Work Session_U.S. EPA Semi Annual Consent Decree Update Copyright 2014 City of Dubuque Work Session # 1. ITEM TITLE: 5:30 PM- U.S. EPA Semi Annual Consent Decree Update SUMMARY: City Council will conduct the semi-annual work session with Engineering staff related to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Consent Decree. SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type US EPA Semi Annual Consent Decree Work Session- City Manager Memo MVM Memo Staff Memo Staff Memo Work Session Outline Supporting Documentation THE CITY OF Dubuque UBE I erica .i Masterpiece on the Mississippi 2007-2012-2013 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager SUBJECT: U.S. EPA Semi Annual Consent Decree Work Session DATE: March 17, 2016 City Engineer Gus Psihoyos is transmitting material for the U.S. EPA Semi-Annual Consent Decree Work Session. // ij� k�4 ALiz�� Mic ael C. Van Milligen MCVM:jh Attachment cc: Barry Lindahl, City Attorney Cindy Steinhauser, Assistant City Manager Teri Goodmann, Assistant City Manager Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer THE CITY OF ;� Dubuque DUB bE Wn�erieaCit�Y 1 � �I Masterpiece on the Mississippi 2.00"•2012.20!3 TO: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager FROM: Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer DATE: March 17, 2016 RE: City of Dubuque, U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and Iowa Department of Natural Resources (Iowa DNR) Consent Decree Update City Council Work Session Materials INTRODUCTION The purpose of this memorandum is to provide materials for the City Council Work Session scheduled for March 21, 2016 which will include an update on activities completed by the City as required by the Consent Decree. BACKGROUND The City of Dubuque, Iowa is under a Consent Decree according to Case 2:11-cv- 01001-EJM, United States of America and the State of Iowa v. the City of Dubuque, IA (N.D. Iowa), Civil Action Number 2008V00041, DOJ Case Number 90-5-1-1-09339, the agreement went into effect June 27, 2011. Following a complaint against the City of Dubuque for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act filed on April 25, 2011, by the United States of America through the authority of the Attorney General of the U.S acting on behalf of the Administrator of the USEPA and the State of Iowa. The parties in good faith negotiated a Consent Decree. The purpose of the Consent Decree is for the City to take all necessary measures to achieve full compliance with the Clean Water Act, the Iowa water pollution control laws, and the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, with goal of eliminating all Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs). The Consent Decree clearly identifies the process by the City shall perform remedial measures through reporting and corrective action plans; and a schedule with which engineering analyses are to be completed. Also included in the Consent Decree is a defined time frame during which the City shall demonstrate for one year that all SSOs caused by insufficient capacity of the Sewer Collection System and bypasses have been eliminated, barring any SSOs or bypasses caused by server natural conditions such as widespread flooding or an event triggering a declaration of disaster. The one year is defined as following completion of remedial measures as required by Section V of the Consent Decree, to which states no later than June 30, 2016. TACONSENT DECREE\City Council Work Session 2016\Work Session Material Memo.docx DISCUSSION Section V of the Consent Decree details remedial measures and schedules, including upgrades and improvements to the Water Pollution Control Plant (a.k.a Water & Resource Recovery Center), the sanitary sewer collection system, development of a Collection System Management, Operation and Maintenance (CMOM) Program and completion of a Supplemental Environmental Project. Construction upgrades to the Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) are a compliance requirement of the Consent Decree. Prior to 2011, the City Council listed the Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) as one of its high priorities. City staff subsequently applied for a State Revolving Fund (SRF) planning and design loan during the summer of 2006, and plant upgrades were placed on the DNR Intended Use Plan schedule. Following public hearings and bidding requirements, the Facility Plan was developed and approved by DNR. The facility's name was also changed to the Water & Resource Recovery Center (W&RRC) at that time. In October 2008, the team of Strand Associates and IIW Engineers was approved by the City Council to proceed with the design of the W&RRC upgrades, and the City Council approved a contract, and the notice to proceed was issued August 19, 2010. The W&RRC has been fully operational since August 2013, well ahead of the compliance date set by the Consent Decree. A further remedial measure at the WPCP (W&RRC) is to prevent excessive0 accumulation of biosolids. In February 2013, the City installed new solids handling equipment (two centrifuges), and entered into a contract with Nutri-Jet Systems of Hudson, Iowa to manage the bio-solids, thereby preventing accumulation of bio-solids at the W&RRC. Construction upgrades to the sewer collection system are also identified in the Consent Decree including the capture of SSOs on Key Way Drive; this was accomplished by reconstructing the Catfish Creek North Fork interceptor sewer from University Avenue, through the John F. Kennedy Road and Pennsylvania Avenue intersection, through Key Way Drive west across Rosemont Street and ending at the NW Arterial. The existing 12" VCP was replaced with 24" and 18" DIP. Many sources of I & I were encountered and eliminated. All work was performed in 2009 and 2010. The City is also required to perform engineering analysis of five sewersheds. The analysis includes, isolation flow metering to determine areas of ground or storm water inflow and infiltration (I&I) and other I&I detection methods such as manhole inspections, sewer televising, smoke testing, dye testing, and home inspections. Following the analysis, the City prepared and submitted a Corrective Action Plan to the USEPA, USDOJ and Iowa DNR for approval, for each Sewershed outlining private and public improvements necessary to reduce sources of I&I. The City each year has invested approximately $1.5 to $21VI since 2011 in reducing sources of I&I through its Capital Improvement Program. The City of Dubuque's Capacity, Management, Operation and Maintenance Plan (CMOM) provides a summary of the City's policies, procedures, practices, and responsibilities associated with its sanitary sewer collection system. It is the blueprint for the City's managers and field workers to better manage, operate, and maintain TACONSENT DECREE\City Council Work Session 2016\Work Session Material Memo.docx Dubuque's sanitary sewer collection system, investigate capacity-constrained areas, prevent SSOs, respond to SSOs that may occur, and plan for future system expansion. The EPA approved the City of Dubuque's CMOM plan on June 4, 2012, which was implemented within the required two months following approval. The City's Fats, Oils, and Grease Program while administered under the City's Industrial Pretreatment Program is covered by CMOM. In October 2013, the City submitted a final completion report on the Consent Decree's required Supplemental Environmental Project. Section X of the Consent Decree requires the City of Dubuque to implement a Supplemental Engineering Project (SEP), which has the objective of securing significant environmental or public health protection and improvements. Under the SEP, the City agreed to reconstruct four (4) alleys using permeable interlocking pavers set to be completed no later than December 31, 2014. The project was completed ahead of schedule and complements the City's growing and successful green-alley storm water management system. The work session on Monday, March 21St will highlight many of the projects described above and the efforts of the City as we look to continue our ongoing dialogue with the USDOJ, the USEPA, and the IowaDNR toward our goal of eliminating sanitary sewer overflows and compliance with the Clean Water Act. REQUESTED ACTION No action is required. This memo is for information purposes only. cc: Barry Lindahl, City Attorney William O'Brien, Acting Plant Manager, WRRC Don Vogt, Public Works Manager John Klostermann, Street and Sewer Maintenance Supe4rvisor Deron Muehring, Civil Engineer Steve Sampson Brown, Project Manager Denise Ihrig, Environmental Engineer TACONSENT DECREE\City Council Work Session 2016\Work Session Material Memo.docx THE CITY OF Dubuque Engineering Department AllAll'Amii ei Ci Hall DUBgkE 1i �' 13th Street W.13 Street Masterpiece on the Mississippi2007•2012•2013 Dubuque,Iowa 52001 563.589.4270 563.589.4205 (fax) www.cityofdubuque.org City of Dubuque, U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and Iowa Department of Natural Resources (Iowa DNR) Consent Decree Update Presentation to City Council March 21, 2016 Outline 1. History of the Consent Decree a. Alleged violations of the Clean Water Act b. Applicability c. Purpose of the Consent Decree 2. Defining Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) a. What causes Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) b. SSO Trends? c. Reporting Requirements 3. Collection System Capacity, Management, Operation, and Maintenance (CMOM) Program a. Sanitary Sewer Inspection and Cleaning b. Immediate Response to SSOs c. Fats, Oils and Grease d. Continuous Prioritization of the Collection System 4. Identified Remedial Measures (Corrections & Upgrades) a. Water Pollution Control Plant transitions to a Water& Resource Recovery Center b. Sanitary Sewer Collection System Upgrades i. Capturing Key Way Drive Sanitary Sewer Overflows ii. Upgrading the North Fork Catfish Creek Interceptor Sewer c. Supplemental Environmental Project i. Four Green Alleys, One Message 5. Corrective Actions identified through Inflow& Infiltration Source Detection a. Identifying the Sewersheds b. Private Property Source Detection methods c. Public Property Source Detection methods d. Putting the `Correction Action Plans' into Action e. Success with more to come 6. What's Next? a. Continued commitment of the City to make Capital Investments b. Completion Date Extension Request: June 30, 2016 7. Discussion/Questions? TACONSENT DECREE\City Council Work Session 2016\Work Session Outline March 2016.doc lir "1" s: =Or'A .. ` r,7VS11A1 .'APIi• a r..�• �; ��- .f+`' iY ''e� .. -" , •i�r..w-_-til,..,,, __..t.,___..._- __:•__..a_ _ .. - l.Y'. _ 3. • -► ,t.r�' !. `d - r -1'....'',1 \ ''k - � gym` At% •• s �," - "F •a Tr rff A -t,l�]i,'410 r ••'• li r. r 1 •1y v r <t .. City a of Dubuque USEPA, USDOJ, & Iowa DNR Consent Decree THE CITY OF City Council Work Session DUB E 5:30pm on March 21, 2016 Masterpiece on the Mississippi Work Session Outline • History • Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) • Capacity, Management, Operation, & Maintenance (CMOM ) Program • Remedial Measures (Corrections & Upgrades) • Corrective Actions Identified through Source Detection • What's Next 33JD3 IN3SNOD 3HI 10 A ,�10 y, w hy4 S3D11(1OS311 1V'I111VN 3O IN3W121Vd34 o '�y 2 y p zddzsszSSW aqj uo aaazd ca4stiWcid VAA 0 -I a (L11 `L X11 1 r=� Iisnf tLNawixvaaa 30 AIID �H I saivis aaLINfl 3H1. Ja1E05 y,„ (**,...) the Clean Water Act INO�f • The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters. ( 1972) • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES) Permit ,EDsr4), (:*) the Clean Water Act cont 'd .„,0 Alleged Violations of Clean Water Act $ 23 Million Fine Or Consent Decree 5 o r CONSENT DECREE - Applicability .o Tq�PRO1F'� In 2011, the City of Dubuque entered into a Consent Decree with the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the State of Iowa. The Decree is applicable to: The City and its Officers, Directors, Employees, Agents, Servants, Successors, Assigns, and All Persons, Firms and Corporations under contract to perform work under this Consent Decree... If[E CITY L)I' ` DUB S E MtastL'rpiece on the Mississippi 5 o r CONSENT DECREE - Purpose� r'4(PROSF'G The Decree's Purpose is for the City to: Take aII necessary measures to achieve full compliance with • The Clean Water Act, • The Iowa water pollution control laws, and • The City's NPDES Permit Goal of eliminating all Sanitary Sewer Overflows . if[E CITY 01 ` DUB S E Masterpiece on the Mississippi • w • ' /• ' �. 1 1. 1 ( • , tit l it • r , Lc) • • \ ' , •: y N• ,, to 1 , :..,„,r ' `� 11. ' I ' hi 41 ,okt ,f I - i 61 " • ' l' % • Of°IP% AW . it, e .. tf , *.,'''' , . N. - CIC W W v) Co „et:4 .1 oc Z W a , cola What Causes Sanitary Sewer . ..,. , Overflows ? - t. --: • 1 .unix -- Rain Derived Inflow and yr,.� _� Infiltration I&I : 15 (20%) ` `` . — Water Main Breaks: 14 (19%) "_ ' -- — Pipe Failure. 12 (16%) 7 . — Roots: 14 (19%) �" _;r. Photo by — Grease: 10 (13°/0) ' �� - http:/Jwww.gcdcwws.com/images/cont • w entlma es ima e GreaseOverFlow. ? �� �; f � `�- � g /� g / J pg — Debris: 7 (9%) .`yf ,,►'- • , _4 . :.' *Of 4% 4;_. 'e • '4k.\ . #1.4ar.44 • — Other: 3 (4%) • •' 'R--y-..., ' J'. A.•,a , Photo By U.S.Environmental Protection Agency-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Boston, MA. "Eliminating Sanitary Sewer Overflows in New England.", Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6002489 Reporting SSOs • Verbal Report within 12 Hours • Written Report — Detailing the Cause of the Overflow — Duration — What measures the City took to stop the overflow — Measures to mitigate/prevent from reoccurrence - -;i /VII Illy, 1.• * \i 7 ;4k i ., .0 tj 4 1 iloil . fiA Strategic Approach �Y ' CAPACITY, MANAGEMENT, OPERATIONS, AND MAINTENANCE ( CMOM ) CMOM and Consent Decree • CMOM Program is required under the Consent Decree • A 'living and go to' document • Implemented August 2012, following EPA approval _„. ,, . . . al 1 ' i. µ,, -. ...01and �t ,,,,-. . ,. 1 ' .• • �� Maintenance �, f v( + ti o ,,, , f • JI ?j ,�• — ° ` ; • Public Works GravitySystem i . ,. .... ‘ . .J ,p4r,�, v ��• r �: jy' f' • SO, 2015: Inspection and CleaningAd. �� � '� ;1 ; .� i approx. 175 Miles /,,,,,. Contracted Maintenance .; SSO Response 1 I ti-,ii.ifir! �,' 4-2.l...i•-,' . ' • W&RRC — Pressure System 1 , '_. ' - � ,i. 'S -%,•- ,,,1i' ''i'i'i•,I, )....?,'f-{-„.:0'i'1ii‘.V-__•_,k•eP-..,0:z1‘ie'.'4-A.,:' :1--".7:.r_:.,_."',.,.:'‘-;1„,.j.-..).-7' • — ° ,. �4j ''ll Force Mains 't .V ;y, ;_. „`4 :1 ..v' — Lift Stations : Engineering . .• , . ''i ,e .: : d.- ., ..,' , — Capital Improvements .� • ; : . ; . ". -, Contracted Maintenance & - - �,,, Repairs 0 (ID - o, . . moot : . LL . le .,',1. co 1 = :. CDf i(ID i'1 .17 ., . t4, r. I% I 7 . - '7r . .. .. g ! 1 . . . , :. ..„.. ./ ... � rA ►? r ! . ` *� . e � / ,� • • *_ r. . � 0 , .. . , , ... 1 .. 6 . . - r 0 _ . ,, , ii. l ..• ml ) #' • ro i ,, , di -..� , , • LL ,' • • !� '� •• ..r.1 ' P 2 • ,ti 1 ' •• * . ... . . • b; • ., .. , o 2 U F.O.G . Program • FOG Program approved by City Council June 2014. • Held Three (3) Public A;., ;t, = Meetings throughout _ ■ N --ise )11-F October, November, & i A��-,* _ f S December 2014. c ,; =-_� j • Three Permit issuance cycles 2015 through 2016. - Pia.-b..IIMINIIILe 1 • Permits Issued Annually - - �_, $100 Fee. • Penalties and fines k ,�t,S, . fry :;YF'_i + I supported by Ordinance O La) O Q cn _CD a) U_ O I V �> 0 a- a) U LO 03 U Oi O Li) m -0 ,Z N U •ti, CD s7 N ,c (0 0 O o O a •E_ E -0 c a) Lrl /� cn • (3 a) 0 �` _ rl .1.) U -0 a) LO E Q) 2 c N a) c L O n +' N 0:1 -0 I1) i = 1- a) 0 N 0 • — a) 0 . a) a) c J• a) a Q 03 (0 N C hA •C s_ D O to w •- a) E O Q) O E a) L a- a) C 0- n3 C • (0 a) C Q a) c a) -' a) +' a) a) co i- a) 1 '0 - O E I -a DX) -ow .2 -c v Ln w N O a) O a) E V) a) _a D - 0- ••- 130 •- E +, _a 0 a) _a RI c W U � U N C/) N U E W U .c -1_-_ •C13 • • • • • _. F.0 -i.. T. (ID . 0 t. Ad" ,,- +1 l _. . . . . _ . iii II t'll' il 40.0.4001 1 • ,lui.• :,:der. iiia i , niiiiir►. Capacity and Management • Evaluate Capacity — Sanitary Sewer System Master Planning - - 11100 Capacity Assessments 1411Ntlltop r %' — Flow Metering and I&I Reduction • City Wide • I&I Source Detection 1111 — Capital Improvements I , �� — Budget Capacity and Management • Management — Policies and Ordinance — Programs: F.O.G., Education and Training, Safety — Geographical Information System (GIS) — SUDAS: Engineering Design Standards and Specifications Consent Decree Compliance IDENTIFIED REMEDIAL MEASURES Identified Corrective Actions • Water Pollution Control Plant becomes the _ Water & Resource Recovery Center . _ , .... . . , -4,,.... ..400. ._. . . , j 0.1111_ _ I , t ., ------TD"us-77E---414 ___ . .:_,.. , • _ ___ -. . .._ \\ \TER&RESOURCE , . iiiiti iliiii:, WV -', RECOVERY ji _ (I \TER -, • I''' ! 1 - ' ' 1:31!I 1 HI .., 11.1 4-772-:'11 7 ,--.4'r,-4-' NW. , Yk. 11 _! •44 __.. Identified Corrective Actions Cont'd • Capturing Key Way Drive SSOs: the North Fork Catfish Creek Interceptor Sewer • Supplemental Environmental Project — Green Alleys SEP - 4 s Green Alle1 MessageY � . . . . . • _ ____ _ • ilei t.-) ;.`1 111� L� ►; ►Z COMM 07 11 01\1 1.111 I H 11 .`1 ., ;\`1 MF Of-10E,; 1 N i' !k.,110Vii , I AVO 1 til/,-1 V, 01 TY OF it 1.1 l 11011 101N,1, i;1V-ii‘1 1 fl A1, OF i►1 0,3, '11/J1C' 1 ;1 zMi.11_ T!E-7 11 ' 'L. ROf V .lMfl T11 TA ti OF • 10117A t1M4.--,► T1 & L,FIN \i , A i :*s CORRECTIVE ACTIONS : I & I SOURCE DETECTION Consent Decree Sewersheds .... _ _ ewers cisTo Be inspected ii—A— 'KENNEDY RD 7 RBYtGRANGE - • 1101111 Lia•ERIVAVE ! Whiptc or s .. s's . <(` ,..);f., Sewers-~, • -al) ittr .,.6c c: S-Wel S I le c f 5 c> at- 1 6-ii4144,11!"9"" -1-77 . _ ....,- e - . - .f-49' 8 \ cr i____., 5.s_iv___ (.:„...\ -VG- cz ,,,,,,,Gt'' -c<"-4t, ,......w:a.514. .,..,:.‘... cromo•- 4-, i 6 ....----- _ • 2 -110, Sewers heel 7 .,.. ,e - " 0.- --- v ..., KAUFMANN AVE --Vr" — , rako e et ST-•--..._%.. 1. 4 r-, II. . .4. .4,.. K ' :..P.: . .. LOWU_A7 ..: - „- .‘'4- .3 ' 1? QS' --T ST • . 7 OR .. r9, .-- r v' 1 . ... '''' 1' •`. , 7= GC T., x. g r. CI • FAIRWAY OR HILLCREST Ra, 21 SUMMYVLEW: -0-•'-?, -..::\ ,. --- 73.4 g '-. ;c- • , . .7 - . < - t— .-,-.1-. i-i•Lviliki tit I ANOANE R IA ' , ', PENN YLVANIA AVE _:.• SI 0' ' .-, ,kA-% ..- : .: g i sh2 4 S 44. .01., vosT„.;', ...A.E , , ,.,.,'.- i!' - - r HAVEN. LE RO a 7 m •- i as 1 holik 4:. .! 00 GE ST es> 111111ALL.—.111W. ..-... -c, .. Private & Public Property l & l Source Detection Methods • Smoke Testing • Dye Testing • Physical Inspection � 7 • Closed Circuit .&$ Televising • * Rainfall Simulation is f • ‘ lam' .1:..e;:i ',•ry _ i. it.4, '; 'Tlk•t,.• ,., AIIP PUTTING THE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLANS INTO ACTION : PRIVATE & PUBLIC Private Property I & Source Detection Summary . . • • • . . . . Overall Consent Decree Fail Inspections Fail(No Corrective Appointments Failed% Reinspection Pass Reinspected% Total Percentage Action Taken) Exterior stairwell 0 5 11.4% 28 7.2% 33 7.7% Roof drain to sanitary 0 2 4.5% 47 12.1% 49 11.4% Flex hose used 0 16 36.4% 142 36.7% 158 36.7% Driveway Drain 0 1 2.3% 9 2.3% 10 2.3% Sump pump to sanitary 0 16 36.4% 115 29.7% 131 30.4% Clean out broken 0 0 0.0% 5 1.3% 5 1.2% Pit no pump 0 0 0.0% 17 4.4% 17 3.9% Yard drain 0 3 6.8% 14 3.6% 17 3.9% Downspouts 0 1 2.3% 5 1.3% 6 1.4% Seepage collection 0 0 0.0% 5 1.3% 5 1.2% Total 0 44 100.0% 387 100.0% 431 100.0% Sewershed 5 Improvements ..,. I7us E Sezvershed 5 DAGIS;� 2014Y^^o,rn3r,. ,.. sanitarySrw.•r lrrr rrur<rrcr!y Visu Sewer Clean &.Seal installed Cured—in- Z h °e- �e`; o` 4, . m 0•J '' Ir,�„ta :{: <y OLYMPIC Place-Pipe lining throughout the detention �� eye° m , ,`2 0 10,,,,F PL HTS basin area. .0t-03to: o , vt.a:`: c art' EccttFF ® i 2015 h"l _ t' lev BR,� ,'.:• ,t• 1 7'W3 `t•1l,L310 5 r ,::,t,' ° j: 0 W32ND 13 Manholes throughout the detention basin ::t: wr� .•010 y, i�: w''" PLAZA a4, 0o, :yd�, '2, •. i ij t: ( W O area were rehabilitated or repaired to reduce DRP ogzo • '"'� r,. LN 3 0 0 direct inflow and infiltration. �'� ® i.'" " :D1? Yet `'`:1r i A G v :,RLEST 'NO 54:54, $1,15 : V44441.4 x 2 i.0 ,� e;C° �°•j[ CIPP Lining•Completed I1.r.;a•f�,v , •;x 4 = i. 2015/2016 - op, O '• �+i$p,'n'��v Z.i. . YRx•'Ikxi$f, CODREZ 2 YeR5 KnNE A second CIPP lining project is scheduled „ o = v : , :1C'f-f NEST A E• Ar- :1[� ► v •7Fr...4• •SR 3 KA downstream of the detention basin which +4e 0 9 e•,:',,T nm. _ :r,:x: �ti DALpRA p Z C! O sT . n KAUFMANN follows the Bee Branch Creek. Additional lining P Z o . ,..;� R„„„, ,,i,„it,,,,Manholesin ,,) •;ice • • rkKANE O�IJ'� z vAve LU Carter Road Detention Basin 9 la??.. is scheduled upstream this work is to make oP �' ` '' LORI �o PE structural repairs. zw w r`:,' ';V .y.i ..y 'y . *.• <., tr: ,I .:g' ' :,,,t,.0 t,.0 s�i 0.0.N J I- ASBURY y ix .R�'f1F ;; ..;� + a:. , A D R % C0 N i„ ASBURY RD q ASBURY RD RD ASBURY RI 4(4v=cc 'h�}h• •'• FMANN AVF. m '!�' W x n NPM :Yr .40,.,x: .4.,Y•E 4F c sQEN I Estimated 1&I Reduction A o n OGIRGI.E,0,,(°t'4 G' .J , ,.. '-lk 0 ke ,g:g~9 q m Q P pK OSA CT a R ---4:*rt'1@•4x` '-tg':lt:4. 0,:t`' t 1' The 2014 and 2015 �� kxn a * `' ``� � __ 6•A” %E Af WEST oy KP �s @ 4',, t•: rQ� r Q4?Pad �4 improvements resulted in a 1.5- « ; WAY A �,iIv �.,•, , ��° 2.0 MGD reduction during a 1-2 mea " KnDP�N,mu hw a b „„.a�,a;"; °4� 1 inch=1,500 feet ^e n Di^ �...,.�.,....,..,.•••.,w W E Enamoring a oro.inn 6DWu&,3'.h 2001 inch rain event. Proposed lining dt �C :: na::: � o„DD9,re,1 g2�Dt BOD 309 0 800 1,200 ,,800 2,400-cut Phoro(663)689.4270 m� ;tae. >W .. ..>� I is anticipated to reduce I&I by an S F^.t663)689442D6 additional 0.5MGD. Sewershed 5 .. . . _��t� 20 14 `i _ SANS0014892`" le,- 04E94'Y __t f Ar.. ,. _...„-...,..._,A. ... . . ,:.:. ... ..,...74.,._ .„- ,....,,fit..-....„,,,. . 1 ...,.:„,..„. -,...„..,r, .....::......,: , �T<Iiirof.„:•fdr,. ir.i-7.-,57. .,..,.. :._. . ,,,F4ii 45 W 32nd ' April 14 2014 Storm with Rain Flow Rate(0.818 mgd):3.11 Rainfall(3.010 in):0.08 Flow Rate(0.525 mgd):0.54 3-- - y 2 0.15- 0.10- 0.05 I , NSI Vii, I i i . "g o.e SIJ Y 0.4 ,J i i ' ,\ A' J 12 Sat 13 Sun 14 Mon 15 Tun 18 Wed 17 Thu 18 Fri Apr 2014 4/11/2014 12:00:00 AM-4/18/2014 12:00:00 AM Sewershed 5 _ r t•-t.- .. .SAN' _ ^�_.r -- _.,... ._. . SnNs 2015 -T-4-;:t.SA N.1 S. f>>,-7:.C14893 EFS U. 041391 y t i '11`. '' .44 r 4 45 W 32nd -_ „,: -, 6 / April`l?ol. Storm with rain Flow Rate(0.126 mgd):1.29 Rainfall(2.030 in): Flow Rate(0.263 mgd):0.37 1.0 -P0.5 i h 0.8 0.8 - G 0.4 0.2 0 1_ _ e i A a a_,._ 0.6 0.5 i v 0.4 I(I E0.3 I{V' l\ItIVII\ 0.2 L !, J ( . T I , , S 8 Wed 9 Thu 10 Fri 11 Sat 12 un 13 Mon 14 Tue Apr 2015 4/7/2015 12:00:00 AM-4/14/2015 12:00:00 AM Sewershed 7 Improvements and Source Detection Sewershed 7 is divided into two distinct areas with a common DUB JE Sewershed 7A I&I Source Detection DAGIS 'high-point'. �ra.frrpleveen theM cadge.a manhole located at a high-point . As F LINK Rn�lace/Rehablllfete 21 Manholes for 7A8B �$ 1 ��� sr such, each section of the sewershed m 5 51 is monitored independently, known p'9 Pr _s Ao �y ��NQ ,1.• yis °°5` mN as7Aand 7B. �r y ��c NV '"�` ° s 1 N b t° NAPCEwOp�Cr N)�ry�S N� r o N,0,, CLI s, fJ r� / Oc, qry1 Flowmeter 7A o 3 1G1y Sr eG'Qqtr +,. . "y yiz 9-P z HENNEPIN o O EAGLE r,O KEOKUK CT ,p(:::1`0+ Nti Ipo ...(04. . _.,,,--„, . y 0, ,i ,n c 7A Source Detection. On going. @.,°`a °2y�Fo ,, � ' z,�'�s� -901, 4'..4. ��1�51 '•,,. '2.4 a'Esst D -V 0- �G,f, :?k,.'�'_ y +. �y .56 V- a Z y MERZ,.ti Possible large source in the area of �� 'rr''� '440 `�' •. °Z 4 m V2.• r Si -o HERKLEY PL � w "' �~ ��'� .•``‘..n sT 'may � v � b�v MERZ S � Broadway, Diagonal and Central KSNE Engineering Survey for Highpoint manhole arca in 7A _ 0 ��� X51 v 2C� ��o� mA NSt py -'wo rn 6 �'.E o a 1 i D(5O 1, Avenue. ° V Ao f;� 4i,Q `- 1 E Z No 51H`� o E �j. Q �y �h 92 �� )1. V5 ( E� Fln. ,leteI 10-23 \ v . 1a S y�sC•'''''C•''''' p" oe� \ib •.' i % - Ev..c"S ''oS. ,' PNOs1nA ,XtP oos S o °-,'S.0 , G �Anticipated I&I Reduction , U MN {t 01.Hloinl mznlc # N t� ST�i ° AQQJ µAUfAE 78 5 �e 01,,,, ,� i Ike.444,.. Qv E �'� 9Flowmeter'0-2A o0Approximately 1.0 MGD ciR1E. -, C _' as N o ' ik,r0,0 R 4o 0� ffNSduring a 1-2 inch rain, more 0 �yOmG � 3Jh F• � N,,,, ,4:44:6)?/4‘9). '7 �A` ERFSl ' 'y YN � ' + Z' ' S'(._ �t'Ts� 04 , . v K }HS .. x.SEWARDS7 LNN/rgUFM .3 44 I:5°5 ''r4vf ,FoyNeler 78 �sTF`w ' �durin more intense rains. oCo PRE+, PSANN NSGP�P, n ° N Map Pooyalaa by: neo of Dubuque 11 inch=750 feet W+E ea9 n 9 Da e 50 West 13th Stasi Dt •iq ,I[ 53001 300150 0 300 500 903 1.200 Feet Phnnn(563)509.4270 .,.,......m.. ....�....,,..ar..�rw.a s Fm:(563)509,1205 4 Sewershed 7 ~ —.�.�..-c.”-.2-= '..w414.1. ,� Improvements and Source Detection ,:o r - 7B- improvements 11-111 DUB JE Sewershed 7B w __.,.„ ,, j l: 2014 e,; ;—. •,„* Visu—Sewer Clean&Seal completed Cured- H,,,_,cc,Vdch'nilit,.0 21 Manholes rur7A&B gym s o1, ;`: ' n� , .... . .. ...,.., ,.,, e- .... In Place Pipe Lining. Identified new project: -7 sT o'r a .-A Hempstead Street SanitarySewer p A N a KA Replacement. 4q KAuFJE�— _ UF'HQNN b0 z c`,- �''�as ANN A/ ��iL aFv.- , .,,mrtra for,I: N .nr -PO 4L4`14* KAU PVE 0,551 (nti Q;) '60---t 5 `� Py 2015 v92o Flowmeter C SFr V.,•0 h� 400 Kaufmann 31� YA r Lowell Street Sanitary Sewer was Qom,'„ Kc ® �a p 1 owmeteraczzzscentra reconstructed.Two laterals are scheduled for G,� ,°'�s l �` 0 g W �� . G� C.x /r'4L,e4f y Q ?i Y �v r repair. Q 88F RESp� 4' 2' s :8 a m z `, 1,� WARO ST at `zo' al i.��, CIPP Linir ' y� c, O1 NHAM .go piR fr•�NAPfER r Cl y _ \ OF-, m '"''^ �Y 2016 r 9To 2 di', �y�r; "" ..y(g,. s �] KA Ave f' 9Y m Y •t le OR j e O a �© 'fd CIPP Lininct ,�,n y Twenty one manholes are under contract for F2 �S car® ° CTCE Lo L C W '2 m ��_ �N replacement/rehabilitation. Heeb Street a ct °g° • ,, Sanitary Sewer scheduled for replacement. a s • • .,; - 4,:::°_ )X`a:t' `�5�� W s� 3 e20SH $ Lowell St.reconstruct = o C 1 Projected I&I Reduction 0 �`A` sit o m 2014 and 2015 improvements 1 ALMOND m m�N�m are estimated at a 0.5MGD .t "� m X40 wO`y W L occas ANT SS u., PLAN T�if° o42y T,..7-",,t, reduction in I&I. Projected � ... ¢ Ou ..:1 ., ,ijH5 0y .�y r improvements are anticipated y_ moo) ar � ,s°sj"' .0 sl 2.9 to have a further 1.0 MGD ' Prop , i�y reduction during a 1-2 inch rain Clylo D..b...-` � � � N MnOpProp:ErqInaabl DH's. , VV--4----E BO wool lath Sho." event. .... Dubuque,'Owe 8200, Phone:(583)881-1110 5 F.:(183)881-1905 Sewershed 10 Improvements and Source Detection Du Sewershed 10 Flow Meter Locations DAGIS Mow Sewershed 10 is unique. It «~ Rar al e tieuershed•:5,6and 7 II • 4 • is the only Consent Decree \•... '` �•` ' ' Sewershed directly under °�-- '..4,�' `_ '` ¢`� Jy t �r Sewershed 08 ibw bleier F \ (• rn1 .. • y f. the influence of upstream Gen G Mai 12"rasa \ 1.,Sewoishod 6A Flow Mwn `i 3 _,` % .1Y '9,1401196.' San S 00379 15"Plpc L1 _ �, 5.., '� t Sewersheds. it • �' d' I+ sowolenoa GC Flow Meter \ •• / F f..-. \ 1'� AsnS WAR),'P.n , H \ � • , \ .r.u; .. SFlow Meter ,7.0 '._.x...1 :1 .. «. . . _ k„, ',//•1 i, . 855604796 2 62 Pipe •t, 4�,• .\t 4 . -i .4 i e , r.� r. To understand the flow • ` . e behavior of Sewershed 10 , 'ti.. •;,•',`' �'' a BewwMN,04FlowMeta /' ' , .. �3t \\ +f Sanso6laoa Papa Y \! ; the followingareas must �, i e .a','� \.“.',,\,..L. -3 ..r 1 be monitored x' xI � s Y tie: . . ., ,,,,.„,,,,,„..„.„,...:,, ,....,,,,-„,/,,,„,,, , ,,.._,,,,„ i concurrent) lif /• wiFe.we.UeatoaFbwMel.r \ ti- l ,I � , sed A 6)5+x3 e•Pipe C.. Sewershed 5 c! S151ae1R1d 7A”Pipe-- ,.,.\A\;-.,,,, , 4. 1 s 1 ='(e 1Sen5666636"Pipe "�,' \}}'S5 1+k1� � '1 r{F �` �•�. aG�' i -YN�o nun io,to.i • ?.it t •' �'.w 1 s{ /$y ' �` 4 % Sewershed 6 Geearshetl10-5 Fbw Meer \ Sewershed 7 ttt 777ddd///. ✓ • '`yMT� R 1 fA- ;. ^ i-- ' `.. a` ^, uF ha `j. '- - S°xeNled 713 Flow Miler r a % ....4* r .• ' San S 0465324'Pipe '' ' fe {. �Sveeialgd 1071 Flow MOM i; j�y{ . 2401 rime .= .'\ ySen S D/SBB 20'Pipe _ \ ,j/'a. a_�,�bM+wiWeyYl&Oeoielnew¢w N 111111. ::?,.!.'.7.::: -;.r.c: 4:0057l�ch«1,200 bat '•N E .'.77:� i9 500 100 +?aD r.eoo 2005 2 te ,lo r . i o ,,._ Sewershed 10 Improvements and Source Detection r. Following improvements Sewershed 6 I&I Source Detection DAGIS Smoke testing,Iitspe.7ion,&Flowlneterirrg:Fexsteet in Sewershed 5, Sewershed 6 proved to ` N r 7 " 'tip ' have significant inflow. •. �' +- ,► I0 I lb Sewershed 10 Estimated VI Reduction — � 7::iir h r. On September 18, ; ; 2015, one (1) yard of concrete wasplaced in . , ' ' µ1ASHING,,, a private sanitary - I'.•.'„ M'I ��� •1,, sewer manhole. r. Flow reduction is = i/ �sOrf _ . 6NyT + 7,-_ ` 1 –— JA KEW,ST Y, _ NST .. estimated to be 1.0- '/' ` tri -'. : , - h��: p► �'• x. peri I 2.0 MGDrain �,i _� � • `I _' r�- � � ��= ��� �o ,,. a event. . > R.m.rd a/Approximatey 1.2 M3D per fain.v.nt.Solden:1 f dn.I il. I t f. . 1 1 a I'Ii� I. +rc –SLA; y V"FN.At,E AVE-- C - CENTRAL AVE - •CENTiAL'AVE J CENTRALA. VA 1 —CENTRALAVE C-NTRAI f,.; 4., 1 inch-200 feet 2,,s1 XI, emr n h ewershed 10 (6) Improvements and Source Detection 6C t September 10 and 17 2015 before and after Flexsteel fix �s _ , fiorxx 771 it t)•ntractor opened storm pipe in man)r r r • •.t- (r 7 • ug•):1 1 -1- lio Works installed 8"pipe plug in sanitary 1.54 MGD peak carry from S' � r 1.5 \\ 1.0 � �� + iki4 A 0.5 41 � Co rector ncreted sanitaryline shrif in rn= 0.16 z 0.10 0.05 0 ri �I a Ii 1.2 I� X1.0 li tiI + II X08 1 , �I1,,i'iI 0.4 _ 411# 'T 4111 \lifi kii idt 'V yr.' 0.2 8 Tue 9 Wed 10 Thu 11 Frl 12 Sat 13 Sun 14 Mon 15 Tue 18 Wed 17 Thu Sep 2015 9/7/2015 12:00:00 AM-9/21/2015 12:00:00 AM Sewershed 10 Improvements and Source Detection i% Localizing private sources 17UR remains a focus. E Sewershed 10 1E11 Source Detection o,aGis ............... smoke ceding mud inspection 11,5•14'C»iiiiier.Letin ated 2A1GD of 1&1 During smoke testing and 7720 "5 i> uo �� � fcco Pe visual inspections area we ,..§, 4',`.' , .r „a "!�� clearly demonstrated °=, ‘` '•l This roof pitcher,to the tooth roof positive for I&I. ` ' \y .O .: ,Irterlor rootorelo to Odor} Flow metering confirmed 111 11°° S. y�� VZ ,S1040,C: •,S1040 the significant inflow, and r rI°`oNarel°'°"°°°"" 1 + 9� •' This roof pt h+t t°the n°tl MD , `li work started with three "" � 4' 'private property owners 1101 - `\ 0 , "`''1 1000 located at the property. A ,,,,, # fV mo Projected I&I , . # # Reduction " ]OSS , 1001 40 :' I 2.0 MGD during a 1-2 b1 inch rain event. ,'° t,l �• � "" � :918 �7S>' ''''. 1 t 1 1Jf 0 i:,: # 13 23ot '9t9 Atik. 2)93 ,:i.t :l.9 1 lo rh-7,lent N4 6 Sewershed 11 Source Detection Before: 13 E Sewer Shed 111&I Source Detection DAGIS " ""'""""�"'" Private Property Address and Fail Type 2014 '046 West Locust u ALMOND sr 1 Exterior Stairwell ¢aq 2014 606'NLe7;e1 melel 3 Dnln wea dy6leetpd ena dooe n0100 old m0 aaw0: ®' ® 011`aT. �®. . iLiiiii..... awManholesatRosedale ��, ® ,p � 4 and Locust continued to FAIRWAY DR ® ®��` ® ® ® �,a'" p,,; `�"�S' R,"g`µ experience sanitary cp Q,,s,.®' ® 594$ i sewer overflows. C 1,, F atA6< p JUNNYNENDN y i, 0,1Y Jr, ,ao4+ a„ N A1, �1 'I ( y g� N �' The City worked with '�, & �179gAbam �o�© Qp (µ6rt, HILLCREET leo A. Raar Draw VY ®. v ,t N twelve property owners N ISOA'.1,PomptAander,elmer Scales 556-367(.ona �L�'Dem6Coededandren\ded10nW1es Exterior p'andRoofdeln � '4�Sr to make disconnection W1LBR10"Tw of illicit discharges. f;'%-..-------.---, { Dyetes'dand ceeredanl0n/t4 ::-..000,0„T', a �' y ?' s ® 0 r� 6 O >% An additional source $p x$ so m P �� ,�, ® 6 Dt�'® a NpµE57a�61 �, �A , was also discovered at t % _. 1 ®' ®� "� ®V®� '®' °��P y 41 230'Che1ry 6R ' A ® p RES �' ® °e ® a ROSE ST 41Sµ57 u,5`7+m Clarke University to senilety 0 ® 64 Y. 7 University, Meter at NOV and Auburn(61Ambmeo linej , ds' _e 730Wnh Booth 60µg da57 Alan Amos 5al1572 r :g, x�x s OR t.' G® bump PumPlo eeallury SyFEa yU�O originally thought to 'ccent Mouse _t_ ® ' i i 8 ' ®''t baa 1234 Olen Oak Flow mea 6105' I,., , y ,ri Vora nr;:w ' A ,orlected end Insueotod ar5;f4 0 have been - - (sot @ >.-7,0 ,..F .. -_± tee02 , A, s y: :m �ga ANN , Sump pump le sanitary T a T6 ® , - < 6S disconnected. Flows P =r« , 6 ® : :x � ty51° °4 4"e t��e® 1eA0Aubns Flaw meter ® ':v. •R• N through the 1098 W. �p Q '�'" Conecletl eM lnepeotee llre,la > .L FppNs7 61µy b „id 1TTM��,,51 Locust flow meter �° Flax lmmnraul N6Ave y N+ q} �` ammo- Flax-lose .:i:�y a` ➢ c 4V r g y 3 Neter et NOV and ALbern(S•.Ambrose line) 6 ,- g•T( 0 t measure Clarke c . "EBRAS, SnithNIGAIT562-075E q: m o v '`4" %°: DE" Av, voi Y U ai.� W WJiR Sip 'rT 7 MA�tµ University. 1,P''y aURFA ST 7 Oy �h ¢N' e� �u " Luwe�e W51N9' ES T B�r�ti `II 57 ORALE ST In = aunp,. i uouyue o-:x�:., IJ 1 Inch=800 teet 0101000 2(00 100 KO OW 1.003 Fee 41 E Sewershed 11 Improvements w Sewer Shed 111E71 Source Detection DAGIS 1'ripNfe Properly Aridnsa and hid"f iqr/2015 After 1049 Weal Locualto L _ E.nerbr Stelrxell Pr-rdo"°sr /� r C'a+ke Universityreplaced: 808 V1 Lomat flow meter 3 r °1. 201 S ppror!nobl g kvLOCUsr Dr nwee Ore Wood and not 9olntothe..Wel ® Rv- s> alone ewilb manhole r utility. o Inspected 17/2[/14 enc cleared � �4®s�a�s '^ °pNpL sloop wdh3manhob per uUlty.This eliminated __ , __.—._-_—I %' i�' 'UpR a cmee cennechon on mimes oropedy. _ ® 0005, e!!�R�ap y One private property driveway Carle University cenenalllg to explore cress resCADAsue Jenmgm war oonnedone by a derm/pletede Wading. 1- ®•® r,te- �(& ,t drain remains connected. The - FAIRWAY DR C ®�®` e� ea bAA6¢1N_ ^A cI'' a �1a,Nst r. solution is challenging for the UNG$S ®' v4`® I.� a s "^ "5;� 5, property owner and has g S(INR1'�I'W DR y �w e F �" f+5''"µP N requested assistance from the 3 ' , ,795Aubaln — ��` � y¢1�, 8 Roof Orem ®` >�, . 5, Cit N,LLcR'Sr RD Mete etIe4OAuburn ¢ Y 1611 N Algona Rool O em Co a ted and reinspected+0'2W14 l',r --- ¢ �qb f6.‘. G '^„ Sump poop'.eemb Q9 1795 Adelr F Y A hydraulic flow model was WILL�cHr Meter al 1840 Auburn -- % m ' j,81 ivy._ ,�o 1875A el,New end Roofdlen PRUNE N 4 S Delmer 6celee 5563578 e' 1875 Adelr Ms:el r r completed for the Sewershed, Corrected 10/19/15 „1111.11111 ;\ Dye eabdand desreeDn7'2na ^ nNps localized to the area where � � �� kp g 4. 4:0. �413 .p.y <® �a 6 sA tNdtSS - ��� 11,o, the City has experienced . a ;� ®�\e®ems ,P • ®��: 1N6F9” „pot, P °"'' T. > le ii e e . i p,®* ce pot, . 9„, $ Lp multiple overflows at x'371 Cpm R�'b` ¢''v a ® Aa•b .RDS's' 05adR = Sumppump tasanitary ° ® � ®¢4A s 1220 Newels qd - Rosedale and Locust. Met.et NGV end Auburn(Sl Ambroes Ins) s e�led R '' Dd wey Dain q F 990 Vom Booth RgONg¢NR9� Alen Anes 54]-7572 \ 8$ GQ Sump purrpta eertery ffE ,Ntl ✓ r,I Nouse ®. @;g °.0 /Meter Pete on582-88 ` Glen Flowmeter !¢ Corrected 13riri8 ' • ®•4LIIIreted7/1/1520 cJrocledndLlnepect d11251,1 'es. o -.. -C� 9.(91 ® �® r eke ®1 NypCR�f b A ,/1 Cortoclad 721115 b y J� Estimated I&I Reductions ey4shyerys snrn5,lnirm pu+m,.emnery $® ® .xi r, yUNWA•SI N �aNSi A� co + 'aaD Auburn Few pate' yan�s ® r T ',`ems lQ0 � N _— 1475 UrlvereiN i ^ Si l&I Reduction has been limited, Q e Corrected and mapecled"4'171 r e Driveway Drain �''" yy c v" —"—�—..'''''t4'17ales.— Sy W : Meter et 1875AuduWuon i" y 2215 UnNe 1485 Unlvenity - FORE seY Kathleen kremlin 558-7014 'Q estimated at 0.3MGD. The peak d7 Flor Nose ctiveway Dnln •® ^ £ Corrected end Irepectec 4/8115 v GQ Mater at NGV and Auburn(SI Ambrose Ina) Melernt 1575Audubu.n a 4 n TI o s I&I measured through 1098 W. w 4SA4yAp 9mthMGMTS'26/50 ::oyected'/4rs]4612 o e y o 4P AiD¢N • Locust Meter has been reduced, _ _ _ �Jp 48 -,.,-.,., D N t m N �m m u. W""S' .. 'v Ns N tN e Corrected end impeded 4/1013015 NOG �! 1 W Pt" VREN- F2 57 0 W MACE S7 r.. however further sources 'inch=BOOfeet c"o7u detection work may be t.'1,74:=1:,..17==" MCO0 2C4 °" KO l.ddeae„ N1 E ,o I"nDotal "' "' ® S oa lua neeiio ..O.me.zw necessary following the final disconnect. Sewershed 12 Improvements and Source Detectio Visu Sewer Clean & Seal completed a Cured —in-Place DUB JE Sewershed 12 -6AGIS, Pipe (CIPP) lining contract. s„nn,n,, ,,,,pr>Zr•/),e)l,s DEQ et-k-N 5-r 0T1°S ':1 C 44'61k PS k `v ,1 TNst Three contracts for manholes ,o,,..1vv ANG11s ^" 3sr µ$T i.10,rEA-. may= z TNT " ' c:{' o T"$` �' l '° replacement were completed. sl 4%m F.O F, o a o`"' P '. €"-1 ,..e45° r;`" -.Z a E 1tTN S E 1�T rn.3t E TE 5b J '— 7, '_J �- 3 $T h p µN � m $ �Vi,�- r�, � � N p X T �� oo CIPP Lining 2013 '� &1y t 1 Fhwrneter 12-1 a rn9T Upcoming Projects s a s �A�'gy 5 1,, s . E r,51 o N _ a 4 kt. S 1TN �y r • Z RA " E 53 �`"'�' ' S `d •r•,;1• t�9 Flowrneter 12-2 ? lk, ✓1 Remove and replacement of EG DR RA .„ <, e' +, ., ,...�,� r m o gT t_M v Lo s V%!it „ i. FtL ST o g4`1p � Z (r N Z, V �/�:J- TY iLr�.�n sanitary s ewe r i n the �ORJV OB�Jp A zoo 0o v2 3..A,$ ,1-,,, vA �Q .�s� BTN ,',g f Flowmeter 124 ST.HST 5,.• following locations: s _ (���p1�.�X ST •. T q� R 5T a. � . `n .{� �) ‘ ' kj ,µ11'‘51' 11t1 A c Tpt SI ' O y • Wood Street RSITY a r'w O9 24, a., �F 1+ y`0‘47,,...,t, ,Q ;J r Tn. r2, ,�n�SH 51\N 4TH$� yl UNIVE 5TE m 5; r�+�y1, aaas A FFFF'''' ,. AVE . L, 00,1 ap'r�F, v'q' L,'se :,� 1 s, y 4TH ST y T4-�u .ttT�QE's C.,17: 2 4S E 3 �1? • �OP'�GRACE 9 2, [ Ncr�'.5'nl' L�.f./'t'%` �; s1 n /. E :r:c:ust rok• HALE ST A ST 2 v Lekilia V14�Kam 4 a l ` 'y1 GON TSl These locations were sD on/sr Azzucr+El@� wlnBter,23 Nes ST m, S Q W S Flovnnetor 12 5 originally scheduled for CIPP TH ,,,BARO Sc:, m=Qy T y WO EN $T DODGE ST DODGE �u�O ST OST E lining, but have been sr,E4S- DODGE d� 0�4 GE N' sr N -p0 D i r h RA or PO- ,.,.. elevated to full reconstruct. IN eering" 1 inch=1,000 feet �, E �noineet 13ln Stye l uoq,e,one so- 1 �,1 400200 0 400 1300 1.200 I G00 Fool I,b:( 52001 Phone:(663)66942011 ...,......e... .x.ri.,..n.,i.,.e..n N S Per.:(663)6694206 Sewershed 12 Improvements and Source Detection Sewershed 12 Ovcrvicw or flows Junc I 12013 Storni 12-3 FlowRate Master(-0.303 rned):0.33 Rainfall(2.780 in):0.00 12-5 Flow Rate(0.007 mgd):0.01 12-2 Flow Rate(0.087 mgd):0.04 12.4 Flow Rate(0.17-8 mgd):0.13 D = 2 O.BB MC..D P..lq 1 11� 1R�ilni.r I v ,�1n 0.06 Rein Peak 0.12 In rhes 1`1'll I -1.61 MOD PrMaa Ran Peak 0.12 Inches 1,1 v'✓'.^'"wA..�,.-..rs4tyn,� ` 0.10 o_ � "`Ni AY`--"'-•_.�.`V1tp - t114 kllfl .10 i e DDI d�l 1,1���� �'Ry . 340pAxiA)0.020.0 ,AM�J M E 0.0 1 T Pi 0.6- 0.0d MOD Peak E D'4 �4 e.30 MGD Peek 02- 0.8-_ T O6-- D.0/MOD Paek I D.a3 MOD Peak 0.4- 0.2 .r.-.w^v`^-..,...._ )'^^w..---...�1114"AiMserriOwSVwvw"Wle 8 Tue 10 wed 11 Thu 18 Fri 13 Sat 14 Sun 15 Mon Jun 2016 8/8/2016 8:62:O0 AM-8/16/2016 8:62:O0 AM Projected 1&I Reduction The 2013 improvements reduced I&I by approximately 0.4 MGD*. The proposed improvements are anticipated to reduce I&I by an additional 1.0- 1.5 MGD. The improvements will be monitored via a SCADA site located at 1st and Locust. tk Ir# t wetV I CI! ‘,ia -, t. y 0; s' • It -. - • ' it-' .1 r ' I ,.4 Ar 3 ;� y• -.-•ii 'N ( %Al lio . ' . ' I 1 i . 'a'`: ,lk y ." 4.(1-'• s`, ti' . '' '''Z'r, 4,',. ';l'ikV,Ildil *1\:1'14't .1.‘! 2 1.,_., .,,,,., i.., ., _ ,‘.., 4;,.. ,_,,.... k 4 •f i a. , ,, ,�41 tot } ti \ aL r I z 2o LL . 41.)„, IL) 44ca) w „ . __ _ c J o CO E J Q a) okid V vn Measuring Success Compliance Take all necessary measures to achieve full compliance with The Clean Water Act, The Iowa water pollution control laws, and The City's NPDES Permit With the Goal of eliminating all Sanitary Sewer Overflows. Success W&RRC `Measure of Success': 10.0 MGD Current Estimated Reduction: 3.7 MGD — 5.2 MGD Next for the City • Continued Commitment to investing in Infrastructure • Request for Completion Date Extension : June 30, 2016 • Questions