Minutes_Library Board of 10 22 15 Carnegie-Stout Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes of October 22, 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Carnegie-Stout Public Library (C-SPL) met in the Lacy Board Room at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 22, 2015. Present: President Jenny Weiss; Board Vice President Patty Poggemiller; Secretary Angela Allred; Trustee Paula Connors; Trustee Pat Maddux; Trustee Jon Trotter; Trustee Mike Willis; Director Susan Henricks, and Recorder Denette Kellogg. 1. President Jenny Weiss called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. "Moved to adopt the meeting agenda of Thursday, October 22, 2015.If Motion: Connors Second: Poggemiller Vote: Aye — 7; Nay— 0 2. Approval of Library Board of Trustees' Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015. "Moved to approve the Board Minutes of Thursday, September 24, 2015." Motion: Connors Second., Allred Vote: Aye — 7; Nay— 0 3. Board President's Report — Weiss reviewed the Communication with Dubuque City Council for September, 2015. "Moved to receive and file the Communication with the Dubuque City Council from Thursday, September 24, 2015. " Motion: Willis Second: Trotter Vote: Aye — 7; Nay— 0 4. Motion to Receive and File Informational Items: A. Library Director's Report Summary and Update — Henricks provided a written summary on the following topics to the Library Board with additional comments: 1 • Henricks provided information on the process for a patron to request that material be withdrawn from the collection. A request for reconsideration of a DVD title was received. The Adult Services Manager provided a response to the patron and Henricks will keep the Board updated. The Board discussed the parent and/or guardian's options for limiting access to materials. Henricks reported that these types of restrictions by the parent and/or guardian can be put on a youth's card at any time. When applying for a library card, new card holders are asked about their preference for these restrictions. Henricks reported that content on computers or TV screens used by patrons in the Library is monitored by staff. • Henricks provided a proposed revision to the Open Access program by the State Library of Iowa to take effect in FY-17. The agreement contains several major changes, and Henricks suggested the Board may want to review the agreement in preparation for discussion and possible action at a future meeting. • City Ordinance Update — Henricks reported that the revisions and corrections requested by the Library Board have been made with the exception Chapter 7, 2-7-4. This section did not exist in previous ordinances and introduces a gray area in policy-making. The Board held a discussion and noted its responsibility regarding any changes that affect the charge of the Trustees. The Board asked for some additional history and/or background information from libraries of similar size in this regard. The Board also requested that Henricks provide information on other communities' ordinances like Dubuque for review, prior to any changes being made. 1) Library Financial Report Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16) — Henricks reported that the end of September marks 25% of the fiscal year passing and the end of the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2016. Expenditures were at 23% and revenue collected is at 21.6% of projections. 2) Library Use Statistics — Henricks reported that last month the number of visitors showed a significant decrease and it was found that the security gates, which count the number of people passing through, were not working for about a week. An average has been applied to the year-to-date figure to better reflect the number of visits. Additionally, volunteers have completed manual gate 2 counts and confirm that the electronic gate counters are not accurate, being off as much as 20%. The vendor has been contacted and they in turn have contacted the manufacturer to identify and fix the problem. Gate count statistics for any months affected will be revised once the problem has been fixed and again tested for accuracy. Henricks provided a review of fiscal year 2016's first quarter, which demonstrates the changing way that people are using the library. Their experience is more patron-controlled. Although books remain the top items checked out, digital books and audio have increased in use 30% compared to the first quarter of 2015. The number of items checked out using the self-check machines has increased 44% compared to the same time last year, and the number of people using the self-check machines has increased 32%. About 626 items are checked out daily using the self-check machines. Text-messaging as the chosen method to be reminded of items coming due has increased 160%. Total items checked out every day average 1,759. The number of new library cards issued daily averages 11. 3) Marketing Update - Henricks reported on a meeting with McCullough Creative to discuss the topic of social media before the creation of a marketing plan. The Library will continue to do its own social media. McCullough Creative offered feedback and suggestions on the social media the Library is currently doing and Henricks provided the summary of the suggestions and feedback given by McCullough. The Board asked for the Creative Brief completed by McCullough Creative to be sent again. The next step in the process is a marketing plan. The Board requested that Henricks provide a written response as to the marketing needs that should be encompassed in the plan. B. Library Comment Cards Received —The Board noted that no comment cards were received. "Moved to receive and file the informational update from the Library Director including the Library Financial Report FY16, Library Use Statistics and Marketing Update. " Motion: Connors Second Willis Vote: Aye — 7; Nay— 0 3 5. Action Items: A. Library Budget FY 2017 — Henricks provided a report of the FY-17 maintenance budget and improvement decision packages (IPs) and invited all Trustees to attend the meeting with the City Manager scheduled for 8:00 a.m. on Monday, November 16, 2015. The Board reviewed the ten improvement packages to be submitted and discussed the priorities. The Board agreed to reframe the request for an inventory wand to a more focused customer service based request. The Board suggested that the funding for the Internet that includes the Multicultural Family Center also be included as part of Leisure Services requests. Connors reported on the City's agreement to restore funding for staffing and asked if this should also be included as an IP. Henricks reported that this funding is documented, but she will ask City staff if this is necessary. "Moved to approve the operating budget requests for FY 2017, including ten improvement package requests." Motion: Connors Second: Willis Vote: Aye — 7; Nay— 0 B. Selser Schaefer Architects Makerspace Estimated Project Cost— Henricks provided the Cost Opinion Summary by the architect with the total project cost of $138,125. The Board discussed the need for a more detailed line item written report from the architect that includes infrastructure, furniture, and explanation of the statement that excludes IT improvements. The Board reviewed grant possibilities available for the project and level of support that could be requested from the Library Foundation and the Friends of the Library. Henricks was optimistic about being able to apply and be awarded various grant funds to cover at least half of this project. "Moved to table the Selser Schaefer Architects Makerspace Estimate Project Cost until a detailed Cost Opinion Summary is provided." Motion: Connors Second: Poggemiller Vote: Aye - 7; Nay- 0 4 6. Library Board Adjournment - The Board adjourned at 5:35 p.m. "Motion to adjourn." Motion: Trotter Second., Maddux Vote: Aye - 7; Nay- 0 al, Angela A e , Board Secretary ate 5