Workers' Compensation Excess Insurance ProposalTHE CITY OF DUB E Masterpiece on the Mississippi MEMORANDUM August 28, 2007 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager SUBJECT: Workers' Compensation Excess Insurance Personnel Manager Randy Peck is recommending that the City continue with Safety National as the City's excess workers' compensation carrier effective July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009, at a renewal rate of $.125 per $100 of payroll, for an estimated annual premium of $24,024. concur with the recommendation and respectfully request Mayor and City Council approval. i"~~ Michael C. Van Milligen MCVM/jh Attachment cc: Barry Lindahl, City Attorney Cindy Steinhauser, Assistant City Manager Randy Peck, Personnel Manager THE CITY OF DuB E ~~ TO: Michael C. Van Milligen City Manager FROM: Randy Peck Personnel Manager Memorandum August 27, 2007 SUBJECT: Workers' Compensation Excess Insurance Cottingham and Butler presented the workers' compensation excess insurance renewal options for coverage effective July 1, 2007. I have attached the renewal proposal for your review. Quotes were obtained from our current carrier, Safety National, and Midwest Employers Casualty Company, AIG and ACE. Safety National presented the most competitive proposal for the existing coverages. Safety National proposed to continue with the current rate of $.125 per $100 of payroll effective July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2009. The renewal proposal provides for an estimated annual premium of $24,024 for Fiscal Year 2008. The current annual premium is $23,329. The increase is related to the increase in our payroll. If we were to include sworn police officers and firefighters medical claims under the $450,000 retention, Safety National would charge a premium of between $45,000 to $50,000. Finance Director Ken TeKippe and I have discussed whether there would be any financial advantage to include sworn police officers and firefighters medical claims under the $450,000 retention limit. Since we would be liable for the first $450,000 of medical expenses, we recommend to continue excluding sworn police officers and firefighters medical claims from the $450,000 retention limit. Ken and I recommend that we continue with Safety National as our excess workers' compensation carrier effective July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2009. Cottingham and Butler has issued a binder to make sure that there would be no lapse in coverage on July 1, 2007. The requested action is for the City Council to pass a motion approving the renewal rate of $.125 per $100 of payroll submitted by Safety National effective July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2009, for the workers' compensation excess insurance. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. RP:tlb cc: Ken TeKippe, Finance Director Jenny Larson, Budget Director Excess Workers' Compensatl'on Insurance Program for the Prese~zted by: Eric R. Larsen, Sales Executive Policy Year: 2007/2008 This is a com~enient coverage swmnun not a legal c•ontrac•t. This proposal is provided to facilitate your wzderstanding of your insurance program. Please refer to the actual policie.r.for specific terms condidnrzs lintitutions and excdusirnu that rill govern in the everu of a loss. Specimen copies of all policies are available for review prior to rice bindirtg of c•nreruge. Irr esuluating your exposures to loss, H~e hove been dependent upon information provided by vou. if there ore any other ureus that need to be eruluated prior to binding of coverage, please bring these ureus to our attention. Should any of your exposures change after coverage is bound, such us your beginning new operations, hiring entplrwees in new states, buying additional property, etc.. please let us know so proper coverage c•un be discussed. Cottinghum & Butler, htc. is compensated through fees and/or c•anunissiorzs for' sen•ic•es provided to clients related to nurnaging, reducing, and tratsferring risk. /n addition, Cottirzgltarn & Butler, bze. Wray enter into agreements with some inswunce carriers through which it is compensated for services provided on behalf of dze carriers. This compensation is based on sereral,fucrucs such as orerull volwne, groxth, and in some cases profitability of the aggregate premium pluc•ed x•itlr suc•!t cur-riers. Cottinghum & Butler subsidiaries tour also receire compensation for sen-ices such us utilization revieH•. case murtagenzent acrd cluinrs l:undling perforated directly for the carriers Cottingham ~ Butler C&B Insurance ~ S1SC0 ~ HealthCorp (Safety Management Established 1887 CITY OF DUBUQUE j. CITY OF DUBUQUE TABLE OF CONTENTS Service Team Excess Workers' Compensation Premium Payment Policy Appendix A - A.M. Best Rating & Analysis Definitions Additional Coverages Please refer to the policy for specific terms, conditions, limitations, med exclusions. A specimen copy of die policy is available for review. adequate lead time required to secure coverage. Adequate lead time will vary by line of coverage and company, but generall}' is a minimum of 48 hours. Adequate lead time for Assigned Risk policies will vary 6}'state, but generally is a minimum of 5 business days. C= Cottingham & Butler PAGE 1 1, . ~, Y CITY OF DUBUQUE SERVICE TEAM LISTING Sales Executive Eric R. Larsen 563-587-5288 eric.larsen @ cb-sisco.com Account Administrator Account Service Representative Brokerage Claims Representative Bond Specialist Erin M. Dillavou Carey A. Welch Sheri A. Risley Molly C. Weber 563-587-5544 erin.dillavou@cb-sisco.com 563-587-5318 carey.welch@cb-sisco.com 563-587-5245 sheri.risley @ cb-sisco.com 563-587-5169 molly.weber@ cb-sisco.com PO Box 28 800 Main Street Dubuque, IA 52004-0028 300 Security Building Dubuque, IA 52001 (563) 583-7344 • (800) 793-5235 www.cb-sisco.com Please refer to the policy for specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. A specimen copy of the policy is available for review. Adequate lead time required to secure coverage. Adequate lead time will vary by line of coverage and company, bul gerteraU}' is a minimum of 48 hours. Adequate lead time for Assigned Risk policies will vary by state, but generally is a mii:imum of .S business dada. C= Cotiingham & Butler cxe im~..~~, I stuo I ~wl~nrom I s,r.n~ W,~,s~m PAGE 2 CITY OF DUBUQUE EXCESS WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE SPECIFICATIONS POLICY NUMBER: SP -1R14 - IA 7/1/2007-2009 Company: Safety National A.M. Best Rating: A, IX Status: Admitted Rati~lg mzd Status as of.• 06/19/07 LIMITS Workers' Compensation (each accident) Statutory Employers Liability (each accident) $1,000,000 SELF-INSURED RETENTION (EACH ACCIDENT) $450,000 Aggregate Protection None Estimated Payrollt $20,020,265 Rate per $100 of Payroll .125 Policy Term: * 2 Years ESTIMATED ANNUAL PREMIUM $24,024/YEAR Minimum Premium $24,024 *Multi year term quotes are subject to annual review of SIR and possible change PAYMENT TERMS: Annual Payment fThe payroll estimate does NOT include payrolls for Fire/Police Department employees; coverage is excluded for these classes of employees. Safety National can provide coverage for these classes, if interested. Note: Higher limits may be available. Please let us ktaow if you K~ould like a quote for higher limits. Please refer to the policy for specific terms, conditions, limitations, attd exclusions. A specimen copy of the policy is availah[e for review. Adequate lead time required to secure coverage. Adequate lead time wiU vary by line of coverage and company, but generally is a minimum of 48 Irours. Adequate lead lime for Assigned Risk policies will vary by state, but generally is a minimum of 5 business days. C= Cottingham & Butler ` k0lnwnnc~ SIBCD I He~1~IKOep'~, Bakn Sla~ugrmem. PACE 3 ,_„~. CITY OF DUBUQUE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE SPECIFICATIONS -CONTINUED Exclusions include but are riot limited to the folloxring: ~ Punitive Damages `~ Injury to employees knowingly illegally employed ~ Intentional Injury ~ Injuries outside of U.S., its territories and possessions, and Canada ~ Employment Related Practices ~ Crew Members of any vessel ~ Fines or Penalties ~ Damages to any employee under the USL&H Act, the Federal Employer's Liability Act, or Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act. W Monopolistic States are not covered: North Dakota, Ohio, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming Other exclusions mzd coverage limitations apply Please refer to the policy for specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. A specimen copy of the policy is ¢vailable for review. Adequate lead time required to secure coverage. Adequate lead time wiU nary by line of coverage and company, but generally is a minimum of 48 hours. Adequate lead time for Assigned Risk policies will vary by state, but generally is a minimum of 5 hasiness days. C= Cottingham & Buller CF01n.onnre SIKO I HulrM1fory; Lt~' ~4iu~emem PacE 4 _ ~'° CITY OF DUBUQUE PREMIUM PAYMENT POLICY AGENCY BILLED POLICIES During the policy period, if cancellation of a policy(s) results due to non-payment of premium, coverage will be reinstated only twice. If a policy(s) is cancelled a third time, Cottingham & Butler, Inc. will not reinstate coverage or present a renewal offer on any coverages. FINANCED ANll DIRECT BILLFD POLICIES If cancellation and reinstatement of a policy(s) takes place more than twice during the policy period, Cottingham & Butler, Inc. will not present a renewal offer on any coverages. Please refer to the policy for specifcc terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. A specimen copy of tl:e policy is available for review. Adequate lead time required to secure coverage. Adequate lead time N~ill vary by line of coverage and canpany, but generally is a urinimum of 48 hours. Adequate lead time for Assigned Risk policies will vary by state, but generally is a minimum of 5 husiness days_ C- _Cottuigham & Butler (FB In~u~anre BLSf~ lloliMOry ; SMrn NsvBrmm PAGE 5 • ~~' CITY OF DUBUQUE A.M. BEST RATING & ANALYSIS The objective of Best's rating system is to provide an opinion as to an insurer's financia] strength and ability to meet ongoing obligations to policyholders. A.M. Best's opinions are derived from an evaluation of a company's balance sheet strength, operating performance and business profile as compared with Best's quantitative and qualitative standards. A++, A+ Superior B, B- Fair D Poor A, A- Excellent C++, C+ Marginal E Under Regulatory Supervision B++, B+ Very Good C, C- Weak F In Liquidation S Rating Suspended Financial Size Categories (In $000 of Reported Policyholders' Surplus Plus Conditional Reserve Funds) Assigned to all companies and reflects their size based on their capital, surplus and conditional reserve funds in millions of US dollars, using the scale below. To enhance the usefulness of our ratings, A.M. Best assigns each company a Financial Size Category (FSC). The FSC is designed to provide the subscriber with a convenient indicator of the size of a company in terms of its statutory surplus and related accounts. Many insurance buyers only want to consider buying insurance coverage from companies that they believe have sufficient financial capacity to provide the necessary policy limits to insure their risks. Although companies utilize reinsurance to reduce their net retention on the policy limits they underwrite, many buyers still feel more comfortable buying from companies perceived to have greater financial capacity. FSC I Up to 1,000 FSC IX 250,000 to 500,000 FSC II 1,000 to 2,000 FSC X 500,000 to 750,000 FSC III 2,000 to 5,000 FSC XI 750,000 to 1,000,000 FSC N 5,000 to 10,000 FSC XII 1,000,000 to 1,250,000 FSC V 10,000 to 25,000 FSC XIII 1,250,000 to ],500,000 FSC VI 25,000 to 50,000 FSC XIV 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 FSC VII 50,000 to 100,000 FSC XV 2,000,000 or more FSC VIII 100,000 to 250,000 Best's Insurance Reports, published annually by A.M. Best Company, Inc., presents comprehensive reports on the financial position, history, and transactions of insurance companies operating in the United States and Canada. Companies licensed to do business in the United States are assigned a Best's Rating which attempts to measure the comparative position of the company or association against industry averages. Copies of the Best's Insurance Reports on the insurance companies are available upon your request. Cottingham & Butler uses A.M. Best & Co.'s rating services to evaluate the financial condition of insurers whose policies we propose to deliver. The rating of the carrier and the year of publication of that rating are indicated. Cottingham & Butler makes no representations and warranties concerning the solvency of any carrier, nor does it make any representation or warranty concerning the rating of the carrier which may change. Please refer to the policy for specific teens, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. A specimen copy of tJte policy is availaGls for review. Adequate lead time required to secure coverage. Adequate lead time will vaq~ by line of eorerage and company, but generally is a minimum of 48 hours. Adequate lead time for Assigned Risk policies will racy by state, but generall}' is a nainimura o f 5 husiness days. C- Cottingham & Butler lhO lcwnnrr tRCO NuRM:nT''i Sim ~IanrSrmem PAGE 6 ~~+~ /, CITY OF DUBUQUE ADMITTED /NON-ADMITTED /GUARANTY FUND DATA The term admitted or authorized carrier refers to an insurer, which has been approved (authorized) by a given state's insurance department to write business within that state. An admitted or authorized carrier is protected by the State Guaranty Fund should an insolvency (bankruptcy) of the insurer occur. Anon-admitted or unauthorized carrier in a given state is not protected by the Guaranty Fund in that state should the carrier become insolvent. It is important to keep in mind that an admitted or non-admitted status as well as the resulting applicability of any state's guaranty fund are issues only if/when a carrier is declared insolvent. Please refer to the policy for specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. A specimen copy of the policy is available for review. Adequate lead time required to secure coverage. Adequate lead time will vary by line of coverage and company, but generally is a minimum oF48 hours. Adequate lead time far Assigued Risk policies will rar}• by state, but generally is a minimum of S husiness days C- C_ ottingham & Butler l'FE In~w~~n I ilSfA HoItM'.aT'i Lhry M~n~gemem PAGE 7 Marketing Results on the Excess WC Page 1 of 1 Randy Peck -Marketing Results on the Excess WC From: "ERIC LARSEN" <eric.larsen@cb-sisco.com> To: <citypers@cityofdubuque.org> Date: 6/29/2007 5:05 PM Subject: Marketing Results on the Excess WC CC: "JOHN LINK" <john.link@cb-sisco.com>, "ERIN DILLAVOU" <erin.dillavou@cb- sisco.com> Randy, Per your request here are the companies that we approached to quote the City of Dubuque excess Workers Compensation policy. AIG -Minimum premium required for them to consider a quote was $100,000 ACE -Minimum premium was also 100,000, they have done some policies for $75,000. but that was the exception and was not interested in anything smaller than that amount. Midwest Employers Casualty - provided a initial quote that started in the forty thousand range and upon further discussions with the carrier they indicated that they could not get below $35,000. Our belief was if the carrier could not get below 30,000, that was not competitive and 35,000 was the most competitive price to your renewal at $24,024. If you have any other questions or need to discuss the marketing process please call me. Thank you again and I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Eric Eric R. Larsen Sales Executive, C&B Insurance 300 Security Building PO Box 28 Dubuque, IA 52004-0028 563-587-5602 (direct) 563-580-1831 (cell) 563-587-5780 (fax) eric.larsen(a?cb-sisco.com CONFIDEN"I'I_~I.I'TY NOTICE: This e-mail message; including any attachments, is fur the sole use of the intzn.ded recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged iutarmation. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and desh•vy all copies of the original message. file://C:\Documents and Settings\tblus\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46853BC9DB~D... 7/2/2007