Minutes Park & Rec 1 8 01PRESENT: ABSENT: OTHERS: MINUTES APPROVED; VOTE: CONCESSION BIDS; VOTE: PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING Tuesday, January 8, 2002 4:30 p.m., Carnegie-Stout Public Library, Third Floor ICN Room Tom Blocklinger, Klm Daykin, Chuck Duggan, Paul Hoffmann, Karen Lyness and Tom Schrobilgen Gary Harjehausen Staff present: Gil Spence, Pat Prevenas, John Hail and Eileen Trimble It was moved by Schrobilgen, seconded by Blocklinger, to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2001, meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Two bids were received for the concession operation at McAleece Park and Recreation Complex - one from Left and Center Field of Dreams which is Steve Spielman's group (group wanting to lease Petrakis Field) and one from 8th Inning, the group that just finished a three-year lease. A printed copy of bid results may be found as part of the original minutes. Left and Center gave a guaranteed amount of $15,250 because they want one concession stand for all activities, not one for softball and one for baseball. 8th Inning offered a base fee of $10,000 or 20% of gross sales, whichever is greater. The $15,250 offered by Left and Center is a higher amount than we have received for many years. The City has not yet reached an agreement on a lease with Steve Spielman for use of Petrakis Field, but it should be finalized soon. It appears the scheduling problem is worked out. The group is now looking at renting larger bleachers and bringing in a trailer instead of building a baseball stadium. Assuming the baseball team gets the lease for Petrakis Field, staff feels the $15,250 concession amount is in the department's best interests. Commissioner Schrobilgen was concerned about whether Left and Center would still want the concession operation if the baseball lease fell through, and if not, would 8th Inning still be interested in running the operation. Commissioners Schrobilgen and Lyness don't want to drop a concessionaire that has been doing so well for the department. Manager Spence explained that Left and Center has agreed to pay $15,250 no matter what sales are; the baseball team will not want a lease for the baseball field unless they can also get the entire concession operation. 8th Inning would have to generate over $70,000 in sales to give the City a $15,000 commission. It was moved by Du,q,qan, seconded by Daykin, to accept the bid of Left and Center Field of Dreams to operate the concession stand at McAleece Park and Recreation Complex for _a three-year term, with a guaranteed commission of $15,250 to the City of Dubuque. The motion passed 5-0, with Blocklin,qer, Daykin, Du,q.qan, Hoffmann and Schrobilgen voting yes; Lyness abstaining. continued PARK DIVISION REPORT: RECREATION DIVISION REPORT: OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURN; VOTE: January 2, 2002 meeting page two Park Division Manager John Hail reported: I, staff tried three or four times to flood Flora Park ice rink; they flood in the morning, but the sun evaporates the water by late afternoon. I~ tables from indoor pavilions are being refinished; ~ we are able to pick up more trash in parks and on Highway 20 than we normally could at this time of year, because we haven't had any snow; I, bids will be going out for equipment and vehicles; ~ access trail and fishing jetty is completed at Bergfeld Recreation Area; ~ construction of Comiskey building is going well; I, Flat Iron Park renovation is close to being done; ~ newwall at Rocco Buda park is waiting for more stone. Commissioner Schrobilgen asked how opening the plaza would affect the department. Mr. Spence explained that there will still be some maintenance at the plaza and we will be taking over some of the maintenance at the Ice Harbor area and new hotel/convention center, et cetera - we do not expect any loss of staff. Recreation Division Manager Pat Prevenas reported: Recreation Division fall report was mailed to commissioners; a copy may be found in the original minutes. I, We are seeing a drop in preschool type activities, both Just For Kids and Playtime for Tots; ~ swim lesson registrations at Hempstead were up, and lessons at Clarke were down; ~ Uptown Recreation open gym numbers were down slightly, probably due to the warmer weather we experienced. Mr. Prevenas also informed commissioners: ~ winter/spring brochures were distributed to schools last week; I, Hempstead recreational swimming on Sundays began January 6th, with 77 people attending; ~ concrete and excavation work at both water playgrounds should be done before Christmas; will be painting pool tank and putting in playground piece in the spring; I, we are recruiting for aquatic/therapeutic program supervisor and hope to have someone hired by March 1st. I, Commissioners are invited to budget hearing with City Council on Wednesday, February 20th; ~ bid has gone out to companies for exclusive soft drink contract for golf course, and is due back January 30th; I, Commissioner Daykin would like the City to consider building an indoor pool and Commissioner Hoffmann suggested possibly having an indoor ice skating rink on the other side. Commissioners asked Mr. Spence to write a memo to the City Manager to get his input. It was moved by Blocklinger, seconded by Daykin, that the meeting be adjourned at 5:10 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Chairperson Attest