Catfish Creek North Fork Consultant SelectionTHE CI"IY OT DUB E Masterpiece on the Mississip~~i MEMORANDUM September 21, 2007 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager SUBJECT: Consultant Selection for the Design of the North Fork Catfish Creek Sanitary and Stormwater Drainage Improvements Project On September 10, 2007 the City received a proposal from IIW Engineers & Surveyors, PC, WHKS & Co., and Veenstra & Kimm for the design of the channel, culvert, and sanitary sewer improvements associated with the North Fork Catfish Creek Stormwater and Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project. The Proposal Review Committee consisted of Finance Director Ken TeKippe, City Engineer Gus Psihoyos, Leisure Services Manager Gil Spence, Street & Sewer Maintenance Supervisor John Klostermann, and Civil Engineer Deron Muehring. Based on an independent, individual review and a collective discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of each proposal, the committee unanimously concluded that IIW Engineers & Surveyors, PC (IIW) of Dubuque, Iowa has the experience and expertise required for the project and that IIW best responded to the objectives outlined in the request for proposal. The Proposal Review Committee recommends that the City negotiate and enter into a contract with IIW Engineers & Surveyors, PC for the design of the North Fork Catfish Creek Sanitary and Stormwater Drainage Improvements Project. I concur with the recommendation and respectfully request Mayor and City Council approval. ~, Michael C. Van Milligen Attachment cc: Barry Lindahl, City Attorney Cindy Steinhauser, Assistant City Manager Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer THE CITY OF M E M O R A N D U M DuB E Masterpiece on the Mississippi September 21, 2007 TO: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager FROM: Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer ~~ ~, SUBJECT: Consultant Selection for the Design of the North Fork Catfish Creek Sanitary and Stormwater Drainage Improvements Project INTRODUCTION The purpose of this memo is to seek authorization to negotiate and enter into a contract with IIW Engineers & Surveyors, PC (IIW) to design the channel, culvert, and sanitary sewer improvements associated with the North Fork Catfish Creek Drainage Improvements Project. BACKGROUND In December of 2001, the City Council formally adopted the Drainage Basin Master Plan (DBMP) prepared by HDR Engineering (Omaha, Nebraska) for the Bee Branch and North Fork Catfish Creek watersheds. HDR recommended several drainage improvements that would all but eliminate roadway overtopping and flood damage along the North Fork Catfish Creek between the Pennsylvania Avenue/John F. Kennedy Road intersection and the Northwest Arterial. With the adoption of the FY2008-FY2012 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program Budget, $1,659,364 has been established for the North Fork Catfish Creek drainage improvements outlined in the DBMP. In March of 2004, the City funded an evaluation of the sewer referred to as the "Key Way sanitary sewer system." Based on the recommendations of the study prepared by Veenstra & Kimm, Inc., the City Council established $1,904,250 to up-size the Catfish Creek interceptor sewer line from the University Avenue Extension at US20 to the Northwest Arterial. The project consists of replacing the existing 12-inch diameter clay sewer with a 24-inch diameter ductile iron sewer from University Avenue to Key Way and replacing it with an 18-inch diameter ductile iron sewer from Key Way to the Northwest Arterial. The City has completed a topographical survey from University Avenue to Key Way. On November 6, 2006, the City Council authorized the City Manager to submit an application and subsequently approved the use of State Revolving Loan funds for the project. In December of 2006 the State approved the City's application, placing the project on the Iowa Finance Authority State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan program intended use plan. On August 20, 2007 the City Council authorized the release of an RFP for the design of the channel, culvert, and sanitary sewer improvements associated with the North Fork Catfish Creek Stormwater and Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project. DISCUSSION The various components of the North Fork Catfish Creek Stormwater and Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project are outlined in Table 1. To design the improvements, there are five complicating factors that the selected consultant must overcome: 1) The existing sanitary sewer that runs through the J. F. Kennedy Road/Pennsylvania Avenue intersection is very deep and actually runs under the Sherwin-Williams building. Therefore, tradition excavation would have drastic implications to traffic flow through one of the City's busiest intersections; 2) State Revolving Loan Funds have been established for the project. The consultant should have some firsthand knowledge of the program to ensure that the requirements of program are followed; 3) Federal (USAGE) and State permits will be required for the project. The consultant should be aware of, and experienced with the various required permits; 4) There is only a conceptual design for the North Fork Catfish Creek improvements identified from Key Way to the Northwest Arterial. The consultant should have experience designing creek restoration projects. Although our main intent is to increase the flow capacity of the existing creek, it will be a restoration project. As the creek flows through backyards, the consultant will have to balance aesthetics versus maintenance requirements; and 5) The existing right-of-way and easements may not be adequate to accommodate the re-aligned sanitary sewer and the widened creek. Therefore, the consultant must be able to balance the optimum hydraulic sewer design versus property acquisition needs. We anticipate the need for additional right-of-way. The City received proposals from IIW Engineers & Surveyors, PC (Dubuque, Iowa), WHKS & Co. (East Dubuque, Illinois), and Veenstra & Kimm (Moline, Illinois). The proposal review committee consisted of Gil Spence, Leisure Services Manager; Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer; Ken TeKippe, Finance Director; John Klostermann, Street & Sewer Maintenance Supervisor; and Deron Muehring, Civil Engineer. Each committee member reviewed the proposals independently. The committee then discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each proposal to assess the likelihood of successfully overcoming the five complicating factors listed above. Based on the proposals, the committee unanimously identified IIW Engineers & Surveyors, PC (IIW) as having the experience and expertise to be successful and that IIW best responded to the objectives outlined in the requests for proposals. Table 1. NF Catfish Creek Stormwater and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Proiiects. CIP# Project Name Project Description Design Construction Construction Total En ineerin En ineerin Bud et Improve the inlet Penn/JFK characteristics of the 7201655 Culvert existing 14.5-foot diameter $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 144,125 $ 169,125 improvements Pennsylvania/JFK culvert. Remove the dual culverts at Keyway, replace them with three 10-foot wide by 8-foot Keyway high box culverts AND Channel and increase the NF Catfish 7201662 Culvert Creek channel size to a $ 48,000 $ 32,000 $ 476,339 $ 556,339 Improvements 25-foot bottom width with non-erosive, 3(H): 1(V) side slopes from Keyway to the east (downstream) a roximatel 530 feet. _ Increase the NF Catfish Creek channel size to a Keyway to 25-foot bottom width Rosemont with 3:1 side slopes from 7201807 Channel Keyway to Ellen and a $ 56,400 $ 37,600 $ 590,014 $ 684,014 Improvements 10-foot bottom width from Ellen to Rosemont with non-erosive, 3:1 side slo es. Supplement the existing Rosemont 6-foot diameter 7201911 Culvert Rosemont culvert with $ 7,200 $ 4,800 $ 77,409 $ 89,409 an additional 6-foot diameter culvert. Increase the NF Catfish Rosemont to the Creek channel from 720- NW Arterial Rosemont to the NW 000 $ 12 $ 8 000 477 $ 130 477 $ 150 (FY09) Channel Arterial to a 10-foot , , , , Improvements bottom width with non- erosive, 3:1 side slo es. __ STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT SUB-TOTAL $ 138,600 $ 92,400 $1,418,364 $1,649,364 _ NF Catfish Creek Replace the existing 12- Interceptor inch clay sanitary sewer U rade - with a 24-inch DIP from 7101802 Unversity University Ave. to Key $ 100,890 $ 159,660 $1,566,100 $1,904,250 Avenue Way and 18-inch DIP Extension to the from Key Way to the NW NW Arterial Arterial. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SUB-TOTAL $ 100,890. $159,660 $1;:,566,1:00 $1,.:904,250 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TOTALS $ 239,490 $ 252,060 $2,984,464 $3,553,614 The strength of IIW's proposal is the combination of local knowledge and experience of the staff that will work on the City's project. Over the past twenty-five years, they have surveyed and prepared development plans for many of the businesses along the creek, businesses such as IHOP, Arby's, Steve's Ace Hardware, and the Dubuque Community Church. In addition to private developments, they were involved with numerous city projects along the creek, projects such as the University Avenue culvert extension and sanitary sewer interceptor reconstruction, the University Avenue Embankment Stabilization Project along the creek just west of the University Avenue Extension Project, and the field survey for the Drainage Basin Master Plan prepared jointly with HDR Engineering. In addition to these strengths, the IIW team proposed for the City's project has extensive experience with the State's State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan program that the City intends to utilize for the project. And IIW has extensive experience working with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and Iowa Department of Natural Resources to obtain the necessary permits for the project. As outlined in Table 1, there is $239,490 allocated for designing all of the improvements. The fee for all three proposals is within the established budget for designing the improvements. RECOMMENDATION I recommend that the City negotiate and enter into a contract with IIW Engineers & Surveyors, PC for the design of the North Fork Catfish Creek Sanitary and Stormwater Drainage Improvements Project. BUDGET IMPACT IIW's fee proposal of $212,585 is 11.2% under budget. The design of the improvements will be funded from the following sources: CIP# Project Design Bud et Contract 7101802 NF Catfish Creek Interceptor Upgrade -University Avenue Extension to the NW Arterial $ 100,890 $ 85,985 7201655 Penns Ivania/JFK Culvert Headwall Im rovement $ 15,000 $ 15,000 7201662 Ke wa Culvert & Channel Im rovements $ 48,000 $ 48,000 7201807 Ke wa to Rosemont Channel Im rovements $ 56,400 $ 56,400 7201911 Rosemont Culvert Im rovements $ 7,200 $ 7,200 (FY09 Rosemont to NW Arterial Channel Im rovements $ 12,000 $ 0 TOTAL $ 239,490 $ 212,585 The remaining balances will be applied toward the cost of construction, easements, and engineering services during construction. ACTION TO BE TAKEN I respectfully request City Council approval to negotiate and enter into a contract with IIW Engineers & Surveyors, PC to design the channel, culvert, and sanitary sewer improvements associated with the North Fork Catfish Creek Sanitary and Stormwater Drainage Improvements Project. Prepared by Deron Muehring cc: Jenny Larson, Budget Director Ken TeKippe, Finance Director Gil Spence, Leisure Services Manager Don Vogt, Public Works Director John Klostermann, Street and Sewer Maintenance Supervisor Deron Muehring, Civil Engineer II