1966 November Council Proceedings 415 17, 1966, the order was concerning the removal of rabbits. Mr. NorpeI has appealed to the State Depart- ment of Health under the provi- sions of section 135.11 (10) which states that the State Department of Health shall "hear and deter- mine all appeals from the order of any local board made in connec. tion with the enforcement of the housing law and enforce its orders therein.". Would you please advise wheth- er the order of the local board of health in this matter was concern. ing a provision of the housing law. If this is concerning a matter within the housing law, would you please give the provision involved and the factual situation concern- ing this matter. We will advise you of any action taken by the State Department of Health. Sincerely yours, Peter J. Fox, Director Division of Liaison & Investigation Mr. Eldon A. Pfohl moved that the communication be referred to the City Solicitor for proper pro. ceedings. Seconded by Mr. M. Syl- vester McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Chairman Walter A. Preg. ler, Messrs. Richard Ludwig, M. Sylvester McCauley, Eldon A. Pfohl, Merlin F. Schnllz. Nays-None. Dr. Kenneth K. Hazlet talked about water pollution control. He also stated that a National Meeting on Air Pollution Control will be held in Washington in December and the City should have a repre- sentative there. Tetanus protection has been given to the City em- ployees. The dog control ordinance is working fairly well but it should be further enforced. He also at- tended two meetings on communic. able diseases at Atlanta and was of the opinion that the City should try to eliminate measles entirely. He also noted the apathy of the citizens toward V. D. and T. B., which are both on the rise. A. preg. There being no further business Mr. Richard Ludwig moved that the Board of Health meeting ad- journ. Seconded by Mr. M. Sylvest- er McCauley. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas-Chairman Walter ~ Regular Session, November 7, 1966 Board of Regular 1966. '",.,-_., 7, Board met at 7:15 P.M. (C.S.T.). Present - Chairman Walter A. Pregler, Messrs. Richard Ludwig, M. Sylvester McCauleYI Eldon A. Pfohll Merlin F. Schultz. Dr. Ken~ neth K. Hallet. Communication of Iowa Water Pollution Control Commission ad- vising of a schedule of public hear- ings to establish responsibility of "water criteria applicable to inter- state waters or portions thereof" said hearing to be held in Dubuque on Novemher 28, 1966 at 9:00 A.M. presented and read. Mr. Richard Ludwig moved that the communi- cation be received and filed. Sec- onded by Chairman Walter A. Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Chairman Walter A. Preg- ler, Messrs. Richard Ludwig, M. Sylvester McCauley, Eldon A. Pfohl, Merlin F. Schultz. Nays-None. Copy of "Notice of Appeal" from the Local Board of Health decision of the City of Dubuque, Iowa as submitted to the Iowa State De- partment of Health, relative to the order issued to Mr. Kenneth Nor- pel of 1601 Scenic View Drive, as to removal of rabbits, presented and read. Mr. Eldon A. Pfohl moved that the copy of notice be received and filed. Seconded by Mr. Richard Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Chairman Walter A. Preg- ler, Messrs. Richard Ludwig, M. Sylvester McCauley, Eldon A. Pfohl, Merlin F. Schultz. Nays-None. 1966 Mr. Kenneth L. Norpel of Du- buque, Iowa has filed a notice of appeal from an order of the local board of health of the city of Du. buque. We note in your certificate of the minutes of the board of health at the special session held October Health OFFICIAL November November 3, Mr. Leo F. Frommelt Clerk of the City of Dubuque Dubuque, Iowa Dear Mr. Frommelt Session, , 417 November 1, The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: Attached hereto is a fully exe- cuted copy of License Agreement between the City and C. M. Sl. P. & P. Railroad granting the City the right to place fill material on a portion of the railroad property near the sewage disposal plant. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Mayor Pregler moved that the agreement be received and filed Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. 1966 1966 November I, 1966 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: Attached hereto is a copy of "Decision and Order" known as Docket No. A-6427 from the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the matter of installation of Automatic Highway Railroad Grade crossing signal protection at Ninth street is crossed by tbe C. M. St. P. & P. and C. G. W. tracks. Also find attached a copy of an escrow Agreement with the First National Bank in the amounts of $1155.80 and $1685.50, said sums to be paid to the Chicago Great Western and Chicago Milwaukee, st. Paul & Pacific Railroad respec- tively at the time of completion of installation and acceptance of the signals by the Iowa State Com- merce Commission. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle, City Manager Mayor Pregler moved that the order and escrow agreement be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl SchnItz. Nays-None. November 1, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: I herewith submit the reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, Regular Session, November 7, 1966 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Regular Session, November 7, 1966. Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.) Present-Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCa,uley, Pfohl, Schultz. City Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle Mayor Pregler read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business which may properly come before the meeting. Communi,cation of LeagUe of Iowa Municipalities requesting that cities and towns delay taking any action on a proposed road use tax increase until the League can pre- pare proper documents concerning municipal street needs, presented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the communication be receiv- ed and filed. Seconded by Council- man Schultz. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Scbultz. Nays-None. Communication of Knights of Columbus J. F. K. Council express- ing thanks for permission granted to them to sell tooth brushes to enhance their building program, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the communi- cation be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Copy of communication submit- ted by Mayor Pregler the original of which was sent to the County- City Authority requesting that a meeting of all parties concerned be called to consider the future plans of a County-City Building, presented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the copy of communica- tion be received and filed. Second- ed by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. 416 Regular Session, November 7, 1966 - ler, Messrs. Richard Ludwig, M. Sylvester McCauley, Eldon A. Pfobl, Merlin F. Schultz. Nays-None. Leo F. Frommelt, Clerk Board of Health Approved ....................................1967 Adopted ......................................1967 ....................................................................... ................................................................... .......................................................................... ................................ ........... ............................ "MeIiibe~s.B;;ardofHe;;jih: Attest: ........................................ Clerk Board of Health. "tOt--,-_ ,;ii, ..; II jjji """ :,~J ,"'. i'!ii 0:. Respectfully, Gilbert D. Chavenelle, City Manager Councilman Schultz moved that the Council view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Pfohl. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Councilman Pfohl moved that the rules be suspended in order to let anyone present address the Council if they so desire. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludv.rig, IHcCauley, pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Mrs. Eldon Vogt of 615 Kauf. mann Avenue spoke in behalf of the heirs of the property on Rhom- berg Avenue located next to the fire engine house. Being that it is ascertained that approximatel;y 2% feet of the old house. now owned by the heirs, is on City property she ,vas willing to purchase a strip of land to even up the lot line. Ho\vever she al::;o suggested that if the City is interested in the purchase of the property they would be willing to negotiate. 7, 419 her re- 1966 November To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Mr. Paul Moes has requested a license to hold public dances in the basement of Loe's establish. ment at 1097 University Avenue. Mrs. Vogt has requested that the City either buy the property (Lots 256 and 257, Ham's Addition) or adjust the north boundary of the City fire lot to eliminate the build- ing encroachment. It is reported by the Fire De- partment that additional property is not necessary for fire defense purposes. It is believed that in the future, Station House No. 6 will either be relocated or a ne\\' sta- tion built further to the north. Also, I have estimated that there is room to expand the station on the present lot. Therefore, I do not recommend that Mrs. Vogi's property be purchased by the City. Mrs. Vogt also requested that she purchase City property so that her lot line be perpendicular to Rhom- berg A venue. I have rejected this proposition because it cut into the City lot about 18 feet at the Rhomberg line. ~ I have asked that Mr. Moes dis- cuss the proposition with the Ccuncil at the November 7th meet- ing. He has informed us that he will attend. Representatives of the City Po- lice, Fire and BUilding Depart- ments will attend the Council meeting to state their safety re- quirements. IHr. Moes has indicnted that he will hold dances on week-end nights and on other occasions, that the closing hour will be 11:30 P.M., and that he plans to hire orches- tras on a "share the gate" arrange- ment. I have proposed to Mrs. Vogt that she purchase from the City a five foot strip running parallel to the present north line. She has of- fered $50.00 for this strip. 1 would recommend this transaction if the sales price is $50.00, plus all costs. This transaction would enable Mrs. Vogt and her associates to sell the building and lot. I must tell you that some of the City staff have advised me that no adjustment should be made to the present lot line if the City does not purchase Mrs. Vogt's property. Mrs. Vogt has stated that she will be at the Council meeting of 1966 lumen incandescent street lights be installed on Cox Street at a point where West 16th would in- tersect and a location midway be. tween Angella and Kirkwood. Respectfully, Gilbert D. Chavenelle, City Manager Councilman Schultz moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. November To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: The Board of Commissioners of the County-City of Dubuque Auth- ority has submitted a copy of its minutes for the periOd June 3, 1964 to October 21, 1966. This copy is available office. Respectfully, Gilbert D. Chavenelle, City Manager Councilman Schultz moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Mc- Cauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. November 7, Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Mr. Dayton Howe is submitting a petition for Rosheks requesting that SANTA land in a helicopter on the top deck of the parking ramp at 11:00 A.M. on November 19th. I have checked with the City staff members concerned and have found the request satisfactory to them. I recommend that the petition be granted. Respectfully, Gilbert D. Chavenelle, City Manager Councilman Schultz moved that the recommendation of the Manag- er be approved subject to adequate proof of insurance by the 14th of November 1966. Seconded by May- 1966 , discuss 7, 1966 to 7th November quests. Regular Session, November follow- Council Pfohl 1966 November 7, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Mrs. Eldon Vogt, 615 Kaufmann Avenue, represents the heirs to the house and property next to the north line of the City fire station at Rhomberg and Marshall. The house on the Vogt property is vacant; it was constructed many years ago and a survey shows that this building is on the City fire station lot approximately 2112 feet. the or Pregler. by ing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, men Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. Carried 1, Regular Session, November 7, my 1966 in Coun- pfohl, November 2, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: I am returning to you the peti- tion of Mr. T. H. Gressler for a street light on Cox Street. The area has been investigated and it is recommended that 4000 1966 Water Works and the Health De- partment for the month of Sep- tember 1966, as well as a list of claims and payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of September 1966. Respectfully, Gilbert D. Chavenelle, City Manager Councilman. Pfohl moved that the reports be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Proof of publication, certified to by the Publisher, of Statement of Receipts and a list of claims for which warrants were issued during the month of September 1966, presented and read. Council- man Ludwig moved that the proof of publication be received and fil. ed. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men LUdwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Novemher 2, 1966 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: I am returning to you the peti- tion of Mrs. C. Gordon for a street light on Sunnyview Drive. n is recommended that a 4000 lumen incandescent light be in- stalled at the west property line of 2163 Sunnyview. RespectfUlly, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Schultz moved that the recommendation of the Manag- er be approved. Seconded by Ma- yor Pregler. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. 418 '..,;.;.;i$. ~ 423 ject to the following terms and condl, tions: (a) That said wall be constructed un. der the supervision of the Cl1y Manager; (b) That The Wallis Company will pro- vide a four foot walk. from the foot of the existing steps 10 Dorgan Place; (e) That The Wallis Company will pro- vide a guard rail along the top of proposed retaining wall; (d) Assume any and all liability for damages to persons or properly which may result from the exist- ence, construction or maintenance of said retaining wall; (e) To pay on behalf of the City of ~Ub~~jqu~IIShS~lrSb~~~~ ~~~gi/J~ to pay by reason of the liability imposed upOn the City of Dubuque for damages of any kind resultmg from the existence, construction or maintenance of said retaining wall, sustained by anY person or per- sons, caused bv accident or other- wise, to defend at its own expense and on behalf of said City <"lnv claim against the City of Dubuque arising out of the existence, con- struction or maintenance of the re- taining wall; (fl That the permission herein granted is expresslv conditioned upon per- mittees further agreement that should the right and privilege here- in granted be rescinded or re- voked bv the City Council, per~ mittees, or their successors in In- terest, as owners of the abutting property, shall within sixty {60} days after receipt of written notice from the City Manager, so to do, ~~tJrnl~g o~~II~x~~~~~ f:~~~e p~~~~ ing space construction, and in the event of their failure so to do, the City of Dubuque shall be auth- orized to remove said retaining wall, guard fence, parking space con- struction, at permittees' expense and dispose of the same, and the permittees shall have no claim :~:m~t f~~e d~i~agOJs c:.~~~fi~~g ofr~~ the removal of said retaining wall, guard fence and parking space con- struction. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to record a certi- fied COpy hereof In the office of the Dubuque County Recorder. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be- come effective and the rights hereunder accrue to The Wallis Company when this Ordinance has been adopted bv the City Counci I and the terms and conditions thereof accepted bv permittees bv ac- ceptance endorSed on this Ordinance. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mavor M. Sylvester McCaulev Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen ARE ACCEPTED THE WALLIS COMPANY BV: J. Allen Wallis Jr. President Bv: Jerrv L. Price Secretary PUblished officiallV in The Telegraph- Herald newspaper this 25th day of No-- vember 1966. Leo F. Frommel City Clerk. Regular Sessiou, November 7, 1966 Attest. Leo F. Frommel City Clerk THESE CONDITIONS BY: for Mr. Stoeckel to enter his drive- way. Mayor Pregler moved that the Ordinance be referred to the Coun- cil and to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men LUdwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schullz. Nays-None. A proposed Ordinance authoriz- ing Mrs. Rita Shanahan to con~ struct a portion of fence on city property abutting Lot 1 of the Sub- division of Lots 6, 7, 8 & 9 of Quig- ley's Subdivision, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, presented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the Ordinance be referred to the Coun~ cil and to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 52-66 An Ordinance Authorizing the Construction of a Retaining Wall in the Alley Between Dorgan Place and Madison Street. presented and read. Councilman Schultz moved that the reading just had be consider- ed the first reading of the Ordin- ance. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Councilman Schultz moved that the rule requiring an Ordinance on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Councilman McCau. ley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schullz. Nays-None. I I ~ I I It.11-25 Councilman Schultz moved adop- tion of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 53-66 An Ordinance Amending Ordin~ ance No. 33-49 known as "The ORDINANCE NO. 52-66 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RETAINING WALL IN THE ALLEY BETWEEN DORGAN PLACE AND MAD ISO N STREET. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That The Wallis Company, owner of Lot 13 of Dorgan Place in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, be and he is hereby granted per- mission to consfruct a reinforced con- crete retaining wall and guard rail with fence in the allev between Dorgan Place and Madison Street and a portion of Dorgan Place Street abutting Lot 13 of Dorgan Place as shown on the attached sketCh marked Exhibit "A" and which by reference is made a part hereof, suI).. Regular Session, November 7, 1966 will receive due credit accordingly as outlined in the City Water De- partment extension policy, Respectfully submitted, J. J. Hail, Superintendent City Water Depart- ment, Dubuque, Iowa Councilman Pfohl moved approv- al of the recommendation and that same be made a matter of record. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. November 7, To the Honorablc Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: The City Water Department and City Engineering Department re- viewed the request of Mr. Everett Hauber as per your instructions. The City Water Department and City Engineering Department rec- ommend that the cost of this con- struction be made a matter of record and no connection charge be set until such time as the main is extended to serve the entire area. When water main is com- pleted Mr. Hauber will then re- ceive his due credit as calculated in accordance with the City Water Department extension policy. Respectfully submitted, John L. White, City Engineer Councilman Pfohl moved approv- al of the recommendation and that be made a matter of record. Sec- onded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. A proposed Ordinance authoriz- ing William E. Stoeckel, 1960 West Third Street, to construct hedge, step and three feet of wall two feet high on City's property abutting Lot Two in Quigley's Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, pre- sented and read, Mr. William E. Stoeckel address~ ed the Council relative to the Ord- inance. It seems that there is some disagreement in the neighborhood involving a certain person next door that has placed a post on city property making it rather difficult 1966 422 men Ludwig, Schultz. Nays-None. Notice of claim of John P. Glea. son of 3505 Hillcrest, in the amount of $126.00, for expense incurred as the result of a backed-up sanitary sewer on October 10, 1966, pre- sented and read. Councilman Lud- wig moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Sol. icitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Notice of claim of Albert & Clara Mohr of 1430 Glen Oak, in the amount of $150., for expense incurred as the result of a clogged. up sanitary sewer on October 18, 1966, presented and read. Council- man Ludwig moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and re- port. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Notice of claim of Mrs. Robert E. Schmitz of 3085 Brunswick St., in the amount of $37.00, for per- sonal injuries received in a fall in Kniest Street on October 28, 1966, presented and read. Council- man Ludwig moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and re. port. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. November Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: In regard to the certification of an expense of $912.13 submitted by Mr. Everett Hauber for water connection at John F. Kennedy Road and Daykin Court. I recommend that the cost of this construction be made a matter of record and no consideration be given as to the amount paid until this main is extended and water consumers are connected to this extension At that time Mr. Hauber 1966 Pfohl, 1, McCauley, 425 Councilman McCauley moved ad- option of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Y cas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Dubuque TV-FM Cable Company requesting the authorization of a fifty cent (50lt) per month rate increase over the rates now in effect, said raise to be effective January 1, 1967, pre- sented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the petition be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 56-66 An Ordinance Amending Ordin- ance No. 25-63 by Repealing Sec- tion 9 thereof and enacting a new Section in Lieu thereof to provide an increase in rates to be charged by Dubuque TVwFM Cable Co., a Division of H & B Communications Corporation, Regular Session, November 7, 1966 Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Subsection 13 of Section C of Schedule VIII there- of and Repealing Subsection 13 of Section D of Schedule VIII Thereof which Prohibited Park- ing of Motor Vehicles between the hours of 1 :00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. on Certain Days on Thirw teenth Street from Bluff Street to Locust Street, presented and read. Councilman McCauley moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Council- man Schultz. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Councilman McCauley moved that the rule requiring reading of an Ordinance on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Coun- cilman Pfohl. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schullz. Nays-None. presented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Pfohl. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Mayor Pregler moved that the rule requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Mayor Pregler moved that a pub- lic hearing be held on the Ordin- ance on December 5, 1966, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber at the City Hall and that the City Clerk be instructed to publish notice of the hearing at least ten days prior to December 5, 1966. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: 1 LEO F. FROMMELT Citv Clerk . " 1966 of by adding a new section 00 thereto to require all vehicles to Stop at every Intersection bew fore entering Shiras Avenue from the North Property Line of Rhomberg Avenue to the Eagle Point Park Exit which is desig- nated as ill Through Street, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman McCau- ley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Councilman Ludwig moved that the rule requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Regular Session, November 7, Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Subsection 25 of Section 8 of Schedule III there- of to provide that the Intersecw tion of Shiras Avenue and Lin- coln Avenue is no longer desigw nated as a Stop Intersection, presented and read. Councilman Pfohl moved tha the reading just had be consider- ed the first reading of the Ordin- ance. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Councilman Pfohl moved that the rule requiring the reading of an Ordinance on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Coun~ cilman Ludwig. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. 424 ORDINANCE NO. 55-66 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI- NANCE NO. 33-49 KNOWN AS "THE TRAFFIC CODE OF DUBUQUE, IOWA" BY REPEALING SUBSECTION 13 OF SECTION C OF SCHEDULE VIII THERE- OF AND REPEALING SUBSECTION 13 OF SECTION 0 OF SCHEDULE VIII THEREOF WHICH PROHIBITED PARK- ING OF MOTOR VEHICLES BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 1:00 A.M. AND 6:00 A.M. ON CERTAIN DAYS ON THIR_ TEENTH STREET FROM B L U F F STREET TO LOCUST STREET. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 33-49 known as "The Traffic Code of Du- buque, Iowa" be and the same Is herebv amended bv repealing Subsection 13 of Section C of Schedule VIII thereof and enacting a new Subsection 13 of Section C of Schedule VIII In lieu thereof as fol- lows: "C. 13. Thirteenth Street from Locust Street to Washington Street. Section 2. That Ordinance No. 33-49 k.nown as "The Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" be and the same in herebv amend- ed bv repealing subsection 13 of Section o of Schedule VIII and enacting a new Sub-section 13 of Section 0 of Schedule VIII in lieu thereof as follows: "D. 13. Thirteenth Street from locust Street to Washington Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th dav of November, 1966. WALTER A. PREGLER, Mavor M. SYLVESTER McCAULEY MERLIN F. SCHULTZ ELDON A. PFOHL RiCHARD LUDWIG Councilmer; The Telegraph. 14th dav of No- Atte~ Leo F. Frommelt Citv Clerk Published officlallv in Herald Newspaper this vember 1966. It.ll/14 1114 Councilman Ludwig moved adop- tion of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 55.66 An Ordinance Amending Ordw inanee No. 33-49 known as "The ORDINANCE NO. 54-66 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI- NANCE NO. 33-.49 KNOWN AS "THE TRAFFIC CODE OF DUBUQUE, IOWA" BY AMENDING SCHEDULE II THERE~ OF BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 00 THERETO TO REQUIRE ALL VEHI- CLES TO STOP AT EVERY INTERSEC- TION BEFORE ENTERING SHIRAS AVENUE FROM THE NORTH PROP- ERTY LINE OF RHOMBERG AVENUE TO THE EAGLE POINT PARK EXIT WHICH IS DESIGNATED A THROUGH STREET. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 7. That Ordinance No. 33-49 known as "The Traffic Code of Du- buque, Iowa" be and the same is herebv amended bv adding a new Section 1 to Schedule II thereof as follows, to-wit: "SCHEDULE II. 00. Shiras Avenue from the north propertv line of Rhomberg Ave- nue to the Eagle Point Park exit." Passed, adopted and approved this 7th dav of NevR~~~rR ~~6pREGLER, Mavor M. SYLVESTER McCAULEY MERLIN F. SCHULTZ ELDON A. PFOHL RICHARD LUDWIG Councilmen Attei Leo F. Frommel Citv Clerk. PubJ1shed official Iv In The Telegraph- Herald Newspaper this 14th dav of No- vember 1966. I LEO F. FROMMELT CIty Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 53-66 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIN- ANCE NO. 33-49 KNOWN AS "THE TRAFFIC CODE OF DUBUQUE, IOWA" BY REPEAL,NG SUBSECTION 25 of SECTION B OF SCHEDULE III THERE- OF TO PROVIDE THAT THE INTER. SECTION OF SHIRAS AVENUE AND LINCOLN AVENUE IS NO LONGER DESIGNATED AS A STOP INTERSEC- TION. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 33-49 known as "The Traffic Code of Dubuque, rowa" be and the same Is herebv amend- ed bv repealing Subsection 25 of Section B of Schedule 111 thereof. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th dav of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mavor M. Svlvester McCaulev Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl RiChard Ludwig Councilmen Attei Leo F. Frommer. City Clerk Published offlclallv in The Telegr?oh- Herald Newspaper this 14th dav of No- vember 1966. 1 /14 Councilman Pfohl moved adop- tion of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 54-66 An Ordinance Amending Ordinw ance No. 33.49 known as liThe Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" by Amending Schedule II therew Leo F. Frommel Citv Clerk. 427 Petition of David Beecher et al requesting the removal of the hvo hour parking limit presently in ef- fect on Central Avenue north of 22nd street, because plenty of off- street parking has been provided, presented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the petition be refer- red to the City Manager and Traf- fic Department for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man Schultz. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Joan Felderman re- questing a refund of $50. on the unexpired portion of beer license No. 23, as she has discontinued business on October 29, 1966, pre- sented and read. Councilman Lud- wig moved that the refund be granted and the Auditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of William C. Smith re- questing a refund of $50. on the unexpired portion of cigarette license No. 278, as he has discon- tinued business on October 17, 1966, presented and read. Council- man Ludwig moved that the refund be granted and the Auditor in- structed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Car- ried by the fallowing vote: , ~ ,,"''' ...1 Regular Session, November 7, 1966 in 16th Street near Maple, pre- sented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the petition be ap- proved. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of John M. Schuster et al requesting vacation of the alley between Marion Street and St. Jo- seph Street, and further request- ing that the City relinquish ten feet on each side to the abutting property owners, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the petition be referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Peoples Natural Gas requesting permission to excavate at Green Street near Finley, pre- sented and read. Councilman Lud- wig moved that the petition be approved. Seconded by Council- man Schultz. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Peoples Natural Gas requesting permission to excavate in Cherry Street, presented and read. Councilman Schultz moved that the petition be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Pfohl. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Donald R. Breitbach, as a representative of downtown business men, requesting to ad- dress the Council to express a de- sire to participate in the renewal and development of the downtown area, presented and read. Mr. Don Breitbach addressed the Council along with Mr. Loosbrock who submitted a design of the pro- posed redevelopment of the prop- erty on the east side of Main from 9th street to the north side of the present Stampfer building, which Petition of Joan Felderman re- questing a refund of $50. on the unexpired portion of cigarette license No. 232, as she has discon- tinued business on October 29, 1966, presented and read. Council- man Ludwig moved that the peti- tion be granted and the Auditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas ~ Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Yeas ~ Mayor Pregler, Council Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl 1966 men Schultz. Nays-None. Session, November 7, would include the buildings pres- ently occupied by the Arenz Shoe Co., Graham's style store for men, Klauer Optical and Meyer-Pauly home furnishings. Mr. Breitbach stated that it is the intention of these four firms, along with Stampfers which would also be in on the development, to form a corporation to acquire and own the property. The proposed building would be approximately 50,000 square feet inCluding the base- ment, representing an approximate assessed valuation of $250,000. Some mention was made as to whether or not the present own- ers of the property were approach- ed as to the redevelopment or pur. chase of the property. Mr. Don Klauer stated that one of the own- ers had been approached and the price quoted for purchase of the property was unrealistic. W. J. Chilton of 1180 W. 5th Street made mention of tax free property on Main Street. He was immediately informed that this is not the case and the so-called tax free property referred to pays taxes just like everyone else. Mr. AI. Weitz of 2999 Burden Ave., again stated that an election should be held on Urban Renewal and the people should be given an opportunity to decide. He claimed the basic technique of Urban Renewal is wrong because of the power of government to forcibly buy property and sell to other owners. The end never justi- fies the means. Mr. Joe Graham stated that the proposed corpora- tion would build a substantial building. Mayor Pregler moved that a reso- lution similar to the resolution drawn up for Iowa National In- vestment be submitted to accom- modate the needs of the petition- ers. Seconded by Councilman Mc- Cauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Peoples Natural Gas requesting permission to excavate in Sullivan Street, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the petition be approved. Sec- onded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Regular 426 Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Dick Loetscher Inc. requesting permission to install street lighting in Churchill Drive and St. Anne Drive in Churchill Heights Subdivision, presented and read. Councilman McCauley moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and Electrical In- spector for investigation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of "The New March of Dimes" requesting permission to conduct a Mother's March the week of January 22nd to 28th, 1967, pre- sented and read. Councilman Lud- wig moved that the petition be ap- proved subject to approval of the Mayor and City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Richard C. Henschel requesting the rezoning of the property at 391 Bluff Street, being the southwest corner of 4th & Bluff, from Multiple Family to Pro- fessional office Classification, pre- sented and read. Councilman Mc- Cauley moved that the petition be referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following :vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Peoples Natural Gas requesting permission to excavate in Summitt Street, presented and read. Counncilman Ludwig moved that the petition be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas _ Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None Petition of Peoples Natural Gas requesting permission to excavate '~'lll...."-,...",,,. ,I, ;;.,. 'II ii, ~-~ i-! iiiiii ==1 RECORD OF FINAL ADOPTION The foregoing resolution was fi naIly passed and adopted, as pro- posed, this 7th day of November, 1966. Decision of Council upon objec- tions to plans, specifications, form of contract and cost of improve- ments RESOLUTION NO. 302-66 'WHEREAS, proposed plans and ~pecifications and form of con- t:-act for the construction of an eight inch (8") sanitary sewer from the southern most existing sanit- ary manhole between Kaufmann Avenue and Asbury Road souther- ly along the west side of J. F. Ken- 4. In each case the amount there- of which is estimated to be as- sessed against each lot. for the con- struction of an eight inch (8") san- itary sewer from the southern most existing sanitary manhole between Kaufmann Avenue and Asbury Road southerly along the west side of J. F. Kennedy Road and wester- ly through Lot 1, 2 and 1.3 of Hen. ry Ziegler's Subdivision and Lot 2-4 of J. P. Mettel's Subdivision No.2, to the E.P.L. of Lot 14 of J. P. Mettel's Subdivision NO.2. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of proper- ty owners, deems it advisable and necessary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned im- provement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed res- olution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said improvement will , ~I 429 be assessed upon and against all privately owned property lying \vithin assessable distance provid- ed by law and in an amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adjacent thereto according to area and in proportion to the special benefits conferred thereby, and any deficiency shall be paid out of the sewer funds, or partly out of each of said funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in antici- pation of deferred payments of as. sessments when a contract has been performed and accepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The railway por- tion of any street or assessment district shall be assessed to and paid by the railway company. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 26th day of September, 1966. November 7, 1966 Session, hy to be as- valuation Coun- Pfohl, RESOLUTION NO. 278-66 WHEREAS, proposed plans, spec. ifications, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly pre- pared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among oth- er things the following: 1. The size and kind of sewers. for 2. Each lot proposed sessed together with a fixed by the council. 3. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of construction and kind of ma- terial to be used. Improvement) Carried Hegular Councilman Ludwig. the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. (Necessity I ~ rt j if. 1i , A. Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Pregler moved final adop" tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Co unci Coun- Pfohl, lmen Walter Coun- Pfohl, 1966 Petition of Orval D. Rogers re- questing a refund of $50, on the unexpired portion of cigarette li- cense No. 286, as he has discon- tinued business on November 1, 1966, presented and read. Council- man Ludwig moved that the re- fund he granted and the Auditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Proof of Publication, certified to by the Puhlisher, of Notice of Pendency of Resolution of Neces- sity for public improvements and hearing upon proposed plans and specifications, form of contract and cost of improvements for the con- struction of an eight inch (8") sani- tary sewer from the southern most existing sanitary manhole between Kaufmann Avenue and Asbury Road southerly along the west side of J. F. Kennedy Road and wester- ly through Lot 1, 2 and 1.3 of Hen. ry Ziegler's Suh. and Lot 24 of J. P. Mette!'s Sub. No. 2 to the E.P.L. of Lot 14 of J. P. Mette!'s Sub. No.2, presented and read. No written objections were filed against the aforementioned im- provement. Mr. Norb. Pape of As- bury Road registered a complaint against his share of the cost of constructing the sewer. He is not against the project as such but in- quired as to how the engineers ar- rived at his proportionate share of the overall cost. Engineer John White explained the situation to Mr. Pape. Mayor Pregler moved that the proof of Publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. Regular Session, November 7, Statement of City Clerk certify. ing that notices of public hearing relative to construction of the As- bury Road sewer were mailed by certified mail on October 10, 1966, to property owners of record, pre- sented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the statement be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of William C. Smith, re- questing a refund of $100 on the unexpired portion of beer license No. 86, as he has discontinued business on October 17, 1966, pre- sented and read. Councilman Lud- wig moved that the refund be granted and the Auditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded hy Mayor Pregler. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Rose Agnes Nebel re- questing a refund of $125 on the unexpired portion of Liquor Li. cense No. C-4167, as she has dis- continued business on September 10, 1966, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the refund be granted and the Au- ditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Mayor Preg- ler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Frederick L. Marbur- ger requesting a refund of $100 on the unexpired portion of Class B beer license No. 931 as he has dis- continued business on September 10, 1966, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the refund he granted and the Au. ditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Mayor Preg- ler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Orval D. Rogers re- questing a refund of $150 on the unexpired portion of Class B Beer license No. 108, as he has discon- tinued business on November 1, 1966, presented and read. Council- man Ludwig moved that the refund be granted and the Auditor in- structed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. 428 """,,", ~ Attest: Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk Councilman Ludwig moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays--None. WHEREAS, under the provisions of ORDINANCE 60-60, Hillcrest Builders, Inc., has constructed a Sanitary Sewer, and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has inspected the same and the City Manager has recommended its acceptance, and WHEREAS, the permittee under said ordinance has filed with the City Council a certified statement showing all the amounts paid in ments herein provided for in the manner provided by law, the said improvements shall be completed on or before 60 days after notice to proceed is issued. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and adoption hy the City Council. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Ludwig moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. exclusive charge and the City of Dubuque. Section 2. That hereafter any person or persons desiring to con~ nect with said sewer, shall first apply to the City Manager for permission to do so and such per- mission shall be granted upon con- dition that the applicant shall pay to the City Treasurer for the ac- count of Mulgrew Oil Co., a con- nection charge of $2.91 per front foot of land to be served by said connection. However, nothing in this resolution shall be construed to exact any extension of said sewer by the City of Dubuque or it's permittees. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the County Recorder of Dubu- que County, Iowa. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard LUdwig Councilmen 431 of control Regular Session, November 7, 1966 1966 Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Pregler moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Regular Session, November 7, Coun- Pfohl, RESOLUTION NO. 305-66 Resolution accepting the eight inch Key Knolls Trunk Line San- itary Sewer constructed from Key Way to the City Trunk $ew. er in Pennsylvania Avenue con- structed in 1960. RESOLUTION NO. 304-66 RESOLUTION accepting the eight inch Sanitary Sewer in- stalled in Asbury Road from an existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole in Asbury Road at the East Property Line of John F. Ken- nedy Road west a distance of 220' constructed in 1960. WHEREAS, under the provisions of a contract dated September 26, 1960, Mulgrew Oil Company has constructed a Sanitary Sewer, and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has inspected the same and the City Manager has recommended it's acceptance, and WHEREAS, the permittee un- der said contract has filed with the City Council a certified state- ment showing all the amounts paid in connection with the construc- tion of said sewer, including engi- neering and ins p e c ti 0 n fees amonnting to $1,425.28. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That said sewer is hereby accepted by the City of Dubuque and that the same be hereafter a public sewer under the BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that pursuant to a resolution of necessity No. 278-66 which was duly passed by this Council, for the construction of an eight inch 8" sanitary sewer from the southern most existing sanitary manhole be- tween Kaufmann Avenue and As- bury Road southerly along the west side of J. F. Kennedy Road and westerly through Lot 1, 2, and 1-3 of Henry Ziegler's Subdivision and Lot 2-4 of J. P. Mette!'s Suh- division No. 2 to the E.P.L. of Lot 1-4 of J. P. Mette!'s Suhdivi- sion No. 2 be and the same are hereby ordered and constructed by this Council upon its own motion and with or without the petition of property owners. All the work shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore adopted and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost and expense of the said improvements be paid for by levying special assessments against the privatley owned property lying within the assessable distance from the improvements, whether such property abut upon the same or are adjacent thereto, according to the area thereof and in proportion to the special benefits conferred, and any deficiency will be paid out of the sewer funds of the city. Pay. ment will be made to the contrac- tor out of funds realized from the sale of sewer bonds to be issued in antiCipation of deferred payments of assessments as provided by law after the work has been completed and accepted by the City Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and he is hereby ordered and directed to ad- vertise for proposals for the con- struction of the various improve- {Ordering Construction} RESOLUTION NO. 303-66 nedy Road and westerly through Lot 1, 2, and 1.3 of Henry Zieg. ler's Subdivision and Lot 2-4 of J. P. Mettel's Subdivision No.2, to the E. P. L. of Lot 1-4 of J. P. Mettel's Subdivision No. 2 have been approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and public notice given as provided by Chap- ter 23 of the Code of Iowa, 1962, pertaining to public contracts and bonds, and the time and place fixed for the hearing of all objec- tions to said plans, specifications or contract for or cost of such im- provements, said time being this 7th day of Novemher, 1966 and WHEREAS, the City Council met in regular session this 7th day of November, 1966, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the Council Chambers in the City Hall for the purpose of hearing all interested parties and considering any and all objections which have been filed to the pro- posed plans, specifications or con- tract for or cost of the improve- ment herein described and pro- posed to be made; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given an opportunity to be heard and all objections which have been duly weighed and con- sidered; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that all objections which have been made and filed to the plans, spec. ifications, contract for or cost of said improvement herein described and proposed to be made, be and the same hereby overruled and such plans, specifications and form of contract heretofore approved are hereby adopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution containing the decision of this Council upon all objections which have been filed to the plans, specifications and form of cost said improvement be made a matter of permanent rec- ord in connection with said im- provement. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen 430 -.,y-* Petition of Wilbur J. Chilton et al objecting to proposed assess- ment levied against his property for the paving of W. 5th street due to inferior work both on W. 5th and Booth Street, presented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the petition be referred to the City Engineer for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Mr. W. J. Chilton stated to the Council that the contractors should be held responsible. Petition of Joseph J. Gilligan et ux objecting to the possible inef- ficient sewer intakes at the corner of Spruce and Jefferson as the re- sult of paving Jefferson street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Lud- wig moved that the petition be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Ma- yor Pregler. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas _ Mayor Pregler, Coun. cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Mr. Joseph the Council in 433 tion and was assured by gineering department that ter would be looked into. Statement of Ray Rampson, a member of the Engineering De- partment, certifying that notices of levy were posted in the assess- ment district of the City of Du- buque 1966 Bituminous Paving Project No. 1 on Octoher 21, 1966. Councilman Ludwig moved that the statement be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. RESOLUTION NO. 306-66 Schedule of Assessments RESOLVED by tbe City Council of the City of Dubuque Iowa: That to pay for construction of City of Dubuque 1966 Bituminous Concrete Paving Project No.1, by Tri-State Paving Co., contractor in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate all as named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as set forth in the following schedule. ......$101,307.82 15,794.60 85,513.22 7,696.18 617.59 .$ 93,826.99 15,794.60 Amount Total Assessable City Share ..........$109,621.59 Independent School District, Lot 430, City Lot ........ ....................$493.02 Frank J. & Anna Pusateri, Lot I.N'A;, City Lot 445 .................... 49.30 Kleih's Hardware, Lot 2.N'A;, City Lot 445 ........................................ 49.30 John J. Heiderscheit, Lot NJ,2.NM'A;, City Lot 445 ............................ 49.30 Marita C. & Arthur Trapp, Lot S'h .NM1/,;, City Lot 445 49.30 Ruth Kleih etal., Lot N'h.M'A;, City Lot 445 ....... 49.30 Henry Trenkle Co., SJ,2.M'A;, City Lot 445 .......... 49.30 Independent School District, Lot 7i;, City Lot 445 197.22 $986.04 , the En. the mat. Regular Session, November 7, 1966 .~~. .1". \1,' '{ on the streets: Avenue 12th to 2. Booth Street from the S.P.L. of Dodge Street to the N.P.L. of S. Grandview Ave. 4. Ethel Street from the W.P .L. of Block 15 Steger Heights to the E.P.L. of University Ave. 5. Jefferson street from the W.P. L. of Olive Street to the E.P.L. of Walnut Street. Regular Session, November 7, 1966 PAVING PROJECT NO.1 following named alley and 1. Alley between Central and White Street from 13th Streets. 3. East 24th Street from the E.P.L. of Central Avenue to the W.P.L. of Windsor Ave. 432 connection with the construction of said sewer, including engineer- ing and inspection fees amounting to $6,683.07. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: SECTION 1. That said sewer is herehy accepted by the City of Du. buque and that the same be here- after a publiC sewer under the ex- clusive charge and control of the City of Dubuque. No. CITY OF DUBUQUE, 1966 Bituminous Concrete Paving Project addressed of his peti- Assessable Amount .................... 9% Engineering and Inspector 5% Interest-52 Days Gilligan behalf Construction Cost Less City Share t f 13th 12th to ALLEY-Between Central Avenue and White Street from Streets for Bituminous Concrete Paving TOTAL COST I .t 6. Langworthy Street from P.L. of Alpine Street to of James Street. 7. Olive Street from the S.P.L. of W 11th Street to the S.P.L. of Jefferson Street. 8. Randall Place from the S.P.L. of South Grandview to the end of the street. 9. Shiras Avenue from the end of the existing paving at the Old Corporation line to the pillars at the Eagle Point Park exit. 10. Southern Ave. from the S.P.L. of Grandview Ave. to the S.P.L. of Lot 1 of Block 9 of Indian Hills. 11. West 5th Street from the E.P.L. of Delhi Street to the W.P.L. of Hill Street. Councilman Ludwig moved that the proofs of publication be re- 'ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Statement of City Clerk certify. ing that proper notices of levy were mailed by certified mail on August 6, 1966, to property own. ers of record who would be obliged to pay for construction of City of Dubuque 1966 Bituminous Con- crete Paving Project No.1, pre- sented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the statement be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. the E. W.P.L. Coun- Pfohl, '" SECTION 2. That hereafter any person or persons desiring to con- nect with said sewer, shall first ap- ply to the City Manager for per~ mission to do so and such per- mission shall be granted upon con- dition that the applicant shall pay to the City Treasurer for the ac- count of Hillcrest Builders, Inc., a connection charge of $5.13 per front foot of land to be served by said connection. However, nothing in this resolution shall be con. strued to exact any charge for any extension of said sewer by the City of Dubuque or its permittees. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the County Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Schultz moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Proofs of Publication, certified to by the Publishers, of Notice of Levy of special assessment and in- tention of the City Council to issue bonds to pay for constructing CITY OF DUBUQUE 1966 BITUMINOUS ~"IijfF 4i. 435 1.49 12.63 206.86 72.71 341.32 184.40 195.04 358.06 372.22 93.51 394.01 46.69 453.37 9.74 264.33 149.44 46.96 38.30 35.36 16.24 5.68 21.29 11.05 .99 1.13 2.30 .95 $8,307.35 .$2,103.20 2,305.21 2,132.06 190.00 4,746.89 120.00 $11,597.36 4,026.10 .....$ 7,571.26 ..... 681.41 ....... 54.68 .....$ 8,307.35 to the special benefits 8.26 6.55 2.70 7.82 2.54 186.62 84.54 46.20 35.64 25.96 16.83 .44 20.40 29.41 38.58 1 Excavation Earth, 1912 Cu. Yds. @ 1.10 ...... Bituminous Concrete Binder, 237.65 Tons vI Bituminous Concrete Surface, 219.80 Tons @ PRIME MC.O, 950 Gals. @ .20 .......................... %" Stabilized Rolled Stone Base, 1438.45 Tons @ 3.30 Manholes or Grates~Raise or Lower, 4 No. of @ 30.00 Session, November 7, 1966 Emma Bechen, Lot W'Iz-3, Sub. of M.L. 149 Ruth & Harold J. Badger, Lot W25'-14, Sub. of M.L. 149 Charles W. & Loretta Brouillet, Lot 1-15, Suh. of M.L. 149 Ruth & Harold J. Badger, Lot 2-15, Sub. of M.L. 149 ....... Elmer J. & Maude Miller, Lot 1-1-16, Sub. of M.L. 149 ....... Louisa J. Herman, Lot 2-1-16, Sub. of M.L. 149 ................... Lawrence M. & Cyrena Pitz, Lot 2-16, Sub. of M.L. 149 ... Charles W. & Loretta Brouillet, Lot 17, Sub. of M.L. 149 ... Frederick Sr. & Marion S. Fuerste, Lot 18, Sub. of M.L. 149 Frederick Sr. & Marion S. Fuerste, Lot 2-19, Sub. of M.L. 149 James Downes, Lot N50'-1-19, Sub. of M.L. 149 ............... Henry Jr. Trenkle Estate, Lot S9.1'-1-19, Sub of M.L. 149 Henry Jr. Trenkle Estate, Lot 20, Sub. of M.L. 149 ....... Mary Nilles & Marlon Van Pelt, Lot 21, Sub. of M.L. 149 Ben Loetscher, Lot 1, Wallis Heights .. .................... .. ........ Ben Loetscher, Lot 2, Wallis Heights .... .............................. Ben Loetscher, Lot 8%-3, Wallis Heights ....................... David J. Saunders, Lot Nlh-3, Wallis Heights ............... David J. Saunders, Lot S31.33'-4, Wallis Heights ........... Earl Bush, Lot N15.67'-4, Wallis Heights ....................... Earl Bush, Lot N7.85'-5, Wallis Heights ........................... Earl Bush, Lot S39.18'-5, Wallis Heights ....... ................... Robert & Betty Kenline, Lot 1-6, Wallis Heights ........... Robert P. & Betty Kenline, Lot SlO'-1-1-8, Wallis Heights Meyer & Libbie Marmis, Lot W25'-1-1-8, Wallis Heights Robert P. & Betty Kenline, Lot 2-1-8, Wallis Heights Robert P. & Betty Kenline, Lot 2.8, Wallis Heights ....... 9.70 9.70 Regular I:: , ~. i i i f I , , I f ~ .$490.34 393.33 15.00 ..........$986.04 benefits conferred. of Assessable Amount 9% Eng. Inspt. ...... 5% for 52 days .... TOTAL ASSESSABLE AMOUNT which is being assessed in proportion All of conferred. EAST 24th STREET-from the E.P.L. of Central Avenue to tile W.P.L. of Windsor Avenue with Bituminous Concrete Paving Geo. C. & Genevieve Kruse, Lot 1-1, Frank Fosselman's Sub. ........ Geo. C. & Genevieve Kruse, Lot 2-1, Frank Fosselman's Sub. ........ Merlin M. & Valeria Chapman, Lot S%-2, Frank Fosselman's Sub. Monica Luthe & Marie Bivens, Lot Slh-14, Frank Fosselman's Sub. Monica Luthe & Marie Bivens, Lot N%-14, Frank Fosselman's Sub. Mary Magdalen Ley, Lot 1, New Jackson's Sub. .............................. Richard & Maryelka J. Miller, Lot 2, New Jackson's Sub. ................ Henry V. & Anna Oswald, Lot 3, New Jackson's Sub. .................... Joseph & Mary Sprengelmeyer, Lot 4, New Jackson's Sub. .......... Joseph Gerald Reilly, Lot 5, New Jackson's Sub. .............................. Walter & Jessie Foecking, Lot 1-6, New Jackson's Sub. ................ Mettel Realty & Investment Co. cont: Marvin Dixon, Lot 2-6, New Jackson's Sub. ..................................................................... Carl E. & Patricia Driscoll, Lot 7, New Jackson's Sub. ..... Mrs. Pauline H. Conley, Lot 8, New Jackson's Sub. ........... Thomas R. & Donna Mae May, Lot 9, New Jackson's Sub. Share City ...$898.67 0.00 $898.67 80.88 6.49 TOTAL ASSESSABLE AMOUNT which is assessed in proportion with the special BOOTH STREET-from the S,P,L, of Dodge Street to the N,P,L, S. Grandview Avenue with Bituminous Concrete Paving Earl Bush Lot 2-6, Wallis Heights .......................................... 6.13 Robert & Betty Kenline, Lot 7, Wallis Heights ........................ 13.80 Olive E. Lytle, Lot 2-13, Wallis Heights ........._...._..........._....... 464.55 Earle Lawrence & Mary Jo DeVoe, Lot 2-1-13, Wallis Heights ........ 280_02 Earle Lawrence & Mary Jo DeVoe, Lot 2-1-1-13, Wallis Heights.... 82.64 Earle Lawrence & Mary Jo DeVoe, Lot 2-2-, Wallis Heights 25,03 Henry J. Friedman, Lot 1-2-1-1-1-13, Wallis Heights ............._.......... 390.08 Marc C. & Lois V. Daniels, Lot 2-1-1-1-1-1-13, Wallis Heights ........ 40.91 Marc C. & Lois V. Daniels, Lot 1-2-1-1.1-1.13, Wallis Heights .......... 254.54 Ralph & Eliz. Lytle, Lot 2-2.1-, Wallis Heights ...................... 3.38 Richard R. & Carol Lou Reiter, Lot 1, Plaza Court ....._.................... 91.66 Miles G. & Virginia J_ Orton, Lot 2, Plaza Court .............................. 33.15 Roger C. & Arlene Lavacek, Lot 3, Plaza Court ................................ 6.00 James L. & Florance George, Lot 5, Plaza Court .............................. 5.32 Kenneth & Dolores M. Vice, Lot 6, Plaza Court ..............._................ 33.60 Wilfred H. & Barbara A. Hammel, Lot 7, Plaza Court _................... 106.63 Wilfred R. & Wanda M. Connelly, Lot 8, McClain's Sub. ................ .81 Alfred J. Jecklin, Lot W.49'-9, McClain's Sub. ..............._.................. 8.53 Ada & John J. McKernan, Lot E.1'-9, McClain's Sub. ...................... 1.71 Ada & John J. McKernan, Lot 10, McClain's Sub. ............................ 22.15 Louis R. & Amelia Dittmar, Lot 11, McClain's Sub. ........................ 33.42 Walter E. & Henrietta Daykin, Lot 12, McClain's Sub. .................. 62.88 LeRoy & Sadie M. Wolff, Lot 13, McClain's Sub. .............................. 126.57 Don & Erma P. Burke, Lot 1-14, McClain's Suh. ................................ 242.09 Albert & Marie Datisman, Lot 2-14, MCClain's Sub. ........................ 2.26 Albert & Marie Datisman, Lot 15, McClain's Sub. ............................ 281.60 Harold E. & Marion Rucks, Lot 2-2-16, McClain's Sub. .................... 3.56 Harold E. & Marion Rucks, Lot 2-1-1-1-1-16, McClain's Sub. .......... 254.45 Donald J. & Jane M. Banfield, Lot 1-1-2-16, McClain's Sub. ............ 200.82 Ralph & Eliz. Lytle, Lot 2-1.2-16, McClain's Sub. .............................. 120.53 Ralph & Eliz. Lytle, Lot 1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-16, McClain's Sub. ................ 78.85 Donald J. & Jane M. Banfield, Lot 2-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-16, McClain's Sub. 80.29 Ralph & Eliz. Lytle, Lot 1-2-2-2-16B, McClain's Sub. ............._... 87.19 Marc C. & Lois V. Daniels, Lot 2-2-2-2-16B, MCClain's Sub. ..... 45.20 Marc C. & Lois V. Daniels, Lot 2.2-1-1.1.1-1-16, McClain's Sub. 2.62 Richard L. & Norma B. Cade, Lot 1-1, Stewart's Suh. .............. 145.15 Richard L. & Norma B. Cade, Lot 2, Stewart's Sub. ................_... 201.04 Richard L. & Norma B. Cade, Lot 3, Stewart's Sub. ................ 91.52 Sarah C. Ruprecht, Lot 4, Stewart's Sub. ................................ 32.25 Evelyn G. Ruprecht, Etal, Lot 5, Stewart's Sub. ........................ 11.37 L. Vaughn & Muriel Gayman, Lot 6, Stewart's Sub. ................ 1.17 St. John's Episcopal Church, Lot 34, Stewart's Sub. ................ 12.04 Ralph P. & Marcella Kremer, Lot 1-1-1, Sub. of M.L. 149 ........ 382.55 Raymond F. & Joseph Fessler & Elaine Noonan, Lot 2.1-1, Suh. of M.L. 149 ........................ Clarence & Viro Sedbrook, Lot 2-1, Sub. of M.L. 149 ................ Walter E. & Lilltan Hagge, Lot W. 50'.2, Sub. of M.L. 149 .... William G_ & Marie D. Tranel, Lot E. 50'-2, Sub. of M.L. 149 .. Regular Session, November 7, 1966 Bituminous Concrete Binder, 50.55, Tons @ 9.70 .. Bituminous Concrete Surface, 40.55 Tons @ 9.70 Tuck.RC.O, 50 Gals. @ 0.30 . Engineer I And Inspector Interest-52 Days TOTAL COST City Share 9% 5% of 434 All 116.78 335.86 103.43 45_15 .""!l>.-.-_ , :- .---= ;- II r~ i~ !. ig :~:ii 437 7.46 18.50 73.86 51.76 51.76 3.89 3.89 David C. & Abbie M. Solca, L. H. Add. ................................ .......... Anna N. Stecklein, Lot N'h.21, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ............ Emma, Leo & Ruth Spahn, Lot S1f2-23, L. H. Langworthys' Add, Wm. H. & Bertha Heiman, Lot W80'.N'h-23, L. H. Langwortby's Add. ...................................................................................................... Clara Ehlers, Lot EBO'-N'h.23, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ................ Wm, H. & Bertha Heiman, Lot W80'-S2'-24, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Clara Ehlers, Lot E80'-S2.24, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ................ Laurine J. Danglemeyer, Lot W91%-N62'-24, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ... ....... ....... ........ ..... ........ .... .... .... .... ... ..... ..... .......... .... ........ ." .......... 293.31 Richard L, John J., & Robert F. Beecher (each \Is) Lot E68'h- N62'-24, L. H_ Langworthy's Add. ................................................ 219.60 Elmeta E. Leytem, Lot E'h.24A, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ............ 8.81 Nicholas R. & Karen Lucy, Lot S33'-W'h-24A, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ..... ............. ....... ..... ..... ........... .... .... .... .... ....... .... .... ..... .......... ..... ..... 2.46 Christina Schilling Roth, Lot N31'-W'h-24A, L. H. Langworthy's Add. . .... ..... ... .... ............ .............. ........ ... .... ....... .......... ........... ............ ... 6.35 Edward C. & Rita Pickel, Lot N56'6".W'h-23A, L. H. Langworthy's Add. .. ..... ...... .......................... .... .... ............ ....... .... .... .... .................. ...... 15.12 ChrIstina SChilling Roth, Lot S7'6"-W'h-23A, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ................... .......... ............................. ........... ............. .......... .......... 1.59 Jos. G. & Regina Bughman, Lot N'h.E'h-23A, L. H. Langworthy's Add. .. ................ ..... ........ .............................. .................... ...... ............... 9.25 Wayne R. & Nancy L. Ellerman, Lot S'h-E'h-23A, L. H. Lang- worthy's Add. .................................................................................... 7.46 Elizabeth A. Link, Lot W'h-22A, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ......... 35.08 Frank & Esther Kohl, Lot NE'!4-22A, L. H. Langworthy's Add..... 21.83 Martha E. Welty, Lot SE'Is-22A, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ..... .......... ' Anton & Frances Tritz, Lot W'h-21A, L. H. Langworthy's Add. .... Charles & Helen Gillooley, Lot E1I2-21A, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Leander C. & Mathilda Keuter, Lot W70'-20A, L. H. Langworthy's Add. -................................................................................ ....................2 Mettel Realty & Investment Co., cont: Raymond Randecker, Lot E90'-20A, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ............................................... 2 Charles M. Jr. Patzner, Lot 65, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ................ Cyril V. & Marie M. Behr, Lot 66, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ............ Mary J. Brede, Lot 67, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ............................ Russell & Margaret Lewis, Lot 1-68, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ........ Nick G_ Fondell, Lot 2-68, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ........................ John & Lena Gillespie, Lot 69, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ......... Harold Harvey & Marcella Arensdorf, Lot N32'2"-70, L. H. Lang- worthy's Add. ..........................................................................._........ Virgil J_ & Norma M. Denlinger, Lot S30'10".70, L. H. Lang- worthy's Add. .................................................................................... Reynold H. & Agnes M. Kramer, Lot 1-71, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ...................................................................................................... George & Dorothy Gray, Lot 2-71, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ........ George & Dorothy Gray, Lot 2-N34'-72, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Richard R. & Marlene Banck, Lot 1-N34'-72, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ...................................................................................................... Mid-West Mortgage Co., Lot N54'-73, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ...... Leo W. & Anna Hamblin, Lot 8.10'-73, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Leo W. & Anna Hamblin, Lot NI6'-74, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Leo W. & Anna Hamblin, Lot N33'-S48'-74, L. H. Langworthy's Add_ Alfred G. & Gertrude Bunett, Lot E99.5'-S55'-I-105, L. H. Lang- worthy's Add. .................................................................................... Eldon B. & Betty A. Lange, Lot N'h-WIOO'-S55'-I.105, L. H. Lang. worthy's Add. ..... .... ............. ..................... ...... ..... .............. ................ Duane & Maureen Durni, Lot S30'-N80'-1-105, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ...................................................................................................... Frank L. & Jacqueline M. Meyer, Lot N50'.N80'-1.105, L. H. Lang. worthy's Add. . ........... Irene Leppert, Lot L. H. .3.97 88.67 88.67 Regular Session, November 7, 1966 Langworthy's 92.91 11.03 20.88 44.77 82.87 27.98 325.46 95.89 15.88 10.64 18.26 18.22 3.30 3.73 6.98 -S'h-21, LotW'h 51.32 78.67 173.09 68.62 48.26 20.24 13.49 2_86 6.51 .16 7.14 .36 15.12 269.53 101.60 68.Q7 52.19 38.58 24.96 17.86 12.90 9.37 8.49 7.78 2.78 3.85 7.58 8.37 9.60 11.71 16.91 23.26 36.36 50.01 64.77 93.63 290.37 307.80 100.54 53.22 25.36 15.32 10.44 5.44 6.63 16.03 11.27 16.31 23.42 35.72 9.64 98.83 289.22 6.55 6.55 7.46 23.77 Regular Session, November 7, 1966 Esther Miller, Lot 10, New Jackson's Sub. ...... Roswell Carney, Lot 11, New Jackson's Sub. .................................... Edmund J. & Francis B. Haberkorn, Lot 12, New Jackson's Sub. Geo. M. & Eliz. Schlosser, Lot S'h-2-171, L. H. Langworthy'S Add. Geo. & Genevieve Kruse, Lot N'h-2-171, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Geo. & Genevieve Kruse, Lot W95'-2-172, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Geo. & Genevieve Kruse, Lot 1-172, L H. Langworthy's Add. ........ Geo. & Genevieve Kruse, Lot W8'.E75'-2.172, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ...................................................................................................... Frank V. & Anna Baxter, Lot E67'.E75'-2-172, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ...................................-.................................................................. William & Fannie Kohler, Lot 1-W'h-E85'-184, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ......................-............................................................................... Reinhardt R. & Ida Rusch, Lot 2-N'h-E85'-184, L. H. Langworthy'S Add. .................................................................................-.................... Otto Fitzgerald, Lot I-S'h.EB5'-184, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ........ Otto Fitzgerald, Lot 2-S'h-E85'.184, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ........ Wilbert H. & Irene Lange, Lot W95'-184, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Comiskey Field, Lot I, Boulevard Addition ...................-.................. Comiskey Field, Lot 2, Boulevard Addition ...................................... Comiskey Field, Lot 3, Boulevard Addition ........................................ Comiskey Field, Lot 4, Boulevard Addition ........................................ Comiskey Field, Lot 5, Boulevard Addition ........................................ Comiskey Field, Lot 6, Boulevard Addition ........................................ Comiskey Field, Lot 7, Boulevard Addition ........................................ Comiskey Field, Lot 8, Boulevard Addition ........................................ Comiskey Field, Lot 9, Boulevard Addition ........................................ Comiskey Field, Lot 10, Boulevard Addition ..................................... Comiskey Field, Lot 11, Boulevard Addition .................................... Comiskey Field, Lot 12, Boulevard Addition ..................................... Comiskey Field, Lot 35, Boulevard Addition ..................................... Comiskey Field, Lot 36, Boulevard Addition ..................................... Comiskey Field, Lot 37, Boulevard Addition ................................... Comiskey Field, Lot 38, Boulevard Addition ................................... Comiskey Field, Lot 39, Boulevard Addition ..................................... Comiskey Field, Lot 40, Boulevard Addition ................................... Comiskey Field, Lot 41, Boulevard Addition ................................... Comiskey Field, Lot 42, Boulevard Addition ................................... Comiskey Field, Lot 43, Boulevard Addition ..................................... Comiskey Field, Lot 44, Boulevard Addition ................................." Comiskey Field, Lot 45, Boulevard Addition .................................. Comiskey Field, Lot 46, Boulevard Addition .................................. Morrison Bros., Lot 1, O. S. Langworthy's Sub. .............................. Morrison Bros., Lot 2, O. S. Langworthy's Sub. .............................. Morrison Bros., Lot 3, O. S. Langworthy'S Sub. .............................. Morrison Bros., Lot 4, O. S. Langworthy's Sub. .............................. Morrison Bros., Lot 5, O. S. Langworthy'S Sub. ................................ Morrison Bros., Lot 6, O. S. Langworthy's Sub. .................................. Henry & Leonia Hafkemeyer, Lot N'h.19, O. S. Langworthy's Sub. Viola Kafkemeyer, Lot S'h-19, O. S. Langworthy's Sub. ................ Wayne R. Patterson, Lot 20, O. S. Langworthy's Sub_ .................... Chas. G. & Amelia Weiland, Lot N'h-21, O. S. Langworthy's Sub. Gilbert L. & Marlene M. Nadermann, Lot S'h-21, O. S. Lang. worthy's Sub. ......................-............................................................. William T. Holzer, Lot N'h-22, O. S. Langworthy'S Sub. ................ Arthur & Loretta Gross, Lot S'h.22, O. S. Langworthy's Sub. ........ Arthur & Loretta Gross Lot N6'.23, O. S. Langworthy's Sub. ........ Frank E. & Dorothy Miller, Lot S44'.23, O. S. Langworthy's Sub. Esther Miller, Lot 24, 0_ S. Langworthy's Sub. .................................. Nick & Irene Treirvieler, Lot Elh-N1h:-20, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Nicholas J. & Norma M. Legler, Lot W'h-N'h.20, L. H. Lang- worthy's Add. ................................................ Harold & Theresa York, Lot E'h.S'h-21, L. H. 436 Add. Langworthy's 2.1-1-106, ......... Add. Langworthy's -;4.- 439 123.48 1.63 30.20 43.42 3.02 25.60 19.57 9.41 21.51 39.41 30.05 5.04 126.33 .36 60.53 9.45 33.93 41.08 21.87 13.65 17.78 10.00 8.06 1.94 62.47 121.69 124.90 67.43 74.38 .71 43.58 23.81 14.84 247.86 111.93 22.62 157.37 77.91 .71 31.95 32.63 22.62 16.39 2.30 152.89 39.09 .20 .36 3.25 5.48 .20 November 7, 1966 Edwin, Wilma, Gerald & Dorthy Ahlers, Lot tieD ................................................................. Paul P. & Marie Weis, Lot 2-66, Sanford's Addition Edward J. Grebin, Lot 2-1-66, Sanford's Addition .. otto Waechter eta!., Lot 1-1-1-66, Sanford's Addition Edwin, Wilma, Gerald & Dorthy Ahlers, Lot, Sanford's Addition ..... ..... ..... ............"... ...".............. ..... ....... '.... ..".. ........ ............ Mettel Realty & Investment Co. (cont: Nellie B. Wilson), Lot 67, Stafford's Addition ... ..... ....... .........". .........." .... .... ". .,.. ........ .... ..... ..... Eldon F. & Aurelia M. Remy, Lot 2.68, Stafford's Addition ... .... George E. & Ina Mae Marquart, Lot 1-68, Stafford's Addition ........ Marion J. Link, Lot 2-69, Stafford's Addition ........... ........................ Frieda Lang, Lot 1-69, Stafford's Addition ................................... Frieda Lang, Lot 2-70, Stafford's Addition ........................................ Xavier & Susan Petesch, Lot 1-70, Stafford's Addition .................... Otto Waechter etal., Lot 2.71, Stafford's Addition. ......... ................ Paul P. & Marie Weis, Lot 1-1-71, Stafford's Addition ................ Julien Improvement Co., Lot 2-1-71, Stafford's Addition ............ Julien Improvement Co., Lot S20'-39, Stafford's Addition ............ Ralph J. & Hilda Blaser, Lot N30'.39, Stafford's Addition ............ Frank & Rosalie Miller, Lot S26'-40, Stafford's Addition ................ James & Lorraine Powers, Lot N24'-40, Stafford's Addition ............ Mette! Realty & Investment Co. (cont: Arnold Gritti), Lot 41, Stafford's Addition '" ....... ........ ....... ..... ........ ................ ..... ......... h....... Caroline M. Bach, Lot 2.42 & 43, Stafford's Addition ........................ Wm. W. & Joyce A. Brimeyer, Lot 2-35A, Stafford's Addition ........ Norbert A. & Doris A. Meyer, Lot 59, Bellevue Addition ............ John B. & Frances C. Burgmaier, Lot 1-2, Windsor Avenue Sub. .... John B. & Frances C. Burgmaier, Lot 1-1 & 2-2, Windsor Avenue Sub. ...................................................................................................... F. C. & Margt. L. Scharff, Lot 2-1 & 2-2, Windsor Avenue Sub. .... Viola Ida Galvin, Lot 3, Windsor Avenue Sub. .................................. Viola Ida Galvin, S39'-7"-4, Windsor Avenue Sub. ............................ Robert N. & Patricia J. Gibbons, Lot N7"-4, Windsor Avenue Sub. Robert N. & Patricia J. Gibbons, Lot 5, Windsor Avenue Sub. ...... Joseph W. & Lorraine E. Abitz, Lot 6, Windsor Avenue Sub. ...... Norman F. & Gen. M. Brimeyer, Lot 7, Windsor Avenue Sub. ...... John E. & June Noel, Lot 1.1.1-170, L. H. Langworthys Add. ........ Sydney Haudenshield, Lot, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ...... Sydney Haudenshield, Lot 2.1.170, L. H. Langworthy's Add. .......... Vincent J. Giunta, Lot 2-170, L. H. Langworthy's Add. .................. Sydney Haudenshield, Lot 1.1.171, L. H. Langworthy's Add. .......... Geo. M. & Eliz. Schlosser, Lot 1-2.1.171, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Vincent J. Giunta, Lot, L. H. Langworthy's Add. .............. Leo T. & Lavina L. Manders, Lot 1-22, L. H. Langworthy's Add. .... G. E. & Ora R. Lingard, Lot 1.2-22, L. H. Langworthy's Add. .......... Joseph & Edith Gottschalk, Lot 2.2.22, L. H. Langworthy's Add..... Vincent P. & Marie Stierman, Lot 2, Ohnesorge Place .................... Wm. F. Heitzman, Lot 1, Heitzman Place ............................................ Wm. F. Heitzman, Lot 2, Heitzman Place .......................................... Otto Fitzgerald, Lot N2'.8"-W31'.6"-Nlf.:.E85'.185, L. H. Langwor. thy's Add. .... ......... ......... ........ ........ ..... .... ........ ..... ......... ..... ......... ......... Otto Fitzgerald, Lot 2.E53'.6".Nlf.:.E85'-185, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ...................................................................................................... Josephine C. Riesselman, Lot S27'-4"-W31'-6"-NY.:!-E85'-185, L. H. Langworthy's Add. .... ......... ..... ..' .... .... ......... .... ....... '" ..... ..... ..... ......... Josephine C. Riesselman, Lot 1.E53'.6"-Nlf.:.E85'.185, L. H. Lang- worthy's Add. . ....... .......... ......... ........ ......... .... .......... .......... ...... ..... ..... Josephine C. Riesselman, Lot 2-SY.:!-E85'-185, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ........................................................ ..... Joseph F. & Imelda Shannon, Lot W95' H. Add. ................................................... Mettel Realty & Investment Co. (cont L. H. Langworthy's Add. Addi 1.Slf.: .E85' -185, Langworthy's Sanford's 1.26, L. Lot .185, Dixon) SessiOl Regular , i~ r ""- T , 9.45 13.18 80.02 134.19 152.93 40.72 16.12 4.29 149.47 102.64 17.74 25.05 23.85 50.72 99.54 100.10 100.54 100.97 108.59 49.57 85.14 9.84 152.73 3.81 89.14 36.91 1966 Frank & Elsie Sand, Lot Slf.:.1-1.1-106, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Harry M. Haggerty, Lot Nlf.:-, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Wm. C. Jr. & Jean E. Runde, Lot 1.2-1.106, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Milton Boyes Sr., Lot 2.2-1-106, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ............ Donald T. & Malinda Sand, Lot 1.3.107, L. H. Langworthys' Add..... Julien Improvement Co., Lot 2.3-107, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Donald T. & Malinda Sand, Lot 2.1-2.107, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Julien Improvement Co., Lot 2-2-107, L. H. Langworthy's Add. .... LeRoy & Dorothy Beetem, Lot 1-1.2.107, L. H. Langworthy's Add. Milton Boyes, Sr., Lot 1.2-106, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ............ Joseph, Henry & Mary Kenyon, Lot 2.1.107, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ..... .......... ........ ............... ........ .... ... .... ..... ... .......... ........ ......... ... ....... 162.21 Ralph W. & Delores H. Metz, Lot S30'-72, L. H. Langworthy's Add. 16.35 Lena K. Straub, Lot 56, Sanford's Suh. ................................................ 1.27 Alice M. Pauley, Lot Slf.:.57, Sanford's Sub. .................................... 4.25 Richard W. & Elizabeth A. Reavell, Lot W'I2.57, Sanford's Sub. 4.60 Anna M. Deich, Lot 58, Sanford's Sub. ................................................ 10.24 Frances & Ervin Sternbergh, Lot 1.1.59, Sanford's Suh. .................... 13.30 Neil & Donna Richman, Lot 2-1-59, Sanford's Sub. ............................ 2.14 C.W.W. R.R. Co. Tracks, Lot 2.59, Sanford's Sub. ............................ 1.47 Neil & Donna Richman Lot 2-60, Sandford's Sub. .......................... 4.29 C. G. W. R. R. Co. Tracks, Lot 2-1-60, Sandford's Sub. .................... 16.91 Neil & Donna Richman, Lot 1-1.60, Sandford's Sub. ........................ 19.85 C. G. W. R. R. Co. Tracks, Lot 2.61, Sandford's Sub. ........................ 64.81 Neil & Donna Richman, Lot 1-61, Sandford's Sub. .......................... 5.24 Anna Ziegler Baal, Lot 21, Sandford's Sub. ...................................... 40.25 Earl & Marie Locher, Lot 1.22, Sandford's Sub. .............................. 126.41 Sacred Heart Church, Lot 2.22, Sandford's Sub. .............................. 90.30 Sacred Heart Church, Lot 1.1.23, Sandford's Sub. ............................ 104.03 Earl & Marie Locher, Lot 2.1.23, Sandford's Sub. ............................ 74.30 Alma Kruse, Lot 29, Sandford's Sub. .................................................. 3.97 Herman & Gladys Rave, Lot 28, Sandford's Sub. .............................. 118.67 Wm. J. & Gladys Doerr, Lot 1.27, Sandford's Sub. ............................ 283.11 Wm. J. & Gladys Doerr, Lot 2.26, Sandford's Sub. .............................. 32.63 Martha C. Schmidt, Lot 39, Sandford's Sub. ...................................... 61.92 John P. & Armella Steckel, Lot 1.40, Sandford's Sub. .................... 137.84 Robert E. Rhomberg, Lot 2-40, Sandford's Sub. .................................. 15.76 Robert E. Rhomberg, Lot 1-41, Sandford's Sub. ................................ 260.13 Alma Neises & Wm. Dehlinger, Lot Nlf.:-44, Sandford's Sub. ........ 29.09 Henrietta Entringer, Lot Slf.:.43, Sandford's Sub. .............................. 41.99 Chas. W. & Eileen Tuegel, Lot Nlf.:.43, Sandford's Sub. .................. 61.16 Charlotte Gottschalk, Lot 1.42, Sandford's Sub. .............................. 366.14 LeRoy G. & Clara Richman, Lot 8, Sub. Lots 196 & 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add. .. ......... ........... .......... ..... ..... ....... .................... ..... Clara M. O'Hare, Lot 9, Suh. Lots 196 & 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ...................................................................................................... John & Patricia M. Glab, Lot W90'-10, Sub. Lots 196 & 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add. ............ ....... ........ ..... ..... .... ....... ...... ......... ..... .... .... John & Patricia M. Glab, Lot W90'.11, Sub. Lots 196 & 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add. .... ..... ........ .... ... .... .......... ......... .... ....... ... ............ ... Floyd R. & Clara McGeough, Lot 2-1, Saunders Subdivision ............ Louise E. Regan, Lot I-I, Saunders Subdivision ................................ John H. & Lola J. Hostert, Lot 2-2, Saunders Subdivision ................ Kathryn Neises, Lot 1-2, Saunders subdivision .................................. Leo M. & Mariene M. Troy, Lot 1-3, Saunders Subdivision ............ Harry & Evelyn Grant, Lot 2-3, Saunders Subdivision .................... Harry & Evelyn Grant, Lot 2.1.62, Sandford's Sub. .......................... Leo M. & Marlene M. Troy, Lot 1-1-62, Sanford's Addition ............ Anna B. McGrath, Lot 1-2-62, Sanford's Addition .............................. Xavier & Susan Petesch, Lot 2-2-62, Sanford's Addition ................ Edward J. Grebin, Lot 1-1-25, Sanford's Addition ............................ Edwin, Wilma, Gerald & Dorthy Ahlers, Lot 2-1-25, Sanford's Addition Regular Session, November 7, 438 13.49 III ~ ....;."'"' - >S!f:. ,<<'I 441 60.00 788.53 1966 Regular Session, November 7, Prime-MC.O, 300 Gals. @ 0.20 %" Stabilized Rolled Stone Base, 238.95 3.30 .$2,334.57 00.00 2,334.57 210.11 16.86 .$2,561.54 special benefits con- the 92.99 165.10 30.07 99.42 95.51 33.98 258.09 258.09 258.09 32.64 220.30 252.94 237.46 15.48 252.94 118.71 134.19 252.94 175.73 14.34 161.39 175.74 175.74 175.74 89.92 85.81 175.74 1.78 61.58 179.30 224.80 6.03 217.73 201.26 182.12 185.52 72.26 67,46 86.51 102.58 143.93 .jl the 248.63 155.92 131.57 134.46 119.37 29.99 59.74 180.92 188.55 188.55 188.55 120.81 93.31 74.44 9.52 169.10 .63 199.73 $2,293.79 44.13 52.67 7.97 67.74 95.24 $2,561.54 758.54 727.50 66.97 , . - r"ii' 57.71 Regular Session, November 7, 1966 ........................ L. H. Land. 440 Lester V. & Marion M. Miller, Lot All, Marsch Place Eldon H. & Mary T. Grutz, Lot N24'h '.E'h.20, worthy's Add. ........................................ Anna B. McGrath, Lot 65, Sandford's Sub. ~. Tons TOTAL COST City Share ...... Assessable .... 9% Eng. Insp. .. 5% Int.-52 Days TOTAL ASSESSABLE of which is assessed 2.30 185.31 12,274.64 .....................$ 88.00 9.70 4,159.84 9.70 4,284.98 82.50 157.74 750.00 James G. & Yvonne E. of Sub. ... .............. .... ..... Cletus G. & Ester 1. Kruser, Lot S43-15, Part of Farley's Sub. ........ Mettel Realty Inv. Co. (Cont. Spielmann), Lot 2 W'Iz.17, Part of Farley's Sub. .... .............. ........................................... ...................... Realty Investors Corp. (cont. Elroy Bender), Lot 1 WV2-17, Part of Farley's Sub. ................................................................................ John J. & Velma Hickey, Lot 1 E'h.17, Part of Farley's Sub. .......... Victor H. Burkart, Lot 2 E'h.17, Part of Farley's Sub. .............. .... Wm. & Agnes Crahan, Lot 19, Part of Farley's Sub. ........................ Mettel Realty Inv. Co. (Cont. Harry Lorenz). Lot 20, Part of Far. ley's Sub. .................................... ........... ........................................... Midwest Mortgage Co. (cont. Fred Lebben), Lot 21, Part of Far. ley's Sub. ........................................................... ................................ Louis A. & Edith Haug, Lot N31'.22, Part of Farley's Sub. .............. Ronald W. & Sheila C. Puccio, Lot S80'.22, Part of Farley's Sub..... Cecil & Helen Moser, Lot 24, Part of Farley's Sub. ............................ James F. & Florence A. Connelly, Lot W.46'-25, Part of Farley's Sub. ...................................................... ............ ..................................... Nicholoas & Stella Psihoyos, Lot 1.3'-25, Part of Farley's Sub. ... Nicholoas & Stella psihoyos, Lot 26, Part of Farley's Sub. ............ Nicholoas & Stella Psi hoyos, W.23'-27, Part of Farley's Sub. .......... Frank D. Gilloon, Lot 1. 26'.27, Part of Farley's Sub. ...................... Frank D. Gilloon, Lot 28, Part of Farley's Sub. ................................ Marion K. Jones, Lot N. 80'-29, Part of Farley's Sub. ........................ Marion K. Jones, Lot E.4'.30, Part of Farley's Sub. .......................... E. J. & Helen Sprauge, Lot W.45.30, Part of Farley's Sub. .............. E. J. & Helen Sprauge, Lot 31, Part of Farley's Sub. ........................ E. J. & Helen Sprauge, Lot 32, Part of Farley's Sub. ...................... Francis J. & Lillian White, Lot 33, Part of Farley's Sub. ................ Edw. E., Walter L. & Eugene Gau, Lot 1-34, Part of Farley's Sub. Henry L. & Catherine Callan, Lot 2~34, Part of Farley's Sub. .......... Claudia Althaus, Lot 35, Part of Farley's Sub. .................................. Theodora G. Stroede & Kermit E. Stroede, Lot S. 3.5'-36, Part of Farley's Sub. ...................................... .......... ............. ......................... Alice M. Carpenter, Lot S. 46'6".N96.5'.36, Part of Farley's Sub..... Rita M. Sweeney, Lot N50'.N96.5'.36, Part of Farley's Sub. ............ Cornelia B. Delaney, Lot N80'-37, Part of Farley's Sub. ...... .......... Cornelia B. Delaney, Lot S. Ba1.-37, Part of Farley's Sub. .............. City of Dubuque, Lot 38, Part of Farley's Sub. ................ ................. City of Dubuque, Lot 39, Part of Farley's Sub. ................................ City of Dubuque, Lot 40, Part of Farley's Sub. .................................. Edmund & Helen Callahan, Lot E.36'.18, Part of Farley's Sub. ...... Victor H. Burkart, Lot W. 14'-18, Part of Farley's Sub. .................. City of Dubuque, Lot E.21'-41, Part of Farley's Sub. ...................... Richard J. & Alice R. Kelly, Lot W.29'.41, Part of Farley's Sub. .... Marion K. Jones, Lot 3A.687, City Lot 687 ........................................ Richard J. & Alice R. Kelly, Lot 42, Part of Farley's Sub. .............. James G. & Yvonne E. Schreiner, Lot N68'-W.36'-16, Part of Far- ley's Sub. ...... ................................. to the Olive Street to Concrete Paving. Part Farley's in proportion JEFFERSON STREET-from the W.P.L. of E.P.L. of Walnut Street with Bituminous Schreiner, Lot N68-15, All fered. 1,560.00 103.95 Excavation-Earth, 80 Cu. Yds. @ 1.10 ......... Bituminous Concrete Binder, 428.85 Tons @ Bituminous Concrete Surface, 441.75 Tons @ PRIME RC.O, 275 Gals. @ 0.30 ....................... 0/4" Stabilized Rolled Stone Base, 47.8 Tons @ 3.30 Manholes-Raise or Lower, 25 No. of @ 30.00 .............. Concrete Removal & Replace with 8" Concrete, 78 Sq. Yds. @ 20.00 .................................... Concrete Removal, 77 Sq. Yds. @ 1.35 $11,187.01 00.00 11,187.01 1,006.83 80.80 .....................$12,274.64 in proportion to the special benefits City Share Assessable Amount 9% Eng.-Insp. 5%-52 Days Total Assessable which is being assessed to W.P.L. of/Block 15, Steger Heights With Bituminous Concrete Paving. & 242 242 237 All of conferred. ETHEL STREET-from the E.P.L. of University Myrtle C. Bourne, Lot 2, J. S. Brunskill Add. Myrtle C. Bourne, Lot 3, J. S. Brunskill Add. "Myrtle C. Bourne, Lot 4, J. S. Brunskill Add. "Myrtle C. Bourne, Lot 5, J. S. Brunskill Add. .. "Myrtle C. Bourne, Lot 6, J. S. Brunskill Add. Walter & Lucille Kaiser, Lot 1, Lot 2-M.L. 242 .. Fay Thomas & Calista Ann Steger, Lot 2, Lot 2-M.L. Fay Thomas & Calista Ann Steger, Lot 3, Lot 2-M.L Francis & Eileen Kennicker, Lot 4, Lot 2-M.L. 242 .. Francis & Eileen Kennicker, Lot 5, Lot 2-M.L. 242. John & Violet Morton, Lot 6, Lot 2-M.L. 242 ............. "Louis F. Fautsch, Lot 7, Lot 2-M.L. 242 ..................... "Louis F. Fautsch, Lot 8, Lot 2-M.L. 242 ..................... Fay Thomas Steger, Lot 4, Steger Heights Block 15 ..... Elmer & Augusta Ernst, Lot 1, Lot l-Sub Lot 2-M.L. Lot 2-M.L. 238 ...................................... Walter & Lucille Kaiser, Lot 3, M.L. 238 Sydney Haudenshield, Lot 1.1, M.L. 238 Fay Thomas Steger, Lot 2.1.1, Westgate Add. Add. Add. 242 242 DEFICIENCIES "Myrtle Bourne, Lot 4, J. S. Brunskill "'Myrtle Bourne, Lot 5, J. S. Brunskill "'Myrtle Bourne, Lot 6, J. S. Brunskill "'Louis F. Fautsch, Lot 7, Lot 2-M.L. *Louis F. Fautsch, Lot 8, Lot 2-M.L. ..$ @ 9.70 @ 9.70 Concrete Binder, 78.2 Tons Concrete Surfacel 75 Tons Bituminous Bituminous 443 - ~ ii: - il!I ii, ~i _I ~=, .., ~' ".- ~~ ;;"- 44.10 8.82 334.37 112.34 54.31 39.28 1.69 92.28 314.42 124.72 74.42 36.75 20.21 14.70 884.35 58.72 195.21 297.48 296.82 195.02 Ih Winifred Baird, Ih Lot eral Lot 73 ......... ...... % Ralph A. & Bertha L. Michael, % Robert A. & Della Freund, 1/6 Wilfred Baird & Harold E. & Mary Marion, 1/6 Carl J. & M. Thimmesch, Lot 7-8, Mineral Lot 73 ...................................... Francis H. & Rose M. Brune, Lot 1-1-2-2-9, Mineral Lot 73 ............ Frances V. Burgmeier, Lot 1-1-2-2-2-9, Mineral Lot 73 .................... Geo. T. & Blanche Ryan, Lot 2-1-2-2.9, Mineral Lot 73 .................... Geo. T. & Blanche Ryan, Lot 2-1-2-2-2-9, Mineral Lot 73 .................. Geo. T. & Blanche Ryan, Lot 2-2-2-2-9, Mineral Lot 73 ................ Carl J. & M. Y. Thimmesch, Lot 3-2-2-9, Mineral Lot 73 ................ Fred J. & Rose B. Beyer, Lot 1, Langworthy Avenue Sub. ............ Gerald J. & Rosemary Blaser, Lot 2, Langworthy Avenue Sub. ........ Geo. A. & Lillian P. Freund, Lot 3, Langworthy Avenue Sub. ........ Rohert Gordon & Amelia W. Vernon, Lot 4, Langworthy Avenue Sub. .... ................................................................................................. Rohert Gordon & Amelia W. Vernon, Lot 5, Langworthy Avenue ~~ .....--...--..............-..-.-...-..--..-...... Robert Gordon & Amelia W. Vernon, Lot 6, Langworthy Avenue Sub. ...................................................................................................... Titus B. Schmid, Lot 1-1-1, L_ H. Langworthy's Add., Sub Lot 4.... Alfred & Marie Palmquist, Lot 2-1, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Sub Lot 4 .................................................................................................... Susan Valeria Altman Campbell, Lot 2-1-1, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Sub Lot 4 ................................................................................ Susan Valeria Altman Campbell, Lot 2, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Sub Lot 4 ....................................................... .................................... Susan Valeria Altman Campbell, Lot 3, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Sub Lot 4 ......................................................................... .......... ....... Susan Valeria Altman Campbell, Lot 4, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Sub Lot 4 ........................................................................................ 295.97 Susan Valeria Altman Campbell, Lot 5, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Sub Lot 4 ............................................................................................ 295.16 Susan V. Altman, Lot W. 122'-5, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Addition 7.94 Dr. R. Lyndsay & Susan Campbell, Lot E. 40'-5, Mrs. L. H. Lang- worthy's Addition ............................................................................ 2.46 Dr. R. Lyndsay & Susan Campbell, Lot W. 83'-6, Mrs. L. H. Lang- worthy's Addition .. .... .... ..,.. ." .... ..... .... .... ........ ........ ...... ..... ........ ...... 4.78 Susan Valeria Altman Campbell, Lot E.80'-6, Mrs. L. H. Lang- worthy's Addition .............................................................................. 4.34 Donald C. Conzett, Lot W.83'-7, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Addition 3.86 Joseph J. & Virginia Even, Lot E.80'- ,Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's AdditIon ....................... .................... .............. ......... ..... ...... ..... ............ 3.71 Laurence E. & Phyllis L. Lightle, Lot S.60'-8, Mrs. L. H. Lang- worthy's Addition ... ...................... ................................................... 4.37 Mabel Palmer-Trustee of Emma Klein, Lot N.75'-4, Sub. Lot 1, 2, & 3 of Julia Langworthy Add. ............................................ 32.38 Marvin W. Whitlow, Lot 1-5, Sub. Lot 1, 2, & 3 of Julia Lang- worthy Add. ........................................................................................ 112.19 Mabel Palmer-Trustee of Emma Klein, Lot S.41'-4, Sub. Lot 1, 2, & 3 of Julia Langworthy Add. .................................................... 79.08 Anne & Wm. L. Gallogly, Lot 2-5, Sub. Lot 1, 2, & 3 of Julia Lang- worthy Add. ........................................................................................ 56.59 Marvin W. Whitlow, Lot 1-6, Sub. Lot 1, 2, & 3 of Julia Lang- worthy Add. ............. ......................................................................... 301.08 Anne & m. L. Gallogly, Lot 2-6, Sub. Lot 1, 2, & 3 of Julia Lang- worthy Add. ..................................................._.................................... 151.88 Alfred & Marie Palmquist, Lot 1, Sub. Lots 2 & 3 Mrs. L .H. Lang- worthy Add. ........................................................................................ 206.75 Alfred & Marie Palmquist, Lot 2, Sub. Lots 2 & 3 Mrs. L. H. Lang- worthy Add. ................. ...................................................................... 194.36 Don P. & Arlayne D. Walterick, Lot 3, Sub. Lots 2 & 3 Mrs. L. H. Langworthy Add. ........................................ .................... Don P. & Arlayne D. Walterick, Lot E.30'-4, 2 & 3 Mrs. 1966 Regular Session, November 7, Min- 6-8, E. & Mary A. Marion, Harold Lots Sub 1 1966 Regular Session, November 7, 442 118.85 72.26 198.78 6.97 47_19 Farley's E.14'-16, Part Sub. Far- Cletus G. & 1. Sub. ... Mettel Realty Inv. Co. (Cont. Delbert Spielman), of Farley's Sub. ............................................... Leo J. Seitz. Lot E.38'h-23, Part of Farley's Sub. Louis A. & Edith Haug, Lot N.31'-W.I0.5-23, Part of Farley's Ronald W. & Sheila C. Puccio, Lot S.80'-W. 10.5-23, Part of ley's Sub. of Part Lot S.43'-W.36'-16, Lot Kruser, Ester 6,283.27 625.90 1,478.28 1,332.78 110.00 2,089.56 90.00 Excavation (Unclassified), 569 Cu. Yds. @ 1.10 Bituminous Concrete Binder, 152.0 Tons @ 9.70 Bituminous Concrete Surface, 137.4 Tons @ 9.70 Prime M.C..O, 550 Gals. @ 0.20 ............................... '!4" Stabilized Rolled Stone Base, 633.20 Tons @ 3.30 Manholes Raised or Lowered, 3 No. of @ 30.00 5,726.52 ---0-- 5,726_52 515.39 41.36 TOTAL COST City Share Assessable 9% Engineering 5% Interest-52 6,283.27 the special benefits con- to TOTAL ASSESSABLE AMOUNT All of which is assessed in proportion ferred. Alpine Street 32_01 6.87 54.90 148.24 166.32 169.04 169.04 84.52 84.52 169.04 165.11 32.63 174.19 143.65 73.24 74.12 134.09 18_96 154.05 156.99 159.78 162.35 164.63 166.65 168.45 169.48 170_81 253.82 29.62 17.01 957.41 283_37 408.27 Heights LANGWORTHY STREET-from. the E.P.L. of to the W.P.L. of James Street Eugene & Grace Loetscher, Lot 1, Massey Heights .... Carl J. & M. Y. Thimmesch, Lot 2, Massey Heights .. Geo. T. & Blanche Ryan, Lot 3, Massey Heights ........ Geo. T. & Blanche Ryan, Lot 4, Massey Heights ........ John E. & Merle Bergunde, Lot 5, Massey Heights .... John E. & Merle Bergunde, Lot 6, Massey Heights ..... Paul E. & Bonna Mae L. Kirk, Lot 7, Massey Heights . Paul E. & Bonna Mae L. Kirk, W.lh -8, Massey Heights Paul J. & Kathrean Becker, Lot Elh-8, Massey Heights Paul J. & Kathrean Becker, Lot 9, Massey Heights ..... St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Lot W.50'-11, Massey Heights City of Dubuque, Lot E.1O'-11, Massey Heights ................. S1. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Lot 12, Massey Heights ......... S. Frank & Betty Murray, Lot 13, Massey Heights ........... S. Frank & Betty Murray, E.'h-14, Massey Heights ........... St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Lot W.lh-14, Massey Heights. St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Lot E.35'-15, Massey Heights. John B. Sr. & Grace Murray, Lot W.5'-15, Massey Heights John B. Sr. & Grace Murray, Lot 16, Massie Heights ......... John P. & Donna R. McMahon, Lot 17, Massey Heights ..... Marion J. Ryder, Lot 18, Massey Heights ............................. Marion J. Ryder, Lot 19, Massey Heights ............................. Patrick E. & Mary Duffey, Lot 20, Massey Heights ........... David N. Kintzinger, Lot 21, Massey Heights ..................... Carl L. & Alice C. Noel, Lot 22, Massey Heights ................. Louise Landgraf, Lot 23, Massey Heights ............................. Gerald J. & Betty McGrane, Lot 24, Massey Heights ........... John A. & Mabel F. McCullough, Lot 1-25, Massey Heights Geo. A. & Lillian P. Freund, Lot 1-2-25, Massey Heights . Robert Gordon & Amelia W. Vernon, Lot 2-2--25, Massey St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Lot 1, Langworthy Place ..... St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Lot 2-2, Langworthy Place St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Lot 10, Massey Heights ,~#.'.."" 445 Begular Session, November 7, 1966 126.50 601.40 472.87 50.00 889.35 60.00 2,200.12 ---0- 198.01 15.89 Excavation (Unclassified), 115 Cu. Yds. @ 1.10 Bituminous Concrete Binder, 62 Tons @ 9.70 ........ Bituminous Concrete Surface, 48.75 Tons & 9.70 Prime M.C.-O., 250 Gals. @ 0.20 ... .......... .... %" Stabilized Rolled Stone Base, 269.5 @ 3.30 ...................................... ......... Manholes Raised or Lowered, 2 of @ Tons 30.00 No. TOTAL 0 City Share 9% Engineer-Inspector 5% Interest-52 Days 117.37 78.49 197.96 197.93 319.71 121.27 17.64 29.81 206.83 2,414.02 special benefits COD- to the assessed in proportion is which of All ferred. 97.58 97.58 195.11 206.83 L. H. Langworthy Add_ _................................................................... Mabelle A. Carroll, Lot W.20'-4, Sub Lots 2 & 3 Mrs. L. H. Lang- wortby Add. ........................................................................................ Mabelle A_ Carroll, Lot 5, Suh. Lots 2 & 3 Mrs. L. H. Langworthy Add_ .......................................................................-.............................. Hugh Edward & Betty Jean Phillips, Lot 6, Sub. Lots 2 & 3 Mrs. L. H. Langworthy Add. .........................................................-.......... Helen Kintzinger et aI, Lot 4, Julia Langworthy's Add. .................... Peter N. Nicks Estate, Lot 5, Jnlia Langworthy's Add. .................... Peter N_ Nicks Estate, Lot N.10'-6, Julia Langworthy's Add. ........ Alfred E. & Marilyn Hughes, Lot S_40'-6, Julia Langworthy's Add. Donald H. & Rocheay Nachtman, Lot 9, Julia Langworthy's Add... Donald H. & Rocheay Nachtman, Lot W.1h-lO, Julia Langworthy's Add. .................................................................................................. Anne M. Cheek, Lot E.'h.1O, Julia Langworthy's Add. ................ Anne M. Cheek, Lot 11, Julia Langworthy's Add. .................... Andrew L. & Betty L. Galliart, Lot 12, Julia Langworthy's Add. Regular Session, November 7, 1966 444 RANDALL PLACE-from the S.P.L. of South Grandview Avenue to the south end of the street with BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVING 2.79 12.44 17.93 39.61 55.96 73.58 108.12 354.21 83.28 139.50 93.39 55.76 26.61 44.59 Bernard McCoy, Lot 8, Grandview Park Add. Block 3 Bernard McCoy, Lot 9, Grandview Park Add. Block 3 Bernard McCoy, Lot 10, Grandview Park Add. Block 3 Epworth Savings Bank of Epworth, Iowa, Lot 11, Park Add. Block 3 ..................................... ................. Epworth Savings Bank of Epworth, Iowa, Lot 12, Park Add. Block 3 ....................................................... Irvin A. & Lucille Oeth, Lot 13, Grandview Park Add. Block 3.... Irvin A. & Lucille Oeth, Lot 14, Grandview Park Add. Block 3.... Irvin A. & Lucille Oeth, Lot 15, Grandview Park Add. Block 3.... Irvin A. & Lucille Oeth, Lot 16, Grandview Park Add. Block 3.... Anna Schneider et aI, Lot E.40'-17, Grandview Park Add. Block 3.. Lena W. Heitzman, Lot W.67'-17, Grandview Park Add. Block 3.... Lena W. Heitzman, Lot W.67'-18, Grandview Park Add. Block 3.... Anna Schneider etal, Lot E.40'-18, Grandview Park Add. Block 3.... Anna Schneider etal, Lot E40'.19, Grandview Park Add. Block 3.... Lena W. Heitzman, Lot W.67'-19, Grandview Park Add. Block 3.... Lena W. Heitzman, Lot W.67'-SE 20'-20, Grandview Park Add. Block 3 .................................... .................................. ........................ Anna Schneider etal, Lot E.40'-SE 20'.20, Grandview Park Add. Block 3 .................................................................... ....... ................... Harvey N. & Betty J. Zuckerman, Lot NW 5'-20, Grandview Park Add. Block 3 .................................................................................... Harvey N. & Betty J. Zuckerman, Lot 21, Grandview Park Add. Block 3 ...... ................................................ ............... ..... ...................... Harvey N. & Betty J. Zuckerman, Lot 22, Grandview Park Add. Block 3 ..... ........ ......... ................................... ....................................... Harvey N. & Betty J. Zuckerman, Lot SE-5'-23, Grandview Park Add. Block 3 .................................................................................... Donald F. & Margaret M. Sullivan, Lot NW 20'-23, Grandview Park Add. Block 3 ...................................................................................... Donald F. & Margaret M. Sullivan, Lot 24, Grandview Park Add. Block 3 ...... ........ .......... .................................................. ...................... Donald F. & Margaret M. Sullivan, Lot SE 5'-25, Grandview Park Add. Block 3 ......................................... ........................ .......... ...... Emma Heller, Lot NW 10'-25, Grandview Park Add. Block 3 ........ Emma A. & Melba Bradley, Lot I, Grandview Park Add. Block 4.. Emma A. & Melba Bradley, Lot 2, Grandview Park Add. Block 4.. Emma A. & Melba Bradley, Lot 3, Grandview Park Add. Block 4.. David & Dora Solomon, Lot 4, Grandview Park Add. Block 4........ David & Dora Solomon, Lot 5, Grandview Park Add. Block 4........ David & Dora Solomon, Lot 6, Grandview Park Add. Block 4........ A. William & Margaret March, Lot 7, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 Grandview $12,164.20 ...$ 1,069.20 4,335.90 2,943.47 180.00 2,347.79 210.00 Excavation (Unclassified) 972 Cn. Yds. @ 1.10 Bituminous Concrete Binder, 447 Tons @ 9.70 Bituminous Concrete Surface, 303.45 Tons @ 9.70 PRIME MC-O, 900 Gals. @ 0.20 ........................... %" Stabilized Rolled Stone Base, 711.45 Tons @ 3.30 Manholes-Raised or Lowered, 7 No. of @ 30.00 24.93 Grandview ..........$11,086.36 00.00 Assessable Amount ....................................................$11,086.36 9% Engineering & Inspection ............................... 997.77 5% Interest for 52 days 80.07 ....... Share Total City .~ ..$12,164.20 to the special benefits TOTAL ASSESSABLE AMOUNT which is being assessed in proportion 34.02 20.31 12.24 52.46 35.45 5.08 18.03 16.45 2.44 4.92 280.17 144.27 92.93 69.01 53.52 35.29 15.82 4.53 72.57 1.97 130.11 3.91 349.85 17.67 2.68 74.55 53.06 81.01 349.85 362.68 252.13 252.13 285.76 All of conferred. OLIVE STREET-from the s.P.L. of W. 11th Street to the s.P.L. of Jefferson Street with Bituminous Concrete Paving. Ross P. Jr. & Marguerite Rusk, Lot W.44'-4, Farley's Sub. ....... Siena Uepe, Lot E.5'-4, Farley's Sub. ......................................... Siena Liepe, Lot W.48"-2, Farley's Sub. ....................................... Fred & Eleanor Neyens, Lot E.l'-3, Farley's Sub. ..................... Fred & Eleanor Neyens, Lot W.48'-2, Farley's Sub. ................... Mrs. Henrietta Booth Lusch, Lot E. 1'-2, Farley's Sub. ............. Mrs. Henrietta Booth Lusch, Lot 1, Farley's Sub. ....................... James F. & Florence A. Connelly, Lot W.46'-25, Farley's Suh. Nicholoas & Stella Psihoyos, Lot E.3'-25, Farley's Sub. ..... Nicholoas & Stella Psihoyos, Lot 26, Farley's Sub. ........... Nicholoas & Stella Psihoyos, Lot W.23'-27, Farley's Sub. . Frank D. Gilloon, Lot E.26'-27, Farley's Sub. ....................... Frank D. Gilloon, Lot 28, Farley's Sub. ................................. Louis F. & Lorraine C. Fautsch, Lot W.52'-I, City Lot 687 Gerald & Margaret E. Dunne, Lot 2, Henschel's Sub. ..... James W. & Lillian Otto, Lot 3, Henschel's Sub. ............. Marion K. Jones, Lot 5, Henschel's Sub. ............................. Harold P. & Margaret Mary Melloy, Lot W.113'.E.128'-I, 687 1 24.63 103.74 2,414.02 Lot City ,"*,'''"t 447 30.00 74.25 Regular Sessiou, November 7, 1966 Manholes Raised or Lowered @ yds. Concrete Removal @ 1.35 1 no. of 55 sq. Old 141.43 509.07 438.98 208.79 42.28 25.29 20.65 508.63 1,288.08 44.58 101.61 1,016.65 28.57 4.629.45 803.00 1,473.43 1,268.28 120.00 3,996.13 60.00 I . I 7,720.84 3,501.59 4,219.25 379.73 30.47 67.74 187.10 3,584.23 .$3,785.14 00.00 340.66 27.34 SHIRAS AVENUE-from the end of the existing paving at the Corporation Line to the Pillars at the Eagle Point Park exit with Bituminous Concrete Paving Orchard Park Inc., Lot N'h-2-2, M.L. 311 ......... ....... Dale J. & Evelyn Ann Tielel, Lot 2-1-1-1-4, M.L. 312 Donald J. & Ellen M. Heinz, Lot 2-1-1-4, M.L. 312 .. Lenore A. Anthony, Lot 1-3-2, M.L. 312 .................. City of Dubuque, Lot 2-3-2, M.L. 312 ........................ David & Virginia Stender, Lot 2-2, M.L. 312 ....... David S. & Judith A. Kane, Lot 1-2, M.L. 312 .......... David S. & Judith A. Kane, Lot 1-1-3, M.L. 312 ...... *Leonore A. Anthony, Lot 1-1-2-3, M.L. 312 ............. City of Dubuque, Lot 2-2-3, M.L. 312 ........................ Leonore A. Anthony Lot 4-1-4, M.L. 312 .................. *Walter S. & Gayle Fuller, Lot 1-1, Orchard Hills Orchard Park Inc., Lot 2-1, Orchard Hills Block 1 City of Dubuque, Lot 2-1, Orchard Hills Block 3 DEFICIENCIES *Leonore A. Anthony, Lot *Walter S. & Gayle Fuller, .................... Hills Block 1 @ 1.10 ... 151.9 Tons Tons @' Tons 30.00 Assessable 9% Interest-52 5%-52 Days .$4,153.14 1 Block 130.75 @ No. TOTAL ASSESSABLE of which is assessed in proportion M.L.312 Orchard Excavated (Unclassified) 730 Cu. Yds. Bituminous Concrete Binder Course, @ 9.70 ..................................... ......... Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, @ 9.70 ............................................... Price M.C.-O., 600 Gals. @ 0.20 ........... %" Stabilized Roiled Stone Base, 1,210.95 3.30 .................... .... Manholes-Raised or 2 of TOTAL COST City Share 46.16 34.18 34.18 26.61 26.61 34.74 24.17 16.71 4.93 16.71 24.17 34.74 53.17 68.35 92.27 143.66 279.76 A. William & Margaret March, Lot 8, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 ............................................................................................................ Coiletta T. Lagen, Lot 25, Grandview Park Add. Block 4................ Kenneth J. & Margaret M. Cullen, Lot 1-26, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 ...................................................................................... Colletta T. Lagen, Lot 2.26, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 .............. Kenneth J. & Margaret M. cullen, Lot N.E. bal. 27, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 ............................................................................ Kenneth J. & Margaret M. Cuilen, Lot S.W. 52'-6".27, Grand. view Park Add. Block 4 .................................................................. Kenneth J. & Margaret M. Cullen, Lot NE bal. 28, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 ............................................................................ Kenneth J. & Margaret M. Cuilen, Lot SW 52'.6" 28, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 ............................................................................ Kenneth J. & Margaret M. Cullen, Lot NE bal. 29, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 ............................................................................ Martha Roebl, Lot SW 52'-6" 29, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 .... Kenneth J. & Margaret M. CUllen, Lot NE bal. 30, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 ............................................................................ Martha Roehl, Lot SW 52'-6" 30, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 .... Martha Roehl, Lot SW 52'-6" 31, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 .... Kenneth J. & Margaret M. Cuilen, Lot NE bal 31, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 ............................................................................ Kenneth J. & Margaret M. Cullen, Lot NE bal. 32, Grandview Park Add. Block 4 ............................................................................ Martha Roehl, Lot SW 52'.6" 32, Grandview Park Add. Biock 4 .... Oscar & Gladys Solberg, Lot E'h-l, Grandview Park Add. Block 7 Leo E. & Margaret Roethig, Lot W'h-l, Grandview Park Add. Block 7 ................................................................................................ Leo E. & Margaret Roetbig, Lot W'h -2, Grandview Park Add. Block 7 .................................................................................-.............. Oscar & Gladys Solberg, Lot E'h -2, Grandview Park Add. Block 7 Oscar & Gladys Solberg, Lot E'h-3, Grandview Park Add. Block 7 Leo E. & Margaret Roethig, Lot W'h .3, Grandview Park Add. Block 7 ................................................................................................ Leo E. & Margaret Roethig, Lot Wlh-4, Grandview Park Add. Block 7 ................................................................................................ Oscar & Gladys Solberg, Lot E'k-4, Grandview Park Add. Block 7 Oscar & Gladys Solberg, Lot E'h.5, Grandview Park Add. Block 7 Leo E. & Margaret Roethig, Lot W'h -5, Grandview Park Add. Block 7 ................................................................................... Dubuque Golf Club, Lot 6, Grandview Park Add. Block 7 Dubuque Golf Club, Lot 7, Grandview Park Add. Block 7 Dubuque Golf Club, Lot 8, Grandview Park Add. Block 7 Dubuque Golf Club, Lot 9, Grandview Park Add. Biock 8 Dubuque Golf Club, Lot 10, Grandview Park Add. Block 8 Dubuque Golf Club, Lot 11, Grandview Park Add. Biock 8 Dubuque Golf Club, Lot 12, Grandview Park Add. Block 8 Dubuque Golf Club, Lot 13, Grandview Park Add. Block 8 Dubuque Golf Club, Lot 14, Grandview Park Add. Block 8 Dubuque Golf Club, Lot 15, Grandview Park Add. Block 8 Dubuque Golf Club, Lot 16, Grandview Park Add. Block 8 Dubuque Golf Club, Lot 17, Grandview Park Add. Block 8 TOTAL COST CITY SHARE 9% Engineering & Inspection 5% Interest - 52 days 1-1-2.3, Lot 1-1 TOTAL ASSESSABLE Regular Session, November 7, 1966 446 . 17.06 16.96 15.44 8.79 18.48 34.43 31.18 68.40 139.91 71.86 71.86 46.16 15.84 24.12 45.25 42.15 65.6i 129.60 127.72 139.91 27.37 .. con. 4,629.45 the special benefits to Ai ferred. \ $4,153.14 Grandview Avenue to the Bituminous Concrete Paving Lot 24. 976.01 46.48 3.68 18.37 19.75 SOUTHERN AVENUE-from the S.P.I.. of S.P.L. of Lot 1 of Block 9 of Indian Hills with Edgar J. & Pearl Connelly, Lot 2-l-l-B-I-l-I, Mineral Uda Bavendick, Lot I-A-I-l-I, Mineral Lot 24 . ............ Andrew J. & Rita M. Kershek, Lot 2-A-I-I-I, Mineral Lot 24 . Andrew J. & Rita M. Kershek, Lot 1-2-B-I-I-I, Mineral Lot 24 Andrew J. & Rita M. Kershek, Lot 2-2-I-B-l-l-l, Mineral Lot benefits con- 706.20 1,109.68 1,077.19 60.00 727.82 the special .$ to 1.10 9.70 9.70 assessed in proportion 642 cu. yds. Excavation (unclassified) @ 114.4 tons Bituminous Concrete Binder @ 111.5 tons Bituminous Concrete Surface @ 300 Gals. Prime MC-O @ 0.20 ........... 220.55 tons 3/4" Stabilized Roiled Stone is which of All ferred. 24. , 11;, 3.30 @ Base .+."..... 449 279.00 55.05 18.20 99.65 19.75 2.44 7.19 42.66 137.39 223.38 297.25 512.88 16.53 238.24 264.22 20.39 2.27 13.45 1.35 3.86 11.89 15.72 6.66 6.80 8.14 586.10 30.42 .... 305.69 3 87.02 35.84 3,108.36 200.00 747.29 210.00 352.21 $10,589.45 special benefits ........ Hills, 1,958.00 3,427.50 1966 J. Edward & Betty K. Mueller, Lot Frederick J. Kunnert & Sue Wallis Block 9 ............... ......................... George R. & Mary Huseman, Lot 2-1-1, Mineral Lot 11 George R. & Mary Huseman, Lot 2-2.2-1, Mineral Lot 11 Carl H. & Gladys Huseman, Lot 2-1-2-1, Mineral Lot 11 Julian J. & Eliz. Jane Zwack, Lot 2, A. H. Oeth Sub. No.2 Edgar J. & Helen Holz, Lot 3, A. H. Oeth Sub. No.2.... ...... Arthur H. & Mary J .Oeth, Lot 27, A. H. Oeth Sub. NO.2 Arthur H. & Mary J. Oeth, Lot 28, A. H. Oeth Sub. NO.2 Arthur H. & Mary J. Oeth, Lot 29, A. H. Oeth Sub. No.2 Carl H. & Gladys Huseman, Lot 1-2-1-1, Mineral Lot 9 ... Rudolph P. & Bernice Huseman, Lot 2-2-1-1, Mineral Lot 9 Herbert & Mary K. Bates, Lot 2-1, Mineral Lot 9 .. ........... John O. & Florance M. Hansel, Lot 12, Indian Park Sub. .. Thomas A. & Carole M. Kueper, Lot 13, Indian Park Sub. ". William A. Miller & Mary Schlarmann, Lot 14, Indian Park Sub. William H. & Annette L. Reimer, Lot 15, Indian Park Sub. ....... Joseph V. & Mary Keppler, Lot 1-1, J. V. Keppler Place ....... James E. & Helen E. Keppler, Lot 2-1-2, J. V. Keppler Place ... James E. & Helen E. Keppler, Lot 2-2-1, J. V. Keppler Place ..... Charles & Dorothy R. Spahn, Lot 15, Indian Pack Sub. No.2... George N. & Janet B. Berges, Lot 16, Indian Park Sub. NO.2... Vincent A. Conrad, Lot 17, Indian Park Sub. No.2....... ........... Vincent A. Conrad, Lot 18, Indian Park Sub. No.2....... ........... Vincent A. Conrad, Lot 19, Indian Park Sub. No.2................... Vincent A. Conrad, Lot 20, Indian Park Sub. No.2................... Vincent A. Conrad, Lot 1-21, Indian Park Sub. No.2........ ...... Charles J. & Dorothy R. Spahn, Lot 2-21, Indian Park Sub. NO.2 Arthur H. & Mary J. Oeth, Lot 1-1, A. H. Oeth Subdivision NO.3 Arthur H. & Mary J. Oeth, Lot 2.1, A. H. Oeth Subdivision, No. John A. Zwack, Lot 2, A. H. Oeth Subdivision, NO.3 being Block 9 1, Indian the All of which is conferred. Excavation-Earth, 1780 Cu. Yds. @ 1.10 ............ Bituminous Concrete-Binder, 353.35 Tons (j!:' 9.70 Bituminous Concrete - Surface, 320.45 Tons @ 9.70 .................. PRlME - MC-O, l( %" Stabilized Rolle 3.30 ................. Manholes-Raise or @ to Tons Hills, Lot Regular Session, November 7, in proportion 2, Indian Kunnert, assessed 9,651.15 -0- 868.60 69.70 30.00 W.P.L. 752.90 60.29 276.10 243.97 54.85 212.52 6.87 6.87 48.03 27.37 , LeLia Krieg, Lot 5, Mineral Lot 24 351.64 Helen Swift Brune & Wm. J. Swift, Lot 6, Mineral Lot 24 ....... 265.08 Theo. Sr. & Mary Kalloway, Lot 1-1.1-8, Mineral Lot 24 ........... 201.75 O. Earl & Viola Griffith, Lot 2-8, Mtneral Lot 24 ....................... 243.38 Joseph L. & Edith Stack, Lot 1-2-1-8, Mineral Lot 24 ............... 209.26 Kenneth O. & Lenora L. Krieg, Lot 2-2-1-8, Mineral Lot 24 ....... 276.48 George R. & Mary Huseman, Lot 2-1-9, Mineral Lot 24 ............... 124.72 Carl H. & Gladys Huseman, Lot 2-9, Mineral Lot 24 ............... 168.30 Joseph K. & Anna Marie S. Hanson Jr., Lot 2-3, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub. ...................................................................................... 3.89 Anna Lange, Lot 2-1-3, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub. ........................ 22.13 Ray J. & Ann Lange, Lot E.1h-1-4, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub. ...... 20.04 Jos. C. & Bernice May, Lot W.1h-1-4, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub... 37.31 Helen Swift Brune & Wm. J. Swift, Lot 1-2-4, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub. ...... ................... ............. ............ ........... ......................................... 28.29 Lelia Krieg, Lot 6, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub. ................................ 120.93 Catherine Swift, Lot 9, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub. ........................ 60.R3 O. Earl & Viola Grtffith, Lot 2-1-2-2-4, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub. 17.52 Thea. & Mary Kalloway, Lot 1-1-1-1-2-2-4, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub. .. ....... ............ .......................... _...... ............ .... ...................... .......... 13.20 Jos. L. & Edith Stack, Lot 1.2-1-1-2-2-4, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub. . ...... ........... ......... .................... ...................... ......... ......... ............... 11.15 Kenneth O. & Lenora L. Krieg, Lot 2-2-1-1-2-2-4, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub. ........................................................................................ 10.16 O. Eari & Violet Griffith, Lot 2.10, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub. ........ 25.84 Theo. & Mary Kalloway, Lot 1-1.1-10, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub..... 17.59 Jos. L. & Edith Stack, Lot 1-2-1-10, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub... 13.24 Kenneth O. & Lenora Krieg, Lot 2-2-1-10, Kavanaugh & Berry's Sub. .......... ....... .............. .................. ......... ................ ............ ....... ......... 9.20 Cecelia Alice Becker, Lot 1, Louis Fischer Place ............................ 75.97 Wayne R. & Dixie Lighthart, Lot 1-2, Louis Fischer Place ........ 80.54 Germaine Fischer, Lot 2-2, Louis Fischer Place ................................ 86.41 Milton & Millicent Kapp, Lot 1, Dunleith Subdivision .................... 306.29 Milton & Millicent Kapp, Lot E.20'-2, Dunleith Subdivision ........ 43.26 G. J. & Lots T. Muir, Lot W.40'-2, Dunletth Subdivtston .................. 62.31 G. J. & Lois T. Muir, Lot E.50'-3, Dunleith Suhdivision .................. 40.78 Dorothy Mae Taylor, Lot W.10'-3, Dunleith Subdivision ................ 4.78 Dorothy Mae Taylor, Lot 4, Dunleith Subdivision ............................ 20.64 Dorothy Mae Taylor, Lot E. 'h-5, Dunleith Subdtvision .................. 6.37 Milton M. & Louise Feller, Lot W'h'-5, Dunleith Subdiviston ...... .89 Davtd S. & Evelyn Jacobson, Lot 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-B-1.1-1, Mtneral Lot 24 .................................................................................................. 17.35 Milton L. & Millicent Kapp, Lot 2-1-1-1-1-1-B-1-1-1, Mineral Lot 24 106.20 Evelyn Jacobson & Helen Jacobson Shulan & Sally Jacobson Jants, Lot 2-1-1-1-1.1-1-B-1.1-1, Mineral Lot 24 ............................ 2.16 Evelyn Jacobson & Helen Jacobson Shulan & Sally Jacobson Janis, Lot 1.2-1-1-1-1-B-1-1-1, Mineral Lot 24 .............................. 5.88 Cletus C. & Javetta J. Palm, Lot 1, Swtft's Subdiviston .................. 269.60 Ross T. & Shirley A. Broderick, Lot 2, Swift's Subdivision ............ 225.54 Wm. & Margaret Kinsella, Lot 1, Jacobson Heights ........................ 7.89 Ralph L. & Dorothy Kirchen, Lot 5, Jacobson Heights .................... 30.02 Sol & Phyllis Tabak, Lot 6, Jacobson Heights .................................... 276.20 Loras W. & Helen A. Lattner, Lot 7, Jacobson Hetghts .................. 205.33 Mary R. & Margaret Callahan, Lot 8, Jacobson Heights .................. 205.33 Dale D. & Lucille Welch, Lot 9, Jacobson Heights .......................... 209.01 George Jr. & Barbara A. Ketol!, Lot 4, 1ndian Hills, Block 8 ........ 22.16 J. Allan Jr. & Martjane S. Wallis, Lot 5, 1ndian Hills, Block 8 ...... 50.09 J. Allen Jr. & Marijane S. Wallis, Lot 6, Indian HIlls, Block 8 ...... 96.43 J. Allen Jr. & Marijane S. Wallis, Lot 7, 1ndian Hills, Block 8 ...... 330.33 J. Allen Jr. & Marijane S. Wallis, Lot 4, Indian Hills, Block 9 ... 9.28 J. Allen Jr. & Martjane S. Wallis, Lot 5, 1ndian HIlls, Block 9... 280.84 J. Allen Jr. & Marijane S. Wallis, Lot 6, Indian HIlls, Block 9 J. Allen Jr. & Marijane S. Wallis, Lot 7, Indian Hills, Block 9 Session, November 7, 1966 Hegular 448 @ of 5% $10,589.45 WEST 5TH STREET-from the E.P.L. of Delhi Street to the of Hill Street with Bituminous Concrete Paving. Robert A. Brown, Lot 1-1-1-1, Bartel's Subdivision ....... .................... Robert A. Brown, Lot 2-1-1-1, Bartel's Subdivision ......."............... Mildred Manders, Lot 2-1-1, Bartel's Subdivision ............................ Carl P. & Gertrude Schumacher, Lot 9, S. M. Langworthy's Add. .... Carl P. & Gertrude Schumacher. Lot B-I0, S. M. Langworthy's Add. Lester & Elsie A. Streinz, Lot 2-A-10, S. M. Langworthy's Add. .... Robert R. & Doris A. DeMuth, Lot 1-A-1O, S. M. Langworthy's Add. Robert R. & Doris A. DeMuth, Lot 1-B-11, S. M. Langworthy's Add. Lester & Elsie A. Streinz, Lot 2-B-ll, S. M. Langworthy's Add. ........ Robert R. & Doris A. DeMuth, Lot 1-A-11, S. M. Langworthy's Add. 246.67 246.64 '""'j ~ ~ ~~ I I i_ ill '*I i~ :~, '~l' !.~.'''' .ffi! ,",' !!!!!I ::~ ;~j 451 270.02 144.13 127.85 157.04 33.26 46.02 28.26 62.11 150.46 248.48 137.90 62.75 275.76 275.76 56.51 713.31 336.74 307.20 73.44 41.95 255.40 265.16 273.11 56.61 185.83 8.44 28.21 30.61 256.87 9.47 28.06 19.62 8.44 35.71 .69 27.13 20.02 5.84 5.94 7.51 12.85 4 .66 22.91 26.39 Chas. A. & Mildred C. Lot 17, Newherry Sub. ....................... ................................. Margaret L. Schlung, Lot 2-18, Newberry & Hale's Sub. ... James G. & Careen M. Miller, Lot 1-1-18, Newberry & Hale's Sub. AUdrey A. Randall, Lot 2-1-18, Newberry & Hale's Sub. ................ Verna Mae Wagner, Lot 2-19, Newberry & Hale's Sub. . .............. Verna Mae Wagner, Lot 1-19, Newberry & Hale's Sub. ................ Harvey P. & Viola Pitz, Lot 20, Newberry & Hale's Sub. ................ Thomas & Eunice Skelton, Lot 1-6, Finley's Home Addition ............ Lester Tepley, Lot 2-6, Finley's Home Addition ................................ Donald J. & Mary L. Manders, Lot 7, Finley's Home Addition ........ Eugene F. & Lois M. Story: Lot 8, Finley's Home Addition ............ Henry D. & Patricia Wernke, Lot 9, Finley's Home Addition ........ Edward G. & Eunice J. Bradfield, Lot 2-2-10 & 11, Finley's Home Addition ......... .... .... .... ...... .... ... ............. .... ...... ...... '" ... ........ ................. Edward G. & Eunice J. Bradfield, Lot A, Finley's Home Addition Carl L. Noel, Lot 7, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque ........................................ Raymond A. & Velma Roling, Lot 8, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque ............ LuLu F. & Lavina A. Griffin, Lot 9, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque ............ Joseph C. & Diane A. Higgins, Lot N.02'-20, T. S. Nairn's DUbuque Joseph C. & Diane Higgins, Lot S.20'-21, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque.... Melvin & Hilda A. Reittinger, Lot N.30'-21, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque Melvin & Hilda A. Reittinger, Lot S.1O'-22, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque John R. & Dolores Murphy, Lot N.40'-22, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque.... William C. Imhoff, Lot S. 46'-23, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque ................ Oliver D. & Ethel Manahl, Lot W25'-N117'6"-23, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque .......... ........................... ................. .................... ............... ..... 129.07 Wilbur & Anna Chilton, Lot E24%'-Nl17'6"-23, T. S. Nairn's Du- buque ............. ..... ......... .......................................... ............ ................... 132.51 William C. Imhoff, Lot S46'-24, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque ................ 26.39 Wilbur & Anna Chilton, Lot N117'6"-24, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque.... 261.58 Clarence & Virginia Sedbrook, Lot 25, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque........ 287.97 Lyle J. Jr. & Mary Constance McCauley, Lot E42.5-26, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque . .......................................................................... ................... 244.75 Clarence & Virginia Sedbrook, Lot W7.6.26, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque 43.22 Carl J. & Gertrude Kleinschmidt, Lot 28, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque 11.48 Harvey P. & Viola Pitz, Lot N25'-21, Newberry & Hale's Sub. ........ 12.71 James J. & Catherine Ashland, Lot S25'-21, Newberry & Hale's Sub. 8.59 James J. & Catherine Ashland, Lot 22, Newberry & Hale's Sub. 3.63 Elmer A. & Eleanor Johanningmeyer, Lot 2-27, T. S. Nairn's Du- buque ............. ......... ................... ..............,... . .............. ...... ................... Elmer A. & Eleanor Johanningmeyer, Lot 2-27, T. S. Nairn's Du- buque ......... ...... .... .... ....... ..... ... .... ..., .... .... .... ................ .......................... Grace K. Nagle, Lot 1-2-33, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque ............................ James W. & Leona E. Grant, Lot 2-2-33, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque ...... Mary O. & Elsie Gregoire, Lot 1-1-1-33, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque ...... Rex L. & Luella Brammer, Lot 1.2-1.1-33, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque .... Ed F. & Irene M. Graham, Lot 2-2.1-1-33, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque .... Alvin R. & Anna M. Simplot, Lot Nlh-2-1-33, T. S. Nairn's Oubuque Elizabeth M. Lachner, Lot Slh-2-1.33, T. S. Nairn's Dubuque ............ Eldon M. & Eileen S. Ball, Lot 1, Bradstreet's Dubuque .................. Nettie A. Williams, Lot 2, Bradstreet's Dubuque .............................. Leo S. & Ruth C. Grommersch, Lot 3, Bradstreet's Dubuque .......... Leo S. & Ruth C. Grommersch, Lot 2-4, Bradstreet's Dubuque ...... Harriet T. Peaslee, Lot 1.2-1.4, Bradstreet's Dubuque ...................... Robert J. & Virginia L. Miller, Lot 2.2-1-4, Bradstreet's Dubuque Robert J. & Virginia L. Miller, Lot 1-1-4, Bradstreet's Dubuque .... Robert J. & Virginia L. Miller, Lot 1-5, Bradstreet's Dubuque. Harriet T. Peaslee, Lot 1-2-5, Bradstreet's Dubuque ................... Robert J. & Virginia L. Miller, Lot 2-2-5, Bradstreet's Dubuque Peter J. Seippel Lbr. Co., Lot 6, Bradstreet's Dubuque Bernadine R. Wagner, Lot 7, Bradstreet's Dubuque Kathleen M. Burford, Lot 8, Bradstreet's Dubuque 75.55 & Hale's Regular Session, November 7, 1966 Zugenbuehler, . ( 192.01 6.87 48.03 27.37 192.01 274.24 274.24 274.24 137.12 137.12 54.06 266.68 261.29 2.75 30.76 182.99 373.48 3.88 123.92 64.12 28.65 3.09 93.60 297.83 10.60 34.73 47.29 30.07 199.47 287.68 233.62 212.77 259.32 63.68 314.17 53.57 27.03 18.99 6.97 1.72 13.93 25.71 4.0'7 53.47 231.21 57.84 270.02 270.02 270.02 58.13 30.07 257.61 272.67 Regular Session, November 7, 1966 Arnold H. Helmrich, Lot 2.A.11, S. M. Langworthy's Add. ....... Robert R. & Doris A. DeMuth, Lot 1-B-12, S. M. Langworthy's Add Arnold H. Helmrich, Lot 2-B-12, S. M. Langworthy's Add. ................ Robert R. & Dorts A. DeMuth, Lot 1-A-12, S. M. Langworthy's Add. Lorraine Callahan, Lot 2-A.12, S. M. Langworthy's Add. ................ George E. & Ina Mae Marquart, Lot 13, S. M. Langworthy's Add..... Eugene L. & Madonna M. Kopp. Lot 14, S. M. Langworthy's Add..... Raymond R. & Beverly W. Steger, Lot 15, S. M. Langworthy's Add. Eugene & Shtrley Miller, Lot E. 'k.16, L. M. Langworthy's Add..... Clifford & Elaine M. Galliart, Lot W'k-16, S. M. Langworthy's Add. Francis P. & Kathleen F. Ackerman, Lot E. 40'-17, S. M. Lang- worthy's Add. .................................................................................... Virgil F. & Beatrice A. Freymann, Lot WIO'-17, S. M. Langworthy'S Add. ...................................................................................................... Virgil F. & Beatrice A. Freymann, Lot 18, S. M. Langworthy's Add. Michael J. & Opal S. Duggan, Lot 19, S. M. Langworthy's Add. .... George M. & Dorothy Gilson, Lot E. 130'-24, S. M. Langworthy's Add. ...................................................................................................... Gordon P. & Judith B. Harding, Lot 30, S. M. Langworthy's Add..... Harold J. & Bertha Langman, Lot 1.31, S. M. Langworthy's Add. Ray Miller, Lot 2-31, S. M. Langworthy's Add. ................................ Harold J. & Bertha Langman, Lot S. 2'-32, S. M. Langworthy's Add. Thelma F. Mardauss, Lot N. 48'-32, S. M. Langworthy's Add. ........ Warren J. & Barbara Peterson, Lot 33, S. M. Langworthy's Add..... Bernard W. Jr. & Imagene M. Meyer, Lot 34, S.M. Langworthy's Add. ...................................................................................................... Summit Congregational Church, Lot 3, Finley Home Addition .... Marie B. Simpson, Lot 4, Finley Home Addition ............................ Thomas & Eunice Skelton, Lot 5, Finley Home Addition ................ Albert L. & Leona Holscher, Lot 2, S. M. Langworthy Addition .... Jack L. & JoAnn L. Ayers, Lot 3, S. M. Langworthy's Addition .... Jos. H. & Isabelle Mueller, Lot 4, S. M. Langworthy's Addition .... Jos. E. & Charlotte Wallace, Lot S. 50'-5, S. M. Langworthy's Ad- dition .................................................................................................... Gerald J. & Muriel M. Kotz, Lot N. 62'1O"-N. 112'10"-5, S. M. Langworthy's Addition . ....................... .......... ......... ................. ........ Gerald J. & Muriel M. Kotz, Lot S.50'-N.112'1O".5, S. M. Lang. worthy's Addition .............................................................................. Jos. E. & Charlotte Wallace, Lot S. 50'-6, S. M. Langworthy's Ad. dition .................................................................................................. Edward J. & Hilda & Geo. W. Chapman, Lot N. 112'10"-6, S. M. Langworthy's Addition .................................................................... Robert P. & Ann Lorraine Lakeman, Lot 7, S. M. Langworthy's Addition .......... .... ............. .................... ....... ............ ....... ............ ......... Dennis A. & Isabel Walsh, Lot 1-8, S. M. Langworthy's Addition .... Rev. Jas. Supple & etal, Lot 2-8, S. M. Langworthy's Addition ........ Marvin & Edna Nielson, Lot I-I, Newberry & Hale's Sub. ............ Leo H. & Martha Mohr, Lot 2-1, Newberry & Hale's Sub. ............ Leo H. & Martha Mohr, Lot 2, Newberry & Hale's Sub. .............. Edna A. Holz, Lot 3, Newberry & Hale's Sub. .................................. J05. & Marcella Oberbroeckling, Lot 4, Newberry & Hale's Sub. . Henry F. & Lena C. Brune, Lot 5, Newberry & Hale's Sub. .......... Fred B. & Effie Butters, Lot N. 38'-6, Newberry & Hale's Sub. . John & Helena Finzel, Lot 2-10, Newberry & Hale's Sub. ............. Clarence Grimme, Lot 1-10, Newberry & Hale's Sub. ..................Charles M. & Agnes Weepie, Lot 1-11, Newberry & Hale's Sub. . Clarence Grimme, Lot 2-11, Newberry & Hale's Sub. ................. Paul N. & Ann Schuster, Lot 12, Newberry & Hale's Sub. ......... Alfreda Bott, Lot 1-13, Newberry & Hale's Sub. .................... Elmer J. Stork, Lot 2-13, Newberry & Hale's Sub. ................... Delbert G. & Joan I. Miller, Lot 14, Newberry & Hale's Sub. Joseph J. Cosley, Lot 15, Newberry & Hale's Sub. ................... Frank F. & Geraldine T. Spielman, Lot 16, Newberry & Hale's 450 Sub. ~-......-+-, 453 7, 1966 llegular Session, November Elmer J. & Viola C. Klumb, 9, 79 ..................................... .... Elmer F. & Irma E. Christ, 9, 79 ..................................... .... 1.18 Kenneth & Barbara Apel, Lot 2-2-2-1, Sub. Lots 9, 10 & ll-Min. 79 2.94 Richard W. & Emma M. Parkin, Lot 2, Sub. Lots 9, 10 & ll-Min. 79 471.99 Auline, Lucille & Rosalyn, Gehrig, Lot 1, Demming & Harrs Sub. 386.63 Carl A. & Cleta S. Lenz, Lot 2, Demming & Horrs Sub. .................... 245.29 Joseph & Thelma Tschudi, Lot 3, Demming & Horrs Sub. ................ 245.29 Paul J. & Colleen L. Henkel, Lot 4, Demming & Horrs Sub. ......... 245.29 Helen E. Van Winkle, Lot 5, Demming & Horrs Sub. ...................... 245.29 Clifford C. & Jeanette M. Healey, Lot 6, Demming & Horrs Sub. .... 245.29 Thomas Boland, Lot 7, Demming & Horrs Sub. .................................. 245.29 Henry C. & Cecil Arnold, Lot 8, Demming & Horrs Sub. ................ 245_29 John H. & Neva F. Buetten, Lot 9, Demming & Harrs Sub. ............ 245.29 John R. & Sylvia Altman, Lot 1-10, Demming & Horrs Sub. ............ 140.65 John R. & Sylvia Altman, Lot 2-10, Demming & Horrs Sub_ ............ 104.64 Geo. A. & Cleo Forby, Lot 11, Demming & Horrs Sub. .................... 71.43 Donald J. & Joan K. Stauer, Lot 12, Demming & Horrs Sub. .......... 35.32 Robert C. & Alice J. Kirpes, Lot 13, Demming & Horrs Sub. .......... 20.21 Robert C. & Alice J. Kirpes, Lot N9'-14, Demming & Horrs Sub..... 2.89 Alice E. Collins, Lot S41'-14, Demming & Horrs Sub. ..............-......- 8.34 Vernie R., James A. & Phyllis M. Wagner, Lot 21, Demming & Horrs Sub. .......................................................................................... 11.82 Henrietta & Elmer N. Wise, Lot 22. Demming & Horrs Sub. .......... 22.67 Doris Ann Schrader, Lot 23, Demming & Horrs Sub. ........................ 42.34 Fred M. & Betty Fuerst, Lot 1-24, Demming & Horrs Sub. .............. 56.71 John J. & Anna S. McEvoy, Lot 2-24, Demming & Horrs Sub. ........ 21.63 Doris A. Schrader, Lot 3-24, Demming & Horrs Sub. ........................ 11.97 Vivian Keup, Lot 27, Demming & Horrs Sub. ...................................... 30.96 Agnes Anglin, Lot 28, Demming & Horrs Sub. .................................. 47.05 Geo. Schaffhauser, Lot 29, Demming & Horrs Sub. .......................... 91.30 Lucille M., Ruth & Rev. John C. Sims, Lot 2-4, Mineral Lot 73 ...... 16.83 Louis P. & Margaret E. La Bianco, Lot 1-1-7, Mineral Lot 79 .......... 287.78 Samuel M. & Helen C. Stotesberry, Lot 2-1-7, Mineral Lot 79 ......... 36.55 Viola Lambe, Lot 2-1-3-7, Mineral Lot 79 .............................................. 6.03 Louis P. & Margaret E. Lo Bianco, Lot 2-1-1-1-3-7, Mineral Lot 79 91.00 Samuel M. & Helen C. Stotesberry, Lot 1-1-1-1-3-7, Mineral Lot 79 62.94 Samuel M. & Helen C. Stotesberry, Lot 2-2-7, Mineral Lot 79 ........ 5.15 Viola Lambe, Lot 1-2-7, Mineral Lot 79 ...................... .................... 20.85 Viola Lambe, Lot 2-1-1-3-7, Mineral Lot 79 ... ....... ........................ 8.98 Joseph J. & Mary Leary, Lot 2-3-7, Mineral Lot 79 ..................... 173.52 Anna Frances Berg, Lot 1, Proctor's Subdivision .......... ............... 244.02 Lyle & Helen L. Heming, Lot 2, Proctor's Subdivision ......... 180.00 James B. McDonough, Lot W'h-l, Sub. S.98', Lot 41-Wilson's Sub. 194.62 John S. & Anna McEvoy, E'h-l, Sub. S.98', Lot 41-Wilson's Sub..... 194.62 Robert A. & Delia B. Freund, Lot 1, Mineral Lot 78 ..................... 195.60 Thomas A. %; Bruce Oeschger Ih, Lot 1-2, Mineral Lot 78 ............ 178.28 Luella A. Sear, Lot 2-2, Mineral Lot 78 ...... ...... .......... ........... ....... 97.23 The American Oil Co., Lot 1-1-1-2, City Lot 735 ........ ..... .......... 10.01 Flora Harkett, Lot W'h,S'h-36, Kellys' Subdivision ........ ......... 1.57 Flora Harkett, Wlh:-2-37", Kelly's Subdivision ... ............. ..... ....... ... 11.53 City of Dubuque, Lot 1-1-37, Kelly's Sl]bdivision ........................ 6.82 John J. & Lillian Breitbach, Lot S. 44'-11, '\Vilson's Subdivision.... 2.80 John J. & Lillian Breitbach, Lot .....18'-12, Wilson's Subdivision.... 4.37 Ed R. & Anna R. Laury, Lot S.32'-12, Wilson's Subdivision............ 11.33 Frank W. & Sophia K. Reihle, Lot 13, Wilson's Subdivision ............ 21.93 Rose Voelker, Lot 14, Wilson's Subdivision ................................... 35.91 Aurelia Scott, Lot 15, Wilson's Subdivision ............ ....................... 106.36 Luella A. Sear, Lot 16, Wilson's Subdivision........................ ........... 95.27 Rebecca Foster Schellenger, Lot 1-17, Wilson's Subdivision... ........ 220.67 Rebecca Foster Schellenger, Lot 2-17, W~lson's Subdivision..... .... 35.81 Rebecca Foster Schellenger, Lot 1-18, W~lson's Subdivision............ 206.34 Rebecca Foster Schellenger, Lot 2-18, WIlson's Subdivision............ 34.98 204.57 ll-Min_ ll-Min. '1 & 10 & 10 Lots Lots Sub. Sub. 2-2-1-1, 1-2-2-1, Lot Lot . t i 1 168.27 195.01 Regular Session, November 7, 1966 Nicholoas & Stella Psihoyos, Lot 17, Bradstreet's Dubuque ............ 15.31 Howard J. & Patricia J. Wagner, Lot N40'-18, Bradstreet's Dubuque 16.68 Richard N_ & Elizabeth Bucbheit, Lot SI0'-18, Bradstreet's Du- buque .................................................................................................. 6.08 Ricbard N. & Elizabeth Buchheit, Lot N25'-19, Bradstreet's Du- buque _...._............ ......... ...... ......... ........ .._.... ...... ............ ....... ............. ....... 18.74 Leo A. & Alice E. Booth, Lot S25'-19, Bradstreet's Dubuque .......... 26.00 Independent School District of Dubuque, Lot 20, Bradstreet's Du. buque ... .............. ............... ......... ................ ......... ................ ...... .......... 286.01 Independent School District of Dubuque, Lot 21, Bradstreet's Du- buque .... ......... ................ ............... ...... ...... .................. ........... ............. 280.61 Independent School District of Dubuque, Lot 22, Bradstreet's Du~ buque ............. ........ ...... ............... .......... ...... ........... ............. ................ 274.09 Independent School District of Dubuque, Lot 23, Bradstreet's Du- buque ............. ........ ................ ........... ..................... ................. .............. 265.50 Independent School District of Dubuque, Lot 24, Bradstreet's Du- buque .. ............. ......_............................. ...... ..... ........... ......... .......... ........ 254.91 Independent Scbool District of Dubuque, Lot 1, Lot 5-Mineral Lot 80 ........... ........ .............. ...... ............ ....... ...... ........ ..... ............... .............. 43.32 Independent Scbool District of Dubuque, Lot 2, Lot 5-Mineral Lot 80 ....................... ......... ...... ..... ..... ..... ......... ......... ........... ........... ........... ...... 47.44 Independent School District of Dubuque, Lot 3, Lot 5-Mineral Lot 80 ................... ......... ..... .................. ....... .......... ........................ .............. 24_58 Dora M. Alt, Lot 1-1-1-5, paulina Langworthy'S Sub. ........................ 6'77.01 A. C. & Dorothy M. Feldman, Lot 2-1-1-5, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. ..................... ................ ..... ............... .......... ..............-....... ............. 7.90 A. C. & Dorothy M_ Feldman, Lot W'h-N'h-6, paulina Langwor- thy's Sub. _........................................................................................... 397_77 Harry W_ & Dorothy Greenawalt, Lot E'h-N'h-6, paulina Lang- worthy's Sub. ...................................................................................... 397.77 Michael J. & Mary Jo Donahue, Lot Wlh-7, paulina Langworthy's Sub. ................. ......... .................. ............. ..... ........-.......... ..................... 259.47 Wm. A. & Marie Kaynor, Lot E'h-7, paulina Langworthy's Sub. .... 259.47 Miehael J. & Mary Jo Donahue, Lot W50-7A, Paulina Langwor- thy's Sub. _........................................................................................... 6_13 Wm, A. & Marie Kaynor, Lot E50-7A, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. 6.13 Melville L. Donovan, Lot 8, paulina Langworthy's Sub. .................... 259.47 Melville L. Donovan, Lot 8A, paulina Langworthy's Sub. ................ 6.13 Merlin L. & Janet M. Reittinger, Lot 9, Paulina Langworthy'S Sub. 259.47 Merlin L. & Janet M. Reittinger, Lot 9A, Paulina Langworthy'S Sub. ,................ ..... .......................... ....................... ........... ........... ......... 6.13 Mary Frommelt, Lot 10, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. .......................... 259.47 Mary Frommelt, Lot lOA, Paulin a Langworthy's Sub. ...................... 6_13 Jas. M_ O'Toole, Lot 11, paulina Langworthy'S Sub. .._....................... 333.16 Jas. M. O'Toole, Lot llA, Paulina Langwortby's Sub. ...................... 8,00 Margaret O'Hara, Lot 12, Martin's Dubuque ...................................... 14,96 Hugb & Rita Clark, Lot 13, Martin's Dubuque .................................... 120.29 Elsie Marie Bradley, Lot 2, Arnold's Subdivision .............................. 271.34 Belle Heisel Horning & Mercedes Benedict, Lot 3, Arnold's Sub~ division .............. ..................................... .................................... ......... 278,70 Edwin A, & Rosemary Sabers, Lot 1-13, Mineral Lot 79 .................. 60.88 Edwin A. & Rosemary Sabers, Lot 14, Mineral Lot 79 ...................... 158.51 Edwin A. & Rosemary Sabers, Lot 1-1-15, Mineral Lot 79 ................ 91.35 Anna B. Dean, Lot 2-1-15, Mineral Lot 79 ............................................ 29.73 Anna B. Dean, Lot 1-2-1-1-16, Mineral Lot 79 ...................................... 195.84 Edwin A. & Rosemary Sabers, Lot 2-2-1-1-16, Mineral Lot 79 .......... 10.20 Ida M. Roberts, Lot 1-1-1-16, Mineral Lot 79 ...................................... 167.24 Alphonse C. & Regina Kane, Lot 1-17, Mineral Lot 79 ...................... 183_97 Harold & Marian Lovett, Lot A, Mineral Lot 79 ................................ 110_53 Harold & Marian Lovett, Lot 2-1 & 2-6 & 7, Mineral Lot 79 ............ 128.63 Louis L. & Elizabeth J. Murphy, Lot 1-1-1, Sub. Lots 9, 10 & 11- Min_ 79 ....... James McDannel, 452 79 ll-Min. & 10 9, Lots Sub. 1-2-1-1, Lot 173 through 191, 1, 1967. 192 through 209, 1, 1968. 210 through 227, 1, 1969. 228 through 246, 1, 1970. 247 through 265, 1, 1971. 266 through 284, 1, 1972. 285 through 303, 1, 1973. 304 through 322, 1, 1974. 323 through 341, 1, 1975. 342 through 360, 1, 1976. 361, $326.99, 45.5 April $500.00, Apri $500.00, April $500.00, April there shall be issued Street Im- provement bonds in the amount of $93,826.99 Dollars in anticipation of the deferred payment of assess- ments levied for such improve- ment. 2. Such bonds shall be called Street Improvement bonds; and shall bear the date of December 7, 1966; and shall be numbered con- secutively; and they shall be num. bered, divided into series, and be in such denominations and for such maturity dates as are shown in the following table: 1. $500.00, 1966 10. Southern Ave. from the S.P. L. of Grandview Ave. to the S.P .L. of Lot 1 of Block 9 of Indian Hills. 11. West 5th Street from the E. P.L. of Delhi Street to the W.P.L. of Hill Street. Hegular Session, November 7, 3. 4. 2. April $500.00, April $500.00, $500.00, April $500.00, April April $500.00, 5. 7. 8. 9. 6. 1966 Bituminous Project No. 1. Whereas the contract heretofore entered into by the City of Du- buque, Iowa, for the improvement hereinafter described has been completed and the City Manager has certified the completion there- of to the City Council and the City Council has ascertained the cost thereof and has determined that $93,826.99 Dollars of the cost thereof shall be assessed against the property subject to assessment therefor; and Whereas public notice, as pro- vided by law, has been published by the City Clerk stating the inten- tion of the City Council to issue bonds for the purpose of providing for the payment of the assessed cost of said improvement and a public hearing has been held, pur- suant to such notice and all ob. jections made thereto have been considered and determined; Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 1. That to provide for the pay- ment of the assessed cost of City of Dubuque 1966 Bituminous Con- crete Paving Project NO.1 on the follOWing named alleys and streets: 1. Alley between Central A venue and White Street from 12th to 13th Streets. Paving Concrete "'i . t 1.18 119.11 32.67 23.78 51.49 29,463.89 Excavation (Uuclassified) 3187 Cu. Yds. @ 1.10 ................$ 3,505.70 Bituminous Concrete Binder 857.55 Tons @ 9.70 ......... 8,318.23 Bituminous Concrete Surface 717.35 Tons @ 9.70 ....... 6,958.30 PRIME MC-O 3000 Gals @ 0.20 ..................................... 600.00 'Y4" Stabilized Rolled Stone Base 2084.65 Tons @ 3.30. 6,879.34 Manholes-Raise or Lowered 19 No. of @ 30.00 570.00 Concrete Removal, 16 Sq. Yds. @ 1.35 21.60 Regular Session, November 7, 1966 George R. & Sally R. Haas, Lot 19, Wilson's Subdivision.. 250.69 Donald C. & Lois H. Ruff, Lot 20, Wilson's Subdivision.......... 65.00 Max L. & June A. Morrow, Lot 21, Wilson's Subdivision...... 39.64 Gordon L. & Joyce Kirk, Lot S40'-22, Wilson's Subdivision......... 18.00 Louis F. & Marcella M. Konzen, Lot NlO'-22, Wilson's Subdivision 3.97 Louis F. & Marcella M. Konzen, Lot 23, Wilson's Subdivision........ 12.56 Gregory & Ella Weimold, S40'-24, Wilson's Subdivision .................... .93 Vernon Carew, Lot 36, Wilson's Subdivision ................................ 4.12 Julien Improvement Co., Lot 37, Wilson's Subdivision ...... ............. 21.93 Edwin J. & Irene E. Horkheimer, Lot 1-38, Wilson's Subdivision.... 34.93 Mary L. Rosenthal, Lot I-E. 182'4"-3, Proctor's Subdivision............ 75.11 Bessie Jaeger, Lot 2-E.182'-4"-3, Proctor's Subdivision.................... 31.00 DUbuque County, Lot W3'1O"-3, Proctor's Subdivision .................... 1.77 Merwin Gibson, Private Alley in Proctor's Sub. ................................ 54.90 Merwin Gibson, Lot 2, Sub. S.98', Lot 41-Wilson's Sub. ................ 238.37 Luke & Barbara Faber, Lot S%-2-1-5J Paulina Langworthy's Sub. 66.67 A. C. & Dorothy Feldman, Lot 2-N'h-2-1-5, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. ........................................................................................... Dora M. Alt, Lot 1-N%-2-1-5, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. .. Carl J. & Lela Bizanz, Lot 1-2-6, T. S. Nairns Dubuque ..... Cyril N. & lone Konrardy, Lot 2-2-6, T. S. Nairns Dubuque. James W. & Leona Grant, Lot 1-6, T. S. Nairns Dubuque. 454 i ......$26,853.17 00.00 2,416.79 193.93 .......$29,463.89 the Special Benefits to TOTAL COST City Share ............. 9% Eng. & Insp. . 5% Interest-52 Days TOTAL ASSESSABLE AMOUNT All of which is being assessed in proportion conferred. $500.00, April 5. Said bonds shall provide that they may be payable at any time prior to the maturity date stated therein at the option of the City of Dubuque and shall be in sub. stantially the following form: No. Series 10. April 1, 1976. 3. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per an- num, payable semi-annually in ac cordance with coupons thereto at tached: 4. Said bonds shall not make the City of Dubuque liable in any way, except for the application of said special assessment funds. No. 10. 2. Booth Street from the S.P.L. of Dodge Street to the N.P.L. of S. Grandview Ave. 3. East 24th Street from the E.P. L. of Central Avenue to the W.P.L. of Windsor Ave. 4. Ethel Street from the W.P.L. of Block 15 Steger Heights to the E.P .L. of University Ave. 5. Jefferson Street from the W. P.L. of Olive Street to the E.P.L. of Walnut Street. 6. Langworthy Street from the E.P.L. of Alpine Street to W.P.L. of James Street. 7. Olive Street from the S.P.L. of W. 11th Street to the S.P.L. of Jefferson Street. 8. Randall Place from the S.P .L. of South Grandview Avenue to the end of the street. 9. Shiras Avenue from the end of the existing paving at the Old Corporation line to the pillars at the Eagle Point Park exit. 't public hearing to consider propos- al to authorize the issuance of street improvement bonds to pay for the cost of constructing City of Dubuque 1966 Bituminous Con- crete Paving Project No.1, pre- sented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the proofs of publica- tion be received and filed. Second- ed by Councilman McCauley. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor PreglerJ Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 307.66 Resolution providing for the is- suance of Street Improvement bonds for the purpose of provid- ing for the payment of the as- sessed cost of City of Dubuque Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Pregler moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Proofs of Publication, certified to by the Publishers, of notice of ~I .._.,.....-...""..."u; f~ ~,*. 457 WHEREAS, said plat has been 'examined by the City Council and they find that the same caD- forms to the statutes and ordin- ances relating thereto; ;\lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R& SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Attest: Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk Councilman Ludwig moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas - Mayo men Ludwig, Schultz. Nays-None. To the Honorable and City Council Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the City of Dubuque 1966 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Pro- ject No. 1 has been completed in accordance with the City of Du- buque plans and specifications. I, therefore, recommend the ac- ceptance of the above named proj ect. Section 1. That the plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the Correction Plat of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 246 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby approved, and the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the approval of the City of Du- buque upon said plat. PASSED, ADOPTED and AP- PROVED by unanimous recorded roll call this 7th day of Novem- ber, A.D., 1966_ Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen r Pregler, McCauley, RESOLUTION NO. 308-66 Resolution approving the plat of the subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the correction plat of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 246 in the City of Dubuquel Iowa Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle, City Manager Councilman McCauley moved that the recommendation of the C~ty Mana.;;cr be approved. Second- ed by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Clerk a plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the Correction Plat of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 246 in the City of Dubuql\e, Iowa, by CHRYSLER MOTORS CORPORATION; and , Council- 1966 Regular Session, November 7, Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen 1966 Council pfohl October 28, Mayor Attest Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Ludwig moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cHmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. October 28, 1966 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Herewith submitted for your con- sideration is Subdivision Plat of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the Correction Plat of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 246 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. This subdivision is located on John F. Kennedy Road west of the Chrysler Corporation property. This plat has been approved by the Planning & Zoning Commis- sion. Respectfully submitted, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By F. J. Glab, Secretary Mayor Pregler moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Coun- Pfohl, .' Regular 456 ~ City Clerk Form of On the .......... day of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom- ises to pay to the bearer, as pro- vided in said bond, the sum of .................. Dollars, in the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, being .......... months' in- terest due that date on its Bond No. dated City Clerk 6. That the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby instructed to cause said bonds to be prepared and when so prepared to execute said honds and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to register said bonds in a book kept for that purpose and to then de- liver them to the City Treasurer. 7. That the City Treasurer is hereby instructed to sell said bonds in the manner provided by law, the proceeds of said sale to be placed in a special fund to be known as Special Assessment Fund No. 1258 and paid out by him to pay the cost of said contract. 8. That the interest coupons at- tached to the bonds be signed with the facsimile signature of the Ma- yor and countersigned with the facsimile signature of the City Clerk. this 7th Mayor Coupon) Mayor HJ66 City to be thereto affixed, day og December, 1966. (SEAL) 9. That as fast as funds allow, beginning with the second year after the payment of interest due, the City Treasurer is directed to call these bonds in the same order as numbered. 10. Notice of election to call these bonds shall be given by regu- lar United States Mail, addressed to the last known address of the Purchaser. CITY OF DUBUQUE Street Improvement Bond The City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa promises to pay as hereinafter mentioned to the bear- er hereof, on the first day of ........ .........., or at any time before that date, at the option of the City of Dubuque, the sum of Five Hun- dred dollars with interest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent per an- num, payable semi-annually, on the presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto at- tached. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable at the of- fice of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa. This bond is issued by the City of Dubuque under and by vir- tue of Chapter 396 of the 1954 Code of Iowa, as amended, and the Resolution of said City duly passed on the 7th day of November, 1966, being Resolution No. 307-66. This Bond is one of a series of 188 bonds, 187 for $500.00 num- bered from 173 through 360, and one for $326.99 numbered 361, all of like tenor and date, and issued for the purpose of the City of Du- buque 1966 Bituminous Concrete Paving Project NO.1 as described in said Resolution, in said City, which cost is payable by the abut- ting and adjacent property along said improvements and is made by law a lien on all of said property. It is payable only out of the Spe- cial Assessment Fund No. 1258 created by the collection of said special tax, and said fund can be used for no other purpose. It is hereby certified and recited that all the acts, conditions and things required to be done, prece- dent to and in issuing this series of bonds, have been done, hap- pened, and performed, in regular and due form, as required by law and said Resolution, and for the assessment, collection and pay- ment hereon of said special tax, the full faith and diligence of said City of Dubuque are hereby irre- vocably. pledged. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the City of Dubuque by its Council has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Clerk and the Seal of said Session, November 7, -,.;", -"fftAIii' ..'.,."~1ll.i 11'1 ~ ' :1, l11 ~'I .~;,~ ~;, II 2i, lit:! ~. .~ , !:~l .AI ~i ;,,)~i ~j,if:! 459 Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler, Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eidon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk Mayor Pregler moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas ~ Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schnltz. Nays-None. October 28, 1966 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Herewith submitted for your consideration is plat of Becker Subdivision in the City of Du- buque, Iowa. This subdivision is located on the east side of Chaney Road north of Kaufmann Avenue. This plat has been approved by the Planning & Zoning Commis- sion. Respectfully submitted, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By F. J. Glab, Secretary Councilman Pfohl moved that the communication be received ~ ".1 tfi R "I ::'1 :'! orized and empowered to erect and install "No Student Parking" signs in the areas and on the streets designated and shown upon the plat hereto attached marked Ex- hibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof. Section 2. That the permissIOn hereinabove granted may be re- voked and cancelled at any time by the City of Dubuque, Iowa upon written notice to the Uni. versity of Dubuque. Section 3. That the enforce- ment of "No Student Parking" up- on the streets hereinafter designat- ed shall be the responsibility of the University of Dubuque, Iowa, as an internal matter and shall not be in conflict with any ordin- ances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Regular Session, November 7, 1966 to WHEREAS, this Council has ex- amined the "Official Budget Re- port of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for Municipal Streets and Parking" for the year 1967 wherein a dis- tribution of receipts and expendi- tures for the fiscal year are shown. NOW THEREFORE Be It Re- solved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That the Official Budget Report of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for l\Tunicipal Streets and Parking for the fiscal year 1967 be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Pregler moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. Coun- Pfohl, RESOLUTION NO. 312.66 Restlution Authorizing Univer. sity of Dubuque, Iowa to erect and install IINo Student Park. ing" signs along certain desig- nated streets hereinafter de- scribed WHEREAS, University of Dubu- que in cooperation with the City of Dubuque, Iowa has endeavored to relieve the congestion on certain City Streets by reason of student parking of motor vehicles thereon; and WHEREAS, the University of Dubuque is willing and intends to supervise and control the student parking of motor vehicles on the streeth hereinafter described. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That University of Dubuque be and it is hereby auth- ~. State of Iowa, and submitted this Council for approval, and . Regular Session, November 7, 1966 BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved and that said improvement be and the same is hereby accepted and the City Engineer be and he is hereby di- rected to prepare a plat and sched- ule showing the lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for said improvement and file the same improvement and file the same in the office of the City Clerk subject to public inspection and said Clerk shall upon receipt of such plat and schedule publish the notice of the Council's inten- tion to levy special assessments therefor, as required by law. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to pay to the contractor from the funds to be realized from the sale of street improvement bonds issued upon the above described improvement in amount equal to the amount of his contract, less any retained per- centage provided for therein. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Pfohl FINAL ESTIMATE Resolution No. 309-66 WHEREAS, the contract for the City of Dubuque 1966 Concrete paving with Integral Curb Project No. 1 has been completed and the City Engineer has submitted his final estimate showing the cost thereof including the cost of esti- mates, notices, inspection, and pre- aring the assessment and plat, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the cost of said improvement is hereby determined to be $166,- 549.71. That $96,359.72 of the cost there- of shall be assessable upon private property and $70,189.99 shall be paid from the 135 I Road Use Tax Fnnd of the City of Dubuque. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen McCauley, - None. 458 men Ludwig, Schultz. Nays Attest: Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk Councilman Ludwig moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 311-66 Resolution approving official budget report of municipality for municipal streets and parking. WHEREAS, an official budget report of the City of Dubuque for Municipal Streets and Parking for the year beginning January 1, 1967 and ending December 31, 1967, has been duly prepared in accordance with Chapter 312, Road Use Tax Fund, Code of Iowa. and as amend- ed by the 60th General Assembly Attest: Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk Councilman Ludwig moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCanley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. (A Resolution Accepting Improve- ment and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice.) RESOLUTION NO. 310-66 WHEREAS, the contract for tbe City of Dubuque 1966 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. 1 has been completed and the City Manager has examined the work and filed his certificate stat- ing that the same has been com- pleted according to the terms of the contract, plans and specifica- tions and recommends its accept- ance, now therefore, - ~ 461 law relating to the sale of Ciga- rettes within the City of DUbuque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City. Thomas Remy, 3355 Pennsylvania A venue BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds filed with the ap- plication be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966_ Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A_ Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pfohl moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cUmen Ludwig, McCauley, Sch ultz. Nays-None. Coun- pfohl, Regular Session, November 7, 1966 iog security in such sum and with such surety as may be ac" ceptable to the City Manager. Section 3. That in the event Har. old J. Becker and Walter P. Becker fail to execute the acceptance and provide the security provided for in Section 2 hereof within forty- five (45) days from the date of the passage of this Resolution the provisions hereof shall be null and void and the acceptance of dedica- tion and approval of the plat shall not be effective. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk TO: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk This is to certify that the secur- ity required by the foregOing Reso- lution No. 313-66 has been provid- ed by the owners. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 21st day of November, 1966_ Gilbert D. Chavenelle, City Manager Harold J. Becker Walter P. Becker Councilman Ludwig moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 314-66 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the fallowing having complied with the provisions of RESOLUTION NO. 315.66 WHEREAS, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following applica- tions be granted and licenses be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of the City. CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT John Beecher, 2399 White Street David L. Hickey, 107 Locust Street Marcella McCarty, 2093 Washington Street Russell E. Myers, 1618 Central A ve- nue BEER PERMIT 32nd & Jackson 1101 Tea CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT PRIVATE CLUB Amvets Club, Post No.3, 429 Main Street CLASS "C~' J. F. Thompson, Street Lil Giant Food Stores, Inc. Rhomberg Avenue The Great Atlantic & Pacific Co., 1101 Central Avenue 1 ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION NO. 313-66 Harold J. Becker and Walter P. Becker being familiar with the terms and conditions of the fore- going Resolution No. 313-66 hereby accept the same and agree to per- form the conditions required of them as therein provided. Dated tihs 21st day of ber, 1966. Novem- . f f -{<. iI t j f ~ (t }, i t,-- , 'i; & ~ i of Dubuque upon said plat provid- ing the owners of said property hereinbefore named execute their written acceptance hereto attached agreeing: (a) To reduce Becker Court to grade as shown by the profile submitted with the plat; (b) To surface Becker Court as the same appears upon said plat for a width of 30 feet from curb face to curb face with 8 inches of rolled stone base and 2lh- inches thick Bituminous con- crete paving as per City of Du- buque Standard Specifications and with concrete curb and gutter as per City of Dubuque Standard Specifications as to curb and gutter; (c) To install water mains in ac- cordance with the plans sub. mitted with the plat; (d) To install sanitary sewers in ac- cordance with the plans sub- mitted with the plat; (e) To install sanitary sewer and water house laterals for each lot from the main to behind the property line; (f) To construct the foregoing im- provements in accordance with the plans and specifications ap- proved by the City Manager under the inspection of the City Engineer and in a manner ap- proved by the City Manager; (g) To maintain the street improve- ments for a period of four years from the date of the accept- ance and to maintain the san. itary sewer and water main for a period of four years from the date of its acceptance; (h) To provide the foregoing con- struction and maintenance all at the expense of Harold J. Becker and Walter P. Becker as owners; To construct said improvements prior to the 7th day of Novem- ber, 1968; To install concrete sidewalks on both sides of Becker Court in accordance with City of Dubu- que Standard Specifications for permanent sidewalks at own- ers' expense prior to the 7th day of November, 1969, and further providing that Harold ,1. Becker and Walter P. Becker as owners of said subdivision, secure the performance of the foregoing conditions by provid- Regular Session, November 7, 1966 WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Clerk of Dubuque, Iowa, a plat in which Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 or Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 370 in the City of Duhuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, is platted as "Becker Subdivision" in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, by Harold J. Becker and Walter P. Becker; and WHEREAS, upon said plat ap- pears street and easements which the owners upon said plat have dedicated to the public forever; and Coun- Pfohl, and filed_ Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cHmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz_ Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 313-66 Resolution approving the plat or .~Becker Subdivisionll in the City of Dubuque~ Dubuque County~ Iowa. 460 WHEREAS, the plat has been examined by the City Planning and Zoning Commission and has been approved by said commission; and WHEREAS, said plat has been examined by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and they find that same conforms to the statutes and ordinance relat- ing thereto, but that the grade has not been established nor the street graded nor the sidewalks and surfacing, sewer or water mains installed. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the dedication of Becker Court together with the easement for public utilities as the same appear upon said plat be and the same are hereby accepted. Section 2. That the plat of the subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 370 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa which shall hereafter be known as "Becker Subdivision" in the City of Du- buque, Dubuque County, Iowa, be and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the approval of the City " .. , -- ;;;-... ~~ ~~ ~- .. != -- ii .- II ~= i- II ,. II II . " " ;j " " ;H iij !~ i~ Ii II 11 Ii Ii ~ ltt "I . " H 463 Couu- Pfohl, Yeas cHmen Schultz. Nays-None. There being no further business Councilman McCauley moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mayor Preg- ler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Leo 7, 1966 - Mayor Pregler, Ludwig, McCauley, Regular Session, November F. Frommelt, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO, 318.66 WHEREAS, applications for Liq- uor Permits were filed by the with- in named applicants and they have received the approval of this Coun- cil, and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the State Law and all City ordinances relevant thereto and they have filed proper bonds; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to be issued to the fallowing named applicants a Liquor Permit. 1967 1967 Councilmen City Cierk Approved Adopted Attest: CLASS "C" COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT Karl Henry Oleson, 1701 Asbury Street Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Pregler moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: ~ , i Coun- Pfohl. RESOLUTION NO. 317-66 WHEREAS, applications for Liq- uor Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the followinl:{ applications be granted and licenses issued upon the compliance with the terms of the IOWA LIQUOR CONTROL ACT -CHAPTER 123-as amended by the 60th General Assembly 1963. Name Address Karl Henry Street Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler, Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Plohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk Mayor Pregler moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Asbury Regular Session, November 7, 1966 plicants be and the same are here- by approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day 01 November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F .Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Pregler moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas _ Mayor Pregler, cHrnen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. CLASS "C" COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT Oleson, 1701 Coun- pfohl, RESOLUTION NO. 316-66 WHEREAS, applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper bonds: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT PRIVATE CLUB Post No.3, 429 Main CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT John Beecher, 2399 White Street David L. Hickey, 107 Locust Street Marcella McCarty, 2093 Washing. ton Street Russell E. Myers, Avenue RESOLVED by such ap- Central CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT J. F. Thompson, 32nd & Jackson Street Lil' Giant Food Stores, Inc., 1101 Rhomberg Avenue The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., 1101 Central Avenue May's Drug Store, #204, Judson & Asbury Streets BE IT FURTHER that the bonds filed 462 May's Drug Store, #204, Judson & Asbury Streets Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregier Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pfohl moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. 1618 Arnvets Street .'-.....- ~ 465 with the attorney for the claimant who has offered to settle the above claim in the amount of $300.00 and it is the recommendation of the City Attorney that said offer of settlement be accepted and that ~he City Auditor be instructed to draw a warrant payable to Ora Timmerman and her husband in t he amount of $300.00 and to trans- mit the same to the City Attorney for delivery to claimant upon re- ceipt of a duly executed release. Original claim is attached here. o. 1966 Special Session, November 14, the Coun- Pfohl, Carried by by Mayor Pregler. fOllowing vote: Yeas - I\layor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. 1965 Enclosed is a letter from the Chamber of Commerce requesting permission to erect Christmas dec- orations in the central business district. November 14, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Respectfully submitted, R. N. Russo City Attorney l\I&yor Pregler moved that the recommendation of the City At- torney be approved. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmcn Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. Notice of claim of David L. Mi- chaels of 3510 Keymeer Drive, in the amount of $460 for damage ,md cxpense incurred as the result cf a backed-up sanitary se"ver on 2\Jovember 4, 1966, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the notice of claim be re- ferred to the City Solicitor for in- vestigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Notice of claim of Stacy K. Mur- dock of 3508 Keymeer Drive, in the amount of $442.00 for damage and expense incurred as the result of a backed-up sanitary sewer on November 4th and 5th, 1966, pre- sented and read. Councilman Lud- wig moved that the notice of claim be referred to thc City Solicitor for investigation and report. Sec- onded by Councilman Pfohl. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. N<lys-None. A proposed ordinance authoriz- ing \-Villiam E. Stoeckel, 1960 West Third Street to construct hedge, step and three feet of wall two Coun- Pfohl, Because of the necessity to erect the decorations immediately, I granted the permission according to the attached copy of my letter dated November 9th. The enclosed Hartford Casualty Policy covers the decoration. Also, I am enclosing a Chamber letter dated November 9th re- questing the closing of 8th and Main on the evening of November 21st. r have requested that this event be covered by a rider to the Hartford policy. I recommend that the requested permission be granted the Chamber of Com- merce. Respectfully, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Schultz moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. November 10, 1966 City Counci I i I '" ~ ,j: if' ,~. " * A'. ,,: ! " ~ ~, 0; . Coun- Pfohl, Communication of City Manager resubmitting his recommendation relative to the sale of a strip of land, which presently constitutes a portion of city owned land in Ham's Addition, on the fire station property located at Rhomberg and Marshall, presented and read. Councilman McCauley moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved and the sale be subject to no abstract of title to be furnished and referred to the City Solicitor for proper pro- ceedings. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas cilmen Schultz. Nays-None. Coun- Pfohl, presented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the communication be referred to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schullz. Nays-None. Communication of Mayor Pregler recommending the appointment of Lester Streinz on the Planning & Zoning Commission to fill the un- expired term of Earl Bush to 5-24- 69, presented and read. Council- man McCauley moved that the rec- ommendation be approved. Second- ed by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. 1966 Session, November 14, CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special 464 14, Council met .t 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T. Pre$ent~ayor Walter A. Preg- ler, Councilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. City Manager Gil- bert D. Chavenelle. November Session, Specia 1966. - Mayor Pregler, Ludwig, McCauley, iii' ~ ;::;, ~ 1il , Hon. Mayor & Gentlemen: On January 29, 1965, Ora Tim- merman of 308 Second Street, East Dubuque, Illinois, filed claim against the City of Dubuque, Iowa, claiming injuries suffered as a re- sult of an alleged fall on Decem- ber 1, 1964 upon a public sidewalk abutting the premises of 1084 Uni- versity Avenue and claiming a de- fective condition existing thereof consisting of an accumulation of snow and ice which condition al- legedly existed for an unreason- able length of time. r have made an investigation of this matter and have conferred , ,I ,:1 November 14, 1966 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: You have a petition from Ro- sheks requesting the use of the Parking Ramp for the arrival of Santa at 11 :00 A.M. on November 19th. It has been requested that the time he changed from 11 :00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Ludwig moved that the request be approved. Seconded Council Pfohl Communication of Iowa State Highway Commission recommend- ing changing the speed limit from 35 MPH to 45 MPH on Highway 20 from the west corporate limits of the City to Fremont Avenue, Mayor Pregler read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this meeting is called for the purpose of Insti- tuting Proceedings and Taking Ac- tion for the Issuance of $1,000,000 Flood Protection Bonds and acting upon such other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Communication of County-City of Dubuque Authority, in reply to Mayor Pregler's request suggesting that the Authority initiate a meet- ing with the Council, Board of Supervisors and the press, stating that a meeting at this time would be premature and furthermore have no revised speCific plan to submit, presented and read. Coun- cilman McCauley moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-Non , Communication of Dubuque County Historical Society sub- mitting a report on the operations of the Dubuque Ham House Mu- seum from June 1st to Labor Day, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the report be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, men Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. -""" ,~. Coun- Pfohl, November 14, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: I request the authority to sign an agreement for engaging the ser- vices of two appraisers for thz Flood Control Project. Respectfully requested, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Ludwig that the re- quest of the City Manager be ap- proved. Seconded by Mayor Preg- ler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - l~ayor Pregler, Coun- no petition has been filed request- ing that the proposition of issuing said bonds be submitted at an election; NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Re- solved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as follows: Section 1. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to arrange for the prepa- ration of a form of resolution au- thorizing the issuance of $1,000,000 Flood Protection Bonds of said City and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same. Section 2. That this hearing be adjourned to the 3rd day of Janu- ary, 1967, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., at which time the resolution referred to in the preceding sec- tion hereof will be brought up for consideration by this Council. Section 3. That all resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby re- pealed and this resolution shall be effective forthwith upon its pas- sage and approval. Passed and approved November 14, 1966. f 467 1966 Session, November 14, set for the public hearing. Council- man Pfohl moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen LUdwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. Coun- Pfohl, RESOLUTION NO. 319-66 A RESOLUTION initiating pro- ceedings for the issuance of $1,000,000 Flood Pro tee t ion Bonds. Special Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Recorded November 14, 1966. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pfohl moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. 1966 A. Pregler Walter Mayor WHEREAS it is conducive to the public convenience and welfare and necessary and for the best in- terests of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and its inhabitants that flood protection works be constructed consisting generally of construct- ing levees, embankments and structures and otherwise improv- ing the water course of the Missis- sippi River in said City; and WHEREAS the United States Government, acting by and through the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Engineers pro- poses to construct such improve- ments to said Mississippi River within the corporate limits of the City of Dubuque, as more fully de- scribed in a report of the Chief of Engineers transmitted to Con- gress by the Secretary of the Ar. my by letter dated June 19, 1962, House Document No. 450, 87th Congress, 2nd Session; and WHEREAS for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring prop- erty and rights of way required to carry out said Mississippi River Improvement Project it is neces- sary that provisions be now made for the issuance of bonds of said City in the principal amount of $1,000,000 payable from taxes lev- ied upon all the taxable property in said City as authorized and per- mitted by Section 395.25 of the Code of Iowa, 1962; and WHEREAS notice and hearing on the initiation of proceedings for the issuance of said bonds has heretofore been given in manner and form required by Sections 23.12 and 408A.1 of the Code of Iowa, 1962, and no petition or pro. test against the issuance of said bonds has been filed or made and I ! ~. }; W^ ~ , t I ~ i- \ ~ if cilmen Schultz. Nays-None. , Mr. Charles Scherrer addressed the Council relative to his position and that of his hotel in the pro- posed Urban Renewal area. His main problem is the furnishing of parking for his guests. He has pur~ chased an area across 4th street for parking, which area is now be- ing considered in the Urban Re- newal project on which will be constructed office buildings and a chain motel. He is not afraid of competition but requested that the Council give consideration for proper parking for his guests. All Councilmen were in accord with his request and assured Mr. Scher- rer consideration, if and when Ur- ban Renewal takes effect in the area. Petition of University of Du- buque requesting permission to ex- cavate to construct a sanitary sew- er from their Seminary Married Student apartments westerly be- tween Lots 11 & 12 Block 9 Steger Heights into the main line in Princeton Place, presented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the petition be granted subject to stipulations set out by the City Engineer. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. requesting permis- sion to excavate in the alley be. tween Srd and 4th streets adjacent to former American Legion build- ing in order to re-engineer their cables in this location, presented and read. Councilman Pfohl moved that the petition be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Schultz. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun. cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Proof of Publication, certified ~o by the Publisher of notice of meet- ing for issuance of flood protec- tion bonds in the amount of $1,000,000 presented and read. No written objections were filed and no oral objectors were present in the Council Chamber at the time Pfohl, Session, November 14, 1966 McCauley, Ludwig, Special feet high on City property abutting Lot Two in Quigley's Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, said ordinance having been previously presented and read at the Coun- cil meeting of November 7, 1966, pending further action was again presented for Council action. Coun- cilman McCauley moved that the proposed Ordinance be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Preg- ler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun. cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. 466 A proposed Ordinance authoriz- ing Mrs. Rita Shanahan to con~ struct a portion of a fence on city owned property at 1920 W. 3rd Street abutting Lot 1 of the Sub. of Lots 6, 7, 8 & 9 of Quigley's Sub. in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, said ordinance having been previously presented and read at the Council meeting November 7, 1966, pend- ing further action, was again pre- sented for Council action. Council- man McCauley moved that the pro- posed Ordinance be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Dubuque County TB & Health Assn. requesting permis- sion to distribute bangles on Sat- urday, December 3, 1966, present- ed and read. Councilman Ludwig moved approval of the petition SUbject to approval of the Mayor and City Manager. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Charles Scherrer, Manager of the Canfield Hotel, re- questing permission to address the Council at the meeting of Novem- ber 14, 1966, presented and read. Councilman Pfohl moved that the petition be received and filed and that the rules be suspended in order to let anyone present ad- dress the Council if they so de- sire. Seconded by Councilman Lud- wig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas Mayor Pregler, Coun- ,#- ORGANIZATION The organization for the proj eet will be: 1. City Engineer, in genera] charge of the project. 2. Project Engineer. 3. Appraiser - negotiators, t "outside" persons. 4. Abstracter. 5. Staff Committee to meet per week or as often as essary, consisting of: a. City Engineer b. Project Engineer c. City Solicitor d. City Manager e. Appraiser-negotiator 469 Councilman Ludwig moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler. cHmen Ludwig, McCauley. Scbultz. Nays--None. Coun- Pfohl, and WHEREAS, under date of Au. gust 26, 1965, the City of Dubuque, Iowa (herein referred to as the Local Public Agency) and the De- partment of Housing and Urban Development, United States of America (herein referred to as the Government) entered into a certain contract; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such contract the Local Public Agency is undertaking certain survey and planning activities necessary for the carrying out of the Down- town Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15 (herein referred to as the Pro- ject); and WHEREAS, the Arenz Shoe Company, Ed Graham Style Store for Men, Klauer Optical Company, Meyer-Pauly Home Furnishings Inc., and J. F. Stampfer (herein re- ferred to as the Developer) has declared its interest and intent to acquire a portion of the cleared land in the Project area for the purpose of constructing thereon a building: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section I. That the Local Pnblic Agency hereby declares its intent to dis- pose of certain land located in the Project on the southeasterly corner of Ninth and Main Streets to the Developer subject to the following conditions: a. That lhe Project will be ap. proved by the Local Public Agency and the United States of America and executed by the Local Public Agency. RESOLUTION NO. 321-66 Declaring intent to sell a por. tion of the cleared land in the Downtown Urban Renewal Proj. ect, Iowa R-15 to Arenz Shoe Company, Ed Graham Style Store for Men, Klauer Optical Company, Meyer-Pauly Home Furn;ishings, Inc., J. F. Stampfer Company Respectfuily submitted, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By F. J. Glab, Secy. Mayor Pregler moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Mc. Cauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. WHEREAS tbere has been filed with tbe City Clerk a plat in which Lot 2 of Lot 2, Block 10 in "Green Acres Subdivision" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa is platted as Ran. nals' Place in the City of Dubuque, Iowa and, WHEREAS said plat has been examined by the City Plan Com. mission and had its approval en- dorsed thereon; and, WHEREAS said plat has been examined by the City Council and they find the same conforms to the Statutes and Ordinances relating thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That the above de- scribed plat be and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the approval of the City upon said plat. Passed, this 14th 1966. Walter Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk To the Honorable and City Council Gentlemen: Herewith submitted for your consideration is plat of Rannals ~ Session, November 14, 1966 on of Place in Iowa. This subdivision Maplewood Court Saunders Street. This plat has been approved by the Planning & Zoning Commis- sion. Dubuque, is located just west Special of City the Special Session, November 14, 1966 McCauley, Pfohl All options will be carried out and titles secured by March 15th. IV. Coun- pfohl, adopted and approved day of November A.D., RESOLUTION NO. 320-66 RESOLUTION Approving Plat of Rannals' Place. A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen wo once nec- V. ACCOUNTANTS-EXPENSE SCHEDULE A Trust and Agency Fund ac. count has been established, named "Flood Control Project, Dubuque, Iowa." Mr. Holscher is working out the subclassifica- tions of the account so that ex- penses can be categorized. All City project expense will be charged to the account. Charges for City personnel ex~ pense have been authorized to begin November 3rd. Other ex. penses can be incurred and charged to the account begin- ning November 15th. It is intended that charges b the account will show a deficit until funds are received from the sale of bonds about Febru- ary 1st. It is intended to sell $1,000,000 bonds, to be paid over 20 years with the first principal payment being made in 1968. Respectfully, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Ludwig moved that the report of the City Manager be approved. Seconded by Council- man McCauley. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun~ cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. 1966 28, October Mayor November 14, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Re: Flood Control Project, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: This is a brief report about proj- ect developments during the past two weeks. I. EVENTS Right-of-way plans were re- ceived from the U. S. Corps of Engineers on October 28th. On November 1st and 3rd tbe City Engineer, Solicitor and Manager met and arranged proj- ect organization and reviewed work assignments and schedule. On November 8th the Engi. neer, Solicitor and Manager in- terviewed appraisers and an ab- stracter in regard to their ser- vices on the project. II. SCOPE OF CITY WORK The following immediate work assignments were determined: 1. Complete plat drawings and property descriptions are to be produced hy tbe City Engineer. ing Department. 2. Appraisals are to be made of all property involved, permits and other damages. This work is to be done by "outside" apprais- ers. 3. Options and written agree- ments are to be negotiated. The appraisers will also negotiate and secure all written agree- ments. 4. Abstracter's Certificates of Title are to be secured certifying ownership of all properties in. volved in the project. This work will be done by local abstracters. 5. Tbe daily work of the proj. ect will be done by a project en- gineer designated from the City engineering staff. III. SCHEDULE Plat drawings and property descriptions are to be started immediately and completed in a month. The first drawings are to be available November 15th. Appraisal work will be started N ovemher 15th. Abstract work will start N 0- vemher 15th. All options are to be secured hy Marcb 1st. 1966 468 cHmen Ludwig, Schultz. Nays-None. ,~;:;,. 471 CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Warehouse Market, John F. Ken- nedy Road Walter Coun- Pfohl, Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman McCauley moved adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cHmen LUdwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 325-66 WHEREAS, applications for Liq- uor Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE. SOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following applications be granted and licenses issued upon the compliance with the terms of the Iowa Liquor Control Act - Chapter 123~as amended by the 60th General Assembly, 1963. A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Session, November 14, 1966 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the fOllowing applica- tions be granted and licenses be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of the City. BEER PERMIT 678 Central As. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Warehouse Market, John F. Kenne- dy Road Passed, adopted and approved this 14th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Ludwig moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: - Mayor Pregler, Ludwig, McCauley, Coun- Pfohl, 3050 Special 11811 Nona Mahoney, Avenue Raphael William Grant, bury Street Yeas cilmen Schultz. Nays-None. CLASS G. , , Jackson As. Doris J. Street Raphael William Grant, bury Street Passed, adopted and approved this 14th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Pregler moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. CLASS "C" COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT Tigges, 2776 3050 RESOLUTION NO. 324-66 WHEREAS, applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper bonds: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. Coun- Pfohl, RESOLUTION NO. 322-66 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of Ciga- rettes within the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers within said City. Nona G. Mahone' Avenue BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds filed with the ap. plication be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 14th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Ludwig moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cHmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. 1966 an opportunity to present any pro- posal. Mr. Gent Wittenberg, the Urban Renewal Director, men- tioned the fact that the Ruchte's were contacted as late as August 18, 1966, and at time they men. tioned that their mother who lives in New Mexico was not interested in improving the property. Coun. cilman pfohl requested an opinion from City Solicitor Russo relative to what effect the resolution of in- tent would have as to the orderly disposition or improvement of the property by the Ruchte family, to which the City Attorney replied that by no stretch of the imagina- tion does the adoption of the reso lution place an impediment on thl property owner. Central 678 y, Session, N Qvem ber 14, That the building to be con. structed by the Developer will be occupied by the De- veloper. That the Developer will ad- here to and comply with the terms of the approved Urban Renewal Plan developed for the Project. That all development plans are subject to inspection and approval by the Local Public Agency to insure that urban design Objectives and other criteria developed for the Project area are fully com- plied with. That the price to be paid for the cleared land by the De- veloper will be arrived at by two independent real estate appraisals concurred-in by the Local Public Agency and the Government. That the Developer possesses the necessary financial capac- ity and technical ahility to carry out its development plans. Passed, adopted and approved this 14th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Special 470 b. d. e. f. c. Coun- Pfohl, CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT Nona G. Mahoney, 678 Central Ave- nue As. 3050 Raphael William Grant, bury Street RESOLUTION NO. 323-66 WHEREAS, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: NOW THEREFORE, Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Pregler moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Mr. Marshall Ruchte of either R. R. #2, Dubuque, Iowa, or 2617 Iva St., Wichita, Kansas, addressed the Council by stating that the Ruchte family are the owners of the property now occupied by the Graham style store for men, now being considered in the Urban Re- newal Project for downtown Du- buque. This property has been in the family for some fifty odd years. He asked the question why they were not consulted prior to this time. They were not allowed ~ '""'- 'M" 473 ................. ..70% B. N aonan Chairman LeRoy H. Giles Louis F. Fautsch Members of Civil Service Commission Session, November 28, Specia 1966. Coun- Pfohl, Communication of C. M. St. P. & P. RR. requesting removal of Lot I of 4 of City Lot 509A and Lot 2 of City Lot 506 from the Ninth Street Concrete Paving Pro- ject assessment claiming that the property is not now owned by them, presented and read. Councilman McCauley moved to refer the Communication to the City Solicitor and City Engineer. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. 1966 Kenneth A. Voss Gerard Attest: Leo F. Frommelt Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of October, 1966. Eugene J. Berens Notary pu' olie Councilman Ludwig moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Sec. onded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cHmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. P.M. Present-Mayor Pregler, Coun~ dlmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. City Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle. Mayor Pregler read the call and stated that service thereof had been dUly made and this meeting is called for the purpose of setting a date of levy of Special Assess- ments and Authorizing the sale of Street Improvement Bonds to pay for construction of "City of Du- buque 1966 Hot Mix-Hot Laid As- phaltic Concrete Paving Project No. I" and "City of Dubuque 1966 Concrete Curb & Gutter Project No.1," and acting upon such other business as may properly come be- fore a regular meeting of the City Council. Communication of Wahlert High School expressing thanks to the Council for cooperation given to make "Cayfest" a success, present- ed and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: 7:30 at met Counci IC.S.T.) 28, Session, November CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL .-. ~j , November 22, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Enclosed is a letter from the Director of the Federal Bureau of Census dated November 17th and a certificate which certifies the population to be 62,853. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenellc City Manager Councilman Pfohl moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Second- ed by Councilman McCauley. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, men Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. 1 ed by Councilman Ludwig. by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. There being no further business Councilman McCauley moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mayor Preg- ler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas _ Mayor Pregler, Coun- cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 326-66 WHEREAS, applications for liq- uor Permits were filed by the with- in named applicants and they have received the approval of this Coun- cil, and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the State Law and all City ordinances relevant thereto and they have filed proper bonds; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to be issued to the following named applicants a Liquor Permit. Special Carried Coun- pfohl, 1966 Session, November 14, Special 472 .1967 .1967 "councii.m~n. Approved Adopted CLASS "C" COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT Doris J. Tigges, 2776 Jackson Street Raphael William Graut, 3050 As- bury Street Passed, adopted and approved this 14th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merliu F. Schullz Eldon A. pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman McCauley moved adoption of the resolution. Second- 1966 Council Pfohl Coun- Pfohl, October 11, 1966 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: In accordance with the provi- sions of Chapter 365 of the 1962 Code of Iowa, the Civil Service Commission conducted entrance examinations on September 22, 1966, for persons seeking appoint- ment to the FIRE DEPARTMENT. The following named persons passed both the written and physi- cal examinations and are hereby certified for appointment to the FIRE Department. Michael T. Carroll .............79.2% Vem E. Schissel.. .............75% Yeas - Mayor Pregler, cilmen Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. City Clerk Attest: .......-"'" 475 use a very fine sand and fine rock mix which has been proved un- stable. An example of this mix is Hill street which was removed this summer after it rippled badly. This an experimental job paid for by the City some years ago. In front of the Chilton home the rubber tired roller picked some as- phalt on the wheels and the Con- tractor was ordered to retack these spots which they did. This occurs occasionally even though the Con- tractor uses a soap solution to wet the wheels on the roller. If the paving is slightly too hot, it will sometimes pick up on the rubber rollers. The letter also refers to cracks on Booth Street due to poor work on the part of this Contractor. The paving on Booth Street is laid over an old concrete street. Wherever the concrete has a joint or a crack, the asphalt will aslo develop a crack. These we refer to as reflection cracks and they will always occur on this type of paving job. The street is not built to be waterproof in this case. To remove the old concrete and curb and gutter and replace the curb and pave the street would cost the people on the street almost ex- actly double what the job did cost. We believe t he resurfacing will last well over the guaranteed time of 10 years, so- the expense of re- moving the old concrete is not war- ranted and that is the only way to prevent the reflection cracks. They are not caused by poor work- manship or materials supplied by the Contractor. The Engineering Department would like to invite the Honorable Mayor and City Council to view these projects and all of the other projects with them. Thank you. Respectfully, John L. White City Engineer Councilman Ludwig moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. 'Nays-None. Notice of claim of Ruth Herman, in an unused amount, for personal injuries received in a fall at 491 ~ November 11, 1966 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: The petition of Eldon Herrig reo questing rezoning of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 Block 3, Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 Block 4 in St. George Sub- division to Multiple Family Resi- dence District has been considered. At a public hearing held Thurs- day, November 10, 1966, a petition was filed containing the names of many property owners in this area opposing the rezoning. As a result of this hearing the Planning & Zoning Commission rec- age area. A part of this program is the construction of earth dikes which will sectionalze the area. On November 21st three bids were received for this construction work. The steger Construction Company is the successful bidder submitting a low bid of $20,571.00. I am enclosing for the City rec- ord a copy of the contract which has been executed with the Steg- er Company and the contractor's improvement bond covering the work. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Cavenelle City Manager 1966 28, November Mayor Pregler moved that the recommendation of the Commission be approved. Seconded by Council- man McCauley. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor men Ludwig, Schultz. 'Nays-None. November 11, 1966 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: The Planning and Zoning Com- mission considered the petition of Roy Strong, 650 Kane Street reo questing vacation of platted and unused alley abutting Lot 2 of Lot 2 L. H. Langworthy's Add. The petition carries the name of one abutting property owner and the Commission recommends that no action be taken until a petition is presented with the signatures of all adjoining property owners. Respectfully Submitted, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission By Owen Riley Chairman Council Pfohl ommends that the petition of Eldon Herrig be denied. Respectfully submitted, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commfission By Owen Riley Chairman Mayor Pregler moved that the rec- ommendation of the Commission be approved. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor men Ludwig, Schultz. 'Nays-None. Council Pfohl Session, Pregler, McCauley, Pregler, McCauley, S pedal ,,' ~ 1966 Councilman Pfohl moved that the contract be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Councilman Ludwig moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Council. man Schultz. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor men Ludwig, Schultz. 'Nays-None. November 25, 1966 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: I herewith submit the reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, Water Works and the Health De. partment for the month of Octo- ber, 1966, as well as a list of claims and payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of October, 1966. Respectfully, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Mayor Pregler moved that the reports be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. 'Nays-None. Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, of Statement of Receipts and a list of claims for which warrants were issued dur- ing the month of October, 1966, presented and read. 28, Session, November Male Total Popu- lation ........62,853 29,887 White ......62,637 29,785 Nonwhite 216 102 A. Ross Eckler Director Bureau of the Census November 23, 1966 The Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Several months ago you gave your staff approval to go ahead with the program of filling with dirt the sewage plant outfall stor- Female 32,966 32,852 114 distributed Sincerely yours, A. Ross Eckler Bureau of the Census Director November 16, 1966 I hereby certify, that according to the official count of the re- turns of the Special Census, taken as of October 7, 1966, the popula- tion of the City of Dubuque, Coun- ty of Dubuque, State of Iowa, was 62,853. The population as follows: 1966 Mr. Gilbert City Manager City Hall Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Dear Mr. Chavenelle: Enclosed is the official certit: cate of the population of Dubuque, Iowa, by color and sex, according to the special census taken as of October 7, 1966. We are also sending certifcation of the popUlation of Dubuque to the Honorable Gary L. Cameron, Secretary of State, Des Moines, Iowa. was November 17, D. Chavenelle S pedal Both Sexes 474 Council- Pfohl, Pregler, McCauley, November 14, 1966 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: The letter from Chilton and oth- ers refers to imperfections in the paving on 5th Street. The spots re- ferred to in this letter will not cause any problem with water seep- age nor are they in any way going to cause a prOblem on the street. Our Bituminous streets are laid in two lifts with the seams staggered to prevent seepage at these points. The surface mix which the people have referred to has indents which arc normal. The only way to have a perfectly smooth surface is to .....~'"" 477 Lot 14, East 35' of Lot 15 and Lot 13 all in Massey Heights, Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Langworthy Place, Lot 2 of Lot 1 of City Lot 731, and all that part of Lot 1 of City Lot 732 that lies SQuth of Mazzuchelli Drive and all that part of Mineral Lot 69 not now zoned as Multiple Family Residence Zone. Respectfnlly submitted, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission Owen Riley Chairman Mayor Pregler moved that the recommendation of the Commis- sion be approved. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, men Ludwig, McCauley, Scbullz. Nays-None. Councilman Schultz moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the. Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Councilman Schultz moved that the rule requiring reading of an Ordinance on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Council- man Ludwig. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor men Ludwig, Schultz. Nays-None. ~ Council Pfohl ORDINANCE NO. 57.66. An Ordinance amending the zon. ing map and zoning ordinance known as Ordinance No. 3.34 of the City of Dubuque to change L.ot 1 of L.angworthy Place, Lot 10, West 50 feet of Lot 11, Lot 12, Lot 14, East 35 feet of Lot 15 and Lot 13 all in Massey Heights, Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Langworthy Place, Lot 2 of Lot 1 of City Lot 731, and all that part of Lot 1 of City Lot 732 that lies south of Mazzuchelli Drive and all that part of Mineral Lot 69 not now zoned as multiple family resi- dence zone from their present two family residence district classification to multiple family residence district classification, presented and read. Council Pfohl Pregler, McCauley, Session, November 28, 1966 from an accumulation of ice and snow on a public sidewalk and pub- lic crosswalk at or near 115 \Vest 13th Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Said action has been pending in the Municipal Court of Dubuque County, Iowa, and said cause was recently noted for trial at which time the claimant made an offer of settlement in the amount of $389.00. I have made an investigation of this matter and have determined that the plaintiff suffered a frac- tured left arm and that the offer of settlement should be accepted and it is recommended that the City Auditor be instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $389.00 payable to Herbert H. Besler and same be transmitted to the City Attorney for delivery to the plaintiff upon receipt of a duly executed release and dismissal of said cause with prejudice at plain- tiff's costs. Copy of petition with notice at- tached is herewith returned. Respectfully submitted, R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Pfohl moved that the recommendation of the City At- torney be approved. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. November 11, 1966 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Gentlemen: The petition of St. Joseph's Mer- cy Hospital by Sister Mary As- sumpta, Administrator requesting rezoning of certain areas adjacent to the Hospital grounds be rezoned to Multiple Residence District Zone has been considered by the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission. A public hearing was held on November 10, 1966 at which time the plans for the Hospital expan- sion were explained. The Planning and Zoning Com- mission recommends that the fol- lowing described areas be rezoned to Multiple Family Residence Dis- trict Classification. Lot 1 of Langworthy Place, Lot 10, West 50' of Lot 11, Lot 12, Special ", of $75.00, for personal injuries re- ceived in a fall on the City steps on November 8, 1966, presented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the follow. ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Respectfully suhmitted, R. N. Russo City Attorney Mayor Pregler moved that the recommendation of the City Attor- ney be approved. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. November 28, 1966 Hon. Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: On March 31, 1964 notice of suit was served on the City of Dubuque by Herbert H. Besler claiming damages in the amount of $2,000.00 for injuries allegedly received on January 2, 1964 by the said plainliff allegedly resulting Session, November 28, 1966 November 28, 1966 Hon. Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: On the 20th day of Decemher, 1965, Jobn P. Coffee of 2150 Roose- velt Street, Dubuque, Iowa, filed claim against the City of Dubuque in the amount of $375.50 claiming damages to his property as the re- sult of back up of sewer. I have made an investigation of this matter and have referred same to the appropriate City agency who advised that as a result of their in- vestigation the trouble rested in the sewer line in the lateral owned by the claimant to the sewer line and that no responsibility for such backup could be charged to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and there. fore they denied said claim. In view of the foregoing it is the recommendation of the City Attorney that the claim of John P. Coffee in tbe amount of $375.50 be denied. Original claim is returned here- with. Special Alpine Street, October 20, presented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Council- man McCauley. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Notice of claim of Elmer A. Staudacher, in the amount of $20.00, for plumbing expense in- curred as the result of a clogged- up sanitary sewer at 1815 Clarke Drive on October 4, 1966, present- ed and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler J Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schullz. Nays-None. Notice of claim of Mrs. Andrew Poulos, in the amount of $60.00, for expenses incurred as the result of a backed-up sanitary sewer at 389 S. Grandview on November 15, 1966, presented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by tbe follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Nolice of Claim of Y.W.C.A. in the amount of $14.75, for expense incurred and damage to personal property as the result of a backed- up sanitary sewer on NovembeJ 14th and 15th, 1966, presented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Notice of Claim of Clara Houps of 88302 White st" in the amount 1966, 476 ..*-.....,..,..,.. 479 WHEREAS, the contract for the City of Dubuque, 1966, Hot Mix- Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Pav- ing Project No. 1 has been completed and the City Engineer has submitted his final estimate showing the cost thereof including the cost of estimates, notices, in- spection, and preparing the assess- ment and plat, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the cost of said improve. ment is hereby determined to be $252,497.17_ That $72,457.41 of the cost there. of shall be assessable upon private property and $158,515.38 shall be paid from the 135 I Road Use Tax Fund, and $21,524.38 shall be paid from the 157 J Contract for Airport Access Road of the City of Du- buque. Passed, adopted and approved this 28th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pfohl moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the follOwing vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Novemher 17, 1966 To the Honorahle Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the City of Dubuque 1966 Hot Mix. Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Pav- ing Project No. 1 has been com- pleted in accordance with the City of Dubuque plans and specifica~ tions. (A Resolution Accepting Improve- ment and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice.) I, therefore, recommend the ac- ceptance of the above named project. RESOLUTION NO. 328-66 WHEREAS, the contract for the City of Dubuque 1966 Hot Mix- Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Pav- ing Project No. 1 on the fOllowing named streets: 1. Dubuque Municipal Airport_ Access road from U.S. IDghway 61. 2. Fremont Avenue-from the SPL of Dodge Street to the SPL of Simpson Avenue. ~ 1966 FINAL ESTIMATE RESOLUTION NO. 327~ 28, Special Session, November Council. Pfohl, Nays-None. Petition of Ralph Lemmer re- questing the City to take title to property at 1039 Bluff Street, this being a piece of property where the delapidated bUildings thereon were torn down by the City, pre- sented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor men Ludwig, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Donald Roepsch, own- er of property at 1140 Kelly Lane, requesting inspection of the water main just recently installed as to change in location from the origi- nal plat, and also as to the place- ment of dirt at the time of excavation, presented and read. Councilman pfohl moved that the petition be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman McCau- ley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- men LUdwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Council Pfohl Pregler, McCauley, Pregler, McCaUley, Yeas~Mayor men Ludwig, Schultz. , Respeetfully suhmitted, Gilbert D. Chavenel1e City Manager Councilman pfohl moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor men Ludwig, Schultz. Nays-None. Council- Pfohl, Pregler, McCauley, , 28, 1966 a new Section 2 of Article 4 in lieu thereof to permit additional uses in the Multiple Residence District Classification, presented and read. Councilman McCauley m 0 v e d that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Councilman McCauley m 0 v e d that the rule be suspended requir- ing an Ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor men Ludwig, Sehultz. Nays-None. Councilman McCauley m 0 ve d that a public hearing be held on the Ordinance on January 3, 1967 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Cham- ber at the City Hall and that the City Clerk be instructed to pub- lish notice of the hearing in the manner required by law. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Peoples Natural Gas requesting permission to excavate in Princeton Place, presented and read. Councilman Schultz moved that the petition be approved. Sec- onded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Petition of Playground and Rec- reation Commission requesting a meeting with the Council for the purpose of discussing the status of a proposed recreation bUilding at Veteran's Memorial Center, pre- sented and read. Mayor Pregler moved that the petition be re- ceived and filed after the decision was made to meet on December 13th at 4:30 P.M. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. carried by the following vote: Council Pfohl Pregler, McCauley, Session, November Council Pfohl 11, 1966 To the Gentlemen: The petition of John J. Blocker requesting inclusion of his prop- erty at 1020 University Avenue in the Professional Office Classi- fication of the Multiple Residence Zone has been considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission. At a public hearing held No- vember 10, 1966 Mrs. F. Nesler who owns property at the south- east corner of Alpine and Univer- sity verbally requested that her property be included. The Commission recommends that the following area be included in the professional use classifica- tion. 478 Councilman Schultz moved that a publiC hearing be held on the Ordinance on January 3, 1967 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber at the City Hall and that the City Clerk be instructed to publish no- tice of the hearing in the manner required by law. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, men Ludwig, McCauley, Schultz. Nays-None. November Honorable Mayor Special The area between AUa Vista Street and Alpine Street and be- tween the south line of University Avenue and a line one hundred feet south of and parallel to the south line of University Avenue. Respectfully submitted, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Commission Owen Riley Chairman Councilman Ludwig moved that the recommendation of the Com- mission be approved. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor men Ludwig, Schultz. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 58.66. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Ordinance and the Zon- ing Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 2 of Article 4 thereof, and enacting Council Pfohl Pregler, McCauley, -.;;;0;".",. "t!t H I. 481 'cording to- -the terms of the con- tract, -pIa-os ,and specifications and recomm'etl-ds its acceptance, now therefore. BE IT RESOLVED, by tbe Council of the City of Dubu that the recommendation of City Manager be approved and said improvement be and the same is hereby accepted and the City Engineer be and is hereby direct- ed to prepare a plat and schedule showing the lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for said improvement and file the same in the office of the City Clerk subject to public inspection and said Clerk shall upon receipt of such plat and schedule publish the notice of the Council's inten- tion to levy special assessments therefor, as required by law. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to pay to the contractor from the funds to be realized from the sale of street improvement bonds issued upon the above described improvement in amount equal to the amount of his contract, less any retained per- centage provided for therein. Cit.y que, the that That $52,708.95 of the cost there- of shall be assessable upon private property and $19,000 shall be paId from the 135 Street Fund, $6,000 shall be paid from the 162 Street Fund, and $86,247.51 shall be paid from the 135 I Road Use Tax Fund of the City of Dubuque. Passed, adopted and approved this 28th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pfohl moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schultz. Nays-None. Spec!~1 1'4" ~~' 'h } (A Resolution Accepting Improve~ ment and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice.) Passed, adopted and approved this 28th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schultz Eldon A. Pfohl Richard Ludwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk. Mayor Pregler moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McCauley. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council. man Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schultz. Nays-None. Mayor Pregler moved that Jo- seph R. Voelker be re-appointed to the Board of Dock Commissioners for a three year term to 11-26-69. Seconded by Councilman Schultz. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council. Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl ,"\ ~ Session, November 28, 1966 Passed, adopted and approved this 28th day of November, 1966. Walter A. Pregler Mayor M. Sylvester McCauley Merlin F. Schult. Eldon A, Pfohl Richard LUdwig Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Ludwig moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carrled by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pregler, Council. men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl Schult.. Nays-None. 1966 28, Special Session, November 3. Hlll Street-from the SPL of W. 8th Street to the NPL of West 5th Street. 480 4. Iowa Street-from the SPL of 2nd Street to the SPL of 1st. 5. JohnF. Kennedy Road-from the S.P.L. of Pennsylvania Avenue to the N.P.L. of U.S. Highway 20. tbe S.P.L. the N.P.L. the the 6. Jones Street - fr 0 m the W.P L. of Terminal Street to the E.P .L. of Main Street. 7. Main Street-from of Kaufmann Avenue to of Clarke Drive. 8. Southern Avenue-from W.P.L. of Kerrigan Road to W.P .L. of Sullivan St. men Schultz. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 330.66 WHEREAS, the contract for the City of Dubuque 1966 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project NO.1 on the following named streets: 1. Asbury Street - University Avenue to the S.P.L., of Lot 5 of Schuelers' Sub on the West Side only. 2. Ethel Street-from the W.P.L. of Block 15 of Steger Heights to the E.P.L. of University Avenue. 3. Iowa Street-from the S.P.L. of 2nd Street to the S.P.L. of First Street. 4. John F. Kennedy Road-from the S.P.L. of Pennsylvania Avenue to the N.P.L. of U.S. Highway 20. 5. Shires Avenue-from the end of the existing paving at the Old Corporation Line to the Pillars at the Eagle Point Park exit. 6. University Avenue - from the S.P.L. of Van Buren Street to the N.P.L. 01 U.S. Highway 20. has been completed and the City Manager has examined the work and filed his certificate stating that the same has been completed ac- , November To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the City of Dubuque 1966 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1 has been completed in accordance with the City of Dubuque plans and specifications. I therefore ceptance of project. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Pfohl moved that the recommendation of the Man- ager be approved Seconded by Mayor Pregler. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: . Yeas-Mayor men Ludwig, Schult.. Nays-None. FINAL ESTIMATE RESOLUTION NO. 329.66 WHEREAS, the contract for the City of Dubuque 1966 Concrete Curb and Gutter, Project No. 1 has been completed and the City Engineer has submitted his final estimate showing the cost thereof including the cost of estimates, notices, inspection, and preparing the assessment and plat, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of. Dubuque, That the cost of said improve- ment is hereby determined to be $163,956.48. 1966 23, the the 9. University Avenue-from S.P.L. of Van Buren Street to N.P.L. of U.S. Highway 20. 10. Water Street-from S.P.L. of First Street to the N.P.L. of Jones Street. the ac- named recommend the above has been completed and the City Manager has examined the work and filed his certificate stating that the same has been completed according to the ternrrs of the con- tract, plans and specifications and recommends its acceptance, now therefore, Council. Pfohl, Pregler, McCauley, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque., that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved and that said improvement be and the same is hereby accepted and the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat and schedule showing the lots or parcelS of real estate subject to assessment for said improvement and file the same in the office of the City Clerk subject to public inspection and said Clerk shall upon receipt of such plat and schedule publish the notice of the Council's inten- tion to levy special assessments therefor, as required by law. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to pay to the contractor from the funds to be realized from the sale of street improvement .-,bonds issued. upon the above described 'improvement ill amount equal- to the amount of his contract, lesS any retained per. ceotage provided for' therein. ,-~~ 483 1966 5, Regular Session, December ..1967 1967 5, No members of the City Counci being present upon roll call the meeting was postponed subject to call. Adopted Approved CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Session, December Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk. Regular 1966. 482 Special Session, November 28, 1966 - There being no further business Councilman McCauley movod to adjourn. Seconded by Mayor Preg- ler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Pregler, Council- men Ludwig, McCauley, Pfohl, Schult.. Nays-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk. Approved ....................................1967 Adopted ......................................1967 ..........."... ,..............."............................. ................ ,......................................,....... ................ ............................................... ................. .............................................., ................ """'''''''c'iiiiilc'ilmen Attest: ................... City CJerk ......................... Councilmen City Clerk Attest .\ , , W-.""'.;:;, ;i!;