StartUp Dubuque Presentation Copyright 2014 City of Dubuque Action Items # 1. ITEM TITLE: StartUp Dubuque Presentation SUMMARY: NICC President Dr. Liang Chee Wee and Cartegraph CEO Jake Schneider to provide a presentation on StartUp Dubuque. SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: Suggested Disposition: Receive and File; Presentation ATTACHMENTS: Description Type 0 Background Papers for StartUp Dubuque Supporting Documentation To: Mayor Roy Buol Members of the Dubuque City Council ;1 From: Rick Dickinson, President-Greater Dubuque Development p David Lyons, Consultant—Greater Dubuque Development j I Date: 9/30/15 I Re: BACKGROUNDERS- StartUp Dubuque and Sustainable Innovations �! ,i it Dubuque has aggressive programs for community development,economic development and sustainability. Attached please find background papers on two new components of that work for our discussions at the Council Work Session and Council Meeting Monday, October 5t". I We look forward to our discussions. H I 'i i i h a I� I STARTUP DUBUQUE Mission. The mission of StartUp Dubuque is to create and foster an entrepreneurial environment within the greater Dubuque area by providing services to encourage, cultivate and promote growth and 1 success of start-ups and early stage companies. The "locus"for StartUp Dubuque will be in the Schmid Innovation Center where it can take advantage of the co-located support from Greater Dubuque Development, NICC/Small Business Development Center and numerous other providers of service to I' small and start-up ventures. 'i Organizational Structure. Several structural options were considered for this effort and vetted against the following criteria: 'i - How effective the overall structure would be in allowing the mission and goals to be accomplished? - How quickly could the structure be in place and how low could costs/expenses be kept? - How flexible could the structure be to enable it to respond to opportunities quickly? Based on analysis of those needs and available options the recommendation was to proceed with j utilization of the existing 501C(3) under LDDC oversight (River Valley Initiative Foundation). The Foundation, incorporated in 2002,was developed primarily to give local contributors to community/economic development the opportunity to do so in a tax preferred way and under the oversight of a non-profit Board of Directors. The existing Board is a mix of GDDC and community leaders.The existingArticles of Incorporation and By-Laws are focused on the charitable p Y i endowment/gifting activity of a Foundation, and the general purposes is to improve the quality of life of citizens in the region and to support the Greater Dubuque Development Organization. This structure allows StartUp Dubuque to access existing administrative support and tax-deductible contributions without distraction to their focus on key economic and environmental outcomes. Strategic Design. It was felt allowing a flexible committee to work quickly and innovatively, and then II passing their recommendations to a larger Board for implementation,was a good starting design. H d 4 8 9 3 P I I Ji I : �i I River Valley 501C(3) --> Greater Dubuque Development j Board Duties { _ 11 -SI representative -Review/approve 'll committee StartUp recommendations representative Lyons/Wickham Lyons II Start Up Sustainable Dubuque Innovations For StartUp Dubuque our initial work reviewed existing practices at other community entrepreneurial support systems, "incubators" or"accelerators" and possible structures to consider for Incorporating i those best practices into an operational model for Dubuque. These best practices reviewed included, but were not limited to: - Small business classes and entrepreneurial training programs (business plan, accounting and finance, HR management, contingency/disaster planning, etc) l i - Entrepreneurial event development/hosting (techbrews; MeetUps; 1,000,000 Cups of Coffee, i etc) - Co-working space and protocols (offices, rents, access, etc) - Provision of basic amenities (internet, office equipment, conference rooms,etc) - Incubator services (application processes, mentoring programs, business counseling/coaching, etc) - Financial assistance and angel investor networking (from existing loan and grant programs to creation of an angel investor fund). Additional review was conducted of available strategic design options using the following criteria: - How effective the overall strategy would be in allowing the goals to be accomplished? a i How simple and "user friendly"would the strategy be for small businesses and start-ups? - How duplicative services and additional administrative/bureaucratic processes would be avoided? - How quickly the strategy could be in place and operational? How low could costs/expenses be kept in implementation and operation of the strategy? - How would the strategy create the needed "entrepreneur-centric" environment and leadership? Based on analysis of the potential start-up and small business needs versus the existing community V assets available to provide support, the recommendation was to proceed with a simple design using primarily existing services, existing staffs and collaborative relationships to begin, and growing as appropriate to demand/funding. I The initial thoughts on duties and approaches for the Committee were generally: j Duties Approach Create centralized services Maximizing existing resources I Establish rules/processes Avoid duplication and delay Be inclusive Work with business, educators, creative community r Recommend assistance Use collaborations 1 Suggest promotional efforts Define niches/real value-adds Build community Have entrepreneurs lead Members. The effort is lead by a talented and diverse group of business leaders and experienced entrepreneurs: j Dr. Liang Chee Wee (President- NICC) Jake Schneider(President-Cartegraph) W Colleen Callahan (President- Dubuque Digital Services) ' Kevin Lynch (President—Net-Smart, Inc.; City Councilman) Julio Medina (CEO- Medevelopment) Emily Puls (Co-owner- East Mill Bakery) Tom Preston-Werner(Co-founder GitHub; Co-founder CodeStarter) i 9 a F Maurice Jones (i! of Dubuque, Economic Deelopment Director) ±EPriest (FundeGy&9) ) ) Nancy Dunk I (President Dee@le Community Foundation,State Repmmm#&% ] � � ] . � ) � ) . � ] � � ) ] . � . ) � ) . � ] � ) . � � . � � � � ) � ) � } . � � . � �