1949 Index of Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA For the Year 1949 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1949 COUNCILMEN ALBERT WHARTON, Mayor ROMOLO N. RUSSO FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON CLARENCE P. WELU City Clerk, J. J. SHEA City Solicitor, JOHN J. KINTZINGER City Manager, A. A. Rhomberg City Treasurer- EDWARD M. TSCHIRGI City Auditor- A. L. HOLSCHER Chief of Fire Department- THOMAS C, HICKSON Chief of Police-. JOSEPH H,STRUB Police Judge- JOHN C. OBERHAUSEN Superintendent of Water Works- J. J. HAIL Building Commissioner- DONALD J, BANDY City Assessor- HARRY J. HANOVER Plumbing Inspector- D. J, O'LEARY Electrical Inspector- LUVERN C. NORTON Health Director- DR. A. J. ENTRINGER Sanitary Officer- ALLAN J. KLEIN Milk Inspector- V. F. CHAPMAN Food and Restaurant Inspector- MRS. SYLVIA JEWELL Director of Recreation- HYLDA N. LUKE NICHOLAS J. SUTTON Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each month at 7:30 o'clock. INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 3-American Surety Company, submitting Power of Attor- ney for John C. Duffey .. 3 Jan. 31- American Surety Company, revocation of Power of At• torney of Albert Wharton ... .................. 13 Jan. 31- Auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans, request- ing permission to sell carnations on the streets on the last Saturday in April, 1949 ............ 14 Jan. 31- American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to sponsor its Annual Poppy day Drive on Friday Evening, May 27th and Saturday May 28th, 1949. 14 Jan. 31- Austin Mrs. Florence, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 17 " 31- American Legion, transfer of address of Cigarette Per- mit ........................... ............. 18 " 31- Anthoine Louis and Agnella, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ ............................. 18, 19 " 31- American Legion, transfer of address of Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ................... 18, 19 " 31- Access Road at The Dubuque Municipal Airport, con• struction of ....... 19, 20, 73, 74, 75, 108, 109, 110, 141 Feb. 7- Avalon Road from the south property line of Asbury Road to the north property line of Hillcrest Road, improvement of .. 42, 43, 63, 65, 147, 148, 160, 284, 285, .................................. 388, 389, 390, 391 Feb. 28- Appel Wm. F. and Belle L,, submitting written protest and objections to the proposed construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenences in what is known. as the Bradley Street Sewer District as delimited by Ordinance No. 23.48 ............ 67 " 28 -Appel Wm. F, and Belle L., requesting Council to allow the payment of $100,00 which covers at- torney's fees for preparing their objections cover- ing the Bradley Street Sewer ................ 80, 100 Mar. 28- Amvets, American Veterans of World War H, Du- buque Post No. 3 asking permission to use The New Municipal Airport on August 14th, 1949 for the holding of an Air Circus ....... 134, 135, 449, 450 " 28 -Airport Fund, permanent transfer of the amount of $25,000.00 from the Street Construction Fund into said Airport Fund ....................... 142, 152, 153 Apr. 4- Appointment of officers of the City of Dubuque and pre- scribing their salaries and fixing their bonds ... 151 " 4 -Appointment of officers and employees by the City Manager, whom he has the power to appoint.... 151 " 4 -Appointment of The Telegraph-Herald newspaper as the official newspaper ...................... 152 " 4 -Appointment of the First National Bank, American Trust and Savings Bank and the Dubuque Bank and Trust Company as the depositories far public funds of the City of Dubuque .............. 152 " 4 -American Trust and Savings Bank appointed as a de- pository of public funds for the City of Dubuque 152 " 4 -Approval of State Comptroller R. N. Johnson of Res- olution No. 90.49. A resolution and application for the permanent transfer of $25,000.00 from the Street Construction Fund to the Airport Fund ... 152, 153 April 18 -Annual report of the Librarian of the Carnegie-Stout Free Public Library for the year ending March 31, 1949 ........................................ 171 18 -Annual report of the Board of Library Trustees of the Carnegie-Stout Free Public Library far the year ending March 31, 1949 ....................... 171 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page A May 2-Annual report of the City Treasurer covering the fiscal year Beginning April 1, 1948 and ending March 31, 1849 .................................... " 2-Avery Earl T., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 186 190, 191 May 23-Asmussen W. P, appointed as a member of the Building Code Committee ............................. 226 June 6-Adair Street property owners, waivers for the improve• ~3 went of said street . 6-Adair Street, grade ordered prepared ............... 243 6-Adair Street, plat and schedule ordered prepared for the curb and guttering of said street ........... 243 June 30-Anthoine Louis, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 290 " 30-American Veterans of World War II, (Amvets} granted Cigarette Permit ............................ " 30-Apel Merlin, granted Cigarette Perput ............ 290 291 " 30-Apel Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 291 291 " 30-Alba Cruso A., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 292 " 30-Arvanitis George P., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 292 " 30-Avery Earl T., granted Cigarette Permit ... ......... 292 30-American Legion, granted Cigarette Permit ....... " 30-Austin Mrs. Florence, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 293 " 30-Apel Peter J., granted Cigarette Permit ....... .. 293 " 30-American Legion, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .....................••.•.•••..•• 294, 296 July 18-Amvets Dubuque Post No. 3, making application to sponsor the Cole Brothers Air Show at the Du- buque Municipal Airport on September 11, 1949. 326 18-American Legion, requesting permission to hold a car- nival on the Municipal Athletic grounds from August lstthrough the 6th, 1949 ............... 327 " 18-Algonquin Chemical Company, by O'Connor, Thomas O'Connor, Attorneys, requesting the rezoning of Lot 1 of Rock Cut Subdivision from a residential area to a heavy industrial area ............... 328 " 18-Adair Street, construction of a storm sewer in said street from the end of the existing storm sewer to the existing storm sewer in Rosedale Avenue 367 368, 439, 440, 441, 484, 619 " 18-Adair Street, grading of said street from the north property line of Loras Boulevard to the south property line of Rosedale Avenue ..... 369, 370, 437, 438, .................... 439, 483, 595 Sept. 19-American Municipal Association advising Council that the annual meetmg of the association will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, on November 30 to December 2, 1946 ...................................... 528 Oct. 3-Appel William F. and Belle and others, By O'Connor, Thomas and O'Connor, Their Attorneys, owners of lots situated in Grandview Place, Whelan's Subdivision and Grandview Park Addition, sub- mitting objections to the proposed special assess- ments agamst their lots on account of the con- struction of the Bradley Street sewer, force main and lift station ............................. 539, 556 Oct. 3-Asmussen Walter, Notice of Claim ............. . 3-Apel Merlin, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 540, 615 545, 546 Nov. 7-Appel William F. and Belle and others, submitting objections to the legality and regularity of special assessments levied by the City Council against INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page A their property for the construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer, lift station and six inch farce main in Bradley Street Sewer District ... 590, 606 Nov. 7-Appel William F. and Belle and others, notices of Appeal and Original Notices from the special assessments levied against their properties for the construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer, lift station and six inch cast iron farce main m the Bradley Street Sewer District .. ..... 590 Nov. 7-Amendment to Grant Agreement for the Dubuque, Iowa, Municipal Airport, Project No. 9.13.02001 increasing the maximum obhgatton of the United States from $33,950 to $35.708 .............. 59Z, 593 Nov. 7-Apel Peter J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 601 Dec. 5-American Veterans of World War II, Dubuque Post No. 3, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .................. :............... 623 Dec. 5-A[ba Cruso A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 623 k INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3- Baumhover H. A., requesting that the area on North Main Street from Kaufmann Avenue to Seminary Street be rezoned .......... 3, 16, 17, 30, 31, 73, 95, 96 " 3-Barrington Wm. F, and Walter J. Duccini, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ .. 8, 9 Jan. 31 -Brandt Mary Frances, asking for suspension of the 1948 tax on the South one-half of Lot 162 East Dubuque Addition ........ .. ...... 15, 29 " 31- Bartels Mrs. Carl et al, requesting the installation of a street light at the intersection of Alta Place and Fillmore Street .............................. 15, 84 " 31 -Blondin John et al, report of the Dubuque Dock Com- mission with reference to the petition for the improvement of Lake Peosta as a fishing area ... 16 " 31- Bournias Rhea, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 18, 19 Feb. 7- Bogue Mrs. George G., Notice of Claim ........... 23, 171, 172 " 7- Buechel Louis, excavation bond ........ ..... ... 29 " 7 -Broadlawn Road from the south property line of As- bury Road to the north property line of Hillcrest Road, improvement of....37, 38, 55, 56, 57, 147, 148, 160, ....................... 286, 287, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395 " 7 -Bradley Street Sewer District as delimited by Ordin- ance No. 23.48, construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenences . 43, 44, 45, 46, 65, 66, 87, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 107, 145, 146, 159, 417, 418, 454, 455, 457, 458, ..459, 460, 513, 514, 539, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, : .. 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 590, .... 602, 606 Feb. 28 .-Buxton Harry, Notice of Claim ... .. .... 77, 184 " 28 -Barrington Mrs. Margaret, requesting refunds on the unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit and Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 78 " 28 -Black and Veatch, Consulting Engineers, report cover- ing analysis of the petition of The Key City Gas Company for revision of gas rates ............ 80, 93 Mar. 14- Butler Ellis G., revocation of Power of Attorney .:.. 106 Mar. 28- Battery Workers Federal Labor Union No. 22516, asking the City Council not to permit a further increase of gas rates ................................ 134 April 4- Bowen Clarence J. and Robert L. Hanson, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of their Class "B" Beer Permit No. 98 ............. ...... 154 " 4 -Bauer Mrs. Lena, requesting that the attached resolu- tion be adopted conveying Lot 11A in High Street Subdivision to her ..... ... 154, 155 April 18- Butt Mr. Homer, addressed the Council asking that he be granted permission to erect Lustron Homes in the City of Dubuque ........................ 165 " 18 -Bideaux Rudy, Notice of Claim ................. ... 166, 482 " 18-Burroughs J• P. and others, owners of property along English Lane, requesting the City Council to grade and curb English Lane from Mt. Loretta to South- ern Avenue and to widen it to forty feet .. 168, 187 18 -Board of Library Trustees of the Carnegie-Stout Free Public Library, annual report for the year ending March 31, 1949 .............................. 171 18 -Brady John A., Clerk of Police Court, bond ....... 173 " 18-Bandy Donald J., Building Commissioner, bond 173 " 18 -Busch Marjorie, Clerk-Typist, Water Department, bond 173 May 2- Building Code Committee to be appointed by the May- said Committee to consist of at least three and or , not more than five members ................. 179, 208 r r ,i C ~. - --_ __ _ _-_ _. __..._ ~_~ _~ , _- ___ _-- INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page " 2-Barnett Albert 0., granted Cigarette Permit .. .... 190 " 2-Bowen Robert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 190, 191 May 16-Brown William A. and Hilda, granted Cigarette Permit. 206 ` 16-Brown William A. and Hilda, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................. 206 " 16-Building Code Committee to be appointed by the Mayor ......... ......................... 208, 225, 226 May 23-Brown William E• Jr., Mayor of Ann Arbor, Michigan, extending invitation to attend the opening of a new three-deck parking structure .............. 218 " 23-Bartels Carl, appointed as a member of the Building Code Committee ......•••..•••••••••••~• •••• 226 " 23-Bandy Donald, appointed as a member of the Building Code Committee .. 226 " 23-Berquist Raymond G., appointed as a member of the Building Code Committee ............. .. .•• 226 " 23-Black and Whites Yellow and Checker Cab Co., Inc, taxicab policy .. 227 " 23-Beaves Geo. I., excavation bond ..................... 227 May 31-Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Lodge No. 60, with reference to the application of the Milwaukee Railroad to discontinue the passenger train be- tween Dubuque and Green Island ............ 231 June 6-Bahme Dr. B. B., requesting that the City Water De- ment extend a line from the main which ends at the corner of McLennan and Tressa Streets to his property line at the end of Tressa Street 238, 282 " 6-Burke Mrs. Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 224, 245 June 20-Board of Review, report for the year 1949 ............ 258 June 30-Board of Adjustment reaffirming their previous de- cision of denying the request of Mrs. Bertha Candler regarding enclosure of front porch ..... 282 " 30-Baumgartner John J. and John M., granted Cigarette Permit ...................................... 290 " 30-Blum Isadore and Dorothy, granted Cigarette Permit. 290 " 30-Burke Mrs. Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 290 " 30-Berntgen Frank H., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 290 " 30-Bergner Charles A., granted Cigarette Permit ....... 290 " 30-Boni Leo R. and Rebecca, granted Cigarette Permit ... 290 " 30-Bertsch Leonard P,, granted Cigarette Permit ....... 290 granted Cigarette Permit .... " 30-Brammer Roy and Rex 291 , " 30-Bowen Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit ......... 291 " 30-Beck John C., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 291 " 30-Brown William A. and Hilda, granted Cigarette Permit 291 " 30-Bournias Louis and Rhea, granted Cigarette Permit ... 291 " 30-Booth Leo A. and Alice E., granted Cigarette Permit .. 292 " 30-B.P.O.E., granted Cigarette Permit .. , ....... 292 " 30-Buelow Clarence C., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 292 " 30-Barnett Albert 0., granted Cigarette Permit ... .... 292 " 30-Burke Ann and Mrs• Thelma Trapp, St: Joseph's Mercy Hospital, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 293 " 30-Barrington Wm. F. and Walter J. Duccini, granted Cigarette Permit ..... _ .. .. .. 293 " 30-Berntgen Frank H. and Marion, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. .. .. 294, 295 " 30-Buelow Clarence C. and Adele, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... ........ .... .. ... 294, 295 " 30-Blum Dorothy and Lsadore, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 294, 295 " 30-Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ............ 294, 298 i i' I ~° ul INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page B July 5-Brown 0. E. and others, requesting relief of the park- ing restrictions on lower Main and Shields Street 299, 417 " 5-Board of Dock Commissioners, submitting budget es- timate for year 1950-51 .. 299 " S--Brockman Herman and Gertrude, requesting the vaca- tion and conveyance of the alley bounded on the west by Lots 24 to 28 both inclusive and the east by the west half of Lots 29 to 32 both inclusive, all in South Avenue Addition ................ 299, 414 " 5-Balke Street from Groveland Place to Lowther Street, improving with curb and gutter, waivers of prop- erty owners ...301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, ............................................. 310, 311 " 5-Breitbach Rebecca T. and Louis F., petition and waiver for improvement of Balke Street from Groveland Place to Lowther Street ................ .... 303, 304 " 5-Budden John H. and Adele, petition and waiver for the improvement of Balke Street from Groveland Place to Lowther Street ..................... 307 315 " 5-Board of Health, Special Session .. .. July 18-Brockman Subdivision, acceptance and approval of said plat .. 341 " 18-Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the fiscal year be- ginning April 1, 1950 and ending March 31, 1951 346, 347 .348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384 " 18-Balke Street from the north curb line of Lowther Street to the south curb line of Groveland Place, im- provement of 359, 360, 434, 435, 436, 468, 469, 514, 598, ...................................629, 630, 631, 632 " 18-Balke, Link, Brunswick and Strauss Streets, construc- tion of sanitary sewer .361, 362, 363, 425, 426, 427, 428, 469, 470, 515, 597, 598, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637 " 18-Board of Health, Special Session .................. 371 July 28-Boardof Health, Special Session : ................... 372 Aug, 1-Beadle Clifford E., submitting offer of $50.00 to the Board of Supervisors on Lot 140 Mechanics Addi- tion .. .. 408, 445 " 1-Breitbach John J., stating that he is interested in buy- ing Lots No. 138 and 139 of Mechanics Addition located at Napier and Foye Streets ........... 408, 445 " 1-Bahme Dr. B. B., with reference to the odor from the outdoor toilet on the property of John Kass at 839 Disney Street 409 " 1-Building Commissioner Bandy, submitting recommenda- tion that the petition of the Dubuque Awning and Tent Co. for permission to erect a canvass canopy at 222 West Seventh Street, be denied .. 410, 411 " 1-Bonz Lea R. and Rebecca, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ......... 423, 424 Aug. 8-Beitzel Al., with reference to the extension of the pro• posed sewer in St. Ambrose Street in order that Lots 39 and 40 of Finley Addition can be served with the sanitary sewer ..... .. 432 " 8-Barrington Wm. F. and Walter J, Duccini requesting a refund on the unexpired portions of their Class "B" Beer Permit and also on their Cigarette Per• mit ....... ..................... 443 " 8-Board of Health, Special Session .................. 452 Aug. 24-Board of Health, Special Session ................... 453 i r`. INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page B Aug. 29-Braun 0. Richard and Maurine J., objecting to the proposed assessment to be levied against their property for the Bradley Street Sewer .......... 455 Aug. 29-Byrus R. C., Fire Protection Engineer, advising that two four-day short courses for paid fire depart- ments of Iowa cities are scheduled on the campus of Iowa State College, one to be held in Septem- 474 ber and the other to be held in October, 1949 ... " 29- Beddow Frank R. Jr. and others, property owners, tenants and occupants of premises adjacent to and in the vicinity of Farley and Loetscher "Mfg. Adams and Collier Co. of Dubuque, and Carr Co , . Iowa requesting the City Council to take the nec- essary procedure to enforce an existing ordinance making it unlawful to distribute or cause to be distributed refuse on other peoples property and to pollute the air in the adjacent area .......... 476, 532 " 29- Board of Dock Commissioners, submitting report with reference to the petition of Phillip and Ellas 481 " 29- Mihalakis .. Bee Branch Sewer at Fifteenth Street, covering the 491, 492, 525, 526, 527, 544 ith a concrete slab 490 , same w Sept. 6- Blum Max, requesting permission to extend the sani- tary sewer facilities to serve Lots 2 to 9 inclusive of Buetin's Sub ............. ...495, 535, 542 " 6- Building Commissioner Bandy, with reference to the application far permission to construct a canopy over the entrance to Karrigan's Cafe at 401 Cen• " 6- tral Avenue ..... .......................... Board of Health, Special Session .................. 495 522 Sept. 19- Burke Martin J., submitting offer in the amount of $25.00 for the purchase of Lots 3 and 4 of Stout's Dubuque .....•••• •••~ •.. 528, " 577, 578 " 19- Baumgartner John M. and John J., granted Class "B 538 537 Beer Permit , Oct. 3- Bavendick Miss Rda, owner of property- located, at 1275 South Grandview Avenue, submmttmg ob~ec- tion to the proposed assessment against her prop- erty for the improvement of Dunleith Street 540, 566 " 3 -ByrusColleget~Ames, Iowaewithrefegence to a school of instruction for full-time fire departments to be held October 18th to 21st, 1949 ............... 540 " 3 -Board of Directors of the Independent School District of Dubuque, Iowa, advising that they have pur- chased for elementary school purposes Lot 1 of Hyatt Place and requesting the City Council to extend the city boundary to include said Lot 1 " 3 of Hyatt Place .. .. -Blaser Frank A. Jr., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 540, 579 545 " 3 -Bolender LeRoy B. and Frances A., granted Cigarette 545 " 3 Permit •• ~•~••••~~ -Blaser Frank A., Jr, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 545 17 Oct -Blum Morris Max, grant and easement far the laying . of a water main in and over Lots 16 and 24 in Beutin's Sub..- ......• .............. 573 579 " 17 " 17 -Blum Max, excavation bond .... • • • • ~ • ~ • • • • • • • • -Bogas Spiros and Gust, granted Cigarette Permit ... it P " " 580 580 " 17 erm . Beer B -Bogas Sp~ros and Gust, granted Class 1949 Oct. Nov. Nov, Dec. Dec. Dec. INDEX-Book 79 SUBJECT B 24-Bogas Spiros and Gust, Executors of the Estate of Steve Cole, requesting arefund on the unexpired portion of Class "B" Beer Permit No. 19 ........ 24-Bogas Spiros and Gust, Executors of the Estate of Steve Cole, requesting a refund on the unexpired por- tion of Cigarette Permit No. 121 7-Board of Dock Commissioners submitting for Council records Lease and Agreement between Dubuque Sports Bowl Corporation and City of Dubuque, by Board of Dock Commissioners ...... ....... 7-Beecher John J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 14-Building Commissioner authorized to issue building permits for the erection of Lustron Steel Homes. 14-Building Commissioner, salary increased to $4,200.00 to become effective December 1, 1949. 5-,Blades J. W., objecting to the sewer assessment on Lot 2 of 1, Stewarts Sub. Sub. Lots 19, 20 and 21.... . 5^Bogas George, granted Cigarette Permit ... ......... 5-Bogas George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 5-Board of Health, Special Session . ................ . 12-Bogas Spiros and Gust, requesting a refund an the un- expired portion of their Cigarette Permit 12-Bogas Spiros and Gust, requesting a refund on the un- expired portionof their Cigarette Permit ...... 23-Beecher John J., granted Cigarette Permit ........... ..INDEX-Book 79 Page 1949 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3- City Council, Regular Session ....... ..... .... 1 " 3- Clewell Robt., Attorney, presenting resolution authoriz- 582 City Clerk to execute a Quit ing the Mayor and , Claim Deed to Austin C. Waller conveying a strip of land in the center of Block 8 in Dubuque 582 Harbor Co's Addition also a Quit Claim Deed to Austin C. WaIler conveying Lot A of Block 8 in Dubuque Harbor Co's Addition ............... 1,L 3-Council Proceedings for the months of May, June and 593 July, 1948, approved as printed ..... ........ 3 601 " 3 -Civil Service Commission, submitting report on examin- 604 ation conducted for the position of Clerk-stenog- rapher ............. ............. ........ 5, 6 608 3 -Civil Service Commission, submitting report ion exam- ination conducted for the position of Sanitary 615 3 Inspector .......... .. -Chief of Police Strub, recommending that West 12th 6 822 Street be extended as a boulevard from the East 623 side of Main Street to the .East side of Locust 827 Street .. .......... ........... 8 641 3 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Water Works, reports for the month of No- 641 vember, 1948, also list of claims for the month 654 of November, 1948 ........ " " 7 Beer Permit " 3-Clary Vird and Dolores, granted Class B 8, 9 Jan. 31- City Council, Special Session ........................ 10 " 31- -Conlon Mrs. Margaret, Notice of Claim ............... 12 " 31- -Civil Aeronautics Administration, advising that the tentative allocation of $15,000.00 of Federal Aid Airport funds for the improvement of The Du- buque Municipal Airport is increased to $23,633.00 ............... ............... 12, 108, 109, 110 " 31 -Civil Aeronautics administration, approval of plans, specifications and supporting documents for CAA Project No. #or The Dubuque Munic- ipal Airport and authorizing the advertising for this project ...................... 13, 108, 109, 110, 141 " 31 -Conley Dan J., Mayor, Sioux .City, Iowa, suggesting that the City of Dubuque be represented at a meeting to be held in Des .Moines, Iowa, for the purpose of discussing legislation to be presented at the session of the Legislature ... ..... .. 13 " 31 -Council Proceedings for the month of August, 1948, approved as :printed ............... 15 " 31 -Claims for the months of November and December, 1948, .proof of publication .. 15 " 31-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department .and City Water Works, .reports for the month of December, 1948 also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of December, 1948 .. .............. .. 17 " 31 -Clark Hugh D., appointed to fill the vacancy on the Plumbing Examining Board ................... 17 " 31 -Conklin Ralph, granted Cigarette Permit ....... lfl " 31 -City Council, enactment of a Rule providing that any and all documents and papers to be submitted to the City Council for its consideration shall first be filed in the Offi¢e of the City Clerk on or before 4:00 p.m. of -the day of any meeting of said Council ................................. 22 i Y F INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page C Feb 7-City Council, Regular Session .. ......... ...... 23 " 7-Corbett E, G., Corbett's Confectionery and Grocery, protesting to the proposed recommendations to prohibit parking on one side of Rhomberg Ave- nue and recommending that parking on the South- easterly side of Rhomberg Avenue from the Chi- cago Great Western Railroad Tracks to Marshall Street be restricted to fifteen minutes .......... 24 " 7-Company A, 133rd Infantry-Headquarters Company 1st Battalion 133rd Infantry Iowa National Guard Armory Corporation, submitting for adoption a new resolution which eliminates certain con- ditions which were included in the original deed and submitting a new Quit Claim deed for exe- cution .................. ................ 24, 25 " 7-Council Proceedings for the month of September, 1948, approved as printed .................... 25 " 7-Chief of Police Strub, recommending that parking on the southeasterly side of Rhomberg Avenue from the Chicago Great Western Railroad Tracks to Marshall Street be restricted not to exceed fif- teen minutes ..............................28,82, 96 " 7-City Manager Rhomberg, recommending that bids be solicited for the purchase of a snow removal machine .................................29, 76, 100 " 7-City Manager Rhomberg and Chief of Police Strub, submitting data and information as to whether or not the Police Department can be operated under the present setup on a forty hour work week 29, 30, 82 " 7-City Manager and Chief of Police instructed to submit a recommendation to the City Council on the matter of a 40 hour work week for the Police De- partment ................................... 30, 82 Feb. 28-City Council, Special Session ......... .. ......... 48 " 28-Clancy Mrs. Marie, requesting a refund on the unex- pired portion of her Cigarette Permit ............. 79 28-City Treasurer Tschirgi submitting report on sale of special assessment bonds for the sewer m Vernon and Edina Streets, the sewer in Seminary Street, the improvement of Lombard Street, the improve- ment of Mt, Loretta Avenue and for the improve• ment of Platt Street and Platt Street Extension 81 " 28-Claims for the month of January, 1949, proof of pub• lication ... ... ...... ... .......... 81 " 28-Council Proceedings for the month of October, 1948, approved as printed .... .. ......... 81 " 28-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of January, 1949 also list of claims for which war- rants were drawn during the month of January, 1949 .., .................................... 83 " 28-City Engineer Gallagher, submitting Profile No. 1328 showing the grade of Esther Street from the south property Ihne of Mt. Loretta Avenue to the north property line of Bush and Tressa Street ... 85 " 28-City Engineer Gallagher, submitting Profile No. 1329 showing the grade of Tressa Street from the east property line of Esther Street to the end of Tressa Street ...................................... 8t INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page C " 28 ~ity Engineer Gallagher, submitting Profile No. 1330 showing the grade of McLenan Street from the south property line of Mt. Loretta Avenue to the north property hne of Tressa Street ............ 86 " 28 -Chapman Myrtle A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 88, 89 " 28 -Consolidated Fund, the sum of $43,002.50 transferred into said fund from the Liquor Sales Fund ...... 89, 90 " 28 ~onsolidated Fund, the sum of $28,142.44 transferred into said fund from the Emergency Fund ....... 90, 95 Mar. 7- City Council, Regular Session ....................... 93 " 7 -City Solicitor instructed to prepare for Council con- sideration two ordinances covering gas rates, one in conformity with the original. report of Black and Veatch, Consulting Engineers and one in conformity with the supplemental report of Black and Veatch, Consulting Engineers . ....... .. 93 " 7 -Clancy Paul J., requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 210 ......... 94 " 7 -City Employees Local 228, requesting an increase in wages of 15 per cent for their members ........ 94 " 7 -City Cab Company (Art Pitz), Taxi-Cab Policy ......... 100 Mar. 14-City Council, Special Session ........................ 106 " 14-Council Proceedings for the month of November, 1948, approved as printed ... ....................... 107, 108 " 14 -City Manager Rhomberg instructed to get in touch with the other Iowa cities, whose Airports are to be served by the Parks Air Service and ascertain from them just what they are doing in regard to the delay in operation of airplane service by the Parks Air Service ............................ 111 Mar. 21- City Council, Special Session ... ..... 112 " 21- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of February, 1949, also fist of claims for which war- rants were issued for the month of February, 1949 117 Mar. 28- City Council, Special Session ................. ..... 129 " 28- City Engineer requested to make survey of the lots owned by the City of Dubuque and located on Southern Avenue in Randall Subdivision ........ 135 " 28-Council Proceedings for the month of December, 1948, approved as printed .......................... 135 April 4-City Council, Regular Session ....................... 151 " 4- City Clerk Shea swore in Messrs Romolo N. Russo and Clarence P. Welu as Councilman for the term commencing the first Monday in April, 1949..... 151 " 4- City Clerk Shea swore in Councilman Wharton as May- or for the ensuing fiscal year ................. 151 " 4- Continental Casualty Company submitting Certificate of Compliance for the transaction of Fidelity and Surety business in the State of Iowa for the Year ending March 31, 1950 ....................... 153 " 4- Claims for the month of February, 1949, proof of publication .. ...... ... .. .. 155 4-- amity Engineer Gallagher, submitting Profile No. 1332 showing the proposed change of grade on Stet- more Street from the south property line of Lom- bard Street to the south property line of Theisen 5treet ....................................... 156 April 18 -City Council, Special Session .................... 163 f ND~~-Book 79~ 1949 SUBJECT Page C " 18-Connery William, Attorney, addressed the Council with reference to the extension of the storm sewer in Adair Street and also for the grading and opening of said Adair Street ........................ 165, 179 " 18-Cherry-Green•Finley Streets sewer district,. City Attor- ney instructed to prepare an ordinance establish• ing said district and to submit said ordinance for Council consideration .......... ,185, 166, 200; 201, 202 " 18--Clark Mrs. Elizabeth and others, requesting the exten- sion of the sanitary sewer on Lincoln Avenue to serve their properties ........................ 167, 186 " 18-Catholic Mother's Study Clubs, requesting the City Council to take some action to have property owners investigate the condition of cisterns, wells or mine holes on their property and make sure they are adequately covered in order to elimin• ate hazards to small children ................. 167 " 18-Chief of Police Strub, requesting. that Police Officer W. J, Andresen be authorized to attend the High- way Safety Conference to be held in Washington, D. C. June 1, 2, 3, 1949 ...... ............. 171, 183 " 18-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depart• ment and City Water Works,. reports for the month of March, 1949, also a list of claims. for which warrants were drawn during the month of March, 1949 ................................. 173 " 18-Chapman Virgil Fay, Milk Inspector, bond .......... 173 " 18-Chief of Police and Chief of Fire Department instruct- ed to make a survey of traffic conditions at the bridge approach. at Locust and Dodge Streets, at the Five Points-Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues and Elm Street intersections, at the intersection of 22nd Street and other congested intersections during rush hours and to submit a report and recommendation back to the City Council for their consideration ........................ 177 May 2-City Council, Regular Session ..... .............. 179 2-City Employees Local No. 228, submitting seniority outline in an endeavor to obtain certain working conditions covering members of the Street-Sewer- Garage-Park Departments not under Civil Service protection ................................. 179 " 2-Civil Service Commission submitting report of en- trance examination for those seeking positions on the Fire Department .. .......... .. .... 182 " 2-Civil Service Commission submitting report of entrance examination for those seeking position on the Police Department ........................ 182 " 2-Chief of Police Strub, recommending that Windsor Avenue be designated as a boulevard from the Northwesterly line of Rhomberg Avenue to the South line of Davis Avenue .. ....... ....... 183 " 2-Claims for the month of March, 1949, proof of publica- tion .................. .................... 183 " 2-City Treasurer, Annual Report for the fiscal year be- ginning April 1, 1948 and ending. March 31, 1949 ... .. ..... ......... 186 " 2-Cross Street (east side) from the south property line of Coates Street to the north property line of Simpson Street, improvement of 194, 195, 215, 216, 217, ............253,.254, 289, 419,. 420;.464, 465, 466, 467 INQEX-Book 7~ 1949 SUBJECT Page ~r May 16-JGity Council, Special Session ....................... 198 " l6~ity Engineer Gallagher submitting Profile No. 1322 showing the proposed grade on West Third Street from Algona .Street to North Grandview Avenue, Profile No. 1333 ,showing the ,proposed .grade qn .Cross .Street from Coates Street to Simpson Street and.Proflle No. 1334 showing the proposed grade on Simpson Street tram Fremont Avenue to the ;end of .Simpson .Street ......... 205 " 16-City Manager Rhomberg submitting recommendation with reference to the .petition of the Interstate Power Corgpany for .changes in bus routes ...... 205 " 16-Ghief of Police Strub submitting for Council cgnsider• ation a new traffic code ...............:....206, 207, 208 " 16-City .Manager .instructed to petition the Iowa State Highway Commission for the installation of Stop and Go lights at the intersection of Dodge .and Locust Streets ............................... 208 " 16-City Manager instructed to notify the officials of the Railroad Companies to repair their crossings at 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 22nd and 24th .Streets and also the crossing at Garfield Avenue ...........................:............... 208 " 23-City Council, Special Session .. .... ... 210 " 23-County Auditor Daykin advising. that the Board of Supervisors will accept an offer of $150.00- made by ;Clarence J. Mitchell for ,the purghase .of Lots 20 and 21 in Quigley's Sub, upon approval by the City Council ................... .... .. 218 241 " 23-Conlon Orlin, appointed as amember of the Building Code Committee ... .. .. 226 23-City Auditor, City Treasurer elty Health Department , and -City Water Wgrks for .the month of April, 1949, also list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of April, 1949 ..::.. .... 227 " 23-City Manager advising Council that the terms of Msgr. J. M. Wolfe and E. Marshall Thomas as .members of the Planning .and Zoning Commission will ex- pire.on-May 24, 1949..: .. ......::..:......... 227 -" 31-City Council, Special Session .. ... ........ 230 " 31-Glancy George requesting .a :refund on the unexpired portion of the Class "B" :Beer Permit of George Deyoe who died May 28, 1949 ....:...: .. 232 " 31-City Manager advising Council that Msgr. ,T. M. Wolfe is willing to continue as a member of the Plan- mpg and Zoning Commission but .that E, Marshall Thomas wishes to .relinquish .his membership on tlie,Planning and Zoning Commission ... ....... 233 " 31-Carroll John F., appointed as member of the Planning an¢ Zoning Commission for a term of five years, said term expiring May 24, 1954 ............... 233 " 31~ontract for Primary Road Extension Maintenance .......:: ...........................:.. 233, 234, 235 June 6-City Council, Regular Session ............. .... 237 6-tahamber of Commerce Parking and Intra•City Traffic Committee .with reference to the provisions of S. ,F. ,8 ;passed at the .recent session of the Iowa Legislature legalising the .use of seventy-five per- cent of Parking Meter revenue for` the acquisi- INDEX-Book 79 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page 1949 SUBJECT Page - ~ C 20-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department tion of off-street parking facilities as well as for and City Water Works reports for the month of the liquidation of all revenue bonds issued for May, 1949 also list of claims for which warrants said purpose •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 237 were drawn during the month of May, 1949 ...... 262 " 6-Chamber of Commerce Parking Intro-City Traffic 20-City Manager Rhomberg submitting report of traffic Committee with reference to the necessity of counts made at the intersections of Seventeenth the construction of a viaduct aver, or an under- Street and Central Avenue and at First and Main pass under, the railroad tracks on East Four- Streets • • • • • • • • • • • 262 teenth Street, also the necessity for the covering B Branch Sewer at East Fifteenth and f th '° 20-Chief of Police instructed to submit for Council con• o e Sycamore Streets ............................ 237 sideration specific recommendations with refer- ence to traffic at the intersections of Seventeenth " 6-Collins Wm. Sr, and others stating that they would Street and Central Avenue and First and Main greatly appreciate it if the City Council do not Streets .................................... 262 change the route of the Mt. Carmel-Fremont 239 20-City Manager Rhomberg submitting a survey made by Bus ...................................... the Chief of Police and Fire Chief of traffic con- " 6-Claims for the month of April, 1949, proof of publica• ditions in general and of rush hour congestion in tion 240 particular ........................ 262, 263, 264, 265 " 6-Cole Steve, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. .. 244, 245 " 20-City Manager Authorized to install Stop and Go lights " 6-CherryGreen Street Sewer District as delimited by at the intersection of 12th and Main Streets, also Ordinance No. 16.49, sanitary sewer to construct to channel traffic at the intersections of 8th and 245, 246, 247, 248, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 322, Locust Streets, 12th and Main Streets, 6th and ..............................323, 324, 421, 620, 621 Locust Streets and 14th Street and Central Ave- " 6-City Employees Local No. 228 submitting for Council .............. nue 265 consideration a seniority outline to cover mein- " 20-City Manager instructed to ascertain how many cities bers of the Street-Sewer-Garage and Park De- of 20,000 population or over have a traffic divi• partments not under Civil Service protection ... 251, 807 Sion in their Police De artment 265, 300 " 20-City Council, Special Session ....................... 252 30-City Council, Special Session p................~..... 269 " 20-Candler Glen requesting a permit to enclose the porch 30-City Manager submitting proposal of Consoer, Town- send and Associates for engineering services for at his residence located at 1730 Elm Street ..... 254, 282 the overhead pass at East 14th Street and Rail- " 20-Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D. C. with refer- road tracks .......•••.•• •• •••••••• 278 ence to the Mid-Continent Parks Airlines Acquisi• 30-Council Proceedings for the month of January, 1949, tion Case, Docket No. 3782 and advising that the approved as printed ....................... 280 hearing has been postponed and that when new 30-Chief of Police Strub recommending that the east side dates are announced that parties will be noti- of Grove Terrace from the intersection of West fied .......... 255 12th Street to the north line of Arlington Street 20-Claims for the month of May, 1949, proof of publica• be restricted from parking at all times, also rec- tion ... 20-City Solicitor Kintzinger submitting opinion of Chap- 256 ommending that parking be permitted on the West side of Grave Terrace from the intersection man and Cutler, Attorneys, as to the legality of of West 12th to the south line of Arlington with recent legislation in regard to off-street parking the exception of a safe distance from the corner facilities 259 of Grave Terrace and Arlington Street, also rec- " 20-Chapman and Cutler, Attorneys, opinion as the legality ommending that no change be made for the hand- of recent legislation in regard to off-street park- ling of traffic at the intersection of 17th and ing facilities .. 260, 261 Central Avenues and also that no change be " 20-City Manager Rhomberg and City Solicitor Kintzinger, made for the handling of traffic at First and Main advising Council as to the ways and means to Streets .. .. ............. .. ..... 282, 283.. proceed for the construction of a grade sepera• tion at East 14th Street and the Railroad tracks.. 261 30-City Manager instructed to petition the Iowa State Highway Commission far permission to install a " 20-City Manager authorized to employ competent engi- semi-actuated light at 17th Street and Central neers for the purpose of preparing plans and specifications for the construction of an overhead Avenue granted Cigarette Permit .......... 30-Corken John D. 283 290 pass at East 14th Street and Railroad tracks .... 262 , ~~ 30-Corbett Earl G., granted Cigarette Permit ........... 290 20-City Manager Rhomberg and City Solicitor Kintzinger 30-Calvert Clifford and Bertha, granted Cigarette Permit 291 submitting report with reference to attending 30-Cosley Harold A. and William W., granted Cigarette the hearing conducted June 8, 1949 by the Iowa Permit .................................... 291 Commerce Commission on the Milwaukee's Rail- ~~ 30-Casey Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 291 road petition to discontinue, passenger train sere- 30-Cooper Fred H. and Harold L. Love, granted Cigarette ice between Dubuque and Green Lsland and to Permit .................................... 291 substitute instead bus service between Dubuque 30-Cremer Ralph J., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 291 and Delmar ................................ 262 f N DLL -Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page " 30-Cole Steve, granted Cigarette Permit ............... 291 " 30-Crahan W. C., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 292 " 30-Conklin Ralph H., granted Cigarette Permit ......... 293 " 30-Clary Vird and Dolores, granted Cigarette Permit ... 293 " 30-Canfield Hotel, granted Ci arette Permit .......:.... " l " " 293 30-Cosley Harold A, and Wi iam W., granted Class B Beer Permit ....... .............. 294, 295 " 30-Clary Vird and Dolores, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ....................................... 294, 290 " 30-Casey Harold A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 295, 296 July 4-City Council, Regular Session .................... 297 5--City Cpuneil, Adjourned Regular Session ............ 298 " 5-Civil Aeronautics Board, by Francis W. Brown, Chief Examiner, advising. Council, of a prehearing con• ference on Parks Investigation Case, Docket No. 3965 ET AL to be held in Washington, D. C. on July 18, 1949 ....................... .... 298 " 5-Chapmzn Myrtle A., granted Cigarette Permit ........ $12 " 5~pnncit recessed at 925 p.m. ................... ... 313 " 5-Council reconvened at 9:40 P.M .................... 314 " 18-City Council, Special Session ....................... 318 " 18-Civil Air Patrol, requesting permission for the- holding of an Air Show at the Dubuque Municipal Air• port in the latter part of September, 1949'........ 326 " 18--Council recessed' at 8:30 P.M. and reconvened at 8:45 P. M ...................................... .. 326 " 18-Central Avenue Business District Council, requesting permission to stage a parade on July 28, 1949.... 327 " 18~onnors Edna H. and others, requesting that a' two hour parking restriction be placed' on Bluff Street between 1st and 3rd Streets .................. 328 " 18-Chicago Great Western Railroad Company, City Man- , _ ager instructed to notify the officials of said Railroad Company of the repeated violations of the City Ordinance by train crews in Blocking railroad Crossings ...... . ........... " 18-Co n il Pro i 329 u c ceed ngs for the month of February, 1949, approved as printed ..... .......... ... 329 " 18-City Engineer Gallagher, submitting Profile IVo. 1335 showing the proposed grade of Balke Street from the nflrth property line of Strauss Street to the south property line of Groveland Place ......... 340 " 18-Chief of Police Strub, recommending that the area on Bluff Street between 1st Street to 4th' Street be restricted' to two hour parking between the hours of 9:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. Sundays'and Holidays excepted, also recommending that the Nest bound Stop be moved from its present location on the North side of Eighth Avenue just East of Main to the North side of Eighth Avenue just west of Main Street and that parking meters' be placed in the vacated bus stop, also recommending. that parking be restricted to two hours on White Street from East 10th Street to East 12th Street from 9:00 A. M, to B:00 P.M., Sundays and HoIi- days excepted ............. :. 341, 342, 444, 445 " 18-Chief of Police Strub recommending that parking be restricted to two hour parking on Locust Street from West 12th Street to Loras Boulevard' be- tween the hours of 9:00 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. Sundays and Holidays excepted ................ 343 f N DUX -Book 79 1948 SUBJECT Page " 18-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of June, 1949, also list of claims for which warrants were issued for the month of June, 1949 ........ 345 " 18~ity Council commending the Chief of Police and the Police Department for a job well done in hand- ling the traffic at the Boat Races .............. 371 Aug. 1-City Council, Regular Session ...................... .373 " 1-City Solicitor instructed to prepare an amendment to Ordinance No. 159 for the purpose of extending the precinct lines of the Fourteenth Precinct ... 408 " 1-Central Avenue Business District Council stating that the collection and disposal of garbage by contract haulers is not to be recommended but rattier that the City handle this collection ................. 408 " 1-County Auditor Daykin advising that the Board of Su• pervisors have accepted an offer of $50.00 on Lot 14 Mechanics Addition made by Clifford E. Bea- dle .........., ............................ 408, 445 " 1-Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company re- questing that a space forty feet long be marked off and designated for a bus stop directly across from the Bus Station on Third Street .... ... 409 1-Claims for the month of June, 1949, proof of publica• tion ....................................... 412 " 1-Civil Service Commission submitting report of promo- tional examinations far positions on the Fire De- partment ............ ..................... 413 " 1-Civil Service Commission submitting report of promo tional examinations far positions on the Police Department .............. .... ........... 413 " 1-City Manager Rhomberg advising Council that he at- tended, together with the City Solicitor and Sec- retary of the Chamber of Commerce, the pre-hear- ing conference on the Parks Investigation Case, Docket No. 3965 in Washington, D. C. on July 18, 1949 and submitting report of the examiner on this hearing .................... ........ 417 " 1-City Manager Rhomberg recommending that the one hour parking limitation be changed to two hours on Main and Shields Streets from First Street to Jones Street ................................ 417 " 1-City Council, enactment of a Rule that any and all documents and papers referred to any official, de- partment head for investigation and report must be submitted back to ttie City Council by any such official, department or department head .in writing, unless otherwise specified by the City Council and must be filed in thg office of the City Clerk not later than 4:Ott P. M. on the day that the City Council meets .................. 422, 423 " 8-City Council, Special Session ...................... 425 " 8-Council recessed at 8:00 P. M. and reconvened at 8:30 P. M. _ 442 " 8-Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D. C., communi- cation of M. C. Mulligan, Secretary, submitting Order granting and denying leave to intervene in the matter of the Parks Investigating Case, Docket No. 3965, et al ....................... 443 29-City Council, Special Session ..................... 454 -r-- INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page C " 29-Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D. C., communi- cation of M. C. Mulligan, • Secretary, submitting Order consolodating apphcatlons and denying petitions and motions in the matter of Parks In- vestigation Case, Docket No. 3965 et al ........ . " 29-Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D. C. communi- cation of Fred A. Toombs, Acting Secretary, sub-. mitting notice of hearing and fixing date as Sep- tember 28, 1949 in the matter of the Parks Inves- igation Case, Docket No. 3965 et al ............ " 29-Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D. C., communi- cation of Ralph L. Wiser, Hearing Examiner, com- munication submitting supplemental prehearing conference report on the Parks Investigation Case, Docket No. 3965 et al ............. .. 29-City Island Development Committee of the Dubuque Chamber of Commerce urging the City Council to disregard the petition of Philip and Elias Mi- halakis, requesting that action taken by the City Council to acquire their property, be rescinded, and that Council proceed with the action taken on October 4, 1948 ........................... " 29-Council Proceedings for the month of March, 1949, ap• proved as printed ............• 29--Chapman Mrs. Myrtle A., revocation of her Class "B" Beer Permit " 29-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of July, 1949, also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of July, 1949 ..... Sept. 5--City Council, Regular Session ............•••••••••• Sept. 6-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ............ 6-Claims for the month of July, 1949, proof of publica• tion ....... " 6-City timeiand placze berfixed forehea lug on the as- sessments to be levied for the Bradley Street Se- wer District and that notices be published ac- cording to statute ................... ........... " 6-City Clerk directod to prepare and have published, on behalf of the City Council, notices of levy of spe- cial assessment for the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in what is known as the Bradley Street Sewer District as delimited by Ordinance No. 23.48 in accordance with Section 391.53 of the Code of Iowa, 1946. . 6-Connelly Edgar J; and Pearl E., requesting the City Council to view the premises before levying the proposed special assessment against Lot 2 of the Sub. of 1 of 1 of B of 1 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 24 for the improvement of Dunleith Street .,...514, 53 " 6-City Clerk directed to prepare and have published, on behalf of the City Council, notices of levy of spe- cial assessment for the improvement of Dunleith Street from the west property line of Southern Avenue to the end in accordance with Section 391.53 of the Code of Iowa, 1946 ..... " 6-City Manager instructed to confer with Fire Chief Hick• son with reference to a wage increase for the Fire f d to submit a report back to the Council 473 473 474 474 476 480 482 493 494 511 513 514 9, 566 514 Chie an ........................................... 521, 543 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page C Sept, 19-City Council, Special Session ............ • • . • • • • • • • • • 523 " 19-Carew Vern, requesting a building permit to erect a P and H Harnischfeger Home on Lot 26 of Wilson Addition on Roberts Street ...............•.••• 528 19-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of August, 1949, also list of claims for the month of 530 August, 1949 .. •••••~•~•• " 19-City Manager Rhomberg submitting report on confer- ence held with the officials of the Farley and Loetscher Manufacturing Company and the Carr, Adams and Collier Company with reference to the complaints filed with the City Council concerning the nuisance created by wood waste particles 532 emanating from their factories ............ •, • • • • • Adams and Collier Company, report of City Man- 19--Carr , ager on conference held with said officials with reference to complaints filed concerning the nuis- ance created by wood waste particles emanating from their factory ...............•.••••••••• .• 532 " 19--City Solicitor Kintzinger, City Manager Rhomberg and Mr. John A. Kerper, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, authorized to attend at City expense the hearing before the Civil Aeronautics Board in Washington, D.C., on September 28th, 1949 in the matter of the Parks Investigation Case Docket 538 No. 3965 et al ............................... Oct 3-City Council, Regular Session .......... ........... 539 3-Chapman Myrtle A., requesting a refund on the unex- pired portion of her Cigarette Permit. No. 262. 541 " 3-Claims for the month of August, 1949, proof of publi- ~1 cation ........................• " 3-Council Proceedings for the month of April, 1949, ap- proved as printed 3-City Manager instructed to submit a report and recom• 541 mendation to the City Council with reference to salaries for the various department heads ....... 544 3-Chapman Richard M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 545 Oct• 17-City Council, Special Session ........................ 547 " 17-Central Avenue Business Men, Attorney Louis F. Fautsch, approving the proposed rerouting of highways over Second Street from Locust Street to Iowa Street, thence north on Iowa Street to Third Street, thence east on Third Street to Cen- tral Avenue, thence north on Central Avenue to take care of north bound traffic and that south bound traffic be returned over the same route as that traveled by north bound traffic ............ 570 " 17-Clary Vird and Delores, requesting a refund on the un- expired portion of their Class "B" Beer Permit 572 No. 76 " 17-Civil Service Commission submitting report of entrance examination held for the position of Public Health Nurse .....••••••••••• 573, 574 " 17-Chief of Police Strub recommending that parking on the north side of Seminary Street from the east line of Madison Street to Harold Street be re- stricted at all times ....................... • . 574 '~ I;N DEX - Boak 79 1949 SUB~J+ECT Page C " 17-Chief of Police Strub recommending that .parking be restricted at all times on the .south side of East 22nd Street from Windsor Avenue #o Stafford Street ....................:.....:...:...... 574 " 17-Chief of Police Strub recommending .that parking be xest~ieted at all times on the south side of Merz Street from Windsor Avenue to Althauser Avenue .............................. ........ 574 " 17-City Solicitor Kintzinger, submitting report with rei'er- ence to the petition of tl~e Dubuque Awning -and Tent Company for permission to erect a canopy in front of the building located at 222 West Sev- enth Street .........::..............:'. 575, 576, 577 17-City Manager Rhomberg instructed to file with the Tovra Commerce Commission objections as to the excessive fares now being charged for transpor- tation to and,from-the Municipal Airport and'-also to request that a public hearing be held for the establishing of.reasanable rates" ................ 581 " 17-City Manager .Rhomberg instructed to investigate rates for taxicab services, applicable to the City of Du- buque as charged in other cities and to submit a report ;back to the City Council ................ 581 Oct. 24-City Council, Special Session ....... ... .... ..... 582 " 24--City Employees Local No. 228, requesting ~Copgcil con- sideration and actign in ggrant'}}ng paid holidays for all Cty-Employees wheEher hourly or monthly salaried .. .... .. 582, 606, 607 " 24-Claims for the month of September -1949 proof.of pub- , , lication .. .. .... ....._...... 562 " 24-City Auditor, City Treasurer, ..City Health Department and City Water Works; reports for the month:of September, 1948, also a list of claims for the month of September, 1949 .............:...... ~$3 Nov. 7-City Council, Regular Session ........................ 589 '" 7-Canfield W. J., objecting to the ,proposed alternate route and also tq the no-parking on !Fourth Street 589 7-City Manager Rhomberg instructed to petition the ;Iowa State highway Commission .for approval of the suggested re-routing of Highways 52, 151,.81 and Primary No, 3 from Locust Street over J'ourth Street to Central Avenue,:thence North on :Central Avenue and South bound traffic to #ravel ;the .same route ...... .. ..... ... 590 " 7-Chief of Police Strub instructed to submit a report to .the Cify .Council on the matter of parlung on Fourth Street from Locust Street to Central Ave- nue and also as to the placing of Stap':and Go Tights along the newly routed highways .......,,,, 590 " 7-Chapman Richard M., requesting a eofund .on -the un- expired portion of his Class "B" Beer ~Perniit 591 " 7-Chapman Richard M., requesting a.refugd,on~glse unex- Aired portion of his Cigarette Permit 592 " 7-Gity Manager Rhomberg recommending that the -City Council authorize the issuance of warrants to Dr. Joseph W. Lawrence in the amount of .$9298, to Dr. Donald C. Conzett in the amount of $113.00, and to Finley Hospital in .the :amount .of X340.77 as settlement of the .balance of the .unpaid bills of Louis F. Schloz, a City.Garage -employee, due INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT C to an accident suffered by Louis F. Schloz at the City Garage when he was struck by a truck while engaged in filling the truck with gasoline .,,,,... " 7- Curtis-Straub Company, excavation policy . " 7-City Manager Rhomberg recommending that the City Council grant the request of James Riley for per- mission to connect to the sanitary sewer in Lom- bard Street under the terms of Ordinance No. 30-41 ................ ............... ..... " 7- City Manager Rhomberg recommending that the deci- sions of the City Council be confirmed and the City Manager authorized to proceed with the fol- lowing investigations: (1) That a revised estimate of the cost of constructing a water treatment plant be obtained and that the necessary prelim- inary proceedings be prepared for a public hear- ing on the advisability of proceedings with, the construction of such plant; (2) That an investiga- tion be made of the proper method to improve water pressures and volumes in areas of the city where they are presently deficient; (3) That an investigation be made of the advisability, the cost, and of the method of apportioning such cost in the matter of collecting and pumping the Packing House wastes into the sanitary sewer system of the City .. ................................ " 7- City Manager Rhomberg advising Council that the Fifty-third General Assembly enacted a new law covering fire fighting outside cities and towns known as Chapter 162 and recommending that the City of Dubuque adopt an ordinance conform- ing to the recently enacted law " 7- Cooper Fred H, and Harold J. Love, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... ......... " 7- City Solicitor authorized to employ legal talent to as- sist in the defense of the appeals now pending in the District Court in the matter of special assess- ments for the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in the Bradley Street Sewer Dis- trict and to be paid a reasonable compensation subject to approval by the City Council ........ . Nov. 14 -City Council, Special Session ........................ " 14-Chief of Police Strub recommending that Stop and Go Lights be placed at the intersection of Locust and West Fourth Street and at the intersection of Fourth Street and Central Avenue; also recom• mending that the Stop and Go Light now existant at Main and West Fourth Streets be removed and that Stop Signs be placed on Main Street halting north and south travel on Main Street; also rec- ommending that two parking spaces be eliminated on the North and South side of West Fourth Street just East of Locust Street and on the East and West side of Locust Street just north of West z'. Fourth Street and on the North and South side of Fourth Street just West of Central Avenue and on Vii, the East and West side of Central Avenue just North of Fourth Street; also recommending that one car space be eliminated on the North and South Side of West Fourth Street just East of and ~~ Page 594, 595 595 599 599 599 601 602 603 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page C West of Main Street and on the North and South side of West Fourth Street just East of and West of Iowa Street; also recommending that at the in- tersection of West Fourth Street and Locust Street and the intersection of Fourth Street and Central Avenue be laved to indicate the desired movement of traffic .......................... 605 " 14-City Manager Rhomberg recommending that the City Council revise the salary allocations in the budget to make possible the payment of the following salaries to become effective December 1, 1949: Fire Chief $4,800; Police Chief $4,800; City En- gineer $5,400; Supt. of Water Works, $6,600; Street Commissioner $4,200; Building Commis- sioner $4,200; Electrical Inspector $3,900; Plumb• ing Inspector $3,900; City Auditor $4,500; City Treasurer $4,500; .. 608 " 14-City Engineer, salary increased to $5,40U.00 to become effective December 1, 1949. ........... 608 " 14-City Auditor, salary increased to $4,500,00 to become effective December 1, 1949 .. .. ............. 608 14-City Treasurer, salary increased to $4,500.00 to become effective December 1, 1949 ..................... 608 " 14-City Clerk, salary increased to $4,800.00 to become ef- fective December 1, 1949 ..................... 608 Dec. 5-City Council, Regular Session ...................... 611 " 5-City Employees Local 228 thanking the City Council for granting paid holidays to the members of their Local .... ................................. 612 " 5-Crowley Mr. and Mrs. P. J. and others, residents of Auburn Street between Loras Boulevard and Rosedale, requesting that an investigation be made of the existing street fight accomodat~ons in this vicinity ................................ 613 " 5-Claims for the month of October, 1949, proof of publi- cation ...................................... 614 " 5-Council Proceedings for the months of May, June and July, 1949, approved as printed .............. 614 " 5-Chief of Police Strub, recommending revocation of the Class "B" Beer Permit of John E. Kringle .....615, 653, 654 " 5-City Solicitor Kintzinger recommending that the ob- jections filed by J. W. Blades to the sewer asess- ment levied against Lot 2 of 1, Stewarts Sub, Sub Lots 19,20 and 21, should be overruled ......... 615 " 5-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Water Works, reports for the month of Oc- tober, 1949, also a list of claims for the month of October, 1949 .............................. 616, 617 " 5-City Manager Rhomberg advising Council that he has obtained an estimate of the cost of a Hardy-Cross analysis of the water distributing system from the engineering firm of Consoer, Townsend and Asso- ciates in the amount of $2,800.00 to $3,300.00 617 " 5-City Manager Rhomberg instructed to make the neces- sary repairs on Decatur Street between Rhom- burg and Lincoln Avenues ..................... 619 " 5-Calvert Clifford and Bertha, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... ................................. 623 " 5-City Council, Special Session ..................... 628 T%, ~._ INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page C Dec. 12-City Council, Special Session ,.,,......„ ............. 629 " 12-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examin- ation held for creating an eligible list for the position of Food and Restaurant Inspector ...... 646 12~hief of Police Strub submitting recommendation with reference to the petition of E. H. Ellinghouse and others, asking for a change in parking regulations in the 500 Block on Rhomberg Avenue ........ 647, 648 12-Chief of Police Strub submitting recommendations with reference to parking meters obstructing drive- ways in front of Hendricks Feed Store and also the driveway on the East side of Locust Street in front of 572 Locust Street .................... 647, 648 " 12-City Manager Rhomberg and Water Superintendent Hail recommending passage of resolutions that are necessary preliminary in the development of the Water Softening project .................. 648 Dec. 23-City Council, Special Session ........... .............. 652 " 23--City Manager Rhomberg recommending purchase of City Lots 208, 207 and the South half of 206 for the sum of $40,000.00 from Emily P, and Thomas M. Stampfer to be used for off-street parking lot ............................. ... 652 " 23-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works, reports for the month of November, 1949 also Tist of claims for the month of November, 1949 .............................. 654 ,,~ . ~~^ INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page D Jan. 3-Duffey John C,, power of Attorney .................. 3 " 3-Duggan Mrs. Regina, report of the City Solicitor in regard to the special assessment levied against her property for the improvement of Platt Street 7 " 3-Dubuq~~ Skaking Center, Inc., granted Cigarette Per• 8 " 3-Dubu ue Skating Center, Inc., requesting that the or- dinance governing skating rinks be amended by adoption of the attached proposed ordinance ...10, 25, 26 Jan. 31-Dubuque policemen's Protective Association again sub- mitting far Council action a petition for appro- priate investigation into the matter of introduc- ing a 40 hour work week for-personnel of the Dubuque police Department ..................12, 29, 30 " 31-Dubuque County Chapter Infantile Paralysis, requesting permission to conduct a tag day on January 29th, 1949 ...................................... 14 31-Dubuque District Dental Society, requesting that a pro- clantation be issued designating February 7th, 1949, as Children's Dental Health Day .......... 14 " 31-Dubuque Safety Council, asking Council to give con- sideration to the prohibiting of parking on one side of Rhomberg Avenue from the Chicago Great Western Railroad tracks to Marshall Street .....................14 28, 82, 96 " 31-Dubuque Dock Commission, with reference to the pe- tition of John Blondin et al for the improvement of Lake Peosta as a fishing area, also with refer- ence to the petition of A, J. Hartig et al for the removal of the temporary roads, dams and other obstructions iii the Lake Peosta area and suggest- ing that an area near the North End of the Island some distance away from Lake Peosta be set aside for the dumping of refuse and that the dttinping or iefuse be prohibited into Lake Peosta .......................................... 16 Feb. 7-Driscoll Orland C. and Kermit Meyers, granted Cigar- ette Permit ......... ....... ............... 31 " 7-Donovan Melville L., granted Cigarette Permit ....... 31 " 7-Driscoll Orland C. and Kermit Meyers, granted Class "B" Beer I?ermit ............................. 32 Feb. 28-Dubuque Women's Club, thanking Council for the pass- age of a resolution curbing comic books ......... 78 " 28-Dubuque Firs: Fighters Association requesting that the members cf the Fire Department be granted an increase in wages ............................ 79 'L8--Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress requesting per• mission for the use of City Lots on Fourth Street Extension for the holding of a carnival ......... 80 Mar. 7-Dubuque County Chapter of the Americn Cancer Society requesting permission for the holding of a tag day on April 23rd, 1949 ............... 94 " 7-llubugtte Boy's Club, requesting that the Mayor be authorized to issue a proclamation for the ob- servance of National Boys' Club Week .... ..... 94 " 7-Dunleith Street from the west property line of South- ern Avenue to the end, improvement of 102, 103, 131, 132, ...133, 164, 189, 407, 446, 447, 514, 539, 540, 566, 567, .. 568, 569 " 7-Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit far Private Club ...................... 104, 105 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page D Mar. 14-Dubuque Safety Council, asking the City Council to re- place the present "No Turn" signs at 8th and Main Street with "No Turn Ne Si n " 107 149 g ........ on s " 14-Duscher George, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ... , 108 Mar. 21-Detailed Distribution of Expenditures of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year beginning Ap- ril 1, 1949 and ending March 31, 1950 118, 119, 120, 121, ....... 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 ,April 4-Dubuque Bank and Trust Company appointed as a de- positor of ublic f d f th Cit f D b 152 y p un s or e y o u uque " 4-Dubuque Packing Company, requesting permission to erect and maintain a steel bridge across Syca- more Street for the purpose of supporting and housing cables and pipes and to erect and main- tain asteel tower to support the same ...155, 175, 176, 180 " 4-Dubuque Bank and Trust Company, designated deposi- tory to receive public funds for Federal Airport Project, Unit No. 2, Dubuque Municipal Airport 162 April 18-Dubuque Fire Fighters Association extending thanks to the City Council for the granting of a five per- cent salary increase to the members of the Fire Department ..................... 166, 167 " 18-Dubuque Policemen's Protective Association extending their appreciation for the recent increase in wages granted to the members of the Police De- partment and also extending an invitation to the Council to attend the Annual Policemen's Ball ... 167 " 18-Dubuque Junior Chamber of Commerce Safety Commit- tee, requesting the City Council and the City Rec- reation Department to provide supervised play- ground facilities from June 13, 1949 to Septem• ber 2, 1949 .... ............................. 168 " 18-Dubuque Safety Council, requesting that the necessary proceedings be prepared and adopted designating Windsor Avenue a boulevard from Garfield Ave- nue to Davis Street . .... .. .... . .. ... 168, 183 " 18-Dubuque Golf Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Cluh 177 May 2-Dubuque Siock Car Racing Association requesting per- mission to either lease or use the old airport for the holding of stock car races ................. 180 " 2-Dubuque Metal Trades Council, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club 190, 191 May 16-Dubuque Conservation Society Committee addressed the Council asking that Lake Peosta be dredged and opened up in order to provide open water fishing, skating and other recreational activities . 198, 242 " 16-Durrant and Bergquist, advising the City Council that they wish to volunteer their services in assisting in the drafting of a new city building code ...... 199 " 16-Department of Public Safety, Des Moines, Iowa, Divi- sion a Saiet~• Education, advising that Dubuque n S d Pl A d i wo a econ ace war n the 1948 Traffic Contest 199 " 16-Dodge and Locust Streets Intersection City Manager , instructed to petition the Iowa State Highway Commission for the installation of Stop and Go lights at said intersection .......... . 208, 232 May 23-Dubuque Metal Trades Council requesting that the Eagle I'oiiit bus be routed over Twelfth Street to and from the City in place of over the Fourteenth Street route as at present ..................... 218 ~5:. INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page D May 31-Dahl Kathleen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....... 235, 236 June 6-Dillon Street, beginning at the existing manhold in State Street and running westerly on or about the center line of the alley 1st south of Curtis Street for 391 feet to M. H. No. 2 at the center of Dillon Street thence southerly along the cen- ter line of Dillon Street for 457 feet to the term- inal point, sewer to construct 249, 250, 275, 276, 277, 324, ................ 325, 422, 530, 531, 547, 548, 549, 550 June 30-Dubuque Safety Council requesting the moving of the bus stop on the West Dubuque line from the north side of 8th Avenue just east of Main Street to the north side of 8th Avenue just west of Main Street ..................................279, 341, 342 " 30-Diamond's Grill, gi-anted Cigarette Permit .......... 289 " 30-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Cigarette Permit .. ................................. 290 " 30-Dubuque Packing Company, granted Cigarette Per- mit ....................................... 291 " 30-Donovan Melville L., granted Cigarette Permit ....... 291 " 30-Dunbar Otto J., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 291 " 30-Disabled American Veterans Club., Inc., granted Cigar- ette Permit .................................. 292 " 30-Dr. Pep~ei• Bowling Lanes Club, granted Cigarette Per- mit ........................................ 292 " 3t~-Dubuque Golf Club granted Cigarette Permit ........ " 30--Dubuque Cycle Club, granted Cigarette Permit ....... 292 293 " 3D-Driscoll Orland C. and Kermit Meyers, granted Cigar- ette Permit ... ..... ..... .......... 293 " 30-Dugan Charles S., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 293 " 30-Dugan Charles S., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 294, 296 " 30-Dubuque Cycle Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ............ ... ..... ....... 295, 296 " 30-Dunbar Otto J., granted Class 'C" Beer Permit ....... 295, 296 July 5-Dock Commissioners, submitting dock budget estimate for the fiscal year 1954.1951 ................... 299 " 5-Duncan Dale. granted Cigarette Permit .............. 312 " 5-Duncan Dale, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 312, 313 " 5-Dalzell Mrs. Wilbur, appointed as a member of the Playground and Recreation Commission for a term of three years, said term expiring July 5, 1952 ...................................... 313 July 18-Dubuque Awning and Tent Co., requesting permission to erect a canvass sidewalk canopy extend- ing from the building to within one foot of the curb line at 222 West Seventh Street 326, 410, 411, 575, ... ...................................... 576, 577 " 18--Dubuque Branch No. 257 National Association of Let- ter carrier's with reference to the passage of an adequate anti-vicious dog ordinance ............ 328, 415 " 18-Dubuque Policemen's Protective Association submit- ting request for appropriate investigation into the possibilities of adopting a forty hour work• week for the Police Department ............... 328 Aug. 8-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, submitting for Councii consideration the name of Mr. E. J. Kean to flll the vacancy on the Civll Service Commis- sion ... .................................... 442 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page D " 8- Dubuque Amusement Corporation requesting "Fire Call" coverage by the Dubuque Fire Department in the event of fire occurring at the Melody Mill Ballroom ................................. 443, 478 " 8 -Dubuque Humane Society, contract with the City of Dubuque authorizing the payment of $75.00 by the City of Dubuque to the Dubuque Humane So• ciety ....................................450, 484, 485 Aug. 29 -Dye S. G., objticting to the proposed assessment to be levied against their property for the Bradley Street Sewer ............................... 454, 455 " 29 -Dubuque Golf Club, ob7'ecting to the proposed assess- ments to be levied a i t th i ga ns e r property for the Bradley Street Sewer .. ........... 457, 458 29-Dubuque County Conservation Society requesting that the Council make, or cause to be made a thorough investigation of the pollution of waters of Lake Peosta and other stagnant waters in and around Dubuque to the end that disease produc- ing conditions be eliminated and also to the pres- " ent disposal of garbage ........... .. 473 29- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress submitting the name of E. J. Kean to fill the vacancy on the " 29 Givil Service Commission ................. -Dye William (Veterans Radio Cab Co.) taxi-cab policy . 473 482 Sept. 19- Disabled American Veterans, Fighting Back Chapter No. 6 asking permission for the holding of Forget- me-not sale on Sept. 17, 1949 .................. 529 Oct. 3-Dubuque Golf Clut, By. F. D, Gilloon, Its Attorney, owners of real estate situated in Grandview Place and Grandview Park, submitting objections to the proposed special assessments against each and all of their lots on account of the construction of a " sewer, sewer lift and force main in Bradley Street Sewer District ........... .. .. 539 556 3- D. A. V. Club of Dubuque, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ....................... 545, 546 Oct. 24- Dubuque Autn Supply Co,, requesting permission to in- stall aventilated awning on the Central Avenue side of their building at Ninth and Central Avenue ................................... 582, 618 Nov. 7- Dubuque Safety Cc,uncil suggesting that a sidewalk be built on the east side of Locust Street from Dodge Street south to the area of the playgrounds near " 7- Railroad Avenue .. Dubuque Sports Bowl Corporation, Lease and Agree- 591, 617 ment with the City of Dubuque, by Board of Dock " Commissioners 593 7- Director of Health Dr. Entringer, submitting for Coun• cil consideration a Rat Control Ordinance and also recornmending that aloud-fill type of dispos- ' al of refuse be used instead of the present type " 7- of clurnpirrg .. 593, 594, 627, 628, 643, 644, Davis Avenue tvrdening, approval of plat and accept• 645, 646 ante of dedication of same to the public ....... 600 Nov. 14- i Duouque County Tuberculosis Association, requesting ' permission to hold its regular annual "Bangle Day" (tag day) on Friday evening, December 16th d an Saturday, December 17th, 1949 ............ 604 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page 1949 D Dec. 5-Dubuque Community Chest requesting that the Mayor Jan. appoint two members to represent the City of Du- << buque on the Board of Directors in accordance Feb with the By-Laws ........... 611 . " 5-Duffey John C., stating that on account of sickness he was unable to make the initial payment on the spec;al assessment levied against Lot 1 of 1 of Clem McGaire Place and Lot 2 of 1 of Clem Mc- Guire Place for the construction of the sanitary sewer i[i Bradley Street Sewer District, within the specified time, and asking that he be granted the privilege of paying the initial payment now and Feb, that the balance be paid every year far the follow• ing nine years ................................ 613 " 5-Decatur Street between Rhomberg and Lincoln Ave- " mies, City bIanager instructed to make the neces- sary repairs ................................ 619 Mar. April May June ~~ July July <~ Aug. Aug. Nav Nov 'a: ~- Dec INDEX-Book 79 SUBJECT Page E 3-Erickson Mrs. R. Fred, recommendation of City Solici- tor Kintzinger that her claim be rejected ..,.... 7 3-Ender Alois J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 8, 9 7-Entringer Albert J. M. D. Director of Health, submit- Ying copy of the United States Public Health Ser- vice Code regulating eating and drinking estab- lishments .................................. 30 7-Esther Street from the south curb line of Mt. Loretta Avenue to the north curb line of Tressa Street, improvement of .. 34, 35, 48, 51, 52, 147, 160, 267, 316, ...................................... 317, 318, 319 28-Esther Street from the south property line of Mt. Lor• etta Avenue to the north property line of Bush an d Tressa Streets, grade of .......................85, 97, 98 28-Emergency Fund, the sum of $28,142.44 transferred from said fund into the Consolidated Fund ..... 90,95 14-Evans Charles G., Notice of Claim ................... 106, 158 18-Ellis Mr. Glenn and others, residents and property owners m the Cherry Street, Green Street and Finley Street districts addressed the Council with reference to the construction of a sanitary sewer in this district ......................... 165, 168 lfi-Ellison George, Notice of Claim ..................199, 226, 227 16-Elfmann W. H. asking that he be reimbursed in the amount of $250,00 for the running a new copper water line from the water main on Bluff Street to serve his property on Locust Street at 13th Street 200, 226 30-Eichman Arthur H., granted Cigarette Permit ......... 291 30-Ender A. J. granted two Cigarette Permits ............. 292 30-Ernst Marie, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 292 5-Ellerbach Joseph J. and Catherine M., petition and waiver for the improvement of Balke Street from Groveland Place to Lowther Street ............ 304, 305 5-Emergency tax, resolution and application for approval of said tax ...................................... 311, 312 5-Eichhorn Lester and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit . 312 18-Eberhardt Mr, and Mrs. Anthony and others, requesting the installation of a street light halfway between the present light located some 150 feet from the corner of St. Joseph Street .. 327, 446 18-English Lane, widening of as shown on the plat of Brockman Subdivision, accepted for the purpose fof which it is thus dedicated ................. 341 8-Egelhof Charles and others asking that they be granted a lease for the holding of stock car races at the old airport ... .. ..... .. 451 29-Eilers E. J. and others requesting the installation of street light at the corner of Lowther and Buena Vista Streets ....................... ... ..... 475, 578 7-Entringer Dr., Director of Health, submitting for Coun- cil consideration a Rat Control Ordinance and also recommending that aland-fill type of dispos- al of refuse be used instead of the present type of dumping .................................. 593, 594 14-Electrical Inspector, salary increased to $3 900.00 to , become effective December 1, 1949 ............ 608 5-Ellignhouse E, H. and others, residents and property owners in the 500 block on Rhomberg Avenue asking for a change in parking regulations in the said 500 Block on Rhomberg Avenue .........,,. 614, 647 e' - i INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT F Page Jan. 3- Fire Protection Agreement, St. Mary's Orphan Home . 4, 6 " 3- Faigen Sara, granted Cigarette Permit ................. Jan. 31- Ferguson H. Elmo, Mayor, Muscatine, Iowa, asking the support of the City of Dubuque of an amendment to the Iowa law governing fees for the collection " 31- of garbage Farley Loetscher Manufacturing Company, request- 13 ing permission to install and maintain four under- ground storage tanks on the west side of Jackson Street, South of existing underground tanks, now located at the Southwest corner of Jackson and Ninth Streets ......... 15, 83, 97 17 " 31- Foell Lester A., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 17 31- Freyhage Clifford, granted Cigarette Pernut ......... " 18 " 31- Beer Permit ....... Foell Lester A., granted Class "B Feb. 28- Frick Ottilia, Notice of Claim ........:............. • . • 77, 78, 158 116 77 " 28 -Freisinger Louis R., Notice of Claim .... • ~ ~ • • • , " 28- Faigen Sara requesting a refund on the unexpired por- tion of her Cigarette Permit 79 " 28- Fire Chief Hickson suggesting to Council that all con- tracts for fire protection outside the City Limits, not served by City Water, be discontinued ...... 81 " 28 -Fire Pension Fund, the sum of $3,205.17 transferr- ed into said fund from the Liquor Sales Fund ... 89, 90 " 28 the sum of $10,276.24 transfer- -Fire Maintenance Fund , red into said fund from the Liquor Sales Fund.. 89, 90 Mar. 28- Faber Mrs, T. M. R., in regard to the purchasing of 135 property owned by the City on Mt. Loretta ..... April 4- First National Bank appointed as adepository of public funds for the City of Dubuque .................. 152 " 4 -Federal Airport project, unit No. 2, Dubuque Municipal Airport, the Dubuque Bank and Trust Company designated depository to receive public funds for said project .................................. 162 April 18 -Fitzpatrick Thomas P., Clerk, Water Department, bond . 173 May 2 -Piro Chief Hickson, submitting for Council approval a Proclamation designating the week of May 9, 1949 " 2 as "Clean Up Week" -Fire Chief Hickson suggesting to the City Council that 183 all contracts for Fire Protection, outside the City not served by City Water, be discontinued Limits , ,....,. 183 May 16 -Finzel Andrew J. and others, property owners on Davis Avenue stating that they wish to be taken into the City .... .................. 200, 242 June 20-Fisher S. H. calling the attention of the Council to an unsightly condition that exists opposite his prop- erty on Mineral Street and also asking that the storm water condition be also taken care of 255, 300 " 20 -Fitzgerald Lawrence W. and Mary J., Grant and Ease- ment for permission to extend water main 258 June 30 through his property ....................... -Fire Pension Board, certificate of tax levy ........... 279 " 30 -Fire Retirement Board, certificate of tax levy ....... 279 " 30 -First and Main Streets Intersection, stop signs ordered " 30 erected -Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted Cigarette Permit ~ ~ 283 290 " 30-Fesler Audrey J., granted Cigarette Permit ........... " 30-Frehage Clifford, granted Cigarette Permit ......... 290 290 INDEX-Book 74 1949 SUBJECT Page F " 30-Finch Alford, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 290 " 30-Flick Morris B., granted Cigarette Permit .......... , . 290 30-Fink Milton, granted Cigarette Permit ............... 291 " 30-Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Cigarette Permit.. 292 " 30-Fortmann Anton Company, granted Cigarette Permit . 292 " 30-Falkenhainer Charles, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 293 " 30-Foell Lester A., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 293 " 30-Fortmann Anton Company, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .......................................... 294, 295 " 30-Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit for Private Club ......................... 294, 296 " 30-Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mitfor Private Club ......................... • . • 294, 296 July 5-Fluckiger Frank A., representative of the Board of Ed- ucation of the Independent School District of Du- buque, appointed as ex-officio member of the Playground and Recreation Commission ........ 313 July 18-Fogging of alleys, contract awarded to the Turnquist Fogging Service in an amount not to exceed $1,225.00 371 Aug. 1-Fourteenth Precinct, City Solicitor instructed to pre- pare an amendment to Ordinance No. 159 for the purpose of extending the precinct lines ......... 408 Aug. 29-Fluckiger Frank A., objecting to the proposed assess- ment to be levied against his property for the Bradley Street Sewer ..... .. .......... ... 458 " 29-Farley and Loetscher Manufacturing Company asking Council action on a proposed ordinance granting them the right to construct, operate and maintain a loading dock and canopy on East Sixth Street adjoining its building at that location ......... 476 Sept. 6-Fesler Audrey J., requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit ................. 494 Sept. 19-Farley and Loetscher Manufacturing Company, report of City Manager on conference held with said of• ficials with reference to the nuisance created by wood waste particles emanating from their fac• tory 532 Oct. 3-Friedman Ehner J., settlement of claim ......,~...... 543 Oct. 17-Fonck Matt and others requesting the installation of a street light at the corner of Green and Algona Streets - 572, 618 Oct. 24-Ferring Mrs. Adele A., granting application for Class "B" Beer Permit ... 586 Nov. 14-Fire Chief, salary increased to $4,800.00 to become ef- fective December 1, 1949 ... 608 Dec. 5-Fire Chief, requested to make a survey on the matter of the installation of a fire alarm system in the Park Hill District ............................. 626, 647 Dec. 12-Fire Alarm Boxes, matter of the installation of same be referred to the City Manager and Fire Chiof . for their recommendation and report ....,,.,.... 647 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page G Jan. 31-Gaber M. L., certificates of insurance for construction of sanitary sewer for St. Dominic's Villa ..... 12 " 31-Girl Scout Troop No. 29 at Bryant School, asking per• mission to plant shrubbery, flowers and vines around the Shot Tower .................. .... 13 Feb, 7-Gulyash Stephen, .addressed the Council, asking that only. union cement workers and plasterers work on City projects .............................. 23 " 7-Grogan John, addressed the Council, asking that a new ball park be built or large improvements be made to the present East Fourth street ballpark .....,., 23 " 7-Gavin Mark, addressed the Council, protesting to the appearance of non-union musicians at the square dances being sponsored by the City Recreation Department ................................ 23 Feb, 28-Grab Erwin M. and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Per• mit ....................................... 88, 89 Mar. 14-Grant Agreement,. Civil Aeronautics Administration in the amount of $23,633, Project No., construction of Access Road at The Dubuque Municipal Airport .........................108, 109, 110 April 18 18 -Gallagher R. J., Cily Engineer, bond ........:........ i 173 -G unta Joe, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 178 May 2 -Gantert Harry N. and Lucile, granted Class "B" Beer Perrmit ...........................•......... 190, 191 " 2 -Gruber Mrs. Mary, addressed the Council objecting to any change in the Mt. Carmel Bus Route ........ 198 May 16- -Guasto Louis and others, Committee representing the Dubuque Conservation Society, addressed the Council asking that Lake Peosta be dredged and opened up in order to provide open water fishing, skating and other recreational activities ........ 198, 242 May 23-Gallagher Fergus, appointed as a member. of the Build- ing Code Committee .......................... 228 " 23 -Gallagher R..I., appointed as a member of the Building Code Committee ............................ 228 " 23 -Geislar Howard;, appointed as a member of the Building Code Committee ............................ 228 June 6 -Grade separation to construct at East 14th Street and railroad tracks, City manager and City Solicitor instructed to advise Council as to the ways and means to proceed with the same 237, 261,.. 262, 278, 325, ............407, 475, 476, 487, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520 June 20- Grant and Easement Frank W. Olds for permission to " extend water main through his property ....... f Willi t Old k 256, 257 20- o am s, y Fran Grant and Easemen W. Olds, for permission to extend water main through his property ......................... 257 " 20- Grant and Easement of Lawrence W. and Mary J. Fitz• gerald for permission to extend water main through their property ........................ 258 " 20- Grant and Easement of Raymond McDonnell for per- mission bextend water main through his proper- ty .... .................................... 257 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page G June 30-Gordon James M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit :.... 267, 268 30-Grove Terrace from the intersection of West 12th Street to the north line of Arlington recom- mendation of the Chief of Police that parking be reslaicted at all times on the east side of the street .and further recommending that park- ing be permitted on the west side of Grove Ter- race from the intersection of West .12th to the south line of Arlington with the exception of a safe distance from the corner of Grove Terrace and Arlington Street .. 282 ~ " 30-Gordon James r4., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 30-Grutz John and Clara, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 291 " 30-Glynn Mrs. Eleanor, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 291 °` 30-Gantert Harry N., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 291 30-Gloeckner Mrs. Wilma, granted Cigarette Permit ..... 292 " 30-Giunta Joe, grouted Cigarette Permit ............... 292 °' 30-Glynn John and Helen; granted Cigarette Pernvt ..... 293 " 30-Galliart Raymond M, and Evelyn M•, granted Cigarette Permit ................................... 293 July 5-Germair. Louis and others, residents of South Locust, requesting the closing of the Gem Roller Skating Rink at 10 o'clock every night and also that an officer of the law be stationed to preserve order and also that the sign boards be removed ....... 298, 344 " 5-Gem Roller Skating Rink, petition of Louis Germain and others requesting the closing of said rink at 10 o'clock every night, also as to the attendance of an officer of the law and the removal of sign boards ..................................... 298, 344 July 18-Garbage contract, recommendation of City Manager to advertise for bids ........344, 420, 421, 450, 451, 485, 486 Aug. 1--Gilligan Mrs. John and others requesting the rezoning of the property located at 1065 Loras Boulevard from Single Family Residential District to Multi- ple Residential District ....................... 409, 512 Sept. 19-Gilligan Mr. and iVlrs• John and others requesting the rezoning of the block from the corner of Alta Vista and Loras Blvd. west to second alley (across from North Booth) thence north to Vernon Street, east on Vernon Street to Alta Vista Street and south on Alta Vista Street to the corner of Alta Vista and Loras Blvd• to atwo-family district 529, 606; .............................:...... 621, 622 19-Gloeckner Mrs• Wilma, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 537, 538 Oct. 3-Grutz John and Clara, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 545 Oct. 17-Gilloon Frank D., submitting verbal objections to the re-routing of highways over Second Street from Locust Street and submitting a plan to reroute Fourth Street from Locust the highways over . Street and suggesting that Fourth Street from Locust to Central Avenue be designated as one• way traffic street, and also suggesting that Locust Street from Eighth Avenue to Fourth Street be designated as one • way traffic with parking on both sides or the street ................••..... 570, 589 1949 ~~ Nov. Nov. Dec. s INDEX-Book 79 SUBJECT Page G 17- Grandview Ave;rue Extension, objections of Mrs. Al Haas and others and of Loras College, with refer- ence to going through the property of Clarke col- lege and Senior High School 571 17- Grant and E-;sement of Morris Max Blum for the laying of a watrr main in and over Lots 16 and 24 in 17 Buetin's Sub ......... -Glynn Mrs. Eiearor, granted Class "B" Beer Permit... 573 580 7 -Grant Agreement Amendment for the Dubuque Iowa, Murucrpal Airport, Project No. increasing the maximum obligation of the United States from $33,950 to $35,708 .. ......... 592, 593 } 7 -Glynn John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit........... 601 14 -Gilmore Regina C., requesting permission to build a Lustron flome on Lots 32 and 33 of Coop• 604 er heights .................................. 5- Garfield Avenue from the west property line of 5hiras Street to the east property line of Stanton Street improvement of ............................ 624,625 ,k INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page H Jan. 3- Hadley Myron G., Notice of Claim ................... 2 " 3--Hunt George R. and Christopher C. Gratz, granted Cig• arette Permit ................................ 8 Jan. 31- Hartig A. J. et al, report of the Dubuque Dock Commis• sion with reference to the petition for the remov- al of the temporary roads, dams and other ob• structio;rs in the Lake Peosta area .............. 1B " 31 -Helling Tony, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 17 " 31 -Hutchins Ray and Paul A. Leonard, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. .. .. .... 18, 19 " 31~ -Hillard Joseph and Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................... 18, 19 Feb. 7 -Hammel Geo. A., Notice of Claim ........... .. 23, 84 " 7 -IIfllcrest Road from the west property line of Asbury Road to the east property line of Avalon Road, improvement of 38, 39, 40, 58, 59, 60, 147, 148, 160, 285, ................................ 395, 396, 397, 398, 399 Feb. 28-Head Donald H., submitting written protest and ob- jections to the proposed construction of sanitary sewers and appertenences in what is known as the Bradley Street Sewer District as delimited by Ordinance No. 23.48 68 " 28 -Heller Emma L,, submitting written protest and objec- tions to the proposed construction of sanitary severs and appurtenences in what is known as the Bradley Street Sewer District as delimited by Ordinance No. 23.48 .......................... 68, 69 " 28-Rimes Mrs. Delilha, Notice of Claim ................ 77, 117 " 28 -H. & W. Motor Express Company requesting that park- ing be restricted on the north side of 30th Street from Jackson Street to the gate entering property " of the llubuque Storage & Transfer Company . ' 78, 116 28 -Hyde Clark Woman s Relief Corps requesting permis- sion to hold a tag day on April 9th, 1949 ...... 79 " 28 -Howard Mary C., settlement of claim .... ........... 85 " 28 -Hillcrest Amiexation, storm sewerage system to con- struct ..........87, 88, 112, 113, 114, 164, 165, 189, 265 " 28 -Heiar Mrs. Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 88, 89 Mar. ]4- Hauth W. L. stating that he does not feel that the City Council would be justified in granting the in- creases requested by The Key City Gas Company 106 Mar. 28- Hanson Robert L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 149 April •1- Highlan3 Construction Company, Inc., extending invita- tion to the City Council and City Manager to at- tend apre-showing of the Lustron demonstration home at ]460 South Grandview Avenue ........ 153, 154 April 18- Hier Mrs. Mary, requesting suspension of the 1948 tax on the ATOrth 24 feet of the East 170 feet of Lot 374 Davis Farm Addition ..................... 167, 184 " 18 -Heim Subdivisicn, approval of said plat ....... . ...... 169 " ]8 -IIail John Joseph, Supt and Cashier, Water Department, bond ....................:............... 173 May 2- Henkel John and Alma, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit .. ..................................... 190, 191 May 16- Hartley Mr, and Mrs. Milton R., requesting permission to erect a Lustron Home for their own use ...... 200 ~ ~ .INDEX-Book 79 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page 1949 SUBJECT Page H H May 23-Howarth Janes J., requesting permission to construct 5- Henkel Henry H. petition and waiver for the improve- ment of Balke Street from Groveland Place to a sewer from the manhole on the corner of Wind- sor and Uavis Avenues and also water main from Lowther Street ............................... 308, 309 the corner of Windsor and Davis Avenues in an 5- Holmes Ursula H., petition and waiver for the improve- easterly direction for approximately 175 feet 218, 243, 244,- ment of Balke Street from Groveland Place to ,,..,,••,• ............. 344, 345 I.awther uCreet .............................. 309 ., ...... ........... 23-Bodges Delos, appointed as a member of the Building 5- Hawkeye Lodge of City of Dubuque, Iowa granted Cig- 312 Code Cammitee ...................••••••••• 226 arette Permit ................................ " 23-Heying Frank, appointed as a member of the Building 226 July 18- Iialverson Artlith, Power of Attorney ................ 325 . ;ode Committee ............................ " 18- Hutchins Ray and Paul A, Leonard, requesting a refund May 31-Hawkeye Casualty Company submitting for filing the on the unexpired portion of their Class "B" Beer Permit No 140 327 Fower of Attorney for J. R. Owens and R. M. 231 18- .............................., . -Houser P. J., Director, Division of Public Health Engi- " Schuder 31-Hoffman C. G., requesting permission to extend a sari- from the existing sewer on Windsor t veering. submitting for Councll information a copy of H. F. 4 the new Iowa Stream and Lake ary sewer Avenue approximately 350 feet in an easterly di- Pollution Law ................................ 329 rection an Davis Avenue ...........232, 243, 244, 344, 345 Aug. 1- Healy James C. and others, employees of the Federal June 6-Howard Ralph 0., Chairman of "June Dairy Month" Government, with reference to the proposed park- ing restrictions on Bluff Street from 1st Street to Coininittze, asking that the,Mayor issue a Procla- motion designating the period of June 1949 as ~° 4th Street ............................409, 410, 444, 445 June Dairy Month and also inviting the Mayor 1- Harvey Mrs. Anna and others with reference to the to participate in the parade ................... 238 ke d ce u o i e e i Bea smo av soot nuisan cori ng from the June 30-Roll Designing Company submitting proposal for en- trice Company . . ..........................410, 478, 479 gineerfng services for the overhead pass at East 14th Street and Railroad tracks ..278, 325, 407, 487, 516, Aug. -Holscher G. H, and Robert G., objecting to the proposed :..517, 518, ...... 519, 520 assessinents to be levied against their properties " ......................... 30-Hunt George R. and Christopher C. Gratz, granted Cig• 290 29 or the Bra ley Street Sewer ................. . -Heim Louis S. and others, living at and adjacent to the " arette Permit 30-Hessel Irvin G., granted Cigarette Permit .......... ranted Cigarette Permit ll b d 290 291 Northeast corner of Central Avenue at 32nd Street known as the Heim Brickyards and object- " e e, g Anna 30-Herber Fred an 30-Hogan Vincent J., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 291 ing to the rezoning of said property to "Light In- dustrial Classification" 468 ` ~~ 30-Heiar Mrs. Amia, granted Cigarette Permit ........... granted Cigarette Permit .......... 30-Hanson Robert L 291 291 29 ........... .... -IIumke Wesle re u y q esting that the alley between Ne- ., 30-Hedley Alfred and Lillian, granted Cigarette Permit .. 291 291 vada Street and Booth Street running north from West Third Street be repaired ................. 472 578 " 30-Hochberger William, granted Cigarette Permit ....... 30-Haley Amy, granted Cigarette Permit ............... 291 " 29 ~~ 29 -Hoffman LPo. J., Notice of Claim ............. -IIolcomb Richard L Associate Professor of Public Af- , 472 " " 30-Henkel John and Alma, granted Cigarette Permit .. 30-Herber Arthur F. and Theresa, granted Cigarette Per- 292 . fairs, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, extending thanks for the excellent service render- " nut 30 -Haley John J. and Fay H., granted Cigarette Permit ... 292 292 292 ed b Police Chief Strub and Officor Andresen at Y the last Peace Officers Course ................. 474 30-Helmer Mrs, Florence, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 30-Hartig Drug Company, granted three Cigarette Permits 292 29 -Helmer Mrs. Florence, revocation of her Class "B" Beer Permi`~ 479 " 30-Hiawatha Club, granted Cigarette Permit :..... • • • • • • • 30--Harris Joe, grouted Cigarette Permit . .. • • • • • • • • • • • 292 292 29 .. ... .... ... ..... .... .. .. -Hedley Alfred and Lillian, transfer of address of Cigar- ette Permit 487 " " 30-TTickey John J., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 30-Hird Mrs. Rosemary, granted Cigarette Permit . .. 292 293 29 ................................. -Hedley Alfred and Lillian, transfer of address of Class 'B" Beer Permit 488 " " 30-Hillard Joseph and Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit . 30--Helling Tony, granted Cigarette Permit ... .. 293 293 ............................. 29-Iiochberger William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 488 " 30--Herber Fred and Annabelle, granted Class "B" Beer 295 294 Sept. 6 -Hantelmann E. E., Notice of Claim .................. 494, 577 Permit • • • • 30-Haley John J. and Fay H., granted Class "B" Beer Per- , ~• 6 -Helmer Mrs. Florence, requesting a refund on the un- expired portion of her Cigarette Permit ........ 494 mit 30-Hogan Vincent J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 294, 295 295, 296 6 -Hardie Frank, requesting consideration and approval for the erection of a sign and canopy at Karigan's 30-Hessel Irvin G., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 295, 296 Restaurant, 401 Central Avenue ................ 495 July " 5-Harkett Flora, Notice of Claim ................. ... 5-Henneger A. G. and others, property owners residing 298, 343 Sept. 19- -Harnischfegae Corporation, by John J. Scott, Sales Man- requesting the issuance of a building permit alter on either side of Finley Street, between McCor- requesting the oiling of mick and West Streets ` ~ , to Vern Carew far the erection of a P and H Har- , said street .................................. 299, 446 ~. iiischfeger Home ............................. 528 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page H Oct. " 3-Hickey John J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... • • • • 3--Hawkeye Club of Dubuque, Iowa, granted Class "B" 545 546 545 Beer Peruutfor Private Club ........•••••••••• . Oct. 17-Haas Mrs. Al and others, asking that they be placed on testing the modification of the Mas- d as pro reccr ter Plar. proposed by the Planning. and Zoning Commission, which involves the location of a new ross the property of Clarke College . . 571 " highway ac 17-Hushes 011 Company requesting permission to install 000 gallon tank within the diked additiona~ 500 , an a at the south end of their terminal for the r e a storage of Ethyl gasoline ................... 572 582 579 " 17-Holscher Albert L., band ......................••••• Nov. 7-Hedley Alfred E. and Lillian, granted Class "B" Beer 601 Permit 7-third Mrs Rosemary, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. . "B" Beer d Cl 601 " ass 7-Herber Arthur F. and Theresa, grante 601 Permit ... • 7- Hiawatha Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Pri- 601 vote Club ................................... Dec. 5-Hendricks Feed Store driveway, parking meter inter 647 626 fering with the driveway ..........•••••••••• , INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page Jan. 31-Iowa National Guard Armory Corporation, Attorney Romolo N. Russo addressed the Council, request- in~ that Resolution No. 105.48 be amended by eliminating the provision that the Armory must be constructed within one year or else the prop- .. erty will revert back to the City of Dubuque.... 10, 24, 25 Mar. 14-Iowa State Department of Health, approval of plans for the Bradley Street Sanitary Sewer and Lift Sta• tion ........................................ 107 Mar. 28-Ideal Flumbing & Ileating Co., Excavation Policy ..... 142 April 4-`I AM A;;i AIvIERICAN DAY" Committee, in regard to the issuance of a proclamation setting aside Sun- day, May 15 as the 1949 "I AM AN AMERICAN DAY" ...................................... 153 April 18-Irwin R. C., Notice of Claim . • .......... ... ... 166, 185 " 18-In#erstate Power Company, submitting analysis of rev- enue and expenses for electric and bus transpor- tation services for the year ending December 31, 1948 " 18-Interstate Power Company asking for some financial 169 relief for their Bus Transportation Department.. 169, 170, ...................... ............ ..... 196, 198 .. " 18-Interstate Power Company submitting for Council con- sideration aproposed change on some of their bus routes in the City of Dubuque ................. 170, 205 May 31-IOWA State Highway Commission, approval of request to install Stop and Go traffic signals at the inter- section of Dodge and Locust Streets ......•..... 232 June 6-Ideal Plumbing and Heating Co., excavation policy .... 242 July 18-Iowa State Commerce Commission, Decision and Order in the matter of proposed discontinuance of Pass- enger trains between Green Island and Dubuque tho Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific by , Railroad Company 328 18-Iowa State Commerce Commission, Decision and Order in the matter of application of Joseph F. Wenzel, UBA, River Trails Transit Lines for a certificate t to operate as a motor carrier of passengers and a s limited amount of freight between Dubuque and ..................................... Delmar 329 July 28-Infantile Paralysis or Poliomyelitis, Board of Health prohibiting the congregating of children the age , cf sixteen or younger at church services, Sunday Schools, theatres, carnivals, roller skating rinks, playgrounds, parks and other places of public ?-' assembly as a preventive measure ..........372, 452, 453 Sept. 6-Iowa Sewage Works Association, submitting program 1 for the Annual Meeting to be held in Des Moines, Iowa, on Sept, 20, 21, 22,1949 .................. 494 Sept. 19-International City Managers' Association extending in- vitation to the City of Dubuque to be represented by the City Manager at the Annual Conference to be held at Palm Beach, Florida, December 4 to 8, 1949 ...................................... 528 Dec. 5-Iowa Stage Highway Commission, By F. R. White, Chief Engineer, approval of the rerouting of Primary Road Nwnber 3, and U. S. Roads Number 52, 61, `~: and 151 from Locust Street to Central Avenue between Fourth Street and Loras Boulevard .... 612 INDEX-Book 79 INDEX-Book. 79 Page SUBJECT 1949 Page 1949 SUBJECT , K ~ State Comptroller, approval of resolution N. 7--Johnson R Mar ,Tan. 31-Kintzle Clarence A. et al, requesting the rezoning of that part of Finley Addition bounded on the East , . . and application far the transfer of the amount of by Avoca Street, on the West by St. Ambrose 44 from the Emergency Fund to the Con- 142 $28 Street, on the South by Rosedale Avenue and on . , solidated Fund .................•••••••••••••• 95 the North by the Alley rumm~g North of and par- April 4-Johnson R. N•, State Comptroller, approval of resolu- rallel to Rosedale Avenue to permit the erection of multiple dwelling units ......14, 188, 447, 448, 467, 468 tion and application for the transfer of $25,000.00 the Street Construction Fund to the Airport iron 7-Kopp Nicholas J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ... Feb 32 . fund ...................................... 152, 153 , 28-~-Kerrigan Frank R., submitting written protest and ob- Feb April 18-Jenni Geraldine L•, Secretary to City Manager, bond .. 18-Jackson George R. and Joe Scheller, granted Cigarette 173 . ~ectians to the proposed construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in what is known as Permit ~ " " 176 the Bradley Street Sewer District as delimited by 68 B 18--Jackson George R. and Joe Scheller, granted Class 177 Ordinance No.23-48 ........................••. 184 77 Beer Permit ................................. ,~ 28-Keating Raymond N., Notice of Claim . • • . • • • • • • . • • • • , 77 May 2-Juri:sic Joe and others, requesting the installation of a irt at the intersection of Valeria and et li t << 2g--Kunnert lllrs. Mary, Notice of Claim .... • .:. • .. • ..... umbach Ed et al requesting vacation of the alley run- 2g-K g re s Cushing Streets ...................••••••..180, 240, 241 r Wing from Grandview Avenue between West 3rd June 6-Jogerst I. J. and others requesting the construction of and Bennett Streets and that the property be di- vided equally ...............................79, 187, 188 a sanitary sewer on Brunswick Street, Strauss Street, Balke Street and Link Street ........... 238, 445 Mar. 7-Kowalske Lavern J., for his Mother, Mrs• Christina Ko- 157 94 June 30-Jackson Geo. R. and Joe Scheller, granted Cigarette 292 walske, Notice of Claim ...................... ranted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... nce Cl , 128 Permit " 30-Johanningmeier Justin, granted Cigarette Permit ..... granted Cigarette Permit ... and Catherine nes Ra °' 30--J 293 293 , g are Mar. 21-Kipper 28-Kaep Dr. Henry J., in regard to the construction of a Mar i d , y o . ew v Lustron home located at 1460 South Gran 134 Aug. 1-Jaeger B. M. and others requesting the installation of a street light on the corner of Jenni and Lombard 1 Avenue ~ a • • • • ~ ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • " • • ~ • & Heating Co., Excavation Policy City llumbin 2S-Re 142 Streets ... ......................... ... '° 1-Johanningmeier Justin L., granted Class "B" Beer Per- 4 0 , y '° 28-Kress Hubert J. Jr., granted Cigarette Permit ... • • • • 49 mit ........................................ 423, 424 ~~ 2g--Kipper Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 29-Joffee Jerome M., Special Utilities and Legislative Aug April 4-Kintzinger John J., appointed City Solicitor and fixing 151 . Counsel, Kansas Crty, Missouri, advising that rep- tatives of the City of Kansas City will not his bond ..... ................... i resen attend tae hearings on the Parks Investigation l to be held in Wash- 3965 t r- April 4-Kissling Russell G. requesting a refund on the unexp ed portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 122 ...... 154 a e Case, Docket No. 473 ington, D.C ..:................................ April 18-~-Kirkwood Louis J. and others, property owners, re- sanitary sewer be constructed on t th i Nov. 14-Jackson George R. and Joe Scheller, requesting a re- fund on the unexpired portion of their Class "B„ a a ng quest Coates Avenue, Cross and Simpson Streets ...... 168, 186 .Beer Permit .. ~ and Joe Scheller, requesting a re- on George R k 4--J " 603 18-Klauer Mr. Herbert, in regard to the drainage of storm water and the condition of the alley between As- . s ac 1 f:md on the unexpired portion of their Cigarette ...... 4 603 bury and Finley Streets from Green Street to Street and askmg that both conditions be Ch ......................... Permit No. 20 erry taken cake of ................................ 168 Dec. 5-Jones Ray and Catherine, granted Class °B" Beer Per- 623 °° 18-kintzinger John J., City Solicitor, bond .............. 173 mit ..................... May 2-Klaus Charles H., requesting permission to erect a Lus• 179 tron Home 2-Kane Allen C., Clerk, Water Department, bond ....... 186 cil ask- e t May 16-Kane S l y r 199 ~h ng aid in said st eet mains be atet t May 23-Krajewski C. I., appointed as a member of the Building 226 Code Committee .... .. ........ '° 23-Kass Joe, appointed as a member of the Building Code 226 Committee ................................. 23-Kuehnle Ed, appointed as a member of the Building 226 Code Co;mittee ............................ `i 1 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page K ~ June 6--Klinkner Mrs. John and others requesting the City Council to authorize the re-routing of the Fre• mont Mt. Carmel bus over Lombard to Algona Street, tiaen north on Algona Street to University Avenue .................................... 239 June 30-Mauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted Cigarette Permit ..... 290 ~ " 30-Karigan Andrew D., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 290 1 " 30-Kress Hubert J. Jr,, granted Cigarette Permit ........ ' 290 ~ " Connor, granted Cig• Louis P. O 30--Kramer Joseph A, and . arette Permit 290 ~ " 30-Kopp N, J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 290 " 30-Kraus Leo M., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 291 " 30-Karigan Andrew D., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 291 " 30-Kachevas James P., granted Cigarette Permit ......... 291 " 30-Kane Johr. M., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 291 -• " 30-Kanavas George, granted Cigarette Permit ........... 292 '~ " 30-Kane James M., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 292 " 30-Kopple Harry, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 292 " 30-Klauer Pete:, granted Cigarette Permit ......... .. 293 " 30-Kelly Frank M, and Francis E., granted Cigarette Per- mit ... ...... .... . .... .......... ... ... .. 293 30-Kipper Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 293 30-Kruse George G., granted Cigarette Permit ........... 293 30-Klein Frank and Anna, granted Cigarette Permit ..... 293 " 30-Kies Theodore T., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 293 " 30--Kringle ,Tohn E,, granted Cigarette Permit ........... 293 " 30-Kachevas James P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 294, 295 " 30-Karigan Andrew D., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 294, 295 ¢ " 30-Kanavas George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... " " 294, 295 " '• Beer Permit B 30-Klauer-Julian Hotel Co., granted Class "B" B P it d A t d Cl k 294, 295 294 294 eer erm nna, gran ass an e 30-Klein Fran , , .......... ................................. 296 !r " 30-Kane John M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 294, 296 ' July 18---Kurt Merlyn B,, Notice of Claim ..................... 325, 41fi ' Aug. 1-Keppler J. V. and M, L. Kapp and others addressed the Council with reference to the type of pave- ment to be laid on Dunleith Street ............. 407 '_ " 1-Krumbach Ed E. and others, requesting the installation of street lights on West Third Street from Grand- view Avenue to Algona Street ................. 409, 445 y 1-Kalloway Theo. and others, requesting the construction of curb and gutter on Southern Avenue ........ 409, 445 ~>- " 1-Kamentz Harald A., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 423 1--Klauer Peter, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 423, 424 "' Aug. 8-Killeen Mrs. T,2argaret, Notice of Claim .............. 442, 483 ,,. ,::. 8-Kass John, report of Sanitary Inspector with reference to the condition of his outside privy fault ....... 444 • " 8-Kringle John E,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 449 Aug. 29-Kean E. J., appointed as a member of the Civil Service Commission to fill the unexpired term of Dr. R. M. Benn, said term expiring March 31, 1952..... 473 Sept. 6-Karrigan's Cafe and Restaurant, application for permis- ~' sion to erect a sign and canopy over the entrance to said cafe and restaurant at 401 Central Avenue 495, .~c. 536 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page K Sept. 19 -Koerrell Subdivision Plat submitted for Council action , said plate having been approved by the Planning aiidloning Commission ......... .... .. 530, 579 " 19 -Kane James M„ granted Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 537, 538 Oct. 3- Kramer Joseph A, and Louis P. O'Connor, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................. 545, 546 Oct, 17- Kelly Mr. & Mrs. George, requesting a building permit to erect a Lustron steel. home on Avalon Road ... 570 Nov. 7 -Kolfenbach Louis, submitting a plan to divert traffic over Railroad Avenue at South Locust, thence east to 117ain Street, thence north on Main to Third Street, thence east on Third Street to Cen- tral Avenue .................................. 589, 590 Nov. ].4 -Kies Drug Store, by Myrtle Lies, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of Cigarette Permit No. 231 ........................................ 603 Dec. 5-Kringle John E., Notice of Appeal to the District Court 611 " 5-Kringle John E., recommendation of Chief of Police Strub that the Class "B" Beer Permit held by said John E. Kringle be revoked ............615, 653, 654 Dec. 28- Kringle John E., revocation of his Class "B" Beer Per- mit ........................................ 654 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT L Page Feb. 28-Latham Ernest and Myrtle, granted Class "C" Beer 89 Permit ................... " 28-Liquor Sales Fund. the sum of $3,205.17 transferred to the Fire Pension Fund; the sum of $10,276.24 transferred to the Fire Maintenance Fund; the 002.50 transferred to the Consolidated sum of $43 , Fund ................................... 89 90 7-Luedtke Joseph V. and Meta M., requesting that the Mar . through its proper officials, abate the nuis- City , ance caused by the overflowing of sewage from the sewage pumping station or lift station at the intersection of Marion and Concord Streets .... 93 7-Loras College, requesting the placing of street lights Mar . at the corner of Loras Blvd. and Prairie Street and also mid-way in the long block between Bel• mend Street and Cox Street ................... 95, 143 Mar. 28-Langanis Anastacious and Idella, granted Cigarette Per• 149 mit ..... April 4-Lang Mrs. Anna, Notice of Claim .................. • 153, 172 4-Lundin Robert J., making application for appointme nt 154 on the Board of Review ... ...........••••••••• April 18-Link Mrs. Anna, Notice of Claim .... • .. • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • 166 18--Librarian of the Carnegie-Stout Free Public Library, annual report for the year ending March 31, 1949 181 May 2-Luke IIylda N., Recreational Director, bond ........... 186 May 23-Lease of the United States Government for Naval Re- 218 217 serve Armory, renewal of same ................ , " 23-Lundgren Oscar W., appointed as a member of the 226 Building Code Committee ................... May 31-Lacy F. R., reappointed as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Public Library for a term of six years, said term expiring July 1, 1955 ......... . 232 June 6--Link Leo F. and Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Per- 244 245 mit .................................... , June 20-Library Board, certificate of tax levy ..............•• 255 June 30-Larson Oliver (Larson Construction Company), excava• 283 tion bond . " 30-Latham Ernest and Myrtle, granted Cigarette Permit . 290 290 °' 30-Loyal Order of Moose, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 30-Ludeseher John J., granted Cigarette Permit ......... 290 " 30-Lynn Dlelvin C., granted Cigarette Permit ............ " 3U-Leonard Paul A.. granted Cigarette Permit .••••••••: 291 2 " 30-Leik Wm. C., granted Cigarette Permit ............. . granted Cigarette Permit .............. " 30-Link Leo. F. 91 291 , 30-Ludwig M. J., ;ranted Cigarette Permit ............. 30-Lasser George and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ... 292 292 " 30-Landolt Frederick, granted Cigarette Permit ... • . • • • • 293 293 30--Loras College, granted Cigarette Permit ............. " 30--Luxemburg Ciull of Dubuque, granted Cigarette Permit 293 293 30-Lange Robert A., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 30-Leonard Paul A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 294, 295 " 30-Lancer George and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Per• mit .............................. 294, 295 fi ~i ~?, INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page L July 18-Link Alphonse M., requesting Council to take the sec essary procedure to enforce the ordinance mak- ing i> unlawful to distribute or cause to be dis- tributed, refuse on other people's property and to pollute the air in the area and in the vicinity of the Farley Loetscher Mfg. Co. and the Carr, Adame,, Collier Co ............................ 327 18-Larson Construction Co. submitting attached statement for thn construction of sewer in Davis Avenue from Windsor Avenue three hundred and eighty three feet .. ~ 345 " 1-Lincoln Avenue from the existing manhole at the inter- section of Lincoln and Rhomberg Avenues to a point 296,3 feet west also in Rhomberg Avenue from the center line of Lincoln Avenue to a point 184 feet north, construction of sanitary sewer 365, 366,- 432, 433, 434, 471, 472, 516, 596, 597, 637, 638 , 639, 640 Aug. 1-Linehan and Molo, approval of their excavation bond 417 " 1-Longview Ski Club granted Class "B" Beer Permit far Private Club ................................. 423, 424 Aug. 8-Lewis Harry E., submitting application for appointment as a member of the Civil Service Commission .... 442, 473 Aug. 29-Lewis U. S. Jr. and Marie G., objecting to the proposed assessments to be levied against their properties for the Bradley Street Sewer ............ . .... 457 " 29-Loyal Order of Moose, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .............................. 488 Sept. 6-Luxemberg Club of Dubuque, by Florence Miller, re- questing arefund on the unexpired portion of Cigarette Permit ........... ....... ...... 494 " 6-Lock Arthur and others, owners and tenants, living on and adjacent to West 32nd Street, requesting the repairing and oiling of said street .............. 494 Oct. 3-Lloyd Dwight, Original Notice of Suit ............... 540 " 3-Lawry Edward R., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 545 Oct. 17-Loras College, by Rt. Rev. Msgr. S. D, Luby, with ref- erence to the proposed extension of Grandview Avenue through the grounds of two large educa- tional institutions, when other routes are avail- able ....................................... 571 Nov. 7-Larson Robert L., Attorney General of Iowa, requesting each and every law enforcement officer to take immediate steps to see that gambling devices of all types be permanently eliminated from this state 590 " 7-Lease and Agreement between Dubuque sports Bowl Corporation and the City of Dubuque, by Board of Dock Commissioners .................. .... 593 " 7-Lochner Lester M. and Charles H. Davis, granted Cig- arette Permit ........... . 600 " 7-Lochner Lester M, and Charles H. Davis, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................. 601 Nov 14-Lustron Steel homes, Building Commissioner authoriz- ed to issue building permits for the erection of said Homes ................................... 604 Dec. 5-Logan Ed., Notice of Appeal to the District Court ..... 611 " 5-Lange Dr. Harry E,, Notice of Claim ............... 611 " 5-Lange Robert A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 623 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page M Jan 31-RcDonough Melvin B,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 18 Feb. 28--McLenan Street from the south property line of Mt. Loretta Avenue to the north property line of Tressa Street, grade of ....................... 86, 99 Mar. 7-McCarter H. B., requesting an extension of time on the completion of their contract at The Dubuque Mu- nicipal Airport ............................... 94 Mar. 21-McNulty 141rs. Emma, Notice of Claim .............115, 172, 173 April 18-Meinerny A. C. representing 0. F. Kohl Company, exca- vatio~i bond ................................. 173 June 6--DicGuire Clem J., requesting permission to construct an unloading platform m the alley abutting City Lot 190 .............................. ...238, 300, 358 " 6-McCarter H. B., acceptance of his contract for the plumbing and heating work in the Administra- tion Puilding at The Dubuque Municipal Airport 243 June 20-IVIcCarron Harold L., advising Council that York Street is badly in need of repairs ......... .......... 255, 300 " 20-McDonnell Raymond, Grant and Easement for permis- sion to extend water main through his property . 257 June 30---McDonald A. Y, Manufacturing Company, requesting the vacation and conveyance of East 13th Street from the easterly line of Pine Street to the west- erly line of Sycamore Street, also Pine Street from the northerly line of East 13th Street to 50 feet from~he southerly line of East 14th Street, also the zlley between Pine Street and Maple Street, also Maple Street from the northerly line of East 13th Street, to 50 feet from the southerly line of East 14th Street ........ ......... 279 " 30-McDonough Thomas F. and Ruth, granted Cigarette _ Permit .... .... ..... ......... 29D " 30-1VfcDonald Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit ......... 290 " 30-McLaughlin Raymond, Granted Cigarette Permit .... , 291 " 30-Mrrarlanc Robert, granted Cigarette Permit ......... 291 " 30-McCann Eugene, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 291 " 30-N1eNamara Earl J., granted Cigarette Permit ......... 292 " 30-McDonough Melvin B., granted Cigarette Permit .... , . 292 " 30-McCauley Francis, granted Cigarette Permit ......... 293 " 30-McDonald Daniel and Loretta, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... ..... .. .... ....... 294, 295 3U-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Class "B" Beer Pernut . 294, 295 July 5-McAleece Gerald W, appointed as a member of the Playground and Recreation Commission for a term of three years, said term expiring July 5th, 1952. 313 July 18--14fcInerny Frank and others requesting the installation of a street light on Pierce Street between Angella and West Locust Streets ...................... 327, 446 Aug. 29-McNeil L. L. and others, residents and property owners, requesting the installation of a street light at the corner of Esther and Tressa Streets and at the corner of Tressa and McLenan Streets .......... 475, 578 Aug. 29-McArdle Glen, granted Cigarette Permit ... .. 487 29--McDonough Thomas F. and Ruth, granted Class "B" Beer Perrrut .. ... .. ..... ........ .. .. 487, 488 " 29-McArdle Glen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 488 Oct. 3-McCarron Helen, Notice of Claim ................... 540, 616 " 3-McCann Eugene P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 545 ' 1949 INDEX-Book 79 SUBJECT M Page Nov, 7 -McCarthy Peter H., asking that before the recommen- dations for the rerouting of Highways 52, 151, 61 and Primary No. 3 are approved that the mat- ter cf safety for pedestrians be taken into con- sideration .................................. 589 Dec. 5 -McLaughltn I{aymond, requesting a refund on the un- expired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit .... 612, 613 " 5 -McLaughlin Raymond, requesting a refund on the un- expired portion of his Cigarette Permit ......... 613 Dec. 12- -McMahon blr. and Mrs. Harold requesting the immedi- ata installation of a light at the intersection of Rosedale Avenue and the alley which adjoins St. Anthony's School ............................ 641 Jan. 3- Manders John P., requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of Cigarette Permit No. 153 ............ 3 Jan. 31- Mettel Realty Investment Company, in regard to the vacation of plats and parts of plats of Gillespie Subdivision and of Mineral Lots 361, 362 and 363 15, 169 " 31 -Manders John F., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 18 `' 31 -Murphy Orville P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 18, 19 Feb. 28 -Meyers Peter Notice of Claim ....................77, 258, 259 " 28- -11?ilding Rudy et al requesting the installation of a street light on State Street somewhere in the section between Curtis Street and Cleveland Ave- nue ................ .. ......... .... 79, 143 " 28 -Mettel Realty Company, approval by Planning and Zon• ing Commission of the new plat of Heim's Brick- yard .....................................82, 143, 169 Mar. 14- Manders John P., requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of Cigarette Pernut No. 283 ............ 107 Mar. 21 -Marscst 1Virs. Barbara, Notice of Claim ............. .. 115, 157 " 21 -Mos> James A, requesting Council to allow the sale of Lot 1 of 3 of Randall's Subdivision for residential huilding site ................................. 116, 144 Mar. 28- Mellon Percy, in regard to the construction of a Lustron Steel dwelling at 1960 South Grandview Avenue . 134 April 4- Mettel Realty ~ Investment Co., submitting offer in the amount of $125.00 for the purchase of Lot 1 of 5 of 1 of Geiger's Subdivision .............. 153, 174 " 4 -lviardauss Thelma, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of hey Cigarette Permit No. 173......... 154 4 -Meyer Paul J,, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 3 ........... 154 " 4 -Mardauss Thelma, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 161 " 4 -Mihalis Ellas and Ruby, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 161 April 18- Midwest Conference of Building Officials and Inspec- tors, announcing the holding of the Third Annual School for Building Inspectors to be held in Chi- cago, Rlinois, June 19-23, 1949 ....... ...... 167 " 18 -Mulgrew Thos. J. Co., making application for permis- sion to erect a fuel oil storage tank, that will hold approximately 50,000 barrels of fuel oil, on their property in Block 27 of Dubuque Harbor Com- pony's Addition .......... ................ 168, 187 18 -Marshall Robert P., City Auditor, bond . .. 173 " 18- Moore Mae A., Clerk, Health Department, bond 173 May 2- MacInerney Joseph P. and Michael Burton, granted Cig- arette Permit ..... .. .. 190 2 -11IacInerney Joseph P. and Michael Burton, granted " Class "B" Beer Permit . .. 190, 191 2 -Mei:; Stanley J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 190, 191 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page M May 16---Mary Agard Tent No.'35 Daughters of Union Veterans requesting permission for the holding of a tag day sale on June 11th, 1949 ................... " 16-Markward E. D. requesting that city water service be 200 extended to house number 35 on Klcngenberg Ter• 200, 226 race '• 16-Maus Arnold and others, residents on the street known rsurden stating that they wish to be taken as N , into the City ••••••••••~••••• " 16-Meyer Martin and Vernon, granted Class "B" Beer Per- 200, 242 t .......... in 206 i May 23-Mitchell Clarence J., submitting offer in the amount of $150.UU to the Board of 5u rvisors for the pur- chase of Lots 20 and 21 in ~uigley's Sub........ 218, 241 " 23-Mueller Wm., appointed as a member of the Building 226 Code Committee .. " 23-Meeting of City Council and Playground and Recreation Commission ••~•••••••••••• ••• 228 May 31-Mid-continent Air Lines and Parks Air Lines, consolida• tion of as the same affects commercial aviation 230 in Dubuque .................................. " 31-Mayor authorized to sign a petition of intervention on behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, in the matter of the ~:pplication for approval of an agreement by and between the Mid-continent Airlines, Inc., and Oliver Parks Airlines, Inc., now pending be• 230 fore the C, A .B. Docket No. 3782 .............. 259 230 " 31-Play C. J., Notice of Claim ............... . ........ " 31-Marlin 1Vlartha and others requesting that the present , Fremont and Mt. Carmel north bound bus from Bryans.:~ireet to Delhi Street be continued or a provision be made for some bus to run north on Grandview Avenue from Bryant Street ......... 231 June 6-Maquoketa Chamber of Commerce with reference to the application of Milwaukee Railroad for the establishment of a bus line between Dubuque and Delmar Junction 237, 238 ~ June 20-Murph,~ Morton asking that parking be allowed on one side of the sti°eet at the intersection of West 12th Street and Grove Terrace ..............• .•.• ~ June 30-May Mrs. C. J. requesting the installation of street 254, 282 lights on York Street .. .. 278, 301 30-141ettel Realty Investment Company requesting re• zoning of certain properties located on the North west corner of West 32nd Street and Central Ave- rue to a business classification 278, 414, 448, 468, 512, 533 " 30-Itilanternaeh Gus L., granted Cigarette Permit .... . .. 290 " 30-Moes Donald C, and Leo L. Weber, granted Cigarette it •••••••••• 2q0 Perm " 30-Mengis .Walter, granted Cigarette Permit ......... " 30-Mihalakis Phillip. granted Cigarette Permit ........ 290 .. .. 290 " 30-Miller Ione and Glen, granted•Cigarette Permit ....... it P 290 291 ..... ... erm 30-Murphy Or4,ille P., granted Cigarette• " 30-Meyer Martin and Vernon, granted Cigarette Permit .. 291 " 30-Meiaenburg John and Carl E, Blosch, granted Cigarette Permit ... .. • ... .............. " 30-Meis Stanley, granted Cigarette Permit ...... • . • • • • 291 ~2 " 30-Meyers Kermit and Thos. Lilly, granted Cigarette Per• 292 mit " 30-Mard:iuss Thelcra, granted Cigarette Permit .......... it P 292 292 erm " 30-Murphy Harry and Dorothy, granted Cigarette " 30-Miller George, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 292 ~. r ,~ w 'i;. ~~~- ~~,: ~'l ,:, . .v,, INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page M " 30-Maas William and Elizabeth, granted Cigarette Permit . 293 " 30-Mander~ Edmund N., granted Cigarette Permit ....... 293 " 30-Mihalas F,llas, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 293 " 30-Maas Melvin H., granted Cigarette Permit ........... 293 " 30--Manahl Leo P., granted Cigarette Permit .....:....... 293 " 30-Mengis Walter and Mathilda, granted Class "B" Beer Percent ..................................... 294, 295 '' 30-Moes Donald C. and Leo J. Weber, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......... .................. 294, 295 30-Miller Glen and Ione, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 294. 295 " 30--Wingert Joseph L, and Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................. 294, 295 " 30-Meyer Albert M. and Alma M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... ..... 294, 295 " 3tl-Maas William and Elizabeth, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................•... 294, 295 " 30--Meisenburg John and Carl E. Blosch, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........• ........................ 294, 296 " 30-Maas Melvin H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 294, 296 July 5--Massey Blair W. and Selma, petition and waiver for the improvement of Blake Street from Groveland Place to Lawther Street ...................... 305 ". 5-Marshall Robert P., resolution upon his death and the spreading of said resolution upon the records of the City o; Dubuque .................. ........ 311 °` 5--Monster Reverend William J., representative of the Pa• rochial School System, appointed ex-officio mem- ber of the Playground and Recreation Commis• Sion ..................................... 313 July 18-Maiyland Casualty Company, submitting Power of At• torney for Ardith Halverson ............... ... 325 " 18-Meeting of the Board of Education of the Independent School District, the Board of Supervisors and the City Council with reference to the appoirntment of a member of the Board of Review, the fixing of the salaries of the Deputy Assessors and approv ing the revised budget for the office of City As• sessor for the year 1950 .. ....... ......338, 339, 340 " ]8-~:Martin Angelo E., application for Cigarette Permit ... 359, 416 Aug. ]-Miller Fay requesting permission to build a sanitary sewer from the present wet well in Stetmore and Marian Sheets to serve his property fronting on Marion Street westerly of Stetmore Street .. , ... 409, 445, . 513, 534 " 1-M~halakis Phillip and Ellas, owners of Mineral Lots 294, 295, L•ot 1 of Mineral Lot 296, Lot 2 of Min• oral Lot ?.96 and Mineral Lot 297, requesting Council to reconsider previous action in the pro- pose,) construction of a small boat harbor and further to direct the Dock Board and the City Solicitor to take no action for the condemnation of theii above mentioned lands .............409, 474, 481 Aug, l-Maus Alvin and others, property owners in the 700 block of Edith Street, requesting the widening of said street and the construction of curbing and sidewalks in this block ..................... 410, 445 '' 1-Master Plan, the Planning and Zoning Commission ask- i i d b h etween t ng that a meeting be arrange e C ty Council, the Planning Zoning Commission and Mr• Hartzog, to scrutenize the Plan and Report before a public hearing is held ................. 413, 414 INDEX-Book 79 INDEX--Book 79 Page ~ 1949 1949 SUBJECT SUBJECT i - Page M " 1-Murphy Harry J. and Dorothy, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..................................... 423, 424 Aug. 8-Mt. Loretta; Avenue, Mrs. Shaffer and others addressed the Council with reference to the dangerous con- dition now existing at the end of said street and requested that action be taken at once to elimin- ate this dangerous condition ................... 442 Aug. 29-Miller Mrs. FIorence, granted Cigarette Permit ....... 487 ` 29-Miller Mrs. Florence M,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit " 29-Miller Mrs. Florence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 488 488 Sept. 6-Muntz Harold, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 520 6-Muntz Harold, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....... 520, 521 Sept. 19-Mettel Realty k Investment Co., By E. H. Willging, requesting that the Mayor and Clerk be authoriz- ed and duected to execute and deliver to Mettel Realty & Investment Co., all right, title and in- terest of said Ctty of Dubuque in and to the vacat- ed onion of Bellevue Street as the same fronts p abttts upon Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 93 B ....... and 530 3-Mueller Ralph H., requesting permission to extend the Oct . sewer on 32nd Street as far as Lot 2 Heim Sub- division .....•.•••••••••••.••••••••-.541, 577, 584, 585 " 3-Meisenburg Kenneth, granted Cigarette Permit ....... 545 " 3-Mihalakis Plrllip, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 545 Oct. 17-Miller Katie P.., requesting suspension of the 1948 taxes on the south 8 feet of Lot 9 and all of Lot 10 Johnston's Sub . .............................. 572, 594 Nov. 7-Murphy Alonzo T, and others requesting the installa- tion of a street light at the intersection of De- catur and Prescott Streets ............. ...... 591, 618 " 7-Meyer Iierbert anu Mildred, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ... .................................. 601 Nov. 14--Manders Marvin and Alfred Butlett, requesting that the water system and sewage disposal between 22nd Street and 24th Street on Elm Street be taken care of .............. 603 " 14--Mazzuchelli Road, request of Sister of St. Clara College asking that the name of Platt Street and Platt Stree', Extension be changed to Mazzuchelli Road 808, ..................................:......... 814, 642 Dec. S--Mississippi Valley Association, By Lachlan Macleay, President, extending invitation to the Mayor and City Council to attend the annual meeting to be held in St. Louis, February 6 and 7,1950.... .... 811 5-Mettel Realty & Investment Co., asking the City Coun- cil to pass an ordinance vacating that part of Bellevue Street as shown on the plat prepared as Lot A of Bellevue Street and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed con- veying said Lot A of Bellevue Street to the peti- tioner .. , .813, 841, 642 5-Manahl Leo P., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 623 'fir ^~: iii N Jan. 3--Neumeister Fred W. and John C., granted Cigarette Fermit .................................... " 3-Neumeister Fred W, and John C. ~ granted Class "C" 8 Beer Permit ....,,, " 8 9 3-North End Choral Club, approval of application for Cla "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ss .............. g Feb. 28-Nesler F. A, Jr., submitting written protest and objec- tions to the proposed construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in what is known as the Bradley Street Sewer District as delimited by Ordinance No 2348 . .......................... 69 Mar. 28-Nesler Dr. Clarence 0., Notice of Claim .............. " 134 258 28-Navy Club of the United States of America, requesting permission to place on exhibit one of their Mobile War Exhibits " 28-Neon "No Turn" signs to be installed at Eighth and 134 Main Streets .................. " .............. 144 28-Nacos Thomas E. granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 149 April 18--National Highway Users Conference, Inc., advising of the sponsoring of a highly significant safety devel- opment and asking that the Mayor issue a state- ment tc the press on May 10th citing the signifi- cance of This unique approach to better traffic safety " 18-Noe Mr. Ralph, asking that some relief be granted in 167 the matter of parking in the vicinity of 919 Bluff Street ... " 18-Norton Lavern C., Electrical Inspector, bond ......... 168 173 blay 2-Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .................. 190, 191 May 23• -Naval Reserve Armory, renewal of Government lease .. " 217 218 23-Nm•ton L. C., appointed as a member of the Building , Code Committee ............................. 226 June 20--National Safety Council asking that the Mayor issue a Proclamation to the press requesting citizens to support the Fourth of July safety campaign ..... 254 June 30-National Tea Company, granted two Cigarette Permits " 290 30-Noel John E,, granted Cigarette Permit .............. " 290 30--Neumeister Fred W. and John C., granted Cigarette Permit " 30-Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, granted Cigarette 290 ~~ Permit .. .... ........... ........ .. 30-Nicks Gilbert J, and Josephine, granted Cigarette Per- 290 << mit .. ........ .... ......... 30-Noel Carl, granted Cigarette Permit 290 ........... . ..... 30-North End Choral Club, granted Cigarette Permit " 291 292 ..... 30--Nicks Ray J,, granted Cigarette Permit .............. " 30-Nacos 7'hotnas E,, granted Cigarette Permit 293 .......... 293 Attg, 1-Nicks Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... ............. 423, 424 Aug. 8-Navy Mothers Club of America, Battleship Iowa No. 44 , requesting permission for the holding of a tag day on October 22nd 1949 , ........................ 443 1949 Aug. ~~ << ~~ Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. INDEX-Book 79 SUBJECT N 29-Nowlin B. W. and Laura objecting, to the proposed as- sessment levied against their property for the Bradley Street,Sewer ......................... 29-Nagele )!'rank T•, objecting to the proposed assessment levied against his property for the Bradley Street Sewer """"' •"• 29-Noel Carl L, granted ClaranBdClassP C~Beer Permit 29-National Tea Company, g 19-Navy n ~ Sbonf1Dubhe holding ofotheir anruual1Anchor Day Sales on October 8th, 1949 ........•••••••• 3-Noel John E. and June M., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mrt ....................... 7-Nicks Ray, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . 7--North End Choral Club, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit for Private Club .....................••••• 14--Noel LustroBe Home ronuher lotp n hey 8001 Block ton West Locust Street ..•••••••••••••••~••~~~•• " 5~-National Safety Council asking the Mayor to issue a statement to the press in furthering the success of the Christmas safety campaign ........... Page 454 456 487, 488 529 545 601 601 604 612 {;. ~~ INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3- Ordinance No 27.48, An ordinance prohibiting the sale of, gift to, er exhibition to minors under eighteen years of age publication featuring indecent pic- tures or depicting crimes or deeds of violence, bloodshed or lust, repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith and prescribing a penalty for violation hereof ........• ..................... 3, 4 Jan. 31-- Ordinance No. 1-49. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 21.42 regulating and prohibiting the opera- tion cf roller skating rinks in certain places in the City of Dubuque, describing roller skating rinks, proviaing far revocation of licenses and for a penalty for violation thereof ..............10, 25, 26 `' 31 -Ordinance No. 2.49. An Ordinance granting to St. Clara College, a Wisconsin, nonprofit corporation its successors and assigns, the right to construct a sanitary sewer in Peabody Street and in Dodge Street from the existing sanitary sewer now locat- ed in Dodge Street thence northwesterly through Dodge Street and Peabody Street and prescribing tha conditions of this grant and regulating the connection with said existing sanitary sewer on Dodge Street .................... ... .. ..11, 26, 27 n; 31- -Ordinance No. 3-45. An Ordinance amending "Traffic Code" of the City of Dubuque by extending 12th z. Street boulevard and by establishing parking reg- ulations on 12th Street between White and Cen- tral ....................................•.. 15, 27, Z8 Feb. 7- Ogilby Road from the south property line of Asbury ,~ Road to the north property hne of I-Iillcrest Road, ~ ' improvement of ....40, 41, 61, 62, 147, 148, 160, 287, 288, ~' ....................................400,401, 402, 403 Feb. 28- Ordinance No• 4.49• An Ordinance amending and chang• ing the 'toning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated "Zon- ing Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to charge certain hereinafter described property from "Two Tanrily Residence Classification" to "Multiple Residence Classification." .......... 73, 95, 96 " 28- -Ordinance No. 5.49. An Ordinance amending "The Traf- fic Code" of the City of Dubuque by regulating parking of vehicles on the southeasterly side of Rhomberg Avenue from the Chicago Great West- ern Railroad tracks to Marshall Street .......... 82, 98 " 28- Ordinance No. 6-49. An Ordinance granting to Fa}'ley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, its succes- sors an%, assigns, the right to install and maintain four underground storage tanks on the west side of Jackson Street, south of existing underground storage tanks at the southwest corner of Jackson and Ninth Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa and to attach and maintain pipes and equipment in connection therewith all iXr accord with plans now on file in the office of the City Clerk ....... 83, 97 " 28- Ordinance No. 7.49. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Esther Street from the south property line of Mt. I:oretta Avenue to the north property line of Bush and Tressa Streets ...................... 85, 97, 98 " 28--Ordinance No. 8-49. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Tressa Street from the east property line of Esther Street to the end of Tressa Street ....... 86, 98 ~~. INDEX-Book 79 INDEX-Book 79 - 1949 SUBJECT Page ~P 1949 SUBJECT Page ~: O 28-Ordinance No. 9.49. An Ordinance establishing a grade ated by the Interstate Power Company in the on Mci,enan Street from the south property line City of ])ubuque; repealing all ordinances in con- Loretta Avenue to the north property Ime of M t '' flict herewith; prescribing a penalty for violation . . of Tressa Street .............................. 86, 99 ~ hereof, and declaring an emergency .........198, 218, 219 Mar. 7-O'Brien Adele, recommendation of City Solicitor Kint- 100 ~~{ ~' 16-Ordiu,111ce No. 18.49. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of the alley between Bennett Street and zingee that Claim be denied ................... West Third Street from the easterly line of Lot 1 21-Ordin~ncc No. 10-49. An Ordinance fixing and establish- Mar and Lot ]6 to the westerly line of Lot 8 and 9 in . be charged for the furnishing of gas ing rates to Hodge's Subdivision No. 2 in the City of • far residential, commercial, industrial, and other Dubuque, Iowa ...... . .....................202, 219, 220 uses and. purposes within the City of Dubuque, 16-Ordinance No. 19-49. An Ordinance providing for the Town; fixing and regulating the method of service ~ vacation of the alley between Brunswick Street thereof: prescribing a penalty for violation there- ' and Burden Avenue extending from O'Neill Street of; repealing all ordinances and resolutions in 116 114 to the alley between Edith Street and O'Neill , , conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency .. 137 136 135 Street and for a conveyance of said alley to the , , .... abutting owners ...........................202, 220, 221 21-Ordinance No. i1-49. An Ordinance making appropria- for the expenditures of city government of n ti ~ '~ 16--Ordinance No. 20.49. An Ordinance providing for the i o s tha CiT.y of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year be- 1950 127, 137, nding March 31 1949 d 1 i . .~ vacat on of Paul Street between Lowell Street and hlingenberg Terrace ........... ...... 202 221, 222 , an e , i ginning .9.pr • • • , , , • , , . , .. , • .......138, 139, 140 ,' 16-Ordinance No. 21.49. An Ordinance amending the Traf- • • • • • , • • • , • • 28-Ordinance No. 12.49. An Ordinance designating the alley Mar fie Code of the City of Dubuque by designating Windsor Avenue from the northwest line . first west of University Avenue as a lane and 156 141 ~'~ '' of Rhomherg Avenue to the south line of Davis '` " , naming the same ............... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Street a Through Highway, requiring all vehi- April 4--Oberhausen John C., appointed Police Judge and fixing 151 r' `'' cles to stop before entering or crossing the same 203, 222 •" his bond ]6-Ordinance Pdo. 1.2.49, An Ordinance changing the grade 4-Ordinance No. 13.49. An Ordinance changing the grade ~ 4' of West Third Street from the east property line of S~:~tmore Street from the south property line of Algona Street to the west property line of of Lombard Street to the south property hne of `; North Grandview Avenue .... .. .... .. 203, 223 Theisen Street 156, 170 4-Ordinance No. 14.49. An Ordinance establishing park- 16--Ordinance No. 23.49, An Ordinance establishing a grade on Cross Street from the south property line of ing regulations on part of East 30th Street and Coates Street to the north property line of Simp- providing for a penalty for violation thereof .157, 170, 171 ~ ,; son Street .. ........... :..... ..... .. 203, 224 April 18--Oberhausen John C., Police Judge, bond ............. 173 • • • • • 173 bond Inspector bin Pl i l J ' " ~ ~ 16~-Ordinance No. 24-49. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Simpson Street from the intersection of Fre- ..... , g um e ., Leary Dan 18-O Clerk-Stenographer, Water Dept., bond 173 Oster Lucille H 18 ' • mont Avenue to station 21 plus 93 at the west ,, - 18-Ordinance No, 15.49. An Ordinance authorizing Du- its successors and as- buque Packiug Company, end of Simpson Street . ..... ............ 204, 224, 225 May 23--Ordinance No. 25.49, An Ordinance designating certain • to erect and maintain a steel bridge across signs ~ motor lius routes in the City of Dubuque, repeal~ , Sycamore, Street for the purpose of supporting to be used in the and housing cables and pipes ~ ing all ordinances ar parts thereof in conflict herewith, providing far a penalty for a violation • manufacture of ice, and declaring an emergency 176, 180, of the provisions hereof ....................225, 239, 240 • • • , , • _ , • . , ..... 181 ~ „ 23-O'Leary Dan, J., appointed as a member of the Building • • • • • • May 2--Ostrowsk~ John, requesting a refund on the unexpired Code Comrmttee ............................ 226 portion of his Class B Beer Permit No. 83 ... 180 May 31-Owens J. R., Power of Attorney .... ............... 231 '° 2-Ordinance No. ]6.49, An Ordinance creating and-estab- lishing "Cherry -Green Street Sewer District" ~ June 20--Ordinance No. 26A9. An Ordinance creating aPlay- d d R i which district embraces all of the lands within ! groun an ecreat on Commission of the City of Dubuque, defining its powers and duties and pro- the drainage area of the sewer system to be con- strutted within the same, declaring that all lands ' viding for joint maintenance and operation of playground and recreation facilities with the within said district are benefited by the sewers constructed therein and subject to special b t ~ ~~;. Board of Education of the Independent School e o assessments for the payment of the cost of such ; ~, District of Dubuque ...... ..................256,280, 281 20-Olds Frank W. Grant and Easement for permission to sewer and appurtenances thereto and defining all h lands which are subject to be furnished f E ; , extend water main through his property ........ 256, 257 Z Old il suc o with sewer connections or drainage by said sewer O- s W liam, by Frank W. Olds, Grant and Easement for permission to extend water main through his system to the adjacent property ...181, 182, 200, 201, 202 May 16--0rdinance No. 17.49. An Ordinance establishing and fixing rates to be charged for the furnishing of ~ i property 257 20-Overhead Pass to construct at East 14th Street and Railroad tracks 262, 278, 325, 407, 475, 476, 487, 516, 517, bus transportation to passengers on busses oper- .....................................518, 519, 52U - :~ INDEX-Book 79 ~~~` INDEX-Book 79 Pa e SUBJECT g ~ :~` 1949 SUBJECT page 1949 O ~~' Q June 30-Oasis Club, granted Cigarette Permit ..... • • • • • • • • • • 291 erty, describing the conditions of the grant, regu• lating the use of said sewer and future connec- " 30-O'Toole Francis and Arlene Pauly, granted Cigarette 291 '~ tions therewith . ............................. 51 , 34 3 5 Permit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " 30-Ott Joseph J., granted Cigarette Permit ............ • • 292 292 Sent. 19-O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, By E, Marshall Thomas, submitting for Council action four plats of "Koer- " 30---O'Meara Lours, granted Cigarette Permit ............. July 5--Ordinance No. 27.49. An Ordinance defining restaurant, ~ rel Subdivision," said plat having been approved by the Planning and Zonin Commis i 530 579 itinerant restaurant, employee, utensils, health of- g on ........ s , etc., requiring permits for the operation of ficer 19-Ordinance No. 36.49. An Ordinance granting to Max , such establishments, prohibitorg the sale of adul- d or d f d Blum the right to construct a sanitary sewer from E l St t i oo e terated, unwholesome or misbran ~ ag e ree n and along Lindberg Terrace to regulating the inspection (grading, regrad- drinK ~ serve lots numbered 2 to 9 inclusive in Beutin's , ing and placarding)of such establishments, the en- ~ Subdivision ................................. 535, 542 forcement of this ordinance, and the fixing of penalties ...... 314, 315, 329, 330, 331, 332, 334, 335, > ~ Oct. 3-Ordinance No. 37-49. An Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque 336, 337, 338 as provided by Ordinance No. 334, designated July 18-O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, Attorneys, for Algon- ~ ~ "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as gain Chemicai. Company, requesting the rezoning ~ to changa certain property hereinafter described of Lot 1 of Rockdale Subdivision from a residen- 328 ; ~, from "Two Family Classification" to "Multiple tial area to a heavy industrial area • . ~ • Ordinance establishing a grade 49 A 28 N " , Family Classification" .................... .554, 555, 583 . n . o. 18-Ordinance Bllke Street from the north property line of ~" Oct. 17--Urdinance No. 38.49• An Ordinance granting to Ralph on Strauss Street to the south property line of Grove: 340 411 ~ 114ueller file right to construct a sanitary sewer in and along West 32nd Street from the manhole , land Place ... • • • • • ~ 18-Ordinance No. 'L9.49. An Ordinance designating the in- } ` located at the intersection of West 32nd Street and the alley first west of Central Avenue des- tersection at Main and First Streets as a stop in- providing for the erection of stop signs tersection , cribing the conditions of the grant, regulating the use of said sewer d f t i , and apenalty for the violation thereof ......... 340, 412 ~ an u ure connect ons there- with Aug. 8-Ordinance No. 30.49. An Ordinance amending Ordinance an Ordinance establishing rules and 147 bein N ids •••••••••••• .,577, Nov. 7-Ordinance No. 39.49. An Ordinance establishin g Park• 584, 585 g , o. regulations with reference to garbage receptacles, striking certain provisions therefrom and b tc T, ~° r` ing regulations on certain parts of Semin• ary Street, East 22nd Street and Merz Street and y . e inserting other provisions m lieu thereof ....443, 476, 477 ~ ~~ providing far a penalty for violation thereof .... 593, 604 Aug. 29-Ordinance No. 31.49. An Ordinance amending and ;~-., Dec, 5-Ordinance No. 40-49• An Ordinance vacating Bellevue Street from Blake Street easterly to the end of changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No• 3.34, designated " t 5 , Bellevue Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa .613, " 5--Ordinance No. 41.49. An Ordinance changing the name 641, 642 so as "coning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque Am- Sentinary unded b b h of Platt Street to Mazzuchelli Road ............ 614, 642 ,• y o e area to change t Rosedale and Avoca Streets from "Single brose s " r-Ordinance No. 42.49, An Ordinance designating West , Family Residence Classification" to "Multiple Res- 496 495 468 467 " ~ 4th Street from the west line of Locust Street to the east line of Main Street a "THROUGH , , , .. idence Classification " 29-Ordinance No. 32.49. An Ordinance amending Ordin- STPFET;" rovidin ~ ~ P g for the erection of stop signs and a penalty far the violation of the terms here~ ante No, 159 entitled "An Urdinance establishing aSingle ~'Vard for the City of Dubuque and divid• ~' of • ~ • • • . • • • . ........614, ' 642 643 ing the same into Election Precincts, establishing 5-O Rourke Frank T. and Mrs. Sarah Waldorf, granted Class "R" Beer Permit 623 such Precincts and defining the boundaries there- of" by adding additional territory to the Four- ~ ' ..... ..... 5-Ordinance No. 43.49. Rodent Control Ordinance City teenth Precinct .. .. 477, 496 of Dubu ue Iowa 1 ....... q 949 628, 643, 644, 645, 646 29-Ordinance No. 33.49. Traffic Code of the City of w Dec. 23-Off-stree•`, parking lot, purchase of City Lots 208, 207 Dubuque 477, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, r and the South half of 206 from Emily P. and ............... 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511 ! Thomas M. Stampfer for the sum of $40,000.00.. 652 Sept. 6-Ordinance No. 34.49. An Ordinance amending and b f ~ ~ 2.3--Ordinance No. 4449. An Ordinance providing terms and conditions upon which the fire fighting equip- uque Du chanting the Zoning Map of the City o rovided by Ordinance No. 334, designated as k ment and firemen of the City of Dubuque may p "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as 11 respond to cslls for fire fighting outside of the City corporate limits; and when so engaged such to change certain property hereinafter described from "Single Family Classification" and "Local ) equipment and men shall be considered within Business Classification" all to "Light Industrial 513 533 " ~ the yurisdiction of the City of Dubuque, and said City shall have the same governmental immunity Classification. ~ " 6-Ordinance No. 35.49. An Ordinance granting to Fay Mil- h ~ as when operating within its corporate limits .... 23-O'Brien J Ray granted Ci arette Permit 652, 653 6 4 let the right to construct a sanitary sewer ui Stet- mo~e Street and Marion Street to serve his prop- !1 . , g . • ... ...... 23--O'Brien J. Ray, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 5 655 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page P Jan. 3- Payrolls for the month of November, 1948 .. • • 7 " 3- Platt Street improvement, report of City Solicitor Kint- zinger in regard to the special assessments levied against the properties of Carl V. Riley and Mrs. 7 Regina Duggan ............................... Jan. 31- Parker Irving .V., Public Relations Officer, Amvets, Los Angeles, Calif., asking permission to exhibit and display their units in Dubuque in connection with their national tour exhibits .. 14 " 31- Commission, recommending ap- Planning and Zoning . proval of the site, plans and architectural fea- tures of the proposed new water softening plant to be erected northerly and easterly of the Eagle " 31- Point: Vamping Station ............ . Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial 18 of the petition of Mr. H. A. Baumhover, as pre• and recommending in substitution there- sented , of the area from a point at the center line of Kaufmann Avenue 100 feet westerly of the west line of Central Avenue; thence westerly along the center line of Kaufmann Avenue to a point 100 feet westerly of the west line of North Main Street; thence southerly along a line 100 feet westerly and parallel to North Main Street to the southerly hne of Lot 48 Marsh's Addition; thence easterly along the southerly line of Lot 22 and Lot 911arsh's Addition to and across Heeb Street to and easterly along the southerly line of Lot 4 of L. H. Langworthy's Addition to a point 100 feet westerly of Central Avenue where same intersects the preseni business district ... 16, 17, 30, 31, 73, 95, 96 " 31 -Payrolls for the month of December, 1948 17 31 " 31 -Pappas Mrs. Ruoy, granted Cigarette Permit ......... -Pappas Mrs. Ruby, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 18 " 31 -Plein Eddie and Dorothy, granted permission to con- struct asanitary sewer in Clinton Street from the present sewer in alley between Queen Street and Windsor Avenue westerly to the alley first west of Queen Street .............................. 21, l2 Feb. 28 -Planning and Zoning Commission, approval of the new plat of Hcim's Brick Yard as submitted by Mettel " 28 Realty and Investment Company ..........• .. . --Police Department working conditions to be considered 82 143 by the Council at the time that the other requests from various departments are being considered . 83 28 -Payrolls for the month of January, 1949. .. .. • i " " 83 89 28 t ... Beer Perm C -Pfalzgraf Ernest W., granted Class Mar 7 -Porter Alfred G., granted Cigarette Permit ........... 104 . " 7 -Pankratz Ralph W. and Leroy M., granted Class `~B~~ 105 104 7 Beer Permit .............. ....... -Pfeiffer Clarence J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit , .. , 104, 105 Mar. 21 -Payrolls for tiro month of February, 1949 ............. X73 April 18 -Payrolls for th~: month of March, 1949 .............. . May 2 -Pitz Art (City Cab Company), Taxi-Cab policy ..... ... 186 ` 2 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting iiie petition of Arthur Stecklein et al, requesting vacation of Paul Street between Low- ell Street and Klingenberg Terrace with the con- dition that space be reserved for steps or a walk- way, and easements for utilities be provided .... 187 ~: 4{ I INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page P 2 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting tie petition of Ed. Krumbach et al, ask- ing vacation of alley running from back property line of properties on the west side of Grandview Avenue westerly between West Third and Bennett Streets ............... 187, 188 2 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting the petition of Robert A. Weiler and Melvin D. Harms, requesting vacation of the alley between their properties which lie between Brunswick Street and Burden Avenue extending from O'Neill Street to the alley between Edith Street and O'Neill Street ..... ... 188 " 2 -Plannin; and Zoning Commission, recommending that the area requested to be rezoned by Clarence A. Kintzle be enlarged with the approval of St. An- thuny Catholic Church authorities to include the land boarded by Seminary Street, St. Ambrose Street, Rosedale Street and Avoca Street ....... 188, 419 May 16- Petrakis Mr. John et al, managers of soft ball teams, ad- dressed the Council protesting to the increase in entry fees from $35.00 to $50.00 for soft ball teams, to the lack of sanitary facilities at Comis- key and Rafferty fields, to the inadequate light- ing at Comiskey Field, to the placing of sand and r l i h l g ave as repa rs on t e p aying fields and the ad- ministratior, of recreation in general ....... .. 198 " 16 -.Profi'.e No. 1322 showing the proposed grade on West Third Street from Algona street to North Grand- view Avenue .. .... ......... ... .. 205 " 16 -Profile No. 1333 showing the proposed grade on Cross Street from Coates Street to Simpson Street .... 205 " 16 -Profile No. 1334 showing the proposed grade on Simp- son Street. from Fremont Avenue to the end of Simpson Street ............................. 205 May 23- Pape Al., appointed as a member of the Building Code Committee ................................. 226 ` 23- Payrolls for the month of April, 1949 .............. 227 May 31- Primary Road Extension Maintenance Contract . 233, 234, 235 June 6- -Parking .~ Intro-City Traffic Committee of the Cham- ber of Commerce with reference to the provisions of S. F. 9 passed at the recent session of the Iowa Legislature legalizing the use of seventy-five per- cent of Parking Meter revenue for the acquisition of off-street parking facilities as well as for the liquidation of any revenue bonds issued for said " purpose .......................... .. 237 6 -Parking & Intro-City Traffic Committee of the Cham- , ber of Commerce with reference to the necessity of the construction of a viaduct over, or an under- pass undrr, the railroad tracks on East Four- teenth Street, also the necessity for the covering of the B Branch Sewer at East Fifteenth and Sy- canrcre Streets ............................... 237 June 20- Payrolls for the month of May, 1949 ................ 262 June 3U -Parks Airlines, Inc., by Oliver L. Parks, recommend- ing that the City take whatever action they be- lieve appropriate and effective in order to make the wishes of the City known to the members and chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board in the matter of hearing on the agreement between Parks Airlines, Inc, and Mid-Continent Airlines, 279 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT' P " 30-Police Pension Board, certificate of tax levy • • • • • " 30-Police Retirement Board, certificate of tax levy . • • • " 30--Playground and Recreation Commoolomaintenanceetax playgrov.nd and swimming p levy " 30 --Playgro~t;id and Recreation Commission, certificate of playground improvement tax levy •; • • • • • • • • 30-Peryon Albert G., granted Cigarette Permit•...••••••• " 30-PfalagraF Ernest W., granted Cigarette Permit .. " 30-Poquette Millard and Clifford G. Harker, granted Cigar- ette Permit " 30-Page Hotel Company, granted.Cigarette Permit ... • " 30-Pankratz Ralph W., granted Cigarette Permit .. • . • • " 30-Pins Arthur W., granted Cigarette Permit . " 30-Peed Mis. Kathryn and Raymond G. Wunder, granted Cigarette Permit ' `• 30--Pusateri Michael A and Gus, granted Cigarette Permit " 30-Pfeiffer Clarence J., granted Cigarette Permit . • • • " 30-Pauly Cletus N ,granted Cigarette Permit •.. 30-Porter Alfred G., granted Cigarette Permit ....... • , • 30-Petrakis Peter, granted Cigarette Permit ............ . " 30-Pochter Charles and Ruth, granted Cigarette Permit 30-Paar Frank J., granted Cigarette Permit . .. " 30-Pusateri Frank J., granted Cigarette Permit .. " 3U-Potterveld Fred C. and Winifred S., granted Cigarette Permit ' ' ' ' 30-Pauly Cletus N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. " 30-Pochter Charles and Ruth, granted Class "B" Beer Per- ................... wit " 30-feed Kathryn and Raymond G. Wunder, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..•••••••••••~ " " '• 30-Paar Frank J. transfer of address of Class "B" Beer .............. . Permit """' 30-Pins Arthur W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. July 5-Park Board, certificate of tax levy .. • • • • • 5-Police Department,.traffic department be created and that a competitive examination be conducted for the purpose of creating an eligible, list for the position of Captain of the Traffic Division ...... . 5-Pauly eritoofJBaplkeitStreet fromvGroveland Pla a to Lawther Street " " 5-Paineof.Bl~k~ St eet f om Groveland Place or Lawther Street " 5-Prey Earl W. and Evelyn W., holders of contract, Met- tel Realty & Investment Co., title holders petition from Groveland Place tooLa they Steet a Street " 5-Playground and Recreation, appointment of the mem• hers " 5-Petrakis Jahn, appointed as a member of the Play- ground and Recreation commission for a term of three years, said term expiring July 5th, 1952 `• 5-Playground and Recreation Commission, retiring mem hers to be given a letter of thanks and apprecia tion for past services rendered ........•••.•.• July 18-Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting for Coun cil cmtsideration a plat of Brockman Sub. locates on English Lane as this plat has.been approved b~ the I'lannink and Zoning Commission ... `° 18-Payrolls for the month of June, 1949 .......... Page 279 280 260 280 290 290 290 290 291 291 291 292 292 292 292 292 293 293 293 293 294, 295 294, 296 294, 296 294, 296 295, 296 299 300 301, 302 302 309, 310 313 313 313 1 ~ 341 345 ~,: ~- ~~. ;, ~; 'ti~ INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page P " 18-Paradiso Joseph A. and Frank, granted Cigarette Per- imt ........................................ 359 July 28 -Poliomyelitis or Infantile Paralysis, Board of Health prohibiting the congregating of children the age of sixteen or younger at church services, Sunday Schools, theatres carnivals, roller skating rinks, playgrounds, parks and other places of public as- sembly as a preventive measure ....:.. ...372, 452, 453 Aug. 1 -Planning and Zoning Commission asking that a meeting be arranged between the City Council, the Plan- ning :and Zoning Commission and Mr. Hartzog, for the purpose of scrutenizing the Plan and Re- port before a public hearing is held on the Mas- " 1 ter Plan ........................... -Planning anG Zoning Commission recommending denial 413, 414 of the petition of Herman Brockman et al, re- questing the vacation of the alley which runs northward from Levi between Sullivan and Lori- mer Streets ............ 414 " 1 -Planning and Zoning Comnussion recommending the rezoning of the property at the northwest corner of Central Avenue at 32nd Street known as the Heim Brickyards .......... .. 414 " 1- -Parks Investigation Case, Docket No. 3965, report of City Manager Rhomberg that he attended, togeth- er with the City Solicitor and the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, the pre-hearing con- ference on this case held in Washington D. C. on July 18, 1949 and submitting report of the exams- Aug." 3- r . ..................... Poole Horace L. with reference to the nuisance in the 417 neighborhood caused by an outside toilet on the premises of John Kass at 839 Disney Street ..... 442 8 -Parks Investigation Case, Docket No. 3965 et al, Com- munication of M. C. Mulligan, Secretary, Civil Aer- onautics Board, Washington, D.C., submitting Or- der granting and denying leave to intervene in the matter ................ .. 443 Aug. 29- Pai•ks Investigation Case, Docket No. 3965 et al, com- munication of M. C. Mulligan, Secretary, Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D. C. submitting Order consolidating applications and denying pe- titions and motions in the matter .............. 473 " 29 -Parks Investigation Case, Docket No. 3965 et al. com• munication of Fred A. Toombs, Acting Secretary, Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington D. C sub• , . witting notice of hearing and fixing date as Sep• tember 28, 1949 in the matter .. 473 " 29 -Parics Investigation Case, Docket No. 3965 et al, com- munication of Ralph L. Wiser, Hearing Examiner , Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington D C sub- , . , witting supplemental conference report in the " 29 matter ........... -Public Healti Committee of the Dubuque Chamber of 474 Commerce conveying sincere commendations to the City Council and the Health Department for their efforts in combating the prevalence of Pol- iomyelitis in this community and calling attention to another serious health menace, namely, the large number of rats infesting some neighbor• hoods 29-Payrolls for the month of July, 1949 ..... ~............ 474 482 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page P Sept. 6- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that the petition of Mrs• John Gilligan requesting the rezoning of her property at 1065 Loras Blvd., be denied .................................... 512 6- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that the petition of Charles H. Rhomberg requesting " Rhom the rezoning of his property known as 512 berg Park," be rezoned ....................... `' 6- Planning anu 7.oning Commission, recommending the rezoning of only Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 of Heim and eliminating Lots 1 and 6 of Heim Sub. Sub . Lots 2 of 2 and 2 of 1 of 2 of M. L. 363.......... 512 " 6- Parker Howard J. and others, asking that some relief be given from the prevailing menace to public health as applying in the Rosedale Avenue sane- 522 tart' and storm sewers .....• ................•. 19- Sept Parking and lntra-City Traffic Committee of the Cham- . ber of Commerce submitting inquiry as to why no action is being taken by the Caty an providing 528 off-street parking facilities ............... • . • • " 19- Payrolls for the month of August, 1949 ............... 530 " 19- Parks Investigation Case Docket 3965 et al, City Solici- tor Kintzinger, City Manager Rhomberg and Mr. Chamber of Commerce, John A. Kerper, Secretary . authorized to attend at City expense the hearing before the Civil Aeronautics Board to be held in Washington, D: C. on September 28th, 1949 ..... 538 3- Oct Parking and fntra•City Traffic Committee of the Cham- . ber of Commerce submitting far Council consid- eration aproposed plan to divert traffic coming from the south from Locust Street at Second Street; thence east on Second Street to Iowa Street: thence north on Iowa Street to Third Street; thence east on Third Street to Central Ave- nue; and thence north on Central Avenue and further requesting the City Council to petition the State Highway Commission to make this change .............................541, 570, 589, 590 " 3 --Peters Herbert C. and others requesting that action be taken now to provide an adequate water supply with sufficient pressure for domestic purposes and sanitation and particularly for fire protec- tion in the northerly residential district with par- ticular reference to the territory aside and be- yond Linwood, including Jefferson High School, %avaer IIospital, Old Peoples Home, Academy and Sunnycrest Sanatorium .........• ............. 541 Oct. 17 -Plumbers Local No. 66, Geo. B. Davis, Secretary, advis- ing that the Local is very much interested in the disposition of the proposed water softening plant 571 17 -Palmer Mrs. John A. and others requesting the installa• tion of a street light at the corner of Rosedale Avenue and Algona Street . .... ........... 572 618 Oct. 24 -Payrolls for the month of September, 1949 ........... 583 586 24 -Petrakis John, g'rarted Cigarette Permit .......... • • • -~ i ~, 1 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page P Nov. 7--Planning and Zoning Commission submitting for Coun- ciI consideration a plat of the Annexation of 1948 , the property located on Davis Avenue and owned by the Sisters of St. Francis the plat showing the proposed extension of Windsor Avenue and which plat was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 1, 1949 ............ 7-Plat showing the widening of Davis Avenue and the ex- 600 tension of Windsor Avenue, approval of said plat ,~ d ~ e ea ~ i 7-Pusateri Frui Jngranted Class C' Beer Permit c.... 601 Nov. 14-Planning and Zuning Commission advising Council that the petition of Paul C. Wright at al requesting rezomng of certain property on Central Avenue at 30th Street has been withdraw n " 14-Plannin;~ and Zoning Commission, with reference to the 605 petition of Mr. and Mrs. John Gilligan et al, rec- ommending the extension of the present two-fam- ily area on Alta Vista Street between Loras Blvd . and Vernon Street westerly from the alley first west of Alta Vista Street to the westerly line of Levin's Addition " 14-Police Chief, salary increased to $4,800.00 to become 606 effective December 1, 1949 ............... " 14- -Plumbing inspector, salary increased to $3,900.00 to be- 6pg come effective December 1, 1949.......... " 14-Platt Street and Platt Street Extension, request of Sis- 6pg ters of St. Clara College that the name be chang- ed to ~UIazzuchelli Road ........ .........608, 614, 642 Dec. 5-Payrolls for the munth of October, 1949 ...... • . " 617 ..... 5-Pinski George r^^., excavation policy ................. " 5-Paar Frank J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 617 ........ 5-Park Hill District, Fire Chief requested to make a sur- 623 vey on the matter of the installation of a fire alarm system ............. ........... " 5-Parking Meters interfering with the driveways m front 626, 647 cf the Hendricks Feed Store and also on the east side of Locust Street between Sixth Street and Geisler Brothers, Chief of Police to make an in- vestigation and report back to the Council ...626, 647, 648 r Dec. 23-Parking Lut, p;archase of City Lots 208, 207 and the South half of ZO6 from Emily P, and Thomas M. Stampfer for the sum of $40,000.00 for said pur- e pose ................ `e 23-Payrolls for the month of November, 1949 ........... 652 654 INDEX-Book 79 ~ INDEX-Book 79 SUBJECT Page ~` 1949 SUBJECT Page, 1949 R R 30-Rawson Iiarry A. and Grace, granted Class "B" Beer Jan. 3-Riley Carl V., report of City Solicitor Kintzinger in re- .: ',, Permit ... ... ....... 294, 295 gard to the special assessment levied agunst his 7 " 30-Reisch Louis i., granted Class "B" Beer Permit . .... 294, 296 property for the improvement of Platt Street • • • • 30-Rosht;k Bros. Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 295, 296 Jan. 31-Receipts for the months of November and December, 15 ~r July 5-Rehfeldt M::,, requesting that the storm sewer condi- 1948, proof o! publication ..................... lion in the alley first north of Hazel Street from 31--Rule enacted by the City Council providing that all ~ St. Ambrose Street easterly be taken care of by the City as soon as possible .................... 299, 446 documents and papers to be submitted to e City Council for its consideration shall first be 5--Richard Lavern E. and Helen M., petition and waiver filed in the Office of the City Clerk on or before for the improvement of Balke Street from Grove- 4;00 P. M. of the day of any meeting of said Coun- land Place to Lowther Street .................. 303 cil • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 22 5-Rhomberg A. A. City Manager, appointed as ex-officio member otr the Playground and Recreation Cam- Feb. 28-Receipts for the month of January, 1949, proof of pub- mission .......... 313 81 .......................... ...................... licatron ............. . 28-Roach Levi J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 88, 8 Aug. 1-Receipts for the month of June, 1949, proof of publica- ,~ lion ......... 412 Mar. 7-Reynolds Miss .Tune et al, requesting the erection of a °° 1-Rule enacted by the City Council providing that any light at the intersection of Groveland Place and '~' and all docurents and papers referred to any offi- Burden Avenue or alternate petition for the erec- lion of a street light at the intersection of Argyle ciao;, Department or department head for investi- "l gation and report, that said report must be made Stree, and Groveland Place ..............•.••• 94, 143 zi;; in writing, unless otherwise specified and must Mar. 2]-Rittenhouse Charles R., Notice of Claim ........ • • • • • • 115, 204 ~ be filed m the office of the City Clerk not later ~~,. than 4:U0 P. M, of the day that the City Council April 4-Russo Romolo N. sworn in as Councilman for the term 151 ~ ~ will meet ..... 424, 425 commencing the first Monday in April, 1949. °' 4 -Rhomberg A. A., appointed City Manager and fixing his 151 ~ Aug. 29-Rhomberg Charles H., requestingg the rezoning of his bond • • • • • • • • • ~ ~ '~;: roperty known as "Rhomberg Park" on Rhom- 4-Receipts fo: tho month of February, 1949, proof of pub- ~ berg Avenue just southeast of Shiras Avenue to licatron ...................... • • • • • . • ~ • • • ~ • 155 ;~ Multiple Family Classification .....475, 512, 536, 554, 583 166, 616 29-Roshon John F. and others, taxpayers and all owners April 18---P~eynolds lliarie A., Notice of Claim .. • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • of corner real property adjoining East 14th 18-Rhomberg Albin A., City Manager, bond ............. 173 Street, objecting to the proposed erection of a via- l-Receipts fer the month of March, 1949 proof of publi• duct or overhead pass to be constructed on East May 183 Fourteenth Street ............................ 475, 476 '~ 2-Rod and Gun Club of Dubuque, granted Class "B" Beer cation ~ Sept. 6-Receipts for the month of July, 1949, proof of publica- Permit for Private Club ..........•••.••••••••. 190, 191 ( ,•, lion 511 NIay 16-Railroad Companies be notified to repair their crossings Oct. 3-Regad E. D ,Colonel, Ord. Dept. Commanding, with ref- on 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 22nd and 24th ; erence ±o establishing a mutual agreement for Street, and also the crossing at Garfield Ave.... 208 fire protectioi. between the City of Dubuque Fire May 23-Renewal of Government Lease for Naval Reserve Arm- Department and the Savanna Ordinance Depot • ...................... 217, 218 ': Fire Department ............................. 540, 572 orY • • • • • • • • ~ ~ ' ' ' ' 3-Receipts for the month of August, 1949, proof of publi- " 23-Rossite: Paul, appointed as a member of the Building F :' "•. ....• 22B r.. cation .................................. .. 541 Code Committee .......... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3-Re-routing of highways, proposed plan to divert traffic June 8-Receipts for the month of April, 1949, proof of publi- 24U l~`` cometg from the south from Locust Street at ..••••• ,;,., Second Street; thence east on Second Street to canon .............................. ~;{ Iowa Street; thence north on Iowa Street to Third June 20-Receipts for the month of May, 1949, proof of publica: 256 Street- thence east on Third Street to Central lion ... •••••••••••••••••••~~~~•~ " ' ~ ; Avenue; and thence north on Central Avenue 541, 570, 586, Jane 30--Roach Levi J., granted Cigarette Permit ..•~~•• •••••• 290 3-Rogan A1, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..~........~ 545, 546 30--Roshek Bros. Company, granted Cigarette Permit ..... ~~ 't° " 30-Rod and Gun Club, granted Cigarette Permit . . ~ ;, Oct. 17-Roberts R. C., Manager of Armour & Co., addressed the " 30-Rawson Harry A. and Grace, granted Cigarette Permit 291 ~ Council objecting to the re-routing of highways 30--Ruegnitz B. A., granted Cigarette Permit ........::;: 292 over Second Street from Locust Street to Iowa °° 30-Rogan Al, grauied Cigarette Permit ............. Street anu on Iowa Street to Third Street and '° 30-Ragatz Gea. Jr., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 292 1 ~ Third Street to Central Avenue ............... 570 30-Ring Louis, granted Cigarette Permrt ................ 292 17 -Receipts for the month of September, 1949, proof of '° 30-Ring Louis and Keuneth, granted Cigarette Permit .... 292 publication ..•........•.....• ............... 582 " 30-Reisch Louis L., granted Cigarette Pernut ........... • 293 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT R Nov << << Nov. Dec. ~~ 7-Re-routing of Highways 52, 151, 61 and Primary No. 3, report ~cbmitted by Attorney Louis F. Fautsch, representing Central Avenue Business District Council. Attorney M. H. Cizzek, representing the Parking and Intro-City Traffic Committee of the Chamber cf Commerce, Attorney. Robert Kenline, representing St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Attor• ney Frark D. Galloon and Citizen J. W. Lundin, for the re-routing of said Highways from Locust Street at Fourth Street, thence East on Fourth traleAvense,nand Southeboundctraffichto travel the same route, also that traffic lights be installed at Fourth and Locust Streets, Fourth and Central Avenue, and that Fourth Street from Locust to Central Avenue be made a no-parking boulevard • 7-Rhomberg Charles H., requesting that the City Coun- cil indicate its desire to co-operate in having a water main laid within five feet from the back of Rhomberg Park between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenges and Stanton and Shiras Streets and also to provide suitable street paving on Garfield Ave- nue, Stanton Street and Shu'as Avenue abutting the sides of the Rhomberg Park property 7-Riley Jamesr City Manager recommending that the City Council grant the request of James Riley for per- mission to connect to the sanitary sewer m Lom- bard Street under the terms of Ordinance No. 30 - 41 .. 7-Reiter Eldon, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 14-Radlo~o the c'ondlltiontofethe retaining wall in the rear of 1165 High Bluff Street ...•••••••••••••••••• 5--Russo Romolo N. Councilman, appointed to represent the City of Dubuque on,the Board of Directors of the Dubuque Community Chest 5-Receipts for the month of October, 1949, proof of publi- cation • • • • " " " " INDEX-Book 79 Page 1949 SUBJECT Page ~ ' Jan 3- St. Mary's Orphan Home, fire protection agreement ... 4, 5 Jan. 31- -St. Clara College, requesting permission to construct a sanitary sewer in Peabody Street and in Dodge Street ................................. 10, 11, 26, 27 " 31 -Schwartz Lawrence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 18, 19 >~`'; Feb. 7 -Schaller Milton et al, property owners and residents _ _ in the neighborhood of Adair Street, requesting ` the extension of the storm sewer in Adair Street ;; from Filmore Street to Rosedale Avenue ....... 24 " 7 -Snow removal machine, recommendation of City Man- B ' ' alter lomberg that bids be solicited for the pur- h f y ~ " 7 c ase o :ame ............................. 29, 76, 100 -Sanitary sewers and appurtenances to construct in 589, 590 ~~ Bradley Street Sewer District as delimited by Ordinance No 32 48 43 44 45 46 65 66 67 68 69 612 . . , , , , , , , , , 70, 71, 72, 107, 145, 146, 159, 417, 418, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460, 513, 514, 539, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561 ~; [ • • . • .. ...........562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 590, 602, 606 Feb. 28 -Spielman Mrs. Donald, Notice of Claim .............. 76, 117 " 28 -Storm sewerage system to construct in Hillcrest An- nexation ...... 87, 88, 112, 113, 114, 164, 165, 189, 265 591 28 -Stangl Mrs. Jean, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 88, 89 Mar• 7- State Comptroller, R. N. Johnson approval of resolution , and application for the transfer of the amount of $28,142.44 from the Emergency Fund to the Con- 599 solidated Fund ... ...... ...... 95 601 7 -Stetmore Street (West Side) from the north property line of Theisen Street to the south property line of Lombard Street, improvement of 101, 102, 129, 130, 131 `' ..................163, 188, 189, 283, 284, 385, 386, 387 604, 625 ~~ 7- -Stangl Mrs. Jean, granted Cigarette Permit ........ , . 104 ~° `' 7 -Scherrer Charles C., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 104 Mar. 14- Stree± Allen, Mayor, Oklahoma City, Okla., extending 612 ` invitation to the Mayor and Planning Commission to attend the National Citizens Conference on B14 t' Community Planning to be held in Oklahoma City, .; March 27-30 ................................. 107 $ Mar. 21- -Steckline Arthur et al requesting the vacation of Paul Street From Lowell Street to Klingenberg Ter- race ..................................116, 144, 187 Mar. 28- Scheppel~ Clyde, in regard to the construction of a k prefabricated steel home on South Grandview Avenue next to Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Hollywood i f Heights .................................... 134 " 28 -Street Construction Fund, permanent transfer of the amount of $25,000.00 from said fund into the Air- ' Port Fund ..............•............... 142, 152, 153 ~: April 4- Shea J. J. appointed City Clerk and fixing his bond ... 151 April 18- Shea J. J., City Clerk, bond ......................... 173 '` 18 -Savory Rayond A., Parking Meter Maintenance Man • and Collector, bond ........................... 173 - 18 -Sanitary Sewer .n Windsor Avenue from Lowther Ave- nue northerly to Davis Street construction of said sewer by the Sisters of St. Francis ......174, 230, 231 INDEX-Book 79 INDEX--Book 79 Page 1949 SUBJECT Page SUBJECT 1949 y S _ S 3D-Scherrer Charles C., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 291 2-Simpson Street (north side) from the west property line st property fine of May 30-Shetler Lester and Sylvester, granted Cigarette Permit 30-Sand Frank and Elsie, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 291 291 of Fremont Avenue to the ea Cross Street, improvement of 193, 4 0~ 461, 462, 463, 464 419 9 F 30-Solomon Jack, granted Cigarette Perrmt ............ granted Cigarette Permit ... 30-Starnpfer Company J. F 292 292 , , , • ..28 241 • ' ' • • • • • • ~ 199 , 30--Steffen Clifford and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit .. 292 , May 16-Street to open •from Primrose Street to Kane Street• ; • • Manag T Cit ht e t t 30--Schwartz Vincent B., granted Cigarette Permit ....... 30-Smith Barry J., granted Ctgarette Permit ....... ... 292 292 Co~mt y s, in- " 16-Stop and Go fig SSion for h the Iowa State•Highway llation of said fights at the intersection of Lo- 208 232 t 30-Spielman J. Louis and Susan, granted Cigarette Permit •4 :.' 30-Snyder Charles T. and Elsie, granted Cigarette Per- 292 s a cuat and Dodge Streets ..................... 231 "y, ,~ mtt ... . .... ............. ........ ... .~~ 30-Scherer (gorge J. and Emma, granted Cigarette Per- 292 May 31-SchroedeR Rev. Karlrreappotinted as a member of the f the Public Library for a term 232 mit .... . .... . ..... .... ....... 30-Schneider Joseph C., granted Cigarette Permit ....... arette Permit ranted Ct ce h t 30--S L 292 292 293 Board of Trustees o of six years, said term expiring July 1,1955 .. • • • ....... g awren , g ~ c war z " 30-Schuster Donald W., granted Ctgarette Permit ........ 293 Extension Home Econo- June 6-Stewart M. Lois Reid, County sue a Proclamation i 30-Schmit Anthony, granted Cigarette Permit ........... 30-Stangl Mrs. Jeati, granted Cigarette Permit ... , ....... 293 293 s mist, asking that the Mayor designating June 15th, 1949 as 4H Bays and Girls 238 d ~ ~••• l °° 30-Sullivan Robt. E., granted Cigarette Permit .......... <' 30-Schaller Mildred M. and Clara R,, granted Cigarette ~ 293 ...•• an Day in Dubuque and Dubuque- " 6-Shetler Lester and Sylvester, granted Class "B" Beer 244, 245 ...... Permit •• ••••••• 30-Savory William and Viola, granted Class "B" Beer Per- 293 Permit ....• '° 6-Sanitary sewer to construct in the CherryGreen sewer 245 246, 24 12 mit ......... ........... ....... °' 30-Sand ~41ike and Marie, granted•Class "B" Beer Permit . " ~ " 294, 295 294, 295 , 74, 322, 323, 3 District as dehm269 2~0 271272 273 .. 247, 248, 421, 620, 621 Beer Per- B , 30-Steffen Clifford ana Helen, granted Class ~. mit ... ... ..... .•.•.... ... .. .•.. 294, 295 6-Sanitary sewer• io construct in Dillon Street from the ,~ d running westerly on 30-Sadler Leo M, ana Dorothy, granted Class "B" Beer '' Pernut ........... ...................... " 294, 295 manhole m State Street an t the center line of the alley first south of th b Beer '° 30-Scherer George J. and Emma, granted Class "B ; P rmit 294 295 e ou or a Curtis Street for 391 feet to M. H. No. 2 at Dillon Street, thence southerly along of th t , ............. • ..... .. e °' 30-Sand Frank and Elsie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . , 294, 296 . e er cen the center line of Dillon Street for 457 feet to 276, 2 275 250 9 0 9 ' July 5-Sauer Eldon and Florence, requesting the vacation and , , , , 55 terminal point 24 , 548, 54 547 531 conve;~ance of the alley bounded on the west by , .........••••••••••••••••" "; Lots i4 to 28 both inclusive and oa the east by June 20-Sippleliave the sewer extgended toasetve hisolots oon Mea• 255, 300 the ~~est half of Lots 29 to 32 both inclusive, all in South Avenue Addition .................... 299 dcw Lane • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • • ~ • • • uesting the rezoning of re h 5-Schueller Russell A., petition and waiver for the im- provernent of Balke Street from Groveland Place q ers " 20--Schaller Louis ana ot ses on Lombard Avenue to local business dts- T- to I,awther Street ............................ 305, 306 premi order that a grocery store may be pe 255 trtct in 5-Stelken Bernard M., petition and waiver for the im- , mitted mthis vicinity • • • • • • • ~ • • • • ~ ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • ' d Go lighta authorized to be installed at the 26S prove;i,ent of Balke 6treet from Groveland Place ' to La4vther Street ............................ 307, 308 20-Stop an intersection of 12th and Main Streets • • • • • • • • • • • " 5-Stierman Virginia R. and Robert F., petition and waiver e 30-Scharff Mr. and Mrs. Charles J., and others, requesting d and 4th Streets 3 J far tits Improvement of Balke Street #rom Grove- _ land Place to Lowther Street .................. 310, 311 un r that Bluff Street between 278, 341, 342 •••~• basts . two hour parktng " S--Schneider irirs. Grace, appointed as a member of the i i f , • placed on a 30-Stop signs ordered erected at the intersection of First 283 on or a Play;rcund and Recreation Comm ss term of three years, said term expiring July 5, and Main Streets .~•• ~ eState Hi~hwaY " 30-Seven AI t e 1952 ....................................... 313 owa the to petition s structed ion to install a setm-actu- i July 18--Shiloh Circle No. 37 Ladies of the Grand Army of the ss Commission for perm d light at this intersection ......•...•••••••• ~gp t i { Repablic requesting permission to hold a tag day on September 10th, 1949 ...................... 327 e a t • • • • • • ~ " 30-Sand Mike and Marie, granted Cigarette Perm nted Ctgarette Permit ; • • • • • ~ • • • 290 " 18-Stierman ~;tnie calling the attention of the City Council • ~' 30-Schaetzle 3oltn, gra " 30-Seeley Ga91on C., granted Cigarette Permit .... .. 290 ranted Cigarette Permit J to a situation which exists at the north end of , Foye Street where it intersects with Napier ., g " 30-Scherr Ileary J. ana James 291 " 30--Savory William anu Viola, grranted Cgarett PPetrnmit . 290 dler Leo M. and Dorothy, g S °` ~_ Strect ..................................328, 18-Senate File 163, enacted by the General Assembly of i f h b d 445, 446 a 30- 30-Syke Raymond, granted Ctgarette Permit ' 'rant- d Ferdinand W. Kenntker, g 1 ar- th re erence to t e oun the State of Iowa w ies ,if School Districts ........................ 328 29 ..... 30-Siege Joseph J. Jr. an ed Cigarette Permit ........•••••••••~••••• , '~ INDEX-Book 79 INDEX-Book 79 Page SUBJECT 1949 SUBJECT Page 1949 S S " 18-Sanitary sewer to construct in Balke, Link, Brunswick " 19-Spielman J. Louis and Susan, requesting a refund an the unexpired portion of their Cigarette Permit and Strauss Streets 361, 362, 363, 425, 426, 427, 428, 469, ...470, 515, 597, 598, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637 No. 186. ...... ..... ............. ~~ ~° 19-Schueller Russell A., granted Cigarette Permit .... .. 529 537 " 18-Sanitary Sewer to construct in Ungs, Hoyt, Hazel 429, 430, 431, 470, 471,- 428 365 364 363 t " 19--Schu~iler Russell A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. . " 19-Spielman J. Louis and Susan, transfer of address of 537, 538 , , , , s, etc., .. Stree ............................ 515, 516 Class <.B~, Beer Permit ........................ 537, 538 ...... °' 18-Sanitary newer to construct in Lincoln Avenue from manhole at the intersection of Lin- i ti ~ Oct. 3--Siege Joseph J. Jr, and Ferdinand W Kenniker, granted " " 546 545 ng s the ex coin a:.d Rhomberg Avenues to a point 296.3 feet Beer Permit ........................ Class C , west and also in Rhomberg Avenue from the cen- 17--Schumacher George E., objecting to the re-routing of Oct ter li~~e of Lincoln Avenue to a point 184 feet 597, 596 516 472 471 434 . highways over Second Street from Locust Street ~ , , , , , north .. 365, 366, 432, 433, .. 637, 638, 639, 640 ........................... ~ to Iow2 Street and on Iowa Street to Third Street , ,.r;. and on Tliird Street from Iowa Street to Central ..... 1S-Storm server to construct in Adair Street from the end of the existing storm sewer to the existing storm ~ Avenue ...... .......... ~,+ 17-Stallsmith Floyd L., Notice of Claim .........571, 594, 570 617, 618 sewer in Rosedale Avenue 367, 368, 439, 440, 441, 484, 619 Nov. 7-St. Patrick's Catholic Church, with reference to the Aug. 1-Secretary oI State, Melvin D. Synhorst, acknowledging receipi of the transcript of tihe Council Proceed- ~ re-routing of Highways 52, 151 and 61 also Pri- mart' head No. 3 from Locust Street at Fourth ings of Ir'ovember 29, 1948 together with a plat 4 Street, thence East on Fourth Street to Central in co,mection with the annexation of territory to tLc City of Dubuque, Iowa .................. 408 Avenue, thence north on Central Avenue and that ~ South bound traffic travel the same route ...... 589, 590 " 1-St. Anthony's Parish stating that any objection on their part to the rezoning of the area bounded by 5em- 7-Scholz Louis, City Garage employee, City Manager Rhomberg recommending that the City Council h D J t f t i insry Street, Ambrose Street, Rosedale Avenue nd Avoca Streets to Multiple Residence classifi- o r. osep warran s ssuance o authorize the ~ W. Lawrence in the amount of $92.98, to Dr. Don- a 414 cation has been removed .....•••••,••••••••••• ranted Cigarette Permit _ . • • • 423 l P " old C. Conzett in the amount of $113.00 and to Finley Hospital in the amount of $340.77 as set- , g au 1-Schollmeyer " 1-Schollmeyer Paul, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... 423, 424 ranted Class "C" Beer Permit .. 423, 424 t B i tlemeirt of the balance of unpaid bills due to an acciilcnt suffered by the said Louis Scholz at the ., g i:cen 1-Schwartz V City Garage when he was struck by a truck while 8-Shaffer Mss. and others addressed the Council with Aug engaged in filling the truck with gasoline ...... 594, 595 . reference to the dangerous condition now exist- ing at the end of Mt. Loretta Avenue and request- Nov. 14-Supt. of vYater Works, salary increased to $6,600.00 to 608 ing that action be taken at once to eliminate this ~ become effective December 1, 1949 ............ F 14-Street Commissioner, salary increased to $4,200.00 to dangerous condition ........................ • 8-Sanitary Inspector Klein, report on the condition of vault of John Kass at 839 Disney riv id t become effective December 1, 1949 ............ 14-Sisters of St. Clara College, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin, by 608 ~ y e p ou s Street ••••••••••••••••••••••~•" " " " Francis J. O'Connor, Attorney, requesting that ••••• the came of Platt Street and Platt Street Exten- 29-Salz A. L., objecting to the proposed assessment to be Aug sion be changed to Mazzuchelli Road ........408, 614, 642 . levied against his property for the Bradley Street 455 Dec. 5-Snyder Charles T• and Elsie, granted Class "B" Beer Sewer " 29--Scherer George J. and Emma, revocation of their Class 481 480 Permit ................. ... ... " 5-Shiras Street from the south property line of Rhom- 623 , "B" Beer Permit ............ .. °' 29-Spielman J. Louis and Susan, granted Class "B" Beer • • `187, 488 berg Avenue to the north property line of Gar- field Avenue, improvement of ........ ........ 624, 625 Permit 29-Seeley Gaylen C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... • • • 487, 488 nue (east side) from the end of the exist- A " 5-Stanton Street from the north property line of Gan fief Avenue to the south property line of Rhom- ve 29-Southern ing curb located approximately 500 feet south of berg Avenue, improvement of ................. 624, 625 the centerline of Dunleith Street to a point 600 feet south improvement of .................488, 489, 490, • . • • , • , , , • , ... , .......523, 524, 525, 555, 585, 586, 619, 620 Sept. 6-Scherer James H., granted Cigarette Permit ... • • • • • • • 520 granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 520, 521 herer James H 6-S ., c °° 6--Scherer Theodore addressed the Council with refer- ence to the recent revocation of Class "B" Beer Permits by the City Council ................. • • • 521 , Sept. 19-Scherportiorr of his C garette permit Non 199 unexpired 529 ±~ ~' INDEX-Book 79 ._ _ e' INDEX-Book 79 _ 1949 SUBJECT Page 1949 SUBJECT . - Page T T - Jan. 31- -The Dubuque Municipal Airport, allocation of addition- f l d d May 31-The Key City Gas Company, submitting annual re ort o s an approva al Federal Aid Airport fun - for the calendar year of 1948 p plans, :,pecifications and supporting documents ............. ... 231 and authorizing the advertising for CAA Project June 6-The Dubuque Municipal Airport Administration Build- " 31 No. 9-13.020-902 . ..... . .........12, 13, 108, 109, canstruc• `Munici al Air ort Access Road -Th Dubu u 110, 141 ing, acceptance of contract of H, B. McCarten for the plam„mg and h ti p , q p e e ea ng work ........ . . . . . . . . 243 tion of .........19, 20, 73, 74, 75, 108, 109, 110, 141, 596 6-The Travelers Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Feb. 7-The Key City Gas Company, excavation bond ......... 29 Private Club ......................... ...... 245 " 7- -Tressa Street from the east property line of Esther June 20-Traffi2 to channel at the intersections of 8th and Lo• Stree~ to the west property lrne of McI.enan Street, improvement of ..32, 33, 48, 49, 50, 147, 160, 266, cuss otreets, 6th and Locust Streets, 12th and '-, Main Streets and 14th and Central Avenues ..... 265 ..............:.........................319, 320, 321 June 30-Thrifty Food Market and others requesting two hour Feb. 28 -The Key City Gas Company, submitting Revenue and parktng restrictions on White Street from East Expense Statement covering gas operations for 10th atreet to East 12th Street ................. 279 342 the full 12 months of 1948 and also submitting 30--Thompson Jchn M, and Clarence E., granted Cigarette , a revieed rate schedule covering a flat 20 percent Permit .................. 290 increase .............80, 93, 106, 112, 134, 135, 136, 137 30-Tenenbcm'a Super Market Inc., granted Cigarette Per• ~ ' " 28 -Tressa Street from the east property line of Esther Street to the end of Tressa Street, grade of ...... 86, 98 mil ........... . . . ..... , , , , , , , , , , , . 30-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Te C 290 Mar. 7- Thill Mrs. Nick, Notice of Claim . ................ 94 a o., granted Cigar- ~ ette Permit ........... , . , .. , ... , . , . , , 290 Mar. 21- The Dubuque Bcat Club re uestin q g permission to use 30--Trapp Arthur J., granted Cigarette Permit ......... , , ;> 30-Triangh Cafe, granted Cigarette Permit 291 the IJagle Point River Front for the holding of professional boat races on July 17th, 1949 ...... 115, 145 ..... . .. . . . . . 30-Torrey Hdnr g Y, ;ranted Ci arette Permit ............. 291 292 " 21 -The Dubuque Humane Soeiety asking the City Council 30-Thompson Frank W, and John F., granted Cigarette Permii to consider making a donation of $75.00 a month for acrvires rendered for the care of and preven• 1 ..................... ..,..,. ~~ 30-Tranel Zeno A., granted Cigarette Permit ~ ~ . ~ 3U-Tench Johu F and Vince t W M 292 293 tion of cruelty to animals ..................... 1 5 , n . escher, granted Cig- arettc Permit April 4 -The Telebraph•llerald newspaper appointed as the of• ............................ L ~~ 30-The Hollywood Grill, granted Cigarette Permit 293 2g3 ficial):ewspaper of the City of Dubuque ........ 152 ....... 30-The Rex Club, granted Cigarette Permit ......... 293 " 4-The Dubuque Municipal Airport, the Dubuque Bank ' .... 30-The Kroger Company, granted Cigarette Permit .. 293 and ,.rust Co, designated depository to receive .... 30-Thompson John M. and Clarence E., granted Class "B" pubh~ funds #or Federal Airport Project, Unit Beer Perrnit .. .............................. 294 295 No. 2 ...................................... 16l . 30-The Rex Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Pri• , April 18 -The United States Conference of Mayors, in regard to vale Club .................... ............... 30-~Thompso:r Fra~rh W, and John F. granted Class "C" 295, 296 the new Rent Control Act as the same applies to t l l 166 , Berr Permit ..............•,,,, 295 296 government ............. . ...... e or oca a sla ,,,,,,,., , " 18-Tschfrgi Euward M., City Treasurer, bond ........... , 173 July 5-Traffic De p part,nenl to be created in the Police De art- ment and that a competitive examination be con• May 2- Takos Peter J., requesting a building permit for the ducted for the purpose of creating an eligible ~' erection cf a Lustron Home ................... 179 list for she position of Captain of the Traffic Divi• 2- Terris Stanley and others, submitting objections to the proposed bus route changes on the Cleveland, 5-Tarkett Laverne W. and Marie A, ~ etition and waiver p 300 Grandview Avenue and Fremont bus schedule ... 180, 205 for thu im provement of Balke Street from Grove• " 2 -The Kragtr Company, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 190 land Place to Lawther street .................. 306, 307 " 'l -The Kroger Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 190, 191 July 18--The United States Conference of Mayors by Paul V , . Betters, Executive Director, submitting text of th May 16 " -Tucker Mrs. Nellie, Notice of Claim ............. ... 199, 233 e new slum clearance and housing law .... 32g 16 -The Key City Gas Company, Plaintiff; vs, Mancini Ven- ...... 18-Toepel Wn;. V., appointed as a member of the Board trel~a & Sons, Joseph Ventrella, Angelo D. Ven- of Review for a term of four years commen i irel.a, De:endants, City of Dubuque, Iowa, Third c ng in 1951 and through the year 1953 ...... 339 Party, Defendant, Original Notice of Suit ....199, 574, 575 ........ 18-The Dubuque Municipal Airport Administration Build- May 23- The Dubuque,Municipal Airport Terminal Administra- -ng, Payment of liquidated damages for failure of the contractors to complete the project ithi lion Building, acceptance of the contract of the w n the specified period wauved and the Ci il A Wicacs 1•:ngineermg Construction Company for the construction of said building ......'........ 229 v eron- antics Administration notified of this action b being furnished two copies of thi l y s reso ution ... 359 ~ INDEX-Book 79 INDEX-Book 79 ~ • - SUBJECT Page - 1949 S[JBJECT Page 1949 ~~ U T " 18-Tu~nquist Fogging Service, awarded contract for the Jan. ~ ~ 3--United States Conference of Mayors, advising that the Annual Conference will be held in Washington, fogginb cf alleys rn an amount not to exceed 371 D. C. on March 21.23, 1949 .................... 3 $1,`L`15.00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' fi 3-United Cigar-Whelan Stores Corporation, requesting a Aug 1-Tax levies fur tl'ie year 1949 established .............. 374 refund on the unexpired portion of their Cigar- ette Permit No. 98 ............................ 3 . 1-The Key City Gas Company, submitting a, copy of Ar• thur Andersen's report on calculatrons of Fuel Feb. 28-University of Dubuque requesting permission to desig- Claasc Adjustment as of June 30, 1949 ......... 408 '; pate tie alley first west of University Avenue be• Aug. 8-Tsacudakis Nick, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 449 iwezn Algona and Auburn Streets as Campus Lane ....................................... 79 Aug. 29-Turnquist Ed., objecting to the proposed assessment to inst h>s property for the Bradley d May 16-Ulish Frank B., Field Director, Division of Safety Edu- ti D t aga be lcvre 455 ~~~ ca on, epar ment of Public Safety, Des Moines, .... Street Sewer .............•••••••••••••••• al Clerks extend- nici M f Cit ~ + Iowa, advising that Dubuque won a Second Place p u y 29-The Natio,ral Institute o invitation to the City of Dubuque to become i Award in the 1948 Traffic Contest ............. 199 ng affiliated with the organrzatron ............•••• 473 ~ June 6--Uppinghoeise A. R. and Philomenia, granted Class "B" Sept. • 6-Trumm Alocrt A., granted Cigarette Permrt ... 520 ~ Beer ler.•trit ................................. 244, 245 " June 30-Uppinghouse A. R• and Philomenia, granted Cigarette Sept. Beer Per- 19-Tenenl;om Super Market, granted Class "C . 537, 538 ~ Permit .................................... 290 " mit .. granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Pri- 19--The Oasis Club July 18-Ungs, Hoyt, Hazel Streets, etc., sanitary sewer to con• , vate Club ........................... • • • • • • • • • 537, 538 ;; struct 363, 364, 365, 428, 429, 430, 431, 470, 471, 515, 516 Oct 3-The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., granted Class Sept. 6-Union League Ciub, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for • "C" Beer Permit ..... ....................... 545, 546 Private Clab ...,........'..................... 520, 601 Nov 7--The Key City Gas Company submitting audited, copy Oct. 17-United States Conference of Mayors advising that the . of calculations of Fuel Clause Adjustment rn ac• 159 Annual Conference of Mayors will be held cordaace with provisions of Ordinance No. 10.49. 593 in New York City sometime after the first of the 7-The Victory Cl;ab, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for 601 year ....................................... 571 Private Club ...........................••.••• ~ Nov. 14-Ujlaky Aibert and Bettie, re uestin q g permission to Nov 14-Thomas Plrs. Dadley with reference to the city ordin- erect a Lustron Home in the new John Deere . anc~ ti~hich allows the keeping• of cows, pigs, 603 area m West Dubuque ......................... 604 sheep, chickens, etc. in the City hmrts .......... Dec. 5-Teeling Vincent, granted Cigarette Permit ........... granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 5-Teeling Vincent 622 623 " , 5-The Page Ilotel, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 623 INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page V F'eb. 7-Valleyview F~oad from the west property line of Morn- east property hne of Avalon th d t e o rngvi~w Roa Road, improvement of ... 35, 36, 53, 54, 55, 147, 148, 160 •.,,....,... 28B, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407 Feb. 28-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Military Order of Cooties, lication for a permrt to hold a carnival a ki pp ng ma or. Jane 20th to 25th, 1949 .............•••••••• 80 May 2-Vrotsos G~;orge Z', and Spiros D. Coven, granted Class 191 190 ..B,. Beer Permrt ........................... " 2-Van Duelman Carl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... , 190, 191 May 23--Voelker Cnris., appointed as a member of the Building 226 Code Committee ....•••••~••••••••• June 6-Volunp mrU ionmo h ld atag day on June ~25thU1949 g 238 er June 30-Veterans of Foreign Wars Club, granted Cigarette Per- 209 mrt • o l a r l ~1 Cigar- granted McMann Sophia and iVluelen 30-Van der ~~ 291 ette Permit ....... .. 30-Vrotsos George T, and Spiros D. Coven, granted Cigar- 291 .................. ette Pcrmrt " " " " " " • " 30-Victory Club, granted Cigarette Permit .. • • • • • 292 293 " 30--Vincent Myron C., granted Cigarette Permit .........• " 30-Van der ~Ieulen Wm. and Sophia McMann, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......... • .. • 30-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer 294, 295 Permit for Private Club ..................... 294, 296 Aug. 29-Veterans of Y'oreign Wars requesting permission to hold al Poppy Sale on Friday evening, Sep- i r annu the tember 23rd and Saturday September 24th, 1950 474 Uct. 17-Veterans of Foreign Wars,, Leo A. Schwind Post No. lrcatron for the waiving of any ki ng app 508, ris and all fees or licenses required by the Crty for the sponsoring of an annual magazine subscnp. . 572 606 tion sale .................................. Dec. 5-Vernor Richard E., Chairman, Fire Department Instruc- tors Conference, extending invitation to Fire Chief to attend the Annual Fue Department in- stru~tors Conference to be held in Memphis, Jan- 612 nary J•13, 1950 ............................... INDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT Page W Jan. 3- Waller Ausim C., resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed convey- ing astrip in the center of Block 8 in Dubuque Harbor Co's Addition and Lot A of Block 8 in Dubuque Harbor Co's Addition .............. 1, 2 " 3 -West 12th Street extended as a boulevard from the East side of Main Street to the East side of Lo• cost Street, recommendation of Chief of Police Strub .. .................................6, 1 5, 27, 28' Jan. 31- Wiedner ;wars. Helen, Notice of Claim . ... ......... 12 31 -Wharton Alberi, revocation of Power of Attorney ... 13 " 31 -Wickes Engineering & Construction Co., requesting an extension of 60 days time for the completion of their contract for -the construction of the Termin• al Administration Building at The Dubuque Muni- cipal ~luport ........... ....... ... .. 15, 84 " 31 -1Vater softening plant, recommendation of the Plan- . ning and 'Coning Commission approving of the site, plans and architectural features ........... 1B Feb. 7- Winters Delton E., Notice of Claim ... .. 24, 99 " 7 -Winters Delton E., father and guardian of Sheryl Lynn Winters, Notice of Claim ..................... 24, 99 Feb. 28- Walker Edward et al submitting written protests to the proposal to build curb and gutters on Tressa Street and on Esther Street . ... ..... 48 " 28 -Werwinskr I. K., in regard to General Pulaski's Memor- ial Day ...................................... 78 " 28 -Weiler Robert A, and Melvin D. Harms, requesting the vacation cf the alley between Lots 28 of 29 of O'Neiii's Riverview Addition and Lot 112 of Bel- mont Addition, which alley lies between Bruns- wick Street and Burden Avenue from O'Neill Street to the alley between Edith Street and O'Nciil Street ...:..............:............. 80, 188 " 28- Water Department employees requesting an increase in wages and also a 40 hour work week ......... 80 28- 1Vright Roy A. and Esther, granted Class "B" Beer Per• mrt ........................................ 88, 89 " 28- Wolfe Rev. J. M., reappointed as a member of the Board of Adjustment For a term of five years, said term expiriug March 5th, 1954 ...................... 90 Mar. 7- Wathier Niels F, and Marie A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................... 104, 105 " 7-Weiner Sylvester and Dolores, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................... 104, 105 Mar. 14 - Wilberding Arthur, requesting the City Council to re• fuse any raise whatsoever to The Key City Gas Company for household heating ................ 106 Mar. 11- " 14- Williams Karl Notice of Claim ...................... Wei F h l ~ " " 106, 185 g t au ., granted Class C Beer Permit ....... 108 Mar. 21- Whittingtau Fra;~k L., stating that if a Storm sewer was exteuded in Adair Street and the street opened that rt would open up at least 21 low cost lots for public use ................................ 115, 143 Mar. 28- Walsh Joseph F, and Adele, granted Class "B" Beer Peruut ..........:......................... 149 INDEX-Book 79 1949 Page SUBJECT W April 4-Welu Clarence P., sworn in as Councilman for the term commencing the first Monday in April, 1949.... 151 4-Wharton, (,runcilman Albert, elected Mayor for the 151 ensuing fiscal year ...........•••••••••••••••~ 4-Wharton Mayor Albert, sworn in as Mayor for the en• 151 suing final year ........ . . " 4-Wharton Mayor Albert, swore in the newly appointed Rhomberg, City Sol• officers, City Manager A. A. . icitor John J. Kintzinger, City Clerk J. J, Shea, 151 Police Judge John C. Oberhausen " 4-White William J. granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 161, 162 April 18--Wickes Engineering Construction Co„ submitting for files a Maintenance Bond issued by the Cit y Johns•Manville Company covering roofing and sheet metal installed by the Geisler Brothers Company at the Terminal Administration Build- 160 ing at Dubuque Municipal Airport ............. 18-WeidenbacliEr Donald, granted permission to extend a six inch sewer northerly in Laurel Street from the present manhole in the intersection of Laurel and Cannon Streets a distance of 75 feet ........ 174, 175 May 2--Weber Merlyn L:, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... g „, 2-Winders R. Danel, ranted Class C' Beer Permit . .. t Third Street from the east property line of Al- " 2 W 190, 191 190, 191 - es gona Street to the west property line of Grand• 192, 210, 211, 212, 252,- rovement of 191 im ue A , p , ven view . .288, 531, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554 " 2-Water Softening Plant, plans and specifications sub- 196 mitted for. Council consideration ............... Niay 16-Wingr, Hiram A. and others, property owners, asking that a sanitary sewer be constructed in Hoyt and Ungs street area to serve their properties , ..... 199 May 23--Wicks Engineering & Construction Company accept- anrc of their contract for the construction of the Terr-,rnal Administration Building at The Du- 229 bugiie Municipal Airport ..............•,.••••• May 31-WolfePlan~ggo~ d Zoning Commission formaetermtof five years, said term expiring May 24, 1954..... 233 235 31-Wertz Donald E., granted Cigarette Permit ........... 31-Warren Dell and Ralph, granted Class "B" Beer Per- . • 23B 235 ............. mit .......................... , June 6-Waivers of property owners abutting and adjacent to Adair Street from Loras Boulevard to Rosedale Avenue far the improvement of Adair Street .... 243 June 20-Water Works Superintendent Hail submitting Grants and Easements through private property to ex- tend acast iron water main from Kaufman Ave- uue to Kane Street ........................... 256 June 30-Wallis Allen asking that Dillon Street be graded and that cGrb and gutter be constructed on said 278 street " 30--Water Superintendent Hail advising Council that water service has been extended to serve the property of Dr. B. B, Bahme :......................... . 30-~W'ieland Frank C., granted Cigarette Permit ...... , ... 282 290 ' ~' INDEX-Book 79 ~r 1949 SUBJECT Page W ' 30-Weber Merlyn L., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 290 30--Weiner Frcu, granted Cigarette Permit .............. ' 290 30-Winders R. Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit ......... 290 30-Weiner Joseph J, and Evelyn, granted Cigarette Permit 291 " 30-Wingert Joseph L, and Josephine, granted Cigarette " Permit 30-Wertz Donald E., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 291 291 " 30-Wright Paul C., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 291 " 3U--Walgreen Drug Company, granted Cigarette Permit .. 291 " 30-~Vestercanip George, granted Cigarette Permit ....... 291 " " 3C---Warren Dell and Ralph, granted Cigarette Permit ... , 291 ' 30-Wagner Wm., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 292 i , 30-White William, granted Cigarette Permit ............ ' 292 +' " 30-Wodrich, Wm. E., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 292 • 30-Winkler L~auis J., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 293 " " 30-1Vright Ray A., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 292 30-Weint~ t ylvester and Dolores, granted Cigarette Per- ` i 30-Walsh Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 2993 " 30-Weskercamp George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 294, 295 30-Wodrich William E, and Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..................................... 294, 295 July 5-Wall Mrs. Margaret, with reference to the storm water floodi~ig her property at 575 West 16th Street and damaging the rock wall on her property ........ 298, 325 July 18-Wathier Mrs. Marie, requesting a refund on the un- expired portion of Class "B" Beer Permit No. 151 326 Aug, - 1-White 1Vilfred J. requesting permission to cut a drive- way into his property at 1136 Locust Street ... , . 410, 445 " i 1-Weiner Jeseph J. and Evelyn, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................... 423, 424 Aug. . 8-Wagner Eriina, settlement of her claim ......... 447 Sept. 19-Wright Fail L'., requesting the rezoning of the property located at Central Avenue and 30th Street to per- mit she erection f b ildi o a u ng to house a food market ..................................... 529, 605 Oct, 3-Water Work;, plant and distribution system, Council to ~? virw tiie same .............................. 541 ` Oct. 17-Witherall E. R., Notice of Claim ............. . ....... 571 " 17-Wiedner f;elen, Original Notice of Suit .............~. 571 Nov. 7-Windsor rlvEnue extension, approval of plat and accep• tance of dedication of same to the public ........ 600 Dec. 5-Welu Clarence P., Councilman, appointed to represent the City of Dubuque on the Board of Directors of the Dubuque Community Chest .............. 612 5-Weber Ruben J. and Clarence J. Sauer, granted Cigar- etta Permit .................................. 622 " 5-Walsh Mrs. Adele, transfer of address of Cigarette Per- mit ........................................ 622 5-Weber Ruben J. and Clarence J. Sauer, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. . , g~ 5-Walsh h?rs. Adele, granted transfer of address of Class '`B" Beer Permit ................. 623 Dec. 12-Water Softening Project, construction of ........ 648, 649, 650 Dec. 23-Wright Spencer P., granted Cigarette Permit .. .. , 654 ` 23--Wright Spencer P., granted Class "B" Beer ermit .... 655