Minutes Library Board 9 14 07Carnegie-Stout Public Library Board of Trustees' Meeting Minutes of September 14, 2007 The Board of Trustees of the Carnegie-Stout Public Library (C-SPL) met in the Library Board Room at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 14, 2007. Present.• President Alan Avery; Vice President Sue Lindsay; Trustee Becky Hauder; Trustee Beverly Kolz and Trustee Michael Shubatt Trustee Kristen Smith; Trustee Diann Guns; Library Director Susan Henricks; and Recorder Denette Kellogg. StaffPresent.• Maynard Phillips, Resident Campaign Manager of Jerold Panas, Linzy & Partners 1. Board President Avery called the meeting to order 9:00 a.m. and the agenda was adopted. "Moved to adopt the meeting agenda of September 14, 2007. " Motion: Hauder Second.• Guns Vote: Aye -7; Nay - 0 2. Library Building Renovation Project Update -Guns reported on the recent meeting of Board members Kolz, Shubatt and her with the Campaign Cabinet Sub-committee on August 30, 2007 where the Board members provided additional background and information in regard to the building design on behalf of the Library Board. Guns reported that the group had discussed three recommendations in regard to the renovation design provided by the Campaign Cabinet Sub-committee based on reported feedback from donors. Guns reported that the Board was provided information on the professional lighting designer, K)WW Engineering Consultant, P.C., who has been working with the architect on the lighting design. Kolz reported that the sub- committees discussed the color pallet to be used for the project. Shubatt reported that the sub-committees had discussed that the Library Board would pursue review of this item with the building architect. Guns reported that the sub-committees reviewed the suggestion of utilizing the Administration offices for public space and noted that the Board members agreed to review of this suggestion by the Library Board. Guns reported on the Sub-committees discussion in regard to retaining both levels of historic book stacks. Shubatt reported that the group had discussed the Library Board's lengthy building design decision making process with the goal of providing the best library for the future and requested that the campaign move forward as the Board Library Board of Trustees Minutes of Friday, September 14, 2007 campaign move forward as the Board considers the Cabinet Sub-committee requests. Shubatt reported on the support from the Cabinet Sub-committee. The Board discussed the report from the meeting and agreed on the following: • To authorize the Library Director to have OPN Architects prepare cost estimates for possible options to relocate the Administration offices, evaluate the subsequent impact on other areas and the project's completion date. • To review the parameters of the work done by K]VW1l Engineering Consultant, P.C. and OPN Architects in regard to both the lighting design and color palette selected. • To maintain the plan for the historic stacks based on the detailed review of the issue and alternatives and the desire to provide the best library for patron use. To confirm that any portion of the historic stacks not used would be stored. • To prepare a letter to the Campaign Sub-committee providing them the outcome of the Board's review and its proposed next steps to include the Board's ongoing appreciation of the Campaign Cabinet's commitment to this project and for all of their hard work and effort. To request that the Cabinet move forward with the campaign schedule and to keep the Cabinet informed of outcomes of the issues. • To include a list of talking points to be used for the Cabinet to assist in answering questions or concerns from donors about the historic stacks. .Lindsay thanked the Board Sub-committee for its work and efforts. The Board agreed to be available to meet with the Campaign Cabinet for any questions or concerns as needed. Phillips provided the Board members with the campaign's case for support. 3. Library Board Adjournment -The Board adjourned at 9:37 a.m. "Motion to adjourn. " Motion: Lindsay Second.- Guns _Vote: Aye -7; Nay - 0 mi'l'' Kristen Smith, Board Secretary -2-