Library Board of Trusees Update 2 22 07 Carnegie-Stout Public Library Library Board of Trustees Update From the Meeting of February 22, 2007 ?The Library Board will investigate alternatives to 4 of 7 board member terms that will expire on July 1, 2007. At this point in our campaign and renovation continuity of board members is critical. ? By the end of January, 58% of the fiscal year had lapsed. Expenditures were at 58% and 65% or projected revenue was in. ?Use of the Library continues a positive growth trend with circulations increased 2% year-to-date. This growth is attributed to Dubuque residents whose use is up 5%. Use by non-residents and open access patrons are down 4 and 36 percent respectively. Visits to the Library are up 6% and Internet access is up 19% year- to-date. ?Three grants have been submitted to the DRA. A grant request in the name of the Friends was submitted for two major author visits during the summer of 2007 in support of the Children's and Teens' reading programs. A grant in the name of Library Foundation was submitted for ten in-library circulating lap top computers. A grant in the name of DALINC (Dubuque Area Libraries in Cooperation) was submitted for downloadable audio books from OverDrive which includes Carnegie-Stout as a partner. Additionally, a grant to the Diamond Jo was submitted in the Foundation's name for the sponsorship of a Murder Mystery Dinner Theater to be held at the Library for those participating in the Adult Summer Reading program. ? Minutes from a meeting with OPN Architects, KJWW Engineering, Durrant Group, and Steve Brown, City Engineering were reviewed. Construction scheduling of the renovation project was identified and will take place in five phases, primarily revolving around the air handling units which will need to continue to support the facility with heating and cooling. It is not likely that the historic building can support the weight of a roof garden. The Library's addition could support a roof garden, but the roof of the addition is relatively new and should last ten more years postponing a roof garden on this wing. KJWW will evaluate the load capacity of the Carnegie roof more carefully. If it cannot hold a roof garden the money dedicated to this green design feature will be used toward achieving green design in the building. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification would be significant as Carnegie-Stout would be the first existing building library in Iowa and the Midwest to achieve this designation, and quite possibly the country (architect will confirm that fact.) ?The Board turned further discussion of the Library's logo and tag line for the renovation over to the Communications Task Force. They may incorporate a different design into campaign literature. ?The Library will begin to reproduce a limited number of the photogravures from the Edward Curtis collection as a general fundraiser. Quality prints range in cost from $250 (U.S.) to $3,000 (Europe). We will wait until the Campaign Cabinet has decided whether prints will be a part of donor recognition before moving forward. ? The Library's budget presentation to the City Council was reviewed. It will be presented on Thursday, March 1. ?A preview of the first draft of the Renovation video was viewed. Work remains to be done on it and it is hoped that this will be ready for release by March 15. Library Board of Trustees ___________________________ _____________________________ Alan Avery, Board President Susan Henricks, Director Sue Lindsay, Vice President Kristen Smith, Board Secretary Diann Guns Becky Hauder Beverly Kolz Michael Shubatt