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City At- f<>moy - Mayor I!Iuot r'Md the call and ltatld thll '- . regular _ 0I1hO CIty CouneK _i<>tthO_of dIocuasIng ouch matters __~.come _thO CounolL . Inw><:otIon - given by ReV. __ Horits, P..- toro! '1M Ilrtdgo Christlon Chunlh Proclamation: Drum end IlIlgltCorllo '. . Pi'eMntal.... 01 thO Urbon _ AWffd from The NtIIIor)oI Trwt fer Hlatorie ~"by Don. l.ollIonoo. E>cocltltiY. Dlrec-. tor~... MInutes end Reports SuIlmIllod: A,ta end CuI- turoI ""- M>It1ItHY Com. _of<ll26'~Cltv~ of eI5, Human Com- ml~.lon of 518; ark and _lion Commlsolon of ~~ ~, II/It;__._ and f1Jed. Proofs of publicatIon of City Council ProceedlniII fer May 1S. 2006 _.tJst Slof C~';~~:;: '. ~..'~....;fl~ Dl~. Trull c':n!I>OIWVl.N~ Dubuque. et... upon mo, llon_~.~ond ~ 10 the Attar- lOr . the -' for the Iowa Com- munlflea- Aau'ance'PaoI: McDorf\1!>lJ~... . fer -"........... lion _ end ed end concurred. ing~~recg,~~ - '01' PRIPfrlY dom. age be 8flIll'OVOd iliId that the FinIr1co IlIportmont be ~ nance Oepatt,Ief1UO lssue ~ Cam.opond. eoo.: Communication (June 1, 2006) to Governor Tom Waack encouraging him to veto the eminent domaln IegJalallon. upon motion _ondfl~ . COInmuhicatIon (.I\me 9. 2OOll) to Govlomi;r ,om _ lhonklng him fer his veto of House File 2351, the eminent domain bytl)e 1IIid~ lion to IooaI their 10 Vil_'. File 23S1. , '.DomalnBrn. '~roceived _ ~ to Con- , .lion NuoaJe iw- thO Co_ ~ ftdh. end ~MooMnom Am (COPE) of 2006. upon m0- tion receiVed end_. ComnlIlnIcatlOn to Senator Sewer Reconstruction Proj- ect as completed by Fandel! Excavating, Inc. of Dubu- que, Iowa, in the final con. tract amount of $15,229.00, upon motion received and filed. Cline moved adop- tion of Resolution No. 238- 09 Accepting improvement and Resolution No..239-06 Approving final estimate. Seconded by Michalski. Motion carried 7-0. DME FiUng: Iowa Depart- ment of Transportation fU- Ing to the Surface Trans- portation Board regarding the petition of the Iowa, Chicago and Eastern Rail- road, upon motion received and filed. International Union of Op- erating Engineers: City Manager recommending approval of the collective bargaining agreement be- tween the City of Dubuque and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local #758, upon motion received and filed. Cline moved adoption of Reso- lution No. 240-06 Approv- Ing the a9.reement be- tween the City of Dubuque and the International Union of Operating Engineers. Seconded by Michalski. Motion carried 7-0. 409 Burch Street (Tabled on May 15, 2006): City Manager submitting an up- date on the rehabilitation of 409 Burch Street and recommending that this item be tabled to July 17, 2006, upon motion re- ceived and flied and tabled to 7/17/06. Amendment to Develop- ment Agreement for Eagle Valley Subdivision: Clty Manager recommending approval of an amendment to the existing develop- ment agreement for the Eagle Valley housing sub- division to allow construc- tion of single family homes on duplex lots, upon mo- tion received and filed and approved recommendation. Parking Enforcement Handheld Units: City Man- ager recommending appro- val of the replacement of five handheld parking en- forcement units at a cost of $29,780, upon motion received and filed and ap- proved recommendation. Response and Deploy- ment Study Contract: City Manager recommending approval of a contract witli the Matrix Consulting Group for the Fire Department's Response and Deployment Study, upon motion re- ceived and filed and ap- proved recommendation. Subdividing of Lots - Du- buque Industrial Center West Fifth Addition and Port of DUbuque: City Manager recommending approval of the subdividing of lots In the Dubuque Industrial Center West and Port of Dubuque for projects be- ing done by Theisen Sup- ply, Inc., Dubuque Screw Products, Inc., and McGraw-Hili Companies, Inc., upon motion received and filed. Cline moved adoption of Resolution No. 241-06 Approving Plat of Survey of Lot 1 of 2 and Lot 2 of. 2 Dubuque Indus~ trial Center West 5th Addi- tion in the City of Dubu- que, Iowa; Resolution No. 242-06 Approving Plat of Survey of Lot" 1 of 5 and Lot 2 of 5, Dubuque Indus- trial Center West 5th Addi- tion in the City of Dubu- que, Iowa, and Resolution No. 243-06 ApprovIng Plat of Survey of Lot 1 of 1 and Lot 2 of 1 of Riverwalk Sixth Addition In the City of Du- buque, Dubuque County, Iowa. Seconded by Michal- ski. Motion carried 7-0. Crime Victim Assistance Grant: City Manager rec- ommending approval of an Iowa Department of Jus- tice Domestic Violence Grant to be used to sup. port Investigative overtime regarding domestic vio- lence Investigations for the periOd July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, upon mo- tion received and filed and approved recommendation. Tobacco Compliance - Civil Penalties for Tobacco Permit Holder: City Man- ager recommending ac- ceptance and approval of Acknowledgement/Settle- ment Agreements for Oky Doky, Inc." 2010 Kerper Blvd, for their first tobacco violation and Clarke Retail Enterprises, 700 Rhom- berg Avenue, for their sec- ond tobacco violation, upon motion received and filed and approved recommen- dation. Economic Development Administration - Amendment #4: City Manager recom- mending approval of Amendment #4 to the con- tract with the Economic Development Administration on the Adams Company property project, upon mo- tion received and filed, Cline moved adoption of Resolution No. 244-06 Au- thorizing the execution of Project Amendment #4 to a contract with the Economic Development Administra- tion. Seconded by Michal- ski. Motion carried 7-0. Encephalitis Monitoring Memorandum of Under- ~!~~~~~"..I~i:V .._~~~~P~~ recommending approval of the Iowa Department of Transportation's five year primary roed maintenance agreement, upbn motion received and filed and ap- proved recommendation. Federal Building Lease Agreement: City Manager recommending approVsf of a lease agreement wtth the United SUItes Postal Serv- ice and Senator Tom Har- kin's office for space In the Federal Building asa pre- requiaite to the City taking ownership of the Federal Building, upon motion' re- ceived and filed. Cline moved adoption of Reso- lution No. 245~06 Authoriz- Ing a temporary lease to the General Services Ad~ ministration on behalf of the United States Postal Service and Senator Har- kin's OffIce for space In the F~eral Building in the City of Dubuque. seconded by Michalski. MotIon car- rled7-0. Federal Building Request for Proposals: City Manager recommending approvel of a Request for -Proposals to provide archItectural and engineering services for the Federal Building, upon motion received and filed and approved recommen- dation. Business Licenses: Cline moved adoption 01 Reso- lution No. 246~06 Granting the Issuanoe of fifty (50) re- newal permits to iell clga~ rettes and cigarette papers within the City limits; Res- olution No. 247-oe Grant- Ing the Issuance of Class "S" Seer Permit to Colts Community Center and a Class "C' Beer Permit to Hy~Vee Wine and Spirits and Resolution No. 248~06 Granting the Issuance of a Class "C' Beer/Uquor lI~ cense (5-Day SpecJaJ Event) to Dubuque Area Labor Management CouncU; C+ass 'C" Beer/liquor license to Five Flags Center, Paul's Tavern, Diamond Jo Casi- no, American Legion '6, and Bricktown Brewery; and Class "B' Wine Permit to Hy-Vee Wine and Spi- rits. Seconded by Mlchal~ ski. Motion carried 7 ~O. ITEMS TO SE SET FOR PUSLlC HEARING Para-Transit Rate Increase: City Manager recommend~ ing that a public hearing be set for July 5, 2006 to consider a para-transit rate increase, upon mqtlon re~ celved and flied and set public hearing for 7/5106 at a meeting to commence at 6:30 P.M. in the public li- brary auditorlum and direct the City Clerk to publish notice rn the manner pre- scribed by law. Northwest Arterial Phase 1 - Bike/Pedestrian Trail Project: City Manager rec- ommending initiation of the bidding process for the Northwest Arterial Phase 1 . Bike/Pedestrian Trail Proj- ect and that a public hear. Ing be set for July 17, 2006, upon motion received and flied. Cline moved adop- tion of Resolution No. 249"- 06 Preliminary approval of plans and specifications; Resolution No. 250-06 Setting date of hearing on plans and specifications for 7/17/06 at a meeting to commence at 6:30 P.M. In the publiC library audltorl~ um and direct the City Clerk to publiSh notice In the manner prescribed by law and Resolution No. 251'()6 Ordering bids. Seconded by Lynch. Mo- tion carried 7-0. Ham House Painting Project: City Manager rec~ ommending Irntiatlon of the bidding process for the Ham House Painting Proj- ect and that a public hear~ ing be set for July .17, 2006, upon motion received and filed. Cline moved adoption of Resolution No. 252-06 Preliminary appro~ val of plans and specifica- tions; Resolution No. 253- 06 Setting date of hearing on plans and specifica- tions for 7/17/06 at a meeting to commence at 6:30 P.M. in the public li- brary auditorium and direct the City Clerk to publish notice in the manner pre~ scribed by law and Reso- lution No. 254-06 Ordering bids. Seconded by Lynch. Motion carried 7-0. SOARDS/COMMISSIONS Applicants are Invited to address the Council regard- ing their desire to serve on the following Boards/ Commissions: Park and Recreation Advisory Com- mission (One 3~year term through 6/30109 - Term of Duggan) Applicant: Chuck Duggan No one spoke. Appointments to the fol- lowmg Boards/Commis- sions: Historic Preservation Commission (Three 3-year At-Large terms through 7/1/09 (terms of Loney- Bichell, Gibbs, Olson] and one 3-year Cathedral Dis- trict term through 7/1/09 [term of CotyD Applicants: At-Large - Mary Loney-Bichell, Mat- thew Lundh and Chris Olson; Cathedral District ~ Michael Coty. Upon mo- tion Mary Loney Blcheli, ~~~~ Olson a~_~!9~~f1!! " ..... Rezone: PrOof of ~ tion on notice of hearing to consider a request .from 'Durrant Group / Richard Davison to rezone property located at 593 Hili Street from R-2A Alternate Two. Family Resk:lentlal Dlsbict "0 C-2 NIlghborhcod Shop- : ping Conter Dlstriet ond ~;Zonlng Advlaory Commls- .ion.recommetldng appro. ,val, upon motton r.ceNed . and filed. Pat Norton. Tho Durrant Group elerlfled the rezoning req_, end ; spoke in support of the change. ' . Ordinance No. 42-06 Arl10nding Appondi1< A (!he' ~Ing Ordlnlncol of,the Oity of Dubuque Code of O,,;:Unances by reclassify- : ing property located at 5a3 HifI Str~mm R~2A Alter- nate Tw~Family Aeslden- ,tial District to C-2 Neigh- borhood Shopping Center District, presented and read. Connors moved that the requirement that a pro- pt;)sed Ordinance be con- s.red and voted on for .~ . at two Council Meetings prior to the ~ting at which it is to be j flnatly passed be suspend- i ed.' Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 7-0. Con- : nars moved final conslder- .. alIon and passage of the 'Ordinance. Seconded.. by Bralg. Motion carried 7-0. Harold and JociU. Wttber Request to Rezone: Proof of publication on no- Uae of hearing to considef ~ a request from Harold and ,1 JociUe Weber to rezone ,property located at 210 Jones Street from LI light Industrial District to C-4 Downtown Commercial District and Zoning Advi- sory Cqrnmission recom- I'll$ndio(t approval, upon ~ ~ion received and filed. i R/jIndy Weber, 535 South " Grandview, A~. . spoke : Inaupport of,~r8!:luested :. rezoning.,.';..'- Ordinance No. 43-06 Amending Appendix A (the Zoning Ordinance) of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances by, reclasslfv-' Ing property located at 210 Jones Street from LI Light Industrial District to C-4 Downtown Commercial DIs- trict, presented and read. Michalski moved that the requirement that a pro- posed Orclinancebe con- sidered and voted on for passage at two Council i i Meetings prior to the meet- ; 'tng at which It Is to be final- ly passed be suspended. Seconded by Connors, Mo- tion carried 7-0. Michalski moved final consideration and passage of the Ordi- 'nance. Seconded by Lynch. Motion carried 7-0. Wendell Corey, Motor CIty LLC - Request to fltezone: .PrQQj ~f)l'~'; tlon on notice of hearing to consider a request from Wendell Corey, Motor City LLC, to rezone property I~ cated north of Asbury Pla- za Shopping Center in Dl,l~ buque County from Coun- ty AG. Agricultural Dlatrict to City PlJD Planned Unit Development with a PC Planned Commercial des- ignation In conjunction with annexation to the ,City of Dubuque an~ Z:onlng Advi- sory Commission recom- mending approval,uP9n motion received and flied. Wendell Corey, Mason City, lA, requested the continuation of the existing PUD fQr the property pro- posed for rezoning and an- nexation, Qrdj1ance No. 44-06 Arnen<jlng Appendix A (the Zenina Ordinance) of the CIty:Qf..Oubuque Code of OrdIn8nCeI by reclassify- Inghlrelnafter described property located north of Asbury Plaza Shopping ii '.e. r from County AG uitlIrll.DIatrIcl,to City _ Unit Dover- bpniont WIth . PC Pfonhed Commercial designation in conjunction with annexa- tion, preser'lted and read. Connors moved that the requirement that a pro- posed Ordinance be con- sidered and voted on for passage at two Counoil Meetings prior to the meeting at which it Is to be finally passed be suspend- ed. Seconded by Michal- skI. MotIon carried 7-0. Connors moved final con- sideration and passage of the Ordinance. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 7-0. Dean and Patricia Butler - Request to Rezone: Proof of publicatipn on notice of hearing to consider a re~ ~t from Dean and Patri.. cia Butler to rezone prop- erty located south of Der- by Grange Road In Dubu- que County from County Al AgrIcultural District ,to City A-3 Moderate Density Multi-Family Residential .District in conjunction wlth annexation to the City of Dubuque and the Zoning Advisory Commission rec- ommending approval with the condition that the prop- erty be rezoned R-2 Two- Family Residential District, upon motion received and filed. John Herrig, 13750 Sull1Y Lane, representing Dean and Patricia Butler, stated the applicants were agree- able to the R-2 Two-Family Residential designation. OrdInance No. 45.06 Amending Appendix A (the Zoning Ordinance) of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances by reclassIfY- ing hereinafter described property located south of Derby Grange Road in Du~ buque County from County A 1 Agricultural District to City A"-2 Two-Family Resi- dential District, concurrent with annexation, upon mo- tion received and filed. Cline moved that the re- quirement that a proposed Ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two 'Council Meetings prior to. the meetln at . c~ passed be suspended. Sec- onded "by Jones. Motion carried 7-0. Cline moved final consideration and passage of the Ordinance. Seconded by Jones. Mo- tion carried 7-0. John and Sally Jo Herrig Request to Rezone: Proof 01 publication on no- tice of hearing to consider a request from John and Sally Jo Herrig to rezone property- located south of Derby Grange Road In Du- t,uque County from Coun- Al Agricultural to City G Agricultural District, R- 3 Moderate Density Multi. Family Residential District and C-3 General Commer- cial Oistrict in conjunction with annexation to the City of Dubuque and Zoning Advisory Commission rec. ommendlng approval with the condfUon that the property be rezoned to R- 2 TWO-Familr ResidentiaV C-3 Genera Commercial District with a 20 percent setback, upon motion re- ceiYed and fited. Communication from John Herrig advising that the R- 2 Two-Family Residential Is acceptable: however, the C-3 General Commer- cial District with a 20 per- cent setback is not ac- ceptable, upon motion re- ceived and filed. Communication from Wendell Corey, Motor City LLC, regarding the request of John <<net Sally Jo Herrig to rezoning property locat- ed south of Derby Grange Road and requesting that the c-3 zoning be .down- g'aded to C-2, upon mo- tion .rocaJved end flied. Petltlon ,requesting that the rezoning be downgrad- ed from C.3 to PUD Plan- ned. Unit -Development (f.ITSt . choice) or C-2. {sec- qn/l -I .for property _ ~h ,of Derby Grange Road, upon mo- tion received and filed. John Herrig, 13750 Sur- rey Lane, requested the rezoning and stressed the subdivISion will be done correctty. Cheryl RamseU, 13878 Derby Grange Road, spoke of concerns with water quality and traffic. Wendell Corey spoke re- questing a Planned Urban Development for the area in question. He stated he Is 100% for the project but not the way that It is being done. He requested that the area be rezoned to a PUD or C-2, which would be more restrictive. Dave Coates, 13102 Der- by Grange Road, spoke objecting to R-3 and C-3 and requested that this property be zoned all R-1, a combination of R-2 and PUO, or a combination of R-2,ond C-2. Mary JOan RediM13918 Surrey' Lane; Jo ZaJaznik, 13919. urrey Lane; Judy Rlniker, 13533 Burton Furnace Road: and Dean Depaul of 13486 Derby Granj;Je Road, all spoke objectmg to the pro- posed rezoning as it would Increase traffic and nega- tively Impact water runQff. ~ stating he saw a need for residential but not com- mercial development as there is more than enough nearby commercially zon- ed property. City Engineer Gus Plihoyos clarlflecUhat ear- Her Rubloff Development deflclendes have been corrected and that Wendell Corey Is in oompliance with aU State permits as to water runoff. The City will start to Inspect stormwater runoff areas on a quarterly basis, .which is now done on a complaint basis. John Herrig responded to the various concerns and explained his plans with regard to water retention and controlled water run- off. He also stated that the collector street that would be built as part of the de- velopment would funnel the additional traffic. An Ordinance Amending Appendix A (the Zoning Ordinance) of the CIty,of Dubuque Code of Ordl- "n.nces . by . reclassifying h....lnefter _~ plOp- arty located south of Derby Grange Road from County A 1 Agricultural to City AG Agricultural District, R-2 Two-Famiiy Residential Dis- trict and C-3 General Com- mercIal District, concurrent with annexation to the City of Dubuque, presented and read. Cline moved that the requirement that a pro- posed Ordinance be con- sidered and voted on for passage at two Council Meetings prior to the meeting at which It is to be finally passed be suspend- ed and further moved that the twenty percent (20%) rear-yard, setback condi- tion be removed. Seconded by Lynch. Motion failed due to lack of super-majority vote: Yeas-Cline, Connors, Jones, Lynch. Nays-Sraig, Buol, Michalski. Michalski moved to table the rezoning. Seconded by Cline. Motion carried 7-0. Requests for Voluntary Annexatlam Wendell Corey, Motor City LLC - Prq,of of publl-: cation on notice of hearing to consider a request from Wendell Corey, Motor City LLC, to voluntarily annex to the City of Dubuque contingent on approval of the zoning and the annex- ation agreement, upon motion received and filed. John and Sally Jo Herrig: Proof of publication on no- tice of hearing to consider a request from John and Sally Jo Herrig to voluntar- ily annex to the City ol Du- buque contingent on appro- val of the zoning and the annexation agreement, upon motion received and filed. Dean and Patricia Butler - Proof of publication on no- tice of hearing to consider a request from Dean and Patricia Butler to voluntarily annex to the City of Dubu- que contingent on appro- val of the zoning and the annexation agreement, upon motion received and flied. City Manager recommend- ing approval of the three voluntary annexation re- _ end ...b..JIM",_ signed annexation agree- ments for the three proper- ties, upon motion received and filed. Wendell Corey spoke stating he is doing more than necessary as far as stormwater detention. Cline moved adoption of Resolution No. 255-06 Ap- proving application for vol- untary annexation of terri. tory owned by Motor Qlty HOWe/much money do people m. selling items in. the Telegraph Hel We canlt tell you, itls Classifie i~~~l!O~Wti~'.l!~OHiljiB~ Hri~u,'t~~~~~jl~~HU;ill""~l'!!j\.f>-n.'. ~1l~ua1il~m~O~~~!u...i.l. ~5~ ...' ..' '.,' "i .~ti~~ii~i~U!~l .,t"'ll.!;' ',;l'j"i''''iU' ,d \1 1~'"1'1." ."il t ,iIJ ",P' I 1.,~'AI > I . .. . ".I'I"Ii!.'filll i~i~il";! ill! ~'~i ;j,1 ;;~ ~,. il!~'i' _!l' :~I;;i !i- ;lIAl.!! l~ii~ ,:,;;!tt lfo '" t. 41;. ,1 :~, i~g"i;n '~~'I Ii ~H !:l'~U I ~~m!'l;!" unl;!; '!Iii~l:i!m Ii; ~lll!!tm!~ I i Iii!: 1\ 1'11~1n5lm~~1 ill! Ii ~i;1'ti;UII!~11.~ il ~!11\~~!!1~i!lifl\llr~iili~ilit!i\;\~l!~llt;!t!ti,tllt!t\\11'1I1Iltlll~tliililiIiii t!1!ll!i\i~lii~~illl!'lIl;\~llt~ lh!IUiliMl!!ilni!iiiWijmiimdiimi!!!il1iilYiiiiil'I!llir.'llilnXlid:m~bli~ihhmii;~llfll!!iI! ''0. ' r:::~!iP:o' j~'U ~,~- _",6f!.~ o~. o.g> "o~80 i 0_ jl~~~n~~l '."'hh~!mY-g>~ ! C~(I)Cll~~ "SE .. ~-<D~~ -' 'ae ~.sE a ~ G) .~.....~ ftS e G) - CL. o G) CL. o -a t' c: o e .s::: Co) :::I e -~ :%: ,~-~~~' "."...-~.,~~ .--,,- '!! .l!~= O~"E~ ' > 8.E'" 5 >$0 ~ . .!! 'al$h a ! ,.,g>0,!;O"'~ '5 .ti !!:g~ii~:i.~~ . ~ ~..i~~Hl1i ecr,lBGlQC:o.c:'2 s;.-ri"O.L:: i'tU c,2 as i! . a..c: , . ~Ol ~ ' :::I~Glg'C: ~.2.s2:'o .fg~~j,~jeo.~5 _<<I 'ii_l.lI .... ::1- ro ~.:t~A i-,.C!.j-.. i ;~ lit d lit ~:~d'''iltl; iunrnlu , ~ ; , '~i-g" .A~'O ~,g~.g~ -2'!;"':2' o IU liiNc:1I) .:!; c:' ~Q)OC:C: i 5'5~ oa:c:8-a \lA;~kisIH . .81i:!'~~Hl!h i~i "'c5cg2o~ o ,--u ~a:~ g 1: as, c: 0 8'" 3-!.5~.a -2-),,:;:;;as ~H ?i.2~a~'li'&ll.j; ._ CJ~o >of!. ~:)-!"i ~l a"~ 0'20", 0. ;'5z.. c~o ii!i~nl'l h ! a~r-iU~~ Ii ~~3d~~. ' \ ~ '-~ - :~ ;~.",_l;,:~ik~>>..;;,;"-~' .-C;_.". -"-">~"'~' - ,oi'! ,/,;' ~ >"", ~. -a W" ... G) :c .s::: CL. ftS ... en G) - .G) ... CD .~:5 c: .- (/) e p.l .- - ,<<.."......-..';";; ~~~:"~;,.;\'':>.~..-'~ft;..::!if-w, -,.. .Q) ~-- .~ -~ c:,.) (/) - ..... .- .. :::I .0 > ~ - -a ~~ ...;z:::.........1R ..'. ;;: . "- ", '.- en =s.... en . ~ ~i .~8 ~' .!! ~C1 ~{!:. E-4 - - R ..... - C ftS Co) c:b 3: en c .- - - G) (/) ;! "'.: .': -~--.::,,' .. -, - - ,_.- . rd of Adjustment 'W._ motton - ri llid. _ of publication of ::~H2~ af CloImo ond SunwnIIy af _Iotmontllflld- Ing Apo1I~,' 2IM!8; upon ___flllOd. NoIlce of _: Oeu*he llonk N....,I Trust Company VI. CIty'Of Dubuque, 81-11, upon mo,. tIon_ondftlodand -Irr.':.~- lot . Management Council in the amount of $15.968, upon motion received and filed .nc:I approved recommen- ..... Or SelvIceAglw- -.l """ the Ilut>uqu.ArM .(lIIambtr'af ~ Convontton and V101lo1'1. ......... upon motion re- ceived ond flied ancf &p- provecIrecammondlIIk01. . 'I~~/:""~~ of ll4!Moe Agreement with the lluI>uque Area Cham- ber af Cori1mefoe Conven- .- , op the agent for the Iowa Com- mendetion. mun/tles Assurance Pool: Purchase of Service McDormotl Excavatlng.1ot .Igreemont with W88hlngton plIlpIIty domIgo, upon..,. NeIghborhood TooIUbiaIy: tlon ~ved and flied and CItY ManIger recommend- concurred. Ina ~.I of 8 Purchase IngClty Attthe",",,*"~~ br-ra with a that "" "'-Jl'IliI' the Washl on Neighbor- _ lor ~ -. hood Tool Ibrary Tn the lIll8 be 0IlIJI'0v0d lInd thel ImOUllt of $15,500, upon the FIn8no8 Oepertmont be motion _ and flied ~~.. t. :c'tIon~~'recommen- =~ . ~ "...,.r_.Alne- nanoe Depo.t.I8l~.to I88ue mentwlth -.,. Abuse oevment Se<vIcee Center: City Man, . LegtelOtlve Comlepond- _ "~diIlll &p- ence: prov8lof a Purchase of Communication (June 1, ServtQe AGreement with 20(6) to Governor Tom Subetance )bust Servlces Vllsack encouraging him to Center In the amount of veto the eminent domain $13,145, uporimotion re- Ieglslltion, upon motion celved and flied and ap- received and fIJed.. . proyedr;ecommendation. . Communication (June 9, ~ of Service Agree- 2006) to Govemoir 'Tom rn8fltwtth AmerIca's River V1_ thonklw. him lot CorpoijlIIol:I: City Maneger ~~5'~h~ ~ne~~onf~~ it!,'t.~,t~~~ Ieg- peoeod by the '""'" willi An\oIP.'. River IoWa. '. f.Agislature,' upon COfpOtslfon in tfMi:amourit ~=ed and ftIod. of $10,000, upon motIo~, ..... atlon to Iocm received and flied and ap.-' ....... enooureging their proved _no ~. to offoiio to _IQWOSohoolof _ Governor VIlll8Ck'. t.\IIlliG:. Cfty '\iI.OOO- roo' v.m of "House File 2351, vllJ, _J.d1~.g eppr'OW'alof a the Eminent Oomaln,,8UI, .~.nt. vIIth. ttle upon.' tnotIon received.and IOWlI'School of ftIod. MillIe to provide . MUOlc qornmunlcatlon to eon- _ tor li1I8 ohlldren .. _ IlIm NUI8l8 /0- perl CII'" \JPloWn Roo..... ilIInIInIl the Comm_.. _ I'rtlgr8m. upon mo- '"'" OpIlOl'lUnIty PrN-' __.and ftIod and tIci1;andEnhenoelnentAct 8llIllOVod~,. . , (COPE) of 20Qf1, uPon mo- 'OUbuque County ISU Ex- tIon received andfUed. tension: City Manager rec- CommonlCatlOntoSenator ommendlng approval of a CharlesGrsssley regarding grant agreement with Ou- the CommunicatIOns. Con- buque COunty ISU Elden- aumer's Choice, and Broad. 810n to conduct recreation bend Deploym.nt Act..! pr<>greme" perl of th. 2006, u~ motion re-uptOWnAecreatlon IPro- -.. .ndflled. "." ..""'" """" motion.. r.- eomm..- to S<Ina-. ,.CeIved and ftIod and &p- lOt TQm HeI1<In ~ proved. the Communic8tIOhj, COri- Fbur Mounds Foundation: ......... ChoIoe, end BIood- City M.neger reoornmend- _ '~Aot of Ing IPI>'O"III of a grant 2006, upon motion re- agreement with the 'Four celved and filed. Moundl Foundation to Hlllcreet Femlly ServI088 provide the dey cemp pro- Agreement: City Manager gram 81 ~ of the summ- recommending approvaf of er Uptown .Recreation Pro- an m with Hlllc:reIt gram. upon motion re- Faml ServIceI to UII. Mw- ceIved and filed and ap- ph'{ for ~. In rvvwM '>>T~Idation. the Per1c, upon motIon r1'" --14fth Street Aeconstruc- c.ived. and filed and ap- tion Project: City Manager proved recommendation. recomm.ndlng award of Purchau of Service ,t,;ree- the contract for the Fifth mMt with project ConCern, Street Reconstruction Inc. - F:OIter Grandparent Project to portz.n Con-. Progr8m: City MivlIger reo- 8truCtJon In the amount of ornmendIng Ipprovlli of. $1,024,51UO, upon mo- _ Of _ Agree- tion .-Ived .n~ flied. ment wfth Prqect concem, Cline moved adoption of Inc. In the amount of $5,598 Resolution No. 236-06 for the FOlItIr Grandparent Awarding contract for the Program. upon motion re- Fifth Street Reconstruction celved and filed and ap- P(Oject 10 portzen Construe- proved recornmendmkm. lion and Resolution No. _hMe 01 Selvlce AgIw- 237-ll6 Approving oonslruo- m.nt with the RetIred and tlon contract with portzen Senior Volunteer Program: Construction for the Fifth City Maneger recommend- S_ Reoon.truollon Prol- Ing .pprovoi of . Puroh... 801. Seconded by Mlcho- br_~.wIth .kl.Motionoorrled7-0. the Retired IIId _ _ Ou):luqu. Mllropol"on unteer' ProarM't, .In . the Arel 'SOHd Waste Ag.ncy: emoullt ol $1',341, ,-,mo- OullUque.Metl'opCliton Area tfon received and flied and Sd6d Waite Aalncy sub- approved recommendation. mlttlng the dralI Compre- ~... of SIMce Agree- hen.1Ye Solid Waste Man- menl with Project ConCern, agement Plan Update and Inc. - Information and Reo- requesting City Council ferral and Child Care R.- endorsement, upon motion ferr8I: City ,Manager, rtC- NCelved,.Jnd flied and re- =~+':~~~r3' kit. In ..... . otr. .19t. CIly ~.'1Ii8r rooom- $25,oee 1ot'l1lllnlor"'"tlOn minding ooeoptenc:e 01 the . and J:l8fan'.1 P[l1gr.m pi", S_ S~t Soni/fIY "'''1 ..-... '.-.,----.- _I'!!!~aln .consIder . a request from I. _I Corey, Motor City !IJ..C. to rezone property 10- qatod north of AIlbu PIa- . :ro Shopping Cent.r 7n 0\1- _ CQIlnty from Co",,- ty,AG.._lturolDlstrk:t to CIIY PUO Planned untt rDiJJJp~,..rt "~ aPe i'tannod Cornrnerclol _ IgnetlOn In c<>njunolIon wIlh ....-:-. :T\_ .~"be."frnai,y ~.u.pendod. 580.' ondecl~w'Jones. Motion, carried 1--fj. Cline moved fIoal cons!deration ancf pusage of the Ordinance, SeoonClod by Jonee. lIonoanfedNI. _andll!lllYJ<> ., . AeQuest to Rezone: Proof Of pubflc8tlon on Ro- . tlce ot hearing to consider,; a request from John and My . Gl:anga Road,.. s(:iqke _he_.~1or reoidiAtleI611t.- .b!im- ~>.. ~""".lIJI!I1.1lOlIlih ,!""," J: .1,lII!Jo t'roJeot; \.fRY 'J:~r~, lltCoi _ Iot'the g one by eeen -ftI'IaIJe'1.- ply, Inc., Dubuque ScrOW ~18tt TroIIPoOj- Products, ,Inc" and act incI_ a pubMc hear- McGr.w-HIII Companl8l, Ing. ~"".Iot. July 17, 2006, Inc., uporLtnOtlon receiVed upOtl':'~ received and and IlIed.'Clln. moved ftIod. CIINmoved _ ICIoptlon of Fl88011JtIon No. tlon of ~Ion No. 24~ =~of'r.:J. :no -.~.~-~-~ Lot 2 01-2 llUbuque I...... RoloIutlon ~'25O:Oe . tri8I Center Wast 5th _- Selting.af _ng on lion In the CIty of Dubu. piano and. I/l8OlftCItIone qu., Iowe; Reaolullon '-- lor 7/lfl106 at . .-.. to 242-06 _Ing Plot bI oornmonoe at 6:30 P.IK. In Survey of Lon of 5 and 'th. public Hbrory 1lUdItorI- Lot 2 of 5, Dubuqu. Indu.- um and direct the CIty triel Canter West 5th Addl- CI8rk to pubftoh notIo8 In lion In th.;: of OUbu-thlmanner ~bed by .' .' ~.Z~r:;:.t. . ~S ~'?-oL, . MQ;."t,k"" Add"loIlln the City of D~- f1Ilm _. Pllintlng '. =.~=:;.=: ~"1::IclIJC: ='""oi IkI. Motion centOd 7..0. the 1llddIlIa_1ot the Crime Victim Assistance Ham'ftc:k"i8 PalntIpg Proj- Grant: City Manager rec- ect..]hat a putiUC_- ommendlng approval of an Ina'. bJ1 eel; for July .17, Iowa Department ,of Jus- 2CJD8,.g't,metion reOItVed tice Domestic Violence and .tIi:f;. '.. CHne rncMId Grant to be used to sup- ~tl~9',~.r~ReIoIutIon NO. port Investlgativ. overtime 252:.a ~aiy ~' regarding domestic: vjo- val 01=" and ipeCfb- renee Investtgatlons for the tIonI; No. 253-- period July 1, 2006 to 06 SettIng af _ng June 30, 2007, upon mo- on piano and __ tion '""_ ond flied and lionI lot 7117t06 at 1 approved r.commlutlltfon. meettna to commenc. at Tobooccl Compliance. 6:30 P:M. In the publlo 11- Civil Penalties for Tobacco bray audtlorium and dhct =:""1\11 ~_' City ~;=-~~to ~ oop!ln .... ..::' . ACknOwted. g~1 ..~, ,~~,. .... ng mant ~ 1Ot'1Jky bTdii.1 J ll\l!ld' ynoh. ~r:r.'f~~~t~ ..M<lI\Iln . . 1 violation and Ctarke Retail . APPNcants are . to Enterprl..., 700 Rhom- oddNM"'CounoII~- berg Avenue, for their sec. ,J':'t,~ toMfVe' on oncftobacco violation, upon . 'U.'L"tiiMIOWlng . 80efdtI motion received and tRid-. ,ConvnIIIIOns: Park n and opproved reoomrnan- ~8!IIk>I' ~ COrn- dellon.. ~ =oo~ t8m1 ~:=~ =~!~ 14: City Man .. ". . .. ~H!!.on..pOke. mending approvlf,of:,.w~'J.~ to the 101- Amendment '4 to "'J>>n- ..... Jo8rdI,ICornrnIs- tract with the EChrIdmIc / tiOnI: Oovelopmont Admlnllimlor1 HIstoric Pruervetion I on the Adams eom.:.nv' .CommI. . sslon.(Three 3-year property projeot, _...... At~ _ through tlon '80_ ond >_. 7n1!l9 ~_ of LonOy- ClIne moved _ af BIoheIt, llibbe, 0_1 and' RIeoIutlon No. 2'104-06 "'" _3-yur Cathedraf 0Ie- I thorlzlng the ___ of. \riOt _ \h(Ough 711!Oi . =,~~.(term~ At-Le'Y:..: ! W:~~=~" 'MtctMi := ~1;t'r::I, a;;;; ';,,1" okl. Motion oerrI 7-0. . CIaon; Cathedral 0I8tfi!lt - , Enc.pheIltl. Monitoring MlonHl Coly. Upon..... Memor~m of. UflI!er- tlon Il\8rY Lonov llIOIleft, . 'I. standing: CIty~ t:IlrI. 0Ii0n II'1ll MIoIiHI _~ . oICoty_~ , . MemorandUm :Onder- ana MItth8w'Wildh ~ ltandlng b8lwean the low. poInl8d to ttna _ _ : . Oepertmant of Public Helllth on th. Historic "'-"- f' and the CIty of Dubuque lion CommIIIlon lor _ for services relatec:l to En~ that wtfI expn 7/1109. . c.phlli"I' / W88I Nile dl.- In_ ~ ease monitoring, upon mo- Commlllion (Two .3-,..,. tlon reo8lved and flled.nd termo through 711/01 - approved recommendation. terms of LUance and Environmental Steward- Melendez) ~1cIntI: P,aul =: c~ca~ ~pon...mOtIon ~.~f'It-: the Environmental Stew- sanee and Hiram MelIn- ardship Advisory Coml'nle- dtz reeppoInted to three slon requesting City Coun- ~ t.-me which wHl .- cll approval and concur- pIre 7/1109. renoe on the reeuite of the Long Range Ptannl"ll Ad- CommlMlon's goal setting vWorj Cornrniaelon ITwo 3- process, upon motion re- year terma through 7/1/09 c.lved and fjlecl and refer- . - termI of Neumelltar. red to the City M.neger. SlIIn) AppI~: Or. Mary Historic Preservation Com- Lynn Neumel.... Richard mission; CommunIcation stein Upon motion ,Or. from Jim Gibbs advlelng Mary l,..ynn Neumeister ~ that he does not plan to AIck SteIn rHppoIm.ct to pursue another t.rm on three JUI' terme on the the Historic Preset'Vatlon Long ~ Pfenning M- Commillion, upon motion vIaofy Coi1"lmIIIkm WhIch r.c.lved and flied. will" 7/11!l9. Dubuque Metropolitan ZoI'1lng AcMIOtY Com_- Area Transportation Study lion (Two 3-yurs teims (OMATS): Communication through 7/1108 - terma of from Mayor Roy O. Buol, BlcheU and Herdle) Cheltpereon of the Cubu. Applicant.: Kenrjeth que Metropolitan- Ar.. Blchell, Stephen _, Tr_rtotiOll Study, to _ Lundh, C_ the SM... Trartoporlotlon MIHer Upon vote: Kenneth Board in support of the Bichetl and Stephen Har- City of Dubuque's opposl- die I'MPf)(Wnted to ttne tlon to Petition of Iowa, year termlon. the ZonIng Chloogo & EIsl.m R1111 AdvktcIy' ~ Corporation to reopen and which wttI. expire 711109~ . partially modify. c coolndltlons PUaJO.. C:. . HIAtIINGI . of . flnenoe . OooiIet No. UP'llI motion ... rukte 341.T7.nd........_, '~'~." .......1II!ow No. 34178, upon motton 'e.'~lIo- __ed.nd flied. . cow"." .;. Iowa Department of Trans- ..' ,.~ I.' Ai AiCChard. porIOtion: City Manllller ~ - ~ ~__:i- ""e'. ;;';.1.1 " Slgn8ct annexation agree- mentsfor' the three proper,- ties, upon motion received and flied. W.n~ CQrey. &pok. stating he 18 dalng more t"an . necessary 88 far as stQr'mwater detention. CUne moved adoption. of. R.solution No. 255-06 Ap- provll1{joppilcetlon lot. YOI- untaryannexa#Qn Qften'l~ to", owned by MotoI qity SCMtre toot industrIa' = City ManagE om. .~, oil_and Mk!!1881Soherr of que _ Product Bill Ileum of GDOC in S4Pport of the De iE,Agreement. nors moved ad 'of, . Ion No.: 'Appf:oving a Oev.lo Agr8emant provldlr ~.,- "'-""-'-' ."- "'.~ How"much' ntcmey do ,people maMe selling items i.,lteilelegraph Herqld? We can'.ftellyou, itlsClassif;~ ,..' .,.',.. ,..... ", ".', , . p.),! , 1 ,. , I ;.;.~""_c",,,,' I' , I i. ! I.' ',t;, ~" I'; i I ~ I; 1~. .r: :"1l~~~;',~,~",:, I', "..,,::;10.;, t.,.. " :,', ',; ;1 ! .... 'If,.:'t'.. TEL .".........'.... :.....,:..::'...,... . .... .'C. I ;,.i'.'. . "'\'';; ,,'Or. :~,' ).:, . '. '.' '., ~:l\",~ 'Ii 1~~CIa~~.I:,_ o p "",:~. ~~,""".' 563.58t5600. or 800~562.6014 ';;.\,\:' . ~ uare 0 u , and City Manager rec- nmending approval, upon lotion received and filed. Michael Scherr of Dubu~ ue Screw Products and lill Baum of GDDC spoke I support of the Develop- 'ent Agreement. Connors moved adoption f Resolution No. 258.06 IPProving a Development Igreement providing for ~ke raid? ~d. ons ra and passage of the Ordinan- ces. Seconded by Michal- ski. Motion carried 7-0. Petition to Vacate a Por- tion of Barry Street: Proof of publication on notice of hearing to consider a re- quest from David O. Neyens and John J. and Frances M. McDonough to vacate a portion of Barry Street from Roosevelt Street northeasterly to a public alley in the City of Dubu- que and City Manager rec. ommending approval, upon motion received and filed. Connors moved adoption of Resolution No. 260-06 Vacating and disposing of City interest in the north- westerly one-half of Barry Street in Barry Subdivision No.2 in the City of Dubu~ que, Dubuque County, Io- wa. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 7-0. Five Flags Arena Fall Pro. tection Project: Proof of publication on notice of hearing to consider adop- tion of the plans and spec- ifications for the Five Flags Arena Fall Protection Proj- ect and City Manager rec- ommending award of the contract to Hy-Safe Tech~ nology in the amount of $82,173, upon motion re- ceived and filed. Cline moved adoption of Reso- lution No. 261-06 Adopting plans and specifications; Resolution No. 262-06 Awarding contract and Resolution No. 263-06 Ap- proving construction con- tract with~ Hy-Safe Tech- nology for the Five Flags Arena Fall Protection ProJ~ ect. Seconded. by Connors. Motion carried 7-0. Upon motion the rules were reinstated limiting discussion to the Council. ACTION ITEMS Airport Commission Re- port: Airport Commission Chairperson Teri GOodmann to provide the Airport quar- terly report. Terl Goodman gave a comprehensive re- port of Airport activities and thanked Interim Airport Manager Todd Dalsing and staff for their support, upon motion received and filed. NCR Developers; Inc. / Martin McNamer - Request to Rezone (First reading on June 5, 2006): Marty McNamer, 1036 Bonnie Court, spoke stressing the need for R.3 Zoning for the flexibility it would provide. Council Member Michalski stated she was opposed to any development that pro. vided a single access with a gated emergency access. Ordinance No. 48~06 Amending Appendix A (the Zoning Ordinance) of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances by reclassify- ing hereinafter described property, located south of North Cascade Road from Dubuque County A-1 Agri. cultural and R-2 Single- Family Residential District to City of Dubuque R-3 Moderate Density Multl~ Family Residential District concurrent with annexa- tion, said Ordinance hav- Ing been presented and read on June 5, 2006, now presented for further ac- tion.. Jones moved that the requirement that a pro. posed Ordinance be con- sidered and voted on for passage at two Council Meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be finaHy passed be suspend- ed and further moved ap- proval of the R-3 designa- tion. Seconded by Connors. Motion carried 6-0 with Lynch abstaining. Jones moved final consideration and passage of the Ordi. nance. Seconded by Connors. Motion carried 6- o with Lynch abstaining. Gary and Mary 8eth Val- entine Request to Rezone (First Reading on June 5, 2006): Ordinance No. 49-06 Amending Ap- pendix A (the Zoning Ordi- nance) of the City of Dubu- que Code of Ordinances by reclassifying hereinafter poe ing was removed from the table: Gary and Mary Beth Valentine - Request for Voluntary Annexation (Ta- bled on June 5, 2006): Connors moved adoption of Resolution No. 265-06 Approving application for voluntary annexation of territory owned by Gary L. and Mary Beth Valentine. Seconded by Jones. Mo- tion carried, 6-0 with Lynch abstaining. Upon motion the follow- ing was removed from the table: Thomas and Sheri Henschel - Request for Voluntary Annexation (Ta- . bled on June 5, 2006). Jones moved adoption of Resolution No. 266-06 Ap- proving application for vol- untary annexation of terri. tory owned by Tom and Sheri Henschel, individually and as trustees. Seconded by Connors. Motion car- ried 6-0 with Lynch ab- staining. Police Department Tow- ing Contract: City Manager recommending approval of the Police Department Towing Contract for 2006 through 2009, upon mo- tion received and filed and approved recommendation. Dubuque Drum and Bugle Corps: Communication from Greg Orwoll, Executive Di- rector of the Dubuque Drum and Bugle Corps, re- questing that the residen- tial parking restrictions around Senior High School and any noise ordinances be suspended on July 7 and August 5 to accom- modate the Colts' annual Music on the March, upon motion received and filed, approved, and referred to the Special Event process with the fee being waived. Tri-State Development - Final Plat: Zoning Advisory Commission recommend- ing approval of the final plat of Seippel Road Com- mercial Park, Plat #2, lo- cated on Old Highway Road as requested by Tri- State DevelopmenVDave Schneider, upon motion received and filed. Jones moved adoption of Reso- lution No. 267-06 Approv- ing the final plat of Seippel Road Commercial Park, Plat #2, in the City of Du~ buque, Iowa. Seconded by Lynch. Motion carried 7-0. Cable TV Teleprogramming Amendment: City Manager recommending approval of an amendment to Section 44-219(a} of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordi- nances to set the quorum for the Community Tele- programming Commission to four members of the seven member Commis- si'_m, upon motion received and filed. Ordinance No. 51-06 Amending the CIty of Dubuque Code of Ordi. nances Section 44-219(a} Establishing the Quorum for Meetings of the Cable Television Community Tele- programming Commission, presented and read. Con- nors moved that the re- quirement that a proposed Ordinance be considered and voted on ftw, passage at two Council Meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be finally passed be suspended. Seconded by Jones. Mo- tion carried 7-0. Connors moved final consideration and passage of the Ordi- nance. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 7-0. Vacant and Abandoned Buildings: City Manager recommending adoption of an amendment to the Code of O:dinances to (e- quire that all vacant and abandonee buildings be li- censed et,,"!ctive Decem- ber 1, 2006, upon motion received and filed. Ordi- nance No. 52-06 Amend~ ing the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances Chap- ter 33, Offenses and Mis- cellaneous Provisions by adopting a new Article VIt, Licensing of Vacant and . Abandoned Buildings, pre- sented and read. Jones (MS. ngllOOderful . ill II;' Fool GIlII TOIiio, . pOIl'-1174 . FOR RJN a peISOO l'wl been wih tr good pen;on to share ~I/e unling, Illllllill, elc 11907829 READY FOR F,UN starxlslil in ~ Ife and ready Seel<ing a S~ 1842, to haYa 10048. g1g1tf :HANCf ON lIE I9art, N1S, seeks passi1nP. e W~ 25-30, a partner who lndshjl and aJ1llllS6iJIi In , . NImeleIo III GUY SfEKl<<l I9ie tl'ere are prdessioo. IlOOlQ'l i1 DibJque, 1ha ITf of a genI/Q'nan. I'm a ilf ~gana. ,~ T;ffT' Q:: ~j ~~S"'I~ -."; ..... 9~ 'f: Zip icable) Pictured with City State j, Phone that this information is correct ~nd rele:'8e the Telegraph Herald from any liability. Please fill out coupon WIth credit card info'or check for $19. IMPORTANT: For good reproduction a good quality close up is recommended. Head size of the pet's picture needs to be approximately no ....... than the size of a nickel. Pbotowm..................18_ . .. pnhl~D ...... . Dtb....... T .. I 1'bIIIIr.You. . ~~ u.LI ~ ~..I' t "if I .~.. ,'" .,. ~..~. r. .,....,_,,,.,.,; ..r", , c~~5!11. ....I~~ill~II.i~Si~~111~~i~~f~!~II!~lfjIJI!:~~.Jl!:fl~~$fill. 11.:....~ ....;) ~ilj~ll~fJ~I~!~. ti~Ii!~~i~!i!f .~t~iil It !lloa~~Hlll &df4fl!l~"'dn""'!Jf8~~;n! i~cf ii If f 19o~ . , . ..IC~Lcr~&girr~ Ufli~l ifill"'I'II;I1i~~ d~ii!fi' ~~n~l!ii 9ilfiii~Ull1ih'~jli !11.iV!~1 ii; u!~ad:!li!i!hltl! i IfiitPr. Glng;t~! liJt~lf!Ullilh!f ~.IJbtJh.;!I~! .~lllf#~lliJ IJI.~ !.~.lIl!.li"~ IIH~ ! 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