Proof of Publication 11 5 07 Council ProceedingsnAAIA'lA 1 1550 Clark Drive, completed by Commercial ty, Iowa, was adopted set- ae, Iowa. Upon mq- Flooring in the final con- ling a public hearing for a he documents wrsle tract amount of $119,245. meeting to commence at ed and filed. .. Upon motion the docu- 6:30 p.m. on November tter of Appreciation: ments were received and 19, 2007, in the Historic unication from filed and Resolution No. Federal Building. ine O. Corken, Assis- 524-07 Accepting im- Brunswick Street and Ad- nty Attorney, ex- provement and Resolution jacent Alley -Vacating Pe- ing appreciation to' No. 525-07 Approving final tition: City Manager rec- ite and Fire Depart- estimate were adopted. ommending that a public for their assistance Authorized Depostory In- hearing be set for Novem- urrday, October 14, stitutions: City Manager bar 19, 2007 to consider a Upon motion the recommending approval of request from Esther J. meet was received a depository resolution Thorne to vacate a portion led, 'that increases the maxi- of Brunswick Street south rchase of Property; mum balance for U.S. of Lawther Street and the anager recommend- Bank from $20,000,000 to northerly portion of an al- pproval of the par- $40,000,000. Upon motion ley west of Balke Street of pprroperty at the the documents were re- of White Street ant( ceived and filed and Reso- south of Lawther Street. Upon motion the docu- wy 61 from Plastic lution No. 526-07 Naming ments were received and Inc. for construC- Depositories was adopted. filed and Resolution No. of a Port of Dubuque Quarterly Investment Re- 533-07 Resolution of In- Upon motion the port: City Manager submit- tent to vacate and dispose ling the Quarterly Invest- merits were received of City interest in Lot 49-A , flkd and Resolution ment Report for the period and Lot 66-A of Belmont 517-07 Accepting the ending September 30, Addition in the City of Du- to certain real estate 2007. Upon motion the buque, Dubuque County, buque County, Iowa documents were received Iowa, was adopted setting Plastic Center, Inc.; and filed. a public heanng for a tdoptad, Floodwall Pumping Sta- meeting to commence at Wily Development lion Improvement Projects: 6:30 p.m. on November k Grant (CDBG) Fiscal City Manager recommend- 19, 2007, in the Historic 2007 Annual Action ing acceptance of the con- Federal Building. Amendment: City struction contract for the Development Agreement agar recommending Floodwall Pumping Station -Medline Industries, Inc.: wal of an amendment Improvement Projects, as City Manager recommend- e Fiscal Year 2007 completed by Kluck Con- ing that a public hearing al Action Plan to facil- struction, in the final con- be set for November 19, the reallocation of tract amount of 2007 to consider the dis- $465,730.81. Upon motion for the Cottingham position of approx`mately , Butler ec«romic de- the documents were re- 10.43 acres in Dubuque project. Upon ceived and filed and Reso- Industrial Center West to the documents iulign No. 527-07 Accept- Medline Industries, Fnc. received and filed ing Floodwall Pumping and approval of a Develop- Resolution No. 518=07 Station Improvement Proj- ment Agreement. Upon oving amendment to act and authorizing pay- d d motion the documents re received and filed opte . Fiscal Year 2007 (Pro-. ment was a Year 2006) Annual Planning Excellence we and Resolution No. 534-07 Plan for Community Award: Communication Resolution of Intent to dis- opment Block Grant from the Iowa Chapter of pose of an interest in City was adopted. the American Planning As- of Dubuque real estate and Acres No. 1 and sociation advising that the fixing the date for a public hY Manager recom- Cit~1 of Dubuque has been hearing of the City Council ing acceptance of selected to receive the lo- ic improvements that wa APA Planning Excel- of the City of Dubuque, lo- wa on the proposed issu- per, T-Corp, has lance Award for implemen- ante of Urban Renewal in Emerald tation of the Port of Dubu- Tax Increment Revenue s No. 1 and No. 2, qua Master Plan. Motion Obligations and the execu- h includes the sanitary by Jones to receive and lion of a Development abng Heritage Trail file the document. Agreement relating thereto Peru Road north to Seconded by Connors. with Medline Industries, sutxfivision. Upon mo- Planning Services Manag- Inc., and providing for the the documents were er Laura Carstens present- publication of notice there- ived and filed and ed the award and ex- of was adopted setting a lution No. 519-07 Ac- pressed appreciation to public hearing for ameet- ingg improvements in the Council for their sup- ing to commence at 6:30 ald Acres No. 1 and 2 port. Motion carried 7-0. p.m. on November 19, ad ed. Iowa League of Cities: 2007, in the Historic Fed- wa Pinance Authority: Communication from the seal Building. munication from the Iowa League of Cities ex- Five Flags HVAC and Finance Authority i',id- pressing gratitude to the Promenade Roof Replace- g that an Affordable City of Dubuque for the meet Project: City Manag- sing Tax Credit Applf- assistance and support er recommending initiation n has been submitted provided for the recent lo- of the public bidding proc- a'reject at St. Mary's wa League of Cities Annu- ass for the Five Flags ts. Upon motton al Conference. Upon mo- HVAC and Promenade documents were re- lion the documents were Roof Replacement Project and filed. received and filed. and that a public hearing AG -Genuine Genius NICC Small Business Di- be set for November 19, LLC: City Man- rector Award: Press re- 2007 to consider approval recommending ap- lease announcing that Ter- of the plans and specifica- el Of a $40,000 Urban ry Sullivan, Iowa Small lions. Upon motion the el~pment Action Grant Business Development documents were received AG loan agreerr>8nt Center Director at NICC, and filed and Resolution Program funding. Motion by Cline to receive and file prove. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 7-0. the documents and adopt There being no further Cline moved to Resolution No. 541-07 Ap- proving an application to business, adjourn. Seconded by the Corporation for Nation- Cline. Motion carried 7-0. ourned at 7:07 d i al and Community Service j ng a Meet for AmeriCorps program funding. Seconded by p.m• /s/ Jeanne F. Schneider, Connors. Michalski said CMC, City Clerk that the City Council al- ~ it 11/14 most gave up on this pro- gram and it is now in its suc- e d • STATE OF IOWA {SS. v ry eighth year an cessful. Motion carried 7- 0• 1J lJ DUBUQUE COUNTY Dubuque as a Sustaina- ble Community: City Man- ager recommending ap- proval of the selection of Down to Earth Solutions to provide consulting serv- CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION ices for various activities promoting sustainable community projects as part of the City's 'green" initiative. Motion by Cline to receive and file the documents and approve. I Wendy Miller a Billin Clerk for Woodward Communications Inc. an Iowa ~ , g , , Seconded by Braig. Hous- ing and Community Devel- co oration, ublisher of the Tele a h Herald,a news a er of eneral circulation ~ p gr p p p g opment Director David Harns said that this fits in published in the Cit of Dubu ue y q y y q ,Count of Dubu ue and State of Iowa; hereb with the Neighborhood Re- vitalization areas and in- certify that the attached notice was published in said newspaper on the following cludes education, demon- d ales: November 14 2007 and for which the charge is $185.47. > ener- stration projects, an > gy use promotion. Motion carried 7-0. Legislative Priorities: City Manager submitting the Cty's Legislative Priorities for the 2008 Legislative Session. Motion by Connors to receive and file the documents and ap- Subscribed to before m a Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa, this -~~ day of ~~, 20 D~. Public in and for Dubuque - ~ :.rj - a ~- ., i I.. i..~ ~+ _ .. v: ~ _ Iowa. oi~cw oLCSSmgcoxxc f'~ o~nmo`.4odc a~co~'~ m o ~cm -r ~.. , .. w..«., .. .. ... ~. cp°~ UU:.°~«EoN-Fiaf U~oo~U«a~3va v_.k3 mY~~ 8 W>E3a`oQ..o~[i iJEa ~ 3b4.k.:«::¢ow:. >. ~~ ~L.X C W ~ _~ ~ ~UU ,~ ~ ~ U a m t ~c ~ U >~ ~ ~~~~ ~<~~~~r -~ ~g~~~a; ~ ~.U~p ~~~~~ ~ {m~~~~~ pt LLN ~~W r9s ~ a Q ly.. >pcQc pp 3 .~~~~~: ~ a ~~~ oa~; ~..~~~ ~,