Minutes_Cable TV Commission 4/3/13MINUTES OF CABLE TV COMMISSION MEETING April 3, 2013 CITY HALL ANNEX — 1st FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM #1 MEMBERS PRESENT: Alan Vincent, Chair, Pauline Maloney, (vice- chair), Ron Tigges, Kevin Stevens. Kathy McMullen arrived at 4:15 p.m. MEMBERS ABSENT: Sr. Carol Hoverman, Jennifer Tigges. OTHERS PRESENT: Craig Nowack, City of Dubuque Vincent called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Acceptance of the Agenda Upon a motion by Maloney, seconded by Stevens, the agenda was accepted 4 - 0. Approval of the Minutes of March 6, 2013 Upon a motion by Stevens, seconded by RTigges, the Minutes were approved 4 - 0. Public Notice There was no public input. PEG Grant Agreements Nowack reported that grant - purchased equipment at Matter Creative (formerly the Dubuque Art Center) had been returned and is now being used at the Mediacom public access studio. The Commission discussed the positive impact last year's letter had on learning what programming is being produced for the community and on reminding grant recipients of their programming obligations. The Commission agreed that such a letter should be sent annually. Mediacom Cable Report No one from Mediacom was available to make a report. Cable TV Report Nowack reported on recently completed projects like the big highway project on the south side and on productions in progress, such as the emergency operations center training program recently recorded. He then played two high- definition videos for the commission, on showcasing the best HD footage the Cable TV Division has recorded since 2008 and one a short featurette shot a week ago of various reflections on the Mississippi River. Adjournment Upon a motion by Maloney, seconded by Stevens, the meeting was adjourned at 4:38 p.m. 1