Minutes_Human Rights Commission 6 9 14CITY OF DUBUQUE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF June 9, 2014 Commissioner Lee called the meeting of the Dubuque Human Rights Commission to order at 3:33 p.m. on Monday, June 9, 2014, at the City Hall Annex, 1300 Main Street, Conference Room II, Dubuque, Iowa. Roll CaII: Present: Anthony Allen, Chair Tom LoGuidice Miguel Jackson Chris Ostwinkle Howard Lee RRS Stewart Jeff Lenhart Absent: Staff: Carol Spinoso Kelly Larson Manisha Paudel Approval of Minutes: Commissioner LoGuidice moved to approve the meeting minutes of May12, 2014. Commissioner Allen seconded. All in favor. Reports: Caseload Report The May 2014 caseload report was received and filed. Chairperson's Report Commissioner Allen reported that he is working with the NAACP to help them get reorganized and restructured. The BMC and the Human Rights Commission will be sponsoring informational booths at the Juneteenth event Saturday, June 14, 2014 from noon to 3:00 p.m. at Comisky Park. Members of the NAACP are reviewing the revised by-laws of the Community Police Relations Committee (CPRC). They hope to have those revisions approved within the next two months. Director's Report: A written report was submitted. Old Business: Administrative Rule 2.16(9) Issuance of Right -to -Sue Letter After last month's approval of removing 2.16(9) paragraph b., Commissioner Stewart contacted staff recommending that paragraph b. be reinstated to protect the complainant in the event a Right -to -Sue was issued in error by the ICRC. She thought without this language a complainant might just think they have no recourse. Commissioner LoGuidice moved to reinstate section (b.) into Administrative Rules 2.16(9). Commissioner Jackson seconded. For clarity, Kelly recommended that they change the wording when it refers to "the Commission," to the Iowa Civil Rights Commission. All in favor. Source of Income Jerry Maro, Margie White and Jim Dix from the Landlord's Association were present for this discussion. Ordinances from Iowa City, Minnesota and Wisconsin that include source of income as a protected class were distributed. Some of these ordinances exclude Section 8 housing vouchers. As many as 40 states and local jurisdictions have adopted source of Page 1 of 3 income protection into their law. Commissioner Stewart had recommended this discussion as this is a current fair housing issue and thought they should perhaps consider adding source of income to the Dubuque ordinance. Commissioner Ostwinkle suspended the rules to allow guests to provide input on this issue. Commissioner Allen seconded. All in favor. The guests asked for clarity as to what "source of income" actually meant. There were concerns that they wouldn't be able to use established income criteria. It was explained that landlords can maintain their current income criteria, they would need to consider social security and/or Section 8 Vouchers as a source of income in determining that income criteria. There were concerns about individuals being removed from the Section 8 Program and suddenly they are unable to pay monthly rent, along with landlords being unable to recoup damage expenses as they are not able to garnish social security income. The guests felt that landlords should have a choice in determining whether or not they want to rent to Section 8 recipients because of the mandatory time consuming paperwork and inspections involved. A question was raised whether there were vouchers available and not units. Commissioner Stewart asked Kelly to seek information from Housing as to whether there are more units than vouchers or vouchers than units available. Commissioner Stewart explained that this is just the beginning of the conversation and that this will take time. More dialogue, research, and training will be needed prior to any recommendations being made. It was recommended to continue to work together for what is best for the citizens of Dubuque. The Landlord Association meets regularly on the second Tuesday of the month at Hills & Dales on Stoneman Road at 7:00 p.m. Commissioners are willing to attend the August 12th meeting to answer any questions or address any concerns. They will confirm that date and get back to Anthony. Commissioner Ostwinkle moved to end public input. Commissioner LoGuidice seconded. All in favor. New Business: Title VI Provision and LEP Plan — Commissioner Stewart Copies of the Title VI and LEP Plan for the City of Dubuque transit services were distributed. Commissioner Stewart, as a member of the Transit Advisory Commission, will recommend that the Director of Transit Operations take proposed changes to the Compliance Agreement to the Transit Advisory Board for their consideration. Those recommendations are: 1) page 3 to expand beyond "Civil Rights Act of 1964" and include specific reference to subsequent amendments that added protected classes; and 2) page 9-10 to include a listing of the specific protected classes that are covered. A question was raised as to why protection for sexual orientation and gender identity was not included in the eligibility requirements for filing a complaint. It was explained that the document was created to comply only with what is covered under federal law, which does not include sexual orientation and gender identity, but that it could be added so people know they have State rights as well. Commissioner Ostwinkle moved to recommend to the Transit Advisory Board that they add Iowa protected classes to the Title VI and LEP Plan Document. Commissioner LoGuidice seconded. All in favor. Standing Items: Review and Discuss Goals Goal #1 & 2: Strengthen DHRC Relationships & Improving Effectiveness/Quality of Meetings The group scheduled their next meeting for Wednesday, July 9, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. at Jitterz. Goal #3: Discuss Criminal Justice procedures as they relate to racial disparities Racial Disparities Forum Planning Subcommittee Update Commissioner LoGuidice is chair of this subcommittee. They will discuss set meeting times at the next meeting. Page 2 of 3 Commissioner Allen clarified that Inclusive Dubuque is planning on holding a number of public forums throughout the community in the upcoming year. One of the forums will be a panel discussion or facilitated discussions about race relations looking at the citizen point of view. Our commission is talking about racial disparities in regards to connecting with professionals working in the criminal justice system to ask why there are disparities. Commissioners Allen and LoGuidice met with Kelly to discuss work that John Paul Chaisson -Cardenas, Director of the Cedar Rapids Civil Rights Commission, has done in the area equity. The subcommittee would like to call a special meeting of the Human Rights Commission on June 24th, where John Paul would educate them on the process they used to develop the Cedar Rapids Equity Report. Commissioner Allen moved to hold a special Human Rights Commission on June 24, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. Commissioner Ostwinkle seconded. All in favor. Goal #4: Education and communication regarding Housing Commissioner Allen suggested tabling discussion until after the August VCA fair housing training. Goal #5: Participate in Inclusive Dubuque process Commissioner Allen stated that Inclusive Dubuque is looking for facilitators for the forums they are planning. A pilot forum is being planned for July 23 with the topic of residency. DBQ BBQ Subcommittee Update Letters to past and potential sponsors were signed and are ready to be mailed out. This year's BBQ will be held on Saturday, September 20th from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. in Clarke's Kehl Center. Consent Items: Commissioner Stewart distributed a copy of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Proclamation for comments and corrections. The Proclamation will be presented at 6:30 p.m. at the July 7th City Council meeting. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Jackson, second by Commissioner Lenhart. All in favor. The meeting of the Human Rights Commission adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Commissioner Lenhart will lead the next regular meeting scheduled for Monday, July 14, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. Minutes approved as submitted: Minutes approved as corrected. 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