Minutes Transit Tr. Bd. 9 14 06 DATE: TIME: PLACE: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: WELCOME MR PETER KIES MINUTES DUUQUE TRANSIT TRUSTEE BORAD Thursday, September 14,2006 4:15p.m. Carnegie Stout Public Library Board Room, II th & Bluff Streets, Dubuque, Iowa Enderson, Stedman, Lightcap, Kies Sand Heiar/Economic Development, Rodocker-Booth/KeyLine, Schlickman/drivers, Baker/Teamsters Local 421, Davidson- Strohmeyer/citizens Transit Director Rodocker called the meeting to order at 4: IS p.m., at which point, he welcomed Mr. Peter Kies, the newest appointee to the transit board. Mr. Kies expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to serve the bus system. He explained that he has been a bus rider for several years and wants to work to make it better in the future. ELECTION OF OFFICIERS Rodocker opened the election of officers by calling for nominations for Chairman of the Board. Stedman nominated Joel Lightcap for Chairman, Kies seconded. All "ayes" except for Lightcap, who abstained. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY II, 2006 MEETING After a short discussion by the board members, it was determined that a position of Vice Chairman was more appropriate than Secretary, since the minutes were done by KeyLine staff secretary. The Vice Chair could sign the minutes then after Board approval. Stedman nominated George Enderson for the Vice Chair position. Kies seconded. All "ayes" except for Enderson, who abstained. Motion carried. Chairman Lightcap took over the meeting calling for a motion to approve the minutes of the May II, 2006, meeting as circulated. Stedman so moved; Kies seconded, All "ayes". Motion carried. MINUTES - PAGE 2 MANAGER'S COMMENTS Transit Manager, Rodocker asked that Sarah Davidson be allowed to speak regarding a citizens' advisory board, and her concerns regarding the fixed route transit system. The loss of the Mall, as a transfer point really makes trips to the west end oftown lengthly. It was Davidson's feeling that a citizens' advisory board, consisting of riders, drivers and management meet before any changes are implemented. Kies stated that the loss of the Mall transfer point reduced the service to a third rate system and, in his opinion, the Board owed it to the riders to try again to negotiate with the Mall owners & management for more access to the Mall property. Kies volunteered to canvas the store owners in the Mall to write letters to the management and owners of the Mall stating how their businesses were affected by this cut in service. The Board agreed that Kies could contact the shop managers. Baker suggested he should use the Transit Manager's business card so they knew he was representing the Board. It was further suggested that copies of the letters sent be provided to the Transit Manager or Transit Board. HANDOUTS Rodocker went through various handouts initiated by him relative to employee workplace rights and rider rules. He also handed out status sheets on the contracts provided by the mini bus, showing rides, hours, miles, etc., which he is using to get a handle on the actual costs in providing the service. Baker asked for a letter sent to the Board but was told that the letter was not public as yet. Rodocker also handed out financial reports for the first two months showing expenses in various activities. He explained that he wants to use these to track expense this year as compared to last year, so everyone has a better handle on the budget. He made the board aware of money transfers between state and federal grants to get all the necessary 2006 capital projects covered. Rodocker asked the Board members if they would be willing to meet every month on the 2nd Thursday through at least June of2007, as there will be many issues for the Board to address during that time. Stedman so moved. Kies seconded. All "ayes"; motion carried. MINUTES - PAGE 3 BOARD COMMENTS PUBLIC COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, Connie Booth Secretary Kies expressed concern about fixed route drivers leaving early and stranding people without a way to return home. Jon said the time points are being evaluated. Kies wants to see something done, so that riders pay the proper fare. He feels that KeyLine is losing much revenue through underpayment of fares. Rodocker reported that KeyLine is looking at a card system to identify the disabled/half fare riders. Stedman asked if there was any way the Green Line could come into his area like it did before it started going to the Asbury Plaza off Northwest Arterial. Stedman felt that rides on the minibuses would be better utilized for those with wheel chairs. Rodocker said all the routes are being evaluated. Enderson asked that the Board and staff send Harry Bemis a letter to thank him for his many years of service. Rodocker stated that it will be done. Heiar stated that the City will also recognize him for his service. Lightcap applauded drivers in the way they help riders. He has noticed several instances of drivers helping riders. Baker asked for a copy of the letter that was in the board packets. Rodocker said it was not public as yet, but when it was he could have a copy. Baker asked Rodocker to check because he believed he was entitled to it once it was sent to the board, as it was then public knowledge. Baker also asked for the reasoning and history of the policy of replacing full time drivers through attrition with part time people. Hearing no further comments, Lightcap called for a motion to adjourn. Enderson so moved. Stedman seconded. All "ayes"; motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:57 p.m. These minutes passed, approved and adopted on this day of October, 2006. George Enderson, Jr., Vice Chairman Dubuque Transit Trustee Board