funding options including the option of all funds for the project to be provided by the City as the Library is a City priority and needs this renovation to provide better services to the people ofthe City. 4. The Board agreed to stop at this point and to schedule another work session to continue planning. The Board charged Henricks with the tasks as directed and also to include scheduling a meeting with the City Council to present the plan and information as reviewed. The Board agreed to hold another planning work session on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. 5. Library Board Adjournment - The Board adjourned at 5:24 p.m. ''Motion to adjourn. N Motion: Second: Vote: Hauder Guns Aye -6; Nay - 0 X\w\~ Kristen Smith, Board Secretary - 3 -