1963 Index Council Proceedings OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA For the Year 1963 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1963 COUNCILMENT JAMES J. KEAN, Mayor ROBERT J. HORGAN JOHN P. SCHREIBER LOUIS SCHALLER PETER J. TAKOS City Clerk ................................................................LEO F. FROMMELT City Solicitor ........................................................................R. N. RUSSO MUNICIPAL ~®IJRT JU®GS EDWARD D. FAILOR FRANK D. GILLOON JR. Municipal Court Clerk ........................................ JOSEPH A. STIEBER Municipal Court Bailiff ................ELMER D. JOHANNINGMEIER CITY MANAGER GILBERT D. CHAVENELLE City Treasurer Plumbing Inspector EDWARD M. TSCHIRGI RICHARD J. FEYEN City Auditor Electrical Inspector A. L. HOLSCHER LUVERN J. NORTON City Engineer Health Director JOHN WHITE DR. A. J. ENTRINGER City Assessor Sanitary Officer HARRY J. HANOVER ARTHUR J. MILLER Chief of Fire Department Milk Sanitarian THOMAS C. HICKSON A. J. BOTH Chief of Poliee PERCY LUCAS Food and Restaurant Inspector Supt of Water Works MILDRED KENNEDY' J. J. HAIL Director of Reereation Street Department NICHOLAS J. SUTTON CLETUS ALLEN 10~10~63 Building Commissioner RICHARD J. SLATTERIP DONALD BAND' l~~1fi~63 Regular meetings of the City Council are held on the first Monday of eaeh month at 7:30 o'clock P.M. B' III I'','~. Y I. ~U~IA~111,~ INDEX -BOOK 93 _1983 SUBJECT Page D Jan 7-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, appointed depos- . itory of Public funds .................................................. 3 10 " 7-Diamond Cab Company, taxi-cab policy ........................ " " 7-Deibel Irene, Notice of Suit ............................................ 7-Dotter Mel et. al., requesting rezoning of Lot 27 of 10 G. R. Welts Dubuque to Class "A" Local Business Classification ................................................................ 11, 41 7-Diamond's Grille, requesting permission to build an entrance on 9th side of their building .................. 11, 81 " 7-Dupont Ralph A, requesting refund on Cigarette 12 Permit No. 209 ............................................................ " 7-Davenport Street, schedule of assessments for 1982 concrete curb and gutter project ............................ 20 Feb. 4-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, requesting refund oa Class "B" Beer Permit No. 93 ................................. 46 " 4-Dubuque Boat Club Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................................ 51. 323 4-Daylight Saving Time to be observed fmm June 2, 1983 to September 1, 1983 ...................................... 52, 68 Mar. 4-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co., excavation pol- icy :................................................................................. 4-Daughters of The Union Veterans Mary Agard Tent 55 No. 35, requesting permission to hold a tag day .. 82 " 4-Dubuque Paeking Company, requesting that 2.3 acres of land adjacent to their property be identified for Fire DePaztment Training ................................ 62, 285 " 4-Duggan John J. et. al., requesting the extension of water east on Relly Lane .......................................... 82, 100 " 4-Davenport Street Storm Sewer completed and as cePted ............................................................................ 70 April 1-Deppe Edward A. et. al., requesting curb and gutter and paving on Farragut Street ................................ 84 1-Deppe Edward A. et. al., objecting to improvement of Farragut Street ...................................................... 84, 85 " 1-Dean Raymond F. et. al., objecting to the improve- ment of Ruann Drive and Ideal Lane .................... 84 " 1-Dubuque Federation of Labor, submitting a resolu- tion endorsing a joint City-County Building ........ 99 " 1-Dubuque Women's Club, expressing concern over the log cabin in Eagle Point Park ................................ 100 " 1-Donovan George D., Notice of Claim ............................ 102 1-Duggan John J. and Richard Henschel, requesting rezoning of area along the south city limits near Relly Lane, from single family residence to Local Business District "B" classification ........................ 105, 153 1-Deutsch Florance, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 110 " 1-Dubuque Baseball, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 110 19-Deininger George, appointed to the Board of Zon- ing Adjustment and the Planning and Zoning Commission .................................................................. 121 May 6-Disabled American Veterans Chapter #6, requesting permission to have tag day ..................................... 133 6-Dubuque Sports Bowl, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................................................... 142, 322 6-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class „B" Beer Permit .......................................................... 142 20-Dubuque County Bar Association, endorsing efforts of City-County officials for a joint City-County i Building ........ ...... .. June 3-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, requesting permis- sion to hold a fireworks display .............................. 158 1983 July Aug. Sept. INDEX -BOOK 93 SUBJECT Page D 3-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... ....................................... 183 17-Diamond Cab Company, taxi cab policy ...................... 188 17-Durrant k Bergquist, requesting the extension of the present multiple residence district zoning classification district to include the east side of Rockdale Road southerly approximately 480' and include Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of M. L. 10 and Lot 2 of Lot. 1. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of M. L. 30 ..........:::..:182, 194, 240, 262 17-Davis Lyle K., requesting refund on a building per- m~t ...............................................................:........:.:....:.. 182 17-Dubuque Metal Trades Council, granted Cigarette Permit ..................................................................:....... 185 17-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Cigarette Permit .....................................................:.:.................. 185 17-Deutmeyer Melvin, granted Cigazette Permit ............ .. 188 17-Dubuque Packing Company, granted Cigazette Pen - . mit .............................................:.........:...................:...... 18B 17-Dubuque Boat Club, Inc., granted Cigarette Per- m~t .................................................................................. 188 17-Disabled American Veterans Club Inc., granted Cig-- - arette Permit :............................................................... 188, 373 25-Dillon Ann, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 188 25-Diamond Cafeteria, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 188 25-Dunbar Otto J, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 188 25-Driscoll Willard J., granted Cigazette Permit ............ 188 25-Donovan Melville L., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 189 25-Deutsch Florance, granted Cigazette Permit .............. 189 25-Driscoll Willazd James, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 190 25-Dunbaz Otto J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 190 1-Deckert Frank L. Co., requesting vacation of alley on Elm Street between 14th and 15th Streets ...... 195, 237 1-Donath Patricia Ann, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 201 1-Dunbaz Lennie Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 201 1-Diener Lorraine, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 201 1-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Class "A" Liquor Permit .............................................................. 204 8-Donath Patricia A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 208 8-Disabled American Veterans Corp., granted Class ..A„ Liquor Permit .................................................... 209, 375 8-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class ..A,. Liquor Permit ...................................................... 209 22-Dubuque Insulating & Siding Co., requesting per- mission to install a permanent portiko over the Bridge Cafe .................................................................. 222 5-Dubuque T. V. - F. M. Cable Corporation, Division of H k B Communication Corp., application for renewal of Community Antenna Television Fran- chise ......................................239, 283, 300, 304, 381, 984 5-Donath Otto Mr. & Mrs., requesting removal of storm sewer located on their property ..242, 259, 324, 387 5-Donath Otto Mr. & Mrs., requesting that Otto be reinstated to his former job with the City ....242, ............................................................................259, 324, 367 5-Dubuque Summer Carnival, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 190 ............................ 242 5-Donath Patricia, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 250 3-Dock Board Commission, recommending that the Council take favorable action on the petition of the Dubuque Packing Company fot ground along Kerper Boulevard ............................................ 285 INDEX -BOOK 93 1983 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 7-American Trust & Savings Bank, appointed deposi- tory of Public funds .................................................. 3 " 7-Alpha Avenue, schedule of assessments for 1962 con- crete curb and gutter improvement ...................... 20 Feb. 4-Avoca and Green Street, east and west bound traffic must stop before entering the intersection of streets ............................................................................ 42 " 4-American Legion Dubuque Post No. 6, requesting permission to hold a pazade .................................... 44 " 4-American Legion Auxiliazy, requesting permission to have a POPPY drive .................................................... 44 " 4-American Optometric Ass'n., proclaiming "Save Your Vision Week" .............................................................. 44 " 4-Anthoine Agnella L., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 51 " 4-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company Inc., granted Class „C„ Beer Permit ........................................................ 51, 395 Mar. 4-Anthony Richard, cancellation of sidewalk bond ...... 62 " 4-Althaus Emil & Herbert E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................................ 81 April 1-Animal and Fowl Ordinance previously read at meet- ing of August 20, 1962, presented for further discussion ...................................................................... 103 " 19-Agreement between the Illinois Central Railroad Co. and the City of Dubuque on a section of the Southern Avenue Storm Sewer Extension .... 112 " 19-Access Control ~On Primary Roads Nos. U. S. 20; U. S. 52; U. S. 61 and U. S. 151, within the City of Dubuque. Iowa ........................................................ 116 MaY 6-Altman John R., sidewalk bond .................................... 127 " 6-American Legion Post No. 6, requesting permission to hold a pazade on Memorial Day ........................ 133 June 3-Adams Rosemary, Suit against the City returned in favor of defendant ...................................................... 153 " 17-Abernathy Glenn, sidewalk bond .................................. 166 " 17-Adams Realty Co., advising that they have no objec- tion to the rezoning of the east side of Grandview Avenue from Delhi to West Third Street ............ 180 " 17-Althaus Herbert E., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 185 " 17-Apel Merlin, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 186 " 17-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Cigazette Permits .......................................................................... 185 " 17-American Legion, Dubuque Post #8, granted Cigar- ette Permit .................................................................. 186 " 17-Arvanitis George K., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 186 " 17-APeI Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 186 " 25-Anthoine, Mrs. Louis, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 188 " 25-Alba Cruso, granted Cigazette Permit .......................... 189 " 25-Abing Merlin K., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 189 " 25-American Legion Post No. 6, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................................ 190 " 25-Abing Merlin K., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 190 July 1-Arlen Clarence J. and Dolores, approval of plat of Blocks 23, 24 and 25 of Clover Hills Subdivi- sion ................................................................................ 197, 198 " 8-Amvets Post No. 3, granted Class "A" Liquor Per- mit .................................................................................. 209 " 8-American Municipal Ass'n., invitation to attend Con- gress in Houston, Texas ............................................ 211 " 15-American Legion, Dubuque Post No. 6, granted Class ,•A" Liquor Permit ...................................................... 219 " 22-Amvets Auxiliary, requesting permission to conduct a White Clover sales .................................................. 221 i~l~,~ll!l,A~M ~IU~}illl~lll~llll .wnmo~ INDEX -BOOK 93 1983 SUBJECT A " 22-Allen's Trenching Service, requesting excavation per- mit .................................................................................. Aug. 5-Applications for Agricultural and Horticultural ex- emption on parcels of land of ten acres or more .............................................................................. " 5-Airport Budget report by Manager 7eff Molid .......... " 5-Albrecht Burton W., sidewalk bond .............................. " 5-Allen Howard, excavation policy .................................. " 5-Arthofer C. J. et al., requesting the allocation of funds for the improvement of Moore's Mill ........ Sept. 3-Anthony Richazd, sidewalk bond .................................... 3-Adams James M., on behalf of Susan Lynn Adams, Notice of Claim .......................................................... " 16-Adeline Street, installation of street light .................. " 16-Agreement between Herman and Agnes Steines and the City of Dubuque for the purchase of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 382 in Dubuque County, Iowa .............................................................................. " 16-Agreement between Cletus N. and Carolyn E. Nau- man and the City of Dubuque for the purchase of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Highland Farm ........................................... " 16-Annexation of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 382 and Lot i of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 382 to the City of Dubuque .................................................. " 16-Agreement between Wahlert High School and the City of Dubuque for the conveyance of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of "St. Mary's Place" in the City of Dubuque .......................................................... " 16-American Legion, Dubuque Post No. 8, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...................................................... Oct. 7-Apel Merlin, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............ " 28-Auderer Ervin, Notice of Claim .................................... Nov. 4-American Veterans of World War H, Dubuque Post No. 3, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ " 18-Air Pollution Report by Dr. Entringer and Arthur Rntb .............................................................................. " 18-Artus Merlin et. al., objecting to the nuisance creat- ed by George Saffran by the storage of vehicles and equipment on North Grandview and Boyer Streets .......................................................................... Dec. 2-Amendment of Allocation of Funds within the Gen- eral Fund, Street Fund, Public Safety Fund, San- itation Fund, Recreation General Fund & Pazk- ing Lot Rev. Bond Sinking Fund ....................417, " 2-Alba Cruso A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ " 2-Allman Nina,appointed to the Human Relations Com- mission .......................................................................... " 23-Annexation of approximately 134.20 acres, owned by Frank and Hattie Mozena to the City of Du- buque ............................................................................ INDEX -BOOK 93 Page 1963 _ SUBJECT B Jan. 7-Beeke Florence, requesting the vacation and convey- 221 ante of an alley running from the east property line of Stafford to the west property line of the alley first east of Viola Street ................................ 231 7-Black & White, Yellow & Checker Cab Co. Inc., taxi- 233 cab Policy ...................................................................... 238 " 7-Barnett William M., Settlement of claim .................... 238 7-Baum William J., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 281 .................................................................. 242 " 7-Beidler Robert, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- 258 mit No. 245 .................................................................. 7-Baxter James W., requesting refund on Cigarette 262 Permit No. 267 ............................................................ 294 7-Blasen Joseph M., requesting vacation and convey- ance of Lot 236A Union Addition .......................... " 7-Bell Joseph E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ Mar. 4-Braconier Plumbing & Heating, excavation policy .... 308 4-Bergman Emma, Notice of Suit .................................... " 4-Blackmon Genevieve, Notice of Claim ........................ " 4-Budget Amended to increase expenditures in the General, Street Road Use Tax, Public Safety, 310 Sanitation, Municipal Enterprise Funds ................ April 1-BOazd of Health, Regular Session .................... .... " 1-Beazd Edwazd A. et. al., objecting to the improve- 311 went of Eazl Drive .................................................... " 1-Brandt George H., requesting suspension of taxes for the years 1960, 1961 and 1962 .......................... " 1-Becker & Sons, sidewalk bond ...................................... 311, 312 1-Budden Celia, Notice of Claim ...................................... " 1-Brandenburg Wilbur W. & Dorothy, Notice of 314 Claim ............................................................................ 344 1-Berger R. L., cancellation of sidewlak bond ................ 355, 40(1 1-Brillhart Robert, requesting refund on Cigazette Per- mit No. 261 .................................................................. 374 1-Brillhart Robert A., Class "B" Beer Permit No. 31 revoked .......................................................................... 383 1-Beidler Robert, granted Cigazette Permit .................... " 1-Burgmaier John B., granted Cigarette Permit ............ " 1-Birkett Maryel M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... " 1-Bisping Herbert F., granted Class "B" Beer Per- 392, 431 mit .................................................................................. " 1-Brant Carl N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......... " 1-Bush Harriet, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ " 1-Burgmaier John B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 418, 441 1-Burke Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 422 19-Boyer Street, installation of street lights .................... " 19-Beach Grace B., Notice of Claim .................................... 424 19-Buechel Louis, requesting excavation permit ............ May 6-Brewer, Bena, Setlement of Claim ................................ ~~ 8-Brandenburg Wilbur and Dorothy, Claim denied .... 453 6-Beadle Loras, requesting excavation permit .............. " 6-Breitbach John J. et. al., requesting that lots in Relly's Subdivision be developed into a neigh- borhood P1aYground .................................................... " 6-Brown W. A., requesting permission to erect a per- manent awning at 2417 Rhomberg Avenue ........ " 20-Bollinger Clara Iona, Notice of Claim .........:.............. June 3-Building Commission, Fire Chief and Sanitary In- spector, submitting report on building owned by Matilda, Abraham, Hazold and Danield Hartzman at 1189-1191 Bluff Street, and recommended that the building be dismantled ...................................... Page 8, 127 10 10 11 12 12 13 34 56 58 58 60 83 84 99 101 101, 366 102 105 106 110, 108 110 110 110 110 110 110 142 110 113 115 118 128 129 133 134 134 145 151 i la~~~alR~,r1~e!n1~.n~~p INDEX -BOOK 93 INDEX -BOOK 93 1983 ~~ SUBJECT Page 198.4 SUBJECT Page B 6 " ........................................... 3-Byrne John, sidewalk bond 152 3-Beadle Loras, requesting refund on Cigazette Permit " 3-Beadle Loras, excavation policy .................................... 152 No. 237 ................................ .......................................... 2 86 3-Bluff Street, installation of a street light .................. 152 " 3-Beadle Loras, requesting refund on Class "B" Heer " 17-Bechen Merlin, Notiee of Claim .................................... 168 Permit No. 88 ................................................. ............. 288 " 17-Building Code Committee, recommending changes m 3-Bazony Woods, approval of plat of Blocks 4 and 5 the proposed Housing Law, (Ordinance No. 13- in Section 9, Dubuque Township, Dubuque Coun• .... .................. 63.) ................................. ........................ . 168 ty, Iowa .......................................................................... 287. 288 " 17-Bergquist Raymond, eulogy presented by the Mayor 3-Brown Robert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 292 and Council to the widow of Raymond Bergquist 3-Bublitz William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 292 for his zeal and devotion for the better develop- 16-Bisanz Paul, Mrs. et.al., requesting street light at ment of Dubuque ........................................................ 183 the intersection of Asbury and University .......... 308 " 17-Beecher Robert and John L. Richard, granted Cigar- Oct. 7-Boettcher Thomas W., requesting reimbursement of ette Permit .................................................................... 185 a on Fire De artment ••••••••••••~~~•-••••••••••••••••••••••••• k M d 317 " 17-Bush Harriet, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 186 „ ichael J., si 7-Boc ewalk bond .................................... 319 " 17-Bell Joseph E., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 186 7-Bauer Donald A., Notice of Claim ................................ 319 " 17-Bradley Clyde L., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 186 Nov. 4-Board of Health, Regular Session .................................. 385 " 17-Brant Carl N, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 186 4-Beecher John J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 374 " 25-Bowen Robert, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 188 18-Boazd of Health, Special Session .. .................. 383 " 25-Burgmaier John B., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 168 Dec. Z-Budget Amended, by transfering funds from the " 25-Boggs Gust, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 188 Parking Lot Revenue Bond Sinking Fund to the " 25-Beidler Robert, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 188 parking Meter Fund. Transfer of funds from the " 25-Berntgen Marion C., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 186 General Funds to the Recreation-Park General " 25-Brammer's Inc., granted Cigarette Permit ......:........... 188 Fund, and transfer of funds from the General " 25-Becker Robert F., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 188 Funds to the Debt Service Fund ......................417, 418, 441 " 25-Birkett Maryel M., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 188 2-Bertsch, Roger J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 422 ' 25-Bridge Marion J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 189 2-Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, granted Class " 25-Bisping Herbert F., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 189 "B" Beer Permit .......................................................... 422 " 25-Brayton Alan D., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 189 2-Bixby Chazles Rev., appointed to the Human Rela- " 25-Bertsch Leonard P., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 189 tions Commission ........................................................ 424 " 25-Burke Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 189 2-Bowerman Biays, appointed to the Human Relations " 25-Berntgen Marion, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 190 Commission .................................................................. 424 25-Becker Robert L., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 190 ~~ 23-Beyer Bess, Notice of Suit .............................................. 435 July 1-Blosch Carl, sidewalk bond it 193 195 23-Betz Elizabeth, Notice of Claim ................. 23-Budget Report of Estimated Expenditures and Con- 435 " .... 1-Brant Clarence Mrs., requesting excavation perm granted Cigarette Permit .......... 1-Beaver Kenneth F. 201, 392 struction Programs for 1964 submitted by the , 1-Beadle Loras J., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 201 City Managet ................................................................ 452 " 1-Bublitz William, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 201 " 1-Biedermann Dean A., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 201 " 1-Beadle Loss J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 202 " 1-Bissell Fred E. Jr., reappointed to the Planning & Zoning Commission .................................................... 202 " 5-Brant Carl N., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...... 204 " 5-Burke Josephine, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 204 " 5-Bowen Robert J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 204 " 5-Bush Harriet, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ........ 204 " 15-Bischoff H. A., Notice of Claim .................................... 212, 260 " 15-Bradley Roy W., objection to rezoning of area in Boxleiters Sub and Sidonia Hosfords Sub........... 212 " 15-Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks No. 297, granted Class "A" Liquor Permit .......................... 219 " 15-Bertsch Roger J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 219 " 15-Birkett Maryel Mildred, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ............................................................................ 219 " 22-Best John, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Per- mit No. 156 .................................................................. 221 " 22-Budget Estimate for the year 1964 submitted by the City Manager ..............................................222, 231, 232, 234 Aug. 5-Brandenburg Wilbur & Dorothy, Notice of Suit ........ 239 5-Bertsch Roger M., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 249 " 5-Burgmaier John B., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit .................................................................................. 250 Sept. 3-Buechel Louis, excavation policy .................................. 258 INDEX -BOOK 93 1983 SUBJECT Page C Jan. 7-City.Council, Regular Session :....................................... 1 2 7-Chavenelle Gilbert D., appointed City Manager ........ " 7--City Manager, advising Council of his appointment of officers and employees of the City of Du- " buque ............................................................................ 7-City Manager, submitting a resolution showing the 2 detailed distribution of expenditures for the en- suing fiscal year ....................................................... 3, 4 " 7-City Manager, submitting report of traffic survey at the corner of Dodge and Bryant Streets .............. S " 7-City Manager, submitting report concerning the erec- tion of stop signs at the intersection of Green and Avoca Streets .................................................. 8, 42 " 7-City Manager, reporting that he has granted a cash payment for two additional holidays to shift workers in the Water Department and to the Police and Fire Departments .................................. 9 " 7-City.Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle, bond ................ 10 " 7-Claims for the month of November 1962, proof of publication .................................................................... 10 " 7-Council proceedings for the month of September 1962, approved as Printed ........................................ 10 " 7-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1962 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SURFACING PROJECT NO. 1, remainder of proj- ect consisting of Cummins and Samuel Streets, schedule of assessments ............................................ 15, 18 " 7-Cummins Street, schedule of assessments for City of Dubuque 1962 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1 ............................................................. 15, 16 " 7-CTTY OF DUBUQUE 1982 CON.,.,r..~ CURB AND GUTTER PROJECT NO. 1, schedule of assess- - meats ....................................20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 7-Cottage Place, schedule of assessments for 1962 curb and gutter improvement ................................ 20, 22 " 7-Cummins Street, schedule of assessments for 1982 curb and gutter improvement ... .... ...... 23 20, " 7-Carter Road, schedule of assessments for 1982 curb and gutter improvement .......................................... 20, 21 " 7-City Council, petitioning the Iowa Legislature to provide fair and just representation to the City of Dubuque and to all citizens of the State of Iowa .............................................................................. 34 Feb. 4--City Council, Regular Session ........................................ 37 " 4-City Avditor, City Health Department and Water Works, reports for the month of December 1962 as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued .................................................................. 37 " 4-City Manager, requesting permission to attend a Management Training Course ................................ 37 " 4-Claims for the month of December 1982, proof of publication .................................................................... 36 " 4--Council proceedings for the month of October 1982, approved as printed .................................................. 38 " 4-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of exam- ination for positions on the Police Department .. 38 " 4-Curler Karen, settlement of suit .................................... 39 " 4-Chapman Charles, requesting rezoning of Lot 27 G. R. Wests Dubuque ................................................ 41, 58 " 4-City Manager, recommending that the Fire Depart- ment receive bids for the purchase of a 1000 " G. P. M. pumping engine .......................................... 4-City of Dubuque, Iowa 1982 Street Finance Report .. 47 48 `'~4 INDEX -BOOK 93 198.4 SUBJECT page C Mar. 4-CitY Council, Regular Session ........................................ 53 4-City Council, adopting resolution urging citizens to petition their elected representatives concerning liquor by the drink .................................................... 53 " 4-Cultural Commission, requesting the restoration of the old log cabin in Eagle Point Park .....::........... 54 4-Claims for the month of January 1963, proof of publication .................................................................... 54 " 4-City Manager, recommending installation of street Bghts at East 11th and Cedaz, East 11th and Pine and East 12th and Cedar Streets ................ 55 " 4-City of Dubuque, contract with the Iowa State High- way Commission the amount of $3180.00 for Primary Road Extension Maintenance .................. 55 " 4-City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Health De- partment, annual report for the fiscal year begin- ning January 1, 1962 and ending December 31, 1962 ........................................ ................................. 55 " 4-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depazt- ment and Water Works, reports for the month of January as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued ................................................ 55 " 4-City Manager, submitting report concerning a pro- posed ordinance regulating animals ...................... 56 4-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of exam- ination for position of Heating, Ventilating, Afr- Conditioning & Refrigeration Inspector ................ 5B " 4-Council proceedings for the months of November and December 1962, approved as printed .......... 57 " 4-Cazadeo Inc., requesting permission to install saw- - dust blower pipes across Jackson and Washing- ton Streets between 8th & 9th Streets ............62, 103, 104 " 4-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1963 CURB AND GUTTER PROJECT N0. 1 ......................71, 72, 38, 134, 338, 370 4-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1963 BTTUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT NO. 1 ....73, 74, 88, 135, ................................138, 225, 228, 255, 286, 287, 285 " 9-College Street, improvement with bituminous con- crete paving from the north property line of Langworthy Street to the south property line of West Fifth Street ....................73, 74, 89, 135, 225, 274 4-C1TY OF DUBUQUE 1963 CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB PROJECT NO. 1 ......78, ............................77, 91, 92, 137, 360, 361, 405, 408 " 4-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1963 HOT MIX-HOT LAID ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT NO. 1 ....................79, 80, 94, 136, 258, 288, 329, 336 " 4-Caradco Inc., granted Cigarette Permit ......:......:........ gl April 1-City Council, Regular Session ...................:.................... 84 1-Carpenters Local Union 878, protesting City Firemen doing general remodeling and repair work -........ 100 " 1-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- - meat and City Water Works, reports for month of February as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued ..........:....................................... 101 " 1-Claims for the month of February 1983, proof of publication ................................ ...........:............ 101 " 1--City Manager, recommending installation of street ' lights on 16th Street .................................:.............. 101 " 1-Civil Defense Fund, to be maintained as a separate ' fund from any other City payments of mainte- ~ ~~ ~ nance and operating expense .............:.........:.......... 109 " 1-Clarke College, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 110 INDEX -BOOK 93 INDEX -BOOK 93 SUBJECT pale 1963 SUBJECT Page lye , C ~ 1-Cunningham Gordon, granted Cigarette permit ...... 110 llo 3-Curtis Straub Company, excavation policy .................. recommending installation of street 3--City Manager 152 " 1--Cox Durance E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...,.. Permit " B " 110 , light on 11th & Bluff Streets .................................. 152 " ............ eer C 1-Chalder Carl, granted Class • 112 •' 3--Collins Thomas J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 183 " ••,,,,,,,-•,•,,,.,,,,. 19-City Council, Special Session .................... ommending the installation of '~ 3-Chapman Milton Edward, granted Class "B" Boer " 19-City Manager, rec ood and CrissY street lights on Rosewood, Maryw 113 ~ Perm~t ............................................................................ 17-Cit Council, S Y Pecial Session .......................................... 183 165 " Dr[ve ................... ••-••••••-•~-•••••••°~•••••••••••••••'•""'°""°"" 19-City Manager, submitting proposed street lighting " 17-Cunningham Gordon, granted Cigarette Permit ........ granted Cigarette Permit 17-Corbett Earl G 185 185 plan for Stttulse Heights on Shady Lane and 113 " ................ ., 17-Curry Lucy, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 186 '• Boyer Stt'eet .............................................. ................ . 19-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- " " 17-Crane Leonard (Jack), granted Cigarette Permit ...... granted Cigarette Permit 17-Chapman Milton E 186 186 meat and City Water Works, reports for the f March as well as a list of claims for th " " ., .......... 17-Callahan Charles W., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 186 mon o which warrants were issued .................................... 114 17-Cramer Ralph J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 186 ' 19-Claims for the month of March 1963, proof of publi- ~~ 17-Clark Oil & Refining Co., granted Cigarette Permit .. 186 114 25-City Council, Special Session .......................................... 188 " cation ..................... ....................................................... recommending that the City grant 19--City Manager " 25--Caradco Inc., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 188 , easement to the State of Iowa on the Julien 25-Creslanes Bowling, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 188 an Dubuque Gravesite ...................................................... 114 „ 25-Cahill Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 188 " 19-Clemens•Smith Construction Co. Ina., excavation poi- ~~ 25-Costa Joseph F., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 189 .................... 114, 133 25---Casey Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 189 iey ............................................................ 19-Cavanaugh, Mrs. Ralph, Notice of Claim .................... 115, 366 123 2&-Clarke College, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 25-Chapman Robert S. granted Cigarette Permft ............ 189 189 May •' 6-Ciry Council, Regular Session ........................................ 6-Council proceedings for the months of Januari and , 25-Cosley Harold A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... " " 190 a,.,....~~:,1 as Printed ...................... February 1963 124 25-Crane Leonard H., granted Class B Beer Permit .... " " 190 ' , B-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of pro- otional examination fot positions on the Fire 25-Costa Joseph F., granted Class B $eer Permit ........ 25-Casey Harold A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 190 190 m ...................................................... . Depaztment • ~ •••••"" submitting report of pro- i i 125 July 1-City Council, Regular Session ........... '°""""""""""""" 193 " on, ss 6-Civil Service Comm motional examination for positions on the Police 1-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- 125 meat and City Water Works, reports for the " Department .................................................................. 8-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of en- month of May as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued 193 trance examination for positions on the Police and Fire Departments .............................................. 125 .................................... 1-Claims for the month of May 1963, proof of publi- " 6-Carlton Avenue, installation of street lights .............. 127 cation ............................................................................ 193 " 6--CITY OF DUBUQUE 1963 GRADING PROJECT NO. 1-City Manager, requesting permission to have an Air Carter Road from a point 800 fret north of 1 Pollution Survey conducted ...................................... 193, 383 , the north property line of Kane Street to the 1-Council proceedings for the month of March 1963, south r. _.>_~,' line of West 32 Street ........139, 162, 224 291, """"' 313, 454 approved as printed .................................................. 193 " ••••••••~••••~•-°•°°•••••••••••° •°°"" 6-City Council, adopting resolution dedicating itself to 1-Chamber of Commerce, requesting the City Council to take action to further the construction of a the proposition of formulating plans, determin- Parkin Ram g P 194 317 ing costs and a side for a joint City-County Build- -~~--•~~~-••~-~~-~~•-•-•-~~~••••••••••••••••••~~~•~•••~~~~~~~~ , r ........ 140 1--Clover Hills Subdivision, approval of plat of Lots 3 " ing .......................................................................... 20-City Council, Special Session ........:................................. 144 to 15 inclusive of Block 23; Lots 4 to 10 inclusive " 20-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- and Lots 27 to 37 inclusive, Block 24, and Lots meat and City Water Works, reports for the 9 to 12 inclusive Block 25 of Claver Hills ............ 197, 198 month of April as well as a list of claims for 1-Canfield Hotel Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 202 " which warrants were Issued .............................::....... ims for the month of April 1983, proof of publi• Cl 20 144 " '~ 5-City Council, Special Session ..................... ..................... " " 204 a - 144 5-Costa Joseph E., granted Class C Liquor Permit .... 204 " cation ................... ......................................................... 20-City Manager, recommending installation of street 45 " " 8-CitY Council, SPecial Session .......................................... 8-City Manager, advising that the Marmora Street 207 " light at Sheridan and Groveland ............................ submitting certificates for the exten- Storm Sewer will be deleted from the 1983 Storm 20-City Manager, ion of the Community hn,.....:.-_ent, known as Sewer program and the money will be used for s the Workable Program as approved by the Hous• 14 the 32nd Street Detention Basin ........................ 4 .. 8-Creslanes Bowling Inc. granted Class "C" Li uor 207 " ,,,....... ing and Home Finance Agency .................... 20--COMMUNITY RENEWAL PROGRAM, recertified 5 145 , , Permit .......................................................................... 8-Crane Leonard H., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 209 209 with the Housing k Home Finance Agency .... 151 „ 15-City Council, Special Session .......................................... 211 June 3-City Council, Regulat Session ........................................ commending that the building lo- '~ 15-Canfield Hotel, Inc., granted Class "B" Liquor Per- „ 3-City Manager, re Gated at 1189-1191 Bluff Street be dismantled 151 198 I52 " mit .................................................................................. 22-City Council, Special Session ..................... ............. ~••~•-•- 219 221 , and the Premises cleaned uP ••••••-••••••-•-•••••••- , -^~IIII~FYI nb.....,.,,- I_ ~~ni~l~lllA INDEX -BOOK 93 1963 SUBJECT Page C " 22-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- for the t s ment and City Water Works, repor month of June as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued ................................... 221 " 22-Claims for the month of June 1963, proof of publi- cation ............................................................................ " 22-City Manager, submitting his budget recommenda- 221 231 222 tion for the Year 1964 .............................................. , " 22-Creslanes Bowling, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer 228 .......................................................................... Permit Aug. 5-City Council, Regular Session ........................................ 231 5-City Manager, submitting a list of parcels of prop- erty for which Agricultural and Horticultural exemptions are claimed ........................................... 231 " 5-Chamber of Commerce, Tax Study Committee, rela- tive to the budget for 1964 .................................... 232 5-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Loras Blvd. and the corner of Univer- sitY and Delhi ............................................................. 236 " 5-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Harrison Street ........................................ 236 " 5-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Sixteenth Street ........................................ 236 " 5-City Manager, recommending that the City offer for sale, rather than vacate, the alley abutting the r...r:.. ;; of the Frank L. Deckert Company ........ 237 " 5-City Manager, recommending that no action be taken at this time on the petition of Mrs. Ray Reilly for the purchase of Lot 1 of Lot 9 of part of Mc- CraneY's First Addition ............................................ 238 " 5-City Manager, submitting correction plat of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of Boxleiters Sub. of Lot 1 of Caroline Boxleiters Sub. of M. L. 160 .................................... 238 253 Sept. 2-City Council, Regular Session .......................................... 254 " 3-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session .................... " 3-City Auditor, City Treasurer, Ctty Health Depart- ment and City Water Works, reports for the month of July as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued .................................... 254 " 3-Claims for the month of July 1963, proof of publi- cation ............................................................................ 254 " 3-City Manager, recommending the transfer of funds from the General Special Assessment Fund to various funds which have a Debit balance .......... 254 " 3-City Manager, recommending the transfer of funds from the Credit Balances in various Special Assessment Funds to the General Special Assess- ment Fund .................................................................... 255 " 3-City Manager, requesting permission to attend City Manager's Conference in Denver, Colorado ........ 256 " 3-City Manager, submitting his recommendation rela- tive to providing sanitary sewer service on Edith Street between Brunswick and Burden Avenue .. 257 " 3-City Manager, recommending that the request for the vacating of Dock Street be referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission .............................. 258 " 3-City Solicitor, recommending that the City Council grant a Class "B" Beer Permit to Clarence J. Hagge ............................................................................ 261 " 16-City Council, Special Session .......................................... 294 " 16-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights on Mt. Loretta Avenue, Adeline Street, and Linda Court ............................................ 294 1983 Oct. INDEX -BOOK 93 SUBJECT Page C 1B-City Solicitor, submitting his opinion that the City of Dubuque has no authority to sell the Flat Iron Pazk without the consent of the Park Board ............................................................................ 296 18-City Manager, subautting Agreements between the City and Mr. & Mrs. Cietus N. Nauman and Mr. & Mrs. Herman Steines for the purchase of property for extension of Carter Road ................ 308 16--City Manager, submitting Agreement between the City and Wahlert High School for the convey- ance of property for the extension of Carter Road .............................................................................. 311, 312 7-City Council, Regular Session ........................................ 317 7-Cultural Commission, requesting some action to the recommendations submitted by them concerning the establishment of a Cultural Center ................ 317 7-Cultural Commission, submitting Annual Report ... 317 7-City Manager, requesting that Chaney Road from Hillcrest to Pennsylvania, and 22nd Street from Windsor Avenue to Elm Street be surfaced with fit" asphaltic surface .................................................. 318 7-City Manager, recommending the installation of street hght on St. George Street ........................ 318 7-City Manager, requesting that City Clerk be author- ized to sign routine papers on behalf of City during his absence ...................................................... 318 7-City Auditor, City Treasurer, Health Depaztment and City Water Works, reports for the month of August as well as a list of claims for which wazrants were issued .................................... .... 318 7-Claims for the month of August 1963, proof of publi- cation ........................................................................... 318 7~onrad Vincent, granted sidewalk bond ..................... : 318 7-Churchill Rose, Notice of Claim .................................... 319, 387 7-City Manager, requesting the establishing of a Du- buque County Municipal Defense Agency ....321, 398, 435 7-Civil Defense Administration to be established for the City of Dubuque ..........................................321, 398, 435 7-Curry Lucy, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 78 ............................................................................ 322 7-Citizens Advisory Committee formed to advise the County Board of Supervisors and the City Coun- cil regarding the proposed joint County-City Building ........................................................................ 325, 326 7-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1963 GRADING PROJECT NO. 2, Veteran's Memorial Pazk, south area ................ 340, 35S 7-Clemens Mike, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 343 9-City Council, Special Session .......................................... 346 9-Commissioner of Registration, submitting a list of Judges and Clerks who will serve at the Munic- ipal Primary Election October 22, 1963 and the Regular Municipal Election on November 5, 1963 ................................................................................ 347, 381 23-City Council, Special Session ......................................... 350 23-City Clerk, submitting report of canvass of the Municipal Primary Election .................................... 350 23-City Auditor, City Treasurer, Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of September as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued ................................................ 352 23-Claims for the month of September 1963, proof of publication .................................................................... 352 ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ III Ihlgl;..nim, ~, INDEX -BOOK 93 1963 SUBJECT C " 23-Council proceedings for the month of April 1963, approved as printed .................................................. " 28-City Council, Special Session .......................................... " 28-City Manager, recommending installation of street Bght on Valley Street ................................................ " 28-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on U. S. Highway No. 20 ............................ 28-City Solicitor, advising that suit of Orlin Conlon and Merril Vanderloo against the City was dismissed in favor of the City of Dubuque ............................ " 2S-Cody Kathryn et. al., requesting street light on Mazzuchelli Drive ...................................................... Nov. 4-City Council, Regular Session ........................................ " fi-City Council, Special Session .......................................... " 18-City Council, Special Session .......................................... " 18-Council proceedings for the months of May and June 1963, proof of publication ............................ " 18-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- ment and Water Works, reports for the month of October as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued .................................................. " 18-Claims for the month of October 1963, proof of pub lication .......................................................................... " 18-City Manager, recommending installation of street ligbt on Queen Street ................................................ " 18-City Manager, recommending installation of street light on Mazzuchelli Drive ...................................... " 18-City Manager, recommending installation of street Hghts on Rosedale Avenue ...................................... " 18-City Manager, recommending the installation of a demonstration light on Main Street ...................... " 18-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light on Windsor Avenue ............................ " 18-Chamber of Commerce, requesting that Saturday, November 23, 1963 be proclaimed "Mike Reilly Day„ ............................................................................. " 18-City Councll, adoption of resolution urging the elec- torate to vote against the "Shaff Plan" or reap- portionment .................................................................. Aec. 2-City Council, Regular Session .......................................... " 2-C1tY Manager, recommending the installation of street lights on Chaney Road from Asbury Road to Kaufmann Avenue .................................................. " 2-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light on Dodge Street next to the railroad tracks east of Main Street intersection ................ " 2-City Manager, recommendtng the installation of a street light on Wood Street ...................................... 2-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light on Francis Street .................................. " 2-City Managor, submitting report on Civil Defense and the Civil Defense Ordinance ............................ " 2--City Manager, submitting report of Traffic Depart- ment regarding traffic lights at the intersection of University Avenue and Asbury Street .............. " 2--Cue K. L. et. al., requesting the installation of street lights on Kane Street ................................................ " 2-Cunningham Willard Rev., appointed to the Human Relations Commission ................................................ " 2-Couchman Gaylord Dr, appointed to the Human Re- lations Commission .................................................... " 2-City Council, requesting John J. Waltz to resign from the Dock Commission ...................................... Page 352 354 355 355 355 356, 385 366 376 384 384 352 384 385 385 385 385, 397 385 392 395 397 397 397 398 398 398 398 403 424 424 424 INDEX -BOOK 9.4 1983 SUBJECT C ° 23-City Council, Special Session .......................................... " 23--City Manager, recommending the instalhttion of streak lights on Tressa Street ................................ 23-City Manager. recommending the installation ad street Bghts oa Dove, Waller, Cummins, North- view Drive, Greeley and East Third Street Ex- tension ..................................._..................................... " 23-City Manager, recommending that Marshall Street, Aecafur Street, Emerson Street and Shiro Ave- nue, all from Garfield east to the Industrial Part be vacated and sold to the highest bidder .......... " 23-City Manager, recommending the acceptance of the Water Department improvements at Asbury and Carter Road, and Gqy sad Muscatine Streets ...... " 23--Claims for the month of November 1989, proof of publication ..................................._............................... " 23-Cunningham Gordon, requesting refund oa Cigar- ette Permit No. 88 ................................................._... " 23--City Manager, submitting the Official Budget Re- port of Estimated Expenditures and Coasiruc- tion Programs for 1964 so the City will receive its Road Use Tax money .......................................... Pate 4!8 426 427 428 426 431 448 483 INDEX -BOOK 93 _1983 SUBJECT page D Jan. 7-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, appointed depos- 3 itory of Public funds .................................................. " . ~ ~ 7-Diamond Cab Company, taxicab policy " :::: :::::::: :::::: : 7-Deibel Irene, Notice of Suit .................. 10 " 7-Dotter Mel et. al., requesting rezoning of Lot 27 of G. R. Wests Dubuque to Class "A" Local Business Classification ................................................................ 11, 41 7-Diamond's Grille, requesting permission to build an entrance on 9th side of their budding .................. 11, 61 " 7-Dupont Ralph A, requesting refund on Cigazette 12 Permit No. 209 ............................................................ " 7-Davenport Street, schedule of assessments for 1982 concrete curb and gutter project ............................ 20 Feb. 4-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, requesting refund on Class ' B" Beer Permit No. 93 .................................. 46 " 4-Dubuque Boat Club Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................................ 51, 323 4-Daylight Saving Time to be observed from June 2, 1963 to September 1, 1983 ...................................... 52, 66 Mar. 4-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co., excavation pot- " - icy :................................................................................. 4-Daughters of The Union Veterans Mary Agazd Tent 55 No. 35, requesting permission to hold a tag day .. 82 " 4-Dubuque Packing Company, requesting that 2.3 acres of land adjacent to their property be identified for Fire Depaztment Training ................................ 62, 265 " 4-Duggan John J. et. al., requesting the extension of water east on Ke11_v Lane .......................................... 62, 100 " 4-Davenport Street Storm Sewer completed and ac- cepted ............................................................................ 70 April 1-Deppe Edward A. et. al., requesting curb and gutter and paving on Farragut Street ................................ 84 1-Deppe Edward A. et. al., objecting to improvement of Farragut Street ...................................................... 89, 85 " 1-Dean Raymond F. et. al., objecting to the improve- ment of Ruann Drive and Ideal Lane .................... 84 " 1-Dubuque Federation of Labor, submitting a resolu- tion endorsing a joint City-County Building ........ 99 " 1-Dubuque Women's Club, expressing concern over the log cabin in Eagle Point Park ................................ 100 " 1-Donovan George D., Notice of Claim ........................ 102 1-Duggan John J. and Richard Henschel, requesting rezoning of area along the south city limits near Kelly Lane, from single family residence to Local Business District "B" classification ........................ 105, 153 " 1-Deutsch Florance, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 110 " 1-Dubuque Baseball, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 110 " 19-Deininger George, appointed to the Boazd of Zon- ing Adjustment and the Planning and Zoning Commission .................................................................. 121 May 6-Disabled American Veterans Chapter #6, requesting permission to have tag daY •~•••••••••••••••~•-•-~-~-•••••••••• • 133 6-Dubuque Sports Bowl, Inc., granted Class `B" Beer Permit .......................................................................... 142, 322 " 6-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class '•B" Beer Permit .......................................................... 142 " 20-Dubuque County Bar Association, endorsing efforts of City-County officials for a joint City-County Building ........................................................................ 149 June 3-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, requesting permis- sion to hold a fireworks display .............................. 168 INDEX -BOOK 93 1983 SUBJECT Page D " 3-Dubuque GoH & Country Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................. 183 17-Diamond Cab Company, taxi cab policy ...................... 188 17-Durrant & Bergquist, requesting the extension of the present multiple .residence distriM zoning classification district to include the east side of Rockdale Road southerly approximately 480' and include Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of M. L. 10 and Lot 2 of Lot. 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of M. L. 10 ..........:::..:182, 194, 240, 282 ' 17-Davis Lyle K., requesting refund on a liuikding per- mit ...............................................................:.......:..:....:.. 182 "' 17-Dubuque Metal Trades Council, granted Cigarette Permit ..................................................................:....... 185 " 17-Dubuque Golf k Country Club, granted Cigarette Permit .....................................................:.:.._.:............ 185 " 17-Deutroeyer Melvin, granted Cigazette Permit ............ .. 188 " 17-Dubuque Packing Company, granted Cigazette Pen - - mit .............................................:.........:...................:...... 18B " 17-Dubuque Boat Club, Inc., granted Cigarette 7?er- mit .................................................................................. 188 17-Disabled American Veterans Club Inc., granted Cig-- - arette Permit .............................................................:.. 188, 373 ' 25-Dillon Ann, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 188 " 25-Diamond Cafeteria, granted Cigazette Permit ............ 188 " 25-Dunbar Otto J., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 188 25-Driscoll Willazd J., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 188 " 25-Donovan Melville L., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 189 " 25-Deutsch Florance, granted Cigazette Permit .............. " 189 25-Driscoll Willazd James, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 190 " 25-Dunbaz Otto J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 190 July 1-Deckert Frank L. Co., requesting vacation of alley on Elm Street between 14th and 15th Streets ...... 195, 237 " 1-Donath Patricia Ann, granted Cigazette Permit ........ " 201 1-Dunbaz Lennie Mrs., granted Cigazette Permit ........ 201 " 1-Diener Lorraine, granted Cigarette Permit .................. " 201 1-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Class "A" Liquor Permit .............................................................. 204 " 8-Donath Patricia A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 208 " 8-Disabled American Veterans Corp., granted Class ..A„ Liquor Permit .................................................... 209, 375 " 8-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class ..A,. Liquor Permit ...................................................... 209 " 22-Dubuque Insulating & Siding Co., requesting per- mission to install a permanent portiko over the Bridge Cafe .................................................................. 222 Aug. 5-Dubuque T. V. - F. M. Cable Corporation, Division of H k B Communication Corp., application for renewal of Community Antenna Television Fran- chise ......................................239, 283, 300, 304, 381, 984 " 5-Donath Otto Mr. & Mrs., requesting removal of storm sewer located on their property ..242, 259, 924, 387 " 5-Donath Otto Mr. & Mrs., requesting that Otto be reinstated to his former job with the City ....242, .............................. .......................................259, 324, 387 " 5-Dubuque Summer Carnival, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 190 ............................ 242 ' S-Donath Patricia, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 250 Sept. 3-Dock Boazd Commission, recommending that the Council take favorable action on the petition of the Dubuque Packing Company for ground along Kerper Boulevard ............................................ 285 INDEX -BOOK 93 1963 SUBJECT C " 23-Council proceedings for the month of April 1963, approved as Printed .................................................. " 28-City Council, Special Session .......................................... 28-City Manager, recommending installation of street light on Valley Street ................................................ " 28--City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on U. S. Highway No. 20 ............................ '• 28-City Solicitor, advising that suit of Orlin Conlon and Merril Vanderloo against the City was dismissed th favor of the City of Dubuque ............................ " 28-Cody Kathryn et. al., requesting street light on Mazzuchelli Drive ...................................................... Nov. 4-City Council, Regular Session ........................................ " 6-City Council, Special Session .......................................... „ 18--City Council, Special Session .......................................... " 18--CouncR proceedings for the months of May and June 1963, proof of publication ............................ " 18-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depazt- ment and Water Works, reports for the month of October as well as a list of claims for which wazrants were issued .................................................. " 18-Claims for the month of October 1963, proof of pub- lication .......................................................................... 18-City Manager, recommending installation of street light on @ueen Street ................................................ " 18-City Manager, recommending installation of street light on Mazzuchelli Drive ...................................... " 18--City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Rosedale Avenue ...................................... " 18-City Manager, recommending the installation of a demonstration light on Main Street ...................... " 18-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light on Windsor Avenue ............................ " 18-Chamber of Commerce, requesting that Saturday, November 23, 1963 be proclaimed "Mike Reilly Day„ .............................................................................. " 18-City Council, adoption of resolution urging the elec- torate to vote against the "Shoff Plan" or reap- portionment .................................................................. Dae. 2-City Council, Regular Session ......................................... 2-City Manager, recommending the installation of street fights on Chaney Road from Asbury Road to Kaufmann Avenue ................................................. " 2-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light on Dodge Street next to the raih•oad tracks east of Main Street intersection ................ " 2-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light on Wood Street ...................................... " 2-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light on Francis Street .................................. " 2-City Manager, submitting report on Civil Defense and the Civil Defense Ordinance ............................ " 2-City Manager, submitting report of Traffic Depart- ment regarding traffic lights at the intersection of University Avenue and Asbury Street .............. " 2--Cue K. L. et. el., requesting the installation of street lights on Kane Street ................................................ " 2-Cunningham Willard Rev., appointed to the Human Relations Commission ................................................ 2-Coachman Gaylord Dr., appointed to the Human Re- lations Commission .................................................... 2--City Couneil, requesting John J. Waltz to resign from the Dock Commission ...................................... Page 352 354 355 355 355 356, 385 366 376 384 384 S52 384 385 365 385 385, 397 385 392 395 397 397 397 398 398 398 398 403 424 424 424 INDEX -BOOK 9.i >~ SUBJECT C " 23-City Council, Special Saesioa .......................................... 23-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights on Tressa Street ................................ " 23-City Manager, recommending the installation ~ atxet lights oa Dove, Waller, Cummins, North- view Drive, Greeley and East Thad Street Ex- tension ..................................._..................................... " 23-City Manager, recommending that Marshall Street, Decatur Street, Emerson Street and Shires Ave• nue, all from Garfield east to the Industrial Part be vacated and sold to the highest bidder .......... " 23--City Manager, recommending the acceptaaee of the Water Department improvement at Asbury and Carter Road, and Gay and Muscatine Street ...... " 23-Claims for the month of November 19&9, proof of publication ..................................... ........................ " 23-Cunningham Gordon, requesting refund on Cigar- ette Permit No. 95 ...................................................... " 23-City Manager, submitting the Official Budget Re- port of Estimated Expenditures and Construc- tion Programs for 1964 so the City will receive its Road Use Tax money .......................................... Pace 4t5 426 427 428 426 431 448 453 IPiDEX -BOOK 93 19.18 SUBJECT Para D 3-Dale Paul D., requestin6 the installation of street 294 286 ,• light on Adeline Street ..............................._........... 3-.Daylight Savin6 Time. Petitions requesting that the , quea4oa be put on the ballot in the November election ................................................................266, 323, 380 „ 3-Disabled American Veterans Club of Dubuque Inc., " 374 292 '• Beer Permit .............................. granted Class "B 16-Dubuque Baseball Inc., requesting refund on Class , OM .,B,. Beer Permit No. 35 .......................................... 7-DeutmeYer Melvin, requesting refund on Cigarette 306 . Permit No. gp .............................................................. 7-Dubuque Blacktop Co., requesting permission to eon- 322 323 nett to sower and water on Garnet Street ............ 23-DeLeuw Cattier & Company, submitting a proposal for engineering services for the design of as offatreet parking ramp at 8th & Locust Streets .. 352 Dec 23-Dove Street, installation Of street light ...................... '~ . 23-Decatur Street, . _...---.endation of the City Man- of said alter for the vacation and conveyance street from Garfield Avenue to the Industrial 1& land ................................................................................ 23-Dodge Street, south side, Parking Prohibited ............ " 428 445 458 Beor Permit .... 2i--Delaney John N., granted Class 'B ~ l i~l i i~liulll!!Igfli iiuJ{ INDEX -BOOK 93 1969 SUBJECT Page E Jan. 7-Evazts Gene et. al., petitioning for the erection of traffic lights at the intersection of Dodge and Bryant Streets .............................................................. 8 7-Engel Marie, requesting the vacation and convey- ance of Lot 1 "A" of Walter Price ........................ 13, 14 Feb. 4-Ender A. J., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 186 .................................................................. 48 " 4-Evergreen Extension Storm Sewer, from the exist- ing storm sewer in the east 70.3 feet of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Clarence Arlen Place to a point approximate]y 450 lineal feet from the existing storm sewer ..........................48, 83, 84, 85, 248 Mar. 4-Erschen Paul, Notice of Claim ................................58, 319, 388 " 4-Eazl Drive, improvement with bituminous concrete paving from the south property line of Penn- sylvania Avenue to the north propertq line of Ideal Lane ..................................73, 74, 89, 135, 225, 278 " 4-Erschen Alice H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 81, 111 April 1-Eagle Food Centers, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permits .......................................................................... 110, 163 May 6--Esslinger Aazel Stoltz, petition for rezoning prop- erty at 28th & White Streets granted .................... 130, 157 " 20-Erschen Ben, requesting excavation permit for Van Buren Street ................................................................ 147 June 17-Eagle Food Center, Inc., granted Cigarette Per- mits ................................................................................ 185 " 17-Evans J. Russell, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 186 " 17-Eichorn Lester & Mazie, granted Cigarette Permit .. 188 " 25-Elks Club, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 188 " 25-Eagles Club, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 189 25-Erschen Alice E., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 189 July 5-Evans J. Russell, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 204 " 5-Erschen Alice H., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 204 " 8-Ellis Victoria, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 208 Sept. 16-EleMion on Franchise of Dubuque TV-FM Cable Company Division of H & B Communications Corporation to be held November 5, 1963 ....304, 381, 384 OM. 7-Evans Russell, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 344 " 9-Election, Municipal Primary to be held on October 22, 1963 .................. ..............................346, 347. 350, 384 " 9-Election, Regular Municipal to be held on Novem- ber 5, 1963 ............................346, 347, 378, 378, 380, 384 Dec. 2-Ellsworth Theodora, Notice of Suit .............................. 400 " 23-Emerson Street, recommendation of the City Man- ager for the vacatian and conveyance of said street to the highest bidder, from Garfield Ave• nue to the Industrial Island ...................................... 426 INDEX -BOOK 93 1963 SUBJECT page F Jan. 7-Fromelt Leo F., appointed City Clerk .......................... " 7-First National Bank, appointed depository of public 2 funds .............................................................................. 3 Feb. 4-Fire Department, to receive bids for the purchase i 88 47 ne ........................ of a 1000 G. P. M. FumPing Eng , Mar. 4-First Church of The Nazarene, opposing liquor by 53 the drink ............................................. ....................... . " 4-Frommelt Andrew G., power of attorney for Pacific ~ National Insurance Company .................................... 431 57 " 4-Fonek Alice, Notice of Claim .......................................... requesting refund on Cigarette Per- " 4-Fink Elmer L. , , mit No. 180 ......... .............................. " 4-Fazragut Street, imr...«:...-ent with rnncrete curb 63. and gutter from the west property line of Rhom- berg Avenue 100' west to the west property line of Lot 385 in Ham's Addition ....................71, 72, 85, 86 " 4-Fifth Street, improvement with bituminous concrete paving from the west property line of Gilmore Street to the east property line of Lot 12 in 135 89 74 73 ' 225 279 , , , , s Dubuque ...................... Coriell " 4-Fazragut Street, improvement with bituminous con- f i ne o crete paving from the west property l Rhomberg Avenue 100' west to the west prop- 73 dditi ' 89 74 , on ............ s A erty line of Lot 385 In Ham " , Beer " 4-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "B Permit .......................................................... 81 April 1-Fischer Realty Company, requesting vacation and ance of alley between Main and Iowa ve con y Streets from Second street north a distance of 6 feet ..........................105, 130, 145, 168 148, 179 . i " 1-F & S Radiator Repair &Theisen-O'Neill Co., object- ing to vacation of a11eY ~~•••~-•••--~~•••~-•••°••••••°•••••••••• 105, 145 110 " 1-Fecker Anthony F., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. May 20-Fischer & Co. Inc. and Fischer Realty Company, requesting that proposed vacated alley platted as Lot 2 of Julien Hotel Plaza and Lot B of Julien ...... . Hotel Plaza be conveyed to them ..........•••....• • ~ 146, 179 l~t " 20-Fischer Investment Co. requesting purchase of - B-12 in Booth's Addition ................................... 165, 215 152 June 3-Fischer & Company Inc., excavation policy .............. 152 " 3-Fondell & Sons, Inc., excavation policy ...................... it 183 .......................... ~ 3-Frey David, granted Cigarette Perm 163 j 3-Frey David, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ••....•••..••• 185 ~ " 17-Felting Theodore J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 185 1 17-Fecker Anthony F., granted Cigarette Permit .......... " 17-Finley Hospital, Sunshine Circle, granted Cigarette ' 185 • Permit ............................................................ ............. " 17-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Cigarette Per- • .................. mrt ................................................................ " 17-Fettgather Ramona, grantee Cigarette Permit .......... 185 185 " 17-Frank & Don's Sinclair Service, granted Cigarette 185 Permit ............................. ............................................ granted Cigarette Permit ...................... " 17-Fenelon Ken 186 , " 17-Fenelon Ken, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 188 " 25-Frey David, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 188 88 " 25-Fink Milton F., granted Cigarette Permit .................... i " 25-Freund Robert, granted Cigarette Permit .................... i 189 t .. " 25-Fleckenstein Clement R., granted Cigarette Perm 189 ' 25-Friedman Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit .......... i ; 25-Finch Alford F., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 189 " 25-Friedman Robert J., granted Class "B" Beer Per- ~ 190 mit .................................................................................. ' ~~p~U1 IIIIM {~~ ,. ,,,, . ,,.,..~,,,,r,, .,......„,.,.,,, .....,..,_..._..,........,....,....,..,....._.....,.~. 1983 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. INDEX -BOOK 93 SUBJECT page F 25-Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 568, granted Class ..B" Beer Permit .............................................. 190 1-Fischer Realty Co., requesting excavation permit ...... 195, 215 1-Falkenhainer Clarence P., granted Cigarette Per- mit .................................................................................. 190 1-Fleckenstein Raymond, granted Cigazette Permit .... 201 1-Fraternal Order of Orioles, Nest No. 11, granted Cigarette Permit .......................................................... 201 1-Fraternal Order of Orioles, Nest No. 11, granted Class 'B" Beer Permit .............................................. 202 1-Fraternal Order of Orioles, Nest No. 11, granted Class "A" Liquor Permit .......................................... 204 1-Fettgather Ramona M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .......................................................................... 204 8-Fincel Mike, requesting permission to excavate in Iowa Street .................................................................. 207 8-Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 568, granted Class ..A„ Liquor Permit .......................................... 208 8-Frey David A., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...... 209 15-Flat Iron Pazk, petitions for and against selling it ..................................................................211, 242, 258, 296 15-Fischer & Co., requesting vacation and conveyance of portion of alley west of the north 24.3 feet of Lot 194 and east of Lot 7, between Main and Iowa and Second and Third Streets ........214, 264, 320 15-Fischer Realty Company, requesting the elimination - of Second Street as a truck route .......................... 215 15-Flury Mary, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 219 15-Fischer Bowlmg Lanes Club, granted Class "C" Liq- uor Permit .................................................................... 219 S--Fischer Realty Company, requesting permission to build a retaining wall in Iowa Street .................. 240, 241 5-Fettgather Ramona M., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ............................................................. ..................... 249 3-Ferring Theodore J., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ................................................................................. 292 7-Fire Fighters Ass'n., requesting reimbursement of pay to Thomas Boettcher, and asking fora clar- f[ication of the PaY Plan .......................................... 317 7-Frommelt Leo F., authorized to sign routine papers in absence of City Manager ............................... 318 7-Fraterial Order of Orioles, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 263 ................................... 322 7-Fraternal Order of Orioles, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 89 ................................ 323 7-Frommelt Dubuque Awning & Tent Co., relative to purchasing r...r:..:y adjacent to their building on Huff Street .............................................................. 324 7-Fleckenstein Clement R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................. 344 28-Flury Mary, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 272 .......................................................................... 356 4-Flynn Coal Company, blasting bond .............................. 366 2-Francis Street, installation of a street light ................ 398 2-Felderman Laverne, granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 422 2-Forrest Brendan, appointed to the Human Relations Commission ....................................................... ... 424 2-Felting Robert Rev., appointed to the Human Rela- tions Commission ........................................................ 424 23-Flick Ludwina G., Settlement of Claim ........................ 433 ~~ ~ INDEX -BOOK 93 INDEX -BOOK 93 -~ ~ 1963 SUBJECT Pege lYH9 SUBJECT Page C' C' ~ Jan ed to Heating, Ventilating, 7-Glasgow John M., appoint &-Groat Raphael William, gr anted Clara "B" Beer P~ 1~• . Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Board .......... 9 ~t Loi ~~~~~~~~ ~ C ~~~~" ". .... ~~~~ ' ~ 7-Giunta Joe, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 12 r aate 2-GO a nine, gr d lass B r P t .... i8le stmt '~ „ 2-Groat Raphael William, granted. Class "C" Ltggor 42t No. 146 .......................................................................... Permit .......................................................................... 423 I Feb 4-Gearheart Paul, settlement of claim .............................. 40 ?rGlean, Mrs. Ra1PL, appointed to the Human Rota- . " ~ 4-Gabriel Leon E, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 51 lions Commission ........................................................ 424 " ~ 4-Gabriel Leon E, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 51 " 2-Gteegstein, Mrs. Saul, appointed to the Horgan Rda• . " 4-General Casualty Co., Notice of Claim ........................ 57 lions Commission ........................................................ 424 ' 4-Grandview Avenue, improvement with concrete pav- 23-Greeley Street, installation of street light .................. 427 ing with integral curb from the north property line of Kane Street to the south property lme of West 32nd Street ................77, 78, 92, 137, 361, 406 April 1-GRAND JURY REPORT of the City Hall aqd County Court House and submitting recommendations as a result of their findings ..................96, 97, 98, 140, 325 " 1-Goodmann Dominic, expressing desire to serve the unexpired term of Fred W. Fuhrman on the Park Boazd .................................................................. 99, 121 " 1-Goerdt Excavating, excavation policy .......................... 101 " 1-Giunta Marco, granted Cigazette Permit ...................... 110 " 19-Giese William A., reappointed to the Board of Heat- ing, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrig- I eration ........................................................................ 112 May 6-Gantert Harry N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 142 " 20-Groveland Piace, installation of street lights ............ 145 i ' I June 3-Gratz Clarence (Barney), sidewalk bond .................... 152 " 3-Giellis George N. and Adelle M., requesting rezoning ' of area between 15th & 16th streets, between Main and the alley first west of Main Street ..157, ............................................................................181, 213, 262 " 3-Glynn Gloria, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 163 3-Giunta Mazco, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 183 ~ 17-Garton Elwood, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 185 ' " 17-Gabriel Leon, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 188 " 25-Gordon Lorraine, granted Cigazette Permit ................ 188 " 25-Giunta Marco, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 189 " 25-Ginter Joseph E., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 189 July 1-Guler & Sons, sidewalk bond .......................................... 193 " 1-Gantert Harry, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 201 " 1-Glynn Gloria, granted Cigazette Permit ...................... 201 ~ " 5-Gantert Harry H., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 204 •' 5-Glynn Gloria, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ........ 204 8-Gordon Lorraine, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 209 " 8-Garton Ellwood, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 209 Aug. 5-Garton Elwood, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 260 Sept. 3-Gonser Frank A., Settlement of Suit ............................ 260 " 3-Gazdner Ediel, requesting permission to excavate in Carlton Avenue .................................................... 266 I Nov. 18-Gavin Delmar et. al., requesting installation of street - _ ; light on Cummms Street .......................................... 392, 427 .. Dec. Z-Gavin Delmar et. al., requesting the relocation of alley between Cummins and Belmont Streets .... 404 " 2-Gabriel Leon, requesting refund on Cigazette Per- mit No. 134 .................................................................. 405 ~ I 2--Grant Raphael William, granted Cigarette Permit .... 422 INDEX -BOOK 93 1883 SUBJECT Page H Jan 7-Henkels Harold, Notice of Claim .................................. 10, 280 34 . 7-Howell Margaret, granted Cigarette Permit ................ Feb 4-Heitzman Construction Company, excavation policy .. 37 . ^ 4-Hyatt. Guy C., withdrawal of petition for rezoning 38 " on Pennsylvania Avenue ........................................... 4-Haberkorn E. A., requesting refund on Cigarette " Permit No. 211 ............................................................ 4-Haberkorn E. A., requesting refund on Class "B" 46 ~ .. Beer Permit No. i54 .................................................. 51 " 4-Hall John F., granted Cigazette Permit ...................... 4-Hagge Clarence J. Jr., granted Class "B" Beer Per- " m~t .................................................................................. 4-Hillazd Joseph P. and Bernice M., granted Class 51 51 " "B" Beer Permit ........................................................ 4-Hall John F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 51 " 4-Heiderscheit John J., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 51 Mar. 4-Hogan M. P., power of attorney for American Surety ... 54, 112 ............................................. Co . .................................. 4-Huff Street, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from the south property line of Railroad Avenue to the south end of Huff Street extend- ed .................................................71, 72, 86, 134. 338, 371 " 4-Harrison Street, improvement with concrete paving with integral curb from the north property line of Railroad Avenue to the north property line of Lot 1 of Commercial Sub...77, 78, 92, 137, 381, 408 4-Huff Street, improvement with hot mixhot laid asphaltic concrete paving from the south prop- erty line of Railroad Avenue to the south end of the street ....................79, 80, 94, 136, 288 329, 336 " 4-Hessel Irvin G., granted Cigazette Permit .................. " " 81 81 " Beer Permit ............ B 4-Hall John F., granted Class " " 81 " Beer Permit ........ B 4--Hessel Irvin G., granted Class April 1-Hawkeye Trailer Court, approval of license to op- 83 " erate amobile Park .................................................... 1-Huseman Richazd and Louis, sidewalk bond .............. 101 " 1-Hardiman, Mrs. Leo, Notice of Claim .......................... 102 102 " 1-Heinricy Julius, Notice of Claim .................................. 110 " 1-Hancock William, granted Cigazette Permit .............. " " 110 " Beer Permit .......... B 1-Henkel Alma, granted Class " 1-Holiday Inn Restaurant, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 110 May 8-Henschel Richard, relative to report of Water De- partment on extension of water mains on Kelly " Lane .............................................................................. 8-Hillcrest Builders Inc., sidewalk bond .......................... 124 127 " 8-Hedrick Willard W., objecting to the blasting by 133 " Becker & Sons .............................................................. 6-Hafeman Leonard et. al., requesting installation of a street light at the corner of Sheridan Road and Groveland Place .................................................. 134, 145 " B-Hafeman Leonard A., granted Class "C" Beer Per- June " mit ................................................................................. 3-Hirsch Carl, sidewalk bond ............................................ 3-Heitzman Construction Company, sidewalk bond ...... 142 152 152 " 3-Hagge Clarence J. Jr., granted Class "B" Beer Per- " ................................................... mgt ............................... 3-Henschel Richard, offer to donate land in Relly 183 Lane area to initiate an improvement program .. 189 " 17-H & B American Corporation, television cable pol- icy .................................................................................. 18f n~WnipY INDEX -BOOK 93 1983 SUBJECT Page H 17-Hahn Stanley, requesting permission to peddle po- tstoes from door to door ...................................:...... 186 '• 17-Hunt George, granted Cigazette Permit ...................... 185 17-Heiderscheit John J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 185 " 17-Herburger Carl, granted-Cigarette Permit ................_ 188 " 17-Hagge Clarence J. -Jr., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 186 " 17-Hillard Joseph P. & Bernice, granted Cigarette Per• mit .................................................................................. 186 " 17-Henry John, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 186 " 17-Heiden Leo, granted Cigazette Permit ........................ 186 " 25-Hames Dorrance, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 188 " 25-Hough Lucille, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 188, 249 " 25-Henkel Alma, granted Cigazette Permit ...................... 188 ' 25-Helling Anthony, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 188 " 25-Hartig Drug Company, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 188 " 25-Holiday Inn Motel, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 188 " 25-Hafeman Helen, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 188 25-Hemmer John P., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 188 " 25-Hancock William F., granted Cigazette Permit.......... 189 " 25-Hemmer John P., granted Class "B" Beer Petmit .... 190 Jvly 1-Human Relations Commission Established ..........195, ......................................................... ...........320, ~~~ 398, 424 " 1-Hattzman, Matilda, Abraham, Hazold and Daniel, notified that premises at 1189 and 1191 Bluff Street will be dismantled ........................................ 196 " 1-Howell Margaret, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 261 1-Hall John F., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 261 " 1-Haupert Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 201 " 5-Hillard Joseph P. k Bernice M, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .............................................................. 204 " 5-Herburger Florence, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit .................................................................................. 204 " 8-Heiden Leo F., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .... 209 " 8-Henkel Alma, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...... 209 Aug. 5-Harrison Street, installation of street lights .............. 238 " S-Hartman Construction Company, sidewalk bond ........ 238 ,• 5-Hall Madge, Notice of Suit .............................................. 239 " S-Heeren Eugene, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 249 " 5-Hough Lucille, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 249 " 5-Heeren Eugene C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 249 " 5-Hough Lucille, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 249 " 5-Hantelman Merlin, reappointed to the Library Board ............................................................................ 251 Sept. 3-Herburger Florence, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mIt .................................................................................. 292 3-Hough Lucille, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 292 " 3-Hansen John Peter, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ...................................................... ................... 292, 494 " 18-Herrig Eldon T., requesting street lights on St. George Street .............. ............... 308, 318 " 18-Healey Clifford C., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 314 " 16-Healey Clifford C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. 314 Oct. 7-Names Dorrance, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 344 28-Helling Anthony k Linehan & Molo Inc., requesting " vacatioa of Peabody Street ....................356, 387, 402, 450 28-Helling Anthony A. and Betty 0., granted Class ..B„ Beer Permit ........................................................ 382 " 28-Helling Anthony A. and Betty O., granted Class .,B., Liquor Permit ..................................................... 882 " 28-Hammer David L., appointed to the Library Soard .. 383 Nov. 4-Hirsch Carl, sidewalk bond .............................................. 368 ' 4-Haupert Clarence P., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 374 t~ I liB7 Dec. INDEX -BOOK a`3 BuBr~cT ~~ N 4-IlickoY Pavid L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 374 18-HiAcrest Builders lnc., plat of Block 8. Block 9, Block A and Block B in 1 1, Block 10, Block 440 KeY Knolls Subdivtsion approved ........380, 380 i >s 452 ng o 18-HiUcrest Butldets Inc., requesting the rezon k 8; Lots 1 to 10, Blo i c ve, IRts 1 to 5 inclus Block 0: Lots 1 to 10. Block 10; Lot 1 to 10, Block 11; Lot 1 to 9, Block A; and Lots 1 to 5, flock $; alI in KeY Knolls, from Single Family 391 Residonce to Two Family Residence Dwtnet ...... 18-Hubert Theresa, offering to purchase Ruth Street GreeleY.Street ...... 391, which abuts her property on 427 , 18-Hubert Theresa et. sl., requestmg the mstallatiaa 392 of street light on Greeley Street ............................ 399 2-H• & B. American Corporation, T•V cablo policy .... in- Cit y 2-Hillcrest $uiiders Inc., requestmg that the stall a storm sewer to carry water adjacent to 404 Block Z3 KeY Knolla Sub . ........................................ 2-Ha Ro~ ~not be nhn d Be a M aB t h n we n Cumin ns bet !04 changed ................................... .................................... . 2-Hansen John P., requesting refund on Clasa "B" 904 Boer Permit No. 119 ................................................ objecting to the amount Lavern and Rose 2 H , annan - of assessment for improvement of North Grand- view Avenue .................................. ............................. 2-Heiden Leo F., grant therHumantRola- at ~ d 406 ~ to oin ed e 2-Halliburton Louise, Pp ,~4 lions Commission ... 2-Heydinger Richard Rev., appointed to the Human 424 Rolations Commission ................................................ 2-Hamilton Philip A. Rev., appointed to the Human Relations Commisston ................................................ 23-Hall John F., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ........ 424 't56 INDEX -BOOK 93 ip83 SUBJECT Page I Jan. 7-Iowa Securities Commission, requesting the vacation of an easement located on Lot 1 of 1 of Holz Subdivision .................................................................. 11 Mar. 4-Iowa State Conservation Commission, submitting re- port of survey of outdoor recreational facilities in Iowa Cities and Towns ................................. .. 54 " 4-Iowa State Highway Commission, contract with the City in the amount of $3100.00 for Primary Road Extension Maintenance .............................................. 55 4-Ideal Lane, improvement with bituminous concrete paving from the west property line of Earl Drive to the east end of the street ....73, 74, 89, 135, 225, 277 April 1-Iowa State Department of Health, approving license of HawkeYe Trailer Court ................................... 83 " 19-Illinois Central Railroad Company, aggreement with the City of Dubuque for the construction of a section of the Southern Avenue Storm Sewer Extension ...................................................................... 11'L " 19-Iowa State Conservation Commission, granted an easement for the purpose of developing an ac- cess road, parking area for the Julien Dubuque Gravesite ............... ... .. ......... .......................... ............... 114 June 3-Interstate Power Company, requesting permission to reconstruct and convert the present enclosed bridge connecting its new office building with the old one in alley at 10th Street ........................ 158 July 1-Iowa State Commission For The Blind, granted Cig- arette Permit ................................................................ 201 Sept. 3-Interstate Power Company, grant of easement for erection of towers, poles etc across Area "C" in Dubuque Industrial Park .................................... 290, 339 Dec. 2-Iowa State Highway Commission, submitting a reso- lution rescinding the extension of Primary Road U. S. 52 and designating another in lieu thereof .. 426 INDEX -BOOK 93 1963 SUBJECT J Jan. 7~Tones Construction Company, sidewalk bond .............. Feb. 4 iohanningmeier Elmer D., bond .................................... " 4-Jones James C., requesting the rezoning of Lots 259, 260, Davis Farm Addition and all that part of Lot 261, Davis Farm Addition not now caned as Local Business Distrito "B" Classification to Local Business District "A" classification ............ April 1-Jasper Rosella, requesting vacation and conveyance of a portion of Marshall Street located between Garfield Ave and Peosta Street .............................. " 19-Jones, John, excavation policy ........................................ May 20-Julien Dubuque Summer Carnival, requesting per- mission to hold street dance and have a Button sale ................................................................................ June 17-Julien Hotel, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... " 17-Julien Dubuque Gulf Service, granted Cigarette Per- mit .................................................................................. " 17~Tungblut Donald, granted Cigazette Permit ................ " 25-Julien Dubuque Summer Carnival Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................................... Sept. 3--Julien Hotel, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ Dec. ? -.Tones Delbert, submitting his name as candidate for position on Dock Board ............................................ " 2--Johnson George M., objecting to the amount of as- sessment for the improvement of University Ave- nue ................................................................................ " 22--Jewell Dorothy M., granted Cigarette Permit ............ " 23-Jewell Dorothy M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. " 23-Jewell Dorothy M., granted Class "C" T.iquor Per- mit .................................................................................. INDEX -BOOK 93 Page 1983 _ SUBJECT Page K 10 Jan. 7-Kean James J., elected Mayor for the ensuing fiscal 37 year ................................................................................ 7-Kiefer Earl, requesting the improvement of an alley 2 connecting the reaz of his property with Mer- chants Lane .................................................................. 7 " 7-Kovanda Celia A., Notice of Claim ................................ 10, 431 58 41 Feb. " 4-Koerperick Edwin J., sidewalk bond ........................... 37 , 4-Kuehn Archie, requesting a restricted plumbers license .......................................................................... 45 126 106 4-Klein Louis, requesting the vacating and conveyance , 114 of an eight foot easement along the northerly line of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Holz Subdivision ............ 47, 69 Mar. 4-Kifer Margaret L., Notice of Claim .............................. 57 150, 158 4-Koenig Anita Lee, Notice of Claim .............................. 57 185 ~~ 4-Kretz Mary, Notice of Suit .............................................. 58 154 4-Kass John H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......... , 81 188 April 1-Kuefler B. J. et. al., requesting improvement of 188 Ruann Drive and Ideai Lane .................................. 84 1-Kruse William G., recommended by the Park Boazd 190, 242 to fill the unexpired term of Fred W. Fuhrman .. 100 291 N 1-Kluck Merlin P., sidewalk bond .................................... 101 1-Kunz William M., requesting refund on Cigarette 397 Permit No. 103 ........................ .................................... 108 1-Krepfle Philip, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- qp6 mit No. 262 .................................................................. 19-Kopp Donald J., reappointed to the Board of Heat- 107 455 mg, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Reftigera- 458 " tion ................................................................................ 19-Korman William et. al., requesting installation of 112 456 street lights on Carlton Ave ................................... 117, 127 May 6-KoPP Lyle, sidewalk bond .............................. .......... 127 152 8-Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" Beer Per- , June mit .................................................................................. 3-Klauer W. H, sidewalk bond ........................................ 142 152 3-Kartman L., objecting to the issuance of a Class " "B" Permit at 1415 Rhomberg Ave ...............157, 182 261 17-Kelly Frank E., desiring to purchase cit ro rt , y p pe y at the foot of the Vine Street Steps on Dodge ~~ Street ............................................................................ 17-Knights of Columbus, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 182, 254 185 " 17-Knoll Walter W, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 185 17-I{ratz, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond, granted Cigarette Per- " ~~ mit .................................................................................. 25-Kopple Harry, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 180 188 25-Kress Hubert J. Jr., granted Cigarette Permit .......... lgg " 25-KOeller De Forrest O., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 188 " 25-Karigan Frank, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 188 " 25-Kehl Robert, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ lgg ~~ 25-Kissell Grocery, granted Cigarette Permit .................. lgg 25-Krajnovich Elizabeth, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 189 " 25-Kress Bernice, granted Cigazette Permit .................... igg " 25-Kachevas James, granted Cigazette Permit ................ 189 25-Krajnovich Elizabeth, granted Class "B" Beer Per- July mit .................................................................................. 1-Kanavas Theodore, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 190 201 1-Karigan Gust and Pete Sfikas granted Cigarett P " " , e er- mit .................................................................................. 1-Bass John N., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 201 201 1-Kanavas Theodore G., granted Class "B" Beer Per- " mit ................................................................................. 5-Kazigan's Restaurant, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- 202 mtt .................................................................................. 204 I~IIII INDEX -BOOK 93 1883 SUBJECT Page K 8-Krajnovich Elizabeth M., granted Class "C" Liquor 209 " Pernnt .......................................................................... 15-Kelly Acres, aPProval of Plat ........................................ 218 Aug. 5-Kuntz Floyd M. Jr., requesting street lights on Linda 242 " .................................................................. Court ............ 5-Koeller DeFOrrest, requesting refund on Cigarette 243 " Permit ....................................................................... requesting refund on Cigarette Per- 5-Kass John H. " , mit No. 267 ....................................... . requesting refund on Class "B" Beec 5-Kass John H. 243 " , Permit No. 21 ....................................................... . 5-Kunz William, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 243 249 " 5-Kunz William M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit . 249 Sept. :: 3-Kirk Laura H., Settlement of Claim .......:.............. 2~ " 3-Kisting E. T. et. al., requesting We enforcing of 265 speed law on Rockdale Road .................................. " 3-Kieffer Edward H., complaining on the condition of West Fifth Street ........................................................ ~ " 3-Kelly Lillian Ruth, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 291 " 3-Belly Darlene R., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 291 " 3-Kelly Ialhan Ruth, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 291 „ 3-Knoll Walter W., granted Class "C" Beer Permtt .... 292 Oct. 7-Kane Street, portion of street improved-with $'n" 318 " asphaltic concrete ..................................:..:................ 7-Koerperick Edwin J., sidewalk bond ............................ 319 " 7-Klein Katherine, requesting suspension of taxes on account of old age ................................................... 323 " 7-K-Mart, granted Cigarette Permit .................................. " " 343 344 Beer Permit .......... C 7-Kopple Harry, granted Class Nov. 4-Kaiser William & Bernice, requesting hearing before the Board of Health regarding the unsanitary conditions of their propertY •••~~~-~••••-•~-~~---~••••~••~-~•••• 385, 383 " 18-Key Knolls Subdivision, approval of plat of Block 8, Block 9, Block 10, Block 11, Block A and Block B in Key Knolls ......................................389, 390, 452 Dec. 2-KDTH Radio Station, advising the Council that they have been commissioned by the Federal Govern- ment to build and equip afall-out communica- tions center .................................................................. 397 " 2-Kennedy Alvy, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 422 2-Kennedy AIvY, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 422 " 23-Kaufman Earl Mrs. Claim denied .................................. 432 " 23-Kelly Bueford and James W. Harrington, objections to the amount of assessment for the improve- ment of Earl Drive .................................................... 267, 433 " 23-Kintzinger David N. and Charlotte M., objections to the amount of assessment for the improvement of St. George Street .................................................. 433 " 23-Klecker Gladys C., Notice of Claim .............................. 435 INDEX -BOOK 93 1863 SUBJECT gage L Jan, 7-Lange Wilbert H., requesting the vacation and coa- veyance of Lot 22 "A'" in Broadway Addition ...... 13, 14 Feb. 4-LaheY Cyril Mrs., Notice of Claim ..............................» 40 " 4-Luksetich Thomas A., pbjecting to installation of street Bghts on Linda Court .................................... 45 Mar. 4-Liquor by The Drink, petition of Church of Naza- rene opPpsing liqugr by the drink in any fprm .. 93 " 4-Lester Walter, settfetpent of claim ................................ 57 " 4-Lenz A. O. et. al., requesting curb and gutter and paving on Farragut Street .........» ............................. 82 4-Leonard F. G., et. al., objeeUng to the proposed aur- facing of Mehose Terrace ...............................»....... 83 4-Langworthy Street, improvement with bltnminpuS concrete paving from the west prope[tyY Tine of Alpine Street to the west prppperty line of College Stteet ............................73, T4~ 854 135. ZZS, 287 " 9--Lowell Street, ima-»....,ent with bltuminpus ppn• Crete paving fMm the east prpperty line pi Har- eld Street to the east r__r:._.y Hne of Abbott Street ..........................................73, 74, 89, 135, 225, 273 " 4-Loral Boulevard, improvement with concrete paving with integral curb from the west property line of Locust Stteet to the west property line of Walnut Street ............................77, 78, 92, 137, 381, 408 " 4-Love Kenneth J, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 81, 202 April 1-Leonard F. G. et. al., objecting to the improvement of Melrose Terrace ...................................................... 84 " 1-Luber John, sidewalk bond ............................................ 101 " 1-Love Donald M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 110 " 1-LOnergan Richard D., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 110 " 19-Luekemia Society Inc., requesting permission to conduct a fund raising program ........................ 118 May 6-Leslein Genevieve, Setlement of Claim ........................ 129 " 8-Lynn Melvin C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 142 " 6-Latham Ernest, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 142 " 20-Loetscher A. E. et. al., objecting to petition for the rezoning of S. 25' of Lot 4 and N. 105' of Lot 5 in Sidonia Hosfords Sub ....................................... 147 June 3-Libansky Julia, Notice of Claim .................................... 155, 434 " 17-Latham Ernest, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 185 " 17-Langas Phillip T., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 185 " 17-Lynn Melvin C., Branted Cigarette Permit ................ 185 17-Love Donald M., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 18S " 17-Ludescher John J., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 185 " 17-Loral College, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 185 " 17-LOnergan Richard D, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 186 " 17-Lilly Thomas, granted Cigazette Permit ...................... 186 " 25-Love Kenneth J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 188 " 25-Luchsinger Ray & Angeline, granted Cigarette Per- mit .................................................................................. 188 " 25-Lawry Ann and Joseph R. Lenger, granted Cigarette Permit .......................................................................... 188 July 1-Love Rita B., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 136 ............................................................ 195 " 1-Lanser Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 201 " 1-Love Donald M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .... 204 " 8-Love Kenneth Jerome, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit .................................................................................. 209 " 22-Luchsinger Joe G., Notice of Suit ................................ 221 " 22-Liquor Sales Profit Fund, transfer of $5,000 to the General Fund .............................................................. 228 7 :. 1~ 0 ~~lAi^!Iplippll INDEX -BOOK 93 1983 S1HtJECT Page L Aug. Sept 5-Licciazdi Frank J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 3-Logan Richard, on behalf of Kathleen Logan, Notice 249 .. " . of Claim ................................................................:.... 3-I.anser Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... ~ 292 " 16-Linda Coutt, installation of street Bght ::::.::::::::::::::::: 294 295 16-Lasche John, sidewalk bond .................... Oct 7-Lampe CY•, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 343 . " 28-Linehan k Molo Ina and Anthony He1Bng, request• ing vacation of Peabody Street ..............356, .387, 402, 450 Dec 2-Launspach Cazl, desiring to purchase an alley that . intersects his property located on Poplaz Street .. 404, 426 " 2-Lane James L. & Bernadette, objecting to assessment for improvement of University Ave ....................... 405 23-Lewis James L., Claim denied ........................................ 432 „ 23-Lammer Marc., Notice of Claim .................................... 435 " 23--Logan Richazd et. al., requesting the extension of Riker Street ....................:............................................. 448 " 23-Loosbrock Thomas, appointed to the Planning & Zon- ing Commission .......................................................... 45U INDEX -BOOK 93 1983 SUBJECT pa$e Mc Jan. 7-McClain Street, schedule of assessments for 1982 curb and gutter improvement .................................. 20, 25 Feb. 4-McCarthy dames et. al., requesting vacation of Barty .. 5treet ...................:........................................................ 45, 128 " 4-McGeough Joseph R., granted Cigarette Permit ......:: 51 4-McGeough Joseph R., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .............................................................................. .... 51 Mar. 4-McLaughlin Raymond B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......:.................................................................. 81 April 1-McNamara Earl J., granted Class "C" Beer Permits .. 110 M~v 8-McMahon Michael, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 142, 396 ' 8-McGinn Donald, expressing desire to be considered for architectural work on City-County Building .. 144 Juae 3-McInerney James, Notice of Claim .............................. 188 ' 17-McCauley Howard F., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 188 " 17-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 188 '~ 25-McNamara Earl J., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 188 25-McCarty Marcella, granted Cigazette Permit .............. 188 " 25-McMahon Cecil J., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 189, 291 " " 25-McGeough Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 189 25-McMahon Cecil J., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ............................ ............ ..................190. 292, 344 July 8-McNamer Noah, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 208 8-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit .................................................................................. 209 " 8-Mcbfahon Cecil J., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit .................................................................................. 209, 345 15-McCarty Marcella, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mtt .......................... .... ............ ... .. 219 Aug. 5-McGeough Joseph R., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................. .................... 249 Nov. 4-McCarten Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting per- mission to excavate in alley between 7th and 8th and Main & Iowa Streets .................................. 3g7 " " 4-McCarty Marcella, granted Class "B" Beet Permit .. 374 1S-McCabe Robert Mrs., relative to the vacation of Peabody Street ............................................................ 392 Dec. 2-McCarten Plumbing & Heating, excavation policy .... 399 " 2-McDonald J. B. et. al., requesting the extension of Devon Drive .......................................................:.. 399 " 2-McDonald Mfg. Co., objecting to assessment on East " 16th Street ............................................................405, 429, 430 23-McKeon Doris, Claim denied .......................................... 431 " 23-McLaughlin Robert C. Mrs., expressing desire to purchase property on Garfield Ave . .................... 448 INDfiX -BOOK 93 1yq SUBJICCT - _ _ P~ lY1 Jan. 7--!larch of Dimes, requestinH Peon to eblieft 11 funds .............................................................................. Feb. 4-Miller Frank E. and Delbert, sidewalk bond .._.......... uesting Proclamatioa of a "Polio i 37 mes, req 4-Mazch of D " 45, 46 ...................................................... .. Protection Days 4-Miller Fay, granted Cigarette Permit ............._........... 51 51 „ 4-!filler Fay, granted Class "B" Seer Permit .......:........ ss "B" Beer Permit .. d Cl 51 " a 4-1llellon Maurice H., grante Mar. 4-MOntcrest Street, improvement with concrete curb r from the west property line of Lot tt e and gu 37 Pleasantview Sub. to the west property line 86 of HemPMead Street ....................................71, 72, 85, " 4-Montcrest Street, improvement with bituminous con crate surfacing from the west property line of I.bt 37 Pleasantview Sub. to the west r-_,.:-;.~ 73 88 74 , line of Hempstead Street .................................... , 4-Maltose Torraee, improvement with bituminous con• f Crete paving from the east property line o Pauline Street to the east property hne of Al- pine 5treet ......................................................73, 74, 4-Millet' lone Mrs., granted Class 'B" Beer Permit ...... 85, 88 81 April 1-MiIler Rank E. and Delbert, sidewaix bond .......:.... uesting the reaoning of Lots re Jr d L 151 q ., . 1-Moldt Herol 15 and 18, in Schaffner's Sub. located 14 13 , , - on Valerie Street from two family residence to 126 1 5 Local Business District "A" classification ............ 0 , 113 ^' 19-Merywood Drive, installation of street lights ............ May 6-Manahl Clark E., sidewalk bond .................................... f Lot 1 of ti 127 " on o 6--Morena Frank, requesting annexa Section 15 Dubuque Township, approx- 386 L M , . . imately 39.50 acres ...................................................... 8-Meyer Vernon Leo, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 134 142 •' 20-Yoore's Mill Pond, development by fteereation Com- .............145, . 164, 186 " .. mission ....................... .......................... . 20-Mulert Kenneth, cancellation of sidewalk bond ........ 1 June 3-Masker Ralph et. al., objecting to the issuance of "B" Beer Permit to Clarence Hagge Jr. l ass a C at 1415 Rhomberg Avenue ........................................ 157 185 " 17-Miller Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 186 "' 17-MBler Fay, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 186 " 17-Miller lone, granted Cigazette Permit .......................... granted Cigarette Permit .... nternaeh Richard J. M 17 188 " , a - 25-Mellon Maurice, granted Cigarette Permit .................. Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigarette Per- M 188 ercy 25- 1~ mit ................................................................................. 25-Neill Cy., granted Cigarette Permit .............................. 188 1>~ " 25-Meyer Vernon, granted Cigarette Permit ...............•••.~ " 25-Meyer Cletus J., gran l iC 159 " mft ... lgaretto Per anted 25-Mardauss Thelma, gr ••°~°° July I-Marshall & Hintgen, sidewalk bond .............................. 1-Mount Carmel, Sisters of Charity of B.V.M. object- 193 ing to fumes and disagreeable odors arising from the Sewage Disposal Plant ................................195, 366, 396 201 " 1-Martin Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 201 " " 1-Myers Russell E., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 8-Meyer Vernon L., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 209 8-Melt! Cyril, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ............ 209 " 8-Myers Russell E agranted Class "C~gLiquorrPermit .. 209 11WIid~ Illlilulu~yYMli~iPMibiuuur.,uiN,u~nu.ac~.~m.,: INDKX -- BOOK 93 lygg SUBJECT Page M 8-Matte! Realty & Investment Company, acceptance by the City in conjunction with the dedication and establishment of the plat of blocks 4, 5. B & 7 of Mattel-Brooks Addition and the acceptance of Avalon Road as a public street .............................. 209 " 15-Midland Laboratories, offer to purchase "Flat B•ou Park" ............................... ...................:211. 242, ....... 256, 298 " 15-Murphy George, submitting resignation on Airport Zoning Commission .................................................... 211 " 15-Murphy Daniel et. aL, requesting rubbish collection on the alley between Mera and Edison Sheets .. 214, 237 15-Miller Iona, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .......... 219 " 22-Miller Earl C, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 228, 291 22-Miller Earl C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,,..,,.... 828, 292 Aug. 5-Miller James, desiring to purchasu a portion of Whit- tier Stroet located between Lots 563 and 554 in Ham's Addition ............................................................ 242, 296 " 5-Moore's Mill, petitions requesting the allocation of funds for the improvement ......................:....:.......... 248 " 5-Mohr John E., granted Cigarette Permit ..........:.:....... 249 " 5-Meyer Cletus J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ... 249 Sept. :: 3-Magnall Richard, sidewalk bond ........................... 258 3-Mount St. Bernard Seminary, granted Cigarette Per- mIt .................................................................................. 291 " 3-Melt! Cyril, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .:..::::.:... 292 " 16-Mount Loretta Avenue, installation of street R~hts .. 294 Oct. 7-Miller Eerl C., granted Class "C" Liquor Permtt ..:... 3+15 " 28-Meyers William L., objecting to low Water pressure on King Street .............................. ............:.... 354 Nov. 4-Muscular Dystrophy Association, requesting permis- sion to hold a fund drive ........................................ 313'7 " 18-Main Street, installation of a demonstration street light ................................................... .................... 565, 397 " 18-Mces Bakery and Perfection Oil Company, request- . ing permission to install a support pole between the curb and sidewalk for the erection of a sign .. 392 " 18-Myers Russell E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 395 Dec. 2-Martin, Rt. Rev. Msgr. M[chael, appointed to the Human Relations Commission ................................ 424 " 2-Mai Mel., appointed to the Human Relations Com- mission ....................... ............. ....... ..... 424. " 23-Marshall Street, recommendation of Clty Manager that street be vacated from Garfield Ave. east to the Industrial Island and sold to highest bid- der .................................................................................. 428 " 23-Meyera William L., Notice of Claim ............................ 435 " 23-Morena Frank and Hattie, requesting annexatioh of approximately 134.20 acres to the City of Du- buque ................................:........................................... 45E I~,` INDEX -BOOK 93 1963 SUBJECT N Jan. 7-Ney Raymond, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 162 ......................................... ........................ . " 7-Ney Raymond, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 72 .............................................................. " 7-North Grandview Avenue, schedule of assessments for 1962 concrete curb and gutter improvement .. 20, " - 7-Northview Drive, schedule of assessments for 1962 concrete curb and gutter improvement ................ 20, Feb. 4-Neff John V., power of attorney revoked .................... " 4-Neyens David 0., objecting to the vacation of Barry Street .......................................................... .................. " 4-Nagelmaker Cazl E., granted Class "B" Beer Per- ' ...................................................... au ............................ " 4-National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. May 6-National Multiple Sclerosis Society, requesting per- mission to conduct a house to house fund drive .. June 3-Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, requesting permission to excavate in alley between Locust and Main, between 6th & 7th Streets .................... ~~ a-Nachtman Irvin O., granted Class "B" Beer Per " " 17-Nagehnaker Carl N., grantea lagareue re.,..•. ••-•••• 17-Nicks Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit ...•••..•••••... " 25-Neumeister John C., granted Cigarette Permit .......... ranted Cigarette Permit ........ es d St , g or 25-National Foo 25-Noel John E., granted Cigazette Permmt ...................... " ' 25-Ney Albert J., granted Cigazette Permit .................... 25-National Tea Co., granted Cigarette Permit .............. '~. " ' 25-Nachtman Irvin, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 25-Navy Club of Dubuque Ship No. 67, granted Class i ~ ,.B,. Beer Permit .......................................................... ~ July 1-Ness Mazy, requesting a playground area for res- idgnts around 12th & Bluff Streets ...................... j " ; 1-Ney Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ........ Noel June E 5 „ '~ " ., - S--Ney Albert J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...... " 15-Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 87, granted Class ..A„ Iaquor Permit ...................................................... ~ er wes 22-Nor h ng du o h el . ~o s o Cummins and Blv LOras at exavat -. Street ............................................................................ _ i. Aug. 5-Nicks Josephine Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Per- -~ ~~~ " mit .................................................................................. 5-NeY Albert J, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......... ~ Sept. I lfi-Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, requesting I permission to excavate in alley at 4th St. inter- I section between Main and Locust Streets ............ " 16-Nauman Cletus N. and Carolyn E., Agreement to sell Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Highland Farm in the City of Dubuque .. " ltl-Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, granted Class ..C„ Liquor Permit ...................................................... Oct. 7-National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. nl u Page 12 12 26 26 38 45 fil 51 134 158 183 185 185 188 188 188 168 188 169 190 190 201 204 204 219 222 249 249 300 310 315 344 ~' INDEX -BOOK 93 - _ _- 1983 SUBJECT Page N Dec. 2-Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, requesting permission to excavate in Green Street, Chaney Road, Woodlawn Street, Evergreen and Crissy Drive .............................................................................. 404 " 2--Nicks Josephine, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 36 ............................................................ 404 2-Nicks Josephine, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 95 .................................................. 404 2-Neumeister John C., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 422 INI)F,7C - BpOK 93 ~~ INDEX -BOOK 93 188$ -_ ~ $i1BJECT Pa6e 1983 SUBJECT Page Q ~ Jan 7-0;dipaaee N0. 1-83• An Ordinance allocating and 1-Ordinance No. 10-83. An Ordinance regulating drive- . r„~,:ations of tax levi0s and other giaking a ways and Entrances to part of Primary Road, U „ sources q't revenue to the expendifures for City ..S. No. 20, being Dodge Street between Grand- GOVerament in the City of Dubuque fOr the view.Avenue and Bissell Lane, immediately west fiscal year beginning JauuarY 1, 1983 and end- of Locust Street, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa .. ' 104 ing December 31, 19¢3 and authorizing remain " 1-O Toole Lenore, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- transfers of funds ...................................................... 4 mil No. 299 ..................................... ... .......................... 107 FOb. 4-Ordinance No. 2-63. An Ordinance Amending the 19-Ordinance No. 1183. An Ordinance fixing and es- Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance known aS Qr- tablishing controlled access and regulations of dinance No. 3-34 of the City of Dubuque to traffic on primary roads Nos. U. S. 20; U. S. 52; change Lots 259, 260, Davis Farm Addition and U. S. 61 and U. S. 151 within the City of Du- all that part of Lot 261, Davis Farm Addition buque, Iowa ...................... .................. ................... 116 not now zoned as Local Business "B" Classifies- " 19-Ordinance No. 12-83. An Ordinance Establishing lion to Local Business "A" classification .............. 41, 58 Closing hours to the Public as to Eagle Point " 4-Ordinance No. 3-63. An Ordinance Amending the Park and Grandview Pazk in the City of Du- Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance No. 3-34 of buque and providing penalty for violation there- the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to change Lot 27 of .................................................................................... 117 G. R. West's Dubuque from its present Family May 6-Ogaazd Gertrude S. Settlement of Claim 128 residence District classification to Local Business i ti " " 41 58 , .................. , ~ 6-Ohmert Donald L., excavation policy ........................ .. 127 133 on .......................... ...... ...... . ca Classif A District , .. , 4-Ordinance No. 4-63. An Ordinance Amending Budget B-Obnesorge Marcella, Settlement of Claim .................. 128 as approved by Resolution No. 163-62 and Or- 6-Ordinance No. 1383. An Ordinance establishing min- dinance No. 1-63 --•••-..-..-••••••-~~~~-~ •~•~ 42, 60 _ imam standards governing the condition and " 4-Ordinance No. 5-63. An Ordinance Amending Or- maintenance of Residential Dwellings: Establish dinance No. 3349 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, - minimum standards governing supplied utilities by adding a new subsection 14 to Section A of and facilities and other physical things and con- Schedule III thereof establishing a stop inter- ditions essential to make dwellings safe, sanitary section, governing east bound and west bound and fit for human habitation: Determining ac- vehicles at the intersection of Avoca and Green ceptable occupancy of space: Establishing min- Streets .......................................................................... 42 imam standards governing the condition of " 9--Ordinance No. 6-63. An Ordinance Amending Or- dwellings offered for rent: Fixing certain re- dinance No. 3349 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa ff to Schedule Hthere- ti -- sponsibilities and duties of owners and occuppants f d lli on by adding a new sec o we ngs: Authorizing the inspection of dwell- of ................................................................................... 43 ings, and the condemnation of dwellings unfit " 4-Ordinance No. 7-63. An Ordinance Establishing the for human habitation: Providing for the issuance Voting Precincts for Certain Territories Annexed of permits: And fixing penalties for violations to the City of Dubuque ............................................ 43 of its provisions .........130, ......................................... 1 169 55 Maz. 4-O'Brien Byrne A., on behalf of Rev. Louis V. Mc- 6-Ordinance No. 1483. An Ordinance Amending the Donough, extending an invitation to all City offi- ' . , Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance known as s Day cials to attend the annual St. Patrick Ordinance No. 3-34 of the City of Dubuque to Mass .............................................................................. ~ change the East 70' of West 80' of Lot 375 Davis 4-Oberhoffer George James, bond .................................. 58 Farm Add and the West 10' of East 100' of Lot " 4-O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks, audit of 37b Davis Farm Add and the East 70' of West Water Department for the fiscal year ending 80' of Lot 376 Davis Fazm Add to Local Business December 31, 1962 .................................................... 56 Dist. "A» Classification ................ • •••~-•---~••••••-••-•••••-••• 130, 157 " 4-Ordinance No. 8-63. An Ordinance authorizing Mary 8-Ordinance No. 15-63. An Ordinance Amending Or- B. Chalmers, Attorney in Fact for Katherine W. to erect an enclosed entrance in al Bradley et dinance No. 10.63 by adding a new Subsection t t . . the sidewalk space on the north side of West (g) o Sec ion 7 thereof requiring dogs to be vaccinated with anti-rabies vaccine 131 Ninth Street between Main Street and the alley ........................ " first east of Main Street .......................................... 61 6-Ordinance No. 16-63. An Ordinance prohibiting Au- April 1-Ordinance No. 9-63. An Ordiance Granting to Car- imals or Fowl from running at iazge; Requiring cats to be innoculated with anti-rabies vaccine adco Incorporated, an Iowa Corporation doing and providing penalty for violation hereof 132 business in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, its succes- .......... " the right to erect and maintain sors and assigns 20-Ordinance No. 17-63. An Ordinance vacating that , one overhead woodwaste line over and across ortion of the alle P y which lies between Iowa - Jackson Street between Eighth and Ninth Streets and Main Streets for a distance of one hundred and extending across Eighth Street between sixty eight and six tenths (188.6) feet northerly Jackson and Washington Streets, and another from Second Street, all in the City of Dubuque, woodwaste line over and across Eighth Street between Washington and Jackson Streets in the Iowa ..................................... ......................................... " 20-Orchard Hills Subdivision, approval of plat of Lots 146 City of Dubuque, Iowa ............................................ 103, 104 7 to 13, Block 3, and Lots 2 to 5, Block 4 ............ 148, 215 ~I 4i~!II~~~II,I I INDEX -BOOK 93 '` INDEX -BOOK 93 1983 SUBJECT Page g 1983 SUBJECT page O O June 3-O'Neill Denise, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 183 ~'~ Sept. 3-Ordinance No. 253. An Ordinance granting to Du- " 17-Ordinance No. i8fi3. An Ordinance conveying the ". buque TV-FM Cable Company, Division of H da B City's interest in that portion of the alley which Communications Corporation, a Delaware Cor- lies between Iowa and Main Streets for a dis- potation, its successors and assigns, the right to [ante of one hundred sixty eight and six tenths erect, maintain and operate transmission and 8) feet northerly from Second Street, all (188 distribution facilities and additions thereto, in . in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ................................ 179 (( under, over, along, across and upon the streets, 17-Ordinance No. 19.83. An Ordinance Amending the O lanes, avenues, sidewalks, alleys, bridges, high- ways and other public lace in th Cit f r- Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance known as of Dubuque to Cit f th p s e y o Dubuque, and subsequent additions thereto for y e dinance No. 334 o change Lot 1 of 1 of Boxleiter's Sub. of Lot 1 , the purpose of transmission by cable and dis- of Caroline Boxleiter's Sub. of M. L. 160; Lot 1 tributian of television impulses, television en- of 2 of 2 of Caroline Boxleiter's Sub. and Lots ergy and frequency modulated sound signals to 6 Sidonia Aosfords Sub. to Multiple 4 5 2 3 the inhabitants of said City for a period of 20 , , , , Family Residence District Classification ......181, 2 11, 212 years and regulating the same; and providing " 17-Ordinance No. 20-63. An Ordinance Amending the b terms and conditions of said Franchise, and pm- viding penalties for violation hereof 264 300 401 y Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque Section 1 of Article 4 of the Zonmg i .............. , 3-Ordinance No. 26-83. An Ordinance Vacating that , ng Repeal Ordinance of the City of Dubuque and EnaetinB portion of alley now platted and described as L a Substitute therefore to Authorize Additional 1 i t 213 81 ot C and Lot D Julien Dubuque Hotel Plaza, in the City of Dubuque Iowa and ordering con- .............. c uses in the Multiple Residence Distr , 1~ , veyance of same ................ 284 320 " 17--0'Neill Denise, granted Cigazette Permit .................... 185 3-Oeschger Thomas A., granted Class "C" Beer Per- , ^ 17-Oeschger Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit .............. mit .....................................................................:........... 292 " 17-Olson William O., granted Cigazette Permit .............. 185 : 18-Oltmert Donald L., excavation policy " ~ " 25--0'Maza Helen, granted Cigazette Permit .................... i~ 16-Ordinance No. 27-63. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Carter Road from the south property July 1-Ordinance No. 21-63. An Ordinance Amending the line of Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 of Highland Farm to 'Lonmg Map and Zoning Ordinance known as Or- the south property line of West Thirty Second dinance No. 3-34 of the Cdy of Dubuque to eat- Street ........................................................................ 297. 296 tend the present Multiple Family Residence Dis- 16-Ordinance No. 28-63. An Ordinance establishing a trict Classification on the East Side of Rockdale grade on Huff Street from the south property Road to include Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot line of Railroad Avenue to the south end of 13; Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 13 and Lot 2 the street ......................... " ~ of Lot 1 of Lot 13 J. C. Scully Sub. No. 2 and 16-Ordinance No. 29-63. An Ordinance establishing a Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 and grade on East Sixteenth Street from the east Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of M. L. property line of Sycamore Street to the east 10 and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 r...rc•;,~ line of Kerper Boulevazd ........................ 299 of Lot 3 and Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot Y 18-Ordinance No. 30.83. An Ordinance Establishing a of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 3 ...................................... 194, 240 grade on North Graedview Avenue from the " Ordinance No. 22-63. An Ordinance creating a Com- 1 north property line of Kane Street to the south - mission on Human Relations ............................195, 320, 424 property line of West Thirty Second Street ........ 299 " 1-O'Meara W. Louis, granted Class "C" Beet Permit .... " 202 2~ Oct. 7-Ordinance No. 31-63. An Ordinance establishing a " Liquor Permit .. 1-O'Neill Denise, granted Class "C Civil Defense Administration for the City of " Brooks, Ahrendt & Brooks, report of 8-O'Connor ~ Dubuque, Iowa, to serve in the event of major , audit of City of Dubuque for the fiscal year be- man made disasters; to provide for the establish- ginning January 1, 1962 and ending December went of the office of director of civil defense; ~••••~~~••~•~•• 2 to authorize the receipt and expenditure of funds '~ 31, 1962 ........................ •"~'••'-~•~••~~•••~••~ 8-O]son William H., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. ~9 incident to the administration thereof; to com- ply with the Iowa Civil Defense Act of 1959 as 5-Ordinance No. 23-63. An Ordinance Amending the amended; to repeal Ordinance No. 9.61, as passed Aug . Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque by by the City Council of the Clty of Dubuque Feb- Repealing Section 1 of Article 4 of the Zoning ruary 9, 1981 ............ . . ,. .................................................. ' 321, 435 Ordinance of the City of Dubuque and Enacting 23-O Meara Thelma, Notice of Claim ................................ 352 a Substitute therefore to Authorize Additional s in the Multiple Residence District .............. U 282 240, Nov. 18-Ordinance No. 32-83. An Ordinance Amending the Z i " se 5-Ordinance No. 24-63. An Ordinance Granting Fischer on ng Map and Zoning Ordinance known as Ordinance No. 3-34 of the City of Dubuque to Realty Company and Fischer & Company Inc. change that part of Lot 1 of Pixler Place• Lot permission to construct a retaining wall in Iowa 2 of Pixler Place and Lot 7 of Out Lot 598 ~ res- ............. Street ••~•••-~-••••-••°°••••••••°°•°°°~°""'°"""""" 241 ~ , ently zoned as Two Family Residence District ^ S--O'Hara Richard, granted Cigarette Permit .................. to Business District Classification .......................... 3gg, 43g INDEX -BOOK 93 ~~ SUBJECT O " 18-Ordinance No. 33-63• An Ordinance Amending the nd Zoning Ordinance known as Or- Zoning MaP a dinance No. 3-34 of the City of Dubuque, so as to include and provide for zoning classification for the area annexed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa; pursuant to resolution No. 280.01 adopted 1961 and to Zone Lot 1 of 1 of 2 4 iiM , December of Bonsons Farm Subdivision as Multiple Fam- ily Residence District Classification (Tisehauser _ property at 2789 University Avenue) and to Lot 1 of Subdivision of Correction Plat of ~ zone Lot 2 of 1 of 2 of Bonson Farm Subdivision and Lot 2 of Correction Plat of Mineral Lot 248 as f I Light Industrial CIassffication. (Seven Up Prop- ~ ertq on University Avenue) ...................................... i _ " 18-Ordinance No. 34-83. An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance known as Ordinance No. 3-34 of the City of Dubuque to change Lots 1 to 5 inclusive Block 8, Lota 1 to 10 inclusive, Block 10, Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, Lots 1 to 9 inclusive Block A, and Block il , Lots 1 to 5 inclusive Block B, all in Rey Knolls i Subdivision from their present Single Famlly trict Classification to Two Family Di s Residence ~ Residence District ..........:........................................... Dec. 2-Ordinance No. 35-83. An Ordinance Amending the Ordinance known as Or- i ~ ng Zoning Map and Zon dinanee No. 3-34 of the City of Dubuque to change Lots 1 and 2 of Dreibilbies Addition nt Two Family Residence Dis- from their prese trict Classification to Local Business District "A" classification, (801 to 807 Garfield-Avenue) ........ 2-Ordinance No. 36-63. An Ordinance Amending the approved by Resolutfon No. 163-62 t d as Bu ge ........................... and Ordinance No. 1-63 -~-••~-~•••°°° '~ 2-Ordinance No. 37-83. An Ordinance Vacating a por- ribed as Lot 1 of d _ - esc Lion of Peabody Street Lot 2 of City Lot 725 in the City of Dubuque, ° Iowa, subject to easements for sanitary and storm .. . ........................................................... . sewers .... .. " 2--O'Mara Helen Ann, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. - 2-Otten Richard Rev., appointed tc the Human Rela- r ~. ~ '-, ' Lions Commission ... ................................... " 2-Oeth I. A., requesting that he not be reappointed ~ ~, _ ~ to the Dock Commission ............................................ . . ~' E ~~' " 23-O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt & Brooks, Certified Pub- etained to audit the City's t ~ ~ s; r lie Accountan ~ € ~ -books for the Year 1983 .......................................... ~~ ~ ~ " 23-Owens Sammie G., Claim denied .................................. " 23-Ordinance No: 38.83• An Ordinance Authorizing w ' Renier Realty Company to Construct a Load- , / ing Dock in the Alley ••••••• •° 23-Ordinance No. 39-83. An Ordinance Amending Or- I ~ dinanee No. 3319 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa i i ~~. ' by repealing subsection 17 of Section C of Sched- '! ule VIII and enacting a new subseMion 17, of C of Schedule VIII in lieu thereof, pro- "j,+ Section - hibiting pazking of vehicles on Tuesday or Thurs d , t day on the north side of Sixteenth Street from s„ !" Iowa Street to Sycamore Street ............................. Page 389, 439 391, 439 400 401, 441 401, 402 422 424 426 428 432 442 442 +;., INDEX -BOOK 93 - 1988 SUBJECT 0 " 23-Ordinance No. 40-03. An Ordinance Amending Or• dinanee No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa known as the Traffic Code, by Repealing Sub- section 4 of Section B, Schedule X thereof, there- . by no longer requiring southbound vehicles to yield before entering the intersection of St. - Ambrose Street and Asbury .................................. 23-Ordinance No. 41.63. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 33.49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa known as the Traffle Code, by Repealing Section 20.5 thereof, covering the maximum length of any motor vehicle or combination of vehicles, and by enacting a new section 20.5 in lieu thereof .......................................................................... " 23-Ordinance No. 42-63. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinanee No. 38-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa known as the Traffic Code, by repealing Section 16.32 thereof and by enacting a new section 16.32 in lieu thereof ........................... ............. " 23-Ordinance No. 49-63. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by adding a new section 103 to Schedule VI thereof prohibiting parking on the south side of Dodge Street and by adding a new seMion 104 to Schedule VI thereof, prohibiting parking on the east side of Madison Hill from West 17th Street to Clatke Drive .................................... " 23-Ordinance No. 44.63. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa known as the Traffic Code, by repealing sub- section 18 and subsection 19 of section B of Schedule III thereof, thereby no longer reqult. ing northbound and southbound vehicles to stop before entering the intersection of Kaufmann Avenue and Carter Road and the intersection of - Kaufmann Avenue and Chaney Road .................... " 23-Ordinance No. 46-63. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 33-49 bf the City of Dubuque, Iowa known as the Traffic Code, by adding a new section G. G. to Schedule II thereof, designating Kaufmann Avenue as a through street ................ " 23-Ordinance No. 4fi-63. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 33.49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa known as the Traffic Code, by repealing Section 11.3 and Schedule IX of Ordinance No. 83-49, which prohibits the turning of vehicle so as to proceed in opposite direction on certain streets .. " 23-Ordinance No. 47.83. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 81-61 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by repealing Section 5A thereof and by enact ing a new section 6A in lieu thereof proscribing the time limits on certain city owned parking lots and fixing the amount of United States coins to be deposited in parking meters .......................... Page 443 444 444 445 446 448 447 447 ~~~~~~~ q~p,}ni nenunm,u INDEX -BOOK 93 1963 SUBJECT Page P Jan. 7-Primrose Street, schedule of assessments for 1982 concrete curb & gutter Project ............................. 20, 27 " 7-Prysi Street, schedule of assessments for 1962 con- crete curb and gutter project .................................. 20, 27 Feb. 4-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending de- nial of petition of Marie Rettenmaier for rezon- ing of property at 1211 Rhomberg Avenue .......... 38 " 4-Phillips William, Notice of Claim ................................. 40, 368 " 4-Primrose Street, vehicles must stop before entering Primrose between Kane and Davenport Streets .. 43 " 4-Polio ProteMion Days, proclaimed by Mayor Keaa .. 48 Mar. 4-Parkway Street, improvement with bituminous con- crete paving from the south property line of Langworthy Street to the south property line of Douglas Street ................................73, 74, 88, 135, 269 " 4-Paulina Street, improvement with bituminous con- Crete paving from the south property line of Melrose Terrace to the south property line of West Fifth Street ........................................73, 74, 88, 135 " 4-Pennsylvania Avenue, improvement with hot mix- hot laid asphaltic concrete paving from the west 1,.,,r,..;; line of Bristol Drrve westerly to the present corporation line ................79, 80, 94, ..................................................................136. 288, 329, 336 April 1-Park Board, relative to the preservation of the old Log Cabin in Eagle Point Park ................................ 100 " 1-Park Board, recommending William G. Kruse for appointment to the Pazk Board ............................ 100, 112 " 1-Police Department, submitting report on station wagons parked in alleys as reported by R. F. Sefzik ........................................................................... 100 " 1-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of "Sherwod Park" in Section 10, Dubuque Town- ship, Dubuque County, Iowa .................................... 107 " 1-Public Safety Civil Defense Fund established .......... 109 " 1-Page Hotel, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 110 " 19-Phillips Irma, Notice of Claim ...................................... 115 " 19-Park Board, establisfiing closing hours and regu- lations for Eagle Point and Grandview Parks .... 117 " 19-Property Owners required to make sewer, water and gas connections from the mains to the curb line on streets included in the City of Dubuque 1963 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Pav- ing Project No. 1 and the City of Dubuque 1963 Bituminous Concrete Paving Project No. 1, prior to June 6, 1963 ........................................118, 119, 255, 256 " 19-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Blocks 16 and 17 in Steger Heights Subdivi- sion ................................................................................ May 6-Parking Ramp, statement of Councilman Takos con- 120 cerning site and construction ............................123, 194, 317 " 6-Pinard Street, installation of street lights .................. 127 " 6-Pins Donald M., Notice of Claim .................................... 129, 167 " 6-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting excavation permit for Green Street .......................................................... 133 " 6-Powers, Philip A., requesting rezoning of Lot 1 of 1 of Powers Farm, partly to Local Business Dis- trict "B", partly to Two Family Residence Dis- trict and partly to Local Business District "B" classification ................................................................ 134, 153 " 20-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Lots 7 to 13, Block 3, and Lots 2 to 5 Block 4 in Orchard Hills Subdivision .................................... 148, 215 INDEX -BOOK 93 1983 SUBJECT Page P F`. June 3-Pusateri Frank, dismissal of suit .............. .................... 159 t,' 3-Pfahl Eldon A, suggesting changes in Minimum ~: Housing Stardazds Ordinance No. 13-63 .............. 155 168 17-Peoples Natural Gas, Annual Report for the yeaz , " 1962 ....................................................... ......... .... 17-Park Board, assuming responsibility of cleaning up 166 Moore's Mill Pond ...................................................... 166 " 17-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Blocks 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Sunset Park Subdivi- " sion ................................................................................ 17-Pauly Cletus, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 183 185 " " 17-Pfab Sally, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 186 " 25-Polfer Joseph S., granted Cigarette Permit ................ lgg 25-Page Emi).y S., granted Cigazette Permit .................... 188 " " 25-Pusateri Michael F., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 188 " 25-Paulos Andrew, granted Cigarette Permit ................ igg .. 25--Pauly Cletus N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 190 July 1-Parking Ramp, Chamber of Commerce and merchants urging Councll action ..................194, 317, 354, 1-Platt Bernice, granted refund on Class "B" Beer 421, 449 " Permit No. 2 ........................................ 196 " 5-Pauly Cletus N., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .... 204 " 15-Peterson Fred B., cancellation of sidewalk bond ...... 214 22-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of " Kelly Acres Subdivision ................................... 218 22-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Lots 1-26 of Indian Pazk Subdivision .............. 222 Aug. ' 5-Pfohl Eldon, relative to increase of property taxes .. 232 " 5-Platt Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 249 5-Platt Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......... 24g Sept. . 3-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that Flat Iron Pazk be no longer held for public " use ........................... ............... ........ 3-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the 258 vacation of that portion of alley between Main " and Iowa Streets and Second and Third Streets .. 264 3-Plaza 20, requesting a deed indicating the intention to nullify "Reserved for Street" designation of a 50' parcel of property in Burkazt Sub. in ex- change fora 50' pazcel to be deeded by Plaza " 20 for street Purposes ........................................265, 399 434 3-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting excavation permit , for alley between Locust and and Main and 11th " & 12th Streets .............................................................. 266 " 3-Petty Margazet, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 291 3-Pusateri Michael F., granted Class "B" Beer Per- " mit ................................................ ..... 3-Petty Margaret, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 292 292 16-Planning & Zonineu Commission, recommending de- mal of petition of Sandra Jean Rapp et. al., re- questing rezoning of an area at 2594 Crissy " Drive ........................................................... . ........... 295 18-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending de- nial of petition for the vacation of Dock Street " , from Garfield Avenue to the tracks ...................... 2g5 16-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending de- nial of petition for the vacation of Whittier Street between Linrnln Avenue and Prescott Oct. Street ............................................................................ 7-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- 296 " cavate in Shields Street ............................................ 324 23-Pixler Howard O., requesting rezoning of property abutting Dodge and Bluff Streets ..................352, 388, 438 F. INDEX -BOOK 93 lye{ SUBJECT Page P " 28-Peabody Street, vacation of requested by Linehan 450 356 & Molo Inc. and Tony Helling .............:.................. Nov. 18-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permtssion to ex- , 392 cavate in Pear Street ................................................ Oil Company and Moes Bakery, request- " 18-Perfection ing permission to place a pole support between 392 the curb and sidewalk for a sign ............................ recommending that ion i , ss 2-Planaing & Zoning Comm Dec . the request of Plaza "20" for changes in access 434 399 by means of relocation be granted ....................... , " 23-Peoples Natural Ges, requesting permission to eR- 448 cavate in Mineral Street ........................................... Nov. 18-Queen Street, installation4f street light recommend- ed by the City Manager ............................................ 385 INDEX -BOOK 93 1963 SUBJECT Page R Jan. 7-Russo R. N., appointed City Solicitor .......................... 2 Feb. 4-Ruling Gilbert F., sidewalk bond .................................. 9T " 4-Rettenmaier Marie, requesting rezoning of property at 1211 Rhomberg Avenue ........................................ 36 " 4-Richazd Construction Company, requesting installa- tion of street lights in Linda Court and Shady Lane in "Sunrise Heights Subdivision" ................ 45 " 4-Rainbo Tire Service, requesting permission to erect a sign on their Property ............................................ 45 " 4-Ragatz George Jr., requesting refund on Cigazette Permit No. 274 ............................................................ 46 Mar. 4-Russo R. N., bond .............................................................. 56 " 4-Ridgeway Street, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from the west property line of Born Avenue to the east property line of Missouri Avenue ............................................................71, 72, 85, 86 . 4-Rosedale Avenue, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from 200 feet north side of street at the Audubon Street intersection ........71, 72, ....................:...................................88, 134, 338, 370, 372 " 4-Ridgeway Avenue, improvement with bituminous concrete paving from the west property Ilse of Born Avenue to the east property line of Missouri Avenue ..........................................73, 74, 85, 88 " 4-Rosedale Avenue from the south property line of West Locust Street to the west property line of Lot 31 of Rosedale Add., improvement with bituminous concrete paving ....73, 74, 89, 135, 225, 270 " 4-Ruann Drive, improvement with bituminous concrete paving from the south property line of Pennsyl- vania Avenue to the north property line of Lane ............................................73, 74, 89, 135, 225, 276 " 4-Robin Street, improvement with bituminous concrete paving from the west property line of English Lane to the west end of street ......73, 74, 89, ............................................................................135, 226, 282 4-Railroad Avenue, improvement with hot mix-hot laid asphaltic concrete paving from the east property line of South Locust Street to the east property line of South Main Street ......79, 80, ........................................................94, 136, 288. 332, 336 April 1-Reilly Robert C. et. al., objecting to the improve- went of Walsh Street ................................................ 84, 85 " 1-Randall Audrey et. al., objecting to the improvement of College Street ........................................................ 84 " 1-REPORT OF GRAND JURY CONCERNING THE - CTTY HALL and hte COUNTY COURT HOUSE and submitting recommendation as a result of their findings ......................................................96,97, 98, 324 " 1-Rettenberger Tree & Landscape Service, sidewalk bond .............................................................................. 101 " 1-Rommel Roger, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 110, 186 " 1-Reisdorf Thomas S, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 110 19-Rosewood Drive, installation of Street lights .............. 113 " 19-Rettenmaier Marie, requesting deed to 10' vacated of Troy Street abutting Lot 7 of High Street Subdivision ............................................................118, 200, 243 ~~ ~. INDEX -BOOK 93 INDEX -BOOK 93 1983 SUBJECT Page 1983 SUBJECT R R May 8-Rieke Cloetta L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 142 ~ Nov. Rainbow Oil Company, requesting excavation per- .. 20-Recreation Commission, relative to cleaning up of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, y -- mtt .................................... Moore's Mill Pond ..............................................145, 184, 186 - ~ 18-"Reilly Mike", Chamber of Commerce requesting " 20-Rhomberg Charles H., requesting that the 15th Street •~- that Saturday, November 23, 1963 be proclaimed steps be retained and mamtamed ......................... 147 ~ Mike Reilly Day" ............... June 3-Richman Thomas P., granted Class "B" Beer Per Dec. 2-Roeder Marcell granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... - ~ 2-Radloff Otto & Mimie, granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 183, '146 ~ , .. mit .............. „ 17-RobeY Clazence J., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 185 .................................................................... " " 17-Rieke Cloetta L., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 185 Q " 17-Roshek Brothers Company, granted Cigarette Per- mit .................................................................................. 185 ,. " 17-Rink Richazd G., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 185 17-Reisdorf Thomas E., granted Cigazette Permit .......... 188 " 17-Richman Thomas P., granted Cigazette Permit ........ 186, 448 " 17-Rommel Roger, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 188, 442 " 17-Rommel Elmer, granted Cigazette Permit .................. 188 " 17-Ruegnitz B. S., granted Cigazette Permit ....:............... 186 " 17-Radloff Otto L. and Minnie M., granted Cigarette Permit .......................................................................... 188 " 25-Ring Louis A., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 188 " 25-Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 186 " 25-Riverside Bowl, granted Cigazette Permit .................. 188 " 25-Roeder Marcella, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 189, 291 July 1-Riekena Doris, granted Cigazette Permit .................... 201 " 5-Reisdorf Joseph Edward, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .......................................................................... 204 5-Riverside Bowl Inc., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit .................................................................................. 204 " 5-Rieke Cloetta, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...... 204 5-Rawson Celeste A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 205 " 8-Rawson Celeste A., granted Cigazette Permit ............ 206 8-Rawson Celeste A., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit . .................................................................................. ~ " 15-Recreation Commission, recommending that the prop- erty purchased from Frank Mozena be named "Veterans Memorial Center" ..................211, 259, 289, 290 " 15-Reilly Ray Mrs., desiring to purchase Lot 1 of 9 of part of McCraney's First Addition ..215, 238, - ............................................................................256, 285, 426 " 22-Reuschel A.. G. et. al., requesting that Flat Iron Park be reluvenated .................................................. 221 Aug. 5-Real Estate Board, relative to the budget for the year 1964 ...................................................................... 232 " 5-Roshek Bros., requesting permission to hold a giant balloon Parade ............................................................ 241 Sept. 3-Reisen Ralph, sidewalk bond .......................................... 258 " 3-Rapp Sandra Jean et. al., requesting rezoning of Lot 25 Block 25, Clover Hills Subdivision ............ 265, 295 " 3-Renier Realty Corporation, requesting permission to erect a loading dock .................................................. 285, 442 " 3-Roth Donald A. et. al., requesting rezoning of por- - tion of Lot 48 in Cox's Addition ............................ 286 3-Randall's Incorporated, granted Cigarette Permit .... 291 " 3-Riverside Bowl, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 291 3-Randall's Incorporated, granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 292 " 3-Roeder Marcella, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 292 Oct. 7-Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 344 " 28-Russow Harry E., requesting street light at corner of 2860 Queen Street ................................................ 355, 385 Page 387 392 422 422 a INDEX -BOOK 93 lpgg SUBJECT Page Jan. 7--Schaller Mayor, submitting statement concerning the achievements of the Council during the past year and thanking all for their continued coop- eration ..................................................... 1 " 7-Shannon Joseph F., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 64 .............................................................. 12 " 7-Sears Roebuck & Co., conveyance by the City of Dubuque of interest to Sears Roebuck & Co. Sub- .............................................................. division No. 1 15 " 7-Samuel Street, schedule of assessments for the City of Dubuque 1902 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1 .............................................................. 15, 18 " 7-Shiras Avenue, schedule of assessments for the City of Dubuque 1962 concrete curb and gutter im- provement .................................................................... 20, 30 " 7-St. Joseph Street, schedule of assessments for the 1962 concrete curb and gutter improvement ........ 20, 28 " 7-Samuel Street, schedule of assessments for 1962 curb and gutter improvement ................................ 20, 28 " 7---Steffen John J., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 33 " 7--Scholtes Emily, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 34 Feb. 4-Stieber Joseph A., bond .................................................. 37 37 " 4--Schwartz Vincent Bernard, bond .................................. " 4-Saffron Construction Company, excavation policy .... 37 " 4~au1 Joan M., settlement of suit .................................... 40 it T 39 167 58 " , ........................ Otice of Su 4-Scheller Ambrose J., A , " 4-Spanish American War Veterans, Gen. Fitzhugh Lee Auxiliary, requesting permission to have a tag daY ............................................................................... 45 " 4--Street Finance Report of the City of Dubuque, Iowa for 1962 ....................................................................... 48 " 4-Storm Sewer, Evergreen Extension, from the exist- ing storm sewer in the east 70.3 feet of Lot 2 oflof lof2of lof2of2oflof2oflof Highland Farm; thence northerly thru Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Clarence Arlen Place to a point approximately 450 lineal feet from the existing storm sewer ..........................48, 63, 64, 65 " 4-Southern Avenue Storm Sewer Extension, from the existing storm sewer located on the easterly right of way line of Kerrigan Road and Sears Roebuck and Company Subdivision No. 2, thence easterly through Sears Roebuck and Company Subdivision No. 2 for a distance of 550 lineal feet to Moore's Mill ............................49, 66, 67, 68, 227 Mar 4-St. Patrick's Catholic Church, invitation to all City . officials to attend the annual St. Patrick's Day " Mass ............................................................................. 4-Stackis Emil, Notice of Claim .................................... 54 57 " 9---Scheller Ambrose, Notice of Suit .................................. 58 " 4-Sefzik R. F., complaining that the Police Department does not ticket station wagons that are pazked in alleys ....................................................................63, 100, 113 " 4--Stor[n Sewer, Davenport Street Storm Sewer com- pleted and accepted .................................................. 70 " 4-Summitt Street, improvement with bituminous con- crete paving from the south property line of West Fifth Street to the north property line of West Third Street ....................73, 74, 89, 135, 226, 283 INDEX -BOOK 93 lgg3 SUBJECT Page " 4--Sixteenth Street, imr._,~;,...ent with concrete pav- ing with integral curb from the east pro p rt y line of Sycamore Street to the east property li n e of KerPer Blvd.' ........................77, 78, 92, 137, 361, 407 " 4~chneller Mathias A., granted Class "B" Beet Per• mit .................................................................................. 81 April 1-Sixteenth Street, installation of street lights rec- ommended by City Manager .................................... 101 " 1-Strub Raphael H., sidewalk bond .................................. 101 ' 1-Shireman Robert, sidewalk bond .................................. 101 " l~teuer Robert C., Notice of Claim ................................ 102 " 1-Schulze Fred W., Notice of Claim ................................ 102 " 1--Sundberg Doris, Settlement of Suit .............................. 102 " l~herwood Park Subdivision, approval of plat ............ 107 " 1-Steck~=in Richazd N., granted Class "B" Beer Pet- IDIt .................................................................................. 110 " 1--Soutn~rn Lounge d/b/a Holiday Inn Restaurant, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................ 110 " 1-Schroeder Donald D., granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit .................................... ...................................... 110 " - 19~hady Lane, installation of street lights .................... 113 " 19-Schwendinger John M. et. al., objeMing to the pro- posed vacation of Barry Street ...................... "'-'-" 118 " 19-Stackls Theodore N., re uestin q g permission to ex- cavate in Saunders Street ................. ................. 118 " 19~ewer, Water and Gas Connections, abutting prop- erty owners on streets included in the City of Dubuque 1963 Hot Mix Hot Laid Asphaltic Con- crete Surfacing Project No. 1 and Bituminous Paving Project No. 1., ordered to connect from the mains to the curb line prior to June 8, 1983 ..............................................................118, 119, 255. 256 " 19-Steger Heights Subdivision, approval of plat of Blocks 16 and 17 .......................................... ....... 120 " 19~treinz Lester, reappointed to the Board of Zoning Adjustment .................................................................. 121 May 6~chuster Clarence L., Notice of Claim ........................ 129 6-Skelley Paul B., Notice of Claim ............................129, 211, 261 " 6-Siegert Edmund R., requesting rezoning of Lot 5 and S. 25' of Lot 4 of Sidonia Hosfords Sub- division ..................................134, 147, 180, 211, 212, 282 " 6-Sanitary Sewer in Thirty Second Street, from the existing manhole at the intersection of 32nd Street and White Street, thence westerly in 32nd Street to Grandview Avenue, thence southerly in Grandview Ave. with an eight inch sanitary sewer to the southerly property line of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 359 ...................... ..... 138 " B~haffer Fay S., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 142 " 6-Schollmeyer Paul W., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................. ....................... ....................... 142 " 20-Sheridan Road, installation of street lights ................ 152 June 3-Schromen Kenneth, sidewalk bond .............................. 152 3-Scholl James J., sidewalk bond ...................................... 152 " 3-Schwennsen Terry, objecting to the proposed re• zoning of area at Asbury and Old Timers Road .. 157 " 3~and Michael & Mary Ann, objecting to the pigeon nuisance on Windsor Avenue ......................... .. 158 " 3~fikas Pete S. and Gust Karigan, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................. 163 " 17~unset Park Subdivision, approval of plat of Blocks 3, 4, 5 and 6 ................................................................ 184 'M 1 INDEX -BOOK 93 1983 SUBJECT July 17~cherrer Charles, granted Cigar: 17-Sullivan Robert E., granted Cig: 17-Schollmeyer Paul, granted Cigar 17-Sarris Jennie, granted Cigarette 17--Sarris.Patricia, granted Cigazett 17--Smith Mazk R., granted Cigaret 17-Specht Harold E., granted Ciga: 25-Schroeder Donald, granted Ciga 25-Sun Leo, granted Cigarette Per 2.~,.--.Sand Donald. ¢ranted Cigarette rte Permit ................ rette Permit ............ ette Permit .............. Permit ...................... Permit .................... e Permit .................. ette Permit .............. ette Permit .............. Permit ~........ ----~ o -..-- tz Peter, granted Cigarette Peramt ..............•••• in Richazd N., granted Cigarette Permit ........ rt Lincoln, granted Cigarette Permit .............. r Donald W., granted Cigarette Permit ........ ~r James J., granted Cigazette Permit ............ John, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 5--Schueller Ricuazc, gramea ~igare«c r~.~~,. ••• S--Sand Donald, granted Class 'B" Beer Permit .......... 5-Sand Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 5--Schueller RicEh azd, a rarequesting extension of Multi- 1--Scully Mary plc Family Residence District .................................. 1-Sisters of Charity of The B.V.M., objecting to fumes and disagreeable ordors arising from Sewl gyre DisPOSaI Plant ..................................................... 1-Schmidt Regina, requesting refund on Class 'B" Beer Permit No. 133 ................................................ 1--Storm Sewer, preliminary estimate, approval of plans, specifications, form of contract for the construction of a 15" storm sewer abutting Lot 1 of Wiedenbacher's Sub. thence westerly to Lot 2 of 1 of M. L. 369, thence northerly through t 2 f 1 f M L 389 to the north property hne Pags 185 185 185 185 188 186 186 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 189 189 189 189 189 189 189 189 190 190 190 194, 240 386, 366 196 Lo 0 0 of said lot ........................................199, 200, 248, " bears Roebuck Company, granted Cigarette Permit .. 247, 343 201 " 1-Stampfer Company, granted Cigazette Permit .......... 201 " 1-Shaffer Fay S., granted Cigazette Permit .................. 201 " 1-Steffens John J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 1--Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Cigazette Permit .. 201 " 1--Sear Frederick, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 201 " l~piegelhalter Melvin A., granted Class "B" Beer Per- 202 mit .. 5-Southern Lounge-Inc., granted Class °C" Liquor Per mit ................................................................................. " S--Sand Donald Thomas, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- 204 mit ................................................................................ " 5-Schwartz Peter, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .... 2~ 204, 405 " 5-Schollmeyer Paul W., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- • ............................................ mit ................................... . " 5-Sarris Patricia, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...... 204 204 " 5-Savory Sohn J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .... 204 " 5-Stecklein Richazd W., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit ................................................................................ 5-Smith Mark R., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...... 204 204 " B--Story Kathleen, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 232 ................................................................. " 15--Skelley Paul B., accepting opinion of City Solicitor 207 under protest ................................................................ 211, 281 1963 Aug. „ „ ` Sept. „ Oct. Nov. INDEX -BOOK 93 SUBJECT page S 15--Sturman John R., requesting that Carroll Street be opened and graded .................................................... 215, 237 S--Senior High School, requesting permission to use pyrotechnics during the year 1963 ........................ 236 5-Sixteenth Street, installation of street lights ............ 236 S--Schueller & Co., cancellation of blasting bond .......... 239 5-Schmid Thomas B. et. al., requesting the Council to grant the request of Midland Laboratories for the purchase of Flat Iron Pazk .............................. 242 S--Sava John & i V ola ant d ry e C gr lass "B" Beer P - er mit .......................................................................... ....... 249 5-Sear Frederick John, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ...................................................................... .... 249 5~pecht Harold O., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. 249 5-SpiegeEaalter Melvin A., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .......................................................................... 250 3~anner John C. et. al., requesting a survey of the feasibility of providing sanitazy sewer service on Edith Street between Brunswick and Burden ...... 257 3~even Up Bottling Company, requesting rezoning of Lot 1 of Sub. of Correction Plat of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Bonson Farm and Lot 2 of Sub. of Correction Plat of M. L. 248 ..................264, 388, 389, 439 3~cherer Emma, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 292 3~mith Mark R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 292 l6~hiras Avenue Storm Sewer, preliminary plans, spec- ifications, form of contract for the construction of a storm sewer from the existing storm sewer adjacent to the Park entrance to a point one hundred fifty feet (150') east ................306, 327, 328, 420 16-Steines Herman and Agnes, Agreement to sell Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 382 in Dubuque County, Iowa to the City of Dubuque .................................. 308 7-St. George Street, installation of street light ............ 318 7-Sanitary Sewer, preliminary plans, specifications, form of contract, plat and schedule for the con- struction of an eight (8") sanitary sewer between Lincoln Avenue and Thomas Place beginning at the existing sewer in Lincoln Avenue at the S. E. 125' of Lot 99 McCraney's 1st. Addition, southerly to Lot 1-B of Lot 96 of McCraney's 1st Addition ......................................................341, 368, 419, 420 23-Swift Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting excava- tion permit ..................................... ............................ 352 28-Schreiber Councilman, requesting that the City ne- gotiate for the purchase of properties owned Roshek Realty, Telegraph Herald and the Cham- ber of Commerce, and stating that no design should be considered until the site is chosen .... 354 28-Schaefer R. C., requesting refund on heating per- mit .................................................................................. 357 28~torm Sewer, preliminary plans, specifications, form of contract, plat and schedule for the construc- tion of an eighty four inch (84") storm sewer from the existing sewer in Lot 6 of Block 23 of Clover Hills Addition to a point one hundred feet easterly ................................................................ 359, 393 4~ewage Treatment Plant, petitions of Sisters of Chaz- ity of the B.V.M. and the Chamber of Commerce regazding fumes and odors arising from the plant ........................................................................195, 366, 386 4-Swift Plumbing & Heating Co., excavation policy .... 366 INDEX -BOOK 93 1963 SUBJECT Page " 4-Schiltz Construction Company, requesting street lights in Sunset Park on Waller and Dove Streets .......................................................................... 367, 426 " l6~wift John J., Notice of Claim ...................................... 387 " 18-Saffran Construction Company, complaints on his storage of equipment and vehicles on North Grandview Avenue and Boyer Street .................. 392, 431 " 18-Sullivan Robert C., requesting the Council to recon- sider their policy on the Industrial Island, and citing the Telegraph Herald's moving the Com- mercial Department to East Dubuque .................... .. 392 " 18-"Shaff Plan", City Council urging the electorate to vote against the plan for reapportionment .......... 395 Dec. 2~mitty's Excavating Service, excavation policy .......... 399 " 2--Schwartz Peter, requesting refund an Cigarette Per- mit No. 176 .................................................................. 405 " 2-Schwartz Peter, requesting refund on Class "C" Liq- uor Permit No. C-1542 .............................................. 405 " 2-Schmidt Marie, objecting to amount of assessment for the improvement of University Ave ............... 408 " 2~chaffert Lincoln G., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 422 " 2--Scott, Mrs. Samuel, appointed to the Human Rela- tions Commission ........................................................ 429 " 2-Sister Mary James Margaret, appointed to the Human Relations Commission ................................................ 429 " 2~igwarth Anthony Rev., appointed to the Human Relations Commission ....................................... 429 " 23~tanton Street, from Garfield Avenue to the In- dustrial Island, recommendation of the City Man- ager for the vacation and conveyance to the highest bidder ................................................. .... 428 " 23--Shires Avenue, from Garfield Avenue to the Indus- trial Island, recommendation of the City Man- ager for the vacation and conveyance to the highest bidder .................................................... ... 428 " 23--Street and Parking Budget and Construction Report for 1964 submitted by the City Manager .............. 452 11;788 Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July INDEX - $OOK 93 SUBJECT Pa@e T 7 31ie Telegraph Herald appointed oftlcial a ~ , ~.., ~„~ :r for the City of Dubuque ......................._ ................ 7-TsciQgi Edward M., band .................._.............._....... SC ... 7-Tfppe Frederick, granted Cigarette Permit ......_........ 4-Thompson Clarenee, requesting refund oD Qaas "B" 93 Beer Permit No. 84 .................... ' ~LL~~~~~~ ,~ ..._. 4-T i~eli William J. Jr., granted Class "B" • Beer Per- mit ........................................... ...................................... 51 4-Thoompson Clarence, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 188 ....................... ..........................._._.... 83 . 4-Tippe Frederick, requesting refund on Class 'B" Beer Permit No. 157 .............. ~ 4-Third Street, improvement with hot mi~c-hot laid asphaltic concrete concrete paving from the west property line of Bluff Street to the east property line of Hill .Street ........79, 80, 94, 136, ?8S, 4-Tindeli Marionette Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Per- 333, ?36 mit .................................:..................... ........................... 1-Trf-State Paving Company, excavation policy ...„.. 81, 292 101 ..... 1-Tigges Melvin J., Notice of Claim .._.._.,_,,...,,,, .... 102 ...... 1 Tippe Frederick, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 320 ........ ........................._.....,.._........._........, 1-Thompson Elmer L., requesting refund on 4igarelte 106 Permit No. 298 ..........._ ............. ...... ........._._......»__.. 6-Takos, Councilman Peter J., submitting statement ~ 1 concerning the construction of a Parking Ramp 123 ,. 6-Third Presbyterian Church Boazd of Trustees re- , questing rezoning of Lots 1 & 2 in Dreibelbies Addition from Two Family to Local Business Dist. "B" classification ............ ........133, 6-Thirty Second Street Sanitary Sewer, construction 153, 400 of sanitary sewer from the existing manhole at the intersection of White Street and 32nd Street , thence westerly in 32nd Street to Grandview Avenue, thence southerly in Grandview Ave . with an eight inch sanitary sewer to the south- erly property line of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 359 ........................ ...........138, Tri-State Paint Co. et. al., objecting to Sally's Tap 180, 181 at 1583 Central Avenue ............................................ 17-Tittle Sarah, Notice of Claim 157 ...................... .................... 17-Telegraph Herald Corporation, requesting considera- 1 88 tion on the acquisition of city owned property adjacent to their north property line .................... 182 17-Thorpe Walter and Jerome Steffen, granted Ciga- rette Permit .......................... 17-Tench John and Vincent W. 1Viescher, granted Ciga- 188 rette Permit ............................ ...................................... 17-Trapp Marita, granted Cigazette Permit 188 ...................... 17-Tigges Norbert, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lgg 186 17-Treivieler Elmer L., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 188 17-Tindeli William J., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 188 291 17-Tindell Marionet, granted Cigarette Permit , ................ 17-Thompson's Food Market, Inc., granted Cigazette 188 Permits ........... ................................................... 25-Tschi frie Ra mond L., g " ""' " gg Y granted Ci arette Permit . 186 189 . 25-Tranel Zeno, granted Cigarette Permit ....................... 25-Thompson Food Market, granted Class "C" Beer Per- lg9 mit ................. ................................................................. 1-Trumm Raymond, sidewalk bond 190 ................ 1-Trausch Bakin Com an """""^°°° g P Y, granted Cigarette Per- 193 mit ................. ................................................................. 201 INDEX -BOOK 93 INDEX -BOOK 93 19&9 SUBJECT Page 19&4 SUBJECT pie T ~ ~ " 5--Tigges Norbert G., granted Class "C" Liquor Per• Jan. 7-Unaen Arnold et.'al., requesting the installation of • ......................................................... mit ......................... 204 >- stop signs at the intersection of Green and " , 15-Thirty Second Street Detention Balm, preliminary Avoca Streets ............................................. ...............7, , 8 42 plans, specifications, form of contract for the Feb. 4-United Spanish American War Veterans Auxiliary, ,,..r.,:d improvement .............................................. 217. 244 requesting permission to have a tag day .......... 45 Aug. 5-Tri State Paving Company, sidewalk bond ................ 238 ~ Mar. 4-United States Conference of Mayors, advising of 5-T. V. Cable Franchise, application for renewal of .; annual rnnfeteace in Hawaii .................................. 54 Community Television Franchise by H. & B. - ` 4-University Avenue, improvement with concrete pav Communications Corporation ......239, 263, 900, ` ; : ing with integral curb from the east ,._..,.:._;,~ ........................................................................304, 981. 964 line of Alta Vista Street to the east ,.__,.::.:~ Sept. .... 3-Tigges Bernard C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. ZBZ ~ ~ ,~.' line of Rock Street ................ 77, 78 92, 137, 361, 411 16-TSChudi Joseph C., Notice of CLum .............................. 906 ,: May 6-United States of America, renewal of lease cover- Oct 7-Twenty Second Street, from Windsor Avenue to - ing site of the U. S. Naval Training Center in . Elm Street, im,.__ _._ent with 9a" asphaltic con• ~..~. ' Aam's Addition ............................................................ 144 crete .............................................................................. 318 =; ~ June 2rr-Utzig LeRuY. granted Cigarette Permit .............. .... ... 189 7-Turnquist Ed., Inc., Rability policy .............................. 319 s- :. July 22-United Fund, relative to a welfare and recreation " 7=1Ygges Norbert G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 344 ~, ., survey for the County of Dubuque .............. ... 227 Nov. 4-Tuberculosis and Health Association, requesting per- :. Sept. 3-United Fund, requesting that Main Street be renamed mission to distribute bangles .................................. 367 ~- -- "United Fund Drive" to dramatize the impor- 4-ThomPson's Food Market, Inc., granted Class "C" :. : „ tance of the fund drive ............................................ 285 Beer Permit .................................................................. 374 , 3-University of Dubuque, requesting permission to Dec ..... ................... 2-T-V Cable Policy .............. ......................... 989 ,. hold a homecoming parade .................................... 268 . 23-Tressa Street, installation of street lights .................. 428 r Oct. 28-U. S. Highway No. 20, installation of street lights .. 955 " 23-Third Street, installation of street light ...................... 427 ~ 28--UNICEF, requesting permission to hold a trick or " 23-Treon Patrick J., Claim denied ...................................... 499 treat collection ............................................................ 356 i G i INDEX --BOOK 93 ~ SiJB./ECT Y Feb. 4-WanDuelmai+ Anna, Notice of Claim ............................ " 4-Vating Precincts established for certain annexed territosies ..............................................:...................... Mar. 4-Van Buren Street, impr...~-..:-.t. with bituminous concrete paving from the west property line of Drexel Avenue to the south property line of Pensylvania Avenue .................73, 74, 89, 135, April 1 Voebesg Celia- M., Class "B" Beer Permit No. i1Z revoked ................................... ..................................... " 19-v'eterass of Foreign Wars, requesting permission to condact a POPPY Sale .........:................................ May 8-Van Dudman.Cu'1, granted Cleo A~ Schwind Plost June 17~`eterans of Foreign Wars, #508,. Scanted. Cigarette Permit .............................. " 25--Van Duelman Carl, granted Cigarette Permit ............ " 25--Vtutsos Elsie, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 25-Veterans of Foreign Wass, Gerald F. Winters Post #9683, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ " 25-Vtotsos George R., granted Cigazette Permit ............ JiAy 1-V &. E Construction Co., release of sidewalk bond .. 15--Oetetams, ID[emorial Center, named by the Recreation Commission,. formerly owned by Frank & Hattie Mozena ....................................................................211, Sept. 3-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Leo A. Schwind Post #508, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............292, Oct. 7-Veteran's Memorial Park, south area, improvement with grading ..........................................................340, " 28-Valley Street, installation of street light .................... " 26-Vanderloo Merril and Orlin J. Conlon, suit against the City dismissed in favor of the City of Du- buque ............................................................................ Nov. 4-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Gerald F. Winters Post 9663, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................... Dec. 23-Voelker Joseph, appointed to the Dock Board Com- mission .......................................................................... i~ 41, 888 43 226, 281 108 118 142 186, 322 188 189 189 189 195 289, 290 308, 322 357, 358 355 355 374 451 1903 Jan. June i „ „ INDEX --BOOK 9`3 3UBTECT W 7-Willging Aar et. al., re~ueatiag the oPeniag oU g street fmm they proposed Keppler street W~ Hsm(r steaei street ..............._.-...._............,................_........... 7-Welter Harold, granted Cigarette Permit ._ .............. 7-Welter Harold„ s.o..:.-.o CIass "C•' Bear P'etmit ......., 4-WtighC R. E, settlement of claim ................................ 4-Wright Eunice, granted CIass "B'" $'eer PetmiC ........ 4-Wessinger Gertrude-, power of attorney far Amer- ican Surety Cc ................................................._._....... 4-Willy Construction Co., liability Do1taY •.- ...............•--. 4-Water Department AudiC for the year eadiag: De- cember~ 31„ 1962 .......................................................... 4-Woerdehalf Merle J. et. aI., abjeetlug to the pro- posed surfacing of Rabin Strset ............................ 4-Walsh StreeC, improvement with Isitumindus~ con- crets paving from ttie south property line of Douglas Street to the south property Rne of West Third Street ................................73, 74,. 89, 4-VGeiner Sylvester A., granted Class "B"' 18eer Per- mit .................................................................................. 1-Woerdehoff Merle d~. st.- ak,. objeet+ag to the imysove- ment of. $obin Street .........................»..................... 1-Waiter John P., sidewe2k bend ...................................... 1-Wortley William R., __~_=,;.lag, refund; on• Cigarette Permit NoE. 196 ..........................._.....................,,,....... 1-Weber Merlyn L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 1-Wliite William J., geanted~ Clew "C" Bees Permit .. 19-Walsec and Lick, sidswaRs Hand .....,....._ ..................... 19-Willy Caastruetios company, sidewak¢ bend _.......... 19-Wild Mathilda A., Settlement of Suit .......................... 6-Wallis John Rider, suggesting that the bell removed from the City Hall should be mounted on the Central Avenue side of the City Hall .................. 6-Warren Ralph, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 6-Winders Roger Daniel, granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit ........................................ ........................... 26-Winter R., requesting repair of the 15th Street steps .............................................................................. 3-Weidemann John F., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 7 ...................................................... 17-Wazeco System of Iowa, granted Cigazette Permit .. 17-Weiner Fred, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 17-Winkler Louis, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 17-Ward John M., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 17-Welu Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 17-Weber Merlyn L., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 17-Waal Kenneth, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 17-Wong Ming, granted Cigarette Permit .....:.................. 17-Wright Eunice L., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 17-Wong Paul & Chuck, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 17-Wunder Eileen, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 25-Wertz Donald E., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 25-Winkler Beatrice, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 25-White William J., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 25-Wiener Helen J., granted Cigazette Permit ................ 25-Welter Hazold, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 25-Wazten RalpH, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 25-Wagner Clem, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 25-Wunder Eileen M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 25-Weiner Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......... 25-Ward John, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 25-Waal Kenneth, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ Fsga 11, 37 34 34 40 51 54, 112 55 58 62 135, 225 81 84 161 108 110 110 115 115 115 124 142 142 147 158 188 186 188 188 188 188 188 186 186 188 188 189 189 189 189 189 189 189 190 190 190 190 •9 f~- t 'A Y INDEX -BOOK 93 1963 SUBJECT Page W July 1-Witherall Atthur, release of sidewalk bond .............. 195 " 1-Weiner Sylvester A., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 201 " 1-Winders R. Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 201 " 5-Weber Merlyn L., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 204 " 5-Wunder Eileen, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 204 " 8-Weiner Fred Louis, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 208 " S-Weiner Helen, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ...... 209 Aug. 5-Weipert Robert, sidewalk bond ...................................... 238 " 5-Witherall Arthur, sidewalk bond .................................. 238 " 5-Wilhelm Excavating Co., excavation policy ................ 238 " 5-Wahlert High School, requesting installation of street lights .............................................................................. 242, 397 Sept. 16-Wahlert High School, Agreement with the City of Dubuque for the conveyance of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of "St. Mary's Place" in the City of Dubuque ...................................... .. ........................... 311, 312 Oct. 7-Wernecke Dale, requesting permission to install curb and gutter on south side of Dorgan Place ............ 323 " 7-Wartburg Seminary Snack Bar, granted Cigarette Permit .......................................................................... 343 Dec. 2-Waller R. D., submitting resignation as member of Planning & Zoning Commission .............................. 397 " 2-Wood Street, installation of a street light .................. 398 " 2-Welter Harold B., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. 422 " 2-Wertz Donald E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 422 „ - 2-Waltz John J., resignation requested by the City Council .......................................................................... 424 " 23-Waller Street, installation of street light .................. 427 " 23-Water Depaztment, acceptance of improvement at Asbury and Carter Road, and Gay and Musca- tine Streets .................................................................. 428 u `'in'; INDEX -BOOK 93 1983 SUBJECT Page X June 25-%avier Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigazette Per- mit .................................................................................. 189 Y July 1-Yarnell William B., requesting a street light on Dec. 23-Youo Earl Mrs. Notice of Claim .................................. 195, 435 Z Aug. 5-ZiBig George J., granted Cigaretto Permit ................ 5-Zillig George J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 249, 292 5-Zillig George J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .. 249 Dec. 23-Zentner Naomi, Claim denied ........................................ 432