1958 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA For the Year 1958 COUNCILMEN CLARENCE P. WELU, Mayor GEORGE A, FREUND LEO N. SCHUELLER CHARLES A. KINTZINGER .PETER J. TAiKOS City Clerk .................•--------............................LEO F. FROMMELT City Solicitor ..............................................THOMAS H. NELSON Police Judge ........................ ........................ROMOLO N. RUSSO CITY MANAGER-~•L, J. SCHILTZ City Treasurer- Building Commissioner- EDWARD M. TSCH1RGl DONALD BANDY City Auditor- Plumbing Inspector- A. L, HOLSCHER RICHARD J. FEYEN City Engineer- Electrical Inspector- KENNETH J. CULLEN LUVERN J. NORTON City Assessor- Health Director- HARRY J. HANOVER DR. A. J. ENTRINGER~ Chief of Fire Department- Sanitary Officer- THOMAS C. H[CKSON ARTHUR J. MILLER Chief of Police- Milk Sanitarian- HUGH B. CALLAHAN A. J. BOTH Supt, of Water Works- Food and Restaurant Inspector- J. J. HAIL MRS. MILDRED~ KENNEDY Stxeet Department- Director of Recreation- CLETUS ALLEN NICHOLAS J. SUTTON Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each month at 7;30 o'clock P. M. ~~ -- -- - INDEX- BOOK 88 1958 SUB~J>~CT Page A Jan. 6-American Trust and Savings Bank, appointed depository of public funds »...,.,..,.,„.„....,.,,,.,..„„...,.».,„.......,.»»„..,..„„ ................„...„,.„,.. 2 " 6- Asbury Street, eastbound vehicles must stop before enter- ing the intersection of Asbury Street and Hillcrest Road ..,....„,.,„ .............„.....„..,.,....,„.„.„,..,,...„...„„...,.....„,....„,..,,„„„,......::.......,..... 14 " 6--Agreement between the Illinois Central Railroad and the City of Dubuque permitting the City to construct a 36 inch pipe under their right-of•way in connection with the sewage treatment plant ,,.....,„....»,,..,.,„„..:....;,„,..„„».,.„ 32 Feb. 3- American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to hold a tag day .,;.„........,.,..„„„.„...„ .......................„,»„,„..,....,..:.,,.,......,,„..,.;......,,.,„,.. 58 " 3- Angella Street, Bituminous Concrete .Surfacing, schedule of assessments ....,...„....,.;„,:,„.„,.......„...,„;,„..»...„..»....,„„„,:..,.,„..»...,...„.,„... 62 " 3- Audubon Street, Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, schedule of assessments »,..„,„.....:,:..,».,.„,...»..,»„„,„,...,.»...,.,.„..~.,..;.,.,, .........::..::„:,.... 64 " 3- Audubon Street, Curb and Gutter, schedule of assessments.. 81 " 3- Anthoine Mrs. Angella, granted Class "B"Beer Permit....» lUD Mar. 3- American Trust & Savings Bank, relative to broadcasting the Council meetings ..,.,„ ..........:......„.,.,....„,;,„,„,..,.,.,,.._„».....,..:,,.,.,.,„,„ 1D3 " 3- Audit of the City Water Department for the year 1957....... 105 " 3- Alpha Avenue, City Manager recommending the installment of street lights ....:...............:.:..................:::..:.~..:.,.;.......i„:...:,....,.,.....,.,„ 105 " 3- Auxiliary of Grand Army of Republic, requesting permis- sion to hold a flag day .,,.....„»:...„ ...:......::.....:....„.;.,..,:,..........„.,.,„,.. 110 " 3- Althaus Herbert $. and ;~mil F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .„,.,.....,„„...,.,„ ..............„;„.:.,.,.........:,..,..,...,..:,:.,.,,.,,....„,.,„...,„„,..;,.....„,„,„... 117 " 3- -Adeline Street, improvement with carb and gutter from the east property line of Ramona Street to the east end of the Street ,..,„...,»..,.,,,.„.„...,»..„„,..,„.:.;119, 120; 164,' 165, 166, 167, 168 .„,.,„..,,.„,...„.....,..»„»„,„,..,.,„,.,», ...............,..,...,.,..,,169, 170, 171; 217, 218, 543, S44 " 3- A]Icy betweeu Locust and Bluff, improvement with Bitam- inous Concrete Surfacing from the north property line of Jones Street to the south property line of Sth Street ,..:,..„.,....125, 126, 171, 172, 173, 175, 219, 246, 540, 541, S42 April 7- Asbury Street, east bound vehicles must stop before enter- ing Asbury Street and Hillcrest Road .;,.„,...„.,..,.....,.»»,.:,..„:... 185 May S -Alley running from Jones to West 1st Street, east of I,o- Gust Street, City Manager recommending' that two way traffic be allowed ,,,,., .,.:.:... .» .................... 201, 204 " S -Austin Place, construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer ...,,,,.,„,.,..~„,.».,..,.......».,.;,.;„,„„.»».......„.224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 262, 263 .....„,„,.,„..,„...,.„„..,»„,„„,„ ........:...........:..........„,„,.264, 265, 266, 289, S4S, 546, S47 " S -Arlen Clarence, approval of plat of Blocks 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; 12 and 13 bf Clover Hills Subdivision'.,...;„,,.. ...:..:........ 229, 230 June 2 -American Trust & Savings Bank, correction of assessment 240 " 2 -Assignment, American Trust & Savings Bank by Mulgrew Blacktop Inc..,...,...,.„ ...................„..,,,..„„.,„»»,»..„„,..,....»»„„.„..,„..,..,„„...».„,.. 240 " 2 -Adeline Street, grade established .,„,.„„...,.,.,,„.,,: " 2 -Agreement between the Illinois Central Railroad and the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sidetrack to be used for the Sewage Treatment Ptant ..,,,....„...,,.,„,..,,, 268 " 23 -Assignment, Schueller and Co, Inc. to First National Bank 274, 275 " 23 -Althauser Street, petition to change name to Terrace Hill .„....„..» ..............„....,...,..,„,..,;.,.,..,».,„.»„„».,,....,.....„...,..,.,,,...„,..,.....,„....286, 308, 3S6 " 23 -Abing Merlin K., granted Cigarette Permit ....,,„.„..........„..„,,,,„.,., 29S " 23 -Anthoine Angella Mss., granted Cigarette Permit _...,.,„»...,, 295 " 23 -Apel Merlin, granted Cigarette Permit , .............,...............,.,.,,..... 295 " 23 -Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Cigarette Permit .,..,....,. 296 " 23 -Apel Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit „...,.,„.„.......» ....................... 297 23 -American Veterans of World War II, granted Cigarette Permit .„,„...,„ ...........................„...,„,„..,.».„,.,„,..,..„.........,,.....,»..„»».»,..,..,.,„,...,.,„.. 297 " 23 ~-American Legion Dubuque Post No. 6, granted Cigarette Permit .„ ...................................................................,..„,„..,..,„„„„...,,.,.».„.,,.»...,,. 297 ~C - -. ... ...... rrat....-...~..W«,....-wee .n__.e.,.. ,,,~', ~.~ :~P _.: .. - l INDEX -BOOK 88 INDEX -BOOK 88 i 1958 SUB J>3CT Page _ 1958 SUB J$CT - Page - p- B ` ', 23-Alba Cruso A,, granted Cigarette Permit .,„ ,», ,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,,;,,,, 23-Althaus Herbert )• d Ci 298 Jan, 6- Bonds, Public F,inployees Honesty Blanket Position Band ' , grante garette Permit ...................... " 23-Arvanitis Geor e P. g ', g ,granted Ci arette Permit ........................ 298 299 to cover all employees except that of the City Man- alter and City Treasurer who will file individual bonds 1, 10 23-American .Legion. Dubuque Post No. 6, granted Class "B" I " 6- communication concerning the proposed shop- Bock earl J. , Beer Permit ...,,.,... 23-Abing Merlin K,, granted Class. "C Beer .Permit,... .............. Jul 7 A 299 300 6- , ping center on Jeclrlin )farm ," ..................... Becker Joseph A. et al., requesting a four way stop on the 9 _ y - greement between City of Dubuque and the Dubuque Hu- corners of ;;ast 2Sth and Washington Streets ............. 16, 36 . P mane Society ,...:.... ,.„......,".,. 7-Alta Place, construction of an 8" sanrtasy sewer from a 305, 375 6- Boulevard Lights,. Princeton Placc, Devon Drive and Cam- 31 58 S9 368 356 387 388 29 30 e Court brid 389 390 point 12S feet north of the north property line of Del- 6- , , , , , , ,......... , , , g Bonz Leo R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................»,..., , 33 ~ aware Streef to the existing sanitary sewer in Green ~ „ Street...,, ...,...317,.318, 350, 366;.367, 398, 399, 443 475 476 477 Feb. 3- Buechei Louis, heating bond ..............».,,,...,..,.„. „ . .... tli fo i i itti l b f D C B d 38 , , 21-Assignment, Harry D. Harper to First Federal State Bank , 3- oners, su m ng an ou ne r c omm ss o oc oar 0 . , Des Moines, Iowa ..,,:....,..„.,.„ ..........:.................. " 325 the development of Area A, .............. ,.,.,.,....................,... i i 39, 4 99 ...,.,....» 21-Applications for tax exemprion on agricultural or horticul- 3- on ... ,.„.» ...................... cat Berkley Place, acceptance of ded tural land of ten acres or more :........... 7 3 Mar. 3- Bush Dallas, cancellation of sidewalk bond ....,,,.....,..,,.,....,,... 103, 129 . Avg. 4-Assignment, Hennessey Bros, Inc.,. ""' to Dubuque Bank & 2 3- -Born Avenue, City Manager recommending the installation . Trust Company „ ............:...........„...,.,,.. , " """ """" " 350 of street lights .,,.....»,..,.....,,„,....,,.,.....,..,...,.................,,,,..,, lOS "'""'" "' ~ 4-Althauser Avenue etitions i p protesting the changing of 3- Bradley Maxine Mrs., Notice of Claim ...................„,..,........, " 107 name of street to Terrace Hill ................. „„,,,,,,,,,„,,„,,,, 3SS 356 3- under jurisdiction of Bunker Hill Municip~a] Golf Course 4-Agreement, behveen City of Dubuque and Housing and , the Playground and Recreation Commission .............:....:... 11, 112 Home Finance Agency of the Community Facilities 3- Bunker Hill Road, improvement with curb and gutter Administration of the United States ....,...,,..........„. ,.. •• •• 361 362 from the south property line of Clarke Drive to the Sept. 2-Andresen William J., 1\ otice of Claim ,.., .,..... » , 379 v 4~8 north property line of Asbury Road .................119; 120, 164, 165 2-Armed Forces Recruiters,: requesting that four parking , ..166, 167 168 169 170 171 196 217 S43 544 spaces at 6th Street Parking Lot be reserved for 3- Bunker Hill Road, improvcment with Bituminous Concrete ~ armed .forces .vehicles.. ,„,,,„,,,,, „„ „ ~ """ "" 385 Surfacing from the south property line of Clarke Drive g "'y"""'""" 2-Amvets Auxiliar re uestin Y, q g permit to hold to da 385 to the north property line of Asbury Road ........:. ....124, 126, 271 ..., .., ..,.. 17-American Municipal,Association, invitation to attend 3Sth ~ .173 17S 218 219 540 """""""""""""""""""'""""""""""" 541 ' S42 . AnnuaC Congress. in Boston Massachusetts . 402 3 -Bissell Lane, improvement rvith Bituminous Concrete Sur- ,.„....,.,...„,.. II 17-Annextion, City Manager recommending that an election be facing from the north property line of Dodge Street authorized to vote on the annexation of areas to the north and w to the south property line of Jones Street...,.,.;,125,126, 175 219 540 172, 541 173 S42 . est of the present.. city ]imits..,.,,..,,,414, 415 416 , , , ••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••"•••••••••••• , ......,417, 421, 422 423 ~ " , 484 485 3 -Board of Health, Special Session .......... .:.:....: ...:..:. 128 , , r ! 17-Apel Merlin, granted Class `C" Beer Permit ,......,..„ ... , 41g 31 -Buelow William, requesting a refund ou assessment° for ............ Oct. 1-Agreement, between City of Dubuque and George Saffran improvement of Angella St . ......................... ... , 129 210 r I and ,Chris and Bernice Wi11y, wherein the City ac- 31 -Board of Doc1c Commissioners Report For the Year 1957;,... 129 cepts Lot, 2 of ~I,ot 2of Willy Place as Kar~e~ Street..,.. " 425 426 31 -Board of Dock Commissioners, submitting Lease and 6-Ace Plumbing and Heating Co., heating. bond ,. ' " , 434 Agreement with Dubuque Bulk Commodities River I 6-Anderson Aivin, heating bond ....,,..... •~ • •• ••• •~.•~ 434 Terminal .......................... ..,...... ,,,, ,., ,....».: - 13S • ..•". ~ Nov. 3-Agreement, bet~~ieen Flynn Ready-14fix Concrete and the 31 -Brown Angela C., correction'of assessment for>curb and Board of Dock Commissioners ................. » •~,•..•• 452 gutter on Pennsylvania Ave........ ,„ .. 138 ••,. 3-Acheson A, T, and John heating bond ", ..,„„ ~~ ••~ ••.. ~ 453 31 -Beversdorf Chas., requesting excavation permit ...,., „. ...,., 148, 205 . 3-Agreement,.. between )~dward H & Alta Daie and the City 31 -Beclce Chris, requesting the extension and grading of Fu1 of Dubuque ..,.,.. ..... • ,. 453 tan Street .:... ........ ..........:.. .... ,.... ,,.:... " 148, 203 ,~ 3-Amvets Post No 3, granted Class "B" Beer Permia ~•••"~ ~ 48 31 Beer Permit ........, -Bournias Louis T„ granted Class "B " " 150 24-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Com an ~» p Y, granted. Class "C" Beer 2 31 B Beer Permit,..„..,,»..:..,. -Birkett Donald P,, granted Class 151 Permit ~••~~~~~~•~~~•••••~~•~~••~ 527 31 -Bahl Adele Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 151 Dec, 9-Alber l?dward L., Notice of Claim » •••• ~ 534 31 -Brillhart Robert A., granted Class "B" Beer Perrmt..,,..,,, 1S1 ~~• ~ ,. 9-Apia Cruso A,, granted Class "C" Beer Permit,,.,,:,,.,,»...,, 549 31 -Birkett Donald P,, granted Cigarette Permit ,;,:.,,„,.:.:,.:..,...,, 152 ,,,,,. " 31 -Banks Clifford, granted Cigarette Permit 152 " 31 -Brillhart Robert A., granted Cigarette Permit 152 , April 7 -Board of Health, Regular Session ,....... , ........ ... ...... 198 i 7-Bard Richard L., application for renewal of license to op- erate a mobile home park approved .......................„ 198 May S -Butler )ltis G. or John );., appointed Attorney-in-Fact far Aetna Casualty and Surety Company "„ .......:. .............. 200 " S -Berwanger Boiler Shop, heating bond :.:.:.............„....... 205 " S -Byrne Thos, L., cancellation of sidewalk bond ....................... 208 " S -Beverly Avenue, construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer ..................„..,,».,,.»....,........224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 262, 263 i I ,,.,,„..,,,.,,,,",»,..,,..,,.,...» ..............264, 265, 266, 288, 289, 545, 546, 547 ~~I III I ~~ '`'i -- ;I ~~~ _x_~ ~~ .. ~..,_.. _ _ -p INDEY -BOOK 88 .u ~~ INDEX.- BOOK 88 1958 SUBJECT ~ Page 1958: SUBJECT Page ~ B " S -Born Avenue const inch sanitary n Aug, 4- Brandt George, requesting suspension of taxes ..,....,,..,...„,...,...,.,.,. 351, 377 sewer ..........................................................:.................g.,,,,,• .224, 225, 226, ~ ' 227, 228 4- Bissell bane, petition for one-way northbound denied ,........... 352 ~~ 5 .262, 263 264, 26S, 266 • ••~•••~~ • „ ••~•„ ••~•••~••~ 288, 289 S45 B " 546 1 547 4- Blech Paula Miss, Settlement of Claim ...................„,..,....,...,....,,...,..,.,. 355 S - owen Robert J, granted Class B" Beer Permit,,......,.~..,.,.~...,.~. -Brant Carl N d Cl " " 232 4- Becker William, requesting vacation of 8~ foot wide public lh " . grante ass B Beer Permit ..,.,,„ ...................... 232 am utility casement lying in Lot 3 of Block 1 of W~ " S -Bisping Herbert F,, granted Class "B" Beer Permib ................. 232 Becker Kaufman Avenue Subdivision ........,.,..,.,,....„,,,...,..,,.... 360 S . -Bush Harriet, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............................. 232 Sept, 2- Bush Dallas cancellation of sidewalk bond .......................................... 374 June 2 -Black and White, Yellow and Checker Cab Inc taxi cab 2- & Heating, excavation policy ...........................„ Beaves Plumbing ; , ' ,,' , policy 239 2- Beaves George I. heating bond .............................................. 375 2 -Bethany Home, offer to purchase hots 1 and 2 of Lot 38 • " 2-Ble~le Amer, Nonce of Claim .................................................. 379, 447 » Burtons Addition ...,.,, .. „ ......,:....., ...240 286 335 2- Building Code Amended, by repealing Section 322 and en- 2 , -Bertsch Leonard, relative to increase m water rates : , 244 acting a substitute ..................„.....,..,..,.,.,,.,..,.,.......,,,„..,.,..,...,.,..,...,...•,.....,,., 384 ,. " ............ .... n g i s o l ~• 247 2- Buechel Louis, requesting excavation permit .,...,.,..„,..,.,,..,....,.,..,... 385 2 -Bellma Joe, elat ne t compensation for land d eeded to 17- Butt Homer V. and Verna Warren, vacation of a part of ' the Cit y .......................................„ .,...,,,,.,.... • 261 Sunny View Hills Subdivision .,...„,.....,.,....,.,...,.,.,.,.:.,..,.,..,..,,..,..,.,, 411, 412 : „ 2 -Burke Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ........ . 270 17- Barker LaVerna L. Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ....,.,,........ 418 2 ....„ . ,,,,,, -Bergquist Ray, reappointed to P1annrng & Zoning Com- 17- Barker. LaVerna L. Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit....,, 419 " 2 mission .,.,..,.,.„„.„ ..................„,.,.,..„.„,,.,,,...„,..,.,,.,.„„„.,....„..,,.,,...,,...,„,...,,...„.,,..,,„,.. -Board of Health i S l S i 271 Oct, 6- I, 6 ............ .....„,.,.,.,..,. Blume .August, sidewalk bond .....,..,,.,...,.,...„,...,... ,.,., ...... , ,. , ranted Class B' Beer Permit rence F Fl B d 43 444 " , pec a ess on .................................................................. 273 - ..,.,.,.....,..,. ., g o re e " 23 -Braconier Plumbing & Heating Company, heating bond......., 280 Nov. 3- ............................„ Board of .Health, Regular Session , ...................... 4 " 23 -Braconier Plumbing & Heating Company, excavation policy 280 3- Board of Dock Commissioners, Agreement with Flynn 23 -Burkart Fue] Company, cancellation of sidewalk band.. 286 ..., .,. ...,..,„...,,... ............. Ready-Mix Concrete ............................. . ... ................. 4S2 " " 23 ........,. -Berntgen Fratilc H, granted Cigarette Permib ,;„..,.,.,.,.,.„,.,..,.,...„.,,,, ~ 295 3- Bock Michael J., sidewalk bond ,„„ ................„,,....,.,......„..,.,„,,..,.„.,,,,.....„„,. 4S3 " 23 -Bournias Louis T., granted Cigarette Permit ,.,....,...,..,,..,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 295 hel atJn R n •~ n e 4S3 " 23 -$onz Leo R., granted Cigarette Permit .........,. .............................„,,.,.„ 296 3 con- and Mary Luther egi Aiois a, ra k -Blase " 23 -Brant Carl N., granted Cigarette Permit .,..,„ ....................„..,.,,,,,.,,.,.,,, 296 veying the easterly 10 feet of Lot 66 in Finley's Ad- 23 -Brammer Roy and. Rex, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 296 dition td the City of Dubuque for widening of North „ 3 . -Bush Harriet, granted Cigarette Permit ,., ... • ••~'••„~,~,~~•~ •••„••~•„ 296 Grandview Ave,, ,,...,.,..,,.,........,.,...,.,.,.,..,.,..,...,.„....,.,,.,,...,,,...,,,.,,...,,.,......,... 462 » 23 „ -Birkett Do nald P., granted Ci arette Permit ................ g .........:. 296 » 3 -Beecher John J,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......:...............:. 482 23 : -B. P. 0. ~', bodge No. 297, granted Cigarette Permit ...,„ •••~ 296 24 -Budget Amended for the year 1958 .....................,,,...,.,.,....,...506, 507, 508, 535 " 23 -Bowen Robert J., granted Ci arette Permit ...,,.,.,,.,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, g 296 24 -Berkley Street, City Manager recommending the installa- " 23 -Brillheart Robert A., granted Cigarette Permit .............................. 297 tion of street lights ...,,,...,.,,,..,,„,.....,...,„,.,...,.,..,,.,...,,.,.,.,„,„„„.„,..,.,.,..,.,.,„., 509 23- Banks Clifford, granted Cigarette Permit .............•,.,...,.,,,..,,,,,,,,,,.,,,. 297 " 24 -Bisanz Anne Mrs., Notice of Claim ,,.. .................„,.,.,,,,,„..,.„....,,..,.,,., . .., S12 23- $ahl Adele Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 297 2 ppointed to Plamung & Zoning Com- „ 23- Bertsch Ro r M., g1• n 1 .., ,...,..„.„..,.,.„,„ ...........................................................„..,.,.,....., ... mission 528 23- J gra Bournias Rhea Nlrs, ted C g P 9 Dec, & Helen, correction of assessment.,...„..,„ -Bellman Joseph E-L 531 " 23- 3 gran Baumhover ohn M. & Rosemar ~ d Clarette~•Permit 297 " 9 y -Bauer Mar Notice of Claim .............................................., 533 23- B~spmg Herbert, granted Cigarette Pernut ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 298 ............. • f ~ e A ri s S33 " " 23- ,,,,,, Bertsch Leonard P., granted Cigarette Perrmt ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„ 298 „ 9 e1 remo deling front o f tone rn to ch Rog , ve to -Bert " 23- Baxter James W., granted Cigarette Permit .........:.....................:.. 298 conform to City regulations ..................................................... S48 " 23- . Burgmaier John B., granted Cigarette Permib ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~, 2gg 9 -Bertsch Roger, granted Class "B" Beer Permit „..,,,..,.,,„.,..,.,.,,.,.., S49 " 23- Beecher Oil Company, 'granted Cigarette Permit ................... 298 9 -Burgmaier John B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .....,.,..,.„.„ S49 „ 23- „„, Burke Josephine Mrs, granted Cigarette Permit :.....................„. •~~ 298 9 -Benevolent. & Protective Order of Elks, No, 297, granted „ 23- Bradley Clyde L•, granted Cigarette Permit .................................. 299 Class "B" Beer Permit .,,,•.,.,,, °•°~°••~°°°•°°°•~°°•°~•~••°°°°•°•°°°~°°°••°•° 549 " 23- . Berntgen Frank H. »ranted Class "B" Beer Permit ,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,, 299 " 23- Bournias Rhea Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 299 23- Baumgartner John M. & Rosemary, granted Class "C" Beer Permit . ..........................................................„., .,,;....,.....„...,....„ 300 July 7- Byrne Robert )•., sidewalk bond .............. ............... ,.,,,.,,. 304 7- Beadle Loras, heating• bond ................„,.,.„„..,,,...,.........,„„,,,„,,,..,,. ; 304 " " 7- ,,,.,.,.,.„„..,, „,,, Burkart Fuel Company, heating bond ...........................„,........... 304 7- Brooks, O'Connor and Brooks, audit report of the City•of » Dubuque for the year 1957 .......... ........... . . .....: ............ 304 7- . Budget Estimate for the fiscal year beginning January 1 " , 1959 and ending December 31, 1959....305, 306, 325 345 346 347 7- , , Byrne Thomas Mrs., requesting the improvement of Mc- , " 7- C1ain Street :. ................:..................... ..... Becker William, Kaufman Avenue Subdivision, approval 314, 326 II 21- of plat ,:,„;....:.. .................... :, . ........... .... .. .... ...... ... „.......... Buelow Norman et al., requesting a stop sign at East 28th 319, 342 » and White Streets „ ....... ..................... ....................„,.......,,. 326 21- Bodish Alex, heating policy ..,.... „ • ...... ....... . ....... .....•....... 327 -- INDEX e BOOK 88 INDEX -BOOK 88 1955 SUBJP~CT Page 1958 SUBJECT Page ~ [ C C ~ Jan; 6- -City Council Regular Session .............„...... ,.;.,,,,,, ~~• ~~~•~ 1 ~, 3-City Manager, recommending the installation of street 6 -City Manager, submitting Pay Plan and Personal Rules and lights at the following locations: Lenox and Born, I Regulations for Council Approi~al ...,........ ,,,,;;;,;. 2 Born and Indiana, Born and Ridgeway, Indiana and 6 -City Manager, advising Council of his appointing all Alpha, Ridgeway and Alpha, On Indiana between Al- officers and employees .. „ ..........:................... ......._ 2 pha and Eorn, On Indiana between Alpha and Mis- "j 6 -City Manager, recommending the installation of street souri .........................................„,., ..........,.......,...,.,.,,..,".....,......, 105 lights at Karen and Tiavergreen Drive ....„,.:.„...,....„...,,,,.,„,,,,,. 10 3-City Manager, recommending the installation of street ,i ~ 6 -City Manager, submitting a list of Street and Sewer Pro lights on Mineral Street and Devon Drive, Princeton I - jects for 1958 .........................:......................"., ,,,,,, 10, 11 Place on pole at turn south of Devon Drive.„............ 106 t 6 -Cleveland Avenue, improvement with asphaltic macadm sur- 3-City Manager, recemmending that the City use women for i facing from the West Property Line of Bryant Street parking' meter control „ .. .................... .....,..... ,........,. 106 ! to the East Property Line of State Street, schedule 3-Cook ?;arl W., Notice of Claim .„,....„,„..,„..„.,„., .,...„,.„..,..„..,•„,.....,, 109 ` of assessments ,:,18, 19, 20 3-"City of Dubuque 1958 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project ' Feb. 3- City Council, Regular Session .,: ...,,.. ~ 35 No. 1: .,........„....,......11$, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, ..,.„.....,,..... ......................,:,,...,.....~.,.,...,..,....„,...,196 218 217 170, 543 171 544 j I, 3 -City Manager, recommending the m tallation of street lights on Kerrigan Road and Gr d i - , , , 3-Carter Road, improvement with curb and gutter from the , an v ew mtersec tion, including the four approach entrances, and also east property line of Kaufmann Avenue to the south progeny line of Kane Street „,..,„,....,„,.119 120 164 165 166 167 on the Kerrigan Road between Railroad Avenue and , , , , .....„.............„......,„.,„..,„.„.,,„„...„.,.„.„.,.,.....168 217 169 170 171 , 543 544 ? " 3- Grandview Avenue ..........................................................:. Chief of Fire Department, authorized to attend Instructor's 35 , , , , , 3-Custer Street, improvement with curb and. gutter from the west property line of Grandview Avenue to the east , ~ „ 3- Conference ...............„..........:,..........„..,,.......,.,,.,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,, • City Manager, to attend a meeting of the Mississi i Val- 36, 129 property line of Atlantic Street...,.,119, 120, 164, 165, 166 167 44 ', pp ]ey Conference of State Highway Departments.,,.....„..„„ 38 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,•.•.„•••„••.••,......„..„..•...„,,.„.,.....„..168, 169, 170, 171, 217, 3-"City of Dubuque 1958 Hot-Mix-Hot-Laid Asphaltic Con- 543, S . , 3- City Auditor,. City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works reports far the month of D b Crete Surfacing Project No. 1." ............ :....121, 159, 160, 161, 162 ecem er as well as list of claims and payrolls far which war- ..„.......„,„,,...„,......„...„,.,„..163, 216, 217, 440, 469, 471, 472, 473, 3-"City. of Dubuque 1958 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing 474, S31 i~ 3- rants were issued for the month of December; 1957.,„. City Solicitor submitting 1958 Supplement to re ised O 38 Project Na 1:' ,,,,.,.,.,„„....",,..124, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 218 - , v r dinances of 1951 ............................ . ,,, ,.., , ,,,,;,, Civil Service Commission submitting report on entranc 41 ,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„,......,.„,.,........,.,„, .,,...,,,,.,,..............,„ 9, 532, 40, 21 S 3-Caster Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Sur- 541, 542 ~ ~p " , e examination for the Police Department .... 42 facing from the west property line of Grandview Ave. to the east property line of Atlantic Street..,.•124 2S 171 172 3- Claims for the month of December 1957 roof of ub ' P P , r , ,„,„,,..,,„..... ..............„................,.,173 174 175 176 219 c40 , 541 S42 - - lication • ...... ...... """""""""""""„""'•°°••••°•• - •• ~ .' • Council Pro e edin s for be months of Jul and Au g ust 42 , , , , , , 3-Chaney. Road, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Sur- , ` i I p p p y g , 1957 a roved as rinted.. 3 facing from the south property line of Hillcrest Road I ' 3- ....• .......................... City of Dubuque" 1957 Bituminous Surfacing Proiect No 4 to the north property line of Pemisylvania Avenue.„... .................. ......„............171 172 173 174 175 176 219 S4{l 124, 541 12S S42 ', I ~ " 3- 1, schedule of assessments ..................:.....„:,. Cherry Street, Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, schedule 61, 62 , , , , , , , , 31-City Council, Special Session .......... ...„„ .,•,,.,,..,..„...............,. 31-City Solicitor submitting his opinion concerning the trans- , 129 I '' 3- of assessments .................... ............:.....................„,,..,,. City of Dubuque 1957 Concrete Curb and Guttei Pin t 64 , fer of funds to the Local Civil Defense Unit ,.....,,.,,• 135, 136 f „ ec No. 1, schedule of assessments ...:.......... 1 ..„:. ' 81, 104 31-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works reports for the month of February ~~ 3- Cedar, Maple and Sycamore Street Sanitary Sewer; Lift Station and Force Main lm roveine t di f as well as a list of claims a.nd payrolls far which . p u , awar ng o contract ...„ ......................... ........•....96, 97, 129, 488, 489, 490, Sli warrants were issued for the month of Februarg 1958 31-Claims for the month of February, 1958, proof of publi- 137 Mar. 3- City Counncil, Regular Session „........„„.,„ ............................................... 103 cation ...„,.._„...„.„.„„„.„.........,.„,„,..„., ,.„..........,, ..,..„.,.,..„.., „;.„,,,...„,„... 137 " 3- Civil Defense Director, William D. Capaghan, submitting 31-City Manager, recommending the installation of a stop a proposed budget covering the City's share of the sign at University Ave. and Asbury Street, bath sides Civil Defense Program ..................................................... . ..103, „..„.„, 135, 137 of St, Ambrose Street to make trairic stop before en- 3- Claims for the month of January, 1958, proof of publi- tering from Rosedale Street ...................„,„.,,.,,„.„,..,:...„.„„,.„...„,...,. 138 """" " "„'""""""' 103 31-City Manager, recommending that a plat and schedule be ~ 3- " Y City Employees I,oc pp al 228, letter of a reciation for fort repared for boulevard lights on Main Street Iowa p hour work week ., .., .. "„,•~•.~•••.„ ••~~•••~•~•~~~~~•~•~•~•~••~~•~•~•~~-~•„••~~~~~~••~~•~•~••~ 1D4 Street and Central Avenue .............................„,„,,.„.,„,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, „,„,„...„.. 139 3- " ' , Council Proc eedings for the month of September 1957 31-Correll Chas. n. Notg e of laim „P.,...„...„„.„...„......,,,..,„,.:.„.,„ ............. 142, 209 „ approved as gruited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„, •~•~~~~~~•~•••~~~••~•••~•• 104 p 31-Crane I,. H., re uestm refimd on Cibarette Permit No. 103 147 3- City Auditor, City Treasurer, and City Health Depart- p 31-ClovergHiils Subdivision, a royal of L,ot 2 Block 2.......,.... 1S0 ment, reports for the fiscal year beginning January 31-Cumm~ ham Gordon, mranted Cigarette Permit .„.„,...„.,„,..„,,...,,. 1S2 i 1, 1957 and ending December 31, 1957 ..,..„............i...,.,... •~~••"•~~~•~ 105 31-City Manager, authorized to submit an application for 3- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and a grant for advance for public works planning which City Water Works, reports for the month of Jan- shall consist generally of the construction at East nary as well as list of claims and payrolls for which 14th Street and Pine Streets of a ,four lane overpass 1 warrants were issued for the month of January, 1958.,. 195 with sidewalks and approaches and also construct East 14th Street from Cedar Street to Kerper Boule- vard .....,..".„ ............................„.„„.......,........„..„,,.„,.,.,„„„„.,„.„,„„...,„„.„„..,.,.„.„..... 153, 1S4 .::- i~ ____.,___~ _ ~, A~,„ _,~, m,.,_ ..._ ~ __r~ ... - - ~V'.._., P ~ ,~ ~ Ik' ' ~ INDEX -- BOOK 8rI 1958 SUBJECT Page C " 31-City Manager, recommending that proceedings be instituted to replace the brick sidewalk on the south side of ~ ' West Tenth Street from Main to first alle west of y and adjacent to Lot 46 in the original Townsite of the City of Dubuque with a modern concrete side- : : . .. walk and assess the cost against the abutting prop- i erty .............................................1SS, 156, 211, 268, 341, 363, A ri1 7-City Council, Regular Session ..................... ..., ........... p ...... ,..., . 364 1S9 '" . i 7-Christensen John et al., objecting to the proposed im- ~ provement of Windsor Ave ........................ " 7-Correll Charles T., cancellation of sidewalk bond ....,„........„.. 186 .. I 7-Council Proceedings for the month of October, 1957, ap- I proved as printed ......................................:.„,;„ .. .. 187 7-Civil Service Commission, report of examination held far position of Water Plant Operator ..............................„..... 187 7-City Manager, recommending that the City Clerk change the final assessment schedule on Greeley Street to cor- e ' sect typographical error covering Lots 17 through 33 in Kings Grove Addition ............ .........„.. ,,,, 18$ " 7-Cox Dorance E.; granted Class "B" Beer Permit' ..... .. 193 " 7-City Manager, directed not to issue excavation permits for portions of the following named streets for a period of ten years from the date of completion of construc- ii tion of each named street: Kaufmann Avenue, Bunker Hill Street, Floraview Drive, Wilbricht bane, ! ~ Merfeld Lane, Meadow I,anc; Custer Street, Chaney ~: ;; i Road, Hawthorne Street, Glen Oak- Street, Alley be- "- tween Locust and Bluff running from Jones to 5th j Street, Davis Avenue, Hempstead Street, Bissell bane, ~ ~ Montana Street, Windsor Avenue ............... „....,..,.:....., 193 194 , 7-Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer Bid - Section No. 2 com- ' Pleted and accepted ..:.............................„ ...„„ ...........„..~.„, " 194 7-City Manager, recommending that the City Solicitor insti- iji~ tote condemnation proceedings tc acquire real estate ' i from property owners abutting streets to be improved ~i with concrete curb and gutter ......:................................. 196 197 , May S-City Council,. Regular Session ..................................... .„ . 199 , ...., . ' S-Council Proceedings for t1;e month of November, 1957, ~ ' approved as printed .:...............:....„......... ....„....„,:.,.,.. 200 ~ ~ S-Claims for the month of March, 1958, proof of publication " Z00 5-Commissioner of Registration, submitting for Council cep- ~ ' "' proval a list of Clerks of Election who shall have ~~ charge of the election register for the Primary Elec- tiou June 2, 1958 ......................... „......,.....,..,.:.:.............. S-City Ivianager, recommending the sale of property lying 200 within Rosedale Addition and Woodlawn Park Subdi- ~ision „..„ ................„..,..,.,..,„,...„,.„......,„,.. „,....„.,..„..,..,.„„„,...„,..„...::,.„„~. " S-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and 204 City Water Works, reports for the month' of Marclr as well as a list of claims and payrolls far which war- ~` rants were issued for the month ~of March 1958....,„:.:,„..i.. ' " 5 205 -Clewell James B. et al., objecting to the re-zoning of the ' ~ area adjacent to Asbury Road and Carter Road for the proposed shopping center .......................,..,., ,...„„,,,,„..,,,.,.,„,..,..:., 208 S-City of Dubuque 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1 Con- ~ struction of an eight inch sanitary sewer and appur- tenances on the following named streets: University Aveiiue, Beverly Avenue, Carlton Avenue, Lenox Ave- i nue, Nebraska Avenue, Austin Place, IVIcPoland Place, Wisconsin Avenue, Hickson Avenue, Fairfax Avenue, Drexel Avenue; Missouri Avenue, Ridgeway ~ ' Avenue, Indiana Avenue, Born Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, Earl Drive, Ideal bane, Ruann Drive, Kane ~ I Street ..,,....„,,..,.,..,„,.,,.,,.,....,...,....,„„„.,.,,.„,.224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 261, ~I~ li 262 INDE3~ -BOOK ~S 1958 SUBJECT Page C ,..,,.,.,,,263, 264, 265, 266, 274, 288, 289, 315, 316, 545, 546; 547, S48 " S-Carlton Avenue, construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer .....................................,.224 225, 226, 227, 228, 262, 263 ,..:. ..................„,,....„....... , ..264, 265, 266, 288, 289,. 545, 546, 547 approval of plat of Blocks 6 5-Clover Hills Subdivision 7 , , , 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 ....................................:.....:.... 229, 230 " S-Collins Thomas J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......... 232 June 2-City Council, Regular Session ................:...„..... ,.., ..... ,..... 235 " 2-City Manager, recommending denial of petition for traffic light at Windsor 3 Rhomberg Avenue ......... .......:. 236 " 2-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Hcalth Dcpartment and City Water Works, reports #or the month of April as well as a list of claims and payrolls for which warrants were issued foi• the month of April 1908 ... 239 " 2-Claims for the month of April 1958, proof of publication...., 239 " 2-Council Proceedings for the. month of December, 1957, approved as printed .......................... ..„..,....:...„..... 240 " 2-Civil Service Commission submitting report of .entrance examination for positions on the Fire Department .,.:,., 241 " 2-Civil Seruice Commission, stbmitting' report of entrance examination for positrons on the Polrce Department.;;... 2,41 " 2-Civil Defense Orgamzahon, requesting permission to test sirens once a week :....:... :.„ ...... ..,...... ..257, 276, 2TI " 2-Carris Glenn ;~., requesting permission to connect to water and sewer ...„ .....:............. ,„..... .. ..............,..:, 258, 279 " 2-Chapman C, E. et. a1., regrestng that the Park Board main- taro the park area on Cooper Place ........:.. .......:.:.....:.. 259 " 2-Collins Thomas J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... ......... 270 " 23-City Council, Special Session .,.,,.., ,,,.,: .:., 274 " 23-Claims for the month of May 19SS proof of publication.,... 27S " 23-Certificate of bevy for Airport, Bunker Htll Mitmcrpal Golf Course, Doclcs and Terminal Operation, Library, Park and Park Improvement, Playground Swimming Pool, Playground Improvement, Fire Pension, Fire Retirement; Police Pension and Police Retirement........ 275 " 23-City Auditor, City Treasurer; City Health Department and City Water Works, reports far the month of May as well as a list of claims and payrolls for which war- rants were issued for the month of May, 1958....,..... 277 " 23-City Manager, recommending that Section 3 of Ordinance No, SO-S7, Gas Rate Ordinance be eliminated „..,„,„,„„..... 279 " 23-Curtis-Straub Company, heating bond ............. „.......„....,.,,., 280 " 23-Corbett Earle G., granted Cigarette Permit ....:..:..............„,..,.......,„„ 295 " 23-Canfield Hotel, granted Cigarette Permit ......,:„ ........................ 29S " 23-Cahill Helen M., granted Cigarette Permit ';.:,.,„ ...................„..... 295 " 23-Cosley Harold A., granted Cigarette .Permit ................................... 295 " 23-Chapman Milton E., granted Cigarette Permit ....,,....,.~ ...........:.. 296 " 23-Clemens Michael H., granted Cigarette Permit .................„..,.,..,.,. 296 " 23-Clark Oil & Refining Co,, granted Cigarette Permit ,,....„...,.,.,,. 297 " 23-Cunningham Gordon, granted Cigarette Permit ............................. 297 " 23-Cremes Ralph J., granted Cigarette Permit ,.....„„,,,..,.,...„„..,„...... 297 " 23-Cos Dorance E., granted Cigarette Permit ,,...„ ......................„..,,„.,.„ 298 " 23-Casey Harold, granted Cigarette Permit ...,.,....„.,.,„.....„..,„,„,.,,..,.,..„ 298 " 23-Collins Thomas J., granted Cigarette Permit ..............„„,..,.„,,.,..„„ 298 " 23-Cahill Robert, granted Cigarette Permit ...,..,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„.,,.„.,.,,.,,,,, 298 " 23-Callahan Edmund H., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,.,. 298 " 23-Cosley Harold A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 299 " 23-Casey Harald A., granted Class "C' Beer Permit ....................... 300 July 7-City Council, Regular Session ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„,..,„.„:...„...„...„..,.,„,,.,,,,..„.. 303 " 7-Civil Defense Director,. submitting City and County Civil Defense Plan .,..„..,.„,,,,...~.,..,,,„„...,,,..„,..:.,„...„,.,:.,„.,.„„.„ ................„,.,..,..,, 304 ;r ~ ~~~ .. INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJECT Page C " 7-City Manager, submitting Annual Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1959 and ending December 31, 1959 ....,,„_,..„.„„..,.„....,,...,.,_,.,..,....„..„.,.,,.,,.,.305, 306, 307, 345, 346, 347 " 7-Callahan Charles W., granted Cigarette Permit ,,.,.„„„,,.,.,,....,.,.... " 323 21-City Council, Special Session ,....,,,...,„,,.,„;.„ ............... .,,„„. .......................... 325 " 21-City Manager, submitting a list of all parcels of property consisting of 10 acres or more within the City which would be eligible far tax exemptions as agricultural or horticultural land .,.,.,,.:.„,„,„ .............„..,.,..,.,,.,..,..,.,.,,...,..,.,,.....,....„„„ 327 " 21-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of June as wall as a list of claims and payrolls for which war- rants were issued for the month of June, 1958 ......„„.,.,, 327 21-Chapman Milton ~, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....,,..,,„ 340 Aug. 4-City Council, P.egular Session .,...„...,,..,.„,...,..„„„„„,;„„:„.,.,„„„.„..,..,..,.„..„ 34S " 4-Claims for the month of June, 1958, proof of publication 3S0 t t a P P r ~ 351 4-Cullen Ke n th appointed City Manager Pro Te m ........,.„,., ~~ 353 4-Chandlee W. F, Notice of Claim ....................,., ..............,,,..,,, 3SS, 379 4-Curtis Roy Mrs, et ah, objecting' to changing the nam e of •,•.,,••,• Althauser Street to Terrace Hill ,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , • 3SS Sept, 1-City Council, .Regular Session ......................„,,,,,,,,,,.,.......„....,„....,.,..,.,,, 373 " 2-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session .,,..,,,.....,... .................... 374 " 2-Claims for the mouth of July, 1958, proof of publication....., 374 2-Council Proceedings for the months of February and March,. 1958, approved. as printed ...................„„,.,„,,.,.....,.„ 374 " 2-City Auditor, City Treasurer; City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of July, also claims and payrolls for the month of July, 1958 37S " 17-City Council, Special Session .,.:.,.„ .............„,...,.,.,,,„,.,..,...,.,.,..„.,..,,.. „. 402 1 -Council Proceedings foi• the m onth of April, 1958, proof of P ...,..,.,,,,.,_,.,.., ublication .. „..„...„.„ ..................„.......,..... ..,,, 402 " 17-City Manager, recommending the transfer of funds from special assessment funds which have a credit balance to the General Special Assessment Fund ..,,.,.,.,.„...,,.,..,„,.,,,..,.,. 402, 403 " 17-Curtis-Straub Company, excavation policy „ ................,.,.,.,,,,,,,..,,...., 403 " 17-City Manager, recomemnding that the subdivider be re- quired to install sidewalks before the .subdivision. be be granted final approval .,..„,.,.,.,,,.„,..,.„ ........................„..,....,„,..,.,„,.,. 403 " 17-City Manager, recommending that the Council approve a resolution authorizing an election to vote on the an- nexation of areas to the north and west of the present city Limits ..................................................414, 415, 416, 417, 421, 422, 423 Oct. 1-City Council, Special Session ...............................„.,..,..,.„,....,.,..„..,„,.,..,,...,.„„ 421 " 1-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Worlcs, reports for the month of August, also claims and payrolls far the month of August, 1-Claims for the~month.,.of...,....,.„ .....................,.,...,,.....,...„,...,.....„,,,,;„„.....,.,,.,.„..... " August, 1958, proof of publication 425 425 " 1-Commissioner of Registration, submitting far approval the names of persons to serve as Clerks of $lection for each precinct who shall have charge of ,the election for the General lalection to be held November r I , 19S8 4, „,......,„„ ................. „.......„, 426 g " 1-Cunnin ham Gordon, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 173 ...................................................„,....,....,...,,.,,„,,...,.,„„,.:.:..„,.„., 429 6-City Council, Regular Session „,.,,.....„:„ ................ ...........................„.... 433 " 6-City Manager; recommending that the proposal of How ard, Needles, Tammen and Bergendoff for the 14th Street overpass be accepted ,.„.,.,.,.,,„ .................„.,....,,„,...,,„„.„,......„ 433 INDEX-BOOK 88 1958 ' SUBJIaCT Page C " 6-City Manager, recommending that the proposal of A. A, Rhomberg for the Fengler Street overpass be accepted 433 " 6- "City of Dubuque 1957 Hat Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Con- crete Surfacing Project No, 1", Section I and Section II completed and accepted ...,........441, 442, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468 " 16- City Council, Special Session „..„„ ..............„,..... „.,,,,,,, 446 Nov, 3- ,.,.....,..,.,;..,..„...... .., '~ g „.. City Council Re afar Session ,„ ......................„ 4S1 3- g Cox L. A. and Bernadette Notices of lax iration of Ri ht P >; of Redemption ,„ ..............„„„„..,....,„.„....„,.,„„,,....,,.,.,.,...,.,:,,,,„,.„..„....,,.,..„ 4S8 3- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Worlcs, reports for the month of Septem- ber, also claims and payrolls for the month of Sep- tember, 1958 ,„,:;„:.~ ...............„.,.....,..,„,,..........:„„..„.:.i.::....:;..:.„.....,: 4S8 " 3- Claims for the month of September; 1958, proof of pub- ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ a 4S8 " 3- y and August, Jul months~~of psoceedings for the Council 1958, approved as printed „„~ ::...........„~,„..„..„,,:,......c.:....„.,„..„,.„,..,,, 4S8 " 3- Central Avenue, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot laid Asphaltic Concrete Surfacing from 32nd Street to City Limits; Schedule of Assessments 464, 465; 466, 467, 468 " S- City Council, Special Session ~., ..„..,; ' .......„ „.::„, 484 " S- City Solicitor, requesting permission to attend convention of National Institute of Munici16a1 I,aw Officers;..;,,,::,,. 486 " 24- City Council, Special Session ....„..„„ ..............,, ....,....,,, S06 24- City Manager, recommending that the Budget far 1958 be amended .....:.:........ .;.„,,;, .....:.506; 507; 508, S35 " 24- City Manager, submitting repott of survey concerning the establishment of private collecting stations for the payment of water bills .,.,......,..,.„,.....,...,...,„ ..............:.„„ „„.„...,„. 509 y y g commending installation of e d t an ............................,.....„„„,..,„,,,..;.,.,„.„..,..,... .. g .,.,.,....,„,... , ..., . street li hts 509 C " y y ity Health Department and Treasurer Auditor Cit 24-C t City Water Works, reports for the month of October, also claims and payrolls for the month of October, 1958 ...,:,,.,„.,.:,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,„:.~..:..„„....„,,..,..„;.,.,.,„.,„.,...;.,,,,„,,.„.,,:..,,..„.,,:„....,.,„„„ S10 " 24 -Consolidated Chimney Co, Inc., release of blasting bond..,.., SIO " 24 -Claims for the month'of October, 1958; proof of publication 511 " 24 -Conlon Construction Co.; requesting extension of time on Contract No, 'i .........:......:....„„.,„.:,...,:.,..,,...::,„„„....:....,:,:;.....„.,;„,...,.,,:,.... S23 24 -City Council, meeting of December 1 postponed. to De- cember 9 .:............:.:.........:..................:....................:................:.:.„,,.,:,.:.,..,....,.,.... 528, 529 Dec. 9 -City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ....:........„.,.,..,„:„.,„:„,,,,,„,.. S30 " 9 -City of Dubuque Seweage Works Improvement, Contract No. 2, Force Main and Terminal Strete Sewer, coin-. gleted and accepted .„ .........................„„„„„„,„„,,.,,,,„,.„„,,.,.„,„:,;....:.„.,,:,... S30 9 -City Manager; submitting Agreement for the collection of Water and Sewage bills by an independent col- lection agency '..,.,,,.,,,..,: ..............:................................:::...„:,.,..„„,.,:..,.„„.„,„„ 530 " 9 -Cooper Heights, hots 26; 27 and 28, offered to the City by John R. Walter, Austin C. Waller and Mac W: bong, to be used far playground purposes ..„.....„„.,.„....„,„ ......::......:„ S30 " 9- --City Manager, to negotiate' for property west of Musca- tine Street to be used for playground purposes „.,.„,.....,.,.. S31 " 9 -Council proceedings for the month of September, 1958, ap- proved as printed .,..,.,..,..:.::,.,....;...,.,..„,„ :......:.:.........„,,:;:„..,....:..,::...,...:.:. 533 " 9 -Conlon Construction Co.; requesting permission to install a 1 /" water service line to serve a laundromat at 31 Locust Street ...:.,.....„„.....,...„,,.....„..„,..,,..„,„,„„.„....„.„„„, 536 <~ 1958 INDEX -BOOK 88 SUB J>;CT D Page Jan. 6-Dubuque Bauk and Trust Company, appointed depository " of public funds ......................................................•,,,•.,..,••,....,.,.,.•:,•,,..,.., Z ,•,.,• 6-Dubuque Community Chest, requesting the appointment of two members of the City Council to serve on the " Board of Directors of the Dubuque Community Chest 16 6-Dubuque County Society for Crippled Children, requesting „ permission to hold tag day .,,.,,,•.•.•,.,.....,,•,• ..................•..•..,,,...,.....,•. 18 9 r Terminal, requesting. e R Feb. „ blastin he .................:........,,.•.,.•.•„•..,.,•,,.•,,....,.,... 3-Dubuque SheetMeal Com an P Y, ating bond ......,...,. .....:............. 18; 38 38 " 3-Datisman SYdneY, heating bond ......................:.......................................•.,. 38 " 3-Dubuque Plumbing and Heating Company, heating bond.,.... 38 3-Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, endorsing the recommen- dations of the Dock Commission to increase the In- dustrial acreage in Area A ...,...„,.,..., ..........................:.,...... ,. ,. 39 , ,.. 3-Dubuque Dock Commission, submitting an outline for the ~~ development of Area A .,„••.,..,,„,,,,,,„, ,,,, ;„,,,,,,.,,,,,,„ 39 40 3-Dubuque County Hospital, granted permission to construct " a Ten Inch Water Main in the Public Streets 4S ,....,..... 3-Dubuque l{xcavating Co., requesting excavation permit ,.,... 3-Decatur Street,. Bituminous Concrete Surfacing,,schedute 58 - of assessments .,,,,,,...,••,.... •,,.•.•„ •„...., . 66 Mar. 3-Dubuque_Real $state Board, commending the Councih on its approval of the Dock Board program tc improve. Area "A" on Industrial Island ......,...•...... 103 3-Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, submitting a :resolution concerri~ng the adoption of an ordinance governing the period. of time "going out-of business.sales" may ,; continue .,,.,,...,.•••,..••.,,,,....,•..... ..............:.,,.,.;,,•,.,,.....,.,,••..., „•....,,••.. • .•• ,,...,...,•,.. 3-Duggan Margaret. Mrs., .Class "B" Beer Permit No. 114 104, 145 ,; ' revoked ,••.,.,,• ..............,,.,........„.•, ;..•:•.,. ...............•, 3-Davis Avenue,. improvement with. curb and gutter from the 113 ....east property line of Windsor Avenue to east prop- erty line of I,ot No, 2-1 W/ I,ot 3 of NF/ Sec- . lion 13 'T89N R2P, Sth P.M..,,.......,119, 121, 164, 165, 166, 167 ;, •••~~•••• „ •.. ,168, 169, 170, 171, 217, 218, 3--Davis Avenge, improvement with Bituminous Coucrete 543, 544 Surfacing from the east property line of Windsor Avenue to the east property tine of I,ot. No . 2-1-1-1-W% I,ot 3 of the N.Ia.14 Section 13 T89N "' " R2)i{ Sth P. M,.,....125, 126, 171, 172, 173, 175, 219, 540, 31-Disabled American V t i 541, 542 e erans, request ng that disabled vet- . Brans be considered far the job. of checking parking: " meters ,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,.,....,.,.,•,,,.,..,•••,......,,,•,•..,..,...,.,...,•.,,.,...,.,,•,,,.,,,.,,,......,..,,,.•,..•,•., 31-Dubuque Municipal Airport to receive Federal aid in the 134 amount of $12,500 for the construction of a hangar: ~~ .•„.,.,.,•••...,.,.,:,..,•..,•,..,.,.,....••.,•,:•,..,,•,..•,„......,,, 31-DubuAg q River Terminal, .Lease and m • ~ 134 „ e ent w h Board of Dock Commission.;.,,.,,,,„,.,,,,,,„,; 135 31-Dubuque. Plumbing and Heating Co., excavation bond , 138 " ...., ..,.. 31-Dubuque excavating Company, excavation bond- .............. , 138 „ .,. 31-Duggan Margaret, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit ' " No, 304 ,..,•,..,,...,•..........,,.......•,.• .................•..,....,•.:..•..•.•••:...,...,,,••,. 31-Deutsch Florance, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ; 147 1S0 April May •,,..,...,.,„,„ . 7-Dubuque Baseball Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 5-Dearborn N. P Mrs Notice of Clai 193 " , ., m ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,.. 5-Drexel Avenue, construction of an eight inch sanitary 211, 242 sewer .....:.........................•,,,..,......,..,.,,...,.,..,224, 225,.226, 227, 228, 262, 263 " ••••~~•••••~••••~•.•,•••.~••~••~~...,..,..,,,,,,.264, 265, 266, 288, 289, S4S, 5-Drish Marion M. granted Cigarette Permit •......,.,~,,... .............. 546, 547 231 " „,,,,... 5-Drish Marion M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit •....... ............... S D 232 - ubuque Sports Bowl corporation, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..•,,,.,.,•„•.,,,.,.,.,•,•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•„,,.,„•„.„•.,,•,,.,..,.„,,,..,,.,..,.,.•..,••„•..,,,,,,,. 232 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUB JIiCT Page D mond Cab Co., taxi-cab policy ...............~.,....,•••,,,„,,,,•,,,,.••.,.•.......,..... une 2-Dia J 239. 242 p " 2--Du aco Employees Credit Union, Notice of Claim ..,.....•..... " 2-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting that a por- tion of Mineral I,ot 63 be zoned as Local Busi- 330 ness A .................:.:.........,..,.......,,,......•.,•,:,,..,..,...,......,,.,.,.,...,•,•.,,.,.,.......,,•.,258, 281, n to have fire- ~, s q , 4 g P 2S9 ,,,' u.,.,,.•,„.. s •~•~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ l y d » permission to Club, granted Count y a nd f 2-Dubuque Gol 260 have fireworks display .•,,,,..,..,,•,,. .................................................:...:..:..... " 2-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class `.B" Beer Permit ,.,..,.,..,,... ..............:......:.•.,•..,...,.•,,.,:....,.~.:..,••,;......,.......•,.,,,,••,: " 2-Dupont Ralph A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...:............... 270 271 on Com- the Recreatt to 2-Dalzell Wilbur Mrs. rea ointed , PP , •..,,,..,..,• , ;' , .:.:,.,.:,..,,,,;,•., ,.•, .. , mission ..,,,....,...• ..:........... . . ...•, .. ,..,.. 271 " 23-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Cigarette 295 Permit ,..,.....,,• .:...............................•....;....,,.,..,..,,,.....,..,;,.;•....,,.••....,....,,.,;.,.., " 23-Dubuque Packing Company, granted Cigarette Permit ,...•... 295 " 23-Disabled Amerrcan Veterans Club granted Cigarette 296 Permit .•, .,~;.::.....,., ,•. •:: ......... " 23-Diamond's Grille, granted Cigarette Permit .• .............. 296 " 23-Dupont Ralph A., granted Cigarette Permit ..••.••:••• 296 297 " 23-Drish Marion M., granted Cigarette Permit ... ..., 297 " 23-Deutsch Florence, granted... Cigarette Permit •~ " 23-Donovan Melville Ir,; granted Cigarette Permit •,.•,., ,.,•. 297 " 23-Dunbar Otto J., granted Cigarette Permit ..:..........•,,...,.,....,.,.,.,..,•„ 297 297 " 23-Dolter Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit .••......• .....:.:.........•., " 23-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Cigarette Permit... 297 " 23-Dubuque Golf & .Country Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,, :. ......................•,.,•:•...,.....:.... ..,•:..•.........., 299 July 7-Dubuque Humane Society, Agreement with the City of Du- buque ..,...•,..,.. ...........................,.,,.,.,,..,.,......,..,..„,..,....,........,..,,.,..,•..,.•,,..,...305, 375, 402 " 7-Daskalakis John, relative to his claim against the City of Dubuque ...•, ..........................•...............,...,,,,.,.....,•.,,...,.,;.,.,....... 307, 342 " 7-Dvorak Frances et. al., requesting traffic control at 16th and Catherine Streets ..,.,... .,..•.,•.........,•,........,...,.•.... 314, 376 " 7-Dunbar I,innie Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ......,.........,•• 323 Aug. 4-Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, approval. of the Budget for 1959 and recommending the adoption of ~t.,,.,.„.....,.•. 346 " 4-basso Construction Company, sidewalk bond ...;,...,..••,.......,.,,...,.., 352 " 4-Dock Board Ordinance No. 1-58. _An Ordinance $stab- ]fishing No Parking Areas on Streets and Property under Dock Board Jurisdictioh ,,.••;,.. .•..,,.,..,.,•„•. 3S7 " 4-Disabled American Veterans requesting permission to have tag day ..:.................................................................................:................................. 360 Sept 2-Dubuque .Chamber of Commerce, .relative to .Industrial sites ,,,••,......•,.,...,,,,. ...............................•,........,•,.,...,.,.,..,.,..,,...,...,..,,,........,..,.,..,.......,, 374 " 2-Dubuque Jerrold Television Cable Corporation, relative to 'application to F.C.C. for microwave frequencies ...,,... 374 " 2-Dubuque Lions Club, requesting permission to sell tickets for a Circus ...................•,,,,.:.,,,.,.,..•.:,,...,..•......,:,..,,,.:...,.,......,.;,,,.,....:.,...,,,,•,.•.,•, 385 " 2-Dubugve Cheese Factor requestin permission to connect Y, g to sanitary sewer :...,., ,:....,,, .....,,.,•,,....:.. 38S " 2-Dubuque, Park Board, acceptance of Flora Parlc Sanitary Sewer ,....•,...•.. ..............:.......•.••• ....:... ..... ,...,..:..., 397 ' " 17-Dubuque Baseball Inc., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No, 1S ..:..................................:.............•.,,.,...,..,.•.;,.,..,,•., 406 " 17-Dubuque Sports .Bowl Inc., requesting refund on Class' ,~B„ Beer Permit No. 25. ...............,„.....:.:.......,.......,,,....,,....,.,.•,•„••;•.,•:: 406 Oct• 6--Disabled American Veterans Club, granted Class "B" Beer .....................,.,......,.,.....:.,,;.w,•„•,.;,;..,,,,,;,. 444 q q ~ng amendment of the 1958 ark Board re uest 16-Dubu ue g .••,,,....,•„ .................,,...,..:,.:..::....,..:.:....,.,.•:.,,.;.•• Bud et- ....:...........•,.....,•„.,,,,,.,,,,,,,, 447 Nov, 3-Dare Edward H. and. Alta Agreement with the City of Dubuque ..............................•..,..,.,,,.,,.,.,,.,...,•...,,,,..„.,..,.,...,,....,..•,•,•,..,..•••......,,,..,...... 4S3 " S-Drish Marion M., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No.137.,,•,,,,.,,•..,.....•,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.•,•,•,•.,.,..,....,.,•.•.•.•,,.•,,,.,.,..,..•,....•.•.•..,,•,,..•, 487 i'~I '• ~~~I j~. ,;~ „ II~~ INDE?~ -- BOQK 88 1958 SUEJECT Page E Jan; 6-Erner William A., stating that he is in favor of rezoning » the Healey and Jecklin property ,,,,,.,;, ,,,; 9 6-Evergreen Drive, installation of street tights 10 fi--1:as# Twenty First Street, southbound vehicles must stop before enteripg the intersection of East Twenty First and White Street 14 Feb. 2-Ebben Mrs. games„ ohiectmg to smoking on busses ., 34 3=--Electric rates fixed and established wtthm the Ctty o$ Du- buque, Iowa ................,,.,,,.,,,.,.,.. ,,....... ,, . ... .. : 50 . , ,,, ., , 3-East Sixteenth Street, portions of the street and the alley first-.oast of White Street racated as requested by » St, Mary's .Church ..,.,,.,, ,.:,.,,.. .,;.,,..,„ . S6 .., ., 3-Ellerman Clare, granted refund on Cigarette Portrut No, " 299 .;.. .,,.. ,,.,....,,.,... 3-Elterman Clare, granted refund on Class "B Beer Per- S6 " mit No 106. ,. ,..,,. ,.:•... :.,..,., 5 3-Eleetnonic Assoe~ate No 7, requesting rcaonmg of, Lots 6 30S and 306 in Davis Farm Addition to I;oeal Busi- " ness A classifieabion ...,,,.: ......,,5&, 3-East Twenty Fifth Street, Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, 312, 313 schedule of .assessments ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 73 Mar, 3-Elliott Rita, Notice of Claim ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•..,.:,.,....,„,,, ,,,....:,..:,, 108 140' 3--East Twenty Socond Street, improvement with Hot Mix- , Hot Laid asphaltic conerote surfacing from the east property line. 01 Central Avonue to the south prop-' " erty line of Windsor Avenue 31-Essor Jerry Notice of Cl im ~~~ 122, 123 " , a ...,,,. 31-Eichman Arthur H,, requostmg refund on Cigarette Permit 142, 3S5 No. bti ;..,,.,,, , ......., ,.,,.,,, ,,::,a,m::,, 1 47 April 7-~la']m Street, east and west bqund vehicles must stop bofore . entering Elm Street between Twentieth Street and Twonty Second Street ........,.., .... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7-Eudaley John C. et.' al., relative .to the construction of a 185, 283 sanftary sewer between Brunswick and Burden to serve residents on Edith Street ,.:.,.,.,.....„,„,,,;,,,,,,,,, 18 7-Excavations Prohibited on portions of the fopowmg named 6 streets for a' period of ten' years from the date of completion of construction of each named. streets Kaufmann Avenue, Bunker Hill Street, Fl'oraview' Drive, Wilbricht laane,, Mcrfcld I,aae, Meadow Lane , Custer Street, Chaney Road Hawthorne Street, Glen Oak Stroet, Alley between Locust and Bluff running from Jones to 5th Street, Davis Avenue, Hempstead. Street, Bissell Lane, Montana. Street, Windsor Avenue 193, 194 May S-Engel Georgo et, a1'., requesting the installation of a traffic light at the corner of Windsor Avenue and Rhombeig " Avenue ...,..,.. ....,.. ..;,,;, 5-Fart Drive, construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer 2~5, 226 » ~ ,:,.... , ,,,.227A 228, 262, 263, 264,, 265; 266, 289; S- elhog Ch arles relative to funeral rocessions havmgthe P . 547, 548: n ht of way regardless of tragic signals .•...,.....:. 232, 245, June 2-Eagle-Dubuque, Inc., grantotl Class C Beer Permit : 271 ,......,,, , 23-English La~no, widening of street to inelud~o I,ot 2 of Lot 1 " of Lot 4. of Mineral Lot 42 ............:..:..,„.,,,;,..;,.,,.,,,,,,;..,,,,:.,,,,.,,..,.,,, 23-Eagle-Dubuque, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit ,;,..-...,•,,,,,,,,;,, ; 284 296 >' ,, ,, 23--Evans Russell, granted Cigarette Permit .,,,,,,,.:,;„.,„...,..,. ~ """"" A 296 '' ""' 23-Ender A. J,, granted Cigarette Pormit 296 23=-Erschen Benodict F. s ~ o ,,, 23--Eichhorn I{ester and Marne, gran ged C poet e1 Permit' ; 298' Juty ., . 23-Ellis.. Victorina Mrs., granted Cigarotte Permit ,„,,. 7-Engling Bernadette, granted Cigarette Pormit ...,..., ...:............:..:..' 298 323 ~.~~ ~~NDEX - $OOK 1)5B SUBJECT Page E Aug, 4-Eighteenth Street, City Manager recommending two hour parking zone from Centro] Avenue to White Street..... 35i, -3$2 ~~ 4-Ender Lyle C, et al, requesting a street light ou Glendale Court ................... „ ,.......,,..,....,...,,. ,..,..,,. ...,..,..... 361, 377 Sept. 2-Eisbach Company, heating bond ........,.......,.. ••••.....•..a 375 17-1{lection, City Manager recommending that an election be authorized to vote on the annextion of areas to the north and wcst of the present city limits ,,,...,.414, 415, 416, 417 ..,..,,.,,. ................... ......,, ,,,......421, 422, 423, 426, 464, 485 Oct. 16-Evans. J. Russell, granted Class "B' Beer Perm~t,:....,,,,,....,~„ 448 Nov. 3-Erschon Benedict F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......,, 482 F Page Jan. 6-Freund George A:, sworn in as Councilman ....»......,.»,,..,:,,;.».::.»,,.. 1 6-Frommelt Leo F,, appointed City Clerk ...............»,..:....,.,,,..»,...,,..».»., i " 6-First National Bank, appointed depository of public funds 2 " 6-Fremont Avenue, northbound vehicles must stop before en- tering the intersection of Fremont Avenue and Wart- .. burg Place ..:,:.».,»,..,,.,,:.:»»,.,»,»......,»..,:».,:».»:,...,,,,,,,:,».....,,,,,,..,»...»,.,.;,,... 14 6-Fremont Avenue, eastbound vehicles must stop before en- of remont venue and Wart- ntersection g ' „,"",""•"». ......... .......................... burg Place 14 6-Fremonb Avenue, southbound vehicles must stop before en- tering the intersection of Fremont Avenue and Simp- son Street »_,~.»„»...»...».....,,,....,,.,,..............,».»»».»,»,»...,,,..»...»,,..,»,...,»„ 14 " 6-Felderman Merle, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 143 ,...».»,».......»,..,,,,».».....».,»,.,..,»...»,»...».»,»,.»»,.,».»...,»...»,,..,»....,».»..., 15 " 6-Felderman Laverne G., granted Class "C" Beer Permit..., 33 Feb. 3-Frommelt Arthur F., Notice of Claim »..,»,»..,...»»,.......»,.,,,.,.».,..,.43, 209, 242 " 3-Fesler Betty Mrs, Notice of Claim ,.,..,..».....»...»» .............»,,...,,,...»»... 43, 328 ing, schedule 3- ulto n treet Bitummous oncrete vrfac _ 1i,,'.,,,,^,,,,»,.».„,,,„, of assessments ..,,,.„ .................. .... . „ , , 67 Mar. 3-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..».....»........_»»,.,»..»..,,.»,»,.,»»,.»»....,»»,,....,..»»,».,.,...»,..,....,»,...,,.,»,.» 117 '; 31-Flynn Coal Co., sidewalk bond ....»,...,,».....»,.......,,„.„.».,,,»..,.,.».»,.-.,»... 138 " 31-Flury James, Notice of Claim ..».......»,»,...,..,», ,... .. ~ 142, 209 31-Floraview Drrve former] name Mon tana St reet ,,..»...,,..»..... Y 143 g q " 31-Fonck Helen Mrs. et, ah re uestin rezoning of 1800 Block on Avoca Street ..........,».,»,..»...»,».,.........»...».».......».»,....148, 281, 329 " 31-Fury Robert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..,,,..,,,»,»,,,,:..».,,.. 1Si " 31-Pecker Anthony L,, granted Class "C" Beer Permit,.»..,».»,,,.. 1S1 " 31-Fecker Anthony J., granted Cigarette Permit .»,.,,.»».»»,,....,...,,...,, 152 " 31-Fury Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit ,.,...,»,-..,».,....,.....,»...»,.. 1S2 April 7-Floraview Drive, improvement with Bituminous Concrete - Surfacing from the south property line of Wilbricht Lane to the north property Ine of Merfeld Lane,.,.,.171, 173, 17S ........................»,.,,.,.»...,,,.»»...»,..,»,........,~»».......»...,».»,.,188, 218, 219, 540, 541, S42 " 7-Floraview Drive, improvement with Concrete Curb and gutter from the south property line of Merfeld Lane to the north property line of Flora Park ..,,»,,,,,177, 178, 222, 223, .....................»,.......».,........».»,.».,......»..,.,»,..»»...,»....»...............».........,.,,,..:».,»..224, 538, S39 " 7-Floraview Drive, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Surfacing from the south property line of Merfeld Lane to the north property line of Flora Park.,,.».»,»..... 179, 180 ............................. -...-...._........-.............., ....181, 220, 221, 222, 539, S40 " 7-Fremont Avenue, east bound vehicles must stop before en- tering Fremont Avenue and Wartburg Place »..»»,....,.,»,»_ 185 May S-Flynn Ready Mix Concrete Co,, excavation policy »..,..,...-»»,». 205 " S-Fairfax Avenue, construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer ...,,,..,.»....,...»,.....»».....»..„»»,.»...,»..,.»,.224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 262', 263 .»,»... ,....,...........,.,......»» ................».,..,,..264, 265, 266, 289, S45 546, 547 June 2-Fire Chief, Thomas Hickson, appointed Assistant Fire Marshall »,.»,,.,.,.,,,.» .........................».....».,.......,..».,,»..........,,...... 237 2-Freiburger John F., sidewalk bond »..,,....,.,.»,».»»., ,.,»..,,,...,,» ................ 239 " 2-Fluckiger Frank, reappointed to Recreation Commission..... 271 " 23-Farrel] Frank, sidewalk bond » ..................,., .... ,. . ... . ...................... 280 " 23-Fecker Anthony L,, granted Cigarette Pertnit .....,,...,»,,,».......... 295 " 23-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Cigarette Permit...., 296 " 23-Fenelon William G, granted Cigarette Permit ................:..„,,., 296 " 23-Felderman Laverne, granted Cigarette Permit ..............»,»,.,».,.., 296 " 23-Fortmann Anton, granted Cigarette Permit ,..,,..».......,».»........»,»..... 296 " 23-Freund Robert A,, granted Cigarette Permit ..............».,...,,,..»,.,.» 296 " 23-Fraternal Order of Orioles, 'granted Cigarette Permit...,,».,», 296 " 23-Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie No. 568, granted Cigarette Permit .,»»»,,,,».,»».»..»..,...,.»»».,..»,»...»..,,.»..»,,..,,.,,»»,,,»».»,»,»»,...»..».»,»»,.»,,.» 296 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJECT Page F " 23-Frary Fred, granted Cigarette Permit .....,»,»,.....»,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»»,.,.;».»,.,, 296 " 23-Fury Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit ,.,.....»....».,....,,..»..,»,»»„» 297 " 23-Fett Carlyle R. and Doris A., granted Cigarette Permit,»». 297 " 23-Fink Milton F., granted Cigarette Permit »»,».:.»...»„»»,.....:.....,.,.,,,,,, 298 " 23-Falkenhainer Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 298 " 23-Fortmann Anton, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .,......»,»,»»,,,., 299 " 23-Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class "B" Beer Permit :..,,».,,»,».» .......................»,».»,..,.,.....».,»».»,..,,...,..,.,,»»».....,»....,..:»,,»,,.»,,,,. 299 " 23-Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie No, 568, granted Class ~,B,~ Beer Permit ,,,.....,,»,..,....., .................. ,,.,,.,.......:..»,.,, 299 July 7-Fransen John J., heating bond ,..»,,.,.,,,..,,.,,.»..~~„»..»,,....,»,.».,:,...,.»,...,,,,,, 304 " 7-Foe11 Lester A. Sr, granted Cigarette Permit ,,:»,.,»»,,,»,,,..,».,.,.,. 323 " 7-Finch Alford F., granted Cigarette Permit .»,„....,,».»,,,.,.,,,,».,.,,...,» 323 Sept, 2-Floraview Drive, Cilty Manager recommending the instal- '. lotion of street lights .».».,» ...............».,.,:,»...,.»;,:,.~»,,......»..,,,»,,.,,,. 377 " 2-Fire Chief authorized to attend convention in Los An- getes; California' ,»,:,:,,;..»»,»,»,,,.....,.».,,»;,,»,:,..,»,»...»»,.,».»,,,,.,,».,:...,,,,,.»„ 377 " Z-Findley Gane et. ah, objecting to Hennessey Bros. hiring outside help ,,..,,,~,,....».».,,»,».,.,,,,»,»„»»,.,,,.,.»...,..,..,,.»..,.,,».:.,.»..»,»»,.»,.,»,,, 386 Oct. i-Foe11 Lester A: Sr., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- '. mit No. 268 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»,..».,..»...,.»..:...,,,,,.» ,.,,......,,...».»„ 429 " 1-Fourteenth Street-Fengler Street Overpass, City Manager recommending that. the proposals of Howard, Needles, Tammen and Bergendoff and A; A, Rhomberg be accepted ..»........,» ............:.......-...............:..._.........:....»..:....433, 454, 4SS, 456, 4S7 ' 6-Frary Fred, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .,..»,,.,,,»,:.,»»,».».».,,. 444 " 6-Fleckenstein Clement R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,.»,. 444 6-Fleckenstein Clement R., granted Cigarette Permit .................» 44S Nov, 3-Flynn Ready-Mix Concrete, Agreement with Board of Dock Commissioners »,,,,»..,.,,,.»,»,»,,...,,.»»,»».........,,»,»,»,»..,»..,._.....,»,,, 452 " 3-Fransen John J., sidewalk bond ......................:...................»..».;.:..........., 453 " 3-Freiburger .Norbert, sidewalk bond .»»,,,,,,,,,,»,.,,»,», ,,,.»,.;»„ .,,. 4S3 .»,,.»,,,. " 3-Fondell A. & Sons, excavation policy ,,.»:..,.».,..,.,,,.,»,,», . 4 " 3-Fischer A. J., excavation policy ,,,.»,,;»..;.~:..,,.,. .,,.:, 453 ,,,, " 3-Fenelon Ken; granted Cigarette Permit .,,.,,..,.,,»„»,,,:; 482 " S-Francois Helen Mrs, granted Cigarette'Permit ,,;;,,,,,,,,;,,,»,»..,.' 487 " S-Francois Helen Mrs., granted Class "B" Becr Permit,,,,.»,,,» 487 " 24-Foye Street, City Manager recommending that parking be prohibited on the south side of Faye Street betweem- Merchants Lane and West Locust ...,.»,.,,»,.,».,»,..,,,.»,,.,,.;»,,.;,,,., S08 9-Freunch Councilman; relative to a Mayor's committee for Dec , Industrial Development ,,.»„»»,».,,,»,»,»,..,»,»,.,.,,»,»,»,,,,,,,,,,»»,»,»„»;,,, 5S0 ~~~~-- 1958 Jan. Feb. ,, „ ~, Mar, April June ~, ,~ » ;, ~, Aug. Sept, Nov INDEX -BOOK 88 INDEX -BOOK 8B SUBJ>aCT _. _ __ _ Page 1958 SUB J;~CT Page G H 6-Gruber Paul W., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit ..,•„r ...:..........„,..,,•,,,,,.,..,.,.,......,...„,,,.:,,.••.,,...„•,,...,..,.:..,.•.....„....,„..,:„.••, 6--Garner. Vir it granted Class "B" Beer Permit. „ ............... o u ~ 1S, lE 33 ........„",„, 3-Gruber Pa l W. equesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 24 ...................::............~...•,,....,.•,.,.,..•.„.......,.....••........,., . : S7 ••.,, .., ,,..„ 3-Ginter Vincent, objecting to assessment for Boulevard lights on Devon Drive .:..,.• ........:........•.•,,,...,.,...••,.,.:,.:,.,.,.,•,..,,..„,.:......,.:..,. 3-Gilmore Street, Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, schedule 59, 103 of,assessments •..,.,.•.....„ ..............•.;..,•..,..,•. 3-Greeley Street, Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, schedule of assessments ....„•...,,.."•,.•„.....:.,,•.,„ .:............::...•..:......,....,..,,,.•.,.•.,...:,,..•:,,,....,. 3-Grandview Avenue North, Curb and Gutter,: schedule of 68 assessments • :............•:....:.........., 3-GI nn oho •~~"~" Y J J:, granted Cigarette Permit ,. ,,,, , . 82 96 • „ ,...•,... 3-Giles Place, approval of plat of Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Giles Place .,.,.,,•.....,,.„•....„,.,,•„•..,.:,. 3-Green Acres Subdivision, approval of plat of .Lot 2 of Giles Place ,•..,„......,... •..:•.„..... ; ...• 3-Glen Oak Street, improvement with curb and gutter from 99, 129 the north property line of $dina Street to the end of platted street ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,119, 120, 164, 165, 166, 167 •• ••••~••• ••• •~•~ • ~~•• •~ • .• • ,:,,...,.168; 169, .170, 171; 217, .218, 3-Glen Oak.Street, improvementavith Bitumnous Concrete S43 S44 Surfacing from the north property Ime of hdina Street to the end of platted street .. ,:..,....,..125, • •°••••• ~ ~ •....,.„ :,.,:172, 173, 175, 219; 540, . 7-Gabriel John Mrs,, objecting to dogs running loos 126, 171 541, S42 e....,,.,:,„,..„, 2-Geisler Brothers, heating bond ,.. ....:.. .,•....•• ::. 188 239 ,.." 2-Garner. Virgil, requesting refund on Class `B" Beer Per• mil No. 138 ••...,.•.•.„.,,..•,••., ..••... 2-Glynn John,. Class "B" Beer Permit No. 120 revolted : : :i ... 260 269 :, ,.. " . 23-Gill Harvey J. Jr., et a1., requesting the installation of traffic signals or control at the intersection o#;Hill , Burch and West Fifth Streets,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 286 23-Gantert Harr N. °"" y „granted Cigarette Permit ..,,....„ 29S ,.. 23-Glynn John J.;: granted Cigarette Permit ...:, 296 23-Giunta Joe. and Marco, granted Cigarette Permit ' 296 23-G1 nn .Sall g "" "' n a tt 23-Gartner A old and Marian F,, gra led Cigarette Permit 23-Glaser Leo J d Ci 296 ., grante garette Permit .,..: ,,,,,,,,,; 23-Glynn Sally, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 298 4-Gas Adjustment Cost, section 3 of Ordinance No, SO-S7 29g repealed • .................•....„,...,,•.,•,..•.,.,.„„..,..,•,.••.,•..,„,.....,.,, , 2-Glendale Court, City Manager recommending the installa- tion of street lights •.,...„,.,,..,..•,..„.,.,.,„,.,,.,.„,•.,...,,•, . . 377 2-Ginter Vincent A, objecting to assessment for Boulevard L~ghts ............ ..................•...................................................,,....••...••....,.,•...,,......,,,, •. 17-Gladwin Carrie, Notice of Suit .,..,.,...„,.,..,„...,., • 386 404 17-Green Acres Subdivision, approval of plat of Blocks•4 5 , , 6 and 7 ........................................................•...,.,......... ,•,408, 409, 431 3-"Going Out of Business Sales", regulating and licensing and fixing fees of such sales ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,„,~,„,,, 462 3-Grandview Avenue North, improvement with Hot Mix-Hat Laid asphaltic concrete surfacing, Schedule of As- sessments „,..,,,••.,,,•,,......„„,..••„„..,„..•,•,..,.,,•.,.,„•..,.,•,.,,..,..,..•.464, 465, 466, 4 67, 468 Jan. 6-Healey Leonard, petition for rezoning of Lots 30S and 306 Addition from Multiple Family Resi- Davis ocal Business District A denied ................„,...„,..,.. Bence to L ar 8, 312 ..........„..,.•.• ..:...........~•,,.....•..•~..,.••.;„..,.,..,..,....,.,•,...,.,.....,..„.•,.,.,.313, .••,..„. 357, 43S " 6-Hillcrest Heights, Block 10, Block 11, Block 12 and Block 13, resolution correcting clerical error which desig- noted Hillcrest Heights as Hillcrest Park Addition 33, 34 Feb. 3-Hickenloaper B. B. Senator, acknowledging .receipt of let- ct ter from the Mayor relative to the Natural Gas A .,...,,......•.. Amendment of 1957 ........................................................... 39 a " J p , g Class B' Beer and Bernice ranted h P 3-HillaP • ; ermrt 100 Mar. 3-Huekels Minnie, Notice of Claim ................ ..... .:...... 108, 142 " 3-Hardt Frederick, requesting agricultural tax exemption far 1957 ....,,,•••.,.,..„........._.....,,.•......•,.• ..................................,..,....,.••,„"..•••.•„,•,•.,„,„.•.„•, 111, 3S4 " 3-Hawthorne Street, improvement with curb and gutter from the south property line of Lincoln Avenue to the north property line of Rhomberg Avenue .,...,...,,.119, 120, 164, 165, 166 •.,,,•.....„...,••••.••,••,.„,".„••,........,.•...,,.•.,.167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 217, 543, 544 " 3-Hempstead Street, improvement with curb and gutter from the south property line of Kaufmann Avenue to the north property line of Lot 2 of the Sub of Lot 1-150 and 1SOA of L. H• Langworthy Addition.........119, 121, 164, 165 .................•.."•.....166, 167, 168, 1691 170,.171, 196, 217, 218, 543, S44 " 3-Hawthorne Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Surfacing from the south property line of Lincoln to to the north -property line of Rhomberg. Avenue•...•.124, 126, 171 ,,.,,, ,.,,...,.,...,..„....,.•....•..........172, 173, 175, 219, 540, 541, 542 " 3-Henderson Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Surfacing from the north property line of Bradley Street to the south property line of Grandview Ave- nue .....:...,,......••.•..„.••,.,.....•..•,:„,.,.,,...,...,•.,:...,...•......,....,..,, .............•••,125, 126, 171 172 " 3-Hempstead Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Surfacing from the south property line of Kaufmann Avenue. to the north property line of Lot 2 of the Sub of 1150 and 1SOA L. H. Langworthy Addi- lion :.....,...,..:.125, 126, 171, 172,173, 175, 219, 540, 541, S42 " 31-Haight, Davis & Haight Inc•, submitting a factual and actu- ariaL analysis of the Police and Fire .Retirement System •..,..... ,,..,... ,.:.. .........................•. ,•,:..•, ' 134 " 31-Henkel Alma Mrs„ granted Class B" Beer Permit .................... 150 " 31-Hafeman larwin J., granted Cigarette Permit ,...,...... ...............,...,.• 152 " 31-Hill Thos. J., reappointed to the Police and Fire Pension and Retirement, Board ..:......:.....••....•,.,..:.,....,.:..,...•.,„.•.•,..,.•„„•:,•..,.:.,;..•. 1S6 April 7-Harvey Mary, objecting to the.. improvement of 22nd ... .......................:...................................„..,„•„,,..•.,,.•. .., ", t 159 al.~ G. et. objecti " ng to khe improvement of 22nd 7-Hille Car1 Street ..........................:..........,.....:..........,...............,....,.....,........,.,:........,-........... 1S9 " 7-Hanten Cyril, sidewalk bond . ...................•,,.,..........,...,....,.,......„..•..,,,...,..,. 188 " 7-Heitzman Construction Company, sidewalk bond ,•,•••.•.•..,.•„•,,..... 188 7-Hevey Robert, granted Cigarette Permit •,,,•••.•.....,,.,••,....,.. ............." 19 May S-Howe Delbert J, heating bond ,..•,••.,,•,..,.,,„••••...,.....,•..••.,..,,...„,...,......„.„.. 20S " 5-Hanselmann F. W, heating bond •..,.,.,..,•...,.....••„. .,..•.„,.,..,.,,,•..,,....,.„.••,...... 205 5-Hillcrest Builders, .Inc,, sidewalk bond ..............„,.„,....,",.:.,•....,.•..,,....., 205 " S-Helling Vic, requesting oiling of alley between Rosedale and Clarke Drive from St. Ambrose to North Grand- view ..,,.,..,,.•,...,"......„,,,..,.... ................„.••.,,..•„•..,.•.••,.....•:,.,....„.,..,•..•.,.,•.„.,..,.•.„:..,.. 207, 238 " 5-Hillcrest Builders Inc., requesting that Class A business District be extended westerly from Hillcrest Heights Subdivision to include Lots 7 and 8 of Block 5; Lots 1 and 2 of Block 9 in Hillcrest Heights Sub.; Lot 2 of 1 of Lot A of Hillcrest Park; Lot 1 of to f 1 INDEX -BOOK 88 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJECT Page 1958 SUBJICT Page H H of 1 of 1 of 1 of 2 of M• I,. 263; I,ot 7 of M. h. 261; 1•ot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of l of 2 of NI I 263 20 f '> 17-Howell Kenneth et al., requesting street light on Drexel i A 434 407 . ,. ; a oot strip lying between said I,ot 2 of 1 of I,ot 2 of Hill- venue ..........~ .....................~„..............„............„..........„•„..,•, s and Illino ' " 17-Hillerest Builders, Inc., approval of plat of Block 1 and , crest Park and I,ot l of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 2 of M. Block 2 in Rolling Ridge Subdivision .,..,•........„,•....„..,,,...„,...., 411 " I,. 263 all in the City'of Dubuque „..208,258, 259, 310 311, 312 1-Hafeman Irwin J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit Oct S -Henschel. Dick et. al•, requesting that City water be fur- . No. 317 ....„.••„,„•....„„..„,„•..„„,.„,.„.„,..„•,.„.,„.„„•.„.,..,.„,:,.......„„,„..,,,...„..„„...„,...,. 429 Wished to the Ke11y bane area ••„„.,„.,....•,•.....„.„:•: , ,. 209, 238 " 1-Herburger Cart M., Class "B" Beer Permit No. 23 revolted 430, 431 S -Hickson Avenue, construction of an eight inch sanitary " 6--Haupert Clarence P. granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................. 444 sewer 225, 226, 227, 228, •~„••°••°•°°••°°••••°•°••°•°•••~••°•••~••„„•~••~~•••~ 262, 263 6-Hunt George R. and Christopher C• Grazt, granted Cigar- " " S • ,°,°,,,, .... .,,• ,.•„,•.,„,•,•...,....•264, 265, 266, 288, 289, 545, 546, S47 ette Permit •,•.•..•.••„.•„.•.....,..•„..,.....,...•......•.......„....•....„....•..•.„..•,• 445 -Hunt George R and Christopher C. Gratz, granted Cigar- 16-Hillerest Builders Incorporated,.. granted the right to con- June 2 ette Permtt ............•......... ............................•..„,.....„.....„..•..•••.,;,;,,,,,,.,,,,...„,......•,.,.. -Heitzman Construction Co., excavation policy „„:,• .....................•,.,,,,, 231 239 struct a sanitary sewer and water main in Illinois Avenue, Alpha Avenue, Enid Avenue and Ohio Ave- 2 -Hier Mary P., requesting suspension of 1957 real estate ~ m 446, 449 " • ' • , „ taxes .„•„....•,.•,........ ........•... 240 277 ff, Consulting In- man & Bergendo Nov. 3-Howard, Needles oTa " 2 , -Heitzman Construction Co, requesting excavarion permit:.„,. 260 gmeers, proposal to do the engineering services on the 2 -Hansel C, Ted and R. A• Brown; requesting permission to last Fourteenth Street Grade Separation Project..„.. 4S7 excavate .,.,...„.•.„....„...„,..„..•„,,.,„,.,...„,..„,„..•,•.„,„,..„...„...,.,,....„•.•„.•. ,. , , ,,.... 260, 278 " 3-Hevey Robert lia•, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 2 -Hedrick lalmer T., relative to compensation for land deeded No. 272 .„.•.••:,,..,„•„.„„,.„....,,,„.„.........,„„.„„..„,..„,..„.„.„..„.,,.„.,...„„..„•.,„,..„,,,..,.. 4S8 „ to the City ..........•......,.•.•..;.....„ .................„..........„....•......„;..„„.•„.•.„....•.„•.....,.•••• 261 3-Henschel Richard C., granted permission to construct a ' 23 -Holland Furnace Company, heating bond ....„,„„.,....,..•••„... 280 sanitary sewer in Alice Street.„.„..,„,„........„:„.„„.,„„,..„...„.,„.....„....,. 463 23 -Hedriclt .timer c~ Joe Bellman, requesting extension of 3-Hedley Alfred $. granted Class "B" Beer. Permit .„„...,„„...„.. 482 " sewer and water on Kane Stret .,„..•.„ ......:......•...„.,.,.,,....,„•.,,..,....,,,•, 286 " 3-Hickey David I,., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..„..,„,„,.,...„•. 482 " 23 -Heiderscheit John J.; granted Cigarette Permit .,„..„.„„.,...,..„•..,. 295 S-Hall's Oil Co., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 23 -Henkel Alma Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ..„..,,....•,;..,...„•„,•.,,...„ 295 ••„..•...,..,„..,...•„..•....,„...„,..„....„,.....„,.....,...„,..„.,.....„.„„...,„.„,..„...„.„,„.„...„,.•„•. 28S 48 23 -Herbur er Carl M. g ,granted Cigarette Permit ..:.,,,...•,••.,.,•..,.,.,,,. 296 24-Hotel & Restaurant $mployees and Bartenders Interna- 23 -Hunt Geor e R. and Christo her Gratz g p ,granted Ci a g rette tional Union Local 527, relative to baseball .promotion • Permit .,„ •........••.„. ..... 2g7 and betterment of the City of Dubuque .• ..............•...... S10 23 -Hessei Irvin G., granted Cigarette Permit „•, •~•• 297 ... 24-Ham Keith L, granted Cigarette Permit „......:.• ................. 527 " 23 -Harti Dru Cam an g g g p y, granted Ci arette Permit ....•„.•..,......„., 297 9-Hillerest Buiulders Inc., requesting amendment of Ordi- Dec 23 -Hemmer John P., granted Cigarette Permit ,.••.•,.,„„....,„,„,..,,•„• 297 . ,,, „„ nance No. 68-58 .........„•.,....,.....„,„,....„:„,..„,„.... ,.. S36 " " 23 -Hafeman Helen M., granted Cigarette Permit „... 298 9-Haberkorn ladward A., granted Class "B' Beer Permit .„,• 549 23 -Haberhorn 1•dward A•, granted Cigarette Permit ....: •.:•...... 298 " 23 -Hochhausen Albert H.; granted Cigarette Permit ....:.............. 298 " 23 -Hedley Alfred, granted Cigarette- Permit ,„.•.„.:„...• .......„ ......„.• 298 " 23- Hafeman Irwin J•, !'granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29p " 23- Haupert Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit .............................. 298 " 23- Hillard Joseph P. and Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit..„„ 299 " 23- Hemmer John P.; granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 299 " 23- HesseLIrvin G., granted Class `B" Beer Permit ..................... 300 ' July 7- Henschel Roofing & Sheet Metal Co., heating bond .:.,,..,...„.•.., 304 7- Hickey Johu J., requesring refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 104 ......„ ......:.....:..................... •.•.....•................„,.• 314 " 7- Henschels Highlands Subdivision, approval of Block 1 .....••: 318 7- Helling Tony, granted Cigarette Permit ..,.••..,....••„.•...•••..„..,,,,,, 323 " 7- Hevey Robert L, granted Cigarette Permit ••.„......„••......• •...• • 323 " 7- Hall James K, granted Cigarette Permit •„.„•, .•;.,,....•., ,,,,; 323 " 7- Herber Frederick. J., granted Cigarette Permit ..„....•........„•.„., 323 " 21- Harper Harry D., assignment to First Federal State Banlt..• 325 " 21- Hartmann Arthur A, sidewalk bond „ ...............„.... ,.„..•...„.:••~....• 327 Aug• 4- Hennings Thomas et aly objecting to increase in water " 4- rates .,..„,...........•.........„...••..„....•.•..•.........•...„..: ;.;•• Hennessey Bros. Inc., assignment to Dubuque Bank & Trust 347 Company ......,..„....„........,.:...• ...............• „••,..•• .„., ' 3S0 " 4- Housing and Home Finance Agency; approval of grant on the Fengler Street overpass „...••• ..... •..:.•,.,•••• •••....„.....„ ..„, 361 362 Sept. 2- Home Heating Company, heating bond „., ....... •.„....••.„• ............. , 375 " 2- Hedley Alfred and Percy Johnson, sidewalk bond ,••••:„,...••. 375 " 2- Hennessey Brothers Inc.; blasting bond .......••.•...;...„,,...„.....•••..,.,. 375 ,~ 2- Hird Garry, Notice of Claim ....•.... „.....„...„.••„....; ..„.„..........„.•„ 379, 447 2- Housing. and Home Finance Agency, approval of $ast 14th St. and Pine Street averpass ,•„....„•..•:•„••.„,„•„,.•„„„•.•„„••,,.,.,, 396 gym: w ,m+uaew~ r~ m ~. ~u,~~.. .uq ~ ~ .:,.,,~,~~ i~ ~~.u ~ 9~asui ~ m r, n .w _,~: t, ~ ... ...o --r., -- ~ ~~-` I !`@b ,;' Ii ICI INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJ>~CT Pagc '~, I Jam 6-Iowa Street, north bound vehicles must stag before'entermg l A i intersection of Second and Iowa Streets ..„.„.„,.,.,.,, 14 ~ 6-Illinois Central Railr-oad Company, Agreement with the City of Dubuque permitting the City to construct a f 36 inch pipe under their right of-way in connection w,~ with the construction of the sewage treatment plant..„...,. 32 Peb. 3-Interstate Power Company, soot and smoke nuisance,,,:.,,.„.. 37 " 3-Interstate Power Company; Annual. Report to the City of i I Dubuque . „„.., .........,„„. ...:.:..... ..:. :. ; .., , , ,: ' " 3-Interstat P C l 48, 49 e ower ompany, e ectric rates established for the City of Dubuque, Iowa .. ..... .:: ...,;,.,,. „.„ SO Mar. 3-Indiana Avenue, City Manager recommending installation of street lights ...,, ...: ,, ............. ... .............„,..:............„.. 105 " 31-Inter American Municipal Organisation, extending an in- ~ '~ vitation to the City Council to attend the Inter Amer- icon Congress of Municipalities in Rio De Janeiro ~' from November 10th to the 20th ...................................... Ma I` 5 I Fit t S M h 134 y - awa ta e e ars all, requesting that a qualified mem- ~~ ber of the Fire Dept. be appointed to serve as a State ~ i Inspector of nursing and custodial homes .,....,:.,,,.„,:...,„ ~~~ 199 " 5-Ideal Plumbing & Heating Co,, excavation policy „.„.......,.. u 245, 208 5-Indiana Avenue, construction of an eight inch sanitary ~l sewer ,. „.„ ............:........„224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 261, 262 ....,„ .„.„....263, 264, 265; 266,286, 289,545, 546, S47 " 5-Ideal bane, construction of an eight inch sanitary` sewer..„.. 225, 226 i „ .......... ...:..:....227, 228, 262, 263, 264, 265; 266; 288, 289, SS7, 548 June 2-International City Managers Association extending invita- tion to City to be represented at 44th Annual Confer- ence in Dallas, Texas ..,„...„..:...„..., ... .:..... ...: ... :„,.„;..,„., N16~ 2-Illi i ' 241 o9 no s Central Railroad Company; Agreement wrth the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sidetrack " to be used for the Sewage Treatment Plant ,,,,,,,;,;,,,,, 268 " 23-Interstate Power Company, Annual Report for the year 1957 280 23-Iowa Commission for the Blind, granted Cigarette Permit.„.,, 295 July 7-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for con- struction of sanitary sewers in Clover Hills Subdi- visiau .................„...................„........................................,...,...., " 7-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for con- 303 ' struction of sanitary sewers in I,eunox Addition........„...,. 303 " 7-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for the construction of relief sewer in Windsor Avenue ,..„..,....... 303 " 7-Interstate Power Company, Agreement with the Board of ~~~~ Dock Commissioners for the relocation o~f a transmis- sion line ...................................„..........„..„..,....„,314, 315, 362, 363 Aug. 4-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit far con- struction of sanitary sewer in Scenic View Heights I ' Na. 2 ..............„.,...„....„...........,..,,.......,...„.„...... 3S0 „........„.„..„. " 4-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for con- II . struction of sanitary sewer in Alta Place .... ..................... 350 tl 4-Interstate Power Company, grant of easement across Smith ~i' Southern Avenue Place 354 ................„.,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 394, 395 Oct. 6-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for the ~Olil construction of sanitary sewer Rolling Ridge S~ub- ~ ~ division .,....,.,, 433 it 6-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for the construction of sanitary sewer in Green Acres Sub- division .„„ .......,„., .„„ .............„,..... „. „..„,....„.„......„......,... 433 Nov. 3-Interstate Power Company, requesting a change of bus fare ., for children ...................................„.....„.....„.......,,.„.,...,....„.„, 459 " 24-Ideal Pluumbing & Heating Co., heating band ... „ .................. (~~ 510 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJIaCT Page J Jau. 6--Jeclclin George and Addle, petition for rezoning of their property from Single Family to I,oca1 Business Dis~ trict A denied .............................:................:...„.................... 8, 9 Mar. 31-Johnson Walter R., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No, 283 ,......„.„..„,„.....,„.......„.„„,„_,„,..„..„....„.„.....„.,:.„.....„..,„..,„,.....,„.. 149 " 31-Johnson Walter R., Class "B" Beer Permit No. 89 revoked 149 " 31-Jorgenson I,aVerne, granted Class `B" Beer Permit..„..,...„..... 1S1 April 7-Jones Jack C., requesting excavation permit ...„„,„,„...,.,.,„..,„,.....„, 186, 188 May S-Jenni William and lahel, relative to damage to their grop- erty .„ .....................:...,.„.........„.............,.............,.............„.... 20D, 237 June 23-Jordan Arden C., Notice of Claim .................„ ..............„..... 285 " 23-Julien Dubuque Culf Service, granted Cigarette Permit......... 297 " 23-Jewell Dorothy Mrs,, granted Cigarette Permit ............„........„ 297 " 23--~Johanningmeier Justin I,., granted. Cigarette Permit .. , ..:... 298 23-Jewell Dorothy, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 299 July 7-Jorgenson I,a Verne, granted Cigarette Permit ... :. 323 7-Jungblut Donald, granted Cigarette Permit „.. ... 323 " 21-Jerrold $lectronics Corp., et al., television cable policy „, 327 Aug. 4-Johanningmeier Justin I,,, granted Class B" Beei Permit... 370 Sept. 17-Jordan W. 7., heating policy ........„ 403 Oct 6-Jenk Max vs, Alfred and I;ucille Bleilie, Notice of right of redemption ...:..... ....... ......:.:.„.„..„.„ 434 ~~'. ~' ~._ '. ,~~, ~I~` I~~hl ANDEX -BOOK 88 i ~I' ~ 1958 SUBJECT , Page ~ 4N ~ Ilil'I ~ ' ' 'I ~ Jan. 6- Karen and $vergreen Drive, installation of a street light....:. 10 ~i 1 6- Kerrigan Road, one way traffic on ramps leading do and 1 from, also stop signs on exits from Kerrigan Road and entrances to Kerrigan Road ........:........................................ 14 ~ " 6- Kramer Lorraine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .,.........w.,... 33 ~~°"' Feb. 3- Kerrigan Road-Granview Avenue intersection, .installation u 'I~~ 3- of street lights ............................ ,..,..... , , :,...,...: Kwasky Herbert J., suggesting that m .the future new 3S ^ streets be named after Presidents ...... ,,.: 39 ~~~ I ii ~ 3- Kerper A, J., letter of appreciation to the Council for h r f hi f n r 42' i e ,. at o o s naming Kerper Boulevard in ho Iplu ~ 3- Kaep Pearl Mrs., petition for reioning denied..,,...:... .,~ 43 ~~l II 3- Kaesbauer Evelyn Mrs., Notice of Claim ,......,. ,. 43 ~NN P 3- Keokuk Street, Curb and Gutter, schedule of assessments ., 83 Mar. 3- Kunkel Ken Mrs, Notice of Claim :.: 109, 328.. ' N~~~~ 3- Kerper A. J. and Ruth, granted the right to construct a sanitary sewer in St. Ann Dttve .. ,...:. „ ., ..... 109 ~IIIIII 3- Kane Street; improvement with curb and gutter from the i ~~ east property line of Carter Road extended to the 120 1 164 165 1 ; 19, east property line of Mineral Lot 376A....... 217 171 196 1 , 543 S44 ~ ~0~Il~ll , , . 70, ..................................,.,166,167, 168, 169, , 1 " 3- Kane Stret; improvement with curb and gutter from the ~ east property line of Mineral Lot 376A to the east ~~ , property line of Lot 1-2-1 of Mineral Lot 361..,,.,..119, 120, 164 ............................................165, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 196, 217, 543, S44 " 3- Kaufmann Avenue, improvement with curb and gutter from ~ 1 of Weidenbacher's Subdivision to the east Loot No I „ii~i , property line of Carter Road - .........:.........119, 120, 164, 165, 166 ~~ ........ ..........................167, 168, 169, 17b, 171, 196, 217, 543, S44 I ~i 3- Kane Street, improvement with curb and gutter from the 'f east property line of Primrose Street to the north property line of Kaufmaim Avenue..,,..119, 120, 164, 165, 166, 167 " 3- Kaufmann Avenue, improvement with Bituminous Con- i Crete Surufacing from the end of existing curb at the West Property line of Lot 1 of Weidenbacher Sub to the east property line of Carter Road...,......124, 126, 171 ..................................................................................173, 175, 218, 219, 540, 541, S42 ~ 3- I{one Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Sur- facing from the east property line of Primrose Street to the north property line of Kaufmann Ave- „ .. nue ...............................................................................................................124, 126, 171, 172 " 31 -Kelly Bufford J. and Katherine, correction of assess- ment .............................................................................................................................. 138 „ 3 -Kollar Alex, heating bond ........................:.............................,.,..,,... 138 " 31 -Kopp N. J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 61 148 ,. 31 -Kipper Clarence J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...................„ 151 ,, 31 -Kerper Boulevard, established as a public street ..................... 1S2 ii April 7 -Klauer Julien Hotel et. a1., objecting to the proposed sur- ~~ facing of West Second and West Third Streets.,.,,.,.... 160, 161 7 -Kerrigan Road, east bound vehicles must stop before ii i entering west ramp of Kerrigan Road and the access ' ~ road connecting west ramp to Rockdale Road ............... 185 II~I May 5 -Kaiser Walter and Lucile, relative to damage to their prop- ' ~ erty ........................................ ...............,..............................,. 200, 238 I " 5 -Kane Street, construction of the 1958 Water Main Project ~' No. 1, consisting of a cast iron water main in Kane Street from the West Property Line of ,Maryville II;, Drive to the East Property Line of Lot 2 of Lot 1 ~ of Mineral Lot 351 ........................211, 212, 260, 290, 292, 437, 438 ~a, ................:...................................................................439, 458, 524, S2S " S -Kerper Angelo, relative to special assessments against his ~tl ~ property in Chaney Place ............................................................,,213, 214, 21S INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJECT Page " S- Kerper Angelo J. and Anti Ruth, conveyance of Lot 2-1-1-1 of Chaney Place, Lot 2 of Sub of 1-1-1-1-1 of Chaney Place, I,ot 2 of 1, Block 3 of St. Mine's Subdivision; Lot 1-1 of Block 2 of St. Anne's Subdivision to the City of Dubuque .............................: .......,. 215 " S- Kane Street, construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer...- 225, 226 ..........................................................,........... ,, ' ..........227, 228, 262 " 5- Karen Street, acceptance of dedication ................................... 230 " S- Kaufmann Avenue, acceptance of dedication ....................... 230 June 2- Kenkel William, cancellation of sidewalk bond ................. 240 " 2- Kieffer la. M., requesting the vacation of Peabody Street .............................................................................240, 353, 378 " 2- Kifer Claude J. and LaVon, objecting to amount of assess- ment for sanitary sewer in Lenox Addition ............. 261 " 2- Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......,. 270 " 2- Kroger Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit.....,.....,...... 271 " 23- Kenneally Fuel & Heating Sheet Metal, heating bond.......,. 280 " 23- Kirchberg George F., Notice of Claim .................................... 285 " 23- Kass Clara, Notice of Claim ......................................................, 285 " 23- Kane Street, construuction of an eight in sanitary sewer from the existing manhole opposite Lot 2 1 of M. L. est on I{one Street........ .,.293, 3S1 to a point 700 feet w 294, 336 . ...,...n....'....,,,..,...,...,....,...,. „,,,337, 338, 436, 437, 478, 479, 480 " 23- Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted Cigarette Permit............ 295 " 23- Karigan Gust and Pete Sifkas, granted Cigarette Permit..... 295 " 23- Knoll Walter W, granted Cigarette Permit ........,.........,.. 29S " 23- Kelly Margaret Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 29S " 23- Kramer Gilbert G., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 295 " 23- Ifnights of Columbus, granted Cigarette Permit ...,,,...„............ 29S ' 23- Kramer Anna, granted Cigarette Permit .....................................,...„, 295 ' 23- Kamentz Fred, granted Cigarette Permit ,.,.....,. .........................,...,....,, 296 ', 23- Kachevas James P., granted Cigarette Permit ,..... ...................,.,.,,,, 296 ' 23 -Kanavas Theodore G., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 296 " 23 -Koller DeForrest P„ granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 297 ' 23 -Kress Hubert J. Jr., granted Cigarette Permit ................................. 297 " 23 -Kroger Company, granted Cigarette Permit ................................... 297 ' 23 nted Cigarette Permit :...................................... -Kelly Francis ~., gr 297 23 a i ,,.....,.,.. -Ki er Clarence garette Permit ....................... e anted PP 298 " 23 -Kissel] Grocer ranted Ci arette Permit ...................................... g Y, g 298 23 „ 23 -Kahn Grange J., granted Cigarette Permit ........................... . „ „ -Kachevas James P., granted Class B Beer Permit ..., 299 299 " 23 -Kanavas Theodore G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...,...... 299 " 23 Company, granted Class "B" Beer -Klauer Julien Hotel Permit ................................................, ........ 299 July 7 -Kolfenbach Ben J., sidewalk bond ...................................... 304 7 -Kec(cevoet Sarah Mrs., Notice of Claim .,..... .........................308, 378, 427 7 -Kelly Lane, petition to change the name of Kelly Lane to Parkland Ridge ............................................................ 315 " 7 tte Permit ..............................,.,,...,.,..,. -I{opple Harry, granted Ciga 323 " 7 ; g -Kruse George C., granted Ci arette Permit ........: ............... 323 " 21 " 21 -Koeller DeForrest P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......... 'granted Class B" Beer Permit ,........... -Kramer Gilbert G 340 340 Aug. 4 ., -Kisting lalmer T., sidewalk bond ............................................ 352 " 4 -Kennedy Furnace and Sheet Metal SVorks, heating bond.... 352 II Sept. 2 -Kaufmann Avenue, City Manager reconunending the in- ', stallation of street lights ......................................................,..,.,.,...,..... 377 " 2 -Kuemerer Fritz L., Notice of Claim ................ .. .... 380, 448 " 2 -Kerper A. J.,granted the right to construuct a sanitary sewer in St. Anne Drive ...~.. ....:.................................396, 397, 398 ' 2 -Kohn Grange J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............... 400 " 8 -Knoll Walter VV'., granted Class "C" Beer Permit..... ................ 400 " 17 -Kendall John, ATOtice of Claim .................,..,,...,,...,.,.........,.,,.,.....,,.......,.. 404, 447 si~~ I,~ ~IIII ~n I t INDEX -BOOK 88 INDEX -BOOK 88 1458 SUB J>;CT Page' 1958 SUBJECT P age ~ K L I~1 17-Kerrigan Road, a roval of lans for uard rail alon PP P g g , Jan. ,vehicles must sto before entering Locust 6-Locust Street P , Kerrigan Road within the City of Duhuque.•........••..••...•• 407 408 Street north to the north lice of West Seventeenth , Oct. 6-Kramer Anna Mrs., granted Class "B" Bcer Permit.... ..•. 444 •....••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•~, ..•.•••. .•.• •... Street .......,••.... 14 " Nov. 3-Kutsch Mildred Mrs. Notice of Claim •,.,. , ,. , .,.,•.... 460 24 K ~~ Feb. a ' g , , q 3-honey Ken Mrs. et. al. re uestin street lights on Missouri : S7 105 , - ane Street Cit Manager recommendin mst allahon of Y ~ g . Indiana and Ridgeway Avenues ... •........•..•................. , 83 ~ street li hts between Carter Road and 99S K g treet S09 one S 3-Lennox Avenue; Curb and Gutter, schedule of assessments..... 101 Dec. 9-Kahle Donald L., Notice of Claim ... •.. ••••........•....• ••,.,,,•, S33 3-Lange's Subdivision, approval of plat ......•...............• • .............. Mar. 3-Lenox Avenue, City Manager recommending installation 105 of street lights .....•.....•..........• ...............•„......,....•.....•...• ~ „,tG~l 3-Larsen Florence Mrs., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- 111 l " mit No. 223 ......................•..............••••••.••..•....,..........•....•. 3-Lave Donald M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................• 117 u 3-Lowe Kenneth J;, granted Class "B» Beer Permit .................. 117 » 3-bombard Street, improvement with curb and gutter from I the west property line of West SO' - $ast 100' of Lot 2-2-1-1 of Westabys Sub• to the West Property line of Collins Street .............................•._........119, 121, 164, 166, 168, 170 :..• ..• ....•....•......... ••....... ••,. •..•.. •............••........ •...,.,.171, 217, 218, 543, S44 `~ 3-Lombard Street, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Surfacing from the west property line of west 50'-east ' 100' of Lot 2-2-1-1 of Westaby's Suub to the west 172 property Line of Collins Street ..............•..........125, 126, 171, • » 3-Lagen Louis J., reappointed to the Civil Service Commis- ,~ ~~ sion .:.......................................................••........•......••.•..•...•••. 31-Loucks Joseph ~U., heating bond ..•...• ...................................•••. 127 138 I 31--Ladies of The Grand Army of the Repuublic, permission I 'f to hold a tag day .......•.......... •..••......• .....:.................... •..... 148 I April 7-Linwood Cemetery Association, objecting to the resurfac- ing of Windsor Avenue .......•....• ..................:...........••.......... 159 189 111 7-Cubs Ramona Street Place, approval of plat ......•:.:.....•........ May S-Lease, United States of America with the City of Du- ~' buuque, covering use of 0.85 acre site, Ham's Addi- i tion, for a U. S. Naval Reserve Training Center ....... 199 " 5-Lewis Walter J., requesting rezoning of a certain outlined area of his property to a business district classification 208 !' ~~ ....... • ............•..., 5-Lynch );liner J Notice of Claim ..............,... .... 210, 243 " S-Lenox Avenue, construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer 224, 22S '~ 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 288, 289, S4S, 228 ....,226 227 546, S47 ''i ,,,.. , , , S-Laury Edward R., granted Cigarette Permit ............•............• 231 232 ' ~ 5-Latham Ernest, granted Cigarette Permit ............................•..• " " 232 ' Beer Permit............•. B 5-Lochner Lester M., granted Class " " 232 " Beer Permit ................... C S-LYnn William J., granted Class " S-Latham Ernest, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 232 June 2-Langworthy Street, stop signs erected requiring vehicles traveling east and west to stop before entering Alpine ' Street .....•.•............ ...................... •...............................•.• ...... 235, 283 ~~~ 2-Luber John, sidewalk bond .................•......•.••..................,....... 239 II" I '> 2-Lundon Jimmie W., heating bond ....................•.........•....••..•....., 239 " 2-Link Leo F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......• ................... 270 f III, 23-Linehan & Molo Inc., heating bond ..................... • ..,............, 280 ~ " 23-Lewis Harry Ta., heating bond .......•....•.• ................•..•.•......•..••.. 280 ~u „ 23-,I,ampinen Ruth, Notice of Claim . ...................•.........•..........••.•• .285, 307 i 23-LYnn Melvin C., granted Cigarette Permit .•..••.•• :....................... 295 I " 23-Loras College, granted Cigarette Permit ......•............•• ............. 295 ~I " 23-Latham Frnest, granted Cigarette Permit . .................•........•. 295 ~ I 23-Lilly Thos., granted Cigarette Permit ...................•....•................ 296 '~ ~~ 23-Luchsiuger Ray and Angeline, granted Cigarette Permit..... 296 !'I~ " 23-Ludescher John J., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 297 l 23-Leonard Paul A., granted Cigarette Permit ..... •.••....•......,•... 297 pp~~ ~ 23-Link Leo F., granted Cigarette Permit •............ ••• ...............•.....• 298 I lf li~~~~ " 23-Love Kenneth J., granted Cigarette Permit ................................ 23-Love, Donald M., granted Cigarette Permit ...,..•••••••.••,••.•..•.•. 298 298 INDEX -BOOK 88 INDEX -BOOK 88 ~ ' 1958 SUBJ;~CT - Page 1958 SUBJECT Page "I~ L 11~c rule I I r~ ~~ 23-Love Rita Nlrs., granted Cigarette Permit ..••.•.•.••.•..,.... '°'°°~ 23-Lochner Lester M granted Cigarette Permit ; 298 29S Jan. 6-McCarten G• Ir. excavation band 10 10 ~ ~~ ., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..,•..•.•,•.,.,...• 23-Legler Paul A., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,„•„•,.,...„,,..,.••.,..... 298 ~ cwat (r-McCarth Orland Notice of Claim ....,.,....,..,,.,,.,.....,,.,,....,,..,.,..,. • • b ~ w 12 ~ July 3 eonard Paul A• ranted Class B" Beer Permit •..,,.....,..,, ...,. J , g 7-Lukens oe side alk b d L 299 „ on Crgare tte st g refund reque Hetbert s 6-McAndre Ilo " , on w ...,.,•..,..,•,•,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ... ,•...,.,...,•..,....,..,..,..•,•....., enox Avenuc, chan ed to Van Buren Street ,..,.,.,,,...,,•...,g...•„ 7-L g 08, 7 356, 304 38S ' » Permit No. 218 . ...............,.,.............~..,....,.,.,...,•.,..,••,....,...,....,..,..•.,...,.,,...,. uesting refund on Class " 8» e rbe H 6-McA q J w 15 - Lanser George and Hlen, granted Cigarette Permrt..,,.,„..,....•.,., 7 323 ' ^ ~ .•,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•....,.,,.,,,...,.,..,.... 126 No. Pe Beei 16 " -Lewis Frank ~., granted Cigarette Permit ... •.........,,.•...,...,,. 7-Lanscr George and Helen granted Class "B" Beer Permit 323 ' 324 Feb. 3-McClean Vincent A., requesting refund on Class `B' Beer S7 ' ~~nn '~ , 7-Lewis Frank 1~. ~ >> rante ermit .......•,.,..,.....,. ass 9 B Bgep P 21-Le tem Truckin Com an re e ti 324 ~,..••,.,,.•.•....,.•.......•••. Permit No, 89 .••.,'~..................,.,.....,.......,,.,.••.,...... sewer in Fair- 3-McGrath Vernon et. ah re uestin samtar g ~ S7 I •• • ,• , •• •,••••• ••• P Y, u s n mrssion to ex- cavate m Harbor Street •.,•,.•.,• ..............,...• :. . 333 Mar ..:.,...:,..,.... ,,.,.,.••,..,•. fax Avenue ...............•••„ 3--McDougal Cora] Notice of Clarm .,.,,.,.,..•.. ~~•••„~••~••~•~~~•~•~•••~~•~~~~•~•„~••••~~ •~••~••••••~••~~••••••••~•~••••~•••••• ' 108 40 ~~,,, q' " 21-Landon Charles T et. al,, requesting the vacation of an alley off Dilkn Street and the right to ac uire the . 31-McLaughlin Raymond B., granted Class."B" Beer Permit,.. i 1S0 1S2 f ~~~nu Sept. q property ,334, ~"'°°° 2-League of Iowa Municipalities advising of 60th annual 353, 381 April t ............... 31-McConnell Terrance P., granted Cigarette Perm 7-McDonough Thomas, requesting refund on Cigarette Per- 186 j F , convention to be held in Des Moines Iowa.........„,,,.,.,..... 2-Leonard Don Mrs, et. al., requestiug rezoning of Lots 18 374 " mit No. 181 •,•,.....,,..,..,.,.„,....,.,.,.,.••,..•,.,.,.,.,.,.••.,,.• ................................•,...,.,.,.. 7-McDonough Thomas, requesting refund on Class "B" 88 i B P N 186 ~"""~ , 19, 20, 21, 22, 41, 42, 43, 44 & 4S McDaniels Park Hill Addi i fr ..................................••...•..,,.......•....••..., o. eer . erm t ting excavation Service : r excavating 7-McDo qu on t om Single Family to Two Family • ermit P • • " """ 187 3 Residence Classification .......................................„.,.....,,,•.....,,,. 17 Luber Lloyd relative to purchasin Lot S97 in H Ad 386, 461 Ma Y • ~ ght inch sanitary 24 ~ S-McPoland Avenue construction of 263 " , g ams - dition .....................................•..,....,.,..,,•...,.,.•.,..,...,..,...,......,..,..,,,402, 425, 481, 536, S37 2 S 226 227 228 S4S 288 289 264 265 266 262 S47 546 ' 17-Lanser George and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit •,..,.•,.,•,,.... 17-Love Rita B, Mrs. granted Class "B" Beer Permit 418 418 une J , , , , , , •~ g d Class "B" Beer Permit .,...,..,..,•..,,,,... 2-McNamer Noah rante ~~•~~~•~••"""' ' i i , 270 271 " , ....,.,,•„•,,,. 17-Lanser George and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.. ... 418 ' „ on.,,,, ss 2-McAleece Gerald, reappointed to Recreation Comm reappointed to Planning & Zoning Com- 2-McKay R V Oct• 1-I,oras Academ re uestin y, q g permission to hold a fire worizs , . ., .. ....,..•,,,•.,... ... •., ,..,.,,.., , „ mission G 271 Nov. display •,•,,,.•..,,..,.••,•.....•,...,•,.•..,........•.,.•..,,...,.,.,••,,,.,•,....,..,•,.•..,..••,.,.,......•••.,...,.,...,•.,. 3-Loras College, requesting permission to hold a fire works 429 ' .. i.... r„p ' •••„• ca ~° g and Heating, heatin bond ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..,.,. .,, 23-McCarten Plumbin 23-McNamer Noah ranted Ci arette Permit ...................•.,.....,,...,,.,...• g Pe 280 95 display S-Loucks Joseph W., granted Cigarette Permit •.•.,,...,.,,..,•,,.,•,...,,,,,. 460 487 " - mit ......................., are 23 McNamara $arl J., g a t C g tte 23-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit ,...,, ................ 296 297 July 7-McAndrew Thomas A. et. al.; requesting that Bissell Lane be made aone-way street ,...,.•.•,•,...,,,..,.........,,.,....,,..,......,,,•.,. 314, 3S2 Aug. 4-McMahon George Vincent, petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the ;~,ighth Circuit in the Supreme Court of the U. S ................. 359 r Oct. 1-McMann Sophie and Wm, VanderMeulen, requesting refund ~ on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 67 .,..•.......•.....•........• •.,• 429 ' 1-McMann Sophie and Wm, VanderMeulen, requesting re- fund on Cigarette Permit No. 22S .........• • ....................... 429 " 6-McConnell ;~xcavating Service, excavation policy .........,. 434 Nov 24-McCarten G, L., excavation policy ........................ •.• ... •.....,......., 510 " 24-McDonald Peter Mrs., Notice of Claim .,..,,....•,•,••,,,•••,.,• .............•,.•• 512 f~I~~~~ ~~ ~~ I~ jj NIINM1 ~I li' 'i I ~~~ii .. ~ INDEX -- BOOK 88 1958 SUBJECT Page M Jan. 6-Medical Associates Realty Company, granted permission " to erect a marquee .,..........,..: ..........................:...........-....:,.....:......, 13, 282 6 -Morton Salt Company, requesting permission to construuct a Barge unloading station across East First Street..... 16 17 Feb. 3- Montana Street-Merfeld bane Sanitary Sewer, correction of , assessments .......................................................................»,..,...,»»..»,........,..,..», 35, 106 3 -Mayor and City Manager, to attend meeting of the Mis- sissippi Valley Association .......................:.:...:.....»..,.........,,.,... ' 37 3- Martin Thos E. Senator, acknowledging receipt of letter f ` M rom tie ayor relative to the Natural Gas Act Amendment of 1957 .....;..»..,....,.......,....,..» ..:.............,,.........,..,. 39 " 3 3 -Meighan Fred and Hattie Turner, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 246 . .....................»..,....:,:...».,....,.....:»;»»„ S7 3- Monroe Street, Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, schedule of assessments ...................»,........,......»»,,....,....;..,...,.»».,.:.,:.....,....,,...., 69 " 3- ~~ Montana Stret, Curb and Gutter, schedule of assessments.,.,., 85 3- Martin Merlin J., granted Cigarette Permit ..........................,...., 96 3- Michel Merlin P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,.......,,...,. 100 " 3- Mellon Maurice H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..»,....,, 100 Mar. 3- Mineral Street, City Manager recommending installation of " ...:street Iight »» ..............................:............»................,,..».,,...,:...,»,....»...»,» 106 3- Mary Agard Tent No. 35 D. U. V. for permission to hold tag days »,»,..............» .....................,,.,,..,.,......,.»......,,,..,».,............»..,. 111 " 3- Maryville Drive, acceptance of dedication ..................................,.„„ '116 " 3- ~ Maury Earl J., granted Cigarette Permit .....,.»......:....,. ......» 117 , 3- Merfeld bane, improvement with curb and gutter from the west property line of Bunker Hill Road to the west end of the street »... ...............119, 120, 139,164, 165, 166, 167 " 3- .....».......,...» ......................:..:..»,.....168, 169, 170, 171, 196, 217, Meadow bane, improvement with curb and gutter from the 543, S44 south property Line of bombard Street to the north property line of Dodge Street,...,119, 120, 164,165, 166, 167, 168 , r..'"'169; 170, 171 196, 217, 543, 544 3- w Montana Street, improvement th Bituminous Cahcrete Surfacing from the south property line of Wilbricht bane to the north property line of Merfeld I,ane,.....124, 126, 171 " .,.»,,,.,...»,.,,......».... ..............,...,.,173, 175, 188, 218, 219, 540, 541, 542 3- Merfeld bane, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Sur- facing from the west prroperty line of Bunker Hi11 Road to the west end of street».. ...............124, 126, 171, 173, 17S " 3- . »..,......,».,,......,..... .............»,:,.,,...,.,....,.,................,..,..»»„:,»219, 540, Meadow bane, improvement with Bituminous Cmicrete Sur- 541, S42 facing from the south property line of T,ombard Street to the north property line of Dodge Street,.....124, 126, 171, 173 31- " ..,»............,.,...,..........,...,.,........»,.,,...,.........,...,,...,..............175, 219, 540, Moore Engineering Company, Inc., heating bond....,..,,...»...,, 541, S42 138 31- Moran Evelyn Mrs., Settlement of Claim ,,,,,,....„,»........., ...,,.,.». ,, 141 „ 31- , Meis Stan, Notice of Claim .........................»»,»....,..,.,..,........,..,...» 142 " 31- Mueller Richard J., Notice of Claim ......„.,.,.,....~.....»,.. ..............,.,... 143 " 31- " Montana Street, changed to Floraview Drive ....,.»..... .............. 143 188 31- Metcalf Albert, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....,„ ................. , 1S0 " 31- Miller Ione, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ».........,..„.,...»,....... 150 April 7- . Marsch Earl et. al., objecting to the curb and guttering of o erfeld bane ...................... t,, ~, „~.,,,„"„ „'„,,,,,,1i.,,,,~"» 165 May 5- ty Manager recommend- „Missiingp ele a lv o th int llation of stree t lights on Mississippi View Drive and River Ridge ....,,.......,.....,.,...,., ...................,.. 202 „ S- Mulert Kenneth J,, sidewalk bond ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„........,........,.,. 205 " S- Missouri Avenue, construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer ...».,..,.....,,».» ............... .,.....224, 225, 226, 227, 228, „. 262, 263 " 5- .~~.~.»~~•,~,~~,.,",..»,.......,....,......,.,..,,»....264, 265, 266, 288, 289, S45 Martin Drive, acceptance of dedication ,....,,» ....................„, ...»,,.»,,.»., 546, 547 230 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJECT. Page 1VI " 5- Meyer Vernon, granted Class `B" Beer Permit.,,....,...,».»,...... 232 " 5- Mayor Welu, relative to traffic situation in the alley be- tween White and Central from 13th to 18th Street.,.,.,,., 233 June 2-Molo William. S., correction of assessment ...........................»»,.,... 240, 261 2- Mulgrew Blacktop Inc,, Assignment to American Trust & Savings Bank ..»,,..,.,..,....,,..»..,.».....,,»,.., .............:.».,....,.......,... 240 " 2- Meissen Hubert, relative to the purchase of city .owned prop~erty ...............................»..,......,.»,.,,.,......»..,.........,.,...............241, 279, 3S3 " 23- Maliff John J., Power of Attorney for Commercial Un- ion-Ocean Group .»..,.,,,. .................,..,...........,......,...,......,.......,.,.»,.» 275 " 23- Murphy Ellen ~,, purchase of bot 2 of bot 2 of M. b. 37..... 286, 334 " 23- Martin Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permit .»..»,..»,......... 295 " 23- Maury Earl J., granted Cigarette Permit »..,»,........,....»,.,.,.,..»». 295 " 23- Meyer Carl E., granted Cigarette Permit ....» ............................, 295 " 23- Miller Carl E, granted Cigarette Permit ..................».»,..,.,....,,..... 295 " 23- Michel Merlin P., granted Cigarette Permit .,...»...,......,...„,...,..» 295 " 23- Manternach Gus b., granted Cigarette Permit ................................. 296 " 23- Mellon Maurice H,, granted Cigarette Permit ........,,~ .................... 296 23- Meisenburg Kenneth I,., granted Cigarette Permit ...,....,„..., 297 23= Meyer Vernon, 'granted Cigarette Permit „»,..,..........,.;,„, »,» 297 " 23- Murphy Dorothy Mrs,, granted Cigarette Permit »».,»»......_ 298 " 23- Meyer bouius J., granted Cigarette Permit .,.. ........................_.._ 298 " 23- Meyer 1vlarcus J., granted Cigarette Permit ,...,....„. ................... 298 " 23- Mentz Delores K., granted Cigarette Permit .„.~.,......„....,....,..,. 298 " 23- Miller Ione Mrs,, granted Cigarette Permit »..,............,.......,,...,.. 298 23- Mardauss Thelma, granted Cigarette Permit ..,....,..,.........»..»».. 298 " 23- Meyer Louis J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......,..,.....,.,. 299 " 23- Murphy Dorothy Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit»..,.... 299 " 23~ Muutz Delores K,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 299 23- Manternach Gus b., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 299 July 7- Maryville Drive, acceptance of dedication ...,,.,,.,........,.,.„ ..............„ 321 " 7- Metcalf Albert, granted Cigarette Permit .................................... 323 " 7- Marty Merlin & Mickey, granted Cigarette Permit ,,.,.,.,»..» 323 Aug l a ha v b » 3S2 4 " -MeteI R lt & In s ent Co a roval of Plaza Co y , pp urt ' ,Y' ,Y ^, 11' Subdivision .,,.. 364, 36S Sept. 2 -Martin James C., sidewalk band ....„..._..... ...................... 375 " 2 -MacDonald Catherine Mrs., Notice of Claim .....,......~».....,,.... 379, 428 " 2 -Moore Kenneth bee, requesting 25 mile an hour speed limit on bennox Ave, ....,..,,».».,.,.............,...,....,........,....,..,.».»,.,......... 385 " Z -Mettel Realty & Investment Co,, purchaser of bot 1 of Senior Subdiv'ision, ......................................................,,».»........,,»..,,........ 391 ~ 392 '' 2 -Mt, St, Bernard Seminary, Inc,, :granted Cigarette Permit.,, 399 2 -Meyer Carl E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ».........„..,,...,,. 400 " 17 -Montgomery Ward & Co. Inc., heating band ..........:.......»„.,.,,.,., 403 " 17 -Mehl Cyril N., granted Cigarette Permit..,...,,»........~.,.,,,,,,.,,,,„,.,,,.... 418 " 17 -Mehl Cyril N., granted Class °B" Beer Permit ..,,.....,..,„.,,. 418 Nov. 3 -Maul P > >p et. al., relative to aulty storm sewer on ~ Deborah Drive ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..,.~.... ......................................................... 460 " 3 -Meyer Herbert and Mildred, granted Class "B" BeerPermit 482 Dec. 9 -Mettille Roofing & Sheet Metal Works, heating bond.......... 530 " 9 -Midwest Heating & Air Conditioning, heating bond .,.........,. 530 " 9 -Meyer Marcus J., 'granted Class "C" Beer Permit...,..,....,..,».,, S49 INDEX -BOOK '88 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJECT page 1958 SUBJIaCT Page Id ~ 0 Jan, 6 -Nelson T. H,; appointed City Solicitor ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,..., 1 Jan. 6-Ordinance No. 1-58. An Ordinance allocating and making '~ 6 -Noel June M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....»,.,.........,.. 33 ', appropriations of tax levies and other sources of reve- " 6 -Neumeister John C,, granted Class "C" Beer Permit,.,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 nue to the expenditures for City Government in the Tieb, 3 -North Grandview Avenue, Curb' and Gutter, schedule of ', City of Dubuque, for the fiscal year beginning Jan- assessments ,..,,,.,.,.,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,»...,.,,,.,,..,.,..,..,» S2 wary 1, 1958 and ending December 31; 1958 and au- April 7- Nce1 Carl I,,, Notice of Claim ..............._.,.,....,..,., , , ,.,.,,.........,.,,,, 187 209 thorizing certain transfers of funds ,....,,.,,,,..,.,.,~,,.,»,.,.,...:,,,,.. 3, 4 May S -Nebraska Avenue, construction of an eight inch sanitary ~~ 6--Ordinance No, 2-58, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance ~ sewer .........................o.,...,...,,»,,.......224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 262, 263 No. 33-49, Known as the Traffic Code of the City ~ ~ . ~„~~.•-~•.•••........»,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,264, 265, 266, 288, 289, 545, 546, S47 of Dubuque, by Adding a new Section 79 to Schell- June Z -No Parking opposite the entrance to a garage or driveway ule VI thereof ......................................,....,,...,,,,:.,,,,.,.,,.,.....,,,.,. 12 on any street or alley when less than 20 feet shall 6-Ordinance No, 3-58, An Ordinance Granting Medical ~ remain for ingress and egress ,..,.,,,,,~ 235, 283 Associates Realty Company Permission to );reel a 2- a ~, Nauman Victor H; and Richard N ranted Class C a ~ Marquee ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»,,.,,,,.,.,,,.,.,,..,,.,,,.,..,. 13 i Beer Permit ............:.:........................... ........ ... g,. ,........ 271 ~~ (Ordinance No, 4-58, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2- Neyens Kay, reappointed to the Recreation Commission..:.,.,.. 271 No, 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of the City of " 23 -Ney Roy and Catherine, approval of plats,: .,. 287, 288 Dubuque, by Adding a new Section 1-h to Schedule 23- Nauman Richard N: and Victor H, granted Cigarette I thereof; by Adding a new Section 2-9 to Schedule Permit ..............:.................:....: .,..„,.,...,,„,....».,.,.:..,.»,,.» 29S I thereof; by Repealing Section "C" of Schedule II 23- Noel Catl L., granted Cigarette Permit :.............„,.,.,,,,,, 29S thereof; by Repealing Section "D" of Schedule III " 23- Nicks Mrs. Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,' 296 thereof, and Tanacting a Substitute therefor; by Re- " 23- Noel John Ta., granted Cigarette Permit ...................................... 296 pealing ,Section "$°' of Schedule III thereof,. and " 23- Neumeister John C,, granted Cigarette Permit .:.:.............„,.,..,,„ 297 hnacting a substitute therefor; and by Repealing Sec- " 23- Ney Albert J,, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 297 lion "F"' of Schedule III thereof and L+nacting a " 23- Ney Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,. ,,,, :.,.:.:. „„„ 297 Substitute therefor ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,-.,,»,,,,,.,„,,,,,,.,..,,»..,...,.,,,,,„„ 14 " 23- Navy Club of Dubuque Ship No 67, granted Cigarette ~ 6-Ordinance Na. 5-58. An Ordinance Authorizing Morton Permit „.,.., ,,„., ,, „„....,,..,.,. 297 Salt Company to Construct a Barge Unloading Fa- ' " 23- Nacos Mary ~, granted Cigarette Permit' 29g city Across laaast h irst Street.,,..,„,»,....,,,, ,..„ ................„,,,. 16 " 23- Nicks Ray, granted Cigarette Permit .., .,. ,:, ~ 298 6-Olsen William H., granted Cigarette Permit ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 " 23- Navy Club of Dubuque Ship No; 67, granted Class ~"B" " 6-Olsen William H,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit »...,.,,.,.. ' 33 Beer Permit ..,.,„,,,,,,, ,,,,,,;,,,,,,,„., , :, ,,,,,,,,,,,;;,., 299 Connor, Thomas, McDermott & Wright, submitting a 6-O July 7-Ney Roy, Bloclc 1 in Roy Ney Subdivision, approval of resolution to correct errors in Resolution No. 196.57 ~~ ' plat ............:.„..,..:,..,... ,.: ,. ,,.„,,,...,,;,,. ,,,, ,,,,,,, 319 approving plat of Blocks 1Q, 11, 12 and 13 in Hillcrest Aug, 4- Ne Albert y J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .,. 370 Heights ......................................................~.,,...,,.,,,....,.,,...»,,,,,.,, 33, 34 4- Nicks Josephine Mrs,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . 370 8'eb. ° 3-Ordinance No. 69-57. An Ordinance Amending. the Zoning i Sept, 2- Noel Carl L, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ;;,;,,,,,,, , 400 Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque I 17- . , , Nacos Mary W, Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,,... 418 by Changing the Zoning Classification of the West Oct. 1- , Navy Mothers Club, requesting permission to have a Tag 200 feet of Lot One of Mineral Lot 376A ..,; ,,,..,,.„..,, 44 Day ,.,,...,.„ ............. ................................„.;,,,,,.,, :,, • """"""'..""' 428 3-Ordinance No, 70-57. Au Ordinance Ameudmg the Zoning 6- North Grandview Avenue, 1957 Hot Mix-Hot Laid As- Map and Ordinance of the City of Dubuque by re- phallic Concrete Surfacing Project completed and ac- classifying the property described as the North / of cepted ...» ..........................,,,....,.., .,,.,..,,.,,,,,, ..,».,., 441 442 of City Lot 470 in the Original Town of Dubuque,,.,. 45 " 16- Nolan Mary G,, Notice of Claim ............ ... •"~'• 448 3-Ordinance No. 6-58, An Ordinance granting Dubuque Nov, 3- Niclcs Ra r y, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 482 County Hospital the Right to Construct and Maintain Dec. 9- Nicks John et. al., relative to traffic lights at 24th & a Ten Inch Cast Iron Water Main in the Public Jackson Streets ..,,.,,,,.»,,...,..,.:.» :.,.»,,. ,»,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , S36 Streets and Providing the Teems and Conditions thereof ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~.,.,,,.,..,,....,...,..,,...,,..,,,..,,,,.,,.,..,.,.,,,,.,:.,.,..,.,,....,. 4S ~ ' ' ~ 3--Ordinance No. 7-58, An Ordinance Regulating the Slaugh- II~ ~ I: ter Houses and other $stablishments where meat is ~ prepared #or Human consumption; Providing for the I Licensing and Inspection thereof; Istablishing License ', Tiees; and Providing a Penalty for the Violation thereof .,.,.,,» ............................»,....,,..»,.»..,,..,.,,,...,.,,.,.,.,.,,.,..»» ` 46 " 3-Ordinance No. 8-58, An Ordinance fixing and establish- ing maximum rates to be charged for the furnishing of electricity far residential, commercial, street light- ', ing, power, and other uses and purposes, within the I City of Dubuque, Iowa; fixing and regulating the I I I method of service thereof; prescribing a penalty far , , I violation thereof; repealing all ordinances and resa- ~ lotions in conRict herewith „,,.,,,,,„..,. ............... ...,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, SO i l'°~ ~~ " 3-Ordinance No, 9-5B. An Ordinance Vacating Portions of l Sixteenth Street, and the Alley first east of White i III „ ' Street »,»»»,,,,.,»»,,,.,,,.»,.,,,,,.,,....,,.,...,,»,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»,,,,,,,.»,.,,,.,...,,,,,,,,,,,,».,».,,...,.,. S6 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJIaCT Page " 3-Oberhoffer Russell et, ah, requesting sanitary sewer in Missouri Avenue ....„...„....,„.......„....„...„,.„....„,„..„.,.„.„,....,.....„...„,.....„.., 57 " 3-Oak Crest Drive, acceptance of dedication ...„,...„,..„...„..„,...„......„. 99 " 3-O'Neill William, granted Class,°B" Beer Permit ..,„,..,.„..„...„„. 100 Mar. 3-Ordinance No. 10.58. An Ordinance granting A. J. Kerper and Ruth Kerper the right to construct a sanitary sewer in St Anne Drive and providing the terms and conditions thereof .....,.„„„..„.;„..,„.„,„,...,„,.„..„,..„...„.„...„.....,..„„.„.„„,....,.„. 109 " 3-O'Toole Francis G. and Lenore M., granted Cigarette Permit ...,.„...,,..._„,„...,;,:.;;,„..;,.....„,„..,.„„.......„.;..„.„.„„,„...,....„...„.„„..„„..,„...„;..:: 117 " 31-Ordinance No. 11-58. An Ordinance Changing the Name of Montana Street to Floraview Drive .„,„;.,..;..;.„....,....„..,,. 143 " 31-Ordinance No. 12-58. An Ordinance Authorizing St. Mary's Church to install pipes in Sixteenth Street, and alley first east of White Street, and to erect a canopy..,.,,...„. 143, 144 " 31-Ordinance No, 13-58. An Ordinance Regulating and Li- censing "Going-0ut of Business Sales". Fixing Li- cense Fees, and Providing a Penalty for Violation thereof ..................:::.....:............................................................................................ 145, 461 " 31-Ordinance No. 14-58. An Ordinance Prohibiting Disturb- ance of the Peace; Providing far the Preservance of the Public Peace and Safety; and Providing Penalties for the Violation hereof ......„...„,„„.,„..,„...„..„ ..............„. 145 " 31-Ordinance No. 15-58. An Ordinance Providing for the- Preservation of the Public Morals and Decency, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation hereof..„,..„.,.„,„ 146 April 7-Ordinance No. 16-58. An Ordinance Vacating a .Portion of Kane Street, to be hereinafter known as "Lot `A' Scenic View Heights No. 1", to J. H. Schilti„...„.....:„. 183, 184 " 7-Ordinance Na. 17-58. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, Known as the Traffic Code; by Repealing Sections A and ~ of Schedule III thefeof, and En- acting Substitutes therefor ......,„......„,..„,„,.„..„,..„..„.„...„.;..„,....„,„. 184 " 7-Ordinance No. 18-58. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, to Restrict Parking on Elm Street and Washington Street ....,,„..,,...,„...„;.:.„,„ .................„,„,„.„..,„...:........„,..„....... 185 " 7-Ordinance No. 19-58. An Ordinance Vacating portions of Ashton Place and the alley lying between Ashton Place and Alta Place, and approving the plat of "Westminster Presbyterian Church Place in the City of Dubuque, Iowa" ,„,„.....„,..~...„.„„...„„„,„.„„..„.„.:.„,...„...:,:.,„„ .....:...:.:..„„ 185, 206 " 7-O'Hearn Ray et: al„ requesting cleaning of Jackson Street 186 May S-Ordinance No. 20-58. An Ordinance Accepting Certain Com~eyance of Real Estate for the Extension of Kane Street and Establishing a Public Strcet Thereon„„,,....., 207 " S-Ordinance No. 21-58. An Ordinance Accepting Certain Conveyance of Rea( Estate for the Extenston of St. St. Anne's Drive. and: Establishing a Public Street Thereon .„:„.....,„..,„.„,,.„.„......„.„,....,.,...„,;..,.„.....,....„,,:...,„....„„,..„ ..................„„.... 21S June 2-Ordinance No. 22-58. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 by repealing Section 1 (b) of Schedule I thereof and Enacting a new substitute therefor, and by adding a netiv Section 81 to Schedule VI thereof,., 244 " 2--Ordinance No. 23-58. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 by Adding a new Section 1523.1 thereto and Amending Section B of Schedule III thereof.„..,„.... 24S " 2-Ordinance No. 24-58. An Ordinance to establish a center line grade on ari Alley between Bluff Street and Lo- cust Street running.. from the north .concrete alley , apron at Jones Street to the south Alley apron at Fifth Street .„.„...,..„.„.,„„..,.„.„,.„.„,„.„,.„.„...„.„,..,„.„.,.,..,~„.....:„..„.„....„,„.. 246 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUB JI•CT Page 0 " 2- Ordinance No. 2S-S8. An Ordinance Establishing a grade on Adeline Street from the east property line of Ra- mona Street to the east end of Street .,..„.„...„..,....,,,„..„.....,..... 247 " 2- Ordinance No. 26-58, An Ordinance Establishing a grade on Bissell Lane from the north groperty line of Dodge Street to the south alley apron of Jones Street„. 247 " 2- Ordinance No. 27-58. An Ordinance Establishing a grade on Carter Road from the north property line of Kaufmann Avenue to the south property line of Kane Street ....,,....„...„.„.„..„„„ ..............:...„„...,„..,,..„,„....„,„...„........„,....„.... 248 " 2- Ordinance No. 28-,58, An -0rdinance Establishing a grade on Custer Street from the east property line of At- ]antic Street to the west property line of North Grandview Avenue .....„„.,,,.......„,,,„,„...,,...„:.,„„,.„...:.„„..,,...„..,.„„.„,..„.,..,.. 248 " 2- Ordinance No. 29.58. An Ordinance Establishing a grade on Jiloraview Drive (formerly Montana Street) from the south property line of Merfeld Lane to north property line of Flora Park .„.,....,,,......,„....,.....,„.....,„..,.„„,„„.„...„... 249 " 2- Ordinance No. 30-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Glen Oak Street from the north property line of Parkway Street to the north end of platted street...„. 2S0 " 2~ Ordinance No. 31-58, An Ordinance establishing a grade on Hawthorne Street from the south property line of Lincoln Avenue to the north property line of Rhom- berg Avenue .„....„„„.„.,...„,...„.........,,,„..„.....,„..,„.„,..„.........„.,....„,..„.„,„,,,.......„. 2S0 " 2- Ordinance No. 32-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on I{one Street from the center line of Chaney Road to the east property line of Mineral Lot 376A,„.„,„.,„..,. 2S1 " 2- Ordinance No. 33-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Kane Street from the east property tine of Mineral Lot 376A to the east property line of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 3S1 ....„.„....„.......:.:.,....:..„.„„....,„,,..:... 2S1 " 2- Ordinance No. 34-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Kane Street from the east property line of Carter Road to the center line of Chaney Road.......„.~-... 2S2 " 2 -Ordinance No. 35-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Kane Street from the north groperty line of Kauf- mann Avenue to the east property line of Primrose Street .,....„„......„.:.„..,„...„,....„,„..„„.„...„,„.„,........„„..„..,.„.....„.„.„..,„...„,.„.„,......... 253 " 2 -Ordinance No. 36-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Lombard Street from the west property line of the west SO feet of the east 100 feeE of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 11 of Westabys Sub. to the west prop erty line of Collins Street .,„,„...„.„,„ ..............„„,„....,.„......„.„,....,„...„. 254 " 2 -Ordinance No. 37-58, An Ordinance establishing a grade on Meadow Lane from the south property line of et to the lab on north ed e of concrete s e L ' , ' ........ ,,,, ....,,...„~„,„..,..„...„,.,„:„.:,„...„..., Dodge eet St 2S4 " 2-Ordinance No. 38-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Merfeld Lane from west property line ,of Flora- view Drive (formerly Montana Street) to the west end of the street ...„,...,„.„,..„,„„...„.„...„„.„,„,.......„„.„,,..,...„...,„...„..„.„„,.„.. 2SS " 2 -Ordinance No. 39-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Southern Avenue from the north property line of Lat 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Faldorf's Place to the south property line of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 9...........„:„...„...„;..,,,.....„...„... 2SS " 2 -Ordinance No. 40-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on St. Anne Drive from existing curb to Flora Park.., 256 " 2 -Ordinance No, 41-58. An Ordinance Vacating Plat of Lot 178A of Woodlawn Park Addition approved De- cember 20, 1957, and repealing Section Z of Ordinance No. 68-57 ... .....................„...„......,......~...„.„.,,..„„.„„,,,„„..„„„...„.„„...,„,....„.„.,... 2S7 9 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJ$CT Page 0 " 23 -Oberhausen John L, relative to installing new playground ~ equipment at the intersection of Broadlawn and Hill- crest ,:„„...„:.:.......„...„:„.„...„„:„..,......„„.,..:::.„:„„.:„......,:»„.„......:.„.,...„:..„,.,..„.„„„ 276 " 23 -Ordinance No. 42-58. An Ordinance Changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance ' No, 3-34, Designated Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque so as to change certain property herein described from Single Family Residence District Classification to Two Family Residence District Classi- ' fication . ,......,,»„.....„........., ......„,„„,,.....„„. ,. ,.. .. , 281, 329 23 -Ordinance No. 43-58. An Ordinance amending and Chang- . ing. the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, as pro- vided by Ordinance No, 3-34 of designated Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque so as to change certain property hereinafter described from Two. Family Residence to Local Business District A Classi- " fication ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ 281, 330 23- Ordinance No. y4-5P An Ordinance Amending Ordin ante g No. 3-58 b Re ealin Section 1 thereof, and lnnacting a Substitute therefor „...„„.„:...,:...„„„„„...„„„„„.„„..:.„„»:...„...,.....„„.„„,„:. 282 " 23- Ordinance No. 45-58. An Ordinance Amending the Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque by Adding a new Section 82 to Schedule VI thereof ; Repealing Section 16,1,11 thereof; and Knotting a Suubstitute therefor; and Repealing Section "A" of Schedule III thereof and t i K no t ng a Substitute therefor .„ ........... ............„.,,,,,.„...„...,,, 283 " 23- Ordinance No. 46-58. An Ordinance Changing the Name of Wapello Place to Wallis Place ..............„.. ...,.......,.,...„. 283 " 23- Ordinance No. 47-58. An Ordinance Widening Knglish bane to Include Lot 2 of Lot 1 of .Lot 4 of Mineral ~~ I,ot 42 ........»..,....,,..„ ............ ............„..„.„....„.......„.,..,..„,» 284 23- Olsen William H, granted Cigarette Permit ». . , ... »,.,......„.,„.. 296 " 23- Oeschger Thomas A,, granted Cigarette Permit ,»:».„.„ . „»:, 298 ~., 23- " „ ,,: ..,„ O'Neill William, granted Cigarette Permit ..,„......,.„.„,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 298 23- O'Mara Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ...:.........................„., 298 " 23- O'Toole Francis G. and Lenore, granted Cigarette Permit 299 " 23- O'Neill William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... ...........:. 299 July 7- Ordinance No. 48-58. An Ordinance changing the name f L A o enox venue to Van Buren Avenue and chang- e I ing the name of Althauser Avenue to Terrace Hill...„. 308 3S6 ll 7- Ordinance No. 49.58. An Ordinance Granting Riverside , Bowl, Inc., the Right to Construct a Sanitary Sewer ` ~ , Water Main and Storm Sewer in Harbor Street; ~ Providing the Terms and Conditions Hereof; and Providing for Connection Charges ...........:...............308, 309 310 7- Ordinance No. SO-S8. An Ordinance. Amending and Chang- , ~ ', ing the Zoning .Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- vided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated Zoning Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque so as to Change Lots 305 and 306, Davis Farm Addition from Multiple Family Residence District Classification to Local Bus- iness District A Classification ,.,.......„.....,,»,,,,.„„ .313, ....,..», 357 435 ~t 7- e Ordinance No. 51-58. An Ordinance Amending and Chang- , I ' ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- !, p, vided by Ordinance No. 3-34, so as to change Lot 11 I in McCraneys Second Addition from Two Family !,i, ' Residence to Local Business District A Classification 313 3S8 ~~;,! i' 7- Ordinance No. S2-S8, An Ordinance Granting J, H, Schiltz , , the right to construct a Sanitary Sewer in Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral I,ot 370 and Providing the Terms and ~ Conditions thereof „„.,..,.„,,„ .............„,,,..»,„.,...... 322 S37 21- -0eth Irvin, submitting resignation as member of Planning , & Zoning Commission and the Board of Adjustment.,. 32S INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJ>~CT Page " 21-Ordinance No, 53-58. An Ordinance granting Charles K. Petrakis permission to construct a retaining wall in Central Avenue ...„..„„...„..„...„,„....:..„.,.:„.....:„.„...„......„:.„„:......„:„,,:....:„:„,. 331 " 21-Ordinance No, 54-58. An Ordinance fixing and estab- lishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of wa- ter for residential, commercial, industrial, and other uses and purposes, within and without the City of Dubuque, prescribing a penalty for violatior. hereof, and repealing Ordinance No. 3-SS ...............„.,..:.:....,..:332, 347, 348 " 21-Ordinance No. SS-S8. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 3S-S7 by Repealing Section 7 thereof and enacting a substitute therefor ,...,,„,.,.„...„:..„„::„:„„.„,..:„..:„„,„...,.„......„.„,...„:....„...... 333 " 21-O'Meara Louis, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ,.„,..„ ......:::........„. 340 Aug. 4-Ordinance No. S6-S8. An Ordinance Repealing Ordi- nance No. SS-58, and Suh-section 7 of Section IV of Ordinance No. 35-57, and. enacting a substitute therefor, establishing minimum sewer rental charges..,.., 349 " 4-Ordinance No. S7-S8. An Ordinance Amending and Chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- vided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated Zoning Or- dinance;of the City of Dubuque so as to change all of hots 2TS, 276, 277, 278, 365, 366, 367 and 368 Davis Farm Addition from Multiple Family Residence Dis- trict Classification to Local Business District A Class- ification ........................„......,.,,.,„..,.,..,...,.,.........„.„..„.,.„,;„:.:„.»„...,. 3S6 380 " 4-Ordinance No. 58-58. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code, by repealing Section B of Schedule III and Knotting a Substi- tute therefor ,,..,,.,».„..„............,.......„ ...............„,............„:,,.,, 358 An O r mance Amendin Ordi nance 4-Ord~t e a ~ g No, SO-S7 by Repealinn Section 3 thereof co st of 8 • „ „ • ) ,:.,„„.„„,„:. „:.,,,....::„:,. adjustmen as 3S9 " 4-Ordinance No: 60.58, An Ordinance Vacating Public Util- ity Kasement in Lot 2, Block One in "William Becher Kaufmann Avenue Subdivision" in the City of Dubuque ..:.„».„„.„„.„...„:„„.:.....„„:..._„„.„.....„„,,..„.„„..:.:,....:.».„..„„:........„ 360 Sept. 2-Ordinance No. 61-58. An Ordinance Vacating a Portion of the Alley first north of South Grandview Avenue from Dillon Street easterly 191,92 feet, Approving the Plat of said Vacated Portion of said Alley and providing the Conveyance thereof .................:.:..„..,„:....:„„..„....... 381 " 2-Ordinance No, 62-58. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the Tt~affic Cade of the City of Dubuque; by adding a new Section 2 h.h, to Schedule IV thereof .„„....... ,,.,.».....»........:.„..„.,.„. ;„,„. 382 " 2-Ordinance No, 63-58. An Ordinance Granting Aloys H. and Lucille M, Weis permission to construct a re- taining wall in Abbott Street ,»,.,...„ ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, 383 " 2-Ordinance No. 64-58. An Ordinance Amending the Btiildmg Code of the City of Dubuque by Repealing"Section 322 thereof, and K+nacting a Substitute therefor.' ,„...., 384 " 2-Ordinance No, 6S-S8. An Ordinance Granting A. J Kerper and Ruth Kerper the Right to Construct a Sanitary Sewer in St. Anne Drive and Providing the Terms and the Conditions thereof ..,.....„.„...:„:,...,,„.....;„,„:..„.:,,;„..„:„„„„..» 397 398 ~ " 2-Oeschger Thomas, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ,:.„„..:„,..„ 400 " 17-Ordinance No, 66-58, An Ordinance establishing a grade on Bunker Hill Street from the south property line of Clarke Drive to the north property line of Asbury Street ...„„„..,...,,.„.....„ ...................„........„........................,„,..... 404 " 17-Ordinance No. 67-58. An Ordinance Granting George A, Saffron the Right to Construct a Sanitary Sewer and Water Main in Kane Street and Providing the,Terms and Conditions thereof .„..,„.,,„„„:„,:„.....„.„„„:.„»,M.»,„:..:„.,,„,.»,»,»,„.„ 405 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958. SUBJ1~CT Page 0 Oct. 16-Ordinance No. 68-58. An Ordinance Granting Hiltcrest Builders Incorporated the Right to Construct a Sani- tary Sewer and Water Main in Illinois Avenue, Alpha Avenue; T•nid Avenue and Ohio Avenue (water only) and providing the terms and conditions thereof .................. 446 Nov. 3-O'Neill Fuel and Heating Company, heating bond ....................... 453 " 3-Ordinance No. 69-58. An Ordinance establishing and fixing rates to be charged far furnishing bus transportation on buses operated by the Interstate Power Company in the City of Dubuque;: repealing, Ordinance No. 57-53; and providing a penalty for violation .....,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4S9 " 3-Ordinance No, 70-58. An Ordinance Amending and chang- ing the Zoning Mag of the City of Dubuque as pro- vided by Ordinatce No, 3-34 so as to change hots hots 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 41, 42, 43, 44 and 4S Mc- Daniels Park Hi11 Addition from Single Family Resi- den~e District Classification to Two Family Residence District Classification ...........................................:.......................m... 461 " 3-Ordinance No. 71-58. An Ordinance Accepting the Con- veyance of the F,asterly 10 feet of I,ot 66 in Finley's Addition and widening North Grandview Avenue to include the same ...................................................::.......,......,,:,:...,..,,....,....,..... 463 " 3-Ordinance No. 72-58: An Ordinance granting Richard C. Henschel the right to construct a sanitary sewer in Alice Street and providing the terms and conditions thereof ...,,...,,.,.,,.,.,..... ........................,.,..,......,.,...,.,.,.....,..,....,,,...,..,....,...,....,..,.,..,..... 463 " S-Ordinance No. 73-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Illinois Avenue from the South Property Line of Pennsylvania Avenue to the West Property line of Drexel Avenue . .........................................................:......:........:......................... 486 " 24-Ordinance No. 74-58. An Ordinance amendii~ Budget as approved by Resolution No. 174-57 and. Ordinance No. 1-58 ......................................_..............................,...............,.,,..,,..:.....,...,..,..,... SOB, S3S " 24-Oak Crest Drive, City Manager recommending the in- stallation of street lights ......................,.::,..,...:,..,..,.,,,...,,,....,.,....,...,..... S09 " 24-Ordinance No, 7S-S8. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Alpha Avenue from the west property line of Illinois Avenue to the east property line of Van Buren Street .....................................................................................,.,....,.,,. ,....,..,. .,,.,..,... S12 ~ ~ " 24-Ordinance No. 76.58. An Ordinance establishin a xade on Andrew Court from the north property line of Bane Street to the north end of the street ..:......................... S13 " 24-Ordinance Nn. 77-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Arrowhead Drive from a point 151.4 feet east of the center line of Indian Ridge extended westerly a distance of 316.5 feet ..........................................................:.............~.,.:,.... S14 " 24-Ordinance No. 78-58. An Ordinance establishing agrade - on Arrowhead Drive from a point 140.1 feet west of the' west' property line of Indian Ridge northerly a distance of 783.5 feet ...........................:...................................................... S14 " 24-Ordinance No. 79-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Coates Street from the end of existing improve- ment at 1•ast Line of I,ot 18 Southgate Subdivision to a,point 225 feet west ..:.................................................................................... S15 " 24-Ordinance No. 80-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade an Curtis Street from west .property line of South Booth Street to end of turn around 360.7 feet west...... S16 " 24-Ordinance No. 81-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Deborah Drive from the south property line of Hiltcrest Road southcrly to the north property line of Jeffrey Drive .............................................................,~.,,.,:,.,.....,...,...,.,,.,.., 516 1958 >> ~,~ 11 >> << >> Dec. INDEX -BOOK 88 SUBJ$CT 24-Ordinance No. 82-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Jeffrey Drive from the south property line of Hiltcrest Road southwesterly a distance of 854.6 feet ...................... 24-Ordinance No. 83-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Indian Ridge from a point 487.1 feet south of the south property line of South Grandview. Avenue southerly a distance of 849.2 feet ................................................. 24-Ordinance No. 84-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Pamela Court from the east property line of Ra- mona Street easterly a distance of S00 feet . ....................... 24-Ordinance No. 8S-S8. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Primrose Street from the south property line of .Dane Street southerly a distance of 651.4 feet ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„., 24-Ordinance No. 86-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Southgate Drive from south property line of Coates Street to the east line of I,ot 30 Southgate Subdivision .....................................................,.........._.......................,.,....,,.,,.,..,... 24-Ordinance No, 87-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Wapello Place from the west property line of Indian Ridge to the east property Line of Arrow- head Drive ................................................................................................................... 24-Ordinance No: 88-58, An Ordinance establishing a grade on Maryville Drive from the south property line of Kane Street southerly a distance of S24 feet .,..,,....,,.,.,..,... 24-Ordinance No. 89-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Scenic View Drive from the east property line of Chaney Road easterly a distance of 84S feet....,...,...,.,..,... 24-Ordinance. No. 90-58. An Ordinance establishing a grade ou Tina Ridge from the south property line of Kanc Street to the north property line of Scenic View Drive 9-O'Mara Helen, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .......................,.,,. Page S17 S18 sl8 S19 520 szo S21 S22 S22 S49 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUB J>;CT Page P Jan. 6- Pay Plan and Personnel Rules and Regulations, sub- mitted to the Council for approval ......................,.:.,....,..,...., 2 " 6 -Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the denial of petition of Leonard Healey requesting rezoning of hots 30S and 306 Davis Farm Addition from Multiple Family Residence District to Local Business A Dis- trict ......................................................................................................................... 8 " 6--Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the denial of petition of George and Addie Jecklin requesting rezoning of their property from Single Family to Local Business A District ....„ ..................,...,................:.....;,,,..;,..,,. ' 8, 9 6 -Princeton Place, Devon Drive and Cambridge Court in Blocks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in Steger Heights Subdivision, construction of Boulevard Lights.,,...,,:.,.29, 3Q 31 ................................................................58, S9, 60, 368, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390 " 6 -Polfer Clarence Place, Lot 2 of 1, Lot 2 of 1 of 1, Lot 2ofloflofl'of1,I,ot2oflaflofl.oflofl and Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1, construction of Boulevard lights ......................................................,,,.,..,,,.:,.,......,........ 30, 31 Feb. 3- Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the denial of Petition of Mrs. Pearl Kaep requesting rezoning an area from Single Family to Multiple Residence Classification ........................................................................................... 42 " 3- Prescott Street, Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, schedule ~ s t ~ 70 " 3- Providence Street, Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, sch ed- ule of assessments ........................................;...,...,..,,..,,,.....,....,...,... 71 " 3- Pennsylvania Avenue, Curb and Gutter, schedule of assess- ments ...........................................................:........................:................... 86 104 " 3- Prescott Street, Curb and Gutter, schedule of assessments..... 88 " 3- Page John P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,,.,.... ..............„ 100 Mar. 3- Princeton Place, City A~Ianager reconunending installation of a street light .........................................,..;........,....,.,,,.....,.......,,.,. 1D6 " 3- Parking Meters, City Manager recommending the use of women for parking meter control ,,,,.. .........................„,...,,.,..,. 106 " 3- Peters Laverne G,, Notice of Claim ........,.., ...............,.,...,.,......,..... 108, 140 3- Pleiu Leo, Notice of Claim .................................................................,, 108, 140 " 3- Pfckei Carl A,, Notice of Claim .........................,...,....,...,..........,,....,„.,,. 109, 328 " 3- " Pfalzgraf $rnest 1V., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.....,..., 117 3- Papin Ray, application for renewal of license approved by State Board of Health .........................................,.,.;...,..,..,..........,..~ 128 " 31- Police and Fire Retirement System, actuarial and factual analysis submitted by Haight, Davis & Haight Inc,.,.... 134 April 7- Property Oumers Required to Make Sewer and Gas Con- nections on all streets to be included in the City of Dubuque 1958 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Surfacing and Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1 ..............................................................................,.163, 171, 181, 531, S32 " 7- Pamela Court, acceptance of dedication ......................................,.,,, 189, 191 May S- Prairie Street, City Manager recommending that parking be restricted on the east side of street between Loras and West 11th Street ...........,....,,......,,., .....................................,.... 261, 244 " 5- Pennsylvania Avenue, construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer on portions of said street ........225, 226, 228, 262, 263, 264 .............................................................................265, 266, 288, 289, 54S 546, 547 June 2-Palm Cletus, sidewalk bond ................................................................... 239 '' 2- Property Owners on Ramona Street required to make Sewer, Water and Gas Connections ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 270 " 2- " Petrakis John, reappointed to Recreation Commission..,.,„..,,., 271 23- Police Chief authorized to attend conference of Chiefs Police at Miami, Florida .......................................................... 278 " 23- Polfer Joseph S,. granted Cigarette Permit ............................„,. 29S INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJ$CT Page P " 23-Potteveld Fred C, & Winifred S., granted Cigarette Permit 296 " 23-Poquette 14fillard, granted Cigarette Permit ............................. 296 " 23-Pauly Cletus N., granted Cigarette Permit .......................o....,,.,. 297 " 23-Fitz Louise Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ...........,..,..,.,.,..,.., 297 " 23-Pfalzgraf $rnest W., granted Cigarette Permit .,..,..,......,......... 297 " 23-Pusateri Michael F. & Gus, granted Cigarette Permit ....,.... 297 " 23-Page John P., granted Cigarette Permit ,..,. ..................„........ 298 " 23-Poulos Andrew, granted Cigarette Permit .......,,.,.,,,,,......,.,....., 298 23-Petrakis ohu routed Ci arette Perrmt ,,..w..........,........... 298 23-Po uette Millard granted Class "B Beer Permit,...,.... q .,....,... 299 " 23-Pauly Cletus N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 299 July 7-Peoples Natural Gas, submitting a schedule of rates for interruptable natural gas ............................................................. 303 -Peoples Natural Gas, requesting that Cou ncil defer action ,,,,.,,,,,' on Gas Rate Ordinance ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 304 " 7-Peoples Naturual Gas, requesting permission to excavate at Shields and Jones Street ...................................................... 314, 327 " 7-Pfohl Ray et. al., objecting to the construction of a garage by River Trails Transit Lines between 1st and 2nd Streets on Bluff Street ,.,......,.......,,,....,.........,,,,.,,..,.,........,......,...... 314 " 7-Petrakis Charles K,, requesting permission to construct a rack retaining wall ...............,.,...,,.,..,...........,.,..,......,........,......,....,..., 31S " 7-Potters Shiras Avenue Place, approval of p~lat......,..,,...,319, 320, 331 21-Powers Joseph M,, heating bond .................„..........,.,..,........,...,..,..... 327 Aug. 4-Palm Kenneth J, requesting a street light on Dodge Street between Fremont and Grandview Avenue ..... .............._..... 360, 424 " 4-Plaza Court Subdivision, approval of plat .......................................... 364, 365 Sept. 2-•Peabody Street, City Solicitor recommending that no action be taken on the vacation of the Street at this time ...,,........,...,......,.......,.....,.....,... ..............................,.................,......., 378 " 2-Pusateri Gus and Michael F., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. ..................................................................~............,.,....,..,.....,......,.,.,,.. 400 " 2-Peterson Lloyd L., reappointed to the Airport Commission 401, 403 " 17-Potras John M, Mrs. et. al., requesting traffic light at the corner of West Locust and West 17th Street,........ 407, 424 " 17-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate in streets where excavations are restricted for 10 year period .....,.......,,,.,.,,.,......,...., ...............,....,...,.,.......,....,.......,.....,....... 407 " 17-Planning & Zoning Commission, favoring annexation to the City of areas to the west and north of the present city limits ............................................................................................,......,...,.. 413 414 Oct. i-Police Judge, R. N. Russo, requesting permission to attend Northwestern University Traffic School ......................„,.. 429 " 1-Fitz Louise, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 132 430 " 6-Pfiffner George R. and Richard L. Klossner, granted Class ..B„ Beer Permit ................................................................. 444 " 6-Pfiffner George R. and Richard L, Klossner, granted Cigarette Permit ,.,. .......................................................................,,. 445 Nov. 24-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate at Fulton and King Streets ......................................,.,,..,...,.,..., 523 Dec, 9-Pawlak Joseph F. Jr,, Notice of Claim ............................................ S34 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJECT Page Q May S-Queen Street Cit Mana er recommending that stop signs #ore entering intersec- lion of t24th Streeg ~ ehicles..,be .............................,,.......,.....:.......,. 202, 358 June 23-Quinlan Robert, granted Cigarette Permit .............................,....,, 295 " 23-Quinlan Robert, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....,.....,......,. 299 INDEX - BOOI{ 88 ' 1958 SUBJI•CT Page R Jan 6-Russo R. N aPP'ointed Police Judge .......: ...;...., ..... 1 " 6- Reynolds Hal, relative to the rezonm, of Leonard Healey property .....,,.;...,..,.. ................,,............,..................,...,,,,..................:.. 8 „ (r -Rettenberger Max, claim denied ...........................,....,:..,...,....,...,... 12 6- Rockdale Road, northbound vehicles must. stop before en- '' tering the intersection of Rockdale Road and the west ' ramp of Kerrigan Road and Granview Avenue ....:.......... 14 " 6- Ramona Street-Adeline Street Sanitary Sewer, schedule of assessments ..,.....,,,.... .......................,.,,..,.,,,...24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 35 " 6- Raines $lizabeth M., granted Class "B" Beer .Permit...,...... 33 " 6- -"River Front Subdivision No. 3", approval of plat of Block 6, Block 7 and Block 8 ...,...,.....,...,...:,,.....,...,.. :...:......::. 34 Feb. 3- Rettenberger Wendell, Notice of Claim ........:.................,..,.,..,,.,.,:. 43 3- Raepsch George, petition for rezoning of the North / of City Lot 470 granted ..........................................:...... .:..:... 44 " 3 -Reilly Reaty Inc., submitting plats of Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot $ 3 of Giles Place and Green Acre Subdivision ..:......,9,8 .99 129 " 3- Rettenmaier John J. and Marie, granted Class. "B" Beer Permit ...........................::.....................,......,.......,...,,........:........,..,,..... 100 Mar. 3- Retail .Merchants Burueau, resolution favarmg modern street lighting for the business area ... ::.;:.............. 104, 139 3- Ridgeway Avenue, City Manager recommending installation of street lights ......................,...,.,........,,.....,....„....,...,......::.................._ 105 " 3 -Recker Ray H., Settlement of Claim .„, .......:......,...;.,.....,......,.:.. 107 _, 3 -Reidi Jay M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.....,...,........,... 117 " 31 -Rahloff, Barbara, requesting suspension of taxes ... ............:.. 129, 204 " 31 -Report of Dubuque .Dock Commission for 1957 . ...................... 129 " 31 -Rosedale Street,. erection of stop signs far traffic en- ;- tering St. Ambrose Street ...,.,.,.:.,,,....,..:.,.,..........~ ............. 138 " 31 -River Front Subdivision No. 3, approval of plat of Blocks 6, 7 and 8 ..............:......:.........................................................:.::.:...................:.. 152 April 7- Rafoth Ray H., heating. bond ...,,...,....,...,,..,..,...... ...:......:......:..........:. 188 y Ma 5 g ruction of an eight inch sanitary Avenue const -Rid e y ~ ~ r ,,,,,,,,,,,,224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 262, 263, 264 ..........,.....,., ............................................265, 266, 288, 289, 545, 546, 547 " S -Ruann Drive, construction of an eight inch sanitary _' sewer ~,......,...,,.... .................,..,..,;.,.,.,..225, ?.26, 227, 228, 262, 263, 264 ....,....,......,...,...,.,....,...........,...,...:,,....,.,....,,.,...265, 2fi6, 288, 289, 547, 548 June 2 -Ryan Kathleen, Notice of Claim ...................„,..,,,......,:...,....,,,..,...... 242 "_ 2 -Richard Christina et al., requesting the name of Lenox ' Street be changed to Van Buren Street .... ..............:....:.... 260, 277 2 -Ramona Street, Property owners required to make Sewer, Water and Gas connections ............:.....: ' .. ............:,. 270 " 2 -Reuter Clara Mrs:, granted Class 'B" Beer Permit.,.....,..:.. 270 23 -Riverside Bowl Inc., requesting water and sewer service,..:,. 285, 308 " 23 -Richard Alfred H, et, al., requesting sanitary on Alta Place .................................................................................................... 286 " 23 -Roshek Brothers Company, granted Cigarette Permit....,,... 295 " 23 -Reuter Clara Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit .............,....,.,...... 295 " 23 -Rink Richard G., granted Cigarette Permit ..................:............... 29S ' 23 -Randle Fred N. & Vada, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 296 " 23- -~Ruegnitz R. S., granted Cigarette Permit ...............................,.. 296 " 23 -Ragatz George Jr., granted Cigarette Permit ,......,... ................ 296 " 23 -Rawson Thomas J., granted Cigarette Permit ............................... 296 " 23 -Reisdorf Joseph F,., granted Cigarette Permit ......................... ...... 297 " 23 -Ring Louis A, granted Cigarette Permit ,,.,...,,,...,,...,.......,,....,.., 297 " 23 -Riedi Jay A2., granted Cigarette Permit .............................,.„,,,.. 297 '. 23 -Roeder Marcella Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ..... .............. 297 " 23 -Radetzki Hazel, granted Cigarette Permit ... ....................,.,...,.. 298 " 23 -Raines Elizabeth Mary, granted Cigarette Permit..,,..,.„,...,... 298 ' " 23 -Rabe Francis R., granted Cigarette Permit ....................... 298 " 23 -Rawson Thomas J., granted Cigarette Permit ...~.,.,...,,....,....,„~ 298 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUB JlaCT page R July 7-Report of audit of City of Dubuque by Brooks; O'Connor and Brooks for year 1957 ......... .. ... :......... , ; ,,, 304 7-Rettemaier Jeanette Mrs, and Mrs. Gerry Rusch, Notice of Claim ..................................:...:......................:.....................:.. 307 " 7-Rettenmaier Marie and John J., granted Cigarette Permit.,, 323 ' " 7-Richman Richard M., granted Cigarette Permit ,...,....,...,....,.,.., 323 Aug. 4-Riley Jahn W., Notice of Claim .............................................. 3SS, 428 4-Rosedale and Avoca Streets, northbound and southbound vehicles must stop before entering intersection of..,..,.... Sept. 2-Richman LeRoy G., granted Cigarette Permit : . 358 399 ,....,,.... ...... ... " 2-Riverside Bowl; granted Cigarette Permit ..:.......,,..,,..... 399 2-Richman LeRoy G., 'granted Class "B" Beer Permit.. ............... 400 " 2-Riverside Bowl, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...,.,„,,..,,,,.,.;„„ 400 " 2-Richman Richard M., granted Class "B"-Beer Permit.,...,..,. 4D0 " 17-Reilly Realty Inc., approval of Blocks 4, S, 6 and 7 in Green Acres Subdivision ...:..:.:....:„,,...,......,...„......:..,... .408, 409, 431 x 17--Reilly Realty. Inc., grant and easement to the Cit for the purpose of a turn around at the end. of Oak Crest Drive in Green Acres Subdivision .......................:............... 410 " 17-Rolling Ridge Subdivision, approval of plat of Block 1 and Block 2 ...,............ ........... ...........:.......................~........,..,, ......., 411 Oct. 1-Raines. lalizabeth M,, requesting. refund on Cigarette Per- nit No. 223 .........................................................:.............................:............... 430 " 1-Raines Zializabeth M., requesting. refund on Class "B"Beer Permit No, 133 ,...,.:....,,.,,,;... .....:... .....:',;,.:... 430 1-Richman Richard, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 273 .....::..........................:... ,,,::.~„ ;....:,.,,,,.,,, 430 " 1-Richman Richard, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer ` Permit No. 82 ...,., ...,,,,, .. ., 430 " 6-Reuter Sheet Metal Works, heating bond,.,:.,. ,,,,,,:,,....,, 434 " 6-Rcepsch Theodore, Notice of Claim ,,...,. ,,.,......,.,,,.. 434 6-Reilly Realty Inc., requesting cancellation. of contractor's' improvement bond ........................................ . ...:.~,;,.,,,. 436 " 6-Reisdorf Joseph ~., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......,,,,,,,. 444 Nov... 3-Rhomberg A. A, contract for the engineering services on Fengler Street Grade Separation Project '..:..,,,,454, 455, 456 3-Rucks Harold ~, et al., requesting rezoning of the north- erly side of Dodge St. between Alpine and Nevada Streets to Local Business District A Classification .;.. 459, 511. 24-Richeson $xcavating, excavation policy .:...,.,. ,,,.,,..,.,. S10 24-Reuter Clara M, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit ` No, 14 :.........................:..... ..,.., ,, ,,, S23 24-Reuter Clara M, Class "B" Beer Permit 1No 32 revoked S26 Dec. 9-Roepsch Theodore (Teddy), Notice of Suit .... ,;,,,,;,,;,;;;;, 534 " 9-Richesons $xcavating Service, requesting excavation permit " 536 9-Roeder Marcella Mrs,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,;::,. 549 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUB JFCT Page S Jan. 6-Schiltz I<. J.; :appointed City Manager ,.,,„.. ,.,;,...:.,„;,,,, 1 " 6--Sauer Dorothy, relative to the rezoning of the Jeckhn property ...::.......................:.................... ,:.;:..,..:..,.. 8, 9 6-Seippel Peter J. et. ah, requesting extension of the city limits westerly .n the Coates street area taking into th City the Jeckhn property ........................,,,,.................,.....,,,,. 10 .......,„ .................. ..................... 6-Schiltz I,. J., band .................. ....... 1 » 6-Safe Way Agency, sidewalk bond .....................,,.,,,,,,......,..,,.,.,...,.... 10 " 6-Sycamore Street, no parking on west side of street from fourteenth Street to Sixteenth Street .... .. .......,„.::,, ,.,. 12 " 6-South Locust Street, vehicles must stop before entering South Locust Street north to its junction with Locust Street ...,,,.,,.....,..,,,...,,.,...,.., ..............,.,..,.......,...;.........,,.,....,, 14 " 6-St: Ambrose Street, eastbound vehicles must stop before .. entering the intersection of St. Ambrose Street and ...Clarke Drive ................................:..r.,.,,.,,,.,,,...,.. .............. 1 14 before en- " 6--Shields Street, southbound vehicles must stpo tering the intersection of Shields Street and Jones Street ............................................ .....,..........,.,..,,,';..,......... 14 uestin refund on C Schueller Arnold re ~ q g tgarette Permit ' , , , , „ No. 31 1S " 6--Sunnycrest, Board of Trustees, Dubuque County Hosgital, requesting permission to excavate across Prescott street, remove and replace curb and walk along the south side of Roosevelt street far the installation of a 10 inch water main ............................................:...........,....,.... 17, 45 " 6-Sullivan Street; improvement with asphaltic macadam sur- facing from the north property line of Fnglish bane to the South property tine of Levi street, schedule of assessments .,,.:,. :...:.................. ......::21, 22, 23, 24 Streel, schedule 6-Sanitary Sewer, Romany Streef Adeline 24, 2S, 26, 27, of assessments 28, 35 nbach, Louis S. Feb. 3-Strub Clarence and Florence, Ben J. Kolfe Smith, City Manager recommending that action be taken to secure payment for improvement on Wood- lawn Street .......:..........................::......... ,,,,,.,;.,.,. 37 " 3-Saffron George A., excavation policy ,..,., :.. ................. 38 " 3-St, Regis Paper Company, acceptance of theif offer to pur- chase afourteen acre tract of land m Dubuque Indus- : .trial .Park .............................. :..,,,,:. . , ,,.,.,,:....41, 104, 19S 3-Satterlee Avery, claim denied ...................... .., :.:....,...:,.. 43 " 3-Schiltz J. H., petition for rezoning of the west 200-feet of I,ot 1 of M. I,, 376A granted ..:. .... ....... ... .............„,.;. 43, 44 3-Slaughter House Ordinance, regulation and inspection of all establishments where meat is grepared for human consumption ..............................................::...........:.................... 46 3-St. Mary's Church, petition for the vacation of portions of Fast Sixteenth Street and the alley first east of White Street granted ....... .....:..: .....:........:................. S6 " 3-Saffron Construction Co.; requesting excavating permit.,,.,. S8 " 3--Strub Clarence A, and Florence M,, requesting that the Council waive the special assessment on curb and gut- ter on the northerly end of Woodlawn Street for hots 7 and 12 of Clarence Strub Subdivision ,,,,....,,., S8 3-Salon Street, Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, schedule of .assessments .......................... ,,,,.,.,,.....,.....,,...,.t,,..,..,..., 72 " 3-Seventeenth Street West, Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, schedule of assessments .,...,,. ............................„.,,.,.,.,,„,,...., 72 3-Solon Street, Curb and Gutter, schedule of assessments.:.,;..,. 89 " 3-Sanitary Sewer, Cedar, Maple and Sycamore Street Sani- tary Sewer, Lift Station and Force Main Improve- ment, awarding of contract ,.,,,,.,.,..96, 97, 129, 488, 489, 490, S11 ~- fr w INDEX -BOOK 8~ 1958 SU'B JIaCT Page S " 3- Schwartz Lar~~rence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,.,,.,,,.:,. . 10(I Mar, 3- " Strohmeyer Loretta Mrs., Notice of Claim »,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~„ 108, 140 3- Strub W, la. et al., requesting that Mqntana Street be re- named Floraview Drive .,...,,..,.»,.»,»..,,,...»,.,,..,.,,..»..,» ........................»,... 110 " 3- Sanitary Relief Sewer, construction of 12" Sanitary relief sewer in host 24th street, first alley west of Windsor Avenue from $ast 24th Street to 1•dwards Street, and Windsor Avenue from Tadwards Street to Merz " Street .,.,....»,,.».»,.,..,.,..,»,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»113, 181, 182, 183, 215, 216, 303, 368 3- Schiltz J. H., requesting the vacation of a portion of Kane Street now platted as I,ot A of Scenic View Heights No. 1, .comprised of that part. of I,ot 1 of St. Mary's " Place »,.,»......,..»..,....» .......................,,..,»»..,,....,....,,,...,.,.»,,...,..,.»»»,....,,,.,»,»....114, 183, 184 3- Schiltz J H., approval of plat of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 370, Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 375, Lot 1 of I,ot 1 of Mineral Lot 376A, and Irot 2 0£ Mineral Lot 376A, which will be known as Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 in "Scenic View Heights No, 1", in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, approval of plat of I,at 3 in "Scenic View Heights No. 1", to be here- after known as Block 1, Block 2, Bloclc 3 and Block 4 in "Scenic View Heights Na, 2", in the City of Du- que, Dubuque Cnunty, Iowa, .....................:.......................... 115, 116 3- Schueller Mathias A,, granted. Class `B" Beer Permit...... 117 " 3- Southern Avenue, improvement with curb and gutter from the end of the. present curb to the south property Ime of Lot No 2 - l of Mineral Lot 9..,.,119;.120, 164, 165, 166 " ~~ ~•~, ,,,».. ..»...167, 168,.169, 170, 171, 217, 543, 544 3- St. Anne St reet, improvement with curb and gutter from the .existing curb to Elora Park..,.,.......».119, 120, 164, 166, 168 3- ~• ., ,...,.»...........170, 171, 217, 218, Sommerfeld A G,~ requestm, curb and gutter on jGlou- 543, S44 tana Street ............. :..,...„,. ,...,.... ,»,.»...,,. 127 " 3- Streinz Lester J,, reappointed to Board. of Zoning Ad- justment .,.,...,.»....... ».,:..,,,»,....:...,.,»..,,,» ,.........,,. 127 " 31- Sigman James, relative to the purchase of city owned „ 31- property ,.,..,,...,.,» ...:............................».,,........,...,.».»,.,.,.,.,,,..134, Stodden LeRoy, petition for extension of Local Business 204, 267 ' B Classification denied .....,,.. ......:.....:............:......:.:... ....... 135 " 31- Sprun'ger Norval M., heating bond 138 „ 31- Strub Raphael H., sidewalk bond .................»......,,.,..,...:..,.,,,,,,,.,.:..,,,,..»,... 138 " 31- Shireman Robert & $dgebert McNamer, sidewalk bond,::.. 138 " 31- Saffron George, blasting bond ..................,.......,.,, ,,....„ 138 " 31- " Schueller & Co. Inc., excavation bond ............. :;.,.,,» 138, 148 31- Steuer George W. et, al., requesting the flushing of Wash- ington Street ................................................................................. 148 " 31- Steffen Clifford, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .,.,.».....;.:... 151 April 7 Sewer, Water. and Gas connections, ordered made on all streets included in the City of Dubuque. 1958 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Aspfialtic Concrete Surfacing and Bi- ` " tuminous Concrete Surfacing Project No. 1.,.,.163;.176, 181, 531 7- Sommerfeld A. G. and A. H, Beck, requesting curb and gutter on Floraview Drive: ,.,», :..,,.»,...,....... .... ..........,... 177 '' 7- St. Ambrose Street, east and.. west :bound vehicles must stop before entering St. Ambrose Street and Rose- dale Avenue .................................................:.............»,....,.,,.. 18S " 7- St. Ambrose Street, east bound vehicles must stop before entering St. Ambrose and Clarke Drive ....:....................... 185, 283 7- Schiltz J, H,, requesting sewer and water installation on " 7- Kane Street .»,..,,,,...... ........................................................,,,...,,, Schiltz Construction Ca, requesting excavation permit ,,....,. 187, 205 187 7- Stapleton's Subdivision, approval of plat .,.,,» .............„.,,,,,.....,. 190, 191 INDEX -BOOK 68 1958 SUBJECT Page S " 7- Schmitt Joseph J,; granted Cigarette Permit ...»;»..,.„,.,,.,:,;~,,:,„.,.,. 192 " 7- Schmitt Joseph J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit»..».,:,..,...,„,,.,. 193 " 7- Schroeder Donald D., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..,..».,... 193 " 7- Sanitary Sewer, Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer Bid' Sec- tion No, 2 completed and accepted ,..,.,..»,..:.,,.,»,»,,,.,,...»,.»,:.,. 194 May 5- Savanna Ordnance Depot, extending an invitation to at- tend Armed Forces Day ............:...................».,,.,....,,.,.,..,.»,.,;,,,,,,,»,,,,. 199 " S- Smith Thomas S., relative to damage to his property ,,....,:... 200, 237 " S- Shields Street, City Manager recommending the instal- . lotion of a street light ,,.,.,,» .................................»..»....,...,:...,,..,»......,...., 202 " S- Sanner John C., requesting the approximate cost of can- structing asanitary sewer in the alley between Bruns- wick and Burden Streets,.,,.. .......:........»„»,.,..,...........,»..,.,...:,.,,.,;.,»,» 203,. 5- Steve Mike, sidewalk bond ...........:........................:....................:.:..............:....... 205 " 5- Stodden Roy, requesting rezoning of Lot 11 in McCraney's econd Addition , ~ ~ "'"""""248, 313, 358 5- " Sudol Ben and Iowa Nationah Mutual Insur once Company, Settlement of Claim .........:....:.»»,,,».......,..».,.,.,.,..» ..,:..,...,,....,,.;», 210 " 5- Schaffert Josephine Mrs., Notice of'Claim ..............„:». .,»„~,»;»..,., 214, 242 5- Sullivam Desmond; addressed Council relative to replace- ment of sidewall~ on 10th St. ,.. »,,,.»,, .,.. » ....................211, 268, 341 " S- "St. Anne's Subdivision", approval of Block S and Block 6 of-St. Anne's Subdivision in the City of Dubuque:,:.,, 213, 214 " S- Sanitary Sewer, City of Dubuque 1958 Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1, Construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer and appurtenances on the following named streets: University Avenue,-Beverly Avenue; Carlton Avenue, Lenox Avenue; Nebraska Avenue; Austin Plac; Wisconsin Avenue, Hickson Avenue,'Fairfax Avenue, Drexel Avenue; Missouri Avenue, Ridge- way Avenue, Indiana Avenue; Boat Avenue, Pennsyl- vania Avenue, 1~ar1 Drive, Ideal Lane, Ruann Drive and Kane Street ......... ....::»..,,,,,...»224, 225, 226; 227, 228, 261, 262 ,,,,,,, ,,,,... .................,...,.,,263, 264; 265, 266, 274, 288, 269, 315, 316 June 2 -Sheehan Builders, sidewalk bond ,,....,,. „», „„,,...,,.,, 239 " 2 -Sisters of St. Francis, requesting City to sell them'prog- erty so they can widen their driveway at Mary of the Angels Home ... ....:......... ,.,,.... 260; 279, 324, 336, 392 " 2- -Schollmeyer Paul, granted Class "B' Beer Permit ,.......... 270 2- -,Schiltz L. J., reappointed to Planning & Zoning Commission 271 " 23 -Schiltz John G,, cancellation of blasting bond ,...»,» ........:..:.............. 274 " 23 -Schueller and Co. Inc., Assignment to The First National Bank ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»,».........,...,».:,» ,,:»,......,,,,,.,.....,,,..,,,.,....,.. 274 275 ~ " 23-•Schilling's Modern Heating Company, heating bond,....,»..., 280 " 23 -Schroeder Company, blasting bond ,,,.„.,:;.».:,.,» .................... ,,. 280, 285 " 23 -Steger Construction Company, excavation bond :.....:................ 280 " 23 -Steichen Margaret, Notice of Claim .:....:........»,»;,,,...,,,,,,, .,»,. ~ 28S 329 " 23 -Sanitary Sewer, construction of an eight inch sanitarp sewer in Kane Street from the existing manhole opposite Lot 2-1 of M. Ir, 3S1 to a point 700 feet west on Kane Street .,,,» ..................:.292, 293, 294, 336, 337, 338 . ........................................................................:...,.436, 437, 478, 479, 480 " 23 -Steffen Clifford, granted Cigarette Permit .......:........„,,..,...»..:.„..... 295 " 23 -St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigarette Permit .....................................:... .:.., 295 " 23 -Sun Leo, granted Cigarette Pernut .... ,,. 295 " 23 -Savory John L & Viola, granted Cigarette Permit ,,.. .,., 295 " 23 -Sullivan. Robert 1;., granted Cigarette Permit .:..» .,,,, ' 295 " 23 -Schroed@r Don, granted Cigarette Permit ,,,.,.....» ................»..,.,..,»,... 296 " 23 -Solomon Jack, granted Cigarette Permit ... ...,,,,,, ,.».,.. 296 23 -Sand Donald, granted Cigarette Permit,...,.. ,........':,»,,,, 296- " 23 -Specht Harold 0., .granted Cigarette Permit .,..,»„».»,.,„,,,....„„»,.» 296 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJECT Page S " 23-Sand Marig Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ................:....„...:,,.,... 296 " 23-Schneider Joseph C., granted Cigarette Permit ...............,,.......... 296 " 23-Schwartz Peter, granted Cigarette Permit ........:...........................„,,,.,.. 296 " 23-Schueller Richard, granted Cigarette Permit .................:................ 296 " 23-Scholtes Harold M., granted Cigarette Permit .............................. ... 296 " 23-Shannon Joseph F., granted Cigarette Permit ................................... 296 " 23-Schwartz Lawrence, granted Cigarette Permit ,,...,,....,..,.~ .......:...... 297 " 23-Schuster Donald W., granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 297 " 23-Scherr James. J, granted Cigarette Permit ........:............................... 297 " 23-Smith Oil Company, granted .Cigarette Permit ........:.................... 297 " 23-Schmit Helen Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ,.,,. :............:................ 297 " 23-Sheldon Thomas L., granted Cigarette Permit .......,......,..„........,.. 298 " 23-Schmitz Gladys, granted Cigarette Permit .:........................ 298 " 23-Schollmeyer Paul, granted Cigarette. Permit ..,,, ..:......................... 298 " 23-Schulte- Jose h J., granted Cigarette Permit ....................................... " 23-Stam fer' D t d Ci St i 298 2 8 p s epar ment ore, grante garette Perm t...... " 23-Schneller .Mathias, granted Cigarette Permit ............................~..... 9 298 " 23-Snyder Elsie R., granted Cigarette .Permit ...................:................... 298 " 23-Scherer Emma Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 299 23-Shannon .Joseph. F., granted Class "B" Beer.. Permit.....,...... 299 " 23-Sand Donald, granted. Class"B" Beer Permit ..............„,........... 299 23-Scholtes Harold M., granted Class."B" Beer Permit.. ............... 299 23-Sheldon Thomas L.,,granted Class "B" Beer Permit....,....„ 299 " 23-Schueller Richard, granted. Class "C" Beer Permit...,.,...,..... 299 " 23-Sand Marie Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................. 299 July 7~chonethal Fred, heating bond ........:................................................................... 304 " 7-Senior High. Subdivision, approval of, plat ........................................ 307 " 7-Sanitary. Sewer, construction of au 8" sanitary sewer in Alta Place from a point 125 feet north of the north property line of Delaware Street to the existing san- itary sewer in Green. Street .............................317, 318, 350, 366, 367 ...............:.............:......:.................................................398, 399, 443, 475, 476, 477 7-Schiltz J. H., Block 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1.1 and 12 in Scenic View Heights No. 2, approval of plat,......,... ...............................,..310, 320, 321 " 7-Scenic View Drive,. acceptance of dedication .................................. 321 " 7 Schiltz J. H., granted the right to construct a Santitary Sewer in Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 370 and Pro- viding the Terms and Conditions thereof ..................322, 350, S37 " 7-Schmitt. Joseph J., granted Cigarette Permit .,.,. .........:...:....:...::... 323 " 7-Sauser Norbert H, granted Cigarette Permit ............:..:........„;;,,.. 323 7-Smith Robert M,, granted Cigarette Permit ..........:...........:...::.....:... 323 " 7-Strub Clarence, sidewalk .bond ......................................~...........,.,.....,.,.... 327 " 21-Sewage Rental Rates,. City Manager recommending a change to the present rate .....................................................:................... 333, 349 21-Schroeder Company, requesting perrrussion to excavate in Evergreen Drive ................................................................;,.:..,.,..,.... 334 " 21-•Senior High Subdivision, City Manager recommending the sale of Lot 1 ...............................................................................:....336, 391, 392 " 21-Schiltz J. H., approval of plat of Lot "A" in "Scenic View 'Heights No. 1" ....................................:............................................................ 342 " 21-Spielman Chas. M., relative to garages and-sheds being built in alley behind Bennett Street ............................................. 343, 351 Aug. 4-Sefzik R F., relative to the operation of the City ................,..„„ 351 " 4--Sabers. James, sidewalk bond ..,.,„ ......................................... ........................... 352 4-Sewage Treatment Plant-Contract No. 3 completed an d semi-final zcceptance made ..........:......:................................:....:.....:..... 3S2 " 4-Savory John L., and Viola; granted Class "B" Beer Permit 370 " 4-Specht Harold 0., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...:.:...:.......... 370 Sept. 2-Savanna Ordnance Depot, invitation to attend a meeting on Civil Defense Administration ..............:............„.....„.;................ 374 2-Schmitt Barbara, and Kenneth &. Evelyn, .her parents, No- tice of Claim : ............:.....::...........:......~,,..:,.:.,.....,,....,,.;.,,...,.;.......:,.....~....,.~:..,. 379 1958 ~~ „ ~~ ,~ ~~ ~~ ~, >> ,~ Oct. ,~ » Nov ~, i~ ,~ >> ~~ ;, ;~ Dec. ,~ ~~ ,~ INDEX -BOOK 88 SUBJECT Page S 2-Schueller & Co. Inc., requesting extension of time for Bituminous Paving Project .............................................................,...... 386 2^Saffran Construction Co., requesting permission to extend sewer and wtaer on Kane St ................................................................ 386, 405 2-Sanitary Sewer, acceptance of sanitary sewer in Flora Park ...................................................................................:......:....:.:........:.:............... 397 2-Snyder. Elsie Mrs, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....,.,.... 400 2-Scherer Emma Mrs., .granted Class "B" Beer Permit.,.,,...,... 400 Z-Spielman J. Louis and Susan, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..,... ............................................:..................................:......................,..,..,.... 400 17-Sears Roebuck & Co., heating policy .......................:.............................. 403 17-Stampfer J. F., heating bond ...............................................................:............ 403 17-Sweeney William P., sidewalk bond ............................„,„......,:,.....,.,..,.,...,. 403 17-Sunny View Hills Subdivision, vacation of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 6; Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9 in Black 7; portion of Primrose Street lying southeasterly of a line extend ing from the southwest corner of Lot 2 in Block 6 to the northeast corner of Lot S im Block 7.........„,.,... 411, 412 17-Sunny View Hills Subdivision, hots 1, 2 and 3, approval of plat ................................................,.........:..:.........................:..,.................,...,,.....,. 413 17-Smith Robert M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....................... 418 1-Saffron George and Chris and Bernice A. Willy, agreement with the City whereim the City accepts Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Wi11y Place as Kane Street ,.:.,,.,..,..,............ ......................425, 426, 453 1-Schiltz J. H., performance bond .:.,...,.. ...........................„..,......,........,...... 434 1-Seippel Peter J., requesting extension of time to complete surfacing of Southgate Subdivision ,.:.:,.:.;.,a ........:.....:.................. 436 16-Sanitary Sewer, Hillcrest Builders Inc.,' granted the right "to construct a sanitary sewer and water mains in Illi- nois, Algha, Enid and Ohio Avenues (water only)....... 446 16-Schmidt Regina Mrs.; granted Class "B" Beer Permit..,..,.,.... 448 3-Sicvcrs Frcd relative to a sub ay station for Water ... ... o .......................„.,...,,.....,:..:,,:,.,...,.,. ele b as e 459, S09 t al., John Sr. et relative 3-Steck storage of wrecked cars on 23rd Street between Washington and Elm Streets ....................................................................................................::......... ........ 460, 511 3-Steffen. John Mrs., Notice of Claim ..........................:„,....,.......,..,.,.,.,.. : 460 S33 ~ 3-Schmid Matilda, Notice of Claim ....................................:.„,.,.........,..,.,,,.,.. 461 3-Seippel Katherine J. Subdivision, approval of plat ................. 481, 482 3-Schuster Printing Service, acting as collection agency for utility bills of .the City of Dubuque ............................................. 485, 533 24-Scenic View Drive, City Manager recommending installa- tion of street lights ...............................................................:....................... S09 24-Schroeder A. B., Notice of Claim ....,..„ ................................:.................,... 512 24-Sawvell Junior, Notice of Claim ..... ......................................................... S12 24-Schueller & Co. Inc., requesting extension of time on Contract No. 2 ..............................::....................:.................:.................:...... S23 24-Bitterly Walter, granted Cigarette Permit ..............„,,..,.,...,....,..,.,..,, S27 24-Bitterly Walter, .granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ....:..........:..... S27 24-Schulte Joseph J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......,..,,,... S27 24--Schwartz Peter, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......................„.... 527 9-~5ewage Works Improvement, Contract No. 2, Force Main and Terminal Street Sewer, completed and accepted,.,.,. 530 9-Sefzik R. F., relative to the reading of council proceedings S32 9-Steichen Glen R., Notice of Claim ..........................................._........,.,,..., 534 9-St. Rose Priory, requesting vacation and conveyance of the alley lying east of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Union Place,..., 536 it I, ~I i' J' li' t f', ,I j';, ~I INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUB J$CT Page 'I' Jan. 6-Takos Peter J., sworn in as Councilman,„..,.,..~ ......................... 1 " 6-Telegraph Herald, appointed official newspaper of the City of Dubuque .....................................................:....:..................................... 2 " 6--Tischauser E. M., relative to proposed shopping center on Jecklin farm area ......................................................:..~.... '9 " 6--Tsclurgi Edward M., City Treasurer, bond ............................. 10 " 6-Thompson Elmer and Marvel Birkett, requesting refund on ]ass B .Beer P ermit No. 103 ..., .. ........:..:.. ' 15 6-Thompson )±,lmer and Mar " yel Birkett, requesting- refund on Cigarette Permit No. 300 .................. .,...,..,...... 15 6-Torrey Henry C, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...........:....... 33 Feb. 3-Tolle Henry 0. Representative; acknowledging receipt of . letter from the Mayor relative to the Natural Gas Act Amendment of 1957 .............:.............:.:...:........................................... ' 39 " 3--•Thompson );mil: 0., requesting refund on' Class "B" Beer Permit Na. 112 .................,........,..,.,,...:,,...,.,....,...,......,,.:.:,.;....,.,...,..,:.......... 57 " 3-Twenty Fifth Street fast, Bituminous Concrete Surfac- in~_schedule of assessments .............~.,.,..,....,....,:,,..............,.....,......,.,., 73 Mar. 3-Tina Ridge, acceptance of dedication ..........:............................................... 116 " 3-Tibey Drive, acceptance of dedication .................................::.................... 116 3-Twenty Second Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid asphaltic concrete surfacing. from the east property line of Central Avenue to the south property line of Windsor Avenue ...........................122, 123, 159, 160, 161 " 31-Tolle Henry 0., U. S. Representative, pledging his support to a bill needed to accomplish the dredging of: the local harbor under the omnibus bill ......: ,,,,,,,,. 134 " 31-Tracy,Edward, Class "B" Beer Permit No. 79 revoked.......... 149 " 31-Tenenbom's Super Market, lnc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...................................................................::.....:...:................ 1S1 April 7--Tracy Edward J, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit N o. 1 S 2 .................:........................................:...........„.;.......:.....:.,.... 186 May 5-Theda Drive, acceptance of dedication .................................................... 230 " S-Trygg Drive, acceptance of dedication ............„.:........„........... 230 June 2-Travis );. R. Mrs., requesting permission to remove curb and extend present garage ...............................:.:............... 2S8 " 23-Tolle Henry -0., communication concerning the dredging of Dubuque harbor, and submitting a copy of a pro- posed bill to speed the authorization ..;,.;. .:............. 275, 276 " 23-Treivieler Elmer I,~., granted Cigarette Permit .:..............:............ 295 " 23-Trapp Arthur J., granted Cigarette Permit ...:,.,.: .:..............,.,.,....... 295 23-Thompson John F., granted Cigarette Permit ...............„,.,.:;,....,..,.... 295 23^Tench John F. and Vincent W. Mescher, granted Cigar- ette Pernut ................................. ........: .;,...,....,. ' 295 " 23-The Sunshine Circle-Finley Hospital, granted Cigarette ...~. ~~....... .:......: "...."..... ~ 295 23-i'he Great Atlant~c & " Pace&c Tea Ca, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... .:...:.:. ....:.. .,,......... ' 296 " 23-Tenenbom's Super Market, Inc granted Cigarette Permit.,. 296 " 23-Torrey Henry C., granted Cigarette Permit .:.....:.......~.;.....::,,;,,,..,. " 296 23-Trimpler George J., granted Cigarette Permit .................:................. 296 " 23-Thorpe Walter G, and Earl Mardauss, granted Cigarette ' Permit ....................... .........:................... ...,.......... 296 " 23-Travel Zena A., granted Cigarette Permit ..................:.::.............. 297 " 23-The Kroger Company, granted Cigarette Permit ....:.:....... " 297 23-Thompson Clarence E., granted Cigarette Permit ;.., " 297 " 23-Teeling Vincent, granted Cigarette Permit .:..::......::...:.............. 298 " 23-Thompson Clarence );., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...,.. 299 " 23-•Thompson John F., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................. " 299 23-The American Legion Dubuque Past No. 6, granted Class ooB„ Beer Permit ........................................................................,..,.,.,...,,...,...... 299 " 7-Tina Ridge, acceptance of dedication ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„, .,...~,..... 321 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 'SUBJECT Page T " 7-Thompson Balmer, granted Cigarette Permit ......... .............. 323 " 21-Twenty Fifth, Twenty Eighth and Thirtieth Streets, stop signs erected ::.................:.................................................... 326, 358 Aug. 4-Tax levies established for the year 1958 .................:............ 347 " 4-Taylor Noah et al, requesting a street light on Kaufmann Avenue ......;, ...........:..........:.....................................................:, 360, 377 Sept. 2-Tenenbom's Super Market, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........... :............:.....:.. ............ ~ 400 Oct, 6-Tooke Jos; et. al., requesting street lights on Glen Oak Street .........................:..............:..................... ........................ '436, 4S3 Nov. 3-Thiltgen Betty >~., Notice of Claim ........................................... 460 " 3-Teeling Vincent E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.:.,,....,,.,... 482 3-Thompson Elmer 1,., approval of Class "B" Beer Permit.,. 482, 527 " 24-The Great Atalntic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Class ~~C~~ Beer Permit .........................:.........:........:..............................:..,............ S27 Dec. 9-Takos Councilman, relative to reapportionment ......................„.... S50 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJ$CT Page U Feb. 3-United Spanish. War Veterans. Auxiliary,. permission to o g • • • 58 „ 3-Union Stre ta Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, schedu l • e of assessments , „ •.„..,.•„•„•..,•.•„„,.. „ .....•„•.,.,,•.„•.,„..•,„„...„,.•.•„„ Mar. 3-Udelhofen Bernadine, Notice of Claim .,,„..• ••„•„;...• 76 108 141 ~ " 3-Uppinghouse Alan R•, granted Class "B" Becr Permit„...„..,.. " 117 31-U. S: Conference of Mayors stating that the Municipal Airport of Dubuque is scheduled to receive $12,500 Federal Aid for the construction of a hangar apron 134 " 31-University Avenue, erection of stop sign to stop. eastbound traffic at University. & Asbury •,•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;„...„,„•••„.„„,...„...„„•„. 138 " 31-Urcll James et, a1., relative to a sewer emptying. on his property ••.„„...,•„.,••:„~•„•.•,••••.„.„......„...„,„.• ....•.„•••. „•.,„....„„,„,•....„.•,„.„•.•••. " 148, 203 31-United States o~f America; City Manager authorized to sub- mit au application for a grant for advance for public works planning which shall consist generally of the construction at Fast 14th Street and Pine Street of a four lane overpass with sidewalks and approaches and also construct East 14th Street from Cedar Street ~ to Kerper Boulevard ..•,.•..„,.„„,..„...„.„.,•,„ ..•..•„•..„,„.„,..•.„...„.••.„••„ • 153, 154 April 7-University Avenue, east bound vehicles must stop before entering University Avenue and Asbury Street....„,.•......,. 185 May S-United States Conference of Mayors, invitation to the Council to attend conference in New Orleans Sep- tember 11-13 ............•,...•....•„....•...•......„....•„........•.•.....•„._••.........„,„••„.•.,..•„•„•,• 199 " 5-United States of America, Lease with the City of Du- buque, Iowa, covering.use of 0.85 acre site, Ham's Ad- dition, for a U• S. Naval Reserve Training Center.„•.• 199 " S-University Avenue, construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer .„.•••••„,.•„.••...„••• ..............•.•„,.•..•..„„„,.,„.„••.„„...224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 262 ••„„.,„.•.„•„„•„„..•,„...„...„,•.•.,..„••.„.„,„...„...263, 264, 265, 288, 289, 545, 546, S47 June 23-Uppinghouse Alan R., granted Cigarette Permit ......................•...... 295 23-Utzig LeRoy, granted Cigarette Permit „......„„.,.,...„,„...„.„,.,...,....„•.•.. 297 Aug. 4-U, S. Conference of Mayors, relative to conference to be held at Miami Beach, Florida ...................................„......„,....„•.„•. 351 Oct• 6-University of Dubuque, requesting permission to erect a banner across a downtown street •...„....•,,...•,.,.,,..„,,.,„,..„,„„•.•,•.•... 435 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJECT Page V Feb. 3-Vacation of portions of Sixteenth Street, and the alley first east of White Street to St. Mary's Church.„.„.„...•..•.. 56 ~~ „ ,~ . .......... 3-Vorwald John H. grante ass eer ermit.,.„.... 100 g p have er ission to Wars re uesh re~gn f an q Mar. 3-Veter • W • e • • • daY a ~ag • .. .. •, ,•.„ 110 t • Izno n as of April 7-Vacation of a portion of Kanc St L "A" ~~ of Scenic View Heights No• 1 to J. I3• Schiltz.•.~„...;..,.. 183, 184 " 7-Valleyview Road, east and west bound vehicles must stop before entering Valleyview and Avalon Roads..„„..„.•....„.., 185, 283 " 7-Vacation of portions of Ashton Place and the alley Lying between Ashton Place and Alta Place ••..„.„.„•,.••.....„.•••„•„••.,••. 185 May S-Voggenthaler Irma D.,,relative to counectiug up to sewer, water and gas to Lot 19 in Stafford Addition,„•,,,.„„•••• 208 June Z-Vacation, plat of I,ot 178A of Woodlawn Park Add. va- cated and held for naught ...•„•,••„,...,..„.„.„•..„•„••..„...••..•..„...•.•....„••.•. 257 " 23-Vrotsos George T•, granted Cigarette Permit ••,.„,...•.,.•.,....,„•.••.. 296 " 23--Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 9663, granted Cfgar- ette Permit .„•„.•„.,.•.••„„,.•.„„•.„•.,.•...,.•,.„.„...,,••,„..„.,,•„...,,,••,,..„•.•.•..„.„...„. 296 " 23-Van Duelman Carl, granted Cigarette Permit ,...,,,...„...„,••.„,.•„,„...„ 296 " 23-Vorwald John H., granted Cigarette Permit •„.„..„,..„„••„•„..... 296 " 23-Vrotsos Elsie Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ...•.,•..„,..,„..„.„•..„ 297 " 23-Vander Meulen Wm• and Sophie McMann, granted Cigar- ette Permit •...„•••,„•„.„„,„,.•,•,„•„•••.•„„.,,.....,..••.,,.•••„,.•.•....„•,„•..••••,•„......„.,.• 298 " 23-Vander Meulen Wm. and Sophie McMann, granted Class ,~B„ Beer Permit •.••„......„,„,••.••,,.•„„•,...„,.••..„„.,....„,„•.•,„••.,,••..••.•,•••,:•;:„••. 299 July 7-Varvel Paul and Patricia, Notice of Claim ••.„,„.„,„..,,,..,„...,,,„.„„.... 308 Aug. 4-Vacation of Public Utility $asement in I,mt 2, Block One in "William Becker Kaufmann Avenue Subdivision" in the City of Dubuque .•••„...„.„•..,....„„••,,,•,••..,„•..„,„•,„•..•.••„„,.•„.....•,•. 360 " 4-Vyverberg Ray A. et• aL, requesting Quit Claim Deed con- . veying vacated streets and alleys which are a part of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Ehrlich Place.„.•. 361, 393 Sept. 17-Vacation, Sunny View Hills Subdivision, Lots 1 and 2 in Block 6; Lots. 6, 7, 8 and 9 in Block 7; portion of Primrose Street lying southeasterly of a line ex- tending from the southwest corner of Lot 2 in Block 6 to the northeast corner of I,ot S 'in .Block 7.„..„,„...... 411, 412 " 17-Veterans of Foreign Wars,. Post No. 508, granted Cigarette Permit ..„•..,„••...•.,,....„..„,•••„,..,•„•„,„...„•„••„•..••..••„•••,..•.,....,„...„„.„•,••..•••„,,,;....••••. 418 '° 17-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Past No. 508, granted Class ,~8,~ Beer Permit „..„••„,„,„..•„.„„•••,.,.„•„,•••„,,,„•••„,„••„••„„••••„.•••••„„...,•.•.•••,. 418 Oct• 6-Veteran's Heating Co•, heating bond ..••.••.„...„,...•„•.„„,...„..,.„..,.,.•,„,..., 434 16-Veterans of Foreign Wars Gerald F• Winter Post No. 9663, granted Class "B" Beer Permit •.....,•...„...•....„.:.„,„••,„••. 448 Dec. 9-Van Buren Street, construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer, final estimate .•••,•••••,•••••„„„~•„,„.••„•••„„•„••••••.••,,.•.„,••„„••,.„.„•,•:.•. 545, S46 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 SUBJI~CT W ` Jan. 6-Welu Clarence P., elected Mayor for the ensuing fiscal year .:.................:.........................................:..:.....:..................................:................ 6-Walser Herold & Max Blum, Notice of Suit ....,. .......................::,. " 6-Wertz Donald );., granted Class "C" Beer Permit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Feb. 3-West 17th Street, Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, sched- ule of assessments ,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,.,...,:.,..::.., " 3-Wilbricht bane, Curb and Gutter, schedule of assessments " 3-Woodlawn Street, Curb and Gutter, schedule of assess- ,,,,. ..,,,... Mar, 3-Water Department Audit for the year 1957 ... " 3-Weber Leo A, Notice of Claim ,.,.,,. 108, " 3-Wiederholt Leonard, Notice of Claim ...:................:...,...,..,..,,....,,,,,,,,:,,,. 109, " 3-Windsor Avenue-1•ast 24th Street, Sanitary Sewer ...,.,.,...,113, 181, .:.............................................:.,.....,,...,.,.,.,,,..,,..,..,...,,,,,,,,,.,...,.,.,,,,,.,183, 215, 216, 303, " 3-Windsor Avenue, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid asphaltic concrete surfacing from the )past property line of 22nd Street to the north property line of alley - first south of Strauss Street ..................:...........122, 123, 159, 160, ..................................162, 163; 216, 217, 440, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, " 3-West 3rd Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid asphaltic concrete surfacing from the west track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Paul and Pacific Rail- road to the east property line of Irocust Street .................. 122, ............................:.............................:.:...............:...........:.............................:...............159, 160, " 3-West 2nd Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid asphaltic concrete surfacing from the west track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St' Paul'and Pacifir Rail. road to the east property lienof'Loctist Street ................ 122, .........:.......................................................:.:.....:......::.........::..............:........................159, 160y " 3-Wilbricht Lane, improvement with Bituminous Concrete Surfacing from the west property line of Asbury Road to the west end of street ......:..........124, 126, 171, 173, . .....................:...........:................:..............:......:..........:..::...:...........:............219, 540, 541, " 31-Walsh William J,, objecting to radiation from Jerrold television cable ,,,,,,,,,,;,,;,,,,,..,,,.,.,:.,.,:,.,.,.,,,,.,.,..:,,,,,,,.,...,.,:,.,...,,:,,.,..,.,. 134, " 31-Westminster Presbyterian Church, petition for the va- nation of a portion of Ashton Place and the alley first east of Ashton Place granted .:.......:..........:...,...,.,:...:,135, 185, 2DS, " 31-Weidenbacher Albertus G,, Notice of Claim ........:...::....................... " 31-Ward Donald Mrs.; Notice of Claim ,.:...,,,:..,:...,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,;,...::....,.,,,., ' 31-Weiner Sylvester A., granted Class "B" Beer` Permit..,,.,,.,.., " 31-Winders Vince, granted Class "B" Beer Permit :...:....::...........:... " 31-Wright Louis J., granted Class "B"-Beer Permit ..............:..:.... '' " 31-Wallce .Clarence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,,::,:...,...,...,. " 31-White William J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...:.:........... " 31-West Tenth Street, proceedings instituted to replace brick sidewalk tivith a modern concrete sidewalk on the south side of Tenth Street, between Main Street and the first alley westerly, and assess the cost to the abutting property ,..,,...,,.,.. .............1SS, 156, 211, 268, 341, 363, April 7-Washington Street, east and west bound vehicles must stop before entering Washington Street and 1~ast Sixteenth and fast Twenty Ninth Streets ..............,,,.,....,.,......,.,.,,,,,.,..,.,...,.. 184, " 7-White Street, east and west bound vehicles must stop before entering White Street and )~ast Seventeenth Street,,..,. 185, " 7-Washington Street, parking restricted an the east side of Washington Street between Twentieth Street and Twenty Fifth Street .................................................................................. " 7-Westminster Presbyterian Church Place, approval of plat....,. " 7-Willy Construction Company, sidewalk bond .................................... May 5-Walton George Robert and Grover )+{. Pheud, sidewalk bond ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Page 1 12- 33 72 90 91 lOS 141 328 182 368 161 474 123 161 123 161 175 S42 203 206 142 143 lso 1SI 151 1S1 1S1 364 283 283 185 185 188 205 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958: SUB J~CT W " S-Witherall Arthur, sidewalk bond ....,.,.. " 5-Water Main Project No, 1, ocnstruction of the 1958 Kane Street water main project No, 1, consisting of a cast iron main in Kane Street from the West Property Line of Maryville Drive to the Itast Property Line of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 351..,..211, 212, 260, 261, ..................................................................,,292, 339, 437, 438, 439, 458, " S-Wisconsin Avenue, construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer ,.,,.,,,,,. .....:.............................................224, 225, 226, 227, 228, ................................................264, 265, 266, 288, 289, 545, " S-Weber Merlyn L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.......,........... " S-Warren Dell and Ralph, granted Class "B' Beer Permit,:..., " S-Winders R, Daniel; granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........:........ June 2-West )first Street, no parking. on north side of street be- tween Iowa and Main Street ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,....,...,...,.,.,.,,..,.,.,.,.,.:,.,,.,.,.. " 2-Ward J, J, sidewallc bond ...................:..:... " 2-Water Rate Change, City Manager submitting Water De- partment reports and recommending the adoption of a proposed rate schedule ...................................:....243, 244, 333, ' 2-Wapello Ylace changed to Wallis Place as requested by J, Allen Wallis et, ah .........................,.................,.......,..,,.....,...,......,,.... " 2-Wold Ronald et, al., requesting rezoning of property. at 2702 White Street to Local Business District A,.,.:..,. " 2-Wright 1•ugehe D,, requesting the Council to approve a plat of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot i60A in I,. H,Lang- worthy's Addition and Lot 1 of 2 of Mineral Lot 133 ................................................................................................................._,,...260, " 2-Willy Christ; objecting to the amount of proposed assess- . ments .............................................:...........,.,.,.....,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.:,.,.,.,,....,.,.,.,.,..,..»,..., " 2-Weimer ;~ugene Rev,, reappointed to Recreation Commis- sion ................................................................................,.,........,..,,.,..,,..,,..,....,.,.,..,. " 2-Weiland Frank C., application to operate a mobile home park approved ........................................................................................................ " 23-Wilson Raymond, sidewalk bond .........................................,....,,,.,..,..,..,..,, " 23-Wingert Josephine Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit .,.,.....,.,.,.,... " 23-Weber Marlyn L, granted Cigarette Permit ........................,..,....., " 23-Ward John M., granted Cigarette Permit ...........................„,.,...,...,..., " 23-Wareco System of America, granted Cigarette Permit,,,.,,.,... " 23-Wong Paul & Chuck, granted Cigarette Permit ............................. " 23-White William J., granted Cigarette Permit ...............,.....,...,,.,.,....,. " 23-Wagner Wm„ granted Cigarette Permit ..............................,...,,.,..,....,. " 23-Weiner Ronald J., granted Cigarette Permit ....., ...................,.,...., " 23-Wunder );ileen Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... " 23-Westercamp George C., granted Cigarette Permit ................. " 23-Waal James, granted Cigarette Permit " 23-Wertz Donald $., granted Cigarette Permit ..........................,.,,...,. " 23-Weiner Fred, 'granted Cigarette Permit ,..,.... ........................„.,.,.,...,,.,., " 23-Winkler Louis J,, granted Cigarette Permit ............:.................... " 23-Walke Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit .................,,.,,,....,..,,,.... " 23--Winkler Beatrice Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit....,.,...,...., 23-Winders R D~n ~1, ranted r arette Permit ...._....g.... 23-Wnght Louis granted Cigar ete Permit .,,,... ................... 23-WcincPrermitvester'A; ,and 'Dolores V., grant ,,,,",..,..,,.,. >> .............:.................... ed Ci arette " 23-Winders Vince, granted Cigarette Permit ..................,.,,,.........,,.,.... " 23-Warren Dell and Ralph, granted Cigarette Permit ....................... " 23-Wingert Josephine Mrs., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.,. " 23-Wunder $ileen Mrs., granted Class `B" Beer Permit ............... " 23-Westercamp George C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,...,. " 23-Ward John M., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........................ Page 205 29D, 291 524, S25 262, 263 546, S47 232 232 232 235, 283 339 347, 348 258, 283 258, 328 356, 380 287, 288 261 271 273 280 295 295 295 295 296 296 296 296 297 297 297 298 298 298 298 298 298 298 298 298 298 299 299 299 300 :L;;~ INDEX -BOOK 88 INDEX -BOOK 88 1958 jl SUBJECT Page 1958 _ . SUBJECT -. Page ~~ ~ X July 7-Wilhelm Walter, excavation bond .....,,,.„„„,,,,;„,,,, 7-Wersinger Virgil M., granted Cigarette. Permit. 304 323 July 7--Xavier Hospital Gift Shop, granted Cigarette Permit........ 323 " 7-Wersinger Virgil M.,; granted Class "B" Beer Permit........., 324 " 21--Winders Vince, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 7 ................... ..,.... ,.....,., ...........,....,..........,......, ......... 334 ~' " 21-Winders Vince, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit I No. 218 ..........................~...,.,....,...,,.,.,...,........,,......,,,,,,.,,,....,........,...,,..........,....,. 334 Aug, I 4--Weis Aloys H. et. ah, requesting permission to erect a Y retaining wall on the westerly side of I,ot 61 in Pleas- ~~ ant View along Abbott Street .........................................361, 382, 383 4-Wau1 James, granted Class "C" Beer Permt .......................,,,:, 370 Feb. of 3-York Street, Bituminous Concrete Surfacing, schedule Sept. 2-Woodward Fred Robert Air art Commissioner bond....„..... P 37S assessments ...............................,.,...,...,...,.,..,.....,.,,......,.,.,....,,..,.,.,.....,.,.,,. •••..•. 77 " 2-Wilbricht bane, City Manager. recommending the installa- 3-York Street, Curb and Gutter; schedule of assessments........, 92 tion of street lights ..........................................,..,...,...,..,..,,..., .....,......., ...... 377 Jn1Y 21-Y. M. C. A., Notice of Clairri .,.,......,,.,.,.,....,.,.........,.......,.,........,.,....,...,..,... 329 ', 2--Whittier Street, City Solicitor recommending that no action ' !~' be taken at this time on the vacation of the Street........,,, 378 " 2-Weiner Ronald J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...._ .............. 400 ~ ~ 17-Wersinger Virgil, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit I No. 263 ............................................... ...,...:......: ......... ,.. ...................... 40 6 ~ 17-Wersinger Virgil, requesting refund an Class "B" Beer Permit No. 70 .........................................:........ ,.,,. 406 Z ', ~ 17-Wartburg Seminary Snack Bar, granted Cigarette Permit.., 418 Oct, 6-Walton George R.; sidewalk bond .........................:.. ,..,:.,:.:.. 434 ' June 2-Zahina Robert T., taxi-cab policy .........„, ... ,...,.,.,,,,.,,,.,.,.,,,.. 239 j Nov, 3-Willy Chris and Bernice, submitting Warranty Deed to 23-Zillig George J., granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 297 ~ the City of Dubuque ................... ............... .. 4S3 Sept. 17-Zillig George J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,................, 418 24-Wailers Annie, Subdivision No. 2, approval of plat ....:.......... S24 Dec. 9-Water and Sewage bills, City Manager submitting an Agreement for the collection of bills by' an inde- ' pendent collection agency .., ,.„,„.,„ .................. ,.., , S30 " 9-Waller John. R,, Austin C., and sister, Mae W. I;ong offer I' , to deed to the City hots 26, 27 and 28 of Cooper •; ~i' ~ I, `f, Ij ~. ' i p I ~j ~~ Heights for playground purposes ........:......„,„........„.....„.,:, S30