Library Board Update 6 28 07 Carnegie-Stout Public Library Library Board of Trustees Update From the Meeting of June 28, 2007 Present: Alan Avery, President; Sue Lindsay, Vice President; Kristen Smith, Secretary; Diann Guns, Becky Hauder, Beverly Kolz Excused: Michael Shubatt ? June 30, 2007 closed the fiscal year with the Library’s budget coming in at 98.56 percent, or 1.44 percent under budget. Revenues exceeded projections coming in at 113 percent of revenue estimations. ? The fiscal year ended with an overall 5 percent increase in library visits. Circulations were up 3 percent and represent the highest number of transactions in the Library’s history. Much of this increase can be attributed to Dubuque residents whose circulations were 4 percent ahead of last year. Print material loans were down for the year, only 1 percent for Adults, but a 7 percent decrease for Youth. This mirrors studies completed at the national level documenting that leisure reading has declined, particularly with the younger population. Reading is essential. Over the next few years we will focus on, and work with, youth of all ages to encourage them to read. Internet use over the past fiscal year is up 9 percent, in large part due to increased use in Adult Services. Perhaps the classes held by Adult Services have been a positive influence on computer use. Registrations for library cards increased 9 percent. Areas of decline were in Reference and Volunteer hours. Significant increases in library use are in all fields of electronic media, from DVDs (increase 62 percent in circulations for Adult, increase 45 percent for Youth) to database use. ? The Art Audit is expected to be completed in August and that the final total will be between $72,000 and $85,000. Furniture and art sculptures/bronzes will be valued separately and that phase will begin in later August. ? The Library held a Harry Potter party held on Friday, July 20. It is estimated that between 700 and 800 people attended this event. Library Board of Trustees ___________________________ _____________________________ Alan Avery, Board President Susan Henricks, Director Sue Lindsay, Vice President Kristen Smith, Board Secretary Diann Guns Becky Hauder Beverly Kolz Michael Shubatt