Minutes Historic Preservation 2 15 07MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION Thursday, February 15, 2007, 2001 5:30 p. m. DRAFT Majestic Room, Five Flags Civic Center 4t and Main Streets, Dubuque, Iowa PRESENT: Chairperson Chris Olson; Commission Members Keisha Wainwight, Mary Loney Bichell, Chris Wand, and David Stuart; Staff Members Laura Carstens and David Johnson. ABSENT: Commission Members John Whalen, Mike Coty and Matthew Lundh. AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE: Staff presented an Affidavit of Compliance verifying the meeting was being held in compliance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Olson at 5:47 p.m. MINUTES: Motion by Stuart, seconded by Wand, to approve the minutes of the January 18, 2007 meeting as submitted. Motion carried by the following vote: Aye -Olson, Wainwright, Wand and Stuart; Nay -None; Abstain -Bichell PUBLIC HEARING: Application of the Library Board of Trustees/Susan Henricks for a Nomination for Landmark Designation for property located at 360 W. 11th Street (Carnegie Stout Public Library) in the Jackson Park District. Chairperson Olson opened the public hearing and explained that Library Director Susan Henricks, at the direction of the Library Board of Trustees, has submitted an application for the nomination of the Carnegie Stout Public Library as a local landmark. Alan Avery, Library Board President, introduced himself and explained he was present on behalf of the Carnegie Stout Public Library to present the request for nomination. Mr. Avery explained that the Carnegie Stout Public Library was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1978. He stated the Library underwent an expansion with a major addition constructed in 1981. Mr. Avery reviewed interior alterations made to the Library. He explained the Library is looking to begin another renovation process in which the entire Library will be renovated. He explained the Carnegie portion of the Library, or the old portion of the Library, will be restored to its original appearance. He stated the previous grand entryway and steps will be opened up and put back into use. Windows on the first and second floors of the Library will also be opened to allow natural light to enter into the Library as originally intended. He explained the improvements to the Library are intended to make it a destination and a more relaxing place for people to spend time in. He stated the Library has been in existence for 105 years, and it has been a constant presence in the downtown. He stated that the landmark designation will formally confirm the historic building. He stated the Dubuque Minutes -Historic Preservation Commission February 15, 2007 Page 2 community will celebrate the landmark status as formal acknowledgement of the value of this building within the community. Chairperson Olson requested public comments or questions. Hearing none, Chairperson Olson closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. Commissioner Stuart questioned the criteria for significance. Staff Member Carstens explained the Commission can discuss and recommend approval based on any or all criteria. The Commission discussed the Library's significance on state, local and national levels. Commissioner Stuart stated he felt the Carnegie Stout Public Library meets all criteria for nomination. He explained very significant persons in history are associated with the Library. The Commission discussed whether the landmark status would apply to the entire building or would it be limited to the original portion only. Staff Member Carstens confirmed the landmark status would pertain only to the old portion of the Library building, because the addition is too recent. Chairperson Olson questioned whether the addition could merely be considered non-contributing. Commissioner Stuart explained the request is for a local nomination and the Commission has flexibility in determining eligibility as it pertains to the portions of the building. Motion by Stuart, seconded by Bichell, to recommend approval of the nomination for landmark designation for the o!d part of the Carnegie Stout Public Library building and that the nomination meets a!I criteria for nomination. Motion carried by the following vote: Aye -Olson, Wainwright, Bichell, Wand and Stuart; Nay -None. DESIGN REVIEW: Application of Jeffrey Morton, Morton Design for a Certificate of Appropriateness to modify the west, south and east facades for an indoor-outdoor cafe style restaurant for property located at 1108 Locust Street in the Jackson Park District. Jeff Morton, Morton Design, was present on behalf of Lenore Nesler to present the request. He explained the property owner wishes to modify the west, south and east facades of the previously used multi-family building into an indoor/outdoor cafe-style restaurant. Mr. Morton explained that the fire escape at the rear of the building will be removed from the top story. He stated the front door will be replaced with a more appropriate wood door. He explained since the building is being converted to a public use, they will have to construct aswitch-back ramp at the main entrance. The ramp will have iron railings as required. He stated several window wells will be capped and covered by the ramp. He stated they plan to reconstruct the existing decks with a multi- story porch and covered outdoor dining area. Referencing the drawings provided in the application, Mr. Morton explained the proposed alterations to the south facade. He explained the wood doors and windows will be replaced in-kind, a new covered wood porch with EDPM membrane will be Minutes -Historic Preservation Commission February 15, 2007 Page 3 constructed, a new wood frame deck will be added at the main and second levels of the building, the iron railings will be replaced and new canvas balances or canopies will be added to the second story level. The new wood covered second story porch and main level deck structure will have paired wood posts, new concrete steps and wood framed wood or iron lattice panels will be installed. He explained all work on the south facade will be continued on the east facade. The main floor window and door on the east facade will be removed for a new wood door and transom. The east side of the building will also have a new timber pergola structure and wood framed steps. The Commission discussed the possibility of using alternative materials for the columns. Commissioner Stuart explained that in the case of columns, alternative materials often times look the same and last longer. The Commission next discussed the new entrance door's appearance and how to meet ADA accessibility requirements. The Commission discussed rumors that the property owner is in possession of the original doors and methods to make double doors compliant with ADA accessibility requirements. Mr. Morton explained it is their intention to utilize the existing doors or utilize reclaimed doors of the same period, if possible. Staff Member Johnson reviewed the staff report, noting that the applicant will be required to consult with the City of Dubuque Engineering Department in order to obtain the necessary licenses and permits for those areas of the project that will extend into the public right-of-way. Commissioner Wand also noted that they will need to obtain a sign permit and design review for any exterior signs. The Commission discussed the design and orientation of the lattice in the project. Mr. Morton explained the orientation of the lattice materials will most likely be horizontal and vertical, and not diamond patterned. Motion by Stuart, seconded by Wand, to approve the requested Certificate of Appropriateness for 1108 Locust as submitted, noting: 1) The door design has to return to the Commission for approval at a later date; 2) Alternative materials for columns will be allowed; 3) All wood or substitute materials must be painted or opaque stained; 4) Lattice shall have a vertical and horizontal orientation; and 5) Approval is contingent upon obtaining the required right-of-way permits. Motion carried by the following vote: Aye -Olson, Wainwright, Bichell, Wand and Stuart; Nay -None. Minutes -Historic Preservation Commission February 15, 2007 Page 4 DESIGN REVIEW: Application of Terrance & Rae Ann Maiers for a Certificate of Appropriateness to repair or replace the front porch railings, concrete stairs, columns, pillars, ceiling, and soffit. for property located at 1499 Bluff Street in the Jackson Park District. Terry Maiers introduced himself as the property owner and applicant. He explained he is requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness to repair or replace elements of the front porch, including railings, concrete stairs, columns, pillars, ceiling and soffit. Mr. Maiers explained the first floor of the building is used for commercial purposes. He elaborated that Operation Head Start conducts business out of the first floor of the building. He stated the second floor of the building has two apartments and the third floor of the building has one apartment. He explained the porch is in need of repair. He explained that a leak in the porch roof will be repaired. He stated the wood soffit has rotted and will be replaced having the same material and profile as the existing soffit. He stated the column capitals and bases will be repaired as needed. Mr. Maier directed the Commission's attention to the photograph provided with the application, which showed the example pillar/column that will be used throughout the porch. He stated all the pillars will match once completed. The Commission discussed the differing capital designs on the porch columns. Mr. Maiers explained the concrete bases which support the columns will be repaired and painted. He explained that the porch ceiling will be reconstructed with three inch tongue and groove wood material, and the concrete stairs will be reconstructed. He explained that the porch railings will be replaced to meet code. He stated the handrail on the porch is required to be 36 inches and the guard rail on the porch is required to 42 inches per his discussions with the City Building Department. He explained that the handrail will be extended to the sidewalk and the stairs will not fan out towards the sidewalk. He stated all of the repairs will be made using wood materials and all wood will be painted. The Commission discussed the handrail and the guardrail design and requirements, noting that a 42-inch high guardrail is excessive for a historic porch. The applicant agreed, explaining he would prefer to have a lower guardrail as well. The Commission questioned what the present handrail height is. Commissioner Bichell stated according to the application, the present rail is 30.5 inches from the floor of the porch. The Commission and applicant discussed the proposed 40-inch high porch guardrail, noting that the top rail would intersect at the base of the columns and greatly detract from the visual appearance and scale of the porch. The Commission explained a 42-inch high guardrail would substantially diminish the historical integrity of the porch and is not needed for the purpose in which it serves. Referencing the 1994 Uniform Code for Building Conservation, Commissioner Wand read that guardrails for stairways exclusive of their landings may have a height which is not less than 30 inches measured above the nosing, and existing guardrails other than guardrails located on the open side of an existing stairway which are at least 36 inches in height shall be permitted to remain. Mr. Minutes -Historic Preservation Commission February 15, 2007 Page 5 Maiers explained that the porch rail is being replaced because of its poor condition. The Commission agreed a 36-inch high guardrail would be appropriate for the porch, and discussed appropriate ways to raise the serviceable height of the guardrail without detracting from the overall appearance of the existing guardrail. The Commission encouraged Mr. Maiers to attach an addition to the top of the existing rail to raise the guardrail height to 36 inches. The Commission provided examples such as wrought iron and noted it is important that the attached material be lesser in appearance and not detract from the visual lines or appearance of the porch. Commissioner Wand also noted that for those areas of the porch where the floor elevation does not exceed 30 inches or more above grade, there is no required minimum handrail or guardrail height. Commissioner Olson expressed concern that the attachment to the top of the existing guardrail would visually detract more from the front porch than just reconstructing a consistent 36-inch high guardrail throughout the porch. Commissioner Wand stated he was more concerned that having a 36-inch or 42-inch high top rail, which terminates at the base of the columns instead of the concrete supports for the column as originally intended, would be more inappropriate. The Commission recommended a thin metal attachment to go above the existing guardrail to elevate the height to 36 inches above the floor of the porch. They again reiterated the importance that the attachment not detract from the appearance of the original rail and that it be a lesser visibility. Commissioner Stuart recommended the applicant look at the porch at 1337 Main Street for an appropriate example. The Commission encouraged Mr. Maiers to talk with Building Services Manager Rich Russell to review rail alternatives that would preserve the existing profile and details of the porch while still being in compliance with Building Code. The Commission next discussed the column capitals that are to be repaired. They questioned which capital design is most likely original to the building. The consensus of the Commission was that neither capital designs are original or appropriate given the style of the house. Staff Member Johnson verified that the porch is not original. The Commission discussed appropriate column styles, noting that a doric column capital would be most appropriate given the architecture of the building. The Commission referenced the Secretary of Interior Standards for Rehabilitation, noting that the existing railing height and design is acharacter-defining feature. Augmentation of that railing with something that is differentiable and not pretending to be old is preferred so the rail does not detract from the character-defining features and profile of that porch. The Commission stated a simple thin, black, wrought iron augmented rail design would be most appropriate. Motion by Wand, seconded by Stuart to approve the application as presented with the following changes: 1) Where the difference between the level of the porch and the grade below is less than 30 inches, the railing will remain at its original height. 2) The railing going down the stair will remain at its current height and materials will Minutes -Historic Preservation Commission February 15, 2007 Page 6 be replaced in-kind and according to the Uniform Code for building conservation. 3) For the guardrail around the primary porch where the grade difference is greater than 30 inches, construct a new railing to match the original railing with an additional piece added to the top of the rail to satisfy Code requirements as interpreted by the Building official and if agreeable by the City Building Department. 4) The guardrail addition should be as minimal as possible and painted a color to de-emphasize it; 5) Doric column capitals are appropriate for the project; 6) The repaired porch soffit must maintain the same profile and materials as exists currently; and 7) All wood elements be painted once the weather allows. Motion carried by the following vote: Aye -Olson, Wainwright, Bichell, Wand and Stuart; Nay -None. ITEMS FROM PUBLIC: None. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION: Old Main District Vacancy: The Commission discussed the recent vacancy for the Old Main District Historic Preservation Commission member. The Commission explained their frustration in the difficulty in finding a representative who resides in the Old Main District. Commissioner Stuart suggested that the commercial nature of the district makes it difficult to find a Commission representative and proposed changing the City of Dubuque Historic Preservation Ordinance to allow a property owner to temporarily represent the district until such a time that a resident member can be found. Commissioner Wand questioned whether allowing a property owner to serve on the Commission would jeopardize the City's CLG status. Commissioner Stuart recommended that the proposed ordinance change be sent to the State for comment prior to a local ordinance change. Commissioners stated that it is important that vacant seats filled by property owners only be temporary. The Commission stated that Staff Member Carstens has information substantiating the need to allow property owners to temporarily fill a position. The Commission specifically cited data that indicates the number and length of time that the Old Main District has been vacant due to its commercial nature. Motion by Wand, seconded by Stuart, to draft a revision to the ordinance to allow property owners to temporarily represent vacant district seats until such time a resident/volunteer is found. Motion carried by the following vote: Aye -Olson, Wainwright, Bichell, Wand and Stuart; Nay -None. By consensus the Commission directed staff to continue to work on a letter to be mailed to all residents of the Old Main District inviting residents to apply for the vacant seat. Minutes -Historic Preservation Commission February 15, 2007 Page 7 upcoming meetings due to maternity leave. The Commission stated it is important for all members to attend future meetings so there is a quorum. Motion by Wand, seconded by Olson, to direct staff to draft a letter to all Commission members stressing the importance of attendance in the upcoming months given the recent Old Main District vacancy and the upcoming maternity leaves, and remind members attendance is required at two-thirds of the annual meetings. Motion carried by the following vote: Aye -Olson, Wainwright, Bichell, Wand and Stuart; Nay -None. ITEMS FROM STAFF: Nomination for 2007 Ken Kringle Historic Preservation Awards: Staff explained that at the January 18, 2007 meeting, the Commission discussed nominations for the 2007 Ken Kringle Historic Preservation Awards specifically identifying John Whalen's W. 11t" Street project, Thomas Zaber's porch at 1005 Locust Street, 1300 Walnut Street, the first floor of Washington Court, and the remainder of the 1000 block of Main Street, including the Mansion completed by John Gronen as possible nominations for the 2007 Ken Kringle Awards. In addition to the previously discussed nominations, the Commission nominated 2052 and 2056 Washington for a Ken Kringle Historic Preservation Award. The Commission also nominated John Whalen for his historic preservation efforts in the West 11t" Historic Preservation District. Motion by Stuart, seconded by Bichell, to nominate the properties discussed at the January 18, 2007 meeting, 2052 & 2056 Washington, and John Whalen for his historic preservation efforts in the West 11t" Street Historic Preservation District for the 2007 Ken Kringle Historic Preservation Awards. Motion carried by the following vote: Aye -Olson, Wainwright, Bichell, Wand and Stuart; Nay -None. Building Services Department -Status Report on Historic Preservation Enforcement: 352 Bluff Street: Staff Member Johnson reviewed the February status report, noting that the Building Services Department is still waiting for a building permit to be purchased for 352 Bluff Street. 950 Spruce: Staff Member Johnson explained that 950 Spruce continues to bean ongoing legal issue between the City and Mr. Brown. He explained City staff is currently working on providing geotech companies that can assist Mr .Brown. 1163 Highland Place: He explained that staff is currently in the process of verifying the additional concerns about the soffit roof and other problem areas brought forth by the Historic Preservation Commission. 538 Wilbur: He stated no progress has been made and the deadline for compliance remains May 1, 2007. Minutes -Historic Preservation Commission February 15, 2007 Page 8 1017 Bluff: He stated that staff is currently working on locating the property owners regarding their failure to repair the steps. 180 Main Street: He stated Mr. Hutchinson has obtained the required building permits. The previously approved landing and stairs have been constructed at the rear of the Busted Lift. He stated it appears the construction was done in compliance with the Certificate of Appropriateness and the owner anticipates finishing the deck and window work this upcoming spring. 342 Main street: Staff Member Johnson reported staff is investigating whether adjacent buildings are being impacted by water entering the German Bank building. 1921 Madison: Staff Member Johnson reviewed the enforcement at this address, noting that the owner has purchased a permit to repair portions of the roof and reline the gutters. He stated the owner was ordered to provide a schedule of repairs by February 15 ,which has not yet been received, and fines have been applied. He stated that Mr. Delire's attorney has contacted the City legal staff about the fine and the requested schedule of repairs. He stated City legal staff is currently work with the owner's attorney for the requested schedule of repairs and the timeline for submittal has been extended to March 1, 2007. 1433 Main Street: Staff Member Johnson explained that per the Commission's direction, he followed up with the previous owner, Michelle Bain, regarding previous correspondence on a Certificate of Appropriateness obtained for the property. He explained the previous owner did not recollect any formal correspondence or Certificates of Appropriateness for the porch. She did however explain that drawings for the new porch columns were left for the new homeowner. He stated that afollow-up letter, historical information, and design guidelines were mailed to the new property owners. The Commission discussed the nature of the violation and explained that demolition by neglect is not the most appropriate classification of the violation. The Commission stated that 1433 Main Street should be cited for non-compliance with City Ordinances, since the missing column is more of a safety issue. 1051 White Street: Staff Member Johnson reported that Mr. Smith was given until February 26, 2007 to apply for a demolition permit or make the necessary repairs to his property at 1051 White Street. He explained that he met with Mr. Smith on February 9th to review the application for a demolition permit. He stated Mr. Smith explained the building is nothing more than a shell, the floor is failing, and the roof interior and exterior walls are in disrepair. He stated Mr. Smith intends on demolishing the building. HDPIP Status Report: Staff Member Johnson reviewed the updated HDPIP status report, noting that the Four Mounds Foundation has expended the remaining funds for the Minutes -Historic Preservation Commission February 15, 2007 Page 9 directional sign and commemorative sign project, and that project is considered finished. He stated the other Four Mounds projects are on schedule. Commissioner Stuart reported that the Downtown Neighborhood Council is preparing a letter requesting that $10,000 in HDPIP funds be expended for the sidewalk projects leaving approximately $7,000 in remaining funds to be used next year. Staff Member Johnson reported that he contacted the Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Association member Rodney Carroll regarding the status of the Grove Terrace Street Lights Project. He explained that Rodney stated the Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Association was scheduled to meet Saturday, February 10th and Rodney was to call with a report on Monday, February 12th. Staff Member Johnson stated no phone call was received. Staff Member Johnson stated he would follow-up with Rodney Carroll again. The Commission discussed the value of the HDPIP status report in monitoring the HDPIP program. By consensus, the Commission requested that staff provide a bi-monthly HDPIP status report. The Commission stated staff does not need to call HDPIP recipients monthly to update the report. Rather, direction will be given by the Commission after review of the bi-monthly reports. Survey for Unified Development Code: Staff Member Johnson explained that the Commission can return the survey for the Unified Development Code tonight or can mail or fax the survey to the Planning Services Department by the end of February. FY 2008 Budget: Staff Member Johnson stated that the FY08 Budget hearing for the Planning Services is Tuesday, February 27th. He explained the budget hearing is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the Library Auditorium, and the Community Development Block Grant hearing immediately follows at 8:00 p.m. He stated the budget dinner is between 6- 6:30 p.m. in the Library Rotunda and Commission members should RSVP should they wish to attend the dinner. The Commission discussed the importance of attending the budget hearing to support the Historic Preservation Housing Grant Program. Chairperson Olson explained she would most likely not be able to attend. Commissioner Stuart stated he would attend the budget hearings and encouraged other Commissioners to show their support and attend as well. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, David Johnson, Assistant Planner Adopted