Minutes Human Rights 6 12 06 CITY OF DUBUQUE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF June 12, 2006 Commissioner Jarrard called the meeting of the Dubuque Human Rights Commission to order at 4:18 p.m. on Monday, June 12, 2006, in Conference Room 2 at the City Hall Annex. Roll Call: Present: Anthony Allen Mary Gassman Judy Giesen Jim Jarrard, Chair Evelyn Jackson Bill Ross :;- Vince Vanden Huevel, Vice-Chair Absent: Marcos Rubinstein Dave Loney Staff: Kelly Larson Crenna Brumwell-Sahm Molly Menster Commissioner Allen contacted Lou Oswald seeking approval to use his donation for human rights activities or projects. Lou indicated that the commission should feel free to use it as they see fit. Aooroval of Minutes Commissioner Giesen moved and Commissioner Allen seconded to approve the meeting minutes of May 8, 2006 as submitted. All in favor. Caseload Reoort Kelly summarized the May Caseload Report. There were fifty-two inquires, eight cases under active investigation, six cases in backlog, one case in mediation, two cases in administrative review, two cases in administrative law judge review, five cases closed, and three cases were formally filed. The case summary details allegations of discrimination in the area of employment on the basis of age and gender. Chairoerson's Reoort Commissioner Jarrard reported that he will be traveling to Anaheim to attend the HUD Policy Conference with Dave, Kelly, Molly and Anthony the week of June 26. Director's Reoort Kelly provided a written report highlighting past and future initiatives. Subcommittee Reoorts: 1) Multicultural Subcommittee - Marcos, Anthony No report given ~ ,;' ,~ 2) Accessibility - Judy, Jim, Dave, Bill Commissioner Giesen reiterated that at last month's meeting the commission decided that efforts should focus more on education vs. enforcement, though they will retain the enforcement option for people who do not make reasonable efforts to comply. The group has decided to send a report to the City Council to keep them informed of their efforts. The group wants to design a door cling using the city logo, and would need City Council approval prior to them proceeding with that. The cling will be used to identify businesses who have worked with the group in achieving accessibility . Commissioner Giesen moved to use part of Loui donation to produce window clings. Commissioner Allen seconded. The commission will need to seek City Council approval prior to using these funds for this type of project. Roll call: Anthony Allen Yes Mary Gassman Yes Judy Giesen Yes Vince Vanden Huevel Yes Jim Jarrard Evelyn Jackson Bill Ross Yes Yes Yes Motion carried. Commissioner Gassman explained that they are planning to survey three randomly selected businesses per month, making personal contacts to each to explain the process prior to setting up the surveys. 3) Faces & Voices - Judy, Marcos, Bill Commissioner Giesen announced that the African Children's Choir from Uganda will be performing in Dubuque on September 29th at the Roosevelt Middle School. The diversity conference is scheduled for April 21, 2007. The planning group is seeking ideas for programs. The Human Rights Banquet is set for September 14th at the Grand River Center. They will use the same theme as last year, .CommUNITY, Humanity, Freedom." The group felt it worked well with the immigration topic. Alex Orozco, a Des Moines community immigration activist will be keynote speaker. Awards will be given to a youth and an adult community member. Judy asked for a volunteer to sit on the awards committee. Anthony volunteered to serve on that committee. 4) Sexual Orientation Education Subcommittee - Bill, Vince Commissioner Ross reported that there were approximately 12 people in attendance at last month's meeting. Discussion revolved around the issue of educating the community. It was suggested that members of the LGBT community be presenters. He will suggest to subcommittee members to change the goal to make Dubuque a friendlier or more accepting community for gay and lesbians, with the objectives being how to accomplish that. Commissioner Vanden Huevel stated that they discussed developing a speakers' bureau, and possibly writing an article for the TH focusing on one year after and the impact of adding sexual orientation into the city's ordinance. Commissioner Ross reported that a representative of the Sioux City Civil Rights Commission has contacted him seeking permission to create a booklet using the same format as 'People We All Know.' They would use local testimonials and data. Commissioner Giesen suggested that they use their own art/pictures and acknowledge Dubuque as the author. Commissioner Ross moved to allow the Sioux City Civil Rights Commission to use the 'People We All Know" booklet as a model, with the exception that they acknowledge Dubuque, use their own art/pictures, and use local data and testimonials. Commissioner Giesen seconded. Roll call: Anthony Allen Yes Mary Gassman Yes Judy Giesen Yes Vince Vanden Huevel Yes Jim -:Jarrard Evelyn Jackson Bill Ross Yes Yes Yes Motion carried. Goal Settina Commissioner Vanden Huevel stated that Sr. Corine Murray is willing to coordinate the goal setting session on Friday, August 18th. She stated that she would be using the same format as used in the past. The session will begin with lunch at noon. New Business Commissioners Ross and Giesen indicated that they will not be present at the July 10th meeting. Adiournment Commissioner Ross moved and Commissioner Vanden Huevel seconded to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. The meeting adjourned at 5:29 p.m. The next meeting is July 10, 2006. Minutes approved as submitted: 9/~ r~ Minutes approved as corrected: