Communication_Stache JFK Sidewalks(5/21/2007) Kevin Firnstahl - FW: Sidewalks on JFK Page 1 From: Jeanne Schneider To: Kfirnsta@cityofdubuque.org Date: 5/21/2007 3:17 PM Subject: FW: Sidewalks on JFK -----Original Message----- From: "alan stache" <ahstache@yahoo.com> To: "Ann Michalski" <Amichalski@cityofdubuque.org>; "Mike Van Milligen" <CtyMgr@cityofdubuque.org>; "Jeanne Schneider" <Jschneid@cityofdubuque.org>; "Karla Braig" <Kbraig@cityofdubuque.org>; "Kevin Lynch" <Klynch@cityofdubuque.org>; "Pat Cline" <Pcline@cityofdubuque.org>; "Roy Buol" <Rdbuol@cityofdubuque.org>; "Ric Jones" <Rjones@cityofdubuque.org>; "Joyce Connors" <jconnors63@mchsi.com> Sent: 5/20/07 9:17 PM Subject: Sidewalks on JFK As new residents of Dubuque and property owners in the Arbor Oaks area, we would like to express our support for sidewalks on JFK between Asbury and NW Arterial. As parents of 4, we are concerned about the safety of children that have to walk along JFK to school, residents and children that would like to use the new bike trail along the NW Arterial or bike/walk to the soccer complex, as well as everyone that would rather walk or ride a bike to the stores along JFK. We understand that making a decision that affect adjacent property owners financially are tough, but think that most would agree that the safety of the residents of Dubuque, especially it's children, should be the first concern. We hope that you support the installation of sidewalks which will positively affect many people in the future. Thanks, Alan and Kris Stache 3123 Arbor Hills Drive