1949 January Council ProceedingsINDEX-Book 79 1949 SUBJECT X Sept. 19-Xavier Hospital, granted Cigarette Permit ... Y Page 537 June 20-Yates John T• and others asking that Lois Street from Solon Street to Reeder Street and also Reeder Street from Lois Street to Alpine Street and also Salon Street from Alpine Street to Lors Street be graded, gravelled and surfaced with asphalt ..... 255, 300 Z June 30-Zillig George J., granted Cigarette Permit . 30-Zenz Clarence and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit ... 30-Zelens Bert, granted Cigarette Permit .. '° 30-Zillig George J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... July 18- ~Ziege chase cf Lots 14 and 5 of South Park Ili leAddi- tion ..................................... Aug. 29-Zieppreci~t 1~illiam N., Lenore R. and Ann, objecting to the proposed assessments to be livied against their property for the Bradley Street Sewer .... 29-Zenz Clarence and Marre, requesting a refund on the unexpired portion of their Cigarette Permit ..... Dec. 5-Zahina Mrs. Agnes, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... . 290 291 293 294, 295 326, 445 459, 460 475 823 I F .' Y ~; ~S~ ,. •;m _~;.. ~. o ~. -#^c, Regular Session, January 3rd, 1949 1 City Council (OFFICIAL.) Resolution No. 1.49 WHEREAS, Austin C. Waller ap• pears to be the record owner of the fallowing described property, to-wit: Regular Session, January 3rd, 1949. Council met at 7:30 P.M. Present-Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg. Mayor Van Duelman stated that this is the regular monthly meet- ing of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such busi• ness as may properly come be• fore the meeting. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose oY allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Coucil- man Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffat t Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Attorney Robt. Clewell addressed the Council and presented a resa lotion, for Council consideration and adoption, authorizing the May- or and City Clerk to execute to Austin C. Waller a Quit Claim Deed conveying a strip of land in the center of Block 8 in Dubuque Harbor Go.'s Addition in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Ia wa, 2G.10 feet in width extending from the southerly boundary line of Jones Street to a line joining the southerly boundary line of Lot B of Lot 3 of said Black 8 with the southerly boundary line of Lot B of Lot 2 of Block 8, and also extending to the southerly boun• dart' line of Lot B of Lot 3 of said Block 8 and to the southerly boun• dory line of Lot B of Lot 2 of said Block 8, the location of said strip being shown as an alley also to execute to Austin C. Waller a Quit Claim Deed conveying Lot A of Block 8 in Dubuque Harbor Co's Addition. City Solicitor Kint- zinger recommended that the resa lotion be adopted. The North 300 feet of the West Half of Block 8; the North 300 feet of the East Half of Block R; Lots 1 and 4 of Block 8; Lot B of Lot 3 of Block 8 and Lot B of Lot 2 of Block 8, all in Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Addition in the city of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, and WHEREAS, there was filed for record and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque Coun- ty, Iowa, on January 27, 1859, a plat appearing in Deed Record "T", Page 641, showing an alley 26.10 feet in width extending in a nor- therly and southerly direction through the center of said Block 8 and equally distant from the easterly boundary line of Warren Street and the westerly boundary line of Water Street, and Whearas, there was filed for re• cord and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque Coun- ty, Iowa, on October 21, 1878, in Book of Plats, Page 223, a plat showing an alley extending in a norther]y and southerly direction through the center of said Block 8, 20 feet in width and equally dis- tant from the easterly boundary line of Warren Street and the westerly boundary line of Water Street and WHEREAS, a plat has been pre- pared by Carl F. Bartels, Profes- sional Civil Engineer and Land Sur- veyor, dated December 23, 1948, showing said alley in said Block 8 as being 20.7 feet in width and designating that part of said al- ley extending in a southerly direct tion from Jones Street to the south- erly boundary of the real estate above described as Lot A of Block 8, which said plat has been sub- mitted to the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for exam- ination, and WHEREAS, it appears that the City Council of the City oP Du- buque, Iowa, on November 18, 1868, 2 Regular Session, January 3rd, 1949 enacted an ordinance vacating the whole of said alley from Jones Street to Dodge Street, which said ordinance was duly published in book form in a bcok entitled "Re- vised Ordinances of 1869", on Page 205 thereof, and WHEREAS, at the time that said ordinance was enacted vacating said alley, said alley appeared on said plat recorded on January 27, 1559, as 26.10 feet in width, and WHEREAS, said alley has not been used by the public or for public purposes since prior to 1300, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT AND 1T IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the City of Dubuque, Iowa, shall execute and deliver a Quit Claim lleed conveying to Austin C. Wai- ler all of the right, title and inter- est of the said City of Dubuque, Iowa, in and to the real estate for- merly occupied by the aforesaid al- ley in Block 8 in Dubuque Harbor Co's Addition in the City of Du- >`uque, Dubuque County, Iowa, which adjoins and is contiguous ~ the real estate owned by the said Austin C. Waller as herein de- acribed, and designated on the plat submitted as aforesaid as Lot A of said Block 8. BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY i+URTHER RESOLVED that the City of Dubuque, Iowa, shall execute and deliver a Quit Claim Deed conveying to Aus- tin C. Waller all of the right, title and interest of the said City of Dubuque, Iowa, in and to a strip of land in the center of Block 8 in Dubuque Harbor Co's Addition in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, 26.10 feet in width extending from the southerly boun• dory line of Jones Street to a line joining the southerly boundary line of Lot B of Lot 3 of said Block 8 with the southerly boundary line of Lot B of Lot 2 oY Block 8, and also extending to the southerly boundary line of Lot B of Lot 3 of said Block 8 and to the sou- ~herly boundary line of Lot B oP Lot 2 of said Block 8, the location of said strip being shown as an alley in said plat recorded on Jan- uary 27, 1859, in Deed Record "T", Page 641, and being equally dis- tant from the easterly boundary line of Warren Street and the westerly boundary line of Water Street. BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER RESOLVED that said Iwo Quit Claim Deeds shall be signed and executed by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Frank Van Duelman, Mayor oY the City of Dubuque, and by J, J. Shea, Clerk of the City of Du- buque. Passed, adopted and approved January 3rd, 1949, FRANK VAN DUELMAN, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Second• ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy , Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Notice of Claim of Myron G, Had- ley in the amount of $5,000,00 far injuries sustained caused by step- ping into a hole in the alley, caused by the removal of bricks, immediately in the rear of the Lowther Building located between First and Second on Main street, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the Citp So- licitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Regular Session, January 3rd, 1949 3 Communication tof the United States Conference of Mayors ad- vising that the Annual Conference will be held in Washington, D. C. on March 21-23, 1949, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be referred to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of the American Surety Company submitting for fil- ing, Power of Attorney, authoriz- ing the execution of certain bonds and undertakings by John C. Duf- fey, As Attorney in Fact, present- ed and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and filed and the Power of Attorney placed on file. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car• ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of H. A. Baumhover requesting that the area on North Main Street from Kaufmann Ave- nue to Seminary Street be rezoned from its present two family resi- dence district classification to mul- tiple resident district classifica- tion, presented and read. Council- man Murphy moved that the pe- tition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and report. Sea onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of the United Cigar- Whelan Stores Corporation re- questing arefund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexpired portion of their Cigarette Permlt No. 98 as they have discontinued business on December 31, 1948, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted and the Gity Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of United Cigar-Whelan Stores Corporation to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of their Cigar- ette Permit Ne. 98. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of John P. Manders re- questing arefund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexpired por- tion of his Cigarette Permit No. 153 as he has discontinued business on December 31, 1948, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of John P. Manders to cover the amount of refund grant- ed on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 153. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van D u e l m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Council proceedings for the months of May, June and July, 1948 presented for approval. Coun- cilman Thompson moved that the Council Proceedings for the months of May, June and July, 1948 be ap• proved as printed, Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None, Ordinance No. 27-48. An ordi- nance Prohibiting the Sale oY, GiYt to, or Exhibition to Minors Under Eighteen Years of Age Publica- tion Featuring Indecent Pictures or Depicting Crimes or Deeds of Violence, Bloodshed or Lust, Re- pealing All Ordinances in Conflict Herewith and Prescribing a Pen• altp Yor the Violation Hereof, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on December 14th, 1948 and ordered placed on Yile with the City Clerk Yor public in- spection for at least one week be• fore its final adoption, was pre• sented for final adoption. q Regular Session, January 3rd, 1949 ORDINANCE N0. 278 An Ordinance Prohibiting the Sale of, Gift to, ar Exhibition tc Mi- nors Under Eighteen Years of Age Publications Featuring In• decent Pictures or Depicting Crimes or Deeds of Violence, Bloodshed or Lust, Repealing All Ordinances in Conflict Herewith and Prescribing a Penalty for the Violation Hereof. Re It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1, No person, firm or cor- poration shall sell, give to, or ex• hibit to a minor under eighteen years of age a book, pamphlet, magazine, newspaper, story book, comic book, or other paper devoted to the publicaton, or principally made up, of criminal news, police reports, or account of criminal deeds, of pictures, cartoons, stories or representations of i m m o r a l deeds, lust or crime, or which con• wins any picture, photograph, draw- ing or representation of an inde- ~ent, immoral obscene, lewd or lascivious nature, or exhibit upon a street or highway or any p l a e e which may be within the view of a minor any such book, paper or pic- ture; provided that this section shall not be applicable to the gen- eral dissemination of news, nor to such drawings and photographs rea- sonably necessary to illustrate the same.• Sec. 2. If any provision of this ordinance, or the application there- of to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be af- fected thereby. Sec. 3. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or cor• poration who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $100.00 and costs and in default of such fine shall be imprisoned for a period not ex• ceeding thirty days in jail. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be in force and effect ten days from and after its final passage, adoption and approval by the City Council and publication as provided by law. Passed upon first reading this 14th day of December, 1948. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 3rd day of January, 1949. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON GEO, R. MURPHY W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. Shea, City Clerk Published officially in The Tele• graph-Herald newspaper this 5th day of January, 1949. J. J. Shea, City Clerk Councilman Murphy moved the adoption of the ordinance. Second• ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson. Nays -None. Councilman Whar- ton not voting. FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT The following agreement for Fire Protection is made between the City of Dubuque and St. Mary's Orphan Home. The said St. Mary's Orphan Home agrees to pay the rates and charges specified herein for fight- ing fire at the following location St. Mary's Orphan Home on Car• ter Raad in Sec. 15, T 89N, R 2 E. THIS AGREEMENT, made this 3d day of December 1948, at Du• buque, Dubuque County, Iowa, by sad between the City of Dubuque, by the City Manager of said City of Dubuque, Party of the First Part, and St. Mary's Orphan Home Par- ty of the Second Part, WITNESS- iTH: The Party of the First Part agrees to furnish fire protection to the Party of the Second Part until Aprfl, 1949 frow date hereof Regnlar Session, January grd, 1949 g at the location above dexcribed only on the following terms and conditions: 1. The Party of the First Part agrees to furnish Par fire protec- tion such apparatus and person- nel necessary for manning the same as can be conveniently spar- ed by the City of Dubuque at the time requested. The Fire Chief of the City o4 Dubuque is to be the sole judge of what appartus '~~ and personnel can be spared at any time. 2. The Party of the Second Part has paid upon filing of applica- tion fifty dollars ($50.00) in ad• vance, for a period until April 1, 1949. In addition to the annual payment of fifty dollars ($50.00) and in the event a call is made, then the Party of the Second Part agrees to pay Fifty Dollars ($50: ~ 00) per hour or any fraction there- of for the use of each truck unit of fire equipment belonging to the City of Dubuque used upon said calk 3. The Party of the Second Part' agrees to meet all of the terms - and conditions prescribed by the Fire Chief of the City of Dubuque with reference to furnishing of wa- ter, fire extinguishers and the like. 4. It is agreed that the follow- ing persons only the officers, em- - ployees and inmates of the St. Mary's Orphan Home shall be au- thorized to summon the apparatus of the City of Dubuque for pro- :. tection purposes for the property of the Party of the Second Part. 5. The City o1 Dubuque is in no way responsible for any pro- perty destroyed by fire belonging to the Party of the Second Part due i to failure to answer call, to delay in response, or failure of any equip- ment belonging to the City, or any damage done by the equipment or firemen of the City of Dubuque. 6. It is further understood that this contract shall in no way im- I pose any liability of any kind on the City of Dubuque or the per- sonnel furnished. 7. This agreement shall contin• ue from year to year upon the same terms and conditions unless written notice for temination is given by either party to the other not less than ten (10) days before its expiration date. The annual payment of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be due and payable in each year upon the same day and month as the original payment was made. In Witness Whereof This Agree• meat is made in duplicate and the Parties hereto have affixed their signatures this 3rd day of Decem- ber, 1948. CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, By A. A. Rhomberg City Manager, Party of the First Part, Attest; R. J. Gallagher ST. MARY'S ORPHAN HOME, By (Rev.) R. P. Duggan Secy. Party of the Second Part. Attest: Janann M. Spahn Councilman Wharton moved that the Agreement be received and made a matter of record. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Car• ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Dubuque, Iowa December 20, 1948 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council (,ity of Dubuque, Iowa uentlemen: In accordance with the pro- visions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commis- sion conducted an entrance exam- ination on December 20, 1948 for those seeking the position of Clerk- Stenographer. The following is a list of those who passed the written examina• it , II g Regular Session, January 3rd, 1949 lion with an average of 70 per• cent or better. Name Average Mary Lorraine Balbach......90 3/5% percent Respectfully submitted, C. S, HARKER, Chairman R. M. RENN E. B. LYONS Commissioners. Attest: J. J, Shea City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of December, 194s. GERALDINE L. JENNI Notary Public. Councilman Murphy moved that the report of the Civil Service Commission be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. December 20, 1948 To the Honorable Mayor and 'members of the City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: In accordance with the pro- visions of the Code of Iowa, 1946, the Civil Service Commis• lion conducted an entrance ex• amination on December 20, 1948, for those seeking the position of Sanitary Inspector. The following is a list of those who passed the written examina• lion with an everage of 70 per- cent or better. Name Average Allan J. Klein 90 Merle H. Bandy 85 Loriel L. Parker 79 Earl V. Kelly 77 Floyd D. Berendes 74 William E. Schumacher 73 Respectfully submitted, C, S. HARKER Chairman R. M, BENN E. B. LYONS Commissioners. Attest: J. J. Shea City Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day oY December, 1948. GERALDINE L. JENNI Notary Public. Councilman Moffatt moved that the report of the Civil Service Commission be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Wharton, Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Duelman Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. December 20, 1948 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, llubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The 12th Street boulevard recently established is about to be put to extensive use. In view of the objections raised relative to the Prescott School playgrounds and the potential dan• ger ,involved in crossing 12th Street to one of the playgrounds, also to provide the greatest visi- bility possible, I herewith submit the fallowing recommendations: That parking be prohibited at all times on both sides of East 12th Street between White Street and Central Avenue. To further utilize the use of 12th Street as a boulevard I recom- mend the following: That West 12th Street be extended as a bou- levard from the East side of Main street to the East side of Locust Street. Respectfully submitted, JOS. 1~. STRUB, Chief of Police. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendations of Chief of Police Strub be approved and the City Solicitor instructed to pre- pare the proper proceedings, Sec• owned by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy , Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. , Regular Session, January 3rd, 1949 q December 16, 1948, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: ' I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treas• user, City Health Department and City Water Works for the month of November, 1948, also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of November, 1948. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Murphy moved that the reports be received and placed a an file. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the follow- - ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, i Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. December 15, 1948. Honorable Mayor and Alembers of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. } ;" Gentlemen: ~ With reference to the claim of ~ Mrs. R. Fred Erickson for damages because of injuries sustained by ~' her on a crosswalk at Univer- sity Avenue and Walnut Street on June 11th, 1948, the 1946 Code of Iowa provides: "614.1 Period of. Actions may be brought within tiie times herein limited, re• spectively, after their cause s accrue, and not afterwards, except - when otherwise specially declared: "1. In actions for injuries from defects in roads or streets-ne• lice. Those founded on injury to the person on account of de• fective roads, bridges, streets, or sidewalks, within three months, unless written notice specifying the time, place, and circumstan• ces of. the injury shall have been served upon the county or muni- cipal corporation to be charged within sixty days from the hap• pening of the injury." Under this provision of the sta- ~~ des lute, there is nothing the City Council can do, and it is my opin• on that this claim be rejected. Yours truly, JOHN J, Kintzinger City Solicitor Councilman Murphy moved that the opinion of City Solicitor Kint• zinger be approved. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. December 18, 1948 Honorable Mayor and P,Iembers of the City Council of the Cfty of Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: With reference to the com• munication of Car] V. Riley and Mrs. Regina Duggan in re• Bard to the special assessment against property owned by them for the improvement of Platt Street, it is provided by the 1946 Code of Iowa as follows: "391.48. Assessment-rate, When suy city council levies a n y special assessment for any public improvement against any lot, such special assessment shall be in proportion to the special benefits conferred upon the pro perty thereby and not in excess of such benefits. Such assess- ment shall not exceed twenty- five percent of the actual value of the lot at the time of levy, and the last preceding assess- ment roll shall be taken as prim- a facie evidence of such value. "391.49, Additional limitation, No special assessment against any lot shall be more than ten per- cent in excess of the estimated cost " The estimated cost against the Riley property was $522.56; under the section of the statute last above quoted the assessment may be $522.56 plus $52.25, or a total of $574.81. The assessment as lev led is $526.67. The estimated cost against the Duggan property was $384.50. Ten percent addition would make a to- tal permissible assessment of $422.95. In my opinion both of 8 Regular Session, January 3rd, 1949 the above special assessments come within the provision of the law. Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER City Solicitor. Councilman Thompson moved that the opinion of City Solicitor Kintzinger be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 2~I9 Be it Resolved by the City Coun• cil of the City oY Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette .papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. George R. Hunt and Christopher C. Gratz; 801 Main Street. Sara Faigen; 2541 Central Av- enue. Fred W. Neumeister and John C. Neumeister; 729 Lincoln Av- enue. Dubuque Skating Center, Inc.; 150 So. Locust Street. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds filed with the appli- cations be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January, 1949. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Murphy moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas- Mayor Van Due 1 m a b, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 3-49 WHEREAS, applications f o r Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the name have been examined: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun• cii of the City of Dubuque that the following applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMITS Wm. F. Barrington and Walter J. Duccini; 176 Locust Street. Vird Clary and Dolores Clary; 1961 Central Avenue (Transfer oY address from 2093 Washington St.) CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB North End Choral Club; 2510 Central Avenue. (Transfer of ad- dress from 2774.2776 Jackson St.) CLASS "C" PERMIT Alois J. Ender; 534 Rhomberg Avenue. Fred W. Neumeister and John C. Neumeister; 729 Lincoln Aw enue. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January, 1949. FRANK VAN DUELMAN Mayor. F. W, THOMPSON GEO. R, MURPHY ALBERT WHARTON W .W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. rot ~. a@. ~~ Regular Session, January 3rd, 1949 9 been inspected and found to com• ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Wm. F. Barrington and Walter J. Duccini; 176 Locust Street. Vird Clary and Dolores Clary; 1961 Central Avenue. (Transfer of address from 2093 Washington St.) Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Approved ............................. 1949. Adopted ............................. 1949. Councilmen ~ ...................................... CLASS "C" PERMIT Alois J. Ender; 534. Rhomberg Avenue. Fred W. Neumeister and John C. Neumeister; 729 Lincoln Av enue. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds Yiled by such appli- cants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January, 1949. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Murphy moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 4-49 WHEREAS, heretofore applica- a There being no further business lions for Beer Permits were filed Councilman Thompson moved to by the within named applicants ~ •a - adjourn. Seconded by Councilman and they have received the approv Mur h y g al of this Council; and ~ ~^' P Y~ Carried b the tollowin ;~., vote: WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants have ~ ~ - Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, ~. ~' ,~ Attest :................................................ City Clerk. 10 Special Session, January 31st, ?949 City Council (OFFICIAL) Special Session, January 31st, 1949. Council met at 7:30 P. M. PresenC-Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen, Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. City Mana- ger Rhomberg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Wharton and Moffatt. Mayor Van Duelman read the call and stated that service there- of had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the pur- pose of considering the petition of St. Clara College requesting permission to construct a sanitary sewer in Peabody Street and in Dodge Street and acting on any ether business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended far the purpose of allowing any one pre- sent in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Ceuncilman Murphy. Carried by the follow ing vote. Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen, Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Attorney Romolo Russo addres- ed the Council requesting that Resolution No. 105-48, a resolu- Cion conveying Lot 1 of Lot 2 oY Lot 3 of Randall's Subdivision to Company A 133rd Infantry Head• quarters Company 1st Battalion 133rd Infantry Iowa Nation Guard Armory Corporation for the pur- pose of constructing an Armory, be amended by eliminating the provision that said Armory must be constructed within one year or else the said property will revert back to the City of Dubuque. Coun- cilman Thompson moved that the verbal request be granted and the proper proceedings ordered pre- pared. Seconded by Councilman Murphy, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen, Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. January 31, 1949. To the Honorable Mayor, C i t y Manager and City Council of the City oP Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the request of the Du• buque Skating Center, Inc., .which operates the Gem Skating Rink on Seuth Locust Street, we a.re enclosing form of proposed or• uinance amending ordinance adopt- ed August 15, 1942. We would ap• preciate your prompt consideration of the proposed amendment. Very truly yours, Clewell & Cooney Attorneys fo-r Du- buque Skating Center, Inc. Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Car• vied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Ordinance No. 1.49. An Ordi- nance amending Ordinance No. 21- 42 regulating and prohibiting the operation of roller skating rinks in certain places in the City of Dubuque, describing roller skat- ing rinks, providing for revocation of licenses and for a penalty for violation thereof, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved chat the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended requiring an ordinance to be read on three I i. ,;;. ~~, '~. .. 3 ~': ~`,- ~; I'p ~; r ~I# "j,: Specia( Session, January 31st, 1949 11 separate days. Seconded by Coun• Gilman Murphy, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Wharton moved that the ordinance- be placed on file with the city clerk for public in• spection for at ]east one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. January 6, 1949. The Honorable Mayor & ivIembers of the City Council City of Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: St. Clara College is erecting St. Dominic's villa on a plot of ground north of Dodge street in the City of Dubuque. After thoroughly studying the matter with City of- ficials, it has been determined that the most appropriate place far St, Clara College to connect with the sanitary sewer system in Dubuque is at or near the intersection of Dodge and Peabody Street. This will entail the laying of approxi- mately 140 feet of ten (10) inch sewer pipe in Peabody Street and some 77 feet of ten (10) inch sewer pipe under and through Dodge Street. We have prepared an Ordinance which would grant to St. Clara College the permission to construct this sewer in and through Pea- body Street and Dodge Street. The usual protective clauses in behalf of the City of Dubuque are con- tained in said Ordinance and the construction of said sewer is to be under the direction and su- pervision of the City Manager and the City Engineer of the City of llubuque, Iowa. It is respectfully requested that you grant St. Clara College authori• ty to construct the sanitary sewer as hereinbefore stated and as out- lined in the attached Ordinance, and it is further requested that you pass, adapt and approve the Ordinance which is hereto attach- ed. Very truly yours, O'CONNOR, THOMAS & O'CONNOR By Eugene D. Wright Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Ordinance No. 2.49. An ordi- nance granting to St. Clara Col- lege, aWisconsin, non-pfrofit cor• poration its successors and assigns, the right to construct a sanitary sewer in Peabody Street and in Dodge Street from the existing sanitary sewer now located in Dodge Street thence northwesterly through Dodge Street and Peabody Street, a,nd prescribing the con- c;itions of this grant and regulating the connection with said existing sanitary sewer on Dodge Street, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the reading jast had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended re- quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Second• ed by Councilman Moffatt. Car• ried by the Following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Thompson moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for pub- lic inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Secontl- ed by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilman Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. 12 Special Session, January 31st, 1949 January 13, 1949. Conlon Construction Co., 240 Railroad Ave., Dubuque, Iowa. Subject: Sanitary Sewer- St. Dominic's Villa Gentlemen: We are enclosing certificates of iusurance as requested showing the coverage of M. L. Gaber. We are also sending copies of these certificates to Mr. Rhomberg, City ;danager. Yours very truly, BARTELS 8c McMAHAN, Engineers. . By P. F. McMahan, Engineer, Councilman Wharton moved that the certificates of insurance be approved and placed on file. Sec• onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car• ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, M u r p b y, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Dubuque Policeman's Protective Assocation again sub• muting for Council action and con• sideration a petition for appropri• ate investigation into the matter of introducing a 40 hour week (5 day workweek) for personnel of the Dubuque Police Department presented and read. Council- man Wharton moved that the City Manager and Chief of Police be requested to furnish data and information as to whether or not the Police Department can be op• crated under the present setup on a 40 hour workweek and that said report be presented to the City Council at their next meet- ing. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following -rote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Notice of Clam of Mrs. Margaret Conlon in the amount of $1,000.00 for injuries sustained in a fall on icy sidewalk near 2004 Windsor Avenue, presented and read. Coun• eilman Moffatt moved that the No• Lice be referred to the City So• licitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote. Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Notice of Claim of Mrs. Helen Wiedner in the amount of $1,500.00 for injuries sustained in a fall on a snow covered depression in t]' a crosswalk near the north curb on University Avenue and Glen Oak Street, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the Notice of Claim to referred to the City Solicitor for investi• gation and report. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Duelman, Councilman Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Department of Commerce Civil Aeronautics Administration January 18, 1949. Kansas City 6, Missouri. Honorable Frank Van Duelman "Mayor of Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa. Dear Mayor Van Duelman: Our letter of July 2, 1948 ad• vised that $15,000 of Federal Aid Airport funds had been tentatively allocated for the improvement of the Dubuque Municipal Airport. These funds were in addition to tite Federal funds obligated in the Grant Agreement accepted by the City of Dubuque on June 22, 1948, The project application covering the second project at Dubuque, which was recently submitted, re• quests $23,833 or $8,633 more than the present tentative allocation. We are pleased to advise you that the tentative allocation is hereby increased to $23,633 or the amount of the application. Sincerely yours, LEONARD W. JURDEN Regional Administrator Councilman Murphy moved that the communication be receiv ed and made a matter of record. .' ;,~ ~,: ~: `. '~~ i ~.«; ~,wi t_ ~, __ _ A i~. F ..Special, Session, JanuarY,3lst, .1949 13 Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. bepartment of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Administration. 215 Jewett Building Des Moines 9, Iowa January 28, 1949. Honorable Frank Van Duelman i~iayor of Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa. Dubuque, Iowa, Municipal Air• part, CAA Project No. 9-13.020.902, Advertising My Dear Mayor: The planx, specification and supporting documents Yor the above subject project Have been reviewed and approved by this ad• ministration. Please consider this letter your authority to advertise this project at your convenience. It is re• quested that this office be advised of the date that bids will be op• ened. Very truly yours, PAUL V. ROBERTS District Airport Engineer Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record. Sec• onded by Councilman Murphy. Car• ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of American Surety Company submitting Revo- cation of Power of Attorney of AI• Bert Wharton, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of Mayor Dan J. Conley, Sioux City, Iowa, suggest- ing that the City of Dubuque be represented at a meeting to be seld in Des .Moines, Iowa, for the purpose of considering legislation Nhich is to be presented at this session of the Legislature and which affects the larger cities of the State of Iowa, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the City Manager be requested to inform Mayor Conley that the City of Dubuque is inter csted in the calling of a meeting as suggested. Seconded by Council• aian Murphy. Carried by the fol• :owing vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None, Communication of Mayor H. Elmo Ferguson, Muscatine, Iowa, asking the support of the City of Lubuque of an amendment to the Iowa law governing fees for gar• bage collection, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved That the communication be ie• ferred to the Legislative Commit• tee of the Dubuque Chamber oP Commerce for their consideration. Seconded by Councilman Thomp• son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, C o n n c i l m yen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Communication of Naomi Mead• er of Girl Scout Troop No. 29 at Bryant School asking permission to plant some shrubbery, flowers and vines around the Shot Tower in order to make the landmark somthing that the people of Du- buque can be proud of, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the City Manager be directed to write a letter to the girls commending them for their interest in thfs matter and to ad• case the girls that he would be glad to meet with them and dis• cuss the project with them. Sec• onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car• ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None, 14 Special Session, January 31st, 1949 Petition of the Dubuque County Chapter Infantile Paralysis re- questing permission far conducting a Tag Day on January 29th, 1949, presented and read. Councilman 1lurphy moved that the action taken in granting the request be confirmed, Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of the Dubuque District Dental Society submitting for Council consideration and ap• proval a proclamation designating Monday, February 7th, 1949 as Children's Dental Health Day, pre• sented and read. Council- man Wharton moved that the May- or be authorized to sign and issue the proclamation. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Petition of the Auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans ask• ing permission to sell carnations on the streets on the last Saturday in April, 1949, presented and re ad. Councilman Murphy moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, C o u n c i l m yen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Petition of Irving W. Parker, Public Relations Ofdcer, Amvets, Los Angeles, Calif., asking permts- sion to exhibit and display their units in Dubuque in connection with their national tour exhibits, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Council- man Murphy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Petition of the American Legion Auxiliary requesting permission to sponsor its Annual Poppy Drive on Friday Evening May 27th, 1949, and all day Saturday, Mary 28th, 1949, presented and read. Coun- cilman Thompson moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Nays-None. Petition of the Dubuque Safety Council asking the City Council to give consideration to the possibil- ity of .prohibiting parking on one Bide of Rhomberg Avenue from the Chicago Great Western Rail• road tracks to Marshall Street, pre• sented and read. Councilman Whar• tan moved that the petition be re• ferred to the Chief of Police for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Petition of Clarence A. Kintzle et al requesting the rezoning of that part of Finley Addition bound- ed on the East by Avoca Street, on the West by St. Ambrose Street, on the South by Rosedale Avenue and on the North by the Alley run• Wing north of, and parallel to Rosedale Avenue in order that the erection of multiple dwelling units within the area be permitted, pre- sented and read. Councilman Mur- phy moved that the petition oe referred to the Planning and Zon- ing Commission for their recom• mendation and report. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. ~: ~ =: w. "t ~1 Iii. ~. I `i I i ev + ~~ 'j;~ ~ t ,. ~'i ~' ~~' Special Session, January gist, 1949 15 Petition of Mary Frances Brandt asking for suspension of the 1948 tax on the South ~ of Lot 162 East Dubuque Addition, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor far inveatig.ation and report. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Warton. Nays-None. Petition of the Mettel Realty & Investment Company in regard to the vacation of plats and parts of plats of Gillespie' Subdivision and of Mineral Lots 361, 362 and 363 and asking Council approval of the vacation of said plats, presented and read. Councilman Murphy mov- ed that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Com- mission for their recommendation and report. Seconded by Council- man Wharton, Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None, Petition of Farley 8c Loetscher ivfanufacturing Company request- ing permission to install and main- tain four underground s t o r a g e tanks on the west side of Jackson Street, south of existing under- ground storage tanks now located at the southwest corner of Jack- son and Ninth Streets, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt mov- ed that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. be referred to the Council. Second• ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Petition of Mrs, Carl Bartels et al requesting that a street light be installed at the intersection of Alta Place and Fillmore Street, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Council Proceedings for t h e month of August, 1948, presented for approval. Councilman Murphy moved that the Council Proceed- ings for the month of August, 1949 be approved as printed. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Proofs of publication, certified to by the publishers, of statements of receipts and also lists of claims for which warrants were drawn during the months of November, 1948 and December, 1948, present- ed and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the proofs of publica- tions be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Petition of the Wickes Engineer- ing & Construction Co., requesting an extension of 60 days time for the completion of their contract for the construction of the Ter- minal Administration Building at 'The Dubuque Municipal Airport, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the petition Ordinance No. 3.49. An Ordi- nance amending "Traffic Code" of the City of Dubuque by extending 12th Street boulevard and by es- tablishing parking regulations on 12th Street between White and Central, presented and read. Coun- cilman Thompson moved that the reading just had be considered the r 16 Special Session, January 31st, 1949 first reading of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Councilman Thompson move d that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Counci 1 m e n Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Councilman Thompson move d that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, 'Phompaon, Wharton. Nays -None. Communication of the Dubuque llock Commission, with reference 1o the petition of John Blodin et al for the improvement of Lake Peosta as a fishing area the Dock Hoard are of the opinion that they have no legal authority under the law to expend any funds for cre- sting or maintaining streams or inlets for fishing areas, and further with reference to the petition of A. J. Hartig et al for the removal oY the temporary roads, dams and other obstructions in the L a k e Peosta area the Dock Board wishes to suggest that an area near the North End of the Island some dis- tance away from Lake Peosta be set aside for the dumping of refuse and that the dumping of refuse into Lake Peosta be prohibited, presented and read. Councilman 1loffatt moved that the communi- cation be referred to a joint meet- ing of the City Council and the Dock Board for the purpose of dis- cussing the entire matter. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Van Duelman, Counci 1 m e n Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, VVftarton, Nays -None. January 15, 1949 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The Dubuque Planning and ping and Zoning Commission has considered the site, plans and ar• chitectural features of the propos- ed new water softening plant to be erected northerly and easterly of the Eagle Point Pumping Sta- tion and respectfully recommends to your Honorable Body approval of same. This action is taken in carrying out the provisions cf Section 373,- 10 of the 1946 Code of Iowa. Yours truly, The Dubuque Planning & Coning Commission By R. V. McKay Secretary Councilman Murphy moiled that the recommendation of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission be ap- proved. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing dote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. January 31, 1949 To the Honorable Mayor & City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: The Planning and Zoning Commission respectfully recommends denial of the attached petition of Mr. H. A. Baumhover as presented, and in substitution thereat recommends that the area described below be rezoned from Two Family to Multiple Residence classification and that the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque be ammended accordingly. The sug- gested area is bounded as follows; From a point at the center line of Kaufmann Avenue one hundred feet westerly of the west line of Central Avenue; thence westerly along the center line of Kaufmann Avenue to a point one hundred Feet westerly of the west line of North Main Street; thence south- easterly along a line one huncred feet westerly and parallel to North i i i ~~. i' ~ 4 C ~~k., Special Session, January 31st, 1949 17 Main Street to the southerly line of Lot Forty-eight Marsh's Addi- tion; thence easterly along t h e southerly line of Lot Twenty-two and Lot Nine Marsh's Addition to and across Heeb Street to and easterly along the southerly line of Lot Four L. H. Langworthy's Addition to a point one hundred feet westerly of Central Avenue where same intersects the present business district. This revision will serve Mr. Baumhover's purpose, and s t i 11 leave a Two Family section be- tween the proposed Multiple area and the present Single Family dis- trict on Seminary Street at North Main Street. Yours truly, DUBUQUE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION R. V. McKay, Secretary Gilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Counci ]men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. January 31, 1949 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of the City Council held December 14, 1948 the communication of the Plumb- ers and Fitters Local no. 66 submitting the name oY Hugh D, Clark to fill the vacancy on the Plumbing Examining Board was re• (erred to me. This is to advise that Mr. Clark was appointed to fill the vacancy and sworn in on December 18, 1948. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of the Plan- aiing and Zoning Commission be approved and the proper proceed- ings ordered prepared. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Counci 1 m e n Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. January 20, 1949 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treas- urer, City Health Department and City Water Works for the month of December, 1948, also list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of December, 1945 Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that the reports be received and ulaced on file. Seconded by Coun- Councilman Murphy moved that the communication of City Man- ager Rhomberg be received and made a matter of record. Second• ed by Councilman Wharton. Car ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Counci 1 m e n .Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Resolution Na. 5-49 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relat- ing to the sale of cigarettes with- in the City of Dubuque, be grant- ed apermit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said C i t y and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Names and Adresses nester A. Foell 2093 Washington Street Mrs. Florence Austin 1680 Central Avenue Clifford Freyhage 650 East 16th Street Tony Helling 80 Locust Street ;~Irs. Ruby Pappas 177 Main Street II'! f8 Special Session, January 31st, 1949 John P. Mandera 2541 Central Avenue Ralph Conklin 464 West Locust Street American Legion, Du- buque Post No. 0 (Trans- fer of address from 494 Main Street) 290 West Fourth Street Be it further resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved tlris 31st day of January, 1949, FRANK VAN DUELMAN Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. Shea City Clerk. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution, Second- ed by Councilman Murphy, Carried by the following vote; Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Resolution No. 6~9 Whereas, applications Yor Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol• lowing applications be granted and the licenses are to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Names and Addresses Lester A. Foell 2093 Washington Street bleivin B. M cDonaugh 305 Eighth Avenue Mrs. Ruby Pappas 177 Main Street Lawrence Schwartz 500 Rhomberg Avenue Louis Anthoine and Agnella Anthoine 119 West 6th Street Orville P. Murphy 435 Central Avenue Ray Hutchins and Foul A. Leonard 239 West 6th Street Joseph Hillard and Bernice Hillard 431 Rhomberg Avenue CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB The American Legion, Dubuque Post No. 6 (Trans- fer of addrees from 494 Main Street) 290 West Fourth Street CLASS "C" PERMIT Rhea Bournias 2284 University Avenue Passed, adopted and approved this 31st day of January, 1949. FRANK VAN DUELMAN.. Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON, GEO. R. MURPHY, ALBERT WHARTON, W, W, MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. Shea City Clerk. Councilman Murphy moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays -None. Resolution No. 7-49 WHEREAS, heretofore applica• dons for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approv ai of this Council; and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com• ply with the ordinances of Chia City and they have filed a proper bond: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun• oil of the City of Dubuque that ,the Manager be and he is hereby dttected to issue to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B" PERMIT Names and Addresses Lester A. Foell 2093 Washington Street Melvin B. McDonough 305 Eighth Avenue Mrs. Ruby Pappas 177 Main Street Special Session, January 31st, 1949 19 •, Lawrence Schwartz 500 Rhomberg Avenue Louis Anthoine and ngnella Anthoine 119 West 6th Street Orville P. Murphy 435 Central Avenue Ray Hutchins and Paul A. Leonard 239 West 6th Street Joseph Hillard and Bernice Hillard 431 Rhomberg Avenue CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB The American Legion, Dubuque Post No. 6 (Trans- fer of address from 494 Main Street) 290 West Fourth Street CLASS "C" PERMIT Rhea Bournias 2284 University Avenue BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED chat the bonds filed by such appli- cants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 31st day of January, 1949. FRANK VAN DUELMAN Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. Shea. I'Im !,i. a ~" ~c ~t ~' , City Clerk. Councilman Thompson move d the adoption of the resolution. Sec• onded by Councilman Moffatt, Car ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Van Duelman, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Naps -None, Resolution No. 8-49. Prelim- inary approval of plans, specifica- tions form of contract, cost of im• provement and al] other n~rcumonta for the construction of The ,:v buque Municipal Airport Access Road from Highway No. U. S. 61, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Coun• oilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None, (Nece~slty for improvement) Resolution No, 9~}9, Whereas, proposed plans, speci• specifications, form of contract, olat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1-The Road to be improved. 2-The width of such improve- ment and the size and kind of culverts. 3-An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stat- ing the same for each different type of construction and kind of material to be used for the con- struction of the Dubuque Munici- pal Airport Access Road from High way No. U. S. 61. BE IT THEREFORE RE• SOLVED that the City Council an its own motion deems it advisable and necessary for the public welfare to m a k e tae herein mentioned im• provement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed res• alution have on file with the City Clerk objections, they shall be deemed to have waived all objec- tions thereto, Said improvement .shall be con• strutted and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared there- for by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense cf making said im• provement will be paid out of the Airport Fund. The above resolution was intro- doted, approved and ordered plac- 20 Special Session, January 31st; 1949 ed on file with the Citp Clerk phis 31st day of January, 1949. Approved: FRANK VAN DUELMAN Mayor. F, W. THOMPSON GEO. R, MURPHY ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Murphy moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. (Fixing date of hearing) Resolution Na. 10-49 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No. 8-49 given its pre• liminary approval on the proposed plans specifications and form of contract and placed same on file ;n the office of the City Clerk far public inspection, far the con- struction of the Dubuque Municipal Airport Access Road from Highway No. U. S. 61. and, WHEREAS, the proposed icesolution of Necessity for said improvement has been introduced and is now on file in the Cfty Clerk's office for public inspection, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that on the 28th day of February, 1949, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chamber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of prop- erty may appear and make ab- jection to the proposed plans and specifications and proposed form of contract, to the cost of the improvement, and to the passage of the proposed Resolution of Ne- cessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place to be published in some newspaper published in the city of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time of final consideration of said resolu- tion have on file with the Clerk objections, they shall have been deemed to have waived all ob- jections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objec- tions and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 31st day of January, 1949. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA. City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seo- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ; fed by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van D u e i m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. (Ordering Construction) RESOLUTION N0. 11-49 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE that pursuant to a resolution of necessity No. 9.49 which was duly passed by this Council, for the construc- tion of The Dubuque Munici- l~ai Airport Access Road from Highway No. U. S. 61 be and the same are hereby ordered and con- structed upon its awn motion. All the work shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and spe- cifications heretofore adopted and uew ou file in the office of the City Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost and expense of the said improvements be paid from the Airport Fund and after the work has been completed and ac- cepted by the City Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and he is hereby ordered and directed to ad- vertise for proposals For the con- struction of the various improve- ments herein provided for in the manner provided by law, the said improvements shall b~ completed I* h l lr. *.. ~{ ,. s ~, + :f;. ~. I, ~ i--' j s~;~, (~ i. ~6 ~~~ Er a d.: p,,' ~, ~. Special Session, January 31st, c949 zl on or before 105 calendar days af- ter date of contract. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed, adopted and approved this 31st day of January 1949. FRANK VAN DUELMAN. Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY ALBERT WHARTON W. W MOFFATT Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA. City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car• tied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 129 WHEREAS, Eddie and Dorothy Plein have filed an application with the City Council requesting permission to construct a sanitary sewer in Clinton Street from the present sewer in the alley be tween Queen Street and Windsor Avenue westerly tc the alley first west of Queen Street under cer- tain stipulated conditions: NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the City Coun- cif of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be, and the same is hereby granted rc Eddie and Dorothy Plein +n construct a sanitary sewer in Clinton Street from the present sewer in alley between Q u e e n Street and Windsor Avenue wes- terly to the alley first west of Queen Street. Section 2. That the construc- tion of said sewer, which includes the type and size of pipe and lo- cation thereof, shall be done only under the supervision of the City Engineer. Section 3. That the total cost of the construction of said sewer shall be paid by Eddie and Dorothy Plein, and no part thereof shall be borne by the City of Dubuque. Section 4. That after said sewer has been laid and completed, the street shall be put back in good condition as it was before it was torn up for the purpose of receiv- ing said sewer, at the cast of Eddie and Dorothy Plein and said Eddie and Dorothy Plein shall be held responsible for any and all damage which may arise out of the construction thereof, failure to properly guard the excavations, and restore the street to the con- ditfon it was fn before the con- struction began. Section 5. That after said sani• Lary sewer has been constructed, all persona living along and ad- jacent to said sewer shall have the right to connect therewith, but such right shall only be granted upon proper application being made to the City Council and by paying to Eddie and Dorothy Plein, their successors or assigns, or de- positing in the office of the City Clerk for Eddie and Dorothy Plein, the applicants' proportionate part of the cost of constructing said sewer based on the lineal front- age of his property abutting on said street, but in no event shall the amount to be paid by appli- cant exceed the amount that may be levied under law for the can- rtruction of said sewer. Within 60 days after the completion of said sewer applicant shall file with the City Clerk a statement under oath showing an itemized account of the cost thereof. Section 6. That this Resolution shall be effective and in force and effect from and after its passage and adoption by the Council, and written acceptance thereof by ap- plicant. Passed, adapted and approved this 31st day of January, 1949. FRANK VAN DUELMAN Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY ALBERT WHARTON W. W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk, ^'Il a2 Special Session, January 31st, 1949 ACCEPTANCE OF ~iESOLUTION Eddie and Dorothy Plein, having read the foregoing Resolution, and :laving full knowledge of the terms and conditions thereof, hereby ac- cept the same as adopted, and agree to comply with all the terms and conditions, and assume all lia- bilites imposed upon them, includ- ing those set forth in Section 4. Executed this 8th day of Febru- ary, 1949. EDMUND M. PLEIN DOROTHY L. PLEIN Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Murphy, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt Murphy, Thompson, Wharton, Nays-None. Resolution No. 13-49 WHEREAS, the City Council of tae City of Dubuque deems it neces- sary and expedient that a Rule should be enacted providing that any and all documents and papers to be submitted to the City Coun- cil for its consideration shall first be filed in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Dubuque, and that said City Clerk shall submit io said Council at any of its meet- ings any and all of such docu- ments and papers so filed in his office an or before 4:00 P. M. oP the day of any meeting of said Council. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE: Sec, 1. That any and all docu- ments and papers to be submitted for the consideration of the City Council of the City of Dubuque shall first be filed in the office of rite Clerk of the City of Dubuque. Sec. 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Dubuque be and he is ~~ hereby directed to present to the City Council of the City of Du- ~uque at each of its meetings any and all papers and documents for its consideration that have been filed in the office of said City Clerk not later than 4:00 p.m. of the same day that said City Coun- cil has a meeting. Passed, adopted and approved this 31st day of January, 1949. FRANK VAN DUELMAN Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON GEC. R. MURPHY ALBERT WHARTON W W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec• unded by Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None, There being no further business Councilman Wharton moved to ad- lurn, Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Van Due 1 m a n, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson, Wharton. Nays-None. J. J. Shea. City Clerk Approved ................................ 1949 Adapted .................................. 1949 Councilmen ~ ...................................... Attest :................................................ City C1erY. r f I~'~; (i