Minutes Human Rigts Commission 7 9 07CITY OF DUBUQUE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF July 9, 2007 Commissioner Oswald called the meeting of the Dubuque Human Rights Commission to order at 4:17 p.m. on Monday, July 9, 2007, in Conference Room 2 at the City Hall Annex. Roll Call: Present: Anthony Allen Marcos Rubinstein Mary Coan Vince Vanden Heuvel, Vice-Chair Shane Oswald, Chair Gretel Winterwood Bill Ross Patricia Foster Absent: Katrina Wilberding Staff: Crenna Brumwell-Sahm Molly Menster Approval of Minutes Commissioner Ross moved and Commissioner Vanden Heuvel seconded to approve the June 11, 2007 meeting minutes as submitted. Roll call: Allen Yes Vanden Heuvel Yes Coan Abstain Wilberding Yes Oswald Yes Winterwood Yes Ross Yes Motion carries. The minutes were approved as submitted. Caseload Report Molly summarized the June Caseload Report. There were thirty-seven intakes, one new case filed, 7 cases under active investigation, 2 cases in mediation, 4 cases closed, 2 cases in administrative review, and 1 case remained in backlog. The case summary details allegations of employment discrimination on the bases of sexual harassment and retaliation. Chairperson's Report Nothing new to report. Director's Report Kelly provided a written report highlighting past and future initiatives. Subcommittee Reports Education and Outreach -Anthony. Bill, Vince. Gretel Commissioner Ross reported that they met on July 2 to review what other subcommittee involvement. The Disability Subcommittee will be contacting support groups to see about their interest in being speakers. Commissioner Allen reported that the Race Subcommittee met on June 29. They discussed focusing on efforts to secure speakers willing to speak on race and education in the K-12 school system, the colleges, and then will reach to the community. Rachel Daack suggested a video "Off Track" to be used during presentations. Commissioner Vanden Heuvel stated that the National Origin Subcommittee met to discuss various ideas. They discussed the lack of awareness of the national origin make-up in Dubuque. It was reported that there were 12 languages spoken in the school district. They plan to identify and celebrate diversity in the community and thus eliminate myths, and possibly address the issues of immigration. The next Education and Outreach large group meeting will be August 8th at Keystone at 3:30 Ordinance Review -Marcos, Shane The subcommittee did not meet. Accessibility -Katrina, Bill, Shane Molly reported for Katrina that at the last two meetings only two people were in attendance and she stated that there are not enough people on this subcommittee. She would like to discuss this at goal setting. The next meeting is on July 23 at 4:00 p.m. in Conference Room II. Staff distributed a memo to remind subcommittees of the public meeting notice procedures. Review Resumes and Select Facilitator for Goal Settins~ Staff contacted Jan Powers, Sid Scott and Art Roche to submit proposals to facilitate goal setting for the Commission. Sid Scott is not available August 10th, and Jan Powers did not submit a proposal. Commissioner Rubinstein moved to approve Art Roche to facilitate the Commission's planning session on August 10, 2007. Commissioner Allen seconded. Roll call: Allen Yes Vanden Heuvel Yes Coan Yes Rubinstein Yes Oswald Yes Winterwood Yes Ross Yes Foster Yes Motion carries. Recommendation Res~ardin~ Addition of Gender Identity to Chapter 27 Commissioners reviewed Crenna's comparison between Chapter 27 and Chapter 218 relating to gender identity and religion. Crenna suggested two options: 1) recommend the City amend its ordinance to reflect the state law addition of gender identity and religious exemptions, or 2) recommend the City amend its ordinance to possess the same religious exemptions as state law without adopting gender identity. The consequence of this is that gender identity complaints could not be enforced locally, but would be referred to the Iowa Civil Rights Commission. Commissioner Ross suggested contacting City Councilmembers to get a feel of how they want to approach this with regards to the recommendations. Commissioner Rubinstein requested that Crenna draft the amendments related to religion and gender identity to the ordinance for City Council consideration. Commissioners will contact Councilmembers individually, and Crenna will draft a proposed ordinance amendment that reflects both the religion and gender identity changes for commissioners to review. At next month's meeting commissioners will approve the recommendation to the City Council. New Business: No new business. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Rubinstein moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Vanden Heuvel seconded. Motion passed by acclamation. Meeting was adjourned at 5:48 p.m. The next regular meeting is August 13, 2007. Minutes approved as submitted: ~~ (~~-~ti~-~ Minutes approved as corrected: