Minutes_Cable TV Commission 1 71 5 MINUTES OF CABLE TV COMMISSION MEETING January 7, 2015 CITY HALL ANNEX— 1st FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM #1 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Tigges (Chair), Jennifer Tigges, Alan Vincent, Pauline Maloney, Kathy McMullen. MEMBERS ABSENT: Sr. Carol Hoverman (Vice-Chair). One seat is vacant. OTHERS PRESENT: Craig Nowack, City of Dubuque Jim Barefoot, Mediacom RTigges called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. Vincent arrived at 4:06 p.m. Acceptance of the Agenda Upon a motion by Maloney, seconded by McMullen, the Agenda was accepted 4 - 0. Approval of the Minutes of December 3, 2014 Upon a motion by JTigges, seconded by Maloney, the Minutes were approved 4 - 0. Election of Officers RTigges nominated McMullen to be Chair. The motion was seconded by Maloney and approved 4 - 0. Maloney nominated RTigges to be Vice-Chair. The motion was seconded by Vincent and approved 5 - 0. RTigges continued to preside over the current meeting. Public Input There was no public input. Mediacom Cable Report Barefoot reported that he had been contacted by Tom DeGree at Senior High School about setting up a production studio at the school. There is some seed money available through the school district. Barefoot said he had been going through some old equipment at the public access studio. RTigges requested a report of equipment usage at the public access studio. There was also a discussion of setting up a local PEG producers area in social media, perhaps on Facebook. Cable TV Report Nowack informed the Commission that the Cable TV Division is scheduled to present its FY2016 budget before the City Council on Wednesday, February 4, the same day as the next commission meeting. He also brought the Commission up to date on productions now in production and in the planning stages. Adjournment Upon a motion by JTigges, seconded by Vincent, the meeting was adjourned at 4:32 p.m. 1