1964 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA For the Year 1964 1964 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR PFOHL TAKOS LEO F. FROMMELT N. RUSSO JOSEPH A. JOHANNINGMEIER CITY MANAGER GILBERT D. CHA VENELLE City Planner CLYDE COOK Building Commissioner DONALD BANDY Plumbing Inspector RICHARD J. FEYEN Electrical Inspector LUVERN J. NORTON Health Director DR. A. J. ENTRINGER Sanitary Officer ARTHUR J. MILLER Milk Sanitarian A. J. ROTH Food and Restaurant Inspector MILDRED KENNEDY Director of Recreation RICHARD J. SLATTERY I the first meetings of the City Council are held on Monday of each month at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Regular JR. STIEBER COURT JUDGES FRANK D. GILLOON COUNCILMEN ROBERT J. HORGAN, Mayor KEAN ELDON A. PETER J. .ELMER D. Clerk Solicitor MUNICIPAL EDWARD D. FAILOR Court Clerk.. Court Bailiff JAMES J. RICHARD LUDWIG Municipal Municipa City City City Treasurer EDWARD M. TSCHIRGI A. G. HEITZMAN 12-1-64 HANOVER Chief of Fire Department THOMAS C. HICKSON Chief of Police PERCY LUCAS Works City Auditor A. L. HOLSCHER Street Department CLETUS ALLEN City Engineer JOHN WHITE of Water HAIL City Assessor HARRY J. Sup't J. J INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page A 6-American Trust and Savings Bank, appointed official Jan . depository of public funds ........................................ 3 " 6-Annexation, Application of Regina Duggan Trust for the annexation of approximately 42.78 acres off the North Cascade Road ............................................ 11, 21 Feb. 10-Annual Reports of the City Auditor= City Treasurer and Health Department for the fiscal year begin- ning January 1, 1983 and ending December 31, 1963 ................................................................................ 20, 38 " 10-Anthoine Louis, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 115 .................................................................. " 10-Annexation, application of Westchester Inc., for the 25 annexation of a portion of Westchester Sub......... 26, 27 " 10-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .................................................................. 32 Mar. 2-American Legion Post No. 6, requesting permission 45 to hold a tag day ........................................................ " 2-American Trust & Savings Bank, appointed deposi- tory of funds for Municipal Court .......................... 46, 47 " 2-Althaus Herbert & Emil, granted Class "B" Beer 54 Permit ............................................................................ April 6-American Legion Junior Drum & Bugle Corps No. 6, requesting permission for tag day .......................... 75 " 6-Allison Place, improvement with Bituminous Con- f i ne o crete Paving from the south property l Delhi Street to the west property line of College Street ................................ .................86, 138, 196, 312, 358 " 6-Arlington Street, improvement with Bituminous Con- crete Paving from the west property line of Grove Terrace to the east property line of Prairie Street .......................................... 86, 137, 196, 312, 359 ................ " 6-Atlantic Street, improvement with Bituminous Con- crete Paving from the north property line of Uni- versity Avenue to the south property line of Loras Boulevard ................................86, 138, 196, 312, 360 " 20-Annexation, application of Joseph F., John W. and John A. Link, for the annexation of their prop- erty west of the City of Dubuque ..........108, 159, 188, 242 " 20-Addyman Homer, reappointed to Heatrng, Ventilat- ing and Refrigeration Board .................................... 113 May 4-Armed Forces Day, requesting proclamation of 150 Armed Forces Day in Dubuque ................................ " 4-Annexation, applicatton of Midwest Developers Inc. for the annexation of property south of Pennsyl- vania Avenue ........................................................150, 165, 200 June 1-Annexation petition of Joan E. Smith et al., request- ing annexation of property east of the John F. Kennedy Road ............................................................. 192 " 1-Annexation, petition of Schiltz Development Corpo- ration, George W. and Bernice M. Paisley, re- questing annexation of approximately 69.5 acres 201, 228 " 1-Arlen Clarence J. and Dolores, approval of plat of Block 22 Lots 8 to 14, Block 23 Lots 16 to 30, Block 24 Lots 11 to 26, Block 25 Lots 5 to 8, Block 26 Lots 1 to 12, Block 27 Lots 1 to 7 inclusive of Clover Ilills Subdivision ............................................ 198 " 1-Ansel Fred, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 205 " 22-American Municipal Ass'n., inviting the City offi- cials to attend A. M. A. Congress ............................ 215 " 22-Althaus Herbert E., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 229 " 22-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Cigarette Permits 229 " 22-Apel Arthur, granted Cigarette Permtt ...................... 230 INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page 1964 SUBJECT Page A g " 22-Apel Merlin, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 230 Jan. 6-Bennett Arthur, presented with a memorial for his " 22-Arvanitis George K., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 230 many years of service on the Park Board .............. 2, 12 " 22-Arthofer James F., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 230 " 6-Black & White, Yellow & Checker Cab, taxi-cab pol- " 22-Alba Cruso A., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 230 icY .................................................................................. 9 ' 22-American Legion Post No. 6, granted Cigarette Per- " 6-Brown William A., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 13 mit .................................................................................. 231 6-Bell Joseph E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 13 " 22-American Legion Post No. 6, granted Class "B" Beer 6-Brown William A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 13 Permit ............................. ............ ............. 232 20-Bournias Louis Terry, ranted Cigarette Permit ........ 16 " 22-Amvets Post No. 3, granted Class "A" Liquor Permit 234 Feb. 10-Brown Dorothy C., sett ement of suit .......................... 21 " 29-Airport, Dubuque Municipal, acceptance of Grant ' 10-Blackmon Genevieve, claim denied 23 .offer of the United States of America for the de- 10-Budget Amended by increasing the General Fund, velopment of the Dubuque Municipal Airport ...... 236 Street Road Use Tax Fund and SanitationFUnd.... 24, 43 " 29-Amvets Club, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 237 10-Brandt George H., requesting the suspension of taxes July 6-Abing Merlin K., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 256 on the S~/z of Lot 162 in East Dubuque Addition 24 6-Ansel Fred, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 256 10-Basler A. C. requesting the erection of a street light " 6-Abing Merlin K., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 257 at Chestnut & Walnut Streets, and complaining " 6-American Legion, Dubuque Post No. 6, granted Class of the condition of the sidewalks ............................24, 37, 39 "C" Liquor Permit ...................................................... 258 10-Burrows Albert et. al., objecting to Jacobson junk Aug. 3-Altman John R., sidewalk bond .................................... 271 Yard on Elm Street ...................................................... 24, 38 3-Amvets Auxiliary, requesting permission to hold a Mar. 2-Blum Max, requesting vacation and sale of the alley tag daY ~~•~~~~~~•-~~~-~~~~~~••~~~~~~•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 276 north of the City Garage, between Elm Street " 10-Agricultural and Horticultural applications for ex- and railroad tracks and between 14th & 15th emptions on parcels of land of ten acres or more 286 Streets ............................................................................ 44, 56 Sept. 8-Annexation, petition of Mettel Realty and Invest- 2-Birkett, Maryel Mildred, granted Class "B" Beer Per- ment Company to annex a strip of land along the mit .................................................................................. 54 John F. Kennedy Road .............................................. 297, 325 April 6-Board of Health, Regular Session .................................. 67 " 8-Annexation of areas to the City of Dubuque recom- 6-Besler Herbert H, Notice of Claim ................................ 71 mended by the Planning & Zoning Commission.... 297, 298 " 6-Building Code Committee, recommending the amend- " 30-Annexation of property located in the C. J. Bies Sub- ment of the Building Code to provide for require- division as requested by Dubuque Bible Church.... 324 ments for above ground tanks, embankments and Oct. 5-Avoca Street, installation of street lights ............ 333, 408, 418 dikes .............................................................................. 72, 73 " 5-Annexation Election requested by the City Man- 6-Booth Street from the north property line of Dodge " alter, of an area west of the present City limits. " " 342, 344 Street to the south property line of University 5-Apel Merlin, granted Class C Beer Permit ............ 345 Avenue, improvement with Bituminous Concrete " 12-Airport Commission authorized to increase the Air- Paving ........................86, 138, 196, 312, 361 port appropriation in the amount of $14,505.00 .... 347 " 6-Burns Street from the north property line of Cleve- Nov. 2-ANNEXATION ELECTION to be held on December land Avenue to the end of existing curb and gut- 15, 1964, to consider the annexation of unincor- ter 40' north of the north property line of Han- porated territory to the City of Dubuque........398, cock Street 86, 138, 196, ........................................ 312, 364 ..................................................................................399, 475, 476 " 6-Burke Josephine Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit........ 92 " 2-American Veterans of World War II, granted Class " 6-Burke Josephine Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 92 "B" Beer Permit ................................... ............ 404 " 6-BisPing Herbert F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 92 " 2-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Inc., granted Class "C" 6-Burgmaier John B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 92 Beer Permit .................................................................. 404 " 6-Burke Josephine Mrs., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- " 16-Artistic Cleaners, requesting permission to excavate mit ............................................................................ ... 93 in the alley between Jones end First Streets ........ 413 " 20-Burke William J., Claim denied .................................... 105 " 23-Airport Municipal, preliminary work to be com- " 20-Beaves Richard, reappointed to the Heating, Ven- menced as recommended by City Manager .......... 418 tilating and Refrigeration Board .............................. 113 " 23-Amendment of Allocation of Funds within the Gen- May 4-Burroughs Jerome P., requesting the grading of alley eral Fund, Street Fund, Public Safety Fund, Sani- between Sullivan Street and Nightingale Street.... 150, 188 Cation Fund and Recreation Fund ............................ 421, 445 " 4-Bush Harriet, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 153 Dec. 7-Alba Cruso A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 454 " 18-Byrne John, sidewalk bond ............................................ 159 June 1-Birch Leonard A. et. al., requesting street lights on Kane Street .................................................................. 191, 216 " 8-Bonds in the amount of $1,250,000 for the Locust Street Parking RamP .................................................. 207 " 22-Becker & Sons, sidewalk policy .................................... 217 " 22-Blosch Carl, sidewalk bond ............................................ 217 " 22-Budget recommendation for the fiscal year 1965 sub- mitted by the City Manager ...................................... 218 " 22-Betz Elizabeth, Settlement of Claim .............................. 219 " 22-Beach Grace, Claim denied ............................................ 219 1984 July Aug. INDEX -BOOK 94 SUBJECT B 22-Becker Robert L., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 22-Bournias Louis Terry, granted Ctgarette Permit ........ 22-Beecher John Richard Robert, granted Ctgarette Per- mit ................................................................................. 22-Beecher John, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 22-Brown William, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 22-Bush Harriet, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 22-Brant Carl N., granted Ctgarette Permit .................. 22-Biederman Dean, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 22-Bahl Mary, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 22-Bell Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 22-Bublitz Willtam, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 22-Burke Josephine Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit........ 22-Fturama;er .Tnhn B.. eranted Cigarette Permit .......... Page 229 229 229 229 229 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 231 232 232 233 233 233 22-Bridge Marian J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 22-Becker Robert L., granted Class "C" Beer Permit...... 22-Bowen Robert J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit.... 22-Brant Carl N., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit.......... 22-Bush Harriet, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit.......... 22-Burke Josephine A., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit .................................................................................. 29-Brayton Alan D., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 29-Bertsch Leonard P., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 29-Birkett Maryel M., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 29-Bisping Herbert, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 6-Bertsch Roger J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 6-Bahl Mary, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 6-Bertsch Roger J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit.... 6-Birkett Maryel Mildred, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ............................................................................ 6-Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks No. 297, granted Class "A" Liquor Permit ............................ 22-Budget Estimate of Expenditures far the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1965 and ending December 31, 1965 ............................. ........260, 267, 286, 288, 22--Brown John E., appointed to the Heating, Ventilat- ing. Air-Conditioning and Refrieeratian Board...... 22-Bauer Donald A., Settlement of Claim ........................ 2Z-Boyes Milton S., Notice of Claim .................................. 22-Bisanz Albert A., requesting permission to excavate in Glen Oak Street ...................................................... 22-Boggs Gus, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 22-Bush Earl, reappointed to the Planning & Zoning Commission .................................................................. 3-Bauer Charles, sidewalk bond ........................................ 3-Bechen Merlin, Claim denied ........................................ 3-Beadle Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting permis- sion to excavate in Garnet Street ............................ 3-Burgmaier John B., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit 234 237 237 237 237 257 257 258 258 258 289 262 264 265 266 268 269 271 273 276, 392 284 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT B Sept. 8-Bueche] Louis, excavation policy .................................. 296, " 8-Bowen Robert J., granted Class "B" Seer Permit........ Oct. 5-Bock Michael J., sidewalk bond .................................... " 5-Bradfield Edward G., Notice of Claim ........................ " 5-Bublitz William Mrs., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit .................................................................:.......... " 12-Bowen Donald, objecting to the material and work- manship in the paving of Chestnut Street .............. " 12-Biasi Nellie S., objecting to the paving of Rose Street .............................................................................. " 12-Butler Aubrey, Mr, & Mrs., objecting to the assess- ment for paving Chestnut Street .............................. Nov. 2-Board of Health, Regular Session ................................ " 2-Beecher John Joseph, granted Class "B" Beer Permit " 2-Bertsch Roger J., granted Class "B"Beer Permit........ " 16-Banfield Stella, Claim denied ........................................ " 16-Budget Report of Tentative Street and Parking and Construction Report for the fiscal year 1965 ........ " 23-Braun RLea, Notice of Claim ........................................ " 23-Budget Amended as originally approved by Resolu- tion No. 146-63 and Ordtnance No. 1-64 ................. Dec. 7-Bauer Albert and Mabel, condemnation proceedings instituted by the City Solicitor ..................... ... " 7-Benevolent & Protective Order of F1ks, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................................... " 16-Board of Health, Special Session .................................. " 28-Brown W. A., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 6 .............................................................................. Page 300 320 331 332 334 352 352 352 389 404 404 410 415 419 45? 453 454 484 499 INDEX -BOOK 94 i INDEX -BOOK 94 SUBJECT Page 1°,64 C ............................ 6-City Council, Regular Session ............. tan 1 2 , , " 6-Chavenelle Gilbert D., appointed City Manager......... advising Council of his appointment of " 6-City Manager, offcers and employees of the City of Dubuque..... 3 " 6-City Manager, submitting resolution showing the de- tailed distribution of expenditures for the enamng .................. 4, 5 .................... . fiscal Year ................. ............... eedings for the months of July and Aug- il proc 6-Counc approved as printed ..................................... ust 1963 8 , ........... " 6-Chavenelle Gilbert D., bond. """""""""'~~~"~'~~~ uesting cancellation of re i C 9 q o., on 6-Chapin Construct 10 sidewalk bond . ......................................................... .. 6-Corbett Velma, requesting permission to excavate 10 in Lowell Street ............................................................. 15 20-City Council, Special Session . ........................................ ' 20-City Manager, recommending that DeLeuw Cather & Company proceed with plans, specifications for the construction of a Parking Ramp .................... 152, 1 124 115 99 97 5 73, 207 , , , , , ...... 15, 51, 59, 9 Feb. 3-CitY Council, Regular Session ......................................... " 10-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session . ................ 18 " 10-Corbett James, receiving special commendation for 18 saving the life of a child ............................................. " 10-Cherioli Ethel, submitting application for Library 19 Board. ............................................................... " 10-Council proceedings For the month of September, a e a ~H r e d c 20 rtment, Dep lth e and r Treasur Aud tor, 10-Cit ~ . 38 20 Annual RePorts .:.......................................................... ' 10-City Manager, submitting report concerning the peti- , tion of Hillerest Builders Inc. regarding the instal- 20 lation of storm sewer for Block 22 Key Knolls Sub. 10-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and Ctty Water Works, reports for the month of December 1963, as well as a list of claims for 20 which warrants were issued ..................................... Claims for the month of December 1963, proof of 10 - publication. ................................................ ................... 10-Clover Hills Addition, completion and acceptance of 20 29 an 84" Storm Sewer . .................................................. Creek Sanitary Sewer, preliminary plans, 10-Catfish . specifications for the construction of a twelve inch sanitary sewer commencing in Pennsylvania Av- 30, 56, 63, 64, .......29 226, 339 , enue ............ ..................... 10-City of Dubuque, grant of easement to Wayne R. Donnell & Patricia McDonnell, Violet Mc- M R c . Richard B. & Genevieve Wold, Glen & Donnell , Martha McNamer, J. T. Shanahan, Edwin & Agnes Eva Olds Schneider & Mettel Realty & In- Frith , vestment Co., to travel upon, over and across Lot 1 of Lot 52 of Burton's Add and Lot 2 of Lot 51 of Burton's Add ................................................................. 31, 35 'rCity Council, Regular Session ........................... ............. nq~^. r. -City Building, resolutions in support of t e unt C 2 y o - Dubuque County Citizens Advisory Committee on 56 67 36 35 d 119 95 , , , , mg ............. the County-City Bml commending the tnstallation of street , -City,Manager, re h ean t t t d Locu t Bluff 1 t between 2nd Streets and 37 Streets . ............................................................................ 1964 SUBJECT Page C " 2-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light at the corner of Ventura Drive and Pleasant View Drive .................................................... 37 " 2-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City He21th Department orts for the month of re k t W p or s, er and City Wa January 1964, as well a> a hat of claims for which warrants were issued . ................................................ 38 " 2-Claims for the month o£ January 1964, proof of publication . ................................................................... 38 " Z-City Manager, submitting report concerning con- ditions at Jacobson Steel and Supply Co. junk yard, and reporting on the cleanup of Valley Street. ................................................................... ........... 38 " 2-City Manager, submitting report of condition of side- ' walk on Rose Street .................................................... . .9 " 2-Council proceedings for the inonth of December 1963, approved as printed ......................................... 39 " 2-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of en- trance examination for positions on the Fire De- partment . .............................................................. ......... 09 41 " 2-Churchill Rose, Settlement of Claim . ........................ " 2-City Solicitor, submitting his opinion concerning the fact as to whether the Cultural Commission may accept the custody of the Hamm House......... 42 " 2-City Solicitor, submitting report of his investigation of allegation made by John J. Waltz concerning the payment of a bill by the Dock Commission. 42 " 2-Crescent Electric Supply Company, requesting the im- provement of Charter Street ..................................... 44 " 2-Clark Oil & Refining Co., requesting refund on Cigar- ette Permit ..................................................................... 45 " 2-Community Development Advisory Committee es- tablished . ........................................................................ 47. 48 " 2-City Manager, recommending that the Council pur- chase 7.943 acres of land from Northern Natural Gas Company for $45,000 ........................... .........48, 391, 427 " 2-Crane Leonard H., recommendation of the City Man- ager that Class "B" Beer Permit No. 71 be re- voked . ..............................................................49, 60, 66, 80 " 2-City of Dubuque, Iowa 1963 Street Finance Report..... 50 " 2-City Manager, recommending that the City sign a contract with the Iowa State Highway Commis- sion for the sale of 8.5 acres and grant an ease- ment to approximately 15.1 acres across land at the Municipal Airport. ....._ .........................52, 53, 76, 77 " 16-City Council, Special Session ......................................... 56 " 16-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department and City Health Department, reports for the month of February 1964, as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued ................... .56 " 16-Claims for the month of February 1964, proof of publication . ................................................................ 56 16-City Manager, recommending that the alley north of the City Garage be sold to Joseph H. Deckert as he is the abutting property owner on both sides . ..........................................................................56, 79, 151 16--Crozier Leta Mae, Notice of claim ................................ 58, 264 " 16-City Manager, recommending the vacation of a por- tion of East 10th Street east of Yme Street for use as a city garage and storage location ..................... 59, 71 " 23-City Council, Special Session . ........................................ 66 w INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page 1984- SUBJECT Page C ~ Regular Session ......................................... April 6-City Council 67 20-City Manager, recommendation the installation of a 102 , " 6-City Manager, recommending the installation of a 68 street light on Chestnut Street ................................. 20-City Manager, requesting that the Building Commis- street light on Carroll Street ...................................... stoner and Building Code Committee look tnto the " 6-City Manager, submitting Actuarial Report of the matter of requiring foam fire protection for tank Police and Fire Retirement Systems ~ by Haight, .............................................................. installations 102 Davis and Haight, Inc. .. 68 . .... 20-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Hea ep - " 6-City Manager, recommending that the City enter into meat and City Water Works, reports for the an agreement for the coordination and control of month of March, as well as a list of claims for Urban Transportation Planning in the Dubuque which warrants were issued.... 102 ...,,,,,,•••-..• ............................................................... area. 69 20-Claims for the month of March 1964, proof of Manager, recommending the installation of street " 6--City publication. ................................. ~~~~-~~~~• •~ ~ ~ •-~~ ~•••~~~~~~~~•~~• 103 . .................................... lights on University Avenue 69 „ 20-City Manager, submitting report on request of High- " 6-Cit Mana er, recommendin the installation of street g g Y way Commission for fire protection for the main- - lights on White Street ...................................... .. ... 70 tenance garage at Highways No. 61 and 151.......... 103 " 6-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1964 CONCRETE CURB & GUT- 20-Conlon Construction Company, sidewalk bond ............. 103, 159 TER PROJECT NO. 1 .............................................. .. ... ........ ... 83, 133, 134; 135, 195, """"" "' "' 308, 353 20-City Manager, recommending the vacation. of Mar- " 6-Carter Road Extension north from a point 600 feet shall, Emerson and Stanton Streets from the east- north of Kane Street to the south property line of erly property line of Garfield Avenue to the west- West 32nd Street, improvement wrath Concrete erly property line of the first alley easterly of 1 3 f 279 278 Curb and Gutter .........................83, 84, 135, 195, 308, 353 Gar , ield Avenue....................... ... ............. 0 , " 6-CTTY OF DUBUQUE 1964 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE 20-Cahill O. J, requesting refund on duplicate purchase PAVING PROJECT NO. 1 ......................................... of a dog license:............................................................ 108 136, 137, 138, 195, 196, 311, ......... 85 86 312, 359 20-City of Dubuque, disposal of interest in and to Lot 1 , , " Cr-Chestnut Street from the west property line of High- of Block 8, River Front Sub. No. 3 and Lot 2 of River Front Sub. No. 4 to the Dubuque Packing land Place to the east property line of Walnut Company upon certain terms and conditions......... Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete 110 126; 168 ........ .... .... .. ........ . . 191 223 Surfacing .......................... .. .....86, 137; 138, 196; " 6-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1964 AOT MIX-HOT LAID AS- 312, 365 , , ................ . . .... ....... . .. 23-City Council, Special Session ........................................... , 114 PHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT NO. 1. 23-City Manager, recommending the institution of con- demnahon proceedings to acquire property owned 88, 89, 141, 142, 143, 196, 408, 413, 414, 460, 474 which is needed for the by Frank J. Roshek " 6-Carter Road Extenson north from a point 600 feet , Municipal Parking Ramp ............................................. 115 north of Kane Street to the south property line of Special Session ......................................... 27-City Council 119 West 32nd Street, improvement with Hot Mix- , 27-COUNTY-CITY OF DUBUQUE Articles- of Incorpora- Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving ......................... 89 143 196 414, .... .... . . 88 460, 474 lion Of Authority for .purposes of acquiring, con- , , , , . .... . ....... .... " B-Clarke Drive from the north property line of West strutting a public building or buildings for the joint use of the County of Dubuque ~ and City of Locust Street to the east property line of North 222, 263, Dubuque . ............119 120 189 443, 444 Main Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid , .:....... . , , elected Commissioner to serve 27-Clemens William Sr. ....................... Asphaltic Concrete Paving ................ . 196 414 89; 143 88 474 460 , on the County-City of Dubuque Authority ............. 119, 158 , , , .. , """"""""""""""""""' " 6-CITY OF DUBUQUE CONCRETE PAVING WITH , 27-City Manager, recommending that the City purchase INTEGRAL CURB PROJECT NO. 1 ........................ Fuhrman property located at 9th & Central......... " " " 127, 261 197, 402, 403, 91 145 .... 90 447, 448 27-Chalder Carl, granted Class C Beer Permit:............ 129 , , , ......................... " 6-Charter Street from the west property line of Main May 4-City Council, Regular Session....................................... ~~ q-Clemens-Smith Construction Inc. excavation policy. 131 148 Street to the east property line of Salina Street, improvement with Concrete Paving with Integral , , 4-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of en- 91 145 197, 402, .90 ..................... .... Curb 403, 448 trance examination for positions on the Police , , , . .... .. " 6-Charter Street from the west property line of Main Street to the east property line of Salina Street, Department ..................................................................... 4-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of en- 1 improvement with Concrete Paving with Integral trance examination for positions on the Fire De- ................................90, 91, 145, 197, 402, Curb 403, 448 Partment. ........................................................................ 148 . " 6-Cunningham Gordon, granted Cigarette Permit......... 92 4-Cty Manager, submtting cost figures for the proposed ........... .. " 20-City Council, Special Session .................... .. .. '""' 95 surfacing of an area of Industrial Park................. 155 offering an option to the " 20-Chamber of Commerce 13-City Council, Special Session. ~~-~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~•~~~-••••••~• 156. , City of Dubuque to purchase their property ~~ 13-City Council, Special Session . ........................................ 158. located at the southwest corner of 9th & Locust 1S-Conlon Construction Company, sidewalk bond :............ 159 .................................... .. ................. Streets 96 5 18-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department . .... appreciation extended to the Fire " 20-Carston Charles E. , and City Water Works, reoorts for the month of , Department for help given when his basement was April 1964, as well as a list of claims for which ......................................................................... flooded. 101 warrants were issued ................................................. 159 I I _i ~: INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page C " 18-Claims for the month of April, 1964, proof of publica- ................................................................................. tion 159 . " 18-Commissioner of Registration, submitting a list of names of persons who will serve as Clerks of Elec- tion for the Primary Election on June 1, 1964, and have charge of the election register for each pre- cinct ................................................................................. 159 " 20-City Council, Adjourned Special Session ..................... 173 June 1-City Council, Regular Session ......................................... 187 " 1-City Manager, recommending the removal of in- candescent street lights and the installation of mercury vapor lights on Dodge Street between Bluff and Grandview Avenue ..................................... 187 " 1-City Manager, recommending an informal letting for the construction of the Kerper Boulevard Sanitary Sewer Lift Station which was damaged by an auto- ............................................................................ mobile. 188 " 1-City Clerk, submitting a report of the results of the "Civic Convenience Vote Registration Mobile Unit " .............................................................................. 189 " 1-Clover Hills Subdivision, approval of plat of Block 22 Lots 8 to 14, Block 23 Lots 16 to 30, Block 24 Lots 11 to 2B, Block 25 Lots 5 to 8, Block 26 Lots 1 to Block 27 Lots 1 to 7 inclusive ............................. 198, 12 199 , " 1-City of Dubuque Park Board, Surfacing of Parking Lots at Eagle Point Park, Ham House and sur- facing of road at Grandview Park ............................. 198 " 1-Chapman Milton E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 205 " 8-City Council, Special Session ......................................... 207 " lrr-City Council, Adjourned Special Session ..................... 211 " 19-City Councl, Special Session . ........................................ 213 " 22-City Council, Spemal Session ......................................... 215 " 22-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights in Key Knolls Sub ................................................. 215 " 22-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street Bght on Kane Street ..................................... 216 " 22-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light on Isborn Avenue ..................................... 216 " 22-CurtisStraub Company, excavation policy ..................... 217 submitting report of survey on off- " 22-City Manager, , atreet pazkmg on Dodge Street ................................. 217 " 22-City Manager, recommending that the Park Board be given funds from the Museum Acct. and Rec- reation-Parks for improvements abutting the Ham House ............................................................................... 217 " 22-City Manager, submitting budget recommendation for the fiscal year 1965 .................................. ...... 218 " 22-Crane Leonard H., requesting refund on Liquor License No. C-2078 . .................................................... 223 " 22-Cosley Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 229 " 22--Creslanes Bowling, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit..... 230 " 22-Cremer Ralph J., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 230 " 22-Callahan Charles W., granted Cigarette Permit......... 230 " 22-Cahill Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 230 " 2?r-Clemens Mike, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 230 " 22-Costa Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 230 " 22---Canfield Hotel Inc., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 23p " 22-Casey Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 230 " 22-Corbett Earl H., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 230 " 2~Crane Leonard H., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 231 " 22-Chapman Milton E., granted Cigarette Permit........... 231 " 22-Cagadco Inc., granted Cigarette Permit . .................... 232 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page C " 22-Cosley Harold A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 232 " 22-Canfield Hotel Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 232 " 22-Crane Leonard H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 232 " 22-Costa Joseph F., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 234 " 29-City Council, Special Session . .................................... 236 " 2g-Cunningham Gordon, granted Cigarette Permit......... 236 July 6-City Council, Regular Session ......................................... 241 6-Chamber of Commerce, requesting permission to erect tourists trail signs ..................... ... ... . 241 " 6-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of May 1964 as well as a list of clams for which war- rants were issued ......................... ........................ 241 " G-Claims for the month of May 1964, proof of publica- tion ................................................................................... 242 " 6-City Manager, relative to the State Tax Commission re uesting that the City waive immunity from gar- nishment for collection of state taxes from city emPloYees ....................................................................... 242 " 6-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights on Windsor Avenue ............................. 242 " 6-Creslanes Bowling Inc., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit . ............................................................................ 258 " 6-Canfield Hotel Inc., granted Class "B" Liquor Permit. 258 " 22-City Council, Special Session ......................................... 260 " 22-Carnegie Stout Library, submitting preliminary cost schedule for improvements ....................................... 260 " 22-City Manager, recommending the sale of Lot lA of Ham's Add'n. (vacated Emerson St.) ......................... 281 " 2~City of Dubuque, Agreement with the Iowa State Highway Commission, for maintenance of pri- mary road extensions within the City of Dubuque, Iowa . ................................................................................ 281 " 22-City Manager, requesting permission to attend City Manager's Conference . .............................................. 262 " 22-City Manager, submitting report of audit of the City of Dubuque by O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks for the fiscal year 1963 ................................. 263 " 22-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of June 1964, as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued ............................ ...... ... 263 " 22-Claims for the month of June 1964, proof of publica- tion ................................................................................... 263 " 22-City Manager, submitting report concerning the re- moval of horseshoe courts at Flora Park ............. 263 " 22-Costa Joseph F., granted Class "B" Ber Permit. .... 268 " 22-Chavenelle Gtlbert D., reappointed to the Recreation Commission ..................................................................... 269 " 22-City Council, Regular Session ......................................... 271 Aug. 3-City Manager, relative to the forming of a Transporta- tion Planning Committee for the Dubuque area for future transportation planning and organization. 271 " 3-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examination for positions as Public Health Nurse. 272 " 3-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examination for positions as Clerk-Stenographer 272 " 3-Chippewa Park Addition, approval of plat ................. 280 " 3-Creslanes Bowling Corp., granted Class "B" Beer Permit . .......................................................................... 283 " 10-City Council, SPecial Session ......................................... 286 a ,, P INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page 1964 SUBJECT Page C C " 10-City Manager, recommending the installation of i 5-City Manager, recommending the approval of the installation of boulevard type lights with under- street lights on University Avenue and Prys 286 ground wiring in Sunset Park No. 2 Subdivision. 331, 334 " .............. . ......................................................... Streets. ~ 10-City Manager, submitting a list of parcels of land City Manager, advising the Council of his appoint- wrthin the City consisting of ten acres or more went of Mr. Eugene Loetscher to the office of which would be eligible for agricultural & horn- City Treasurer . ............................................................ 331, 407 cultural exemption. ..~~~••~~~~~~~~~••~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ................... 286 5-Cunningham Gordon, requesting refund on Cigarette 10-Council proceedings for the months of January, Feb- Permit No. 118 .. 334 ruary, March, April and May, approved as printed. 287 291 " 5-City Manager, recommending that the City Council Sept. 7-City Council, Regular Session ........................................ 292 adopt a resolution authorizing an election to " 8-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ..................... vote on Annexation of an area west of the present " 8-Community Services Survey Committee, recom- City limits . .................................................................... 342, 344 mending the hiring of a full time staff member 292 12-City Council Special Session........................................... 347 " to the County, City and United Fund ..................... submitting a list of names of persons 8-City Manager , City Manager, recommending that the Airport Com- , to serve on the Executive Committee, Public mission be authorized to increase the Airport appropriation in the amount of $14 ...... 505 00 347 Facilities, Neighborhood and Building Sub-Com- mittees of the Dubuque Community Development , . . 12-Catholic Charities, objecting to the final assessment Advisory Committee .................................................... 292 for curb and gutter on Carter Road Extension....... 351, 459 " 8-City Manager, recommending that the buildings at Nov. 2-City Council, Regular Session . ........................................ 390 1252 and 7258 Washington Street be dis- 1250 2-Commissioner of Registration, submitting a list of , mantled and the premises cleaned up . ................ 293, 294 persons who will serve as Clerks of Election for " 8-City Manager, recommending that the buildings the General Election to be held on November located at 2555 Elm Street be dismantled and the 3, 1964 . .......................................................................... 390 premises cleaned up ................................................... 294 2-Commissioner of Registration, submitting a report " 8-City Manager, recommending the transfer from of the results of the outside registration that General Special Assessment Fund to various was held at the Post Office and four Fire Engine special assessment funds which have a debit Houses . .......................................................................... 390 .......................................................................... balance 295, 296 " 2-City Clerk, recommending that the Auditor issue a " . 'B-City Auditor, Treasurer, Health Department and City warrant in the amount of $200, payable to the Waterworks, reports for the month of July 1964, Treasurer to cover a check of Mrs. Jacqueline as well as a list of claims for which warrants were H. McCarty that did not clear the bank due to issued . ............................................................................ 296 insufficient funds. ...................................................... 390 " 8-Claims for the month of July 1964, proof of pub- 2-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- Bcation . .......................................................................... 296 ment and City Water Works, reports for the " 8-City Manager, recommending that Leo F. Frommelt month of September, as well as a list of claims be authorized to sign vouchers and routine papers for which warrants were issued ............................. 391 in the absence of the City Manager ................. 296 2-Claims for the month of September 1964, proof " S--City of Dubuque, approval of plat of Sub of Lot 7 of publication . .............................................................. 391 in Out Lot 688 and of Lot 8 in Out Lot 688 except 2-City Manager, recommending installation of street the northerly 18.0 feet thereof . ............................ 318, 319 lights on Manon Street................:..................... 391 " 8-Cavanaugh John, granted Cigarette Permit............ 319 Z-City Manager, reporting action taken concerning the " S-Cavanaugh John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 32z storing of junk automobiles on private property. 391, 428 " 30-City Council, Special Session ......................................... " 2-City Manager, submitting report concerning rubbish ll ctio d di l a b d f th " 30-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of exam- n an sposa , n age co e o e and gar ination for positions on the Police Department..... 322 alley condition of trash and garbage containers. 391 " 30-City of Dubuque, quit claiming and conveying pro- 2-City Manager, recommending the denial of petition of petty to the Telegraph Herald in exchange of Loras Beadle requesting water service to Lot 68 property of the Telegraph Herald ......................... 323 in Linehan Park Addition......................................... 392 " 30-Clarke College, granted Cigarette Permit . ................ 325 2-Coleman Gertrude, Notice of Claim................................. 393 " 30-Cavanaugh John, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 326 2-Curtis Straub Co., requesting permission to excavate Oct. " 5-City Council, Regular Session ......................................... 5-City Manager, submittrng recommendations concern- 329 ~n West 3rd Street. ........................... ........................ 2--Community Development Advisory Committee, sub- 395 ing the Southern Avenue Storm Sewer ................. 329 mittng a progress report............................................. 404 " 5-City Auditor, Treasurer, City Health Department and 19 -Cit Council, S ecial Session. ................... Y P ..................... 407 City Water Works, reports for the month of 10-City Council, Special Session ..:...................................... 408 August, 1964, as well as a list of claims for which if -City Manager, recommending installation of street ...... warrants were issued ........................................... 330 light on Avoca Street ................................................. 408, 418 " 5-City Manager, recommending the installation of 16 -City. Manager, recommending installation of street street lights in Sunset Park on Meggan Street..... 330 light on Bonson and Asbury Roads ........................ 408 " 5-City Manager, recommending the mstallatron of if -Council proceedings for the months of June, Suly and street lights on Hickson Street ................................. 330 August 1964, approved as printed............................. 408 i i INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page C 16-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- ment and City Water Department, reports for the month of October 1964, as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued ........................ ... 409 " 16--Claims for the month of October 1964, proof of pub- lication . .......................................................................... 409 " 16-City Engineer, advising the City Manager of proposed sidewalk Program for 1965 ......................................... 409, 429 " 16-City Ptanner, duties of the Planner explained to the Council by the Planning & Zoning Commis- sion ................................................................................ 409 " 16-City of Dubuque, Iowa 1965 Tentative Street and Parking Budget and Construction Report ............. 415 " 16-City of Dubuque, Iowa, approval of restrictive agree- ment relative to the splattmg of Lot 7 in Glenview Subdivision ..................................................................... 415 " 23-Cty Council, SPecial Session ............................................. 418 " 23--City Manager, adv~smg the Council of preliminary work on the Central Fire Station, Street Equip- ment Gazage and the Municipal Airport ............. 418, 429 " 23-City Manager, recommending Utat the City enter into an agreement with the Iowa State Highway Com- mission for the sale of approximately 0.16 acres of right of way along U.S. No. 52 .............................420, 427, 479 „ 30-City Council. SPecial Session ......................................... 424 " 30-City Manager, directed, authorized and empowered to fix the rates and charges and establish the hours for parking in the Municipal Parking Garage......... 425 Dec. 7-City Council, Regular Session ......................................... 427 " 7-Commisstoner of Registration, submitting a list of names of persons to serve as Clerks of The Elec- tion, December 15, 1964 ............................................. 427 Manager, recommending installation of street " 7-City . lights on Mayfair Court and SouUtern Avenue..... 428 " 7-City Manager, recommending the appointing of one of the Councilmen to serve on a Committee to pre- pare the Articles of Agreement for the Regional Planning Commission, and notifying The County Zoning Commission of the City's willingness to participate . .................................................................... 420 " 7-Conlon Construction Co., cancellation of blasting bond ................................................................................. 442 7-COUNTY-CITY OF DUBUQUE AUTHORITY, advising the City Council and the Board of Supervisors of their selection of a site for the construction of the County-City Building ................................................ 443, 444 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page C " 7-City Solicitor, advising the Council that the acquisi- tion of all property but one piece has been secured for the Playground area in Kelly Subdivision be- p tween Caledonia and Wilson Avenue, and further recommending that Elie remaining property be secured by right of eminent domain ......................... 452 " 16-City Council, Special Session ......................................... 456 " 1B-Crimmins Linda, Notice of Claim ............. ... 456 " 16-City Manager, submitting letters and information rrom the Iowa state tiignway Department concern- ing the changing of the speed limit on Highway No. 20 and Plaza 20 . ........................................458, 489, 500 " 16-Cunningham Rev. W., reappointed to the Human Rela- tions Commission ......................................................... 483 „ 28-City Council, SPecial Session ......................................... 484 " 28-Council proceedings for the month of September 1964, approved as printed ......................................... 485 " ZS-.Claims for the month of November 1964, proof of publication . .................................................................... 486 " 28-Continental Grain Co., offer to purchase 1.91 acres situated on the west shore of the 7th Street Har- bor . .................................................................................. 486 " 28-City Solicitor, submitting his opinion covering con- flict of interest as applies to the Urban Renewal Law . ................................................................................ 501 :{...:,. i~ INDEX -BOOK 94 1984 SUBJECT Page D Jan. 6-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, appointed official depository of public funds ......................................... 3, 60 " 6-Donath Otto, requesting a reason for his dismissal from city employment . .............................................. 8, 20 " 6-Donath Otto, submitting a statement to the City for using their land for drainage purposes. 8, 14, 20, 60, 192 " 6-Duschen Alvina, Notice of Claim ................................... 10 " 6-DubmeYer Andrew, Notice of Suit ................................. 10 " 6-Dillon Ann, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 127 . ........................................................................ 11 " 6-Duggan Regina, by Jahn Duggan Trustee, applica- tion for annexation of approximately 42.78 acres off the North Cascade Road ..................................... 11, 21 " 6-Delaney John M., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 13 " 20-DeLuew Cather & Company, Consulting Engineers to proceed with detailed plans, specifications for the construction of a Parking Ramp ..................... ...... 15, 51, 59, 95, 97, 99, 115, 124, 152, 173, 207 Feb. 10-Daylight Saving Time, to be observed from June 7, 1964 until September 6, 1964 .............................25, 117, 300 " 10-Dubuque Community School District, joining the petition of Westchester Inc. for annexation to the City of Dubuque ................................................... 26, 27 Mar. 2-Dubuque County-City Building, resolutions of various civic and charitable institutions in support of the Dubuque County Citizens Advisory Com- mittee . ..........................................................35, 36, 56 " 2-Decatur Street, vacation recommended by the Plan- ning & Zoning Commission . .................................... ~ " 2-D. A. V. Club, requesting refund on Liquor Permit. 45 " Z-Dubuque County Municipal League, submitting resolution to establish a Dubuque County Zoning Commission . .................................................................. 46 " 2-Dubuque Community Development Advisory Com- establishment of committee and setting mittee , out the duties and term of office ......................... 47, 48 " 16-Deckert Joseph H., recommendation of the City Manager that the vacated portion of the alley north of the City Garage be sold to abutting property owner . ....................................56, 57, 79, 150, 151 16-De Molay Week, requesting permission to clean wind- shields in the downtown area ................................. ~ " 16-Deutsch Florance, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 64 n of f ceme t or iv the en It eto re a rbert E April 6-Dilworth He sidewalk ordinance. 68 92 6-Daugherty Delbert, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 6-Daugherty Delbert, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. " 92 Beer 6-Dubuque Baseball Inc., granted Class "B Permd . ......................................................................... 93 " 6-Daugherty Delbert, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 93 " 6-Deininger George, reappointed to the Board of 94 Zoning Adjustment . .................................................... " 6-Daugherty W. J., appointed to the Airport Zoning Commission . .................................................................. 94 " 20-Dubuque Blacktop Co., requesting permission to connect to sewer and water in Garnet Street. 108 " 20-Daughters of the Union Veterans Mary Agard Tent No. 35, requesting permission to hold a tag day 108, 286 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page D " 20-Dubuque Packing Company, disposal by the City of interest ~m and to Lot I of Block 8, Rwer Front Sub. No. 3 and Lot 2 of River Front Sub. No. 4, upon certain terms and conditions ......................... ............................................................ 110, 126, 168, 191, 223 " 27-Delaney John N., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 145 ..................................................... 127 May 4-Deppe Edwazd A., et al., objecting to the improve• ment of Farragut Street ................................... ... 131 " 4-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co., exvacation policy. 148 " 4-Dubuque Summer Festival, requesting permission to have a fireworks display ............................................. 150 " 4-Dubuque Sports Bowl, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................................. 154 " 4-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......................................................... 154 " 13-Dubuque Federation of Labor, requesting permission to operate a Voter Registration Mobile Unit in the CitY .............................................. .................... ........ 156, 189 " 18-Dubuque Sports Bowl, requesting permission to have a fireworks display ..................................................... 164 " 18-Disabled American Veterans Fighting Back Chapter No. 8, requesting permission to hold a tag day..... 164 " 18-Dubuque Summer Festwal, appealing to the City Council for financial help for the surfacing of a parking lot on the Industrial Island ..................... 165, 205 June 1-Dodge Street, installation of street lights recom- mended by the City Manager ..................... .. 187 " 1-Dunphy Robert, Certificate of Attendance in Civil Defense Adult Education . ........................................ 188 " 1-Duggan Arthur Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit......... 204 " 1-Du gan Arthur Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 205 " 1-Dubuque Golf and Country Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ................................................................ 205 " 22-Donath Otto R. & Ellen E., Notice of Suit ................. 221 " 22-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, requesting permission to have fireworks display . ........................................ 222 " 22-Donath Patricia Ann, granted Cigarette Permit......... 230 " 22-Dubuque Boat Club, granted Cigarette Permit......... 230 " 22-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Cigarette Permit . .......................................................................... 230 " 22-Dubuque Packing Company, granted Cigarette Permit . .......................................................................... 230 " 22-Dunbar Otto J., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 230 " 22-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Cigar- ette Permit . .................................................................. 230 " 22-Driscoll Willard J., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 231 " 22-Dunbar Linnie, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 231 " eu oranc rant i arette Permit . ............ 22-D tsch FI e, g ed C g 231 " , 22-Daugherty Delbert, granted Cigazette Permit. ....... 231 " 22-Donath Patricia Ann, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 232 " 22-Driscoll Willard J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 232 " 22-Dunbar Otto J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit......... 232 " 22-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Class "A" Liquor Permit . ............................................................ 234 " 29-Donovan Melville L., granted Cigarette Permit......... 237 " 29-Duggan Arthur Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit......... 237 July 8-Dilger Mary, Notice of Claim ......................................... 243, 393 6-Dubuque Screw Products Inc., requesting permission to construct a loading dock . .................................... 249, 265 " 6-Danglemeyer C., requesting refund on heating permit 249 " 6-Delaney Milton, granted Cigarette Permit . ................ 256 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT D " 6-D. A. V. Club, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... " B-Diener Loraine, granted Cigarette Permit ................. " 6-Delaney Milton John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ~' 6-Delaney Milton John, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit . .......................................................................... " 6-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class ..A„ Liquor Permit . .................................................... " 22-Dalaell Mary Mrs., reappointed to the Recreation Commission .................................................................. Aug. 3-Dubuque County Historical Society, approval of the removal of the Log Cabin to the Ham House . ._ Property . ................................................................................ " 3-Duschen Alvin, Claim denied .......... ...................... i 3-Dubuque Bible Church, requesting annexation of property on Pennsylvania Ave .........................276, 297, " 3-Dubuque Insulation & Siding Co., requesting per- - mission to install a marquee at the Freund Pharmacy . ...................................................................... 276, t 3-Donath Patricia, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. that they are &Iling notif in the Cit n th Otto 8 D Sep . y , g y - o a in all five of their lots on Marmora Street ............. " 8-Dubuque Sports Bowl, requesting refund on Class ..B„ Beer Permit No. 51 ............................................ " 8-Delaney Milton J., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 90 . ................................................ " 8-Delaney Milton J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 265 . ........................................................ I 30-Dunbar Otto J., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 112 ................................................................... Oct. 5-Dubuque Federation of Labor, requesting that various registration locations for voting be estab- '' ~ lished throughout the City .:..................................... 329, 5-Dubuque Baseball Inc., requesting refund on Class I "B" Beer Permit No. 44 ............................................. " 5-Dock Board Commission, recommending that Janlin Plastics be granted an option for the acquisition of one acre of land in Industrial Park ................. 341, " 5-Disabled American Veterans Club Inc., granted Class B" Beer Permit . ........................................................ " 12-Dabuque Federation of Labor, opposing the opera- tion of parking meters later than 6:00 o'clock P.M. Nov. 2-Dubuque Insulation & Siding Co., requesting per- mission to erect a marquee at 1031-1033 Main Street . ............................................................................ " 2-Democratic Clubs of Iowa (Young), requesting per- mission to hold a parade and sell tickets in ~~ the downtown area ..................................................... " 23-Duggan Arthur Mrs., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 232 ............................................................ " 23-Duggan Arthur Mrs., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 65 .................................................... i ~' 30-Dock Board Commission, recommending the sale of approximately 1.34 acres of Lot 2 of Chemical i ~ Subdivision to Mutual Wheel Company .................. Dec. ~ 16-Dubuque County Abstract & Title Company, request- ing permission to excavate in the alley between Central and Iowa and Seventh and Eighth Streets " l 28-Douglas Jacob P., Notice of Claim ................................ Page Z56 257 257 258 258 269 271 273 324 286 284 292 301 302 302 323 350 334 396 345 347 394 394 420 420 424 458 487 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT f dan. 6-Erschen Paul, claim denied ........................................... Feb. 10-Easement of the City of Dubuque to Wayne R. & Pa tricia McDonnell, Richard B. & Genevieve Wold et. al., to travel upon, over, and across Lot 1 of Lot 52 of Burton's Addition and Lot 2 of Lot 51 of Burton's Addition .................................................. Mar. 2-Emerson Street, vacation recommended by the Plan- ning & Zoning Commission ........................40, 103, 247, " 2-Erschen Alice H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... " 2-Eagle Food Centers, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............................................................................ " 16-Ellsworth Theodora R., settlement of suit .................. April 6-Eleventh Street (West) from the east property line of Grove Terrace to the west property hne of Lot 13 of Caine's Subdivision, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Paving ..........86, 138, 196, 312, " 20-Emerson Street, vacation recommended by the City Manager ........................................................................ 103, May 4-Edwards Construction Co., sidewalk bond .................. June 1-Eagle Food Centers, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mits ................................................................................ " 22-Eagle Food Centers, Inc., granted Cigarette Permits " 22-Evarts Gene, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ " 22-Evans J. Russell, granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 22-Erschen Alice Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ............ " 22-Eagles Club, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ " 22-Ellis Victorina, granted Cigarette Permit .................... " 22-Elks Club, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ " 22-Evarts Gene, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .............. " 22-Evans Russell, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit........ " 22-Erschen Alice, granted Class "C" liquor Permit........ " 29-Eichhorn Lester and Marie, granted Cigarette Per- mit .................................................................................. Oct. 5-Electrical Code Committee, submitting a proposed Electrical Code for consideration and adoption ........................................................................332, 333, 394, " 5-Electrical Examining Board established to provide for the Examination and Registration of Electri- cal Contractors, Journeyman Electricians and Maintenance Electricians, and the collection of fees ..........................................................................333, 394, 5-Evans Joseph Russell, granted Class "B" Beer Permit Nov. 2-Election to be held on December 15, 1964, to vote on the proposition of annexing unincorporated territory to the City of Dubuque............398, 399, 475, Dec. 16-Everman Clayton M., Notice of Claim .......................... Page 9 31 304 54 54 57 366 247 148 205 229 231 231 231 231 232 232 232 233 234 237 434 431 345 476 456 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page F Jan. 6-Frommelt Leo F., appointed City Clerk ...................... 2 " 8-First National Bank, appointed official depository of public funds ....................................................... .......... 3 " 20-Fraternal Order of Orioles, Nest #11, requesting re- fund on Class "B" Beer Permit ................................ 15 Feb. 10-Frommelt Andrew G., power of attorney ...................... 19 31 ' 10-Frith Edwin & Agnes, grant of easement .................... 2-Finance Report, Street Finance Report for the fiscal Mar . year 1963 ...................................................................... " 2-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "B" Beer 50 Permit ............................................................................ 54 " 2-Fecker Anthony Louis, granted Class "C" Beer Per- 54 mit .................................................................................. April 6-Farragut Street, improvement with Concrete Curb and Gutter from the alley west of Rhomberg Avenue to the alley east of Rhomberg Avenue ...................................................83, 84, 133, 134 ................... " 6-Farragut Street, improvement with Bituminous Con- crete Paving from the alley west of Rhomberg Avenue to the alley east of Rhomberg Avenue...... 86, 137 " 6-FOye Street from the north property line of Clarke Drive to the south properly line of Lowell Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Paving . 86, 138, 196, ..................................... 312, 368 .......................... " 20-Flynn Coal Company, sidewalk bond ............................ 103 " 20-Frommelt Industries Inc., requesting permission to lease a tract of land adjoining their property on Huff Street ................................................................... 109 " 20-Fourth Street Storm Sewer, preliminary estimate and approval of plans, specifications, form of con- tract for the construction of a storm sewer from the existing sewer between Third and Fourth 112 111 169, 307 , , Streets .......................................................... " 27-Fuhrman Clothing Store, recommendation of the City Manager that the City purchase proptery located at Ninth Street and Central Avenue ......................... 127, 261 May 4-Fondell & Sons, Inc., excavation policy ......................... 148 June 1-Frazier Julia, Notice of Claim .................... .................... David Anthony, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. Fre 1 191 205 y - " 22-Farr Clara K. & Willard M., requesting the Council to maintain the north side of Highway No. 20, adjoining their property at Dodge and Lombard. it d P t ' 223 29 erm ......... e s Sinclair Service, gran " 22-Frank & Don " 22-Fecker A. L., granted Cigarette Permit . .................... it P tt 2 229 .... .. erm e " 22-Felderman Laverne, granted Cigare " 22-Finley Hospital, Sunshine Circle, granted Cigarette 229 Permit . ............................................................................ " 22-Fenelon Ken, granted Cigarette Permit ........:............ 230 " 22-Ferring Theodore J., granted Cigarette Permit......... 230 " 22-Fettgather Ramona M., granted Cigarette Permit..... 230 " 22~Fenelon William G., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 230 " 22-Friedman Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit......... 231 " 22-Fleckenstein Ray, granted Cigarette Permit ............... 231 " 22-Finch Alford F., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 231 " 22-Falkenhainer Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit. 231 Cigarette Permit ............. " 22~Freund Robert A., granted 231 . " 22-Fink Milton F., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 231 " 22-Fischer Bowling Lanes, granted Cigarette Permit..... 231 " 22-Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 568, granted Class .:B„ Beer Permit ................................................. 232 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page F " 22-Fettgather Ramona M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit . :................... .............. ........... ...... .. 233 " 22-Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 568, granted Class "A" Liquor Permit . ........................................ 234 " 22-Fleckenstein Clem, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 237 " 29-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ............................................................... 239 July 6-Frey David A., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 59 ............................................................... 250 Aug. 3-Fischer & Company Inc., excavation policy ................. 271 3-Fern Bert, on behalf of Carol Fern, Notice of Claim. 274, 411 " 3-First Church of the Nazarene, requesting removal of street light ............................................... ............. 276 " 3-Fettgather Ramona M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ........................................................................ 283 Sept. 8-Frommelt Leo F., authorized to sign routine papers on behalf of the City in absence of the City Manager . ........................................................................ 296 " 8-Francois Mazy, Notice of Claim . .................................. 298 " 8-Ferring Theodore J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 320 " 8-Friedman Leona R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 320 " 30-Francois Mary, Notice of Suit . .................................... 322, 411 Oct. 5-Frommelt George, sidewalk bond ................... . ........ " 5-Fleckenstein Clement R., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit . .................................................................................. 345 " 12-Fondell Andrew & Sons, requesting permission to excavate in Delhi Street and the alley between Iowa & Central and 11th & 12th Streets ................. 350 Nov. 23-Fire Station, preliminary work to be commenced on the Central Fire Station ............................................. 418, 429 " 23-Fondell & Sons, Inc., requesting permission to ex- cavate in Garfield Ave ...................................... .... 420 Dec. 7-Fire Prevention Code, the adoption of a code is urged by the Dubuque Codes Committee ......................... 487, 441 " 7-Felderman Laverne George, granted Class "C" Beer Permit . ............................................................................ 454 " 16-Flynn Coal Company Blasting bond ............................. 456, 498 " 16-Forrest Brendan, reappointed to the Human Rela- tions Commission ........................................................... 483 " 28-Fairway Drive, installation of a street light ................. 485 e INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 d 1964 SUBJECT Palle 1964 SUBJECT Page G ~ Mar. 2-Gross William D. et al., requesting preference in ll St t h 40 302 Jan. 6-Horgan Robert J., elected Mayor for the ensuing fis- ................. ree a the purchase of part of Mars , .......................................................................... cal Year 1 " 2-Geiser Grace, Notice of Claim . .................................... 41, 219 41 . 6-Hogan M. P., Power of Attorney..............:...................... 8 ......... 2-Groff Edith M., Notice of Claim ........................ .... " 6-Haudenshield Adele Leiser Notice of Clam ................. 10, 322 " 16-Guler William & Lucille, requesting permission to 60 geb. , 10-Hillcrest Builders Inc.,. petition regarding the installa- April excavate in Mineral Street ......................................... '..°'..°'°'..°"°"' Notice of Claim......... .. 6-Galloway Laura 70 lion of the storm sewer necessary for Block 22 " , , 6-Grove Terrace from the north property line of Ar- " Key Knolls Sub, referred to City Manager ............. 10-Hubert H. Theresa petition requesting vacation of 20 lington Street to the north property line of Wil- , Ruth Street denied 21 bur Street, improvement with Bitummnus Con- 139 i 86 et P 312 " ..................................................... 10-Howes Ann, settlement of claim . ................................ 22 " , , ng . ......:......................................... Cr e av 20-Goerdt Merl, excavation policy . ...................,.............. , 103 10-Healy Evelyn B., Notice of Claim..................................... 10-Huston Bernice Notice of Claim................... ............... '~' 23 23 " " 20-Glynn John F., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 12 113 219 , 10-Hartmann Leon L., requesting street light on Ven- ........ 27-Galliart Harold C., Notue of Claim ..................... 7, Eura & Pleasant View. ............... ................................. 24 37 May 4-Gantert Harry N., granted Class "B" Bger Permit. 154 " 10-Henry John requesting refund on Cigarette Permit , ~ June 1-Gratz Clarence, sidewalk Policy ..................................... 187 , No 72 25 ~ " '.i " 1--Groff Edith, Notice of Claim. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•~~•••°°°~°°°~ requesting streetlight in 1200 block on 1-Gardner Ediel 191 . . ............................................................................ 10-Hillcrest Builders, Inc., approving the general loca- ~ , .. Isborn Street 191 216 lion of the proposed Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer. " " 30 - ~ ..................... .............. .... .... .... ' ' ' ' '.' " ' 1-Glynn Beverly, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... , 204 10-Ha Bge Clarence J. Jr., granted Class Beer Permit. B 10-Hilllazd Joseph & Bernice granted Class "B" Beer 32 " 1-Giunta Marco, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 205 , Permit. ............................................................................ 32 ' 22--Gavin Marianne L., Notice of Claim ............................. 220, 430 „ 10-Heiderscheit John J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 32 " 22-Green Aeres Subdivision Picnic Group, requesting 10-Holscher Robert G. appointed to the Library Board. 33 permission to have fireworks display ..................... 222 Mar. , 2-Henkel Alma granted Class "B" Beer permit............. 54 ............... 22~Glynn Beverly, granted Cigarette Permit ..... 230 , 2-Hall John F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit............. 54 22-Gordon Lorraine, granted Cigarette Permit, ........ 230 " 16-Heal Evel B., settlement of claim y ~ ~ 22-Grant Raphael W., granted Cigarette Permit : 230 16-Holiday Restaurant, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 64 „ ' 22-Giunta Marco, granted Cigarette Permit.... d i tt P i 231 231 April 6-Haight, Davis and Haight, Inc., Actuarial Report of gare t ................. 22-Goetz Donal R., granted C e erm i 231 the Police and Fire Retirement Systems for the ~~ t ..................... 22-Gantert Harry, granted Cigarette Perm fiscal year ending December 31, 1963 . ................ 6S 22-Glynn John F., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 231 6-Heiden Leo, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer " - 22-Glynn Beverly, granted Class "C° Liquor Permit..... 233 Permit No. 139. """"'~"'~""""~~"""~~""""""" " " ' 74 ~ 22-Gordon Lorraine, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 234 , " 6-Heiden Leo requesting refund on Cigarette Permit " 22-Gantert Harry N., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 234 , No. 84 . ........................................................................... 74 July 6-Gatton Ellwood J., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 256 . 20-Humke Maurice sidewalk bond. .................................... 103 „ I 6-Grass Leo, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..............:.. " " 257 ~~ , 20-Hanten Cyril, sidewalk bond............................................. 103 Liquor Permit. 6-Gatton Ellwood J., granted Class C 256 20-Heinricy 3ulius, Claim denied ......................................... 105 1 22-Gross William D. & Pauline L., offer to purchase part 20-Heiden Leo, requesting refund on Liquor Permit No. of vacated Marshall St ................................................. 260, 278 C-2078 . ............................................................................ 108 " 22-Grass Leo B., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 268 20-Hahn Stanley, requesting a peddler's license without " 22-Glob Frank, reappointed to the Planning & Zoning fee ........................................................ .. .... 108 Commission. ...... ••••°~~°°'••'•°•~°"'°°"••'°°~"""°""""••••• • 269 May .... ........ . ........ 4-Heitzman Construction Co., excavation policy. ........ 148 ' 22-Guter Lawrence, reappointed to the Recreation Com- 4-Hillcrest Builders Inc. sidewalk bond.... .... .. ....... 148 Aug. mission . ....................................................................... .. 3-Gatton Ellwood J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 269 283 " , 4-Haupert Clarence, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 130 ................................ . 150 Sept. 8-Gatton Ellwood T., sidewalk bond ................................. 296 " .............. . ..... 18-Harris Leo N., Notice of Claim. ~-~~•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~••~~~•~~~~•~•~~ 160 220 I " " 8-Goerdt Excavating, sidewalk bond ................................. Notice of Claim............ 8-Gratz Leo P. Z97 298 June 1-Hillcrest Builders Inc., requesting street lights in , " , 30~rass Leo B., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit......... " " 326 „ Key Kno s Su iv~sion . ............................................ 1-Hough Lucille requesting refund on Class "B" Beer 192, 215 Nov. I Beer Permit..... B 2-Grant Raphael W., granted Class 404 , ' " 2-Grant Raphael W., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. sidewalk bond ......................................... 16-Guler & Sons 405 408 " Permit No. 115 ............................................................... 1-Hafeman Leonard A., ranted Class "C" Beer Permit. g 193 205 " , 23-Garage, preliminary work to be commenced for the 22-Hansen John Robert, notice of Claim. 220, 242 Street Egwpment Garage . ........................................ 418 22-Haas Gary Lee, Notice of Claim ...................................... 220, 392 Dec 7-Gruber Anna E., Notice of Claim ..................................... 431 ~~ 22-Hutchinson Robert, requesting refund on dog license. 223 . I~' I " 7-Goedert Melvin and Ann, granted Cigarette Permit. 453 22-Herberger Carl M., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 229 " 7-Gordon Lorraine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... " 454 22-Hagge Clarence J., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ Heid 22 rscheit J r d Ci h t J t P i 229 f B" Beer 7-Goerdt Melvin and Ann, granted Class " - gare e o n ., g an e te erm t......... 229 ............................................................................ Permit 454 22-Hunt George R., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 229 I . " 22-Homes Dorrance, granted Cigarette Permit................. 230 ~ " 22-Hartig Drug Company, granted Cigarette Permits..... 231 " 22-Hafeman Helen M., granted Cigarette permit ............. 231 c " 22-Healey Clifford, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 231 1964 July Aug. Sept. INDEX -BOOK 94 SUBJECT H 22-Hough Richard, granted Cigarette Permit . ............... 22-Helhng Anthony, granted Cigarette Permit. ........... 22-Holiday Inn Motel, granted Cigarette Permit. .. 22-Hillard Joseph P. & Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit . ............................................................................ 22--Hall John F., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 22--Hough Richard R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 22-Herberger Florence F., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit . ............................................................................ 22-Hillard Joseph P. & Bernice M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit . .............................................................. 29-Hantlemann Robert, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 29-Hancock WBliam F., granted Cigarette Permit......... 29-Henkel Alma, granted Cigarette Permit . ............. 29-Hemmer John P., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 29-Hemmer John P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 29-Henkel Alma, granted Class "C° Liquor Permit........ 22-Herting Edwazd J., Notice of Claim .... ................ Page 231 232 232 232 232 232 234 265, 3---.Haudenshield Adele Mrs., Claim denied . ................ 3-Ham's Addition, Lot lA, offer to dispose of interest to highest bidder ......................................................... LO-Hovind Carol C., Notice of Claim ................................. 8-Hartman Construction Co., sidewalk bond ................. 8-Flinz Construction Co., sidewalk bond . ....... .. .... 8-Hickson Street, requests for the installation of street lights. ................................................... 301, 8-Hammer David, Attorney for Mary Bauman estate, re- questing refund on an Auctioneer's license ............. 8-Hemmer John P., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 86 ..................................................... 8-Hemmer John P., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 238 ............................................................. 8-Helhng Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 8-Herburger Florence Brede, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................................. 8-HelBng Joseph P. granted. Class "B" Beer Permit. 30-Haudenshield Adele L., Notice of Suit .......................... 234 237 237 237 237 238 239 410 273 279 287 296 296 330 301 301 301 319 320 320 322 INDEX -BOOK 94 1904 SUBJECT Page H " 30-Hartzmann Hazold Nathan et al., petitioning for par- tition for the sale of premises at 1189 and 1191 Bluff Street.... 322 Oct. 5-Harrison & Rippel, offering their services as golf 329 course architects . ........................................................ 5-Hames Dorrance, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 345 " 12-Hirth Beatrice, objecting to the levy on Bituminous Paving on Chestnut Street ..................................... 351 " 12-Helhng Anthony & Bette, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ............................................................................ 386 " 12-Helhng Anthony & Bette granted Class "C" Liquor .......................................................................... Permit. •• 387 Nov. 2-Humke Maurice E., petition for water service in Garnet Street denied . ................................................ 392 " 2-Heidenreich William F. et al., relative to the splittng of Lot 7 in Glenview Subdivision ........................ 395, 415 " 2-Hickey David L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 404 " 2-Heitzman Alfred G., appointed Treasurer of the City of Dubuque . ................................................................... 407 7-H & B Communications, Corporation TV Cable, per- Dec . ' formance bond ............................................................. 428 " 7-Holz Edgar J. Mr. & Mrs., requesting street lights on Mayfair and Southern Avenue ............................. 428 " 7-Holy Ghost School, requesting permission to use West 30th Street from Central to Lemon Street, for playground PurPoses ............................................ 442 " 7-Hall John F, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit......... 455 " 7-Heitzman Alfred George, bond ....................................... 456 " 16-Halburton Louise Mrs., reappointed to the Human Relations Commission ................................................. 483 1984 Mar. April Jnne 3uly Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. INDEX -BOOK 94 SUBJECT Page 45 2-Iowa State Grotto Ass'n., requesting permission to hold a Parade ................................................................. 2-IOwa State Highway Commission,- contract with the City of Dubuque for the purchase of 8.5 acres and for an easement to approximately 15.1 acres......... ....................................................................... 52, 53, 76, .... 6-Iowa State Highway Commssion, relative to the City providing fire protection to the State Garage lo- cated on Pnmary Reads 61 and 151 ......................... 74, 6=Indiana Avenue from the east property. line of Born Avenue to the west property line Of Missouri Av- enue, improvement with Bituminous Concrete 196 139 86 i 312 , , , ng . .......................... .. ......... Pav 22--Iowa Commission for the Blind, Post Office Bldg., , granted Cigarette Permit . ........................................ 6-Iowa State Tax Commission, relative to the collection of delinquent taxes from City employees .:........... 22-Iowa State Hi hway Commission, agreement with the ima i f ry pr ntenance o City of Dubuque for the ma road extensions within the City of Dubuque, Iowa. 8-Iowa State Department of Health, relative to a com- plaint filed by residents in the 1400 Block of Southern Avenue ........................................................ 5-Iowa State Department of Health, relative to a com- plaint concerning conditions existing at 520 Kauf- mann Avenue ................................................................. 5-fbinger T. Robert, conveyance of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of -Block 8, River Front Sub. No. 3 in return for the rnnveyance of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Block 8, River Front Subdivision No. 3 ............................. 341, 2-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for Hawkeye Trailer Court owned by Raymond J. Papin . .............................................................................. 23-Iowa State Highway Commssion, Agreement with the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to purchase outright 0.16 acres of right of way along U.S. Highway No. 52 .................................. ............................................420, 427 28-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for mobile home to Donald Knapp ................................. 28-Industrial Bureau, recommending the sale of 1.91 acres of land situated on the west shore of the 7th Street Harbor ......................................................... 77 103 370 232 242 261 292 329 396 389 479 484 486 INDEX -BOOK 94 1904 SUBJE(,'T J Feb. 10-Jones Delbert Edward, granted Cigarette Permit......... 32, " 10-Jones Delbert, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... Mar. 2-Jacobson Steel & Supply Co., report, of the City Man- ager concerning ex~stmg conditions at the funk yard onElm Street ....................................................... " 2-Jasper Rosella, objecting to the vacation and sale of Marshall Street ............................................................. April 6-Jones Sohn, excavation Policy . .................................... " ~-Julien Motor Hotel, granted Class "B" Liquor Permit. June 1~Tulien Dubuque Summer Carnival Inc., granted Class `B" Beer Permit ......................................................... 205, " 1-Julien Dubuque Summer Carnival Inc., $10;000 set aside from the Rafferty Fund for purposes of purchasing materials for the parking area on Industrial Island .................................... ................ " 19-Julien Dubuque Summer Carnival Inc., granted Cigaz- ette Permit ..................................................................... " 19~Tulien Dubuque Summer Carnival Ina, granted Class `•C" Liquor Permit . .................................................... 213, " 22-Julien Motor Inn, granted Cigarette Permit ................. " 22-Jewell Dorothy M., granted Cigarette Permit ............. " 29~TUlien Dubuque Gulf Service, granted Cigarette Permit .............................................................. ..... . July 22-Jasper Donald Mrs., offer to purchase part of vacated Marshall Street .......................... ............................. 260, Aug. 3-Julien Hotel, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... Oct. 5~Tanlin Plastics Company, conveyance of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Bloek 8, River Front Siib. No. 3 inaeturn for the coveyance of Lot 'L of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Block 8, River Front Subdivision No. 3 ........................... 341, Dec. 7-Junk-Cars, report of survey concerning the storage of old automobiles on private property in the City, " 7-Jenni Edward, requesting street light in Fairway Drive . ........................................................... _................. 442, " 7-Jewell Dorothy M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. " 7-Jewell Dorothy M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. " 28-Jones Jahn, excavation polmy .................... Page 237 32 40 68 93 249 206 213 276 281 232 237 278 283 396 428 485 454 454 486 i IL ~. INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page 1964 SUBJECT Page K K Jan 0-Kean Mayor, thanking all for their cooperation over June 1-Kelly Lillian Ruth, requesting refund on Class "B" . the past year and submitting a brief report of accomplishments for the year 1963 ......................... 1 Beer Permit No. 107 .................................................. 1-Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 193 205 Feb submitting resignation from the 10-Kenline Robert " 22-Knoll Walter W., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 229 . , Dubuque Library Board ............................................. 18 " 22-Kenniker Gu Co u a a t w " presenting City with tape recording of 10-K D T H 22-Knights of l mbus t gr i Cigarette Permit. •~•• 229 , dedication of Bissell Harbor ..................................... 19 " 22-Kress Hubert, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 229 " 10-Kaiser Vincent J., name submitted by Dubuque " 22-Kurtz Floyd, granted Cigarette Permit. 22-Kratz Raymond A granted Cigarette Permit 231 231 Federation of Labor for position on the Dock 20 „ ., ............. 22-Kachevas James, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 231 " Commission. °~°••••"'°°•••••••°••'°"'°""'°°""""""""""' Notice of Claim ......................................... F SO-Kessler L 23, 104 '~ . 22-Kunz William, ranted Ci arette Permit. .................... o n 231 " . ., 10-Kuehn Archie T., requesting a restricted plumber's 22-Kanavas Theod re G., gra ted Cigarette Permit......... 22-Krajnovich Elizabeth granted Cigarette Permit 231 231 " license . .......................................................................... requesting refund on Cigarette 10-Kress Bernice E 24 " „ , ......... 22-K-Mart, granted Cigarette Permit......... 231 ., ....................... . 224 Permit No 25 „ 22-Karigan Frank, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 231 " ................................... .. . 10-Kenniker Guy, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... " 32 " 22-KoPPIe Harry, granted Cigarette Permit..................... 22-Kissell Archie G. granted Cigarette Permit 231 232 " " Beer Permit. .... 10-Kenniker Guy, granted Class "B appointed to the Board of Dock 10-Kaiser Vincent J 32 " , ................. 22-Krajnovich Elizabeth, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. " " 232 ., ................................ . Commissioners 33 22-Kanavas Theodore G., granted Class B Beer Permit. " " 232 . .......................... . 22-Krajnovich Elizabeth, granted Class C Liquor Per- Mar. 2-Kennedy Road, changing the name of Old Timers mit. ........................................................................ 234 Road to John F. Kennedy Road ............................ 44 ........ 22-Kenniker Guy G., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 234 " Alvy, requesting refund on Cigarette 2-Kennedy 29-Kelly Darlene R., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 237 . Permit No. 291 ............................................................. 45 29-Kehl Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit................. 238 " 2-Kennedy Alvy, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Jul y fi-Klin O. Knox, Power of attorne g Y ................................. 241 .......................................................................... Permit. 45 6-Kieffer Henry J. & Genevieve A., Robert J. & Maxine April 6-Klock & Son, sidewalk bond ............................................. 68 F. Shireman, offer of portion of Lot 1 of 3 of " 0-Kolck William R., requesting refund on a dog license. 74 Orchard Hills Subdivision to the City of Dubu- " 6-King Street from the east Property line of Fulton que, Iowa . ...................................................................... 253, 254 Street to the west property hne of Broadway, Aug. 3-Kunz William M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 283 improvement with Curb and Gutter ..........83, 84, 10-Kelly Linda S., Notice of Claim ..................................... 287, 412 ........................................................................135, 195, 308, 354 Sept. 8-Koerperick Edwin J., sidewalk bond............................. 297 " 8-Kennedy Road, John F., from the south property 8-Koenecke Helen, Notice of Claim ................................. 298 line of Asbury Street to the north property line 8-Kohl Francis T., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 319 of Pennsylvania Avenue, improvement with Con- 8-Kohl Francis T., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 320 Crete Curb and Gutter .................................83, 84, 133, 134 8-Knoll Walter W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit..... 320 " 6--King Street, from the east property line of Fulton 30-Keuter Delbert C., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 325 St. to the west property line of Broadway Street, 30-Keuter Delbert C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit..... 326 improvement with Bituminous Concrete Paving.... Oct. 5-Kopple Harry, granted Class "C" Beer Permit......... 345 ............................................................ 86, 139, 196, 312, 372 12-Kiefer Herbert, objecting to the assessment on " fr-Kennedy Road, John F., from the south property Chestnut Street For Bituminous Paving ................. 351 line of Asbury Street to the north property line 12-Kohl Francis T., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit... 387 of Pennsylvania Avenue, improvement with Hot Nov. 1E~Key Apartments Inc., requesting permission to exca- Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving ....:........BS, 89, 142 vote at the intersection of Angella and West " fi-Kerper Boulevard from the south property hne of Locust Streets ............................................................... 412 16th Street to the south property Ime of 12th 16-Koerperick Edward J., requesting release of cash Street, improvement with Concrete Paving with bond covering improvements in Forest View Sub- Integral Curb . ..........................90, 91, 146, 197, 402, 408 .................................................................. division. ........ 413, 485 " 20-Kopp Lyle, sidewalk band . ............................................ 103 Dec. 7-Kane John R., requesting permission to excavate in " 20-Kinney Elsia, Notice of Claim ......................................... 106, 243 West 5th Street. 442 " 20-Kerper Boulevard, established and named ................. 106 28-Kane Mark R., a resolution of appreciation and " 27-Kle~nschrodt Robert L., Notice of Claim . ................ 127, 190 extension of sadness at his passing......................... 500 " 27-Kurtz Floyd F., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 129 " 27-Kurtz Floyd F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 129 May 4-Kolek Richard et. al., objecting to the improvement of Grove Terrace ......................................................... 131 " 4-Kieffer Herbert et. al., objecting to the improvement of Arlington Street . .................................................... 131 " 4-Kaiser Joseph B., et. al., objecting to the improve- ment of Grove Terrace and West Twelfth Street. 131 " 18-Kifer Margaret L., Settlement of Claim ......................... 160 " 18-Kisting Andrew J., et. al., objecting to the proposed rezoning on St. Anne's Drive . ................................ 164 INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Pegs _ 1964, SUBJECT ~ L Jan. " 6-Ludwig Richard, sworn in as Councilman ..................... offer to purchase Lot 146A in 6-Launspach Carl 1 Oct. 5-League of Iowa Munici alites, re g P questin observance " . ....................................................... Finley's Addition. i i d l d 12, 28 37 of Iowa Industry Month." ................... .. 5-Loetscher Eugene A., selected b .Y...........g... Y the Cit Mana er Mar. " ......................................... a en e 2-Lammers Marc., c m 38 for the ofYice of Treasurer of the City of Dubu ue " ....................... 2--Luber John, sidewalk bond ...................... extending invitation 2-League of Iowa Municipalities q . 12-Loral College, requestin g permission to erect a ban- , to attend a legislative conference in Des Moines, I 39 Nov. ner across Main Street . ............................................ 2-Linehan & Molo Inc. & Anthony Helling conveyance '~ ' owa . ................................................................................ 2-Luchsinger Joe G., Settlement of Suit ............................. d f i d 41 , of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Cit y Dubuque, Iowa, sub ec y Lot 725 in the Cit of J t to easements for sanit on a og ng a re un 2-Livens Joel Mrs., request 45 ary and storm sewers, by the City of Dubu ue " license . ........................................................................... 2-Love Kenneth Jerome, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 54 ~~ q ............. 16-Lahey Mary Mrs., Settlement of claim......................... 16-Lil' Giant Food Stores ranted Ci April 6-Loral College, requesting the vacation and conveyance , g garette Permit. 16-Lil' Giant Food Stores granted Class "C" B of Catherine street lying between Lots 35 & 36 in , eer Permit ......................... Yates Sub. and Herron & Bairds Su .....7 , " " ................ ..... . etscher Dick, requesting that improvements be „ Beer Permit....... B 6-Love Donald M., granted.Class 93 made on Enid and Alpha Streets " 6-Lundeen Walter, reappointed to the Police & Fire Dec. .................. 7-Liquor Sales Profit Fund, $14,000.00 transferred to Pension and Retirement Board . ............................ 94 the Municipal Enterprise Librar F d " 20-Lynch Lester M., desire to purchase a 100' alley locat- y un ................. ed between Solon and Langworthy Avenue .......... 108 " 20-Link, Joseph F., John W. and John A., requesting an- nexation of their property west of the City of Dubuque . ......................................................108, 159, 188, 242 " 20-Lagen Louis J, reappointed to the Civil Service Com- .......................................................................... mission. 113 " 27-Lott Herman, elected Commissoner to serve on the County-City of Dubuque Authority ................. 119 May 4-Latham Ernest E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 154 " 4-Lynn Melvin C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit......... 154 " 18-League of Iowa Mumcipalites, extending information to attend a meeting on Low-Rent Public Housing in Des Moines, Iowa ................................................... 158 June 1-La Crosse Dredging Corporation, blasting policies..... 187 " 1-Lynch William, Certificate of Attendance in Civil De- fense Adult Education ................................................. 188 " 22-Latham Ernest, granted Cigarette Permit ................... 229 " 22-Lilly Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 229 " 22-Love Donald M., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 229 " ZZ-Ludescher John J., granted Cigazette Permit ............. 229 " 22-Lynn Melvin C., granted Cigarette Permit . ............ 230 " 22-Love Kenneth J., granted Cigarette Permit . ............ 230 " 22-Luchsin~er Ray and Angeline, granted Cigarette Permit . ............................................................................ 231 " 22-Langas Philip T., granted Cigarette Permit . ............ 231 " 22-Lampe Cy, granted Cigarette Permd . ........................ 231 " 22-Love Donald M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 233 " 29-Lanser Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 237 " 29-Laury Anna K. Rc Joseph Lenger, granted Cigarette Perant . ............................................................................ 237 " 29-Loral College, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 238 July 6-League of Iowa Municipalities, relative to Mayor's Court and handling of local couris ......................... 241 " 6-Leitch Starr, Power of attorney ..................................... 241 " 6-Love Kenneth Jerome, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit . ............................................................................ 258 " 22-Leitner Raymond, offer to purchase Lot 2A Hmn's Add'n. (vacated Stanton St.) .............................260, 279, 303 " 22--Loral College, requesting excavation permit ............. 266 Sept. 8-Lucas Howard F., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 319 " 8-Lanser Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 320 " 8-Lucas Howard F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 320 Page 329 331, 407 349 397 411 416 416 419 445 INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page 1964 SUBJECT Page Mc M Jan. 6-McCaughey Samuel Scott, claim denied ........................ 9 Jan. 6-Meyers William L., claim denied................................... Jr: J requesting dedication of an access 6-May C 9 " 6-McCraney's 1st Addition, Lot 1 of Lot 9, City to dis- 12 27 , . . road located off Kaufmann Avenue in the 800 Feb. pose of interest ............................................................. 10-McCarten Plumbing & Heating, excavation policy..... , 21 31 block . .......................................... .. .......................... B-Moore's Mill address by Mr. Edward G. Maas, re- 11 " 14-McDonnell Wayne R. & Patricia L., grant of easement. ... .. rant of easement & Martha Gle E 1 N 31 , minding the Council of the gentleman's agree- Mar. : ... , g n . 0-Mc amer 2-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 54 ment concerning the proposed project ................. 20-March of Dimes requesting permission to solicit 14 April 6-McNamara Earl J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 92 , funds 15 MaY ~-McDermott M. G., objecting to the improvement of 131 Feb. . ............................................................................ 10-Mettel Realty & Investment Co., grant of easement... 31 -June University Avenue ...................................................... 22-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 230 230 10-Miller Jack R., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 10-Miller Fay 32 32 " " 22-McNamer Noah, granted Cigarette Permit. ranted Cigarette Permit. ........ ard H l 231 , 10-Mellon Maurice H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 32 " , g ey ow 22-McCau 22-McGeough Joseph R., granted Cigarette Permit......... 231 Mar. 2-Mai Mel C., submitting resignation as a member of " 22-McCarty Marcella, granted Cigarette Permt ............. 231 Human Rights Commission....................................... 39 " granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 22-McNamara Earl J. 231 2-Marshall Street, vacation recommended by Planning " , 22-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Class C" Liquor & Zoning Commission .................................40, 103, 248, 302 .................................................................... Permit 234 2-Mohr Martha, Not<ce of Claim........................ 41 " . ........ granted Cigarette Permit ................. 29-McMahon Cecil 237 2-Municipal Court, appoint the American Trust & " , ........ granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 29-McMahon Cecil 238 Savings Bank as official depository of public " , , granted Class "B" Beer Permit..:.. 29-McNamer Noah 238 funds . ............................................................................ 46. 47 , 29-McCarty Marcella, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 239 2-Manning Terrance J., granted Cigarette Permit......... " " 54 July 6-McMahon Cecil J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 258 B Beer Permit..... 2-Miller Ione Mrs., granted Class 54 " 22-McAleece Gerald, reappointed to the Recreation Com- April 6-Manahl Clark E., release of sidewalk bond ................. 74 mission . ......................................................................... 269 " 6-Marycrest Subdivision, approval of plat of Bloek 4 of Aug. 3-McGeough Joseph R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. " " 283 Marycrest Subdivision 2 . ......................................... 77 Sept. Beer B 30-McCarty Jacqueline Helen, granted Class " 20-Marshall Street, vacation recommended by City Permit . ............................................ ............................. 326 Manager. .......................... 103, 248 Oct 12-McNamara R. J. et al., requesting annexation of prop- 20-Multiple Sclerosis Society, requesting permission to . erty . ................................................................................ 350 conduct a house to house canvass. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•••~• 108 Nov. 2-McCarty Marcella, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 404 ^ 27-Merchants Mutual Bonding Co., submitting a cer- Dec 7-McGeough Joseph R., requesting refund on Cigarette tificate of authority ..................................................... 127 . Permit No. 154 ............................................................ " " 442 May 4-Miller Delbert, requesting permit to excavate in " B 7-McGeough Joseph R., requesting refund on Class ................ ........................... Glendale Court. ................ 150 " Pernut No. 97 .......................... ...................... ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~~ ~ ~ °•° 16-McCarten Plumbing & Heating, excavation policy..... 442 456 4-Midwest Developers Inc., requesting annexation of property south of Pennsylvania Avenue.........150, 165, 200 " 4-Meyer Vernon Leo, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 153 " 18-Marycrest Subdivision No. 2, approval of plat of Lots 1 through 4, Block 1, Lots 17 through 29, Block 2, Lots 1 through 13, Block 3 and Lot A ................. 165 June 22-Miller Frank E. and Delbert, sidewalk policy .:........... 217 " 22-Midwest Developers Inc., requesting rezonmg of property on the east side of John F. Kennedy Road from single family to Light Industrial......... 222 " 22-Midwest Developers Inc., approval of plat of Lots 1 through 9 Block 1, Lots 1 through 8 Block 2, Lots 1 through 7 and Lots 11 through 17 Block 3, Lots 1 through 7 Block 4 in West Side Manor Subdivision . .................................................................. 224, 225 " 22-Meyer Vernon, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 229 " 22-Miller Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 229 " 22-Mescher Vincent W. & John F. Tench, granted Cigarette Permit . ........................................................ 230 " 22-Martin Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 230 " 22-Myers Russell E., granted Cigarette Permit. ... 230 " 22-Mercy Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigarette Permit. 230 " 22-Miller Jay, granted Cigarette Permit . ........................ 231 " 22-Manternach Richard, granted Cigarette Permit......... 231 " 22-Mellon Maurice H., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 231 " 22--Neill Cy., granted Cigarette Permit ............................. 231 " 22-Miller Ione, granted Cigarette Per[nit . .................... 231 s i Ili i [' ~~i~~! -I i ~i~~~ 1964 July Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. INDEX -BOOK 94 SUBJECT M Page 234 237 243 393 256 256 256 257 257 257 258 258 259 264 296 22-Myers Russell E., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 29-Manning Terrance J., granted Cigarette Permit......... 6-Moes Roger F., Notice of Clazm ..................................... 6-Meyer Louis J., Notice of Claim ..................................... 244, 6-Mardauss Thelma, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 6-Miller Earl, granted Cigarette Permit ......................... 6-Mohr John E., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 6-Miller John E., granted Cigarette Permit . ............. 6-Miller Earl C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 6-Meyer Vernon L., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit... 6-Miller Fay E., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit......... 6-Meitl Cyril, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ........ 6-Miller Ione, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ............. 22-Miller Della L., Notice of Claim ..................................... 8-Magnall Richard, sidewalk bond . ...................... ......... 8-Mettel Realty & Investment Co., requesting the an- nexation of a strip of land along the John F. Kennedy Road . ............................................................ 297, 8-Montcrest Street Sanitary Sewer, from existing sanitary sewer in Hempstead Street, then west- erly through Lot 74 of part of Mechanic's Ad- dition, thence westerly in Montcrest Street to the east property line of Woodworth Street . ............ ..............................................................309, 310, 337, 397, 8-Meitl Cyril N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 30-Mihm Mark David, Notice of Suit ................................. 30--Mt. St. Bernard Seminary, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit . .......................................................................... 5-Meggan Street, installation of street lights recom- mended by the City Manager ................................. 5-Moore Pervin B., Notice of Claim ................................. 5-Mescher A. Mrs., et. al., requesting sidewalks in the area from Chaney Road to Wahlert High School. 5-Mueller Alfred M., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 5-Mueller Alfred M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 5-Miller Earl C., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 12-Marion Street, request for additional street lights. 12-Muscular Dystrophy Association, requesting per mission to install cannisters in business estab- lishments and to canvass for funds ..................... 2-Marion Street, installation of street lights recom- mended by City Manager ....................................... 2-Myers Russell E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 30-Mutual Wheel Company, offer to purchase Lot 2 of Chemical Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa containing approximately 1.34 acres. .. .. 424, 30-Miller Frank E., requesting permission to excavate in Wilbricht Lane . .................................................... 7-Mueller Don, reappointed to the Board of Dock Com- missioners . .................................................................... 16-Mettel Link Addition, approval of plat of Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ..................................................... 325 478 320 322 325 330. 332 334 344 345 346 349 349 391 404 449 425 427 480 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT N Jan. 6-Nachtman Irvin, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 229 ..................................................................... " 6-Nachtman Irvin, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 58 . ............................................................ " 6-Noel June M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. Feb. 10-Nagelmaker Carl, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 10-National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit . ........................................ ................. .. . Mar. 2-Northern Natural Gas Company, offer to sell 7.943 acres of land to the City of Dubuque for $45,000. .................................................................................... 48, 391, April 6-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting excava- tion permit ..................................................................... May 4-Ney Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... " 4-Ney Raymond, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. " 4-Ney Raymond, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. June 22-National Food Store, granted Cigarette Permits. .... " 22-Noel John E., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... " 22-Ney Albert J., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... " 22-Navy Club, granted Cigarette Permit ............................. " 22-Neumeister John, granted Cigarette Permit . ............ " 22-Ney Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... " 22-Nagelmaker Carl, granted Cigarette Permit . ............ " 22-Ney Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... " 22-Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, granted Class B" Beer Permit . ........................................................ " 22-Noel June M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit......... " 22-Ney Albert J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit......... July 6-Navy Club, Ship 67, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. Aug. 3-Ney Albert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. Oct. 5-Nauman Cletus M., requesting a separation of assess- ment of curb and gutter and Bituminous paving in the proposed Nauman's Subdivision . .................... 334, " 5-National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit . ...................... .............................................. " 12-Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, requesting excavation permit ......................................................... Dec. 28-Northridge Drive, installation of boulevard type street Light ..................................................................... Page 11 11 13 32 32 427 75 153 154 154 229 230 231 231 231 231 231 232 232 233 234 258 283 460 345 350 486 INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page 1964 SUBJECT Page O p Jan. 6-Ordinance No. 1-64. An Ordinance Allocating and 20-Ordinance No, 10-64. An Ordinance Establishing making appropriations of tax levies and other ~ Terms and Conditions under which property own- sources of revenue to the expenditures for City ers in the City of Dubuque may connect house Government in the City of Dubuque, for the fiscal lateral sewers to the West 32nd. Street Sanitary - year beginning January 1, 1964 and ending Decem- Sewer and providing a penalty for violation there- .. ber 31, 1964 ................................................................... 5 of. .................................................................................... 107 " 6-Olson William Holt, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 13 20-Ordinance No. 11-64. An Ordinance Amending the Feb. 10-Ordinance No. 2-64. An Ordinance Amending the Bud- Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance known as Ord- finance No. 3-34 of the City of Dubuque to change get as approved by Resolution No. 146-63 and Ord- 4 43 24 Lot 37 of the Subdivision of M.L. 39 from its ............................................................. finance No. 1-6 , present Two Family Residence District Classifica- Mar. 2-O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks, audit of the lion to Local Business District "A" Classification. ~ City of Dubuque Water Department for the year (200 Block on Southern Ave.) .................................... 107, 161 ending December 31, 1963 ......................................... 38 May 4-O'Toole Charlene et al., objecting to the improve- ] ` 2-Ordinance No. 364. An Ordinance changing the ment of Rose Street ..................................................... 131 Name of Old Timers Road Extension which lies 4-Ordinance No. 12-64. An Ordinance Vacating the fol- within the City Limits to John F. Kennedy Road. 44 lowing portion of street and alleys: Catherine Z-O'Neill Fuel & Heating Co., requesting rezoning of street lying between lots 35 and 36 of Yates Sub- Woodlawn Park Addition. 44 division; and the alley commencing at the south- ' 16-Ohnesorge Mazk, Notice of Claim ........ .................. ~•~••~ " " 58, 243 easterly corner of Lot 33 of Yates Sub. and pro- ceeding westerly to O. L. 742 and lying between _ " A i6-Ordinance No. 464. An Ordinance Vacating Lot lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 & 43 of r i ` of Lorimers Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Yates Sub. on the north, and O. Lots 7 and t "' • Iowa . .............................................................................. 59 b h ~ 2 of Henion &Bairds Su . on the soot ;and e • Aprll 6-Ordinance No. 5-64. An Ordinance Vacating East 15 foot alle Y commencing at the west line of - ! Tenth Street lying between the east r...,.:..,y line Henion street proceeding westerly to O. L. 714 _ of Pine Street and the west property hne of Lot 1 and situated between the north 5 feet of Lot 3 in ' of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 in Fractional Congres- Henion &Bairds Sub. on the north and Lots 6, 7, _ - sional Lot 8 in Section 19, Township 89, Range 2 8 Hodgdons Sub. on the south, approving plat B East of 5th P.M. to be hereafter known and de- thereof and ordering publication of notice of ' scribed as Lot "A" of Vacated East Tenth Street intent to dispose of same ...................... ~-~•••~~~~~~~~"~~~ 149 . and Lot "B" of vacated East Tenth Street......... 71 4-Oleson Karl Henr r y, g anted Cigarette Permit......... 153 " An Ordinance Amending the 6-Ordinance No. 6-64 4-Oleson Karl Henry, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. " 154 . Iowa, by Building Code of the City of Dubuque 18-Ordinance No. 13-64. An Ordinance authorizing and , . repealing Sechon 2406 thereof and enacting a new providing for the issuance and securin the a s nu Section 2406 in lieu thereof containing general i ment of $1,250,000 Parking Facilitie Reve Bonds of the City of Dubuque Iowa under the sons pertaining to requirement for above prov ground tanks embankments and dikes .. 72 , , provisions of Chapter 390 of the Code of Iowa, " , . as amended, for the purposes of defraying the 6-Ordinance No. 7-64. An Ordinance Amending the cost of acquiring additional off-street motor Building Code of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by vehicle parking facilities in and for said Cit Y.... 158 173 - Re ealin sub-section 2 of Section 902 thereof and P g . , 18-Ordinance No. 14-64. An Ordinance establishing a . ~ enacting a new subsection 2 of Section 902 in lieu grade on Charter Street from the west property - ........•..•..°•.•.......•.•.••••.°..•••..°...°•°..... thereof ................. 73 line of Main Street to the East property line of ~ " 6-Ordinance No. 8-64. An Ordinance vacating the alley Salina Street ................................................................. 161 north of the City Garage to 15th Street and lying 18-Ordinance No. 15-64. An Ordinance establishing a in the Block between Elm and Pine Streets herein- grade on Kerper Boulevard from the North after to be known and described as Lot 187 "A" Property Line of Twelfth Street to the South in East Dubuque an addition in the City of Du- Property Iane of Sixteenth Street ........................... 162 buque, Iowa ................................................................... 78 " 18-Ordinance No. 16-64. An Ordinance Establishing a " 6-O'Neill Street from east property line of Brunswick grade on King Street from the East Property Street to the west property hne of Burden Av- Line of Fulton Street to the West Property Line enue, improvement with Concrete Curb and Gut- of Broadway Street ..................................................... 162 ter . ....................................................................83, 84, 133, 134 " 18-Ordinance No. 17-64. An Ordinance Establishing a " 6-O'Neill Street from the east property line of Bruns- grade on Sycamore Street from the North Pro- wick Street to the west property line of Sheridan perty line of Fourteenth Street to the South Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Property Line of Sixteenth Street ......................... 163 Paving ...................................................86, 139, 196, 312, 374 " 18-Ordinance No. 18-64. An Ordinance establishing a " 20-Ordinance No. 9-64. An Ordinance describing a cer- grade on Terminal Street from the South Pro- ~ I tain parcel of real estate and establishing and perty line of First Street to the North Property ,' N II naming a public street thereon. (Kerper Blvd.) .... 106 Line of Camp Street . ................................................ 164 s INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page 1964 . SUBJECT Page O ~ June 1-O'Lea Ben, Certificate of Attendance in Civil De ense Adult Education . ........................... 188 „ 22-O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks, report of " 1-Ordinance No. 19-64. An Ordinance Granting Du- audit of City of Dubuque for the fiscal year buque Motor Hotels Inc. and Inn Operations Inc. beginning January 1, 1963 and ending Decem- ber 31 1963 as owners of the Holiday Inn of Dubuque, Iowa, permission to encroach in Dodge Street to Can- , . ..................... .. .... ~ ~ ................................... 22-Ordinance No. 28-64. An Ordinance Authorizing Du- 263 struct Curb and Gutter for Parking Lot ................. 189 buque Screw Products Inc. to Construct a Loading " 1-O'Neill Denise, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 205 Dock in the alley in the rear of their premises 265 " 22-Ordinance No. 20.64. An Ordinance Vacating the alley Aug. . 3-Ordinance No. 29-64. An Ordinance Amending lying between Eighth Street and Ninth Street and Section E. of Schedule H of Ordinance No. 33-49 between Bluff Street and Locust Street . ............ 221 by Adding a New Subsection 3 Thereto Providing " 22-Oleson Karl H., granted Cigarette Permit ................... 229 that East Bound Vehicles must stop before enter- " 22-O'Neill Denise Mrs., ranted Cigarette Permit. 229 ing the intersection of North Grandview Avenue " 22-Oeschger Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 229 and Delhi Street. ........................... .. •~~~~~~-~•••~~~~~•~~~~~~ 275 " 22-Olson William H., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 229 Sept. 8-Ohmert Donald L., excavation policy. ........................ 297 " 22-O'Hara Richard, granted Cigarette Permit. 231 S-Ordinance No. 30-64. An Ordinance establishing a " 22-O'Mara Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 231 grade on the alley section between Cummins " 22-O'Neill Denise, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 233 Street and Belmont Street from Rose Street to " 22~Olson William H., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 234 Loras Boulevard ........................................................... 299 July 6-Ordinance No. 21-64. An Ordinance Amending 8-Oak Brook Subdivision, approval of plat of Block A Plumbing Ordinance No. 21-55 of City of Dubuque , Block 1, Block 2 and Block 3 in "Oak Brook Sub- byrepealing Section 33 thereof and enacting a „ division" in the City of Dubuque . .................... ... 315 new Section 33 in lieu thereof providing for ad- 3-Oeschger Thomas, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 320 ditiona] exception to the requirements of the Oct. 5-Ordinance No. 31-64. An Ordinance to establish an State Plumbing Code . ................................................ 244 Electrical Examining Board, to provide for the " 6-Ordinance No. 22-64. An Ordinance Amending City Examination and Registration of Electrical Con- of Dubuque Plumbing Ordinance No. 21-55 by tractors, Journeyman Electrcians, and Mainten- repealing Section 33 (b) thereof and enacting a ance Electricians, and the collection of fees and new Section 33 (b) in lieu thereof to permit new ~ to provide penalties for violations hereof.....333, 394 431 Jointing Materials . ...................................................... 245 , 5-Ordinance No. 32-64. An Ordinance to adopt by refer- " 6-Ordinance No. 23-64. An Ordinance Amending Sec- once a complete Electrical Code Regulating the lion 24 of the City of Dubuque Plumbing Ordin- Practice, Material and Fixtures used in the In- ance No. 21-55 to require payment of permit stallation, Maintenance, Extension and Alteration fee . .................................................................................. 246 of all wiring, Fixtures, APPliances and APPurten- " 6-Ordinance No. 24-64. An Ordinance Amending and ances in connection with various Electrical Changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Systems, to provide for the appointment of an Iowa, as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34 desig- Electrical Inspector, the Issuance of Permits for noted "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Electrical Installation and the Collection of Fees Iowa" so as to provide zoning classification for , to Establish an Electrical Appeal Board and to the area annexed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Provide Penalties for Violations hereof ................. 333 434 by Resolution adopted June 1, 1964 ..................... 247, 274 , 12-Ordinance No. 33-64. An Ordinance establishing cer- " 6-Ordinance No. 25-64. An Ordinance Vacating that lain annexed territory to the City of Dubuque portion of Emerson Street lying eastwardly of , Iowa, as within the 2nd voting precinct of the Garfield Avenue hereinafter to be described and City of Dubuque, Iowa ............................................. 347 known as Lot lA of Ham's Addition and approv- 12-0rdinance No. 34-64. An Ordinance establishing Ger- ing plat thereof. .... ...................................................... 247 lain annexed territory to the City of Dubuque " 6-Ordinance No. 26-64. An Ordinance vacating that , Iowa, as within the 13th voting precinct of the portion of Stanton Street lying eastwardly of City of Dubuque, Iowa . ............................................ 34g Garfield Avenue hereinafter described and known 12-Ordinance No. 35-64. An Ordinance establishing cer- as Lot 2A of Ham's Addition and approving plat lain annexed territory to the City of Dubuque thereof . .......................................................................... 248 , Iowa, as within the 16th Voting Precinct of the " 6-Ordinance No. 27-64. An Ordinance vacating the west- City of Dubuque, Iowa . ............................................ 34g erly 140 feet of Marshall Street lying east of the Nov. 2-Osterhaus Kenneth J., granted Cigarette Permit. 4p4 property. line of Garfield Avenue hereinafter to .. 2-Osterhaus Kenneth J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 404 be described and known as Lot lA and Lot 2A of 2-O'Mara Helen, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 404 McCraneys Addition and approving plat thereof. 248 ..... 23-Ordinance No. 36-64. An Ordinance amending the " 6-Orchard Hills Subdivision offer of portion of Lot 1 i budget as approved by Resolution No. 146-63 and O di Hills Sub, to the City of of Block 3 of Orcharr r nance No. 1-64 ..................................................... 456 457 Dubuque . ...................................................................... 253, 254 , 23-Oleson Karl Henry, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- " 6-O'Toole David L., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 256 mrt. ........,..........,,..--,.,,-.,,_,...„.••.-..-.•••......•.._......... .. 422 " 6-O'Meara Louis, granted Class "C" Beer Permit......... 257 Dec. 16-Otten Richard Rev., reappointed to the Human Relations Commission ................................................. 483 e INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page O " 28-Ordinance No. 37-64. An Ordinance adopting a fire Prevention Code for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prescribing Regulations governing Conditions Hazardous to Life and Property from Fire or Explosion, and Establishing a Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing Officers there- for and defining their powers and duties and providing Penalties for violatron hereof ................. 487 " 28-Ordinance No. 38-64. An Ordinance amending Or- dinance No. 33-49 by repealing Section 8.1 thereof and enacting a New Section 8.1 in lieu thereof fixing speed limit on Dodge Street at Thirty-five miles per hour from Bluff Street to the westerly city limits of City of Dubuque, and fixing speed limit in other areas of City of Dubuque, Iowa. 489 " 28-Ordinance No. 39-64. An Ordinance Prescribing Regulations for use of the City of Dubuque Municipal Parking Garage, fixing Fees for use thereof, Prescribing Powers of City Manager in connection therewith, and providing penalties for violation thereof . ........................................................ 489 " 2S-Ordinance No. 40-64. An Ordinance relating to Traffic and Regulating the use of Public Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prescribing Regu- lations relative to the Parking of vehicles upon such streets: Providing for the purchase, rental, installation, operation, maintenance, supervision, .regulation and control of the use of parking meters: defining and providing for the estab- lishment of Parking Meter Zones upon public streets and for an enforcement thereof and pro- viding penalties for the violation thereof; and for the repeal of Ordinance Number 7-47, 30-47, 2-56, 47-57, 9-59, 51-59, 8-60 and 32-61 ............................. 491 " 28-Ordinance No. 41-64. An Ordinance Prescribing Regulations for the use of the Municipally owned Parking Lots, Charging a fee therefor and Pro- viding a Penaity for the Violation thereof, and Repealing Ordinances No. 26-51, 61-57, 31-61 and 47-63 . .............................................................................. 494 " 28-Ordinance No. ' 42-64. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, known as the "Traffic Code" by adding a new Section hh to Schedule H thereof, Designating Eleventh Street as a through Street from the east property line of White Street Eastwazdly to the present terminus of Eleventh Street ............. 496 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT O " 28-Ordinance No. 43-64. An Ordinance Amending Ordin- ance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, known as the "Traffic Code" by adding a new section 105 to Schedule VI thereof prohibiting pazking on the north side of Loras Boulevard from Henion Street to Alta Vista Street ................. " 28-Ordinance No. 44-64. An Ordinance Amending Ordin- ance No. 33-49 as amended, known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 16.6 thereof and enacting a new section 16.6 in lieu thereof governing the parkin of motor vehicles in a parking meter space adjacent to a pazking meter and limiting the time during which a motor vehicle may be parked thereat . ............................ " 28-Ordinance No. 4564. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, so as to change certain urooerty hero- Lcscncc~ ciassuicaUOn to "Local Business District A Classification" . ............ ... .......... ... " 28-Oeth Arthur H., requesting~~~street lights on Oeth Court . ..................-----. _. Page 497 497 498 498 1 r 1964 Jan. Feb. Mar. April INDEX -BOOK 94 SUBJECT Page P 6-Pfohl Eldon A., sworn in as Councilman ..................... 1 20-Parking Ramp, recommendation of the City Manager that DeLeuw Cather & Company proceed with detailed plans, specifications and contract docu- ments for the construction of an off-street park- ing facility at 9th & Locust Streets ......................... .................................... 15, 51, 59, 95, 97, 99, 115, 124, 152, 157, 173, 207, 208, 209, 211, 425 10-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition requesting vacation of Ruth Street . ........................ ............ ...................... 21 10-Platt Bernice, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 102 ............................................................. 25 10-Platt Bernice, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 278 . ................................................................ 25 2-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of Marshall, Decatur Emerson and ~ Stanton Streets, and retaining S tiras Ave ............. .............................................................. 40, 103, 247, 248, 278 2-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate in Davis and Balke Streets ................. .... 45 2-Page Hotel, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 54 i6-Plaza 20 vs City of Dubuque and Joseph Polfer, Notice of Sutt . ............................................................ 58 16-Palm Cletus, requesting permission to excavate in Pennsylvania Avenue . ...................... ........... .. 60 16-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Sunset Park Subdivision . .................................... 61, 202 6-Pusateri Sam T., announcing the purchase of land for the development of a public golf course, located 8 miles north of Dubuque ......................... 68 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning of Lot 37 of the Sub, of M. L. 39 from Single Family to Local Business "A", located on Southern Avenue . ............................ ............. 70, 107 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning of Lot 28 and 29 in Lenox Addition to Multiple Residence District be denied ..................... 70 6-Pentland Kenneth, Notice of Claim ............................. 70 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of East Tenth Street ................................. 71 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Block 4 of Marycrest Sub. No. 2 ............................. 77 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of West Flora Subdivision . .................... 78, 109, 114, 236 6-Pennsylvania Avenue, improvement with Concrete Curb and Gutter from Section Corner, Sec. 21, 22, 27 and 28 to the west property line of Key Knolls Sub . ................................................ 83, 84, 133, 134 6-Park Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Surfacing from the east property line of Mt. Pleasant Street to the east property line of Lot 50 of Voelker Highlands ................. 86, 139, 196, 312 374 6-Pennsylvania Avenue, improvement with Hot Mix- Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from Section corner, Sec. 21, 22, 27 & 28 to the west property line of Key Knolls Subdivision .........................88, 89, 142 20-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate in Garfield Avenue . ........................................ 108 20-Planning & Zoning Commission, relative to "West Flora" Subdivision and the owner of the property just north of the proposed Subdivision . ............ 109, 114 ' INDEX -BOOK 94 4' ,t; 1964 SUBJECT Page P R`. 23-Palm, Cletus and Javetta, acceptance of resolution is approving plat of "West Flora" Subdivision......... 109, 114 May 4-Property Owners requtred to make sewer, water and gas connections from the mains to the curb line on streets included in the City of Dubuque 1964 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Pro- ' ject No. 1, City of Dubuque 1964 Bituminous Concrete Paving Project No. 1 and City of Du- buque Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. 1, prior to June 15 1964 .............................141, 144, 147 " 18-Planning & Zoning Commisston, recommending that the petition of Joseph F., John W., and John A. Link for Annexation be denied . ....................159, 188, 242 " 18-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that the petition of Lester M. Lynch, requesting the vacation of an alley lying north of Solon Street be granted . .......................................................................... 159 June 1-Park Board Parking Lot Projects at Eagle Point Park, Ham House and surfacing of road at Grandview Park . .............................................................................. 198 " 1-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending approval of plat of "Clover Hills" Subdivision..... 198 " 8-Parking Ramp Revenue Bonds 1n The Amount of $1,250,000 . ...................................................................... 207, 208 " 22-Park Board, requesting Council action on beautifying highway entrances into the City ............................. 215 " 22-Park Board, advising Council that they have accepted 4000 square feet of land from Orchard Park, Inc. 215, 253 " 22-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that a new Zoning Ordinance be prepared to replace Ordinance No. 334 . .................................................... 220 " 22-Pfohl Eleanor A., Notice of Claim . ............................ 220, 410 " 22-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of the alley between Eighth and Ninth between Bluff and Locust Streets ......................... 221 " 22-Pauly Cletus N., granted Cigarette Permit . ............ 230 " 22-Planning & Zoning Commtssion, recommending approval of plat of Block 8 Sunrise Heights Subdivision, and of West Side Manor Subdivision. 224 " 22-Polfer Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 230 " 22-Pusateri Michael F., granted Cigarette Permit......... 230 " 22-Page Hotel Company, granted Cigarette Permit......... " 231 22-Pfab Sally, granted Cigarette Permit . ........................ 231 " 22-Pauly Cletus N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 232 " 22-Pauly Cletus N., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 234 " 29-Poulos Andrew, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 237 July 6-Peoples Natural Gas Division, Statement of Operating Income for 1963 . ........................................................ 241 " 6-Plumbing Ordinance to be amended as recommended by the Plumbers Association and the Building Code Committee . ........................................................ 244 " 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the zoning of the following areas lying in the NE'/a of the NE'/a of Section 28, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P. M., to Light Industrial District, Local Business "A" and Single Family Residential District . .................................................... 247, 274 " 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the acceptance of offer of Orchard Hills Subdivision of Lot 1 of Block 3 to the City of Dubuque......... 253, 254 " 22-Park Board, relative to the moving of the Park Board office . ............................................................................ 260 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page P " 22-Park Board, relative to the removal of horseshoe courts at Flora Park ................................................... 263 22-Petrakis John, reappointed to the Recreation Com- mission . .......................................................................... 289 Sept. 8-Peterson Lloyd L., reappointed to the Airport Com- mission . .......................................................................... 293 " 8-Peterson Theodore E. and Mary E., ordered to dis- mantle and clean up premises at 1250 Washington Street . ............................................................................ 293 " 8-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the Annexation of areas to the west, southwest and northwest of the present city limits ..................... 297 " 8-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate in Davis Avenue and Second Street ............. 300 " 8-Pusateri Michael F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 320 " 8-Petty Margaret, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 320 Oct. 5-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate in Woodlawn Street and in Delhi Street..... 333 " 5-Pfab Sally, requesting refund on Cigazette Permit No. 198 . ........................................................... .... 334 " 12-Patch C. N., objecting to improvement of Rush Street because of a faulty curb ............................. 352 Nov. 2-Papin, Raymond, issued license for Hawkeye Mobile Trailer Court .......................... ........ ... 389 " 2-Peoples Natural Gas Company, sale of property on East 10th Street to the City of Dubuque......... 48, 391, 427 " 2-Peoples Natural Gas Co., requesting permission to excavate in Angella Street ......................................... 394, 419 " 2-Presentation Sisters, requesting that Lots 2 and 3 Byrnes Sub. be included in annexation proposal to be voted uPOn ......................................................... 398 " 16-Peterson L1oYd L., bond ................................................. 408 " i6-Planning & Zoning Commission, advising the City Council of the duties of the City Planner ............. 409 " 16-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate in Glen Oak Street ..................................... 412 " 16-Powers Philip A., requesting rezoning of Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Powers Farm from Single Family to Local Business District "A" ..................................... 413 " 30-Parking Ramp rates and charges and hours estab- lished by the City Manager ..................................... 425, 489 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page P Dec. 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that the block bounded by Ninth, Tenth, Central and Iowa Streets be reserved for the location of the proposed Fire Station ................ „ .............................. 429 ... 7-Pape LeRoy et al., requesting sidewalks for the azea surrounding St. Anthony's School . .................... " 442 .... 7-Planning & Zoning Commissions approving site for the proposed County-City Building .................. ...... " 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of "Vor- 443 wald Place," and recommending the rezo in f n g o the northerly 300 feet to Local Business "A".... 446 16-Pfohl Councilman, submitting resolution requesting that the City of Dubuque proceed at once to obtain the necessary traffic control equipment at Plaza 20 . ........................................................................ 459, " 16-Planning & Zoning Commission approval of plat 500 of Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Mettel-Link Addition . .................................................... . " 28-Park Board, su ~ ~'~"'"' "' ggesting that no trees be removed ~0 from Grandview Avenue if and when construc- tion or surfacing takes place ................. " 480 28-Parking Meter Zones and Municipal Parking Lots , Regulation and Use ..................................................... 491 " 495 , 28-Plaza 20 Devon Drive and U. S. Highway No. 20, i l nstal ation of proper electrical traffic control lights and the installation of a traffic turn lane at the intersection of Devon Drive, Highway 20 and entrance to the K-Mart ..................................... 500 INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUI3JECP Page ~ r - i964 SUBJECT Page - R R Jan appointed City Solicitor ............................. N 6-Russo R 2 22-Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. " " 234 . ' ., . 6-Reilly Monica, offer to purchase Lot 1 of Lot 9 of ' 27 22-Rawson Celeste, granted Class C Liquor Permit. 22-Riverside Bowl Incorporated granted Class "C" 234 s 1st Addition ............................. part of McCraney 12, , Iaquor Permit . ............................. .. .. ' ' '-""""""""""""' 234 Feb 10-Ruth Street, petition re uestin vacation denied......... q g 21 ~~ 29-Reilly Joseph Oliver, granted Cigarette Permit........... 237 . " 10-Reiter Eldon F. Mrs., Notice of Claim ......................... 23 29-Ruegnitz Robert, granted Cigarette Permit................. 237 Mar bond ..................................................... 2-Russo Romolo N 38 29-Rieke Clce{ta L., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 237 . " ., 2-Rupp Barbara, Notice of CIaim ..................................... 40, 264 Iuly 6-Richard Andrew J., approval of plat of Block 9 of Sunrise Hei hts " " 2~Reisdorf Thomas S, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. treet li ht on tin 54 g . .................... ...................................... 6-Roling Vincent, objecting to development of land 254 g g a s 16-Rieselman Harold J., reques 60 70 abutting his property ................................................. 259 White Street . ........................................................ , „ 22-Roshek Bros., requesting permission to hold aChrist- April 6-Rettenberger Tree and Landscape Service, sidewalk mas Parade . .................................................................. 266 ....................................................................... bond. .. 68 22-Recreation Commission, requesting a meeting with " 6-Rose Street from the east property line of Alta Vista the Council to discuss future golfing facilities..... 271 Street to the west property hne of W nut Stree , Aug. 3-Ring Louis A, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 283 improvement with Bituminous Concrete Paving. 3-Riverside Bowl Inc, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 283 ................................................................ 86, 139,196 312, 375 Segt. 8-Biedel Evelyn, Notice of Claim..................................... 298 " 6-Rosedale Avenue from the west property line o 8-Ryan Tree & Landscape Service, release of side- Avoca Street to the east property line of Asbury walk bond . .................................................................... 300 Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete 8-Randalls Foodarama, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 320 Paving ....................86, 139, 196, ~~ -~••~~~~~~ 312, 377 Oct. 5-Registration of Voters to be held in various places " 6-Rush Street from the east property line of Bryant from October 19 to October 23 inclusive ................. 329 SUeet to the west property line of Villa Street, 5-Rink $ay et al., requesting street lights on Avoca improvement with Bituminous Concrete Surfac- Street . .................................................................... 333, 408, 418 ing . .................................................... 86, 139, 196, 312, 378 - 5-Reisdorf Thomas S., requesting refund on Cigarette " 6-Reilly Joseph Oliver, granted Cigazette Permit......... 92 permit No. 200. .. ......................................................... . 334 " 6-Reilly Joseph Ohver, granted Class "C" Beer Per- S--Reisdorf Thomas S., requesting refund on Class "B" mit . ................................................................................. 92 Beer Permit No. 23..................................................... 334 " 20-Recreation Commission, submitting options on prop- 5--Reisdorf Joseph, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 345 erty to be considered for the establishment of Nov. 16-Richazd Construction Co., requesting permission to a playground in We area of Hill and Caledonia excavate in 30th Street. ............................................ 412 ........................•,,,.-,......-.,,,,,.............................. Streets. 101 16-Retail Merchants Bureau, requesting permission to " 20-River States Oil Equipment, requesting right of way hold a parade. .............................................................. 413 or sale of a piece of property located near the 16-Richard Construction Co., requesting permission to Fengler Street overpass ............................................. 109, 126 install four boulevard lights on Northridge Drive. 413, 486 " 23-Roshek Frank J., condemnation proceedings to be in- 23-Republican Central Committee, endorsing pro- stituted to acquire the property owned by him on posed Annexation program . .................................... 418 the northwest corner of 8th & Locust Streets. 115 23-Recreation Commission, requesting that $2900 be May 18-Riverfront Subdivision No. 4, approval of plat......... 168 D made available to them for Petrakis Park ............. ti 7 R i i bl 419 " granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 18-Rieke Cloetta L. 172 ec. ecrea - on Comm ss on, esta ishment of a Play- June , 1-Roth Arthur, Certificate of Attendance in Civil ground area north of Hill Street and south of West Eighth Street between Caledonia and Wil- " Defense Adult Education ........................................... 22-Roshek Realty Co., relative to parking for doctors 18S , son Streets ..................................................................... 7-Roeder Marcella granted Class "B" Beer Permit 452, 453 454 who are tenants in Roshek Bldg ........................... 216 " , ..... 7-Radloff Otto L & Minnie M. gra ted Cl ss C " 22-Richards Andrew, approval of plat of Block 8 of , - Permit. ....................... ... ... n a " '~ 454 " Sunrise Heights. .................................: ~~~~~~••°°~~°~~••~~~~ 22-Ring Louis A., granted Cigarette ?ermit . ............... 224 229 . . ............. ..........._ ...... .. 16-Roman Realt re uestin consideration in y, 4 g possible purchase of unimproved portion of Whittier " 22-Rink Louis G., granted Cigarette Permit . ...:............ 229 Street ................................................ . 457 " granted Cigarette Permit......... 22-Riverside Bowl Club, 229 .. ........................... " , 22-Radloff Otto & Minnie, granted Cigarette Permit..... 229 " 22-Roshek Brothers, granted Cigarette Permit . ............ 229 " 22-Randall's Inc., granted Cigarette Permit . .. ............ 230 " 22-Rieke Cloetta L., granted Cigarette Permit . ............ 230 " 22-Riekena Doris Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 230 " 22-Rawson Celeste, granted Cigarette Permit . ............ 231 " 22-Rommel Roger, granted Cigarette Permits ................. 231, 413 " 22-Roby Elmer, granted Cigarette Permit ......................... 231 " 22-Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 231 22-Roeder Marcella, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 231 " 22-Reisdorf Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit . ............ 231 " 22-Rawson Celeste A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 232 INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX - BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page 1964 ` SUBJECT Page $ $ Jan. 6-Schreiber Councilman, statement of thanks to all for >' 6-Stecklein Richard N., granted Class "B" Beer Per- past courtesies and cooperation . ............................ 1 ~ •. mit. '~~~•""••~'~~~"'•••~~ ~'~~~~~'~'~'~~~~~~~~~~'~~"-••'~•"'•"""""""""" 92 " 6Ste er Construction Co., excavation olic g P Y• ~~~~~~~~•~~••••• 9 - '- " 20--Stanton Street, vacation recommended by City 6Swift John J., claim denied . ........................................ 9 ~_ _ Manager. ................... ..................................................... 103, 248 ~, 6-Smith Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permit......... 13 ~; 20-Schuster Clarence, Claim denied ..................................... 104 ' 6Sarris Giannoula, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 13 r. " 20-Steuer Robert, Claim denied ........................................... 104 " 6Sarris Patricia, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 13 r " 20-Schulze Fred W., Claim denied ..................................... 105 " 6-Scholtes Emily, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 13 ± blay 4-St. Mary's Home, objecting to the improvement of Feb. 10-Steger Construction Co., excavation policy ................. 21 1 Carter Road. .133, 141, ~~~~'~"'~"'~~~"~~~~~~~~'~~'~~~~"~'~"'~ 394, 485 lOSaf ran Construction Co., excavation olicy ................. P 21 " 4-Sewer, Water and Gas Connections, abutting property " 10-Schwartz Hazel A., Notice of Claim ............................. 23, 105 owners on streets included in the City of Dubuque " 10-Scherrer Agnes J., Notice of Suit ................................. 23 1964 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving " 10-Storm Sewer, completion and acceptance of an 84" Project No. 1 and Bituminous Concrete Paving storm sewer in Clover Hills Addition ..................... 29 Project No. 1, ordered to connect from the mains " 10-Sanitary Sewer, preliminary estimate, plans and to the curb line prior to June 15, 1964..... 141, 144, 147 specifications for the construction of the twelve " 4-Shaffer Fay S., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 153 inch Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer commencing ' 18-Scholl James J., sidewalk bond. 159 at the existing sanitary sewer in Pennsylvania " 18-Schromen Kenneth, sidewalk bond ................................. 159 Avenue . .............................. 29, 30, 56, 63, 64, 226, 339 " 18 Summer Festival appealing to the City Council for " lOShanahan J. T., grant of easement ................................. 31 financial help for the surfacing of a parking " lOSchneider Eva Olds, grant of easement ..................... 31 area on the Industrial Island. ................................ 165 Mar. 2Stanton Street, vacation recommended by the 1SSanitary Sewer, completion and acceptance of Planning & Zoning Commission . ............................ 40, 303 Thomas Place Sanitary Sewer................................. 167, 250 2Shiras Avenue, recommendation of the Planning & 18Storm Sewer, preliminary plans, specifications and Zoning Commission that the street not be vacated. 40 form of contract for the construction of a storm " 2Sullivan Mary A., appointed Deputy Clerk of Munici- _ sewer in Fourth Street ............:........................ 169, 170, 307 pal Court . ...................................................................... 45 June 1Simon Vern, sidewalk bond............................................. 187 " 2Street Finance Report of the City of Dubuque, 1-Smith Marie, Notice of Claim . .................................... 191 Iowa for 1963 ................................. ............ ... 50 1Smith JoAnn E. et. al., requesting annexation of " 2-Schneller Mathias A., granted Class "B" Beer Per- propert east of John F. Kennel Road. Y Y ............ 192 init . ................................................................................ 54 1Schiltz Development Corporation, George W. & " 2Schroeder Donald, granted Class "C" Beer Permit..... 54 Bernice M. Paisley, requesting annexation of " 16-Schiltz Construction Co., release of sidewalk bond. 60 approximately 69.5 acres ..................... ...... ~~ 201, 228 " 16Sunset Park Subdivision, approval of plat of Lots 16 ~ ' 1-Sunset Park Subdivision No. 2, approval of plat of through 1S inclusive Block 4, Lots 15 through 24 Lots 1 through 31 Block 1, Lots 1 through 25 inclusive block 6, Lots 1 and 2, and Lots 15 and Lots 37 through 46 Block 2, Lot 1 Block 3, through 17 inclusive block 8, Lots 1 through 4 Lot A and Lot 1 Block 4, Lots 1 through 9 Block and lot "A" Block 9, and Lots 1 and 2 Block 10. 61 5, Lot 1 Block 6 and Lot 1 Block 7 ................................. 202, 203 " S6Southern Lounge, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 64 1Schollmeyer Paul W., granted Class "B" Beer Per- April 6Shireman Robert, sidewalk bond ..................................... 68 mit. ................................................................................. 205 " 6-Strub Raphael H., sidewalk bond ................................. 68 1-Sfikas Pete & Gust Karigan, granted Class "B" Beer " 6Stowell Insurance Agency, Notice of Claim ............. 70 Permit. .......................................................................... 205 " 6Saffran George, approval of plat of Block 4 of Mary- 22Schadler John, sidewalk bond . .................................... 217 crest Sub. 2 . ................................................................ 77 22-Stoltz Marion G., Notice of Claim. ................ ............... . 220, 430 " 6Sanitary Sewer, West Thirty Second Street Sanitary 22Smitty's Excavating Service, requesting permission Sewer completed and accepted . ............................ 82 to excavate in alley between 1st and 2nd Streets " 6-Sycamore Street from the north property line of East and Locust and Main Streets . .................... ... 222 16th Street to the north property line of East 22-Scholtes Emily Ione, requesting refund on Class 14th Street, improvement with Concrete Curb "B" Beer Permit No. 8 . ........................................ 223 and Gutter ................................. 83, 84, 135, 195, 308 355 22-Sunrise Heights, approval of plat of Block 8............. 224 " 6-Shiras Avenue from the old City Limits to Eagle 22Specht Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 229 Point Park Entrance, improvement with Concrete 22Steffen Jerome C., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 229 Curb and Gutter . ................................................ 83, 84, 134 22-Smith Mark R., granted Cigarette Permit................. 229 " 6Shiras Avenue from old city limits to Eagle Point 22~Shaffer Fay S., granted Cigarette Permit . ................ 229 Park Entrance, imr.... ~...ent with Bituminous 22-Sullivan Robert E., ranted Ci arette Permit. 229 Concrete Paving . .................................................. 86, 87, 137 22-Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Cigarette Permit. 230 " 6Sycamore Street, from the north property line of 22--Stampfer J. F., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 230 East 16th Street to the north property line of 2? Sand Donald, granted Cigarette Permit . .................... 230 East 14th Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot 22Schuster Donald W., granted Cigarette Permit......... 230 Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving . ............................ 22-Stecklein Richard N., granted Cigarette Permit......... 230 . ........................ 88, 89, 143, 196, 414, .............. . 460, 474 22-Savory John L. & Viola, granted Cigarette Permit..... 230 " 6Schwartz Ethel, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 92 22Schollmeyer Paul W., granted Cigarette Permit......... 230 " 6Schwartz Ethel, granted Class "B' 'Beer Permit......... 92 27 Sarris Jenny, granted Cigarette Permit. 230 SFiw :: INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page ~ 1964 SUBJECT Page s S " igarette Permit ................. 22---Scherr James J., granted 230 ~. " " 22~chaffert Lincoln G., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 22-Sarris Patricia Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit......... 230 230 " 8-Strotz Paul J., ordered to dismantle buildings and " 22-Scherer Emma Mrs., granted Cigazette Permit......... 231 231 - _ _,z clean up premises at 2555 Elm Street......... 294, sidewalk policy 8--Sharkey Charles 335, 350 296 " 22-Steffens John, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... i 231 , . ................................ Settlement of Suit. 8--Schill Clara 299 " " t ............................. 22-Sun Leo, granted Cigarette Perm granted Cigarette Permit . ................ 22-Schwartz Ethel 231 g- , .................................... 8-Schiltz Construction Company, requesting street " , granted Cigarette Permit......:.. 22-Schneller Mathias A. 231 lights on Meggan Street . ........................................ 300, 330 " , 22~ears Roebuck Company, granted Cigarette Pernut. 231 8-- Simon Richard G., offer to purchase vacated " 22--.Sand Donald, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 232 Emerson Street. .................................................. ... 304 " 22-Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Class "B" Beer 8--Sanitary Sewer, construction of a Sanitary Sewer Permit. ............... ........................ 232 t m Montcrest Street from the existing sewer in " granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 22-Sand Donald T. 234 Hempstead Street, then westerly through Lot 74 ' - " , granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 22--Sarris Patricia 234 of part of Mechanic s Addition, thence westerly " , granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 22~chollmeyer Paul 234 in Montcrest Street to the east property line of " , 22~avary John L. and Viola M., granted Class "C" Woodworth Street . ............ 309, 310, 337, 397, 475, 479 Liquor Permit ............................................................... 234 8--Schlitzer John F., approval of plat of Block A, Block " " granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 22-Smith Mark R. 234 1, Block 2 and Block 3 in Oak Brook Sub- " „ , 22-Southern Lounge Inc., granted Class "C" Liquor 234 " division. ...................................................................... g-Scherer Emma, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 315 320 Permit . .......................................................................... . .... " 22-Stecklein Richard N., granted Class "C" Liquor Oct. 5-Southern Avenue Storm Sewer, recommendations Permit ........................................................................... 237 submitted by the City Manager and the City " 29-Sfikas Pete, granted Cigarette Permit . .................... 237 Engineer. ...................................................................... 329 " 29-Schroeder Don, granted Cigarette Permit . ................ 237 5~mitty's Excavation Service, excavation policy. ... "" 331 " 29--Schwind Frank, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 237 ~ 5-Sunset Park Subdivision No. 2, approval and installa- " 29-Smith Ralph P., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 237 tion of boulevard type lights . ............ °°~°~°•°°••°• 331 July 6-Sears William, Power of Attorne Y• -~~---~-•••••••~~---~~--•••• 241 5-Sidewalks, petitions for the consideration of a side- " 6-Scheel Frederick W. Mrs., Notice of Claim ................. 243, 393 walk plan in the area of Chaney Road and " 6-Shireman Robert J. & Maxine F., Henry J. & Gene- Wahlert Hi h School. g ~~~~~~~'~~~~~"~~•"'•"'-"'""""""""'-' 334 vieve A. Kieffer, offer of Lot 1 of 3 of Orchard " 5~mith Mark R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 345 Hills Subdivision to the City of Dubu ue, Iowa. 4 253, 254 „ 12-Smitty's Excavating Service, requesting permission " 6-Sunrise Heights Subdivision, approval of plat of to excavate in Asbur Street. Y ................................ 350 " .......................................................................... Block 9. requesting sanitary sewer on et. al. 22-Schmit Ray J. 254 Nov. 2-Saint Mary's Home, Notice of Appeal from final levy , , Montcrest Street from Woodworth to Hemp- of the special assessment for the improvement of ............................................................ stead Street 266 Carter Road with concrete curb and gutter. .... 394, 485 " . . vacation of plat of Lot 3 of George Subdivision 22-St 2--Schiltz Construction Co., requesting installation of , . for the purpose of removing the 10' Block 2 a street light at Bonson Road and Asbury Street. 394, 408 , utility easement . ........................................................ 267 2--Sisters of Presentation, requesting that Lots 2 and " reappointed to the Recreation Com- 22-Sweet Hazold 3 Byrnes Sub. be included in the annexation , ................................................................ mission 269 Proposal to be voted upon. .................................... 398 Aug . .......... John, Notice of Claim .................. .................. 3-Boat 274, 410 16-Sidewalk Program for 1965, City Engineer advising . " , 3--Schiltz Richard J., requesting that the storm sewer th i t d the City Manager of a proposed sidewalk program. 16-Street and Pazking Budget and Construction Report 409, 429 e as e ghland Park be vaca easement in H sewer will be relocated through Chippewa Park For The Fiscal Year 1965 for the City of Du- " Subdivision . ................................................................. 3-Schiltz Richard J. and David S. Douglas, relative to 281 " buque, Iowa . ................................................................ 23-"See-Hear Organization", requesting permission to 415 assessments for Bituminous Paving and Curb and distribute cannisters to rase funds .................. ...... 419 Gutter on Woodlawn Street and Karen Street..... 281 23-Salvation Army The, requesting permission to erect 3--Sanitary Sewer in Thirty Second Street, from North booths for their red kettle solicitations ................. 419 Grandview Avenue westerly to the intersection Dec. 7-Schaffert L. G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 454 of West Thirty Second and Carter Road, thence l6~chiltz Richard J., requesting street light on Chip- southerly along Carter Road to the westerly pewa Drive. ~~~~~~~~~•~~~•~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~'~~~~~~~~~~~""""""""' 458 ro ert line of Block 3 Nauman Addition. p p y •••••~•• 282, 305 l6~teffen Leo A., requesting permission to construct " 3-Savory John L. & Viola, granted Class "B" Beer a canopy at 1348 Central Ave ................................. 458 Permit . .......................................................................... 283 16-Scott Samuel Mrs., reappointed to the Human Rela- " 3-Specht Harold O., granted Class "C" Beer Permit..... 283 tions Commission. °•°•••°°~°~°~°~°°•••••°~°°••°•••°°-•~••• 483 " 3-Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Class "C" Li uor q 16-Sister Mary James Margaret B. V. M., reappointed to Permit . .......................................................................... 283 the Human Relations Commission. ....... ..... 483 " 3-Sfikas Pete S. & Gust Karigan, granted Class "C" 28-Speed Limit established on Dodge Street, Locust Liquor Permit . ........................................................... ~4 Street, Kerrigan Road, Grandview Park, Eagle Sept. 8-Sindt La Vern & Leonard, ordered to dismantle point Park and Flora Park, also in suburban building and clean up premises at 1255 Wash- districts, school districts, residential districts ington Street ................................................................. 293, 335 and business district. 489 INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 _ 1964 SUBJECT Page _ lgg4 SUBJECT Page T .. T . Jan. 6-Telegraph Herald, appointed the official newspaper ~ ' 22-Tindell Marionette, granted Cigarette Permit ............. i 231 for the City of Dubuque ............................................. 3 ; 22-Tsch ggfrie Raymond L., granted Cigarette Permit. 232 " 6-Tschirgi Edward M., bond ..................:.............................. 9 .~ _ ._. 22-Tindell William, granted Ctgazette Permit................. 232 " 6-Timpe Vincent A. Jr., Notice of Claim ......................... 10 _ -; 22--Tapp James L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 232 Feb 10-Tindell William John Jr., granted Class "B" Beer -' 2 ho mpson Food Market, granted Class "C" Beer . • ....................................................................... Permit 32 _ - •- P erinit . ...... ........ ... .. ......... .... ........ ....... . 232 " . .... 10-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted 22-~ ges Norbert G., granted Class "C" Liquor Permt. 234 .......................... Class "C" Beer PermiC ....................... 32 __ 29- ausch Bakery, granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 237 Mar . 2-Tischauser Mabel E., requesting rezoning of Lots 28 ~' July 6-Tindell William Jr., requesting refund on Class "B" . " ........................................ and 29 in Lenox Addition. 2-Telegraph Herald, agreement to sell their parking lot 44 Beer Permit No. 14 ..................................................... 6-Tindell William Jr., requesting refund on Cigarette i 250 - to the City of Dubuque on condition that the Crty Perm t No. 205 ............................................................. 250 sell them a city owned parking ]ot at the south- ~ 6--TRUS DEK Corporation, offer to purchase three acres west corner of Ninth and Bluff Streets ................. of land in River Front Subdivision in Industrial ........................................ 51, 59, 76, 318, 323 Pazk. ..................................................255, 256, 277, 292, 314 " .......................... granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 2-Taft Fred Jr. 54 Aug. 3-Transportation Planning for Dubuque Area, a meet- " , granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 2--Taft Fred Jr. 54 mg of the Council, Board of Supervisors and Iowa " , Z-Tindell Mazionette, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 54 68 State Highway Commission to organize and estab- lish a committee to aid in the transportation ro- April " 6-Turnquist Company, Inc., sidewalk bond ..................... 8-Tri-State Paving Company, performance policy......... 68 p gram for the Dubuque area ....................... .... 3 Thin Seco d St eet S it S f h 271 " .... 0-Tenth Street, vacation of East Tenth Street. ..... .. i 71 - n r an a ewer, rom Nort Grandview Avenue westerlry y to the intersection of " ve to 6-Takos Councilman, submitting statement relat revoking the Class "B" Beer Permit of Leonard H. West Thirty Second and Carter Road, thence .... .................................................................. . Crane 80 southerly along Carter Road to the westerly prop• " . .. . 6-Thirty Second Street Sanitary Sewer, completed and " ert line of Block 3 Nauman Addition .................. p 282, 305 ........................................................................ accepted 82 3-Thom son John F., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 283 " . 6-Thirteenth Street (East) from the east property line 3-Thompson John F., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 283 of Washington Street to the west property line of 10-Tax Levies Established for the Year 1964 ................. 289 the East 35 feet of Lot 206 of East Dubuque Addi- Sept. 8-Tindell Marionette, requesting refund on Class "B" improvement with Bituminous Concrete Pav- tion Beer Permit No. 28 ..................................................... 301 , ........................................................86, 138, 196, ing 312, 382 8-Tindell Marionette, re uestin refund on Ci azette 9 g g " . 6-Twelfth Street (West) from the west property line Permit No. 203 ................................................... ~ ~ ~ • • 301 of Bluff Street to the east property line of Grove 8-Tigges Bernard Benn y, granted Class "C" Beer Per- Terrace, improvement with Bituminous Concrete 196 86 138 312 383 Oct. init. ~~~~~~•••••••••••••~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~•-~~••••~~~~~-~~~-~~-~~~-~~ 5-Tittle Sarah, Notice of Claim............................. 320 332 " , , , Paving .................................................. 6-Third Street (West) from the east property line of , ............ 5-Thirty Second Street cleaning of Detention Basin, Hill Street to the east property line of North " completed and accepted ............................................. 341 improvement with Hot Mix- Grandview Avenue 5-Thompson Pearl B., granted Ci arette Permit........... g 344 , Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving ..................... Nov. 2-Tigges Norbert G., requesting refund on Cigarette ......................................... 88, 89, 143, 196, 414, 460 Permit No. 47................................................................. 395 " ............ from the north property line of 6-Terminal Street 2-Thompson J. F., requesting refund on Cigarette , First Street to the north property Itne of Camp improvement with Concrete Paving with Street " Permit No. 277 .................................................... 2-Tigges Doris T., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 395 404 , 91, 146, 197, 402, Integral Curb .................90, 403, 448 „ 2-Tigges Doris J., granted Cigarette Permit................. 404 " . 20-Thermolyne Corporation, desiring to purchase Lot 2 ~~ 2-Thompson J. F., granted Class "C" Beer Permit....... 404 of Block 9 in Area B of Industrial Park.........101, 152, 193 2-Tigges Doris J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 405 " 20-Tigges Melvin J., Claim denied ......................................... 104 i6-Tuberculosis & Health Association, requesting per- May 4-Tschiggfrie Edward D. Jr. & Joan, excavation policy. 148 Dec. mission to distribute bangles ..................................... 7-T-V Cable Performance Bond. ..... .... 413 428 4-Timmerman Construction Co., sidewalk bond .......... 148 " ....... ....................... 16-Tigges Norbert, requesting refund on Liquor License " 18-Thomas Place Sanitary Sewer, completed and ac- No. C-1566 ................................................. 458 cePted . ............................................................................ 167, 250 ...................... June 1-Trumm Raymond, sidewalk policy ................................. 187 " 22-Tri-State Paving Co., sidewalk bond . ........................ 217 " 22-Tritsch Ralph B. Mrs., requesting the opening of rest room facilities at Allison-Henderson Playground. 222 " 22-Taft Fred, requesting a refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 18 ................................................................. 223 " 22-Tigges Norbert G., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 229 " 22-Trapp A. J. Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 229 " 22-Tapp James L., granted Cigarette Permt ..................... 230 " 22~Trewieler Elmer L., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 230 " 22-Thompson Food Market, granted Cigarette Permits. 230 INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page _ 1984 SUBJECT - page U - v Mar. 2-Urban Renewal Consultant Selection Committee dis- ded b >,.- 48 Feb. 10-VanNatta Lillian, Notice of Claim 2 April ............................................................................ an 6-Urban Transportation Planning, recommendation of .,~; ~ , Mar. ................................. 2-Vorwald Gregor J., granted Cigarette Permit....... 3, 273 54 the City Manager that the City enter into an ';, 2-Vorwald Gregor J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 54 " Agreement with the County and State ..................... i w-. 69 ~,; April . f~Veterans of Forei gn Wars, requesting permission to hold a poppy sale ty Manager 6-University Avenue, recommendation of C ~, ~,. ................ .. 6-Veterans of World W I U ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ q4 " that street lights be installed ..................................... li Mt 69 ,„.. > ar , re ues n 4 g permission to hold a Memorial Day Parade 6-University Avenue from the west property ne of . Pleasant Street to a point 93 feet west of the east ;; May . ....................... 4-Van Duelman Carl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 7g 154 property line of Lot 1 of the Sub of Lot 1 of . 13-Voter RegisUation Mobile Unit, to be used in the improvement with Hot Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub. City of Dubuque at various desi ated locations gn 156 , Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving. """""" June . 22-Vorwald Gregor, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 22-Veterans of Forei gn War G ld 229 June ...................................................... 88, 89, 143, 196, renewal of lease covering 1-United States of America 414, 460 s, era F. Winters Post No. 9663, granted Cigarette Permit ................. . 230 , .85 acre in Ham's Addition ............................ 189 „ . ..... 22-Van Duelman Carl, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 22-Vrotsos El i 232 " 29-United States of America, offer of Grant for the pur- ' s e, ranted Ci g garette Permit. 22-Vrotsos Geor e ~ """""""""" t d i 232 pose of obtaining federal aid in the development Oct g ,gran e C garette Permit ................. 5-Voter Registratio t 232 " of the Dubuque Municipal Airport ......................... 29-Utzig LeRoy granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 236 237 . n o be held at various places throughout the City from October 19 to the 23 in- Aug. , 3-University of Dubuque requesting permission to hold elusive as requested by the Dubuque Federation " , a street dance . ............................................................ installation of 10-University Avenue and Prysi Street 276 „ of Labor ....................................................................... ~ ~ 12-Voelker Joseph R., requesting additional street 329, 350 Sept. . , street fights ................ .................................................... 8-United Fund Drive Committee, requesting the erec- 286 Nov. ~ lights on Marion Street................ ...... 2-Veterans Memorial Park Gradin ...................... g Project completed 349, 391 lion of "Liv^iau WAY" street signs on Main Street ............................................................................... 301 and accePted ................................................................. 2-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Gerald F. Winters Post 395, 396 Oct. 5-University of Dubuque, requesting permisson to have D 96tH, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... 7 V l 404 " a Homecoming Parade on Main Street. """""""' 333 ec. - orwa d Place, approval of plat ...................... 28^Vulcan Tool Com an r ' ~~~~""""° a t P d 446 12-UNICEF requesting permission to conduct a trick n e Y, g an extension of the or treat nite. ................................................................ 350 original option on Lot 2 of Chemical Subdivision Dec. 7-University of Dubuque, requesting full vacation of - , as recommended b y the Mayor's Industrial Com- alleys and an unnamed street without restriction m~ttee . ............................................................................ 484 abutting their properties on Grace Street ............. 442 " 7-URBAN RENEWAL Project Area, bounded generally by Fourth Street, Sixth Street, Locust Street and White Street aPProved .........................................444, 483, 501 " 28-U.S. Highway No. 20 and Devon Drive Intersection, installation of proper electrical traffic control lights and the installation of a traffic turn lane at the intersection of Devon Drive, Highway 20, and the entrance to the K Mart ......................................... 500 INDEX -BOOK 94 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page 1964 __ __ SUBJECT Page W W Jan. 6-Wersinger Gertrude, Power of Attorney . .................... 8 22-Wagner Clem, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 232 " 6-Wold IUchard B. and Genevieve, requesting dedica- ~, " 22-Winkler Louis J., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 232 lion of an access road located off of Kaufmann " 22-Wunder Eileen M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 232 Avenue in the 800 Block .........................................il, 31, 32 `- ? `~ " 22-Weiner Helen Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 232 Feb. 10-Waller R. D., presented with a gift in appreciation 22-Ward John M., granted Class "C" Beer Permit....... 232 for many years service on the Planning & Zoning ,- 22-Wunder Eileen M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 233 Commission . .................................................................. 18 ~~'. 22-Weber Merlin L., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 234 " 10-Waltz John J., submitting resignation as member of ' 22-Werner Helen, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit......... 234 the Dock Commission ................................................. 19, 42 -` ;;rY. 29-White William J., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 237 " 10-Whyte Mary L., settlement of claim ............................. 22 -. -. 29-Welter Harold, granted Cigarette Permit..................... 237 " 10-Westchester Inc., requesting zoning classification of [~ ~` 29-Warren Ralph, granted Ci arette Permit. ..... g 238 - Lot 1 of Block 4 to multiple Famlly residence July 6-Windsor Avenue, installation of street lights recom- classification ................................................................... 24, 57 mended by City Manager............................................. 242 " 10-Westchester Inc., petitioning for the Annexation of ~ 6-Wong Chuck N., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 257 a portion of Westchester Subdivision to the City 6-Weiner Fred, granted Class "C" Beer Permit......... 257 of Dubuque ..................................................................... 26, 27 22-Wright Kay Mrs., reappointed to the Recreation Com- 10-Wright Louis, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 32 mission . .......................................................................... 269 Mar. Z-Water Department, audit report of the City of Du- Aug. 3-Witherall Arthur, sidewalk bond ........................... ... 271 buque Water Department for the year ending 3-Wallis J. Allen et al., requesting vacation of an ease- December 31, 1963 ....................................................... 38 ment between Lots 6 & 7 in Block 5 of Indian " 2-Wimmer John, objecting to the sale of Marshall & De- Hills . ............................................................276, 315, 339, 458 catur Streets. ................................. ................. "~~~~~~~~ ~"• 40 Sept. 8-Wilhelm Walter, excavation policy............................... 297 " Z-Weiner Syl, A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 54 8-Wilson Bros., Notice of claim ......................................... 298 " 16-White William J. B., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 64 8-Wiegand's Subdivision, approval of plat of Lots 1 April 6-Walser & Link, sidewalk bond . ................................ 68 through 6....................................................................... 317 " 6-White Street, installation of street lights recom- Oct. 12-Willging A. J. et al., requesting the construction of mended by the City Manager . ................................ 70 a street connecting Montcrest Street with Hemp- " 6-West Flora Subdivision, approval of plat.....78, 109, 114, 236 stead Street ................................................................... 349 " 20-W.D.B.Q., relative to situation concerning "West 12-Wahlert High School, requesting permission to hold Flora" Subdivsion ......................................................... 109 a Parade......................................................................... 350 May 4-Wieser Alice J. et al objecting to the improvement " 12-Weida John & Agnes, objecting to the assessment ~ , of West Eleventh Street ................... """"""""'°" 13 for im rovement of West 12th St. p ~~~~~~~~•••••~••~~~~ 352 " ""' 4-Weiner Clarence J. et al., objecting to the improve- i ' Dec. " 7-Wieser Maurice M., Notice of Claim . ........................ 16-Welter Harold B. granted Class "C" Beer Permit 430 482 " ment of O Ne ll Street . ............................ ..... 4-Weber Merlyn L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 132 153 " , . 16-Wertz Donald E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 482 " 18-Weis George, granted Cigarette Permit . .................... 171 " 18-Warren Ralph, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 172 June 1-Wilke Delbert, Certificate of Attendance in Civil Defense Adult Education ............................................. 188 " 1-Waal Kenneth, granted Class "C" Beer Permit......... 205 " 22-Willy Construction Co., sidewalk policy ......................... 217 " 22-Westchester Inc., requestng permission to construct an S" sanitary sewer from the Catfish Trunk line sewer to Westchester Inc ......................................... 222 " 22-West Side Manor Subdivision, approval of plat of Lots ' 1 through 9 Block 1, Lots 1 through 8 Block 2, Lots 1 through 7 and Lots 11 through 17 Block 3, and Lots 1 through 7 Block 4 ......................................... 224, 225 " 22-Winkler Beatrice C., granted Cigarette Permit......... 229 " 22-Ward James M., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 229 " 22--Weber Merlyn L., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 229 " 22-Wunder Eileen M., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 229 " 22-Waal Kenneth, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 230 " 22-Welu Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 230 " 22-Wright Eunice, granted Cigarette Permit . ................ 230 " 22-Wareco System of Iowa, granted Cigarette Permit. 230 " 22-Weiner Fred, granted Cigarette Permit . .................... 230 " 22-Weis George, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 230 " 22-Weiner Sylvester A., granted Cigarette Permit......... 231 " 22-Weiner Helen, granted Cigarette Permit . ............. 231 " 22-Wertz Donald E., granted Cigarette Permit . ............ 232 " 22-Wong Ming, granted Cigarette Permit ......................... 232 INDEX -BOOK 94 1964 SUBJECT Page X June 22-Xavier Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigazette Permit. 231 Sept. 8-Yager John F. and Mari nne, ordered to dismantle building and clean up premises at 1252 Washing- ~ ~; ton Street ....................................................................... 293, 335 ::':u- Nov. 2-Young Democratic Clubs of Iowa, requesting per- mission to hold a parade and to sell tickets in the downtown area ..................................................... 394 '~ Z Mar. 2-Zoning Commission, adoption of a resolution provid- ing for the establishment of a Dubuque County Zoning Commission ..................................................... 46 May 18-Zephyr Aluminum Products Inc., requesting permis- sion to erect marquees . ............................................ 164 " 18-Zumhof Gene P, et al., requestng that a nuisance, huge rock pile on Kaufmann Avenue be removed. 165 June 1-Zephyr Aluminum Products, requesting permission to erect marquees on Main Street and on Central Avenue . .......................................................................... 187 " 1-Zwack Anton, public liability policy . ........................ 187 " 22-Zillig George, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 230 Aug. 3-Zillig George, Claim denied ............................................. 272 " 3-Zillig George, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ........ 284 Sept. 8-Zillig George, granted Class "B" Beer Perrot ............. 320 Nov. 16-Zephyr Aluminum Products Inc., requesting permis- sion to erect marquees at 2768 Central Avenue, 413 E ~=`$