Proof of Publication_City Council Proceedings 2 17 16 STATE OF IOWA {SS: DUBUQUE COUNTY y CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION i u i I, Suzanne Pike, a Billing Clerk for Woodward Communications, Inc., an Iowa corporation, publisher of the Telegraph Herald,a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque and State of Iowa; hereby certify that the attached notice was published in said newspaper on the following dates: February 24, 2016, and for which the charge is $52.52.414, 1 �I Subscribed to before me, a Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa, this day of , 20 . Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. j! ,I �j I I� G I� a f i q Housing Assistance CITY OF DUBUQUE, Specialist; Kim Glaser, IOWA Lead Paint Assistant; CITY COUNCIL' and Ermina Soler, PROCEEDINGS Circles Coach. SPECIAL"SESSION , 'Ti" ` Parking Div ;' Council met in special' Horsfield,Parking Sys-' session at 6:30 p.m.on tem Supervisors February 17, 2016 in Transit Division: the ,Historic Federal Candace Eudaley Loe Building. bach,Transit Manager Present: Mayor Buol, , .Economic Develop- , a "Council Members>Con- mentDepartment:Mau- l hors, Del Toro, Jones rice Jones, Economic Lynch, Resnick, Rios1opment;Director City Manager Michael e City, hats Van Milligen discussion'• with ;the- Mayor Bu'ol read the representative of each call and stated this is a department,,following special session of the theirrespective presen ' City Council called for p tations. I the purpose of dis Following the Housing' cussing various City and Community Devel-I departmental Fiscal opment budget presen- Year 2017 budgets. tation,first-time home PUBLIC HEARING buyer Diana Robison, tl Upon motion the rules Circles Volunteer Joe were suspended allow- 'Gonzales, and.Circles ing anyone present to Graduate Nia Gleason-, address the City Coun- provided testimonials;`I cil on the following Washington Neighbor item. hood leader Janice 1. Community I Cradieth thanked the Development Block Housing staff. Grant (CDBG) FY 2017 I Following the Transit (Program Year 2016) 1Division budget presen- Annual rAction Plan: i, tation, -Loras College Motion by Connors to ' Student Body Repre receive and file the sentative Nick Utter documents and,Con- spoke in support of the I duct the public Night Rider Bus Route hearing. Seconded by and what the colleges/ Lynch.Motioncarried7- universities are doing 0. Housing Assistance to help fund it. Vice Specialist Erica Haugen Chair of the Transit provided a slide pre- Advisory Board R.R.S. sentation on the Stewart spoke in sup- activities and budget port of the Night Rider of the Community Route and the re- Block Grant Annual quested budget im-' Action Plan.-Ms. Hau provement packages. gen responded to DuRide Director. Greg questions from the City Orwell provide history Council related to mar- and successes of the keting public aware- DuRide program and .ness of the program,' thanked Council., and comparisons to Following the Eco other cities. Following nomicDevelopmentDe- the presentation, Joe partment budget.pre-,I V Noll, President of the sentation, Arts and ?; Downtown Neighbor-I cultural Affairs Adv' hood Association and sory Commission Mem- former member of the ber Kay Klusoemhe s Safe Community Task spoke in support Force, expressed' his City's arts programs. thoughts on the per- Dean Boles, expressed ception of crime his concerns about downtown, improve- poverty in Dubuque. meets the city has Rick Dickinson,- Exe- made,landlord respon- cutive Director of the sibilities and property Greater Dubuque Devel- maintenance and the opment Corporation, City's rental inspection addressed Mr. Boles' process. concerns and spoke of Upon'motion the rules the'relationship GDDC were reinstated limit- has with each depart ing discussion to the Ment' that presented. I City Council. David Schmitz, Dubu- FISCAL YEAR 2017 que Museum of Art DEPARTMENTAL Director,spoke in sup- BUDGET REVIEW port of the Economic i Fiscal Year 2017 City, Development Depart- departmental budgets ment and the impact of were presented by the arts on social staff from the follow- capital. I ing departments: There being no Housing'&Community further businessi upon i Development Depart- motion the City Council menta Alvin Nash, adjourned at 9:36 p.m. Housing and Com-.i /s/Kevin S.Firnstahl, munity Development CMC,city Clerk Director;Erica Haugen, It 2/24 STATE OF IOWA {SS: DUBUQUE COUNTY CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION I, Suzanne Pike, a Billing Clerk for Woodward Communications, Inc., an Iowa corporation, publisher of the Telegraph Herald,a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque and State of Iowa; hereby certify that the attached notice was published in said newspaper on the following dates: February 24, 2016, and for which the charge is $52.52. 3 P(14, Subscribed to before me, a Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa, a this ' day of. , 20 /6 . Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. Housing Assistance CITY OF DUBUQUE, Specialist; Kim Glaser, IOWA Lead Paint Assistant; CITY COUNCIL and Ermina Soler, PROCEEDINGS Circles Coach. SPECIAL SESSION Parking Division: Tim Council met in special Horsfield, Parking Sys - session at 6:30 p.m. on tem Supervisor. February 17, 2016 in Transit Division: the Historic Federal Candace Eudaley-Loe- Building. bach, Transit Manager Present: Mayor Buol, Economic Develop - Council Members Con- mentDepartment:Mau- nors, Del Toro, Jones, rice Jones, Economic Lynch, Resnick, Rios; Development Director. City Manager Michael The City Council had Van Milligen discussion with the Mayor Buol read the representative of each call and stated this is a department following special session of the their respective presen- City Council called for tations. the purpose of dis- Following the Housing cussing various City and Community Devel- departmental Fiscal opment budget presen- Year 2017 budgets. tation, first-time home - PUBLIC HEARING buyer Diana Robison, Upon motion the rules Circles Volunteer Joe were suspended allow- 'Gonzales, and. Circles ing anyone present to Graduate Nia Gleason address the City Coun- provided testimonials; cil on the following hood WashingtonleadNeighbor- item. r Janice 1. Community Cradieth thanked the Development Block Housing staff. Grant (CDBG) FY 2017 Following the Transit (Program Year 2016) Division budget presen- Annual Action Plan: Motion by Connors to receive and file the documents and con- duct the public hearing. Seconded by Lynch. Motion carried 7- 0. Housing Assistance to help fund it. Vice Specialist Erica Haugen Chair of the Transit provided a slide pre- Advisory Board R.R.S. sentation on the Stewart spoke in sup - activities and budget port of the Night Rider of the Community Route and the re - Block Grant Annual quested budget im- Action Plan. Ms. Hau- provement packages. gen responded to DuRide Director Greg questions from the City Orwoll provide history Council related to mar- and successes of the keting public aware- DuRide program and ness of the program, thanked Council. and comparisons to Following the Eco- other cities. Following nomic Development De - the presentation, Joe partment budget pre - Noll, President of the sentation, Arts and Downtown Neighbor- Cultural Affairs Advi- hood Association and sory Commission Mem- former member of the ber Kay eman Safe Community Task spoke in support of the Force, expressed his City's arts programs. thoughts on the per- Dean Boles, expressed ception of crime his concerns about downtown, improve- poverty in Dubuque. ments the city has Rick Dickinson, Exe- made, landlord respon- cutive Director of the sibilities and property Greater Dubuque Devel- maintenance and the opment Corporation, City's rental inspection addressed Mr. Boles' process. concerns and spoke of - Upon motion the rules the relationship GDDC were reinstated limit- has with each depart- ing discussion to the ment that presented. City Council. David Schmitz, Dubu- FISCAL YEAR 2017 que Museum of Art DEPARTMENTAL Director, spoke in sup - BUDGET REVIEW port of the Economic Fiscal Year 2017 City Development Depart - departmental budgets ment and the impact of were presented by the arts on social staff from the follow- capital. ing departments; There being no Housing & Community further business, upon Development Depart- motion the City Council ment: Alvin Nash, adjourned at 9:36 p.m. Housing and Corn- /s/Kevin S. Firnstahl, munity Development CMC, City Clerk Director; Erica Haugen, It 2/24 tation, Loras College Student Body Repre- sentative Nick Utter spoke in support of the Night Rider Bus Route and what the colleges/ universities are doing