Grandview Pet Park_Kelley Communication_ _ _, ___ ~---~-~~ Pa e 1 5/23/2007 Kevin Frnstahl - FW Grandview Pet Park ___ _ _9 , From: Jeanne Schneider To: Kfirnsta@cityofdubuque.org Date: 5/23/2007 8:38 AM Subject: FW: Grandview Pet Park -----Original Message----- From: "Kelley" <kelley3249@mchsi.com> To: "Ann Michalski" <Amichalski@cityofdubuque.org>; "Mike Van Milligen" <CtyMgr@cityofdubuque.org>; "Jeanne Schneider" <Jschneid@cityofdubuque.org>; "Karla Braig" <Kbraig@cityofdubuque.org>; "Kevin Lynch" <Klynch@cityofdubuque.org>; "Pat Cline" <Pcline@cityofdubuque.org>; "Roy Buol" <Rdbuol@cityofdubuque.org>; "Ric Jones" <Rjones@cityofdubuque.org>; "Joyce Connors" <jconnors63@mchsi.com> Sent: 5/22/07 9:40 AM Subject: Grandview Pet Park I hope this email is not too late as it has been some time since I read about the article in the Telegraph Herald regarding the complaints received concerning the Grandview Pet Park. I understand there are more pressing issues you have to deal with but I feel it necessary to express my opinion and share my experience of the park to help you make the best possible decision for the city. I live near the Arboretum and frequently use Grandview road to get to the Dubuque Internal Medicine clinic and Henderson Park where my son attends 'Class at the Park' once a week. I thus frequently drive by the pet park. Since the article was written I have paid attention to the number of people/dogs at the park during from lam to 11 am during the work week. There is rarely anyone using the park at these times and I have never seen more then two cars during these times. I also am a dog owner and use the park myself about once a month mostly on the weekends. I have been twice on Saturday mornings in the past two months. The first time I was the only person at the park at around 9:00 am. The second Saturday was around 10:30 am. There were three other dog owners each with one dog. I did not hear a dog bark the entire 45 minutes I was there. I do not doubt that there is some noise and traffic generated by the pet park but I feel the complaints in the article were grossly exaggerated. I encourage you to make a visit to the park during its peak usage and I believe you will come to the same opinion. I am a dog owner but I also understand the problems and get frequently frustrated by problems associated with careless pet ownership. I am glad the other parks in the city are 'pet free' so parents do not have to worry about aggressive animals or the items they leave behind. It is nice however to have a park devoted to dogs where dog owners can exercise and enjoy their pets in a secure area. I am also of the opinion that the pet owners who use the park tend to be more responsible then the average pet owner. I believe the park to be a real asset to the city and would feel very disappointed in it was closed. Sincerely, (5/23/2007) Kevin Firnstahl - FW: Grandview Pet Park Dave Kelley 3249 Bittersweet Lane Pale 2 Dubuque 52001