16th Street East 0540 Site Inventory Form State Inventory No. ® New ❑ Supplemental State Historical Society of Iowa ❑ Part of a district with known boundaries (enter inventory no.) (November2005) Relationship: ❑ Contributing ❑ Noncontributing ❑ Contributes to a potential district with yet unknown boundaries National Register Status:(any that apply) ❑ Listed ❑ De-listed ❑ NHL ❑ DOE 9-Digit SHPO Review &Compliance (R&C) Number ❑ Non-Extant (enter year) 1. Name of Property historic name Joseph Lange Residence other names/site number Jessica Cole Residence 2. Location street&number 540 E. 16th Street city or town Dubuque ❑ vicinity, county Dubuque Legal Description:(If Rural)Township Name Township No. Range No. Section Quarter of Quarter If Urban) Subdivision EAST DUBUQUE ADD Block(s) Lots) E '/ LOT 252 3. State/Federal Agency Certification [Skip this Section] 4. National Park Service Certification [Skip this Section] 5. Classification Category of Property(check only one box) Number of Resources within Property ▪ building(s) If Non-Eligible Property If Eligible Property, enter number of. ❑ district Enter number of: Contributing Noncontributing ❑ site 1 buildings _ _ buildings ❑ structure _ sites _ _ sites ❑ object _ structures _ _ structures objects _ _ objects Total _ _ Total Name of related project report or multiple property study(Enter"N/A"if the property is not part of a multiple property examination). Title Historical Architectural Data Base Number N/A 6. Function or Use Historic Functions (Enter categories from instructions) Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions) 01A01 Single Dwelling Residence 01A01 Single Dwelling Residence 01B01 Duplex 7. Description Architectural Classification (Enter categories from instructions) Materials (Enter categories from instructions) 09A01 Front Gable Vernacular House foundation 04C Limestone walls (visible material) 15B Vinyl roof 08A Asphalt Shingle other Narrative Description (® SEE CONTINUATION SHEETS, WHICH MUST BE COMPLETED) 8. Statement of Significance Applicable National Register Criteria(Mark"x"representing your opinion of eligibility after applying relevant National Register criteria) ❑ Yes ® No ❑ More Research Recommended A Property is associated with significant events. ❑ Yes ® No ❑ More Research Recommended B Property is associated with the lives of significant persons. ❑ Yes ® No ❑ More Research Recommended C Property has distinctive architectural characteristics. 111 Yes ® No ❑ More Research Recommended D Property yields significant information in archaeology or history. County Dubuque Address 540 E. 16th Street Site Number City Dubuque District Number Criteria Considerations ❑ A Owned by a religious institution or used ❑ E A reconstructed building, object, or structure. for religious purposes. ❑ F A commemorative property. ❑ B Removed from its original location. ❑ G Less than 50 years of age or achieved significance within the past ❑ C A birthplace or grave. 50 years. ❑ D A cemetery Areas of Significance(Enter categories from instructions) Significant Dates Construction date 1894 ® check if circa or estimated date Other dates, including renovation Significant Person Architect/Builder (Complete if National Register Criterion B is marked above) Architect Builder Narrative Statement of Significance (® SEE CONTINUATION SHEETS, WHICH MUST BE COMPLETED) 9. Major Bibliographical References Bibliography ® See continuation sheet for citations of the books,articles,and other sources used in preparing this form 10. Geographic Data UTM References(OPTIONAL) Zone Easting Northing Zone Eastrng Northing 1 _ 2 3 4 ❑ See continuation sheet for additional UTM references or comments 11. Form Prepared By name/title Wally Wernimont, Assistant Planner organization City of Dubuque Planning Services Department date January 22, 2014 street& number City Hall - 50 W. 13"' Street telephone 563-589-4210 city or town Dubuque state Iowa zip code 52001 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION (Submit the following items with the completed form) FOR ALL PROPERTIES 1. Map:showing the property's location in a town/city or township. 2. Site plan:showing position of buildings and structures on the site in relation to public road(s). 3. Photographs: representative black and white photos. If the photos are taken as part of a survey for which the Society is to be curator of the negatives or color slides, a photo/catalog sheet needs to be included with the negatives/slides and the following needs to be provided below on this particular inventory site: Roll/slide sheet# Frame/slot# Date Taken Roll/slide sheet# Frame/slot# Date Taken Roll/slide sheet# Frame/slot# Date Taken ❑ See continuation sheet or attached photo&slide catalog sheet for list of photo roll or slide entries. ❑ Photos/illustrations without negatives are also in this site inventory file. FOR CERTAIN KINDS OF PROPERTIES, INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING AS WELL 1. Farmstead&District:(List of structures and buildings,known or estimated year built,and contributing or noncontributing status) 2. Barn: a. A sketch of the frame/truss configuration in the form of drawing a typical middle bent of the barn. b. A photograph of the loft showing the frame configuration along one side. c. A sketch floor plan of the interior space arrangements along with the barn's exterior dimensions in feet. State Historic Preservation Office(SHPO) Use Only Below This Line Concur with above survey opinion on National Register eligibility: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ More Research Recommended ❑ This is a locally designated property or part of a locally designated district. Comments: Evaluated by(name/title): Date: Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of lowa Site Number Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number Continuation Sheet Paqe 1 Joseph Lange Residence Dubuque Name of Property County 540 E. 16th Street Dubuque Address City 7. Narrative Description: Style/Year: Two-Story, Front-Gable House built in c.1894. The front façade of the building has a vent placed in the gable, two windows lined up symmetrically on the second floor, and on the first floor a entry (left side)with a transom window and a window lined up symmetrically below the second floor windows. On the right hand, rear side of the building, a recessed two-story porch has been enclosed on the first floor and a 5'W x 15L' frame addition has been added. Physical Description: 16' W x 38' L (608 sq ft)two-story, front gable-roof, framed core 4' W x 14' L (56 sq ft) one-story, flat roof, enclosed side porch 4' W x 14' L (56 sq ft) second-story, recessed, open, side porch 5'W x 15' L (75 sq ft) one-story, flat-roof, framed, rear/side addition 12 19 Fr14[ DNN . 4 5 ■ V e 4', ,^s`..-''' 382SBFR ~. [552] _ _ — ..e_ 4 ■:.'\ • 24 1 H --'- - 16 Assessor Sketch Front Facade East Facade (Side) . ! I ' , I .! ■ 1 I II .I ._ _- .';I _ i -. 'a Ill /31 iii 111111711.?/7.0-4 _______, _ — -11Pr :, __, West Façade (Side) South Façade (Rear) Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number — Continuation Sheet Page 2 Joseph Lanae Residence Dubuque. Name of Property County 540 E. 16th Street Dubuque Address City Alterations: Installation of vinyl windows, steel insulated doors, vinyl siding, aluminum soffit/fascia/casings, rear addition and porch modifications. Building Permits: 1945 (September 11th) Reside Frame Dwelling (Owner- Duccini) 1983 (July 15th) Siding, Soffit, Trim, Single Family Frame Dwelling (Owner- Gean Anfinson) 1986 (April 22nd) Reroof Flat Roof on Porch, Single Family Frame Dwelling ( Owner- Gean Anfinson) 1996 (August 16th) Gut, Redrywall, 2 Kit Windows, Single Family (Owner- Charles Unsen) 2010 (November 30th) Install water service from main to curb (Owner-WP Investments) Outbuildings: None Landscaping Notes: The subject lot is 50 ft wide by 52 ft deep (2,600 sq ft in area). The lot is level. There is a public walk across the front of the lot. A private sidewalk leads from the public sidewalk to the front porch and enclosed frame rear addition. 8. Narrative Statement of Significance: This property and the surrounding neighborhood were evaluated as part of an In-depth Architectural and Historic Survey conducted by Jim Jacobsen of History Pays! in 2003. The property at that time was not identified as National Register Eligible. Although 11 years have passed since the in-depth survey, the property is still not National Register Eligible. The structure has vinyl siding, windows have been replaced vinyl, the front gable window has been sided over, soffit/fascia/casing have been wrapped with aluminum and the porches have been modified. The property retains little architectural integrity. City Directory Notes: 540 E.16th Street Year Rezitlent OccupaEOn 2012-]4 1 ira Cale 20]0-11 Na Current listing NJ3 Julie Lembke NO] layce ETenant NJSNO6 Pla Current listing N04 iaylar Heaw<k 2002-03 Criz Hillebn ntl Cris lens 1998-NOl CM1arlezl Unzen ]996 Nat Verifietl 1995 Chad Streff 1993-94 Chad A.Streff m A Streff ]992 Vacant 1965-9] 1 Anli nson .i w X6111! ]964 9illAnlinsan Or'rver-OPCa lean M Anli nson 5401/2 E.16th Street 1961-63 BillAnlinzan Driver-OPCa Va<a nt leanM Anli nzon lea n's Gnll 19 FA Alhen EOaviz Emp-OPCa Atlele Oaviz 9illAnlisan lean M Anli nzan ]959 leanM l:aM1le lea n's Gnll ]958 Mrs loan Falwm Lah-OP Ca Albert 03vls Lab-OPCa Atlele Oaviz 1948-5]Adh 15cherlert Plant Wkr-OPCa Mabel SCneffert 19G5 Walter)OUC<ini Ca mlFiz M1ermn Geneieve M Ouccini 193]-02 laz ELange Carp-O94 Cazket Ca M1a Flan>e ]934 laz ELange Carp-09Q Cazket Ca Manba lange GeaA Pfeiffer Ay MCOanaltl Genrutle Pfeiffer 1929-2] Jas ELange Carp-O84 Casl'.et Ca tAanM1a FLange 940 E.16th Street 1899-15 las ELange Carp-OOQAIta r Mnfg Ca. MartM1a lange 15'31-95 1 espM1 Vnge Ca rpfBtone Mason Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of Iowa Site Number Iowa Site Inventory Form Related District Number Continuation Sheet Page 3 Joseph Lange Residence Dubuque Name of Property County 540 E. 16th Street Dubuque Address City Historical Notes: 1920 Property was readdressed from 940 E.16th Street to the current address of 540 E.16th Street. 1949 (May 3rd)- Mabel Scheffert owned the property when a water service line was installed. Historical Image Notes: ICI kr al QI k f E; • A14 * �n Y r'l 'I 1 , I ? ■ i.i. NCO. ,i =1 ' H LJ E . _ c "-"'J 9 1- r �. ........_ 9�it I Ig "" llllll X118 e c?' ■1884 Sanbom(Not Constructed Yet) 1891 Sanbom (Not Constructed Yet) III 6).. 16TH ST. ''''h.1 G E. IVY ST. Vy . i — iri,/ . tN" ,fe g il ‘!. i'II 1 - 1 (1. it 1 I :I# 0 :1 arm 0. • . . . - r h C • t c b ciao-+ Ci �& nil // b" C E Y�1�' b • i 1 - R* I lim . . ' 4' . , , i. .,.::. " ,, ti a'- n 1909 Sanbom 1909-1950 Sanborn 9. Major Bibliographical References: 2003 Phase Ill Historical and Architectural Survey Report— James E. Jacobsen City of Dubuque Building Permit Records City of Dubuque Water Tap Records Dubuque City Assessor's Data Dubuque City Directories Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps 1884,1891,1909,1909/50 '10. Additional Documentation: None