1964 July Council Proceedings 241 July 6, 1964 Mayor To the Honorable and City Council Gentlemen: I am enclosing a letter received from Richard Upton in regard to the placement of tourist signs. I recommend that permission be granted for the erection of the signs. Respectfully submitted Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Mayor Horgan moved that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. To the Honorable and City Council Respectfu.ly, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Takas moved that the report be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas, Nays-None. Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Power of Attorney submitted by Allied Mutual Insurance Company appointing William Sears, Starr Leitch and O. Knox Kling as at- torneys in fact, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the power of attorney be reo ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: 1964 July 6, Mayor To the Honorable and City Council Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works for the month of May, as well as a list of claims and payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of May, 1964. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager '! I Councilman Kean moved that the reports be received and filed. Sec~ onded by Councilman Takas. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Communication of Dub u que Chamber of Commerce advising that the program of establishing a total program of tourist promo- tion in Dubuque has been com- pleted and requesting permission to erect tourist trail signs, presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the communication and re- quest be referred to the City Man- ager, and Engineering Department. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Counci men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takos. Nays-None. I Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 CITY COUNCIL 6, 1964. Council met at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Daylight Saving Time. Present-Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos City Manager Gilbert D.Chavenelle 1964 Gentlemen: I submit to you the Statement of Operating Income for 1963 of the Peoples Natural Gas Division. .. OFFICIAL July Session, Regular 26, June Mayor Mayor Horgan read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this is the Regular Monthly meeting called for the pur. pose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meeting. Communication of League of Iowa Municipalities submitting a questionnaire about Mayor's Court and the handling of local courts, presented and read. Councilman Takas moved that the communica- tion be received and filed. Second- ed by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote. ~~ ~ ",j~l1iil ! ,.". .. 243 fracture of the left leg consisting of a fracture of the tibia and of the fibula. I have consulted with the claimant's attorney who has made an offer of settlement in the amount of $300.00. It is the recommendation of the City Attorney that said offer of settlement be accepted and the City Auditor be instructed to draw a warrant payable to Mark Ohne- sorge in the amount of $300.00 and to deliver the same upon the receipt of a duly executed release. Original claim is returned here~ with. ~ Councilman Takas moved that the recommendation of the City Attorney be approved and the Aud- itor instructed to issue a warrant in the amount of $300. payable to Mark Ohnesorge and deliver same upon receipt of a duly executed re~ .lease. 'Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Notice of claim of Roger F. Moes of 618 Alpine SI., in the amount of $250. for payment of a 1964 Chevrolet Sedan which was destroyed as the result of a tree falling On same during a storm on June 19, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Pfohl moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investiga- tion and report. Seconded by Coun~ cilman Takos. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Notice of claim of Mrs. Mary Dilger, in an unspecified amount, for personal injuries received in a fall near the alley between White and Jackson at 21st Street, on June 19, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Takas moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takas Nays-None. Respectfully submitted, R. N. Russo City Attorney ~ 1964 Mark Ohnesorge Gentlemen: On March 16, 1964, Mark Ohne. sorge filed claim against the City of Dubuque for personal injuries suffered as a result of a fall at the crosswalk at the intersection of East 14th St. and Washington SI. on the 10th day of January, 1964 claiming a defective condition thereat. The said a suffered Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 I have made an investigation of this matter and same was referred to the appropriate agency of the City which agency has disposed of this matter, and I therefore rec~ ommend denial of said claim. Original claim is returned here- with. RespectfuHy submitted, R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Takas moved that the recommendation of the City Attorney be approved. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Coun~ cilmen Kean, Ludwig, PIohl, Takos. Nays-None. 1964 July 6, Hon. Mayor & City Council Gentlemen: On April 15, 1964, Mrs. Elsia Kinney filed claim against the City of Dubuque in the amount of $25.93 as a result of backup in the sani- tary sewer. I have made an investigation of this matter and have referred the claim to the appropriate agency serving the City of Dubuque which agency has disposed of said matter satisfactory to the claimant. I therefore recommend denial of said claim. Original claim is to. here. Respectfully submitted, R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Takos moved that the recommendation of the City Attorney be approved. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl, Takos Nays-None. July 6, and attached claimant Honorable Mayor City Council R ,. and Councilman Kean moved that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos Nays-None. June 26, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: At the meeting of June 25, 1964 the Planning and Zoning Commis- sion took the following action. It is recommended that the an- nexation petition of Joseph F. Link, John W. Link and John A. Link be denied because the approval of the petition is predicated on the property being zoned as Business B and because the petition does not include all property on John F. Kennedy Road under the own- ership of the Links. This Commission also wishes to thank the City Council for the vote of confidence given to the Com- mission at the joint meeting held on June 19, 1964. Respectfully submitted, DUBUQUE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Frank J. Glab, Secretary Councilman Takos moved that the recommendation of the Plan- ning & Zoning Commission be ap- proved. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Takos. Nays- Councilman Pfohl Windsor Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 the intersection of Euclid. 1964 Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Takos moved the recommendation of the Manager be approved. Seconded by Council- man Kean. Carried by the follow. ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takos Nays-None. Enclosed is a letter from the Commission accepting this method of handling delinquent tax situa- tions. 1964 To the Honorable -~and City Council Gentlemen: At your meeting of May 18th you referred to me a letter from the State Tax Commission request~ ing that the City waive immunity from garnishment for the collec- tion of delinquent state taxes from anyone in the city employment. I wrote to the Commission ex~ plaining that it would be prefer- able to handle such matters on an individual case basis. Councilman Takos moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Council. man Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takos. Nays-None. 242 Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, of Statement of Receipts and list of claims for which warrants were issued during the month of May 1964, presented and read. 6, July 6, Mayor July Mayor ,.1> Councilman Pfohl stated that in his opinion the matter was not handled properly. Councilman Tak- os in rebuttal stated that the mat- ter was handled properly and he will uphold the present policy. July 6, 1964 HOD. Mayor & City Council Gentlemen: On June 12, 1964, John Robert Hansen, filed claim against the City for damages to his vehicle when struck by a street sweeper on June 12, 1964. To the Honorable and City Council Gentlemen: A verbal request has been re- ceived from J. L. Spielman and Dr. Lorenz V,j olter for the re-ar. rangement of two street lights on Windsor Avenue. The request has been investigated by the City Elec- trical Inspector. It is recommended that a light located on the lot line between number 3025 and 3075 Windsor be removed and a 4000 lumen incan- descent light be installed at the intersection of Windsor and Harlan and also one 4000 lumen light at -'", """ii.l ' .. ~ 245 Rule requiring reading on three separate days suspended by unani- mous vote the 6th day of July, 1964. Passed by recorded roll call vote, adopted and approved thi~ 6th day of July. 1964. Robert J. Horg'an MAYOR H.ichard Ludwig Peter J. Takas Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean COUNCILMEX Attest: Leo F. Frommelt CITY CLERK Published officially in The Tele- graph-Herald Newspaper this 10th day of July 1964. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk 7/10 t. Councilman Ludwig moved the final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 22-64 An Ordinance Amending City of Dubuque Plumbing Ordinance No. 21-55 by repealing Section 33 (b) thereof and enacting a new Section 33 (b) in lieu thereof to permit new Jointing Materials, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Plohl, Takas. Nays-None. Councilman Ludwig moved that the rule be suspended reqUiring an Ordinance to be read On three separate days. Seconded by Coun- cilman Takos. Carried by the fol. lOWing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takos. Nays-None. Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 be used for building sewers frum 5' out sIde of the building to the publ1c sanitary sewer or apri- vate disposal system. (c) No storm water drains or cistern overflow pipes shall be con- nected either directly or indirect- ly to a Sanitary sewer. (d) A maIn shut-off on the wa- ter supply line shall be approxi- mately one foot inside the curh- lirie if there Is a curb, otherwise, it shall be in the platted street close to the property line. An ac- cessible shut-off shall be provid- ed just inside the foundation wall and at the outlet side of the wa- ter meter, for the main supply line, for each sill cock and, in buildings over three stories in height, for each riser line. (e) Where cast Iron soil pipe is used within the building, it shall be of a grade not less than "extra- heavy." (t) The use of asbestos cement pipe or bituminous fibre pipe for house sewers shall not be permit- ted. (g) The use of aluminum pipe and fittings shall not be permitted. (h) Kit. Sink Waet..: When new sink wastes are installed or re- placed in buildings under con- ~truction or in eXisting buildings being remodeled, the size of the drain shall be not less than 2" in- side pipe diameter to the kitchen 8ink trap. (i) Automatic Clothes Washing Machines. Indirect drains or indi- rect waste piping which may re- ceive the discharge from auto- matic clothes washing machines, shall not discharge the waste from any such indirect waste or drain into a floor drain. (j) Water Closet and Urinal Vacuum Breakers: Every water closet and every urinal shall be provided with a vacuum breaking device of either an approved float valve with an integral anti-syphon device or an approved vacuum breaker. (k) Water Pipe Size: "-Tater sup- ply piping from the water meter outlet shall be not less than %" in- sIde pipe diameter to the water heater and to the third branch opening for the usual single fam- By residence. In buildings other than single family residence, the pipe size shall be determined by the methodS found in the STATE PLUMBING CODE BOOK. (1) The use of type DWV and type M copper pipe or tubing for soil, waste, vent or water piping is prohibited. COPJ;ler pIpe or tubinl{ used for Plumbing, drains, soU, wlilste, vent or water piping shall be of a wall thickness not less than type "L" above ground and shall be of a wall thickness not less than type UK" when buried. (m) Copper-nickel, high strength, low alloy, schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe with screwed cast iron drainage fittings may be used for soU, waste, drain and vents piping above ground \vhere wrought iron pipe is permitted by the Plumbing Code." Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption and publication as by law provid- ed. Introduced the 6th day of 1964 ~ Ordinance No. 22.64 ;' An Ordinance Amending City of DUbuque Plumbing Ordinance No. 21-55 By Repealing Section 33 (b) thereof and enacting a new Section 33 (b) in Lieu thereof to Permit new Jointing Materials. He It Ordained By The City Coun- cil of City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 1. That Section 33 (b) of Ordinance No. 21-55 be and the same is hereby repealed and the follo\ving new section 33 (b) be enacted in lieu thereof to wit: "33 (b) All jolntl'l in vitrified clay sewer tile shall be Hot-poured joints compl)'ing with Section 4.2 ((i) of the 1964 State of Iowa Plumbing Code and of material ap- proved b)' the City of Dubuque; or they may be factory applied Pre ('ast joints conforming to section 4.2 (7) of the 1964 State of 10w1\ ~ July, ~"T' Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 21-64 An Ordinance Amending Plumb- ing Ordinance No. 21.55 of City of Dubuque by repealing Section 33 thereof and enacting a new Section 33 in lieu thereof pro- viding for additional exception to the requirements of the State Plumbing Cod., presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the reading just bad be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Councilman Ludwig moved that the rule be suspended requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Council- man Takos. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. N oUce of claim of Louis J. Meyer, in behalf of Lance M. Mey. er, a minor, in an unspecified amount for personal injuries re- ceived by said minor in a fall at the Summer Carnival on June 27, 1964, presented and read. Council- man Takos moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and reo port. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos Nays-None. 244 Notice of claim of Mrs. Frederick W. Scheel, in the amount of $50., for personal injuries received in a fall in the intersection of 8th and Locust street on March 6, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Takos moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solic- itor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl. Takos Nays-None. Ordn1.nce No. 21.64 An ()rdjl.~ nee Amending. Plumb- ing OrditHilwe No. 21-:;:) of City of DubuqUe by rppealing l:)ection 33 thereof ~lnd eli..ccting- a new Sec- tion 33 in Iil'u thereof providing for additional exception to the re" quirements of the State Plumbing Code. Xow Therefore Be It Ordained by Cit;r of Dubuque, Iowa. ~ection 1. That Section 33 and each subsection thereof, of Plumbing. Orditml1c<l I\'o. 21~55 of City of Du- buque, Iowa referred to as Plumb- ing- Code, be and the same is here- hy rel1ealed. and a new Section 33 in lieu thereof he enacted as follows: "Section 33. The definitions of terms set out in the State Plumb- ing Code are hereby adopted as tile definitions of the terms used ln this ordinance and all plumb- ing- hereafter done in the City of Dubuque shall be done in accord- ance with the State Plumbing Code t'xcept as follows: (a) Concrete pipe shall not be used to carry se"wage except in main se"\vcrs. (b) All joints in vitrified clay sewer tile shall be Hot-poured joints complying with Section 4.2 (6) of the 1964 State of Iowa Plumbing Code and of material ap- proved by the City of Dubuque; or they may be factory applied Pre cast joints conforming to section 4.2 (7) of the ]964 State of Iowa Plumbing Code and ASTM C425- 60T. All joints for cast iron soil pipe shall be lead and oakum, except that Preformed gaskets conform- ing to Section 4.2 (15) of the 1964 State of Iowa Plumbing Code ma:r July 2, 1964 Gentlemen: Submitted herewith for your con- sideration of approval are certain amendments and revisions to the City of Dubuque Plumbing Ordin- ance No. 21-55 as recommended by the Dubuque Journeymans Plumb- ers Association, the Dubuque Mas- ter Plumbers Association and the City of Dubuque Plumbing In. spector and George Deininger Chairman of the Building Code Committee. Mayor To the Honorable and City Council Respectfully, Charles W. Geiger, Master Plumbers As. sociation William J. Martens, Journeyman Plumbers Association Richard J. Feyen, Plumbing Inspector George Deininger, Chairman Building Code Committee Mayor Horgan moved that the recommendation be approved. Sec. onded by Councilman Takos. Car- "!P"":!' ~ r~._I1.h- 247 Councilman Ludwig moved that a public hearing be held on the Ordinance on August 3, 1964, at 7:30 P.M. D.S.T. in the Council Chamber at the City Hall and the City Clerk be instructed to publish notice of the hearing in the man. ner required by law. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl Nays-None. Council Takos. ORDINANCE NO. 25-64 An Ordinance Vacating that por- tion of Emerson Street lying eastwardly of Garfield Avenue "ereinafter to be described and known as Lot 1 A of HilmI's Addl. tion and approving plat thereof, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Councilman Ludwig moved that the rule be suspended requiring an Ordinance to be read on three sep- arate days. Seconded by Council- man Takos. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takos. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 25-64 AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF EMER- SON STREET LYING EAST- WARDLY OF GARFIELD AVE- SUE HEREINAFTER TO BE DESCRIBED AND KNOWN AS LOT 1A OF HAM'S ADDITION A.ND APPROVING P L A T THEREOF WHEREAS, cay CouncIl of City of Dubuque, Iowa, has been petitioned in writing that that portion of Emerson Street lying east of the property line of Gar_ field Avenue be vacated; and WHEREAS. City Councn of City of DUbuque. Iowa, determines that said portion of Emerson Street petitioned to be vacated serves no public purpose as a public street; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of City of Du- buque. Iowa has determIned that saId portion of Emerson Street pe- titioned to be vacated, be vacated. XOW THERE}~ORE BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That portion of Emer- son Street lying east of the prop- erty line of Garfield Avenue here- inafter to be described and known Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 at the west property line of John F. Kennedy Road and the south property line of Pennsylvania A v- enue, thence west 255.0 feet, thence south 250 east 128.00 feet, thence south 410 east 195.0 feet, thence south 780 east 90.0 feet, thence northerly along the west property line of John F. Kennedy Road 283.0 feet to the point of beginning, according to the record- ed Plat thereof. To Single Family Residential The balance of the NEV. of the NEV. of Section 28, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P.M., in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. The above described areas are outlined on the map attached here. to. Respectfully submitted, Frank J. Glab, Secretary DUBUQUE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMIS- SION Mayor Horgan moved that the recommendation of the Commission be approved. Seconded by Council- man Pfohl. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Y cas-Mayor Horgan. Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos, Nays-None. ~ . ORDINANCE NO. 24-64 An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, low., 8S pro- vided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to provide zoning classification for the area annexe:d to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Resolution .cIopted June 1, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Councilman Ludwig moved that the rule be suspended requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Council- man Takos. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos Nays-None. Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 Be It Ordained By the City Coun- cil of City of Dubuque. Iowa. Section 1. That Section 24 of the City of Dubuque PlumbIng Ordin- ance No. 21-55 be and the Bame is hereby amended to include a plumbing permit fee of $1.00 for .,ach roof, area and Indirect drain "pening to a city storm sewer. 3ection 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption and pubJication as by law provided, Introduced the 6th day of July, 1964. Rule requiring reading on three separate days suspended by unani- mous vote the 6th day of July. 1964. Passed by recorded roll call vote, adopted and approved this 6th day of July, 1964. Robert J. Horgan MAYOR Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pfohl James .I. Kean COUNCILMEN Attest: Leo F. Frommelt CITY CLERK Published officially in The Tele- graph-Herald Newspaper this 10th (lay of July 1964. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk. 7/10 Councilman Ludwig moved the final adoption of the Onlinance. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the follOwing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. 1964 July 3, Mayor To the Honorable and City Council Gentlemen: At a meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission held July 2, 1964 the Commission recommended that the following described areas be zoned to the following zoning classifications: To Light Industrial District Lot 1 of Lot 2 of the NEV. of the NEV. of Section 28, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5tb P.M., in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to the recorded Plat thereof. To Local Business "A" Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of the NEV. of the NEV. of Section 28, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P.M., in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to the recorded Plat thereof; and That portion of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of the NEV. of the NEV. of Section 28, Township 89 Nortb, Range 2 East of the 5th P.M., in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, beginning 7/10 Councilman Ludwig moved the final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. 246 Plumbing Code and ASTM C425 \lOT. All joints for cast iron soil pipe shall be lead and oakum, except that Preformed gaskets conform- inK to Section 4.2 (15) of the 1964 State of Iowa Plumbing Code may be used for building sewers from 5' outside of the building to the public sanitary se,ver or a private disposal system." Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its final passage. adoption and pulJilcation as by law pro- vided. Introduced the 6th day of July, 1964. Rule r{'q1liring reading on three separate days suspended by unani- mous vote the 6th day of July, 1964. Passed by recorded roll call vote, adopted and approved this 6th day of July, 1964. Robert .I. Horgan MAYOR Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takas Eldon A. Pfohl James .I. Kean COUNCILMEN Attest: Leo F. Frommelt CITY CLERK Published officially in The Tele- g-raph-Herald Newspaper this 10th (lay of July 1964. Leo F. Frommelt City Cl€'rk. ORDINANCE NO. 23-64 An Ordinance Amending Section 24 of the City of Dubuque Plumb- ing Ordinance No. 21.55 to re- quire payment of permit fee, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Councilman Ludwig moved that the rule be suspended requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Council- man Takos. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 28-64 An Onlinance Amending Section 24 of thc Cit;y of Dubuque Plumb. ing Ordinance 1'\0. 21-55 to Re- quire Payment of Permit Fee. '~~f'mi'l-"f.l.j:;jIl>,"" ,1l'r- r. "" 249 ~ corder in and for Dubuque ty, Iowa. Passed, adopted and approvea this 6th day of JUly, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published officially in the Tele- graph-Herald Newspaper this 10th day of July, 1964. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk 7-10 Councilman Ludwig moved the adoption of the Ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Takas. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Petition of Dubuque Screw Prod- ucts Inc. of 163 Main Street, re- questing permission to construct a loading dock behind their building, presented and read. Councilman Kean moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager, En- gineering Department and Build- ing Commissioner. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Petition of C. Danglemeyer re~ questing a refund of $5.00 on a heating permit that was never used issued in January No. 10741, pre~ sented and read. Councilman Takos moved that the refund be granted and the Auditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Petition of Julien Dubuque Sum- mer Carnival Inc. requesting a refund of $150. on the unexpired portion of Class "B" beer permit No. 66, as they have discontinued business on June 27, 1964, pre- sented and read, Councilman Takos moved that the refund be granted and the Auditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Coun- cilman Kean, Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Coun- Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean Councilmen ~ Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 lying east of the property line of Garfield Aven,ue hereinafter to be described and, known as Lc>' lA ond Lc>' 2A <>f McCrane,s Addition 8 n d approving plat thereof, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Councilman Ludwig moved that the rule be suspended requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Coun- cilman Takos. Carried by the fol- lOWing vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 27-64 AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE WESTERLY 140 FEET OF MAR- SHALL STREET LYING EAST OF THE PROPERTY LINE OF GARFIELD AVENUE HEREIN_ AFTER TO BE DESCRIBED AND KNOWN AS LOT lA AND LOT 2A OF McCRANEYS AD~ DITro;'>,'" AND APPROVING PLAT THEREOF WHEREAS, City Council of City of Dubuque, Iowa, has been peti- tioned In writing that the Wester- ly 140 feet of Marshall Street lying East of the property line of Gar- field Avenue be vacated; and WHEREAS, City Councll of City of Dubuque, Iowa, determines that said portion of Marshall Street pe_ titionerl to be vacated serves no public purpose as a public street; and '''HEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of City of Du- buque, Iowa has determined that said portion of Marshall Street pe- titioned to be vacated, be va- cated. NO,"" THEREFORE BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE CITY COUN_ CIL OF CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the Westerly 140 feet of Marshall Street lying East of the property line of Gar- field A venue hereinafter to be described as Lot lA and Lot 2A of McCraneys Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby vacated. Section 2. That the Plat of the Westerly 140 feet of Marshall Street herein vacated and bearing date of July 1, 1964 and prepared hy John L. 'Vhite, Professional Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor, be and the same is hereby approved and that the Mayor and City Cierk he and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Piat for and on behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 3. That the City Clerk he and he is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Or- dinance in the office of the Re- 1964 ORDINANCE NO. 26-64 AN ORDINA8CE VACATING THAT PORTION OF STANTON STREET LYING EASTWARD_ LY OF GARFIELD AVENUE HEREINAFTER TO :aE DE- SCRIBED AND KNOWN AS LOT 2A OF HAM'S ADDITION AND APPROVING P L A T THEREOF WHEREAS, CIty Council of City of Dubuque, Iowa, hall been pe- titioned in writing that that por- tion of Stanton Street lying east of the property line of Garfield Avenue be vacated; and WHEREAS, City Council of City of Dubuque, Iowa, determines that said portion of Stanton Street pe- titioned to be vacated serves no public purpose as a pUblic street; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of City of Du- buque, Iowa has determined that said portion of Stanton Street pe- titioned to be vacated, be va- cated. NOW THEREFORE BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIT'Y OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That portion of Stan- ton Street lying east of the prop- erty line of Garfield Avenue here- inatter to be described and known as Lot 2A of Ham's Addition in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby vacated. Section 2. That the Pla.t of that portion of Stanton Street herein vacated and bearing date of July 1, 1964 and prepared by John L. 'iVhite, Professional Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor, be and the same is hereby approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Plat for and on behalf of the City of Du. Duque, Iowa. Section 8. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to fi}p a certified copy o( this Or- dinance in the oftice of the Be. corder In and for Dubuque County, fo\\'a. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of .Tuly, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor 7-1\l Councilman Ludwig moved the final adoption of the Ordinance, Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. , Richard Ludwig Peter J. Ta.kos Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published officially in the Tele- graph_Herald Newspaper this 10th day of July, 1964. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1t Councilman Ludwig moved the adoption of the Ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 26-64 An Ordinance vacating that por- tion af Stanton Street lying east- wardly of Garfield Avenue here- inafter described and known as Lot 2A of Ham's Addition and approving plat thereof, presented and read. Councilman Ludwig moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Mayor Horgan, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos Nays-None. Councilman Ludwig moved that the rule be suspended requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Coun- cilman Pfohl. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: the Tele- this 10th F. Frommelt City Clerk as Lot lA of Ham's Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same Is hereby vacated. Section 2. That the Plat of that portion of Emerson Street herein vacated and bearing date of July 1, 1964 and prepared by John L. White, Professional Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor, be and the /lame is hereby approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk.- be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Plat for and on behalf of the City of Du- buque, Iowa. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Or. dinance in the office of the Re- corder in and for Dubuque Coun- ty, Iowa. Pagsed, adopted and approved this 6th day of July, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takas Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Rean Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published officially in g-raph-Herald Newspaper day of July, 1964. Leo 7-10 lt 248 ORDINANCE NO. 27-44 An Ordinance vacating the w..t~ erl, 140 fee' of Monholl Stroot Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. ~iiii .- "-- ~I I 251 is assessed in pro. special benefits *City to pay the assessment for this lot: future connection to this lot will pay the connection charge of $303.61. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of July 1964. ROBERT J. HORGAN Mayor RICHARD LUDWIG PETER J. TAKOS ELDON A. PFOHL JAMES J. KEAN Councilmen Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT City Clerk Mayor Horgan moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, LUdwig, Pfohl. Takas. Nays--None. Proofs of Publication, certified to by the Publishers, of notice of public hearing to consider pro- posal to authorize the issuance of sewer bonds to pay for the cost of constructing the Thomas Place an sanitary sewer in the amount of $2,428.87, presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the proofs of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takos. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 160-64 Resolution providing for the is- suance of sewer bonds for the purpose of providing for the pay- ment of the assessed cost of an eight (8) sanitary sewer between Lincoln Avenue and Thomas Place in McCraneys 1st Addition. Whereas the co~tract hereto- fore entered into. by the City af Dubuque, Iowa, far the sewer hereinafter described has been campleted and the City Manager has certified the completian thereof to. the City Council and the City Cauncil has ascertained the cost thereof and has deter- mined that $2,428.87 Dollars of the cost thereof shall be assessed against the property subject to assessment therefor; and Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 All of which portion to the conferred. ~ 202.81 303.61 303.61 303.61 303.61 303.61 303.61 - $2,428.87 1,293.92 24.00 430.10 135.00 150.00 69.90 $2,102.92 14.778% inspection 310.76 5% int.-52 days ........ 15.19 Total assessed cost ..$2,428.87 City Share: 158 !in. ft. 8" V.T.P. @ 3.25 ..................................$ Manholes 15 lin. fit. sidewall @ 17.00 ................................ 2 no.. of concrete bases @ 45.00 .......................... 2 no. of ring & cover @ 50.00 ................................ 1 no. of Drive section @ 75.00 ................................ 70 sq. ft. sidewalk re- place @ 0.80 .................. 541.9 sq. yd. Sod replace @, 0.60 ............................ 1 fence replace @ 20.00 .. 1 no. of street opening & water shut off @ 75.85 .................. Total city share 513.50 255.00 90.00 100.00 75.00 56.00 325.14 20.00 75.85 .$1,510.49 Ray L. & Phyllis Oertel, Lot 2.B.97, McCraneys 1st Addition .................... Walter B. & V. Strand- berg, Lot N.W. ;'.98, McCraneys 1st Additian John Francis & Sylvia Isa. bella, Kressig, Lot N.W. 147'-99, McCraneys 1st Addition .......................... John Francis & Sylvia isa- bella, Lot N.W. 147'-100, McCraneys 1st Addition 'Mary E. HOhnecker, Lot 101, McCraneys 1st Ad- dition .............................. Aloysius J. Jr. & Helen Esther Kemp, Lot 2- 102, McCraneys 1st Ad. dition .............................. Clarence A. & Grace F. Dirksen, Lot 2-103, Mc. Craneys 1st Additian .. Assessable Cast: 398.13 !in. ft. 8" V.T.P. @ 3.25 ............................ 6no.af8Ix6"x3'Y branches @ 4.00 .......... Manholes 25.3 !in. fit. sidewall @ 17.00 ................................ 3 no.. of concrete bases @ 45.00 ................................ 3 no. of ring & covers @ 50.00 ................................ 23.3 tons crushed stone @ 3.00 .. .' Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 sewer, presented and read. Council- man Kean moved that the state- ment be received and filed. Sec- onded by Cauncilman Takas. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Cauncil men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl, Takos Nays-None. Statement of Hugh Dalton, a member of the Engineering staff, certifying that notices of levy were posted in the assessment area on June 10, 1964 of the Thomas Place 8" sanitary sewer presented and read. Councilman Takas moved that the statement be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. RESOLVED BY COUNC11. OF THE BUQUE, IOWA: That to pay for construction of an eight inch (8") sanitary sewer between Lirlcoln Avenue and Thomas Place beginning at the existing sanitary sewer in Lincoln avenue at the S. E. 125' of Lot 99 of McCraneys 1st Addition, thence westerly through said lot to the N. W. 147' of Lot 99 of Mc- Craneys 1st Addition, thence south- erly to Lot I-B of Lot 96 of Mc- Craneys 1st Addition and norther- ly to Lot 2 of Lot 103 of McCran- eys 1st Addition, by SMITTYS EX- CAVATING SERVICE, Contractor in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate all as named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as set forth in the fol- lowing schedule. Ernest J. Kenkel, Lot I.B- 96, McCraneys 1st Ad- dition ..............................$ 202.81 Ernest J. Kenkel, Lot S.W. 6'-8"~2-B.96, McCraneys 1st Addition .................. 40.07 Ray L. & Phyllis Oertel, Lot N.E. 10'-2-B.96, Mc- Craneys 1st Addition.. 60.72 Ray L. & Phyllis Oertel, Lot I.B-97, McCraneys 1st Addition 100.80 RESOLUTION NO. 159-64 SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS THE CITY CITY OF DU- Statement of City Clerk certify- ing that notices of levy were mailed by certified mail on June 3, 1964, to property owners subject to levy to pay for the cost of construct- ing the Thomas Place 8" sanitary Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, of Notice of levy of special assessment and Inten- tion of the City Council to issue bonds to pay for the construction of the Thomas Place 8" sanitary sewer. presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Petition of Wm. Tindell Jr. Re- questing a refund of $75. on the unexpired portion of cigarette li- cense No. 205, as he has discon- tinued business on July 3, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Takos moved that tbe refund be granted and the Auditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Cauncil. men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos, Nays-None. Petition of Wm. Tindell Jr. re- questing a refund of $100. on the nnexpired portion of Class "B" beer permit No. 14, as he has dis- cantinued business on July 3, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Takos moved that the refund be granted and the Auditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Petition of David A. Frey re- questing a refund of $150. on the unexpired portion of Class B beer license No. 59, as he has discon- tinued business on July 3, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Takas moved that the refund be granted and the Auditor instructed to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. ""ffiifll~ ~ , - - 111111 . ... 250 ~ 253 8. That the interest coupons at- tached to the bonda be signed with the facsimile signature of the Mayor and countersigned with the facsimile signature of the City Clerk. 9. That as fast as funds allow, beginning with the second year after the payment of interest due, the City Treasurer is directed to call these bonds in the same order as numbered. 10. Notice of election to call these bonds shall. be given by regular United States Mail ad- dressed to the last known address of the purchaser. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of July, A.D., 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. pfohl James J. Kean Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Kean moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Takas. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. 1964 To the Honorable and City Council Gentlemen: At the June 25, 1964 meeting of the Planning and Zoning Com- mission the following action was taken: It is recommended that the City Council take whatever steps are necessary to acquire the por- tion of Lot 1 of Block 3 of Orcbard Hills Subdivision which has been offered to the Park Board of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Respectfully submitted, Dubuque Planning and Zon- ing Commission Frank J. Glab, Secretary Mayor Horgan moved that the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission be ap- proved. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos Nays-None. June 26, Mayor Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 by.. the collection of said special tax, and said fund can be used for no other purpose. It is hereby certified and re- cited that all the acts, conditions and things required to be done, precedent to and in issuing this series of bonds, have been done, happened, and performed, in regu- lar and due form, as required by law and said Resolution, and for the assessment, collection and payment hereon of said special tax, the full faith and diligence of said City of Dubuque are here- by irrevocably pledged. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the City of Dubuque by its Council has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and counter-signed by its City Clerk and the Seal of said City to be thereto affixed, this 6th day of August, 1964. (SEAL) Mayor City Clerk (Form of Coupon) On the .......... day of ...................., the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom- ises to pay to the bearer, as pro- vided in said bond, the sum of ...........,.................... Dollars, in the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, being ................ months' interest due that date on its Bond No. ..................... City Clerk 6. That the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby in- structed to cause said bonds to be prepared and when so prepared to execute said bonds and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to register said bonds in a book kept for that purpose and to then deliver them to the City Treasurer. 7.' That the City Treasurer is hereby instructed to sell said bonds in the manner provided by law, the proceeds of said sale to be placed in a special fund to be known as Special Assessment Fund No. 1247 and paid out by him to pay the cost of said con- tract. ~ dated ........ Mayor Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 Series No. 10, Bond $228.87, April 1, 1974. 3. Said bonda shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per an- num, payable semi-annually in ac- cordance with coupons thereto attached: 4. Said bonds shall not make the City of Duhuque liable in any way, except for the application of said special assessment funds. 5. Said bonds shall provide that they may be payable at any time prior to the maturity date stated therein at the option of the City of Dubuque and shall be substan- tially the following form: The City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa promises to pay as hereinafter mentioned to the bear- er hereof, on the first day of April, 1965, or at any time before that date, at the option of the City of Dubuque, the sum of Two Hun- dred dollars with interest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent per an. num, payable semi-annually, on the presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto at. tached. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa. This bond is issued by the City of Dubuque under and by virtue of Chapter 396 of the 1954 Code of Iowa, as amended, and the Resolution of said City duly passed on the 6th day of July, 1964, being Resolution No. 160-64. This Bond is one of a series of 1~ bonds, 11 for $200.00 numbered from 502.0 to 5030 inclusive, and one for $228.87 numbered 5031, all of like tenor and date, and is- sued for the purpose of construct. ing an eight (8) sanitary sewer between Lincoln Avenue and Thomas Place in McCraneys 1st Addition as described in said Reso- lution, in said City, which cost is payable by the abutting and ad. jacent property along said im- provements and is made by law a lien on all of said property. It is payable only out of the Special Assessment Fund No. 1247 created 5031, No. CITY OF DUBUQUE SEWER BOND No. No. Series 5024, 5025, 5026, 5027, 5028, No. 5029 April 1, 5020, 5021, 5022, 5023, 2. Such bonds shall be called Sewer bonds; and shall bear the date of August 6, 1964; and shall be numbered consecutively; and they shall be numbered, divided into series, and be in such de. nominations and for such maturity dates as are shown in the follow- ing table NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 1. That to provide for the pay- ment of the assessed cost of the fmprovement of '" eight inch (8") sanitary sewer between Lin. coIn Avenue and Thomas Place beginning at the existing sanitary sewer in Lincoln Avenue at the S.E. 125' of Lot 99 of McCraney's 1st Addition, thence westerly through said lot to the N. W. 147' of Lot 99 of McCraneys 1st Addi. tion, thence southerly to Lot I-B of Lot 96 of McCraneys 1st Addi- tion and northerly to Lot 2 of Lot 103 of McCraneys 1st Addi- tion there shall be issued Sewer bonds in the amount of $2,428.87 Dollars in anticipation of the de- ferred payment of assessments levied for such improvement. Whereas public notice, as pro- vided by law, has been published by the City Clerk stating the in. tention of the City Council to issue bonds for the purpose of providing for the payment of the assessed cost of said improvement and a public hearing has been held, pur. suant to such notice and all ob- jections made thereto have been considered and determined; Series No.1, Bond No. $200.00, April 1, 1965. Series No.2, Bond No. $200.00, April 1, 1966. Series No.3, Bond No. $200.00, April 1, 1967. Series No.4, Bond No. $200.00, April 1, 1968. Series No.5, Bond No. $200.00, April 1, 1969. Series No.6, Bond No. $200.00, April 1, 1970. Series No.7, Bond No. $200.00, April 1, 1971. Series No.8, Bond No. $200.00, April 1, 1972. Series No.9, Bond No. $200.00, April 1, 1973. Series No. 10, Bond and 5030, $200.00 each, 1974. i~llitl- ~ . 252 '1' ~ City Council City of Dubuque Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Our corporation is very much interested in establishing a new Trus- jOist production plant in the Dubuque area. Weare very much impressed with the quality of your Industrial Park. Therefore, we would like to make a firm offer to purchase from you three acres of property in the In- dustrial Park for the amount of $9,000.00. 1964 Andrew J. Richard Councilman Takas moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Kean. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takas. Nays-None. ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION NO. 162.64 The undersigned, Andrew J. Richard, having read the terms and conditions of the foregoing Resolution No. 162-64 and being familiar with the contents thereof, hereby. accept the same and agree to perform the conditions required by them. Attest Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk To Leo F. Frommelt, City Clerk: This is to certify that the secur. ity provided by the foregoing Reso- lution No. 162.64 has been furnish- ed by the owner. Dubuque, Iowa, July 13, 1964 Gilbert D. ChaveneHe, City Manager fail to execute the acceptance and provide the security provided for in Section 2 hereof within 45 days from the date of this Resolution, the provisions hereof shall be null and void and the acceptance of the dedications and the approval of the plat shaH not be effective. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of July, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takas Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean Councilmen 255 1, July Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 ~ Section 3. That in the event that the said Andrew J. Richard shall the same appear upon said plat, are hereby accepted. Section 2. That the plat of the subdivision of the aforesaid lots, which will hereafter be known as Lots 1 to 20 of Block 9, Sunrise Heights, is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are here- by authorized and directed to en- dorse the approval of the City of Dubuque upon said plat, provided the owner of said property, herein before named, executes his written acceptance hereto attached, agree- ing: a. To reduce the streets to grade as shown by the profiles sub. mitted with the plat. b. To surface the streets with an eight inch rolled stone base, a 2'k inch hot mixed, hot laid bituminous concrete surfacing, and to provide concrete curb and gutter in accordance with the City of Dubuque Standards. c. To provide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the streets and ad- jacent to the lots as required by City Ordinance. d. To install water mains in accord- ance with the plans submitted with the plat. e. To install sanitary and storm water sewers in accordance with the plans submitted with the plat. f. To install sanitary sewer and water house laterals from the mains to the property lines. g. To constuct the foregoing im- provements in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City Manager and under the supervision of the City Engi. neer. h. To maintain the aforesaid im- provements for a period of four years from the date of their ac. ceptance by the City. i. To provide the foregoing im- provements and maintenance at the expense of the owner. j. To complete said improvements prior to October 1, 1965. and further provided that Andrew J. Richard, as owner of said sub- division, secure the performance of the foregoing conditions by pro- viding security in such sum and with such sureties as may be ac- ceptable to the City Manager. A RESOLUTION NO. 162-64 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLAT OF BLOCK 9, SUNRISE HElGHTS Whereas, tbere has been filed with the City Clerk a plat in which is platted Lots 1 to 20 of Block 9, Sunrise Heights, by Andrew J. Richard, as owner thereof, and said plat has been examined by the City Planning and Zoning Com- mission and approved; and upon said plat appear streets and also easements for public utilities which the owner upon said plat has dedi- cated to the public forever; and Whereas, said plat has been found by the City Council to con- form to the Statutes and Ordin. ances relating thereto, except for the completion of the improve- ments of curb and gutter, paving, sewer and water services, and side- walks to be installed in and along the streets; Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That the dedication of the streets togetber with the easements for public utilities, as Respectfully submitted, DUBUQUE CITY PLAN- NING AND ZONING COMMlSSlON Frank J. Glab, Secretary Mayor Horgan moved that the recommendation of the Commission be approved. Seconded by Council. man Takos. Carried by the follow. ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. To the Honorable and City Council Gentlemen: At the June 25, 1964 meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commis. sion took the following action: That the Final Plat of Block 9, Sunrise Heights in the City of Dubuque, Iowa as appears on the plat shown on Sheet 1 of 4 as hereby attached, be approved by the Dubuque Planning and Zoning Commission, and approval of said plat by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa is hereby recommended.. 1964 June 26, Mayor Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Kean moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos Nays-None. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of July, A.D., 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean councilmen RESOLUTION NO. 161-64 WHEREAS, Robert J. Shireman, Maxine F. Shireman, and Henry J. Kieffer and Genevieve A. Kief~ fer, owners of Orchard Hills Sub- division in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, have offered to the City of Dubuque, Iowa to make a gift of the portion 01 Lot 1 of Block 3 of Orchard Hills Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Dubuque, Iowa has recommend- ed the acceptance of said gift. !:lOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the gift to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Robert J. Shireman, Maxine F. Shireman, and Henry J. Kieffer and Gene- vieve A. Kieffer, owners of Or~ chard Hills Subdivision of that portion of Lot 1 of Block 3 of Orchard Hills Subdivision and de- scribed as follows, to wit: Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Block 3 of Orchard Hills in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to the recorded plat thereof be and the same is hereby ac- cepted and the City Manager of \City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and he is hereby authorized and em- powered to accept the Deed con- veying said property to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and that upon acceptance of delivery of convey- ance, said property shall be desig- nated for park purposes and shall be under the jurisdiction of the Board of Park Commissioners in and for the City of Dubuque, Iowa. lijff7_ 1111',77> 254 257 Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Kean m 0 v e d the adoption of the resolution. Second. ed hy Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 165-64 WHEREAS, applications for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this CO-un- cHj and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with. the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper bonds: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dnbuque, Iowa, that the Manager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the fOllOWing named applicants a Beer Permit. Name Addre.. CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT Milton John Delaney, 1046 Central Avenue Mary Bahl, 253 Main Street Leo Grass, 1105 University Avenue Earl C. Miller, 1091 White Street CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Fred Weiner, 1101 Iowa Street Merlin K. Abing, 408 West Locust Street Louis O'Meara, 1655 Delhi BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds filed by such ap- plicants be and same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of July, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean Councilmen Councilman Kean m 0 v e d the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos Nays-None. Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 John E. }lohr, 205 Locust Street Jack H. Miller, 1075 Dodge Street Herbert Bisping, 1401 Elm Street Chuck N. Wong, 378 Main Street Loraine Diener, 35 Locust Street Roger J. Bertsch, 31()'312 M a i n Street BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds filed with the ap. plication be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of July, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Kean m 0 v e d the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takos, Nays-None. ~ Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 164.64 WHEREAS, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following applica- tions be granted and licenses be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of the City. Name Address CLASS MS" BEER PERMIT Milton John Delaney, 1046 Central Avenue Mary Bahl, 253 Main street Leo Grass, 1105 University Avenue Earl C. Miller, 1091 White Street CLASS "C" SEER PERMIT Fred Weiner, 1101 White Street Merlin K. Abing, 408 West Locust Street Louis O'Meara, 1655 Delhi Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of July, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean Couneilmen. Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 Code requirements, and Indus- trial District Z 0 n i n g require- ments, and commence manufac- turing operations wit h i n six months. We understand that an offer to buy said land, together with a check for $500, to show good faith, will be deposited with the City Clerk of the City of Dubuque on or before July 6, 1964. Respectfully submitted, Mayor's Industrial Committee Robert Horgan, Mayor Don Mueller, Chairman, Dock Commission <absent) Joseph Voelker, Secretary of Dock Commission (in Chairman's absence) Robert Dorothy, Manager Dubuque lndustrial Bureau Robert E. Dorothy, Acting Sec'y Councilman Takos moved that the communicatiori be referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor with offer of purchase. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takos. Nays-:-None. RESOLUTION NO. 163-64 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dnbuque, Iowa, that the following having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of Ciga- rettes within the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers within said City. Name Add..... Ellwood J. Gatton, 1598 Elm Street Merlin K. Abing, 408 West Locust Street Fred Ansel, 1100 Lincoln Avenue David L. O'Toole, 195 East 14th Street Milton Delaney, 1046 Central Ave- nue D. A. V. Club, 2600 Dodge Street Plaza 20 Thelma Mardauss, 410 West 8th Street Earl Miller, 1091 White Street 256 I am enclosing a check for the amount of $500.00 as a binder on this offer. 1 understand that you will have a meeting on July 6 and would appreciate very much hear- ing from you on this decision at that time. Thank you very much. Weare looking forward to many profitable years in the Dubuque area. Yours truly, TRUS.DEK CORPORATION Harold E. Thomas Councilman Takos moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor and that proper proceedings be prepared and tbe City Clerk be authorized to publish notice of intent to dispose of interest in real estate. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Horgan, Council. men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takos Nays-None. July 6, 1964 That three acres of Block 17, River Front Subdivision, in the City of Dubuque, be sold to the purcbaser for the sum of $9,000. (plat attached) 2. Taht when the remaining 1.78 acres of Block 17 is offered for sale, the Truss-Deck Corporation, or its assignees, be given first opportunity to purchase s aid land, provided however, that said company can show need for the property under the same pro- visions affecting the first sale of land to Truss-Deck. 3. T hat Truss-Deck Corporation agrees to complete construction of a building, meeting Building Gentlemen: Having met in advisory capacity and reviewed the negotiations be. tween the Dubuque Industrial Bu- reau, local lenders, the Dubuque In d u strial Development Corpora- tion and certain city officials, with the Truss-Deck Corporation of Boise, Idaho, this body now rec- ommends that the City of Dubuque sell certain land in River Front Subdivision in Industrial Park to the Truss-Deck Corporation of Boise, Idaho, under the fOllowing conditions: 1. "I...... .~~ Honorable Mayor and City Council 259 Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 Carried Mayor Horgan moved that the rules be suspended in order to let anyone present address the Council if they so desire. Second- ed by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, LUdwig, Pfohl. Takas. Nays-None. ed by Councilman pfohl by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl. Takas Nays--None. ~ Mr. Vincent Roling of 3280 Penn- sylvania Avenue addressed the Council objecting to various de- velopment operations abutting his property. There being no further business Mayor Horgan moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Kean, Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas Nays-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk. .....................1964. 1964. ~ ................... City Clerk Councilmen Approved Adopted Attest RESOLUTION NO. 167-64. WHEREAS, applications for Liq- uor Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council, and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the State Law and all City ordinances relevant thereto and they have filed the proper bonds: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to be is- sued to the following named ap- plicants a Liquor Permit. CLASS "C" COMMERCIAL Vernon L. Meyers, 530 East 22nd Street Creslanes Bowling, Inc., 255 South Main Street Kenneth Jerome Love, 802 Iowa Street Navy Club Ship #67, 469 Main Street Fay E. Miller, 1298 Main Street Cyril Meitl, 1555 Central Avenue Milton John Delaney, 1046 Central Avenue The American Legion, Dubuque Post #6, 290 West 4th Street Ellwood J. Gatton, 1598 Elm Street Cecil J. McMahon, 1564 Central Avenue Roger J. Bertsch, 326 Main Street Maryel M. Birkett, 1064 University Avenue lone Miller, 4th CLASS "A" CLUB Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, 111 West 6th Street Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks #297, 7th & Locust Street Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of July, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. pfohl James J. Kean Councilmen Councilman Kean moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- Regular Sesssion, July 6, 1964 RESOLUTION NO. 166-64 WHEREAS, applications for Liq- our Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following applications be granted and licenses issued upon the compliance with the terms of the IOWA LiQUOR CONTROL ACT-CHAPTER 123-as amended by the 60th General assembly, 1963. 258 1322 Central Avenue "8.. HOTEL lnc., 36 West Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk CLASS Canfield Hotel Street CLASS "C" COMMERCIAL Vernon L. Meyer, 530 East 22nd Street Creslanes Bowling, lnc., 255 South Main Street Kenneth Jerome Love, 802 Iowa Street Navy Club, Ship #67, 469 Main Street Fay E. Miller, 1298 Main Street Cyril Meitl, 1555 Central Avenue Milton John Delaney, 1046 Central Avenue The American Legion, Dubuque Post #6, 290 West 4th Street Ellwood J. Gatton, 1596 Elm Street Cecil J. McMahon, 1564 Central Avenue Roger J. Bertsch, 326 Main Street Maryel Mildred Birkett, 1064 Uni- versity Avenue lone Miller, 1322 Central Avenue CLASS "B" HOTEL Canfield Hotel, lnc., 36 West 4th Street CLASS "A" CLUB Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, 111 West 6th Street Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks #297, 7th & Locust Street Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of July, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pfohl James J. Kean Councilmen Councilman Kean moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Kean, Ludwig, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. '''''1.,. -- Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk ~ 261 buque which will extend the agreement with the State Highway Commission through June 30th, 1969. City Engineer White, Street Commissioner Allen and myself interviewed Mr. Balcom, the High- way District Maintenance Engi. neer, about the agreement. As a result of this discussion, I recom- mend the passage of the resolu- tion. I am. enclosing a letter from Mr. Balcom, dated July 10th, wbich describes the maintenance agree- ment. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Takas moved ap. proval of the recommendation. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Dubuque County RESOLUTION MAINTENANCE OF PRIMARY ROAD EXTENSIONS Cities Population ~OO and above BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Sections 308A.14, 313.21 and 313.36, as amended, of the Code of 1950, we hereby approve and consent to the maintenance of all primary road extensions within said city of Dubuque by the State Highway Commission, as hereinafter set forth. 2. Tbat the approval and consent herein given for the mainte. nance of said primary road extensions within the city of Dubuque is based on the assump. tion and understanding that said maintenance to be done by the State Highway Commission will be paid for by the State High. way Commission out of the pri- mary road fund, and that no charge will be made against the city of Dubuque on account of such maintenance by the State Highway Commission on the said primary road extensions within the said city of Dubuque. 3. That the maintenance to be done by the State Highway Commis- Special Session, July 22, 1964 To the Honorable and City Council Gentlemen: I am enclosing a resolution for the maintenance of primary road extensions within the City of Du- 1964 July 22, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: This note is to inform you that the purchase of the Fuhrman prop- erty at Ninth and Central was completed by the City Solicitor on July 19th. The balance due the former owners has been paid by the City. The tenants have been notified of the change in ownership and collection of rents has been ar. ranged. Insurance coverage of the building has been established on an interim basis pending the final details of coverage. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Takos moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council- man Pfohl. Carried by the follow. ing vole: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. 15, July 22, 1964 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Gentlemen: Attached hereto is the properly recorded plat of Lot lA of Ham's Addn. (Vacated Emerson St.) which lies on the easterly side of Garfield Avenue. It is my recommendation that this lot now be sold on a sealed bid basis and that proper proceed- ings be prepared to be presented at the Council meeting of August 3, 1964. Respectfully snbmitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Takas moved that the recommendation of the Man- ager be approved. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nay~None. Absent-Couneilman Kean. ~ July Mayor ")I~ Special Session, July 22, 1964 desire to do everything as soon as possible up to the time of the bond issue. Councilman Takos moved that the request be granted and that $14,000 shQUldcome from the Liquor Sales Profit Fund and $2500. from the Ubrary Unap. propriated reserve. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Counei' men Ludwig, pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Communication of Ray m 0 n d Leitner of 2092 Garfield Avenue snbmitting an offer of $1500, plus costs of publication, for the pur- chase of Lot 2A Ham's Addn. (va- cated Stanton Street), presented and read. Councilman Takos moved that the offer be accepted and referred to the City Attorney for proper proceedings. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Communication of Wm. D. & Pauline L. Gross submitting an offer of $750., plus half cost of publication, for the purchase of Lot lA of T. McCraneys Addn. (part of vacated Marshall Street), presented and read. Councilman Takos moved that the offer be accepted and referred to the City Attorney for proper proceedings. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, PIohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Communication of Mrs. Donald Jasper submitting an offer of $750., plus half of publication costs, for the purchase of Lot 2A of T. McCraney's Addn. (part of vacated Marshall street), presented and read. Councilman Takos moved that the offer be accepted and referred to the City Attorney for proper proceedings. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Kean. Rev. Karl G. Schroeder present- ed a plea for the construction of facilities based on the consultant's report. The Library Board is look- ing for help to get going on a report and proposition to be even. tually submitted to the voters of the community. Mr. Dave Hammer stated that three firms of local architects have indicated their willingness to co- operate. The consultant's report is very comprehensive. It is their Kean. Communication of Car n e g i e Stout Library submitting a pre- liminary cost schedule and re- questing the commitment of $18,- 000 for the construction of new or additional facilities, presented and read. Councilman Takos moved that the rules be suspended in order to let anyone present ad. dress the Council if they so desire. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Counci men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Mayor Horgan read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this meeting is called for the purpose of fixing ~te of hearing on tbe 1965 Budget Estimate and acting on any other business which may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Communication of Park Board stating that at their meeting of July 8, 1964 a motion was made and adopted that it would not be feasible to move the Park office at this time, presented and read. Councilman Takas moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Special Session, July 22, 1964. Council met at 7:30 P.M. (D.S.T.) Present-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. City Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle. Absent-Councilman COUNCIL OFFICIAL eF' "~-';"'f r~.l .., 260 CITY -'I; 263 Proof of Publication, certified to by tbe Publisher, of Statement of Receipts and a list of claims for which warrants were issued during the month of June 1964, presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Ludwig. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Special Session, July 22, 1964 1. Financing of Urban Services 2. Measuring a City's Economic Potential 3. Prospects for Economic Growth Thank you for considering this matter. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager July 20, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: I am enclosing a letter dated July 16th received from County Attorney Robert W. Burns. The letter contained a copy of a July 9th opinion of the State Attorney General Evan Hultman. The opinion is favorable making it possible for the County to trans- fer funds to the County-City Building Authority. I have been informed that the County will transfer to the Author~ ity, in the next few days, an initial sum of $5,000, and about the mid- dle of November, will transfer the balance of $7,500. As soon as the County authorities make these transfers, I will also transfer city funds in like amount to the Au- thority. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager 1964 Mayor Horgan moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. July 20, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: I am forwarding to you a peti- tion concerned with the removal of horseshoe courts at Flora Park. I discussed this matter with the Park Superintendent and he has reported that the Park Board has no intention of removing the horseshoe courts. Councilman Takas moved that the Manager's request be granted. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car- ried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. July 15, 1964 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: I hereby submit the report of O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks, Certified Public Account- ants, concerning the examination of the accounts of the city for the period January 1, 1963 through December 31, 1963. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Takas moved that the report be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. July 20, Mayor 1964 To the Honorable and City Council Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works for the month of June, as well as a list of claims and pay. rolls for which warrants were is- sued for the month of June, 1964. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Mayor Horgan moved that the reports be received and. filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Pfohl. Car. ried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pf()hl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. 1964 To the Honorable and City Council Gentlemen: I ask your confirmation of the appointment of Mr. John E. Brown as mechanical engineer member of the Board of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigera- tion. Mr. Brown will fill the vacancy caused by tbe death of Mr. John Glasgow for the unexpired term of office to March 16, 1965. The Heating, Ventilating, Air- Conditioning and Refrigeration Code of the city stipulates that one of the board members shall be a mechanical engineer regis- tered in the State of Iowa, and that each board member shall be a citizen of the City of Dubuque for at least five years. Since Mr. Brown is a mechanical engineer registered in the State of Iowa, but has been a resident of the city for only a few weeks. I request that you waive the five year residence qualification in the case of Mr. Brown. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager 1964 To the Honorable and City Council Gentlemen: I request permission to attend the 50th Annual Conference of the International City Managers' Association to be held in Chicago on September 27th to October 1st. I believe that this conference will be a productive and beneficial one. The major topics and prob- lems to be discussed include: Pro- gramming Future Service Needs, Co-ordinating Programs and City Development, Management Em- ployee Relations and Council and City Manager Relations. Three important sessions of the conference will be devoted to: 14, July Mayor Special Session, July 22, 1964 Councilman Ludwig m 0 v e d approval of the Manager's recom- mendation. Seconded by Council- man Pfohl. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. July 14, Mayor 4. That the maintenance of such primary road extensions by the Highway Commission shall not include (a) The loading and hauling away of snow which is plowed off to the side of the traveled portion of the roadway. (b) The sprinkling of the streets. (c) The sweeping of the streets. (d) The maintenance or repair of any sewers, water pipes or other services under the trav- eled surface of the roadway or any costs incident thereto. 5. That this resolution and the terms thereof shall become ef- fective upon the approval and acceptance thereof by the Iowa State Highway Commission and sball be in effect until July 1, 1969, except that the resolution may be rescinded by the city at the end of any fiscal year, ending July 1st. Resolution approved and adopt- ed by the city council of the city of Dubuque, Iowa, this 22nd day of July, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor sion on the primary road exten- sions within the city of Dubuque shall include the usual surface maintenance, roadbed repairs, repairs to bridges, culverts and guard rail, and other mainte- nance usually performed on pri- mary roads outside of cities and towns, That on streets or por- tions of streets which are curbed, the maintenance, except snow removal, shall extend from curb to curb. That the mainte- nance of such primary road ex. tensions shall include plowing the snow from the full width of the pavement or other surfac- ing, provided that if the pave- ment or other surfacing is more tban tbirty feet in width, then the Highway Commission will plow the snow from a traveled way only about thirty feet in width. Attest: Leo F. Frommelt Clerk Resolution approved and accept- ed by the Iowa State Highway Commission on the 12 day of Au- gust, 1964. 262 Smiley, Maint. F. A. ~ ~ Engr. ~,'W "" - '~'"Inl., ~ ., ~ 265 Councilman Pfohl moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. ORDINANCE NO. 28-64 An Ordinance Authorizing Du- buque Screw Products Inc. to Construct a Loading Dock in the aUey presented and read. Councilman Pfohl moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent--Councilman Kean. on July 7th and 22nd, presented and read. Councilman Takas moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investiga- tion and report. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Counci: men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. ~ Councilman pfohl moved that the rule be suspended requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Coun- cilman Takos. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Counci men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. ORDINANCE NO. 28-64 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING DU- BUQUE SCREW PRODUCTS, INC. TO CONSTRUCT A LOADING DOCK IN THE ALLEY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN- cn. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Dubuque Screw Prod- ucts, Inc. as owners of the premises known as 163 Main Street, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa be, and they are hereby authorized and granted the right and authority to construct and maintaIn a loading dock In the alley at the rear of saId premises under the terms and conditions set forth In this Ordinance. Section 2. That such construction shall be done In accordance with the following specifications: (A) The dock will be approximately 14 feet long. (B) The dock will not extend more than four (4) feet Into the alley. (C) The surfacing in the alley, if damaged or displaced during the con- struction of said dock, will be replaced. (D) The dock will be constructed In accordance to all applicable state and federal laws and regulations and ordi- nances of the City of DUbuque. Section 3. That the permiSsion herein granted is expressly conditioned on per- mittees agreement to: (A) Assume any and all liability for damages to persons or property whIch may result from the construction or maintenance of said loading dock. Special Session, July 22, 1964 Notice of claim of Edward J. Herting, in the amount of $21.27, for car damage incurred as the result of striking a hole in the street at 3450 Dove Street on June 29, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Takos moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote. Yeas--Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean Notice of claim of Milton S. Boyes, in the amount of $7.50, for car damage incurred as the result of striking a chuckhole in the alley between Summit & Gilmore streets on July 15, 1964, presented and read. Councilman Takos moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investiga- tion and report. Seconded by Councilman Pfohl. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. July 21, Mayor 1964 Gentlemen: The petition of Dubuque Screw Products Co., 163 Main Street re- questing permission to erect a loading dock at the rear of their building has been examined by the various departments. The dock should alleviate a bad truck unloading condition in this alley and facilitate the moving of traffic. be petition ~ I recommend granted. Respectfuliy submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle, City Manager that To the Honorable and City Council 22,1964 I have made an investigation of this ltI2tter and find 110 actionable negligence on the part of the City of Dubuque and therefore recommend denial of saidclaiDL Original clai.m is attached here. to. Respectfully submitted, R. N.Russo City Attorney Mayor Horgan moved that the recommendation .of the City At- torney by approved. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Ma.Y()r Horgan., Counei men Ludwig, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. July 9, 1964 City Council Donald A. Bauer Mayor & Re: Gentlemen: On September 27, 1963, Donald A. Bauer of 2555 Viola, Dubuque, Iowa, filed claim against City of Dubuque claiming damages to his motor vehicle as a result of an allegedly defective, broken and jagged curb on the south side of 5th Street near the alley. The claimant has made an offer of settlement in the amount of $27.00. I have made aD investiga- tkm of this matter and it is the ~commendation of the tity At- torney that said offer be accepted and tbe City Auditor be directed to draw a warrant in the amount of $27.00 payable to Donald A. Bauer and Nathalie M. Bauer, and deliver the same upon receipt of a duly executed release. Original claim is attached here. to. Respectfully submitted, R. N. Russo City Attorney Mayor Horgan moved that the recommendation of the City At- torney be approved and the Audi- tor instructed to draw proper war. rant. Seconded by Councihllan Takos. carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council. men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Notice of claim of Della L. Miller, in the amount of $750., for personal property damage as the result -of the overflow of a sewer Session, July The horseshoe courts are located to the east of the present tennis courts. It is proposed to construct new tennis courts to the west of the present courts, thereby in no way interfering with the horseshoe pits. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Mayor Horgan moved that the communication be received and filed and a copy of same be sent to some of the petitioners as mat- ter of information. Seconded by Coundlman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council. men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Hon. 1964 July 9, 1964 Hon. May-or &: City Council Re: Leta Mae Crozier Gentlemen: On March 6, 1964, Leta Mae Ctmier, 1696 Washington St., Du. buque, l'Owa, filed claim against the City of Dubuque, for injuries aUegedly suffered as a result of tripping OIl street at the intersec- tion of Main and Eighth Streets, alleging something on the street. -,,=, Special 264 Gentlemen: On February 19, 1964, Mrs. Barbara Rupp, 2491 Jackson Street, Dubuque, Iowa, filed claim against the City of Dubuque, for injuries allegedly suffered as a resull of a fall on the sidewalk at Thomp- son's Market, 250 W. 1st St., alleg- ing an icy sidewalk thereat. I have made an investigation of this matter and find no action- able negligence on the part of the City of Dubuque and therefore recommend denial of said claim. OrigiuI claim is attached hereto. Respectfully submitted, R. N. Russo City Attorney Mayor Horgan moved that the recommendation of the City Attor- ney be approved. Seconded by 'Councilman 'Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Rupp '"...,,:'::!,,' ";,',,,," July 9, Hon. Mayor & City Council Re: Mrs. Barbara '1 ,.( I -*~. iii ~ 'lSl on said agreement for vacation of said plat and to sign the consent attached to said agreement on be. half of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, adopted and approved by the recorded roll call vote this 22 day of July, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard LUdwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen AAtest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Horgan moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Counci men LUdwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays--None. Absent--Councilman Kean. RESOLUTION NO. 171-64 WHEREAS, the City Manager has submitted a BUDGET ESTIMATE as provided in Chapter 24 of the 1962 Code of Iowa and the City Council had duly considered and caused to be prepared the Budget Estimate of expenditures for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1965 and ending December 31, 1965, as a basis for the tax levy for the year 1964, the same to be col- lected in the year 1965 and said bUdget having been duly approved by it. RESOLUTION NO. 170-64 WHEREAS, all of the property owners of the lots in St. George Subdivision in the City of DUbuque, Iowa, bave filed with the City Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, an agreement for vacation of the plat dated December 14, 1962, filed De- cember 14, 1962, in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa, in Book of Plats No. 28, Page 393; and WHEREAS, they desire to vacate said plat for the purpose of ex- NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. tinguishing the 10' utilities ease. SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ment shown thereon; and OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE: WHEREAS,. tbe public. utility That said bUdget estimate be and compames entitled to use s~ld ease- the same is hereby ordered filed ~ent have consented to saId vaca- in the office of the City Clerk of hon; and the City of Dubuque and the date WHEREAS, Code Sections 409.18 of public hearing thereon is here- and 409.19 of the 1962 Code of by fixed as the 10th day of August, Iowa provide for the vacation of 1964 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Daylight plats in this manner; Saving Time. in the Council Cham- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE. her at the City Hall. SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, that said Clerk be and he is here- lOW A: by directed to cause said bUdget That said agreement for vacation estimate of expenditures to be pub- of the plat dated December 14, lished in the official newspaper of 1962, filed December 14, 1962, in the City of DUbuque and the offi- the Office of the Recorder of Du- cial notice to be given of the time buque County, Iowa, in Book of and place, when and where said Plats No. 28, Page 393, be the same Budget Estimate will be considered is hereby approved, and the Mayor by said Council for final adoption, and Clerk are hereby authorized at which time and place taxpayers and directed to endorse the ap- will be heard for or against said proval of the City of Dubuque up- estimate, said publication to be not Special Session, July 22, 1964 pre- Street to repair a water sented and read. Councilman Takas moved that the petition be granted. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent--Councilman Kean. Agreement for vacation of plat of the SubdivisIon of Lot 3 of Block 2 of St. George's Subdivision de- clared vacated as submitted by Eldon T. Herrig et al for the pur. pose of extinguiShing the HY utili- ties easement, presented and read. Councilman Takos moved that the agreement be approved. Sec- onded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent--.councilman Kean. leak, ~ Special Session, July 22, 1964 Kean. Petition of Mr. & Mrs. Ray J. Schmit et al requesting the instal- lation of sanitary sewer on Mont- crest from Woodworth to Hemp- stead, presented and read. Mayor Horgan moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and Engineering Department. Sec- onded hy Councilman Takos. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Kean. Petition of Peoples Natural Gas requesting permission to excavate in Fulton Street between Monroe & King Street, presented' and read. Councilman Takos moved that the petition be granted. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Petition of Peoples Natural Gas requesting permission to excavate in Cherry Street between Finley & Pennsylvania Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Takos moved that the petition be granted. Sec- onded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Cound men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Petition of Loras College request- ing permission to excavate W. 17th vember 14, 1964 at 10:30 A.M., pre. sented and read. Councilman Pfohl moved that the request be, referred to the Mayor and City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Petition of Albert A. Bisanz et al requesting permission to exca- vate in North Glen Oak to install sewer and water, presented and read. Councilman Takas moved that the petition be granted. Sec. onded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council. men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman It. 7-27. Councilman Pfohl moved the final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Petition of Rosheks requesting permission to hold giant-balloon Christmas parade on Saturday, No- ACCEPTANCE OF ORDINANCE NO. 28-64 The undersigned having read and be- ing familiar with the terms and condi- tions of Ordinance No. 28-64 hereby, for themselves, their successors or as- signs, as owners of the abutting prop- erty, accept the same and agree to be bound by the conditions and agree- ments therein contained to be per- formed by permittees. Dated July 22, 1964. DUBUQUE SCREW PRODUCTS~ INC. By Orner K. Leeser. President By Robert H. Scherr, Secretary published Officially in The Telegraph- Herald Newspaper this 27th day of July 1964. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk (B) To pay on behalf of the City of Dubuque all sums which the City of Dubuque shall become obligated to pay by reason of the llability imposed upon the City of Dubuque for damages of any kind resulting from the construc- tion or maintenance of said loading dock, sustained by any person or per- sons, caused by accident or otherwise, to defend at its own expense and on behalf of said City any claim against the City of Dubuque artsing out of the construction or maintenance of said loading dock. Section 4. That the permission herein granted is expreSSly conditioned upon permittees further agreement that should the right and privilege herein granted be rescinded or revoked by the City Council, permittees or their successors in interest, as owners of the abutting property, shall within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice from the City Manager, 50 to do, at their own expense, remove said load- ing dock, and in the event of their fallure so to do, the City of Dubuque shall be authorized to remove said load- ing dock at permittees expense and dispose of the same. and the permittees shall have no claim against the city or its agents for damages resulting from the removal of said loading dock. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be- come effective and the rights here- under accrue to Dubuque Screw Prod- ucts, Inc. when this Ordinance has been adopted by the City Council and the terms and conditions thereof ac- cepted by permittees by acceptance en- dorsed on this Ordinance. Passed, adopted and approved this 2Znd day of July, A. D., 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takas Eldon A. Pfohl Councilmen .'_Iil....~~- Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk 266 269 Special Session, July 22, 1964 ~ Mayor Horgan moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Takas. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. COUNCIL RECESSED AT 8:20 P.M. RECONVENED AT 8:30 P.M. Mayor Horgan moved that Mr. Frank Glab and Mr. Earl Bush be re-appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a five year term from May 24, 1964 to May 24, 1969 and Mrs. Wilbur Dalzell, John Petrakis, Gerald McAleece, Rev. Lawrence Guter, Harold Sweet, Mrs. Kay Wright, Gilbert D. Chao venelle be re-appointed to the Rec- reation Commission for three year terms from July 5, 1964 to July 5, 1967. Seconded by CouncilLnan Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council- men Ludwig, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. There being no further business Councilman Takas moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Mayor Horgan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk .1964. ..1964. Approved Adopted Special Session, July 22, 1964 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following applica- tions be granted and licenses is- sued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of the City. 268 Councilmen ............................... City Clerk ~ Attest Name Address CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT Joseph F .Costa..........1091 Main SI. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of July, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Horgan moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Counci men Ludwig, Pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent~Councilman Kean. RESOLUTION NO. 174-64 WHEREAS, application for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have re~ ceived the approval of this Coun~ cil; and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper bonds: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that tbe Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. Name Address CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT Joseph F. Costa..........1091 Main SI. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds filed by such appli- cants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of July, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. Pohl Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Takas moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec~ onded by Councilman Pfohl. Car- ~ ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council men Ludwig, pfohl, Takos. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. RESOLUTION NO. 172-64 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of Cigar~ eUes within the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers within said City. less than ten (10) days before said date of hearing. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of July, 1964. Robert J .Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. pfohl Councilmen Name Address Gus Bogas......................500 Main St. Leo B. Grass....1l05 University Ave. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds filed with tbe ap- plication be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of July, 1964. Robert J. Horgan Mayor Richard Ludwig Peter J. Takos Eldon A. pohl Councilmen Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Attest: Mayor Horgan moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Takos. Carried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Horgan, Council~ men Ludwig, pfohl, Takas. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Kean. RESOLUTION NO. 173-64 WHEREAS, applications for Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: NOW, THEREFORE, ~T 1IIIp -