1966 Index Council Proceedings OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA For The Year 1966 CITY OFFICERS FOR TH E YEAR 1966 COUNCILMEN W ALTER A. PREGLER, Mayor RICHARD LUDWIG ELDON A. PFOHL M. SYLVESTER McCAULEY MERLIN F. SCHULTZ II .LEO F. FROMMELT N. RUSSO City Clerk Ciry Solicitor MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGES EDWARD D. FAILOR FRANK D. GILLOON, JR. Municipal Court Clerk. . .uuJOSEPH A. STIEBER Municipal Court Bailiff ....ELMER D. JOHANNINGMEIER CITY MANAGER GILBERT D. CHA VENELLE City Planner CLYDE COOK 7-22-66 Building Commissioner DONALD BANDY Plumbing Inspector RICHARD J. FEYEN Electrical Inspector LUVERN J. NORTON Health Director KENNETH K. HAZLET, M.D. Milk Sanitarian A. J. ROTH Sanitary Officer LAVERNE GOERDT Director of Recreation RICHARD J. SLATTERY Housing Inspector ARTHUR J. MILLER I Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the First Monday of each month at 7 :30 o'clock P.M. , City Treasurer A. G. HEITZMAN City Auditor A. L. HOLSCHER City Engineer JOHN WHITE City Assessor HARRY J. HANOVER Chief of Fire Department ROBERT N. DUNPHY Chief of Police PERCY LUCAS Sup't of Water Works J. J. HAIL Street Department CLETUS ALLEN Food and Restaurant Inspector MILDRED KENNEDY Urban Renewal Director GENT M. WITTENBERG ~ I Page - 2 71, 102 13 14 14, 49 30 40 41, 260 57 66, 461 70 73 89 90 91 106 122 132 185, 481 242, 432 243, 479 175 176 180 182 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT A 3--American Trust & Savings Bank, appointed deposi- tory of public funds. .............u....................u.u........u.. 3--American Trust & Savings Bank, requesting rezon- ing of Lot 2 of the sub of 1 of 1 of Rudolph Farm See 27, TwP. 89 N. R. 2 E Lot 2 of the sub of Lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Hawkeye Stock Farm in Section 27 and 28 from Single Family Residence District Classification to Local Bus- iness District A classification. ....................11. 45, 3--Apel Arthur, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 136. ......uu...uuu.........u.................................. 3-Alpha Avenue, schedule of assessments for improve- ment with concrete curb and gutter. .................... 3---American Trust & Savings Bank and William & Elizabeth Landon, objecting to the assessment for the improvement of Fremont Avenue with curb and gutter. .......................................................... 3---Abbott Lena, ordered to dismantle building and clean up premises at 1225 Isbom Street. ........ 31-Annual Report of the County.City of Dubuque Authority. ...................................................................... 31-Audit of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1965 and ending Decem- ber 31, 1965, by O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks. .......................................................................... 31-A~1 Plumbing, Cooling & Heating Co., requesting permission to excavate in West Locust Street. .... 31-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .......................................................................... 9-Annual Reports of the Police and Fire Retirement Boards and the City Auditor for the year ending December 31, 1965. .................................................... 9-American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to hold poppr days. ........................................................ IS-Airport CommIssion, submitting preliminary drawings and estimates of the Airport Terminal Building. lS-Annual Report of the Playground & Recreation Commission for 1965. ................................................ IS-Airport Commission, submitting Annual Report for 1965. ................................................................................ 7-Apel Merlin, requesting traffic signal lights at Dodge and Bryant Streets. .................................................... 7-Althaus Herbert E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 29-Alley between Asbury and Finley Streets in the 1600 block, petitions for and against the surfac- ing of same. ................................................................ IS-Asbury Street, University Avenue to the S.P.L. of Lot 5 of Schueler's Sub. on the West side only, im- provement with Concrete Curb and Gutter. ........ ...................................................................... 161, 163, IS-Alley between Central Avenue & White Street, imp provement with Bituminous Concrete Paving from 12th to 13th Streets. ................................166, 188, IS-Airport Access Road, improvement with Hot Mix- Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from U.S. High. way No. 61. ................................................167, 194, 2-American Legion, submitting name of Joseph A. Carew to fill the vacancy on the County-City of Dubuque Authority. ....................... ,... ......................... 2-Altman John R., sidewalk bond. .................................... 2-Anderson-Weber Inc., requesting permission to install floodlight poles on Harrison and Camp Streets. 2-Ansel Fred, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ...... . 1966 Jan. " " " " " " " " " Feb. " " " " Mar. " " April " " May " " " .. ,1 I INDEX - BOOK 96 1966 SUBJECT Page - A " 7-Amvets Club, Post No.3, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................................................................ 461 " 7-AtIantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Class "e" Beer Permit. .......................................................................... 461 Dec. 9-Alba Cruso A., granted Class Ole" Beer Permit. ............ 505 " 28---Attorney General of State of Iowa, submitting a check in the amount of $6,730.16 as payment in settle. men! of suit with the producers of rock salt......... 509 " 2B-Alcoholism Consultant, to be paid by the City of Dubuque. .... 510 , 11/ Page - 189 213 234 245 245 246 246 246 249 249 255 255 256, 352 256 256 257 260 358, 360 296, 353 304 309 317 352 281 400 412 431 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT A 23-Ames F. A. et. al., objecting to the surfacing of I...angworthy Avenue. ..................................... ............... 23-Airport, Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the United States Federal Aviation Agency amending the Grant Agreement accepted by the City on June 29, 1964. ............................................ ZG-American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Dubuque City Employees Local Umon No. 228, submitting results of pay adjustment for the year 1966. .............................................................. 20---Ansel Fred, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 20-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permits. ......................................................... ................. 20-Arvanitis George K., granted Cigarette permit. .......... 2O-Apel Merlin, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 20--Althaus Herhert E., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 20---Aristo Foods of Iowa, Inc., granted Class "e" Liquor Permit. . ......... ....... ......................................................... 20---American Legion, Dubuque Post No.6, granted Class "C" I.j~or Permit. .................................................... 27-Amvets Clu , granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 27-Alba Cruso, granted Cigarette Permit. .......................... 27-American Legion, Dubuque Post No.6, granted Cigar. ette Permit. .................... ............................................ 27-Arthover Donald F., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 27-American Legion, Dubuque Post No.6, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........................................................ 27-Amvets Post No.3, granted Class "A" Uquor Permit. 5--Audit of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1965 and ending December 31, 1965 by O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks. .. ............. ............................................................. 1-Airport Commission, requesting the Council to approve the issuance of General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $175,000.00 for extension of existing runways, construct additional lighting facilities and erect and construct drainage facili. ties. ..............................................................295, 339, 1-Airport Commission, proposed plans and specifica- tions for the extension, lighting and drainage of Runway 13/13 and Taxiway; and the securing of additional clear zone easements at the Dubu. que Municipal Airport. .............................................. 1-Agricultural and Horticultural applications for tax exemption on parcels of land of ten acres or more. .............................................................................. 1-American Legion Dubuque Post No.6, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........................................................ 15-Assignment of Mulgrew Blacktop, Inc. to American Trust and Savings Bank, all funds and securities from City of Dubuque 1966 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project No.1............ B-ANNEXATION of Lot 1 of 1 of Harwood Place in Dubuque Township, Dubuque County, Iowa. ........ 26-Alta Vista Street, installation of street lights recom. mended. . .... ............ ..... ....... ..... .... .... ....... ............... ..... ..... 3-Apel Merlin, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ...... 17_Agreement between the nlinois Central Railroad Company and City of Dubuque to construct and maintain a temporary levee on Railroad property. 7-Asbury Road Sanitary Sewer, acceptance of sanitary sewer installed in Asbury Road running from E.P.L. of John F. Kennedy Road west a distance of 220 feet. ...... 1966 " June " " " " " " " " " July Aug. " " Sept. Oct. " Nov. ~ I Page - 182 182 202 203 221 223 230 239 245 245 245 245 248 246 246 247 247 247, 395 247 247 248 249 249 249 255 255 256 256 256 257 261 267 267 267 268 305, 307 276 282 283 305, 307 294 294 358, 360 299 302 315 326 327 351 352 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT B 2-Burgmaier John B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 2-Bisping Herbert, granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ 23-Butler John E., power of attorney. ............................... 23-Beadle Loras, liability bond. ............................................ 6-Brown Publishers, requesting annexation of Lot 1 of 1 of Harwood Place in Dubuque Township, on U. S. 20 east of Brunskill Road. ................................ S-Blosch Carl, sidewalk bond. ............................................ 6-Bowen Robert J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 20-Breithaupt Eleanor et. aI., requesting widening of Bluff Street from 9th to 16th Streets. .................... 20---Brant Carl N., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 20-Bowen Robert D.. granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Burgmaier John B., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20---Beecher Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permits. .... 20---Bogas Irene, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 20---Brammers Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 20---Becker Robert L., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20---Bahl Mary, granted Cigarette Permit. ............................ 20-Bell Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 20-Bertsch Roger, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 20---Brayton Ronald, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Birkett Maryel M., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Becker Robert L., granted Class "e" Beer Permit. .... 20-Brant Carl N., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ........ 20-Burke Josephine, granted Class "c" Liquor Permit..... 20-Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks No. 267, granted Class "c" Liquor Permit. ........................ 27-Bertsch Leonard P., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 27-Burke Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Bush Harriet, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 27-Bridge Marion, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Bradley Clyde, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Bush Harriet, granted Class "e" Liquor Permit. ........ 5-Bloom Anna A., denial of -claim. ................................ 5-Bournias Louis T., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 5-Bisping Herbert F., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 5-Bahl Mary, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ................ 5-Birkett Maryel Mildred, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .......................................................................... IS-Budget recommendation for the year 1967, submitted by City Manager. ............................272, 285, 286, IS-Brillhart William R., Notice of Claim. ........................ 18--Brayton Alan D., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 18-Burgmaier John B., granted Class "e" Liquor Permit. 16-BUDGET ESTIMATE for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and ending December 31, 1967. ...................................................................... 286, 303, I-Berger Robert and Phillip Dittman, sidewalk bond..... I-Baumgartner and Pusateri, sidewalk bond. ................ I-Bonds in the amount of $175,000.00 for Municipal Airport Improvements. ................295, 297, 339. I-Beidler Robert, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 8--Board of Health, Special Session. .................................... 15-Biehl Ida et. aI., requesting rezoning of west side of Central Avenue from 24th Street to Diagonal. 22--Board of Health, Special Session. ................................ 22--Ba11 John Jay, objecting to the run-down condition of property at Delhi and Grace, owned by Mobil Oil Co., as well as property owned by HartIg Drug Co. 6-Bies Nellie, requesting installation of water in Bies Subdivision. .......... .... ..... ...... ................................ ......... 6-Braconier Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting a re- fund on plumbing and heating permits. ...... 1966 - " " " " June " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " July " " " " " " " " " ~~g. " " " " " " Sept. . Page 49 26 35 35 38 38 39 41 86 221 72 90 91 97 101 107 108 221 208 140 140 143 144 150 152 156 156 434 495 176 176 178 233 182 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT B 3-Birch Margaret, objecting to the assessment for the improvement of Fremont Avenue with concrete curb and gutter. ........................................................ 3-Becker William L. Sr. and Bertha, approval of dis- posal of real estate by the City of Dubuque according to terms and provisions of Resolution No. 272.65. .................................................................... 3-Brayton Ronald, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 3-Bell Joseph E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ............ 31-Baker Van cine, relative to overall conditions in the city. ................................................................................ 31-Baker Elmer Mrs., concerning better representation from business, real estate and labor on the Human Relations Commission. ................................ 31-Bechen Ethel M., objecting to the using of Jackson Park for a boys club. .................................................... 31-Black & .White, Ye\1ow & Checker Cab Co., liability polICIes. ......................... ................................................. 3I-Budget Amended to transfer Funds from Rafferty Park Property Fund to the Recreation General Fund; transfer of Funds from Street Fund to Street Road Use Tax Fund. ................................49, 50, 31-Brown Company, William C., requesting annexation 7lh acres on Highway No. 20 and Brunskill Road. ..........................................................................57, 91, 9-Brestrup Robert, requesting permission to excavate at 235 King Street. ...................................................... IS-Brown W~l1i~m, appointed to the Human Relations CommIssIon. ........................... .... ................................... 16-Board of Adjustment, Annual Report for 1965. ............ 7-Bradley Street, installation of a street light recom. mended. . ..... .... ....... ..... ....... ......................................... .... 7-Brown Robert Mrs., Notice of claim. ............................ 7-Brown Hubert W., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 130. ................................................ 7-Brown Hubert W., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 289. ............................................................ 29---Bideaux Carl Arthur, power of attorney. .................... 124, 29-Becker, Bess and Carl F., requesting vacation and conveyance of portion of Wall Street. .................... ............................................................ 124, 125, 158, 207, 29-Birkett Maryel M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 29-Brant Carl N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ............ 4--Board of Health, Regular Session. ................................ 4--Breitbach Thomas, appointed to the Recreation Com- mission. ..' ....................................................................... 4--Burke Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 4--Board of Health, Special Session. .................................... IS-Bush John, sidewalk bond. ................................................ 18--Bauer Curtis, sidewalk bond. ............................................ 18--Booth Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Paving from the S.P.L. of Dodge Street to the N.P.L. of South Grandview Ave. 166, 188, 242, 432, IS-Bluff Street, improvement with Concrete Paving with integral curb from the N.P.L. of 9th Street to the S.P.L. of 16th Street. ............170, 197, 244, 493, 2--Becker Albert & Sons. sidewalk bond. ............................ 2--Byrne John, sidewalk bond. ............................................ 2-Burke Lorraine B., Notice of Claim. ............................ 2-Bartels, Edw. Roy, requesting rezoning of Lot 1 and Lot 3 in Sara S. & Edward R. Bartels Place at Center Grove in M. L. 243, Section 27. ................ 179, 2--Bush Harriet, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ...... 13, 1966 - Jan. " " " " " " " " " Feb. " " Mar. " " " " " " " ~pril " " " " " " ~,ay " J Page - 1 1 1 2 3 7 7 7 7 285 404 7 13, 14 32, 152 75, 279 37, 38 38 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 41, 474 42 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT C 3-City Council, Regular Session. ........................................ 3--Chavenelle Gilbert D., appointed City Manager. ........ 3-City Manager, advising the Council of his appoint- ment of officers and employees under his control. 3-City Manager, submitting a resolution showing the detailed distribution of expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year. .................................................... 3--City Manager, submitting an ordinance allocating and making appropriations of tax levies and other sources of revenue for the expenditures of City Government for the fiscal year. ............................ 3-City Auditor, Treasurer, Health Department and Water Department, reports for the month of No- vember as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of Novem- ber, 1965. ...................................................................... 3--Claims for the month of November 1965, proof of publication. ....... ...... ..... ................... ........ ....................... 3-Chavenelle Gilbert D., bond. ............................................ 3--Correll Charles T., sidewalk bond. ................................ 3-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of entrance examination for positions on the Police Department. ................................ 7, 99, 176, 234, 3-Council proceedings for the month of September 1965. approved as printed. ........................................ 3-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1965 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER PROJECT NO.1, schedule of assess. ments. ............................................................................ 3-Clark Hazel, ordered to dismantle building and clean up premises at 1749 Catherine Street. ................ 3-Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer, preliminary plans, specifications for the construction of an eight inch (8") sanitary sewer from the Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer northerly thru Lot 3 to 7 inclusive of Moore Heights Subdivision. ............................ 33, 3-Car Wash on Asbury Street, problems of steam and icy streets resulting from the operation during winter months. ... ........... .... ......... ...... ............ ............... 31-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 31-Catholic Mothers Study Club, urging a pay raise for Policemen. ........................................................... ......... 31-City Employees Local No. 228, relative to wage increases. .. ...................................................................... 31-County-City Authority, Annual Report of the year 1965. . ............ ..... ................................ .............................. 31-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights at Prescott and Roosevelt Streets and corner of Sumner and Lincoln Streets. .................... 31-City Manager, requesting permission to attend an Institute on Computers to be held in Chicago..... 31-City Auditor, Treasurer, Water Works, reports for the month of December as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of December, 1965. ............................................................ 31-Claims for the month of December 1965, proof of publication. ..... ..... ..... ...... ............. ............................ ...... 31-Curtis Straub Company, liability policy. ........................ 31-City Manager, requesting permission to execute a con- tract with the Bureau of Census for a special Federal Census for the City of Dubuque. .......... 31-City Manager, requesting that the Council write to Congressman Culver urging that Flood Control construction funds be included in the 1967 Con- gressional appropriations. ..... r 1966 ~ Jan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT . 363 372 374 467 398 402 407 410 415 469 489 459 460 461 476 478 487 514 505 507 514 426, 427, 458, 459, 491, B 12-Board of Health, reports for the months of June and July 1966. ...................................................................... 12-Bowen Robert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 19_Buechel Louis, liability bond. ........................................ 26-Bonds in The Amount of $1,000.000.00 to pay the City's share for the construction of a Flood Con- trol Plan. ..............................381, 382, 383, 395, 466, 3_Branch Registrars To Be Appointed For The General Election. ............. .... ...... ........ ......................................... 3-Board of Health, Special Session. ................................ 17-Buscher Richard R., requesting a dancing permit for a teenage club. ............................................................ 17-Becker, Harold J., Walter P., William L. and Roger Vernon, agreeing to the terms and conditions of Resolution No. 272-65 as originally accepted by William L. and Bertha, father and mother and recently deceased. ........................................................ 7-Board of Health, Regular Session. ................................ 7_Breitbach Donald R., representing downtown bus- inessmen, expressing desire to participate in the renewal and development program. ........................ 7-Beecher David et. aI., requesting removal of two hour parking limit on Central Avenue north of 22nd Street. ....... ...... .... ...... ............ ...... ..................... .............. 7_Budget Report of Municipal Streets and Parking in the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year 1967......... 7_Becker Subdivision, approval of plat. ........................ 7_Beecher John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 28-Besler Herbert H., settlement of claim. ........................ 28-Blocker John J., requesting rezoning of his property in the Professional Office Classification of the Multiple Residence Zone. ........................................ 9-Busch George, Notice of Claim. .................................... 9_Budget amended as originally approved by Resolution No. 176.65 and Ordinance No. 1.66 and 3-66. ........ 9-Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks No. 297, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ................................ 28-Board of Health, Special Session. ................................ 28-Buelow Michael J., Notice of Claim. 1966 Oct. Nov. " Dec. " " " " ~ t Page - 97 97 98, 156 98 99 473, 514 117 144, 417 120 124 125 125 125 125 126 128 128, 145 129 132, 145 144 144 145 145 149 150 INDEX - BOOK 96 7-Claims for the month of January, 1966, proof of publication. ......................... ........................................... 7-City Manager, recommending installation of street light on Bradley Street. ............................................ 7-City Manager, recommending that the Parking Ramp should be opened on Thursday evenings and that the cashiers be used rather than the automatic system. .......... .................................................................. 7-City Manager, submitting annual report of Water Department as conducted by O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks. ................................................ 7 -Civil Service Commission, submitting report of exam- ination for position as Garage Mechanic. ............ 7-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of en- trance examination for positions on the Fire De- partment. .................... 99, 176, 234, 270, 295, 7-City of Dubuque Street Finance Report for The Year 1965. .............................................................................. 7-City of Dubuque and Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company, application for the installation of Automatic Crossing Protection on Ninth Street. ........................................................ 119, 7-Community Renewal Program, conformance to the general plan of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ........ 29-City Council, Special Session. .....................................". 29-City Solicitor, submitting opinion concerning the vacation and conveyance of a portion of Wall Street. ............................................................................ 29-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water works, reports for month of February 1966, and a list of claims for which warrants were issued. .................................... 29---Claims for the month of February 1966, proof of publication. .................................................................... 29-City Manager, recommending that parking be restric- ted on the south side of 32nd Street from Lemon Street to Central Avenue. ........................................ 29-City Manager, submitting letters covering wage in- creases for the 1966 Fire Department, Police Department and Water Department. .................... 29-City Manager, recommending that parking be restric- ted on Saunders Street and on the east side of Lemon Street, 50 feet south of 32nd Street. ........ 29--City Manager, recommending approval of installation of a canopy on 9th & Main Streets. ........................ 29-City Solicitor, advisin~ the Council of the tennination of Agreement WIth the Department of Urban Development, relieving the obligation to repay $120,000 received for planning funds for the City Hall-Court House-Jail facilities in 1947. ..........."... 29-Cody C. F. et. a1., requesting permission to install a canopy over their place of business in the 900 block on Main Street. ...... SUBJECT c 4-City CouncIl, Regular Session. ........................................ 4-City Manager, submitting a report on lack of visibility at the intersection of Ninth and White Streets. 4-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Madera Street. ............................................ 4-Cortez Court, vacation of all public utilities and ease- ments within Lots 30 to 46 of Block 2 of Mary. crest Subdivision NO.2. .................................. 4---Cue Arlene E., granted Cigarette Permit. ..........' 4-Cue Arlene E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. , 1966 - " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " April " " " " " 31-City Council, urging Congressman Culver to have Congress include funds for construction in their appropriations for 1967 Flood Control Project..... 31-City Solicitor, submitting a proposed form of Ordin- ance changing the zoning of the McNamara pro- perty, and recommending that the conditions set forth by the Planning & Zoning commission be considered separately. .......... ...................................... 31-Cox Realty, petition to rezone Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of M. L. 342 from Single Family to Multiple Family Residence classification denied. 45, 31-Cortez Court and all public utility easements vacated and deeded to the plattor for the purpose of re- platting said subdivision as recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission. ............................ 46, 31-Conzett Dale Mrs., Notice of Claim. ............................ 31-Chevalier Lela Kathryn, Notice of Claim. .................... 48, 7-City Council, Regular Session. ........................................ 9-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session. ................ 9-City Manager, recommending the installation of street light on Judson Drive. ................................ 9-City Manager, recommending that the Water Depart- ment reissue a bill to Eldon Herrig in the amount of $105.95. .................................................................... 9-Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer, construction of a sani- tary sewer from the Catfish Creek Sanitary northerly through Lot 3 to Lot 7 inclusive of Moore Heights. ...................................................... 75, 9-City of Dubuque, Agreement with the lllinois Central Railroad Company, grant of easement across real estate owned by the lllinois Central Railroad Company. ....... ...... .............." ......................................... 18-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 18-City Solicitor, submitting a proposed taxi cab ordin- ance. ................................................................................ 18-City Manager, submitting a letter from the Chairman of the Airport Commission with the prelim- inary drawings and estimates of the Airport Terminal Building. ...... ... ..................... ........................ 18-City Manager, requesting that the City Clerk be authorized to sign papers and vouchers in his absence. ......... ......... ........ ................................................ IS-City Manager, submitting Annual report of the Air- port Commission for the year 1965. .................... IS-City Manager, submitting Annual report of the Board of Adjustment and of the Zoning Ordinance for year 1965. ...................................................................... 18--Council proceedings for the months of October and November, 1965, approved as printed. .................... 18-City of Dubuque, purchase of Lot 2 of Sub. of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Congressional Lot 8, and Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Out Lot 507, except westerly 100 feet from the Interstate Power Company, with easements reserved for facilities located thereon. ..... ..... .... ............ ........................... ..................... 7-City Council, Regular Session. ........................................ 7-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad, rela- tive to a service track for Area "C" of Industrial Park. .. ......... ...... ............. .... .................... ................... ..... 7-City Auditor, Treasurer and Health Department and Water Works, reports for the month of January 1966, and a list of claims for which warrants were issued. ."" . Page 42 44 46 145 47 100 69 70 70 70 279 79 82 87 89 403 91 91 91 77, 91, INDEX - BOOK 96 c SUBJECT 92 97 97 97 1966 - " " " " " " Feb. " " " " " " " " " " " " " Mar. " i J!!II!I[J:,i!i.~~:1: I Page - 203 203 204 211 213 215 215 219 223 223 227 282 233 233 233 234 239 245 245 246 248 246 246 248 246, 395 247 247 248 248 248 248 249 251 256 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT 23-City Manager, recommending that the Recreation Commission be authorized to expend mODey from Rafferty Fund for the development of a tot.lot near Caledonia Place. ................................................ 23-City Manager, requesting authority to employ an ad- ditional Housing Inspector. .................................... 23-City Manager, sUbmitting report on the petition of John Petrakis relative to an agreement between the City and Dubuque Baseball, Inc. ........................ 23-Chamber of Commerce, requesting permission to hold a parade and sponsor carnival rides in downtown streets. .............................................. ....................... ....... 23-City of Dubuque, Agreement with the United States for the purpose of amending the Grant Agree- ment between the Federal Aviation Agency and the City accepted on June 29, 1964. ........................ 23-Crane Leonard H., Class "B" Beer Permit No. 82 revoked. ........................................................................ 23-City of Dubuque, purchase of Lot 1 of 8 of City Lot 703 from Elizabeth J. Ploog for purposes of widening West Ninth Street. .................................... 6--City Council, Regular Session. ........................................ 6---City Auditor, Treasurer, and Water Works, reports for the months of March and April as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of April 1966. ........................................ 6--Claims for the month of April 1966, proof of publica. tion. ................................................................................ 6---Central States Foods Inc., requesting removal of a portion of a loading dock that was constructed to the rear of their property. ................"...................... 20-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 20-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Works, reports for the month of May 1966 as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of May 1966. ................................................................ 20-Claims for the month of May 1966, proof of publica- tion. ................................................................................ 20-Clemens Smith Construction, Inc., liability policy. .... 2O-City Manager, submitting pay adjustment schedule for 1966, covering Park, Street and Garage employees. .................................................................... 2O--Carnegie Stout Public Library, requesting that park. ing be retained on both sides of Bluff Street......... 20-Corbett Earl G., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Cremer R. J., granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 20-Cahill Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20-Canfield Hotel Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 2O-Casey Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Cosley Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20-Cavanaugh John, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 2O-Crane Leonard H., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20-Cue Arlene, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 20-Cushing Charles R., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20-Canfield Hotel Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 20-Cosley Harold A., granted Class UB" Beer Permit. .... 20-Casey Harold A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .... 20-Canfield Hotel Inc., granted Class "B" Liquor Permit. 27-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 27-City Health Department, report for the month of May, 1966. .............................................................. 27-Creslanes Bowling Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. , c 1966 ~ " " " " " " " June " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " INDEX - BOOK 96 . Page 152 154 155 481 456 479 228 494 175 175 175 175 175 175 176 176 176 178 179, 202 181 182 182 183 185 189 202 202 156 SUBJECT c 4---Clark Hazel, ordered to vacate premises at erine Street. ............................................ IS-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 18-Council proceedings for the month of December, 1965, approved as printed. ........................................ 18-City Manager, submitting a work agreement with the firm of Henningson, Durham and Richardson for services for sewage and solid waste disposal. ........ 16--CITY OF DUBUQUE 1966 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER PROJECT NO.1........................................ .......................... 161, 163, 185, 187, 241, 457, 480, 16--CITY OF DUBUQUE 1966 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT NO.1 ............................166, 188, 221, 228, 242, 385, 432, 434, 442, 450, 454, 16--C1TY OF DUBUQUE 1966 HOT MIX.HOT LAID AS. PHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT NO.1. ............................................................ 166, 194, 229, 243, IS-Central Avenue, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the S.P.L. of 20th Street to the N.P.L. of 4th Street ................167, 194, 16--CITY OF DUBUQUE 1966 CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB PROJECT NO. 1. ........ 169, 197, 229, 244, 493, 2-City Council, Regular Session. ........................................ 2-Carew Joseph A., name submitted to fill the vacancy on the County.City Building Authority. ................ 2-Council proceedings for the month of January 1966, approved as printed. ................................................ 2-City Manager, submitting a contract with Henningson, Durham and Richardson Inc., for a study report of the Dubuque Water system. ................................ 2-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Works, reports for the month of March 1966 as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued. ................ 2-Claims for the month of March 1966, proof of publica- tion. ................................................................................ 2-City Manager, recommending installation of street light at Hawthorne and Lincoln Ave. .................... 2-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of en- trance examination for positions on the Police Department. .................................................................. 2-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of en- trance examination for positions on the Fire Department. .................................................................. 2-City Solicitor, relative to the extension of business use zoning on certain property on University Ave- nue to accomodate a Drive-in. ................................ 2-Carter Road, request for instalaltion of street lights. 2-Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, Agreement with the City of Dubuque for running a pipeline across or along Booth's Addition from Third Street to Fischer property. ........................................ 2-Cushing Charles R.. granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 2-Chalder Carl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ........ 2-Cushing Charles R., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 23-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 23-Campbell Susan A., objecting to proposed surfacing of Langworthy Avenue. ............................................ 23-City Manager. recommending installation of street lights on Kennedy Road. ............................................ 23-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Carter Road. .m........................................ 1966 ~ " " " " " " " " " May " " " " " " " " . . " " " " " " " 1749 Cath. ~ .~ Page - 303 303 303 303 304 305 308 311 311 312 313 313 313 313 314 329, 377 317, 344 367, 398 327 327, 417 339 343 344 344 8-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ I-City Manager, advising Council of annual conference League of Iowa Municipalities. ..........:..................... I-City Manager, requesting permission to attend City Manager's Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. ........ l-City Manager, submitting a report concerning the im- provement of Farragut Street. ................................ l-City Manager, submitting a list of parcels of land within the City, of ten acres or more being used for Agricultural or Horticultural purposes. .......... I-Chamber of Commerce, Tax Study Sub-Committee, submitting report of their review of the City of Dubuque 1967 budget. ................................................ I-Campbell Susan A. et. aI., requesting the rezoning of property on Langworthy Avenue between Hill and Alpine from Two Family to Multiple Family District Classification. ................................................ II-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ ll-COUNTY-CITY of DUBUQUE AUTHORITY, Special Election to issue and sell its revenue bonds in the principal amount of $9,500,000 for the purposes of acquiring a site and constructing a building to be leased to the City of Dubuque and the County of Dubuque. ............. ...................... .......................... ..... ll-Curtis Straub Co., requesting permission to excavate in alley between Main and Locust, between 7th and 8th Streets. ............................................................ IS-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ IS-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights in Knob Hill Subdivision. ............................ 15--City Manager, recommending denial of petition of Herman Krause for the opening of an alley behind 2355.2337 Roosevelt Street. ........................ I5-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Works, reports for the month of July as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of July, 1966. .................................................................... 15-Claims for the month of July 1966, proof of publica- tion. ................................................................................ I5-City Manager, recommending vacation of a portion of Decatur Street. ..............................................314, 15-Carris Construction Co., requesting street lights on Marywood Drive, CrisSY Drive and Rosewood Drive. .............................................................................. 15-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1966 SIDEWALK PROJECT NO. 1, construction of sidewalks on Asbury, Avalon Road, Bunker Hill Road, Carter Road, Kane Street, Kaufmann Avenue, Mineral Street, Penn- sylvania Avenue, S1. George Street, St. Joseph Street, Theda Drive, Trygg Drive, Martin Drive and Van Buren Street. ............................ 323, 366, 22-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 22-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, agreement to place fill material on a portion of the railroad's right of way to serve the Sewage Disposal Plant. .............................................. 23-City Council, Special Session. ...................................... 5-City Council, Regular Session. ........................................ 6-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session. ................ 6-Council proceedings for the months of March, April and May, 1966, approved as printed. . 96 INDEX - BOOK SUBJECT c , 1966 - " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Sept " " . Page 259 260 260 260 264 265 268 270 270 271 285 272 273 274 277 277 509 285 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT C 4-City Council, Regular Session. .................................... 5-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session. .................... 5-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on South Locust Street. .................................. 5-City Manager, submitting report of Health Depart- ment for montbs of Aprii and May, 1966 ............ 251, 5-City of Dubuque declaring its intent to dispose of certain land bounded by Locust Street on the West, Sixth Street on the North, fowa Street on the East and Fifth Street on the South, to the National Investment Company, subject to certain conditions. .................................................................... 5-City of Dubuque, approval of plans for the improve~ ment of extension of Primary Road No. U. S. No. 20 within the City as proposed by the fowa State Highway Commission. .................................... 264, 5-Creslanes Bowling, Inc., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .......................................................................... IS-City Council, Special session. ........................................ l8-Council proceedings for the month of February 1966, approved as printed. ........................................ IS-City Manager, submitting report of audit of City of Dubuque by O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt & Brooks, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1965 and ending December 31, 1965. ........................................ 260, 18-City Manager, submitting Budget recommendation for the year 1967. ........................................................ 272, 18-City Manager, recommending that the buiiding at 827 White Street. owned by Ida Mundt be dismantled and the premises be cleaned up. ........................ l8-City Manager, recommending that the building at 64 Gandolfo Street, owned by James and Anita Kritz be dismantled and the premises cleaned up. ........ IS-City Manager, recommending that the building at 350 Edith Street, owned by Hilda Shireman be dis- mantled and the premises cleaned up. .................... lS-Carnegie-Stout Public Library Board, requesting funds to finance additions to the Public Library, and advising the Council that options to acquire additional land expire August 31, 1966. ................ 89, IS-Clark Louis Thomas, cancellation of sidewalk bond. l8-City of Dubuque, directing and empowering the Attorney General to make, sign and execute an Agreement Settlement with the Rock Salt Pro- ducers in connection with an Anti-Trust suit. .... 278, 25-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 25-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of en- trance examination for positions on the Police Department. ..... 285 293 293 293 293 294 300 I-City Council, Regular Session. ........................................ l-City of Dubuque, contract with the Iowa State High- way Commission for Primary Road Extension Maintenance for period between July 1, 1966 to June 30, 1967. .............................................................. I-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Works, reports for the month of June as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of June 1966. .................................................................... I_Claims for the month of June 1966, proof of publica- tion. ................................................................................ l-Correll Mac, sidewalk bond. ............................................ 1_Creslanes Bowling, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit. ..... 1966 - July " " " .. " " " " " " " " " " " " " Aug. " " " " " .. Page 404 404 405 405 406 418 411 464 417 417 418 418 418 464 500 419 420 420 421 422 486 475 457 459 464 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT c 17-County-City of Dubuque Authority, expression of thanks to the Council and all Department heads for cooperation with the Authority. ........................ 17-Commissioner of Registration, submitting a report of new registrations and changes of address ob. tained from the branch registration places. ........ 17-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of exam- ination for position on the Police Department as Police Matrons. ...................................................... 17-Council proceedings for the month of June 1966, approved as printed. ................................................ 17-City Solicitor, concerning insurance coverage by the Chamber of Commerce to hold an Industrial Fair. ................................................................................ 17-Cox Street, installation of street light requested. ...... 407, 17-Culver, Congressman John C., thanks and apprecia- tion by the City Council for his aid in securing funds for erection of flood control device. ........ 17-CountY-City of Dubuque Authority, requested to call a joint meeting with the City Council and Board of Supervisors. .................................................... 414, 417, 7-City Council, Regular Session. ........................................ 7-City Auditor, Treasurer, Water Works and Health Department, reports and a list of claims for the month of September, 1966. ........................................ 7-Claims for the month of September, 1966, proof of publication. ... .................................. ..................... .......... 7-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Sunnyview Drive. ........................................ 7-County-City of DUhuque Authority, submitting copy of minutes for the period of June 3, 1964 to October 21, 1966. ........................................................ 7-City Manager, recommending the granting of petition to allow a helicopter to land on the deck of the Municipal Parking Ramp. ........................................ 418, 7-City Manager, recommending that the City sell a five foot strip of property north of the No. 6 Fire Station to Mrs. Eldon V ogt, to enable her to sell the property described as Lots 256 and 257 Ham's Addition. ................................................ 419, 464, 7-City Manager, recommending the issuance of a dancing permit to Paul Moes. ................................ 7-City Manager, recommending the issuance of a dancing permit to Dick Buscher and Stephen Shepherd. . ......... ............................................................ 7-Curtis Straub Co., liability policy. ................................ 7-Council proceedings for the months of July and August, 1966, approved as printed. ........................ 7-City Engineer, concerning certification of cost for connection at John F. Kennedy Road and Daykin Court by Everett Hauber. ........................................ 7-Churchill Drive, request for installation of street lights. .............................................................................. 426, 7-Chilton Wilbur J. et. aI., objecting to assessment for improvement of West 5th Street. .................... 433, 7-Chrysler Motors Corporation, approval of plat of subdivision of Lot 1 of 1 of the correction plat of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 246. .................................... 7-City of DUbuque Official Budget Report for Muni- cipal Streets and Parking for the fiscal year 1967. 458, 14-City Council, SpeCial Session. ...... 1966 " Nov. " " " . INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT c 6-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Marywood Drive, Crissy Drive and Rose- wood Drive. ....... .... .............. .... ............................ .... ..... 6-City Manager, recommending denial of petition of John D. Eckel requesting removal of a stop sign at Orchard Drive and Shiras Avenue. .................... 6-City Manager.. recommending that parking be restric- ted on tne north side of Mt. Loretta Avenue from Valley Street to Bryant Street. ........................ 6-City Manager, recommending that the water service in the Park Hill district not be connected to the high pressure system. ........................................ 6-Ciyt Manager, recommending the signing of a con- tract with Paul D. Speer & Associates. ................ 6-City Manager, submitting a status report on several traffic problems, 1st Street, relocation of railroad tracks on Jackson Street, four way stop signs at Grandview and University and Grandview and Loras Boulevard, University Ave. and Nevada and Devon Drive and Highway 20 intersection. ............ 6-Chamber of Commerce, requesting permission to close off 7th Street from Locust to Bluff Streets for the purpose of conducting an Industrial Fair. 6-City of Dubuque, Agreement with Mulgrew Oil Com- pany for the construction of a 12 inch water main in Asbury Road. ................................................ 6-Cavanaugh John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 6-Cavanaugh John, granted Class "Cn Liquor Permit. 8--City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 12-City Council, Adjourned Special Session. .................... 12-City of Dubuque 1966 Kelly Lane Water Main Project No. L .................................................................... 287, 19-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 19-Conrad Vincent, sidewalk bond. .................................... 26-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 26--City Auditor, Treasurer, Water Works and Health Department, reports for the month of August 1966, as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued. ...... ............................... .......... ................. 26-Claims for the month of August 1966, proof of publication. ... ........................................................... ...... 26--City Manager, recommending installation of street lights at Alta Vista and Howard Streets. ............ 26-Corwin Helen, objecting to the installation of side- walks abutting her property. ............................ 366, 3--City Council, Regular Session. ........................................ 3-City Manager, advising the Council of the City Com- mission Dinner on November 3, 1966. ......."........... 3-City Manager, recommending installation of mercury street lights on the Ninth Street Extension. ........ 3-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights at an alley entrance on Avoca Street be- tween Grandview Avenue and Green Street. ........ 3-Clarke College, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 17-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 17-City Manager, requesting that the City Clerk be authorized to sign papers and documents during his absence. .. ... ......................... ......... ............. .............. 17-City Manager, submitting report of the Building Department concerning the condition of property at 2419 Central Avenue. ............................................ 17-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on East 16th Street. ...... Page - 344 344 345 345 345 345 351, 406 353 355 356 358 360 330, 370 374 374 381 381 381 381 382, 398 389 389 390 390 399 403 403 403 404 1966 - " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Oct. " " " " " " " " ~ .1 Page 510 510 510 512 513 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT c 28-City Manager, recommending the vacation of Lime Street. ......................,........................................,............ 28-City Manager, requesting authority to expend $2300.00 to pay the salary of the Alcoholism Consultant. .................................................................... 28---City Manager, recommending that the present speed limit on Highway No. 20 be maintained. ................ 28--City Solicitor, submitting report concerning letter of R. J. Taylor requesting the reopening of Decatur Street. ............................................................ 28-City of Dubuque vs. Otto & Ellen Donath, Equity StipUlation and Agreement. --~ 1966 " " " . Page 465 467 489 473 473 474 474 474 474 475 476 483 484 485 485 436 486 487 490 491 508 509 509 509 510 473, 484, INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT c 14-Chamber of Commerce, requesting permission to erect Christmas decorations, and requesting the blocking off of 8th & Main Streets on the evening of Novemher 21, 1966. .............................................. 14---City Manager, requesting authority to sign an agree~ ment to engage the services of two appraisers for the Flood Control Project. ................................ 14---City of Dubuque, declaring its intent to dispose of certain land located in the Urban Renewal Pro- ject on the southeasterly corner of Ninth and Main Streets to Arenz Shoe Company, Ed Graham Style Store for Men, Klauer Optical Company, Meyer-Pauly Home Furnishings Inc., and J. F. Stampfer Company. .................................................... 28--City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 28-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad, advising City that they do not own Lot 1 of 4 of City Lot 509A and Lot 2 of City Lot 506 which is being assessed for improvement of Ninth Street with concrete paving. ................................................ 28-City Manager, sUbmitting communication from Fed- eral Bureau of Census certifying that the popula- tion of Dubuque is 62,853. ........................................ 28-City Manager, advising Council of awarding contract to Steger Construction Company to construct earthen dikes at the Sewage Treatment Plant..... 28-City Auditor, Treasurer, Water Works and Health Department, reports and a list of claims for the month of October, 1966. ..............m........................... 28-Claims for the month of Octoher, 1966, proof of publication. ............. .................... ................................. 28-City Engineer, submitting report on the surfacing of Booth Street in answer to complaints from taxpayers being assessed for the improvement..... 28-Coffee John P., claim denied. ........................................ 5-City Council, Regular Session. ........................................ 9-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session. .................... 9-City of Dubuque, Agreement with Peoples Natural Gas for the installation of a gas service line to the Dubuque County Nursing Home. .................... 9-City Manager, submitting report concerning the traffic conditions at school crossings and recom- mending acceptance of the report. ........................ 9-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Churchill Drive. ........................................ 9-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Tomahawk Drive. .................................... 9-Colson Del, Notice of Claim. ............................................ 9-Close David T., objecting to proposed parking in and around the University of Dubuque. .................... 9-City Manager, submitting a report of the 1966 budget fund balances and reporting on projects that have not been completed in 1966. ............................ 28-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 28-City Manager, submitting pay ranges covering Water Department employees. ............................................ 28-City Manager, advising the Council of receipt of a check in amount of $6,730.16 as settlement pay- ment of the Rock Salt Suit. ........................................ 28-City Treasurer, Water Works and Health Depart- ment, reports for the month of November 1966. 28-Claims for the month of November 1966, proof of publication. .... ..... 1966 - " " " " " " " " " " " Dec. " " " " " " " " " " " " " Page 96 INDEX - BOOK SUBJECT 1966 Page INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT 3-1Jubuque Bank & Trust Company, appointed de. pository of public funds. ............................................ 3--Dubuque TV.FM Cable Co., requesting permission to e~c.ayate in Indian Hills and Sunset Ridge Sub. dIVIsIons. ............. ........................ ................................... 3-Disabled American Veterans Corporation, granted Class "e" Liquor Permit. ........................................ 31-Dubuque Safety Council, relative to an adequate police department. .................................................... 31-Dubuque County Medical Society, urging adequate wages for the Police Department. ............................ 31-Dubuque City Employees Local No. 228, requesting that they be included with the Policemen and Firemen in wage discussions. .................................... 31-Dubuque Federation of Labor, objecting to the using of parking meters on Monday and Friday nights. 31-Deluxe Motel Inc., objecting to the amount of a pro- posed assessment for connection to the City water line. ................................................................................ 31-Dodge Street-Locust Street Overhead Sign supports to be constructed at the intersection of Dodge and Locust Streets. ................................................ 63, 115, 9_Dubuque Tank Terminal, requesting paving of Water Street between First Street and Jones Street. ........ 9-Dubuque Packing Company, conveyance by the City to the Dubuque Packing Company, the 20 foot wide alley lying first east of Maple Street from Sixteenth to Eeighteen Street; a portion of Seven- teenth Street lying east of the east property line of Maple Street and lying between Lot 310 and Lot 311 of "East Dubuque No.2"; that portion of Eighteenth Street lying east of property line of Eighteenth Street and lying between Lot 305 and Lot 306 of "East Dubuque No.2" Addition..... 18-Dubuque Theatre Corporation, relative to the rezon- ing of the McNamara property. ............................ 7-DCDAC, submitting a recommended table of organ- ization for the purpose of establishing a per- manent Commission. .. ........ .... ......... ............................. 7-Daughters of Union Veterans Mary Agard Tent No. 35, requesting permission to have a tag day......... 7-Dubuque Awning Company, requesting permisison to construct a canopy on the east side of Main Street between 9th & 10th Streets. ............................ 107, 7-Deutsch Florance, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 29-Daykin Road, petition of Hauber Realty requesting that the name of Daykin Road be changed to Daykin Court. .................................................... 133, 29-Dock Board Commission, declaring that Area "C" Dubuque Industrial Park be used solely for Municipal land fill dumping area, and be reserved for recreational purposes. ........................................ ~Dubuque Community School District, endorsing the 1966 Sidewalk Program. ............................................ 4_Daugherty Delbert, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ~Dubuque Baseball, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit. .................................................................................. 4-Daughterty Delbert, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 1S-Denlinger, Virgil J. & Norma M., power of attorney. IS-Dubuque Baseball, Inc., relative to waiving $2900 yearly maintenance item and putting it back into the baseball park. ...... 155 513 182 394 236 . 216 217 220 189 189 159, 235, 227 263 267 267 268 283 300 182 D IS-Dock Board Commission, relative to installing fire pumps on the Dock barge. ........................................ IS-Donath Otto R. & Ellen E., dismissal of suit. ............ 2-Du buque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........................................................ 2-Dubuque Sports Bowl, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 23-Dean Anna B. et. aI., objecting to proposed paving of West Fifth Street. .................................................... 2S-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, objecting to proposed surfacing of Randall Place. ........................................ 23-Dubuque Boys Club, petition for the vacation of West Thirteenth Street between Bluff and Locust Streets approved. ................................................ 209, 23-Dubuque Golf and Country Club, granted Class HB" Beer Permit. .. ............... .... .................................... ...... 23-Dubuque Golf and Country Club, granted Class "A' Liquor Permit. ..... 219 219 238 238 245 245 246 248 247 247 247 247 248 254 255 256 308 219, 256, May " " " 6-Dubuque Federation of Labor and Dubuque Building and Construction Trades, submitting resolutions relative to maintaining established and prevailing wage rates. ................................... ................................. 6-Dubuque Community School District, withdrawal of its contribution to the Recreation program for the year 1967 and thereafter. ........................................ 6-Dubuque County Metropolitan Area Planning Com- mission, Articles of Agreement amended to allow elected officials to serve on the Commission. ........ 6-Dubuque Insulation and Siding Co., requesting per- mission to install a flexalum portiko at 1464 Central Avenue. .......................................................... 20---Dubuque Community School District, requesting per- mission to use fire aerial pieces during the course of their home football games. ................................ 20-Dubuque Insulation and Siding Co., requesting per- mission to install a marquee at 2022 Central Ave. 20-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Cigarette Permit. .......................................................................... 20-Dubuque Packing Retail Store, granted Cigarette Permit. .......................................................................... 20-Deutsch Florance, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Cigar- ette Permit. .................................................................. 20-D. A. V. Club, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 20---Davis Wesley Jr., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20-Dunne William F., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20-Donath Patricia Ann, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 20-Donath Patricia A., granted Class "E" Beer Permit. 20---Dubuque Sports Bowl, requesting permission to have an aerial fireworks display. .................................... 27-Driscoll Willard J., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 27-Donovan M. L., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Daugherty Delbert, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 5-Duffy Bonnie et. aI., requesting sewer and water connections for property outside of the City limits. ............................................................................ 5-Dunbar Lennie, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 5-Diener Lorraine, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 5-Dub,~q~e ~etal Trad~ Council Club, granted Class A Liquor PermIt. ...................................... IS-Driscoll Willard J., granted Class HB" Beer I-Donath Patricia A., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. Permit. . 2 11 36 39 39 39 June July " Aug. D " " " " 57 57 397 72 78 82 97 105 145 122 178 139 144 308 364 364 154 204 77, 128, 157 150, 150, 150, 154, 1966 - Jan. " " " " " " " " Feb. " " Mar. " " " " " Apr " " " " " "~'" (f.i1il~;';l<i, 'WI"~lt'i."} . 11~,,~,L."'* ,I ., Page - 11 15 40 48, 100 93, 148 122 122 124, 220 148, 344 156 440, 481 188, 242 216 244, 282 235 235 245 246 246 247 249 249 255 255 255 256 257 267 267 311 394 398 400 504 505 505 514 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT E 1966 >> 3-Erschen Ben, requesting permlSlson to excavate in Van Buren Street. .................................................... 3--Enid Avenue, schedule of assessments for improve- ment with concrete curb and gutter. .................... 31-Erickson Rex Mrs., requesting that people from bus- iness and labor be considered as representatives on the Human Relations Commission. .................... 31-Ede Nancy Ann, Notice of Claim. ................................ IS-Engstrom Helen M. and Donald E., grant of easement over and across the westerly 15 feet of Lot 1 of Chemical Subdivision. ........................................ 7-Erschen Alice H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 7-Eagle Food Centers, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit. .................................................................................. 29-Ellsworth Theodore R., power of attorney. ................ 4---Eckel John D., et. aI., requesting removal of stop sign at Orchard Drive and Shiras Avenue. .................... 1S-Edwards and Sons, sidewalk bond. ................................ 18-Ethel Street, improvement with Concrete Curb and Gutter from the W. P. L. of Block 15 of Steger Heights to the E. P. L. of University Avenue. .... ................................................ 161, 185, 241, 432, 1S-Ethel Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Paving from the W. P. L. of Black 15 Steger Heights to the E. P. L. of University Avenue. 166, 23-Eagle Food Centers, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permits. ...... ............. ....................................................... 6---Eagle Food Centers, Inc., requesting relocation of easements in Vorwald Place No. 2 Subdiv- ision. .. ............. ....................... .............................. 228, 20--Eisbach Anthony J. Dr., objecting to the building of a Boys Club on 13th Street. .................................... 20-Eisbach Belle Dr., objecting to the building of a Boys Club on 13th Street. .................................... 20---Eagle Food Centers Inc., granted Cigarette Permits. 20-Erschen Alice, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Evans J. Russell, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Elks Club, granted Cigarette Perimt. ........................ 20---Evans Russell, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ........ 20-Erschen Alice, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ........ 27-Ellis Victoria, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Eagles Club, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Evarts Gene, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 27-Eichorn Lester & Marie, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 27-Evarts Eugene C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .... 5-Erschen Alice H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 5-Erschen Alice H., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 11-Election to be held by the County.City of Dubuque Authority to issue and sell $9,500,000 revenue bonds. .. ......... ............... .... ..." .......... ........ ............. ....."... 3---Egelhof Charles requesting that parking be allowed on both sides of Bluff Street. ................................ 3-Elections, Branch Registration To Be Established For The General Election. ........................................ 3-Evans Russ, granaed Class "B" Beer Permit. ............ 9-Esser Edward and Judy, granted Cigarette Permit. 9-Esser Edward Charles, granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit. .................................................................................. 28-Eisenegger John A., Notice of Claim. ...... , Jan. " Feb. Mar. " " Apri June " July " Aug. May Oct. Dec. " " " " " " Page - 308 329, 377 267 352, 485 363 382 400 489, 508 484 486 487 487 513 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT I_Disabled American Veterans, Fighting Back Chapter No.6, requesting permission to hold a For Get Me Not tag day. ........................................................ ll-Decatur Street, vacation and conveyance of a portion of street recommended. .................................... 314, 5-Dunbar Linnie, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 6-Dubuque Community School District, requesting the installation of school zone and speed limit signs on all streets adjacent to schools. ............................ 12-Dubuque Community School District, requesting vaca- of unopened street north of and adjacent to Lot 4 of Mineral Lot 472 and the northerly side of sald street bordering Linwood Cemetery. ............ 26-Dock Board Commission, urging the Council to pro- ceed with the issuance of $1,000,000.00 bonds for the City's share of the Flood Control Plan. ............ 3---Disabled American Veterans Corp., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........................................................ 7_Dubuque TV-FM Cable Co., requesting authorization of a rate increase. .................................... 425, 487, 7-Dubuque County Historical Society, submitting report on Dubuque Ham House Museum. ........................ 14-Dubuque County Tuberculosis & Health Ass'n., re- questing permission to have a tag day. ................ 9_DeVere Paul, Notice of Claim. ........................................ 9-Demkier Harold B., Notice of Claim. ............................ 2ll-Donath Otto & Ellen, Equity Stipulation and Agree. ment. ................................................................... D 1966 " Sept. Nov. " Dec. " " Oct. " " " ..... ~ t>1 '" :>< q I to "II I t;j I:l:I ~ 8 i>'l ~ ~ ~ '" w "d " ~ ..... Z tJ t>1 :>< I I:l:I o o i>'l 8 --. .... '" III .. .. ~~ ~ .. co .., '" '" .... .'" ?> .'" .'" .co ~a.::J~C1:I .'" .'" "'....'" .... '" ~~ ~g: ~~~~t.:I ~!l1!l1""!l1!l1!l1:l1 :l1:l1 ~~~N~ .... ...... ~~Nt>.:l ~ .... .... Ii ~co~ 0 .., 268~ U1 g ....:rC'JIC'JI~g:U1C'J1,...CO ..,..,,,,:\,; :\';:\'; .........., ~NOO '" '" .., "''''.., '" '" C'JIC'JI -:IN "'''' "''''0 ....:Jt-"~N CO '" '" N ,... t-" t-" N N ,... NNNNNNNNN NN NNNNN Nt.:! NNN NNN N N t-" rt t t tttt tttrr ~~~II~~~f !! !!!f! !! f!! i!!!!! r ~ r :'i'- -~. ~.~..~. ~.~ ~:J!:'i' .. ~ ~ :'i':J!~ ~.~.:J! ~.~ ~.~.. 31~ .. ~ :J!~ ~ ::' 0 ~'o ,,~ :J! 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Page 372 386 418 418 422 433 471 471 504 508 519 519 407, 407, INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT G 12-Grass Leo B., granted Class "e" Liquor Permit. ... 26-Greenough Gertrude A., garnted Cigarette Permit. .... 17-Gressler Thomas H.t requesting installation of street light on Cox Street. .................................................... 17-Gordon Clarence, requesting installation of street light on Sunnyview Drive. .................................................. 7-Gleason John P., Notice of Claim. .............."................ 7-Gilligan Joseph J., et. aI., objecting to condition of sewer intakes as a result of surfacing of Jefferson Street. ................... .............. ........................................... 14-Grant Raphael William, granted Class liB" Beer Permit. .......................................................................... 14-.Grant Raphael William, granted Class ue" Liquor Permit. .......................................................................... 9-Gordon Lorraine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 28-Gustafson W., relative to TV cable rates. .................... 28--Giacoletto Richard & Gini, granted Cigarette Permit. 28-Giacoletto Gini, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ,- 1966 S~pt. Oct. " Nov. " " " Dec. " " Page - 26 38 39 41 48, 101 56 66, 461 90 90 92 123 123 144 144 154 159 171, 172 178, 206 182 182 198 203 209 210 210 216 223 230 248 247 247 247 247 249 254 255 256 256 257 278 300 . INDEX - BOOK SUBJECT G 3-Guler Estate, William Connery Administrator, order- ed to dismantle and clean up premises at 1559 Mcpoland Street. ........................................................ 31-Graham Robert Mrs., notice of appeal concerning the removal of a delapidated building at rear of 2239 Central Avenue. ................................................ 3l-Graham Joseph G., revocation of power of attorney. 3l-Goodmann Dominic W., bond. ........................................ 31_GaUagher Jeanne, Notice of Claim. ............................ 31-Grant County Rescue Squad Ass'n., requesting that the Mercy Hospital identification signs be lighted at night. ........................................................................ 31-Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. . .... .... ................ ....................................... 18-GleD;n, Mrs. Ra~p~, reappointed to the Human Rela- tIons CommISSIon. ...... ............." ........ ........................... l8-Greenstein, Mrs. Saul, reappointed to the Human Relations Commission. ................................................ 18-Gross Raymond & Virginia, Notice of Suit. ................ 7-Greteman N. J., reappointed to the police and Fire Pension and Retirement Board. ............................ 7-Giles LeR:oy. Dr., reappointed to the Civil Service CommISSIon. .................................................................. 4---Graham Bert, reappointed to Board of Zoning Adjust- ment. ................................................................................ 4-Giese William, reappointed to Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Board. .................................................... 18-Giellis George N., power of attorney. ............................ 18-Groff Edith, settlement of claim. .................................... 18-Glenwood Subdivision, approving plat of Lots 1 thru 25. .................................................................................... 2-Gaber, Mrs. Lloyd, Notice of Claim. ............................ 2-Giunta Marco, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ............ 2-Gantert Harry, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 23-Gloden Louis L.. et. at, objecting to proposed paving of Bluff Street. ............................................................ 23-Grutz Clarence (Barney), sidewalk bond. .................... 23-Gard Joe et. aI., objecting to the proposed location of Boys Club. .................................................................... 23-Giese Joseph A. et. at, objecting to the petition re- questing vacation of alley behind 2337 to 2355 Roosevelt Street. ......... ............................................... 23-Grant James W., objecting to the vacation of alley between Lorimer and Sullivan Street. .................... 23-Glynn Beverly, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .......... 6-Goerdt Construction Company, liability policy. ........ 6-Glynn Beverly, granted Class "c" Liquor Permit. ........ 20--Gordon Lorraine, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 2O-Gantert Harry, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 2O-Glynn John, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 20-Grass Leo B., gratned Cigarette Permit. ........................ 2O-Greenwood Ben G., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 2O-Gordon Lorraine, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 27-Glen Oak Street, conveyance of vacated part of Glen Oak Street to Paul C. and Jeanette Hoppman. .... 27-Giunta Marco, garnted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Grant Raphael William, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 27-Grass Leo, granted Class "B" Beer Pennit. ................ 27-Gantert Harry N., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. IS-Girl Scouts, requesting permission to design. make and present a city flag. ................................... I-Giunta Marco, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 96 1966 Jan. Feb. " " Mar. " April " " " " ~~Y " " " " " " " June " " " " " " " " " " " " July Aug. IlliI~,~ I Page - 175 176 176 176 189 210, 233 210, 263 230 272, 316 239 240, 275 245 245 245 246 246 248 246 247 247 247 247 247 247 249 249 249 251 254 255 255 256 256 256 256 260 270 278 278 285 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT H 2-Henningson, Durham & Richardson, study & report of the Dubuque Water system. ................................ 2-Huseman Richard & Louis, sidewalk bond. ................ 2-Hillcrest Builders, Inc., sidewalk bond. ........................ 2-Heitzman Construction Company, sidewalk bond. ........ 23-Healey Clifford et. aI., objecting to proposed sur- facing of West Fifth Street. .................................... 23-Hughes D. E., requesting vacation of alley between Sullivan and Lorimer street, from Levi to N.P.L. of first alley south of Levi. .................................... 23--Heiderscheit John J., requesting extension of water and sewer facilities to service Lots 90 and 91 Linehan Park Addition. ............................................ 6-Hill Richard, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 20-Hermann Estate, objecting to the proposed rezoning of Central Avenue between 24th and Diagonal Streets. ............................................ 232, 261, 271, 20-Herrig Eldon T., requesting rezoning from Two Family to Multiple Family classification, Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Block 3, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of St. George Subdivision. ............................................ 20---Hahn Stanley, requesting permission to sell from house to house without permit fee. ........................ 20--Hunt George R., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20---Heiderscheit John J., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 20-Hoag Maxine, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 20---Hagge Clarence J., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20--Hennen LaVern, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20---Hillard Joseph P. and Bernice, granted Cigarette Per- mit. .................................................................................. 20-Hough Lucille, granted Cigarette Permit. .................. 20-Henkel Alma, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 20--Holiday Inn Motel, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20-HeUing Anthony, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20--Hedrick Russell Earl, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 20---Hall John F., granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 20-Hames Dorrance, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 2<l-Henkel Alma, granted Class "c" Liquor Permit......... 20---Hillard Joseph P. & Bernice M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ............................................................ 20-Herburger Florence F., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .......................................................................... 27-HeaIth Department, report for the month of April, 1966. ................... .......... ......... .......................................... 27-Hoppman Paul C. and Jeanette, vacation and con~ veyance of part of Glen Oak Street. .................... 27-Hartig Drug Company, granted Cigarette Permits. 27-Hill Richard, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Harle Louis H., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Hancock William F., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 27-Herburger Carl, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Hantelmann Robert, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 5-Health Department, report for the month of May, 1966. . ..... ............... .... ......... .................................... .......... IS-Hansel Jules E., petition for rezoning of Lot 2 of 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Gillespie's to Two Family Resi- dential denied. ............................................................ IS-Hill Richard, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 69. ............................................................ IS-Hill Richard, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit. 25-Hartmann Carl, appointed to the Dubuque Building Code Committee. 1966 May " " " June " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ~y " Page 7 10 35 35 35 35 35 35 38 41 47 48 177 64 66 66 70 90 106 107 107 121, 364 122 122 122, 364 122 124, 221 124, 221 128 130 132 134 154 154 154 156, 275 159, 206 243, 480 157, INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT H 3-Henkels & McCoy Inc., liability policy. 3-Hurd-Most Sash & Door Co., conveyance by the City of Dubuque of Lot C of vacated Shields Street. 3--Hedrick Russell Earl, granted Cigarette Pennit. ........ 3-Hoag Maxine, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 3-Hedrick Russell Earl, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 3--Hoag Maxine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 3-Heiderscheit John J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 3-Hedrick Russell Earl, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. ..... .................. ...... ...... ... ........ ....... ............................. 3I-Hall Ruby H., relative to a parking problem caused by a car wash on Asbury Street. ............................ 31-Heitzman Alfred G., bond. ................................................ 31_Hantelman Edna, appeal for payment of judgement. 31-Heles Bernice, Notice of Claim. .................................... 31-Hillcrest Investment Inc., requesting rezoning of Picardy Park for Multiple Housing and approval of plat for Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Picardy Park NO.2. .......................................................... 57, 133 31-Henschel Richard C. & Mildred L., approval of plat of Block 3, Block 4 and Block 5 of Pioneer Hills Subdivision. ... ...... ..... ... ........ ..... ....... ........................ ..... 31-Hagge Clarence J. Jr., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 31-HilIard Joseph P. & Bernice M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ... ....... ....... .... ........ .... .... ......... .................. 9-Herrig Eldon T., recommendation of the City Man. ager that he be hilled in the amount of $105.95 for a water line break on Tressa Street. ............ IS-Hickey F:.:a~k, appointed to the Human Relations CommIssIon. . .... ..... .... ....... ...... ........... .... ....... ........ ......... 7-Huseman Joseph, relative to closing of alley behind the National Tea Company. .................................... 7-Helling Joseph P., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 101. ................................................ 7-Helling Joseph P., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 113. .......................................................... 7-Hough Lucille M., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 7-Henkel Alma, granted Class "E" Beer Permit. ............ 7-Holiday Inn Restaurant, granted Class "E" Beer Per- mit. .........................................,.....................................,.. 7-Hough Lucille M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 7-Hall John F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ............ 29-Hohmann George R., power of attorney. .................... 29-Healey Lawrence G., power of attorney. .................... 29-Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, petition to have alley in the rear of the church made one.way denied. 29-Hovind Carol C., Notice of Suit. ................................ 29-Hingtgen Gerald B., cancellation of sidewalk bond. .... 29-Hillcrest Builders, Inc., approval of plat of Blocks AA, BB, 12, 13, 14, 14A, 15, 17 and 17A in Key Knolls Subdivision subject to an agreement for a drainage ditch. ............................................................ 18-Hogan Michael P., power of attorney. ........................ l8-Hogan Michael P. III, power of Attorney. .................... IS-Hingtgen Donald J., power of attorney. ........................ IS-Henningson, Durham and Richardson, agreement with the City of Dubuque for Engineering ser- vices for sewage and solid waste disposal. ............ la-Hogan Patrick J., Notice of Claim. ............................ IS-Hill Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the S.P.L. of West Fifth Street. 167, 194, 1966 - Jan. " " " " " " " " " " " " Feb. " Mar. " " " " " " " " " " " " " April " " " " I Page - 70, 144 79 90 92 106 106 143 143 144 241, 481 194, 480 194 264 264, 265 267 .293 412 415 464, 510 509 96 INDEX - BOOK SUBJECT 1966 INDEX - BOOK 96 9-Iowa Secretary of State, relative to foreign cor- porations doing business in the State of Iowa without Certificate of Authority. ............................ 9---Illinois Central Railroad Company, Agreement with the City of Dubuque for the grant of easement for a roadway unto City of Dubuque on and across real estate of the Illinois Central Railroad Company. .............. ........................... ............................... IS-Iowa State Department of Health, submitting a survey of the Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant. 18--Interstate Power Company, conveyance of Lot 2 of Sub. of 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Congressional Lot 8, and Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Out Lot 507, except westerly 100 feet, to the City of Dubuque with easements reserved for facilities located thereon. 7-Iowa Society for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc.. requesting permission to hold a Lily tag sale. ........ 7-Interstate Finance Corporation, requesting excava- tion permit. .................................................................. 4-Iowa State Department of Health, approving applica- tion of Raymond Papin to operate a mobile home court. .............................................................................. 4-Iowa State Department of Health, approving applica- tion of Donald Knapp to operate a mobile home court. .............................................................................. 4-Iowa Commerce Commission, official notice of hear- ing on the application for installation of auto- matic crossing signals on Ninth Street. ................ IS-Iowa Street, improvement with Concrete Curb and Gutter from the S. P. L. of 2nd Street to the S. P. L. of First Street. ........................ 161, 185, 18--Iowa Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the S. P. L. of 2nd Street to the S. P. L. of 1st. Street. ........ 167, 23-Iowa State Highway Commission, submitting agree- ment with the City of Dubuque for the paving of Central Avenue from 4th to 20th Streets ............ 5-Iowa National Investment Company, intent to acquire a portion of cleared land in Downtown Urban Project, Iowa R-15, bounded by Locust Street on the west, Sixth Street on the north, Iowa Street on the east and Fifth Street on the south, subject to certain terms and conditions. ............ 5-Iowa State Hi~hway Commission, improvement for the extensIOn of Primary Road No. U. S. 20 within the City of Dubuque. .................................... 5-Iowa Commission for the Blind, granted Cigarette Permit. ............................................................................ I-Iowa State Highway Commission, contract with the City for Primary Road Extension Maintenance for period of July 1, 1966 to June 30, 1967. ............ 17-llUnois Central Railroad Company, Agreement with the City to construct and maintain a temporary levee on Railroad property. .................................... 7-Iowa Water Pollution Control Commission, advising of a public hearing to be held in Dubuque on November 28, 1966. .................................................... 14-Iowa State Highway Commission, recommending changing speed limit on Highway 20 from west corporation limits to Fremont Avenue. ................ 28-Iowa State Attorney General, advising of settlement of Rock Salt Suit and submitting a check to the City of Dubuque in the amount of $6,730.16. ........ Feb. April " Mar. Aug. July May Nov. Dec. Oct. " " " " " " Page 389 327 327 390 346 363 422 403 381 400 400 413 414 426 474 475 512 492 505 505 514 504 431 481 475, SUBJECT H 25-Hi\1crest Builders Inc., requesting street lights in Key Knolls Subdivision. ............................................ 285, 388, 22-Hartmann Construction Co., sidewalk bond. ............ 22-Hinz Elroy J., sidewalk bond. ........................................ 22-Howell Thomas, Notice of Claim. .................................... 327 6-H & B American Corporation, H & B Communications Corporation, performance bond. ............................ 12-Health Department, reports for the months of June and July 1966. ............................................................ 19--Hauber Everett, certifying cost of construction of water main at the intersection of J. F. K. Road Daykin Court. ................................................................ 374, 19--Hoffman Earl, requesting reinstatement of a restric- ted plumber's license. ................................................ 376, 26---Haudenshield Adele L., settlement of claim. ............ 3-Herburger Florence F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .......................................................................... 3--Hames Dorrance, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 17-Helling Anthony A. & Bette 0., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ...................... .........................-............... 17-Helling Anthony A. & Bette 0., granted Class "B" Liquor Permit. .. .......................................................... 7_Henschel Richard C., requesting rezoning of property at 391 Bluff Street to Professional Office Classi- fication. .......................................................................... 7_Hillcrest Builders Inc., certification and acceptance of Key Knolls Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer, con- structed in 1960. .......................................................... 7-Hickey David L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 28-Hemg Eldon, requesting rezoning of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 and 9 in Block 3; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 4 in St. George Subdivision to Multiple Family Classification. ................................................................ 28-Herman Ruth, Notice of Claim. .................................... 28-Houps Clara, Notice of Claim. ........................................ 9--Herrig Eldon T., requesting vacation of Steven Court in St. George Subdivision and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 of Block 4 and Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and Lot 2 of Block Block 3 of St. George Subdivision. ........................ 9--Hantelmann Richard J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ......................................... ................................. 8-Hantelmann Richard J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ............................................................................ 9-Hall Jobn F., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ........ 28-Holiday Oil Distributing Co., Inc., Notice of Claim..... 1966 - " Aug. " " Sept. " " " " Oct. " " " Nov. " " " " " Dec. " " " " ''1'" ~'" ,I I I .1 Page - 19 23, 24 38 40 87, 88 48, 261 116, 117 66 73 74 82 90 121 121 122 123 126 132 134 143 144 147 147 156 241, 481 243. 480 179, 313 179 198 INDEX - BOOK 96 3-Kennedy Road, schedule of assessments for im- provement with concrete curb and gutter. ............ 3-Key Knolls Subdivision, preliminary plans, specifi- cations, form of contract for the construction of a (24") storm sewer from the existing storm sewer abutting Lot 8, Block 4 of Key KnoUs Sub. division westerly along the property line of Block 4 and Block 6 of Key Knolls Subdivision to the existing storm sewer abutting Lot 13, Block 6 Key Knolls Subdivision. ............................................ 31-Koerperick Loras, objecting to operations of a car wash on Asbury Street. ............................................ 31-Kaesbauer Florence, favoring the use of Jackson Park for a boys club. ........................................................ 31-Krapfl Donald, application for a Taxi Cab Permit. 40, 3I-Koch Howard Mrs., Notice of Claim. ............................ 3I-Kieffer Henry, requesting vacation and conveyance of portion of Farragut Street, described as Lot 199A in Ham's Addition. .......................... 50, 51, 31-Kenniker Guy, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 9-Kuehn Archie T., renewal of restricted plumber's license. .. ......... ............... .... ............. .............. ................. 9-Keymont-Key Corner Storm Sewer in Key Knolls Subdivision, completed and accepted. .................... l8--Kopp Lyle, relative to the Shopping Center and Single Family Residences. ........................................ 18--Klein Mi~ha.el, appointed to the Human Realtions CommIssIon. ... .... ........... .... .... ........... ............................. 7-Kratz Raymond C., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 7-KelIy Darlene, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 7-Kratz Raymond C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 7-Kratz Raymond C., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 29-Kringle Oliver, sidewalk bond. ........................................ 29-Kiefer Paul et. al., requesting street lights on Madera Street. ............................................................................ 29-Key Knolls Subdivision, approval of plat of Blocks A.A, B.B, 12, 13, 14, 14A, 15, 17 and 17-A, subject to an agreement on drainage ditch. 4--Knapp Donald, granted application for a Mobile Trailer Court. .. ........ .... ..... ...... ......... .... ........ ......... .... ..... 4--Kopp Donald, reappointed to Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Board. .. ........ ..... .... .......................... ....... 4--Kenniker Guy, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 267. ................................................................ 4--Kenniker Guy, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 17. ............................................................ 18--Kluck, M. P. & Son, sidewalk bond. ................................ l8--Kennedy Road, improvement with Concrete Curb and Gutter from the S. P. L. of Pennsylvania Avenue to the N.P.L. of U. S. Highway No. 20... 162, 185, l8--Kennedy Road, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the S.P.L. of Pennsylvania Avenue to the N.P.L. of U. S. High- way No. 20. 167, 194, SUBJECT K 1966 Jan. " " Feb. " " " Mar. " " " " " " April " " " " . Page - 264, 309 57. 128 66, 310 89 118 150 150 155 159 432, 441 243, 480 235 240 246 247 255, 395 256 264 291, 517 294 309 388 490 519 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT J 3-Jones Frances, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 35, 3l-Jungk James et. al., requesting that parking be allowed on one side only on Saunders Street where it intersects with Lemon Street. ................ 3l-Jones Frances, granted Class "e" Liquor Permit..... l8-Jamison Jane E., communication relative to the Human Relations Commission. ................................ 7-Jensen William M., appointed Deputy Clerk of Muni. cipal Court. .................................................................... 4-Johnson Robert Louis, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit. .................................................................................. 4-Johnson Robert Louis, granted Class HC" Liquor Permit. ............................................................................ l8-Jones John C., liability poliCY. ........................................ l8-Jones Shirley, Notice of Claim. ........................................ l8-Jefferson Street, improvement with Bituminous Con- creet Paving from the W. P. L. of Olive Street to the E. P. L. of Walnut Street. .... 166, 188, 242, l8-Jones Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the W.P.L. of Terminal Street to the E. P. L. of Main Street. ...................................................................... 167, 194, 20-Johnson Arthur C., settlement of claim. ........................ 20-Jordahl, Roger Steen, requesting permission to build a wall in connection with the construction of sidewalks. ........... ... .... .... ........ .... .... ........... .... ...... ..... ...... 20-Johnson Robert J., granted Cigarette Perimt. ............ 2O----Jungblut Donald, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Jones Delbert E., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-JewelI Dorothy, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ ~ones Frances, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 7. ................................................................ 25-Jaeger David C., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ l--Jones Frances, requesting refund on Class "C" Liquor Permit No. 3638. .......................................................... l-Jones Frances, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 26-Jestice Ron., relative to parking tickets. ........................ 9-Jaeggi William & Phyllis, objecting to proposed two hour parking on Grace Street. .............. 28-Johnson Wayne, granted Cigarette Permit. 1966 - Jan. " " Feb. Mar. April " " " " " June " " " " " July " Aug. " Sept. Dec. " 2-Krause Herman G., requesting the opening of an alley adjacent to his property, running behind 2355.2337 Roosevelt Street. .......m............................ 2-Kehl Robert, requesting permisison to construct an eight foot aluminum canopy at Tony's Cafe, 62 Locust Street. .............................................................. 23-Klauer Manufacturing Co., objecting to proposed surfacing of Ninth Street. May '" I INDEX - BOOK 96 1966 SUBJECT Page - K Nov. 7-Key Knolls Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer from Key Way to the City Trunk Sewer in Pennsylvania Avenue, constructed in 1960, certification and acceptance of. .................................................................. 431 Dec. 28-Kritikos Jack M., granted Cigarette Permit. 519 ". Page 202 222 238 245 245 394 245 248 247 247 247 248 248 249 254 255 255 255 255 395 256 256 257 261 267 267 273, 319 276, 328 388, 389 286 331 370 313 337 355 374 502 417 400 400 207, 237, 245, 255, 330, 384, 294, 430, 394, INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT K 23---.Kennedy Road, installation of street lights recom- mended. ......................................................... ................. 23-Kass Cecilia, Notice of Claim. ........................................ 20--Kennedy George, requesting vacation and conveyance of street and alley described as Lot 2 of Lot 46A in Farley's Subdivision. ..........................."............... 20--Kohl Francis T., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Knights of Columbus, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 20--Keuter Delbert C., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20-Knoll Walter W., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Krajnovich Elizabeth M., granted Cigarette Permit. 20---Kanavas Theodore G., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 20-K.Mart, granted Cigarette Permit. ................................ 20---Kachevas James, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Krajnovich Elizabeth M., granted Class "B" Beer Per~ mit. .................................................................................. 20-Kanavas Theodore G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 20-Krajnovich Elizabeth, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. .................................................................................. 20-Kerper A. J., requesting permission to excavate in Chaney Road. ................................................................ 27-Kopple Harry, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Kissell Grocery, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Konzen Eldon, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Kratz Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Karigan Frank, granted Cigarette Permit. ............".... 27-Kelly Darlene, granted Cigarette Permits. ....u.......uu... 27-Kohl Francis T., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 27-Kohl Francis T., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .... 5--Kamm Harold, claim denied. ............................................ 5-Kehl Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit. u.....m...u. 5--Karigan Gust & Pete Sfikas, granted Cigarette Per- mit. .................................................................................. IS-Kritz James and Anita, ordered to dismantle build~ ing and clean up premises at 64 Gandolfo Street. IS-Kratz Raymond H., Notice of Claim. ............................ 25--Key Knolls Subdivision, request for installation of street lights. ........................................................ 285, 25--Key City Investment Co., requesting rezoning of pro- perty abutting John F. Kennedy Road to Local Business District "B" classification. ........................ 25-Kelly Lane 1966 Water Main Project No.1, from the E.P.L. of Freemont Avenue to the NW.P.L. of Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of M.L. 511. ..........u...............u..u... 287, 25-Kelly Lane Sanitary Sewer, from the Catfish Creek Sanitary sewer southerly to Kelly Lane, then east and west in Kelly Lane with the westerly end of the E. P. L. of Fremont Avenue and the esterly end of Lot 1.10 Block 1 of Henschels High- lands Sub. .............U..m......u 289, 290, 332, 333, I-Knob Hill Inc., requesting installation of street lights. 22-Knoll Walter W., granted Class "e" Beer Permit..... 6-Kohl Francis T., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 19-Koerperick Edwin J., sidewalk bond. ............................ 26-Kennedy Road~Asbury Road, construction of an eight inch (8") sanitary sewer north and west of Asbury Road and John F. Kennedy Road. 386, 387, 428, 3-Knights of Columbus, John F. Kennedy Council 5513, requesting permission to sell tooth brushes to inaugurate a building fund. .................................... 3-Kopple Harry, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ........ 3-Kohl Francis T., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 1966 - " " June " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " J~y " " " " " " " ~~g. Sept. " " Oct. " " .1 Page - 249 249 255 256 260 262 267 267 268 286, 303 294, 363 344 376 407 461 479 505 504 510 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT L 20--Love Donald M., granted Class "e" Liquor Permit. 20--Link Frederick A., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 27-Loras College, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Love Kenneth Jerome, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 27-Locust Street, installation of street lights from Dodge to Mt. Carmel. ................................................ 5-Leuschner Raymond, settlement of claim. ................ 5-Laury Anna K., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 5-Langas Phillip, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 5-Love Kenneth Jerome, granted Class "e" Liquor Per- mit. .................................................................................. 25-Lembke William J., et. al., requesting the opening and grading of Farragut Street. ............................ I-Lewis Merlin K., requesting vacation of a platted street north of and adjacent to Lot 4 of M.L. 472, north side of which borders Linwood Cemetery. 6-League of Iowa Municipalities, advising of the con. ference to be held on October 6th and 7th. ........ 19-Loann Corporation, requesting permission to install a car wash. .................................................................... 17-Loras College, requesting permission to publicize their Kampus Karniva1. ............................................ 7-Lil Giant Food Stores, Inc., granted Class lIC" Beer Permit. .......................................................................... 2S-Lemmer Ralph, requesting the City to take title to property located at 1039 Bluff Street. .................... 9-Lynn William John, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 9-Licciardi Frank J. & Phyllis, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ............................................................ 28-Lime Street, vacation of recommended by the City Manager. ..... 1966 " July " " Aug. Sept. " Oct. Nov. Dec. " ,. Page - 12 12 14, 49 35 40 79 87 89, 277 98 124, 220 177, 178 140 147 148 160, 176 329, 377 432, 442 173 180 180 210 210 221 227 227 230 245 245 245 246 246 247 247 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT L 3-Luchsinger Ray, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 83. .................................................................... 3-Lynn Melvin C., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 38. .................................................................... 3-Landon William S. & Elizabeth and American Trust & Savings Bank, objecting to the assessment for the improvement of Fremont Avenue with curb gutter. .........................................................................,'.. 3-Link Frederick A., granted Class "A" Beer PermIt. 31-League of Iowa Municipalities, invitation to attend annual conference. ............. ......................................... 9-Love Kenneth Jerome, granted Class "B" Beer Per~ mit. ................................................................................ IS-Leick Norb Mrs., supporting Donald Krapfl's applica- tion for a taxi cab license. ........................................ IS-Library Board, submitting a proposal for expansion and requesting that the Council authorize a referendum for the issuance of bonds. ................ 7-Luber John, sidewalk bond. ............................................ 29-Lange Harvey M., power of attorney. ........................ 29-Link John A., requesting rezoning of properties located at 3301 Pennsylvania, 1725 Kennedy Road (Westview Shopping Center) to a Class "B" District. .................................................... 132, 156, 29-Love Donald, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ............ 4--Lanser Helen, requesting a refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 107. .................................................. 4--Lanser Helen, requesting a refund on Cigarette Permit No. 198. ............................................................ 18---Lincoln Avenue, requesting installation of a street light. ............... .... ....... .................... ....... ......... ................ l8---Luber John, requesting vacation and conveyance of a portion of Decatur Street east of Garfield Ave- nue. ............................................................ 161, 314, 18---Langworthy Avenue, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Paving from the E.P.L. of Alpine Street to W.P.L. of James Street. ........ 166, 188, 242, l8---Landon Charles, Estate, conveyance of Lot 5A and 42A in Grandview Avenue Addition. .................... 2-Little Cloud Girl Scout Council, requesting permis- sion to conduct a motor driving safety day. ...... 2-Lagen Louis J., expression of sympathy to the Lagen family in their bereavement. .................................... 23-Lions Club, requesting permission to use Industrial Park to stage their annual Circus. ........................ 23-Lombardi Donald et. a1., requesting street lights on 32nd Street. .................................................................. 6-Loosbr~ck Thoma.s, .reappointed to the Planning & Zonmg CommIssIon. .................................................... 6-LOE's, petitions of residents of the neighborhood ob- jecting to the teenagers obstructing pedestrian traffic, the use of {>rofane and obscene language. 6----Lemmer Ralph L., objecting to the installation of sidewalks on Pearl Street. ........................................ 6-Licciardi Frank & Phyllis, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................................................................ 20---Ludescher John J., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20-Lynn William J., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Latham Ernest, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Love Donald M., granted Cigarette Permit. ............. 20-Lil' Giant Food Stores, granted Cigarette Permit.. 20-Licciardi Phyllis, granted Cigarette Permit. ..... 20-Link Fred, granted Cigarette Permit. ..... 1966 Jan. " " Feb. " " Mar. " " " April " " " " " May " " " June " " " " " " I I I I i i -~. I Page - 10 11 27 35 47 56, 91 66 97 105 106 109, 321 128, 145 132, 145 138, 240 140 148 154 154 154 160 193, 194 243, 480 179, 203 179 182 198 203 211 239 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT M INDEX - BOOK 96 3-Midland Laboratories, conveyance by the City of Du- buque of Lot A of vacated Shields Street. ........ 3-Mellon Maurice R., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 203. ............................................................ 3-Meehan Estate, David Setter Administrator, ordered to dismantle and clean up premises at 2814 Van Buren Street. .................................................... 3--Miller Fay, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .............." 31-Maulson John R., claim denied. ........................................ 31-Meyer Leo et. aI., requesting that Easement "E" in Block 1 of Bies Sub. be named Kebbie Drive and that street numbers be assigned. ............................ 31-Moes Paul, granted Cigarette Permit. ............................ 7-Mississippi Shores Public Golf Course, submitting a progress report. ........................................................ 7-Murray James et. a1., relative to water drainage from Plaza 20. ........................................................................ 7-Mootz Ray G. et. a1., requesting erection of a retain- ing wall at the end of the National Tea Parking lot. ...................................... .... ........ ....................... ......... 7-Marmora Street-Mcpoland Street Storm Sewer, pre- liminary plans and specifications for the construc- tion of a 48" storm sewer. ................................ 108, 29-Main Street, erection of a canopy on the east side of Main Street between 9th and 10th Streets. 107, 29-Madera Street, request for installation of street lights. ...... ............ ............... ................. ......... ............. ...... 29-Moore Heights Sanitary Sewer, construction of an eight inch (8") sanitary sewer from the Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer northerly thru Lot 3 to Lot 7 inclusive in Moore Heights Subdivision. .... 116, 29-Miller lone, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ................ 4-Marycrest Subdivision No.2, approval of Lots 5 through 9, Block 1, Lots 30 through 43 Block 2, Lots 1 through 9 Block 5, Lot 1 Block 6. .............. IS-Mettel Charles E., power of attorney. ............................ 18-Mihm Alphonse J., power of attorney. ........................ IS-Merchants Mutual Bonding Co., submitting Certificate of Authority. ................................................................ IS-Miller Jim, requesting permission to. excavate in Rosedale Avenue. ........................................................ IS-Madison Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the S.P.L. of Clarke Drive to the N.P.L. of West 17th Street. ... .... ...... ...".". .... ........... .... .... ..... ..................... ......... 167, IS-Main Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the S.P.L. of Kaufmann Avenue to the N.P.L. of Clarke Drive. .................."..."......"""." 167, 194, a1., requesting street lights on 1966 - Jan. " " " " " " Mar. " " " " " " " April " " " " " Page 1 82 35 100 58 58 122 140 150 155 246 246 247 249 255 295 255 268 461 510 2-Meyer Robert et. Carter Road. .................................................................. 2--Marshall Joseph, requesting permission to excavate in Indiana Avenue. .................................................... 2-Meyer Vernon Leo, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 23-Mettel Realty & Investment Co., objecting to amount of proposed assessment of Minnie French for the improvement of Bluff Street. .................................... 23-Miller Frank E., sidewalk: bond. ...................................... 23-Mettel Realty & Investment Co., approval of plat of Block 4, Block 6, Block 7 and Block 8 in Mettel.Link Addition. ................................................ 20-Masonic Temple, requesting the retaining of parking on both sides of Bluff Street. ,- 44, 48, 255, May June SUBJECT 3-McCauley M. Sylvester, sworn in as Councilman......... 3-McNamara Robert J. & Wilma A., requesting rezoning of their property known as Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of Hawkeye Stock Farm in Section 27 and 28. .......................................................................... II, 43, 3-McCauley Howard, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 31-McDonough Mary L., Notice of Claim. ........................ 31-McMahon Cecil J., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 81. ................................................ 31-McMahon Cecil J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 145. ............................................................ 7_McLaughlin Raymond, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit................................................................................... 29-McEvoy, Mrs. John, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 4-McNamara Earl J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit..... 18-McCarten G. L., liahility policy. .................................... 20-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 20-McEvoy Catherine Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit..... 20-McCarty Marcella, granted Cigarette permit. ............ 20-McCarty Marcella, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 27-McCauley Howard, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 27_McNamer Noah, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-McNamara Earl J., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 5-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .......................................................................... 7-McCarty Marcella, granted Class "Bn Beer Permit. 28-McCarten Plumbing & Heating, liability policy. ........ " " " Me 1966 Jan. " " " " " Mar. " April " June " " " " " " July Nov. Dec. fi INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT M INDEX - BOOK 96 Page 411 419 422 426 409 431 457 461 462 465 465 470 471 518 518 504 519 519 520 17-Mineral Lot 5, Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1, approval of Subdivision plat. ........................................................ 17-Miller, Senator Jack, thanks and appreciation by the City Council for his aid in securing funds for erection of flood control device. ............................ 7-Moes Paul, requesting permit to hold public dances. 7-Mohr Albert & Clara, Notice of Claim. ........................ 7-March of Dimes, requesting permission to conduct a drive. .............................................................................. 7-Mulgrew Oil Company, certifying cost construction of sanitary sewer in Asbury Road from the E.P.L. of John F. Kennedy Road west a distance of 220 feet. ..........................m.m..........................m.......... 7-Mineral Lot 246, approval of plat of Lot 1 of 1 of the correction plat of Lot 1 of M. L. 246. ................ 7-Myers Russell, granted Class "E" Beer Permit. ........ 7-May's Drug Store, granted Class "C" Beer Permit..... 14-Michaels David L., Notice of Claim. ............................ 14-Murdock Stacy K., Notice of Claim. ............................ 14-Mahoney Nona G., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 14-Mahony Nona G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 9-Mayor's Industrial Committee, recommending the sale of a parcel of land to Marill Chemical Company for 'the erection of a manufacturing facility on Lot 1 of 2 of Block 6 of Riverfront Subdivision NO.3. .................................................................... 484, 517, 9-Marill Chemical Company, application to purchase land in Riverfront Subdivision NO.3 for the erec- tion of a manufacturing facility. .................... 484, 517, 9-Mettel.Larches Addition, approval of plat of Block 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Section 1 and Section 2 in Du- buque Township. .......................................................... 503, 28---Mihalakis Shirley, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 28---Mihalakis Shirley, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 28---Mihalakis Shirley, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 1966 Nov. " " " " " " " " " " Dec. " Page - 245 245 245 245 245 245 246 246 246 246 247 249 256 257 257 267 267, 382 268 272, 320 277, 345 278, 303 278 300, 428 315 334, 409 317 317 317 345 353 355 356 372 374 379 380 390, 421 393 SUBJECT M 20-Mescher Vincent W. & John F. Tench, granted Cigar- ette Permit. .. .... ......... ....... ............. ....... ..... ....... ............ 20-Martin Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 20-Miller Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit. .................. 20-Myers Russell E., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20-Meyers Kermit, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Moes Paul, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 20-Mercy Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigarette Permit. 20-Mardauss Thelma, granted Cigarette Permits. ............ 20-Miller lone, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 20-Manternach Richard, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 20-Meyer Vernon Leo, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20-Meyer Vernon L., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 27-Meitl Cyril M., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27~Meitl Cyril M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .... 27-Meyers Russell E., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 5-Mohr John E., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 5-Marberger Frederick, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 5-Miller lone, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ............ 18-Mundt Ida, ordered to dismantle building and clean up premises located at 827 White Street. ................ IS-Meyers William L., complain of lack of water pres- sure in Park Hill area. ................................................ 18-Mihm Virgil H. et. aI., offer to purchase Lots 5A, and 6A of the C. A. Voelker Addition next to 396 Klingenberg Terrace. .................................................. 18---Miller Fay, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Per- mit. . .... ..... .... ..... ............ ... .... ............ .... ..................... ..... I-Marburger Frederick Louis, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .......................................................................... 15-Meyers LaVerne H., et. aI., requesting rezoning of west side of Central Avenue from 24th Street to Diagonal. . ..... .... .... ............ ........... .... ................. .... .... 15-Mayor's Industrial Committee, recommending the sale of a parcel of land to Thermolyne Corporation for their use in Industrial Park at a price of $3,500 per acre. .................................................... 316. 15-Miehe Ray et. al, requesting sanitary sewer service in Bies Drive and Kebbie Drive. ............................ 15-Manahl, Mrs. Leo, requesting sewer on the north side of Edith Streets. .......................................................... 15-Mulgrew Blacktop, Inc., Assignment to the American Trust & Savings Bank of all funds and securities payable under terms of contract for City of Du- buque 1966 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project NO.1. ................................................ 6-Mt. Loretta Avenue, recommendation of City Manager that parking be prohibited on the north side of street. ............................................................................ 6-Mulgrew Oil Company Agreement with the City of Dubuque for the construction of a 12 inch water main in Asbury Road. ................................................ 6-Mardauss Thelma F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 6-Mardauss Thelma F., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. .................................................................................. 12-Meitl Cyril, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ............ 19-Mayr Katharina, settlement of claim. ............................ 19-Mt. St. Bernard Seminary Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. .......................................................................... 19-May's Drug Store, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 3-Miller 'Wililam J., Notice of claim. ................................ 3-Moeller Jay Arnold, granted permission to construct curb and gutter and other improvements on Whelan Street. 1966 - " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " J~ly " " " " " Aug. " " " " " Sept " " " " " " " Oct. " '~;~:. I 'ljI,~:W-;~_: _A ~,*_ I I ii1iiTf~l__ I;, .1 Page - 261, 347 278 300 415, 507 351 352 390 466 508 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT N 5-Niedert C. J., Notice of Claim. .........u........u........... IS-Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, requesting permission to excavate in Avoea Street. ................ I-Ney Albert J., granted Class HB" Beer Permit. ........ I-Norpel Kenneth L., requesting a hearing relative to the Housing Standard resulting from the raising and keeping of rabbits. 'U"U'u.. 302, 326, 402, 6-Nestor Wilfred & Mary, requesting deletion of their property from sidewalk program. ............................ 6---Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting per~ mission to excavate at Kaufmann Avenue and Chaney Road. .....u............u....u..u.......u..u......u......u.... 3-Ninth Street Extension, installation of street lights recommended by City Manager. ............................ 14-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting per. mission to excavate in alley between 3rd and 4th Streets adjacent to American Legion Bldg..... 28---Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., relative to the construction of a proposed building on John F. Kennedy Road. ..... ...... 1966 July " Aug. " Sept. " Oct. Nov. Dec. Page - 28 35 35, 408 35 36, 428 38 79 79 80 106 144, 417 121, 395 147 161 493, 494 182, 516 182 183 202 226, 485 227 239, 253 245 246 246 247 249 249 251 255, 256 255 255, 395 256 256 256 256 256 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT N 3-Norton James L. & Patricia A., ordered to dismantle building and clean up premises at 2997 Elm Street. ............................................................................ 3--Noel June M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 3-Nebel Rose Agnes, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 3-Neumeister John, granted Class "C" Beer Permit......... 3--Nebel Rose Agnes, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 31-North Central Audubon Council Research Committee, relative to the amount and effects of insecti- cides and pesticides in the Mississippi River......... 9-Nagelmaker Carl E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 9-National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit. .................................................................................. 9-Navy Club Ship No. 67, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .......................................................................... 7_Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting per- mission to excavate in alley between Locust and Main, between 9th and 10th streets. ................ 7-Ninth Street Railroad Crossing, application for the installation of Automatic Crossing Protection where the street crosses the tracks of the Chi~ cago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company and the Great Western Railway Com- pany. ...........................................u......................... 119, 7-Nebel Rose A., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 4---Navy Club Ship 67, requesting refund on Class "A" Liquor Permit No. A-616. ........................................ IS-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting per- mission to construct a new manhole on Loras Blvd. between Locust and Main Streets. ............ IS-Ninth Street, improvement with Concrete Paving with integral curb from the W.P .L. of Pine Street to the S.P.L. of 16th Street. ............ 170, 197, 244, 2-Norwood Nelson, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 2-Ney Raymond, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ............ 2-Ney Raymond, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 23-Nigg Jack C., power of attorney. .................................... 6-Nativity School and Lincoln School, requesting re- moval of school type crossing signals and the in- stallation of regular automatic traffic control signal device with manual control. ........................ 6-Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, requesting permission to excavate in 6th Street between White and Jackson Streets. .................................... 20-Nativity Church, requesting permission to extend their parking lot three feet beyond their property along Alta Vista Street. ............................................ 20-Ney Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 20-Noel John E., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Ney Albert J., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 2Q-Norwood Nelson, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Noel June M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ........ 20-Ney Albert J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .... 20-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., Notice of Claim. 27-National Tea Food Stores, granted Cigarette Permits. 27-Navy Club, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 27-Nebel Rose, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 27_Nagelmaker Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 27-Neumeister John C., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 27-Northern Drug Company, granted Cigarette Permit. 27-Ney Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Navy Club, Ship 67, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 1966 Jan. Feb. " " Mar. " " April " " ~,ay " " June " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ~~~ INDEX - BOOK 96 ,. INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT o :J ., Page - 53 54 54 55 56 58 71, 102 71, 103 71, 103 72, 104 72, 105 SUBJECT o 31-Ordinance No. 10-66. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Fremont Avenue from the South prop- erty line of Simpson Street to the south corpora- tion line. ........................................................................ 3I-Ordinance No. 11-66. An Ordinance establishing a grade on John F. Kennedy Road from the south property line of Asbury Road to the north prop- erty line of Pennsylvania Avenue. .......................... 3I-Ordinance No. 12-66. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Montcrest Street from the west property line of Lot 37 of Pleasant View Addition to the west property line of Hempstead Street. .............. 3I-Ordinance No. 13-66. An Ordinance establishing a grade on East Ninth Street Extension from the East Property line of Pine Street to the south Property line of East Twelfth Street. .................... 31-0rdinance No. 14-66. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Pennsylvania Avenue from the Section corner of Sections 21, 22, 27 and 28 Township 89 North, Range 3 East of the 5th Principal Meridian t~ .the West Property Une of Key Knolls Sub- dIVIsIon. ......................................... ................................. 31-0rchard Hills Subdivision, approval of plat of Lots 5.8, Block 1; Lots 9.14, Block 2, and Lots 1-3, Block 5. .......................................................................... 9-0rdinance No. 15-66. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, so as to change certain property here- inafter described, owned by American Trust & Savings Bank of Dubuque, Iowa, from "Single Family District" classification to "Local Business District A" classification. .......................................... 9-Ordinance No. 16-66. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known. as the Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, so as to change certain property here- inafter described from "Single Family Residential District" classification to "Multiple Family Res- idential District" classification, (Nauman-Schiltz property)......................................................................... 9-0rdinance No. 17-66. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, so as to change certain property here- inafter described from "Single Family Residential District" classification to "Local Business District A" classification, (Link property). .......................... 9-0rdinance No. 18-66. An ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the zon- ing map and zoning ordinance of the City of Dubuque from "Single Family District" classifica- tion to local business district uB" classification, (Link property). ............................................................ 9-0rdinance No. 19-66. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance' No. 3-34, known as the Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, so as to change certain property here- inafter described from "Single Family Residential District" classification to "Local Business District "A" classification, (Link property). 1966 " " Feb. " " " " " , Page - 3 8 8 9 35 41, 260 44, 82 50, 86 50 51 52 52 53 3---0rdinance No. 1-66. An Ordinance allocating and making appropriations of tax levies and other sources of revenue to the expenditures for City Government in the City of Dubuque, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and ending December 31, 1966 and authorizing certain trans- fers of funds. ................................................................ 3-0rdinance No. 4~65. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zon- ing Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Two Family Residence District Classifica- tion" to Multiple Residence District Classification, (Schiltz, Trapp, Schneider property). ...................... 3-0rdinance No. 44.65. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, so as to change certain property here~ inafter described from "Single Family Residence District" classification to "Two Family Residence District" classification. (Rehm property). ............ 3-0rdinance No. 47-65. An Ordinance Vacating Shields Street from south property line of Jones Street to the north property line of Dodge Street in the City of Dubuque. Iowa. ...........m.m.................... 3-0lsen William Holt, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .. 31-0'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks, to audit the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1965 and ending December 31, 1965. .. 31-Ordinance No. 2-66. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 2-34, known as the Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, so as to change certain property here- inafter described, owned by Robert J. McNamara and Wilma A. McNamara, from "Single Family District" Classification to "Local Business District "B" classification. .............. ........ ........... ....................... 31-0rdinance No. 3-66. An Ordinance Amending the Budget as approved by Resolution No. 171>65 and Ordinance No. 1-66. ............................................ 31-0rdinance No. 4-66. An Ordinance vacating portion of Farragut Street from alley immediately west of Garfield Avenue and parallel thereto eastward- ly to railroad tracks east of Garfield Avenue in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, platted and described as Lot 199A of Ham's Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ................................. ........................... 31-Ordinance No. 6-66. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Alpha Avenue from the north property line of Indiana Avenue to the south property line of Van Buren Street. ........................................ 31-0rdinance No. 7.66. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Enid Avenue from the south property line of Pennsylvania Avenue to the North prop- erty line of Van Buren Street. ................................ 31-0rdinance No. 8-66. An Ordinance establishing a grade on East Fifteenth Street from the east property line of Sycamore Street to a point 450 feet east therefrom. .................................................... 31-0rdinance No. 9-66. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Fillmore Street from the east property line of Adair Street to a point 125 feet east therefrom. ...... 1966 Jan. " " " " " " " " Page 96 INDEX - BOOK SUBJECT 1966 Page INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT I 224 224 225 263 263 230 230 245 245 246 247 252 253 225, 226, o 6-0rdinance No. 29-66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49, known as "The Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Section 12, Section 14 and Section 20 of Schedule IV thereof and by enacting a new Section 13, a new Section 14 and a new Section 20 to Schedule IV thereof limiting the parking of vehicles on streets or parts there- of, hereinafter named between the hours of 9:00 o'clock A.M. to 6:00 o'clock P.M. on any day ex- cept Sundays and public holidays same being two hour time zones. ................................................ 6-0rdinance No. 30-66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi. nance No. 33-49, known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Section H and Sec- tion gg of Schedule II thereof and by adding a new Section mm and a Section TIn to Schedule n thereof designating and establishing certain streets thereby requiring drivers of vehicles to stop at every intersection before entering said through streets hereinafter designated. .............. 6--Ordinance No. 31-66. An Ordinance amending Ordi~ nance No. 33-49, known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa", by repealing Section 16.34 there~ of and enacting a new Section 16.34 and a new Section 16.3 respectively, in lieu thereof prohibit~ ing parking of vehicles during certain hours on the north side of East Twelfth Street from Elm Street to Pine- Street and presently angle parking of vehicles on both sides of West Second Street from Iowa to Locust Street. ........................................ 6--0rdinance No. 32-66. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the Zon~ ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, so as to change certain property here~ inafter described from "Multiple Family Residen~ tial District" Classification to "Local Business "B" Classification (No. 50' of Lot 21 Fairview Addn.) .............................................................................. 6--0rdinance No. 33-66. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the Zon~ ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, so as to change certain property here- inafter described from "Single Family Residential District" Classification to "Two Family Residen~ tial District" Classification, (Lots 13, 14, 15, 21, 22 and 23 in Glenwood Subdivision.) ...................... 6--O'Neill Denise, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ...... 6--0lsen William H., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .. 2ll--01sen William H., granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 2O-0eschger Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 20-0'Mara Helen, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 20-0'Neill Denise, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Ordinance No. 34-66. An Ordinance authorizing Ger- ald L. Udelhofen and Joan Udelhofen to construct a retaining wall. ............................................................ 27-0rdinance No. 35-66. An Ordinance authorizing Church of the Nativity Corporation to construct Curb & Gutter or retaining wall 3 feet on to Alta Vista Street to extend Parking Lot. , " " " " " " " " " " " 83 84 88 130 160 444 178 182 182 203 236 237 223 98 145 207 o 18-0rdinance No. 20-66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49, as Amended, known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" by Enacting a New Subsection h. to Schedule vn Thereof To Prohibit The Stopping or Parking of any Vehicle in that portion of Alley between Asbury Street and Finley Street from Cherry Street to University Avenue. ...................................................... Ill-Ordinance No. 21-66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi. nance No. 33-49, as amended, known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Schedule I thereof and enacting a new Schedule I in lieu thereof to require, among other require~ ments, traffic to move southerly only in the alley lying between Asbury Street and Finley Street from Cherry Street to University Avenue and to require traffic to move easterly only in the alley lying between Cherry Streets and University Avenue and lying parallel thereto extending from the easterly edge of said alley lying immediately west of Asbury Street to Asbury Street ................ IS-Ordinance No. 5-66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi~ nance No. 40-65 by Repealing Section 4 Thereof and Enacting a New Section 4 in Lieu Thereof, Providing for the number of Taxicab Operators Authorized to Operate Taxicabs in the City of Dubuuqe, Iowa. .......................................................... 7-0'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks, annual audit of the Water Department for 1965. .................... 7-Ordinance No. 22.66. An Ordinance Vacating all pub- lic utilities and easements lying within Lots 30 to 48 inclusive of Block 2 of Marycrest Sub. division No.2. ............................................................ 120, 29_0rdinance No. 23-66. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Schedule VI thereof and enacting a new Schedule VI in lieu thereof prohibiting the parking of vehicles on streets or parts of streets described therein. IS-Ordinance No. 24-66. An Ordinance Vacating Portion of Wall Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. .... 158, 1S-0hnesorge John C., requesting extension of water main on Kelly Lane. .................................................... 18-0live Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Paving from the S.P.L. of West 11th Street to the S.P.L. of Jefferson Street. ............ 166, 188, 242, 432, ll-Ordinance No. 25.66. An Ordinance Changing the Name of Daykin Road to Daykin Court. ................ 2--.Qleson Karl H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 2-0'NeilI Denise, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 23-0'NeilI William, sidewalk bond. .................................... 23_0rdinance No. 26-66. An Ordinance vacating Thir- teenth Street from the West Property Line of Bluff Street to the West Property Line of Locust Street. 209, 23-0rdinance No. 27-66. An Ordinance vacating Street and alley described as Lot 2 of Lot 46A in Farley's Subdivision, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. (Rock Street.) .................................................... 214, 6-0rdinance No. 28-66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49, known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" by enacting a new section i and a new section j to Schedule vn thereof prohibit~ ing the parking of vehicles in the alleys herein- after designated. ..... 1966 - " " " Mar. " " April " " May " " " " " June .'''' --.- .~" Page INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT 1966 Page 96 INDEX - BOOK SUBJECT .. 374 375 391 392 393 393 399 406 423 53 o 19-0hmert Donald L., liability bond. ..m........................... 19-0rdinance No. 46-66. An Ordinance Regulating Drive- ways and Entrances to Part of Primary Road U. S. No. 20, Being The Intersection of The East Property Line of Brunskill Road And U. S. 20 Which is Station 2387+02 Easterly to Station 2387+64, Being The Easterly Property Line Ex- tended to Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Harwood Place in Du- buque Township, Dubuque County Now in The City of Dubuque, Iowa, According to The Record. ed Plat Thereof. ........................................................ 3-0rdinance No. 47-66. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new Subsection 8 to Section D of Schedule III and a new Subsection 5 to Section F of Schedule III to provide that northbound vehicles must stop before entering the intersection of Woodland Drive and Keyway Drive and southbound vehicles must stop before entering the intersection of Woodland Drive and Foothill Road respectively. ........................................ 3-0rdinance No. 48-66. An Ordinance amending Ordi~ nance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa, by enacting a new Subsection 89 to Schedule VI thereof to provide that the parking of motor vehicles on the north side of Mt. Loretta Avenue from Valley Street to Bryant Street is prohibited. .................................................... 3-0rdinance No. 49-66. An Ordinance authorizing the construction of curb and gutter and other im- provements on Whelan Street between the south- west property line of Bradley Street and the northeasterly property line of Lot I-A, Grandview Park, Block 10. ............................................................ 3-0rdinance No. 50-66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section "K" of Schedule II thereof to provide that University A venue be designated a through street from the north property line of Eighth Avenue to the east property line of North Grandview Avenue and from the west property line of North Grand- view Avenue to the east property line of Asbury Street to the John F. Kennedy Road. .................... 3-0sco Drug Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 17-0rdinance No. 51-66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49, known as The Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa by repealing Section 60 of Sched- ule VI thereof and enacting a new section 60 to Schedule VI thereof to prohibit the parking on the West side of Henion Street from Loras Boulevard to Helena Place. ...................................... 7-0rdinance No. 52-66. An Ordinance Authorizing the Construction of a Retaining Wall in the Alley between Dorgan Place and Madison Street. ........ 7-0rdinance No. 53-66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 known as "The Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa", by repealing Subsection 25 of Section B of Schedule III thereof to provide that the Intersection of Shiras A venue and Lincoln Avenue is no longer designated as a Stop Inter- section. " Oct. " Nov. " " 276 252 255 255 316 377 391 349 349 350 350 355 372 271 328 o 27-0rdinance No. 36-66. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance' of the City of Dubuque, so as to change Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Sarah S. and Edward Bartels Place at Center Grove from Single Family Residential District to Local Business "B" Classification. .................... 254, 27-0rdinance No. 37-66. An Ordinance authorizing Rodg- er Steen Jordahl to construct a retaining wall on Mineral Street. ....... .... ..................... ............. ................. 27-Osterhaus Kenneth J., granted Cigarette Permit. ...... 27-01son Karl H., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 5-0'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks, submitting report of City records and accounts for the year 1965, and of the Parking Facilities. ........................ 260, 15-0rdinance No. 38-66. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Business District Classification" to "Multiple Residence District" classification, (property on west side of Central Avenue from 24th to Diagonal Street). .................... 22-0rdinance No. 39-66. An Ordinance Authorizing Ray Stuart to construct a Rock Wall. ............................ 22-0rdinance No. 40-66. An Ordinance vacating portion of Decatur Street lying immediately east of Garfield Avenue and hereafter to be known and described as Lot 122A in Ham's Addition in the City of Dubuque. ................................................ 329, 6-0rdinance No. 41-66. An Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque by re- pealing Section 2 of Article 4 of the Zoning Ordi- nance of Dubuque and enacting a substitute therefore to authorize additional uses in multiple residence District. ...................................................... 349, 6-0rdinance No. 42-66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 12.2 there- of and enacting a new section 12.2 in lieu there- of requiring vehicles intending to make a left turn at an intersection to yield the right of way. 6-0rdinance No. 43-66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 17.1 there- of and enacting a new section 17.1 in lieu thereof providing for the display of lighted headlamps on motor vehicles in certain conditions. ................ 6-0rdinance No. 44-66. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new subsection 88 to Schedule VI to provide for the prohibiting of parking of motor vehicles on East side of Nevada Street from University Avenue to Martha Street. ............................................................................ 6-0rdinance No. 45-66. An Ordinance authorizing David S. & Judith A. Kane to construct a stone retaining wall. ..... .......................................................................... 6-0eschger Thomas A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. l2-0sterhaus Kenneth J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 1966 - " " " " July Aug. " " Sept " " " " " " .t Page 505 515 516 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT o 9---O'Mara Helen A., granted Class "e" Beer Permit. 28---0rdinance No. 61-66. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by enacting a new section pp to Schedule II thereof to provide that North Algona from the North Property Line of Loras Boulevard to the South Line of North Grandview Avenue be designated a Through Street. ............................................................................ 28-0rdinance No. 62.66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nanCe No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of DUbuque, lawall, as amended, by repealing Sec- tion 15.28 thereof and enacting a New Section 15.28 in lieu thereof to provide a change in the Truck Route in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ..... - 1966 " " ,. Page 424 426 489 482 477 478 489 515 425, 425, 491, INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT o 7-0rdinance No. 54.66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49, known as "The Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa", by Amending Schedule II thereof by adding a new section 00 thereto to require all vehicles to Stop at every Intersection before entering Shiras Avenue from the North Property Line of Rhomberg Avenue to the Eagle Point Park Exit which is designated as a Through Street. ............................................................................ 7-0rdinance No. 55-66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49, known as "The Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Subsection 13 of Section C. of Schedule vm thereof and Repealing Subsection 13 of Section D. of Schedule vm Thereof which Prohibited Parking of Motor Vehi- cles hetween the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. Certain Days on Thirteenth Street from Bluff Street to Locust Street. ............................................ 7-0rdinance No. 56-66. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 25.63 by Repealing Section 9 thereof and enacting a new Section in Lieu thereof to pro- vide an increase in rates to be charged by Dubu- que TV-FM Cable Co., a Division of H & B Com- munications Corporation. .......................................... 7-Oleson Karl Henry, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 28-0rdinance No. 57.66. An Ordinance amending the zoning map and zoning ordinance known as Ordi~ nance No. 3-34 of the City of Dubuque to change Lot 1 of Langworthy Place, Lot 10, West 50 feet of Lot 11, Lot 12, Lot 14, East 35 feet of Lot 11 and Lot 13 all in Massey Heights, Lot 2 of 2 of Langworthy Place, Lot 2 of Lot 1 of City Lot 731, and all that part of Lot 1 of City Lot 732 that lies south of Mazzuchelli Drive and all that J?art of Mineral Lot 69 not now zoned as multIple family residence zone from their present classi- fication to multiple family residence district classification. .. .... .......................................................... 28-0rdinance No. 58-66. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 2 of Article 4 thereof, and enacting a new Section 2 of Article 4 in lieu thereof to permit additional uses in the Multiple Residence District Classification. ............................ 9-0rdinance No. 59-66. An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 33-49, known as the "Traffic Code of Du- buque, Iowa" by repealing Subsection 6 of Section A of Schedule N thereof which limited the park- ing of motor vehicles from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. on both sides of Central Avenue from East Eigh- teenth Street to East Twenty fourth Street and enacting a new subsection 6 of Section A of Schedule IV thereof to limit parking of motor vehicles on both sides of Central Avenue from East Eighteenth Street to East Twenty Second Street and the east side of Central Avenue from Twenty Second Street to East Twenty Fourth Street. .. .m. ...................... .m......m................... ............... 9-0rdinance No. 60-66. An Ordinance amending the budget as approved by resolution No. 176-65 and Ordinance No. 1.66 and No. 3-66. 1966 " " " Dec. -,",,~, I I INDEX - BOOK 96 INDEX - BOOK 96 ., Page - 46 46 57 58 64, 65 70 73 74 90 90 91 91, 221 92 100 105 107, 210 124 126, 310 132 132 132 134 SUBJECT 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of Cortez Court and all public utility easements which lie within lots 30-46 of Block 2 of Marycrest Sub No.2, and that the City of Du. buque deed said street and public utilIty ease- ments to the plattor for purposes of replatting said subdivision and part of Lot I-A of Mary~ crest Sub. NO.2. .......................................................... 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, submitting report on the petition requesting the City to develop an acceSs road from Saunders Street to Keokuk Street. . ........ .... ..... m..m. ........................... m..........m...... 31-Picardy Park, request for rezoning to Multiple hous- ing by Hillcrest Investment Inc. ............................ 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of the final plat of Lots 5.8, Block 1; Lots 9.14, Block 2 and Lots 1-3, Block 5 in "Orchard Hills". .................... 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Block 3, Block 4 and Block 5 of "Pioneer Hills" Subdivision. ....... ................................ .... ....................... 9-Police Retirement Board Annual Report for the year 1965. ...................................................................... 9-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate in Cox and West 17th Streets. ........................ 9-Plein Leo V., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 295. .......................................................................... IS-Park Board, submitting resolution that in the future reclaimed land on the riverfront be set aside for park and recreation development. .......................... IS-Park Board, submitting resolution that in the future, land in all new subdivisions be set aside for park and recreation facilities. ............................................ IS-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that easement "B" in Block I of Bies Subdivision be named Kebbie Drive. .................................................. IS-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the annexation of seven and one half acres of land south of Highway 20 as requested by William C. Brown. ...... .... .... ..... .... ................... .................................. IS-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of their Annual Report and submitting it for the approval of the Council. ............................................................ 7-Potter Orville F., claim denied. .................................... 7-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate in alley between Bluff and Locust Streets, off of West Fifth Street. ............................................ 7-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate in Kane Street. .................................................... 29---Petrakis John, submitting resignation as a member of the Recreation Commission. ................................ 29-Police Department, relative to pay adjustments for the year 1966. ..................................................."........... 29-Pusateri Frank, et. aI., requesting surfacing, widen- ing of an alley between Asbury and Finley Streets in the 1600 Block. ........................................................ 29-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate in State Street. .................................................... 29-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to eXCa- vate in Curtis Street. ................................................ 29-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of blocks A.A, B.B, 12, 13, 14, 14-A, 15, 17 and 17.A in Key Knolls Subdivision. ,- p 1966 Feb. " Mar. " " " Page - 1 1 11 20 13, 49 14, 48 35 133, 180 43 43 43 45 45 45, 46 46 SUBJECT p 3-Pregler Walter A., sworn in as Councilman. ................ 3-Pregler Walter A., elected Mayor for the ensuing fiscal year. ...... ....... .......... .................... .................. ....... 3--Policeman's Protective Ass'n., requesting permission to address the Council concerning a wage in~ crease. ............. .......... ....... ........... ................................... 3-Pennsylvania Avenue, schedule of assessments for improvement with concrete curb and gutter. .... 3-Packard Douglas K. & Joan L., objecting to the assessment for the improvement of Fremont Avenue with concrete curb and gutter. ................ 3-Powers Philip A. & Martha, objecting to the assess- ment for the improvement of John F. Kennedy Road with concrete curb and gutter. .................... 3-Plein Leo V., granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the releasing of M.L. 313, plus two small pie shaped parcels described as Lot 5 of 63 and Lot 6 of 63 of Sanfords Subdivision to Sacred Heart Church. .................................................................................... 42, 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the denial of petition of Gene C. Parker for the vaca. tion and conveyance of a piece of city owned property abutting Lot I in Rosedale Addition No. 2. .............................................................................. 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning of Lot I of I of Hawkeye Stock Farm in Sections 27 and 28 from Single Family Resi- dential to Local Business "B" classification. ........ 31-Polak & Associates, advising the Council that ingress and egress, turn lanes and turning movement, drainage and sewer plans will be provided for if the McNamara property is rezoned to allow the construction of a shopping center. ................ 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning from Single Family to Local Business "B", the south 150' of the East 300' of the west 430' of Lot 2 of 2 of the SElf. of the SE1f4 in Section No. 21, T89N, R2E, 5PM; from Single Family to Local Business "A", the north 137 feet of the east 300 feet of the west 430 feet of Lot 2 of 2 of the SE1f4 of the SE1f4 of Section 21 T89N, R2E, 5PM; and Lot 1 of the Sub of East 291.8 feet of Lot 2 of 2 of the SElf. of the SE1f4 of Section 21, T89N, R2E, 5PM, in the City of Dubuque. . ..... .... .... ............... ..... ..................... .............. ... 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending approval of petition of the American Trust and Savings Bank to rezone Lot 2 of the Sub of 1 of 1 of Rudolph's Farm in Section 27; and Lot 2 of the Sub of 1 of 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Hawkeye Stock Farm in Sections 27 and 28 from Single Family Residence to Local Business "A". ........................ 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition of Cox Realty to rezone Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Jd. L. 342 from Single Family to Multiple Family Residence. ........ 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending approval of petition of Richard Schiltz to rezone Lots 31, 32, 33 and 34 in Block I of "Nauman Addition" from Single Family to Multiple family classification. ..... 1966 Jan. " " " " " " " " 96 INDEX - BOOK INDEX - BOOK 96 I Page - 211 215 221 226 228, 229 232 271, 315 233 233 233 240 246 246 246 248 247 248 249 255 255 255 255 256 257 257 267 270 271 286 SUBJECT p 23-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Block 4, Block 6, Block 7 and Block 8 in Meltel. Link Addition. .............................................................. 23-Ploog Elizabeth J., sale of Lot 1 of 8 of City Lot 703 to the City of Dubuque for the sum of $5,000 for purposes of widening West Ninth Street. ............ 6-Peoples Natural Gas, annual operating statement for year 1965. ...................................................................... 6---Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate in Cherry Street. ................................................ 6--Property Owners, required to make connections from the sewer, water and gas mains to the curb line on streets included in the City of Dubuque 1966 Bituminous Concrete Paving Project No.1, Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project NO.1 and the Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.1, prior to July 5, 1966. ........................ 20-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending ap- proval of petition of Wallis Company for the vaca- tion of alley between Dorgan Place and Madison Street. "".......... .............................................................. 20-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that zoning on the west side of Central between 24th and Diagonal Street be rezoned to multiple family residence. .................................................... 232, 260, 20-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition for the vacation of an alley between Sullivan and Lorimer Streets. ................ 20-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the zoning of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of "Sarah S. and Edward Bartels place at Center Grove, located on the north side of University Avenue, from single family residential to local business "B". ............ 20-Palm Ken, sidewalk bond. ................................................ 20-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate at the intersections of 5th. 8th, 9th and 14th and Bluff Streets. .................................................... 20---Pusateri Michael F., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 20-Papin Ray, granted Cigarette Permit. ............................ 20-Pauly Marcile A., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 20---Polfer Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Plumley Don, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 20---Pauly Marcile A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 20---Pauly Marcille A., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 27-Page Hotel Company, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 27-Pins Arthur W., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Parker Ravis, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Poulos Andrew, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Palmer Drug Company, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 27-Pins Arthur W., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 27-Pins Arthur W., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 2-Putz Jerome C., granted Cigarette Permit. .................. IS-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending de. nial of petition of Jules E. Hansel to rezone Lot 2 of 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Gillespie's from Single Family to Two Family Residential. ........................ IS-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that the petition of Lloyd A. & Lucille J. Ferris, re- questing vacation of a portion of land abutting Lot 2 of 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Gillespie's be referred to the City Engineer and City Solicitor for proper proceedings. .. ......... ........... .... ............. ........................ ... 25-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate in State Street and Rush Street. ........ 1966 June " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " July " " " Page 136 143 177 177 158 159 176 160 201 201 202 209 210 177 197 201 183 171 157 SUBJECT p 29-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Lots 24 thru 33 Block 4, Lots 24 thru 52 Block 5, Lots 2 thru 34 Block 6, Lots 1 thru 12 Block 8, Lots 5 thru 8 Block 9 and Block 10 in Sunset Park Subdivision No.2. ............................................ 4-Papin Raymond, granted application for a Mobile '!'railer Court. .............................................................. IS-Planning & Zoning Commission, informing the Coun- cil of their previous action concerning the re- quests of Dr. John Link for rezoning of his pro~ perties at the junction of Kennedy Road and Pennsylvania Avenue. ................................................ 156, IS-Planning & Zoning Commission, advising Council that they have no objection to the changing the name of Daykin Road to Daykin Court. ................ IS-Planning & Zoning Commission, denying petition of Hillcrest Investment Inc., requesting approval of final plat of Picardy Park No. 2 and the re- zoning of same to Multiple Family Residential district. .......................................................................... 157, IS-Planning & Zoning Commission, approving request for vacation of Wall Street. .................................... IS-Powers Philip & Martha, notice of appeal from con- demnation award. ..........0< ............................................ l8---Pust Eldon, requesting street light at corner of Lin- coln and Hawthorne Streets. .................................... 160, IS-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate in Rosedale and Avoca Streets. .................... IS-Planning & Zoning Commission, approving the plat of Glenwood subdivision. .......................................... 2--Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the denial of petition of Hillcrest Investment Inc., to rezone lots 1 and 2 of picardr. Park No. 2 from single family to multiple falUlly. ............................ 2-Pfohl Councilman, submitting a resolution requesting a referendum on Urban Renewal Project No.1. .... 23-patrick Rachael E., objecting to the proposed sur- facing of Bluff Street. ................................................ 23-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning of the north fifty feet of Lot 21, Fairview Sub. from Multiple Family to Local Business liB" classification. ................................................................ 23-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of Petition of Donald Roth to rezone Lot 568 and 569 Lenox Addition from Single Family to Multiple Family Residence. ................................ 23-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning of Lots 13, 14, 15, 21, 22 and 23 in Glen- wood Subdivision from Single Family to Two Family Residence. ...................................................... 23-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning of Lots 34, 35, 36, 36A, 90, 91 and 92 in A. P. Woods Add. from Two Family to Multiple Family Residence, also recommending that petition requesting vacation of Blake Street be denied. . .................. ........ ................................................. 23-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of vacation of West Thirteenth Street between Bluff and Locust Streets, as petitioned by the Dubuque Boys Club. .............................................................................. 23-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate at 24th & Windsor and on Kane Street near Springgreen Court. ..... 1966 - " April " " " " " " " " May " " " " " " " " INDEX - BOOK 96 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT P 1 Page 477 478 504 511 476, 503, SUBJECT P 28--Poulos Andrew Mrs., Notice of Claim. ........................ 28--Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending re- zoning of property as requested by St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. ............................................................ 28-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca. vate in Princeton Place. ............................................ 9-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Block 1, Block 2, Block 3 and Block 4 in Mettel. Larches Addition in Section 1 and Section 2 in Dubuque Township. 1966 " Dec. " Page - 309 317 329 337 348, 391 351 352 363 374 376 376 394 394 405 407 407, 484 408 426 426, 492 427 457 459 469 474 475 I-Pusateri Michael F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. IS-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca. vate in alley at 4th & Locust Streets. .................... 22-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate at Rush and Plum Streets. ........................ 22-Papin Raymond, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ........ 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that Article 4, Multiple Residence District, Section .2, be amended to include professional office uses within certain described areas. ................................ 6-Peo~~~~ ~;tch~n~:sR~:a~~~.~~...~~~~~~~~~~..~~..~~~~~ 6--Parker Ravis, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 211. ........................................................................ 12-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of a platted street adjacent to Lot 4 of Mineral Lot 472 bordering Linwood Cemetery. .... 19-Phillips William L., sidewalk bond. ................................ 19-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate at the intersection of 16th and Cedar Streets and 16th and Sycamore Streets. ............................ 19-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate at 469 Loras Blvd. ......,....................................... 3-Phillips Harry, requesting permission to excavate in alley in rear of 576 Main street. ........................ 3-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate at alley entrance off of West 5th Street off of Bluff Street. ............................................................ 3-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the granting of request of St. Joseph Mercy Hospitall for the purchase of a parcel of ground south 0 Mazzuchelli Drive. ...................................................... 17-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca. vate at the intersection of Kaufmann Avenue and North Grandview Avenue. ........................................ 17-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to run gas main on top of ground to serve the Dubuque County Nursing Home. .............................................. 17-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of M. L. 5 ........................................ 7-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate in Summit Street and in 16th Street near Maple. ....... ................... ........................ .......................... 7-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate in Cherry Street, and in Green Street near Finley. ............................................................................ 7-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate in Sullivan Street. ............................................ 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of subdivision of Lot 1 of 1 of correction plat of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 246, by Chrysler Motors Corporation. .. ..... .......... .... .................................., ",.,.. ... 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Becker Subdivision. .............................. ............... ....... 14---Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Rannals Place. ..... ........ ................................ ................. 28-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending de- nial of petition of Eldon Herrig to rezone Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 Block 3, Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 Block 4 in St. George Subdivision. ........................ 28-Planning & Zoning Commission withholding action on petition of Roy Strong, requesting vacation of alley abutting Lot 2.2 L. H. Langworthy's Addition. ..... 1966 ~pg. " Sept. Nov. " " Oct. " " 'Cd. I Page - 178 179 201 203 237, 238 222 245 246 246 246 246 246 246 247 247, 395 249 249 255 255 255 256 256, 519 257 257 267 267 267 267 268 285, 421 337 348 348 355 371, 428 372, 428 374 378 379 393 400 2--Ryan Grace, Notice of Claim. ........................................ 2-Reilly Realty, requesting release of Subdivision bond on Green Acres. ................................................ 23-Roth Donald, petition for rezoning of Lots 568 and 569 of Lennox Addition from Single Family to Multiple Family Residence classification denied. 23-Recreation Commission, authorized to expend money from the Rafferty Fund for the development of a tot-lot near Caledonia Place. ................................ 23-Rock Street, vacation of street and alley described as Lot 2 of Lot 46A in Farley's Subdivision, and authorizing disposal thereof. .......................... 214, 6-Riedel Evelyn, settlement of claim. ................................ 2ll-Radloff Otto L. & Minnie R., granted Cigarette Per- mit................................................................................... 20-Roshek Bros. Company, granted Cigarette Permit. 20---RandaU's Incorporated, granted Cigarette Permit..... 2ll-Reisdorf Joseph R., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 2ll-Rink Richard G., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Riverside Bowl, granted Cigarette Permit. .................. 20-Reittinger Neal, granted Cigarette Permit. .................. 20-Ring Louis A., granted Cigarette Permits. .................... 20-Rowley Arlo, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 20-Riverside Bowl, Incorporated, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ............................................................ 2ll-Reisdorf Joseph Edward, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ............................................................................ 27-Ruegnitz R. S., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Rommel Roger, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Rhomberg William A., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 27-Ricke Arthur G., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Rahe Richard G. and David Burds, granted Cigarette Permit. .......................................................................... 27-Rhomberg William A., granted Class HB" Beer Per- mit. .................................................................................. 27-Rhomherg William A., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. .................................................................................. 5--Rettenberger Max, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ ~Riekena Doris, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 5---Rawson Celeste, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 5--Rawson Celeste, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... ~Rawson Celeste, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 2~Reno Alphonse, Notice of Claim. ................................ 22-Riverside Bowl, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 6---Reisen Janet, Notice of Claim. ...................................... 6-Roeder Marcella, Notice of Suit. .................................... 6-Randalls Foodarama, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ............................................................................ 12-Rogers Orval D., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 12-Rogers Orval D., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 19-Real Estate Research Corporation, contract for the purpose of re-use appraisal of the redevelop- ment sites in downtown urban renewal project. .. 19--River Front Subdivision No.3, approval of plat of Block 12. ........................................................................ 19--River Front Subdivision No.3, disposal of City's interest in Lot 1 of Block 11 and Lot 2 of Block 12 in "Riverfront Subdivision No. 3 to Thermo- lyne Corporation. ........................................................ 3-Raforth Russell, granted permission to construct curb and gutter and other improvements on Whelan Street. ........................... ................................................. 3-Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT R 1966 - ~!lY " " " June " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " July " " " " " Aug. S,~pt. " " " " " " Oct. Page - 1 7 12 12 8 35 39 41 49 66 66, 519 66, 519 67, 520 73 89 90 90 90 94 98 98 107, 202 107 107 144, 417 126 149, 492 150, 492 432, 445 172, 202 INDEX - BOOK 96 3-Russo R. N., appointed City Solicitor. ............................ 3-Reports of the Auditor, Treasurer, Health Depart- ment and Water Works for the month of Novem- her. 1965. . .... ......... ........................................................ 3-Ricke Cloetta, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 62. ............................................................ 3-Ricke Cloetta, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 151. ................................................................ 3-Rehm Marvin and Betty R., requesting extension of Two Family District to include Lot 1 of 12 and Lot 13 of Union Avenue Subdivision. ......."........... 3-Reittinger Neal J., granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 3l-Reittinger Robert Mrs., favoring the use of Jackson Park for a boys club. ................................................ 3l-Reports of the Auditor, Treasurer and Water Works for the month of December, 1965. ........................ 31-Hecreation Department, transfer of funds from the Rafferty Park Property Fund to the General Fund. ................................... ........................................... 31-Rowley Arlo, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 31-Rahe Richard G. & David Burds, granted Cigarette Permit. ...................... .... .... ... .................... .................... 3l-Rahe Richard G. & David Burds, granted Class "B': Permit. ........................................................................... 3l-Rahe Richard G. & David Burd.s, granted Class "c' Liquor Permit. ...... SUBJECT R 1966 Jan. " " " " " " 9--Robo Car Wash, petitions for and against the opera. tion of. ............................................................................ IS-Recreation Commission, submitting a proposal for in. door recreational facilities and requesting a re- ferendum for the issuance of bonds. .................... 18-Rem~ngton Mau~ic.:e, appointed to the Human Rela. tlons CommIssIon. ...... ........... ....................................... 18-Recreation Commission, submitting a remodeling pro- gram for Eagle Point Swimming Pool. .................... IS-Recreation Commission, submitting their annual re- port for the year 1965. .............................. IS-Ring Richard J., granted Cigarette Permit. 7-Russo R. N., bond. .................... 7-Roling Gilbert, sidewalk bond. ........................................ 7-Reilly Realty Co., requesting rezoning of Lots 33, 34, 35, 36A, 90, 91 & 92 in A. P. Woods Addition nom Two Family to Multifamily, also requesting the vacation of Blake Street. ............................................ 7-Roeder Marcella, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 153. ................................................................ 7-Roeder Marcella, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 125. ................................................ 7-Railroad Crossing Protection, application for the in- stallation of automatic crossing signal protection where Ninth Street crosses the Chicago, Mil- waukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway and the Chicago Great Western Railway tracks. ........ 119, 29--Rettenberger Wendelin, sidewalk bond. ........................ 4-Ricke Arthur G., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 4-Ricke Arthur G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... IS-Randall Place, improvement with Bituminous Con- crete Paving from the S.P.L. of South Grandview Avenue to the south end of the street. ................ ............................................................ 166, 188, 242, 16-Richard Andrew J., approval of plat of Lots 1 thru 25 in Glenwood Subdivision. Feb. Mar. " April " " " " " " ~ , Page - 1 9 10 11 12 14, 49 8 29 31 75, 279 35 35 35 38 41 133, 180 46, 71 47 49 108, 321 111, 266 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT 5 3-Schultz Merlin F., sworn in as Councilman. ............ 3-Shields Street, vacation of street from south property line of Jones Street to the north property line of Dodge Street. ........uu....u...u..u....................u....... 3-Stampfer Trusts, Emily P'j conveyance by the City of Dubuque of Lot B of vacated Sbields Street. 3-Saffran George, requesting vacation of Cortez Court and all pUblic utility easements lying within Lots 30 to 46 inclusive of Block 2 of Marycrest Sub. division No.2, also requesting conveyance of said street and easements for purposes of re- platting. .. ......... .....u.u......u...u.u..u.. ........ ..........u.u...u. 3-Scherr James J., requesting refund on Cigarette Per. mit No. 154. .................uuu.....u.................................... 3-Stevens Clark W. & Ingrid H., objecting to the assess- ment for the improvement of Fremont Avenue with concrete curb and gutter. ................................ 3-Schiltz Trust, requesting rezoning to Multiple Family Residence Lot 1 and Lot 5 of Byrne Subdivision No.2. ............................................................................ 3-Steichen Margaret, ordered to dismantle building and clean up premises at 502 Avon Street. .................... 3-Smith Margaret K. Estate, George E. Traut Adminis~ trator, ordered to dismantle bUilding and clean up premises at 2130 Gold Street. ......................."... 3-Sanitary Sewer, preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of an eight inch (8") sanitary sewer from the Catfish Creek Sanitary sewer northerly thru Lot 3 to Lot 7 inclusive of Moore Heights Subdivision. ............................................ 33, 3-Smothers Norman H. & Mary E., granted Cigarette Permit. .......................................................................... 3-Sarris Giannoula, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 3-Sarris Patricia, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 31-Schaefer William E., objecting to the nuisance created by a car wash on Asbury Street. ............ 31-Saffran Construction Co., liability poliCY. ................ 31-Sacred Heart Church, requesting purchase of M. L. 313, plus two small pie shaped parcels described as Lot 5 of 63 and Lot 6 of 63 Sanfords Sub. division. .................................................................... 42, 31-Schiltz Richard, approval of petition for the rezoning of Lots 31, 32, 33 and 34 in Block 1 of "Nauman Addition" from Single Family to Multiple Family classification. .. ............. ................... .... .......................... 31-Schmerbach David A., claim denied. ............................ 31-Street Department, transfer of funds from the Street Fund to the Street Road Use Tax Fund. ............ 31-Storm Sewer, preliminary plans, speCifications and form of contract for the construction of a forty eight inch (48") storm sewer between McPoland and Marmora Street, beginning at the existing storm sewer in Lot 570 Lenox Addition thence northerly to the existing storm sewer in Lot 543 of Lenox Addition. .............................................. 59, 31-Shiras Avenue Storm Sewer, preliminary plans, speci- fications and form of contract for the construc~ tion of a storm sewer from the existing seventy eight inch (78") easterly two hundred eighty feet (280') to the existing box culvert. .................... 61, 31-Southern Avenue Storm Sewer, preliminary plans, specifications and form of contract for the con. struction of a Sixty Inch (60") storm sewer and 1966 Jan. " " " " " " " " " " " " Page - 461 418, 464 489 470 478 479 486 505 508 517 517 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT R 7-Remy Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 14--Rosheks Department Store, granted permission to land a helicopter on deck of the Parking Ramp. 14---Rannals Place, approval of plat. .................................... 14---Ruchte Marshall, relative to property that is affected by the Downtown Urban Renewal Project. ...."...... 28---Recreation Commission, requesting a meeting with the City Council relative to a building program at Veteran's Memorial Center. ................................ 28---Roepsch Donald, requesting inspection of water main recently installed in Kelly Lane. ............................ 9-Reiter David, Notice of Claim. ........................................ 9-Radloff Otto L. & Minnie, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .......................................................... 28-Renier J. J., relative to TV cable rates. .. 28-Riverfront Subdivision No.3, approval of 28---Riverfront Subdivision No.3, approval of Block 6. ..... ................. Block 6. Lot 2 of " " I Page - 140 141 146 149 150 156 161, 178 241, 481 432, 447 432, 447 243, 480 176 182 182 182 189 193 198 202 205 211 216 223 226 289 245 245 245, 395 245 246 246 246 248 248 248 246 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT 5 29-Schroeder Donald, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .... 29-Shannon Valetta, granted Class "e" Liquor Permit. 4-Saffran George, approval of Lots 5 thru 9, Block 1, Lots 30 thru 43, Block 2, Lots 1 thru 9, Block 5, Lot 1, Block 6 of Marycrest Subdivision No.2. 4-Schumacher Earl E., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 4-Schumacher Earl E., granted Class "e" Beer Permit. 18-Strub Raphael H., sidewalk bond. ................................ 18-Simon Harry. requesting rezoning of an area on Uni. versity Avenue to Local Business "An classifica- tion. ................................................................................ 18--Shiras Avenue, improvement with Concrete Curb and Gutter from the end of the existing paving at the old corporation line to the pillars at the Eagle Point Park exit. ............................ 162, 185, 18--Shiras Avenue, improvement with Bituminous Con- crete Surfacing from the end of the existing paving at the old corporation line to the pillars at the Eagle Point Park exit. .... 162, 188, 242, 18--S0uthern A venue, improvement with Bituminous Con- crete PaVing from the S.P.L. of Grandview Ave- nue to the S.P.L. of Lot 1 of Block 9 of Indian Hills. ................................................ 166, 188, 242, 18-Southern Avenue, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the W.P.L. of Kerrigan Road to the W.P.L. of Sullivan Street. 167, 194, 2--Simon Vern, sidewalk bond. ............................................ 2--Sfikas Pete & Gust Karigan, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................................................................ 2--Stecklein Richard N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 2-Sharpe Donald M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ~chmid Titus B., relative to the paving of Lang. worthy AVenue. .............. .............................................. 23-Super Gro Products Co., relative to the widening of First Street. ............................................................ 23-Schrup Louis et. aI., objecting to proposed surfacing of Ninth Street. ............................................................ 23-Sherman John, appointed to County-City Authority. 23--Smith Marie, Settlement of claim. ................................ 23-Schiltz Jack, requesting a referendum on bond issue !or t~e construction of a swimming pool and an Ice rInk. ........................................................................ 23--Schollmeyer Paul W., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit. .................................................................................. 6-Schromen Kenneth, sidewalk bond. ............................ 6-Super 20 Drive.Jn Theatre, requesting permission to hold a fireworks display. ........................................ 20-Spiegelhalter Melvin A., requesting relief relative to installing a sidewalk on Davis Avenue. ............ 20--Super 20 Drive-In Theatre, granted Cigarette Permit. 2~teffen Jerome, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 2~mothers Norman H. & Mary E., granted Cigarette Permit. ............................................................................ 2~ullivan Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 2~chaffert, L. G., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 2~chwartz Ethel M., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 2~mith Mark R. & Bernard F. Skahill, granted Cigar- ette Permit. ........................................................, 2O-Schollmeyer Paul W., granted Cigarette Permit. 20--Schumacher Earl E., granted Cigarette Pennit. 2~harpe D. C., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 2O-Schuster Donald W., granted Cigarette Permit. 1966 - " " April " " " " " " " " ~~y " " " " " " " " " June " " " " " " " " " " " " " Page - 112, 322 115, 397 88 66 66 88 70 73 74 75, 77 79 89 90 92 98 101 107 109, 321 111, 266 117 124, 221 124, 221 126 126 132 136 138, 240 140 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT 5 appurtenances from the existing storm sewer at Samuel Street westerly in Southern Avenue to the intersection of Southern A venue, English Lane and Sullivan Street. ........................ 62, 111, 31-Signs, Supports On The Intersection of Dodge And Locust Streets, plans and specifications for the construction of overhead sign supports..... 63, 64, 31-Sharpe D. C. Dr., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 31-Shannon Valetta, garnted Cigarette Permit. ............ 31-Shannon Valetta, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 31-Schneller Mathias A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 9-Secretary of State of Iowa, relative to foreign cor. porations doing business in the State of Iowa without Certificate of Authority. ............................ 9-Sexton Donald L. et. aI., objecting to any improve- ments to be made on the alleys bounded by As- bury, Finley and Cherry Streets for benefit of Robo Car Wash. ............................................................ 9-Storm Sewer in Key Knolls Subdivision completed and accepted. ................................................................ 9-Sanitary Sewer from the Catfish Creek Sewer north. erly thru Lot 3 to Lot 7 inclusive of Moore HeIghts Subdivision. .. .................................................. 9-SuIlivan John I., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... l8-Street Commissioner, submitting a proposal for the construction of a new garage and requesting a bond issue referendum. ............................................ 18--Sigwarth, Rev. Anthony, reappointed to the Human Relations Commission. ................................................ lB-Silliman, Gray & Stapleton, Attorneys, requesting payment of one half of $25,000 levied against the City and Marion Ryder. ..."............................... 7-Sfikas Pete, requesting a water connection without paying an assessment per foot of frontage of property along Dodge Street. .................................... 7-Sinhold Fred H., claim denied. .................................... 7-St. Anthony's Church, requesting permission to exca- vate in Rosedale Street. ............................................ 7-Storm Sewer, preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of a 48" storm sewer between McPoland Street and Marmora Street. ........ 108, 7-Shiras Avenue Storm Sewer, preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of a 78" storm sewer. .............. ............. ......................................... 110, 7-Street Finance Report For The Year 1965. ................ 29-Smith Joseph S., power of attorney. ............................ 29-Steffen Leo Anthony, power of attorney. .................... 29-Schiltz Construction Co., liability bond. ........................ 29-Shireman Robert, sidewalk bond. ................................".. 29-Sievers Mrs., et. aI., requesting the surfaCing of alleys between University and Cherry Streets and Asbury and Finley Streets. ............................ 29-Sunset Park Subdivision No.2, approval of plat of Lots 24 thru 33 Block 4, Lots 24 thru 52 Block 5, Lots 2 thru 34 Block 6, Lots 1 thru 12 Block 8, Lots 5 thru 8 Block 9 and Block 10 in Sunset Park Subdivision No.2. ............................................ 29-Sanitary Sewer, construction of an eight inch (8") from the Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer northerly thru Lot 3 to Lot 7 inclusive in Moore Heights Subdivision. ........... .... ...................... ..................... 116, 29-Schwartz Ethel, granted Class "B" Beer Pennit 1966 " " " " " Feb. " " " " " Mar. " " " " " " " " .1 Page - 329 330 345 346 355 363 376, 475 382 386 430, 502 389 389 367 398 405 407, 418 420 422 422, 465 423, 466 426 431 458 464 466 474 476, 511 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT 5 22-Sertoma Club, requesting permission to solicit house to house for the benefit of retarded children. .... 22-Schlitzer John, requesting refund on BUilding Per- mit No. 846. ................................................................ 6-Speer & Associates, Paul D., contract with the City of DUbuque. ................................................................ 6-Scbiltz Richard J., sidewalk bond. ................................ &-Scherer Emma M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 12-St. Columbkille's Church, requesting permission to excavate in Rush Street. ........................................ 19-5trong Roy, requesting vacation of an unused alley abutting Lot 2 of 2 of L. H. Langworthys Ad. dition. .............................................................................. 26-Senior High School, requesting permission to hold a Homecoming Parade. ............................................ 26-Sfikas Bessie, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 26--Sanitary Sewer, construction of an eight inch (S") sanitary sewer from the southern most existing sanitary manhole between Kaufmann Avenue and Asbury Road southerly along the west side of J. F. Kennedy Road and westerly through Lot 1, 2 and 1.3 of Henry Zieglers Subdivision and Lot 2-4 of J. P. Mettels Subdivision NO.2 to the E.P.L. of of Lot 1.4 of J. P. Mettels Subdivision No.2. ........ ................................................ 386, 337, 428, 429, 3--Smitty's Excavating Service, liability bond. ............ 3-Splinter Clarence R., sidewalk bond. ........................ 3--SIDEWALK PROGRAM FOR CITY OF DUBUQUE 1966, construction of sidewalks on Asbury, Avalon, Bunker Hill, St. George, Carter, Kane, Kaufmann, Mineral, Pennsylvania, St. Joseph, Theda, Trygg Drive and Van Buren Street. ............ 323, 366, 17-Scherrer Helen M., Notice of Claim. ............................ 17-Sunnyview Drive, installation of street light re. quested. ..................................... ..................................... 7-Smitty's Excavating Service, liability bond. ................ 7-Schmitz, Mrs. Robert E., Notice of Claim. ................ 7-Stoeckel William E., requesting permission to con- struct hedge step and three feet of wall on City property. .. ............. ......................................................... 7-Shanahan Rita, requesting permission to construct a fence, a portion of which would be on City property. ........... ................... .... ...................................... 7-Schuster John M. et. at, requesting vacation of alley between Marion Street and St. Joseph Street, and asking City to vacate and convey ten feet on each side to abutting property owners. ........ 7-Sanitary Sewer, completion and acceptance of Key Knolls Trunk Line sewer from Key Way to the City Trunk Sewer in Pennsylvania Avenue. ........ 7-Streets and Parking, Official Budget Report of Muni- cipal Streets and Parking for the fiscal year 1967. 7-Streinz Lester, appointed to Planning & Zoning Com. mission to fill the unexpired term of Earl Bush. 14-Scherrer Charles, relative to parking facilities for the Canfield Hotel and proposed Urban Renewal program. ............. ......... ......... .............. ......... .................. 2S-Sewage Treatment Plant, construction of earthern dikes to sectionalize the area. ....... 28-Staudacher Elmer A., Notice of Claim. 1966 - " " Sept. " " " " " " " Oct. " " " " Nov. " " " " " " " Page 246 246 246 247 247 Z47 247 247 247 247 247 248 248 248 248 248 249 249 249 249 249 249 251 255 255 255 255 255 256 256 427 256 428 267 319 275 279 283 370 501 516 300 300 300 315 328 256, 256, 274, 334, 405, 299, 317, INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT 5 20-Shannon Valetta, granted Cigarette Permit. ..... 2O--Sullivan John L., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-81. Joseph Sanitarium, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 20--Savary John L., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Cigarette Permit. 20-Schmitt Gerald, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Sand Donald, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 20-Schnee Michael, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 2O-Schwind Frank, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 20-Sarris Patricia, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 20-Sarris Jenny, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 2Q-Sears Roebuck Company, granted Cigarette Permit..... 20--Savary John L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 20--Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................................................................ 2Q-Sand Donald, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 2Q-Smith Mark R. & Bernard F. Skahill, granted Cigar- ette Permit. .................................................................. 20-Savary John L., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .... 2Q-Smith Mark R. and Bernard F. Skahill, granted Class IIC" Liquor Permit. .................................................... 20-Stecklein Richard N., granted Class "c" Liquor Per- mit. .................................................................................. 2O--Sand Donald T., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .... 20-Schollmeyer Paul, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 20--Sarris Patricia, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 2Q-Schlung Ricky, Notice of Claim. .................................... 27-Specht Halod A., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Schneller Mathias A., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 27-Stampfer Company, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 27-Schroeder Don, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Steffens John, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Spielman William G., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 27-Sun Leo, granted Cigarette Permit. ............................ 27-Smith William C., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 27-Scherer Emma, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 27-Smith William C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 5-Stecklein Richard, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 16-Shireman Hilda, ordered to dismantle building and clean up premises located at 350 Edith Street..... 16-Scholl James J., sidewalk bond. .................................... lS-Salt Companies, institution of an Anti. Trust Suit against the various Salt Companies by the Attor- ney General on behalf of the City of Duhuque. 13--Specht Harold 0., granted Class "c" Beer Penuit. .... 25-Sanitary Sewer, preliminary plans and specifications for the 1966 Kelly Lane Sanitary Sewer. ............ ................................................ 289, 290, 332, 333, 1-St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, requesting a portion of City property described as Lot 1 of City Lot 732, south of Mazzuchelli Drive. ............................ 294, l-Stotlar Betty, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 1-Stotlar Elizabeth, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. l-Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ............................................................................ 1-Sfikas Pete S. & Gust Karigan, granted Class "C" liquor Permit. ............................................................ 15--Sodawasser Russell et. a1., requesting the rezoning of the west side of Central Avenue from 24th Street to Diagonal. .................................................... 15-Stuart Ray, requesting permission to construct a retaining wall. ...., 1966 - " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " July " " " " " Aug. " " " " ....;~ . Page 2 10 12 35 299 125 126 154 155 160 435 210 221 223 248 246 247 247 248 249 257 275 409 502 375 512 400 461 485 471 486 508 490 74, 432, 124, 379, 365, 492, 489, INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT T 3-Telegraph Herald, appointed the official newspaper for the City of Dubuque. ............................................ 3---Trausch Baking Company. conveyance by the City of Dubuque of Lot D of vacated Shields Street ........ 3-Treivieler Elmer L., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 58. .............................................................. 3---Thompson J. F., granted Class "e" Beer Permit. ........ 9--Trapp Mrs. A. J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 57. .............................................................. 29-Thirty Second Street, parking restricted on the south side from Lemon to Central as recommended by the City Manager. .................................................. 29-Tri-State Paving Co., liability bond. .............................. IS-Teeling Mary, power of attorney. .................................. IS-Tschiggfrie Edward D. and Joan, liability policy. .... IS-Takes Bud et. aI., objecting to the condition of the Great Western Railroad crossing beds from 21st to 24th Street. .............................................................. IS-Twenty Fourth Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Paving from the E.P .L. of Cenrtal A ve- nue to the W.P.L. of Windsor Avenue. ................ ............................................................ 166, 188, 242, 28-Thirty Second Street, requests for installation of street lights. .................................................................. 6-Tschudi Joseph C., power of attorney. ........................ S-Tschiggfrie Edward D. Jr. and Joan, liability policy. .. 2O-Tigges Doris J., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 2O-.Tschig.!drie Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 2O---Trauscn Bakery, granted Cigarette Permit. .................. 2O-Thompson Food Market, granted Cigarette Permits. .. 2O-Thompson J. F., granted Class HC' Beer Permit. ........ 27-Tri..state Paving Company, sidewalk bond. .................. 27-Thompsons Food Markets, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .................................................................. IS-Trumm Raymond, sidewalk bond. .................................. 15-Thermolyne Corporation, requesting additional land in Dubuque Industrial Park. ..................316, 334, 22--- Traffic Signals at the Intersection of First Street and Locust Street, and First Street and Main Street, preliminary plans and specifications. ........ ...................................................................... 335, 364, 19-Tressel Thomas Joseph, settlement of claim. ............ IS-Taylor R. J., objecting to the vacation and sale of part of Decatur street. ........................................377, 3--Tigges Doris J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 7-Thompson J. F., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ...... 14--Timmerman Ora, settlement of claim. .......................... 14--Tigges Doris J., granted Class "C" liquor Permit. .... 9-Tomahawk Drive, installation of street lights recom- mended. ............... ........................................................... 9-TV-FM Cable Company, requesting authorization to increase rates. ..................................425, 487, 488, S-Tritsch Juanita M., opposed to proposed two hour parking on Pearl Street. .. 1966 Jan. " " " Feb. Mar. " April " " " May June " " " " " " July Aug. " Sept. " Oct. Nov. " " Dec. " " I ; INDEX - BOOK 96 1966 SUBJECT Page - S " 28-St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, requesting rezoning of certain areas adjacent to Hospital ~ounds to Multiple Residence District classificatIon. ......." 477 Dec. 9-Strub Mark, sidewalk bond. ........................................ 486 " 9-Schaffert L. G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 504 ':'0>. ~':, ,~:~~.7, "'Tirllim: 11I!1I~,~,,'.iJit,~. i , t INDEX - BOOK 96 1966 SUBJECT Page - U .. 14-University of Dubuque, requesting excavation permit to construct a santitary sewer, between Lots 11 & 12 Block 9, Steger Heights. ................................ 466 .. 14-Urban Renewal Project, City declaring its intent to dispose of certain land on the southesterly cor- ner of Ninth and Main streets to Arenz Shoe Company, Ed Graham Style Store for Men, Klauer Optical Company, Meyer-Pauly Home Furnishings Inc. and J. F. Stampfer Co. .................................... 489 .. 28--United States Census Bureau, certifying that the population of Dubuque is 62,853. 473 Page - 57 94 120 129 144, 374 155 241, 481 243, 480 184 198 310 213 221 239 247 256 264 293, 298 304 459, 490 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT u 31-United Spanish War Veterans, requesting permission to have a tag day. .................................................... 18-Utzig LeRoy, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 7-Urban Renewal (Community Renewal Program), con- formance to the general plan of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ......... ................................................... 29-United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, terminating contractural obliga. tion to repay $120,000 advanced for planning funds for the City Hall.Court House.Jail facili. ties in 1947. ................................................................ 4-Urban Renewal Director, submitting copies of exe. cuted contracts covering Urban Design Services. Laud Utilization and Marketability study Trans. ient Housing Study and Analysis Appraisal of real estate parcels, Title Services, Soil Boring analysis. ............... .... .... ................................................. 18--Urban Renewal Director, submitting lease agreements between Fischer Realty Co., Marion J. Ryder and the City of Dubuque, for office space in the Bldg. and a Downtown Information & Service Center at 599 Main Street. ........................................ IS-University Avenue, improvement with Concrete Curb and Gutter from the S.P .L. of Van Buren Street to the N.P.L. of U. S. Highway No. 20... 162, 185, 18-University Avenue, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the S.P.L. of Van Buren Street to tbe N.P.L. of U. S. High- way No. 20. ......m....................................... 167, 194, 2-Urban Renewal Project No.1, Councilman Pfohl sub. mitting a resolution requesting an election to be held as an advisory determination by the elec. torate. ............................................................................ 23-United States Coast Guard, stating that they are not liable for assessment for the improvement of First Street. .m............................................................ 28-Uhlrich Karl E. et. aI., objecting to tbe installation of sidewalks on Cambridge Court. ........................ 23-United States of America, Federal Aviation Agency, Agreement witb tbe City of Dubuque for the pur- pose of amending the Grant Agreement as accepted on June 29, 1964. .................................... 23-United States of America, renewal of lease covering 0.85 acre of land in Ham's Addition for use of U. S. Naval Reserve Training Center. .................... 20-Udelhofen Gerald, requesting permission to construct a retaining wall. ........................................................ 20-Utzig LeRoy, granted Cigarette Permit. ..........m........... 27-University of Dubuque, granted Cigarette Permit..... 5--Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-I5, intent of the City to dispose of a portion of certain land bounded by Locust Street on the west, Sixth Street on the north, Iowa Street on the east and Fifth Street on the south, to Iowa National Investment Company. ............... .................. .......... ........... .................. I-U. S. S. DUbuque, christening ceremonies to be held at Pascagoula, Mississippi. ...................................... I-University of Dubuque, requesting permission to hold a Homecoming Parade. .................................... 7-University of Dubuque, authorized and empowered to erect "No Student Parking" signs in areas and on streets designated herein. ..... 1966 Jan. Feb. Mar. " April " May " " " " June " " July Aug. " Nov. ,I . Page 11 12 13 48 66 79 79 80 82 90 98 102 106 408 221 127 130 347 508 149 150 156 282 480 176 355 182 203 203 280 245 246 246 412 246 248 248 246 248 248 246 247 247 247 247 413 w 3-Weitz Aloysius L., requesting permISSion to address the City Council. .......................................................... 3-Wright Louis J., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 98. .................................................................... 3-Wartburg Theological Seminary, objecting to condi- tions resulting from the improvement of concrete curb and guttering of Fremont Avenue. ................ 31-Ward Ruby, Notice of Claim. .......................................... 31-Walsh J. W. & Sons Co., graoted Cigarette Permit. .... 9-Williams Jay E., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 9-Williams Jay E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 9-Williams Jay E., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .... lS-Waechter Otto, objecting to making Wacker Drive a public street. ................................................................ 13-Woo~ward Williill!', appointed to the Human Rela. tlons Commission. ........................................................ 7-Water Department, annual audit for the year 1965 .. 7-Weber Minnie, Notice of claim. .................................... 7-Weitz, A. L., opposition to urban renewal and re. questing a referendum be held. .............................. 7-Weiner Syl A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 29-Weber Bernard J., power of attorney. .......................... 29-Water Department, relative to pay adjustments for the year 1966. .............................................................. 29-Westemeier Sharon Lee, Notice of claim. .................... 29-Wetzel Velma, Notice of Suit. ........................................ 4-Weitz A. L., requesting an advisory election on Fed- eralized Urban Renewal. ....................................148, 4- Westchester Subdivision, correction of a description of a piece of real estate from Lot 2 of the NEV. of the NE'!4 to Lot 2 of Lot 2 of the NE'!4 of the NE'!4. ...................................................................... 4-White William J. B., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .. Ill-Walser Donald & John T. Link, sidewalk bond. ........ lS-Wallis Company, requesting vacation of an alley from Dorgan Place to Madison Street. ............................ Ill-Water Street, improvement with Hot Mix.Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the S.P.L. of First Street to the N.P.L. of Jones Street. .......... ........................................................................ 167, 194, 243, 2-Willy Construction Company, sidewalk bond. .............. 2-Wedig Kathleen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ...... 2--Weber Merlyn L., granted Class "B' Beer Permit. ... 23-Wittenberg Gent M., bond. ............................................. 23-Weipert Robert S., sidewalk bond. ............................... 6-Weber Merlyn L., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. . 2ll-Weber Merlyn L., granted Cigarette Permit. ............... 2o--Wareco System of Iowa, granted Cigarette Pennit. . 2O-Weiner Fred, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 2O-Wunder Eileen, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 2O-Waul Kenneth, granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 20-Warehouse Market, granted Cigarette Permit. .. 2ll-Walsh Stores, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 2ll-Williams Jay E., granted Cigarette Permit. ...... 2ll-Wong Chuck N., graoted Cigarette Permit. ......... 2ll-Welu C. P., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 2ll-Wedig Kathleen, granted Cigarette Permit. ....... 20--Wagner Clem, granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 20--Weiner Helen, granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 2O-White W. J., graoted Cigarette Permit. ............... 20-Weis George, granted Cigarette Permit. ............... 20-Wunder Eileen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 122, 124, 130, 484, 161, 182, 246, 248, INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT ,------ 1966 - Jan. " " " " Feb. " " " " Mar. " " " " " " " Apri " " " " " May " " " " June " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Page - 12 13 102, 262 180 182 245 246 256 294 484, 500 481 INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT V 3-Vrotsos Elsie, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 160. ................................................................ 3-Vorwald Gregor J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 94. ............................................................ 7-Voss Ethel M., Notice of claim. ................................ 2-Vete~s~~o~f ioo~~fin p~a;res~~~.~..~~~:.~~~.~~~~~~~..~~~~ 2--Van Duelman Carl, granted Class I'C" Beer Permit. 20-"Vorwald Place No.2", release of easements A and B by the City of Dubuque. .................................... 2ll-Vrotsos George T" granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 27-Van Duelman Carl, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ I-VanCleve Vernon C. et. aI., relative to the completion of a storm sewer running from Crissy to Ever- green and parallel to Kaufmann Avenue and Marywood Drive. ........................................................ 7-Vogt, Mrs. Eldon, requesting that the City buy pro. perty next to No. 6 Fire Station that she repre- sents, or to adjust the north boundary of the Fire Station property to eliminate the building en- roachment. ............................................................ 419, 2l1-Voelker Joseph R., reappointed to the Dock Com- mission. 1966 Jan. " Mar. May " June " Aug. Nov. " '.,'..; I Page 256 293 511 10 106 133 245 268 348 337 519 519 520 476, 312, Per- INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT Shop, granted y I-Youth Council of Dubuque, presenting a flag to the Council to be delivered to the Capain and crew of the U. S. S. Dubuque. 28-Y. W. C. A., Notice of Claim Z 3-Zephyr Aluminum Products, Inc., conveyance by the City of Dubuque of Lot E of vacated Shields Street. ................. .... ..... ............... ................................. 7-Zephyr Aluminum Products, Inc., requesting permis- sion to erect marquees. .............................................. 29-Zaruba, Mrs. Harry, requesting the condemnation of a delapidated building located at 1805 Washington Street. ..................... .............. .............. ......... .............. 20-Zillig George F., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 5-Zillig George F., granted Class "e" Liquor Permit. IS-Zenner Roger J., Notice of Claim. .............,........ 22-Zillig George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 28-Zillig Eva M., granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 28-Zillig Eva M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 28-Zillig Eva M., granted Class "C' Liquor Permit. Cigarette x Gift Hospital 27-Xavier mit. 1966 June Aug. Nov. Jan. Mar. " June July Aug. " Dec. " " Page 248 248 248 414 249 251 256 256 256 256 256 256 370 294 508 325 327 355 382 422 423 473 249. 331, 506, INDEX - BOOK 96 SUBJECT w 2O-Weiner Helen, granted Class "B' Beer Pennit. .......... 2O-Weiner Fred L., granted Class HC" Beer Permit. .... 20-Waul Kenneth Joseph, granted Class "C" Beer Per. mit. .................................................................................. 20--Wunder Eileen, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .... 20-Weiner Helen, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ...." 27-Womens Christian Temperance Union of Iowa. spon- soring the ringing of bells on the Fourth of July................................................................................. 27-Wong Ming, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 27-Winkler Louis J., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Weiner Sylvester A., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 27-Welter Harold B., granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 27-Wertz Donald E., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 27-Winkler Beatrice C., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 25---Water Main Project, City of Dubuque 1966 Kelly Lane Water Main Project No. 1. .............................. ............................................................ 287, 288, 330, l-Westercamp George C., sidewalk bond. ........................ I-Water Plant Operators, requesting a review of pay schedule for the year 1967. ................................305, 15---Woodward Robert, reappointed to the Airport Com- mission. ....................................... .......................... .... ..... 22-Wilhelm Walter, liability bond. .................................... 6-Wedig Kathleen, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 28-Walsh Eva I., Notice of Suit. .......................................... 7-Water Department, concerning certification of cost for water connection at John F. Kennedy Road and Daykin Court by Everett Hauber. ...........m...... 7-Wallis J. Allen, requesting permission to construct a ~~~ainJ:8i~:1I s\~e~~ .:.~~~~..~~~.~~~~..~.~.~~~. .~~~~~ 28-Wahlert High School, thanking City for cooperation given to make "Cayfest" a success. 1966 " " " July Aug. " " Sept. " Nov. " " iJa ~',iit fTI1ir"~~f~I,~_,'~'" "__,,,,",~,' I I. ,,",