Labor Management Letter to Culver January 29, 2007 VIA Email and st 1 Class Mail The Honorable Chet Culver Governor of Iowa State Capitol Des Moines, IA 50319 RE: Labor – Management Relations Funding Dear Governor Culver, I want to extend to you my congratulations as you begin your term as Governor of the State of Iowa! I am writing to ask for your support to reinstate efforts to bring about labor- management cooperation throughout the State of Iowa. At one time, the Governor and Legislature thought it important that unions and employers have a forum for discussions and work together on common problems. During that time, area labor-management committees flourished throughout the state. However, over time funding to promote such dialog has been cut from the State budget. Today the Dubuque Area Labor Management Council is the only such program in the State of Iowa to remain active at any significant level. As a result, Dubuque’s labor management relationship is stronger then ever with active involvement by representatives from labor and manager Interests. Our experience also shows that labor-management committees can be helpful to state government on the policy development level. The Dubuque Area Labor Management Council is requesting that the Governor's office include $200,000 in its budget to support existing agencies such as Dubuques’ and to encourage the creation of new labor-management initiatives in the state. This funding would help leverage other investments from the private sector, as well as City, County and federal government sources. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Congratulations again, I look forward to working with you to create a stronger Iowa. Sincerely, Michael C. Van Milligen City Manager MCVM:cs Cc: Mayor Roy D. Buol Dubuque City Council Susan Judkins, Director of Governmental Affairs, Iowa League of Cities Rick Dickinson, Greater Dubuque Development Corporation Mike Blouin, Greater Dubuque Development Corporation Chuck Isenhart, Dubuque Area Labor Management Barry Lindahl, City Attorney Cindy Steinhauser, Assistant City Manager Teri Goodmann, Assistant City Manager Dave Heiar, Economic Development Director