1945 Index of Council ProceedingsCity Officials For The Year 1945 F.W. THOMPSON, Mayor Mayor FRANK VAN Dl:ELMAN WHARTON ALBERT COUNCILMEN J. KI~TZlNGER JOHN 80liclt01 City SHEA Clerk, J. J. City ',. A. A. Rhomberg City Manager, of Police- JOSEPH H. Chief Treasurer- OTTO F. Pl:LS City STRl:B Health Director- DR. C. C. LYTLE Sanitary Officer- JOSEPH T. of Fire Department- PERRY KIRCH Chief SCHARRY 1-filk Inspector- V. F. CHAPMAN Food and Restaurant Inspector- MRS. ALMEDA TIMMONS Building Inspector- DONALD J. BANDY Market Master- C. J. McCARTHY Electrical Inspector- LUVER~ C. NORTON 'Vater \Vorks- Superintendent of J. J. HAIL Plumbing Inspector- D. J. O'LEARY Director of Recreation- HYLDA N. LUKE HANOVER J. Assessor- HARRY City ... I of each Monday firs the held arc Coune City the Regular meetings of month, at 7 :30 o'clock. /. >. MOFFATT MURPHY \V GEO. R. W Auditor. R. P. MARSHALL City .. Police J udge- LOUIS F. FAl:TSCH INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page N Jan. 2- Nicholls, Chester, settlement of claim .. 6 April 23 -Norton, Luvern C., Electrical Inspector, bond ..-....-...._.__-.._ 75 May 7- Nauman, Leo, et. al., stating that they have no objection to the granting of a license to operate a tavern at 908 Rhomberg Avenue to Johu and Catheran Vondran nor [o the rezoning of said property .............. 81 " 7 -Nardin, George, requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer permit .... ................................... ..-.__......-_._.-....._ 82 June 29 -North End Choral Club, granted cigarette permit .__._.... 107 " 29 -National Tea Company, granted cigarette permit .........._.-..-.. 107 " 29 -Nicks, Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted cigarette permit-.. 107 " 29 Nicks, Ray J., granted cigarette permit 108 Aug. 6-Nicks, Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted Class °B' beer permit ..._...._ 157 Sept. 10-Nardin, George A., granted Class "B" beer permit .-...._._.. 174 " 10-Noel, John E. and June, granted Class °B" beer permit-._ 174-192 " 10.-Nardin, George A., granted cigarette permit 174 Oct. 1-Noel, John E. and June, granted cigarette permit ...._.-..-.. 191 " 8NTavy Day, Mayor authorized to issue a proclamation for the holding of same on October 27, 1945 194 Nov. 5-Nicks, Ray, granted Class "B" beer permit -.--.... 237 " 5-North End Choral Club, granted Class "B' beer permit for private club ................ 237-238 " 19-Noel, Joseph D. and Elsie, granted cigarette permit _..-._._. 250 " 19-Noel, Joseph D. and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer per- mit 250-251 Dec. 3-National Safety Council, asking Council co-operation in conducting a campaign to reduce accidents during Christmas holiday season .._._.....-.__._.--...._..-._-. 253 " 21-North Grandview Avenue, extension of same northerly to West Locust and Seminary Streets, by way of Audu- bon Street and authorizing the Purchase of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of the Sub. of Lot 12 of Mineral Lot 172 for said Purpose ...................... .........................-.-.-. ..__. 279 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page Jan. 25-Option Contract, between Henry A. Robinson and City of Dubuque, amended ..-_.._.-. 9-10 " 25-0rdinanee No. 1-45. Special Ordinance. An Ordinance granting to The Key City Gas Company, its successors and assigns, the right to retain, extend, maintain and operate its existing gas distributing system in the City of Dubuque and to lay and maintain its gas pipes and appurtenances thereto, in, undeq through, across and' upon streets, avenues, alleys, bridges, parks, highways and public places of said City and additions thereto for the period of twenty-five (25) years and regulat- ing the same; repeating all existing franchise ordin- ances heretofore granted to The Key City Gas Com- pany and requiring the surrender of all rights there- under by the grantee therein; and providing for the submission of said Ordinance to a vote of the legal voters of said City for approval ..._.12-17-1&19-ZO-32-59-69-73-83- °4-85-86-87 Feb. 5-Ordinance providing for the vacation of Tower Street Northerly of Commercial Street, as re-located; Bell Street northerly of Commercial Street, as re-located; Market Street Northerly o4 Commercial Street, as re-located; Diagonal Street; River Street Easterly from the Easterly line of Commercial Street, as re- located; the alley first North of River Street; placing such vacated streets and alleys under the exclusive charge and control of the Board of Dock Commission ers of the City of Dubuque, referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and report 16-26 " 5-Ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion of Commercial Street, as re-located, in accordance with the plat attached hereto, referred to [he Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and re- report 17-26 Mar. 5-Ordinance No. 2-45. An Ordinance providing for the vaca- tion of Tower Street Northerly of Commercial Street, as re-located Bell Street Northerly of Commercial St., as re-located; Market Street Northerly of Commercial Street, as re-located; Diagonal Street; River Street Easterly from the Easterly line of Commercial Street, as re-located ; the alley firs[ North o4 River Street; placing such vacated streets and alleys render the exclusive charge and control 04 the Board of Dock Commissioners; and declaring an emergency ._..-.._._-..._. 26-36-37 " 5-Ordinance No. 3-45. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion of Commercial Street, as re- located; in accordance with the plat attached hereto, and declaring an emergency 26-37 " 20-Ordinance No. 4-45. An Ordinance making appropriations for [he expenditures of city government for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1945 and ending March 3L 1946 ..-. __-.._-_..50-53-54-55-56-57 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 2- Approval of C. Fred Porter, State Comptroller, of Resolu- tion No. 98-44, a resolution and application for the permanent trausfer of the amount o£ $16,886.00 from the $mergency Fund to the Consolidated Fund .................. 4 " 2 Approval of C. Pred Porter, State Comptroller, of Resolu- tion No. 99-44, a resolution for the permanent trans- fer of the amount of $2Q,000.00 from the Water \i'orks General Fund [o the Consolidated Fund ................. 5 " 25- American Legion, requesting permission for the holding of their Aunual POPPY Sale ............................. ..... 9 Feb. ~ 5- Agreemurt between City of Dubuque and Harriet D. Guthrie providing for water mains in Snnset Ridge, terminated 14-15 31 ar. 5- Avenarius, Wm. C., submitting offer to Board of Super- visors for the purchase of Lots 7 & 8 of Broadway Addition ...._.......... ..............................._ 24-29 " 5- An[hoiue, Louis and Agnella, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................... _......_....._ .._ ..._.._.. 32 " 27- Approval of C. Fred Porter, State Comptroller, of Resolu- tion No. 18-45, a resolution and application for the permanent transfer of the amount of $359.83 from the Emergency Fund [o the Consolidated Fund 59 April 2 -Appointment of Officers and Employees by City Manager...._ 63 " 2 Appointment of The Telegraph-Herald as the official news- paper ....... ................ .... .. 63 " 2 -Appointment of the First National Bank, the American Trust and Savings Bank and the Dubuque Bank and Trust Company as depositories of public funds ..............._ 63 " 2 -Appointment of George Pohl, Thomas J. Hill and Carl W. ZiepPrecht, as members of Board of Review .........._..... 64 " 2 -Ames, Eldon N., submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lot 84 lvlcDaniel's, Park Hill ...._ 65-77-78 " 23 -American Society for the Control of Cancer requesting permission for the holding of a tag day ...........__ .................. 74 " 23 -Annual report of Librarian of Public Library ..... 74 " 23 -Annual report of Library Trustees of Public Library _.......... 74 June 4 -Annual report of City Auditor .........__...._.._ ..................._.................._...... 95 29 ............... American Legion, granted cigarette permit ....................... 1 " 29 -Amodeo, Joseph, granted cigarette permit ........_........_........._...._.._.._.. 107 " 29 -Anthoine, Louis, granted cigarette permit ......................................_.... 1 " 29 Apel, Arthur, granted cigarette permit 107 " 29 -Apcl, Merlin, granted cigarette permit ......_..._ .........................__._..... 1118 " 29 -American Legion, granted Class "B" beer permit for Pri- vote Club ..... ...._..._ ............._................. 110-112 " 29 -Amodeo, Joseph, granted Class "C" beer permit ....._ ............... 110-112 July 23 -Annual report of City Treasurer ........................................................_........... 132 Aug. 6 -Armstrong, John A., stating that he is desirous of purchas- ing Lots 2 and 4 of Block D of Industrial Subdivi- sion ........... .._...... ...__...__._............_ 150 Oct. 1 -Arnzens, John, submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lots 25, 26, 27, and 28 of Rosedale .4ddition .......................................................... ._......_...._.........._ 177-216 ,~. P .: _. INDEX-BOOK 75 INDEX-BOOK 75 SUBJECT Page - 1945 1945 SURJEC'P Pag_ B A ?rBett ouncing hthat nthe annual Jan f D o F ion . ann rs, May rence of on January 25, Washington i between Sheridan Street and Windsor Avenue from Alle " 1 h , n Conference will be held -----~""' 2 y - the South Property Line of Davis Street ~to the nort .. 185-186-197 line of Gocthe Street, grade _.__.. .................._. _. ... ....................._. _... 27 2-Brunskill, Mrs. Edward, claim denied .._...._........._.............._ ermission to con- i 5 property " 1-Alley between Goethe Street and Harlan Street f185 186-197-198 ng p 2$-Buettell Brothers- Company, request rinkler alarm service to the alarm board at s i h q Sherdan Street-East, grade ....................._.... p r e nett t the Fire SYaYlon No. 1, 18th and Central Avenue .._.___. ' 1-:111ey between Euclid Street and Harlan Street from185-187-198 ._......... .... d ~ µ,. th ~~b t rt p Caa bl a B ~ 15 e .............................._.............. Sheridan Street-East, gra lid Street from Sheri- d E _ o 7. m l ots g Pl Dock Commassio e Feb. $-Board ot in th included 0 b uc ' 1-Alley between Davis Street an ' .............................................185-187-199 ........ grade East t ~~~~ , o , included, iu Block 2; Lots 5 to 1 in Block 8; ots th included b 24 . , - clan $trec Senator William B. and Colonel David B. Header- Alli " , o , Block 1; Lots 13 to both included, in Block 7; Lots 20 to 38, both 24 f I d soq 1 son, an ordinance providing for the development 187188-200-201 . i l , n to , included, in Block 9; Lots 1 to 38, both include d 16 in Block 13, all m ............................ a Park and Playground as a memor . ranted Cigarette Per- tt H Block 10; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 an rbor Improvement Company's addition; H , g arrie " 1-Armstrong, John A. and 191 .._...._......................... a Dubuque 2 04 Standard Lumber Company's ad rtion mit ......................................................................._...............__............ 191 granted Cigarette Permit ................. --~-~-~--~--~-~ -- Yetcr J el A 1 and Lot and the use, improvement and development of them e and control of said Boar r h 6 p , - " 1-Armstrong, John A. and Harriett, granted Class "B" Beer 192 _._..... g a under the exclusive c of Dock Commissioners - _..... 1 21 Permit ............._...................._..._...._._ app ~ " eL Peter J lication for Class "C" Beer Permit ......._...192-220-251 1A 5 Board of ...._...._.._.........._._......._..._......_ „ - Health, Special ession ... injuries f 3 2 P " 1-American Veterans of World War II, (Amvets) applica- or Mar, $-Bolt, Mrs. A. Lincoln, bills submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors F f lion far a Class "B" Becr Permit for . 193-219 235236-237-251 ., $-Bly, Leo {or the purchase of the Nest 53 feet of hot 1 Sub. o ._... 24-30 ,,,,._.... ........................................................................................ ... a occup t { Mc aniels ub ._._............ _._....._. .. 809 o A. D _...... settlement of claim and court action _. John C ' k y o Nov, 5-:1MTAS Company, requesting permission the rear of their building i ll ., ~ $-Bec , 'Louis, excavation bond _........._. ..................... _.._ $-Buechel 34-7 7 n ey small portirnr of the a at 899 Mam Street for the purpose of constructing an 229-2A7-248 , „ 20-Brown, Mrs. Lonie W~, notice of claim _.- .............. requesting suspension of the 19 tax on F • r M 35-60 additional exit from the rear of the basement ......._.....__.... l ., a y „ 20-Brandt, t 162 of East Dubuque add~rion ....................... - L u- " 19-Approval of C. Fred Porter, State Comptroller, of Reso n and application for the ti l o and Clifford Calvert, granted Class `B Wm ton i 67 o u lion No. 116-45, a reso permanrnt transfer of the sum of $15,000.00 from the Consolidated Fund ...... 243 h . , ng April 2-Barr beer permtt ...................................__...._........._..._.. rvisors submitting offer to B ~~ d olati Ni i p7 f e Waterworks General Fund to t d of Super- B 69 , c , 2 Mc- " 23-Bernat and 7l {or the purchase of Lots 6£3, oar " 19-Allen, Cletus E, submitting offer to visors for the purchase of Lot 44 of Grandview 244 262 Daniel's Park Hill of Poli ri Cl ~ .._ 7 Heights ................._...._..........._......._................._...._............. ......_. ...................._....._.... u e 23-Brady, John , 1 A' .. -...._._. . pro ection bag eement Bunker Hill Go CI b, fie t ent 7 88 gg Dec 3-Auditor of State, extending invitation to Mayor of City ttend a School of l i ........._. - May 7-Brunswick Industrial Black, fire protection agreem fire protection agreemen ..~~- R G ~ s to a a Council and Accounting Offic ticn to be held at the Statehouse on Decemlxr 253 , eo. 7-Burden, Geo. A. and and Sons, fire protection agreement d tels E B ~ 88 Instnic ..................._............_...................._......._.........................................._............ 270 11th, 1945 . - , ar 7 „ - obert J~, granted cigarette permit ..........__.__.._...._.._....... 7 Bowen, R granted Class "B Mueller d Mar 9 ,• 10-Alba, Caruso A, granted cigarette Permit ............................._..._..... 270-271 , „ ..... y 7-Barton, Clarence an it ~--- 1 90 _ 91 90 Caruso A, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............_.......... 10-Alba .. beer perm granted Class "B" beer permit _...__.._..__.... Michael - 91 , 28Amodcq Mrs. Laura, requesting refund on cigarette Pei- 284 , 7-Burton, Robert T., granted Class "B' Becr Permit ....._......_..._. ~ 7-Bowen ntit ........................._..............................__..........._....._............... .. ....................................... 285 George, granted cigarette Permit 2~-Arvavitis , y r ................._......_....._ June 4-Board of Review, report for the ~ea 1945 of claim i 9 100-133 , ce y 29-Baier, Mrs. F., not notice of appeal " 29-Bank and Insurance Building Company, -- 1~ from the Board of Review .- - submitting 4or Council i oners 29-Board of Dock Commiss roval a new plot of the property involved in negotia ation a l0l pp with the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corpor i 107 ons l " 29-BernYgen, Frank H, granted cigarette permit .._..........._........__... granted cigarette per- d John M , " 29-Baumgartner, John J~ an 107 mil ........... ~ rmit _ _ _ ................... Clarence C gi " 29-Buelow m ' o c c 107 108 , ..- per igarette l ant " 29-Bowen, Robert J., g granted cigarette permit .................................. B L 108 . , ' 29-Baumhover, r" INDEX-BOOK 75 19as siiBJEC'r B Page 29 -Bertsch, Leonard P., granted cigarette permit .- 108 " 29 .._ -Brown, William A. and Hilda, granted ctgarette permit 108 " 29 - -Brown, Henry C., granted cigarette permit ......._.._.._...... 108 " 29 -B. P.O.E., granted cigarette permit ......................... ..... 108 " 29 -Beck, John C, granted cigarette permit ........... ..... 1(YJ " 29 -Burke, Leonard, granted. cigarett permit .__......_ ..:..............._._........ 109 29 -Brodeur, Norbert W. and Catherine, granted cigarette permit ....._ ................................................ ................_.. 109 " 29 Buelow, Clarence C. and Adele, granted Class "B' beer permit ......._..........._....__.._ _.._............._....._..... ._ 109-111 " 29 Berntgen, Frank H. and Marion, granted Class "B" beer permit ....._..__........_.._..__............_....._..... _..... 110-111 " 29 -Benda, John E. and Ad'ella, granted Class "B" beer permit 110-111 " 29 Brodeur, Norbert 4V. and Catherine, granted Class "B" beer permit ........._........ .._.__ _... 110-111 " 29 -Berntgen, A. J., granted Class "B" beer permit ... 110-112 " 29 -Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club _.......__.............._........_...... 110-112 July 2 Bunker Hill Golf Club, requesting permission to string a banner on Main Street between 9th and 10th Streets 115 " 23 -Board of llock Commissioners, budget estimates .................... 117 " 23 -Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the fiscal year begin- ning April 1, 1946, and ending March 31, 1947 ...........118-119-120 121-122-123-124x125-126-127-128-129-135-136-137-138-139 -140-141- 142-143-144-145-146-147-148 " 23 -Briggs, W. E., requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer permit ......................................_......... .._..... 131 " 23 -Beaves, Ceo. L, excavation bond ..............................__.........._........._.._._.. 132 Aug. 6 -Beversdorf, Frank Henry, submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of hots 3 and 4 Sub of 168 of L. H. Langworthys addition ..... ..... 149 " 6 -P,uilding Inspector, Fire Chief, Plumbing Inspector, Elec- trical Inspector and Health Department, submitting re- port and recommendation that [he building located on Lots 11 and 12 of Gilliams Sub. owned by Celia Lee, is in a dangerous condition and' a menace to the adjoin- ing properties and that a condemnation committee be appointed to inspect [he same and make a report and recommendation according to law ...._.._. .._...... 152 " tr -Building Inspector, Fire. Chief, Plumbing Inspector, $lec- trica] Inspector and Health Department, submitting report and recommendation that the building located at 1793 Central Avenue on Lot 2 of City Lot 675, owned by Joseph' Kahn Estate, is a fire hazard, unsightly and a menace to adjoining properTy and that a condemnation committee be appointed to inspect the same and make a report and recommendatiot according to law .........__..._ 152 " C> -Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Plumbing Inspector, Elec- _ trical Inspector and Health Department, submitting re- port and recommendation that the frame barn located on the N. 11 feet of N. 26 feet of City Lot 239 and $. 22 feet of City Lot 240, owned by F,. Hemmi, is in a dangerous condition and a menace to adjoining own- ers and that a condemnation committee be appointed to inspect the same and make a report and recommenda- tion according to law .._...__..... ........................ .. 153 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page B " 6-Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Plumbing Inspector, Elec- trical Inspector and Health Department, submitting ted l i i oca ng ld reporC and recommendation that the bu at 1036 Central Avenue on the 16. ~ of City Lot 272, owned by Robert D. Hughes is definitely a fire hazard and a menace to other property and that a condemna- tion committee be appointed to inspect the same and 153 make a report and recommendation according to law.._.. " 6-Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Plumbing Inspector, Elec- trical Inspector and Health Department, submitting re- port and recommendation that the frame and rock building located at 1795 and 1803 Central Avenue on Lot 1 of City Lot 675, owned, by Jessie Braun is very unsightly and afire hazard and that a condemnation committee be appointed to inspecC the same and make a 154 report and recommendation acoording to law ~~ Jessie, owner of frame and rock building located " 6-Braun , a[ 1795 and 1803 Centro] Avenue on Lot 1 of City Lot report and recommendation of Building Inspector, 675 , Plumbing Inspector, Electrical Inspector Fire Chief , and Health Department, that frame and rock building is very unsightly °nd a fire hazard and that a condem- nation commntee be appointed to inspect the same and make a report and recommendation according to law ............_......._.............._..._..._._.154-184-207 -225-254 . _._ ............ " 6-Board of Health, Special Session ................ ..... 159 " f>-Bacon, Dr. J. E., addressed the Board of Health meeting 159 and discussed the subject of Infantile Paralysis ............ " 6Barvin's, llubuque Hide and Fur Company, petition of Board of Health to skin C g ompany a Sieg-Dubuque laint that said Hide and Fur Company i gate comp invest is a public nuisance in its present location at 495 159-171 ~\'hi[e Street ................._.._...._........ Sept. 4-Buettcll, Mrs. Emilie, per Dorothy Bnettell, expressing her 164 views concerning the ordinance on trader camps .__.__. " 4-Board of Dock Commissioners, by J. A. Kerper, President, suggesting that the house located on City Island known 1(rl as the Papin home be advertised for sale ......................_......._.. 4-Braconicr Plumbing and Heating Co., Excavation bond ...... 165 165 " 4-Burke, Richard J., Excavation bond ........... __..... " 167 beer permit ...................... Leonard, granted Class "B " 4-Burke " " , beer B " 4-Brown, William A. and Hilda, granted Class 167 pet'mit .......................................................... ............... " 4-Board of Health, Special Session ~~~~-~~~- 1 171 " 10-Board of Health, Special Session ..................................................._....._.._..... Oct. 1-Blum, Max, requesting that the City stake and grade 179-218 Fagle Extension and Lindberg Terrace ._......_ ....................._.... " 1-Bowen, Clarence J.and Robert I,. Hanson, granted Cigar- 191 ette permit -' "--"' " 1-Baumgartner, John M. and John J., granted Class "B" beer 192 permit ........................._..... ..........................._....... ... " 1-Bowen, Clarence J. and Robert L. Hanson, granted Class 192 Beer permit ....................... ............_..........._ .........._...... 202 " 8-Brammer, Roy, granted Cigarette permit _...__ ................................_ " 22-Baxter Manufacturing Company, requesting permission to apart of Ninth Street in order to replace the occu py present entrance to their building .. ..._....294-2 33-249-250 R • •. INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 S U B JEC'1' Page B " 22- Black and White Cab Co., Yellow Cab Co. and Checker Cab Co., Taxi-Cab Policy ................ ..... 219 " 22- Board of Health, Special Session ..............._ ...._...._........._ 221 Nov. 5 -Barrington, Joseph L., et. a~., requesting City Council to cause the Interstate Power Company to restore the bus stop at the intersection of 8th Avenue, Hill Street and University Avenue ..._......... ..._...._.. 229 " 5- Baxter, F. V., requesting that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized and empowered to join in the executiat of plat o£ Lot 2 of Hughes Subdivision and to execute for and on behalf of the City of Dubuque a Quit Claim Dced conveying any and all interest that the City may have in I,ot 1 of I,ot 2 of Hughes Sub- division ._.. ...._._.._.__._ ..................................... ..._........ 230 " 5- Board of Health, Special Session ........................._........... 242 " 19 Brodeur, Norbert W., requesting refunds on both his Class "B" beer permit and his Cigarette permit .........................._ 244-245 " 19 Badger, Harold Johq, et. al, requesting that a sanitary sewer be installed running South from the intersection at Curtis Street and to continue on York Street to the intersection of South Hilt Street .........._.......... ........... 245-262 " 19 -Blue, Fade J., granted Cigarette permit _..._..__ ._ 250 Dec. 21 -Board of Dock Commissioners, placing under their ex- clusive charge and control Lot 2 of Lot 16, Lot 2 of Lot L of L,ot 17, Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 18, and Lot 1 of Lo[ 19, all in Block 17 in Dubuque Harbor Improve- ment Co's. addi[ion ....................._....._..._....................... ..._..... 273 " 28 -Brosky, Mrs. Wm., notice of claim ..... .. 283 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUB JEC'P Pagc C Jan. 1- City Council, Regular Session _._. ................._...._................... 1 " 2- City Council, Adjourned Regular Session 2 " 2- Claims for month of November, 1944, proof of publication 4 " 2- -Canfield, Wm. J. Jr., (Canfield Hotel) granted Class "B" beer permit .................__...... ......__._.._. _ 6-7 " 25 ~ity Council, SPecial Session .............___........_.._.......__....._.. 8 " 25- Council proceedings for the months of July, August, Sep- tember October and November, 1944, approved as printed ................ ._.....____ 9 " 25- Claims for month of December, 1944, proof of publication.. 9 " 25- City Auditor, City Treasurer, Health Department, Water- works reports, also a list of claims for month of December, 1944 ..................._.... ..._.... _.. 10-11 Feb. 5- City Council, Regular Session ................... ......... 13 " 5 -Casutt, Mrs. Catherine et. al., requesting that the street light at the corner of 16th and White Streets be re- placed in its former position in the center of the inter- section ......................................................... .._............. 13 5 Council Proceedings far the month of December, 1944 approved as printed ..............._ _..................._._......._.__.... 14 " 5 -City Manager, recommending the adoption of the attached resolution terminating the agreement between the City of Dubuque and Harriet D. Guthrie, providing water tnains itt Sunset Ridge ............................_........................................_.._....... 14-15 bfar. 5 -City Council, Regular Session _... ................_ 23 " 5 -Craham, W"m. C., notice of claim ...__ ................. .__........... 23-77 " 5 County Anditor, Uaykiq advising that the Board of super- visors have accepted an offer made by John Ulm, for the purchase of Lot 129 of Glendale Addition .___._....._ 24-31 " 5 -County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board o4 super- visors have accepted an offer made by Wm. C. Aven- arius, for the Purchase of Lot 7 and Lot 8 of Broad- way' addition ........................... 24-29 " 5 -County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Bart Meyers for [he purchase of Lots 200, 201, 202 and 203 of Glendale addition .......... ..__..._... 24-31 " 5 -County Auditor, llaykin, advising that the Board of super- visors have accepted an offer made by Leo. F. Bly, for the purchase of the West 53 feet o4 Lot 1 Sub. of 809 of A. Mc llaniel's Sub......_ ..................... ..._...__......... 24-30 " 5 -Claims for month of Janvary, 1945, proof of publication ..._. 25 " 5 -Civil Service Commission, submitting report of entrance examinatirnt conducted for the position o4 Clerk and Stenographer .._ .............. .___.._................_..... 25 ` 5 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, Health Department and Waterworks reports, also a list of claims for the month of January, 1945 ........... ..... ...._.._ , 29 " 20 -City Council, Special Session ........._ .................................................................. 34 " 20 -Conley, Joseph M. Sr., application for appointment as a member of the Board of Review ...... .. 34 20 -County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Wm. Robert Frederick for the purchase of Lots 139, 140 and 141 Glendale addition ................................... 34 " 20 -County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by John Schceberl for the purchase of Lot 177 Woodlawn Park ....................... 35 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SIiB JECT Yage C ~' 20- County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- isors have accepted an offer made by Merlin E. and v Ella A. Griffin for the purchase of Lot 39 Rosedale adcli[ion ......_. ..................._......................_......................... _.._..............................._._..... ~ 35 " 20- Board of Su~er- County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the visors have accepted an offer made by William R Ken- yon, for the Purchase of Lot Z o4 19 Audubon add. 35 and Lot Z of 28 Bellevue addition ............_. ....................................... " 20- County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Roy Fredermh, for the purchase of Lots 130, 131 and ]32 Glendale add. 35 " 20- Claims for month of February, 1945, proof of publication...... 37 " 20- -Cretzmeycr, Mrs. Mary, settlement of claim _......__.. ................._......„ 38 " 20- City Auditor, City Treasurer, Health Department and Waterworks reports also a list of claims for the month of February, 1945 ......_., ......................................... ... 39 " 20- Consolidated Fund, the sum of $359.83 transferred from 59 51 50 the Emergency Fund to the Consolidated Fund .......,.... - - " 20- Class "B" bcer permits for Private Clubs, License fee in- creased from $200.00 a year to $300.00 a year .................... 52-60.50 „ 27- City Council, Special Session ..........................................................._........... " 27- Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, requesting that a proclamation be issued designating April 14th, as Pan- American Uay ............_..._............_.._....._........._.. 57 " 27- City of Dubuque Bridge Commissioq advising that they have Purchased and hold title to property on which con- crete streets have been built and that they desire to transfer the ownership of this property to the 6ty of Dubuque .................................._............ ................ ..... 58 " 27 Connty Auditor, Daykiq advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Zemo Dalsmg, for the purchase of the Fast 20 feet of I,ot 5, East 20 feet of ],ot 6, all of hots 7 and 8, East 143 feet of liast 143 Fcet of Lot SQ $ast 143 feet of Lot 11 Lot 9 , of Jaegers Sub, also the West 100 feet of Lot 5, West 100 feet of Lot 6, South 23 feet of West 100 North 30 feet of West 100 feet of Lot feet of Lot 9 , 1Q, South 10 feet of West 100 feet Lot 11 Jaegers Sub. 58 " 27 County Auditor, Daykiq advising that the Board o£ Super- visors have accepted an offer made by George Hoh- manq for the purchase of the South 50 feet of Lots 5 and 6 of liugs Sub. and also the North 50 feet of 58-79 Lots 5 and 6 of lings Suh ......_.. .......................__........_......_._.........._ " 27 -Council Procecdinb's for the month of January,, 1945, ~ approved as Printed :_.._._.........___ ............... i " " 61 " 27 t._ beer perm B -Clancy, Charles and Mane, granted Class April 2 " 2 -City Council, Regular Session ........................................................................_ Carusi Cgo, Commissioner of Immigration and Naturali- 6.4 zation Service united States llepartment of Justice, advising that Citizenship Day is to be observed on May 30 and that this date is to be observed as "I Am An " 2- American Day.' ........._ .............................................................. County Auditor, Daykiq advising that the Board of Super- 65 visors haae accepted an offer made by Eldon N. Ames, for the purchase of Lot 84 Mc Daniel's Park Hill ._.__.. 65-77-78 " 2- Conner, Iona and Ray F, granted Class "B" bcer permit ...... 69 " 3 -City Council,. Special Sessron ........................ 71 " 23 -City Council, Special Session --..- : 72-87-88 " 23 ........................ -Callaghan J~ J~, notice of claim .._ ......... ~, r ESC°f ~,; INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page C " 23 -Continental Casualty Company, certificate of compliance the transaction of Fidelity and Surety business in the State of Iowa ........_. .................._._. .......... ..... 73 "' 23 County Auditor, llaykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Fred O'Connell for the purchase Lot 4 of Lot 229 Union addition ...... 73-90 " 23 County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Nicolati Ber- nati for the purchase of Lots 68, 69, 7Q 71 and 72 Mc Daniel's Park Hill ......_.. ............. .... 74 " 23- Couuty Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by $mil Pfalz- graf, for the purchase of Lots 80,8L82,S3,84 and 85 of Finley, Maples and Burtons addition ...._.... 74 " 23- Chapman, Virgil Fay, Milk Inspector, bond .._..._ ................._._.. 75 " 23- City Auditor, City '1'reasurcr, Health llepartment and Waterworks, reports also a list of claims for month of March, 1145 ....................................._ ..._..._ 75 May 7 -City Covncil, Regular Session . ........_...__.... 81 7- Claims for month of March, 1945, proof of publication _.. 83 " 7 Council Proceedings for the month of February, 1945, approved as printed ..._...... __.. 83 " 7 ~'ivil Service Commission, report on promotional examina- tions for positions on the Fire Department ...................._...._ 87 June 4 -City Covncil, Regular Session ....._..___ ......................._.......... 93 " 4- Clark, Mae, Librariaq advising Council that the terms of llr. Alderson and Mr. Frank Hvftill, as members of the Library Board, expire July 1, 1945 ..._. ....__. 93 " 4- County Audihiq Daykin, advising that the Board of Su~er- visors have accepted an offer made by Edw. B. Teg~eler, for the purchase of Lot lA of Krayer's Sub ........................ 93-97 " 4- Claims for month of April, 1945, proof of publication _.... 94 " 4- Civil Service Commission, report on entrance examinations for positions on the Firc Uepartment _.__._..__.. .............._......._.. 94 " 4- Civil Service Conunission, report on promotional examina- tions for positions on the Police Department ....._ ............... 95 " 4- City Auditor, Citp Treasurer, Health llepartment and Waterworks, reports also a list of claims for month o4 April, 1945 ...._..._.... 95 " 4- City Auditor, annual report ........._.......... 95 " 4- Chapman, Robert E. and Tillie, granted Class "B" beer pcrmit ............................................................................................ ...... 98 " 4- Christ, Elmer, application for Class "C" beer permit ......98-l1 fr169-173 '~ 29- City Council, Special Session ....._.._._.. ._.. 100 ' 29 City Solicitor, authorized to secure the services of ap- praisers and any other parties to aid in the matter of the tax appeals of the Dubuque-Wisconsin Bridge Company and the Bank and lnsurance Building Com- pany ........................... ._....._..........._..._._.._..........._.._........._._........_..... 100 " 29- County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by J. Sunseri on Lots 25, 2'6, 27 and 28 of Rosedale addition .............................. 101 " 29- Claims for month of May, 1945, proof of publication .........._ 102 " 29- Council Proceedings for month of March, 1945, approved as printed 102 " 29- City Manager, Rhomberg, recommending that Pohce Chief Joseph H. Strub, be authorized to attend the session of the F. B. I. National Police Academy ...__... 104-228 -~- INDEX-BOOK 75 ~ INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page 1945 SUBJECT Page C C " 29- County Auditor, llaykin, advising that the Board of Super- " 23-Capitol Oil Corporatim, representative addressed the Couv- cil asking that the building permit issued for the visors have accepted an offer made by Mettel Realty i 105 104 erection of large storage tack on their property located on and Investment Company on hot 43 of Sisters Addit - South of the River Terminal be amended to allow " 29 recommending that the City ~ity Murager, Rbomberg, diking around their three oil ta~ilcs, also that the re- Covncil authorize the Purchase of Lot 2 of 1 04 Min. quirement for the foamite installation be eliminated Lo[ 145, Lot 43 of Sisters Add, and LoY Z of 2 of 3 of and also that they be permitted to fill the large tank Min. Lot 144 for the erection of a modern two wm- with fuel oil while the dike is being built ...131 -148-149 pony fire station at [be Southwesterly corner o4 the 23-City Auditor, City Treasurer, Health Department and intersection of South Grandview Avenue and Fremont ~ ~ also a list of claims for mouth Waterworks reports Avetme ..........._ .......................__......._............................................__.._................__.. 105-106 , ..__....__.._..._..... of May, 1945 132 ' 29- Chapman, Robert F,. and Tillie, granted cigarette permit ..._. 107 2?-City Treasurer, annual report 132 " 29- granted cigarette permit ............... H. Conklin R 108 23-City Auditor, City Treasurer, Health Department and " 29- , , . Cunningham, heo V. and John M. Thompson, granted Waterworks reports, also a list of claims for month of June 1945 132 cigarette permit ................................._........... 108 , 23-Citizens Advisory Parking Committee, tty onager re- " 29- Casey, Harold A, granted cigarette permit ...._._.. ................._..._...._ 109 quested to prepare proceedings for the creation of said " 29 and Chris. D. Martin, granted cigarette Fred H Cooper committee to assist the City Council in the formation , , permit ...................................................._......................_.........._................_.......................... 109 of policies 4or the regulation of traffic and Parking_._.134 -155-156 " 29- Cole, Steve, granted cigarette permit ....._ Aug. 6-City Council, Regular Session 135 " 29- Conner, Iona and Ray, granted cigarette permit ._......._........__. "" 109 6-County Auditor, Daykin, advising [hat the Roard of Super- " 29- (.apretz, Mrs. Kate and Wm. Lembke, granted Class "B" ~ visors have accepted an offer made by Wm. N. Klauer beer permit ..._....._.._ ................_............................_....._._......._..._.__._......_.....__... ]09-111 on Lots 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of Woodlawn Park 29- Cosley, William W". and Maggie, granted Class "S" beer 110-111 Aug. addition _.._ .. _ 6-County Auditor, Daykin, advisin that the Board of Super- 149 " 29- pcrmit ............................_........................................._....._................ ................................... Cooper, Fred H. and Chris D. Martin, granted Class "B" visors have accepted an offer made by Frank Henry Beversdorf on Lots 3 and 4 Sub. of 1(i8 of L. H. Lang- beer omit ............:... ........................................................._........... p _. 110-111 worthys addition ___..__ .............___. 1 9 " 29- Cole, Steve, granted Class B" beer omit ._. " P ~~~-~~-~~ "" 110-ll2 (>-Covnty Auditor, Daykin, advising [hat the Board of Super- " 29 -Cunningham, Leo V. and Jahn M. Thompson, granted visors have accepted an offer made by John J. Ryan on Ctass "B" Inver Permit ........._......_....._...._........ ..................... 110-112 Lot lA of E. Ryaris Sub. and Lot 2 of Broadview addition __. 150 July 2- City Council, Regular Ssession ................................................................... 115 6--Claims for month of June, 1945, proof of publication .__ 151 " 2 Rhomberg, recommending that the City -City Manager 6-Council Proceedings for the months of April and May, 151 , Council hrvestigate the possibilities of parking meters 1945, approved as printed as an aid 4or the solution of the parking problem in 6-Cole Steve, transfer of address of cigarette permit ._..___..... 156 the congested districts of the city and advising, how- 6-Cole, Steve, transfer of address of Class "B" beer permit 157-167 ever, that parking meters alone will not solve the 161 situation and that other aspects of the problem de- Sept. 3-City Council, Regular Session serve continuing study and attention .__..._.._..... 115 4-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session .._..._._.... 162 " 2 -Cavalcade of Amusement, granted cigarette permit _.__._..... 116 4-Claims for month of July, 1945, proof of publication ...._._...._. 165 " 23 -City Council, Special Session ..............._. .._-- 117 q-City Auditor, City Treasurer, Health Department and " 23 Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- -County Auditor Waterworks reports, also a list of claims for the month , visors have aceepted an offer made by Arthur 5teck- ~ of July, 1945 _. _._. _._ 165 lcin on Lots 2 and 3 of C. A. Voelker's addition ......__.. 130 4-County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- " 23 llaykin, advising that the Board o4 Super- -County Auditor `~ visors have accepted an offer made by Arthur Stecklein ' 168 , isors have accepted an offer made by J~ P. Smith Shoe ~ ;-~ s addition ... ... on Lots 2 and 3 of C. A. Voelker v Company nn I,ot 2 of Licbes Sub. No. 2 ......................_..__..... 130-150 . 4-Carnival grounds situated on Fourth Street Extension " 23 -County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board at Super- ~ outside of the ball park, motion presented and lost that the carnival grounds situated on Fourth Street Exten- visors have accepted an offer made by A. J. Eiscnegger lion outside of the ball park be no longer available for on that part of Lots 47 and 48 of Linehan Park add. 130 outdoor amusements ._._..._....__.. ..... 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lying in the City of Dubuyuc ~~~-~~~--~~ Special Session ___........._ ....................._.. 10-City Council 1 " 23 -County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- isors have accepted an offer of $450.00 made by G. , 10-County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board' of Super- v Joscph Miller on, Lots 18, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 visors have accepted an offer made by Lester Selle on University Place ..........................._.._...........__._........ 130 the South 23 feet of the West 100 feet of IAt 9 and d on their fu i the North 30 feet of the West 100 feet of Lot 10 of " 23 ng a re n -Cavalcade of Amusement, request 131 Jaeger's Sub. ._._._. 175 cigarette permit ....................._. _._ INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page C Oct 1-City Council, Regvlar Session ._. 177 " 1--County Auditor, Daykin, advising that [he Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Wm. J. Hoh- neckcr on Lots 25, 26, 27 and 2S of Taylor and Coolcy's Subdivision ..._-..._.._..._.- 177 " 1-County Auditor, Daykin, advising [hat the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by John Arzens ou Lots 25, 26, 27 and 2S of Rosedale addition .._.._.._ .............. 177 " 1-Council Proceedings for month of June, 1945, approved as printed .............. 180 " 1-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Waterworks reports, also a list of claims for month of August, 1945. 184 " 1--City Water Department, construction of a New Ueep Well, located approximately 325 feet iu au Easterly direction from the Municipal Swimming Pool ......189-196-209-2 10.211-212- 213-238 " 1-Clancy, Charles and Marie, granted Cigarette permit ......._._ 191 " 1-Collins, William P., granted Cigarette permit 191 " 1-Collins, William P., granted Class "B" beer permit _.__.... 192 " 1-City Solicitor, Kintzinger, authorized to attend the annual Conference of National Institute of Muaicipa] Law Oflrcers to be held at Washington, D. C, on December 3, 4 and 5, 1945 ...................................... ..._ 193 8-City Council, Special Session ..._ 194 " 8-Claims for month of August, 1945, proof of publication _.... Z01 " 8-Civil Service Commission, report on examination for the position of Assistant Engineer at Pumping Station __.. 201-202 " 8-Contract between City of Dubuque and Morrison Brothers Co., for exchange of property for right-o{-way for construction of railroad spur trancks for the Virginia- Carolina Chemical Corporation ...__ .................... _ 202-203 „ 12-City Council, Special Session _._....._.. ................_... .._._..._..... 204 " 12--Curtis, George H. Jc, Captain, U.S.M.C., advising that a Marine recruiting party is scheduled to arrive in Dubuque on October 29th, for the purpose of enlist- ing men for peacetime service _ 204 " 12r-City Council determining policies for the orderly ad- ministration of the affairs of [he municipality ._-_...-..... 208 " 22--City Council, Special Session ._. .. 2t19 " 22-City Auditor, City Treasure, City Waterworks and City Health Department reports, .also a list of claims for month of September, 1945 ................_... _ 216 Nov. 5-City Council, Regvlar Session .... _........... - 223 " 5-Curtis H. Jr., Captain, U. S. Marine Corps, asking that a proclamation be issued proclaiming November 10, 1945, as A4arine Corps Birthday _... ..._._...._........ 228 " 5-Cosley, Ray J., advising Coutlcil that he desires to pur- chase Lots 1 and 4 of Block F of Industrial Subdivision and submitting an offer of fifteen cents per square toot for the same ._ ................ .. 229 " S-Concrete Products Company, asking permission to cross Fazley Street with, a railroad track _ "1-260.2 67-277-278 " 5-Claims for montk of September; -1945, proof of publication 231 " 5-Civil Service Commission, report on examination for the Position of Policewoman ................. ....... 233 INDEX-BOOK 75 ]945 SUBJECT Pagc C " 5-City Solicitor, Kintzinger, submitting opinion with refer- ence to application for Class "B" permit for private club of "American Veterans of World War II, llubuque Post No. 3" (commonly called the Amvets) and also of the Hiawatha Club 235-236 " 5-Cooper, William F. and Katherine J., notice to construct sidewalk abutting North 64 fee[ 3 incres of City Lot 73 .._...._.239-244-253 " 5-Consolidated Fund, the sum of $15,000.00 transferred from the Waterworks General Fund to the Consolidated Fund ...._.__. 240-243 " 19-City Council, Special Session .. 243 " 19-Grippes Mrs., residing at 1596 Atlantic Street addressed the Council requesting that she be granted permission to enclose her front porch with push windows 243 " 19-County Auditor, Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer of $75.00 made by Cletus E. Allen on Lot 44 of Grandview Heights 244-262 " 19-Carney, Clarence R., et. al., requesting [hat a street light be placed at. the corner of Laurel and Cannon Streets 244-261 Dec. 3-City Council, Regulaz Session .__._. 253 " 3-Council Proceedings for the month of July and August, 1945, approved as printed ._... 255 " 3-Claims for month of October, 1945, proof of publication _.._ 255 " 3-City Manager, asking permission o£ the Council to meet with the officers of the veterans organizations for the purpose of clarifying [he laws and policies o{ the City with reference to all phases of the veterans rights in municipal appointments and promotions ..... 265 " 10-City Council, Special Session 266 " 10-Civil Service Commission, report on promotional ex- amination for the position of Meter Service Man in the Water Department - 268 " 10.-Conze[t, Alvin and Karl Gorshe, liability policy covering theater marquee at Varsity Theater 268 " 10-Capretz, Mrs. Kate and Wm. Lembke, granted cigarette permit 270 " 21-City Council, Special Session 272 " 21-Council Proceedings for the month of September, 1945, - approved as printed 278 " 21-Claims for month of November, 1945, proof o£ publication 278 " 21-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Waterworks, City Health Department report, also a list of claims for month of Octobeq 1945 -~~- 278 " 28-City Council, Special Session ._._ .................... 282 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page D Jan. 2- Dubuque County Conservation Society, commending the City Manager and City Council for [heir decision to construct a sewage disposal plant 2 " 2 -llubuque Recreation Boy's Baseball League, submitting a copy of the report of the "Baseball Diamond Sites" Committee of the Dubuque Boy's Recreation Baseball League ...__......._. 2 Mar. 5 -Dubuque Fire Departmem Members, asking fora 15% lo- crease in wages effective April 1, 1945 .. 25 " 5 -Dubuque Police Department Members, asking for a monthly increase of $25.00 .._ _. 2$ " 5 -Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, requesting permission for the holding of a Flag Tag Day ............... 2$ " 5 -Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "B" beer permit for private club...__._....._ .................. 32 " 5 -Dubuque Cycle Club, application for Class "B" beer per- mit for private club ._...._. ..._ ...................._ 32-52-112 " 20- Dougherty, P. F., notice of claim _.._...._._._....._. 34-W " 20- Detailed distribution of proposed expenditures for the fis- cal year beginning April 1, 1945 and rnding March 31, 1946 39-40-41-42-43-44-45-46-4 7-48-49-50 " 27- Dubuque Trades and Tabor Congress, submitting for Coun- cil consideration the name of George Pohl for appoint- ment to the Board of Review ._..... 57 " 27- Dalsing, Zeno, submitting offer to the Board of Super- visors for the purchase of the East 20 feet of Lot 5 , East 20 feet of Lot 6, all of Lots 7 and 8 East 143 feet , of Lot 9, East 143 feet of Lot 1Q East 143 teet of I,ot 11 Jaeger's Sub., also the West 100 feet of Lot 5, West 1W feet of Lot 6, South 23 feet of West 100 feet of Lot 9, North 30 feet oI West 100 feet of Lot 1Q South 10 feet of West 100 feet of Lot 11 of Jaeger's Sub . ...............__...... ......_.._............................ ..._ 58 " 27- Dilworth H. E., et. al., property owners, whose real property is within 300 fee[ of the proposed James Street and Langworthy Avenue siY for the new St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, objecting to any such structure being established on said premises ............._._.. 58 Apri] 2- Dubuque Golf Club, granted Class "B" beer permit for private club _.._..... .__.._. 67 " 23- Dubuque Kiwanis Club, requesting that proper street mark- ings be provided throughout [he entire City ._. _ ._.. 74-179 " 23- Demkier, Geraldine h., Secretary to City Manager, bond.._. 74 May 7- Dangelmeyer, Carl, et. al., objecting to the property located a[ 908 Rhombcrg Avenue for the purpose of operat- ing a tavern ............................... 81 " 7- Uieterich, Hilda, stating that Stout Street has been filled in such a manner as to prevent the free use of said street and requesting that said street be made passable and that the surface water be not allowed [o flow onto her garden ..___.__..._._........_. .. $2 " 7- Douglas C. C., Power of Attorney 82 " 7 Deyoe, George, granted Class "B" beer permit _ 90.91 " 7- Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class "B" beer permit for private club ,.._._.. 91 June 4- Duffy, Vincent and Madlyn, granted Class "B" beer per- mit ..._...._._....._ ............. .._._. 98 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page D " 29-Dubuque-Wisconsin Bridge Company, a corporation, notice of appeal from the Board of Review .. ................._ 100 " 29Deyoe, George C., grained cigarette permit .._. 106 " 29-Diamonds Grill, Inc., granted cigarette permit ., 107 " 29-Dubuque Packing Company (Retail Store) granted cigar- ette permit 107 " 29-Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, granted cigarette permit._ 107 " 29-Duffy, Vincent and Madlyn, granted cigarette permit .._._..... 108 " 29-Dubuque Metal Trades Counci] Club, granted cigarette per- mit ._._ ............... ..__._......_.. 109 " 29-Dugan, Charles S., granted cigarette permit ..................__.._. _ 109 " 29-Duncan, Dale, granted two cigarette permits .._......._..._.____.__. 109 " 29-Donahue, James M'., granted Class "B" beer permit ._.._ 110.111 " 29-Dugaq Charles S. and May E. granted Class "B" beer permit ...... ......................__............_ ._ 110-112 " 29-Dunbar, Ot[o J, granted Class `tC" beer permit ._ 110-112 July 23-Dock Board, budget estimate _ 117 " 23-Dubuque Safety Council, urging the City Council to direct their attention to outlining a uniform, consistent and continuing policy for the operation of the police court in the matter of the enforcement of traffic regulations_._ 130 " 23-Dubuque Homes, Inc., requesting the City Council to cause street grades to be established and plats and schedules to be made leading to the construction of street improvements for the improvement of Harlan and F,uclid Streets from Sheridan Street to Windsor Avenue 131 Aug. 6-Dubuque Safety Council, stating that their organization is highly pleased with the decision of the City Council in making it possible for Chief Joseph H. Strub to attend the school wndueted by the F. B.I. at Wash- ington, D. C. 150 Sept 4-Dubuque Stone Products Company, calling attention of the Council to conditions that confront the Company due to the facC that their quarrying lease with the Dubuque Park Board is about exhausted and asking to meet the Council to acquaint them with details in order to secure the rock which the Company so urgently re- - quire ........................._......._......... 165 " 10-Dubuque Senior High School, requesting permission to stretch a banner across Main Street at Ninth Street ...... 172 10.-Dubuque Navy Mothers' Club No. 44, requesting permission for [he holding of a tag day on October 27th, 1945 _._ 172 Oct. 1-Dubuque Community War Chest, requesting permission to aplace a pylon at the intersection of 8th and Main Streets ...._._ 179 " I-Dunbar's Cash Grocery, granted Cigarette permit _........__._.._.. 191 " 12Dubuyue Packing Company, wmmunication of Schwieter- ing and Wallis Insurance, relative to the placing of fire alarm boxes in order for the Dubuque Packing Company plant to be properly protected __...... 204-232-233 " 22-Deutmeyer, E. A., and Viola, notice to construct sidewalk abutting Lot 24 of Tschirgi and Schwind's add........_.218-227-225 Nov. 5Dubuque Woman's Clvb, requesting the City Council to take steps to destloy the rats and their places before cold weather .............._._...._.....__...._.. 231 n INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page D " 5-Dubuque Cycle Club, granted Cigarette permit 239 " 19-Dubuque County Chapter o4 the Iowa Tuberculosis Asso- c~ation, requesting permission for the sale of bangles on the street corners 245 Dec. 10-Dubvque Community Chest, advising that in accordance with the By-Laws the Mayor is requested to appoint two members to represent the City of Dubuque on the Board of Directors .._ 267 " 21-Dubuyue Safety Council, expressing appreciation for the co-operation of the City in providing a City Car for use m the Drivers' Education Classes -..-..... .._ 275 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Pag_ E Mar. 20-Emergency Fund, the .sum' of $359.83, transferred from Fund [o the Consolidated Fund _._....-..... nc E 50-51-59 y merge said " 27-Eigenberger, Frank, submitting offer in the amour of 140 and 141 9 , $125.00, for the purchase of Lots 13 57 Glendale addition --- "`-'-" April 2-Fslinger, $dward, notice of claim ._.....- ................. 65-76 June 29-Ellis, R. J., notice of claim '- 100-155 108 " 29-Endeq A. J., granted two cigarette permits ~~~~~- 108 " 29-Eichman, Arthur H., granted cigarette permit -~- July 23-Eise urchaY~e of ffthat tparteoBLot 47 and 48 h r f g e p or t ors vi of. Linehan Park addition, lying m the City of Dubuque 130-156 Oct. 1-Euclid Street from West property line of Windsor Avenve grade .....__..1 ridan Street f Sh 8.5-145-196 , e to East property line o " 1-Euclid Street from Windsor Avenue to Sheridan Street, 190 plats and schedule for the improvement of said street ... 8-Esser, H. F, et. aL, requesting that a sanitary sewer be 195-216 installed on Edina Street __._..-.... INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page F Mar. 20-Frederick, Wm. Robert, submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors for the purchase of hots 139, 140 and 141 Glendale addition ___.._ .._. 34 " 20 -Frederich, Roy, submitting offer to the Board of Super- visors for [he purchase of hots 130, 131 and 132 Glendale addition _...._.........._..... .._____.__._ 35 April 23 -Pautsch, Louis F., Police Judge, bond .................... 75 " 23 Fitzpatrick, Thomas, Clerk of Water Dept„ bond _.._..._._._ 75 May 7 Frith, E. $. Co., fire protection agreement ._ SS June 29 Farmers Mutual Automobile Insurance Ca., submitting claim of Dr. J. D. Paquette _ 100 " 29 -Fire Pension Board, certificate of tax (evy ._ 102 " 29- Fire Retirement Board, certificate of tax levy .___......_...._._ 102 " 29 -Fire Equipment Fund, the sum of $3,800, appropriated from said Fund for the purchase of Lot 2 of 1 of Min. Lot 145, Lo[ 43 of Sister's addition and Lot 2 0£ 2 of 3 of Min. Lot 144 for the erection of a modern two company fire station ._...._. .. 106 " 29- Finch, Alford, granted cigarette permit __.._ _ 106 " 29 Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted cigarette permit ._....._. 107 " 29- Flick, Morris B., granted cigarette permit .. 107 29- Fortmann, Anton, granted cigarette permit ._.. 108 " 29 Falkenhainer, Charles, granted cigarette permit ._......__.__.__._ 108 " 29- Fortmann, Anton, granted Class "B" beer permit _.___.._. 110-111 " 29- Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted Class "B" beer permit for private club ........_. .. 110-112 " 29- Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class "B" beer permit for private club ............... _ 110-112 Oct 8- Flynn, Thos. Coal Company, applying for permission to use explosives for an excavating job at Dalge and Bryaat Streets _ 194 " BFlynu, Thos. Coal Company, blasting bond ..._ 195 " 8- Fink, Milton, granted Cigarette permit __.... 202 Nov. 5 -Fire Chief, Kirch, submitting recommendations that will give the Dubuque Packing Company and surromtding buildings adequate fire alarm protection ...................__.___.. 232-233 Y` INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page G Jan. 2-Grotjohn, Gordon, requesting a refund on his cigarette permit _ _._._.. 3 Mar. 5-Grab, Erwin M. and Helen, granted Class "B" beer per- t _ 32 " 20-Griffin, Merlin $. and Ella A., submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lo[ 39 Rose- dale addition 35-78 May 7-Grotjohn, Gordon G., requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer permit 82 " 7-Gantert, Harry and Lucille, granted Class "B" beer per- mit ...__.__ 91 June 29-erode ,Harry and Viola, granted cigarette permit 108 " 29-Grutz, John and Clara, granted cigarette permit 108 " 29-Galle, Mrs. Bernice, granted cigarette permit 109 " 29-Gantert, Harry N., granted cigarette permit 109 " 29-Grotjohn, Gordon G., granted Class "B" beer permit ._._._.. 110-111 " 29-('alle, Mrs. Bernice, granted Class "B" beer permit .___..... 110-112 Aug. 6-Grogan, John R., appointed as the representative of labor on the Citizens Advisory Parking Committee 156-164 Sept. 4-erode, Harry V. and Viola, granted Class "B" bear per- mit 167-168 Oc[. 1- Griffiq Mervil E. and Ella, submitting offer in the amount of $75.00 for the purchase o4 Lot 38 of Rosedale addition 178-217 " 1 -Grotjohn, Gordon G., requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer permit _ 178 " 1 -Gibson, Lloyd, requesting fire protection on his property located at 2590 Asbury Road ~-- 179 " 1 -Grutz, John and Clara, granted Class "B" beer permit .~._. 192 " 22 -Gassmanq Charles, notice to connect Lot 1 of I of Lot 37 of Althauser Sub. with sanitary sewer .._._...___ 221-242 Nov. 19 -Glynq Joha and George, granted Cigarette permit ..__... 250 " 19 -Glynis, John and George, granted Class "B" beer permit _.._ 250-251 Dec. 21 -Gould', Marvin, Conference Secretary, extending invitation to attend the Building Industry Conference to be held at Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa on January 23 and 24, 1946 .._. ..__.._.__ -_... 274 I INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 Sli B JECT Page H Jan. 25-Hogensoq Louise M. Haas, requesting a refund on her Cigarette permit ._. ...._._ ............. 9 Mar. 5 Heiar, Mrs. Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit ._. 31-32 " 20 -Hogaq Mrs. Margaret E., requesting suspension of the 1944 [ax on the North 26 feet of City Lot 326 __.._.. 35-60 " ZO -Howe, Cecelia, requesting suspension of the 1944 tax on Lot 17 of Yates Sub. _..__._ 36-60 " 20 -Hansen, William F., granted Class "B" beer permit ._._........._ 51 " 27 -Hagerty, Gussie M., notice of claim _.. .._.._.. 57-76 " 27 -Hill, Thos. J, making application for appointment as a member of the Board of Review for the year 1945 ._. 57 " 27 -Hohmann, George, submitting offer to the Board o£ Super- visors for the purchase of the South 50 feet of Lots 5 and 6 of Ungs Sub. and also the North 50 fee[ of Lots 5 and 6 of Ungs Sub.. 58-79 " 27 -Huff Lumber Company, requesting Council to initiate au amendment to the Zoning Ordinance so as to reclassify I,ot 1 of Mineral Lot 362; Lot I of 1 of 2 of Mineral Lot 363; Lot 2 of Lot 1, Lot 1 of 2, 2 of 3, I of 6, 1 of 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in Fink's Svb; and Lot 1 of 9 in Gillespie's Sub. of Mineral Lot 361 from a Single Family Residence District to Heavy Industrial Dis- trict and further requesting [hat the Building Commis- sioner be instructed [o suspend any further action to subject the petitioner to the penalties o£ the ordinance until such time as [he City Council has an opportunity [o view this property ..._ 58-64 April 3- Hier, Mary Suspension of 1944 [axes 69-76 " 23- Hammerand, Elmer F., notice of claim ..__.__.__._ 72-103 23- Hoare, Louise, notice of claim 72-51-88 " 23- Hanover, Harry J., City Assessor, bond _._ 75 " 23- Hail, John Joseph, Supt. and Cashier of Water Dept., bond 75 " 23 Hedrick, Jacob Jr, granted Class "B" beer permit __._.___ 80-98 May 7- Huff Lumber Company, requesting that [hey be author- ized to continue the occupancy of their property known as Lot 1 of Min. Lot 362; Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of Min. Lot 362; Lots2oflof lof 2,2ot 3,lof 6,lof 7, S, 9, 10 and 11 in Fink's Addition; I,ot 1 of 9 in Gillispie Svb. of Min. Lot 361 for a period of two years ....._.... ._. 82 " 7- Hillerest Baby Fold, fire protection agreement .........._........_. _ 88 7- Home of the Good Shepherd, fire protection agreement _._ 88 Jnne 4- Harker, Mrs. Geneva, notice of claim .... 93-104 , " 29- Hochberger, John, granted cigarette permit _..___.____...._..... 106 " 29- Hedrick, Jacob granted cigarette permit ......_._ ~ 106 " 29- Hess'el, Irvin U '., granted cigarette permit ,.... 107 " 29- Hawkeye, Lodge, granted cigarette permit 107 " 29- Hartig Drug Company, Inc., granted three cigarette per- mits 107 " 29- Hansen, Wm. F, granted cigarette permit ._ 107 " 29- Hogan, Vincent J., granted cigarette permit ...._.._._.._......___..... lOS " 29- Hird, Mrs. Rosemary, granted cigarette permit ......................_ 108 " 29 Helmer, Hillis H., granted cigarette permit ...._ ........................ 108 " 29- Horne Wm., granted cigarette permit ......_..__......_ 108 " 29 Haley, Amy, granted cigarette permit ._____.._ 108 " 29- Hughes, R. D. and Anna, granted cigarette permit _........._.._ 108 " 29 Harwood, M. L., granted cigarette permit ._- ..._ 109 " 29- Heiar, Mrs. Anna, granted cigarette permit ................__....._........ 109 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page H " 29-Hollywood Grill, granted cigarette permit .. 109 " 29-Henkel, Mrs. Bernice, granted cigarette permit ..__._........_._ 109 " 29-Horne, William and Mary, granted Class "B" beer permit. 110-111 " 29-Helmer, Hillis H. and Florence, granted Class "B" beer permit - 110-111 " 29-Henkel, Mrs. Bernice, granted Class "B" beer permit ...__._ 110-112 " 29Hughes, R. D. and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit __.. 110-112 " 29-Hogan, Vincent J., granted' Class "C" beer permit ._...__..__.. 110-112 July 2-Henkel, Gus, requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer permit 115 " 23-Haher, Mrs. Mae, notice of claim 130-155 " 23-Hughes Oil Company, representative addressed the Council in support of the verbal request of the Capitol Oil corporation for having the building permit issued to the Capitol Oil Corporation amended to allow diking around the oil tanks £or the elimination of the foamite installation and for permission to fill [he large tank with fuel oil while the dike is being built ._131-148-149 " 23-Huftill, Frank, re-appointed as member of Board of Li- brary Trustees for a term of six years expiring July 1st, 1951 _.._._._.._.._... 134 Aug. 6-Healy, Len, addressed the Council asking if there are definite reasons for the passage of [he trailer camp ordinance 149 " 6-Hemmi, E., owner of framt barn located on the North' 11 fee[ of North 26 fee[ of City Lot 239 and South 22 feet of City Lot 240, report and recommendation o£ Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Plumbing Inspector, Electrical Inspector and Health Department, that said frame barn is in a dangerous condition and a menace to adjoining owners and that a condemnation com- mittee be appeinted to inspect the same and make a report and recommendation according to law ._.153-183-206-226-255 " 6-Hughes, Robert D., owner of frame building located on North % 04 City Lot 272, report and recommendation of Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Plumbing Inspector, Electrical Inspector and Health Department, that the frame building is definitely a fire hazard and a menace [o other property and [hat a condemnation committee be appointed to inspect the same and make a report and recommendation according to law . 153-182-206-227-255 " 6-Hartman, Carl F., appointed as the representative of the retailers on the Citizens Advisory Parking Committee 156164 ". E-Hingtgen, Theodore and Harvey, granted Class "B" beer permit _. 157 Sept. 4-Hesselman, Joseph J• and Hilda C., granted Class "B" beer permit 167 " 4-Hochbergeq John A. and Wm., granted Class "B" beer permit 167 Oct. 1-Hohnecker, William J., submitting offer to Board of Super- visors for [he purchase of Lots 25, 26, 27 and ZS of Taylor and Cooley's Sub.. ._. 177-216 " 1-Henkel, Mrs. Bernice, requesting refunds on her Class "B" beer permit and her cigarette permit 178 " 1-Helmer, Hillis H. and Florence, requesting a refund on [heir Class "B" beer permit ._. 179 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 Sli B JECT Page H 1Helmer, Hillis H., requesting a refund on his cigarette permit 175 " 1 -Haas, Alviq claim for damages to his car . 180-23A " 1 -Harlan Street from the west property line of Windsor Avenue [o East property line of Sheridan Street, grade ... 185-196 " 1 -Harlan Street from Windsor Avenue to Sheridan Street , plat and schedule for the improv,emen[ of said street .._.. 190 " 1 -Helmer, Mrs. Florence, granted cigarette permit _..._...._...._..... 191 " 1 Hesselmaq J. J., granted cigarette permit ........... 191 " 1 -Helmer, Mrs. Florence, granted Class "B" beer permit _.__..... 192 " 1 -Hawkeye Club, granted Class "B" beer permit for private club ............._....._.._......._... ~ 192 " 1 -Hiawatha Club, application for Class "B" beer permi[ for private club ..._.193-219-23 5-236-237 Oct. 8- Heim, Anna, requesting the City Council to accept the sum of $25.00 in settlement of assessments levied against the North one-fifth of City I,ot 452 ._. 195-217 " 22- Highland Realty Company, submitting for Council con- sideration atentative plat of the resvbdivision of Lots SQ 51, 52 and 53 of Simpson's addition and hots 5, 6 and 7 of 916cr's subdivision ~ X1 3-231-232 " 22- Hingtgen, Theodore and Harvey, granted cigarette permit..._ 219 Nov. 5-Hoover, J. Edgar, F.B. L, U. S. Department of Justice, advising that Chief of Police Joseph H. Strub, was presented a certificate as evidence of his satisfactory completion of the fourteen weeks' course of training in Washington, D. C., at the F.B.I. National Academy 228 " 5-Hird, Mrs. Rosemary, granted Class "B" beer permit _......._. 237 " 19-Heim, Anna, asking the City Council to accept the amount of $100.00 in full compromise settlement of the special assessments Levied against the North one-fifth of City Lot 452 245-284 " 19-Herber, Arthur F, and Theresa, granted cigarette permit ._._ 250 " 19-Herber, Arthur and Theresa, granted Class "B" beer per- mit _.. ..._._.. 250-251 Dec. 3-Holscher, G. H., requesting Council to correct the storm sewer condition on his property known as Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block 9 of Grandview Park _....__ ..... 253 " 3-Howes, Charles, granted Class "B" beer permit ._.____.._..... 264-265 10-Harris, Jae, granted cigarette Hermit ........... ~ 270 " 28-Huff Lumber Company, Excavation bond ._...._. 284 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page Jan. 25-Interstate Pcwer Company, advising that during the year 1944, that they completed testing electric meters and that all meters now in service comply with the re- quirements of Paragraph 911 of Rate Ordinance No. 8-41 and further advising that they will continue test- ing meters as required by said rate ordinance _.__._........ 8 Mar. 27-Irwin, Ray, granted cigarette permit . 61 May 7-Immaculate Conception Academy, fire protection agreement SS June 4-Interstate Power Company, submitting report relative to the petition of James F. Lec and others pertaining to bus service on West Locust Street __ 93-94 " 29-Irwin, Ray and Paul Megonigle, granted cigarette license...... 108 July 2-Iowa Chiklreds Home Society, requesting permission for [he holding of an emblem sale on August 25th, 1945 ...._ 115 Avg. 6-Interstate Power Company, advising that the Electric and Bus Franchise under which they are now operating will expire early in 1947 ._._.... _. 151 " 6-Infantile Paralysis, subject discussed at Board of Health meeting by De C. C. Lytle, Health Director, Ur. J. E. Bacon and llr. Roy I. Theisen ...._...._ ................ .._._._ 159 Sept. 4-Iowa State Highway Commission, maintenance contract for the year beginning July 1st, 1945 ..... 163 " 4-Iowa State Highway Commission, requested to cause a survey to be made of the traffic at the approach o4 the Dubuque-East Dubuque High Bridge at the inter- section of Dodge and Locust Streets and also far the installation of S[op and Ga lights at this inter- section 163-164-263-2(r4 Nov. 5Interstate Powor Company, petition of Joseph L. Barring- ton, et. al., requesting that the Interstate Power Com- pany restore [he bus stop at the intersection of 8th Avenue, Hill Street and University Avenue _.__...._..__._ 229 INDEX-BOOK 75 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page 1945 SUBJECT Page J K Mar. 5 -Jansen, Henry and Lucille, granted Class 'B" beer permit_ 31-32 Jan. 2 Kerekes, Frank, Chairman, State Building Code Central ~~ s -Judges and Clerks appointed to serve at the Special Elec- Committee, extending mvi[ations to attend the Build- tion of April 2 1945 ....._... 32 ing Officials Conference to be held at Iowa State , College on January 24, 1945 ..... 2 Juae 29 Jansen, Henry and I,ueille, granted cigarette permit .__._ 108 2- Kramer, Nick and Marie J., granted Class "B" beer permit 6-7 " 25 -Kessler; Helen, notice of claim 5-96 July 23 -Johanningmeier, William Leo, granted Class beer permit_._ 133-157 25 -Kearney, Clarence, City Firemaq requesting a leave of absence as he has been inducted into the military ser- ' vice ___._..._. 9 Feb. 5-Karigan Theo, requesting the Planning and Zoning Com- mission to have a nearby Multiple Residence District on Cardiff Street extended to include his property located at 804 West Third Street t4-23-37-38~i6-71-82-83 Mar. 5-Kammer, John, notice of claim .._...._ 23-35 " 5-Kessler, Helen, original notice of suit ..._ 23-96 " 5-Kueper, Leo W, Police Officer, requesting a leave of ab- sence as he has been inducted into the military forces ...... 24 " , 5-Kaiser, Frank R, City Fireman, requesting a leave of absence as he has been inducted into the military forces 24 " 5-Kelly, Frank M., approval of the sale by Dubuque County of Lo[ 3 of hots 14 avd IS of Bush's Sub. to said Frank M. Kelly 30 " 20-Kersch, Veda, notice of claim ....._._. .__.... 3 " 20-Kenyon, William F., submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors' for the Purchase of Lo[ 2 of 19 Audubon addition and Lot 2 of 28 Bellevue addition __. 35-79 " 20-Koehler, Sarah, requesting suspension of the 1944 tax on Lot 15 of Jackson School Sub. ._.._ 35-60 " 20-Kerper, John A., re-appointed as a member of [he Uock Board for the term expiring November 26, 1947 _._.._ 52 April 23-Kiwanis Club, requesting that proper street markings be provided throughout the entire city 74 " 23-Kintzinger, Jchn J., City Solicitor, bond .. ......___.. 5 June 4-Kraus, Jacob and Frank, granted Class "B" beer permit __. 98 " 29-Keller, Mae and Ruth Keller Motz, granted cigarette per- mit .. 107 " 29Kaiser, Eileen H., granted cigarette permit 107 " 29-Karigan, Andrew, granted two cigarette permits 108 " 29-Klauer, Julien Hotel Company, granted cigarette permit ..._. 108 " 29Kruse, George C., granted a cigarette permit ................_.._..__ 108 June 29-Koleopvlos, Steve and Christ Kolcas, granted cigarette per- mit ....._.... 108 " 29Kretz, E. P, granted cigarette permit ._...._. ...._..._...... 108 " 29-Knights of Columbus, granted cigarette permit ...._ .................... 108 " 29-Kramer, Nick and Marie J., granted cigarette permit ._... 109 " 29Kraus, Leo M., granted cigarette permit ...._.....__.. 109 " 29-Kies, Theodore T., granted cigarette permit ..... 109 " 29-Karigan, Andrew D., granted Class "B" beer permit ...._..._ 109-111 " 29Koleopvlos, Steve and Christ Koleas, granted Class "B" beer permit ...._..._..... 109-111 " 29-Kanavas, George, granted Class "B" beer permit ....._._..._...._... 110-111 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page K " 29-Klauer, Julien Hotel Company, granted Class "B" beer per- mit ............... .. 110-111 " 29-Klein, Frank and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit _._ 110.112 Aug. 6-Klassen, Mrs. John, notice of claim .. 149-166 " 6-Klauer Wm. N., submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lots 17, I$ 19, 20 and 21 of Wood- lawn Park addition 149 " 6-Kruse, Alma, et. al., requesting that the area between Queen Street and Windsor Avenue and from Regent Street to Twenty-fourth Street be rezoned from two-family residence district to multiple family residence district classification .._.__..__. .._..151-166-173-194-214 " 6-Kahn, Joseph, Estate) owner of building located at 1793 Central Avenuo on Lot 2 of City Lot 675, report and recommendation of Building '.Inspector, Fire Chief, Plumbing Inspector, Electrical Inspector and Health Department [hat said building is a fire hazard, unsightly and a menace to adjourning property and that a con- demnation committee be appointed to inspect the same and make a report and recommendation according to law 152-183-205-224-254 " 6-Kerrigan, Frank R, appointed as representative of [hc public at large on the Citizens Advisory Parking Com- mittee .___..__ _. .. 156 " 6-Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" beet permit for private club .. 157 Sept. 4-Kraus, Frank and Jacob, granted cigarette permit ._._.._._...._ 167 Oct. 1-Kerper, John A, relative to type of pavement which will be used in the construction of runways at the Airport ._ " 1-Kopp, N. J., granted cigarette permit ..._....._.._ Nov. 19-Kritz, Jas L., notice of claim Dec. 3-Kane, Allen C., Clerk, Water Department, bond . _ 177 191 244-259 262 ', .. INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 ~ SUBJECT Page L Jan. 25-Latham, Ernest and Myrtle, granted Class "C" beer per- mit .... .. 11 Feb. 3-Lundbeck, Catherine S., requesting suspension of the 1944 tax ................................................ ........ 13-14 Mar. 5-Lacy, Frank R., settlement of claim and court action .._...._..._ 27 " 5-Landon, Charles T., settlement of claim ..... 27 " 20-License fee for Class "B" beer permit for private clubs increased from $200.00 a year to $300.OU a year ....__._..... 52-60 April 23-I,ce, Jas. F., et. al., residents and patrons affected in the West Locust Street area from 16th and Locust Streets to [he intersection o4 West Locus[ and Seminary Sts., requesting a resumption of "Two Way" transportation which was abandoned since the substitution of bus service .._...._._....... .... 71-93-94 " 23-Lee, J. P., et. al., property owners in Cox's addition front- ing on Almond Street, Ellis Street and Seminary St., requesting vacation of the northenily end of Ellis St. from a paint 100 feet from the north line of Almond Street at its intersection with Ellis Street and the alley as platted running wes[emly to Buettels Sub. at Foye Street _._. ._ 72-87-103 " 23-Lyons, Mrs. Wilfred, notice of claim ....................... 72-103 " 23-Library Trustees and Librarian of Public Library, annual reports __..... 74 " 23-Le Van,.. Archie, excavation bond ...................... 74 " 23-Luke, Hylda Noel, Recreational Director, bond ...__.._..__._..... 75 " 23-Longview Ski Club, granted' Class "B" beer permit for private club .._._._..._. _._...__. .. 91 June ~ 4-Lambert, Frank, notice of claim _....._......._...._.... ......._.. 93 " 4-Link, Leo F. and Bernice, granted Class "B" beer permit ...... 98 29-Lorenz, Mary J., notice of claim .. ... 100 " 29-Lewis, Harry E, requesting that Globe Street be improved... 101 " 29Lemper, Florence L., petition for allowance of claim in the amount of $1,365.00 for adjustment in her Salary as Police Matron for the past five fiscal years ........................ 102 29-Leik, Wm. C., granted cigarette permit ..._ ......................... ........ _. 106 " 29-Luxemburg Club of Dubuque, granted cigarette permit _.... 107 " 29-Loyal Order of Moose, granted cigarette permit 107 " 29-Lanser, George and Helen, granted cigarette permit ._._.._ 107 " 29-Latham, Ernest and Myrtle, granted cigarette permit ._.._..... 107 " 29Ludwig, M. J., granted cigarette permit ......................_. ..................... 1 June 29-Liiilr, Leo F., granted cigarette permit 109 " 29-Loras College, granted cigarette permit 109 " 29-Lanser, Geo. and' Helen, granted Class "B" beer permit ...._ 110-111 July 23-Library Roard, certificate o4 tax levy . ..................................................... 117 " 23-Lhrehan and Molo, excavation bond _.._.. 132 Aug. 6-Landholt, Fred, addressed the Council asking if there are definite reasons for the Passage of the trailer camp ordinance ..............._._ .........._........_ 149 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page L " 6-Lemper, Florence, original notice of suit .._.......___.._........_...._....._ 149 " 6-Lcetscher, Mrs. R. F., et. al., requesting the vacation of the alley running from Coates Street Northerly to the Northerly line of Lot 6 of Concord Sub., said alley be- ing the first alley East of Concord Street ...150-168-182-205-215-216 " 6-Lac, Celia, owner of building located on Lots 11 and 12 Gilliams Sub., report and recommendation of Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Plumbing Inspector, Electrical Inspector and Health Department, that said building is in a dangerous condition and menace to adjoining properties and that a condemnation committee be ap- pointed to inspect the same and make a report and recommendation according to law ... i52-184-207-223-254 " 6-Lytle, Dr. C. C., Health Director, addressed the Board of Health meeting and discussed the subject of Infantile Paralysis ....._._.__ 159 Sept. 4-Lytle, Dr. C. C., Health Director, addressed the Council asking to have the carnival stopped from showing on account of the danger of polio and on account o4 no toilet facilities _.._.__._. 162-170 " 4-Langel, John T., notice o4 claim . 182-ISS " 4-Lange, Frank, requesting vacation of the alley running East and West between Alumni Street and Harmon Street in University addition __...._ 165-182-204-214-215 " 4-Luxemburg Clvb, granted Clays "B" beer permit for private club __. .._...._._ 167-168 " 4-Loyal Order of Moose, granted Class "B" beer permit £or private club 167-165 Oct. 1-League of Iowa Municipalities, advising that the annual convention of The League of Iowa Municipalities will be held in Burlington, Iowa, on October 23, 24, 1945 ...... 177 Nov. 19-Lynq Melvin, granted cigarette permit ___._.._.._._ 250 Dec. 3-Latham, Ernest, requesting a refund on his cigarette per- mit ........... 253 " 3-Le Van, Archie, Excavation bond 263 " 10-Lee, James F., et. at., requesting the grading of the Northerly end of Ellis Street 267 Dec. 21-Lewis, Robert and Ruth, granted Class "C" beer permit _.._ 251 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page J'~c Jan. Z- McCann, Marie Helev, notice of claim ...~.___. __.._ 2-10 " 25 -McGough, Mrs. P. H., notice of claim ...__....._........ 8-28 Feb. 5 -McDonough, Melvin, Anita and George, granted' Class "B" beer permit 15 Mar. 5 -McDermott, Francis, City Fireman, requesting a leave of absence as he has been ivducted into the military forces 24 April 2- McCarthy, Peter H., relative [o the danger of fire and the remedy for the prevention of fires in rooming houses, boys clubs, circuses, carnivals, etc. 65 " 23 -McCarten, H. B., excavation bond 74 " 23 -McCarthy, Charles J., Harbor and Market Master, bond ._.. 75 June 29- McDonald, Daniel, gravted cigarette permit ~ 107 " 29 -McLaughliv, Frank, granted cigarette permit 107 " 23 -McFarlane, Robert, granted cigarette permit 108 " 29 -McDonough, Melvin, Anita and George, granted cigarette permit 108 " 29 -McDonough, Thomas F., and Ruth, granted cigarette permit 108 " 29 -McCann, Eugene, granted cigarette permit 109 " 29 -McLaughlin, Frank and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit _.__._.._. ... 109-111 " 29 -McCarthy, Leo, granted Class "B" beer permit _. 109-111 " 29 -McDonald, Daniel and Loretta, gravted Class "B" beer permit _ I10-111 July 2- McCarthy, Lco A., granted cigarette permit ._. 116 Sept. 4 -McDonough, Thomas F. and Ruth, granted Class "B" beer permit ..___._.....__ 167-168 Oct. 1- McCarthy, Leo, requesting refunds on his Class "B" beer permit and his cigarette permit ...- 178 " 1 -McCann, Eugene P., granted Class "B" permit ._._._._.._...._ 192 Nov. 5 -McDonald A. Y., Manufacturing Co., submitting offer in the amount of $2,000.00 for the purchase of Lo[s 278 and 279 of East Dubuque addition No. 2 ......_.._....._...__.._.... 230 INDEX-BOOK 75 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page 1945 SUBJECT Page ~ ~ Feb. 5- Mueller, Margaret, notice of claim ..................... ........... 13-28 6-Murphy Harry J. and Dorothy, granted Class "B" beer " 5- Miller, Martin A. and Sophie, granted Class "B" beer per- Permit .._.__.. ........................................ ..._._.._..... 157 ._,..._......_,_,,,,,,,,,,,,_,_, .......................... .. mgt ..................... 15-16 Sept 4-Midwest Finance Corporation, I-I. L. Pier, Manager, notice " S-- Meats and meat Products, matter with reference to the of claim _ .................. ..__ .............................. ._..__ 162 retail sale and disposal of meat and meat products 4-Marmis and Solomon, requesting that the railroad track on within the City of Dubuque referred to the City Salina Street now serving their property be changed Solicitor to submit a rePorY back to the Board of in order that said track may enter [heir property from Health at the next meeting ._._.........._.._ -..._.... 21 the South instead of at present from [he North and Mar. 5- Meyers, Bart, submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors also requesting permission to erect a cement block warehouse as they propose expandin fltcir resent for the purchase of hots 200, 201, 202 and 203 of g p business 164 Glendale addition _..... 24-31 ................ 4-Mihalakis Phillip and Viola, granted Class "B" beer per- April 2- Mihalis, Ellas and Rvby, granted Class "S" beer permit ..__ 67 ttnt _..__ 167 „ 23- Mullen Brothers & Company, excavation bond .__....._....._.......__... 74 Oct. 1-Murphy Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem of the " 23- Marshall, Robert Y., City Auditor, bond ....................................._.._. meeting ....... 177 " 23- Moore, Mae A, Clerk and Registrar of Health Dept, 1-Mettel Realty and Investment Company, stating that the bond ...._ ........................__...._....._.....- ..._.._..... 75 Griffin people have authorized them to submit an offer May 7- Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, submit- in the amount of $75.00 for the purchase of Lot 38 of " ling Power of Attorney for C. C. Douglas _.__....._......... i 82 88 Rosedale addition ............................. „ 1-Mihalakis Phillip and Viola, requesting a refund on [heir 178-217 7- on agreemenC _..._........... Mt. St. Agnes Novitiate, fire protect i " " 90 91 Class 'B" beer permit .._......._.._._.._..._ ...................... 180 " " 7- 7- beer perm t... B Meyer, Martin and Vernon, granted Class Martin A. and Stanley Block, granted Class "B., Miller - ~, 1Murphy Harry, granted cigarette permit _.. " ~ 191 , beer Permit ...............__._.._....... ...._.__....._.._._......_ 91 1-Men ~s Walter, granted cigarette Permit ..._..._._... g 191 1-Morrow, Marjorie G. and Hazel A. Schwartz, granted June 29 Mettel Realty and Investment Company, submitting offer cigarette permit ._.._. 191 to [he Board of Supervisors for the purchase o of 8-Mihalakis, Phillig requesting a refund on his cigarette per- 43 of Sisters addition _........_..... ................_........._..... 104-105 mtt .._.__..._. 195 29 Manternach, Gus L., granted cigarette permit ................................... 107 8-Moreland, J. C., et. al., asking Council to order the owners " 29- Moes, Anthony W. and F,dith, granted cigarette permit ...... 107 of Lot 24 of Tschirgi & Schwind's addition to install a " 29 Meyer, Paul J., granted cigarette permit .__........ 107 sidewalk ,..195-21 8-227-228 " 29- ......................................... Mangenq Paul, granted cigarette Permit 107 " 8-Mihalakis, Phillip, granted cigarette permit 202 " 29- Maas, William and Elizabeth, granted cigarette permit _.... 107 S-Morrison, Brothers Co., contract with City of Dubuque for " 29- Mihalakis, Phillip, granted cigarette permit ... 107 exchange of property for right-of-way for construction " 29- Meyers, Kermit and Thomas billy, granted cigarette per- of railroad spur tracks for the Virginia-Carolina mit ........... 0 Chemical Corporation .__....__.__..._._ 202-203 " 29- Mein, Staq granted cigarette Permit ._........_... ..... 1 22-Marlin, Mrs. Nora, notice of claim ... ............._..__.21 3-233-234 " 29- g g p ...... Maas, Melvin H. and Miner, ranted ci arette ermit 108 22-Meisenburg, John, granted cigarette permit --~-~-~ -.._. 219 " " 29- 29- Miller, George, granted cigarette P~'mit ........... ranted cigarette permit ._._ Martin A. and Sophie Miller 108 108 Nov. 5-Mettel Realty and Investment Company submitting an " 29- , , granted cigarette permit .__ _.._....._ Ellas Mihalas 109 offer in the amount of $275.00 for the purchase of Lo[ " 29- , , Manders, Edmund N., gra~rted cigarette permit ........................._. " " 109 42 in Belmont addition ._.. „ 5-Miller Mrs. Katie A. requesting suspension of the 1945 228-260 " 29 bear B Mengis, Walter and Mathilda, granted Class 109-111 , , tax on Lots 9 and 10 of Johnson's Subdivision .._._......___ 229-246 " 29 pcrmit ......................................_._....._..._......... Mcisenhurg, John and Dorcthy, granted Class "B" beer ~~ 19-Me er, Herbert, Y granted Class "B" beer permit 250-251 permit ._......... ..............._............ ....._..............., 109-111 Dec. 10-Murphy, Councilman, appointed as a member of the Board " 29 Meyer, Albert M., granted Class "B" beer permit _.._............ 109-111 of Directors of the Dubu ue Communit Chest q Y ....._..._ 267 " " ~~ 21Morrison Brothers Company, conveying Lot 2 of IAY 16 June 29 B beer -Moes, Anthony W. and $dith, granted Class 110-111 , of of Lot 1 of Lot 17 hot 1 0£ hot 1 Lo 18 of t , " 29- pcrmit ........................................................................................................................... --~ Maas, Melvin H. and Miner, granted Class "B" beer and Lot 1 of Lot 19 al] in Block 17, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co's. addition to the City of llubuque in permit ...._ ..............._............................ ......._...................._...._................. " " 110-111 exchange for the vacated areas of a part of relocated " 29- beer B Maas, William and Elizabeth, granted Class 110-112 Commercial Street and apart of the alley in Block permit .. ...........................__..... 17 of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co's. addi[iou ._..272-282-283 July 23- submitting offer to Board of Supervisors G. Joseph Miller 21Marshall, Ambrose J. and others requesting that Lots 17 b " , , 5Q 51, 52, 53, 54 48 49 for the purchase of Lots 18 and 18 of [he Su . of Out Lot No. 710 in Plan of ' , , , University Place _........._.....__ ............:................._......__... 130 Quigley s Sub., be zoned as a multiple family residence zone ..................................__...._........_.... Aug. 6 -Molo, Harold E, appointed as- representative of the jobbers 21-Meyer, Albert M., transfer of address of Class "B" beer on the Citizens Advisory Parking Committee .............. 156 _ Pcrmrt .. ..........__............._......._. 281 " 6 -Miller, Mrs. Florence M., granted Class "B° beer permit .._.. 157 28-Maedel, Caroline M., notice of claim .............................._.._..__......._. 283 INDEX-BOOK 75 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Pag_ 1945 SUBJECT Page O N Jan. 2-Nicholls, Chester, settlement of claim 6 April 23-Norton, Luvern C., Electrical Inspector, bond 75 May 7-Nauman, Leo, et. al., stating that Yhey have no objection to ense to operate a tavern at 908 li f c a the granting o Rhomberg Avenue to John and Catheran Voudran nor gl to the rezoning of said property _..._.. - 7-Nardin, George, requesting a refund on his Class "B" bear .- 82 permit .............. ... Jwte 29-North End Choral Club, granted cigarette permit ___.-- 107 107 ,~ ranted ci arette permit 29-National Tea Company, g g --"-""'-"'- i " t_.._ 29-Nicks, Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted cigarette perm ~~ " 29-Nicks, Ray J., granted cigarette permit .. -~- Aug. 6-Nicks, Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted Class "B" beer --.--'-_... 157 permit Sept. ._..--...._.. 10-Nardin, George A., granted Class 'B" beer permit i " 174 174-192 " t...._ beer perm 10-Noel, John E. and June, granted Class ' B 174 " 10-Nardin, George A., granted cigarette permit ._ ............._._._-._.- Oct 1-Noel, John E. and June, granted cigarette permit _._-._-_ 191 . " Mayor authorized' to issue a proclamation for 8-Nary Day 194 , the holding of same on October 27, 1945 ... Nov $-Nicks, Ray, granted Class "B" beer permit .. 237 , " 5-North End Choral Club, granted Class "B" beer permit 237-238 ._....-. for private club -" ' 250 " 19-Noel, Joseph D. and Elsie, granted cigarette permit __..__.._ " " beer per- 19-Noel, Joseph D. and Elsie, granted Class "B 250-251 mi[ ... Dec. 3-Nate R a naccidents during duc g s o ~ re e to mpaign ca conducting a 253 Christmas holiday season -- tension of same northerly to " 21-North Grandview Avenue, ex West Locust and Seminary Streets, by way o4 Audu- 1f hec p r' t e n t or ad 3 al Lot 172 Mi Log12 of of Sub. tl e of -. 279 ............... said Purpose Jan. 25-Option Contract, between Henry A. Robinson and City of 9-10 Dubuque, amended " 25-Ordinance No. 1-45. Special Ordinance. An Ordinance granting to The Key City Gas Company, its successors and assigns, the right to retain, extend, maintain and operate its existing gas distributing system in the City of Dubuque and to lay and maintain its gas pipes and appurtenances [hereto, in, under, through, across and upon streets, avenues, alleys, bridges, parks, highways and public places of said City and additions thereto for the period of twenty-five (25) years and regulat- ing the same; repeating all existing franchise ordin- ances heretofore granted [o The Key City Gas Com- pany and requiring [he surrender of all rights there- under by the grantee therein; and providing for the submission of said Ordinance to a vote of the legal voters of said City for approval .-12-17-18-19-20-32-59-69-73-83- ,....._.--..84-85-86-87 Feb. 5-Ordinance providing for the vacation of Tower Street Northerly of Commercial Street, as re-located; Bell Street northerly of Commercial Street, as re-located; Market Street Nortberly of Cotmercial Street, as re-located; Diagonal Street; River Street Easterly from the Easterly line of Commercial Street, as re- located; the alley first North of River Street; plaeiug such vacated streets and alleys under the exclusive charge and control of the Board of Dock Commission ers of the City of Dubuque, referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and 16-26 report " 5-Ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion of Commercial Street, as re-located, in accordance with the plat attached hereto, referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and re- 17-26 report ' Mar. 5-Ordinance No. 2-45. An Ordinance providing for the vaca- tion of Tower Street Northerly of Commeretal Street, as re-located Bell Street Northerly of Commercial St., as re-located; Market Street Northerly of Commercial Street, as re-located; Diagonal Street; River Street Easterly from the Easterly line of Commercial Street, as re-located; the alley first North of River Street; placing such vacated streets and alleys under the exclusive charge and control of the Board of Dock Commissioners; and declaring an emergency ._..........._...-... 26-36-37 " 5-Ordinance No. 3-45. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion of Commercial Street, as re- located; in accordance with the plat attached hereto, 26-37 and declaring an emergency ..-._..-._. " 20-Ordinance No. 4-45. An Ordinance making appropriations for the expenditures of city government for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1945 and ending March 31, 1946 .... ..._......... 50-53-54-55-56-57 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 ~ SUBJECT Page 0 " 27- Ordinance No. 5-45. An Ordinance amending Ordinance entitled "Ordinance No. 18-38" amending Ordinance No. 9-35, providing for the issuance of beer permits, including Class "B" club permits, providing for the revceation thereof and fixing fees, cte., by amending Paragraph 503, Section 15, by striking out sub-section (C) thereof and enacting a substitute in lieu thereof_._ 60-70 April 23- Ordinazue No. 6-45. An Ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- vided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated ""Coning Or- dinances of the City of Dubuque," so as to extend the present "Multiple Residence District" of Cardiff Street 71-82-83 " 23 -0~'ConneLl, Fred, submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lot 4 of Lot 229 Union addition _.... 73-90 23- -0'hcary, Daniel J., Plumbing Inspector. bond ._..___......_....._ i5 " 23 ..............._ Oster, Lucille, Clerk Water Dept., bond .._._.._ ..............._. 75 June 4- Ordinance No. 7-45. An Ordinance vacating 'hat per[ of Ellis Street from the Northerly ]iue of Lat 51 Cora addition in the City of Dubuque Northerly to the ter- mination of said Ellis Street and vacating the alley between Seminary S[ree[ and Almond Street in the City of llubuque, Iowa _. 97-103 ' 29- Ott, Joseph J., Jr., granted cigarette permit .._....... 108 July 23- Ordinance No. 8-45. An Ordinance regulating the parking and location of automobile trailers and regulating the licensing, location, erection, maintenance and conduct of automobile Trailer Camps and Tourist Camps and providing a penalty for the violation thereof _.....___._131-132-149 Sept. 10- Ordinance No. 9-05. An Ordinance granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, right to coiutruct and maintain a side-track from its track in Salina Street South of Charter Street, thence Northeasterly in Salina Street and into the premises described as hots 7, 8 and 9 of Block 13, in Dubuque Harbor Company's addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing the terms and conditions thereof .._ .................. ....._......................_. ..172-180-181-182 Oct. 1-Ordinance No. 10-45. An Ordinance establishing a Center nine grade on Euclid Street from Windsor Avenue to Sheridan Street ............... 185-195-196 " 1-Ordinance No. 11-45. An Ordinance establishing a Center Line grade on Harlan Street from Windsor Avenue to Sheridan Street _ 185-196 " l~rdinance No. 12-45. An Ordinance establishing a Center Line grade on Sheridan Street from Edith Street to Groveland Street ..._...... ..._.... 186-196-197 " l~rdinanee No. 13-45. An Ordinance establishing a Center Line grade on the alley between Sheridan Street and Windsor Avenue from the South property line of Davis Street to the North property line of Goethe Street .................... .._._......_ 186-197 " 1Ordinance No. 14-45. An Ordinance establishing a Center Line grade at the alley between Gcethe Street and Harlan Street from Sheridan Street East 186-197-198 " 1-Ordinance No. 15-45. An Ordinance establishing a Center line grade on the alley between Euclid Street and' Har- lan Street from Sheridan Street East 187-198 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page O " 1-Ordinance No. 16-45. An Ordinance establishing a Center Line grade on [he alley between Davis Street and Euclid Street from Sheridan Street Eas[ 187-199 " 1-Ordinance No. 17-45. An Ordinance designating certain parcels of ground owned by the City of Dubuque for playground and recreation purposes 187-199 " 1-Ordinance No. 18-45. An Ordinance providing for the development of a park and playground on l,o[s 1, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of Pinehurst Subdivision as a memorial to the late Senator William B. Allison and Colonel David B. Henderson ___... .._____187-188-200-201 Oct 8-Ordinance No. 19-45. An Ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- vided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change the area between Queen Street and Windsor Avenue and from Regent Street to Twenty-fourth Street from "Two Family Residence District" classification to "Multiple Residence District" classification 194-214 " 12-0rdinance No. 20-45. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of the alley running parallel to West Locust Street from Alumni Street to Harmon Street and con- veying said alley to the owner of the abutting property X04-214-215 " 12-Ordinance No. 21-45. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of the alley first east of Concord Street run- ning Northerly from Coates Avenue to the Northerly line of Lot 6 0£ Concord Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and conveying said alley to the re- spective abutting owners 205-215-216 Nov. 5-Opinion of City Solicitor Kintzinger, with reference to the applications for Class "S" permit for private club of "American Veterans of World War II, Dvbuque Post No. 3" (commonly called the Amvets) and also of the Hiawatha Club __.._.. 235-236 " 5-Ordinance No. 225. An Ordinance repealing "Ordinance No. 11-43," relating to the issuance of Class "B" and "C" beer permits, providing for the regulation of classes of beer permits and requirements to obtain said beer pci•mits and by fixing the number of beer per- mits 240-245 " 19-Ordinance No. 23-45. An Ordinance fixing requirements for the subdivision of lots in the City of Dubuque and within one mile of the limits of the City of Dubuque, relating to streets, alleys, blocks, lots, building lines, parks playgrounds and school sites within such sub- divisions, relating to rules and regulations governing plats, filing and approval thereof and providing for a penalty for the violation of the provisions hereof X46-255-256-257-258-259 " 19-Ordinance No. 24-45. An Ordinance vacating [hat part of the alley between Bradley and Perry Streets from Randall Street Southerly to the Southerly boundary of Lot 5 of Block 7 of Grandview Park addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa .................. 246-259 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUB JEC'I Page O Dec. 10-Ordinance No. 25-45. An Ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- vided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning Ordin ance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change the area: "Beginning at [he intersection a4 the Easterly line of James Street and the Southerly line of Platt Street: [hence North 88 degrees, 10 minutes East along the Southerly ling of Platt Street and of Platt Street ex- tended to the Westerly boundary of Out Lot 732 on the original Corporation Line; thence South 22 degrees 30 minutes East along the Original Corporation Line to a ,point lOG feet Northerly of the Northerly line of Dodge Street; thence Westerly along a line 100 feet Northerly of and parallel to the Northerly line of Dodge Street to the Westerly boundary of Mineral Lot 66; thence North 12 degrees West along the Westerly boundary o£ Mineral Lot 66, 298 feet to the South- east corner of Mineral Lot 70; thence North 71 degrees 45 minutes West along the Southerly bound- aries of Mineral Lots 70 and 69, 819.72 feet to the Southwest corner of Mineral Lot 69; thence North 18 degrees East along the westerly boundary of Mineral Lot 69, 310 feet to the Northerly line of Mineral Lot 69; [hence North 88 degrees East along the Northerly boundary of Mineral Lo[s 69 and 70 and on this course extended to intersecC the Easterly line of James Street; thence Northerly along [he Easterly line of James St. to [be Southerly line of Plat[ Street and the point of beginning" from "Two Family Residence District" classification to "Multiple Residence District" classifi- cation .__.. 266-267-275-276 " 10-Ordinance No. 26-45. An Ordinance granting to C. M. St. P. and P. R. R. Co., its successors and assigns, the right to construct and maintain a spur track across Farley Street from Lot 50 in McCrauey's 2nd addition to the City of Dubuque, on the South side of Farley Street ro Lot 7 of Jaeger's Subdivision in the City of Dubuque to the North side o4 Farley Street, connecting with ite track on each side of said street, and providing the terms and conditions thereof X57-276-277-278 " 10-O'Rourke, Frank and Sarah Waldorf, granted Class "B" beer permit 270-271 Den 21-Ordinance No, 27-45. An Ordinance for the vacation of a part of relocated Commercial Street and a part of the alley in Block 17 of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co's. addition all in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and - for the conveyance of said vacated areas to Morrison Brothers Company in exchange for Lot 2 of 16, Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 17, Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 18 and Lot 1 of Lot 19 all in Block 17, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co's. addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and for the dedication of Lot 2 of River Front Subdivision No. I in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as a public street and as part of relocated Commercial S[. in the City of llubuque, Iowa .._....___._.._.... X72-282-283 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page P Jan. 2-Power of Attorney, Sanner and Hogan 3 " 2-Phillips, A. B., Mayor of Clear Lake, Iowa, enclosing letter and resolution relative to proposed plans to be submitted to the General Assembly of Iowa requesting a large appropriation for enlarging the present State institutions caring for insane and mental patients ._..._ 3 2-Porter C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of Resolution No. 98-44, a resolution and application for permanent transfer of the amount of $16,586.00 from the Emer- gency Fuad to [he Consolidated Fund 4 " 2-Porter C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of Resolution No. 99-44 a resolution and application for permanent transfer of the amount of $20,000.00 from the Water Works General Fund to the Consolidated Fund _..._....... 5 " 2-Piaski,- George F., excavation bond ..._ 6 25-Payrolls for month of December, 1944. ... 11 " 25-Pregleq Clarence G., granted Class "B" beer permit __.._ 11 Feb. 5-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that the present Multiple Residence District on Cardiff Street be extended beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of Out Lot 732 and the Southerly line of West Third S[ree[, thence Westerly on the southerly side of West Third Street to the Easterly line of James St.; thence Southerly on the easterly line of James Street to the center line of Platt Street; thence due east on the center line of Platt Street and on the prolongation of center line of Platt Street extended to the Easterly line of Out Lot 732; [hence Northerly on the Easterly line of Out Lot 732 to the point of beginning ... 14-23 Mar. 5-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending approval of the proposed ordinances covering plans for the vacation of various streets and alleys in the industrial site North of Commercial Street at [he river and the placing of such vacated areas under the exclusive con- trol of the Dock Commission .._. 26 " 5-Payrolls for month of January, 1945 29 " 20-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending a com- promise solution for extending the present Multiple Residence District on Cardiff Street beginning at the Northeasterly corner of Out Lot 732 on West Third Street; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of West Third Street to the Easterly line of James St.; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of James St. a distance of sixty (60) feet thence Easterly to the Easterly line of Out Lot 732 along a course sixty (60) fee[ Southerly of and parallel to the Southerly line of West Third Street; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Out Lot 732 [o the point of beginning 37-35-66 " 20-Payrolls for the month of February, 1945 39 " 27-Porter, C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of Resolution No. J8-45, a resolution and application for the perma- nent transfer o4 the amount o4 $359.83 from the Emer- gency Fund to the Consolidated Fund 59 April 2-Planning and Zoairtg Commission recommending that the petition of the Huff Lvmber Co. be denied 64 " 2-Pappas George L., granted cigarette permit ..___.._._._...___..__ 66 ~v, INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 Sli R JECT Page P " 23- Pfalzgraf Emil, submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lots 80, 81, 82, S3, 84 and 85 of Finley, Waples and Burton's addition ..._ -.-.- 74 " 23- Pals, Otto F., City Treasurer, Rond . __._ 75 " 23- Payrolls far the month of March, 1945 ..__.... May 7- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that the petition of John and Catherine Vondran asking re- zoning of their property at 908 Rhomberg Avenue, be denied ............_._. 81 " 7- Planning and Zoning Commission rewmmending [he peti- tion of Jas. F. Lee, et al., asking vacation of the North- erly end of Ellis Street from the Northerly line of Lot 51 Cox's addition extended, to the northeriy end of the street, also the vacation of the alley between Almond Street and Seminary Street from the Westerly line of Ellis Street to the Easterly line of Foye Street, be allowed 87 June 4- Perfection Oil Company and others requesting Council to correct the nuisance existing after every heavy rain- fall at the intersection of Rhomberg and Lincoln Avc. 94 " 4- Payrolls for month o£ April, 1945 95 " 29 Paquette, Dr. J. D., notice of claim _. _. 100-166 " 29- Police Pension Board, certificate o4 tax lery ..._.__.._.._.._..._ 102 " 29- Police Retirement Board, certificate of tax ]cry .......................... 102 " 29- Planning and Zoning Commission approval of the site for the proposed two company fire station at the South- westerly corner of Grandview Avenue and U.S. High- way No. 20 ._._._ - .__ _._.._...._.. 105 ' 29- Petrakis, Charles, granted cigarette permit 106 " 29 Peryon, Albert G., granted cigarette permit __...... 107 " 29 -Page Hotel Company, granted cigarette permit 107 " 29- Petrakis, Peter, granted cigarette permit ..._._....._. 107 " 29 -Potterveld, Wm. T. and F. G., granted cigarette permit ...._ 108 " 29 Paquette, Millard, granted cigarette permit .-_...._ 108 " 29 -Pochter, Charles, granted cigarette permit _.........._...._._ .............. 1 " 29- Pfalzgraf, Ernest, granted cigarette permit ...__.._ 108 " 29 -Pappas, George L., granted cigarette permit .. 108 " 29 -Pins, Arthur, granted cig~aret[e permit ................._....._._............_._..._ " 29 -Pochter, Charles and Ruth, granted Class "B" beer per- mit _.___ ....__.__._ 109-111 " 29 -Peed, Thomas R. and Kathryn, granted Class "B" beer permit ...................................................................._...._.. ............ 110-111 " 29 -Fins, Arthur Wm., granted Class "C" beer permit _ .............. 110-112 July 23 Playground and Swimming Pool, certificate of tax levy ...... 117 " 23 -Park Board, certificate of tax levy .. 117 " 23 -Pinski, George F., excavation bond ................. ........._...._ 132 " 23 -Payrolls for month of May, 1945 132 " 23 -Payrolls for month of June 1945 ...__ ................__......._._. 132 Aug. 6-Peterson, Gladys M. and Wallace D., requesting that the Mayor and Clerk be directed to execute a Quit Claim Deed to them conveying the Easterly 100 feet of the Southerly 7 feet of Lot 3 in ll. N. Cooley's Sub...._. 151-152 Sept. 4-Fayrolls for month of July, 1945 .._._....._._....._.... ................. 166 " 4-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting of the petition of Alma Kruse, et. al., for rezoning the property bounded by Queen Street, Regent Street, Windsor Avenue and East Twenty-fourth Street ._...._.. 166 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Pagc P " 10- Pusateri, Franks J., application for Class "C" beer permit ........................__._..... ................................._........_.......173-177-204-235-251 " 10- Fape, Harold, ct. al., requesting that the sanitary sewer be extended to serve their properties on Vernon Street 175-216 Oct. 1- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting [he petition of Frank Lange for vacation of alley run- ning East and West between Alumni and Harmon Sts. 182 " 1 Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting the petition of Mrs. R. F. Loetscher, et. al., for vaca- tion of part of alley first East of Concord Street run- ning Northerly from Coates Avenue .. ...................... 182 1- Payrolls for month of August, 1945 ..................__............._........._...... 184 1- Pregler, Clarence, granted cigarette permit ............................_.......... 197 " 1- Pusateri, Frank J., granted cigarette permit .... 191 " 12- Policies determined by the City Council for the orderly administration of the affairs of the municipality ............ 208 " 22- Payrolls for month of September, 1945 .................... 6 Nov. 5-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the grant ing of the petition of I,co. E. P.oethig, for vacation of portion oI alley between Bradley and Perry Streets from Randall Street Southerly to the Southerly bound- ary of Lot 5 of P,lock 7 of Grandview Park additioa._. 231 " 5- Planning and Zoning Commission, returning the petition of Highland Kealty Company without recommendation as said petition is not drawn up in acwrdance with the requirements of Chapter 321 of the Code o{ Iowa and due to [he fact [ktat Dubuque has no approved muni- cipal subdivision ordinance to implement State Laws, interested parties must look to the latter for guidancc...._ 231-232 " 5- Planning and 'Loring Commission, recommending the grant- ing of the petition of St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital for changing the Zoning Ordinance, to permit the construc- tion of a new hospital building and also that the ground and area upon which the existing hospital buildings are located, from Two Family Residence Classification to Multiple Residence Classification as shown on the atmched plat ..................._..........___.... .._ ..._..._... 232 " 19- Porter C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of Resolution No. 1165, a resolution and application for the per- manent transfer of the sum of $15,000.00 from the Waterworks General Fund to the Consolidated Fund _._. 243 " 19- Pins-, VaL J. and' Helen, granted cigarette permit ..........._........... 250 " 14 -PoquMte, Millard and Clifford G. Harker, granted cigar- ette permit ..........................__............................ 250 " 19 -Pins, Val J., and Helen, granted Class "C" beer permit ...... 251 Dec. 10-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending tentative approval of Subdivision Plat of Peter J. Seippel, et. al., known as "Rolling Green" _ ...................................................._.... 268 " 10-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that the Local Business District be extended to include the Southeast one-half of Lot 4 04 Hughes Sub. ....._...._..._ 269 " 21-Payrolls for month of October, 1945 ........._. ...._.._ 278 " 28-Petrakis, Charles, requesting refund on cigarette permit ...... 284 s -_~ r ,~ INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Q June 29-Quinlan, Robert J., and Evelyn, granted cigarette permit ._.. " 29-Quinlan, Robert J. and Evelyn, granted Class "B" beer permit .... Page loa 110-111 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page R Jan. 2-Robinson, Henry A., application for a six month extension on option wvering the purchasing of real estate from City of Dubuque .._.. 4-9-10 " 2-Receipts for month of November, 1944 proof of publication 4 " 25-Receipts for month of December, 1944, proof of publication 9 Mar. 5-Robinson, Leonard, stating that he would tike to submit a proposal for leasing [he Dubuque Municipal Airport on 16th Street Extension ._.._. 23 " 5-Receipts for month of January, 1945, proof of publication 25 " 20-Receipts for month of February, 1945, proof of publication 37 April 23-Rhomberg A. A., City Manager, bond 74 " 23-Rendezvous Club, application for Class "B" beer permit for private club 80 May 7-Receipts for month of March, 1945, proof of publication ._ 83 " 7-Reis Frank and Kathryn, granted Class "B" beer permit .._ 90.91 " 7-Rod and Gvn Club of Dubuque, Iowa, granted Class "B" beer permit for private club _.__ 91 June 4-Receipts for month of April, 1945, proof of publication _._. 94 " 4-Reinker, Herman H. and Nellie, granted Class "B" beer permit _..__. 98 " 29-Robinson, Henry A., asking for a twelve month extension of his option contract on real estate 101 " 29-Receipts for month of May, 1945, proof of publication _._ 102 " 29-Reinker, Herrrtan and Nellie, granted cigarette permit ._._ 107 " 29-Rod and Gvn Club, granted cigarette permit 107 " 29-Roshek Brothers Company, granted cigarette permit ..._..._ 108 " 29-Ragatz, George, Jr., granted cigarette permit _ 109 " 29-Ruegnitz, B. A., granted cigarette permit 109 " 29-Reis, Frank, granted cigarette permit ...~_ 109 " 29-Rawson, Harry A. and Grace, granted Class "B" beer permit 110-111 " 29-Roshek Brothers Company, granted Class "C" beer permit 110.112 " 29-Rendezvous Lodge, application granted for Class "B" beer permit for private club 113 " 29-Rendezvous Lodge, granted cigarette permit ..__._ 113 July 23-Rafoth, Russell L. and Eleanor J., requesting the exten- lion of the present multiple family zone along Broad- way Westerly [o include Lots 20, 21 and 22 of King's Grove addition 130 Aug. 6-Ryan, John J., submitting offer to the Board of Super- visors for the purchase of Lot lA o4 E. Ryaa's Sub. and Lo[ 2 of 20 of Broadview addition 150 " 6-Robinson, Henry A., applying for a permit to erect a Marine Terminal also for permission for the laying of two 8 inch pipe lines along Railroad Avenue to the Mississippi River and also asking that if permit is grained that it be specified as to the manner in which tanks are to be dyked and also as to the requirements for fire protection equipment 150 I 1 1 ,p ~r T= a I r INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page R " 6-Receipts for month of June, 1945, proof of publication ._._ 151 " 6-Rettenmaier, John J. and Marie, granted Class "B" beer permit ..._._...__......_..... .......................................... 157 Sept. 4-Receipts for month of July, 1945, proof of publication _.._ 165 " 4- Radio Cab Company, Taxi-Cab bond ..... .. 1G$ OcC. 1- Rose, G. D., relative to the type of pavement which will be used in the construction of runways at the Airport ... 177 " 1- Rettenmaier, John J, granted cigarette permit .. ._.. 191 " 8- Receipts for month of August, 1945, proof of publication 201 " 12- Rcethig Leo E, requesting vacation of the portion of the alley between Bradley and Perry Streets from Randall Street Southerly [o the Southerly boundary of Lot 5 of Block 7 of Grandview Park addition X04-217-231-246 " 22- Revschel, A. G., et. al., asking Council to add a street light at 1900 Hale Street _...._..__......._......... .._....._ 213 Nov. 5- Receipts for month of September, 1945 proof of publication 231 Dec. 3 -Rolling Green Subdivision Plat, petition of Peter J. Seippel asking Council approval of same .. X54- 268-279 " ~ 3- Receipts for month of October, 1945, proof of publication 255 " 21- River Front Subdivision No. 1, subdivided into Lots 1 and 2 thereof in accordance with plat attached ,.._ 272 " 21 Receipts for montb of November, 1945, proof of publi- cation ...............................................__.._.......... ._._._.___. 278 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page Jan. 2-Stampfer, J. F. Company, requesting permission to con- nect the sprinkler alarm service of the building located on the Southwest corner of 7th and Iowa Streets with the ISth Street Fire Station ...._._._.._..... 2 " 2 -fanner and Hogan, Power of Attorney 3 Feb. 5 -Skaife, S. G, Administrator of the Estate of Jennie Skaife, Deceased, notice of claim . 13-96 Man 20 -Schceberl, John, submitting offer to the Board of Super- visors for the purchase of Lot 177 Woodlawn Park ._... 35-78 " 20 -Smith, Paul F., re-appointed as a member of Planning and Zoning Commission for the term of expiring May 24, 1949 ._._ ._ 52 " 20 ~chiltz, J. H, re-appointed as a member of Board of Zon- ing Adjustment for [he term expiring March 5, 1950 ..._ 52 " 27- Special Election of April 2, 1945, Franchise Ordinance of The Key City Gas Company, proof of publication of the official notice of said Special Election ...__.._. ................. 59-69 April 2- Stampfer P,vilding Company, requesting a permit for a heating tunnel under the pavement in the alley in the rear of their store building and also requesting per- mission to attzch the metal stack of their proposed boiler roam to the fire station building at 9th and Iowa Streets ......._. ..... 64-88-89 2 -Skaife, S. G., Administrator of the Estate of Jennie Skaife, - Deceased, Original notice of Suit ................ 65-75-96 " 2- Schnee, Mrs. Sophia E., requesting a refund' on her Class "B" beer permit _.._ ................... 65 " 3- Special election of April 2, 1945, The Key City Gas Com- pany Franchise, canvass of votes ._. 69 " 23 -Shea, J. J., City Clerk, bond _._.___..__..._... ..__.... 74 May 7 ~t. Joseph's Sanitarium, fire protection agreement _._....__... 88 " 7- St. Francis Home for [he Aged, fire protection agreement 88 " 7- Sisters of St. Francis Convent, fire protection agreement ...... 88 " 7- St Mary's Orphan Home, fire protection agreement ............ 88 June 29 -Smtscri, J., submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lots 25, 26, 27 and 28 of Rosedale add. 101 " 29- Sadler Leo and Dorothy, granted cigarette permit ............... 106 " 29- Sand, Mike and Marie, granted cigarette pe:-mit .....__ ................... 107 " 29- Savary, William and Viola, granted cigarette permit .._....... 107 " 29 -Siege, Joseph J., Jr. and Ferdinand W. Kennickcr, granted cigarette Permit ..............................._.......__ ............_ 107 " 29- Stampfer, J. F. Company, granted cigarette permit .............__. 107 " 29- Sullivan, Thos. Y., grained cigarette permit ...... ._.... 107 " 29- Sand, Frank and Elsie, granted cigarette permit _.__ ..................... 107 " 29- Stemm, John, granted cigarette permit _..._ ..............................._. 107 " 29- Starvros, George, granted cigarette permit .........__.._..._..._. ......_.._ 107 " 29- Schneider, Joseph C, granted cigarette permit 105 " 29 ~Solomon, Jack, granted cigarette Permit .._.._ .........................._.......... 109 " 29 ~teffen, Nicholas, granted cigarette permit ..........._ .................___.._ 108 " 29- Schmitt, Archie and Irene, granted cigarette permit .................. 108 " 29- Scherer, George J., granted cigarette permit .._. ..._ 108 " 29- Schac[zle, John, granted cigarette permit ................_._. ......._....._._.... 108 " 29- Saud Frank and' Elsie, granted Class "B" beer permit ...... 110-I11 " 29 ~and, Mike and Marie, granted CIa_ss "B" beer permit ............ 110-I11 " 29- Savary, William and Viola, granted Class "B" beer per- mit ...._..._..... _.. 110-111 " 29- Sadler, I,eo. M. and Dorothy, granted Class "B" beer per- mit _.... ...................._._._...._.. ... I10-111 I 1 1 1 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page " 29- Stemm, John J. andAlber[a, granted Class "B" beer per- mit ._.._....__ .... .._. 110-111 " 29- Steffen, Nicholas and Beatrice, granted Class °B" beer per- mit ........... .................. 110-111 " 29- Schmitt, Archie and Irene, granted Class "B" beer per- mit _..__......._......_.. ...................._.._.... ...... 110-111 " 29- Scherer, George J. and Emma, granted Class "B" beer per- mit ..... ............................................................................ 110-111 " 29- Spicintan, Harvey L., granted Class "B" beer permit .__._ 110-111 July 23- Steckleiq Arthur, submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lots 2 and 3 of C. A. Voelker's addition ....._..._... ........................................._. ~ 130 " 23- Smith, J. P. Shoe Company, submitting offer to Board ot Supervisors for the purchase of Lot 2 of Liebes Sub. No. 2 ._.._._ .............._.. 130-150 " 23 ~hiloh Circle No. 37 Grand Army of the Republic, request- ing permission for the holding of a tag day on September 8th, 1945 _.... ......................_.__...................._...._ 131 " 23- Streinz, Lester J., appointed as a member of Board of Adjustment of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the term expiring March 5th, 1948 ........................._......... 134 Aug. 6 -Schwartz, Vincent B., granted Class "C" beer permit .._...__. 157 " 6- Sieg-Dubuque Company and others, requesting that the Board of Health investigate their complaint that the Barvids Dubuque Hide and Fur Company is a public nuisance in its present location at 495 While Street...... 159-171 Sept 4- Sinclair, Harvey, notice of claim .......................................................... 162-234 " 4- Superintendent of Parks, report for the fiscal year 1944- 1945 ......._....._............. ............... 16~ " 4- Stecklein, Arthur, submitting offer to Board of Supervisors {or the purchase of Lots 2 and 3 of G A. Voelker's addition ......_...._...._.. .................. ............._..............._....._._ ..........._... 168 " 10- Selle, Lesteq submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of the South 23 feet of the West 1W feet of Lot 9 and the North 30 feet of the West 100 feet of Lot 1G of Jaeger's Sub . ........................................................... 175 Oct. I- Sheridan Street from the South property line of Edith Street to the Center Line of Groveland Street, grade ................ ...._.._..........................._._._.._........._... 185-186196-197 " 1- Schwartz, Vincent B, granted cigarette permit .............................. 191 " ]2- Schwietering and Wallis Insurance, relative to placing of fire alarm boxes in order for the Dubuque Packing Company plant to be properly protected _.._204-232-233 Nov. 5- SPeclrt, Frank L., submitting an offer in the amount of $200.00 for the purchase of apiece of property on Southern Avenue adjoining Lot 13 of Randall's Svb. N o. 2 ........................ ..__..__......._.._._..... 228-261 " 5- St. Joseph Mercy Hospital; asking that the Zoning Ordin- ance be changed so as to permit [he consruction of the new hospital building, and also that the ground and area upon which the existing hospital buildings are located be included iu such change _.....229-232-248-249-266-275-276 " S~ Stampfer Building Company, requesting a permit to erect a concrete loading dock at the rear of their building ..... __._ ............................................._..._..........__.........__......._.......229-260-269-270 Dec. 3- Seippel, Peter J., requesting Council approval of the Sub division Plat known as Rolling Green _.. X5 4-268-279 " 21- Snyder, Charles and Elsie, granted cigarette permit _.._............ 280 " 21- Snyder, Charles T. and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer permit ................. ._._._.. 281 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page T Jan. 25-The Kcy City Gas Company, gas franchise _.._._8-12-17-18-19-20-32- _.__.._.._..._. __.59-69-73-83-84-85-86-87 " 25-1'he llubuque County Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, requesting permission for the holding of a tag day _... ..._.._.._ 9 Feb. 5-Thompson, Councilman, entered [he Counci] Chamber and took his seat at 7:35 P.M. _ ................. .._...__.._. 13 " 5-Tharp, Wm C., requesting refunds on his beer and cigaz- ette permits ...._.._. ............._.. 13 Mar. 5- The Key City Gas Company, excavation bond .............._.._....._._ 29 " 5- Trimpler, W. F. and Jean, granted Class "B" beer permit 32 April 2- Thompson, Councilman, elected Mayor for the ensuing year ................................................._...._..__.............. ....__._.._._..... 63 " 2- The Telegraph-Herald, appointed official newspaper ............... 63 ' 23- Tschirgi Edward M., Accountant Water Dept., bond .._.. 75 May 7 -Tobin, Madeline and Fay, granted Class "B" beer permit 91-98 " 7- Thompson & Hogan (F. W. Thompson), granted Class "C" beer permit ..................._ 91 June 4- Tegcler Edw. B., submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lot lA of Krayer's Sub. 93-97 " 4- The Key City Gas Company, submitting annual report covering financial operations for the year 1944 ....._.__.... 94 " 4 -Theel, Oscar H. and Irene, granted Class "B" beer per- mit _. ................................_...._..._...._..__. ................._.............. 98 " 4- The Travelers Club, granted Class °B" beer permit for private club _........_............_.. ............. ..._ 98 " 29 Trades attd Labor Congress, requesting permission to use the City Lots on Fourth Street Extension ...................... 101 " 29 -The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted two cigar- ette Permits .......................................................... ........_...._........ 107 29 Trapp, Arthur J., granted cigarette permit ..._......._._ ..............._.._ 107 " 29 -Triangle Cafq granted cigarette Permit .._._... ..._..._ 108 " 29 -Torrey, Henry, granted cigarette permit .. 108 " 29 -The Uubuque Club, granted cigarette permit ._.....__... ................_.. 108 " 29 Theel, Oscar H., granted cigarette permit ........._ ................_.........._..... 108 " 29 -Trimpler, W. F., granted cigarette permit ..._ 109 July 23 -The Rex Club, granted Class `B" beer permit for private club ...._ ............................... ....................... 133 Aug. 6 -Tax levies for the year 1945, the taxes to be collected in the year 1946 ...................................................................................................... 136 " 6 -Theisen, llr. Roy L, addressed $~e Board of Health meet- ing and discussed the subject of Infantile Paralysis ...._ 159 Sept. T rades and Labor and habor Congress, coplimenting the City Council for appointing Mr. J. Grogan as habor repre- sentative on the Parking Survey and Meter Committee 164 " 4 -The Oasis Club, granted Class °B" beer permit for private club ............................__......_...._.._._.._ 167-168 " 4 -Tcncnbom Super-Market Ina, granted Class "C" beer permit .._. .... .. 167-168 i II' INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page T Oct. 1-Trades and Iabor Congress, thanking Council for their co-operation in helping [o make the Annual Labor Day Parade a success ._.. .. .... 178 " 1- The Oasis Club, granted cigarette permit .... 191 " 1- The Dubuque Club, granted Class "B" beer permit for private club ..............._..___.._......................_............_..... -.. 192 Nov. 5 The Murphy Companies, requesting a building and electri- cal permit for the erection of one twenty-four sheet poster panel on the North wall of the building knower as 1397 Central Avenue ................... X29-246-247 " 19 Thompson, E. M., et. al., requesting that [he present local business district be extended to inchtde the Southeast one-half of Lo[ 4 of Hughes Subdivision ............................24 4-269-280 " 19- The Victory Club, granted Class "B" beer permit for private club .......................... ._. 250-251 Dec. 3- Trimpler, W. P. and Jean, requesting refunds on both their cigarette permit and Class "B" beer permit ....._._.. 254 " 3- The Dubuque Women's Club, requesting enforcement of the Ordinance which requires garbage to be placed in metallic taus with covers' and also to urge the resi- dents of Dubuque to use care in placing rubbish in front of their homes for collection 254 " 3- Tindell Harold E., application for Class "B" beer per- mit _..._ ......................._...._. ...._.. 261 " 3- The Page Hotel, granted Class "B" beer permit .........._..__._.. 264-265 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT U Mar. 5-Ulm, John, submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lot 129 Glendale addition " 5United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary, requesting per mission for the holding of a tag day on April 2S, 1945 _..._......... ..._.._. .. June 4-Uppinghouse, A. R. and Philomena, granted Class °B" beer permit ....................._._.._._...... ................."'._...i...... „ 29-Uppinghouse, A. R., granted cigarette Permit ....................._...._.__ " 29-United Cigar-Whelan Stores Corporation, granted cigarette permit _........ .........__._._.. " 29-Union League Club, granted cigarette permit ._.. Oct. I-United States Employment Service, designating the week of October 7th to 13th as "National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week;' endorsement of same by the City Council ._.._..... " 1-Union League Club, granted Class 'B" beer permit for private club ..........._....__..........._ .............._........._ ._. i Page 24-31 z5 98 107 107 108 191 192 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT V Jan. 25-Veacq Sidney H., Sranted cigarette permit _..__..._.._ ................. Mar. 5-Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission for the holding of their Annual "Buddy POPPY Sale" ....._..._..._ " 27-Vondran, John and Catherine, granted Class "B" beer Per- mit .......... April 23-Vondran, John and Catheran, requesting the re-zoning of of their property at 908 Rhomberg Avenue ............_.._...._..... May 7-Vrotsos. George T. and Spiros D. Coven, granted Class "B" beer permit .................................:....................................................._.._._.. " 7-Van llvelman Carl, granted Class "C" beer permit .__.._._._.. June 29-Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, Board of Dock Commissioners submitting for Council approval a new plat of the property involved in negotiations with the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation ...__......_.._............._.... " 29-Vorwald Elmer F, and Harold F. Esser requesting that a sidewalk be built on the South side o4 Edina Street from Alta Vista Street westerly to connect with the existing sidewalks on Edina S[rect ............... .._._.. " 29Veterans of Foreign Wars Club, granted cigarette permit...... " 29-Van der Meuleq Wm. and Sophie McMann, granted cigarette permit ........................... ._....._............... ....... ............ " 29Veaco, Sidney H., granted cigarette permit " 29-Victory Club, granted cigarette permit ........_..._.... " 29Vrotsos, George T. and Spiros D. Coven, granted cigar- ette permit _........_._....._._..._ .............._........ " 29-Van der Meulen, Wm. and Sophie McMatm, granted Class ~~B„ beer permit .._. ..............._............................. ...._........_. " 29-Vogelsberg, Albert J~, granted CLass "P," beer permit _......_.. " 29Veterans of Foreign Wars, Inc, grained Class "B" beer permit for private club ...................................._.........._........_..._................. July 2-Volunteers of America, requesting permission for the hold- ing of a tag day on July 14, 1945 .......................................................... Sept 4-Van Duelma^, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem of the Council meeting ......................................_........................_.__..._..._ " 10-Vondran, John, reyucsting~ a refund on his Class "B" beer permit ............................................................................ ............._...._..... Oct. 8-Van Driel, Isabel, requesting the City Council to accept the sum of $50.00 in full settlement of the special as- sessments levied against Lots, 37, 38, 39 and 40 of Babccxk's Sub . .......................................................................................................... Oct. 8-Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, right-of-way for construction of spur tracks over and across property to be acquired from Morrison Brothers Company ._....._.. Nov. 19-Varsity Theatre, by Paul J. Weitz Owner, requesting cancellation of the bond covering the canopy in front of the Varsity Theatre as he has disposed of said Theatre Dec. ]0-Varsity Theatre, liability Policy covering theatre marquee...... " 21-Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, allowed to dis- charge harmless and unobjectionable water borne wastes into the storm water sewer now located upon and across River Front Subdivision No. 1 until such time as other sewer facilities are available, providing no deposits are made in the storm water sewer which will not freely move and wash out with [he normal flow of the sewer also granted the right to construct and maintain over and across the relocated Commercial Street and adjoining streets and alleys Bach railroad tracks as may be deemed necessary or desirable subject to the terms and conditions of the statutes of Iowa ...... INDEX-BOOK 75 Page 1945 SUBJECT Page 11 25 61 74-81 90-91 91 101 102 107 107 109 109 109 110-111 IlU-111 110-112 115 162 172 195-218 202-203 244 2Cx4 W Jan. 25-Wedewer, Mrs. Agatha, notice of claim .........................._..._............ " 25-Wharton, Councilman, entered Council Chamber and took his seat ................................. ....._...................._................._.._.. Mar. 20-Weimer, John H., application for appointment as a mem- ber of the Board of Review ......................._......... " 20-Wright, Roy A. and Esther, granted Class "B" beer per- mit ..._.........._............. ........................_................ " 20-Wolfe, Rev. J. M, re-appointed as a member of Planning attd Zoning Commission for the term expiring May 24, 1949 .................................................................................... ......_...... " 20-Wolfq Rev. J. M., re-appointed as a member of the Board of Zoning Adjustment for the term expiring March 5, 1949 _....___........... April 2-Walsh, Joseph and Helen, granted Class "B" beer permit...... " 2-Wieser, Mrs. Adele B., granted Class "B" beer permit ...... " 23-Waller, R. ll., tendering resignation as a member of the Board of Adjustment .............._............ _....__..__............... May 7Warren, Dell and Ralph, granted Class "B" beer permit..... Jnne 29-Warner, Edward H., purchase of LoY 2 of Peil's Sub- division .._._.. " 29-Westercamp, Ceorge, granted cigarette permit _...._ ..............._....... " 29-Wagner, Wm, granted cigarette permit ..................._.... " 29-Wright Roy A., granted cigarette permit ..........._.. " 29-Weiner, Joseph J. and Evelyq granted cigarette permit ._... " 29Weber, Mrs. Tillie, granted cigarette permit _._._.._....._. " 29-Walgreen Company, granted cigarette permit .....................__. " 29-Wieser, Mrs. Adelle, granted cigarette permit ...._._ .......................... " 29-Warren, Dell and Ralph, granted cigarette permit _.__......_.. '.' 29-Winkler, Mrs. Beatrice, granted cigarette permit ..................... " 29Wodrich, William E. and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit _........._._....... ................................._................._..._........... " 29Wright, Louis A. and Raymond P., granted Class "B" beer permit ......__..._...__ ............................_ ........... " 29-Westercamp, George, granted Class "B" beer permit ............ " 29Weber, Mrs. 'Tillie, granted Class "B" beer permit .........._..... " 29Walker, James and Marie, granted Class "B" beer permit.. " 29-Wathier, Mick F. and Marie A., granted Class "B" per- mit ...._. __. ........................... " 29-Wa[]is, Wm. Carl, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 8-28 8 34 31 52 52 G7 67 72 90-91 106 107 107 107 107 107 108 108 109 109 109-111 109-111 110-111 110-111 110-111 I10-111 110-I11 Aug. 6-Willits, Dr. H. W., appointed as representative of the pro- fessional men on the Citizens Advisory Parking Com- mittee ................_...._............................_................_...._..................................................._ ~ 156 " 6-Weiner, Joseph J. and Evelyn, granted Class "B" beer per- mit ..__ .................... ................. _...................................._._ 157 Sept. 4-Workman, Mrs. Elinor, notice of claim .............................................. 162-188 " 4-Wunder, Altred, notice of claim ..................................... .....163-172-177 273-274 w f l i~ ii ~~ INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Page W Oct. 1-Wathier, Nick F. and Marie A, requesting a refund on their Class "B" beer permit ................ 178 " 1-Wodrich, Wm. E., granted cigarette permit .. 191 " 1-Wingert, Joseph L. and Josephine I,., granted Class "B" beer permit 192 " 22-Wingert, Joseph L. and' Josephine L., granted cigarette permit _.. ......... 219 Nov. 5-Waterworks General Fund, the sum of $15,000.00 trans- ferred from said Waternorks General Fund to the Consolidated Fund 240.243 Dec. 3-Wallig, Wm. Carl, granted cigarette permit .. 264 " 10-Wharton, Councilman, appointed as a member of [he Board of Directors of the Dubuque Community Chest .........._ 267 " 10-Weitz, Pavl J., release of his Liability policy covering theater marquee at Varsity Thca[er ..................... 266 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SUBJECT Y May 7-Y. M.C.A. Softball League, requesting the use of the muni- cipal Bal] Park for night softball under the lights during the coming 1945 season ..................................................._............ Page 81 INDEX-BOOK 75 1945 SliBJECT _ Fagc Mar. 20-Lumhof Insurance Agency, reGUesting cancellation of the Class "B" Bper Bond of John and Lois Obermcier ...... 35 = 4 ............... 108 June 29-Zillig, George J., grauted cigarette Permit ......_. .............._. " 29-Zelens, Bert, granted cigarette permit ............................__..................._..... 9 " 29-Zillig, George J., granted Class `B" beer permit ......_ ............. 110.112 July 23Zuker, ~V. B., appointed as a member of Board of Library Trustees for tcnn of six years expiring July 1st, 1951._ 133 Sept 4-Zogg, Mrs. Mimmie, asking the City Council to consider the payment o4 $30.00 per lot as settlement of the special assessment Irvied against Lots 7 and 8 of Jansen's Sub. No. 3 located on Roosevelt Street .._ .............165-173-174 " 47.ahina Agnes, application for Class "C" beer perrrdt ................................................._.............................................................__ 169-173-177-?04-238-251