Minutes TV Cable Teleprogramming .8 8 06 MINUTES OF CABLE COMMUNITY TELEPROGRAMMING COMMISSION MEETING August 8, 2006 CITY HALL ANNEX - 2nd FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM #2 MEMBERS PRESENT: Pauline Maloney, George Herrig, Jennifer Tigges, Sr. Carol Hoverman. MEMBERS ABSENT: Burton Everist. Two seats remain vacant on the Commission. OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Barefoot, Mediacom Craig Nowack, City of Dubuque Cable TV Coordinator Mr. Herrig called the meeting to order at 5:40 p.m. 1. Acceptance ofthe Agenda. Upon a motion by Ms. Tigges, seconded by Ms. Maloney, the agenda was accepted unanimously as published. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the June 26, 2006 Meeting Upon a motion of Sr. Hoverman, seconded by Ms. Tigges, the Minutes of the June 26, 2006 Commission meeting were approved unanimously. 3. Public Comment Mr. Barefoot stated that he's been hearing a lot of comments such as, "Wow, I saw that on X Channel." He relayed a comment from Craig Schaefer at Loras College that people have noticed some older access programs now being re-run. Mr. Nowack mentioned a recent complaint from a subscriber upset that music is no longer being played on the public access channels. Mr. Barefoot stated that he is now running programs 24/7 on the access channels. 4. Access Equipment Expenditures Mr. Nowack provided a financial overview of the PEG fund. Becky Specht, an Art and Video Production Instructor at Wahlert High School, requested $5,085.88 from the fund for a Panasonic camcorder, an extra battery, a camera case, and a JVC DVNHS recorder/player. She has been producing access programs from events at Wahlert for three years, and in the upcoming school year she plans to one event each semester for each of the Holy Family elementary schools and the middle school. Having her own camera will enable her to produce more programming and not have to worry about reserving the equipment from the Public Access studio. Ms. Tigges wondered about the City's purchasing policies and stated that she would like to see more than one quotation for equipment requests. Mr. Nowack 1 said the City does allow multiple vendors, and that he often gets competing quotes to make sure he's getting a good price. Mr. Nowack noted that Ms. Specht's request contained sales tax, and that the City would be able to purchase the same equipment for $4,798.00. Sr. Hoverman moved to allocate up to $5,000.00 for Ms. Specht's request, seconded by Ms. Maloney. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Barefoot had three requests for funding: . $64.95 for a camera brace. . $5,000.00 for a wireless six-station intercom system for the Anycast Station. . $3,715.00 for a wireless video transmission system. Mr. Nowack said the wireless video transmission system was a great idea and would be a great addition to the local access community. However, he had talked with ECS about this type of system and was told that they just didn't work. The Commission suggested that Mr. Barefoot contact users of the particular system he wants to buy and get their feedback. Ms. Maloney made a motion for up to $5,070.00 for the camera brace and wireless intercom system, seconded by Sr. Hoverman. The motion passed unanimously. 5. Access Programming and Promotion Sr. Hoverman mentioned that she was very pleased with the 24/7 programming now on the public access channels. 6. Mediacom Cable Report Mr. Barefoot announced that his assistant had tendered his resignation, feeling "it was just time for a change." Mr. Barefoot stated that he is already looking for a replacement. Mr. Barefoot reported that his new network should be up and running in the next month, and that he finally got the purchase order for the Arboretum Green paint so he can paint the chroma key wall in the studio soon. He also mentioned a film festival he recently attended and how he received permission from one of the entrants to run one of the films on public access. Mr. Barefoot reported that access is thriving in Dubuque and that he is very busy. He's seeing a lot of series programming in the area. 7. Cable TV Division Report Mr. Nowack that CityChannel 8 is one cable away from having their new server on the air. In the past week the station has been displaying weather data on the air from the weather station on the roof of City Hall Annex. Earlier in the day he and 2 Doug taped an edition of City Journal with the City's Economic Development Director, and they've also begun a monthly Dubuque Health Matters program. 8. Future Agenda Items No new agenda items were suggested. 9. Adjournment Upon a motion of Ms. Tigges, seconded by Sr. Hoverman, the meeting was adjourned at 6:48 p.m. 3