Loras College Cox Street Purchase Breese Letter 8 29 07711 West 17`'' Street Dubuque, IA 52001 August 29, 2007 City Council Members City Hall Dubuque, IA 52001 Dear City Council Members: On August 15`h Loras College convened a meeting with the neighborhood. They announced plans to purchase Cox Street between Loras Boulevard and West 17`" Street and close it to all neighborhood local traffic. I wish to convey my opposition to this proposal now and at any time in the future. I use that portion of the road on a daily basis in my commute to the Western Dubuque School District as well as appointments and errands to the west end of town. I am concerned regarding the closure when the only routes left are up or down two steep routes. Even in dry weather one almost needs to stand on the brakes when coming to the stop sign on north Cox Street. There are cars parked on both sides of West 17`'' Street all the way down to West Locust. This road is busy now, with cars needing to wait their turn for ascending or descending traffic year round. This proposal would only add to the congestion if Cox Street exit to Loras Boulevard were closed. It can be especially unnerving trying to go up or down West 17"' street in slippery, snowy conditions. North Cox Street is also difficult to navigate with accumulating snow on the road. The south end of Cox Street is our only direct, safe access to a city designated snow route (Loras Boulevard). I thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, g.R.>o Margaret Breese C7 ©~ 0 ~+J a U ~ ~ ~ r-r r c. ct~ w ' r ~ _ y ~ ~ ?l <-' i~ I'1 ~ CD N D t ~ ~..! v