Request for Proposal - Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Management Plan Copyright 2014 City of Dubuque Consent Items # 21. ITEM TITLE: Request for Proposal - Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Management Plan SUMMARY: City Manager recommending approval to release a Request for Proposal to create an Environmental Restoration Management Plan for Eagle Point Park. SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: Suggested Disposition: Receive and File; Approve ATTACHMENTS: Description Type RFP for Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration City Manager Memo Management Plan-MVM Memo Staff Memo Staff Memo Request for Proposal Supporting Documentation THE CITY OF Dubuque UBE I erica .i Masterpiece on the Mississippi 2007-2012-2013 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager SUBJECT: RFP: Environmental Restoration Management Plan for Eagle Point Park DATE: March 15, 2016 Planning Services Manager Laura Carstens recommends City Council approval to release a Request for Proposal to create an Environmental Restoration Management Plan for Eagle Point Park. The Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Project will incorporate the park's historic features and landscape restoration plans with sustainable best management practices to mitigate stormwater runoff, prevent soil erosion, and remove invasive species throughout the cultured grounds and natural areas of Eagle Point Park. The estimated cost for creation of an Environmental Restoration Management Plan is up to $50,000. The City has an agreement with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Grant funds in the amount of $200,000 for the Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Project. The remaining $150,000 in grant funds will be used for environmental restoration work based on the Management Plan. The REAP grant will cover all project costs. I concur with the recommendation and respectfully request Mayor and City Council approval. Mic ael C. Van Milligen MCVM:jh Attachment cc: Barry Lindahl, City Attorney Cindy Steinhauser, Assistant City Manager Teri Goodmann, Assistant City Manager Laura Carstens, Planning Services Manager THE MY7IOFF Dubuque D V L E All-Ame�ricaCity Masterpiece on the Mississippi 1111.1 2007•2012-2013 MEMORANDUM TO: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager FROM: Laura Carstens, Planning Services Manager SUBJECT: RFP: Environmental Restoration Management Plan for Eagle Point Park DATE: March 15, 2016 INTRODUCTION This memo is to request City Council approval of the enclosed Request for Proposals (RFP) to create an Environmental Restoration Management Plan for Eagle Point Park. DISCUSSION The Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Project will incorporate the park's historic features and landscape restoration plans with sustainable best management practices (BMPs) to mitigate stormwater runoff, prevent soil erosion, and remove invasive species throughout the cultured grounds and natural areas of Eagle Point Park. The first phase of this project will be for the City to retain experts in landscape architecture, environmental engineering and ecological restoration who have expertise in the design of ecologically sustainable BMPs in context with the park's many historic and cultural assets. Implementation of the Management Plan is not part of this RFP. Proposals are due on April 14, 2016. The anticipated schedule is that the City will execute a contract with the selected consultant by June 1, 2016 and the project will be completed by October 1, 2016. BUDGETIMPACT The City has an agreement with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Grant #16-R4-CZ in the amount of $200,000 for the Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Project. The estimated cost to create the Management Plan is up to $50,000. The remaining $150,000 in grant funds will be used for environmental restoration work based on the Management Plan. The REAP grant will cover all project costs. REQUESTED ACTION The requested action is for City Council approval of the RFP for the Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Management Plan. Enclosure cc: Stephen Fehsal, Park Division Manager David Johnson, Assistant Planner FVUSERSVLCARST ENVV4PAG RANTS`Eagle Point Pa U,PEAP 2015\M em o M VM EPP RFP.doc Dubuque Planning services Department THECRY OF City Hall50 West l&"Skeet Dubuque,IA 5200111805 (563)5894210 phone US E (563)5894221 tar, (563)690 6698 THE, Masterpiece on the Mississippi planning®ciwofaubunue.org CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA March 21, 2016 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR EAGLE POINT PARK INTRODUCTION The City of Dubuque, Iowa is requesting proposals from consulting firms for creation of an Environmental Restoration Management Plan for Eagle Point Park. Eagle Point Park is owned by the City of Dubuque and managed by the Leisure Services Department's Park Division. The Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Project strives to enhance a community asset and a regional destination where visitors and residents can reconnect with nature by experiencing the natural, cultural and ecological aspects of the environment through sustainably- maintained cultured grounds and natural areas. The first phase of this project will be for the City to retain experts in landscape architecture, environmental engineering and ecological restoration who have expertise in the design of ecologically sustainable best management practices (BMPs) in context with the park's many historic and cultural assets. The estimated cost for creation of an Environmental Restoration Management Plan is up to $50,000. Proposals prepared in response to this Request for Proposals (RFP) are due before 5:00 p.m. on April 14, 2016. The anticipated schedule for this project is that the City of Dubuque will execute a contract with the selected consultant by June 1, 2016 and the project will be completed by October 1, 2016. Please review the entire RFP for specific requirements. Subsequent phases for implementation of the Management Plan are not part of this RFP. COMMUNITY BACKGROUND The City of Dubuque is located on the Mississippi River in northeastern Iowa, adjacent to Illinois and Wisconsin. As Iowa's oldest city, Dubuque is a community well known for its historic and architectural beauty. The City is approximately 30 square miles in area, with a population of nearly 60,000 persons. The City's annual operating and capital budget is over$181 million and funds a full range of municipal services. The City's web site is www.citvofdubuque.org. The community has a stable and diversified manufacturing base and a growing service sector. Dubuque is the major retail, medical, education and employment center for the tri-state area. Tourism continues to be a major economic force in the community. City government works in collaboration with the private and non-profit sectors to promote economic development and sustainability. Downtown, neighborhood, and riverfront planning and revitalization are long- standing priorities of the City Council. 1 RFP: Environmental Restoration Management Plan for Eagle Point Park Eagle Point Park is a large community park located atop the limestone bluffs that overlook Lock and Dam No. 11 on the Mississippi River on the northeast side of the city of Dubuque. Eagle Point Park provides a spectacular view of Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin.With 164 acres, Eagle Point Park also is considered a regional park because of its size,abundant recreational facilities,and many visitors from Dubuque County and the tri-state region. SUSTAINABLE DUBUQUE Sustainability is defined by a community's ability to meet the environmental, economic, and social equity needs of today without reducing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable Dubuque is a holistic approach to making our community sustainable. Our model involves a three-part approach that addresses: • Environmental and Ecological Integrity • Economic Prosperity • Social and Cultural Vibrancy Each of these pieces is important individually and helps contribute to a sustainable communitythat is viable, livable, and equitable. In 2006 and every year since, the Mayor and City Council identified becoming a more Sustainable City as one of their top priorities for our community. Implementation of a community-defined sustainability plan is among the top Council priorities for this year, and each of this year's priorities incorporate one of the parts of Dubuque's model of sustainability. Find out more at the www.sustainabledubuque.org website. BACKGROUND ON EAGLE POINT PARK Eagle Point Park is an area of natural quality for outdoor recreation, with walking, viewing, sitting, picnicking, and restroom facilities. The park has several open air and closed pavilions, horseshoe pits, drinking fountains, a seasonal lily pond with waterfalls and goldfish, a band shell, and tennis courts. Other features are playground equipment, barbecue grills, nature trails, flower gardens, and spectacular views. Eagle Point Park is one of the most outstanding parks in the Midwest, in terms of its historic, architectural, archeological, and cultural landscape attributes. In 1973, the National Park Service determined that Eagle Point Park was eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRNP). The park has multiple historic themes, contexts, and attributes that contribute to its significance. The City has been awarded a 2015 Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) grant of $200,000 for the Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Project. The REAP grant application is enclosed. Note: Implementation of the Management Plan is not part of this RFP. Archeological Resources A Phase I Intensive Archaeological Survey of Eagle Point Park was prepared by Wapsi Valley Archaeology for the City of Dubuque. The investigation included a Remnant Mound Survey. Final Report No. 847 dated December 2015 is on file with the Iowa SHPO and the City of Dubuque Planning Services Department. This report contains sensitive information about archeological sites and is not for public disclosure. The City of Dubuque will avoid these historic sites during future restoration work. The selected consultant will be provided a copy of the report for creation of the Environmental Restoration Management Plan. Historical Resources 2 RFP: Environmental Restoration Management Plan for Eagle Point Park Dr. Julie Schlarman, a historic preservation consultant based in Dubuque, is preparing the National Register of Historic Places (NRNP) nomination for Eagle Point Park. The nomination will include an intensive survey and evaluation of the park's historic themes and contexts, historical and architectural significance of park buildings and structures, and significance of the park's landscape and cultural resources. The draft nomination is not available for public disclosure. Once completed, the final nomination will be made available to the selected consultant. Dr. Schlarman may be contacted via email at lischlarman(cDgmail.com. PROJECT SCOPE Overtime, Eagle Point Park's multipurpose green space and natural wooded hillsides have experienced severe erosion and loss of turf and native vegetation. Invasive plant species have added to the stormwater management issues on the park's rolling and sometimes rugged terrain. Environmental restoration is needed to mitigate and reverse these impacts. The Management Plan for Environmental Restoration of Eagle Point Park will incorporate the park's historic features and landscape restoration plans with sustainable best management practices (BMPs) to mitigate stormwater runoff, prevent soil erosion, and remove invasive species throughout the cultured grounds and natural areas of Eagle Point Park. The goals of the Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Project are: 1. To stimulate germination and growth of desired tree, shrub and plant species. 2. To remove and prevent invasive species from seeding every year. 3. To establish a diverse mix of ground-layer plants, flowers with nectar, and a variety of fruits, seed, leaves, stems and roots that will provide resources for wildlife. 4. To reduce and prevent erosion and stormwater runoff through sustainable best management practices. All of this environmental work must be done within the context of the park's rich cultural history. Therefore, a Management Plan for Environmental Restoration must be developed for the park that directs design of ecologically sustainable BMPs in context with the park's many historic and cultural assets, in order to meet the project goals described above. The National Register of Historic Places nomination for Eagle Point Park that is underway will provide important information on the historic contexts, cultural themes, and architectural significance of the park's buildings and landscape. The completed Phase I Archeology Survey of the park demarks all archeologically sensitive areas. With this information, the City is prepared to avoid any sensitive area disruption when undertaking park improvements or restoration. Project consultants will be expected to review these reports and plan accordingly. The development of a Management Plan for Environmental Restoration is extremely important for Eagle Point Park. The project would allow: protection of the historical, archeological, cultural, and natural resources we anticipate are on the property, restoration of native landscape to improve and expand wildlife habitat and storm water management, and opportunities to expand interpretive signage and other park amenities that will improve the visitor experience. The Environmental Restoration Management Plan must offer valuable guidance when planning park improvements and introducing sustainable best practices for managing stormwater, soil erosion, and invasive species as we work to restore the park's natural environment. We anticipate the Management Plan will be created by following these steps or a comparable process: 3 RFP: Environmental Restoration Management Plan for Eagle Point Park 1. Inventory and map the ecological resources, and describe their current condition. Review previous inventories of invasive species, urban forest evaluation, and capital expenditures for infrastructure repair and replacement relative to erosion and runoff. 2. Incorporate the park's history, and map it where possible, using the research collected for the park's historical significance and archeological resources. 3. Develop a hypothesis of how the original system worked. Review technical literature for related ecological studies conducted in the region; visit nearby natural areas. 4. Divide the park into management units. Develop goals for each management unit by assessing the potential of that unit for restoration with reasonable effort, and specifying its desired future condition. 5. Develop an implementation plan to accomplish the goals. Identify and schedule tasks, specify methods, estimate material costs and labor for each management unit. 6. Design a monitoring program to evaluate the success of the restoration. INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN PROPOSAL To simplify the review process and obtain the maximum comparability, the proposal must include the following information and be organized in the following manner. Proposals must be limited to 15 pages, exclusive of front and back covers (optional), transmittal letter, references, certificate of insurance, and fees and compensation. Do not include marketing materials. Letter of Transmittal Provide a letter of transmittal briefly outlining the consultant's understanding of the work and the name, address, telephone, cell and fax numbers, and email address of the primary contact person. Profile of Firm Provide general information about the firm and area(s) of expertise as regards the RFP, including qualifications of the project manager and other key personnel assigned to the project. Proposal Qualifications • List the names of the anticipated project manager and other key personnel associated with the project and their qualifications and experience. • Describe the experience of the firm in performing similar projects for parks comparable to Eagle Point Park. Provide a matrix matching the names of the key personnel proposed for the Dubuque project who worked on the referenced projects. • Describe the name and location of other sub-consulting firm(s) that would be used by the firm in the project and the approximate percentage of the work that would be performed by each of these firm(s). Include the experience and qualifications of the sub-consultant firm and its key personnel in working on similar projects, and indicate which ones would be working on the Dubuque project. • Discuss the firm's ability to integrate this project into the firm's present workload. Scope of Services Describe the means or strategy by which the consultant would satisfy the following scope of 4 RFP: Environmental Restoration Management Plan for Eagle Point Park services, and/or an alternative or hybrid strategy recommended by the consultant—what process and outcomes the consultant would suggest to make the master plan a reality. Any strategy must embrace and support the Sustainable Dubuque Plan and principles. Proposed Project Schedule The anticipated schedule for this project is that the City of Dubuque will execute a contract with the selected consultant by June 1, 2016 and the project will be completed by October 1, 2016. Provide a project schedule outlining the time period and estimated completion date of the proposed scope of work. This should include a schedule for and description of all deliverable products throughout the period. Products should be delivered in hardcopy and electronic formats compatible with the City's computer software and hardware. References Provide at least three references of clients for whom the consultant has completed similar riverfront projects (as noted earlier) within the past five years with full name, title, address, email, phone, and fax numbers. Certificate of Insurance The selected firm will be required to meet the City's insurance requirements for professional services (see attached Insurance Schedule C). A Certificate of Insurance is optional for inclusion with the proposal. A Certificate of Insurance must be provided upon selection for the project. Fees and Compensation Provide a proposed cost plus expenses budget for completion of the proposed scope of services with cost breakdowns by scope element. Quotation of fees and compensation shall remain firm for a period of at least 90 days from the submission deadline. Please separate the proposed budget from the other portion of the RFP submittal. Initial screening will be done without knowing the consultant's proposed fee for services. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A signed original plus seven (7) hard copies plus one (1) PDF copy on CD of the proposal clearly labeled as Environmental Restoration Management Plan for Eagle Point Park must be received before 5:00 p.m. Central Time on April 14, 2016 at the following address: David Johnson, Assistant Planner Planning Services Department City of Dubuque 50 W. 13th Street Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Questions should be directed to Mr. Johnson by telephone at(563) 589-4210, by fax at (563) 589-4221, or by email at Diohnson(cbcityofdubugue.org. Each consultant assumes full responsibility for delivery and deposit of the completed proposal package on or before the deadline. The City of Dubuque is not responsible for any loss or delay with respect to delivery of the proposals. The City of Dubuque reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to negotiate changes with any consultant. The City of Dubuque is not liable for any cost incurred by any consultant prior to the execution of an agreement or contract. Nor shall the City of Dubuque be liable for any costs incurred by the consultant that are not specified in any contract. The City of Dubuque is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. 5 RFP: Environmental Restoration Management Plan for Eagle Point Park EVALUATION CRITERIA Proposals will be screened to ensure that they meet the minimum requirements of the proposal format. A selection committee will review qualifying proposals, and may interview the short-listed firms. Initial screening will be done without knowing the consultant's proposed fee for services to develop a short list. The short list of consultants may be invited to an interview with the selection committee. If held, the interview is a very important part of the selection process. Factors to be considered by the committee may include the following: • Qualifications and experience of the firm and any sub-consultants. • Qualifications and experience of the principal consulting staff and sub-consulting staff that will work on the project. • Results of interview process. • Information from references. • Grasp of project requirements and level of interest. • Design approach/methodology in completing the scope of services, including sustainability; creativity and problem solving ability. • Proposed schedule required to complete the project. • Proposed cost to complete the project. CITY ENCLOSURES 2015 Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) grant application for the Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Project Insurance Schedule C 6