Minutes_Cable TV Commission 9 4 13MINUTES OF CABLE TV COMMISSION MEETING September4, 2013 CITY HALL ANNEX — 1st FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM #1 MEMBERS PRESENT: Alan Vincent (chair), Pauline Maloney, (vice- chair), Ron Tigges, Sr. Carol Hoverman, Kevin Stevens. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jennifer Tigges, Kathy McMullen. OTHERS PRESENT: Craig Nowack, City of Dubuque Vincent called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Acceptance of the Agenda Upon a motion by Hoverman, seconded by Stevens, the Agenda was accepted 5 - 0. Approval of the Minutes of August 7, 2013 Upon a motion by Maloney, seconded by RTigges, the Minutes were approved 5 - 0. Public Input There was no public input. City Expo Nowack described the plan for next week's City Expo and discussed the duties of the volunteers staffing the Cable TV booth. He confirmed which Commissioners would be volunteering at which times. Mediacom Cable Report No one from Mediacom was present to report. Cable TV Report Nowack discussed programs in production and the plan for the TV coverage of City Expo. RTigges brought up Mediacom's pending plan to implement data limits on its Internet service. The Commission discussed changing television viewing habits and the future of PEG in an Internet world. Adjournment Upon a motion by Stevens, seconded by Hoverman, the meeting was adjourned at 4:34 p.m. 1