Washington Neighborhood Urban Revitalization proposal THE CI"T"Y OF ~_`~ " ~ .~; ~`~ RL~ E Planning Services Department L~ ~ City Hall ' " 50 West 13th Street U Dubuque, Iowa 52001-4864 (563) 589-4210 office (563)589-4221 fax (563) 690-6678 TDD planningQcityofdubuque.org 2006 December 27 www.cityofdubuque.org , The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Dubuque 50 W" 13th Street Dubuque, IA 52001 RE: Expansion of the Washington Neighborhood Urban Revitalization District Dear Mayor and City Council Members: On December 20, 2006 the Long Range Planning Advisory Commission reviewed the proposed expansion of the Washington Neighborhood Urban Revitalization District. The City Council has a public hearing on this proposed district expansion on February 5, 2007. The City's Urban Revitalization program offers ten year property tax abatement for eligible improvements to residential properties in designated revitalization districts. On July 20, 1981 the Cit~r Council approved a Washington Street Urban Revitalization area for the area from 14th to 20 Streets and from Central to Elm Streets. On January 14, 1984, the plan was amended to include the block from 14th to 15th and Elm to Pine Streets. The revised Washington Neighborhood Urban Revitalization area will expand the boundaries to include the area of the Washington Neighborhood Association. The plan will provide for a ten year residential abatement of eligible improvements and will also allow three year abatement for commercial buildings in the district" Nonresidential commercial buildings are not currently allowed in other urban revitalization areas in the City but are being proposed to provide an incentive to retain commercial uses which service the needs of the area. The Housing and Community Development Department report is attached for additional information. The Long Range Planning Advisory Commission feels the improvements made within the Washington Neighborhood Urban Revitalization District have been a great enhancement to the neighborhood and community. The Commission feels the expansion will encourage investment in the area" The Commission believes the expansion of the Washington Neighborhood Urban Revitalization District is consistent with the Dubuque Comprehensive Plan and therefore recommends the expansion of the Washington Neighborhood Urban Revitalization District. Sincerely, ~~~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ Lam-- ~-~-u . Dr. Charles Winterwood, Chairperson Long Range Planning Advisory Commission Attachment cc: Michael Van Milligen, City Manager David Harris, Housing and Community Development Department Service People Integrity Responsibility Innovation Teamwork TI-IE CITY OF DUB E ~~ MEMORANDUM December 1, 2006 TO: Long Range Planning Advisory Commission FROM: Aggie Tauke, Housing and Community Development Department SUBJECT: Proposed Washington Neighborhood Urban Revitalization District Introduction The Long Range Planning Advisory Commission is requested to review the attached for the Washington Neighborhood Urban Revitalization Area Plan and to comment on its conformance with the general plan for the community. Background Section 36-7(7) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque requires review of an urban revitalization plan as to its conformity with the general plan for the development of the municipality as a whole. The ordinance assigns this duty to the Long Range Planning Commission. The Commission does not approve or deny the urban revitalization plan but reviews the plan and submits written recommendations with respect to its conformance with the general plan. The City Council will receive the new Urban Revitalization plans at its December 18`h meeting and will set a public hearing for February 5, 2007. Chapter 404 of the Iowa Code (Urban Revitalization Act) authorizes cities to designate areas as urban revitalization areas. Improvements to qualified real estate within these designated areas may receive a total or partial exemption from property taxes for a specified number of years. The exemptions are intended to stimulate private investment by abating tax increases that usually accompany property improvements. This additional private investment provides along-term increase or stabilization in the area's tax base, enhances the viability of revitalization areas and/or supports important city objectives such as historic preservation, economic development and affordable housing development In order to implement the provisions of Chapter 404, the City must prepare a revitalization plan for each designated area and hold at least one public hearing after proper notice. The law mandates specific criteria and procedures that must be followed. Discussion The City's Urban Revitalization Program offers a ten year property tax abatement for eligible improvements to residential properties in designated revitalization districts. On July 20, 1981 the City Council approved a Washington Street Urban Revitalization area for the area from 14`h to 20`h Streets and from Central to Elm Streets. On January 14, 1984, the plan was amended to include the block from 14`h to 15"' and Elm to Pine Streets. The revised Washington Neighborhood Urban Revitalization Area will expand the boundaries to include the area of the Washington Neighborhood Association. The plan would delete the last amended block and expand the district from 11 `h to 22"d Street, Central Avenue to Elm Street and also include the property from Elm Street to Kniest Street from 20"' to 22nd Street, as per the attached map. The Plan provides for a ten year residential abatement of improvements and will also allow a three year abatement for commercial buildings in the district. Nonresidential commercial abatement is not currently allowed in other urban revitalization areas in the City but is proposed to provide an incentive to commercial uses to remain and service the needs of this area. The Washington Neighborhood Urban Revitalization Area Plan supports several goals of the Comprehensive Plan: Housing • To promote the creation and maintenance of an adequate supply of sound, affordable housing integrated throughout the community. • To preserve existing housing and existing, older residential neighborhoods. • To expand the opportunities for home-ownership, especially for low to moderate income households. Economic Development • To establish and maintain housing and transportation, communication, and utility systems which support and foster quality development. • To concentrate on retaining and expanding existing local businesses. Land Use and Urban design • To encourage redevelopment opportunities within the City in an effort to revitalize unused or underused property while ensuring the preservation of viable and affordable housing stock. Recommendation Staff encourages the Long Range Planning Advisory Commission to support the efforts of the City to retain and upgrade our existing housing stock for the residents of Dubuque. Staff believes the proposed plans provide incentives for owners to renovate and repair historic structures, revitalize neighborhoods, and improve the quality of life in Dubuque Action Step The action step for the Long Range Planning Advisory Commission is to transmit its recommendations as to the conformity of the proposed Washington Neighborhood Urban Revitalization Area Plan to the City Council prior to the February 5, 2007 public hearing. Attachments Cc: Michael Van Milligen, City Manager Laura Carstens, City Planner David Harris. Housing and Community Development F:\UsersIATAUKE\Urban RevftelWash St Amended UR\LongRangPlanning UR memo.doc