1960 Index of Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1960 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1960 COUNCILMEN PETER J. T AKOS, Mayor GEORGE A. FREUND 7/18/60 JOHN P. SCHREIBER JAMES J. KEAN 9/19/60 LOUIS SCHALLER LEO N. SCHUELLER LEO F. FROMMELT THOMAS H. NELSON 2/22/60 R. N. RUSSO 3/1/60 ..qqqqR. N. RUSSO 2/29/60 ALFRED E. HUGHES 3/2/60 Ciry Clerk Ciry Solicitor Police Judge CI1Y MANAGER 1. J. SCHILTZ 2/22/60 LEO F. FROMMELT, ACTING 2/22/60 to 7/18/60 GILBERT D. CHAVENELLE 7/18/60 Building Commissioner DONALD BANDY Plumbing Inspector RICHARD J. FEYEN Electrical Inspector LUVERN J. NORTON Healtb Director DR. A. J. ENTRINGER Sanitary Officer ARTHUR J. MILLER Milk Sanitarian A. J. ROTH Food and Restaurant Inspector MRS. MILDRED KENNEDY Director of Recreation NICHOLAS J. SUTTON Ciry Treasurer EDWARD M. TSCHIRGI Ciry Auditor A. 1. HOLSCHER Ciry Engineer KENNETH CULLEN 3/31/60 JOHN WHITE 4/1/60 Ciry Assessor HARRY J. HANOVER Cbief of Fire Department THOMAS C. HICKSON Cbief of Police HUGH CALLAHAN 2/29/60 PERCY LUCAS 3/1/60 Sup't of Water Works J. J. HAIL Street Department CLETUS ALLEN Regular meetings of tbe Ciry Council are beld tbe first Monday of eacb montb at 7:30 o'clock P.M. .~ j r INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 4-American Trust & Savings Bank, appointed depository of Public funds .......................................................... 4 " 4-Adams Leo et. al., requesting the opening of Robin Street and further requesting curb & gutter and water .............................................................................. 16 " Alpha Avenue, 1959 Concrete Curb & Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ....................................17, 18, 30 " 4-Alta Place, 1959 Concrete Curb & Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ....................................17, 19, 30 " 4-Adeline Street, 1959 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ................ 32 " 13-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Lloyd A. Dalsing, for the installation of a sewer to serve his new motel outside the city limits .......... 80 " 13-Adams Phyllis, Notice of Claim ...................................... 81 Feb. 1-Anthoine Agnella L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 110 " 15-Agreement between City of Dubuque and Chicago Aerial Survey Division of Chicago Aerial Indus- tries for Aerial Photographic and Photogram- metric Services ............................................................ 120 " 15-Assignment of McDonnell Excavating Service to Du- buque Bank & Trust Company ....:........................... 124 " 19-ANNEXATION, petitions for and agamst annexation of an area west of and south of the City of Du- buque ..................... .......................................139, 141, 142 Mar. 2-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Bram- mers, Inc., leasing the west 126 feet of Lot 1 of Summit Place in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa ................................................................ 147 " 7-Alber Edward L., Judgment entered in favor of plain- tiff against the City of Dubuque .............................. 153 " 7-American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to have a tag day .......................................................... 158 " 7-Althaus Herbert E. and Emil F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................. 184 April 4-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and James and Charles Miller for the lease of the Club house on the Bunker Hill Golf Course ............................ 174 " 4-Ace Plumbing & Heating Company, heating bond .... 178 " 4-Anthony Richard, sidewalk bond ........................... .. 178 " 4-Alber Edward L., acknowledgment of judgment for the sum of $15,000 plus interest of $842.21 .......... 180 " 4-Adams Rosemary M., Notice of Claim ............................ 181 " 4-Altura Drive, acceptance of dedication .......................... 195 " 4-Alley, between Iowa and Main Streets from north property line of 11th street to the. south property line of 13th Street, with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphal- tic Concrete ................204, 205, 248, 249, 250, 251, ....................................................308, 309, 477, 478, 507, 508 " 4-Alley, between Iowa and Central from south r..,,.:.:; line of 14th Street to the north r...r~.~~ line of 13th Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete ............................204, 205, 248, ...............249, 250, 251, 308, 309, 477, 478, 507, 508 May 2-Annexation of "Key Knolls Subdivision" containing aPProximately 126 acres .......................................... 231, 232 " 2-Adams Realty Corporation, sidewalk bond ................ 235 ............. " 2-Althaus Arnold, Notice of Claim ............ ........... .. 237 " 2-Anderson Weber Inc., requesting permission to en- lazge their loading dock ........................................ 240, 281 °' 2-Adams Leo et. al., objecting to im,.... ~~:....ent of Robin Street .............................................................................. 252 " 23-Anderson Alvin, heating bond ........................................ 275 INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT page A " 23-Anthony Donald J., sidewalk bond ................................ 275 " 23-Allen's Trenching Service, requesting excavation permit ............................... .................. ............... 283 June 6-Agreement, between the City of Dubuque through the Recreation Commission and Dubuque Baseball, Incorporated .................................................................. 294 " 8-Allen Raymond et. al., requesting curb and gutter on Emerson Street; also requesting a street light .... 307, 324 " 20-Abernathy Construction Company, sidewalk bond ...... 325 " 20-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permit ............................................................................ 347 " 20-Apel Art., granted Cigarette Permit .............................. 347 " 20-Anthoine Agnella, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 347 " 20-Apel Merlin, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 348 " 20-Abing Merlin K., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 348 " 20-Arvanitis George P., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 348 " 20-American Legion Post No. 6, granted Cigarette Permit 349 " 20-Anfinson Jean, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 349 " 20-Althaus Herbert E., granted Cigarette. Permit ............... 349 " 20-Alba Cruso A., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 349 " 20-American Legion, Dubuque Post No. 6, granted Class `B" Beer Permit ........................................................ 351 " 30-American Veterans of World War II, granted Cigazette Permit ............................................................................ 354 " 30-Abing Merlin K., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 355 July 5-Assignment of Schueller & Company Inc. to First National Bank .............................................................. 358 " 18-Applications for Tax exemption on Agricultural or Horticultural land of ten acres or more .............. 386 " 18-Airport Commission, recommending that the 1961 Air- port Budget be approved as submitted by the Air- port Commission .......................................... .......... 387 Aug. 1-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Chi- cago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company for the construction of Fengler Street Overpass and approaches .......................................... 399 " 1-Ansel Fred, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 405 " 1-Allen, Mrs. Wiliam, requesting water on Ridgeway Avenue .......................................................................... 406 '~ 15-A & M Construction Company, sidewalk bond .............. 407 ' 15-Acheson Heating Co., heating bond ................................ 407 " 15-Amvets Auxiliary, requesting permission to hold a tag day ............................................................................ 413 " 15-Alley first Narth of Green Street from Finley Street to Bunker Hill, improvement with curb & gutter and bituminous concrete surfacing ..................415, 416, 439 Sept. 6-Assignment of Schueller Blacktop Co. to the First National Bank ................................................................ 421 " 0-Allen Howard, excavation policy .................................... 424 " 6-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Mul- grew Oil Company ........................................................ 424 " 6-Anfinson Jean; granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......... 437 " 6-American Municipal Association, extending invitation to 37th Annual Congress ............................................ 438 " 19-Assignment of Mulgrew Blacktop Inc. to Dubuque Bank & Trust Company .............................................. 440 " 19-Arquitt Lucille M. and David Kintzinger, objecting to the opening of St. George Street and Bush Street .............................................................................. 446, 482 Oct. 3-American Municipal Association, invitation to attend Annual Congress .......................................................... 451 " 3-Apel Merlin, granted Class "C" Beer Permit............ 465 Nov. 7-American Automobile Association, presenting the INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page A Council with a safety plaque for the year 1959.... 489 " 7-American Veterans of World War II, granted Class ..B>, Beer Permit .......................................................... 521 Dec. 5-Alba Cruso A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.......... 577 5-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .................................................................... 577 " 5-Airport Budget for 1960 Amended ................................ 579, 597 " 29-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Wahlert High School whereby Wahlert High Schoo] agrees to convey Lot 2 of Lot 1 of "St. Marys Place" upon certain terms and conditions .......................... 605 INDEX-BOOK 90 1980 SUBJECT page B Jan. 4-Beversdorf Charles, cancellation of Workmen's com- pensation and liability policies by American Surety ComPany ............................................................ 10 " 4-Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen objecting to foul odor emanating from the sewage disposal plant.. 10 " 4-Baule, Marguerite, objecting to the assessment of curb and gutter and surfacing of Marquette Place...... 18 " 4-Born Avenue, 1959 Concrete Curb & Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ..........................17, 20, 30 " 4-Black Robert J. and Isabelle, granted Cigarette Permit ............................................................................ 84 " 8-Bradley Katherine W., suggesting that traffic signs be erected in front of her home on Clarke Drive.... 72 " 13-Bonz Leo R., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 142 ............................................................................ 81 Feb. 1-Bellman Jos. H. & Helen, correction of assessment on Lot 1-1-1-1-2 of Mineral Lot 351 ............................ 92 " 1-Brandt George H., requesting suspension of taxes...... 101, 124 " 1-Becker James and Elizabeth, requesting to be reim- bursed for property taken from them for the im- provement of Kane Street ........................................... 101 " 1-Banworth George and Bernard J. Udelhoven, request- ing the Council to approve four plats recorded in 1957 on land in Table Mound Township.......... 102 " 1-Bauck Mildred, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 110 " 1-Bauck Mildred, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 110 " 15-Board of Dock Commissioners, recommending Council approval providing for an industry railroad track through the Flynn Ready Mix Concrete Co........... 119 " 15-Blum Morris M., submitting for approval a division of his property known as Lot 1 of 1 of lA of Wood Addition and requesting apportionment of assessments presently levied .................................... 133, 180 " 29-Board of Education, relative to a systematic and order- ly expansion of city's boundaries .............................. 141 Mar. Z-Brammer's Inc., ]ease agreement with the City of Dubuque, leasing the west 126 feet of Lot 1 of Summit Place in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa .................................................................. 147 " 7-Bogas Antonia, Notice of Claim ........................ .... 154 " 7-Board of Education, relative to traffic light at Senior High School .................................................................... 156, 173 " 29-Brillhart Robert A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 185 " 29-BOnl'n13S Louis T., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 165 April. 4-Board of Health, Regular Session ...................................... 187 " 4-Bolsinger Anna, ordered to abandon and remove out- side water closet, privy or private vault; also to connect premises to sanitary sewer .......................... 167 " 4-Board of Dock Commissioners, relative to the cost of paving Terminal Street from East First Street to Charter Street .............................................................. 170 " 4-Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, objecting to the foul odor from the sewage dis- posal plant ...................................................................... 170, 214 " 4-Becker James G. & Elizabeth, assessment for the im- r.., ~.ent of Kane Street with curb and gutter and Bituminous Concrete paving ................. .. .......... . 172 " 4-Bradley Joseph H, objecting to proposed storm sewer running thru his Property .......................................... 201 " 4-Burlington Street, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from existing curb and gutter at the S.P.L. of Lot 79 McDaniels Park Hill to W.P.L. of Muscatine Street....202, 203, 245, 248, 247, 312, 515, 518 INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page B " 4-Burlington Street, improvement with Bituminous Con- crete Surfacing from S.P.L. of Primrose to W.P.L. of Muscatine....206, 207, 208, 209, 252, 253, 254, ......................255, 310, 311, 518, 517, 536, 537, 556, 558 " 4-Banks Clifford, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 210 " 4-Birkett Donald P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 210 " 4-Buttikofer Mildred, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 210 " 4-Bisping Herbert F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 210 " 18-Braconier Plumbing & Heating, excavation policy.... 218, 225 " 18-Beadle Loras, heating bond .............................................. 218 " 18-Boland Thomas, Notice of Claim ...................................... 222 " 18-Board of Dock Commissioners, requesting double inlet to storm sewer at 11th Street to prevent flooding of Caradco lumber sheds ..................... ............ 224, 236 " 18-Breitbach, Herbert L. et. al., requesting rezoning of Lots 16, 17, 18 & 19 in Wooten Subdivision and parts of M.L. 07 ......................................................224, 252, 330 May 2-Berwanger Frank, heating bond .................................... 235 2-Bush Harriet, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 259 " 2-Bowen Robert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 259 " 2-Brant Carl N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit............ 259 " 23-Board of Education, thanking Council for the installa- tion of a traffic light at Senior High School.......... 263 " 23-Board of Dock Commissioners, requesting a joint meeting of the Council and Water Dept. relative to water mains to serve the Industrial Island........ 264 " 23--Board of Dock Commissioners, submitting annual re- port for year 1959 ............................... .................. 264 " 23-Black & White, Yellow & Checker Cab Co., taxi cab ............... . policy ................ .............................................. 275 " 23-Braconier Plumbing & Heating Co., heating policy.... 275 " 23-Boleyn, Robert, sidewalk bond ........................................ 275 " 23-Ball J. J. Mrs., Notice of Claim ........................................ 276, 326 " 23-Brown Patricia, Notice of Claim ...................................... 276 " 23-Board of Education agreement on assuming 50% of the cost of the Irving School-Nebraska Street Storm Sewer .................................................................. 286 " 23-Biederman Dean 0., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 290 June 6-Beck Arthur H., objecting to adoption of a proposed electrical ordinance ...................................................... 293 " 6-Brunswick Street, City Manager recommending instal- lation of street lights .................................................. 298 " 6-Boulevard Lighting Project No. II, Bid Section 1, for 1959, Central Avenue from 12th Street to 16th Street, completed and accepted ........................320, 369, 370 " 6-Burke Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 321 " 20-Bauck Mildred, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 12 ................................................................ 345 " 20-Brammers Inc., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 347 " 20-Beecher Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permit...... 347 " " 20-Bush Harriet, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 347 20-Berntgen Marian C., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 347 " " 20-Bowen Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 347 20-Brillhart Robert A., granted Cigarette Permit............ 348 " 20-Bournias Louis T., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 348 " 20-Brant Carl N., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 348 " 20-Birkett Donald P., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 346 " 20-Bradley Clyde L., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 348 " 20-Bertsch Leonard P., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 348 " 20-Biederman Dean O., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 349 " 20-B.P.O.E. Lodge No. 297, granted Cigarette Permit...... 349 " 20-Burke Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 349 " 20-Burgmaier John B., granted Cigarette Permit.......... 349 ~~ INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page B " 20-Baxter James W., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 349 " 20-Banks Clifford, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 350 " 20-Buse David R., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 350 " 20-Berntgen Marian C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit i 350 354 t...... " 30-Buttikofer Mildred M., granted Cigarette Perm " 30-Bisping Herbert F., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 354 July 5-BOdish Alex, heating bond ................................................. 359 " 5-Beaves Plumbing & Heating ....................... ...................... " 5-Barton-Aschman Associates Inc., to conduct a traffic planning and survey and review needs of down- town Dubuque ..............................................359, 407, 408, 525 " 5-Building Commissioner, stating that the owners of property on Pennsylvania have cleaned up premises in compliance with the Ordinance...... 360, 361 objecting to premises of Cash Screw " 5-Baumhover Al , Works on Pennsylvania Avenue .............................. 361 " 5-Bertsch Roger M., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 374 " 18-Balbach Edward Mrs., Notice of Clazm .......................... 381, 426 " 18-Brown Dorothy C., Notice of Claim ................................ 382 383 " 18-Berendes Ralph, requesting approval of plat .............. Aug. 1-Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the fiscal year begining January 1, 1961 and ending Decem- 390 389 ber 31, 1961 .................................................................... " 1-Burke Josephine, requesting refund on Class "B" , Beer Permit No. 70 ...................................... ............... 398 " 1-Burke Josephine, requesting refund on Cirgarette 398 Permit No. 174 .............................................................. " ]5-Beaves George I., heating bond ........................................ 407 " 15-Breson Edward A., Notice of Claim .................................. 410 " 15-Brimeyer William et. al., requesting extension of 412 sewer on Thomas Place .............................................. " 15-Brauhn David et. al., requesting the erection of stop signs at the intersection of Mineral and Finley Streets ............................................................................ 413 Sept. 6-Burkhart Fuel Company, heating bond ............................ 424 " 6-Bonds in the amount of $970,000 to pay for the cost of constructing sewers in the City of Dubuque....435, ..................................................................470, 471, 480 ................. 19-Burns Street Steps, Rainbo Oil Company requesting the vacation of steps running along their prop- erty ..........................................................................446, 492, 529 3-Berendes Floyd, Ruth Berendes, Herbert Berendes and Oct . Ralph Berendes, requesting the City to release and convey their interest in and to Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 3b of Mineral Lot 310 in the City of Du- buque, Iowa ............................................................457, 475, 496 " 3-Brahm Earl et. al., requesting street lights in Green Acres Subdivision .......................................................... 458, 490 " 3-Banks Clifford, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 169 ............................................................................ " 3-Bublitz William, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 456 485 " 3-Bublitz William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ 465 " 10-Building Code Modernization, appointment of Vince Kaiser as representative of labor; Merlin HIuck as representative of Building Contractors; George Deininger, architect; Jim Riley, Banking & Fi- nance; Hal Reynolds, Attorney and Donald Bandy ex officio ........................................................................ " 25-Beecher John J., granted Clasa "B" Beer Permit.......... 477 487 Nov. 7-Buechel Louis, excavation policy ...................................... 490 " 7-Berendes Ralph, requesting approval of plat of Lots 171 and 172 Julien Addition ...................................... 491 INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page B " 7-Brinkmoeller Joyce M. & Aloysius and June E. Jaeger, requesting vacation of an 8' easement abutting Lot 1 of 1 of Block 4 and Lot 2 of 1 of Block 4 in "Sunnyview Hills Subdivision" .......................... 494, 581 " 7-Bowen Robert J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 75 ................................................................ 495 " 7-Bowen Robert J., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 55 ...................................................... 495 " 7-Buechel Louis appointed to Committee for Building Code Modernization ...................................................... 521 " 21-Board of Health, Regular Session .................................... 522 " 21-Buttikofer Mildred, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 235 .............................................................. 524 " 21-Buttikofer Mildred, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 43 .................................................... 524 " 21-Bush Earl R., appointed to the Planning & Zoning Commission .................................................................. 526 Dec. 5-Bradley Kathryn W., removal of assessment for im- provement of Grandview Avenue Extension.......... 529 '~ 5-Backes Plumbing & Heating, heating bond .................... 531 ' S-Busch David, Notice of Claim .......................................... 532 " 5-Burge Martha Mrs. requesting the opening of Bush Street ............................................................................ 535, 586 " 5-Burdt H. J., requesting that Washington Street be. made one way from 20th to 30th Sts ................. 536 " 5-Board of Dock Commissioners, requesting that Blocks 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 of River Front Subdivision No. 3 be established and re- stricted as a Restricted Industrial District; also requesting improvement of the street around the Shot Tower .................................................................... 530 " 5-Buechel Louis et. al., requesting permission to ex- cavate in a ten year a11eY••~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .............. 537 " 5-Budget Amended for the Year 1960............572, 579, 587, 597 " 5-Barogv Woods Subdivision, approval of plat ................ 575 " 5-Bertsch Roger J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 577 " 5-Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks No. 297, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................ 577 " 19-Board of Dock Commissioners, recommending the sale of Lot 2 of Block 14 of Riverfront Subdivision No. 3 to Dubuque Industrial Development Corp. and to grant said corporation an option for the pur- chase of Lot 3 of Block 14 for the sum of $3500.00 per acre; also submitting plat covering Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 14, Riverfront Subdivision No. 3 for approval .................................................................... 583, 593 " 19-Brueck Anna and Mary, approval of plat of Block 3 "Scenic Heights" subdivision .................................... 594 " 19-Burgmaier John B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 595 " 19-Bergquist Ray, appointed to the Board of Zoning Ad- justment ........................................................................ 596 " 29-Bannock TV Inc., assignment and transfer of its right and interest in the community television fran- t chise to Trancontinent Communications Systems Inc ................................................................................... 599 /._. _.. ____.. __._._.---. _. _.-_.ll INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJDCT Page I Id C O ~1 Jan. 4--City Council, Regular Session ........................................ 1 4-City Manager Schiltz, submitting statement concern- ing investigation of his activities ............................ 2 " 4-City Employees Local 228, congratulating the two new councilmen and thanking the Manager and Council for their fine cooperation ........................ 3 " 4-City Manager advising Council of his appointment of officers and City employees ...................................... 5 " 4-City Manager submitting resolution showing the de- tailed distribution of proposed expenditures for the ensuing year ............................................................ 4 " 4~City Manager recommending that the firm of O'Con- nor, Brooks, Ahrendt & Brooks be retained to audit the City for 1959 .............................................. 5, 379 " 4--City Manager recommending the denial of petition for restricted parking on 15th Street between Iowa and White Streets .............................................. 6 " 4-City Manager submitting communication confirming his answers of three questions asked by Council- man Takos at the Council meeting of December 7, 1959 ................................. ... ...... 6, 74 " 4-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- ment and City Water Works, reports for the month of November and list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of Novem- ber, 1959 ........................................................................ 7 4-Claims for the month of November 1959, proof of publication .................................................................... 8 " 4-City Manager recommending that the parking lot south of the City Hall on Central Avenue be limited to two hour parking ...................................... 8 " 4-City of Dubuque Proposed 1960 Street Construction Program as recommended by the City Manager.... 8, 9 " 4-City Manager recommending that the attached plan submitted by the County concerning a road west of the city limits be referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission .................................................... 10 " 4-Curler Dorothy, as mother and next friend of Karen Curler, Notice of suit .................................................. 12 " 4-Correll, Chas. T., Notice of Claim ................................ 12 " 4-Caradco, Inc., requesting permission to surface part of alley which divides part of their pazking area on the northeast corner of Jackson Street and East 11th Street .......................................................... 16 " 4-City of Dubuque 1959 Concrete Curb & Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments .............................. 17, 18 " 4-Collins Street, 1959 Concrete Curb & Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ..........................17, 21, 30 " 4-Chaney Road, 1959 Concrete Curb & Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ..........................17, 28, 30 " 4-City of Dubuque 1959 Bituminous Concrete Paving Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ................ 32, 33 " 4-Carter Road, 1959 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1, schedule of assessments .................. 32, 33 " 4-City of Dubuque 1959 Boulevard Lighting Project No. 1, schedule of assessments .......................................... 45 4-Collins, Hale, and West Third Street Sanitary Sewer, completed and accepted .............................................. 59, 103 " 4-City Council apposing a Bill of the 88th Congress to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to estab- lish jurisdiction in the Federal Communications Commission over community antenna systems...... 62 " S-City Council, Special Session .......................................... 67 _~`'. " B--City Employees, meeting with the Council to dis- cuss wages and working conditions .......................... ..............................................................67, 241, 263, 387, 438 " 8-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of exami- nation for positions on the Police Department.... 72 ~r 8-Council proceedings for the month of September, 1959, approved as printed ...................................... 72 13-City Council, Special Session .............................. .... 74 13--City Councit Investigation of City Manager and Other Officials concerning improper influence to obtain results for personal interests adverse to and in conflict with the public's interest ............................ ............74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 84, 80, 87, 88, 134, 137 " 19-City Council, Special Session .......................................... 83 " 19-Cross Rodney, relative to water drainage onto his property ...................................................................... 82 ,• 2S-City Council, Special Session ........................................ 86 Feb. 1-City Council, Regular Session ........................................ 91 " 1-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- ment and City Water Works, reports for the month of December, also a list of claims for which warrents were issued ...................................... 91 " 1-Claims for the month of December, 1959, proof of publication .................................................................... 91 " 1-City Manager recommending that he be authorized to enter into a contract with a firm for aerial photographs with planimetric and topographic mapping of the City of Dubuque ............................ 92 " 1-Central Avenue, resurfacing of the street from East 20th Street to East 32nd Street, approval of reso- lution as submitted by the Highway Commission 93 " 1-City Treasurer, recommending that the Treasurer and Mayor be authorized to release the escrow of $30,000 with the Dubuque Bank & Trust Com- pany to pay a like amount of Water Revenue Bonds, 1955 series, maturing December 1, 1959.. 96 " 1-Church, Thomas A., et al., objecting to the proposed surfacing of A1Pha Street ........................................ 99 " 1-Coffman, E. W., objecting to proposed surfacing of Dunleith Court ............................................ .... 100 " 1-Collentine, Donald, et al., objecting to the proposed divided four lane Highway No. 20 from 61-20 Club east into City ...................................................... 102, 139 " 1-Coffmann, Eugene W. and Roberta, correction of as- sessment for Southern Avenue sewer .................... 109 15-City Council, Special Session ............................................ 112 " 15-Chamber of Commerce, supporting Council action con- cerning annexation ........................................................ 120 " 15-Chicago Aerial Survey Division of Chicago Aerial In- dustries ,agreement with the City of Dubuque for Aerial Photgraphic and Photogrammetric Services .......................................................................... 120 " 15~ity Auditor, City Treasurer and City Health De- partment, annual reports for the fiscal year be- ginning January 1, 1959 and ending December 31, 1959 .................................. .............. . ....................... . 124 " 15-City Manager, submitting report of his study of the 5th Street Parking I.ot ............................. .......... 125 " 15-City Manager, submitting report of truck routes in other cities ...................................................................... 125 15-City Manager, recommending that a stop sign be erected to stop westbound University Avenue traf- fic at Asbury ........................................._....................... 126 r INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page C " 13--City Manager, submitting report of survey by the Engineering Department concerning the exten- sion of Trunk Line Sanitary Sewers to serve areas within the existing city limits and the proposed annexation areas ........................................ 127 " 15-Claiborne, William E., requesting refund on Cigazette Permit No. 276 .............................................................. 131 137 " 16-City Council, Special Session .............................................. " 19-City Council, Special Session .............................................. 139 " 19-City Council, approving plans of U. S. Highway No. 20 as submitted .................................................................. 139 " 29-City Council, Special Session .............................................. 141 Mar. 2--City Council, Special Session ............................................ 147 " 2-City Engineer recommending that $600.00 held on Schueller & Company, Inc., for the seal coating of streets that were included in the 1958 Bitu- minous Concrete Paving Project No. 1, be paid as Schueller & Company, Tnc., is covered by a four year maintenance bond .................................... 148 " 7-City Council, Regular Session .......................................... 150 " 7-Civil Defense of Dubuque, submitting a guide for Standard Operating Procedure .................................. 150 " 7-Cullen, K. J., submitting resignation as City Engineer 150 " 7-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of January, also a list of claims for which war- rants were issued .......................................................... 151 " 7-Claims for the month of January, 1960, proof of publi- cation .............................................................................. 151 " 7-Council Proceedings for the month of October, 1959, approved as printed .................................................... 152 " 7-Connery, William T., requesting correction of defect of Angella Street ........................................................ 156 " 7-Continental Baking Company, et al., requesting two twelve minute parking meters between 4th and 5th on Central Avenue .............................................. 157, 176 " 7-Callaghan, Frances V., objecting to proposed surfac- ing of McClain Street .................................................. 157 " 29-City Council, Special Session .......................................... 165 " 29-Cox, Dorrance E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 165 Apr. 4-City Council, Regular Session .......................................... 170 " 4-Chicago Great Western Railway Company, relative to lead tracks to serve Flynn Ready Mix and Ralston Purina Company on Area A .................... 170 " 4-Council proceedings for the months of November and December 1959, approved as printed............ 171 " 4-City Engineer, submitting plans of the subdivision of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of Lot 156 of L. G. Lang- worthy's Addition, owned by James G. and Eliza- beth Becker ......................................... .......................... 172 " 4-City Manager, recommending that pedestrian cross- ing signals be installed at Senior High School.... 172, 263 " 4-City Manager, recommending that the alley west of Central, between 13th and 14th Streets be made one-way, north bound only ...................................... 173 " 4-City Manager, submitting report of investigation con- cerning the extension of the Catfish Creek Sani- tary Sewer from the terminus of the existing sewer in Folk's Subdivision to Key Knolls .............. 173 " 4-City Manager, recommending that a traffic light be installed at 14th and Elm Streets ............................ 17fi INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page C " 4--City Manager, recommending the installation of two twelve minute parking meters in the 400 block on Central Avenue ........................................................ 176 " 4--City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and Water Works, reports for the month of Feb- ruary, also a list of claims for which warrants were issued ............................... ............................ 177 " 4-Claims for the month of February, 1960, proof of pub- lication ....................... ......................... ................ 177 " 4-City Manager, recommending the amendment of traf- fic ordinance so that traffic on First Street will move easterly only between Water and Terminal, and southerly only on Terminal between East First and Jones Street .............................................. 177, 223 " 4-City Manager, submitting report of investigation con- cerning the fill on Ash and Mazsh Streets............ 178, 216 4-Clemens-Smith Construction Company, excavation policy .............................................................................. 179 " 4-City Solicitor, recommending that the City Auditor be authorized to draw a warrant payable to Clerk of District Court to cover court costs in case of Edward L. Alber against the City of Dubuque...... 180 " 4-Clarke College, Sisters of Charity, requesting the can- cellation of the proposed special assessment for curb and gutter as per agreement under Reso- lution No. 141-59 ....................................................186, 217, 218 " 4-Cody, Nona, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 180 ............................................................................ 187 " 4-Connolly, Francis, approval of plat of Lots in Mineral Lot 484 and Mineral Lot 483, all in Table Mound Township, Dubuque County, Iowa .............................. . 189,190 " 4-Cerro Drive, acceptance of dedication .......................... 195 " 4~orto Drive, acceptance of dedication ............................ 195 " 4--CITY OF DUBUQUE 1960 GRADING PROJECT N0. 1, NORTH GRANDVIEW AVENUE EXTENSION from the station 30-F00 to station 39+50 which is the south property line of Kaufmann Avenue ..............................................................200, 201, 243, 244, 245 " 4--CPfY OF DUBUQUE 1960 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER PROJECT NO. 1 BH) SECTION I AND II 202, 203, 245, 246, 247, 312, 313, 515, 516, 556, 557 " 4-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1960 HOT MIX-HOT LAID AS- PHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT NO 1 204, 205, 248, 249, 250, 215, 308, 309, 477, 478, 506 " 4-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1960 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SURFACING PROJECT NO. 1......206, 207, 208, ..........209, 252, 254, 255, 310, 311, 516, 517, 537, 538 " 4-Cooper Place, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Surfacing from W.P.L. of Raymond Place to E.P.L. of Gilmore Street ......................206, 207, 208, 209, ..................................252, 253, 254, 255, 310, 311, 537, 547 " 8-City Council, Special Session ............................................ 212 " 18-City Council, Special Session ............................................ 214 " 18-City Manager, recommending that two two-hour pazk- ing meters be installed on the west side of Iowa Street between 7th & 8th Streets .............................. 215 " 18-City Manager, submitting report of preliminary sur- vey, plan, and cost estimate for the construction of the 17th Street Storm Sewer ................................ 216, 288 " 18-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works reports for the month of March, also a list of claims for which warrants 'were issued .................................................................... 217 __ J~ INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page C " 18-Claims for the month of March, 1980, proof of pub- lication ......................................................................... 217 " 18-City Manager, recommending that the City of Dubuque assume the cost of curb and gutter of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 190 which was originally assessed to Sisters of Charity, Clarke College .......................... 217, 218 " 18-City Solicitor, submitting report concerning request of Recreation Commission for the allocation of $284,395, the sum paid by Sears Roebuck Com- pany for the purchase of Rafferty Field property 218 " 18-Councilmen Salary increased to $1200.00 per year.... 229 May 2~ity Council, Regular Session .................. .......... .. 231 2-City Manager, recommending that two hour parking signs be erected on both sides of White Street be- tween 9th & 10th Streets ......................................... 234, 279 2-City Manager, submitting report of surveys, plans and estimates for the Drexel-Ohio Street Storm Sewer, the McPoland-Marmora Street Storm Sewer and the Irving School-Nebraska Street Storm Sewer .................................................... ...............................235, 285, 286 " 2-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific R.R. Co., agree- ment to pazticipate in cost of the Fengler Street Overpass .......................................................................... .. 236 " 2-Carter, Frank, Notice of Claim ...................................... 236, 299 " 2-City Employees Local No. 228, requesting a meeting for discussion of 1961 budget ................241, 263, 306, 438 " 2--Callahan, Don, relative to a water problem on Cum- mings Street .................................................................. 242, 377 " 2-City Council, approval of resolution covering improve- ment by a 4 lane divided extension of Primary Road No. U. S. Highway No. 20 ............................ 256 ' 2-Chalder, Carl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit............ 259 " 18-City Council, Special Session .............................................. 261 " 23--City Council, Special Sessioa .............................................. 283 " 23-Chamber of Commerce, submitting resolution recom- mending atraffic survey .......................................... 284 " 23-Cross, Rodney H., objecting to overflow of water on West 32nd Street .......................................................... 264, 296 " 23--City Manager, recommending that parking be pro- hibited on the east side of Algona Street from Campus Lane to University Avenue, and on the south side of University Avenue from Algona Street to a point 102 feet east of Auburn Street.... 269 " 23-City Manager, recommending denial of petition re- questing no parking on the south side. of Ries Street ............................................................................ 270 " 23-City Manager, recommending the erection aJ a "Yield" sign on Clarke Drive and Madison Street 271, 301 " 23-City Manager, recommending that "No Parking" signs be erected in front of St. Paul's Lutheran School at 2025 Jackson Street ................................................ 271 " 23-City Manager, recommending denial of petition for bus stop at 30th & Jackson St ............................... 271 " 23-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of April, 1960, also a list of claims for which waz- rants were issued ........................................................ 273 " 23-Claims for the month of April, 1980, proof of publica- tion .................................................................................. 273 " 23-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of en- trance examination for the Police Department 273 INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page C " 23-Commissioner of Registration, submitting for approval the names of the following people who will serve as Clerks of Election for each precinct, who shall have charge of the election register for the Pri- .> many Election June 6, 1960 ...................................... 274 ... 23-Correll, Charles T., sidewalk bond ....................... " ~~~~~~ ~~ 275 ~ 23-City Manager, recommendin a g pproval of the patch- ing of various streets with Bituminous Concrete Surfacing ............................................... ....... 23--CTPY OF DUBUQUE 1960 STORM SEWER PROJECT 287, 313 -KAUFMANN AVENUE STORM SEWER-BID SECTION NO. 1 AND EAST 17TH STREET IO N 68 T S g 387 $ , B a=.Pe 23-Collins, homas J., granted Class mlt 23~allaghan, William appealing for funds f , ~i , rom Civil Defense appropriation ................................................. 292 June 6-City Council, Regulaz Session ................................ 2g3 6--City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights on Hawthorne & Kerper Boulevard; Goethe and Brunswick, and Groveland and Brunswick.... " 295 296 6-City Manager, recommending the placing of "Slow " , Dip signs at West 5th and Glen Oak Streets......... 2gg . 6-City Solicitor, submitting opinion on the use of park- ing meter funds for the purpose of up-dating the traffic and parking report of Evanston Associates 2gg 6--CITY OF DUBUQUE 1960 MAINTENANCE PATCH - ING PROJECT NO. 1 ..................... .....287, 6-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1960 STREET LIGHTING PRO- 313, 448 JECT N0. 1 in Mississippi Heights Subdivision No. 2 on River Ridge and Mississippi View Drive ........................................... ..........317, " 6-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1959 BOULEVARD LIGHTING 318, 388 PROJECT NO. II, BID SECTION 1 Central Avenue from 12th Street to 16th Street, completed and accepted ......................................................320, 321, " 20-City Council, Special Session 389, 370 ................... " 20-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department 323 and Water Works, reports for the month of May , 1960, also a list of claims for which warrants were issued ........................................................... 20-Claims for the month of May, 1960, proof of publica- 323 tion .................................................................... . " 20--City Manager, recommending that parking be pro- 323 hibited on north side of West 8th Street from Main Street to the first alley east .......................... " 324 . 20-City Manager, recommending that pazking be pro- hibited on northeast side of Farley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenue ............................. " 325 20-City Manager, recommending that parking be pro- hibited on the westerly side of McCormick Street from Finley to University Avenue ........................ ° 325, 411 20-Curtis Straub, heating bond .............................................. 325 " 20-City Solicitor, reporting that there is no legal objec- tion to the charging of the cost of installation of water mains to the Dock Commission .................. 328 " 20-City Engineer, submitting report of investigation con- cerning the development of North View Drive and the proposed subdivision of Lot 1-1-1-1-1 of Willy Place with the intent of determining the lo- cation, right of way, and cost to the City of Du- buque for access to Lot No. 1 of the N.E. '/s of said Section 15 ......................................................341, 342, 343 ~I INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT C " 20-Constitutional Convention, voters are urged by the City Council to vote in favor of a Constitutional Convention to secure legislative reapportionment " 20-Canfield Hotel Inc., granted Cigarette Permit.......... " 20-Clemens, Michael, granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 20-Corbett, Earl G., granted Cigarette Permit .................. " 20--Cosley, Harold A, granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 20-Chapman, Milton E., granted Cigarette Permit............ " 20-Cremer, Ralph J., granted Cigarette Permit .................. " 20-Callahan, Charles W., granted Cigarette Permit.......... " 20-Cahill, Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 20--Clark Oil & Refining Company, granted Cigarette Permit ............................................................................ " 20-Casey, Harold A, granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 20-Collins, Thomas J., granted Cigarette Permit .............. " 20-Cox, Borance E., granted Cigarette Permit .................. " 20-Creslanes Bowling, granted Cigarette Permit .............. " 20-Callahan, Edmund H., granted Cigarette Permit.......... " 20-Cosley, Harold A., granted Class "B" Ber Permit...... " 20-Casey, Harold A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.......... " 20-Callahan, Edmund H., granted Class "C" Beer Permit " 30-City Council, Special Session ............................................ " 30--Costa, Joseph F., granted Cigarette Permit .................. " 30-Costa, Joseph F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... July 4-City Council, Regular Session .......................................... 5-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ...................... " 5-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Southern Avenue .......................................... " 18-City Council, Special Session .............................................. " 1S-Chavenelle, Gilbert D., appointed City Manager.......... " 18-City Solicitor, recommending that the affidavit filed by Otto R. Donath be ruled out of order ................ " 18-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of ex- amination for position of Public Health Nurse.... " 18-City Manager, recommending the removal of the first two trees southwest of Shires on the west side of Rhomberg and also the first three trees north- vaest of Shires on west side of Ahomberg Avenue " 18-City Manager, recommending that parking be pro- hibited on west side of Althauser from Merz to Eagle Street .................................................................... " 18-City Manager, recommending that a no parking zone be created on the east side of Central from 22nd Street southerly a distance of fifty feet .............. " 18-Chavenelle, Gilbert D., bond .............................................. " 18-City Manager, recommending that the two parking meters on south side of West 8th, west of Iowa Street be removed and the space be marked "No Parking," for use as a bus stop .................... " 18-Claims for the month of June, 1960, proof of publica- tion .................................................................................. " 18-Certificates of Levy of Airport Commission, Board of Library Trustees, Park Board, Playground and Recreation Commission, Swimming Pool & Play- ground Improvement, Playground & Recreation Commission of Bunker Hill Municipal Golf Course, Board of Police Pension & Retirement System, Board of Fire Pension & Retirement System ............................................................................ Aug. 1-City Council, Regular Session .......................................... " 1-Council proceedings for the months of January, February and March 1960, approved as printed Page 345 347 347 347 347 347 347 348 348 349 349 349 349 349 349 350 351 351 353 354 355 357 358 359 375 375 375 376 376 377 378 378 379 379 386 389 391 INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT page C " 1-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart- ment and City Wator Works, reports for the month of June, 1960, also a list of claims for which warrants were issued .......................... ...... 391 " 1-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Com- pany, Agreement with the City of Dubuque for the construction of the Fengler Street overpass and aPProaches .............................................................. 399 " 1-Creslanes Bowling, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 405 " 1-Chapman, Milton E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 405 " 15-City Council, Special Session .......................................... 407 " 15-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of July, 1960, also a list of claims for which war- rants were issued ........................................................ 407 " 15-Carris Construction Company, sidewalk bond ............... 407 " 15-City Manager, recommending the transfer of funds in the following Special Assessment Funds to the General Special Assessment Fund .......................... 408 " 15-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of exam- ination for positions on the Police and Fire De- partments ...................................................................... 409 Sept. 5-City Council, Regular Session ........................................ 419 " 6-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ...................... 419 " fr-City Manager, recommending the Devon Drive, Min- eral Street and O'Hagen Street be made boule- vards; and that Pearl and Gilliam, Pearl and Fin- ley Streets be made stop intersections and that pazking be prohibited on the east side of O'Hagen " Street ............................................................421, 422, (i--City Manager, recommending that Kaufmann Avenue 443, 444 be made a boulevard and that parking be re- stricted on south side of Kaufmann from Central Avenue to Francis Street, and on the north side from Francis Street to Valerie ................................ 422, 443 " 6-Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer, preliminary approval of plans, specifications, form of contract for the extension of Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer from the existing manhole in Lot 23 of Falks Addition to a point 500 feet westerly on Pennsylvania " Avenue From the City Limits ............................433, 447, 604 19-City Council, Special Session .............................................. 439 " 19-Claims for the month of August, 1960, proof of pub- lication .......................................................................... 440 " 19-City Manager, requesting permission to attend City Manager's Association meeting .................................. 440 Oct. 3-City Council, Regular Session .............................................. 451 " 3-Council proceedings for the month of April 1960, ap- proved as printed ............................ ........... 451 " 3-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of ex- amination for position of Garage Mechanic.......... 451 " 3-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of August, 1960, also a list of claims for which war- rants were issued .......................................................... 455 " 3-Curtis-Straub Company, excavation policy ...................... 455 " 3-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1959 CURB & GUTTER PRO- JECT NO. 1, SECTIONS I AND II COMPLETED AND ACCT.risu .......................................................... 460, 498 " 3-CPPY OF DUBUQUE 1959 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SURFACING PROJECT NO 1 COMPLETED AND ACCEPTED .................................................................. 461, 503 INDEX -BOOK 90 INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page 1980 SUBJECT C C " 3-Chaney Road, improvement with Bituminous Concrete 29-City Council, Special Session ............................................ Surfacing from the north property line of Asbury 29--City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department Road to the south property Lne of Kaufmann and Water Works, reports for the month of No- Avenue completed and accepted ................................. .461, 503 vember, 1960, also a list of claims for which war- „ 7-City Council, Special Session ............................................ 46'7 rants were issued........................................................ " 10-City Council, Special Session ............................................ 470 29-Claims for the month of November, 1960, proof of " 17-City Council, AdJOUrned Special Session ........................ 480 Publication .................................................................... " 17-City Manager, recommending the improvement of Bush and St. George Streets .................................... 482 " 17-Commissioner of Registration, submitting for approval the names of the foliowing people who will serve _. as Clerks of Election for each precinct, who shall have charge of the eiection register for the Reg- ular Election on November 8, 1960 ........................ 483 " 17-Claims for the month of September, 1960, proof of publication .................................................................... 483 " 25-City Council, Special Session ............................................ 487 Nov. 7-City Council, Regular Session ........................................ 489 " 7-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of September, 1960, also a list of claims for which warrants were issued ...................:............................... 489 " 7-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights in Green Acres Subdivision ............................ 490 " 21-City Council, Special Session .............................................. 523 " 21-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light on Haydens I.ane .................................. 523 " 21-City Manager, submitting an "Appraisal of Parking and Traffic in Downtwon Dubuque" by Barton- Aschman Associates .................................................... 525 Dec. 5-City CouncR, Regular Session .......................................... 527 " 5-City Manager, submitting report of Traffic survey at East 24th and Jackson Streets, East 4th Street, East 16th Street ............................................................ 527 5-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depaztment and City Water Works, reports for the month of October, 1960, also a list of claims for which war- rants were issued ........................................................ 528 5-Claims for the month of October, 1960, proof of pub- lication .......................................................................... 528 " 5--Caradco Inc., granted permission to erect and main- tain an overhead pipeline ........................................ 532 " 5-Council proceedings for the months of May, June and July, 1960, approved as printed ................................ 535 " 5-Connors, Margaret, requesting that Lot 1 and 2 of Connors Grandview Place be rezoned ...................... 536 " S---City Council, approval of resolution governing the maintenance of Primary Road Extensions within the City of Dubuque .................................................... 569 " 5--City Manager, recommending the amendment of the Budget for the year 1980 ........................................ 572, 587 " 12-City Council, Special Session ............................................ 579 " 12-City Manager, recommending the amendment of the Municipal Airport Budget .......................................... 579, 597 " 19-City Council, Special Session ............................................ 583 " 19-City Manager, recommending that an ordinance be prepared prohibiting parking on the north side of Dodge Street from Bluff to Grandview Avenue 585, 600 " 19-City of Dubuque, conveyance of property lying north of Grandview Avenue (formerly Rosedale) to the Dubuque Community District of Dubuque County Iowa ................................................................................ 594, 802 Page 597 528 597 ai ~~~ i~. '. ,I INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page D Jan. 4-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, appointed deposi tory of public funds .................................................... 4 " 4-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Company, requesting excavation permit ...................................................... 18 4-Dalsing, Lloyd, requesting permission to construct a sanitary sewer from the terminus of the City's sanitary sewer to service a motel north of the City limits .............................................................................. 16, 80 " 4^Dubuque Boat Club, granted Cigarette Permit............ 64 " 4-JDiener, Loraine, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 64 " 8-Dubuque Recreation Commission authorized to ex- pend some of the $27,000 in their budget.......... 67 " 13-Dalsing, Lloyd A., Agreement with the City of Du- buque for the installation of a sewer to serve his motel outside the city limits .................................... 80 Feb. 1-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co, heating bond........ 91 " 1-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co., excavation policy 91 " 1-Denlinger, Lyle C., Notice of Claim ................................ 96 " 1-Dubuque County Society for Crippled Children, re- questing permission to hold a tag day .................... 102 " 1-Dubuque Boat Club, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................................ .. .......................... 110 " 15-Dock Board Commission, recommending Council ap- proval providing for an industry railroad track through the Flynn Ready Mix Concrete Co......... 119 " 15-Dubuque Sheet Metal Company, heating bond ... 126 " 15-Dubuque Packing Company, requesting consideration in regard to the heavy flow of water down 17th Street after a heavy rainfall ...................................... 132, 144 " 15-Dubuque Baseball, Inc., requesting permission to hold a Parade ...................................................................... 133 Mar. 7-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company requesting that the , alley from 13th to 14th between Central and " Iowa Streets be made aone-way northbound........ 157, 173 29-Deutsch, Florance, granted Class `B" Beer Permit.... 165 Apr. 4-Dubuque Federation of Labor, submitting two resolu- tions concerning the expansion and the annex- ation of area to the City; and that the Council should choose a City Manager who is a Dubuque resident .......................................................................... 170 " 4^Dock Board, relative to paving Terminal Street from East First Street to Charter Street .......................... 170 " 4-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Company, excavation policY .............................................................................. 178 " 4-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, et al., requesting resurfacing of alley from 13th to 14th Streets between Central and Iowa Streets .......................... 184 " 4-Dubuque Recreation Commission, requesting the Council to allocate $284,395 paid by Sears Roe- buck Company so they can proceed with the pur- chase of property for recreation purposes....184, 218, 297 " 4-Dewey, Lyle, et al., requesting installation of water connection from main on Ungs Street to the south border of Clazke College property ........................ 185, 215 " 4-Dell, John W., et al., objecting to the extension of any further expansion of industry in the non con- forming use classification by granting a permit to expand a machine parts factory in Lennox Addition ........................................................................ 185, 360 " 4-Dolan, Roger, requesting the vacation of 33 feet in width of Catherine Street from Wabashaw east a distance of one quazter mile ..........................185, 430, 446 INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUB.iECT Page D " 4-Donath, Otto, requesting an investigation of an ease- ment obtained by Max Jenk which would permit a drainage basin to run thru lots 543 and 544 in Lennox Addition ........................................................ .. 201 " 4-Dubuque Baseball, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit.... 210 " 4-Dunbar, Linnie Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit........ 210 " 4-Dubuque Baseball, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ................................ ............................. .... 210 " 18-Dock Board, requesting a double inlet to the storm sewer at 11th Street to prevent flooding of Car- adco lumber sheds ...................................................... 224, 236 May 2-Dubuque Safety Council, reporting that the intersec- tion of Rhomberg, Garfield, Elm and East 20th could become an accident intersection....233, 285, 323, 527 " 2-Drexel-Ohio Street Storm Sewer, surveys, plans and estimates ........................................................................ 235, 314 " 2-Dougherty, Joyce Mrs., et al., requesting installation of a water main on Ridgeway Avenue from Alpha to Missouri Avenue ...................................................... 240, 272 " 2-Dubuque Packing Company, requesting permission to construct an overpass between their build- ings on each side of Sycamore Street ................ 240, 277 " 2-Dettman, Ernest C., et al., requesting that parking be restricted to the south side only on Ries Street.... 241, 270 " 2-Dubuque Recreation Commission granted approval for sale of Lot 2 of 1 of Sub. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of "Young-Primrose Place"........ 242 " 2-Dubuque Sports Bowl, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..................................... ................. ... 259 " 2-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class `B" Beer Permit .......................................................... 259 " 23-Dock Board, requesting joint meeting of the Council and Water Dept. relative to water mains to serve the Industrial Island ......................................... .... .... 264 " 23-Dock Board, submitting annual report of the Dock Commission for the year 1959 .................................. 264 " 23-Donovan, Blanche L., Notice of Claim .......................... 276 " 23-Dubuque Boat Club, Inc., requesting extension of sani- tary sewer facilities .................................................... 284 " 23-Dubuque Recreation Commission, requesting meet- ing with Council for some plan on the reloca- tion of Rafferty softball fields .............................. 285 " 23-Dubuque Dock Company, requesting permission to construct curb and gutter along Water Street and East 1st Street .............................................................. 285 " 23-Dupont, Ralph A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit........ 291 June 6-Dubuque Federation of Labor, submitting name of Kay Wright for appointment to the Recreation Com- mission ........................ ............ .......... ...... 293 " 6-Dubuque Baseball, Inc., Agreement with the City of Dubuque ........................................................................ 294 " 8-Dubuque Recreation Commission, suggesting that the $284,359 paid by Sears Roebuck should be set up in a trust and agency fund for the develop- ment of a recreational program ................................ 297 " 6-Duehr, Clarence J., Notice of Claim .............................. 299, 427 " 6-Donahue, Loretta, Notice of Claim .................................. 299 " 6-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, requesting permission to have a fireworks display .............:........................ 305 " 8-Dubuque Sports Bowl, requesting permission to have a fireworks display ................................... .......... 306 " 8-Dubuque Baseball, Inc., requesting permission to have a fireworks display .............................................. 307 ®~ INDEX -BOOK 90 1980 SUBJECT Page D " 20-Dubuque Federation of Labor, submitting name of Hugh Clark for appointment to the Dock Com- mission .......................................................................... 323 " 20~Dubuque Tank Terminal Co., requesting permission to construct pipeline facility .................................... 345 " 20-Dubuque County Fair Association, requesting permis- sion to hold a show on 7th Street between Lo- cust and Bluff ................................................................ 345 " 20-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Cigarette Permit ............................................................................ 346 " 20-Dubuque Packing Company, granted Cigazette Per- mit .................................................................................. 347 " 20-Dupont, Ralph A., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 347 " 20-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Cigar- ette Permit .................................... .... .... ...................... . 347 " 20-Disabled American Veterans Club, granted Cigar- ette Permit .................................................................... 347 " 20-Dunbar, Otto J., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 349 20-Dubuque Boat Club, granted Cigarette Permit............ 349 " 20-Dubuque Baseball, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit.... 349 " 20-Donovan, Melville L., granted Cigarette Permit.......... 350 " 20-Dolter, Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 350 " 20-Diener, Loraine, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 350 " 20-Dunbar, Otto J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.......... 351 " 30-Driscoll, Willard J., granted Cigarette Permit............ 354 " 3o-Dunbar, Linnie, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 354 " 30-Driscoll, Willard J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 355 " 30,Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................. 355 July 5-basso Construction Company, sidewalk bond .............. 359 " 5-Disabled American Veterans, requesting permission to hold a tag day .......................................................... 365, 382 " 18-Donath, Otto R., affidavit filed is ruled out of order 375 " 18-Dubuque Airport Commission, recommending that the Airport Budget be approved as submitted by the Airport Commission ...................................... 387 Aug. 1-Dubuque Baseball, Inc., requesting permission to have a fireworks display ............................................ 397 " 1-Dunn Court, acceptance of dedication .......................... 403 " 1-Deutsch, Florence, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 405 " 1-Dubuque Moose Club No. 355, granted Class "B" Beer Application ........................................................ 405, 418 " 15-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, requesting re- moval of bus stop at 14th and Central ................ 411, 423 " 15-Davis, Clarence, et al., requesting curb and gutter and surfacing on Valley Street .................... ... 413 " 15-Dubuque Sports Bowl, requesting permission to have fireworks disPlaY ........................................................ 413 " 15-Dunbar, Linnie, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 271 .................................................................... 413 " 15-Dubuque County Democratic Central Committee, re- questing permission to string a banner across Main Street .................................................................. 413 " 15-Davis, Leonora A., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 417 " 15-Davis, Leonora A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.... 417 Sept. 6-Dubuque Packing Company, relative to flooding prob- lem at their plant ........................................................ 421 " 6-Datisman, Sydney, heating bond ...................................... 424 " 6-Dubuque Packing Company, requesting that East 18th Street between Sycamore and Lynn be paved.... 430 " 6-Dolan, Roger P., requesting vacation of Lots 1 to 18 in Julien Addition; part of Wattles Street, Quincy Street and Harriet Avenue ..................................430, 446, 460 INDEX -BOOK 90 1900 SUBJECT Page D " 8-Dodge Street Sanitary Sewer from Terminal Street 285 feet west, completed and accepted .................... 433 " 19-Dubuque Safety Council, communication concerning intersections at Grandview and Dodge, and Uni- versity and Asbury Street ........................................ 439, 452 19-Drexel-Ohio Street Storm Sewer, completed and ac- cepted ............................. .......................... ... 447 Oct. 3-Dubuque Baseball, Inc., requesting refund on Cigar- ette Permit No. 182 ...................................................... 458 3-Dubuque Baseball, Inc., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 46 ........................... ..... . 458 " 3-Disabled American Veterans Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................... ... 465 " 10-Dubuque Sports Bowl, requesting refund on Class .,B" Permit No. 54 ...................................................... 474 " 17-Dubuque Building Trades Employers Association, re- questing appointment of two of its members to the study committee in redrafting the City Build- ing Code ............................................................ ... 484 Nov. 7-Dubuque Lions Club Sight Conservation Committee, requesting permission to solicit eye donations at corner of 8th and Main Streets ................................ 495 " 21-Dubuque Boat Club, Tnc, requesting permission to extend the sanitary sewer which now ends at the Naval Reserve Training Center ................................ 524, 534 Dec. 12-Dubuque Safety Council, suggesting that the cement divider to the Julien Dubuque Bridge be painted yellow ............................................................................ 580 " 19-Dubuque Dock Commission, recommending the sale of Lot 2 of Block 14 Riverfront Subdivision No. 3 to Dubuque Industrial Development Corp. and to grant said corporation an option for the pur- chase of Lot 3 of Block 14 for the sum of $3500.00 per acre; also submitting plat covering Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 14, Riverfront Subdivision Na. 3 for approval ............................................................ " 583, 593 19-,Dubuque Development Industrial Corp., offer to pur- chase city owned proPertY~~-~~-~~ ................................ " 583, 593 19-Dubuque Recreation Commission, favoring the pur- chase of six acres of property belonging to Dale B. Wiegand ................................................... ..... . " 29-Dubuque Federation of Labor, protesting the inaction of the City Council concerning Hennessey Bros. employing out of town personnel on the Kauf- mann Ave. sewer project .......................................... " 29-Dodge Street, proposed ordinance prohibiting parking on the north side of street from Bluff Street to Grandview Avenue .................................................... 585 599 585, 800 U~ 71 INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT E Jan. 4-Ellis Household Service, heating bond .......................... " 4-Ernst, Ben, objecting to assessment of curb and gut- ter on Alpha Street .................................................... " 4-Evergreen Street, 1959 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ..............17, " 4-Evergreen Street, 1959 Bituminous Concrete Surfac- ing Project No. 1, schedule of assessments........ " 4-Eighth Street, 1959 Boulevard Lighting Project No. 1, Bid Section 7, Plan A, schedule of assessments " 4-Ender, Alois J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit............ Feb. 1-Emerson, Everett, excavation policy ................................ " 1-Eska Company, Inc., requesting extension of time until 1963 for the construction of a factory and office building in Riverfront Subdivision .............. " 15-Engler, Irvin C., Notice of Claim .................................. Mar. 29-Erschen, Alice H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... Apr. 4-Ertl Co., Inc., offer to sell City approximately 26,000 sq. ft. of property adjacent to Flora Park at a price of $37,500 ............................................................ " 4-Eilers, Mrs. A., complaining of the conditions of Brunswick Street ........................................................ May 2-Eisbach, William, heating bond ...................................... " 23-Electrical ordinance proposed to regulate and license electrical contractors and electricians .................... " 23-Eagle Dubuque, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.... June 20-Eagle Dubuque, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit.......... " 20-Erschen, Alice H., granted Cigarette Permit .............. " 20-Ender, A. J., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... " 20-Eichhorn, Lester and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit " 20-Evans, Russell, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... " 20-Elliott, Vincent G., granted Cigarette Permit .............. " 20-Ellis, Victorina G., granted Cigarette Permit .............. " 20-Engling, Bernadette, granted Cigarette Permit............ " 20-Elliott, Vincent G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... Oct. SO-Ehlhardt, George Rev., appointed to Library Board.... " 25-Evans, J. Russell, granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ Dec. 5-Elliott, Vincent G, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 86 .................................................... " 5-Elliott, Vincent G., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 192 .............................................................. " 29-Ender, Alois J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit........ INDEX -BOOK 90 Page 1960 SUBJECT Page F 10 Jan. 4-Frommelt, Leo F., appointed City Clerk ...................... 3 17 171 ~ " 4-First National Bank, appointed depository of public , funds ................................................................... .. 4 21 30 " 4~Firefighters Local No. 353, requesting a meeting with , the Council to discuss wages and working con- 32, 33 " ditions ......................................................................10, 4--JFlammang, Margaret, settlement of claim ................... 284, 365 11 45 " 4-Felderman, Laverne G., granted Class "C" Beer Per- 65 ' mit .................................................................. ................ 8-Frommelt, Art, requesting the erection of a street 65 91, 143 light at the corner of Fink and Gillespie Streets.. 72, 92 Feb. 1-Feller, Milton M., objecting to proposed surfacing of 101 Dunleith Court ............................................................ 99 129 220 15-Fifteenth Street East, City Manager recommending , 165 that no parking be permitted from Sycamore Street east for a distance of 950 feet .................... 127 " 15-Frary, Fred, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 170, 26 No. 103 .......................................... ............. ... .. 15-Frary, Fred, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer 132 172, 296 Permit No. 106 .............................................. .... 15-Feltes, Donald D., et al., objecting to the junk yards 132 235 ~ breaking batteries from cars and allowing acid to ~~ spill into the street .................................................... 133 283 19-Frommelt, Leo F. appointed Acting City Manager.... 139 291 29-Frommelt, Leo F., bond ...................................................... 144 347 Mar. 7-Folsom, Thomas C., requesting refund on Cigarette 348 Permit No. 299 .............................................................. 158 348 7-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "B" Beer 349 Permit ............................................................................ 164 349 29-Fecker, Anthony L., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.... 165 350 350 e>,pr. 4-Fischer, H. J., Notice of Claim ........................................ 181, 276 4-Fire Chief requesting permission to send two firemen 350 351 to Conference at Ames, Iowa ........................ 184 4-Fortmann, Anton, requesting refund on Class "B" 477 Beer Permit No. 63 .................................................... 187 487 4-Fortmann, Anton, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 218 ............... , , ............................... . 536 4-Filmore Street, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from W.P.L. of Adair Street to the E.P.L. of 536 Grandview Avenue ........................................... 608 " .. 2 03 556, 558 4~Filmore Stre t improvement w tli Bituminous Con- Crete Surfacing from W.P.L. of Adair Street to E.P.L. of North Grandview Avenue ..................... ... ......206, 207, 208, 209, 252, 255, 310, 311, " .............................. ................................515, 516, 4-Freisinger, Louis A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 517, 537 210 May 2-Frederick, Roy, sidewalk bond .......................................... 235 " 2-Fengler Street Overpass, revised estimate for cost of construction .................................................................. 236 " 2-Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie No. 568, requesting permission to hold a parade ...................................... 241 " 2-Fleming, Thomas, et al., objecting to improvement " of Lincoln Avenue ........................................................ 252 23-Flynn Ready Mix and Coal Company excavation , policy .............................................................................. 275 " 23-Fondell & Sons, blasting bond .......................................... 275 " 23-Fondell & Sons, excavation policy .................................. 275 " 23-Finkenauer, Gerald, Notice of Claim ............................ 276, 353 June 20-Frank, Carl F., sidewalk band ........................................ 325 ,~ i 1960 „ July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. ., Dec. ,. INDEX-BOOK 90 SUBJECT F 20-Frith, Eugene T. and Joan, requesting the vacation of 28th Street from the southwesterly inter- section of 28th Street and Brunswick Street for the depth of Lot 72 in Westview Subdivision.... 20-Finley Hospital, Sunshine Circle, granted Cigarette Pernut ............................................................................ 20-Fecker. Anthony L., granted Cigarette Permit.......... Page 344 346 347 347 347 347 30~Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted c~garecie rerwu t0-Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 568, granted Cigarette Permit ......................................................... LO-Fenelon, W~lham G., granted Cigarette Permit............ 348 348 348 20-Fleckenstein, Clement, granted Cigarette Permit........ Carlyle and Doris A., granted Cigarette Permit.. 20-Fett 348 , 20-Freund, Robert A., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 348 3`~ 20-Faigen, Saza, granted Cigarette Permit ...................••~•- 20-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Cigarette Per- mit .............................................................................. .. 20-Fink, Milton F., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 350 350 350 20-Ferring, Theodore J., granted Cigazette Permit.......... granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ Sara 20-Faigen 350 , , 20-Foell, Lester A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ 20-Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 568, granted 350 Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................ 20-Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class "R" Beer 351 Permit ............................................................................ 20-Freund, George A., submitting resignation as Coun- 351 38S 352 cilman ............................................................................ 30-Freisinger, Louis, granted Cigarette Permit ................ , 335544 30-Finch, Alford F., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 30-Falkenhainer, Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit.. 354 5-First National Bank, Assignment of Schueller & Co., 358 Inc ................................................................................... 18-First Church of the Nazarene, objecting to Peoples Natural Gas Company placing a pressure valve and fittings in front of their church .................. 383 1-Farl e el a e e y o M c & en be ted qul vac y all an deed f cla m Jackson and White Sts. from 8th to 9th under Ordinance No. 3--43 .................................................... ler Street Overpass and Approaches, preliminary Fen 1 398, 414 g - estimate of plans, specifications and form of con- 399 400, 420 , tract ........................................... ........................... . 15-Fettgather, Ramona, granted Cigarette Permit.......... 417 6-Farber, Morris, Notice of Claim ........................................ objecting to proposed yellow curb Anna 6-Foulks 429, 442 , , marking in front of her home .............................. " " 431, 452 B 6--Freisinger, Louis A., requesting refund on Class 432 Beer Permit No. 45 .................................................... 6-Freisinger, Louis A., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 223 ............................................................ 6-Ferring, Theodore J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 432 437 3-Fleckenstein, Clement R., granted Class "B" Beer 465 Permit ...................................................... 7-Fett, Doris, requesting refund on Cigazette Permit 495 No. 106 ..................................................................... ..... 7-Forest View Subdivision, approval of plat .................. 576 5-Fink, Elmer L., granted Cigarette Permit .................. Elmer L., granted Class "C" Beer Permit............ 5-Fink 577 , 29-Felderman, Laverne G., granted Class "C" Beer Per- . 606 mit .................................................................................. INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT page G Jan. 4-Grandview Avenue, 1959 Concrete Curb & Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments............17, 2S 30 Feb. 1-Gribben, Joseph D. et. al., objecting to the proposed , surfacing and curb and gutter on McClain Street 99 " 1-Gere, Rose L, correction of assessment for Hale " Street sanitary sewer .................................................. 105 " 29-Grant, Harlan B., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 144 29-Grant, Harlan B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 144 Mar. 7-Griffin, Lulu et. al., requesting rezoning of Lots 16 , 17, 18 & 19 in Wooten Subdivision from Two Family residence to Local Business District B classification ............................................................ 157 Apri " .. l 4-Goerdt, Merlin, excavation policy ................................. 4-G A R Shiloh Circle i 17g . . . , request ng permission to hold a ~~ tag day ............................................ 4-Goerdt, Merl, requesting excavation permit ............. 184 186 ... 4-Green Acres Subdivision, Block 15, approval of plat 188 4-Greenwood Court, acceptance of dedication ................ l8g 4-Grandview Avenue Extension Grading Project No 1 " . ............................. ..........................200, 201, 243, 4-Greenfield Street, improvement with concrete curb 244, 245 and gutter from the N.P.L, of Kaufmann Avenue to the north end of street......202, 203, 245, 246, " .....................................................247, 312, 515, 516, 4-Grandview Avenue Extension, improvement with Hot 557, 560 Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete from the north property line of Ungs Street Station 0-00 to Sta. 46+50 the north property line of Lot 1-1-1 Mineral Lot 337......204, 205, 248, 249, 250, 251, " . ................................................308, 309, 477, 478, 4-Grandview Avenue Extension, improvement with Hot 507, 508 Mix-Hot Laid Asphalt Concrete from Sta. 46+50 to the north property line of Lot 1-1-1 Mineral Lot 337 to Sta. 52+69 the south property line of Kane Street Extension............204, 205, 248, 249, " -~~~~~ .......................250, 251, 308, 309, 477, 478, 4-Green Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete 507, 508 Surfacing from W.P.L. of Bunker Hill to N P L . . . of Pennsylvania Avenue..........206, 207, 208, 209, " •~~~~~ -••~ .......................252, 253, 254 255, 310, 311, 4-Greenfield Street, improvement with Bituminous Con- 537, 541 crete Surfacing from N.P.L. of Kaufmann Avenue to the North End of Street......206, 207, 208, 209, ............252, 253, 254 255, 310, 311, 516, 517, 18-Giunta, Marco, granted Cigarette Permit 537, 549 " .................... 18-Greteman, N. J., appointed to the Police & Fire Re- 228 tirement Pension Board ........................................ 229 May " ...... 2-Gross, Ray, Notice of Claim ........................ ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ """""" 237 353 2-Giles, Lero rea y, ppomted to the Civil Service Commis , " " - sion ................................................................................ 23-Geisler Brothers, heating policy ................... ~~~~~~~~~~~•~~~~~ 259 275 , , 23--Gantert, Harry N. and Lucille, granted Class "B" June " Beer Permit .................................................................... 20---Glynn, Sally, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 291 347 " .. 20-Giunta, Joe & Marco, granted Cigarette Permit... 34g " ....... 20-Giunta, Marco, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 34g ~~ ..... 20-Grant, Harlan B., granted Cigarette Permit ........... 348 ..... 20-Gartner, Arnold & Marian F., granted Cigarette Permit 349 " 20-Gantert, Harry N., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 349 July .. 20-Glynn, Sally, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 18-Gansemer, Clarence $ Doroth bj ti 350 y, o ec ng to the proposed opening of alley between Finley and Bunker Hil1 .................................................................... 382, 439 INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page G Aug. 1-Goerdt Merlin, sidewalk bond .......................................... 391 " 1-Giese Sheet Metal Co., heating bond ............................ 392 " 1-Gulick, Rose, Notice of Claim ............................................ 397, 442 " 15-Gladwin, Carrie, Settlement of Claim ............................ 409 Sept. 19-Goerdt Excavating, blasting bond .................................. 441 19-Gronau, Walter F. & William H. Lammer, heating 441 Oct. policY .............................................................................. 3-Grobe, Ernest & Margaret, requesting permission to excavate in Hennepin Street ....................... .............. 457 " 3-Grandview Avenue, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from N.P.L. of Ungs Street to S.P.L. of Kaufmann Avenue completed and accepted.......... 461, 498 " 10-Grant, Hazlan B., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 21 ...................................................... 474 " 10-Grant, Harlan B., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 100 .................................................................... 474 Nov. 7-Gruber, James J., offer to purchase Lot A of the Sub. of Lot 1 of 1 of M.L. 179 .......................................... 489 490 " 7-Goerdt Excavating, blasting policy .................................. INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page H Jan. 4-Hein, Camillus R., Settlement of Claim ...................... 11 " 4-Harrison Street, 1959 Concrete Curb & Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ..........................17, 22 30 " 13-Haschke, Richard E., requesting suspension of taxes , on Lot 2 of Hoppmann Place .................................... 81, 91 Feb. 1-Hartman, Arthur and Donald, objecting to proposed surfacing of Woodlawn Street ...................... ~• 100 " 1-Hillerest Builders Inc., requesting extension of the Catfish Creek Interceptor Sewer from Falk Sub. northwesterly a distance of approximately 2300 feet ..............................................................102, 139, " 1-Hedley, Arthur G., objecting to assessment for 151, 174 Thomas Place sanitary sewer .............. .................... 1-H9gge, Clarence J. Jr., granted Class "B" Permit...... " 109, 112 110 1-Hillard, Joseph P, and Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..................................................... " 110 15-Henschel, Richard C. and Mildred L., conveying Lot 11 in Block 1 of "Henschel's Highlands Subdivision" to the City of Dubuque ................................... ...... „ .... 129 29-Hough, Lucille, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 144 Mar. 2-Hughes, Alfred E., appointed Police Judge .................... " 149 7-Hillerest Builders Inc. et. al., requesting annexation by resolution of 126 acres west of the city......151, ....................................................198, 199, 231, 232, „ 7-Hughes, Alfred E. bond 281, 329 , .................................................... " 7-Hayes, Dorothy A., requesting refund on Cigarette 152 Permit No. 284 .............................. . „ ............ 158 7-Hayes, Dorothy A, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 67 ............................................... " 158 29-Henkel, Alma, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 165 April 4-Hawkeye Trailer Court, approval of license to operate a mobile home park ............................... " 167 4-Hauber Realty Co., advising Council that a mately 26000 sq. ft. of property adjacent to Flora Park is available at a price of $37,500, (Ertl prop- erty) ................................................................................ " 4-Haight, Davis & Haight Inc. Actuaries, submitting an 170, 261 actuarial valuation as of December 31 1959 of the , City Police & Fire Retirement Systems ................ " 171 4-Hanselman, F. W., heating bond .................................... " 178 .. 4-Hanten, Cyril, sidewalk bond ........................................... " 178 . 4-Hedrick, Walter F., Notice of Claim .................. " '""""""" 182 " 4-Holy Ghost Church, re uestin 9 g permission to con- struct an 8" sanitary sewer in Davenport Street between National Street and West 28th Street.... 185 4-Hahn, Casper J. & Lucille, objecting to proposed sur- facing of alley from 13th & 14th between Central Avenue and Iowa Street .................... .. " 186 4-Humke, Maurice E., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 118 ........................... " 187 4-Humke, Maurice E., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 301 ................................. .. .... ... .... ..... " 187 4-Horn, Sohn B., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ " 210 4-Hafeman, Erwin, granted Cigarette Permit .................... " 210 18-Huseman, Richard & Louis, sidewalk bond ...................... " 218 1S-Heitzman Construction Company, sidewalk bond.......... " 218 18-Hillerest Builders Inc., Notice of Claim .......................... " 222 18-Hartman Construction Co., requesting rezoning of Lot 1 of 8 of 3 of M.L. 319 and Lot 1 of 1 of 29 in John Kings 2nd addition ....................................224, " 303, 362 18-Hillerest Builders Inc., requesting permission to ex- cavate in Carter Road .................................................. 225 3 gyp' INDEX -BOOK 90 INDEX -BOOK 90 1980 SUBJECT page 1950 SUBJECT Page H H " 18-Hagesten Ronald, relative to construction of Marmora Avenue Sewer ................................................................ 229 ~,. ,, , ~ ~-Holzhamme~P. E. et. al., requesting street light oa Y May " 2-Hillcrest Builders Inc., granted sidewalk bond.......... Notice of Claim .............. .... ...... Leander P 23-Herrig 277, 235 427 = #~ • ork S eet ...................... 19-Illcrest Builders, submitti ~~~~•~~~•• ~"~°"""""' ng an ordinance f th 431, 441 " ., , 23-Henschel, Richard C., requesting opening of alley 284 - ' ~r' = ` ' or e construction of concrete paving for Key Way, Richie Drive Le L ' between Lorimer and Sullivan Street ...................... 23-Henschel, Richard C, requesting permission to install ~ , :. , a ane and Key Corners; and nght to construct combination concrete curb a sewer in Southern Avenue Addition ................ Lot A-1-1 of h ff t 284, 456 and gutter on north side of Pennsylvania Avenue adjoining Key Knolls S bdi " o purc ase er 23-Hingtgen, Theo. G., o 285 u vision in the City of Dubuque Iowa " M.L. 179 ......................................................................... 23-Hafeman, Leonard A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ti 291 a , „ .............................................................. 19-Herrig, Eldon, advisin g the Council that he intends to develop a subdivision using St G 445, 467 June ng 20-Henschel Roofing & Sheet Metal Company, hea . eorge Street and Bush Street as entrance and i bond ................................................................................ 325 ex t streets............... " 20-H^"^'~~^, William R., Notice of Claim ............................ i 326, 382 346 ` . """""""""°"'°°• 446, 482, Oct. 3-Hedrick, Glen Mrs., Notice of Claim 495, 523 " " t.......... 20-Hagge, Clarence J. Jr., granted Cigarette Perm 20-Hartig Drug Company, granted Cigarette Permits.... 347 .........._ ................. 3-Hafeman, Erwin J., re uestin g refund on Cigarette Permit N 1 ~ 455 " 20-Heiderscheit, John J., granted Cigarette Permit.......... t i P 347 347 o. 10...... ....... , 3-Hentges Lorraine C., r ~~~~-•~~~••~~'~~°"°""""""'°°°°• g anted C' garette P 458 " " ................ ermi garette 20-Hunt, George R., granted C 20-Herburger, Carl M., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 347 g ermit.......... 3--Harbaugh, William grrnted Ci arette Permit.......... ~~ 3-Hentges Lorraine C 465 465 " 20-Hemmer, John P., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 348 348 , , 3-Herburger, Florence F anted Class "B" Beer Permit granted Clas "B" 465 " 20-Henkel, Alma, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... s Beer per- mit " 20-Hessel, Irvin G., anted Ci arette Permit .................... gr g it 348 348 ...................................... ..... , 3-Hazbaugh, William, ~ ~ ' ~ ' ' ' ' • ~ ~ ~ ~ , granted Class "B" B 485 " ................ 20-Hafeman, Erwin J., granted Cigarette Perm 20-Hillard, Joseph P. and Bernice, granted Cigarette Per- 4 eer Permit 10-Hillcrest BuBders Inc., granted the right to construct Concrete Sidewalks in Ke W f 465 " mit .................................................................... 20-Hafeman, Helen, granted Cigarette, Permit .................. 3 8 348 y ay rom Pennsyl- vania Avenue to Ke m Pennsylvania Avenue to Ke Richie Drive from " 20-Haupert, Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit.......... 349 Y Corners, Lea Lane from Pennsylvania Avenu t " 20-Haberkorn, Edward A., granted Cigarette Permit........ 349 e o Key Corners, and Key Corners from Richie Drive t " 20-Hedley, Alfred, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... " " 349 o the West end of Lot 15, Block 4 in Key Knoll S ~ " Beer Permit.... B 20-Hemmer, John P., granted Class " " 350 s ubdivision .............. 17-Heitzman, C. 0. et al relativ t 468 " Beer Permit........ C 20-Hessel, Irvin G., granted Class 351 ., e o speed limit on Grandview Avenue 30-Hou b, Lucille, ranted Cigarette Permit ...................... g n 354 17- .................. .. ..... ....... Hinman, Lynn & Gladys r t 484 " ranted Cigarette Permit .................... g, Tony, 30-Helh P it 354 354 , g an ed Cigarette Permit.... 25-Haines, Dorance, granted Cigarette Per it 484 " erm ..................... 30-Horn, John B., granted Cigarette _ m ,..,..., 25-Haines, Dorance, granted Class "B" Beer Per it 487 July 5-Henschel, Richard, submitting his name for Council- nation created b the resi c nc fill t m .......... ce P' granted Class "B" Beer permit Nov. 7-H eke rtD e gg7 g va a y y man o avid L Y, granted Class "B" Beer permit 21 " of George Freund ...................................................... 5-Holland Furnace Company, heating bond ...................... 358 359 -Helling, Tony, requestng refund on Cigarette Permit No. 251.... 520 " 5-Horsfall, Kenneth, Notice of Claim .................................. " " 361 ...................... ... ..................... Dec. 5-Haberkorn, Edward A., ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~•~-~"~~~""" "' ~ granted Class "B" Be P 2 4 " Beer B 5-Hutter, Irvin J., requesting refund on Class er er- mit ................... Permit No. 92 ................................................................ 5-Hedley, Alfred, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer 366 ............................................................... 29-Hillcrest Builders Inc., requesting street lights in Key Knolls Subdivision 577 Permit No. 117 .............................................................. 366 ................................................ 599 Aug. 1-Hillcrest Builders Inc., granted permission to build a Trunk Line Sewer ...................................................... 395 " 1-Hillcrest Builders Inc., granted permission to con- struct sanitary sewers and water mains in the. fol- lowing streets: Key Way, Richie Drive, Lea Lane and KeY Corners .......................................................... 396 " 1-Herburger, Neil J. et. al., requesting rezoning of Lot 1 & 2 Neil Place, Lot I of 1 of 1 of 2 of 2 of 3 of 1 and the W'/z of Lot 2 of 2 of 2 of 3 of 1 in High- land Farm to Local Business District A .............. 398 - " 15-Huseman & Scholl, sidewalk bond .................................. 407 " 15-Hefel, Joseph C., requesting permission to install a sanitary sewer in Garnet Street .............................. 412, 453 Sept. 6-Hogan, M. P., power of attorney issued by American Surety Co ....................................................................... 420 " 6-Home Heating Company, heating bond .......................... 424 " 6-Hartmann Construction Company, sidewalk bond........ 424 " 6-Huntoon, Clifton T. et. al., requesting street lights on Collins Street ................................................................ 430, 441 ;?~t u. ', n INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page I Jan. 4-Illinois Avenue, 1959 Concrete Curb & Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ........................17, 23, 30 " 4-Iowa Street, 1959 Boulevard Lighting Project No. 1, Bid Section 4, Plan B, schedule of assessments.... 45, 50 " 13-INVESTIGATION of The City Manager and Other City Officials Concerning Improper Influence to Ob- tain Results for Personal Interests Adverse. to and in Conflict with the Public's Interest .................... ..........74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 134, 137 " 13-Iowa State Highway Commission extending invitation to attend the annual meeting of the Mississippi Valley Conference of State Highway Departments 81 Feb. 1-Iowa State Highway Commission submitting resolution approving the surfacing of Central Avenue and setting out certain restrictions on parking, access and providing for the City's portion of the cost for surfacing the full width of the street.......... 93, 150 " 1-Imhoff, John A. et. al., objecting to the improvement of West 7th Street ........................................................ 100 Mar. 7-Iowa State Highway Commission, requesting that an ordinance be drawn up establishing access con- trol, regulating speed and regulating parking on Central Avenue surfacing project from 20th to 32nd Street .................................................................... 150 April 4-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Marycrest Subdivision .................................................................... 171 " 4-Inland Molasses Company, requesting the installation of curb, gutter and surfacing of Terminal Street 184 " 4-Illinois Avenue, improvement with Bituminous Con- crete Surfacing from W.P.L. of Drexel Avenue to N.P.L. of Pennsylvania Avenue..........206, 207, ................208, 209, 252, 253, 254, 255, 310, 311, 537, 545 " 18-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for the construction of Valley Street-Riker Street Sanitary Sewer ................................... ....... .... 214 " 18-Iowa Street, two additional parking meters installed on west side of street between 7th and 8th streets 214 May 2-Irving School-Nebraska Street Storm Sewer, surveys, plans and estimates ..................................235, 286, 315, 434 " 2-Iowa State Highway Commission, approval of and agreement with resolution covering the improve- ment by a 4 Lane divided facilty the extension of Primary Road No. U.S. 20 within the City of Dubuque, Iowa ............................................256, 257, 383, 434 " 2-Iowa State Highway Commission, objecting to pro- posed sign board on Kerrigan Road .......................... 263 June 6-Iowa Taxpayers Association, relative to increase in taxes ................................................................................ 293 " 6-Iowa Society for Preservation of Historical Land- marks, resolution relative to the preservation of the Shot Tower ............................................................ 293 " 6-Interstate Power Company, annual report for the year 1959 ................................................................................ 295 July 5-Iowa Commission for the Blind, granted Cigarette Per- mit .................................................................................. 374 " 5-Iowa State Department of Health, submitting report of sanitary survey of Flora Park swimming pool and Eagle Point Pool .................................................. 375, 391 Aug. 1-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Dunn Court .............................................................................. 391 INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT - _- - - - - - -- Page I " 1-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for the construction of a sanitary sewe i S r n enic View t s ............................... Sept. 6-Iowa Sta e Department of Health, submitting Tabora- tory reports of mineral anal ' 391 yses of City s water suPPly ............. ............................................................... Dec. 5-Iowa State Highway Commission, approval and accept- ance of resolution 420, 472 governing the maintenance of Primary Road Extensions within the Cit y of Du- buque ................... .......................................................... 569 INDEX-BOOK 90 1980 SUBJECT Page J Feb. 15--Jerrold Electronics Corp. et. al., television cable 128 April P Y .............................................................................. olic 4-Jones, John, excavation policy ........................................ 179 219 181 ' " 4~Tohns, James, Notice of Claim .......................................... 4-Jacquinot, Robert J., Notice of Claim .............................. , 182, 219 " 4--Jecklin, George et. al., relative to a flooding condition 234 186 " on Coates Street .......................................................... Jack, requesting excavation permit ................... 4~Tones . 188 " , 18--.Tewell, Dorothy, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 228 May 2-.Tacobson Realty Company, requesting rezoning of the balance of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 5 in 282 1 Hillcrest Heights and Hillcrest Park Subdivision , 24 June 20-Jungblut, Donald, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 349 350 " 20--Jewell, Dorothy, granted Cigarette. Permit .................... " 30--Julien Dubuque Gulf Service, granted Cigarette Per- 3~ July mit .................................................................................. 5~Tohnston, Wayne A., requesting permission to excavate 308 in alley between Locust and Bluff Streets.......... Aug. 15~Tacobson Bros. Inc., requesting permission to excavate 412 Sept. in Carter Road .............................................................. B--Jamison, Margaret, Notice of Claim ................................ 428, 598 ^ 19--Jordan, W. J., heating Policy ....................................:..:.. 441 " 19--Jones, Robert J. et. al., relative to parking on Prazne 528 446 Oct. Street ........................................................................... 3--Jacobson Bros. Inc., requesting release of any interest , relative to easement for public utilities which was originally reserved in plat of Jacobson Hillcrest Place ................................ .......................................458, 476, 497 Nov 7-Jones Construction Company, sidewalk bond ................ 490 . 7--Jaeger, June E. and Joyce M. & Aloysius Brinkmoeller, requesting vacation of an 8' easement abutting Lot 1 of 1 of Block 4 and Lot 2 of 1 of Block 4 in "Sunnyview Hills Subdivision" ............................ 494 " 21 iewell, Dorothy, requesting refund on Cigazette Per- ~ Dec. mit No. 194 .............................................:...................... S--Jacquinot, Robert, heating bond ........................................ 531 $': INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page R Jan. 4-Rurt Court, recommendation of City Manager that a street light be erected .............................................. 6 " 4-Ruse, Jane, settlement of claim .............................. ... 12 " 4-Kane Street, 1959 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ..........................17, 24, 30 " 4-Kaufmann Avenue, 1959 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ..............17, 28, 30 " 4-Rane Street, 1959 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1, schedule of assessments......32, 34, 35, 38 " 9-Kaufmann Avenue, 1959 Bituminous Concrete Surfac- ing Project No. 1, schedule of assessments.......... 32, 37 " 13-Kisting, Andrew J., requesting construction of a storm sewer on Wilbrecht Lane to prevent water from draining on to his property ............................ Sl Feb. 1-Kaiser, Nellie, Notice of Claim .......................................... 98 1-Kass, Clara, Settlement of Claim .................................. 97 " 1-Roleas, Chris K., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 145 ............................................................ 103 " 1-Kramer, Mabel, objecting to assessment for sewer on West Third Street ................................ ..... ~ 103 " 1-Koppes, Michael Estate, by Clewell, Cooney & Fuerste their attorneys, objecting to proposed amount of levy against M. L. 5A of Lot 1 of 1 of M. L. 5 for the construction of the Southern Avenue sewer.. 108, 115 " 1-Kaufmann Avenue Property Owners addressed Coun- cil relative to the need of a storm sewer in Kauf- mann Avenue .............................................................. 111 " 15-Kennedy, Bernard, offer to purchase a strip of ground 30 feet wide and 129 feet long abutting his property ..................................................................120, 307, 308 " 15~Rnapp, Chazles H., Notice of Claim ................................ 129, 579 " 15~Reppler, James E., objecting to proposed improve- ment of Dunleith Court .............................................. 133 Mar. 7-Klinkaer, John Mrs., Notice of Claim ............................ ... . 153 7-Kringle, William, et al., requesting the inclusion of all Section 27 and 28 along old and new Highway No. 20 in the proposed annexation .......................... 158 " 29-Krepfle, Phillip, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 165 " 29-Krepfle, Phillip, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 185 Apr. 4-Raiser, William, ordered to abandon and remove out- side water closet, privy or private vault; also to connect premises to sanitary sewer ...................... 168 » 4-Kollar, Alex heating bond ................................................ 178 " 4-Rluck, Merlin, sidewalk bond .......................................... 178 " 4-Kisting, A. J., relative to a water drainage problem on St. Anne Drive ........................................................ 185 " 4-Key Knolls Subdivision, approval of .plat of Blocks 1 to 11 inclusive ............................199, 200, 231, 281, 329 " 4-Kronfeldt, Harold, objecting to the condition of the Bleile property ............................................................ 201 " 4-Rane Street, improvement with Bituminous Concret Surfacing from W.P.L. of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Olds Place to E.P.L. of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 349 ............................................................ 206, 207 ......208, 209, 252, 253, 254, 255, 310, 311, 537, 550 " 4-Kammerude, Robert 0, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .................................................................................. 210 " 18-Kammerude, Robert O., granted Cigarette Permit........ 228 May 2-Kassmeyer, Lillian M., requesting that the City Engi- neer establish alley boundazies in Rose Hill Addition, west of English Lane .............................. 241 " 2-Russel Kerth and George Kehl, objecting to improve- ment of Saunders Street .......................................... 245 ~' djr'~ INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 n ., ~. ,. ,. June „ SUBJECT Page K 2~Kenline, Robert, appointed to the Library Board........ 280 23-Kalb, John T., submitting report of cost of 8" Sanitary Sewer on Marion Street ............................................ 263 23-Kunz, James, sidewalk bond .............................................. 275 23-Kuehn, Archie, requesting renewal of a restricted plumbers license .......................................................... 284 23-K D T H Radio Station, requesting permission to use river front for a water ski show ....................... .. 285 23-Kaufmann Avenue and East 17th Street Storm Sewer ProjeM ..........................................................288, 368, 367, 463 23-Rennedy, Shirley M., granted Cigarette Permit.......... 290 23-Rennedy, Shirley M., granted Class "B" Permit........ 291 23-Rnights of Columbus, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 291 23-Ktoger Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit........ 291 23--Rruse, Geo. Co., granted Class "C" Beer Permit........ 291 B-Krausman, James, Notice. of Claim .................................. 300, 353 6-Kramer, Anna, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 94 ................................................................ 307 0-"Kehl Place;' aPProval of plat .......................................... 319 6-Kehl, George and Christine, requesting amendment of assessment schedule for curb and gutter and surfacing ........................................................................ 320 20-Kintzinger, Charles A., submitting a flood control plan for industrial area ............................................ 323 20-Renneally Fuel & Heating, Sheet Metal, heating bond 325 20~Rnights of Columbus, granted Cigarette Permit............ 347 20-Koutre, James J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 347 20-Klauer Julien Hotel Company, granted Cigarette Per- mit .................................................................................. 347 20-Kachevas, James P., granted Cigarette Permit.......... 347 20-Kruse, Geo C., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 347 20-Knoll, Walter W., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 347 20-Kelley, Francis E., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 347 20-Kelly, Margaret, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 347 " 20-Kress, Hubert J. Jr., granted Cigazette Permit.......... " 211-Karigan, Andrew D., granted Cigarette Permit............ " 20-Ramentz, Richard, granted Cigazette Permit .............. " 20-Kissel Grocery, granted Cigarette Permit .................... " 20-Kanavas, Theodore, granted Cigarette Permit .............. " 20-Kopple, Harry, granted Cigarette Permit .................... " 20-Kroger Company, granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 20-Kammerude, Robert O., granted Cigarette Permit........ " 20--Koeller, De Forrest P., granted Cigarette Permit...... " 20-Krepfle, Philip, granted Cigarette Permit .................. " 20-Klauer-Julien Hotel Company, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................................ " 20-Kanavas, Theodore G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit " all-Koppen, Cletus, requesting permission to have a fire- works display ................................................................ " 30-Karigan Gust and Pete Sfikas, granted Cigarette Permit ............................................................................ July 18-Kellogg, Henry, sidewalk bond ........................................ " 18-Kennedy, Shirley M, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 67 ...................................................... " 18-Kuhn, C. E., et al., objecting to proposed establish- ment of a business in a family dwelling on Tina Ridge .............................................................................. Aug. 1-Koerperick, Edwin J., sidewalk bond ............................ " 1-Knaus, Mildred, Notice of Claim ...................................... 397 " 1-Koeller, DeForest, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... " 15-Klauer, Klauer & Associates, sidewalk bond .................. " 15-K & K Heating Contractors, heating bond .................... 347 348 348 348 349 349 349 349 349 349 350 350 350 353 354 378 383 383 391 493 405 407 407 ~ INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page K Sept. 6-Kalb, Mildred, urging utmost care in selection of Councilman to fill the unexpired t erm of Council- man Freund ' - ~ ........................ 6-Knoll, Walter, ............................................ g eanted Class "C" Beer Permit..,, ~ 19-Kean James J •~• 421 437 ' „ , . ppomted Councilman to fill unex- pared term of George A Freund y . ..................... .. ... 19-Kintzinger &Kintzinger withdr i 43g - 'm~+ " , aw ng petition relative to flood protection " ............... 19-Koerperick, Edwin J., sidewalk bond ............................. 19-Kintzinger David and L ill 440 441 ` , uc e M. Arquitt, objecting to the opening of St. George Street and Bush Street ........... s Oct. ................................................... 446, 19-Kostle, Alonzo, " "'°°•°°° °•• 3-Kunkel eeL Permit....-~-~ Kenneth~NntN c 482, 495 " } , : oti e of Claim 10-Kelly, Francis E. and William J. Byrne requestin th 455, 456 , g at Lots 1 and 2 of Kelly-Byrne Place be „ re- zoned from Multiple Residence District to Local Business District B ................................... ....... 10-Koerperick, Edwin, appointed to Board of Adjustment 17-Kohl Evel n M 475, q97 ~' f , y ., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 17-Kohl, Evelyn M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 25---Kruse, Richard J, granted Class "B" B 484 485 ! Nov. i eer Permit.... 25--Kruse, Richard J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 7-Koerperick Edwin 457, 580 487 ' F - , , approval of plat for Forest View Subdivision . ~ [ [ Dec. " ................................................................... 7-Kehl, Robert, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 5-Klein, Ida E., Settlement of Claim 520 [[ s ~~ .................... 5-Kress, Bernice E., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 5-Kammerude Robert O 531 1 578 i , ., granted Cigarette Permit...... 5-Kress, Bernice E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 5-Kamme d ~ 578 ...... ru e, Robert 0, granted Class "B" Beer per- mit ................... 577 ............................................................... 577 i INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page L Jan. 4-Legler, Paul A., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- ......................... mit No. 278 ................................... ... ..... 17 " 4-Lindale Street, 1959 Concrete Curb & Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ..........................17, 26, 30 " 4-Lilly, Thomas, granted Cigazette Permit ...................... 84 Feb. 1-Lenz, Carl, Notice of Claim ................................................ 96, 220 " 1-Lutes, Neil, conveyance of the W~/z of Lot 15 in Little- ton & Sawyer's Addition to correct error of omis- sion in deed .......................... ......... .................. 109, 159 " 15-Lange, Harvey, revocation of power of attorney........ 120 " 15-Lynch, Leo J., Notice of Claim ........................................ 129, 221 " 29-Love, Kenneth J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 144 Mar. 2-Lease between the City of Dubuque and Brammer's Inc ................................................................................... 147 " 29-Love, Donald M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 165 April 4-Leib, Leonard, requesting repair of O'Neill Street.... 185 ' 4-Lehner, M. J. et al., objecting to television interfer- ence in the vicinity of Hil] and West Third Streets 186 " 4-Lindale Street, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from W.P.L. of Carter Road west to exist- ing curb and gutter ..............................................202, 203, 245 " 4-Lincoln Avenue, improvement with Bituminous Con- crete Surfacing from W.P.L. of Hamilton Street to W.P.L. of Rhomberg Avenue ................206, 207, 208, 209 " 4-Linden, Melvin J., granted Class "B" BeerPermit...... 212 " 4-Linden, Melvin J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 212 " 18-Lewis, Walter J., requesting rezoning of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 of 2 of 1 of Highland Farm .................... 224 " 18-Lynch, Garland C., requesting permission to construct a garage .......................................................................... 224 " 18-Lewis, Aarry E. & Dorothy, requesting the City to Quit Claim the north 20 feet of Lot 30 in J. P. Schroeder's Addition to them to correct an er- roneous Plat .................................................................. 225, 226 May 2-Latham, Ernest, granted Class "C" Beer Permit.......... 259 " 2-LVnn, William J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit............ 259 " 23-Loes, A. M., objecting to the condition of the fire escape at 898 Central Avenue ..........................264, 324, 392 " 23-Less, Clifford M., requesting vacation and conveyance of alley lying between Garfield Avenue and Peosta Street, from north line of Farley Street northeasterly distance of 100 feet ....................284, 331, 379 " 23-Link, Leo F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 291 June 6-Lynch, Garland et. al., requesting the opening of an alley running from Finley Street to Bunker Hill Road ..............................................................306, 358, 382, 439 " 6-Lloyd's Subdivision, approval of plat .............................. 317 " 20-Lewis, Harry E., heating bond ........................................ 325 " 20-Lynn, Melvin C., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 347 " 20-Link, Leo F., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 347 " 20-Ludescher. John J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 347 " 20-Latham, Ernest, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 347 " 20-Love, Donald M., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 347 " 20-Loras College, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 348 " 20-Lilly, Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 348 " 20-Lambert, Frank T., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 349 " 20-Luchsinger, Ray & Angeline, granted Cigarette Per- mrt .................................................................................. 349 " 20-Love, Kenneth J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 349 " 20-Leonazd, Paul A., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 349 " 20-Love, Rita B., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 349 " 20-Leonard, Paul A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 350 i Yr `; INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page L " 30-League of Iowa Municipalities, submitting claim for annual dues . „ " ............... ........... 30-Lanser, George & Helen, granted Cigarette Permit.... 30-Linden Merlin J 354 ~ " , ., granted Cigazette Permit .................... 30-Lanser, George and Helen, granted Class "B" 3~ July Aug Beer Permit .................................... 5-Linehan & Molo, Inc., heating bond 1 L 355 - Sept. .................................. - ori Street, acceptance of dedication ............................. 6-Linden Melvin T 359 402 " , ., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- B ' .......................................... 6-Lindent Mely a J., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 47 431 ............................... ... 19-Lange, Arnold C. et. al., requesting rezoning ~of Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, Lange's Subdivision t M 431 Oct. o ultiple Resi- dence District ........................ 3-League of Iowa Municipalities in i ~8' 490 , v tation to attend annual convention .......................................... 3-Love Rita B ............. , ., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 10-Lundeen, Walter, appointed to Poli 451 485 ce & Fire Pension r Nov. ........................................ 7-Langela John et. al., requesting install ti 477 „ a on of street light on Wood Street ............................. 21-Lott, Herman and Marcella """°•°°°°~~•• 495 523 , , proposal to donate ap- proximately 8 acres of land adjoining Julien Du- u Dec. 19-League ....................... 523, of Iowa Municipalities, advising of the pos- sibility of followi 584 ng the proceedings of the next State General Assembl y .............................................. 584 i Iq, d,, Y„ III' I,' IP! f ilj k it i!'i F'' ' - _. _ Ali '~ a 'I INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page Mc Jan. 4-McCabe, Robert & Ida et. al., objecting to the condi- tion of the recent surfacing of Kane Street.......... 18 Feb. 1-McCarten Plumbing & Heating, excavation policy........ 91, 101 " 1-McGhee, Elaine J. et. al., requesting the removal of an island from the east end of Cooper Place at the time of the resurfacing of the street.......... 100 " 15-McDonnell Excavating Service, Assignment to Du- buque Bank & Trust Company .................................. 124 Mar. 7-McEvoy, John J., objecting to repair of 9th Street Engine House ................................................................ 150 " 7-McDonald, A. Y. Mfg. Co., requesting the City to as- sume the cost for the fill of Ash and Marsh Streets ....................................................................157, 178, 216 " 7-McLaughlin, Raymond B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................................................................... 164 April 4-McDonnell Excavating Service, blasting bond.......... 178, 185 " 4-McNamara, Earl J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 210 " 18-McGloughlin, James R., requesting vacation and con- veyance of alley located between Stoltz Street and Saunders Street ........................224, 297, 327, 369, 401 May 2-McDonnell Excavating Service, excavation policy...... 235, 241 " 2-McCarty, Marcella M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 258 " 2-McDonough, Leo F., appointed to City Board of Review ............................................................................ 259 " 23-McMahon, Ethel and Michael, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................................ 291 " 23-McNamer, Noah, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 291 June 20-McCarten Plumbing & Heating, heating bond.......... 325 " 20-McMahon Place, approval of plat .................................... 346 " 20-McCarty, Marcella M., granted Cigarette Permit.......... 348 " 20-McLaughlin, Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit.......... 349 " 20-McMahan, Cecil J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 349 " 20-McNamer, Noah, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 350 Cecil J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... " 20-McMahon 350 , " 30-McNamara, Eazl J., granted Cigarette Permit............ 354 30-McKeon, Ruth, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 354 Aug. 15-McCarron, Robert L. et. al., requesting that Riker Street be extended to connect to Rush Street.... 412 " 15-McDonald Mfg. Co., requesting permission to fill in an area of their plant by dredging 12th & Pine Streets ............................................................................ 413, 453 Oct. 3-McNamara, William F., Notice of Claim ...................... 455 " 3-McClain Street, improvement with Concrete Curb and Gutter completed and accepted ................................ 461, 498 " 3-McClain Street, improvement with Bituminous Surfac- ing, completed and accepted ...................................... 482, 503 Nov. 7-McDonnell Excavating Service, requesting permission to excavate in Arrowhead Drive ................................ 495 Dec. 5-McCarten Plumbing & Heating, excavation policy...... 531 i -, '' i r~` . ~. '. F p (` _ INDEX -BOOK 90 1980 SUBJECT M Jan. 4-May Place, recommendation of the City Manager that „ a street light be erected ...................... 4-Moore Engineering Company, Inc., heating bond.......... 4-Meyer, Alfred J., objecting to assessment of curb and „ gutter on Kane Street ........................ .. 4-Marquette Street, 1959 Concrete Curb & Gutter Pro- ject No. 1, schedule of assrscn,o.,r~ Feb Mar. Page 7 10 18 28, 30 ~- ~, senenule of assessments ......... 4-Main Street, 1959 Boulevard Lighting Project No Bid Section N 1 1 42, 43 . , o. , Plan A, from 4th Street to 12th Street, schedule of as sessments .................. 4-Main S[reet, 1959 Boulevard Lighting project No Bid Section N 1 45 . , o. 3, Plan A, from 12th to 13th Street schedule of assessments... 4-Mich l e ........ e , M rlin P., Class "B" Beer permit No. 138 revoked ... 45, 49 .................................................................... 4-Michel, Verna D., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,,,,... 8-Miller, Earl C., granted Cigarette P 8 ~ 85 ermit .................... -Miller, Earl C., granted Class "B" Beer permit ... 1-Muir C 72 ........... , . J., objecting to improvement of Dunleith Court at this time 73 ............. .................................. 1-Mary Agard Tent, Daughters of Union V t T ~ e erans of he Civil War, requesting permission to hold Tag Days ............... ............................................................... . 1-Meyer, Alfred J., requesting approval of the division of Lot 157 L. H. Langworthys Add i 101 . nto Lots 1 and 2 and further requesting that the lots be ap- portioned for the Kan St e reet improvement.......... 1-Mellon, Maurice H. granted Class "B" Beer permit 15-Mulgrew Bruc T , 102 , ...... e . offer to purchase Lots 20, 21, 22, 27A, 28A, 30A, and 31A all in A P 110 . . Woods Ad- dition ..... .................................... .. 15-Mid-Central Heating Company, heating bond .................. 7-Miller, Mr et al r 124 128 . . , equesting some form of traffic con- trol to protect children c rossing at 13th & 14th on Elm Streets ........................ 7-Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America Inc., ~re- 156, 178 questing permission to hold their annual a r ppeal ............................................ 7-Medical Associates Realty Com 158 an the alley abutting their P y' requesting that between Main and Iowa Streets be u cedY ~~ I. res ., rf 29-Miller, James J., granted Cigarette Permit ......... 29-Miller James J , 157 .......... ., » granted Class "B" Beer permit...... 29-Miller, Ione, granted Class "B" Beer permit A ril 4 185 ~~ 185 ' p .................. -Memorial Day Committee, submittin g Plan to m 185 ~ com- emorate Memorial Da b and asign at the entra etloce c ao nc a h of ur mne „ cemeteries ......... ........... .................... 4-Milleq Charles and James, Leace and Agreement with the City of Dubuque fo t 171 r he Club house on the e o 4-Mulgrewk Florence, Notice of Claim .......................... 4-Mettel Realt & 174 ...... nedg vacation and conveyance of the east t ly f 181 er o 8 fe Heeb Street from the north line of West Seven- „ teenth Street northerl a di ~~ y stance of 38 feet...... 4-Meyer, Edward J, requesting installation of street „ light at Coates and South 182 ~~ , gate Dr ........................... 184, 4-Meltzer, Arthur et. al, relative to a drainage problem on Theda and Ever 217 I' green Drive ................................ 184, 234 ~; rp; I ~' I'~ I r.... ,. INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page M " 4-Maplewood Court, aeecptance of dedication ................ approval of plat of Blocks 6, i n bdi i 189 , v s o " 4-Marycrest Su ........ 194, 195 7, 8, 9 and 10 ........................................................ 4-Mesa Drive, acceptance of dedication ............................. rovement with concrete curb and i 195 mp " 4-Merfeld Lane, gutter from E.P.L. of Floraview to the W.P.L. of 561 Bunker Hill Road....202, 203, 245, 312, 515, 518, 557, " 4-Merfeld Lane, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Surfacing from E.P.L. of Floraview Drive to the W.P.L. of Bunker Hill Road....206, 207, 208, 209, ........................252, 255, 310, 519, 537, 549 . .................. ..... May 2--Marmora-McPoland Street Storm Sewer, surveys, plans 235 275 , ............................. and estimates .................. ................. Frank & Hattie, denial of petition for con- " 23-Mozena , demnation of certain properties in Scenic View 273 Heights No. 2 ................................................................ " 23-Maiers, Edmund et. al., requesting annexation of prop- cated in the Millville and Old Timers Road l rt o e y .. ~ Area .............................................................................. 23-Meyer, Vernon, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... granted Class "B" Beer nneth L K 291 ., e " 23-Meisenburg, 291 Permit ............................................................................ June 6-Meyer, J. J., requesting that Windsor Avenue receive i 305 ce.......... a regular scheduled street cleaning serv Mississippi View Drive, installation of street li 3h ~s " 6 - 318, ...................................... .. 368 . .............. " 20-Mulgrew Oil Company. requesting extension of sewer mains along Asbury Road to connect t er and wa up with an oil station ............................................344, 408, 424 " 20-Miller, Geo. A. et al., relative to leashes on cats as 344 well as dogs ................................................................... " 20-Mary Agard Tent No. 35, Daughters of Union Vet- 344 requesting permission to hold a tag day grans , " 20-Miller, Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 347 " 20-Meyer, Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit .................. granted Cigarette Permit .................... Earl J M " g47 ., aury, 20- " 20-Meisenburg, Kenneth L., granted Cigarette Permit.... 347 347 " 20-Michel, Merlin P., granted Cigarette Permit ................ granted Cigarette Permit l Service Club it 348 , a 20-Mercy Hosp Vernon, granted Cigarette Permit .................... " 20-Meyer 348 348 , " 20-Manternach, Gus L., granted Cigarette Permit.......... 349 " 20-Meitl, Cyril N., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ granted Cigarette Permit ................ Thelma Mardavss " 20 349 , , - " 20-Manternach, Richard J., granted Cigarette Permit...... 349 349 " 20-Miller, James J., granted Cigarette Permit .................. granted Cigarette Permit .............. Maurice H. Mellon " 20 349 , , - " 20-Marty, Milton J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 50 " 20-Miller, Ione, granted Cigazette Permit .......................... Gus L., granted Class "C" Beer Permit » 20-Manternach 351 , " 30-Miller, Earl C., granted Cigarette Permit .................... granted Cigarette Permit .............. Oil Company ti M 354 354 , n az 30- July 5-Miller, Lyle & Frank, requesting a grade on High uesting a street light at Fengler e l ff so r q ; a Blu & High Bluff Streets .................................................. 365 , 377 " 5-Miller, Frank E. & Delbert, requesting permission to 388 excavate in Flora View Drive ................................ Eldon A., granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 5-Morett 374 , " 18-Mihal, Dan J., application for posttion of Councilman 378 387 " 18-Morett, Eldon A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... Aug. 1-Martin, James C., sidewalk bond .................................... 397 391 428 " 1-Meyers, A. M., Notice of Claim ........................................ " 1-Maryville Drive, acceptance of dedication ...................... , 402 INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page M " 1-Mt. Loretta-Riker Stteet Subdivision, approval of » Sept. Plat .............................................. ................................. Meyer, Carl E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 6-Montgomer Wa d & C 403, 459 417 y r o., heating bond ...................... 6-Magnall, Richard, heating policy 424 ................ ...................... 6-Maeder, Alma M., requesting the City to deed prop- 424 erty to her which lies west and southwest between » her property and South Hill Street .......................... 6-Mt. St. Bernard Seminary, Inc, granted Cigarette Per- 430 „ " mit .................................................................................. 6-Meitl, Cyril N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit............ 19-Mulgrew Blackto In A i 436 437 p c., ss gnment to Dubuque Bank ie s Oct. ................... . 3-Mazgul u Newton LY requesting rezoning of part of 4~ Lots 1, 2 & 3 and the Nya of Lot 1 of the Sub . of Lots 438 and 439 and part of Lot 670 not in- cluded in the plat of L. H. Langworthy's Sub- divisi " on to Business Dist. Classification......458, 10-Matous, Edwazd, Notice of Claim 491, 533 Nov. " ...................................... 7-Mettille Roofing & Sheet Metal Works, heating polic 7 M 473 4 y - eyer, Carl E., requesting refund on Cigazette Per- gp mit No. 34 ............ „ ............ ... ......................................... . - eyer, Carl E., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit N 1 496 Dec. o. 13 ................ 5-Miller, Fay, granted Cigarette Permit " .............................. 5-Miller, Fay, granted Class "B" Boer permit ................ 19-Michel Verna D " 576 , ., granted Class B" Beer Permit.......... 595 i_~~y INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page N Jan. 4-Nelson, T. H., appointed City Solicitor ........................ 3 „ 4-Nelson, T. H., bond .............................................................. 9 " 4-Ninth Street, 1959 Boulevard Lighting Project No. 1, Bid Section 8, Plan A, schedule of assessments.... 45, 55 " 4-Noel, June M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 65 " 4-Neumeister, John C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 65 Feb. 1-National Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permit...... 110 " 1-National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............................................................................ 110 " 1-Nagelmaker, Carl E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 110 " 15-National Rivers and Harbors Congress, requesting the Council to appoint delegates to attend annual na- ............ . tional convention ......................................... .. .. 120 " 16-Nelson, T. H., discharged as City Solicitor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa .......................................................... 137 Mar. 7-Nagle, John A., objecting to the proposed annexation of his propertY .............................................................. 150 " 7-Nelson, Kenneth, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 33 ...................................................................... 158 May 2-National Rivers & Harbors Congress, advising the City that the harbor will be considered in Washington relative to the proposed dredging project .............. 234, 358 " 2-Nagel, Allen, requesting rezoning of Lots 5 & 6 of McCraney's Subdivision .............................................. 240, 297 " 23-Noel, Carl L., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 84 ................................................................ 285 June 20-North View Drive, report of the City Engineer con- cerning the future development of the street and the subdivision of Lot 1-1-1-1-1 of Willy Place..341, 342, 343 " 20-Nicks, Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 347 " 20-Ney, Albert J., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 347 " 20-Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, granted Cigarette Permrt ............................................................................ 348 " 20-Neumeister, John C., granted Cigarette Permit.......... 348 " 20-Noel, John E., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 348 " 20-Nacos, Mary, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 348 " 20-Ney, Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 348 " 20-National Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permit.......... 349 " 20-Nicks, Ray J., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 349 " 20-Nacos, Thomas E., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 350 " 20-Navy Club of Dubuque Ship No. 67, granted Class ,.B" Beer Permit .......................................................... 351 " 30-Nagelmaker, Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit............ 354 Aug. 1-Nicks, Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 405 " 1-Ney, Albert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 405 Sept. 6-Navy Mothers Club, requesting permission to have a tag daY ............................................................................ 430 " 3-Nacos, Mary W., granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ 405 Oct. 17-Niday, Donald, Notice of Claim ........................................ 484 Nov. 7-Nicks, Ray, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 520 Dec. 19-Nacos, Mary W., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 123 .................................................................... 586 " 19-Nacos, Mary W., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 131 .............................................................. 586 " 18-Neumeister, John, granted Class "C" Beer Permit.... 595 " 29-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., submitting Iowa State Highway Commission application for ap- proval of underground construction of cable on Central Avenue from 28th Street to 32nd Street.... 599 " 29-Ninth Street (East) Extension, established .................... 801 i i r`~; INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Pagt O Jan. 4-O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt & Brooks, retained to make audit of the City for 1959 " ................................ 4-Ohnesorge, Nellie, Claim denied 5, 379 ...................................... " 4-Ordinance No. 70-59. An Ordinance Amending and 11 Changing the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by Or- dinance No. 3-34, designated the. Zoning Ordi- nance, so as to change the herein described area from Two Family Residence Classifi ti ca on to Mul- tiple Family Residence District Classification.... 4 12 13 -Ordinance No. 71-59. An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City Of Dub , uque by Re- pealing Sub Section "j" of Section 1 of Article 4 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque and Enacting Substitutes therefo re to authorize Additional uses in the Multiple Residence District 13 4-Ordinance No. 1~0. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 33--49, Known as the Traffic Cod q of the City of Dubuque by adding a new Section 87 to Schedule VI thereof ............................. " 4-Ordinance No. 2-00. An Ordinance Widening Wood- 14 lawn Street to include Lot 10 of Strubs Sub division ......... ................................ " 4-Ordinance No. 3-00. An Ordinance Providing for the 15 . vacation of Primose Street from the east line of Davenport Street, easterly to the west line of L t o 2 of Lot 9 of G. R. West's Dubuque and for the conveyance of the City's interest therein .............. " 4-Ohio Avenue, 1959 Concrete Curb & Gutter P 16, 97 roject No. 1, schedule of assessments ..........................17, ~~ 4-Olsen, William H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 27, 30 ...... 8-Ordinance No. 4--60. An Ordinance allocating and making a ro i ti 65 pp pr a ons of tax levies and other Government in the City of Dubuque for the fiscal , yeaz beginning January 1, 1900 and ending De- cember 31, 1960 and authorizing certain t ransfer of funds .............. ............... ., ............................................. 8-Oliver, William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit " 68 ........ 13-O'Meara, Donald K., relative to a water drainage problem ................ 73 ........................... Feb. 1-Ordinance No. 5-60. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- 74 nance No. 689 by Repealing Section 4 thereof and Enacting a Substitut th e erefor ........................ " 1-Ordinance No. 8-_80. An Ordinance Vacating the Alley between Lot 5 of F i i g8 a rv ew Subdivision on the east and hots 14 and 15 in Morgan's Subdivi - sion on the west providing for the Conveyance thereof ............... ............................................... " 1-Oeth, Arthur H., requesting a quit claim deed to Lot 1 of 8 of M. Walter's Sub 99' 154 .................................... 1 " 1-O'Neill, William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit " 01, 130 .......... 15-Ordinance No. 7~0. An Ordinance Accepting the Conveynace of Lot 11 in Block 1 " 110 of Henschel's Highlands Subdivision" in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque Count Iow y, a, and Widening Kelly Lane to include the same ........ ............ 15-Ordinance No. 8-80. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- 129 ~- nance No. 7~7 by Repealing Section No. 7.4.10 and enacting a substitute therefor ...................... 130 i e oc INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page O " 15-Ordinance No. 9-E0. An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Quit Claim Deed to Arthur H. Oeth releasing all right in the triangle parcel of land lying east of Lot 8 of M. Walter's Addition and designated Proposed Street Development on the original plat reserving the right for sanitary sewer .............................................................................. 130, 131 " 15-Ordinance No. 100. An Ordinance vacating the east- erly 8 feet of Heeb Street from the north line of West Seventeenth Street northerly a distance of 36 feet ............................................................................ 131, 182 " 29-O'Meara, Gerald P., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 144 " 29-O'Meara, Gerald P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 144 Mar. 7-O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks, audit of the City Water Department for the year 1959 .............. 152 " 7-Ordinance No. 110. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, by adding a new Section 88 to Schedule VI thereof 155 " 7-Ordinace No. 120. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, by adding a new subsection 4 to Schedule III, Section C thereof .......................... 155 " 29-Averpass, preliminary design of the Pedestrian over- pass across Highway No. 20 from Marion Street to St. Joseph Street .................................................... 168 April 4-Ordinance No. 13-60. An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque by re- pealing Section 1 Article VA Local Business Dis- trict A of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque and enacting a substitute therefore to authorize additional uses in the Local Business District A ........................................................................ 183, 237 " 4-Ordinance No. 14-00. An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque by re- pealing Section 1 Article VB Local Business Dis- trict B of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Du- buque and enacting a substitute therefore to au- thorize uses in the Local Business District B........ 183, 238 " 4-Oeths Subdivision, approval of plat of A. H. Oeth Place 190, 191 " 4-Ohio Avenue, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Surfacing from S.P.L. of Pennsylvania Avenue to N.P.L. of Blinois Avenue ..........................206, 207, ............205, 209, 252, 253, 254, 255, 310, 311, 537, 546 " 18-Ordinance No. 15-00. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing sub- section a of Section 1 of Schedule 1 thereof, and adding a new subsection a of Section 1 of Schedule 1 thereof ...................................................... 222 " 18-Ordinance No. 16-60. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 339 known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding subsection b to Section 2 of Schedule 1 thereof ..................... 223 " 18--Ordinance No. 17-60. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33--49 known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing sub- section h of Section 1 of Schedule I thereof........ 223 " 18-Ordiance No. 180. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 35-51 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing section 4 thereof and substituting a new section 4 in lieu thereof ................................ 229 i inim n X I INDEX -BOOK 90 1980 SUBJECT ' Page O May 2-Ordinance No. 19-00. An ordinance amending Ordi- n ance No. 20-58, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 1 there f o and adding a new Section 1 thereto ........... ............... .. ................................ 2-Ordinance No. 20--60. An Ordinance accepting certain 238 conveyances of real estate for the extension of North Grandview Avenue and establishing a Public street thereon ... ........................... 239 2-Oeth, Arthur H., requesting excavation permit.......... 240, 280 18-Ordinance No. 21-60 An Ordi . nance Authorizing L. R. " na r S 1 a t 23-Ordi nce No. 2-60. An Ordinnce Granting to DUt c 261 Su cessors and Assigns the Rightgto'guild~and Maintain an Overpass Across S ycamore Street at a Point Proximately 246 Feet from the South Side of Said Overpass to the N t or h Cutb of Six- teenth Street ........... ................................... " 23-Ordinance No. 230, An Ordinance fixing and estab- lishing controlled-access faciliti 277 es and regulation of traffic on the primary road No. U.S. 52 within the City of Dubu ue I q , owa, from the south line of East 20th Street to the north line of East 32nd Street ................. ... .......................................................... ' 23-Ordinance No. 24-60. An Ordinance amending Ordi- 278 nance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque b ddi , y a ng a new sub- section ii to Section 2 of Schedule IV thereof " ...... 23-Ordinance No. 25-60. An Ordinance repealing Ordi- 27g nance No. 20-60 of the. City of Dubuque, Iowa.... 23-Ordinance No. 26-60. An Ordinance accepting cer- 2g0 tain conveyances of real estate for the extension of North Grandview Avenue a d . n establishing a public street thereon .... ....................... " 23-Ordinance No. 27-60. ?.n Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of th Cit 280 e y of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34 desig- t d " na e Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque Iowa" , so as to provide zoning classification for the area annexed to the City of Dub uque by reso- lution adopted May 2 1960 , ...................................... 281, 23-Ordinance No. 28-60. An Ordinance amending Zon- 328 MapOand Zoning oOrdman n f~ s i Du ce o the C ty of buque, so as to classify the herein described property to Local Business Di t i s r ct B .................... 282, " 23-Ordinance No. 29---G0. An Ordinance amending Zon- i 329 ng Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning May and Zoning Ordinance of th i e C ty of Du- buque so as to classify the herein described prop- erty as Local Business Distri t c A .......................... 283, June 6-Ordinance No. 30-60. Aa Ordinance amending Ordi- 330 nance No. 33--49 known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque by repeali ng subsection as of Section 2 of Schedule IV thereof .................... " 8-Ordinance No. 31-60. An Ordinance amending Ordi- 3gg nance. No. 33-49 known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque by repealing s ti ec on hh of Schedule VI and adding a new section hh thereof 300 I j. I I I~ 1960 INDEX -BOOK 90 SUBJECT O Page " 6-Ordinance No. 32--60. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque by repealing Section 60 and Section 61 of Schedule VI thereof and adding a new Section 60 and 61 thereto ............................ 301 " 6-Ordinance No. 33-60. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque by adding a new subsection 4 to Section C of Schedule % thereof .................... 301 " 6-Ordinance No. 340. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 61-57 by repealing Section 5 and Section 5A thereof and adding a new section 5 and 5A thereto .............................................................. 302 " 8-Ordinance No. 35-60. An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque so as to change certain property hereinafter described from Single Family Residence District Classifica- tion to Multiple Residence District Classification 303, 361 " 6-Ordinance No. 36-60. An Ordinance amending and changing t he zoning map of the City of Du- buque so as to change certain property herein- after described from Single Family Residence District Classification to Two Family Residence District Classification ..........................................303 304, 362 " 6-Ordinance No. 37-60. An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Du- buque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, desig- nated Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque so as to change certain property hereinafter described from Single Family Residence District Classification to Two Family Residence District Classification ................................................................ 304, 363 " 6-Ordinance No. 38-60. An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning MaR of the City of Du- buque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, desig- nated Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque so as to change certain property hereinafter described from Single Family Residence District classification to Local Business District A classi- fication ..................................................................305, 363, 364 " 20-Ordinance No. 390. An Ordinance vacating of alley located between Stoltz Street and Saunders Street .............................................................................. 327, 369 " 20-Ordinance No. 400. An Ordinance granting to Plastic Center Inc., its successors and assigns the right to build and maintain a projecting addi- tion on the east side of their building at 880 Locust Street located on City Lots 148 and 149, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa .................................... 327 " 20-Ordinance No. 410. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of the alley lying between Garfield Avenue and Peosta Street from the north line of Farley Street northeasterly a distance of 100 feet in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and for the convey- ance of the City's interest therein ............................ 331, 379 " 20-Ordinance No. 42-60. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Adeline Street from a point on the centerline of Adeline Street being 450.5 feet, more or less, east of the east property line of Ramona Street eastward a distance of 112 feet 332 ,r - si ~' '[ ` ' 1 +. INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT - _ - _ _- - Page O " 20-Ordinance No. 43-60. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Boyer Street f rom the end of existing curb to the, east property line of North Grand- " A n ............................. 20-Ordina ce Non 44 E60e An ordinance establishing a grade on Burlington Str t 333 ee from a point 120 feet south of the south property line of Primrose Street to the . west property line of Muscatine " •• 20-Ordinance No. 45 --6p ~~An••Ordinance establishing a grade on Fillmore Street fro 333 m the west prop- erty line of Adair Street to the east property " f n 20-Ordinance No~ 46 Bp •~ AneOrdinance establishing a grade on Gordo D 334 n rive, from station 21+59 Theda Drive equals 0+00 Gordon Drive to the „ centerline of Kaufm ann Avenue .......................... 20-Ordinance No. 47-60. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Greenfield St 335 reet on the east side from the north property line of Kaufmann Avenue „ northerly 265 7 feet t . o the end of street............ 20-Ordinance No. 48---60. An Ordinance establi hi d •~ 335 s gra ng a e on Greenwood Court from the west prop- t e c t of 559.6 feet ~nd on MaplewoodtConrtafromath west d en e of Greenwood Court southeasterly a " c 6 e 20-Ordinance .......................... No~ 49 ~Of MOrdinance establishing a l 336 „ ine of Carter Road west for a distancesof 270 feet 20-Ordinance No 50-60 A . . n Ordinance establishing a grade on Merfeld Lane from the west property line of Bunker Hill 337 Road to the east property „ line of Floraview Drive ................ 20-Ordinance No. 51-60. An Ordinance establishing a •~ grad n M in t 337 n~ b Westerlyea of d st nce of 62 feeta 20-Ordinance No 52- ~0 33 • . - . An Ordinance establishing a grade on New Haven Street from the north ert li 8 y prop- ne of Mineral Street to the east property line of Prysi Street ' ....................... 20-Ordinance No. 53--60. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Robin Street f 338 rom the west property " 20-OrdinancefN g54~6 n n r e o. 0 A O di ance etablishing~a grade on Saunders Street from the existi 339 ng curb and gutter to the west property line of Lemon St. 20-Ordinance No. 550. An Ordinance establi hi 339 s ng a grade on Theda Drive from the centerline of Kaufmann Avenue to a oint p southerly fora dis- tance of 1793.5 feet and extended to Gordon Drive .... .............................................. ... .. ' 20-O'Connor, Thomas, McDermott & Wright, submitting offer on behalf of Wahlert Hi 340 gh School, of Lot 2 of 1 of "St. Mary's Place" to the City of Du- " e luW p 20-Ohm r ayne He et. alr requesting rezonin g of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 in Clar 342 „ ence Polfer Place .............. 345, 20-Oeschger, Thomas A., granted Cigarette Permit...... 20-O'Meara Gerald P 392 347 , . granted Cigazette Permit .............. 20-Olsen, William H., granted Cigarette Permit,..,.... 20-Oliver Willi 34 , am, granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 20-O'Mara, Helen, granted Cigarette Permit 8 348 .................. 349 l~ INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT O I igarette Permit .................... ' 20-O'Neill, William, granted C ~ ; 20-Oliver, William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 30-O'Meara, Louis, granted Class "C" Beer Permit.......... July 5-Ordinance No. 560. An Ordinance repealing Ordi- nance No. 46--59 which amended Ordinance No. 8-58 by repealing Schedule I of Section 1 thereof and enacting a substitute therefor .......................... " 5-Ordinance No. 570. An Ordinance vacating the alley located to the rear of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 t and Lot 1 of 1 of the Subdivision of City Lots 730 and Lot 1 of Union Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which alley is platted and to be hereafter known and described as Lot A of City Lot 730 and Lot 1 of Union Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa .......................................................... Aug. 1-Ordinance No. 58-60. An Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque by repealing Section 3 of Article 2 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque and enacting substitutes therefore to establish side yard re• quirements in the Single Family Residence Dis- trict ................................................................................ " 1-Ordinance No. 590. An Ordinance granting Harold J. Saeugling the right to construct a sanitary Sewer in the first alley west of Kane Street from Kaufmann Avenue to Lot 12 of Lots 164 and 166A of L. H. Langworthy's Addition.......... " 1-Ordinance No. 60-60. An Ordinance granting Hill- q crest Builders Inc. the right to build a trunk line sewer from a point in Pennsylvania Avenue which is 490 feet west of the City Limits of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, northwesterly to the premises known as Key Knoll's Subdivision and upon com- pletion of same granting a hookup charge and providing for the terms and conditions of the grant herein made ........................................................ " 1-Ordinance No. 610. An Ordinance Granting Hill- crest Builders Inc. the right to construct Sanitary Sewers and Water Mains in the following streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Key Way, Richie Drive, Lea Lane and Key Corners; and Providing the Terms and Conditions Thereof ........................ " 15-Ordinance No. 62-60. An Ordinance Granting Blinois ~''~, Central Railroad Company, its Successors and ~ Assigns, the right to cross East First Street and ' Water Street with an Industry Track and Pre- I scribing Terms and Conditions .................................. " 15-Ordinance No. 630. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque by add- ing anew Section 89, a new Section 90, and a ' ', new Section 91 to Schedule VI thereof .............. ' ' 15-Oeth, Irvin A., appointed to the Dock Commission ~' Sept. 6-Oeth, Irvin A., submitting resignation as member '~' of Planning and Zoning Commission and the I Board of Adjustment .................................................. " 6-O'Neill Heating Company, heating bond ........................ '~ 6-Oeschger, Thomas, granted Class "C" Beer Permit...... ~ „ 19-Ordinance No. 64--60. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33--j19 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, ~~ ~ ' by adding a new Section 92, by adding a new ~ p Section 93, by adding a new Section 94 to i Schedule VI thereof .................................................... Page 350 350 355 364 380 393, 429 394 395 396 410 411 418, 526 421 424 437 443 INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page 443 444 444 458 457 459 459 467 468 473 474 480 s Hess istriM Classification.......... 491, 533 „ O 19-Ordinance No. 65-60. An Ordinance amending Ordi- Hance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new Subsection it and a new Sub• " 19-Ordinantce No? 66-60t1An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new Section as a new Section bb and ' 19-Ordinance No.t67-8pt~cOrdinance establ shing the Voting Precinct for Certain Annexed Territory Oct. 3-Ordinance Not68-60uAn Ordinance ~~~~~~~~~~~ Henschel the right to construct ~sanitar y sewer in an alley from Sullivan Street to Lorimer Street and providing the terms and conditions „ thereof .......................................................................... 3-O'Toole, Thomas P. et. al., residents of Devon Drive, requesting that the City try to alleviate some of the traffic on Devon Drive by creating another street to take care of traffic from University „ Avenue to Highway No. 20 ........................... 3-Oliver, William, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 82 .................... " 3-Oliver, William, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 141 .................. 7-Ordinance No. 69-60. An Ordinance Granting Hill- crest Builders Inc. the right to construct Concrete Pavement with Integral Curb in Key Way, Richie Drive, Lea Lane and Key Corners; and the right to construct curb and gutter on the north side of Pennsylvania Avenue adjoining Key Knolls Sub- division in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ................ " 7-Ordinance No. 70-60. An Ordinance granting Hill- crest Builders Inc. the right to construct concrete sidewalks in Key Way from Pennsylvania Ave. to Keymont, Richie Drive from Pennsylvania Ave. to Key Corners, Lea Lane from Pennsylvania Ave. to Key Corners, and Key Corners from Richie Drive to t5ewest end of Lot 15, Block 4, in Key " 10-OrdinancesNo.b71v-s60nAn Ordinlance amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new Section 95 to Schedule VI thereof ........................................... " 10-Ordinance No. 72-80. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33--49 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding the intersection of North Grandview Avenue and Clarke Drive to Section F of Schedule III thereof ....................................... 17-Ordinance No. 73-0. An Ordinance authorizing the issuance of $970,000 Sewer Bonds and providing Nov. ~. 7-OrdfnanceeNo~ 704-80 oAn Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map and the Zoning Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by Ordinance. No. 3-34, designated the Zoning Ordinance so as to change the westerly 100' of Lots 1, 2 and 3 in L. H. Langworthy's Addition to the City of Dubuque, and the westerly 100• of the north one-half of Lot 1 of the Subdivision of City Lots 438 and 439 and that part of City Lot 676 not included in the plat of L. H. Lang- worthy's Subdivision from Two Family Residence District to Bu i D' INDEX -BOOK 90 1980 SUBJECT Page O " 7-Ordinance No. 75-60. An Ordinance fixing and estab- lishing controlled-access facilities and regulations of traffic on the Primary Road No. 20 within the City of Dubuque, Iowa ........................................ 493 " 7-Oberhoffer, Joseph F., granted Cigarette Permit...... 520 " 7-Oberhoffer, Joseph F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 520 Dec. 5-Ordinance No. 76-60. An Ordinance granting to Caradco, a corporation doing business in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, its successors and assigns, the right to erect and maintain an overhead pipe line, over and across Jackson Street between 9th and 10th Streets, over and across the intersection of Washington and 10th Streets and over and across Elm Street and Washington Street, at 11th Street and over and across the alley running par- allel to Washington Street between 11th and 12th Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.......... 532 " 5-Ordinance No. 77-60. An Ordinance granting the Du- buque Boat Club the right to construct a Sanitary Sewer in Front Street from the existing Sanitary Sewer abutting Lot No. 342 of Ham's Addition, to Lot 356 of Ham's Addition ........................................ 534 " 5-Ordinance No.78~0. An Ordinance amending budget as approved by Resolution No. 1879 and Ordi- nance No. 4-60 ............................................................ 575, 587 " 5-Olsen, William H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 577 " 5-O'Mara, Helen, granted Class "C" Beer Permit........ 577 " 5-Ordinance No. 78-60. An Ordinance amending budget as approved by Resolution No. 186-59 and Ordi- nance No. 4-60 ............................................................ 579, 597 " 12-O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt & Brooks, retained to make audit of the City of Dubuque for 1960...... 579 " 19-0'Hea Subdivision, approval of plat .............................. 588, 802 " 19-Ordinance No. 800. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Crissy Drive from the north property line of Asbury Road to the south property line of Kaufmann Avenue ...................... .......................... 588 " 19-Ordinance No. 810. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Karen Road from the west property line of Evergreen Drive westerly to the center line of Theda Drive .............................................................. 589 " 19-Ordinance No. 820. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Kaufmann Avenue from the east prop- erty line of the Old Timers Road easterly for a distance of 1322 feet .............................................. 589 " 19-Ordinance No. 53-60. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Kaufmann Avenue from the east prop- erty line of Clarence Arlen Place westerly for a distance of 650 feet .................................................... 590 " 19-Ordinance No. 84--60. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Martin Drive from the center line of Kaufmann Avenue to a point southerly a distance of 1,060 feet .................................................................. 590 " 19-Ordinance No. 55-60. An ordinance establishing a grade on Scenic View Drive from the south prop- erty line of Kane Street to a point 78 feet east of the east property line of Tina Ridge ...................... 591 " 19-Ordinance No. 86-60. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Schiltz Court from the east property line of Scenic View Drive to the end of the street 592 v 1960 INDEX -BOOK 90 SUBJECT O 19-Ordinance No. 87-60. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Trygg Drive from the center line of Kaufmann Avenue, southerly to the center line ............................... " 29-OrdinanceeNo. 881-v--Q60. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 13-58 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new paragraph to Section 3 thereof, by repealing Section 6 thereof, by enacting a new Section 6 in lieu thereof (Going Out of Business „ Sales) .............. ......................................... -Ordinance No. 89---60. An Ordinance ~~establishing certain parcels of real estate and establishing and „ naming public streets ...................... 29-Ordinance No. 90-80. An Ordinance accepting~~the conveyance of Lot 2 of Lot 9 of Block 5 of Scenic View Heights No. 2 in the City of Dubuque and establishing the same as a public street ................ Page 592 600 601 607 G i fI a e r INDEX -BOOK 90 ~ , INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page !~- _.. ~.° 1960 SUBJECT P Page Jan. 4-Platt, Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 64 ~~ P 4-Platt, Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 65 4-Parking Lots, improvement with Bitumin Feb. 1-Planning & Zoning Commission, agreeing to partici- ous Concrete Surfacing of parking lot on Central betwee 1 , & ' pate in the cost of the aerial mapping of the city n . 2th ; ` 13th Streets; parking lot at 11th & Bl ff " and portion of the county .......................................... 1-Pline, Ronald R., Notice of Claim .................................. 92 96 u Streets ~ 206, 207, 208, 209, 252, 253, 254, 255, 310, 311, •~..................... " " 1-Pfiffner, Helen T., Notice of Claim .................... ..... ....... 9B, 219 .. ...................... i ,: 18-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permi 5 ta' i 518, 537 1-Porter Hugh, objecting to proposed improvement of McClain Street ~ ss on i ,; exc~vate in Arrowhead Drive ....................... 18-Plamm~ & Z i ~ - ~ " ............................................................. 1-Purcell, Marjorie A., objecting to proposed surfacing " .. .. on ng Commission, a • •" PProval of plat of ..' Blocks 1$ 13 and 14 in Steger H h 225 " of Austin Place ............................................................ 1-Pitz, Louise, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 100 eig Ma ts ............... Y 2-pfohl Eldon A., commumcahon relative to sewer ' bonds as 227 No. 48 .............................................................................. 131 ~ „ , sessments etc ................ ` 23-Peo les Natural Gas, submrttm ................................ P ~ ~ g their o e ti ~ 233 Mar. 7-Path Company Inc., correction of insurance policy.... 156 Pra ng m- :-: come statement for 1959 ' April 4-Pfohl, Eldon A., submitting suggestions as to the .............. 23-Parkin L ~ ~•~~~~ • - ~ ~ ~ .. "~ lotgb of Ordinance amended to designate each 263 aPPOintment of a City Manager .............................. 4-Police & Fire Retirement Systems, actuarial valuation 170 23-Planning & Zoniner............:....~~~•""""""""""•~~•~••~~-•~~~~~~~~~•-~ ,; g Commission, recommendi 272, 302 " submitted by Haight, Davis & Haight Inc ............... 171 ng denial P of etition of Frank & Hattie Mozena requestin _ condemnati 4-Powers, Emily, correction of assessment on the pre- i i on of certain properties in Scenic - View Heights N l m nary schedule for the improvement of North Grandview Avenue with Concrete Curb and Gutter 177 217 o. 2 ...................................................... ~ 23-Palm, Kenneth, sidewalk bond 273 >, 4-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial f titi f J id h C S h t hi , ................... ~-- 23-Pfohl, Eldon A., ............... _~" regulatin a Protesting a proposed ordinance g lectri i " " 275 o pe on o osep . c ne er o rezone s c ans and electrical contractors { ' June 6-Peters property on Central Ave. to Local Business Dis- en, Carl W., objecting to proposed " 28g trict B Classification ........................ ... .. ' """""""""" 179 construction ~' y of Algona Street Overpass " 4-Planning & Zoning Commission, submitting report of ......................... .......... ~ ~ ~ ••~~ 6-Plastic Center Inc. & Fischer Investment Co 293' 297 i investigation of plats filed by Paul Schmitt of ., request- ng Permission to extend their building L t 8 subdivisions located at Kerrigan Road and Belle- _ a 80 ocust Street into the alley a distance of " vue Road .......................................................................... 4-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of location 179 a .: mately three feet............. PProxi- 6-Pro er q .................................. .... 306, 327 P ty owners re aired to make con of County Road Extension of the Old Timers Road nections from sewer water and gas mains to curb line i d from Asbury Street to Pennsylvania Avenue and nclu on streets ed in the City of Dubuque 1960 H H County Road Extension from Center Grove to ot Mix- ot Laid Asphaltic Surfacing and Bitumino C t " Rockdale ............................. .......................................... 4-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending that 180 re us Con- e Surfacing Projects, prior to June 25, 1960 6-Plannin - g & Zoning Commi i 316 , Art. 5A be amended so that a cafeteria, cafe . ss on, a pproval of lot of P ,• -. Lloyd's Subdivision or restaurant be permitted in a Local Business A District .............. ~. 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, appr "' oval of plat of Kehl Plac 317 " ........................................................................ 4-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of 183, 238 e .......................................... 20-Planning &Zonin '. g Commission 319 Block 15, Green Acres Sub ................................. 188 , approval of plat of „ McMahon Place " 4-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of .............................................................. 20-Platt, Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit ~"' 20-Paul Cl t 348 Lot 1 of Sub. of M.L. 484, Lot 2 of Sub. of M.L. 484 L t y, ...................... e us N., granted Cigarette Permit „ 20-page Joh P 347 , o 1 of Sub. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of M.L. 483, Lot 2 of Sub. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 , ................ n ., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 20-golfer, Joseph S., granted Cigarette P 20 348 348 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of M.L. 483, Lot 3 of Sub. of Lot ermit ................. -Pusateri, Michael F. & Gus, granted Cigazette P ~~~( 20-Potterv ld 348 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of M.L. 483, Lot 4 of Sub. of Iot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of M.L. 483, e ermit , Fred C. & Winifred S, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 348 in Table Mound Township, Dubuque County, Iowa 189, 190 .................................. ......................... ~, ~ 20-Poulos, Andrew, granted Cigarette Permit 20-Paul Cl 349 „ 4-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat f A H y, ................... etus N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 30-Po uett Mi 349 " o . . Oeth Place ...................................................... 4 Pl i 190, 191 ...... q e, llard, granted Cigarette Permit...... I 30-Poquett Mi 350 - ann ng & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of S i H i .......... e, llard, granted Class "B" Beer per Jul it 5 p 354 unr se e ghts Subdivision ...................................... 192, 193 y m - ...... lanning & Zoning Commissi 355 " 4-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of on, approval of Plat of Skemp Subdivision Blacks 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Marycrest Subdivision 194, 195 ......................... g• 1-Planning &Zonin ~ " ~~"""""""~~•~~•~•~~•~ g Commi u 368 " 4-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of ssion, recommending that the Zonin g Ordinance be amended to re i t Key Knolls Subdivision ............................199, 200, 231, 281 qu went re only { Y Per cent of the width of the ]ot b d " 4-Pennsylvania Avenue, improvement with Bituminous from E nc t Surfacin P L f L C t 1 f E~h e quue for aggregate side yard when used for at- tacked garage or C re e g . . . o o o o „ arport ............................. 1-Pl i 3 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of John P. Mettel's f B i l L ....... ann 93' ng & Zoning Commission, a " •~~~~• Block 1 l 429 r sto Sub. to W.P.L. o ane............208, 207, s • , 2, 3 and 4 of Scenic View Heightp N 1 ........208, 209, 252, 253, 254, 255, 310, 311, 537, 542 o. 3 -Planning & Zoning Commi i 402 ss on, approval of plat of Mt. Loretta-Riker Street Subdivi i s on ........................ 403 @i ~- 1960 INDEX -BOOK 90 SUBJECT Page P Sept. 6-Powers, Joseph M., heating bond .................................... 424 " 6-Primrose Street, installation of street light recom- mended by City Manager ............................................ 423 ~ ,': " 6-Pusateri, Michael F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 437 " 6-Pusateri, Gus and Michael F., granted Class "C" Beer tt .v: Permit ............................................................................ 437 f r " 19-Puth Company Inc., heating bond .............. 441 ` ~ Oct. 3-Peoples Natural Gas Co, requesting permission to . excavate in a ten year street .................................... 458 " 3-Pusateri, Michael F., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 465 Nov. 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition of Ralph Berendes ................................ 491 " 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of Vine Street (Burns Street Steps), as requested by Rainbo Oil Company ............................ 492 " 21-Patrick, J. W. et. al., relative to parking on Bluff Street .............................................................................. 524 Dec. 5-Pregler, Raymond 0. and Muriel L., removal of assess- ment for improvement of Grandview Avenue Ex- tension ............................................................................ 529 " 5-Powers, Philip A., requesting rezoning of property on Old Timers Road ...................................................... 535 " 5-Paisley, George et. al., requesting annexation to the City of Dubuque .............................................. ........ 536 ~ " 5-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of '., - Barony Woods Subdivision ........................................ I 575 ~: " 19-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plats of . Water Level Subdivision and O'Hea Subdivision 588 ~~ " 19-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of prelimin- !" ` ary plat of St. George Street Subdivision ................ 586 ~ ~ " 19-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of - Block 3 in "Scenic Heights" in Section 15, Du- buque Township, Dubuque County, Iowa .............. 594 ' " 19-Platt, Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit............ 595 29-Purina Drive, established .................................................. 801 " 29-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Block 14 in River Front Subdivision No. 3.......... 604 j ;:' 1960 INDEX -BOOK 90 SUBJECT R Tan. 4-Russo, R. N., appointe 4-Rockdale Road, recomn 4-Roling, s Gilbert~g sidewe 4 R d 7 - an all Place, petitions of property owners objecting 10 „ to changing name of street to Country Club Drive 4-Robin Street petition of property owners requesting 15 surfacing, curb and gutter and water, and open- ing of street for a distance of approximately „ 285 feet ...................... „ 4-Robinson, Ruth, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 18 8-Recreation Commission, authorized to expend some 64 of the $27,000 in their budget .................................. Feb. 1-Retail Merchants Bureau, requestin ~ „ Service Associates be a place to a that Utility 1-Roedell, Stella, objecting to the p Y parking fines 101 levy against Lot 4 of M.L. 6 forthe construction of Southern Avenue sewer ........................................ 108, 115 29-Russo, R. N., appointed City Solicitor ............................ 29-Rafoth Heating & Sheet Metal, heating bond ................ 1~ Mar. 7-Russo, Romulo N., bond ............................. April 4-Recreation Commission, requesting ••'"'°"' 152 use $284,395 paid by Sears RoebuckeCompany so they can proceed with the purchase of property „ for recreation purposes .............. 4-Rink, James J., cancellation of sidewalk bond .............. 184' igg " 9-Richard, Andrew, approval of plat of Sunrise Heights .................. ...192, 193, 226 4-Robin Street, improvement with • concrete • curb and gutter from W.P.L. of English Lane to the west end of street..202, 203, 245, 240, 247, 312, 515, .................................................. " 4-Robin Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete 557, 580 End aof Streem...206, L207, 2081is 209an 252, 2531 516, 517 4-Raymond Place, improvement with Bituminous Con- crete Surfacing from S.P.L. of Maiden Lane to N.P.L. of Fenelon P1ace........206, 207, 208, 209, • ~•~~~••~••~~•~~~..........252, 253, 254, 255, 310, 311, 537, 551 18-Rahloff, Barbara, requesting suspension of taxes...... 224, 234 May 2-Rafoth, Russell L., heating bond ..................... " 2-Rommel, Elmer, requesting vacation and conveyance 235 of the alley in rear of lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 1 of 1 of Sub. of City Lots 730 and Lot 1 of Union Addition ................................240, 325, 380, 381, 413, 414 " 2-Recreation Commission granted approval for sale of Lot 2 of 1 of Sub. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of ............... 23-Ralst n Purina'Company submitG'nlaca "........... 242 posed construction of warehouse andt requesting water for the same ....................................................... 283, 297 " 23-Retail Merchants Bureau, submitting resolution request- ing the Council to advise them of the overall city wide parking Plan ........................ " 23-Richard Construction Company, sidewalk bond............ 264 23-Recreation Commission, requesting meetin 275 Council for some plan on the relocation of Raf- ferty softball fields ....................... „ 28-Ricke, Cloetta S., ............................... 285 granted Class "B" Beer permit.... 291 ~ - _ _. Page Judge .................. 3 of City Manager that INDEX -BOOK 90 1900 SUBJECT Page R June fi-Recreation Commission, suggesting that $284,359 paid by Sears Roebuck should be set up in a trust and agency fund for the development of a recrea- " tional Program ............................................................. F-Ready, Robert P., objecting to the condition of Ash- 297 ton Street ........................................................................ 305 " John F. & Mary E., requesting that a fence be (~Roshon , erected around a city owned lot at 14th & Maple Streets ........................................................................... 306, 423 " 0-Robey, Ray et. al., requesting that parking be pro- hibited on the north side of McCormick Street from Bennett to University ................................307, 325, 411 " 6-River Ridge, installation of street lights ................317, 318, 300 " 20-Retail Merchants Bureau, requesting the Council to urge the 1961 Legislature to consider Daylight Saving Time ................................................................... 344 " 20-Rietjen, Donald, et. al., requesting correction of era Sion of ditch leading to the catch basin at West 32nd Street .................................................................... 344 " 20-Roshek Brothers Company, granted Cigarette Permit 346 " 20-Rawson, Thomas J., granted Cigarette Permit............ 347 " 20-Randle, Fred N. & Vada G., granted Cigarette Permit 348 " 20-Richman, LeRoy G., granted Cigazette Permit............ 348 " 20-Riverside Bowl, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 348 " 20-Ring, Louis A., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 348 " 20-Reisdorf, Joseph, granted Cigazette. Permit ................ 348 " 20-Ruegnitz, R. S., granted Cigazette Permit ...................... 349 " 20-Rink, Richard G., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 349 " 20-Roeder, Marcella Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit...... 350 " 20-Radetzki, Hazel, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 350 " 20-Robinson, Ruth, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 350 " 20-Rawson, Thomas J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 350 " 30-Ragatz, George Jr., granted Cigazette Permit .............. 354 " 30-Ricke, Cloetta L., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 354 Aug. 15-Reichter, Joseph, Notice of Claim ................................ 410 " 15-Ralston Purina Co., requesting that the proposed street in front of their plant be called Purina Drive .............................................................................. 412, 601 " 15-Riesselman, Richard et. al., requesting street lights at Sabula & Davenport Streets and Primrose and Davenport Streets ........................................................ 412, 423 " 15-Riker Street, petitions for and against the extension of Riker Street to Rush Street .................................. 412 Sept. 6-Radloff, Harry F. et. al., requesting the extension of no parking on the north side of Bennett Street ....................................................................................431, 452, 473 " f~Ralston Purina Co., submitting track agreements with the Chicago Great Western Railway Co. and re- questing execution of same ........................................ 431 " 6-Richman, LeRoy G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 437 " 6-Riverside Bowl, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 437 " 19-Rainbo Oil Company, requesting the vacation of a portion of Vine Street Bums Street Steps) along their property known as Lots 1, 2 & 3 of the Sub. of Lots 14 & 15 of Bush's Subdivision..........446, 492, 529 " 19-Reisdorf, Joseph, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 449 Sept. 10-Roth, Joseph J., Notice of Claim ........................................ 473 " 10-Roling, Gilbert, Notice of Claim ...................................... 473 Nov. 7-Reuter, Joseph J., heating bond ........................................ 490 " 7-Richeson Excavating, excavation policy .......................... 490 " 7-Ryan, Walter C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 521 ~a~: '' ~. ate.- I) INDEX-BOOK 90 1980 SUBJECT Page R Dec. 5-Roling, Gilbert F., sidewalk bond ...................... " 5-Retail Merchants Bureau, submittin "' 531 „ ments relative to "Going Out of BusinessaSales" 5-Roeder, Marcella granted Class "B" Beer permit...... ~4' 600 12-Rabe, Francis R,~granted Class "C" Beer permit.......... 577 " 19-Recreation Commission, favoring the purchase of six 582 " 29-RiverfrontoS bdlvisionbNo.g3 gato Dale B. Wiegand 5 Block 14 ..................................... pproval of plat of INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page S Jan. 4-Schaller, Louis, sworn in as Councilman ...................... 1 " 4-Schreiber, John P., sworn in as Councilman .............. 1 " 4-Schiltz, L. J., appointed City Manager ............................ 3 „ 4-Schiltz, L. J. bond .............................................................. 9 " 4-Spielman, Charles, relative to an alley behind his property on Bennett Street ........................................ 10 " 4~chromen, Margaret, Claim denied .................................. 11 " 4---Solberg, Oscar et. al., objecting to changing the name of Randall Place to Country Club Drive .................. 15, 16 " 4~mith, Maurice J., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 66 ...................................................... 16 " 4-Smith, Maurice J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 283 .............................................................. 17 " 4~olomon, Tack, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 184 ............................................................................ 17 " 4-Sisters of Charity, B.V.M., objecting to assessment for Main Street Boulevard Lights ............................ 45 " 4--Sanitary Sewer, Collins, Hale and West Third Street Sanitary Sewer completed and accepted ................ 59, 103 " 4~anitary Sewer, Thomas Place Sanitary Sewer com- pleted and accepted ................................................60, 109, 112 " 4~anitary Sewer, Southern Avenue Sanitary Sewer Bid Section No. 1, completed and accepted ..............61, 108, 116 " 4---St. Regis Paper Company, conveyance of the City of Dubuque of all right, title and interest to "Block 7 in River Front Subdivision No. 3 in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa ................ 63 " 4--Schumacher, Carl P., granted Class `B" Beer Permit 65 " 13-Scholtes, Emily, granted Class `B" Beer Permit.......... 82 Feb. 1-Schadle, Helen, Notice of Claim ........................................ 96, 128 " l~iavelis, Gus G. et. al., objecting to proposed sur- facing of Lincoln Avenue ............................................ 100 " l~assenrath, Ethilda et. al., objecting to proposed sur- facing of Keokuk Street .............................................. 100 " l~chwartz, Lawrence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 110 " I~weet, Harold, appointed to the Recreation Commis- sion ................................................................................ 111 " 15~ixteenth Street East, recommendation of the City Manager that parking be prohibited from Syca- more Street east for a distance of 950 feet.......... 127, 155 " 15~affran, George, correction of assessment for improve- ment of curb and gutter ............................................ 127 " 15-Sanitary Sewers, report of survey by Engineering Department concerning the extension of Trunk Line Sanitazy Sewers to serve areas within the existing city limits and the proposed annexation areas .............................................................................. 127 " 15~tudier, Arthur F., Notice of Claim .............................. 129 " 15-Saunders Street, petitions for and against the improve- ment of said street ...................................................... 132 " 15~chute, Donald J, objecting to proposed improvement of Greenfield Street .................................................... 133 " S6~chiltz, L. J., discharged from position as City Man- ager of the City of Dubuque, Iowa ............................ 137 " 19~heridan & Sheridan,attorneys for Center Grove resi- dents, requesting that Center Grove area be re- moved from the annexation area ............................ 138, 142 " 29--Schneller, Mathias A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 144 i , r t 1960 INDEX -BOOK 90 SUBJECT S Mar. 2~chueller & Company Inc., City Engineer recommend- ing that they be paid the $600.00 that was held out for the seal coating of streets to be included in the 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Pro- ject as they arecoveted by a four year mainten- e ~~_a Page ,> ---- __.. ...................... 7~chueller Blacktop Company ~~exc ti 148 , ava on policy.......... " 7-Lundberg, Doris, Notice of Claim .................................. 7~ewa11 M C 152 153 , . ., Notice of Claim ..................................... 7-Shannon, Bert et. al., objecting to proposed surfacing 153, 381 „ of Filmore Street .... ..................... .............................. 7~anitary Sewer, construction of an eight inch (8") sanitary sewer to serve Valle 157 y and Riker Streets 161 162, 196, 197, 214, 242, 243, 513, 514, 7~mith Oil Compan rant d i 566, 567 y, g e C garette Permit.......... 29~chmit, Clarence J., granted Cigarette Permit.......... " 29-St ff l 163 165 e en, C ifford, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... April 4~ewage Disposal Plant com l i 165 , p a nts concerning the foul odor emanating from the plant " ........................ 4-Strub, Raphael H., sidewalk bond " 170, 214 ...................................... 4~hireman, Robert, sidewalk bond 17g .................................... 4-Saffron Construction Co., excavation policy ................ 4~chneider Joseph C titi 17g 179 , ., pe on for rezoning of his property on Central Avenue to Local Business District B Classification denied ................................ 4-Stamp, Marvin C. Notice of Claim .............................. " 4-Schmidt, H. C., objecting to the damage don t i 179 181, 220 e o h s sidewalk resulting from a city truck running over same ............... ....................................................... " 4-Sisters of Charity, Clarke College, requesting the can- 186 cellation of the proposed special assessment for curb and gutter as per agreeme t n under Resolu- tion No. 141-~9 , .......................... ........186, ' 4~chmit, Helen, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 217, 218 No. 170 ............... „ ............................................................. 4-Sunrise Heights, approval of plat ............................192 " 4-Saunders Street im o 188 193, 226 , pr vement with concrete curb and gutter from the S.P.L. of West 32nd Street to the existing curb and gutter and widening of i ex sting street......202, 203, 245, 246, 247, 312, , .................................... ......313, 515, ' 4-Saunders Street, improvement with Bituminous Con- 516, 556 crete Surfacing from E.P.L. of Lot 8 Block 8 of Green Acres Subdivisi on to West 32nd Street ................................................ ..206, 207, 208, „ 209, 252, 253, 254, 255, 310, 311, 516, 517, 4-St. Anne Drive im 537, 538 , provement with Bituminous Con- crete Surfacing from E.P.L. of Chaney Road to 07, 208, F09a 52k~~253 ~~~254, ~~~255,~~~~310, ~~ 306, 537 4-State Street 548 im t , provement wi h Bituminous Concrete Surfacing from S.P.L. of Curtis Stre t t , e o the L d 06, 207, 208, 209, 252n 253, 254, 255, 310, 537, 552 ~~ 4-Schroeder, Donald D., granted Class "C" Beer Per it m 18~chueller, Leo N., apppinted to fill vacancy on the 210 executive board of the League of Iowa Munici- palities .................. . 1S~eventeenth Street Storm Sewer, preliminary surve 214 y, plan and cost estimate ............................216, 288, 366, 463 " 18~outhgate Drive, installation of a street light on Southgate Drive and Coates Street ............................ 217 INDEX-BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page S " 18-Steger Construction Company, blasting bond ................ 218 " 18-Spielman, Charles, Notice of Claim ................................ 221, 426 " 18~ullivan, R. J. et. al., objecting to proposed construc- tion of a service station at corner of Rhomberg Avenue and Stafford Street .............................. .. 224 " 18-Simpson, Roland et. al., requesting curb and gutter and surfacing of Fihnore Street ................................ .. 225 " 18~teichen, Margaret A., requesting rezoning of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 of Steichen Sub ...................................225, 304, 363 " 18--Steger Heights, approval of plat of Blocks 12, 13 and 14 .................................................................................... 227, 228 May 2-Schobert, Rose Mrs. et. al., requesting that the present zoning on White Street from 2600 to 2700 block be retained .................................................................... 240 " 2~teger, Fay & Calista, requesting rezoning of Lots 1 and 2 Block 13, Steger Heights ..........................241, 303, 362 " 2~haffer, Fay S., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 258 " 2~haffer, Fay S., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 259 " 2~wift, John J., appointed to City Board of Review 259 " 2-Schaller, Councilman, submitting recommendations relative to traffic conditions and outlining a policy regarding overtime parking fines ................ 260 " 23~teger, James R., objecting to overflow of water on West 32nd Street .......................................................... 264, 296 " 23~imon, Vern, sidewalk bond .............................................. 275 " 23-Schmit, Henry J, Notice of Claim .................................... 276, 326 " 23--Saffron, George, conveyance of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Willy Place and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Willy Place, to the City of Du- buque ............................................................................ 280 " 23-Steger, Robert J. & Joyce, requesting rezoning to Local Business District A the W~,z of Lot 2 of 2 of 2 of 3 of 1 in Highland Farm ............................ 284, 392 " 23~eventeenth Street-Kaufmann Avenue Storm Sewer Project ............................................................288, 366, 367, 463 23-~chollmeyer, Paul, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 291 June 20-Stampfer, J. F., requesting that parking be prohibited on North side of West 8th Street from Main Street to first a11eY east .............................................. 324 " 20~chilling's Modern Heating Co., heating bond ................ 325 " 20-Sweeney, William P., sidewalk bond ................................ 325 " 20--Saffron, George, clarifying his intention for the future subdivision of Lot No. 1-1-1-1-1 of Willy Place and that he will cooperate on the. proposed North View Drive ................................................. ........... 342 " 20--Schiltz, J. H., offer to deed to the City of Dubuque a strip of land in Scenic View Heights Subdivision for the future development of North View Drive 343 " 20-Sarris, Jenny, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 347 " 20-Stampfer's Department Store, granted Cigarette Per- mit .................................................................................. 347 " 20-Schneller, Mathias A., granted Cigarette Permit.......... 347 " 20--Specht, Harold O., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 347 " 20-Schollmeyer, Paul, granted Cigazette Permit ................ 347 " 20~itterly, Walter, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 347 " 20-Smith, Mark R., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 347 " 20~un, Leo, granted Cigarette Permit .................................... 348 " 20-Schwartz, Lawrence, granted Cigarette Permit............ 348 " 20-Shannon, Joseph F., granted Cigarette Permit.......... 348 " 20~avary, John & Viola, granted Cigarette Permit.......... 348 " 20-Sand, Marie, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 348 " 20--Schuster, Donald W., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 348 " ~wO--Schueller, Richard, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 348 " July ~",i „ i 1 Aug. Sept. ti 1960 INDEX -BOOK 90 SUBJECT Page S James, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 34g ...... Emma, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 34g er, Don, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 349 ... ;her Cazl P., granted Cigarette Permit.......... ~nalil, granted Cigarette Permit 34g .......................... Fay S., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 34g 349 ...... .obert M., granted Cigarette Permit .................... Joseph J, granted Cigarette Permit 34g ................ :, Peter, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 349 34g .... Aubrey H., granted Cigazette Permit.......... athleen I., granted Cigarette Permit 350 ................ Emily, granted Cigarette Permit 350 .................... nald, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 350 ................ Joseph F, granted Class "B" Beer Permit i 35p 350 :r e, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ ithleen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 350 ............ r Richard, granted Class "C" Beer Permit it Company, granted Cigarette Permit 35g 351 .......... 354 o~---acum~c, 1. a ence J granted Cigarette Per mit ................ 30~ullivan Robert E 35g , ., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 30~ear, Fred, granted Cigarette Permit 354 ............................ 30~ear, Fred, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 354 355 5~chueller & Company Inc., assignment to First Na- tional Bank ... ........................ ....................... 5~outhern Avenue, City Manager recommending in- stallation of street lfight ... 58 ........................................ 5-father, Norman, Notice of Claim 3~i ...................................... 5-~chiltz Construction Co., requesting street lights on Scenic View Heights ................... ...... 5~cantleb ........................... of an b l n l t 365, 377 alley etwe e Hale an d West Third St ¢ g 5~kemp Subdivision 3~ , approval of plat .............................. 18~teger Construction Company, excavation policy 18 368 37g .......... -Saeugling, Harold J., requesting permission to install an 8" sanitary sewer and a 2" water line to his property line from Kaufmann Avenue .................... 1S~avary, John L. & Viola, granted Class "B" Beer Per- 383, 394 mit .............. .......................... .................... . -Schmidt, K. E., requesting installation of street light 387 in St. Anne Court ..... .................. .. 1-St. Philomena's Church of Asbury, requestin ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ g exten- 397, 407 sion of water main .................... l~cienic View Heights No. 3, Blocks 1, 3, and 4 ap- 399 , proval of plat ................ ... 1-~arah Street, acceptance of dedication 402 ............................ 1-Specht, Harold O. granted Class "C" Beer Permit.... 15--Schoenthal Fred heatin b d 402 4g5 , , g on ..................... 15-St. Anne Drive, recommendation of street light by i 407 C ty Manager ............. ................. .... C>,Schueller Blacktop Co., assignment to the First Na- tional Bank ......... 407 .................. 6~abula Street, installation of street light recom- 1 a 421 ti--Schmitz & Howazd Con tracting Cor , excavation policy 6~tocum, Florence, Settlement of Claim 424, 431 .......................... 6~huhert, Paul, Notice of Claim 428 .................................... 6-Spielman, Charles F. & Mary M., Notice of Claim 428, 599 .......... 8-Steffen, Clifford, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 224 .... 428 ....................... B~teffen, Clifford, requesting refund on Class "B"Beer 432 Permit No. 37 .......... ...................................................... 7 ~ ~ g r 432 INDEX -BOOK 90 1980 SUBJECT Page S " B-Schumacher, Carl P., requesting refund on Beer Per- mit No. 2 .......................................................................... .. 432 " 6-Schumacher, Carl P., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 244 .............................................................. 432 " 6~anitary Sewer preliminary approval of plans, speci- r fications, t orm of contract for the construction of an extension of Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer from the existing manhole in Lot 23 of Falks Addition to a point 500 feet westerly on Pennsyl- vania Avenue from the City Limits ................433, 447, 604 " 6~anitary Sewer, Dodge Street sewer from Terminal SLreet 285 feet west, completed and accepted.... 433 " 6-Sewer Bonds in the amount of $970,000 to pay the cost of construeting sewers in the City of Dubuque ...........:............................................................435, 470, 471, 480 " 6~mith, Thomas S. Jr., granted Cigarette Permit...... 436 " 6~pielman, J. Louis and Susan, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................... 437 " 6~cherer, Emma, granted Class "B" Beer Permit............ 437 Oct. 3~chiltz, J. H., submitting resignation as member of Board of Zoning Adjustment .................................... 451 " 3~taner, Theodore J., granted Cigarette Permit.......... 465 " 3~chmidt, Regina, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 465 " 3-Smith, Robert M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ 465 " 3~mith, Mark R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 465 " 3~taner, Theodore J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 465 " 10-Scharphoff, Aloys H., Notice of Claim ............................ 473, 598 " l0~chetgen, John et. al., requesting that the building line on Devon Drive be retained ............................ 475 Nov. 7~teffen, Leo, complimenting the Council on the new parking arrangement on Central Ave ..................... 489 " 7~ears Roebuck & Company, heating policy ................... . 490 " 7-Schmidt, Helen Mrs, granted Cigarette Permit.......... 520 " 7~itterly, Walter, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 520 " 21~ullivan, Francis, Notice of Claim .................................... 524, 580 Dec. 5-Spechtenhauser, Otto, removal of proposed assess- ment on Grandview Avenue Extension ................ 529 " 5-Sanitary Sewer, construction of an eight (8'~ inch sanitary sewer in St. Anne's Drive, thence north- erly through Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Chaney Place to Lot No. 1 of Lot 2 of Wilbricht Place thence westerly to Lot No. 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 o1s Mineral Lot 261 ............................................................ 570 " 5-Schwartz, Peter, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 577 " 5~chulte, Joseph J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 577 " 19-St. George Subdivision, approval of preliminary plat 586 " 19-"Scienic Heights," approval of plat of Block 3 in Scienic Heights in Section 15, Dubuque Township, Dubuque County, Iowa ............................. ........ 594 " 29~chiltz, J. H, agreement with the City of Dubuque conveying Lot 2 of Lot 9 of Block 5 of Scenic View Heights No. 2 to the City upon certain terms and conditions .................................................... 606 b , , N I INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page T Jan . 4-Takos, Peter J., elected Mayor for the ensuing fiscal ' Year .................................................. 4-Takos, Mayor, submitting a statement c ng the 1 oncerni investigation of the City Manager and certain " ~~1' 74, 83 86, 4-The Telegraph-Herald News a er i e 134, 137 „ a nted th of- ficial Y P PPQ paper for the Cit of Dubu u ' e .................... 4-Tschirgi, Edward M., bond 4 ...................... 4-Tobin, Madeline, relative to building regulations con- 9 ' ' .......................... 4-ThomasnPlace San~tasry Sewe SO r completed and accepted .... Feb. ........................................................... ....60, 1- .................. . Thompson, Earl G. et. al., objecting to proposed sur- 109, 112 ~~ facing of State Street ....................... 15--Truck Routes, report of City Manager on survey ~of 100 " other cities on tonnage requirements .................... 29-Tenenbom's Super Market, Inc., granted Class "C" 125 ar. ' Beer Permit ..................................... ............................. 7-Timmerman, Robert, Notice of Claim 144 .................... 7-Tressel, Paul E., conveyance of the alley ]ying~be- tween Lot 5 of Fairview Sub 153, 221 . on the east and Lots 14 and 15 in Morgan's Subdivisi on .............. April 4-Thurston, Gerald E., Notice of Claim .......................... 4-Thom s E 154 181 220 p on, arl G., objecting to proposed surfacin , " g t .................................. . 18-Taxi Cab Standseremoval of stand at southeast corner 184 of 9th & Main Streets and replaced at meter post 9-79 on north side of 9th Street May ...................... 2-Tigges, Ed et. al., requesting storm sewer from Penn 215 ,~ - Sylvania Avenue to Isborn Street " .............................. 23-Trumm, Raymond T., sidewalk bond 240 June ...................... 23-The Kroger Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 20-Treivieler Elmer L 275 291 " , ., 20-Thorpe, Walter & JeanneteeRaucha 347 granted Cigarette Permit ............ „ ,~ ............................ .. 20-Ti .................................. gges, Norbert G., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 20-Tenenbom's Super Market In 347 347 - , c., granted Cigarette Permits ........ „ ........................................... 20-Thompson, John F., granted Cigarette Permit 347 ~~ .............. 20-Trapg Arthur J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 20-Teeling, Vincent, granted Cigarette Permit 3g7 347 .................. 20-Tench, John F. & Vincent W. Mescher, granted Cigar- 34g e " ~~ 20-Tranelt Zeno A.t granted Cigarette Permit 3 g .................... 20-Thompson, Clarence E., granted Cigarette Permit...... 20-Thompson John F " q " , ., granted Class C" Beer Permit 30-Traupe, Norman D., granted Cigarette Permit 351 .......... 30-Thompson, Clarence E, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......... . 354 „ July .. ............... 30-Traupe, Norman D., ............................................... B 5-Traffic Plannin dgrS C ss r 355 355 g an urvey to b conducted by Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc, to study and re- i ,~ v ew needs of downtown Dubuque .......................... 359, 525 5-Turnquist Ed et al re ti " , . ., ques ng off-street parking for Central Avenue .. .................................. 5-Thompson, Elmer L., granted Cigarette Permit g~¢ Aug. .......... 1-Tri City Heating Co., heating bond .............................. 1-Teeling, Vincent E., requesting refund on Class "B" t 392 ............................ 1-Teel ng Vincent E. requesting refund on Cigarette 398 Permit No. 83 ............ .................................................... 398 INDEX -BOOK 90 if INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Page +' 1960 ____ - - - SUBJECT Page T Sept. 8-Takes, Ben et. al., relative to an unsanitary condition existing on the undeveloped area of City Island 430 ` ' V June 20-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Leo A. Schwind Post No 19-Tenebom's Super Market, Inc., granted Class "C" '_ ,~ ~. . ~, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... . 20-Veterans of Forei n W 347 Beer Permit ................................................................... 9 ~ g ars, Post No. 9883, granted Cigarette Permit Oct. 17-Trau e, Norman D., re uestin refund on Ci arette P 9 g g it No Per 266 484 ........................ .' 20-Vrotsos, Elsie .... ............................... ter: Cigaret te Permit 348 " ........................... .. ................................ . m . 17-Traupe, Norman D., requesting refund on Class "B" B P it N 99 84 ~ g . .....:.................. 20-Van Duelman; Carl, 30-Vrotsos, ~' ted Ci arette Permit ................ George T. granted Ci ar tt P 348 34g Nov. eer erm o. .................... ••°°~•°••~~•°°••••°•~~~• 7-Tigges, Norbert G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 520 , g e e ermit.............. Aug. 1-Van Dee, Joseph, heatin g bond ............................... 1-Veter 354 3g2 " 7-Thompson, Elmer L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 520 p' ....... ans of Forei No. 9883, ga Way' Gerald F. Winters Post granted Cigarette Permit Dec. 5-Tigges, Eugene et. al., requesting street lights on ~€~ ................. Sept. 8-Veterans of Foreign Wars Leo A S ~5 " Andrew Court and Boyer Street ........................... 535 1 ~' , • chwind Post No. 508, granted Ct ar g ette Per it 29-Twelfth Street (East) Extension, established ................ 80 m ............................ 6-Veterans of Forei 'gn Wars, Leo A. Schwind Post N 438 II " o. 19-VotmgB~precinctd established eforp 437 annexed territory „ to the City of Dubuque Jan. 8-United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary requesting , ................... 19-Vin r urns Street Steps); Rainbo Oil Compan t 444 permission to hold tag days ........................................ ~ 72 y e ue tin 9 g vacation of portion of street along then' Property Feb. 1-Udelhoven, Bernard J. and Geor e. Banworth, re uest- g 4 i ........................ 19-Veterans of Forei """"""""""'°~°•••••°•'~. 492, 529 gn W L ing the Council to approve four plats recorded in ' ars, eo A. Schwind Post No. 508 granted Class "B" B " 1957 on land ih Table Mound Townshi p..........•... 1 U S Hi N 2 i f 102 eer permit ................... Oct. 3-Voters Re i g•str ti 44g - . . ghway 0, res dents o Center Grove op- o. posing a divided four lane highway ...................... 102 139 a on, Mayor proclaimin October 6th g „ as First Voter's Registration Da " M 29-Uppinghouse, Alan R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit U S f f M i , 144 ' y.................. 25--Veterans of Foreign Wazs, Gerald F, """"" Winters Post No. 9883 granted Cl ss "B" 451 ar. . . Con erence o ayors extending an inv 7- tation to attend the annual Conference .................................. 150 ' , a g eer Per git ................ Dec. 19-Vance, M yron et. al., re uestin street h ht oa the 4g7 " 29-U.S. Highway No. 20, overpass, preliminary design of corner of Viola and Pleasant Streets ...................... 5gg the overpass from Marion Street to St. Joseph Street ......................................166, 256, 257, 383, 434, 493 ~ ; June 2-U.S. Army Engineer, District Rock Island, submitting W a print of a possible flood control project for the Jan. 4-Whitsel, Bessie E Class "B" B " City of Dubuque ............................................................ 293 ., eer Permit No. 27 revoked " 20-UPPin house, Alan R., granted Ci arette Permit........ g g 30-Utzig, LeRoy, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 350 354 ................................................................... ...... 4-Weidemann, John F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 4-W t ~ July 5-United States of America, renewal of lease of 0.85 er z, Donald E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit..., Feb. 1-Wirzbach Gertr d 85 ~ acre site, Ham's Addition for a U.S. Naval Reserve , u e, objecting to surfacing of Dun- Leith Court ct. Trainin Center ............................. g ............................... 17-University of Dubuque, requesting permission to hang 358 ,~ ................ ................................................ 1-Wallis, J. Allen Jr. et. al. objecting to proposed as- sessment against Lot ~2 f 99 a banner across Main Street ...................................... 464 o Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 „ of Faldorf's Place Dec. 19-United Cerebal Palsy, requesting permission to solicit funds 86 ................................. ...... 108, .......... 1-Woodward, Helen ••~~••~•• 1-Woodward H l , g n g ie " ~ 115 11 '•••"""""""""""""""""""'••'•'••"""'•'•"•""""••'•"' , e en ra ted C1a cs B Beer Permit....., 15-White Street, recommendation of the Ci tY Mana er th t 0 110 V g a a two hour parking period be t both sides of White Street f r rom 9th S o 10th eet Street . Jan. 4-Vrotsos, George T., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 84 .............................. ............................................... 126, 15-Walke: Clarence, requesting refund on Ci 152 Feb. 15-Vance, Myron E., requesting permission to connect garette Per- mit No. 231 ... to sewer in Pleasant Street ................ .................... 133 ................................................................. Mai'• 7-Wolf, Leonard G., advising the Dock Commis i 132 Mar. 7-Veterans of World War I requesting that White Street s on that it is unnecessary to have a re be changed to Pershing Avenue ................................ 151 presentative at hear „ ing on Dredging the Harbor " 7-Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission to h ..............................150, 234, 7-Water Department, audit for the year 1959 by O'Co 284 " ave atag day ................................................................ 7-Valley Street-Riker Street, construction of an eight 157 n- nor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks................. . 7-"Whitaker's Rockdale Subdivi """"" i " 152 inch (8") Sanitary Sewer .............................................. s on, a plat 29-Wright, Louis J., granted Class "B" Bee t 159 161, 162, 196, 197, 214, 2 243, 513, 514, ~' 564, 565 r Permi . 2g--Weiner, Sylvester A, wanted Class "B" Beer permit 29--Whit Willi e 185 165 April M 18-Voigt, R. J. Notice of Claim .............................................. l 2 V D C l t " " 222, 427 am J., , granted Class "C" Beer Permit.... April 4- Weiland Mobil P lg5 ay " man, - an ue ar , gran ed Class C Beer Permit.... 23-Viertel Sheet Metal & Roofing Co. heating bond...... 259 275 e ark, approval of license to operate a mobile home park . " , 23-Viertel, Donald, Notice of Claim ...................................... 277, 299 .................. 4-Westercam ................................. P> George C., requesting refund on Cigar- ette Permit N 167 o. 178 ...................................................... 187 ~~' INDEX -BOOK 90 ~' " ~ b`; INDEX -BOOK 90 1960 SUBJECT Pa e ' ' g -_ .--- - .--- `:. - 1960 SUBJECT - Pagc W ~ - " 4-Westercamp, George C., requesting refund on Class " " ~ ~~ " B Beer Permit No. 61 .............................................. 4-Weber, Merlyn L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 187 212 ~? Au 1-Wilhelm Excavating Company, excavation g• Policy...... 15-Witter, Eugene F. Notue of Claun 392 398 " 18-Welter, John P., sidewalk bond ...................................... 218 ~ "' , ................................ 15-Wagner, Irma, granted Cigarette Permit 410, 442 " " 18-Willy Construction Company, sidewalk bond .............. 218 p ~ ~~ ...................... 15-Wagner, Irma, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....... 417 417 18-Wolff, Adolph, Notice of Claim ............... 222, 299 ....... 15-Wright, Kay, appointed to the Recreation Commissi ~~ 18-Wilhelm, H., relative to Marmora Avenue Sewer.......... 229 on Sept. 6-Whalen, Ted, objecting to use of salt on streets d 418 18-Waltz, John J., appointed to the Dock Commission.... 229 ~ ur- ing winter months May 2-White Street, two hour parking between 9th & 10th ' - ........................................................ 6--Wartburg Seminary Snack Bar, granted Cigarette 420, 472 Streets recommended by the City Manager.......... 234, 279 - Permit ............ " 2-Willy, Chris and Bernice, correction of description of " 6-Weiner, Ronald J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 437 " property ........................................................................ 239 ~ ...... 19-Wuelling, Dallas & Mrs. Louise Ley, granted Cigarette 2-Willy, Chris and Bernice, conveyance to City of Du- Permit .......................................................... .... g50 aqua, Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Willy Oct. .. 3-Woodward, Robert, request of the Airport Commissi Place, and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Will Pl on that he be reappointed as his term has expired 457 526 " y ace ................................ ............................ 2-Weiler, Arthur et. al., requesting curb & gutter on ' 239, 280 3-Wilmot, Josephine et. al., requesting vacation and con- veyance of that part of Kaufmann Avenu hi , " O Neill Street ................ ................................... 2-Winders, R. Daniel, granted Class "C" Seer Permit...... 240 259 ? e w ch abuts Lot 2 and Lot 2 of 1 of Vogt Place........457, 3-Westchester Subdivision, approval of plat of Blocks 475, 497 18-Weber, L. R., authorized to enlarge a loading dock in 2 to 12 inclusive " Salina Street .................................................................. 281 ............................................................ 3--Wong, Miag granted Cigarette Permit 403 18-Wahlert Foundation, gift of $30,000 to the City of Du- '~ Nov. ............................ 7-Welter John J Notice of Claim 405 buque for the purchase of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of the Sub. of Lots 8 & 9 in Wilson's Dubuque.... 261 ,~ Dec. , ., .................. .... 5-Wilbricht Lane Sanitary Sewer, prelimina ry plaas and 492 " 23-Ward, J. J. sidewalk bond ................ , , """""""" """""" ' 275 specifications for the construction of an eight " ~: 23-Warren, Dell and Ralph, granted Class B" Beer inch sanitar sewer be ' e t A Permit ......................................................................... 291 Drive, thenc northerly hrough Lot 2 of Lot 1 June " Cr--Walsh Stores, Notice of Claim ............................................ 299 of Lot 1 of Chaney Place to Lot No. 1 of Lot 2 of Wilbricht Place thence westerl to Lot N 2 6-Welu, Julius et. al., objecting to proposed curb and ' ~ , y o. of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Mineral Lot 261 .... 570 " gutter on O Neill Street .............................................. 6-Welbes, John et. al., requesting permission to con- 307 ................ 19-Water Level Subdivision, approva lof plat.................... 19-Whrtsel, Bessie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 586, 602 struct sewer and water main from St. Anne Drive .......... 29-Wahlert High School, Agreement with the City of Du- 595 to the end of Wilbricht Lane .................................... 307 buque for the conveyance of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of "St " 6-Waal, Dolores, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 321 . Mary's Place" to the City upon certain terms and 20-Wullweber, Charles W., Notice of Claim ........................ 328 382 conditions 20-Wahlert High School, offer of Lot 2 of 1 of "St. Mary's " , ~ ~~ .............................. ...................................... 29-Wertz, Donald E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 805 607 " Piace to the City of Dubuque for street purposes 342 ...... 20-Willoughby, David et. al., requesting paving of Lawn- " dale Street ...................................................................... 344 X 20-Weiner, Ronald J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 346 " " 20-Ward, John M., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 20-Woodward, Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 347 347 June 30-Xavier Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigarette Permit 354 " 20-Wright, Louis J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 347 ~ " 20-Wong, Paul & Chuck, granted Cigarette Permit.......... 348 ' " 20-Whitsel, Bessie E., granted Cigazette Permit ................ 348 I, " " 20-Weidemann, John F., granted Cigarette Permit............ 20-Weiner, Sylvester A. & Dolores, granted Cigarette 349 June 20-Young, Dale W., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 349, 459 Permit ............................................................................ 349 ~~ 20-Weber, Merlyn L., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 349 " 20-Wertz, Donald E., granted Cigarette Permit .................. ~ 349 Z " 20-Weiner, Fred, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 20-Wagner, William, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 349 349 May 2-Zuker, William B., reappointed to the Police & Fire " . 20-Waal Dolores, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 349 Retirement Pension Board.................................... 25g " 20-Winders, R. Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 349 ...... 23-Zahina, Robert T., taxi cab policy.................. """""" 275 ~~ 20-Warren, Dell & Ralph, granted Cigarette Permit.......... 350 23-Zimmerman, Ma """ ry, Notice of Claim ................................ 277 20-Winkler, Louis J., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 20-Wunder, Eileen, granted Cigarette Permit 350 35 June 6-Zwack, E. W, et. al., requesting the installation of Caution Children Pla in " s " ...................... 20-Wunder, Eileen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 0 351 y g igns on Martin Drive 20-Zillig, George J., granted Cigarette Permit 306 " " ......... 20-Ward, John M., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.......... 30-Wareco System of Iowa granted Cigarette Permit 351 4 Oct. .................... 3-Zillig, George J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......... 34g 465 " , .... 30-White, William J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 35 354 " 30-Winkler Beatrice C, granted Cigarette Permit.......... 354