1959 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA For the Year 1959 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1959 COUNCILMEN CHARLES A. KINTZINGER, Mayor GEORGE A. FREUND LEO N. SCHUELLER PETER J. TAKOS CLARENCE P. WELU City Clerk ....---------------------------------------------LEO F. FROMMELT City Solicitor ----------------------------------------------THOMAS H. NELSON Police Judge ------------------------------------------------ROMOLO N. RUSSO CITY MANAGER---L. J. SCHILTZ City Treasurer- EDWARD M. TSCHIRGI City Auditor- A. L. HOLSCHER City Engineer- KENNETH J. CULLEN City Assessor- HARRY J. HANOVER Chief of Fire Department- THOMAS C. HIOKSON Chief of Police- HUGH B. CALLAHAN Supt. of Water Works- J• J• HAIL Street Department- CLETUS ALLEN Building Commissioner- DONALD BANDY Plumbing Inspector- RICHARD J. FEYEN Electrical Inspector- LUVERN J. NORTON Health Director- DR. A. J. ENTRINGER Sanitary Officer- ARTHUR J. MILLER Milk Sanitarian- A. J. ROTH Food and Restaurant Inspector- MRS. MILDRED KENNEDY Director of Recreation- NICHOLAS J. SUTTON Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each month at 7:30 o'clock P. M. INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 5-American Trust and Savings Bank appointed depository of public funds 2 5-Agreement between the City of Dubuque Water Department and the Utility Service Associates, and the Cny of Dubuque Water Depaztment and Schuster Payment ___ Agency _ 10, 11 " _ 5-Arlen Clarence J & Dotores Arlen and Schroeder Co., requesting extension of time for the surfacing of 21 streets in Clover Hills Subdivision " 5-American Legion Auxiliary requesting permission to hold Poppy Drive - ~ " 5-Alley between Locust & BlutE Streets from N. P. L. of Jones Street to the S. P. L. of 5th Street, 1958 Bitum- inous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1, schedule of assessments .-.~.~ ~-.-._--23, 32, 38, 94 5-Adeline Street, 1958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments 41, 50, 54 " 5-Austin Avenue, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Proj ett No. 1, sched- ule of assessments ~ Feb. 9-Ambulance Fees, recommendation o4 City Manager that a new fee schedule be established and also the limits of operation outside of the city limits _.___-_-~.__-96, 201, 239 " 9-Arensdor4 Frank P., Notice of Claim 98 " 9-Anthoine Angella Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 113 Mar. 2-Alpine Street, recommendation of City Manager that park- ing be prohibited on West Side of street between Uni- versity Avenue and West Fifth Street .-.__-_-._-._~ 118, 170 " 2-Althaus Herbert E. and Emil F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 126 " 2-Alpha Avenue, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from south property line of lllinois Avenue to north property line of VanBuren street 129, 130, 131, l32 .._142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 190, 192, 193, 194, 53t1 " 2-Alta Place, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from north property line of Delawaze street to south property line of Green Street 129, 130, 131, 132 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 190, 192, 193, 194, 530 " Z-Adeline Street, improvement with bituminous concrete sur- facing from Ramona Street to end of street.-133, 134, 135 148, 150, 151, 152, 190, 194, 145, 502, 532 " 2-Alley between Main and Locust running from the north property line of Jones Street to the south property line of 12th Street, improvement with hot mix-hot laid asphaltic concrete surfacing 136, 137, 138, 153, 154 .._155, 190, 196, 341, 368, 408 2-Alley between Iowa and Central running from north prop- erty line of 4th Street to the alley first south of 13th Street, improvement with hot mix-hot laid as- phaltic concrete surfacing 136, 137, 138, 153, 154 - __.155, 190, 196, 341, 380 April 6-Anthony Richard, sidewalk bond 185 ' 20-Ambulance Service Rates Established ~ 2(11, 239 May 4-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Otto Specht- enhauser for the purchase of property for Grandview Avenue Extension and Bunker Hill Golf Course.._216, 217, 293 " 4-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Dale and Helen Wiegand for the purchase of right of way for Grandview Avenue Extension -_217, 251, 294 4-Anthony Donald J., sidewalk bond 218 " 13-Agreement between City of Dubuque, Iowa and town of East Dubuque, Illinois furnishing ambulance service during emergencies when requested by authorized officials ~ ..~~ 239 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page A " 13 -Abernathy Glenn and George Hodgson, sidewalk bond._.._._ 240 June 1 -Apel Fred R. e[ al., objecting to street light program for Central elvenuc ........................_......._._.._.............._._........._. _._...... 261 " 1- Arrowhead Drive, acceptance of dedication ._...._.__......_._........._ 271 " 1- Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Clarke Col- lege whereby Clarke College conveys Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Mineral Lot 199 and Lot 2 of the Sub- division of Lot 1 of I,ot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral I,ot 190 to the City of Dubuque ._........__....._...__.._.__.__...._..-280, 281, 282 " 22- American Automobile Association, presentation of a special citation for pedestrian Safety and Convenience to the Citv _.........._........_......_. ....................._......_._._......._._._....._.._...._......_..._._.....--- 291 " 22- Altman George, sidewalk bond ..................... ..........._ .............._.._....__... 298 22- Asmussen Walter, sidewalk bond ._._..._._....._....__.__...___._.._..._._._ 298 " 22- Abing Merlin K, granted Cigarette Permit ._........_.._.._._...._.__ 312 " 22- Apel Meriin, granted Cigarette Permit ._._......._._._.._.._.._._._...__.._ J13 " 22- Anthoine Angella Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit _....._.._......„. 313 " 22- Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Cigarette Permit...._..__.. 313 " 22- Arvanitis George P., granted Cigarette Permit .._............__........_. 314 " 22- American Legion Post No. 6, granted Cigarette Permit......... 314 " 22- Apel Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit ................... ........_ .................._ 314 " 22- American Leg10R Post 6, granted Class "B" Beer Permit_.._ 316 " 22- Abing Merlin K, granted Class "C" Beer Perneit_.__._._....._.. 316 30- Aithaus Herbert E., granted Cigarette Permit ......_.__............_.._ 321 " 30- Alba Cruso A., granted Cigarette Permit ...._...._._...._ -___..___.___ 321 " 30- American Veterans of World War II, granted Cigarette Permit _....._...._. ....................._.._....._............._._...___..._.........._........._.._. ...._..._._ 321 July 6- Assignment of Schueller Blacktop Co. to the First Na- tional Bauk ..........................„_._._..._....._._..._._..._......._.._._._._..._..__..._._ 335, 469 20- Applications for tax exemption on agricultural or horti- cultural ]and of ten acres or more _.__.._ ...................__......__ 344 " 20- Anderson Alvin, heating bond ................__...._.._ . _. .....__._ 347 Aug. 3- Anderson-Weber Inc, requesting permission to instal] curb and gutter along Harrison Street .....................____._._.___.___._ 389 " 3- Airel Fred granted Class "B" Beer Permit ___._._.__.__......_ 396 Sep[. 8- American Public Works Association, advising that Cletus Allen has been selected to receive an award for his long and meritorious service .._....._.___._._._.__.__.__._........_ 406 " 8- American Munidpal Association, extending imitation to attend Municpal Congress in Denver, Colorado..._.._.._.__ 406 " 8- Agreement behvecn the City of Dubuque and William J. Reilly for the maintenance of the turn around at the end of Oak Crest Drive ..........................._....._.._.......__.____._.._.._ 408 Oct. 5- Arnold Henry C. et al., requesting cost of constructing sanitary sewer in Vailey St ...._...._..._._ ................_._..__...._..... 452 5- Apel Merlin, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................._.__..._ 457 9 American Municipal Association, invitation to attend 36th Annual Congress . ..........................................................._._..........._....._._.... 461 " 21 Assignment of Schueller & Co. Inc. to First National Bank for City of Dubuque 1959 Boulevard Lighting Project No. I ............................................................................._..__.._.._._...._._.._._.._ 469 Nov. 2- American Municipal Association appointing Gouncilman Welu a member of the Association's committee on Highways _. ..............._._._.....-.._............_..__._.._.__......_._. _.__ .. __._......._._.._ 478 " 2- Adams Realty Corporation, requesting permission to erect concrete steps at rear of 756 -Main Street ............._..._._._ 483, SW 2- American Veterans of World War II, Dubuque Post No. 3, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,_..__._.____ ............._.._ 485 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page A " 4-American Municipal Association, submitting a resolution on Amendment to the Constitution of the Association pertaining to the size of the Executive Committee.____ " 23-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit _.._..._.__~.._._._ ..............__.._...._._....._.._._.___.._._..._..._ Dec. 7-Associated Theatres, thanking Council 4or calling their ac- [ention to controversial films ._____..._.._..._._...__.._._.__....__ " 7-Agreement between the City of Dubuque a.nd Brammers Inc. 7-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Lloyd A. Dalsing _....______..-_-__...__._ .___.._ " 7-Alba Cruso A., grantd Class "C" Beer Permit ____-_.-. 491 503 508 510 513 538 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJ$CT page INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJ$CT Page B B Jan. 5-Bond Ordinance, prescribing the bonds of Municipal Officers " 30-Brillhart Robert A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit granted Class "B" Beer Permit _____ 30-Bournias Louis T. and Repeating Ordinance No. 4-44 ___-._.~ 8 , 30-Buttikofer Herman A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit-. " S-Bunker Hil] Road, stop signs recommended erected to stop April 6-Bruyneel August C., granted Cigarette Permit _.._.._. __._._ all vehicles at entrances of Bunker Hill and Clarke 6-Bruyneel August C~, granted Class B" Beer Permit _... Drive _ ___-_ _- .. ._ _. _.,...^_ 5-Becker James G. cancellation of sidewalk bond 12, 99 l6 6-Board of Health, Regular Session -._...._ --.-. " " , _-~ 5-Blum Max and Herald Walser, Stipulation of Settlement_ ]tl 20-Berwanger Frank, heating bond _.__._._.....__._._..__._._..__..___.-._ granted Class "B" Beer Permit.__.._._ 20-Bisping Herbert F. 5-Blasting prohibited within the City Limits without a Permit 19, 20 " , granted Class "B" Beer Permit._-.._ 20-Brant Carl N. 5-Brown Melvin J. and Harry J. Shaw, requesting water and sewer abutting lots 46 to 60 in O'Neill Subdivision May , 4-Bauer Street, Planning & Zoning Commission recommend- No. 3 _._.-._..___-.____..~_.___...._.-~ Z! ing the vacation of ___.____..._.____~~..-_.. " 5-Bunker Hill Street, 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing 4-Badger Bituminous Inc., submitting sub-contracts with Mul- Projec[ No. 1, schedule of assessments - 22, 24 grew Blacktop Inc. and Light Construction Co._-..._ " 5-Bissell Lane, 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project 4-Board of Dock Commissioners, requesting permission to No. 1, schedule of assessments .23, 37, 38 revise their 1959 budget and that the St. Regis pay- " 5-Bunker Hill Road, 1958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project ment of $28,000 be turned over to them far imple- No. I, schedule of assessments _ _____41, 45, 54 mentatian __~ --._.221, " 5-Beverly Avenue, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. I, 4--Boelk Melvin et al., requesting installation of a stop sign schedule of assessments _.... - 62 at ISth & Washington Street _._..~_____.._..-. " 5-Born Avenue, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1, schedule 4-Becker James et al., objecting to the rezoning of area in of assessments _ 62, 63 and around Kane Street, Kaufmann Avenue and " 5-Bonz Lco R., granted Class "B Beer Permit _~_.__ - BS Springgreen Court ._ -._-- Feb. 9-Buechel Plumbing & Heating, heating bond _--_ 97 4-Bush Harriet, granted Class "B" Beer Permit __ . 9-Bethany Home, Notice of Claim __..__.....-__-..__...~ 98, 119 4-Bowen Robert J., granted Class "B" Beer- Permit ..~..__ " 9-Bunker Hill Club House, petitions objecting to the Club 4-Brant Thomas A., donating his thesis entitled, "The Ad- House being turned over to the Historical Society ministration of Public Tart Liability in Dubuque", for a museum _._.-._.._....~._-_ ~ 109 to the City _..-.._ _-.._._~.._...._.__ " 9-Board of Health, Special Session __.._........___~~- 115 13-Bristol Drive, acceptance of dedication ___-_~.-__ Mar. " 2-Becker Joseph A., sidewalk bond .~.__._-. 2-Beer Permits Class "B" Beer Permits can be issued to a lltl June _ 1-Becker Alfred J., sidewalk bond _.--` , person conducting a business on a public park or golf 1-Black Sc White, Yellow & Checker Cab Co., Inc., taxi-cab course of over 20 acres in area ____-.,.,..-.._ 123 policy _.. -_ ..-._...__~_.._-.-~. 1-Barry Thomas Notice of Svit _ _ -- ~ ~ 2-Bockhans W. W. et al., objecting to proposed construction of sidewalks on Woodlawn Karen Kevindal and , 1-Breezy Point, approval of plat of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in , , e Lindale Streets __.___._.___ 124 Block 1 in Breezy Point "'-'-'-"'--"~ " " _._....._~__._..__.__ _ 2-Beverly Avenue, request of Joseph L. Schubert et al fora 1-Burke Josephine Mrs., granted Class B Beer Permit - . street light ._._-.....____...._...__......~ 124 165 22-Beaves George I., excavation bond .-..._._...._.__-.-._.- _ ~-Burlington Street, improvement with concrete curb and , 22-Beversdorf, Charles, excavation policy - release of claim .- - 22-Berwanger John gvtter from south property line of Primrose to west property line of Muscatine Street _.._--._ _ _.129 _ _ 130 131 , 22-Bellman Street, petition to change name of street to Shady " , ----....-._----._._-__._....._..._._..__-...__. .132, 142, Born Avenue, improvement with covcrete curb and gutter from , 143, 144 Lane _ ____-.__._..--.._~_..-_____.-~.__- 22-Birkett Donald P., granted Cigarette Permit -._~_.- south property line of Indiana Avenue to north prop- 22-Berntgen Frank H., granted Cigarette Permit _.-. ~~ erty line of Ridgeway Avenue ...__-_.___129 130 131 132 22-Bournias Louis I., granted Cigarette Permit _. , , ~.-142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 190 192 193 194 , 530 531 22-Brant Car] N., granted Cigarette Permit __._.___.._ __A , , , , - ur ~ngton treet improvement with bituminous concrete , 22-Bush Harriet, granted Cigarette Permit 22-Burgmaier John B., granted Cigarette Permit .__...__._ surfacing from the south property line of Primrose 22-Bruyneel Gus. C. granted Cigarette Permit .._....._.__.._-_ Street to the west property line of Muscatine Street 133, 134 , 22-Bertsch Roger, granted Cigarette Permit _._._.___...._.._-__ _-__135, 148, _ 149, 150 22-Bertsch Leonard P., granted Cigarette Permit ..._.. " 30-Breitbach Herbert L. etal., objecting to improvement of 22-Burke Josephine Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ____.-...- McClain Street .~---__ 143 22-Bonz Leo R., granted .Cigarette Permit ___.__._._._-.~.-_ " 30-B me William y J., communication stating that his mother 22-B. P. O. E. Lodge No. 297, granted Cigarette Permit._.__ , Mrs. Thomas E. Byrne, will assume all expenses for 22-Brillhart Robert A., granted Cigarette Permit _...._.._._._..-_._. the improvement of McClain Street -_.___--~ 143 22-Bradley Clyde L., granted Cigarette Permit " 30-Boardof Dock Commissioners, Report for 1958..-_..._.._ 160 162 22-Berntgen Frank H, granted Class "B" Beer Permit _. _- '~ _„ 30-Brand[ George H., request For suspension of taxes , 165 22-Bergquist Ray, relative to proposed improvements of High- ' _-~ 30-Brosius Francis, Notice of Claim ~_,_._- 167 300 way 20 within the City .._._.._.~._..___.__._._..~..__..._.__ - 30-Baumgartner Ruth Mrs., Notice of Claim _.___..._..-_ . , 168 199 22-Bids, disposition of bids received late on date of ]etting__ ' , _ 30-Bahl Adele Mrs., requesting refund--on Cigarette Permit N 144 , 30-Brammer s Inc., granted Cigarette Permit _._._.__....._.__._.._:... 30-Bisping Herbert F. granted Cigarette Permit o. ._-_-___ 30-Buttikofer Herman, granted Cigarette-Permit 174 Iffi , .__.____.-. 30-Bowen Robert L., granted Cigarette Permit -. 30-Buttikofer Herman A. granted Cigarette Permit 30-Birkett Donald P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.____ 182 , _._-_ 182 182 182 187 187 189 197 205 205 216, Z50 22D 492, 518 222 222 230 230 298, 304, 238 253 268 268 269 276 277 298 305 300 32U 312 312 313 313 313 313 314 315 314 314 314 315 315 315 315 317 318 321 321 321 322 INDEX -BOOK 89 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT page 1959 SUBJECT Page B C " " 30-Baxter James W., granted Cigarette Permit --._..-_ 322 ___..._.________.-...__-...._._ Jan. 5-City Council, Regutaz Session 1 ' 30-Barker LaVerna L., granted Cigarette Permit _.-....____.-._ 322 5-City Manager adv~smg Council of his appointing officers 30-Banks Clifford, granted Cigazette Permit._-.._.___._..____- 322 and employees .--._.._.-.-.-.---.---_._..__..._-.-....____.-_._ 1 July " 6-Becker James G., sidewalk bond .___.__...~._.___..-..._.__ 330 5-City Manager submitting resolution showing distribution of " 6-Bodish Alex, heating policy .__.___._...._...._._-_._.-._..._.___._ 331 proposed expenditures for the ensuing year. _~.-_.._ 2 20-Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the fiscal year begin- 5-City Manager submitting ordinance allocating and making ning January I, 1960 and ending December 31, 1960..__ 344, 345 appropriations of tax levies and other sources of reve- " ____._...__.....-..__._.____._._.___......___._~_..-_.._._.._346, 357, 358 nue for the expenditures of the Ci[y Government " 20-Beadle Loras, heating bond ____._..___-_....,-.-___.._ 347 for the 6sca1 year beginning January 1, 1959 and end- 20-Braconier Plumbing & Heating, heating bond ____-_._.__ 347 ing December 31, 1959 _._ ......................_.._._.___.___.___ 3 " 20-Blockcr Lucy, Notice of Claim _....___-.___~.--_-. 349 ~~ City Treasurer, City Health Department atul 5-City Auditor 20-Briggs Lorraine bfrs., Notice of Claim _ ~ 350, 444 , City Water Works, reports for the month of Novem- 20-Bartch D. B. et. al., requesting the installation of a street ber as well as a list of claims and payrolls for which light at the intersection of Keokuk and National warrants were issued for the month of November, " Streets __"_-'-_._..._......-_--'----'-_`-'--'---_..._.__-. 20-Bryant Street, improvement with foamed as halt ]i uid P 9 352, 362 1958 5-City Manager, gegommending that O'Connor, Brooks, 9 mastic from Dodge Street to Grandview Avenue.._._ 353, 354 Ahrendt & Brooks audit City for 1958 _._._.__..-_..__._ 9, 119 Aug. 3-Board of Dock Commissioners, relative to tratlic hazard 5-Claims for the month of November 1958, proof of publi- at First & Terminal Streets ...-_.-'-'--'--°___..__._~ 359, 410 cation '-'--...__.......------.._._.___...._._-' -'__'-"---._.___..-- 9 ' 3-Butt Homer, correction of assessment _._-___._._.___.-_ 360 5-City of Dubuque PROPOSED 1959 street construction ; 3-Brestrup Robert et al., requesting street light at intersection program as recommended by the City Engineer and ' of Broadway and Carroll Streets _....-__._______.___ 3-Brammer Wayne E., petition to purchase City owned lot 389, 410 the City Manager _......-.._.._..._._...._..__.._._._.__._._.._..__.__._ 5-City Solicitor, submitting 1959 Supplement of the Revised 13, 14 No. 4 of Summit Addition on which old En me Hduse g City Ordinances of 1951 _._.._._._.-.._-_..___ ___._ __ 19 No. 4 was located ___.._._-..-._..__._390, 423, 424, 442, 496, 510 5-Conlon Construction Co. requesting extension of time to Se t 3-Bauer Mary, Settlement of Claim ...__..-._.-_._-......_.___T B 8 h l L i i 392 complete Sewage Pumping Station Contract No. 1.._... 21 p . - uec ou e s, excavat on policy _..._._.._._._._..~__._.-._._ 413, 423 5-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1958 BITUMINOUS CON- " 8-Byrne William J., blasting bond ..~_.__._.____-.~______-._ 413 CRETE PAVING PROJECT NO. 1, Schedule of " 8-Beaver George I., heating bond _.._._-_.__.-_..-.~._ 413 23, 24, 25, 26, ,27, 28, Assessments _._.... ................__....22 29, 30 8-Bradley Heating Service, heating bond --.---...._.`._.. 413 , 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, ...............__.........__._._._._._.....31 40, 94 " 8-Burkart Fuel Company, heating bond ......__._.__.._.._._._____.__ 8-Byrne William J. and Francis Kelly requestin rezonin f 413 , 5-Custer Street, 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project 23 38 28 , g g o lots in Mineral Lot 67 and also in lots in Thomas E. ' , No. 1, schedule of assessmevts__._._...._.__.__.-_.-_.. 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project S-Chaney Road , Byrne s Sub. from two family to multiple residence , schedule of assessments _...._..._.._____.._._.___.23, No. 1 29, 38 " district classification _._._.._.-.__.__._._...._.__.._.._._..____.423, 8-Birch Jesse et. al., requesting street light on Kell Lane 450 423, 480 475 , 5-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1958 CONCRETE CURB AND l f 1 h d T NO " y ._._.__ 8-Barker LaVerna L. Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit_.. 434 assess- , sc e u e o . GUTTER PROJEC 44, 45, 46, ments .41 42 43 47, 48 Oct. 5-Banks Clifford, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit , 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, ~ 49 50 '-----...__.._....._._..__._.....-'-_'-'-'_-' 56, 94 " No. 257 ..._.._.__._. ~~~~-~~~~--~~~-~~-.-~-~~-~...-.-..--....-.-.-.---._...__...~ 9-Brimeyer Vincent et al., requesting street light on Napier 453 , , 5-Carter Rnad, 7958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments _..._-._._..._._____...--.-__.._41, 44, 54 Nov. Street _....._.._._.._._.__.__.___..-.-..__._....___.____-.~_-_.-_ 2-Bock Michael J., sidewalk bond _.._.. 462, 477 476 5-Custer Street, 1958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 41 f 54 44 " -._..__...._.._._. __._...~._.. 2-Beecher John J., granted Class 'B" Beer Permit _..__.__._. 485 assessments ___.-.___..._.___-_.-.._ , 1, schedule o 5-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1958 SANITARY SEWER , " 2-Board of Health, Regular Session ____..___-.-_._.__.._.-_.. 23-Board of Dock Commissioners t f f T 487 PROJECT NO. 1, SECTION NO. 1 and SECTION 4 , rans er o rust and Agency, Dock Industrial Park Land Sales Fund to NO. II, schedule of assessments .._....._...__._._.._-__....._.._._ ._.66 7Q 72 74 76 68 62, 6 78, 95 ock Municipal Enterprise Fvnd 23-Budget Amended far the Y 1959 492, 518 , , , , , 5-Carlton Avenue, 1955 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1, sched- „ ear _...._.__-._.._.._..492, 493, 23-Bruyneel Estate, Gus C., requesting refund on Cigarette 494, 519 _ .................._.._..-_-._...._-_._.-_- ule of assessments approval of continuation of [he law providing 5-City Council 62 Dec. Permit Nb. 108 __._._...._._.__~,_._._._.....~__,_._._~ 7-Bies Subdivision, C. J. approval of plat of Block 1 Bl k 2 501 , for exemption to owners or operators of transit sys- li li , , oc and Block 3 in C. J. Bies Subdivision in Se ti 28 cense ef on terns from motor vehicle fuel tax and re 84 " c on , Dubuque Township, Dvbvque County, Iowa ...._..-__.._ 7-Burgmaier John B d l " " 528 fee _....._.__....._....._...._....._......_._....._.._._.._._._-..._._.-.___-..__ Feb. 2-City Council, Regular Session ..............__-.._________.~_ 67 " ., grante C ass B Beet Permit _-._.. 7-B. P. O. E. Lodge No. 297 granted Class "B" Be P i 537 537 9-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ..~,-._._..__- h b N b 86 , er erm t 7-Bertsch Roger, granted Class "B". Beer Perini[ .___-___ 537 ovem er 9-Council proceedings for the mont s of Octo er, and December 1958, approved as printed ___-_..___ 92 9-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examina- tion for position of Garage Mechanic .-__.__-.~. 92 " 9-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of December as well as a list of claims and payrolls for which war rants were issued for the month of December 1958__. 93 INdEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page C " 9-Claims for the month of December 1958, proof of publi- cation _ _._.__ _ 93 " 9-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, An- nual Report for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1958 apd ending December 31, 1958 _._.-.____.-.._.__ 93 " 9-City Manager, recommending that the Planning & Zoning Commission submit a plan for Urban Renewal, also that the City Monager request manuals and forms necessary for a Survey and Planning Application-. 97 " 9-Callahan Edmund, Notice of Claim .__.____.....________.. 99, 121 " 9-Clarke College, requesting permission to hold a fireworks display .._-__.___._....__....._._--~___.__-.___.._. 108 " 9-Conlon Construction Co., requesting extension of time to complete Contract No. 1 Sewage Works ___._...____ 109, II9 Mar. 2-City Council, Regular Session ._.. _ 117 " 2-Claims for the month of January 1959, proof of publica- tion ___-_..--_-._...._..._____.___...___-___.__..._.-.. 117 " 2-City of Dubuque Sewage Works Improvement, Contract 1, Terminal Street Lift Station completed and accepted 119 " 2-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1959 GRADING PROJECT NO. 1 ._-_..____...._127, 128, 140, 141, 190, 191, 397, 435, 528 2-Chaney Road, grading improvement from the north prop- erty line of Asbury Road to the south property line of Kaufmann Avenue _~.._~_.__...__127, 128, 140, 141, 190, 191 " 2-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1959 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER PROJECT NO. I__.__._..._129, 130, 131, 132, 14l _.__144, 145, 146, 147, 191, 192, 193, 194, 530 " 2-Collins Street, improvement with concrete Curb and gutter from south property line of Lombard Street to south property line of St. Joseph Street .... __129, 130, ...__. 131, 132 ._....____--_._....142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 190, 192, 193, 194, 530 " 2-Chaney Road, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from north property line of Asbury road to south property line of Kaufmann Avenue ..__._..129, 130, 131, 132, 142 .145, 146, 147, 190, 192, 193, ~ 194, 530 " 2-CITY OF DUBUQU$ 1959 BITU'<IINOUS CON- CRETE SURFACING PROJECT NO. 1_....._132, 133, 134, 135 .-148, 149, 150, 190, 194, 195, 360, 502, 532 " 2-Carter Road, improvement with bituminous concrete sur- facing from the north property line of Kaufmann Avenue to the north property line of Kane Street__.. 133, 134 _._..135, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 190, 194, 195, 502, 532 " 2-Chaney Road, improvement with bituminous concrete sur- facing from the north property line of Asbury Road to the south property line of Kaufmann Avenve._...__ 133, 134 _..___........_.__.._..__...135, 148, I50, 151, 152, 190, 194, 195, 502, 532 " 2-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1959 HOT MIX-HOT LAID AS- PHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT NO. 1 ......................._._.._._.........._..........._._.._....._.._.._...136, ]37, 138, 153, 154 .__.__- ...................._......._......__.._._.................._.....155, 190, 196, 341, 368, 408 " 30-City Council, SPecial Session ..............................................._..._....__ 140 " 30-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examination held for Chief Operator and Operator Grade II a[ the Sewage Treatment Plant __....._.._..._...._.._....._..__._._...___..__.__. 169 " 30-Claims for the month of February 1959, proof of publi- cation _____....__........._._...._._ .........................._._.....___'___._..__.. 165 30-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for months of Januazy and February as well as a list of claims and payrolls for which warrants were issued for the months of January and February 1959 ..........__....._..__.._..._..__._._...__.._.._ 165 " 30-Cziper Marguerite, Notice of Claim .._._...._...__._.._._....___._ 166, 219 INdEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page C " 30-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Com- pany, granted permission to construct, maintain and operate a side track across Block 18 in Riverfront Subdivision No. 3 and across Kerper Boulevard _._ 171 " 30-Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer, abutting property owners authorized to connect to ..._.._.._____......._..._.__._._.__._..__.. 172 " 30-Carlton Avenue, petition of Edwin Ploessl et al. for curb and gutter .._.._.___._.._._..._.._.._..__-._...-.__ ...................~-'_-_ 175 " 30-Cody Nona, granted Cigarette Permit _.__.._._.....__.......__.._._ 182 " 30-Cody Nona, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .__.__...__...__._._ 182 " 30-Caitham Arnold, appointed to the Dock Commission-.-__ 184 April 6-City Council, Regular Sessioa ._.....__._.___...._.__..._,._._._..__._.__ 185 " 6-Cox Dorance E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ._..__.... 187 " 20-City Council, Special Session _....._._._._.._._...__.._.___._._._..___. 190 " 20-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of March as well as a list of claims and payrolls for which war- rants were issued for the month of March 1959..__..-_ 197 " 20-Claims for the month of March, 1959 proof of publication..- 197 " 20-Chaney Road Extension, approval of location and subdivi- sion of properties by [he Planning & Zoning Com- mission ....:......................................._..___..__._...____._._________ 198, 199 " 20-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1959 SIDEWALK PROJECT NO. 1. Councilman Freund recommending that the City Engineer prepare proceedings for the 1959 side- walk program ..........................__._..._._......_.._207, 283. 284, 285 __.._.__.__._..._._.___.._......._...286, 287, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 363, 427 May 4-City Council, Regular Session .._..._....._._._._..._...___~_ 209 " 4-Conlon Construction Co., requesting permission to excavate 222, 239 " 4-City Manager, recommending that the classification of En- gineer and Fire Equipment Operator be eliminated from the Fire Department _ .._ _ 224, 274, 342 " 4-Clover Hills Subdivision, approval of Blocks 14 to 19 in- clusive and 8A . ............._._._.__._..__.____.._..__....________ 227, 228 " 4-Crissy Drive, acceptance of dedication _, 228 " 4-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1959 BOULEVARD LdGHT- ING PROJECT NO..1_......_.......__._._._.231, 232, 261, 262, 263, 264 .....__._...___._._.__._._._____...._._...._..._.__.._...._._265, 288, 289, 290, 291, 535 " 13-City Council, Special Session ._ .....-_... 235 " 13-Citiiens Committee for Daylight Saving Time, present- ing check for $1500.00 to cover the cost of the election on Daylight Saving Time _._._....___....._.__.......__.~_- 237 " 13-Correll Charles T., sidewalk bond ....__..___..___.__._._~_. 240 " 13-Crescent Electric Supply Co. et aL, requesting the vacation of Camp Street from Main Street to Salina Street..... 242, 298 " 28-City Council, Special Session __ .... ....._.._.-__ 255 " 28-City Avdi[or, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of April as well as a list of claims and payrolls for which war- rants were issued for the month of April 1959.-__._. 258 " 2S-Claims for the month of April 1959, proof of publication..-. 258 " 28-Chambers Harry, reappointed to the Airport Zoning Com- mission _.__.._._._._.____.._._..._.________...___.._..____._._._.._.~ 260 June 1-City Council, Regular Session ........_.__..............______._.____...._ 261 " 1-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of entrance examination for the Police Department .__._._._ 265 1-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of entrance examination for the Fire Department _.._ _ .__....___. ~ 265 1-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of promo- tional examination for the Police Department _.._ _.. 265 " 1-City Manager, submitting report and recommrnda[ion for restricted Parking on Garfield Avenue, Delhi Street, Putnam Street, and Broadway Street ._._.._.._._.__-._ 267, 30i INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page C " 1-City Manager, recommending the erection of stop signs at entrance of East 15th, East 18th and East 19th Streets, so as to require all east and west bound traffic to stop ...................................__..._...__...........__._..........._.._.._......_.. 268, 302 1-Corwin Kenneth R, requesting apportionment of special assessments against Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the Wes[ r/a of the Northwest r/q of the Northwest % of Section 27, Twp. 89, North Range 2, East of the 5th P. M.._._....._ .................._._....._..~._.._..._.__._.._......_._..__._.... 272, 273 " 1-Collins Thomas J. granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....._._._.. 277 " 1-Collins Street, Hale Street and West Third Street, con- struction of an eight in (8") Sanitazy Sewer ._.278, 279, 280, '-'_-.-'__'__'--.._..__.____...._....._.__....._._..._.....____..__._.335, 336, 337, 386, 387 " I-Clarke College, conveyiyng Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Mineral Lot 199 and Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 190, in the City of Dubuque, to [he City of Dubuque _...._.._._...280, 281, 282, 340 " 22-City Council, Special Session ._._.._.._..__._.___.._.._...._.._._._........__.__ 288 " 22-Council Proceedings for the month of January 1959, ap- proved as printed ._......._ .............__..___....._._._..._...._...._.__..__.._..__._ 295 " 22-City Manageq recommending the installation of a street light on Solon Street _.._._._._ ................._._.__._._._......__..___ 295 " 22-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street light on Huff Street .......................-"_-_.....-._._._........_..---.._._...__ 295 " 22-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights on Sunset Ridge and Wartburg Place _.__...___ 296 " 22-City Auditor, City Treasureq City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of May as well as a list of claims and payrolls for which war- rants were issued for the month of May, 1959___.___ 296 " 22-Claims for the month of May 1959, proof of publication....._ 297 " 22-City Manageq recommending that two flour meters be installed between Centcal Ave. and White St. on East 10th, East 11th and East 13th Streets, on Iowa Street between 13th and 14th S[s., on 13th between Main and Iowa, and on west side of White from 10th to 14th .....................__..__.._._.._.__.._........._.._...._._._.._._..._.._._.. 297 " 22-Civil Service Commission, submitting report o4 promotional examination for the Fire Department _._........_.._.._......_._....._. 299 " 22-Cedar, Maple and Sycamore Street Sanitary Sewer Bonds... 305, 306 " 22-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1959 CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROJECT NO. 2 ._.__.._._.....__ ........................_........._._........_'_-_ 309 " 22-Clemens Michael H., granted Cigarette Permit ...____..___.__ 312 " 22-Corbett Car] G., granted Cigarette Permit .___....__. " 22-Chapman Milton E., granted Cigarette Permit ..._....__.___._ 312 " 22-Canfield Hotel Inc., grantoed Cigarette Permit ..........__._._._ 313 " 22-Cahill Helen M., granted Cigarette Permit ...__.._._......_____._ 313 " 22-Cosley Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit .__._...._._..._._ 313 " 22-Cremer Ralpht J., granted Cigarette Permit .__._._..._..__.__._._ 313 " 22-Cox Dorance E. granted Cigarette Permit ........._..._._._......_._.__ 313 " 22-Cahill Robert E, granted Cigarette Permit ...................._. " 22-Chew Patrick, granted Cigarette Permit ............._...._. _ 314 " 22-Callahan Charles W., granted Cigarette Permit ....__._.__._......_ 314 " 22-Collins Thomas J., granted Cigarette Permit ...__......_._____.. 315 " 22-Cosley Harold A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ._._-_.._ 316 " 22-Czizek M. H., reappointed to the Library Board _.__.___._ 318 ' 30-City Council, Special Session ._.._...__.__._..___._._......_..._...._._- 319 " 30-City Clerk, submitting cost of the Daylight Saving Time Advisory Election .__._........._.__..~ ......................_._..__.____.___._.. 319 " 30-Council proceedings for the months of February, March and April, 1959, approved as printed ........_.._..____._._.__... 320 " 3(1-Cody Nona G., granted Cigarette Prmit _........_._...._.__._....._._.__ 321 " 30-Casey Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit _.._._._._..__.._..._.__.. 321 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page C " 30-Callahan Edmund H., granted Cigarette Permit .~____._ 321 " 30-Claiborne William, granted Cigarette Permit __..___..._._.-.- 321 " 30-Callahan Edmund H., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .___ 32Z " 30-Casey Harold A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit _..__.- 325 July 6-City Council, Regular Session __._..__._.__.__.-___.___._._ 325 " 6-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examina- tion for position as Water Plan[ Operator __._.._.._. 330 " 6-City Manages, recommending denial of petition of County Auditor concerning sale of M. L. 134 to Clifford M. Less _._ _._. _._._..~._._.~...____ 330 " 6-Curtis-Straub Co., heating policy ___~_._ ____. 330 " 6-Creslanes Bowling, granted Cigarette Permit __._.____- 338 ' 6-Creslanes Bowling, granted Class "B" Beer Permit _.___.._ 338 " 20-City Council, Special Session _.._____...-._._...~_._...._._... 344 " 20-Certificates of Levy far Airport, Bunker Hill Municipal Golf Course, Dceks & Terminal Operation, Library, Playground Swimming Pool and Playground Improve- ment, Police Prnsion, Police Retirement, Fire Pension and Fire Retirement _.._._.__._..__.___..~.__......__~_ 344 " 20-City Manager, submitting a list of all parcels of property consisting of 10 acres or more within the City which would be eligible for tax exemption as agricultural or horticultural ]and.._. 344 " 20-City Manager, submitting Annual Budge[ for the fiscal yeaz beginning January 1, 1960 and ending December 31, 1960 ._._ ____._'_'__'--_... _-'-'_--_'--_.___. .._.344, 345, 346 20-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of entrance examination for the Police Department _ 348 " 20-Claims for the month of June 1959, proof of publication._ 348 " 20-City Manager, recommending the resurfacing of portions of White Street, Bryant Street, University Avenue and Loras Boulevard with a Foamed Asphalt mat for a width of 24 to 26 feet ...._.__.____.__._._._._.__._.__353, 354, 432 " 20-Chapman Milton E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit_-_ 355 Aug. 3-City Council, Regulaz Session _ ~ 357 " 3-Council proceedings for the month of May 1959, approved as prnnted _. __ ~ 36f1 " 3-City Auditor, City Treasssreq City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of June as well as a list of claims and payrolls for which war- rants were issued for the month of June, 1959.- 360 " 3-Carris Glenn & Rosalyq correction of assessment .._._.. 360 " 3-City Manager, recommending the transfer of funds in the following special assessment funds to the General Special Assessment Fund __.-____.__-__.__..__. 361 " 3-City Manager, recommending the entering into an agree- ment with the firm of Durrant & Bergquist to make a study of the Ninth Street Fire Station ._._.__.___..___ 362 " 3-City Manager, recortunending the installation of a street light at the intersection of National & Keokuk Streets 362 3-City Manager authorized to gran[ permission for curb cuts and driveway access from Locust Street to Lot One of Commercial Subdivision, not more than thirty- five feet in width at the location of vacated Camp and Charter Streets .._.._._.._......__.._...____.___......____._.__.__~._ 364, 420 " 3-Crescrnt Realty Corporation, requesting a refund of $600.00 that they originally paid for the vacated alley in Black 20 of the Dubuque Harbor Company Addition._ 389 " 12-City Council, Special Session ......._._..._._.____.__.____..-_ 399 Sept. 7-City Council, Regular Session .__ ._._._._._.__..._._.____._.~.._ 401 ' 8-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ...__.__.__.__.___ 402 " 8-Clemens William Sr., appointed to the Industrial Expansion Committee ..............._.._.___._._..___._......__.__..__-.__ 402 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT C " 8-Covchman Gaylord Dr., appointed to the Industrial Expan- sion Committee ..__.........___....._._._._.._..___....____.._._.__._...._...__.__ " 8-Centro] Avenue Business Men's Group, requesting permission to meet with the Council relative to street lights and parking lots ou Central Avenue ............._._._.._..........._._..____ " S-City Manager, submitting a parking survey of the Central Avenue Business llistnct extending from 11th to 16th Streets between Towa and White Streets, also recommending that the City purchase private prop- erty between the City Hall and Trenkle's ....._...__._.___ " 8-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1959 BOULEVARD LIGHTING PROJECT NO. II ....._...._ .............._.-...._.__.._403, 404, 405, " 8-City Manager, submitting correspondence between the City Manager and the Harnischfeger Corporation concern- ing action of [he Council at the special meeting of August 12th ..............................._._._.._._...____._..._.._....._._.____.__ " 8-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of July as well as a list of payrolls and claims for which war- rants were issued for the month of July, 1959 _..__- " 8-Claims for fhe month of July 1959, proof of publication-. " 8-City Manager, recommending the installation of two hour parking meters on West First Street in the first two spaces east of Main Street on the south side of the street ................................_..__....._.__..._--'---._..____.._- " S-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights on Jeffery Drive .._..___....._.._......___....__.___._._..._._.-______ " 8-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights on Broadway and the intersection of Monroe and Broadway Streets ~~ ~-~-- ~-- - " 8-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights throughout the Clover Hills Subdivision_.-_.__.__- " 8-City Manager, recommending that East First Street be made one-way for eastbound traffic from its intersec- tion with Water Street to its intersection with Termi- nal Street, and that Terminal Street be made one- wa for souhbound traffic from its intersection with Page 402 402 403 437, 473 407 409 409 409 409 410 410 Y East First Street to its intersection with Jones Street 410, 481 " 8-City Manageq recommending that the City Engmeer be di- rected to prepare a plat and schedule for a sanitary sewer to serve the Diane Court area ..___.._..-__.__._.__ 412 " 8-City Manager, recommending that parking of all commercial vehicles and station wagons for a period of longer than 20 minutes unless actually engaged in loading and un- loading operations be prohibited in those alleys now scheduled in Schedule 7 of Ordinance No. 33-49_._..._._ 412 " 8-City Manager, recommending the grading and surfacing 477 of the parking lot located at 11th and Bluff Streets_._ 413, " 8-City Manager, submitting a list of driveways and en- trances [o South Locust Street and Kerrigan Road.._ 420 " S-CITY OF DUBUQUE FOAMED ASPHALTIC LIQUID MASTIC SURFACING PROJECT, ac- ceptance of improvement ' 8-Clemens William Jr., reappointed to Airport ~Commission__ 432 Oct 5-City Council, Regular Session _.._.._.._.___._._ __.._..-...__- 437 " 5-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examination for position of Water Plant Operator .._.._..___.___.._.._ 439 " 5-City Manageq recommending the erection o4 stop signs on both entrances of Carter Road into Kaufmann Ave- nue, also, both entrances of Chaney Road into Kauf- mann Avrnue _..._..__....___....._._..,...__.......-__.__.__._.-_ 440, 466 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page C " 5-City Manager, recommending that parking be prohibited in the alley east of Central from East 14th to Easy 18th; and the alley west of Central from Loras to I7th Street .._.._.__...__._...__._..._........_..._._.__...._._..__._._._.-._. 440 " 5-City Manager, recommending that parking be prohibited on the north side of Clarke Drive from its intersection with the east line of Heeb to the east line of North Main _...._-'_'_-._ ......................._..__.._.__._..__.__.__..__..__._..--'-_ 441, 466 " 5-City Manager, recommending the installation of street light on Solon Street ._. _..- _ .-__.._._ 441 " 5-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of August as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of August, 1959 441 5-Claims for the month of August, 1959, proof of publication 441 " 5-Carris Construction Company, sidewalk bond __._.__~__.__ 442 5-Clemens William Jr., bond .__._....._.._._....__.__._.__-__.____.__ 442 " 5-Chicago Great Western Railway Company, granted right tocons[ruct, maintain and operate an Industry Track from the Present Terminus of its Present Track in Congressional Lot 8 in the City of Dubuque, along an easement across public ground shown in yellow on plat attached hereto _-_.._.___.__.___.____-_-_ 447, 467 " 5-Curtis-Straub Co., requesting permission to excavate in Davis Ave. for water connection to St. Francis Home of the Aged ..__...__-____._._._____-_-,___._ 451 5-Cahill Helen, requesting refund on Cigaretet Permit No. 55 ...._...--'--._...--""-'-'--'-'-'--'---'--'---.._.._.___ 452 9-City Council, Special Session _..-._..._...__._._._._.____ 459 9-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of promotional examination for position of Fire Equipment Op- erator _ 461 " 21-City Council, Special Session _._. __._.-___-._...___~~ 463 " 21-City Manager, recommending that parking be prohibited on both sides of Rhomberg Avenue from East 20th to Windsor Avenue, on Tuesday from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M. _. 465, 481 " 21-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for [he mohth of Septem- ber as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of September, 1959..__-_ " 465 21-Claims for the month of September, 1959, proof of publi- cation - ~ 465 Nov. 2-City Council, Regular Session ._. __ _._ .__ 473 _ " 2-Council proceedings for the month of June 1959, proof of publication ._._.__...._.._...._..___._~___.__...___-._._ 474 " 2-City Manager, recommending that parking, be prohibited on the west side of Bluff Street from a point ten feet south of the southerly crosswalk to a point ten feet north of the northerly crosswalk of the intersection of West 13th Street, and that a "Slow" sign be erected on the south side of West 12th Street just west of Bluff Street ___.__._._..__.__._._._..__..._._-._..... 474 " 2-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Fremont Ave. and Kelly Lane .__.~._.__.__._..____ 475 . ' 2-City Manager, recommending that parking be rohibited on p the south side of Hillcrest Road from Asbury Street to Avalon Road ____.._.._._.-_._....._____.....___--___„ " 475, 489 2-Curtis-Straub, excavation policy __ " 476 2-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Roosevelt Street _ 476 2-City Manager, recommending installation of street light on Napier Street -.-__.._.-.__-,-_..._.-_....__......-_. 477 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page Dec. C 2-City Manager, recommending installation of street light at the intersection of Gandolfo and St. Joseph Streets 477 2-City Solicitor, submitting a corrected easement covering a portion of nl ineral Lot 502 and recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a Quit Claim Decd releasing the Gty of all interest in and to I,ot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 04 Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 501; Lot 2 of Lot 3 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 501; Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lo[ 501; all in Table Mound Town- ship, Dubuque County, Iowa, (re: Catfish Creek San- itary Sewer) ......_.._ ................._._.__..._.-_......_._.._._._._.__.__..._..__._ 478 2-Courtade Peter 8., Notice of Claim _......_._..._._............-.._.._....._.._ 482 4-City Council, Special Session _..._........_......._____.._....__.._..___.___. 488 4-Central Avenue, City Engineer submitting an estimate of the cos[ of resurfacing part of the width o4 Central Avenue from 20th to 32nd Street _.___..........___._.__._.__._ 491 23-City Council, Special Session .....__..._.._._.._.__.___.._...._.-_ h B f 1959 2 i M i h d 492 get or 3-C anageq recommend ng t at t e u ty be amended __ .................._.._.___..__..___..._..._..__......_._..492, 443, 494, 519 23-City Manager recommending that the City purchase ap- proximately two acres of land in the Young-Primrose Subdivision owned by Norbert and Mildred Fre'~- burgeq to be used for Recreation and Playground fa- cilities _._.____..._. __.__ __.._. ..._. _._.. _ _ 496 23-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights on Wood Street _..__._..__._....__.._._.-._..___._______._..__._. 497 23-City Manager recommending restricted parking on the north side of Grace Street .._ ._. _.._.__ 497 23-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works reports for the month of October as well as a list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of October, 1959 .___-..._._____ 498 23-Claims for the month of October, 1959, proof of pub lication -_ ._ _.....__._-_._.__._..__..____...__. _. 498 23-City Solicitor, submitting opinion concerning amending the Zoning Ordinance to provide parking area for neighborhood stores and other businesses ._._._.-_...___..._ 498 23-Council proceedings for the months of Jvly and August, 1959, approved as printed __...._.__.__._.-._. 499 7-City Council, Regular Session ._-._ _._.._____.-.._.._ 505 7-City Manager Schiltz, statements and answers concern- ing his interest in the Schiltz Construction Company and the Schiltz Land Development Company_____T 506, 507 7-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of promotional examination for positions of Fire Equipment Op- erators _~.._._...._._.._..__...__.._-_._._....._.-_._- 508 7-City Manager, recommending that Mettel Realty and In- vestment Company and Mrs. Charlotte Milroy, owners o£ a frame building located at 2858 Van Buren Street be required to correct the defects or dismantle said building .._._ ____.... _ _ _.._... _ 509 7-City Manager, submitting the preliminary plans, survey, and cost estimate of the Kaufmann Avenue Storm Sewer from Central Avenue to Chaney Road..__.-_.._ 510 7-City Solicitor, submitting contract for provision of water service to Lloyd Dalsing ___.._._.-.__.__._--___.-_ 513 7-City Solicitor, recommending that the Council authorize the Manager to enter into contract with parties to provide for sewer and water along Asbury Road out- side the City Limits ...._.._ ..._ ~ V 513 7-City Solicitor, communication relative to a bill to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to establish juris- diction in the Federal Communications Commission over community antenna systems and recommending that his letter be considered and if the Council agrees with its conclusion, refer it to the proper legislative officers ._.._.____....__..,,__. __ 514 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT p age D Jan. 5-Dubuque Bank and Trust Company appointed depository of " public funds __..__..._ .._ .____,___._ 2 5-Dubuque Jerrold Television Cable Corporation, advising that the Federal Communications Commission has issued them a permit for the installation of microwave equipment 5-Dubuque Bulk Commodities River Terminal, cancellation 16 of blasting bond ___....___......._._.__..._..._..__.._.__. _ 21 " . .__.-. 5-Davis Avenue, 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacin Proj ec[ g No. 1, schedule~of assessments _.. 23 35 38 , 5-Davis Avenue, 1958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project , No. 1, schedule of assessments ._ 41, 51 54 5-Drexel Avenue, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1, , schedule of assessments _...__._...._..._.__._._._-._._...____ 62 63 5-Dubvgve Airport Commission, requesting authorization to , execute the Grant Offer with [he United States of America for the construction of a concrete hangar Feb. ~~ aproa __._._.__.......__..._.._.___._._.__._.._.__.____-_._.._.~ 9-Dubuque Sheet Metal Co., heating bond ...- ..~_.., ~ 63 97 _„___„ 9-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating, heating bond _-....... 97 9-Dubuque Excavating Co., excavation policy __. ._~„_.. 97 " 9-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co., excavation policy___~ 97 9-Demo Clara Mrs. Notice of Claim __.__..._______._ _ g8 9-Dubuque County Chapter of the National Foundation r , pe mission to sell blue crutches .__.._._._ _ -~~~ 109 9-Demo Clara Mrs., Notice of Claim _. 120 98 Mar. 2-Dubuque Ministerial Associatioq opposing sale of beer at , " Bunker Hill ....-._._.__~._.......__._..__...._._..__.._..____- 123 2-Dubuque Airport Commission, submitting a resolution that if a property tax be levied on airlines serving Du- buque and other Iowa cities that such tax revert back to the cities served by [he scheduled airlines and not placed m the States Genera] Fund .__.._._ 127 ,__,__ 2-Dubuque Baseball Inc., communications of Stampfers • , Kretschmer Tredway, Dubuque Bank & Trust Co. , John Deere Dubuque Tractor Works et al., requesting the Council to give consideration to improvements of the 4th Street Ball Pazk ___._...._._.-_.___..___.___..,117, 30-Dockal Myrtle I re u ti 159, 160 ., q es ng correction on agricultural tax exemption _ -. 30-Dubuque Container Div.~St. Regis Paper~Co.,~requesting 164, 198 gran[ of easement so construction can star[ in April- 30-Dubuque County Fazm Bureau re uestin i i 170 , q g perm ss on to make water connection at corner of Asbury Road and Old Timers Road _.___...._...__._...._._._._.__.__.__ 175 " ____. 30-David Place, approval of plat ..........................___._..______.. . 179 ____. _, 30-Deutsch Florance, granted Class "B" Beer Permit _ 167 April ' ..___ .._ 6-Dubuque Baseball Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Perrni[ 187 .._.._ 20-Dubuque Safety Council, suggesting that the following streets be considered for restricted parking; Garfield Avenue between $Im and the railroad tracks; Delhi Street between West 5th and University; Broadway between Gay and Putnam; Putnam between Broad- May way and Mvsca[ine _._.._.._.___ ............._.._..._.__.._._._.._.____.__ 4-Dubuque Go)f & Country Clnb re u ti 200 ,267 , q es ng permission to have a fireworks display " _.._......._...._.._._....._._._...__....__._____ 4-Dubuque Sports Bow] Corporation, granted Class "B" 222 Beer Permit ...................__._._.._.__.._..__._...._.......__..__..__.____ 4-Daylight Saving Time petitions f d 230 , or an against it.___._.._ 233, 236 ,~ __...._...._._._ ...............__......_-.._.._...._...-.._.._..._._..._..._.__.._.._.._237, 13-Dupont Ralph A rant d Cl " " 255, 319 ., g e ass C Beer Permit 28-Duehr Ray F. et al., requesting opening, grading and sur- 252 facing of alley running north from Dexter Street___ 260 INDEX -BOOK 89 19$9 SUBJECT Page D June 1-Dubuque Sports Bowl, requesting Permission to have a _.__-. 269 " P Y -..._.._.___..._._.._..._._.._.....__......._._ ...._.. fireworks dis la -"" 1-Dubuque Metal Trades Council, granted Class B" Beer ._ 277 " Permit _._.._..._..._.___.__...__...._ ...................__....__.__._...____..__.. 22-Dubuque County Auditor advising the City Council that e sold Mineral Lot 134 ha i v sors the Board of Superv -._ 29 5, 330 " to Clifford M. Less .._...._.._....._..__...._.....___._._...._.._.._._...._ 22-Dalzell Wilbur et al., objecting to proposed sidewalks on 304 " Morningview Road ..__.._._....._._....._._...._..._._._..__..._.... _.-_-._.- 22-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Cigarette Permit..- 312 312 " 22-Dupont Ralph A., granted Cigarette Permit ._._--..-.._..__._._ t ~g t 312 " ted Cigarette gran Club, 22-Dubuque Met ~l gTradesa Coun it " " Permit .._........._.._-'--_.._.__._..._...._~_.._._.-.--'---'-- 22-Diamond's Grill, granted Cigarette Permit _ bled American Veterans Club, granted Cigarette Permit Di 22 313 14 " sa - 22-Deutsch Florance,. granted Cigarettg Permit _._.-...-_-----~- 3 315 " 22-Dunbar Otto J•, granted Cigarette Permit ._-------•-~ ranted Class "B" Beer Cl b " , g u 22-Dubuque Gol4 & Country ~- 316 Permit _ °-•-' 30-D. A. V. requesting permission to have tag day -.---~ 320 321 " 30-Donovan Melville L., granted Cigarette Permit ----•••- 321 30-Dunbar Linnie, granted Cigarette Permit _-_.._..___-~-•• 321 " 30-Dotter Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit_____.._...___-_-.- " 322 Beer Permit __.__.___... 30-Dunbar Otto J granted Class "C d the Council relative to the con- dd July resse 6-Dove Charles E., a struction of a medical building over the present park- 325 ing lot at 5th and Bluff Streets _...-.-.--~~----~--- osed sidewalks on Ever- i " ng to prop 6-Dilworth H. E., object 327 " green Drive .. '--"'- 6-basso Construction Company, sidewalk bond ~ .-.-- -~-- uesting the use of the Eagle Point e Cl b 330 " q , r u 6-Dubuque Boat 33$ " River Front area ._.__.......__._......__._.__-.---.__...___..-.___... 6-Dubuque Service Operators Association, relative to Service 335 Stations using curbside signs to advertise gas wars._... 20-Dubuqut County Historical Society thanking City {or con- tributing $5,000 towards the preservation of the Shot .-.. 346 359 Tower _....._..._.__....__._.._.__....-_._...._._._._.._....._.__..__._ approval of plat of Blocks 4, 5 and 6 bdivision S k , sens u 20-Dir ' 352 Aug. ~-•• in "Dirksens Addition 3-Dubuque Leader, relative to preservation of the Shot ..._ 359 " Tower _...._._._.._._.__...._..__....._.___....._..___...____......_.._.__.._.._ d at the 3-Dubug l o t r Stree and Delhi Lane Forest merection of 360 " 3-Dubuque Real Estate Board, relative to sale of Rafferty 364 " Park Property _...._..__........_...__.._.. ____.-._..__._._..______ Dubuque Park Board, settlement of personal injury claim of 3 $ept. - Barbara Schmitt .__ -~~ 8-Dove Charles E., appointed to the Industrial Expansion 391 402 " Committee ........................._._..._...._.__.__._._.__._._._._._.........__._.-.. 8-Dis[ric[ of Columbia, relative to a bill which would allow 405 residents of the District of Columbia home rule_..__. " 8-Dubuque Federation of Labor endorsing action of the Coun- cil regarding negotiations with Harnischfeger Cor- 406 " poration ......_..._...__..._._._._.__......_..___.__-__.__....__.-_.__._.. $-Datisman Sydney, heating bond __.._.._..._. __......__-._-..~_.._ 413 " 8-Dubuque Safety Council, favoring the park adjacent to Brammers Super Market for a parking lot_._._._..__... 423 v $-"Duggan Farm', approval of Lot One ___.._.._.--_._-_.-_-.-. 428 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page D Oct. 5-Dubuque Baseball Inc. requesting permission to hold an election on the question, "Should the City of Dubuque hold an election for a bond issue for the purpose of constructing a new baseball park?", and requesting ade- quate lighting at the Fourth Street Park_._..__.._..._.._.._ 451, 495 ' 5-Dubuque Sports Bowl, requesting refund oa Class "B" Beer Permit No. 23 _.__._..._..._._.__.._.-...._.-_.._._.._.__.._.._ 452 " 5-Dubuque Baseball Inc., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 19 ...._._..__.__.._.._._..__._~._.__...____._.._... 452 " 5-Disabled American Veterans, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit __._....__.-.__.._.__.__.._...._..._..___..__-____.-__._.__ 457 9-Dubuque Packing Company, requesting [he conveyance of certain pazcels of City owned property in order to construct new stock yazds and slaughter facilities...462, 477, 522 Nov. 2-Dalsing Lloyd, requesting permission to construct 6" water main on Jackson Street outside of the City Limits...483, 496, 513 " 4-Durrant & Bergquist, requesting permission to connect Jefferson Jr. High School sanitary sewer into the manhole on Eagle Street _._.._.._-..-...-_.._.._.-.___ 490 " 23-Dubuque Municipal Airport, requesting amendment of the 1959 Airport Budget __.___.. _..__ ___ ,_ 492 " 23-Dubvgve Dock Commission transfer of Trust and Agency, Dock Industrial Park band Sales Fvnd [o Dock Municipal Enterprise Fund _.__ _.__.-. _-- __ ~ q92, $1S Dec. 7-Dubuque Federation of Labor, opposed to use of parking meters on nites that the stores remain open __._.~____, 508 ' 7-Dubugque County Auditor, advising that the Board of Su- pervisors agreed to sell lots 20, 21, 22, 27A, 28A 30A ~ and 31A al] in A. P. Woods Add. to Brute T. Mul- grew ._..__..-..._..__..._...__...._._.._._...._~__.___-_...._.._....-. 509 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page E Jan. 5-Earl Drive, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. I, schedule .._____.. 62, " of asscssments ......_...._ ........................___........_._....._.....__._..___._ 5-Ender Alois J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...__._..._._.__. Feb 9-Evergreen Drive, accepted as a public street .__._....._....._......__ . Mar 2-Emerson Excavating Company, excavation policy .._. ___._ . " 2-Evergreen Drive, improvement with concrete curb and gut- ter from north property line o4 Lindale Street to 129 south poperty line of Kaufmann Avenue _..__._.-.-.- ~-•--• _ ................131, 132, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 190, 192, 193, , • 194, " 2-Evergreen Drive improvement with bituminous concrete e of Lindale li t n y surfacing from the north proper Street to the south property line of Kaufmann .............._..._...._..._...._._._.._..__......_._... Avenue ..... 152, 190, 194, 195, 502, " 30-Erschen Benedict F`., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 176 ...-..__._._.._.._......___._._..___..._....._....._._-_......_-_ " 30-Erschen Alice H., granted Cigarette Permit ...__.-._...._._.___._ " 30-Erschen Alice H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit_._.._._ 30-Erschen Ben F., Class "B" Permit No. 107 revoked._._._._._. April 20-East Dubuque, Illinois, relative to ambulance servicc_-.- 1Q and Blocks 9 s h ' , a e 20-Eska Company, Inc., offer to purc 3 in the City of Du- t Subdivision No f i . ron ver Il in R que, Iowa .........................._.._..._.._._....__._..._.._._..203, 204, 205, 235, May 4-Electric Refrigeration Company, heating policy ___..--.....--.- 1 231 " ...._.__._-_ 4-Eighth Street, Boulevard Lighting Project No. 261, , 288, " 4-Election on Daylight Saving Time to be held May 27, 237 255, , 1959 ranted Class "C" Beer Permit..._._..._ Inc b l D 277, June " . g uque u e- 1-Eag 22-Eagle-Dubuque Inc. ,granted Cigarette Permit .............._._._._ " 22-Ellis Victorina Mrs., granted Cigarette Perini[ _..__...._...___. " 22-Ehlers John E. and Joan B., granted Cigarette Permit___.._ " 22-Eichhorn Lester and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit ._.__ " 22-Evans Russell, granted Cigarette Permit ..............._....___.__._._ ranted Class "C" Beer B " ., g 22-Ehlers John B. and Joan " Permit ....__._.._..._..____ 30-Engling Bernadette, granted Cigarette Permit _......_.______ " 30-Erschen Alice H., granted Cigarette Permit ..__.._.....__........_.. " 30--Ender A. J., granted Cigarette Permit _.._..._.__ ............._._._._.._ Sept. 8-Engineered Products Inc, requesting permission to con- 418 struct aloading dock _....._............_........._........_._._..__........_._. .._._. , Oct. 9-Election, Municipal Primary Election to be held October 459 463 20, 1959 ....._.........._..._.__...._.__._.._....-__'__... , , " 21-Evans J. Russell, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ._..__.__._.._ ._.. Nov. " 2-Elks Household Service, heating policy ..............._..___.....__.._._._ ular Municipal held November 3, 1959...__..._..... Re i l 488, Dec. g on, ect 4-E 7-Eisenegger John et al., requesting installation of a street light on MaY Place .....................__._._.._.._._._......_._._............_._._.._._.... INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page F ]an. 5-Frommelt Leo F., appointed City Clerk ___....___.__...+ 63 ~~ 5-First National Bank appointed depository of public ivnds..__ ' 85 5-Fire Chief authorized to attend Fire Instructor s Confer- 107 ence at Memphis, Tennessee ____.___._.._.____.___-___ 118 5-Floraview Drive, 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Pro- ject No. 1, schedule of assesments ..._..__._____._._.__._.. " 5-Floraview Drive, Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, sched- 130 ule of assessments _.__._.._._..___....._.._.._.._.__..._._._.._......56, 530 5-Floraview Drive, Concrete Curb and Gutter, schedule of assessments ._____..___.....___..._..__.._..__.._._._.._._..__.._._..59, " 5-Fairfax Avenve, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1 sched-, ule of assessments ... _ ' 151 Manager recommending 5-Fourteenth Street Averpass City 532 that the plans be approved and the firm of Howard, Needles, Tammen and Bergendoff be authorized to 174 proceed with the construction ._._._._._..___ ..83, 84, 182 5-Fengler Street Overpass, City Manager recommending the 182 approval of plans prepared by A. A. Rhomberg_._.__. 182 5-Felderman Laverne G., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.. 202 Mar. 2-Freund Councilman, suggesting that all caves be closed or sealed off and that special recognition be given to Police officers who aided in the rescue of the boys 236 „ lost in the cave __.__.-.._.__ ............._...._.._...._ _.__.____ 218 3-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "B" Beer Per- 232 „ mit ._ _._.- .__._._._.__.._._-'-----.--_-_.. 535 30-Forestry Products, relative to tree trimming crews enter- ing and leaving the city as possible carriers of Dutch 319 ~ Elm disease .._._.._.._._._._.___.__..._.-_._.___._.._.._._.._._._._._...___ 278 ~ 30-Fleming Patrick J~. Notice of Claim ___.._._____._._._..__..__ 313 30-Foye Street, no parking on the east side from West Locust 314 " to Napier Street _..._.._.._._.._._.._.._.._..._.__._..._._.___..__ 314 30-Fury Robert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit __-_ 314 30-Fecker Anthony L•., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.___.- 315 April 20-Fondell Andrew, blasting bond .. _. ._-____~_..-_.___ May 4-Frankfurt William H., sidewalk bond__-.-__.-- 316 ~~ 4-Flynn Thos. J., excavation policy ._..-.___._._-.___._- 321 4-Fire Department, recommendation of the City Manager 321 that the classification of Engineer and Fire Egvip- 321 meet Operator be eliminated .._. ._._._.._...___ ...223, 4-Fecker Patrolman, and Van Der Meulen, commended for 419 their quick action in apprehending a morals offender 13-Funk Kar] F. et al., petition for street light on Jeffrey 464 Drive __._ .___._.. _ ._._ __- ~ ~ 470 June 1-Freiburger John F, cancellation of sidewalk bond __.- 476 1-Fondell & Sons, excavation policy _.__._.-_.._._..__.__- ~ 489 1-Falk Earl, approval of plat of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 and 4 in Block 1 of Breezy Point Subdivision _._____.__._.-_ 526 ~~ 22-Freese Allen Mrs., Notice of Claim ._____._.__._._.___~ 22-Fleckenstein Clement R., granted Cigarette Permit.__.-__ " 22-Finley Hospital, Sunshine Circle, granted Cigarette Permit " 22-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club granted Cigarette Permit._ " 22-Fecker Anthony L., granted Cigarette Permit.._.____ " 22-Felderman La Verne, granted Cigarette Permit._~____ " 22-Francois Helen Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit- " 22-Felon William G., granted Cigarette Permit__..._-._~ " 22-Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Cigarette Permit- " 22-Fenelon Ken, granted Cigarette Permit _..._.._._._._-_ " 22-Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 568, granted Cigar- ette Permit ...._..._____._.__~._ 22-Falkenhainer Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit___ " 22-Fett Carlyle R. & Doris A., granted Cigarette Permit..._..... " 22-Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie No. 568, granted Class "B" Beer Permit _.__..______...._._.._____...___.._..._._ i 2 9 22, 25 57, 58 60, 61 62, 63 92, 223 84, 82 85 117 126 165 167 170 182 182 197 218 218 274, 342 233 300, 242 265 268 276 349 312 312 312 312 312 313 313 313 314 314 315 315 316 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page F ~ " 22-Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 316 321 Jan. 5-Grandview Avenue (North & South), recommendation of the City Manager that Grandview Avenue be made a " 30-Freund Robert A., granted Cigarette Permit ~.- 322 boulevard from its southerly terminus at Mt. Carmel " 30-Finch Alford F., granted Cigarette Permit._._-.- 322 to the southerly property line of Clazke Drive; the " 30-Fury Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit _..___ 322 erection of stop signs to stop vehicles entering North " 30-Fink Milton F., granted Cigarette Permit ..._..-.---- 321 Grandview Avenue ._._.-_..__.__-.._-._.___._.-...__14, " " 30-Fortmann Anton, granted Cigarette Permit __-.._ ~ _ 30-Fortmann Anton, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..______ 322 5-"Grommersch Place", approval of plat .__._._.___._._.__.._ sale of 5.097 acres of land in the Park 5-Grommersch Leo July 20-Fire Chief, authorized to attend International Association f Fire Chief Conference to be held in Grand Rapids, , Hill area to the City _...-..___._........_.___-.____.....___...__ o 347 5-Glen Oak Street, 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Aug. Michigan _ _ __ _ 3-Fire Department, Central Fire Station, City-Manager rec- Project No. 1, schedule of assessments __..._.._____23, 1958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project 5-Glen Oak Street ommending that an agreement be entered into with Durraat & Bergquist to make a study of the fire stn- , No. 1, schedule of assessments _._.-._____.___.___ 41, 362 Feb. 9-Glen Oak Street, recommendation of the City Manager that lion .__-_ 3-Frieda Place, approval of plat o4 Lots i, 2, 3 and 4._- " " 392 stop signs be erected to stop north and soul un ._._t_.93 traffic at [he intersection with Vernon S[reet Sept. B 8-Francois Helen Mrs., requesting refund on Class 422 .._.. , 9-Grandview Avenue North, established as a public street Beer Permit No. 113 __-._.____.._____----- requesting refund on Cigarette Per- 8-Francois Helen Mrs Mar. 2-Go[ts_chalk Harold P. Mrs., opposing sale of beer at Bunker " ., mil No. 65 _._-_..--'----.__..-_-'-----.. requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Per- Robert J 8-Fur 422 Hill ~._-- '--- '----__...-_ __.__ 2-Grandview Avenue North, grading improvement, Section y ., mil No. 11 _~.._-__.__.__.~_----..--.---- 422 2, from north property line of Ungs Street to stn- Section 3 from north property line of lion 56}00 " 8-Fvry Robert J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 422 . , Kaufmann Avenue to the south property line o4 " No. 270 .__.___...._.___..-__.._.__.__--._.___-_- 8-Frost Charles et al., requesting street light on Theda Drive _ 424 Kane Street. Section 4, from Station 56100 to south 127 128 ro ert line of Kaufmann Avenue " 8-Faley William P. et al., objecting to truck traffic on 446 424 .__....._ p , , p y ----.-. -- -~ -~---~----~--- -190, 191, 198, Grandview Avenue ____ _.-____ granted Cigarette Permit ____--- 8-Ferring Theodore J. , 433 2-Grandview Avenue North, improvement with concrete curb " , 8-Ferring Theodore J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit -. 434 442 and gutter from north property line of Ungs street to south property line of Kane Street._._._._.129, 130, Oct. 5-Freiburger Joha J. sidewalk bond ._.__...____.~_.-_-- i " " 457 .__..___.__._____..__.142 144 145 146, 147, 190, 192, 193, " t._ Beer Perm B 5-Fleckenstein Clement R., granted Class " " 470 , , , 30--Green Acres Subdivision, approval of plat of Block 8, 9, „ Beer Permit ___...___...____ B 21-Frary Fred, granted Class 485 11, 12, 13, 14 and I5.___-~_-.__._._._.._._ 10 Nov. D 2-Folsom Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit ...-___.-.-- Notice of Claim ...________~._ Miss Margaret Flamman 7 518 , 30-Goerdt Merlin, excavation policy ___~--._.____.. ec. " , g, - requesting installation of street light on et al. C C 7-Fa 30-Grifrith Earl, Notice of Claim ._..__._.____.__.______.._._ , . . y .-.---_--._--- Road kdal R 527 30-Gavin Thomas L. et al., requesting the completion of storm ...___._._.___....._ oc e sewer between McPoland and Mazmora Avenue..__ 30-Gcerdt Merlin F., requesting excavation permit _._......_._.- April 20-Grandview Avenue North, from Clarke Drive to Kane Street, Planning & Zoning Commission granting ap- proval of location and subdivision of the proper[ies...195, May 4-Gordon Drive, acceptance of dedication __._.-_._._.___._ " 4-Gantert Harry N. and Lucille, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ___.._..__._......____..~._.___.~._._..- " 4-Glab Frank, reappointed to Planning & Zoning Commission " 13-caber Kenneth W., blasting bond ._..-._._._.__.__._._ .._.__ " 13-Glynn Sa]]y Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit _.-._._.__ " 28-Gassman Gerald W., Notice of Claim __....__.___._._..___.____ June 1-Geisler Brothers, heating bond ___. " 1-Graham Ralph et al., requesting a street light on Solon Street __._...._....___._.__..._._..__._.............__.._ ...............__._.__269, " 1-Green Acres Subdivision, approval of plat of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 each in Block 8 Green Acres Subdivision _._._._._.__...._..._._._._.._..._...__..-._.......__._.......__.___.._.._ " 22-Gronau Walter F. and William H. Lammeq heating policy - 22-caber Kenneth W., excavation go]icY ~---~--~~-~~~~_....__._._....._.._. " 22-caber Kenneth W., blasting bond __....._.._._...._.__._.._..___.._._._. " 22-Giunta Joe and Marco, granted Cigarette Permit _._.-_.___. " 22-Gantert Harry N., granted Cigarette Permit ._._..__..__.__.__ " 22-Glynn Sally, granted Cigarette Permit ._. _ " 22-Gaztner Arnold & Marian F., granted Cigarette Permit.. " 30-Glaser Leo J., granted Cigarette Permit _._...~.__._.._.__.._._ July 6-caber Kenneth W., blasting bond ___.._...__.__._.._..._-.__.-__ 15, 99 15 16 31, 38 48, 54 122, 173 107 123 140, 141 435, 528 131, 132 194, 530 157, 158 166, 218 169, 200 ]75 176, 218 216, 217 228 230 234 239 252 258, 300 268 295, 441 298, 282 298 305 298 313 314 315 315 322 331 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page O Aug. 3-Giese Sheet Metal Company, heating bond .- 363 Sept. 8--C:rab J~ePh A., objecting to proposed street lighting on 402 Centrail Avenue ___._.._.._._....._.._._.__._..._._.__._._.---.-----~--- - 413 8-Gcerdt Merlin, sidewalk bond _.__._.__._..____..___...-_._.--.- " $-Green Acres Subdivision No. 2, approval of plat of Irot 9 432 of Block 11 and all of Block 14 ._....._.____......_._.._._._430, 431, 8-Gofer Lawrence Rev. appointed to the Recreation Commis- 436 Oct. sion .__.__._..__ ............._...._.__....__._.._._....___.__..._....._.._.____ 5-Grandview Avenue, trucks of five tons gross weight pro- 446 " hibited ._._..__..__...___.._._____._____.__...__._...__.._._._.. -._- 5--Giese Joseph et al., requesting street light on Roosevelt Street _ 451, 476 " 5-Glaser's Super Service, requesting refund on Cigarette 453 " Permit Na. 227 ._.__......... ................_._._....._..__._...--_'-_'-_.__._._ appointed to the Civil Service Commission.__ 9-Giles Leroy 48 Nov. , 2-Glab H. R., Notice of Claim _____._.._.._.__.___.__.__._..__._. 2 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page H Jan. 5-Herber Frederick J. and Ronald F., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 286 ......_..___......._._______._.._._.__.. 22 " 5-Hawthorne Street, 1958 Bituminous Concrete $urfacfng Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ._...__._.___._._..23, 30, 38 " S-Hempstead Street, 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1, schedule of assessments .____.._ ._...23, 36, 38 " 5-Hawthorne Street 1958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments _.__....__..__.._. _.__._.._ 41, 47, 54 " 5-Hempstead Street, Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ..__..__._.__._.._.__.__..__.__._41, 52, 54 " 5-Hickson Avenue, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1, sched- ule of assessments ._..___.._._._._......_...._....__.__.__._..-.___.___ 62, 63 " 5-Howard, Needles, Tammen and Bergendo8 authorized to proceed with the construction plans of [he 14th Street overpass and approaches .._......._..__..____._._.._.__..%3, 92, 223 Feb. 9-Hertner Walter J., objecting to assessment 4or improvement of Hempstead S[ree[ _._._..__.._._._....._._._..__.._.___._.._.._....__ 92 " 9-Higgins Warren C., Notice of Claim ......._.._._..____._.-.._.____ 98, 167 " 9-Hillard Joseph P. and Bernice, granted Class 'B" Beer Permit .._..__.._"_'_______._.._...._.._...._...__.___..._"_'_____._ 113 Mar. 2-Hutchins Frances Mrs., AroNce of Claim ____.____..__ 121, 392 " 2-Helbing Walter, Notice of Claim _._._.__._._._...___.__.__.._...._.._ 121, 167 " 2-Hough Lucille Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ....__._.._.._._ 126 " 2-Hough Lucille Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit _._ 126 " 2-Harrison Street, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from south property line of Jones to north property line of Dodge Street .._._.._.__..._._.._.._129, 130, 131, 132, 142, 144 _._..__ .................._._._..._._.....__..._....._.:145, 146, 147, 190, 192, 193, 194, 530 " 2-Harrison Street, improvement with hot mix-hot laid as- phallic concrete surfacing from south property line of Jones to north property line of Dodge Street.._.136, 137, 13S ._.._.._....._._..._........_ ....................__...153, 154, 155, 190, 196, 341, 368, 379 " 30-Heitzman Construction Company sidewalk bond _._ 166 " 30-Hamel Bertha A., Notice of Suit _._....._.._.._____-._.._____ 169 " 30-Hohnecker - G. J. Company and Crescent Realay Corpor- ation, requesting the vacation of an alley in Block 24, in Dubuque Harbor Company Addition, running north and south between Railroad Avenue and Camp Streets _._._.._._._._._.____..__._._._..___.._.-..__._.___175, 186, 203 30-Henkel Alma, granted Class "B" Beer Permit __.______...._ 182 April 6-Hanten Cyril, sidewalk bond ...____._..___.__._.__._ 185 " 6-Hafeman Erwin J., granted Cigarette Permit -_..-. 187 " 20-Huseman Richard and Louis, sidewalk bond __..__-.__.._.._._ 197 " 20-Hansel Richard V., President of Home Builders Associa- tion, relative to better working relationship between the building traits and the City Building and Eugin- ering Department ___..._._._.__._..__. _.__.___..~__.__.._._ 198 " 20-Hillcrest Builders Inc., requesting extension of the storm sewer from Pennsylvania Avenue to Illinois Avenue between Ohio Avenue and Drexel Avenue __._._.__..._.. 203 20-Hillcrest Investment Inc., requesting approval of prelimi- nary plans of proposed Vista View Addition ___._.__ 203, 439 May 4-Hirsch Carl, sidewalk bond . ____.___. ~~ 218 " 4-Heitman Derald, Notice of Claim ___.___._____ 219 " 4-Hartig Drvg Company, relative to purchase of property on northwest corner of Grandview Avenue and Delhi Street _ 219, 267 4-Hasselquis[ R. L., objecting to proposed sidewalk on Val- leyview Road ._. __ __.-_ _- 222 " 4-Hevey Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit _-.__._ 229 " 13-Henkel Pavl J, Notice of Claim _ _. 242 268 June 1-Herburger Cazl, requesting removal o£ "No Parking" signs , on East 30th Street __ ._.__. _~~ 269, 297 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page H " I-Harrington James, requesting apportionment of special assessments against Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the Wes[ % of the Northwest % of the Northwest of Section 27, Twp. 89, North Range 2, East of the Sth P. M..._._.__._ ..............__._._...-_-...-_._.-_-_-_-._ 273, 273 " 1-Hafeman Leonard A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .- 277, 278 22-Hersche Fred C. et al., requesting a parking lot on Central Ave. between 12th & 16th Streets __ _ _ 297 " 22-Hansel & Barth et. al., requesting a parking lot for Central Ave. between 12th & 15th Streets ._.-_.__-_..-._.-. 298 " 22-Henkel Alma Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit.._-._-__. 312 " 22-Hartig Drug Company, granted Cigarette Permits _..-__ 313 " 22-Heiderscheit John J., granted Cigarette Permit _____._..._. 313 " 22-Hillard Joseph P. & Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit.__.... 314 " 22-Hessel Irvin G., granted Cigarette Permit .__.._......-_______ 314 " 22-Hevey Robert E. granted Cigarette Permit -_-.._._.__-_ 314 " 22-Hafeman Erwin J., granted Cigarette Permit _.____....._.._ 314 " 22-Herburger Carl M., granted Cigarette Permit ..__.._.__.___._. 314 " 22-Haberkorn Edward A., granted Cigarette Permit ._......_.__. 314 " 22-Hough Lucille Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit .__...__-___ 314 " 22-Hochhausen Albert H., granted Cigarette Permit._..______ 315 " 22-Hemmer John P., granted Cigarette Permit _..-.__._..____.. 315 " 22-Hunt George R„ granted Cigarette Permit -_.__.._._.__._.__ 315 22-Hedley Alfred, granted Cigarette Permit - .__......__._. 315 " 22-Hessel Irvin G., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .__.-._._._. 316 " 22-Hoffmann Mabel Mrs., reappointed to Library Board ._-_ 318 " 30-Hafeman Helen M., granted Cigarette Permit _.__..__.-. 321 " 30-Helling Tony, granted Cigarette Permit ._.-.....~.___ 322 " 30-Haupert Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit_...__.___.... 322 " 30-Hemmer John P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit -_._ 322 July 6-Hillerest Builders Incy requesting extension of time for sidewalk construction _-~_._._..._. _.___._.___.___...-.. 326 " 6-Hilicrest Builders Inc., submitting a preliminary plan for Hillerest Heights Subdivision No. 2 _....._.-_.-__ 329 " E-Holland Furnace C.,o heating policy _.___._..__-__-...___.. 330 6-Hill Thomas J., reappointed [o [he Board of Review__.._..__ 342 " 20-Hensche( Roofing & Sheet Metal, heating bond _.__.__.-_._.__. 347 20-Hayes Dorothy A., granted Cigarette Permit ____.._..._._..... 355 ' 20-Hayes Dorothy A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit _.__.___... 355 Aug. 3-Hersche Fred C. et al., petitioning for new street lights on Central Avenue -_._____.-_.__...____...._.__._____-___. 390 " 3-Hagerty Wm. et al., relative to retaining walls to be built as a result of construction of new sidewalks on Hill- erest Road _..___..___._.-_....__..___~-__.__._- .__ 390, 411 " 12-Harniscshfeger Corporation, communication exp'.aining their position regarding a proposed Electrical Manufacturing Plant in Dubuque _..-.-._. .__.._._..._._ _._..._._ __ 399, 495 Sept. 8-Humke F. J., objecting to proposed street lighting on Cen- tral Avenue ......__..._._.._.-_.____._____.__.__.__..__._-__. 402 S-Hartzog Justin R., expressing appreciation for being made an Honorary Citizen of the City of Dvbnque ..__._...._..... 405 B-Hickey Frank J., relative to parking in alley between Iowa & Central between 15th & 16th -_.-....___._____.._....__.__ 440, 406 " 8-Harnischfeger Corporation, communication expressing re- gret that they are unable to locate their plant in [he City of Dubuque __..._.__-._._._._.__ ..................__._....__.-.-. 407, 408 8-Hamblin Charles, sidewalk bond _ ___~__.__..__.._...._______ _._. 413 " B-Hartmann Arthur A., sidewalk bond ...._..__.__.__....____- 413 " 8-Herne Healing Company, heating bond ___._..__.____ 413 " 8-Holy Ghost Church, regttesting the vacation of a portion of Primrose Street _._..__.__.._.._..._.._.____._._.__.__...-_.-_ 424, 443 " B-Hochhansen Albert H., granted Cigarette Permit ....--_. 433 " E-Hochhausen Albert H., granted Class "C" Beer Permit..._._ 434 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page H Oct. 5-Hanselman F. W., heating bond - 442 ' S-Hilicrest Builders Inc., request for rezoning Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Block 5, Rolling Ridge Sub. No. 2 from Single Family Residence to Local Business District A.._.__._ 449, 479 " 5-Hafeman Erwin J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 118 __._.._._._.--.---___...---.__.~.__.._._._ 453 " 5-Hvtter Irvin J., granted Cigarette Permit _._......_.~_-.___ 457 " $rHerburger, Mrs. Florence F. Brede, granted Class "B" Beer Permit -_.._.~_-_~-.._.._______ 457 " 5-Hutter Irvin J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .-- 457 21-Holy Ghost School, requesting the installation of a school stop light at the intersection of 29th and Jackson Streets __._468, 497, 508 " 21-Harwood M. L. et al, requesting the erection of a wire fence to prevent children from crossing the Cooper Place Playground to the Claridge Apartment pro er[ Y 468 21-Haupert Clarence P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit__p 470 Nov. 2-Hillerest Builders Inc., sidewalk bond ._..._.._____.-_._._._._ 476 " 2-Happman Harold, relative to restricted parking in down- town alleys .__._ __ _-_ _ --_ qg0 " 2-Hanson Haney, relative to heavy truck traffic on Jackson Street ..-_____._.___.._.__.__..__._._.~___...-_ 483 " 2-Hedley Alfred E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 465 2-Hickey David L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit -.~.. 485 " 23-Hillerest Builders Inc., relative to purchasing pipe and fit- tings from the Water Department for the construc- tion of a water main west of city limits on Pennsyl- vania Avenue _ 494 " 23-Harnischfeger Corporation, submitting Quit Claim Deed releasing to the City of Dubuque all of their interest in Area "B" in Riverfront Subdivision No, 3.....__- 495 " 23-Hillerest Builders Inc., requesting the @xtension of rezoning as a Class "A" Bustness District to include Lot 1 of 7 and Lot 2 of 7 in Block 5 Hilicrest Heights and the east 66.2 feet of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot "A" of Hili- crest Park _._._.__.__-._.-_~___.---„~_____-. 501 516 " 23-Hevey Robert E., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit , No. 115. _ 501 23-Humke F. J. et al , requesting parking restrictions on East 15th from Iowa to White Street __._~-. 502 23-Humke Maurice E., granted Cigazette Permit _..._-~- " 503 23-Humke Maurice E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit-._ 503 Dec. 7-Hilicrest Investment, Inc., Vista View Addition, Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning to Two Family Residence District so that the owners can plat proper lo[ sizes and layout with a definite knowledge of the Zoning Classification -.______ ' 517 7-Hilicrest Investment, Inc., requesting zoning of Lots 1 to 9 inclusive in Vista View Addition and Lot 2-I-1-I-1-2 of Mineral Lot 263 and Lot 1-1-1-1-1-2 of Mineral Lot 263 to Two Multiple Family Residence District and hots 10 to 22 inclusive in Vista View Addition and Lot 2-I-I-1-1-2 of Mineral Lot 263 and Lot 1-1-1-1-1-2 of Mineral Lot 263 to Multiple Residence District classification - 518 7-Hein Camillus R., Notice of Claim ~.-_ .V~__,_,_ 518 7-Houtz Albert G. Jr. and Patricia S. Houtz, Conveyance of Lot 3A of Strub Subdivision by the City of Dubuque 527 7-Hohmann Dora Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit -_._.___ 537 7-Haberkorn Edward A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.____ 537 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page I Jan. 5-Indiana Avenue, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1, sched- ule of assessments _._....._.__.__._._.__._ .............._.._...._.__ 62, 63 " 5-Idea] Lane, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1, schedule of assessments __.....__......._..__._._.__.__._-_.__.._.._...___.___._ 62, 63 Mar. 2-Iowa State Uepartmeut of Health, issuing permit for con- struction of a sanitary sewer in Scenic View Heights N o. 2 .._.......__.__.____.........__ ..............._._..____....__--'-'_-__---.. 117 " 2-Illinois Avenue, improvement with concrete curb and gut- ter from west property line of Drexel to the south property line of Pennsylvania Avenue ...._.._.129, 130, 131, 132 .....__ .................._......_......142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 190, 192, 193, 194, 53U May 4-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for con- struction o4 a sanitary sewer in Green Acres Sub- division ............._._.._.__.__......_.._.__.._.._..__.....__._._._.__.._.__.___....__ 220 " 4-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for con- struction of a sanitary sewer in Clover Hills Sub- division ._.._.____- ............._._.___...._.._...___..__.___..._._._.._.._._...._.__ 220 " 4-Iowa Street, Boulevard Lighting Project No. 1 _.._...._......._. 231, 232 _'-'__-._._..._.__...__.__._..._....__...-...._..._.__.__.__..._.____....._....._261, 288, 535 " 28-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for sew- age pumping station on Kerprr Boulevard _.___...__._._.__.. 258 June 1-Indian Hills Subdivision, approval of plat of lots 1 to 12 inclusive in Block 7 in Indian Hills Svbdivision.._..._..__ 270, 271 " 22-Interstate Power Company, report for the year ending De- cember 31, 1958 ._._..........__..__._....__....._._....__._.____._.____ 296 " 22-Iowa Commission for the Blind, granted Cigarette Permit_ 314 July 2Q-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for construction of a sanitary sewer in Dirksen Addi- tion ..___...._._ .........................__...._............._.____._.___._..__.._......._... 348 Sept. 8-Interstate Power Company, submitting an amendment to Ordinance Na. 8-58, repealing Schedule I of Section L to provide reduced rates for residential users...._..... 417, 418 Dec. 7-Investigation by the City Council, calling before them the City Manager, Harry Schiltz, City Solicitor and other City personne] _..._......_..__.._ ....................._...___.._._..___._...._...._.. 507 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT page J Jan. 5-Jackson Street, City Manager recommending that parking be prohibited on west side of street for a distance of 25 feet north on the north crosswalk, a distance of 25 feet south from the south crosswalk and on the east side of Jackson Street south a distance of 25 feet from the south crosswalk _ ..............___.__._._._.._._ 13 " " 5-Jaenke Sylvan Dc, approinted to Civil Service Commission_ 17, 406 5-Jewell Dorothy Mrs., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 57 ._..._.__.__.....__._.._._._._.._______......_._ 22 5-Jewell Dorothy Mrs., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 177 ._.__.._'__'_-.-.._._-'-_'-'_'_-_----.__. 22 Mar. 2-Jacquinot Robert, heating bond ._._.._..__ ... -_ _- IIS " 2-Johanningmeier Justin L., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 201 _..._..._..._.__..._.._.__.__._.-..__. 124 " 2-Johanningmeier Justin L., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 78 ___..._..____.._.___._.._.___.-.....__ 124 " - 30-Jenk Max H., notice of expiration of right of redemption and taking of tax deeds of City's interest in Lot 1 ' of 74 and Lot 1 of 75 in E. Langworthy's Addition of part of M. L. 320, Alfred & Lucille Bleile, owners 160, 200 30-Jones John, excavation policy ___ _._. .__ ___ 166 175 30-Jorgenson Laverne, granted Class "B" Beer Permit _....._ , 182 May 4-Jerrold E(ec[ronics Corporation, television cable policy._._ 218 June 22-Julien Dubuque Gvlf Service, granted Cigarette Permit~__ 315 " 22-Jorgenson La Verne, granted Cigarette Permit __..._._.___ 315 " 30-Jenk Max, Notice of Expiration of Right of Redemption of ;~% of Lot 317 in Eas[ Dubuque Addition, owned by Edward & Mildred Tracy _..._.._._~.._.__...._- 320 " 30-Jungblut Donald, granted Cigarette Permit ...._ __ - 322 July 6-Johnson Tom, opposed [o construction of sidewalks on Deborah Drive ._._.____...__....._.._.__.._.___.-.__._._.___~ 326 (>-Jorgenson La Verne, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 8 ..__..._.._._....._._..._._.._._._.__...._.____._..___.__ 334 Sept. 8-Jaenke Sylvan F., submitting his resignation as member of Civil Service Commisssion .._ _ _ q06 " 8-Jones Roger O., Notice of Claim .._..._.._._. ___ ____^ 413, 444 8-Jones Mrs. James, Notice of Claim ..__..._.__._-_~.__-. 413, 444 Nov. 2-Jordan W. J., heating policy ._..__...__..._.__..-.._._~__...._ 476 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page K Jan. 5-Kitzinger Charles A., elected Mayor for the ensuing fiscal year ~_...._.... 1 " 5-Kutsch Mildred Mrs., Settlement of Claim .___.__....._._..._..__. 17 " 5-Kaufmann Avenue, 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1, schedule of assessments _....._.._.......____ 22, 23 " 5-Kane Street, 1958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1, schedule o4 assessments _...._._...._.._....._..._._..._._._41, 42, 43 " 5-Kaufmann Avenue, 1958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ._ _..41, ~ 44, 45 Feb. 9-Kubitz Donald, objecting to the placing of a manhole in his front yard ................._._._.._....._._..._..__....__....._.._____..__._. 91, 119 " 9-Kane Street, established as a public street ._. ._.__ 107 " 9-Kortmeyer Earl W. et al., objecting to proposed assessment for sidewalks on Evergreen Drive ._._....-.___.._.._.____-. 108 " 9-Kelly Doris M., objecting to assessment for sidewalks on Asbury Street ......................__.__._....._.._._._.___._._.____v__ 108 " 9-Kramer Gilbert, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Per- mit No. 74 ..--_...._.._._..._._._._.. __. _.- -_-'-'_'- _-_- 109, 305 " 9-Kramer Gilbert, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 42 ..__._......__...._......_.._.__._._._.._.._..._._.-_.._.._._._..~- 110, 305 Mar. 2-Klein Ida E., Notice of Svit _._.__.._.._..__..___....___._.__....__._ 120 " 2-Kaufmann Avenue, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from east property line of Evergreen to east property of Theda Drive ._._._._.._...129, 130, 131, 132, 142, 144 _._....___.____.._....._.._._.___.._.____..145, 146, 147, 190, 192, 193, 194, 530 " 2-Kane Street, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from north property line of Kaufmann Avenue to east property tine of Primrose Street ____._129, 130, 131, 132 ...__..__...._._...___..-._.._142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 190, 192, 193, 194, 530 " 2-Kaufmann Avenue, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Surfacing from the west property line of Carter Road to the east property line of Theda Drive _._I33, 134, 135, 148 _.._ ..................._._.._.._.._._.__150, 151, 152, 190, 194, 195, 360, 502, 532 " 2-Karen Road, improvement with bituminous concrete sur- facing from the west property line of Carter Road to the east property line of Evergreen Drive -_133, 134, 135 " 2-Kevindale Street, improvement with bituminous concrete surfacing from the north property line of Karen Road to the south property line of L+ndale Street.__ 133, 134 _._._.._.__...-__.._.__......__.__._.._._..-'-'_'-'_--'_'-"----_-___._ ]35, 148, 150 " 2-Kane Street, improvement with bituminous concrete sur- facig from the east property line of lot 2-1 Willy Place to the east property line of Lot 1-1-1 of Olds Place .._..__._.._~ .............__....__..__.___....133 134, 135, 148, 150, 151 _._.___ ...............__..__._.__..____..__...._...__._._..152; 190, 194, 195, 502, 532 " 2-Kane Street, improvement with bituminous concrete sur- facing from the east property line of Carter Road to the east property line of Lot 2, Block 4, Scenic View Heights ..._.._._..__.____ .................__._._...133 134, 135, 148, 150, 151, 152 .........._ ..................._'_-_....._._.......__.._._._.__.._....__.__.__._..190, 194, 195, 502, 532 " 2-Kane Street, improvement with bituminous concrete sur- facing from the north property line of Kaufmann Avenue to the east property line of Primrose Street...... 133, 134 ..........._..._.._...._....135, 148, 15D, 151, 152, 190, 194, 195, 360, 502, 532 " 30-Kollar Alex, heating bond ._.__..____._..___._.._..___.._~.._. 166 " 30-Klock Merlin P. sidewalk bond .._.___.._...._._..___._______ 166 " 30-Kohn Grange J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 259..___.-._._._ __ . ~_.. .~ 174 " 30-Kohn Grange J., rfegesting refund on Class "B" Beer Per- - mit Na. 88 __.___._.._._____.._----._.._...._.__._....____._.. 174 " 30-Karigan Andrew D., granted Cigarette Permit ._.__.~___ 182 " 30-Koleas Chris K., granted Cigarette Permit 182 " 30-Kipper Clarence J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ___ .. 182 WDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT page K April 6-Kunkel Kenneth, Notice of Claim __.______.___._~ 186 " 20-K & K Healing Contractors, heating bond ____.,_._.________.. 197, 363 May 4-Koppes Anna e[ al., objecting to proposed assessment for 8" sanitary sewer in Southern Avenue __._._.__._..-._.__.__.. 212 " 4-Kurt Court, approval of plat __..___________._._.-_______ 226 " 4-Kaufmann Avenue, acceptance of dedication ._ .__..__ _ . ___ 228 " 13-Kunz James, sidewalk ...._...._.__.__.._._._..._.._._...._...____.____ 240 " 13-Kies Emmett Notice of Suit ._..__ .................______..._.__..___. 242 June 1-Kelly Buford J., regvesting apportionment of special as- sessments against Lot 1 of Lo[ 1 of Lot 1 of [he West of the Northwest % of the Northwest % of Section 27, Twp. 89, North Range 2, East of the 5th P.M..~_ 272, 273 " 1-Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" Beer Permit_.___ 277 " 1-Kroger Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ___._..__ 277, 278 " I-Kruse George C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.__..__.__ 277, 278 " 22-Kifer Howard E,, requesting permission to build sidewalk on Broadlawn and to construct a retaining wall, and that the City pay half the cos[ of the retaining wall.___ 304 " 22-Koerner Pearle B., objecting to proposed sidewalks on Valleyview Road _...._.....__..__._._._._,__-___._~._,..__ 305 " 22-Knoll Walter W., granted Cigarette Permit _.__.._._.__._ 312 " 22-Knights of Columbus, granted Cigarette Permit __._.__.._ 312 " 22-Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted Cigarette Permit __..____ 313 " 22-Kelly Margaret Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit __..____ 313 " 22-Kress Hubert J. Jr., granted Cigarette Permit ___._______ 313 " 22-Koeller DeForrest P., granted Cigarette Permit _______ 314 " 22-Kopple Harry, granted Cigarette Permit _.___~.___.___. 314 " 22-Kelly Francis E., granted Cigarette Permit .___..._.._.__.._ 314 " 22-Kissell Grocery, granted Cigarette Permit _ _.__.. ~ 314 " 22-Kanavas Theodore, granted Cigarette Permit _.____ _ 314 " 22-Kachevas James P., granted Cigarette Permit __..~......~ 314 " 22-Koleas Chris K., granted Cigazette Permit ._.___._.__._... 314 " 22-Karigan Andrew D., granted Cigarette Permit ._._.~____ 314 " 22-Kruse Geo. C., granted Cigarette Permit ___._.._..__.___. 315 " 22-Karigan Gust and Pete Sfikas, granted Cigarette Permit__ 315 " 22-Kanavas Theodore G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit_.__ 316 " 22-Klauer-Julien Hotel Company, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ._ " 22-Kaufmann George C.,~reappointed to the Library Board " 316 318 30-Kramer Anna, granted Cigarette Permit ......_._._.._..___..__. 321 30-Kamentz Fred, granted Cigarette Permit ._ .._____._.._.__ 321 30-Kroger Company, granted Cigarette Permit __ _ 321 July 6-Kerper A. J. objecting to proposed sidewalks on St. Anne Drive ._._._._.__._.._..._._ ..............___....._......_____.___..__.__ 327 ~~ 6-Klauer and Associates, sidewalk bond 6-Kuehnle Edw. reappointed to the Board of^R i ~ 330 42 , ev ew _ _. _ " 20-Kenneally Fuel & Heating Sheet Metal, heating bond __._.__ " 3 347 20-Key Gate Center, requesting permission to install sanitary sewer and water to serve Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Key Gate Center ....._ .....................--..._._.._--'___._.-_._.._._...._.._._....__...._.._._..__ Aug. 3-Koeller DeForrest P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit._.._ 352, 362 396 Sept. S-Kling Ralph, appointed to the Industrial Expansion Com- mittee ....................._.._.-.__..._._.._....._.._._.__.__._..____._....__.._-._..___ " 402 8-Kurt Rev. Fdwiq appointed to the Industrial Expansion Committee _._.._._._._...._._.__._..__..._.._..__......_._......_._.__.._.._.._..._ " 402 8-Kirchberg Ed., sidewalk bond _._..__...___ .............._.__.__.-_._._.__ 413 8-Koppes Norbert J. and Eloise G., Notice of Claim_._..__.__._ 413 8-Ken Court, acceptance of dedication __._.____._...-______,..__ ' q2g 8-Kahle Jean Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ..-._..__.___.__._.___ " 433 8-Kahle Jean Mrs., granted Class "B" Bcer Permit ___.__.__ 434 8-Knoll Walter W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit_.._...._. 434 ._ Oct. 5-Koerperick Edwin J., sidewalk bond .._.._.._....._.__._.___.____._._ " 442 5-Kennedy Furnace & Sheet Metal Works, heating bond._T 442 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT pa$e K L " 5-Kostle Alonzo (Barney), granted Cigarette Permit __ 457 _..._.__ Jan• 5-Lyons E. B., submitting resignation as member of Civil " 5-Kostle Alonzo (Barney), granted Class "B" Beer Permit..._ 457 Service Commission ___.--___- 16 " 5-Kramer Anna S1ra, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...._.__.. 457 5-Link John A. & Nicholas J. Link, advising the Council of " 9-Kuse Lee une, Notice of Claim .___..........____. J ......_.__....._..-'_'_'--_ 461 g [heir mtenhon to use the followia described property " 21-Kerth Russell, requesting permission to rcect a retaining adjacent to [he City for a shopping center under Local wall _.._._..._.._...._ ...............__.__.._....._.._..__.._....._..._._.__.__._._.....__..._...___._ 468, 521 Business and Business B Zoning classification, compris- " 21-Kane Joseph P. et al., relative to street lights on Gandolfo and St. Joseph Sts.._..._._.....__ .................................._...._....__.._____ 468, 477 , ing approximately 36 acres __-.___ 5-Lombazd Street, 1958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project 17 Nov. 2-Kuse Jane, Notice of Claim ._......__.._._._._._._...._...._._.__......_.._._ 482 Dec. 7-Kintziager Mayor, addressed the Council relative to the Feb. No. 1, schedule of assessments .__._..__ -41, 9-Luber ohn, certif J ying cost of sanitary sewer in Kane Street 53, 54 91 Mozena property located near Ken Court ._._._~.....__.._. 505 Maz. 2-Luber ohn, sidewalk bond ,-_- - K 118 " 7-Kaufman Avenue Storm Sewer, preliminary plans, survey, -'- 2-i,ove enneth ~~ granted Class B" Beer Permit 1 126 and cost of [he Kaufmann Avenue Storm Sewer from '~ _._., 2-Love Donald A „ g anted Class "B" Beer Permit __._ 2-Lindale Street i 126 Central Avenue to Chaney Road .........._......_..._.__._._. .. 510 ~~~~~~~-~~~ ~ , mprovement with concrete curb and gutter from east property line of Woodlawn Streea t t o wes property line of Cazter Road ---129, 130, 131, 132, 142, 144 2-Lindale Street, improvement with4bitum~novs cocre9e surd 194, 530 facing from the west Irroperty line of Carter Road to the east property tine of Evergreen Drive 133, 134 2-Leute Herman Mrs. Notice of Claim _~ 135, 148, 168 149 241 30-Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, Shiloh Circle No. 37, requesting permission to hold a tag day ]75 April _ b-Lambert Frank, approval of application to operate a mobile '; home park 20-Lolwing Kathryn Briggs, Notice of Claim ~..-_~_~ 201 189 298 " 20-Lochner Lester M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ___ 20-Latham Ern t E " " , 205 May es ., granted Class C Beer Permit 4-Loewea Carl Mrs., relative to the installation of a sewer i 205 n Florence Street -,~-,_~_ 4-Lutes Neil, requesting that Keppler Street from Clarke 221, 34~ Drive to Globe Street be declared vacant _~ 223 299 ;; ~ 4---Lynn William J., grantd Class "C" Beer Permit , 230 4-Lease, United States of America with the City of Dubuque , for use of a 0.85 acre site, Ham's Addition, for a U S . . Naval Reserve Training Center 238 June 1-Lewis Harry E., heating bond -"'° 268 ;; 1-Lvndon Jimmie W., heating bond ~~.-___ 268 ,__-_ 1-Lukens Jce, sidewalk bond __ 268 1-Link Leo F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ~.-__` 22-Less Clifford M., purchase of Mineral I ot 134 f h i 277 , o t e C ty of Dubuque _~.._. 22-Lungwitz Mr. & Mrs. Robert release of clai 295, 330 , m __._ 22-Lewis Walter J requesting rezoning of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of 300 Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 from Single Family Residence District Classification ;; to Local Business A. Classification ,..-__ _, 22-Loss College, granted Cigarette Permit ~ 304, 348 _ 22-Lynn Melvin C., granted Cigarette Permit _~ 312 " __...,~ 22-Latham Ernest, granted Cigarette Permit ___.___ 22-Ludescher John J rant d Ci 312 313 ;; ., g e garette Permit _ 22-Love Donald M., granted Cigarette Permit ~~ • 313 " _- ,_ _ 22-Lambert Frank T., granted Cigarette Permit __._. 22-Lilly Thom ~ ~ 313 314 " as, granted Cigarette Permit _ _ 22-Love Kenneth J., granted Cigarette Permit~_ ~ 314 . 22-Link Leo F., gramed Cigazette Permit ____~ 22 314 315 ;; +,__,_...._., -Love Rita Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ___-.,,,,_-___ 22-Luchsinger Ray & Angeline granted Ci 315 " ' , garette Permit __._ 22-Leonard Paul A., granted Cigarette Permit 315 ; _~_-..__._ 22-Lewis Frank E., granted Cigarette Permit ~_,_.__,___,__, 22-Lanser George & Helen granted Ci 315 315 , garette Permit __.._,,,-_ i 315 _. INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page L " 22-Lonard Paul A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit __.._._____ 316 " 30-League of Iowa Municipalities submitting an annual dues statement, setting out new rate schedules _._._......._.._._..___ 319 " 30-Legler Paul A., granted Cigarette Permit _.....__.._.._..._._._....__. 322 " 30-Leucks Joseph W., granted Cigarette Permit ._.__.__.._..__.___ 322 " 30-Lewis Frank E. granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..._...._.._._._.__ 322 July 6-Linehan & Molo, heating polity ..__.__-._...._~_.....____..__. 331 6-Lanser George and Helne, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 338 " 20-Loss Boulevard, improvement with foamed asphalt liquid mastic from Locust Street to Walnut Street ___.__._._. 353, 354 _.._..._.._......_.__._.__..__._.__.._____..__...__._....~___._.._... 387, 3S$, 432 Aug. 3-Ladies of The Grand Army of The Republic, relative to preservation of the Shot Tower ____.~._.__._.._.v_.._ 359 " 3-Lynch Delbert, granted Cigarette Permit _ -__.-_.__ 396 " 3-Lynch Delbert, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ._-_.__._.__ 396 Sept. 8-League of Iowa Municipalities extending invitation to at- tend annual convention ..__._.....__-_._____.__._._._.___.__. 405 " 8-Lutes Neil, submitting an offer on two lots in vacated Kep- pier Street _. ..__ ...._....__...._.-_._. -_.____._406, 455, 484 " 8-Lytle Ralph E., et al., objecting to proposed rezoning of park on Forest Lane _____._.._._._.__.._..____._..__..__._._.... 423, 442 Ott. 5-Loss College, requesting permission [o use fireworks _._._... 450 " 5-Love Rita B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .__._..._.___._ 457 " 21-Luber John, relative to installing a street light in Ken Court 468 Dec. 7-Lutes Neil, requesting transfer of W% 04 Lot 15 of Little- ton and Sawyers Subdivision that was omitted in his original request ___.__._____._____._.__~..._.._ 526 Mc Jan. 5-McPoland Avneue, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1, schedule of assessments _.__._._.__._..___._._.___._._... 62, 63 Mar. 2-McClain Street, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from north property line of Dalge Street to point 170.55 feet north _ ................__.-__.__.,129, 130, 131, 132, 142, 144 ..145, 146, 147, 190, 192, 193, 194 ' 2-McClain Street improvement with bituminous concrete sur- facing from the north property line of Dodge Street to a point 17.5 feet north .-.__._.._._..___._133, 134, 135, 148, 150 __._._._.____.._._._.___.._._.__....._._.__.._.__.__._151, 152, 190, 194, 195, 502 " 30-McLaughlin Raymond B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit- 182 April 20-McDonald Peter Mrs., Settlement of Claim _.______._.__.._.___ Z00 ' 20-McNamara Earl J. granted Class "C" Beer Permit ._...___ ~ 205 May 4-McCarty Marcella M., granted Cigarette Permit ....._..__.._._ 229 " 4-McCarty Marcella M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit_.._._ 230 " 13-McNamer Noah, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...__.._.,._.__ 252 " 28-McDonnell Excavating Service, requesting excavation per- mit ....-._ _-~.__._ ._._.___._._....._.._.._..__.___ 260 " 28-McMahon Rea] Estate & Insurance Agency, requesting re- lief from sewer and water connections for City Lots 212 and 213 ___._-_____._~___, ~. 260 June 1-McCormick Robert H., requesting permission to erect a re- taining wall _.__._.___.._...._...._.__._._.___.._._._._._.__-_ 269, 331, 332 " 22-McNamara Earl J~, granted Cigarette Permit .._._.___.-.__._. 314 " 22-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit _._.__._._.-._ 314 " 22-McNamer Noah, grairted Cigarette Permit _.._.._.._._ __._..___ 314 " 30-McMahon Cecil J, granted Cigarette Permit ._._..._...______ 322 " 30-McCarty Marcella M., granted Cigarette Permit .__._._._.__. 322 " 30-McMahon Cecil J., granted Class 'B" Beer Permit ..__._._.._. 322 July 6-McCarten Plumbing and Heating, heating policy _._..___.._. 331 Oct. 5-McDonnell Excavating Service, excavation policy ._......._.._..._ 422 " S-McCarthy Eugene P. Mrs. et al., requesting no parking on Hillcrest Road during the day, Monday through Friday until sidewalks are laid _._~_._._-_____._..._ 451, 475 I INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT page M Jan. 5-Mai James R., Notice o Claim ___-.___ ._~___....._.__..-_ 19 " 5-Merfeld Lane, 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Yroj ect No. 1, schedule of assessments ._._._ _____ ..__23, 27, 38 " 5-Meadow Lane 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1, schedule of assessments .__ ._.. 23, 27, 38 " 5-Merfeld Lane, 1958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments .._ _.__41, 46, 54 " 5-Meadow Lane, 1958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No. 1, schedule of assessments _..._..-.___.____._..41, 44, 54 ~ 5-Missouri Avenue, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No, 1, schedule of assessments _ 62, 63 Feb. 9-Moore Engineering Co., heating bond --_..__._--,_.. 97 " 9-Morgan Hazold J. et al., requesting installation of a storm sewer from 500 to 2100 block on Kaufmann Avenue before proposed resurfacing ____.__-.__._..___.__._..`._ 108, 119 " 9-Mary Agard Tent No. 35 of Daughters of Union Veterans , requesting permission to hold a tag day ....._.__.___...____ 109 9-Meyer Laws J., requesting refund on Cigazette Permit No. 254 ______--._.__._.______._.._,__. _ 109 . _._-..._ 9-Meyer Louis J., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 68 _ _ _ ___ 109 " _ 9-Muntz Delores K., requesting refund on Class "B Beer Permit No. 66 ._ 109 9-Muntz Delores K., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 224 ----_•--'-_.__.-.__.._..~____..~.~__....__ 110 9-Manhart Harold F., granted Cigazette Permit .-..._ _ 113 ~~ 9-Mellon Maurice H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit _.-_ _ 113 " 9-Michel Merlin P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit _.____.._ 113 9-Manhart Harold F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..___ 113 Mar. 2-Murphy C. L. et al., objecting to the resurfacing of Woad- lawn, Karen, Kevindale and Lindale Streets ._ 124 " 2-Marquette Street turn around on end of street, improvement with concrte curb and gutter___.129, 130, 131, 132, 142, ]44, 145 ._.146, 147, 190, 192, 193, 30-Murphy CAL. et aL, objecting to surfacing of Woodlawn, 194, 530 Karen Kevindale, and Lindale Streets _.._.-.-„_. 149 " ,, 30-Maplewood Court, acceptance of dedication ~._____.._-_ I58 30-Mal James R., Notice of Claim _-._. _ - ~T 16g 30-Meyers A. M., Notice of Claim -. _ 168 241 " 30-Molony Marguerite, notice of Claim .__.___„~,___ 169, 199 " 30-Meyer Howard, Notice of Claim _.__.__-_..__._-_.__,__- 169 241 30-Mvrgrew Thomas J., requesting extension of City water , main to serve Lot 1 Henry Zieglers Subdivision ___.. 175 30-Marquette Place, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Surfacing from the end of existing concrete paving at the South Property Line of Lot 2 of 2 of 3 of A~du- bon Add. to the East Property Line of Lot 308 of Glendale Add. No. 3 __._._._-._...._._._..._180, 181, 209, 210, 211 534 " 30-Metcalf Albert, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .__..____._._ , 182 30-Miller Ione, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 182 April 6-Miller Frank E. and Delbert, sidewalk bond 197 May ~~ 4-Meyer Robert Mrs., Notice of Claim __.~._.~ 219 330 4-Meyer Vernon, granted Class "B" Beer Permit , 230 4-Main Street, Boulevard Lighting Project No. 1 231, 232 261, 13-Manderscheid Martin H., objecting to proposed sidewalk on 288, 535 Vatleyview Road ..~_.. " 239 13- Mettel-Brooks Addition", Blocks 1, 2 and 3, approval of plat 28-Marycrest Subdivision, Blocks I, 2, 3, 4 and 5, approval of 252, 311 June plat 1-Medical Associates, requesting favorable action to th t t 257 e s ree lighting program adjacent to their property on Iowa Street between 12th & 13th Streets ~ 261 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page M " 22-Maguire Alys G., conveyance by the City of Dubuque of Lot 48A of Julia L. Langworthy's Addition __.~~-. " 22-Murphy Charles J., requesting permission to erect a load- ing dock .__...--_..._-..__.-~_......__._._._.~... 22-Meyer Cazl E., granted Cigarette Permit .._....__.__..__.--. " 22-Michel Merlin P., granted Cigarette Permit ___.__~.-_ " 22-Maury Earl J., granted Cigarette Permit .__.--_--_ " 22-Miller Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit ______...-....___.__ 22-Manternach Gus. L., granted Cigarette Permit __-.~...__ " 22-Mehl Cyril N., granted Cigarette Permit _.-.-..._..._.._.-_. " 22-Mardauss Thelma, granted Cigarette Permit _.._.-__.__.____._ " 22-Murphy Dorothy Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit _.._.._.... " 22-Meisenburg Kenneth L., granted Cigarette Permit ._.______ " 22-Murphy Dorothy Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit- " 22-Manternach Gus. L., granted Class "C" $eer PermiL._~_ " 30-Mellon Maurice M., granted Cigaretet Permit ._~.-_..__ " 30-Meyer Vernon, granted Cigarette Permit ._.__. _-_~._-._ " 30-Martin Oi Company, granted Cigarette Permit ___..-___ " 30-Miller Ione Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit .__-.__._-- " 30-Manhart Harold F., granted Cigarette Permit _.~_...-.__ " 30-Marty Milton J., granted Cigazette Permit _-._~-_-__ 30-Metcalf Albert, granted Cigarette Permit ._..._._`.-._.~ July 6-Muncie Construction Corp., blasting bond -_ - " 6-Manternach Richard J., granted Cigarette Permit ~_.. Aug. 3-Martin James C., sidewalk bond ._._....____-_ " 3-Meyer Del et al., objecting to a nuisance in neighborhood on Johnson Avenue .~ Sept. 8-Mayor Kintzingeq appointing Charles E.~Dove, Wm. Clem- ens Sr., llr. Gaylord Coachman, Albert Von Ah, Rev. Edwin Kurt, Ralph Kling on the Industrial Expansion Committee _ _ _._ ___ " 8-Midwest Chemical & Specialty Co., relative [o parking and lighting facilities on Central Avenue _._.___.._._-_._.-. " 8-Masuen John, requesting vacation o£ the dead end of Dun- ning Street abutting his property and eventually pur- chasing the property ---~-~~~-~~-~-_._.._._-_.-_..._.-_.~ " 8-Magnal] Richard, sidewalk bond __._.._.__.-.- " Montgomery Ward & Co. Inc., heating bond --._-.___. " S-Manhazt Harold F., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 133 __ ._. " 8-Manhart Hazold F., requesting refund^on Cigarette Permit No. 226 .__.__._.....----'---....._.._-'----'-'-'------ " 8-Mills William J., Cigarette Permit _.-.._--.__.__.__.-_.-._ " 8-Mehl Cyril N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit _.__._-_ 8-Meyer Car] E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .--.._.__.__ Oct. 5-Maas Edward, objecting to the street lighting project if the cost would exceed $10 per running foot .____._.._____ 5-Main Street, trucks of five [on gross weight prohibited... " 5-Miller J. P. Mrs., requesting some type of traffic control in area of 14th & EIm Streets ..__.._..._____-.__._....-- " 5-Murphy Dorothy, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 254 ..__-_..__..-._._._.__...._.....__.._._.____-._.._._..__-..___ " 5-Murphy Dorothy, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 59 .....-_._._.__._.__.-.._._....___._~._.._...._ .................. " 5-Metcalf Albert, Estate, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 158 .....__-_.....____....-._.___.-_.__.__._._.. " ~ 5-Metcalf Albert, Estate, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 230 _.__..___._._.._..-_.__ ................--___.__.._.__ 21-Mt. S[. Bernard Seminary, granted Cigarette Permit _.._._..._ Nov. 2-Mettde Roofing & Sheet Metal Works, heating policy _.-.... 2-Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America Inc., re- questing permission to call on homes Sunday, Novem- ber 22, and to place cannisters in commercial estab- lishments _..-__._.._.__-.._,.~--_-u. INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT page M 303 304, 332 312 312 312 312 313 313 314 3i5 315 316 316 321 321 321 321 321 322 322 331 338 363 389 402 402 407, 443 413 413 422 422 433 434 434 437 446 450 452 453 454 454 470 476 483 " 2-Mettel Realty and Investment Co., requesting the vacation of easterly 8 feet of Heeb Street and convey the por- tion abutting the southerly 36'10" of Lot 6 of the Sub of O. L. 675 to Mettel Realty and Investment Co. on behalf of Lavonne Kennedy __--_.___...-___ " 23-Mulgrew Co. Thomas J. et al., requesting permission to connect to the City's water and sewage facilities ._.-_ Dec. 7-Mayor Kintzivger, addressed the Council relative to the Mozena property located near Ken Court _._.._.._-_._.__. " 7-Mozena Frank and Hattie, petitioning the Council to in- stitute condemnation proceedings to acquire for pub- lic street purposes a tract of land 50 feet wide ar[d 91 feet lonfi across Lots 4 and 5 of Block 5 in Scenic View Heights No. 2 _ " 7-Mulgrew Bruce T., offer to purchase Lots 2Q 21, 22, 27A, 28A„ 30A and 31A all in A. P. Woods Addition - " 7-Mettel Realty and Investment Company and Chazlotte Mil- roy, owners of a building located at 2585 Van Buren Street ordered to correct defects or dismantle building " 7-Mueller Robert et. al., opposed to changing parking limits on East 15th Street ~.__~--____.._.._ 483, 516 500 505 505 509 510 527 INDEX -BOOK 89 ! INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page ~ 1959 SUBJECT page N ~ U Jan. 5-Nelson T. H., appointed City Solicitor ~. 1 " 5-Nelson T. H., bond -._.._._. - 9 Jan. 5-Ordinance No. 1-59. An Ordinance allocating and making " 5-Neuses Veronica Mrs., Notice of Claim _.-._.~.-_ 19 ~ appropriations o4 tax levies and other sources of rev- " 5-Nebraska Avenue, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1, enve to the expeditures for City Government in the schedule of assessments _....________-._._-._...._~. 62 City of Dubuque, for the fiscal year beginning Jan- " 5-Ncel June M. Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit -__- 85 uary 1, 1959 nad ending December 31, 1959 and au- " 5-Neumeister John C., granted Class "C" Beer Permi4- 85 thorizing certain transfers of funds _.__.___._._3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Feb. 9-Nolan Mary G., Settlement of Claim _..._.___...._-__.__ 98 5-Ordinance No. 2-59. An Ordinance prescribing the Bonds " 9-Nigg Wilma, Notice of Claim _-__..~-._._._ 98 of Municipal Officers and Repealing Ordinance " 9-Noggle Don E., Notice of Claim _----.._.--~. 96, 120 No. 4-44 _--.__-__:.__.__~.--.._-__ g " 9-Northern Natural Gas Company, conveyance of Lo[ 2 0£ 5-O'Connor, Brooks, Ahrendt & Brooks, retained to make Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1; Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 2, of audit of City for 1958 -- __...~ 9, 119 Lot 1; and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2; al] in fractional 5-Ordinance No. 3-59. An Ordinance Prohibiting Blasting Congressional Lot 8, Section 19, Township 89, North within the City limits of the City of Dubuque without Range 8 East o£ the 5th P. M., in [he City of Dubvque, a Permit therefor; Providing for the Issuance of Iowa, according to the recorded plats thereof to the Permits; Repealing prior provisions; and Providing City of llvbuque _.__-______.._._._.__._____....- 111 a Penalty for the Violation hereof _ ___-_. 20 19 " 9-Nagelmaker Car] E'., granted Cigarette Permit ._._____~ 113 5-Olsen William H. granted Class "B" Beer Permi4__.._._ , 85 9-Nagelmaker Cazl E, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ~_ 113 Feb. 9-Ordinance No. 4-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Mar. 2-Noel Carl J., relative [o mud and dust on Kane Street and No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Springgreen Court __.._._ .__..___--_ 117 Dubuque, by repealing Section "Q" of Schedule II " 2-Nacos Thomas E., granted Cigazette Permit _._.__..__._._._ 126 thereof and enacting a substitute therefor; by repeal- May 4-Ninth Street, Boulevard Lighting Project No. 1______.~ 231, 232 ing and re-enacting paragraphs "B", "C", and "D" of " 13-National Rivers and Harbors Congress, advising that the Schedule III thereof, and by adding a new Section dredging of the harbor is scheduled for consideration 83 to Schedule VI thereof _ gq in Washington on May 13, 1959 _.__.._-...._.. 238 9-Ordinance No. 5-59. An Ordinance Establishing Rules June " 22-Nicks Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit 312 and Regulations for Installing Water Service, Making " 22-Noel Carl L., granted Cigarette Permit _.__. -_._._ 313 Connections with Water Mains, and Fixing Rentals " 22-Nacos Mary W., granted Cigarette Permit __..___- 313 and the Collection Thereof, Repealing Other Ordi- " 2~Ney Albert J. granted Cigarette Permit _.___.._..___ 313 nances in Conflict Herewith, and Providing a Penalty " 22-Nagelmaker Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit 313 for the Violation Thereof. ~ 100, 101 22-Neumeister John C., granted Cigarette Permit __.___-, 314 9-Ordinance No. 6-59. An Ordinance vacating a herein de- " " 22-Nicks Ray J., granted Cigarette Permit ..__--_.~ 314 scribed alley and providing for the conveyance of the " 22-Ncel John E., granted Cigarette Permit _._.._. ~ 314 City's interest [herein ___~ 106, 121 " 22-Nacos Thomas E., granted Cigarette Permit _..__~-. 315 9-Ordinance No. 7-59. An Ordinance accepting conveyance 22-Navy Club o Dubuque Ship No. 67, granted Cigarette Per- of certain parcels of real estate and establishing and mi[ 315 naming public streets thereon _-.._ - 107 " 22-Navy Club of Dubuque Ship No. 67, granted Class "B" 9-O'Nei]U William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 113 " Beer Permit _ __-._._. _ _______ ,-.~ 316 Mar. 2-Ordinance No. 8-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 30-Ney Clarence, granted Cigazette Permit ~-__ 321 No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of July 6-National Rivers and Harbors Congress, advising the City Dubuque, by adding a new Section d-7 to Schedule III that the Harbor has been listed in Class II on the " thereof, and a new Section I-g to Schedule IV thereof. 12Z " Upper Mississippi River Dredging Project _._.___- 329, 439 2-Ordinance No. 9-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 20-Nevses Veronica M., Notice of Suit ______._....~~. 350, 469 No. 7-47 by Adding Sections 7.3.19 and 7.3.20 thereto 122 Aug. 3-Nicks Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .- 396 2-Ordinance No. 10-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Sept. 8-National Safety Council, presenting plaque to the Mayor as ~ No. 9-35 by Repealing Section 17A and enacting a " certificate of achievement for the yeaz 1958 -_.._ 402 Substitute therefor, and by Repealing Ordinance No. 8-Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, correction of as- " 26-55 ____- ___ 123 sessmen[ on City Lo[s 151 and 152, Hot Mix-Hot Laid 2-Ohio Avenue, improvement with concrete curb and gvt- Asphaltic Concrete Surfacing Project _.__._.....~ 408 ter from south property line of Pennsylvania to north " " 8-Navy Mothers Club, requesting permission to have a tag day 423 property line of Illinois Avenue _ 129, 130, 131 132 142 8-Nce] Carl L., granted Class `B" Beer Permit _ -_ ~ 434 , --~•---~__ 144, 145, 146, 147, 190, 192, 193 194 530, 531 Oct. 5-National Rivers and Harbors Congress, classifying Dubuque , , 2-Oeth Irvin, reappointed to Board of Zoning Adjustment_... 13S " Municipal Harbor as Class I ._.._. ____.. _ ~ 439 30-Ordinance No. 11-59. An Ordinance granhng Reilly Realty 5-Ness Mary L. et al, requesting streei lights at 12th and Inc. the right to construct a sanitary sewer in Saund- Bluff and slow signs at 13th and 14th on Bluff Street 450, 474 ers Street and providing the terms and conditions 5-Nacos Mary W., granted Class "B" Beer Permit --.__ 457 thereof ~. 156 Nov. 2-Nicks Ray, granted Class "B" Beer Permit _.____...._._.. 485 " 30-Oak Crest Drive, acceptance of dedication _ 15g 30-Ordinance No. 12-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, by repealing Section 56 of Schedule VI thereof, and Enacting a Substitute therefor; and by Adding anew Section 84 to Schedule VI thereof 170 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT page ID " 30-Ordinance No. 13-59. An Ordinance Granting Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company permission to construct, maintain and operate a side- , track across Block 18 in Riverfront Subdivision No. 3, and across Kerper Boulevard, and Prescribing the terms and conditions thereof . 171 " 30-Ordinance No. 1459. An Ordinance Establishing Terms and Conditions under which Property Owners in the City of Dubuque may connect house lateral sewers to Catfish Creek Sanitazy Sewer, and prrniding a pen- alty thereof ._. ._ 172 30-Ordinance No. 15-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, Known as the Tratfic Code, by Repealing Sec. D-7 of Schedule III thereof, and Enacting a new Section B-17 thereof __ 173 April 6-Ordinance No. 16-59. An Ordinance Amending the Plumb- ing Ordinance No. 21-55 by Adding Section 33B pro- hibiting the discharge of air conditioning water, drip pans, refrigeration water or cooling tower water into the Public Sanitazy Sewer System and its con- tributorfies _ __- __ 1g$ " 20-Ordinance No. 17-59. An Ordinance Fixing and Estab- lishing Rates and Charges for City Ambulance Service 201, 202 20-Ordinance No. 18-59. An Ordinance Vacating the Alley in Block 24 in Dubuque Harbor Company Addition from Railroad Avenue to Camp Street __~._ 203 May 4-Oeth Irvin, reappointed to Planning & Zoning Commission 234 " 13-Ordinance No. 19-59. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Illinois Avenue from the south property line of Pennsylvania Avenue to the west property line of Drexel Avenue ____ __ ~ 242 " 13-Ordinance No. 20-59. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Ohio Avenue from the south property line of Pennsylvania Avenue to the north property line of Illinois Avenue -_.____._._.___~_,_,-_, 243 13-Ordinance No. ZI-59. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Evergreen Drive from the north property line of Clover Hill Subdivision to the south property line of Kaufmann Avenue _. ___y 2qq " 13-Ordinance No. 22-59. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Kaufmann Avenue from the east property line of Evergreen Drive to Theda Drive _ 2qq " 13-Ordinance No. 23-59. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Collins Street from the south property line of bombard Street to the north property line of St. Joseph Street - _ __._.... _ _.-_.___.. _ ~ 245 13-Ordinance No. 24-59. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Marquette Place from the existing curb at the south property line of Lot 4 of Avdulwn Subdivision to the end of turn-around a point 175 feet northwest of before mentioned property line -.-._.-._._ 246 13-Ordinance No. 25-59. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Harrison Street from the south property line of Jones Street to the north property line of Dodge Street _ ____ " ~ P46 13-Ordinance No. 26-59. An Ordinance establishing a grade on bindale Street from the east property line of Woodlawn Street to a point 176.0 feet easterly_._._ 247 13-Ordinance No. 27-59. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Alta Place from the south property Tine of Green Street to the north property line of Delaware Street 247, 248 13-Ordinance No. 28-59. An Ordinance establishing a grade on McClain Street from the north property line of Dodge Street to a point 170 feet northerly ____-._ 248 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT pie 0 " 13-Ordinance No. 29-59. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Chaney Road from the north property line of Asbury Street to the south property line of Kauf- mann Avenue _... 13-Ordinance No. 30-59. An Ordinance vacating Bauer Street 249 from the south line of Kaufmann Avenue to its " southerly terminus .....___...._._....._._....._.______.._._-._.___ 28-Ordinance No. 31-59. An Ordinance establishing a grade 250 on Grandview Avenue from the north property line of Ungs Street [o the south property line of Kane Street June __.._._..-_._._.-._.-.._...__._...._._.____._.___._._...__.__ 1-Ordinance No. 32-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 259 No. 3-34, known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque b Chan i h y g ng [ e Zoning Classification of hots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 1 in Mette]-Brooks Addition _____._._-._,~_-,_„ 269 301 , 22-Ordinance No. 33-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the Zoning Ordinance of [he City of Dubuque, by Adding a new Article VII-A thereto , establishing and defining Restricted Industrial Dis- " trict _...._ ............._......._....._..__._.._.__.._...-_.___._.__ 301, 22-Ordinance No. 34-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 366 No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, by repealing and re-enacting Section jj of Schedule VI thereof Adding a new section 85 to Schedule VI thereof; and by revealing and reenactin g paragraph "A" of Schedule III thereof _ - 302 . __-_.~ 22-Oeschger Thomas A., granted Cigarette Permit ..__.__ ,_ 22-Olsen William H 313 " ., granted Cigarette Permit ._ 22-O'Neill William, granted Cigarette Permit __ ~~ ~ ' 313 313 22-O Mara Helen Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit 22-O'Toole Francis G - ~ 313 ., granted Cigarette Permit _.- __ 30-Odefey Mary bou Notice of Claim 315 , _ 320, 30-Ordinance No. 35-59. An Ordinance Changing the name 391 July 6-OrdinanceelNoa 36-59reeAn Ordinance nApproving the Pla[ 320 of Blocks 16, 17, 18 and 19 in Riverfront Subdivision No. 3 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and Vacating ~~ reet` D rotor Street andt PeostUa Street locat d th s li ,. ere n 6-Ordinance No. 37-59. An Ordinance Authorizing the Con- 331 „ struction of a wall in Broadway Street 331, 6-Ordinance No. 38-59. An Ordinance Authorizing Charles J 332 . Murphy, et al., to construct a loading dock in the alley ,~ 6-Qrdinance No. 39-59. An Ordinance Vacating Keppler Street .._._.. . 332 ~~ . ._..._._.____._._.-.._._._-_-__-.,._._.__.__ 6-Ordinance No. 40-59. An Ordinance Vacating Camp Street 20 333 333 -Ord.lttance No. 41-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 7-47 by Repealing and Re-enacting Sec- tions 7.3.2, 7.3.13, 7.3.14, and 7.3.18, and 7.4.9 and En- acting new Sections 7.3.21, and 7.3.22 and 7.4.12 .___. 20-Ordinance No. 42-59. An Ordinance Amepding Ordinance 350 No. 3-24, known as the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, by Repealig Section "d" of Article IX „ thereof and Enacting a Substitute therefor _ 351, 20-Q'Meara I,ovis, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 414 Aug. ._-.._.___._ 3-Ordinance No. 43-59. An Ordinance Approving a Plat of 355 Commercial Subdivision and Vacating Portions of Camp and Charter Streets _.__._._.___-_„____-„_~- 363 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page O " 3-Ordinance No. 44-59. An Ordinance Approving the Plat of Blocks 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 in Riverfront Sub- division No. 3 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and Va- cating Portions of Peosta Street Hamilton Scree[, Whittier Street, Emerson Street, Stanton Street, Roosevelt Street, Shiras Street and the alley lying between Peosta Street and Garfield Avenue __._._.__._.._ 367 Sept. 8-Ordinance No, 45-49. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuquqe, by providing for the establishment of "yield" intersections; designating certain intersections as "yield" intersections; repealing Section 12.3 thereof and repealing Section D-3 of Schedule III..__.-_. 415, 416 " 8-Ordinance No. 46-59. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8-58 by repea]ing Schedule I of Section 1 thereof and enacting a substitute therefor .- 417, 418 " 8-Ordinance No. 47-59. An Ordinance Authorizing Engin- eered Products Inc. to Construct a Loading Dock and Platform in Front Street __-- _..._ 419 " 8-Ordinance No. 45-59. An Ordinance Regulating Driveways and Entrances to South Locust Street and Kerrigan Road -_ .._.._ _, 420 " 8-Ordinance No. 49-59. An Ordinance Granting George Saffraa the Right to Construct a Sanitary Sewer and Water Main in North Grandview Avenue from Kane Street to Kaufmann Avenue _._ 421 " 8-Olsen William H., granted Cigarette Permit _.___.~ 433 " 8-Olsen William H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 434 " 6-Oeschger Thomas, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ... 434 Oct. 5-O'Neill Fuel & Heating Co., heating bond __~_._... 442 " 5-O'Brien Patrick, Notice of Claim __ __ ~ 444, 482 " 5-Ordinance No. 50-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, by adding new Sections 1-h and 4-b to Schedule 1 thereof ._.-. -_ 445, 481 " 5-Ordinance No. 51-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 7-47 by Adding a new Section 7.3.23 thereto.~._ 445 " 5-Ordinance No. 52-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the Ci[y of Dubuque, by Repealing Section 16.29 thereof _.._._~. 446 " 5-Ordinance No. 53-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, by repealing Section 15.19 thereof and En- acting a Substitute therefor _-.~._.-...__-~_ 446 " 5-Ordinance No. 54-59. An Ordinance Granting the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, its Successors and Assigns, the Right to Construct, maintain and op- erate anIndustry track from the Present Terminus of its Present Track in Congressional Lot 8 in the City of Dubuque along an Easement across Public Ground shown in yellow upon the Pla[ attached hereto. (Check Ordinance No. 59-59.) ..._- _. .__... 447 " 5-Ordinance No. 55-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque, so as to classify the herein described property as Business District_.__-_ 449, 478 " 5-Ordinance No. 56-59. An Ordinance Amending. Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque, so as to classify the herein described property as Local Business District A 449, 479 " 5-Ordinance No. 57-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque, so as to classify the herein described property as Multiple Family Resi- dence District ._.._...._..._.._._..__-_..__~_ 450, 480 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT page O " 21-Ordinance No. 58-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, Knower as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, by amending Schedule III thereof to add Sections 18 and 19 thereto by ame~ing Schedule VI thereto to repeat Section "W' and Enacting a Substi- tute therefor; by amending Schedule VIII thereof to repeal section "d" and enacting a substitute therefor; and by Amending Schedule VII to repeal Section "e" and enacting a substitute therefor _ _ 466 " 21-Ordinance No. 59-59. An Ordinance Granting the Chicago, Great Western Railway Company, its Successors and Assigns, the Right to Construct, Maintain and Op- erate an Industry Track from the Present Terminus of its present track in Congressional Lot S in the City of Dubuque along an Easement across Public Ground shown in yellow upon the Plat attached thereto ___ 466 Nov. 2-Ordinance No. 60-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the Cit of y Dubuque, by adding a new Section 16.36 thereto __~ " 481 2-Ordinance No. 61-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. ~3-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, by adding new Sections 1-h and 4-b to Schedule I thereof 481 2-O'Toole Francis G., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit „ No. 167 _-_._.~~._.__.~ 483 2-Ordinance No. 62-$9. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code o£ the City of Dubuque, by adding a new Section 86 to Schedule VI thereof _ 4-Ordinance No. 63-59. ~ An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 489 No. 21-55, Known as the Plumbing Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, by Repealing Sections 15 and 16 thereof and enacting a Substitute therefor-__-._.-., 490 23-Ordinance No. 64-59. An Ordinance Amending Budget as approved by Resolution No. 167-58 and Ordinance No. 1-59 494, ~~ 23-Ohnesorge Nellie Mrs., Notice of Claim 519 499 23-Ordinance No. 65-59.,.Aa Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, by repealing Section 16.30 thereof and En- acting a Substitute therefor _~___ 499 23-Ordinance No. 66-59. An Ordinance Authorizing Adams Realty Corporation to Construct a Stoop and Canopy in the Alley at the rear of 756 Main Street ~ 500 .~ Dec. 7-Ohnesorge William C. Jr., heating bond _. " $10 7-Ordinance No. 67-59. An Ordinance Graining Russell and LaVonne T. Kerth Permission to Construct a Re- taining Wall in Saunders Street __..-,__„-_ 521 7-Ordinance No. 68-59. An Ordinance Vacating Lynn Street from East Eighteenth Street to Eas[ Nineteenth Street and the alley first east of Sycamore Street from East Eighteenth Street to East Nineteenth Street, and authorizing the conveyance of said vacated area to Dubuque Packing Company, together with other prop- erties, in exchange for certain real estate - 7 O 522 - rdinance No. 69-59. An Ordinance Vacating the alley running through Lot One of Summitt Place from Delhi Street to Forrest Lane _____-~_.,~_..- 523 ~' INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page 7-Ordinance No. 70-59. An Ordinance Amending and Chang- i ing the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated the Zoning Ordinance, so as to change the herein described area (Lot 6, Lot 1 of 7, Lot 1 of 8, S. 100' of Lot 9 Reeder Langworthy Sub. & Lot 1 and Lot 1 and Lot IA of Murphys Sub.) i from Two Family Residence District Classification to Multiple Family Residence District Classification_.__ 524 " 7-Ordinance No. 71-59. An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Ci[y of Dubuque by repealing Sub- section "j" of Section 1 of Article 4 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubu9ue and Enacting Sub- stitutes therefore to Authorize Additional uses in the Multiple Residence District _._~__-_ 524 , " 7-Ordinance No. 72-59. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque by Adding a new Section 1.48 thereto ____- 525 7-Ordinance No. 73-59. An Ordinance accepting the con- veyance of Lot 2 of 2 of the Sub of Lots 1 of 159 and Lot 2 of 2 of 159 of L. H. Langworthy Addition and Lot 2 of the Sub. 04 Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Vogt Place and widening Kane Street to include same .__...___..__ 526 " 7-O'Mara Helen, granted Class "C" Beec Permit .___._._.____. 538 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT page P Jan. $~Pennsylvania Avenue, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ___._..__..._..._.._.__.___.__._ 62 63 " 5-"Potters Shiras Avenue Place;' approval of plat _.~._~ , 80 Feb. 9-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of Preliminary Plans for the Fourteenth Street Viaduct and the " Final Plans for the Fengler Street overpass ..._-..-_ 93 9-Parking Meters, recommendation of City Manager that two hour meters be installed on west side of Main Street from West 1st Street South for a distance of 230 feet; that two hour meters be instaled on the east side of Main Street from West 1st Street south for a distance of 360 feet -__..__-_,,,__- 96 122 9-Pennsylvania Avenue, established as a public street ___ , 107 9-Plein Leo V. and Clarence J. Hagge, granted Cigazette Permit ~ 113 " 9-Plein Leo V. and Clareace J. Hagge, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ~___~_-_.._____.._--__...___-._._ 113 " 9-Page John P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ____ __ 113 " 9-Papin Raymond P., approval of application to operate a mobile home park ._.___.__._.___._R-._________._ 115 Maz. 2-Ploog Elizabeth Mrs., objecting to proposed parking lo[ at 11th and Bluff Streets .___..-._._____.__.__..___- 125 2-Pitz Louise Mrs., granted Cigazette Permit .___.._._.___.._ 126 " 2-Pitz Louise Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit _._.___. 126 " _ 2-Pfalzgraf Ernest W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 126 30-Pape Ralph et al., objecting [o the surfacing of Solon Street 149 30-Phillips Robert L., Notice of Claim __-._ ....-_____- 169, 199 30-Picke] Carl A., Notice of Claim _--...__...___~. _ 169 " 30-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Blocks 16, 17, 18 and 19 in River Front Subdivision Num- ber 3 _. 171 30-Plcessl Edwin et al requesting curb and gutter on Carlton " Avenue 175 30-Police Department, commended for rescue of two boys trapped in cave 176 April 20-Planning & Zoning Commissioq approval of plats show- ing extension of Grandview Avenue from Clarke Drive to Kaae Street and extension of Chaney Road from " Asbury to Kaufmann Avenue _..__ 198 199 " 20-Pawlak Joseph F., release of Claim . , 199 20-Property Owners required to make connections from Sew- er, Water and Gas mains to curb line on streets included in City of Dubuque 1959 Surfacing and Pav- ing Projects prior [o June 1, 1959 X06 207 411 May , 4-penly John H., objecting to proposed sidewalk on Valley- , " view Road 222 4-Palm John J. et al. objecting to proposed sidewalks in Dirksen Addition _. _ 223 28-Peoples Natural Gas, Statement for the year 1958 ~_ 258 June 22-Parking Meters, recommendation of City Manager that two hour meters be installed between Crntra] and White on Eas[ 10th, East 11th and East 13th Street , - on Iowa between 13th and 14th, on 13th between Main and Iowa, and on the west side of White from SO[h to 14th St.; that nine hour meters be installed on the east side of White from 10th to 14th ._ 297 22-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vaca- tion of Camp Street __-.___- - 22-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vaca- 299, 333 " tion of Keppler Street ._ 299 22-Poquette Millard, granted Cigarette Permit ._._.-__-.___ 313 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page P + R " 22-Pitz Louise, granted Cigarette Permit -....- 313 ~ Jan. 5-Russo R.N., appointed Police Judge _ - 1 " 22-Pusateri Michael F. & Gus, granted Cigarette Permit .__- 313 " S-Roling Gilbert F., sidewalk bond _ g " 22-Pauly Cletus N., granted Cigarette Permit -~.---_ 314 5-Ret[enberger Wendell, Settlement of Claim _-__,_.,,__ 17 " 22-Poulos Andrew, granted Cigarette Permit -___...--- 314 .,- 5-Ridgeway Avenue, 1958 Sanitazy Sewer Project No. 1 " 22-Polter Joseph S., granted Cigaretet Permit _...-_-.-- " 315 , schedule of assessments 62 63 " 22-Poquette Millard, granted Class "B Beer Permit _.-_. 316 S--Ruarm Drive, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. I sched- , " 22-Pauly Cletus N., granted Class 'B" Beer Permit _-__.-.._ 316 ~ , ule of assessments ______ ~ ~ " 30-Potterveld Fred C. and Winifred S., granted Cigarette ~ 5-Rhomberg A. A., approval of plans and documents for the Permit ._. _. 321 I Fengler Street overpass annd approaches .. g4 " 30-Petrakis John, granted Cigarette Permit --__._-____- 322 Feb. 9-Root Hollis, Notice of Claim .--_,. 96 168 " 30-Page John P., granted Cigarette Permit _ .__ 321 9-Rettenmeier Marcella, Notice of Claim _~_ , 99 " 30.-Plein Leo V. and Clarence J. Elagge, granted Cigarette Per- 9-Richards Alfred H., relative to proper street elevation on mil _ _ 321 ~ Alta Place ._ 109 July 20-Police Chief, authorized to attend International Associa- 9-Rettenmaier John J. and Marie, granted Class "C" Beer lion of Chiefs of Police meeting in New York City- 347 Permit _-- 113 " 20-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation 9-Rettenmeier Marcella, Notice of Suit ~ 120 of Camp Street and Chazter Street -._.._ 349, 363 Mar. 2-Riedi Jay M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit - - 126 Sept. 8-Parking Lot, City Manager recommending that the City ~ 30-Reilly Realty Inc., requesting permission to instal] sewer purchase property on Central Avenue between the to serve Green Acres Sub. and requesting curb and City Hall and Trenkle's _.-- 403 gutter and surfacing on Saunders Street _ _ ~ 156 220 " " 8-Powers Joseph M., heating bond _._.___ 413 P 30-Report of Dubuque Dock Commission for 1958 _ , 160 162 8-Parking Lot, City Manager recommending the grading and 30-Rahloff Barbara, request for suspension of taxes , 165 surfacing of the parking lot located at 11th and Bluff 30-Rafoth Ray H., heating bond _.-_._..-. ~ 166 Streets 413, 477 ~ 30-Ryan Kathleen, Notice of Svit _ 169 " 8-Parkland Ridge Subdivision, approval of plat of Blocks 1 ' 30-River Front Subdivision Number 3, Blocks 16 17 18 and and 2 and Lot One of "Duggan Farm " " 428 , , , 19 approval of plat by the Planning & Zoning Commis- " " Beer Permit -.. 8-Pusateri Michael F., granted Class B " " 434 lion __- 171 331 Beer Per- 8-Pusateri Gus and Michael F., granted Class C 1 April 20-Reittinger Louis Mrs., Notice of Claim _._.-.__.~ -__- 201, 218 mil 434 May 4-Roedel] Ste]]a objecting to assessment for 8" sanitar Oct. 5-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation y sewer in Southern Avenue _ " 212 of Primrose Street east of Davenport Street 443 4- Rolling Ridge Subdivision No. 2," approval of plat of " 5-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the denial of Block 2 and Block 3 225 petition of John Mausen requesting the vacation of 13-Rice Harry E., objecting to proposed sidewalk on Valley- Dunning Street 443 view Road __ 239 " 5-Peck Jack, relative to parking in downtown alleys 447 r 13-Report of Water Department for six month period since " 5-Police judge R. N. Russo, requesting permission to attend ~ rate increase has been in effect 240 Traffic Institute at Northwestern University 451 June 22-Retail Merchants Bvreav submitting a resolution in favor " 5-Petrakis John, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit of the six tube light fixtures on Main Street 288 No. 282 22-Reisea Ralph, sidewalk bond . 298 " 21-Path Company Inc., requesting excavation Permit 468, 510 " 22-Rafoth Russel] L., heating bond 298 Nov. " 2-Percy Construction Company, sidewalk bond 476 - 22-Richey Harold E., Notice of Claim ~__ ~p qq4 " 2-Path Company Inc., heating bond . 476 22-Roth Rebecca C., Notice of Claim 300 391 2-Plumbers & Fitters Local No. 66, requesting minor changes ~ 22-Roshek Bros. Co., granted Cigarette Permit , 312 in the Plumbing Ordinance - 483, 490 22-Rink Richard, granted Cigarette Permit ~ 313 " " 23-Pusateri Michael, Notice of Suit . " " 499 ~ " 22-Richman LeRoy G., granted Cigarette Permit _._ 313 23-Pauly Cletus N., granted Class B Beer Permit 503 22-Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Cigarette Permit _ ~ 313 Dec. 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, requesting a meeting with 22-Rawson Thomas J, granted Cigarette Permit 314 the City Council relative to remarks made about r 22-Richard John J, and Robert Beecher, granted Cigarette Per- " the Commission ocncerning their actions .--.~ 508 mil _. --- 314 7-Path Company Int., C. F., excavation bond _.. ~ 510 ~~ 22-Roeder Marcella Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit -~ 314 " 7-Planning & Zoning Commission returning communication 22-Randle Fred H. and Vada G., granted Cigarette Permit 314 of Hillcrest Investment, Inc., to them as they do not .__ 22-Rake Francis R., granted Cigarette Permit `. 315 " state specifically what they want 517 22-Riverside Bowl, granted Cigarette Permit 315 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning ~ 22-Rawson Thomas J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit _ 315 to Two Family Residence District in Vista View Add. " .___ 30-Ragatz George Jr., granted Cigarette Permit -... 321 so that the owners can plat proper lot sizes and layout 30-Ring Louis A., granted Cigarettq Permit 322 with a definite knowledge of the Zoning Classifica- 30-Ruegnitz R. S., granted Cigarette Permit 321 lion, (Hillcrest Investment, Inc.) ~ 517 Jul 30-Radetzki Hazel, granted Cigarette Permit _- 6 Ri 322 y - verfront Subdivision No. 3, approval of plat of Blacks 16 , 17, 18 and 19, and vacating portions of Ann Street a , Dock Street, Marshall Street, Decatur Street and Peosta Street _ .-.-. 331 i INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page R " 6-Rettenmaier John, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 141 _ " 6-Riedi J. M., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 147 " 20-Report of audit of~the City of Dubuque for the year 1958 Aug. 3-Retail Merchants Bureau, sub~ritting resolution thanking the Council for alleviating parking conditions in the downtown area _.___-_.._____._._.,____-~~_ " 3-Riverfront Subdivision No. 3, approving plats of Blocks 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 in Riverfront Subdivision No. 3, and vacation portions of Peosta, Hamilton, Whittier, Emerson, Stanton, Roosevelt and Shiras Streets and the alley lying between Peosta Street and Garfield Avenue . Sept. 8-Reilly William J.,~Agreement with City for the maintenance of the turn around at the end of Oak Crest Drive-.. " 8-Rhomberg E. J~, Notice of Claim ____- _ 8-"Rolling Ridge Subdivision No. 2", approval of plat of Block 5 __..___....__._._._.._..._.__._...~._-..-__~ " f?-Richman Leroy G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit " 8-Riverside Bowl, granted Class "B" Beer Permit -__-_ Oct. 5-Richeson Excavating, excavation policy -_~ " 5-Reuter Sheet Meta] Works, heating bond _-..- " 5-Rucks Harold E., requesting rezoning of azea at 1471 Dodge Street _ -452, " 5-Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit _- " 9-Rape Francis R., requesting refund on Cigazette Permit No. 174 . Dec 7-"Rolling Ridge Subdivision No. 2", approval of plat o£ Block 4 and Block 6 7-Roeder Marcella Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit_._ " 7-Ryan Walter C, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ~_ 334 334 347 358 367 406 414 427 4286 434 434 442 442 491, 525 457 462 536, 537 537 537 I 1 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page s Jan. 5-Schiltz, L. J appointed Cit y Manager _,._.~.~.---„ 5-Schiltz, L. J., bond _ 1 „ __ ______ 5-Schuster Payment Agency, Agreement with the City of Dubuque Water Department 9 _~_„_,--_„_~.- 5-Schlueter Insurance Agency, revocation o£ Power of At- 11 torney as submitted by Massachusetts Bonding & In- „ surance Co. 5-Schwei[ering & Wallis Insurance Agency, revocation of P 16 „ ower of Attorney as submitted by Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance Co " . _- 5-Schmid Matilda, Settlement of Claim _~., - ~ 16 17 5-Steichen Glen, Claim denied -~_ ~____ _. 5-Sheppley Wm. S. et al., requesting underground wiring for 18 . „ boulevard lights on Mississippi River View Drive.._.. 5-Saffron George, objecting to the proposed special asse 21 „ ss- ment against his property for the improvement of Kane Stret with curb and gutter ._ 5-Southern Avenue, 1958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Proj 41 ect No. 1, schedule of assessments _...___-_-~_--41 48, 5-St. Anne Drive, 1958 Concrete Curb and G tt P 54 f „ u er roject No. 1, schedule of asseshments _. ..-._, ,-41, 50 5-Schumacher Carl P 54 „ ., granted Cigarette Permit ____,-_ 5-Sauser Norbert H., granted Class "B" Beet Permit g5 , ___-„ 5-Schumacher Carl P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit __ 5-Sefzik R. F., communication relative t th gg 85 o e procedure of Council meetings _ Feb. " 9-Saffron Construction Co., excavation policy ~_ 86 i _ _ 9-St. Rose Priory, requesting vacation of an alley in Union Place located on the easterl sid f 97 y e o hots 1, 2, and 3 of Union Place __. _._..______,-,-,_.-_.-_-_-.~___ 106, 9-"Scenic View Heights No. 2" approval of l 121 , p at of Blocks 13 ands 14 and acceptance of the dedication of Scenic ~ M View Drive and Schiltz Court .-_lll, 112, 9-Schwartz Lawrence, granted Class "B'^Beer Permit 2 ]17 ar. -Sievers Fred, collection agency bond 113 ' ~._ 2-Schuster Alfred C., collection [onN 2-Sewage Works Improvement Contr 118 118 „ , ac o. 1, Terminal treet Lift Station, completed and accepted __._,_-,. 2-Saul Joan, Notice of Claim 119 , ~-- _ _ __ _ 2-Schiltz Al. J„ requesting access to Marquette Place from Clinton Street 120 „ _ _ 124, 2-Steichen Subdivision, approval of plat ~~ ~ ~ 166 _ _ _ 2-Schueller Mathias A., granted Class 'B" Beer ~Permi[ _ 2-Sixteenth Street i 126 , mprovement with concrete curb and gut- ter from east property line of S ycamore Street to a point 285 feet east of east property line of Marsh Street _..-,__~ 129, 130, 131, 132, 142, 143, 2-Solon Street, improvement with bituminous o 144 c ncrete sur- facing from the east property line of Booth Street to tha wes} property line of N d eva a Street .-..-_..,133, 134, 135 " 2-Sixteenth Street, improvement with h 1a8~ 149', 150 ot mix-hot laid phallic concrete surfacing from the P east property line of Elm Street to a point 285 feet east of east prop- „ erty line of Marsh Street .___-_.._.___,_,_.-_136, 137, 138, Z-Shields Street, improvement with hot mix-hot laid asphaltic 153 concrete surfacing from the north property line of Jones Street to east property line of Main St 136 " " reet__ , 137, 155']90`196, 341, 386, 30-Steve Mike, sidewalk bond =_153, 154, 138 1 t ^ 30-Strub Raphael H., sidewalk bond 66 i -__._._._._._-,_,___,_-_ 30-Schueller Black Top Company, paving policy ,_.__,_~_,,,.,, 30-Schueller & Co., Inc., excavation policy 1~ 166 _.._.,.__._-._,._.,__,,,,_, 166 INDEX -BOOK 89 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page - 1959 SUBJECT paw g ~ S " 30-Stocum Florence, Notice of Suit ______.---_.-.-.-.-_-_•- 169 ' ~~ 1-Sanitary Sewer, construction of an eight inch (8") son- " 30-St. Regis Paper Co., Dubuque Container Division, request- itary sewer in Collins Street, Hale Street and West Third St t " ing grant of easement so construction can start in April " " 170 „ ree __.___.__.-.__278, 279, 280, 335, 336, 337, 1-SIDEWALK PROJECT NO I li i 386, 387 Beer Permit B 30-Snyder Eisie, requesting refund on Class N 89 174 . , pre m nary plans and specifications for City of Dubuque 1959 Con ret Sid " _ _ _ o. 30-Steichen Margaret, requesting permission to construct a san- b „ c e e- walk Project No. 1__._207, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 325, 22-Schromen Kenue[h sidewalk b d 329, 363 - nary sewer in Roosevelt Street to serve Steichen Su 175 ' , on °_'----'-__.__._.___.._._.. 22-Standard Oii Company re uestin 298 " division _ _ _ __ __ _ _ requesting cleaning up of Quinn Street... 30-Specht F. L. Mrs. 176 , q g conveyance of City Lot 747 in the Ci[y of Dubuque to the Chicago, Milwaukee " , 30-Stafford Avenue, petition of Francis Kohl et al., requesting ~ ,~ and St. Pau] R. R Co. _._._.__._.__._._.._._.____.___._.___. 22-5[ Mary's Church i 304 " installation of a street light .___.._._____.~_.___._...._ 30-Southern Avenue Sanitary Sewer-Bid Section No. 1 and 176, 197 „ . , request ng permission to blacktop alley in rear of their new school ___._._.___.______,_,_,-_,-„ 304 Bid Section No. 2 ._._...._....._.___-__176, 177, 178, 212, 213, 214 j 22-Sewer Bonds, for the purpose of payment of assessed cost ' ...215, 274, 275, ""'---'---"--"~'~-""'--'-"-'"---"~-` i ° " 276, 456 ~ 182 - of the Cedar, Maple and Syracuse Street Sanitary Sewer Lif[ Station and Force Mai April _ t __ _._._ B Beer Perm 30-Steffen Clifford, granted Class requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 6-Schmitt Joseph J. ~~ n __....._.__._.._._.....305, 22-Scenic Hei hts, g Loty 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 306, 307 " , No. 267 _ 6-Shively Mary, granted Cigarette Permit -.._.._•.___._..__.__ 187 187 13 each in Block 2, approval of plat .___._-__._.___ 22-SIDEWALK PROJECT NO. 2, preliminary plans and 309 " 6-Shively Mary, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ._.____..-_._ " " 187 187 specifications for City of Dubuque 1959 Concrete Sidewalk Project No 2 " Beer Permrt..-_ 6-Schroeder Donald D., granted Class C lk b i d 197 ,~ . .__.._._._.._.-._.-_-„___.__„_,_ 22-Smith Oi] Company granted Ci arette Per it 309 " _.__._._._._.-._...._.__._._._.. on dewa 20-Sweeney William P., s 20-Shireman Robert and Edgebert McNamer, sidewalk bond___ 197 r , g m _..__._._._.~.._.__ 22-Stampfer's Department Store, granted Cigarette Permit._ 313 313 " 20-Shively Earl, Notice of Claim ._._.____._.._.._.._._. _._...___...__.. ' 201, 219 22-Bitterly Walter, granted Cigarette Permit 2~Savar ""-"'-"""'-"- John L d Vi l 313 20-Sewer, Water and Gas connections ordered made by all property owners on streets to be included in City of y . an o a, r 22-Sullivan Robert E., r g antged Cigarette Permit .._-_ g anted Ci aret[e Permit ~...__._...__._ 313 313 Dubuque 1959 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project „ 22-Schueller Richard granted Cigarette Permit -_..~_,____ 22 313 No. 1 ______.__._.___..2116, _._.__.......___.___._-_.__.._._._.__ 207, 411 ,~ -Schwaztz, Lawrence, granted Cigarette Permit .___.__._____. 22-Sand Mari M 313 May 4-Spechtenhauser Otto, agreement with the City of Dubuque , e rs., r g anted Cigarette Permit _._-____....__ 22-Sun Leo granted Cigarette Per it 313 for the purchase of several parcels of property for Grandview Avenue Extension and Bunker Hilt Golf , m ._._.._-__ _ 22-Smith Robert, ranted Ci g garette Permit _.______.__~.__ 313 313 Course __.._.._._._~_.__._..__.._.._.__._.__._._..__216, 217, 250, 293 _ 22-St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigarette Permit " 4-Sears Roebuck & Co., submitting a proposal of purchase and a set of proposed construction plans, for the pur- ~~ _-_.__..___.__._.__.__,._._,_,._-_,__,___ __ _ ~-Specht Harold O., granted Cigarette Permit -_._._._._.._._ 314 314 chase of Rafferty Park Property bounded by Locust _ 22-Story Kathleen I., granted Cigarette Permit -_.___-_._ 22-Schneller Mathi A 314 Street, Harrison Street and property of Eagle Market 291 292 339 221, 340 240 t 365 as ., granted Cigarette Permit .-.__- Z~Steffen Clifford, granted Cigarette Permit 314 314 " .... , , , -_--.__.-..__._._..._...--_'---._.._.._...__.._._.__._. 4-Sias Carleton P., objecting to proposed sidewalk on Val- , __._-__._._.__ 22-Shive] Mar y Y, granted Cigarette Permit _._._._____._.-_-__ 22-Schollme er Pa l d i 314 " ]eYView Road ___...._.__._.._.____.____.__._.____._.____..._._ requesting a delay in the sidewalk con- 4-St. Rose Priory 222 y u , grante C garette Permit _._..____-_.__ 22-Schuster Donald W., r g g anted Ci arette Permit -.._. 315 315 " , struction Program ____....._._.._._.____...._.._.__......_..____. _.. 4-Stoltz Marian objecting to proposed sidewalk on Valleyview 22G ~_ 22-Sand Donald, granted Cigarette Permit _-__.__._._-..____ 22-Schulte ose h J P L., granted Cigarette Permit ----~ 315 315 Road _.__......_......_._.__..___.___.._.._.._.__._.._._....__.._....._......_.____ 222 ---__.~ 22-Sarris Jenn Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit .__._..._ 315 " 4-Street Lighting Program for 1959, Project No. 1______.._._ 231, 232 _.__, 22-Schmitt He en Mrs granted Cigarette Permit __.-..-._.__ 22-Shannon Jose h F d Ci 315 " .233, 261, 263, 265, 288, ._...._._..._._._.._._.___.__.. .................__. - sidewalk bond ...............___......__..__._..__.___.__._ _ 13-Simon Vern 290, 535 240 ~~ p ., grante garette Permit .._~._.._._ 22-Schwartz Petet, granted Cigarette Permit .___.__ 315 315 " , 13-St. Anne Drive, acceptance of dedication ._._.__.._._.._-_._.__ di i f d 253 253 ___...._._ 22--Scholtes Harold M., granted Cigarette Permit _-__-_,. 22-Sheldon Richard T granted Ci arett P i 315 " on ...._....._.._.__..___._._._._.. 13-St. Anne Court, acceptance o e cat 28-Schiltz J H. construction of sanitary sewer in Lot 10 „ „ ., g e erm t _.___.______ 22-Sto"ry Kathleen L, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 315 316 , of_ Weidenbacher's Subdivvsion, Lot 1 of Lot 2 of r f Mi dill Pl d L A 1 l L 399 _._.__._ 22-Sand Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..____._..... 22-Sand Donald, granted Class "B" Beer Per it 316 nera y ace an ot o. o ot , completed and accepted ._._...._._._..__.._...._.._.......__.._....__._.___ 256 m -,--_ 22-Shannon ose b F., '-'"""'- Bee r Pe o r t I B 316 316 " 2E-Sewage Pumping Station on Kerper Boulevard, issued a B B ~ Pe`~' .__.. 22-Scholtes Har ld Mg ran ed C]ass 22-Sheldon Ri h d T g " " permit by Iowa State Department of Health __.__......... requesting permission to pave 190 28-Sinclair Refining Co. 258 !. c ar . ranted Class B Beer Permit __.... 22-Schueller Richard, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 316 316 , feet of South Terminal Street adjacent to their new i l h l 260 -.-. 30-Scherr James J. granted Cigarette Permit __ ~-Scherer Emma Mrs. granted Ci arett P i 321 June na _._._.._..___.__.__- _ .__.-._..__.____._.. asp a t term 1-Scherrer G. C. et al., objecting to street lighting program..... 261, 262 ~ , g e erm t -..-__~, 30-Solomon Jack, granted Cigarette Permit ._ _._,,, 30-Schro d D 321 321 " I-Schroeder Motor Co., objecting to proposed street lighting e er on granted Cigarette Permit .«, 30-Schumacher C ] P 321 " program on Main Street .......___.. .._.._ __._. _._.___ .. 1-Scherrer Gerald Subdivision approval of plat of Lots 1 262 ar ., granted Cigarette Permit _.__._.___..._ 30-Sauser Norbert H., granted Cigarette Permit _ 321 322 , , , 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Gerald Scherrer Subdivision ._._._.__..._.. 270 t JnIY __,..__~ 6*-Schatfert L. G. et al., objecting to proposed sidewalks on Valle i R d 1-Schollmeyer Paul, granted Class B" Beer Permit 277 ~ yv ew oa ~-,._._,__-_-„_„__-_ 326 INDEX -BOOK 89 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUB J&CT page 1959 SUB J$CT Page $ S " 6-St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, objecting to proposed sidewalks on Asbury Road 326 Zl-Schneider ose h et al., r uesti J P eq ng rezoning of Lot 297 in " " 6-St. Peter's Lutheran Church,~requesting extension of time Davis Addition to Local Business B" classification- 21-Schueller & Co. Inc., Assignment to First Nation l B k 468, 516 " for construction of sidewalks on Asbury Street ...___ 6-Schlueter Leo J. objecting to proposed sidewalks on Wood- 326 a an Covering City of Dubuque 1959 Boulevard Li htin g 8 Pr j t N I " lawn Street ___ -..__.___-..__.-_ 327 - o ec o. _ 21-Sitter] Walteq - ~ T ----'--" Perm y n 469 470 " 6-Schoenthal Fred, heating policy .____.____...~.,.___ 6-Schueller Blacktop Co., Assignment to First National Bank 355, 331 ~ 469 Nov. ;c _._-~ 2-Steger Construction Company, B cB atio 23-S h M ~ Y ~ " 6-Schrup Motor Co. et al., requesting relief from parking c romen argaret, Notice of Claim __ __--- 23-Schueller Blacktop Co re ue ti i 4qg situation on both sides of White Street from 9th to ., q s ng extens on of time to complete City of Dubuque 1959 Bituminous Pavin " 10th Streets .____-.__._-___._._..__._ 6-Steven eon, granted Ci arette Permit -._______ J g 335 338 ~~ Project Na. 1, Section 2 _-_-__ g --• 23-Schuetler Blacktop Co re uestin t i f 501 " 20-Shot Tower, Mrs. Abby McDonald Danceq thanking the j ., q g ex ens on o time to complete City of Dubuque 1959 Concrete Curb & Gut- City for including $5000 in the 1960 budget for the f ~ ter Project No. 1, Section 2 ~_ 501 " preservation of the shot tower ._____..-____.f 346, 359 Dec. ~~_--__ 7-Sauser Norbert H., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 20-Sauer William G., Notice of Claim __.-____~~ 350 No 275 7 " " 20-Smith Maurice J., granted Cigarette Permit __--- 20--Smith Maurice I granted Class B" Beer Permit 355 355 ~ . - _____ ___ ____ 7-S[rub Subdivision, Lot 3A, conveyance by the City of Dv- H2 Aug. ...__.. ~, 3-Steichen Robert G., heating bond _.___.__..-__._.__.--_ 363 buque to Albert G. Houtz Jr. and Patricia S. Houtz. 7-Schwartz Peter granted Class "B" Beer P it 527 " 3-Schroeder Company, cancellation of blasting bond _ 389 , erm ._,_~ 7-Schulte os h J eP J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit $37 53 3-Steffen Leo et al., requesting street lights on Central Ave- .___.... 7 nue, said lights to be of the same size and type as ~~ being installed in other downtown sections . 390 " 3-Stecklein Dorothy P., Notice of Claim ._-_._~- 391 3-Schmitt Barbara, Settlement of Claim -_-- 391 " 3-Sanitary Sewer, construction of an eight inch (8") sanitary sewer in Thomas Place -._.394, 395, 424, 425, 426, 454, 455 " 3-Sear Fred J. granted Cigarette Permit ~---- 396 " 3-Savory John L. and Viola, granted Class 'B" Beer Permit 396 " 3--Sear Fred J•~ granted Class "B" Beer Permit .__.-._..__-_ 396 " 3-Specht Harold O., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ~__ 396 Sept. 8-Street Lighting Program for 1959, Project No. II-_._..403, 437,473 " 8-Sigman Allan E., relative to constructing a retaining wall- 411 " 8-Splinter Clazence R., sidewalk bond _. 413 " 8-Saffron George, requesting permission to construct an 8" son- ,. nary sewer and 6" water main in Grandview Avenue from Kane Street to Kaufmann Avenue -_.-. 421 " 8-Sebald George et aL, requesting that parking be on one side only on Clarke Drive from Heeb Street to North Main Street _ ._- _ 424, 441 " 8-Scenic View Heights No. 2, approval of the plat of Block 5 _.... 429, 430 ' " S~teach Cecil J., granted Cigarette Permit 433 " 8-Spielman J. Louis and Susan, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 434 " 8-Scherer I3mma Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit~_ 434 " 8-Stench Cecil J., granted' Class 'B" Beer Permit _.._~ 434 Oct. 5-Sears Roebuck & Company, heating policy ._.-.___.-_ 442 " 5-Stampfer Company, heating policy ..___._-~.~ 442 5-Sefzik R. F., objecting to the proposed twenty minute parking in downtown alleys _.--_.~___~-._... 447, 480 " 5-Steckel Mrs. V. et al., requesting street light a[ alley ad- jacent to 1670 Wood St. _ _. _. ~... _ ~ 451, 497 " 5-Sheldon Richard T., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 168 -_.-..- __. ._ _ 453 " 5-Sheldon Richard T., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 48 .__.._-..-._______.__...~-_... 453 " 5-Sheldon Aubrey H., 'granted Cigazette Permit ~.__. 457 " 5-Smith Mark R., granted Cigarette Permit __ 457 5-Smith Mark R, granted Class "B" Beer Permit -_- 457 " 5-Smith Robert M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit _ 457 " 5-Schmidt Regina Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .~ 457 ~ i INDEX -BOOK 89 ~ INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page 1959 SUBJECT pie T .1. Jan. $-Telegraph-Herald appointed official newspaper of the City Aug. 3-Tax Levies for the year 19$9 established 358 " of Dubuque - 5-Tschirgi Edward M., bond - 1 9 3-Trenkle Co. H., r uestin new t e4 g ype of street lights on Central Avenue " 5-Twenty Fourth Street East, recommendation o4 City Man- alter that parking be prohibited on the south side of „ _ ~ 3-Thomas Place Sanitary Sewer, preliminazy plans and speci- 390 East 24th Street from White Street to Washington fications for the construction of an eight inch (8") " " Street .~ " " 13, 99 8$ Sept. sanitazy sewer t94, 395, 424, 425, 426, 454, 8-Tri-State Paint & Wallpaper Co., relative to parking and 4$5 5-Torrey Henry C., granted Class Beer Permit B lighting facilities _ 402 Feb. " 9-Takos Councilman, report to the City Council 9-Tri State Heating & Conditioning heating bond 88 ~ 97 8-Tabak Dr. S., relative to Hamischfe er Cor ~~ g poration_~ ' 4(16 " , 9-The Dubuque Boat Club Inc., granted Class "B" Beer 8-Tenenbom s Super Markel, Inc. of Dubuque, granted Class "C" Beer Permit Permit 113 Oct. 5-Turngvist Ed., thanking Council for the survey made on the 434 9-Takos Councilman, relative to claims against [he Ci[y for i 114 sit ~ng ta C a A ~ ~7 Mar personal njuries 2-Tenth Street improvement wish hot mix-hbt laid as- ~ ~ Nov. ~ 2-Turnquist e~ iv eto t cost of street li hti g ng on Cen- . , phaltic concrete surfacing from the west property line „ tral Avenue ____-.~_____. -_ 2-Tigges Norbert G., granted Cigarette Permit 473 q8$ of Central to the east ro ert line of Bluff Street- 138 153 154 155 190 196 341 136, 368 137 372 ~ 2-Thompson Elmer L., granted Class B" Beer Permit . 485 " , , , , , , , 2-Twenty Second Street, improvement with hot mix-ho[ laid , 2-Teeling Vincent E'., granted Class "B" Beer Permit __ 2-Tigges Norbert G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 485 48$ asphaltic concrete surfacing from the east property line e f Wi f C t t th t li d A t 136 137 ~ _~ 23-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Class o en ra o sou prop r y ne o n sor venue _138 153 I$4 1$5 190 196 341 , 368 374 ~ D C" Beer Permit ._ _ _ 7 $03 " , , , , , , , 2-Third Street, improvement with hot mix-hot laid asphaltic , ec. -Takos Councilman, inquiring of the City Manager his interest in [he Schiltz Construction Company and the concrete surfacing iron the east property line of Iowa Street east to railroad tracks______136 137 138 153 154 Schiltz Land Development Company, and recommend- , , , 1$5 190 196 341 , 368 379 ing that a complete and a public investigation be held " " , , , , 30-Timberline Street, acceptance of dedication __-. , 158 by the Council, calling before them, the City Manager, Mr. Harry Schiltz, City Solicitor and other City per- ' 30-Thiltgen Betty E., Settlement of Claim _ 30-Tegeler Josephine Mrs. Notice of Claim 166 167 414 Bonne] who, by the nature of their employment would April , 6-Tressel Paul E., relative to purchasing ten feet of ground , be involved is the matter ~_.-___._...,._ ,-. $07 adjacent to Lot 5 in Fairview Subdivision _ - 186, 360 May 4-Theda Drive, acceptance of dedication ~ 228 " 13-Timmerman Construction Co., sidewalk bond 240 " 13-Taylor Pharmacy, Notice of Claim _.__.__ 242, 268 " 13-Trimpler William G., granted Class "C" Beer Permit _.~ 252 t June 1-Tha Kroger Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 277, 278 " 22-Treivieler Elmer L., granted Cigarette Permit __ 312 " 22-Thompson John F., grantd Cigarette Permit . 312 " " 22-Tenenbom's Super Market Inc., granted Cigarette Pertnit_. 313 U 22-Thorpe Walter G. and Jeanette Rauch, granted Cigarette " Permit ..~- 22-Tench John F. & Vincent W. Merscher granted Cigarette 313 ~ Jan. 5-Utility Service Associates, Agreement with the City of Du- bu ue W t D " Permit _ -.._ 22-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. granted Cigarette 313 q a er epartment - 5-University Avenue, 1958 Sanitar j y Sewer Pro eM No. 1, 10 " , Permit ~ _._ _ 22-Thompson Elmer L. granted Cigarette Permit 313 315 ~ Feb. schedule of assessments 9-United Spanish War Veterans, requesting permission to hold 62 " " , 22-Thompson Clarence E., granted Cigarette Permit 22-Teeling Vincent granted Cigarette Permit 31$ 31$ Mac tag days --_-____. 2-Uppinghovse Alan R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 108 126 " " , .... 22-Thompson Clarence E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit___ 316 30-U. S. Conference of Mayors, invitation to attend 1959 anval conferenc " 22-Thompson John F. granted Class "C" Beer Permit - 22-Tressel George relative to condition o4 streets in the Hill- 316 MaY e _ -- 159, 4-U. S. Senate, communication concerning problems of the 238 " , Crest Addition _- _._____ 30-Tracy Edward & Mildred Notice of Expiration of Right 317 aged and aging -__,_ 13-United States of America, renewal of Lease covering use 238 , of Redemption by Max Jenk on the E% of Lot 317 in of a 0.8$ acre site, Ham's Addition, 4or a U. S. Naval Reserve Training Center " East Dubuque Addition ~._...-._._-._--._.._-._ 30-Trapp Arthur J. granted Cigarette Permit 320 321 June " ~,-` ___,_ 22-Udell Lowell, sidewalk bond -_- __ ~- 238 " " , -- 30-Tranel Zeno A., granted Cigarette Permit __ 30-Traupe Norman D. granted Cigarette Permit 321 322 22-Utzig LeRoy, granted Cigarette Permit .-... 30-United States Department of Health, submittin certificate ~3 " " , 30-The Kroger Company, granted Cigarette Permit ~__ 30-Traupe Norman D. granted Class "B" Beer Permit 321 322 of recognition to City for the Water De artment's part in the operation of the National Water Quality July " , -..~ 6-Taurus Theodore, sidewalk bond -_..T_--.--.__..._.- 6 T H C i f " " 330 t Network of the Public Health Service _._._.-.-._ 30-Uppinghouse Alan R., granted Cigarette Permit 319 321 - orrey enry ., request ng re und an Class B Beer Petmit No. 131 -- . ~ 334 July 20.-University Avenue, improvement with foamed asphalt liquid .___ .~_~__.__.____„_._ mastic from Eighth Avenue [a Alta Vista Street.. 353, 354 -_.--- .---------~-._.___ 387, 388, 432 INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT page V Jan. 5-Van Buren Street, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1, schedule of assessments ~_-_- ~ 62 Feb. 9-Vorwald Gregor J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit_-.Y. 112 Mar. 2-Veteran of Foreign Wars, requesting permission to hold a POPPY sale -___-___ 125 " 30-Vorwald Gregor J., requesting refund on Class "B" )leer Permit No. 137 - 174 " 30-Vorwald John H., requesting refund on Cigazette Permit No. 102 174 April 6-Viertel Donald E., Notice of Claim - 187 May 4-Van Duelman Carl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 230 " 4-Van Der Meulen Patrolman, and Fecker, commended for their quick action in apprehending a morals offender 233 June 22-Valleep View Heights at Center Grove, Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 approval of plat - 308 " - 22-Van Duelman Carl, granted Cigarette Permit - 314 ' 22-Vrotsos Elsie Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit -_~. 314 " 22-Veterans of Foreign Wazs, Leo A. Schwind Post No. 508, granted Cigarette Permit 314 " 30-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post No. 9663, granted Cig- arette Permit - .-. 321 July 6-Vcelker Thomas W. et al., objecting to construction of side- walks on Cross Street ..._ __ 326 Sept. 8-Von Ah Albert, appointed to the Industrial Expansion Committee ~ _~ q02 Oct. 5-Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 508, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 457 Nov. 2-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Gerald F. Winters Post No. 9663, granted Class "B" Beer Permit -_ 485 " 23-"Vogt Subdivision", approval of plat of "Joseph Vogt Subdivision ~..___._.._...-.-.._____-__,- 502 J INDEX -BOOK 89 1959 SUBJECT Page W Jan. ~~ 5-Wild William, cancellation of sidewalk bond ~ 16 5-Walser Herald and Max Blum, Stipulation of Settlement 18 - 5-Wilbricht bane, 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Pro- jecb No. 1, schedule of assessments ._.__......_-._._.~3 26 38 , 5-Wisconsin Avenue, 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1, , ~~ schedule of assessments -__-.._.-_-`.~ 62 63 5-Wallis J. Alien Jr. and Marijane S. Wallis, requesting re- , - lease of improvement bond covering Indian Hills Sub- , " division __..-,.~__- 5-Wiedeman John F., granted^Cigarette Permit ..._ 81, 82 g$ " 5-Wiedeman John F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .- 85 Feb. __._, 5-Wertz Donald E'., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 9-Willman Roy Mrs., objecting to property tax raises and the 85 local employment situation -~_~__.-_-._ 91 ~ 9-Wilhelm John Mrs., Notice of Claim _. 99 199 9-Water Service, Making Connections with Water Mains , ~ , Fixing Rentals and the Collection Thereof 100 101 • 9-Waller John R. and Margaret Waller; Austin C. Waller , and Fannie Mae Waller and Mae W. Long, conveyance of Lots 26, 27 and 28 in Cooper Heights Subdivision „ to the City as a gift to be used for playground pur- poses to be known as Cooper-Waller Playground 110 Mar. 9-Wieser Charles, granted Class B" Beer Applicatioa__ 2-Woodlawn Street im r i h 113, 126 , p ovement w t bituminous concrete surfacing from the north property line of Asbury Road ~~ to the north end of street.___~-.133, 134, 135, 148, 30-White Street City Mana er re o di h 149, 150 , g c mmen ng t e removing of the old lights on White Street between 4th Street and 21st Street and installing new lights _ 166 30-Westchester Inc., requesting extension of sewer and water " facilities _ _ 30-Walke Clarence granted Class "B" Beer Permit - - 176 182 " _ 30-Weiner Sylvester A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 182 ° 30-Wright Louis J., granted Class "B" Beet Permit 182 April 30-White William J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit __ 6-Wiederholt Leonard Notice of Claim 182 ' , --- 6-Wieland Frank C., approval of application to operate a 187 ~~ mobile home park _--_-_._._.- 2t?-Willy Construction Company sidewalk bond 189 " - May , 20-Weber Merlyn L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .___ 4-Wallis J. Allen and Marijane S ti 1g7 205 . reques ng a correction of proposed assessment for construction of an 8" sani- tary sewer in Southern Avrnue -- 212 4-Wieggnd Dale and Helen, Agreement with the City of Dubuque for the purchase of property for the Grand- view Avenue Extension _117, 4-Whitfield Rosella Notice of Claim ~ 251, 294 ' , -_-__ 4-Weiland James A., objecting to proposed sidewalk on Va]- 219, 240 lerview Road - ___ 4-Warren Dell and Ralph granted Clas 'B" B ~ " , s eer Permit..._ 4-Winders R. Daniel, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 230 230 - 4-Wingert Josephine Mrs., relative to parking changes on " Rhomberg Avenue _ _ ~ 2~ 1 13-Welter John P., sidewalk bond .- _ __ - 240 _ _ 13-Water Department, report for six months period since rate increase has been in effect _.__-,_._.______~„_,~,~ 13-Whitsel Bessie E., granted Cigarette Permit ~ 24p 251 " 13-Whitsel Bessie E., granted Class 'B" Beer Permit ~ 28-Waller Rob rt i 252 e , reappo nted to the Airport Zoning Commis- t June sion _ _, 1-Ward L I•, sidewalk bond ~ ~ ~_" 260 ...~._._. _ _.__.__.. 1-Wallis Allen J and Marijane S., approval of plat of Lots 268 1 to 12 of Block 7 in Indian Hills Subdivision _.__.__ 270, 271 INDEX -BOOK 89 ~ INDEX -BOOK 89 19$9 SUBJECT Page 19$9 SUBJECT Page W W " " 22-Weida Mr. & Mrs. John, release of claim -_._.__~._._ Notice of Claim .~.._.._- 22-Walker Marcella 300 300 Nov. 2-Welu Councilman, a Ppointed to American Municipal Asso- ' " " , 22-Wilson Raymond, release of sidewalk bond .____.~_.. i h 303 ciation s Committee on Highways ...__- _-__, 23-Wagner Frank L., submitting resignation as memb f h 47g, 510 at easements ng t 2~Wallis Allen J. and Mazijane S., request er o t e Dock Commission " be vacated in Indian Hills Subdivision __._.._.__...._..._ requesting installation of sewer and 22-Wunderlirh Oran et aL 305, 349 Dec. _.-___„-- ___ .___- 7-W'lly Edwin P. et al., requesting that Randall Place be 494 508 , water in the nine and ten hundred blocks of Thomas changed to Country Club Drive ...._._._...______.~___ $27 Place ~_____......-.._...-- 305 " 22-Woodlawn Street, improvement with concrete sidewalks ' from the north property tine of Asbury to the north end of Woodlawn Street ~ .~_-- 309, 310 " 22-Wong Paul and Chuck, granted Cigarette Permit..____.-... J12 " 22-Winders R. Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit _._..--_...._ 312 " 2~Wingert Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit -._,.._..__..- 312 " 22-Wareco System of Iowa, granted Cigarette Permit ____.__ 313 i " 22-Weiner Ronald J•, granted Cigarette Permit ________._ 313 " 22-Ward John M., granted Cigarette Permit __..._..__.-~___. 313 X " 22-Wunder Eileen, granted Cigarette Permit -~..._.___.___ 314 I " " 22-Weber Merlyn L., granted Cigarette Permit _._.~..__.._ i 314 314 June 30-Xavier Hos ta] Gift Sh Pi op, granted Cigarette Permit 322 t - _ 22-Weidemann John F., granted Cigarette Perm .._.._....._ " 22-Wertz Donald E., granted Cigarette Permit --._~ 314 " 2~Wright Louis J., granted Cigarette Permit --_.--__.__ 315 " 2~Westercamp George C., granted Cigarette Permit _.._.-_. 315 " 22-Weiner Fred, granted Cigarette Permit --__._.._.- 315 " 22-Wunder Eileen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit __-_~ 316 " 22-Winger[ Josephine Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit._ 316 " 22-Ward John M., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ~-~.. 316 " 30-Wright I,ovis J, granted Cigarette Permit 321 , " 30-White William J., granted Cigarette Permit -_._ 321 lr " 3Q-Winkler Louis J., granted Cigarette Permit .- _ 321 " 30-Weiner Sylvester A. & Dolores V., granted Cigarette 2 Sept. 8-"yield" Intersections the City Mana er r di " permit .-._- -. ~- ..._.__._._._ granted Cigarette Permit~___._.__._._ 30-Wagner William 3 1 321 , g ecommen ng that the City Attorney be authorized to write an ordinance " " , 30-Walke Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit ....__.___._.____ 321 ~M~ desi natin g g yield intersections" ..-_._.._____.A-,~ 5--young Dale W. granted Cigarette P i q]$~ 416 ' ' " 30-Winkler Beatrice C. Mrs., granted Ci arette Permit g 30-Whitse] Bessie E. Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit -.__ 322 322 , erm t ..____._..___._,. 5-Young Dale W., granted Class "B" Beer Permit _-~.-- q$7 457 " 30-Warren Dell and Ralph, granted Cigarette Permit ~. 322 " 30-Westertamp George C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 322 July 20-Wieser Charles B., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 14S _ 351 " 20--White Street, improvemrnt with foamed asphalt liquid mastic from 12th Street to 21st Street__353, 354, 387 388, 432 Aug. 3-Withelm Walter, excavation policy 363, 390 " 3-Watling Ned et al., requesting extension of business dis- tact to include Lot 3 Krayers Subdivision __.389, 448, 478 Z " 3-Westchester Subdivson, approval of plat of Block I of Sept. Westchester _____....___~__-.__...~...~ 8--Walsh Cliff, relative to parking facilities and street light- 393 June 1- Zahina Robert T., taxi-cab policy ___.-___.__,.~..-..__._-„ 22-Zdbg George J d i 26g ing for Central Avenue _ _.....__...._-__.. _ relative to parking situation in the alley 8-Welu Councilman 402 ~ Av 8~ ., grante C garette Permit .. ____., 3-Ziepprecht Carl W., opposed [o any change of street & ht- 3]q , between White and Central from 14th to 17th Streets 406 g ing on Central Avenue between 13th & 14th Streets...._ 390 " 8-White Martha Mrs., Notice of Claim __...__..__._._._--_ 414, 443 " B=Weiner Ronald J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .._ _ 434 Oct. 5-Wingert Josephine, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer ,. Permit No. 43 _. 453 " 5-Wingert Josephine, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 23 454 " 5-Wartburg Seminary Snack Bar, granted Cigarette Permit 457 " 21-Wersinger Virgil Mrs., relative to street lighting on Lin toln Avenue -_____.....__~~_..._.._.._ 468, 476 )