2 20 14 City Council AgendaROLL CALL ORDER FOR MEETING OF 2/20/2014 Resnick, Sutton, Braig, Buol, Connors, Jones, Lynch 1. Purchase of Services 2. Park Division 3. Recreation Division 4. Five Flags Center 5. Conference Center (GRC) RSVP Correpsondence CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CITY COUNCIL MEETING Historic Federal Building 350 W. 6th Street February 20, 2014 Council meetings are video streamed live and archived at www.citvofdubuque.orq /media and on Dubuque's CityChannel on the Mediacom cable system at Channel 8 (analog) and 85.2 (digital). SPECIAL SESSION 6:30 PM Fiscal Year 2015 Departmental Budget Hearings ADJOURNMENT