Forbes Recognition of Dubuque Copyright 2014 City of Dubuque Consent Items # 4. ITEM TITLE: Forbes Recognition of Dubuque SUMMARY: City Manager transmitting an article from Forbes.com recognizing Dubuque as one of the "Best Cities to Climb the Economic Ladder." SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: Suggested Disposition: Receive and File ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Forbes Article-Best Cities to Climb the Economic Supporting Documentation Ladder http://vvvvw.forbes.com/sites/ohnwasi k/2016/02/05/the-best-cities-to-climb-the- eco n o m is-I ad d er/#58d 5534a50fd FEB 5,2016 @ 07:52 AM 2,136 VIEWS The Best Cities To Climb The Economic Ladder 0 John Wasik CONTRIBUTOR The Debt-Free Degree: An eBook From Forbes A diploma without debt is well within your reach. Strategize a plan to defeat student loans now. With a slowing global economy becoming a painful reality, it's harder than ever to climb the economic ladder. Yet where you live makes a big difference. Such is the finding of a robust body of research led by Harvard and Stanford economist Raj Chetty, who may be to economics what Facebook's FB +0.05% Mark Zuckerberg is to social media. As the public face of the "Equality of Opportunity Project," which asks some fundamental questions about economic inequality, he and his team have done some groundbreaking research. Whenever the question of inequality comes up, most policymakers are flummoxed. Why do some people prosper while others flounder and seem doomed to be struggling to stay in the middle class? Why do some Americans get mired in student debt and not move ahead while others get a great education and climb the economic ladder? The answers are beginning to emerge, thanks to Chetty's team. While Chetty's "Equality" presentation looks at some causes of inequality, it's not a complete suite of solutions, although some great ideas are proposed (more on that later). After seeing Chetty speak at the Chicago Humanities Festival recently, I was converted to his worldview that big data can give us some insights into this universal problem. Analyzing millions of tax and income records from throughout the U.S., Chetty's team found that where you live had a great impact on how well you did in economic terms. They looked at how likely a child was likely to go from the bottom rung to the top tier of the income ladder in most American cities. While this piece of research doesn't exactly tell you why you had a better shot at success in certain places, it led to some important inferences. Recommended by Forbes MOST POPULAR Certain cities present greater economic opportunities because they have robust business climates — they offer jobs and favor entrepreneurs. They also have decent public education and solid foundations for families. What does that mean? The combination of two-parent families, decent public schools, job growth and a healthy economic climate swing the odds in your favor that you can rise above the lowest economic level of American life. So here's the short list of upwardly mobile cities: Dubuque, Iowa. San Jose, California. Washington, DC How do these cities compare to the largest American cities? The U.S. average for people getting ahead (from bottom to top of the income scale) is 7.5%. In Dubuque or San Jose, the range is 18% to 13%, according to Chetty. Down the scale, Chicago is 6.5% and Memphis is 2.6%. Near the bottom is Atlanta and Baltimore. In relative terms, your odds of success are nearly triple in Dubuque vs. Chicago and nearly eight times better in the Iowa town than Memphis. Although we don't yet know for sure, we know in a general way that San Jose is more innovative than Memphis, mostly due to its proximity to Silicon Valley. The Northern California mecca attracts lots of brilliant, creative and innovative people who want to make money and create jobs. It's also a diverse mix of people from all over the world. They want to go places, do things and get rich in the process. Many of them do quite well. It's part of the culture. Memphis, where the Mississippi Delta region begins, is doing its best to rise above the slump of one of the poorest regions in the country. Like a lot of older cities, it wants to attract new businesses and entrepreneurs. It would love to have a Stanford University nearby and point to a place like Silicon Valley, where innovation seems to be in the water. Policymakers would do well to duplicate what's happening in places like Salt Lake City,Utah; Snohomish County, Washington; Bucks County, Penn.; and Fairfax County, Virginia; which also were at the top of Chetty's list? Of course, if you had a young family — and were thinking of moving — these would be good places to go to find the right climate for your childrens' economic success. But the story of economic mobility doesn't stop at where you live. It has to do with what communities are doing to succeed in a holistic way. Here's what most of these areas had in common: 1) A high amount of diversity/low amount of segregation. The most segregated cities (Atlanta, Chicago, Baltimore, et al), had the lowest amount of economic mobility. High-paying jobs need to be where lower/middle-income people can afford to live. Chetty and his team found that the most sprawling cities such as Atlanta isolated those who needed to make more money from where they needed to go to find better-paying jobs. That's why cities like Boston and San Francisco, which are relatively compact, may offer more opportunities. Although income inequality can be quite divergent in compact cities, the odds of being closer to a decent-paying job — or people that hold them — are much better in the less-sprawling areas. 2) Family Structure This is usually a slam-dunk in socio-economic research. Families with single parents generally don't do as well as two-parent households. Children from those families have a much tougher time ascending the economic ladder because their parents are often struggling and can't support them. Places where there are two-parent/married households add a degree of financial stability. "There something about this kind of community that contributes to a child's success," notes Chetty. 3) Social Capital is Important This may one of the most-difficult things to measure, although it plays a key part in which makes a community successful. Social capital is about civic engagement where the local culture promotes people engaged in bolstering the community. Chetty cites the classic study "Bowling Alone" by Harvard sociologist Robert Putnam, who discovered that the strongest communities had a large number of organizations involved in social engagement (like bowling). Successful communities not only have good schools, they have parents who want to make them even better. They have good governance, non-profit activity and care about creating decent- paying jobs (the San Francisco Bay Area is in the forefront in creating a " living" wage). They build libraries, parks and want to green their cities by making them more energy efficient. If you want to see social capital at work, go to Dubuque, Iowa. It's nowhere near an ocean or major population center, but it's the San Francisco of the Midwest, not only because of its hilly terrain (yes, in Iowa), but it's progress in creating a technology-based jobs culture and livable city. Most people have an average 15- minute commute and the city has won numerous awards for its civic engagement. It's also much more affordable than Boston, San Jose or Seattle. How do you roll all of these factors into one gauge of economic success? I'm not sure that anyone has done it yet, although Chetty's team has come close. I would put education at the top of the list. How many people in an area have college or graduate degrees? How is the job growth or unemployment relative to the state or country? How do the high schools rate? How many new businesses are being created? How long does the average person spend commuting? How well are teachers paid (hint: better, well- compensated teachers make a difference)? While's there no single scale that measures all of this, you may have to compile all of this on your own, especially if you have a choice on relocating. What you're looking for is a culture of compassionate capitalism, one that lifts all boats. Without it, few get ahead and far too many fall behind. John Wasik is the author of"The Debt-Free Degree, " "Keynes's Way to Wealth"and 13 other books. He writes and speaks about money across the globe. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.