1949 July Council Proceedings_""""„~ 298 Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 City Council (Official) Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949. Council mot at 7:30 P. M. Present-Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. City Manager Rhomberg. Absent -Councilman Russo. Mayor Wharton stated that this meeting is an adjourned meeting oY the regular meeting of July 4th, 1949 for the purpose of acting upon such business as map properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Notice of Claim of Flora Harkett in an unstated amount for injuries received in a fall on a defective sidewalk on the west side of Hill Street between Caledonia Place and West Fifth Street, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the Notice of Claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded .hy Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: i Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Thompson, fan Duelman, Welu, Nays -None. Absent -Councilman Russo. Communication of Mrs. Margaret Wall stating that due to the rain and the street not being finished that the rock wall on her property at 575 Weat 16th Street was dam- aged and washed out and asking that the City repair said wall, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communi- cation be referred to the City Solic- itor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Absent -Councilman Russo, Councilman Russo entered the Council Chamber and took his seat at 7:40 P. M. Communication of Francis W. Brown, Chief Examinor, Civil Aera nautics Board, advising Council of a prehearing conference on Parks Investigation Case Docket No. 3965 ET AL to be held on July 18, 1949 at 10:00 A. M, in Washington, D.C. before Examiner Ralph L. Wiser, also an Order granting the City of Dubuque the right of intervention in the matter of an application filed pursuant to Sections 408 and 412 of the Civil Aeronautics Act by Mid-Continent Airlines, Inc, and Parks Air Lines, Inc. for approval of an agreement relating to the acquisition of the capital stock of Parks Air Lines, Inc. by Mid-Con• tinent Airlines, Inc. Docket No, 3782, presented and read. Ceuncil• man Thompson moved that the communication and order be re• (erred to the City Manager and City Solicitor to prepare the proper pro• ceedings after consultation with the Aviation Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and also that the City Council be kept ad• vised of the progress as it develops in this case and that the City Man- ager and City Solicitor be author• ized to represent the City of Du- buque at the hearings to be held in Washington, D. C. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays-None. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Council- man Russo. Carried by the follow• ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Wharton Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of Louis Germain and others, residents of South Locust Street, requesting the closing of the Gem Roller Skating Rink at 10 o'clock every night, also that an officer of the law be stationed there every night until all the skat• ers have left the premises, also to get rid of all sign boards that en- danger the lives of people, espe• cially children, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 X99 the petition be referred to the City Manager and Chief of Police to confer with the management of the Gem Roller Skating Rink for the purpose of discussing the petition and objections filed with the City Council. Seconded by Councilman Weiu. Carried ~by the following Vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu, Nays - None. Petition of 0. E. Brown and others requesting relief of the parking restrictions on lower Main and Shields Streets, presented and read. Mayor Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager for clarification as to the wishes of the petitioners. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of Eldon and Florence Sauer and Herman and Gertrude Brockman requesting the vacation and conveyance of the alley bound- ed on the west by Lots 24 to 28 both inclusive and on the east by the west half of Lots 29 to 32 both inclusive, all in South Avenue Addition, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Rus- so. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of A, G. Henneger and others, property owners residing on either side of Finley Street, between McCormick and West Streets, requesting that oil be used to eliminate the dust hazard cre• ated by increased cross traffic be- tween Grandview Avenue and As• bury St., presented and read. Councilman Russo moved that the petition be referred to the Council ~ to view the grounds. Seconded by ~ Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Mr. Rehfeldt addressed the Coun- cil requesting that the storm water condition in the alley first north of Hazel Street from St. Ambrose Street easterly be taken care of by the City as soon as possible. Councilman Russo moved that the verbal request of Mr. Rehfeldt be referred to the Coun• cil to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Coun. cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Certificate of Park Tax Levy determining and fixing the budget requirements and tax levy for the ensuing year for park purposes in the amount of $46,422.00, present- ed and read. Councilman Van Duel- man moved that the certificate .be referred to the CounFil for consid- eration at the time the tax levy is being considered by the Council. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Communication of Board of Dock Commissioners submitting d o c k budget estimate far the fiscal year 1950-1951 in the amount oP $33,735.- 00, presented and read. Geunci]- man Van Duelman moved that the communication and budget estimate be referred to the Council for consideration at the time the tax levy is being considered by the Council. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, We1u. Nays -None. 30o Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 July 5, 1949. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Pursuant to instructions, I have inquired of the Iowa cities with aver 20,000 population as to wheth• er or not they have traffic divi- sions in their Police Departments. Besides Dubuque, there are eleven Iowa cities which had a 1940 population of 20,000 or more. Herewith are the ten replies re- ceived. The six larger communi- ties indicate that they have more or less formal traffic divisions and the four smaller cities state that they do not have such. T h e s e replies are hereby submitted to the Council for their considera- tion. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager. Mayor Wharton moved that a traffic department be created in the Police Department and that a competitive examination be con• ducted for the purpose of creating an eligible list in order that the best qualified person be selected for the position of Captain of the Traffic Division in the Police De- partment. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. July 5, 1949. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of June 6 the petition of Clem J. McGuire re- questing permission to construct and maintain an unloading plat- form in the alley between Main and Iowa Streets and between Third and Fourth Streets was re- ferred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the premises on July 1st decided to grant the request and to have the proper proceedings prepared. I recommend that the decision of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, Gity Manager. Councilman Russo moved -that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be approved. Seo• onded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Coun• ciimen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. July 5, 1949. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting held June 20, the following matters were refer- red to the Council to view the grounds; 1) The complaint of Harold L. McCarron concerning the condi- tion of York Street. 2) The petition of Harold Sipple requesting a sewer extension to serve his lots on Meadow Lane. 3) The petition of John T. Yates and others requesting the improve- ment of Lois Street from Solon to Reeder, Reeder Street from Lois to Alpine, and Solon Street from Alpine to Lois by grading, gravelling and asphalting. 4) The petition of S. H. Fisher asking the cutting of weeds and improvement and drainage of Min- eral Street. The Council having viewed these locations on July 1 decided as follows: 1) That the surface of Ycrk Street be smoothed and leveled. 2) That a survey be made for the sewer extension on Meadow Lane, 3) That a plat and schedule be prepared for the improvement of Lois Street from Solon to Reeder, Reeder Street from Lois to Alpine and Solon Street from Alpine to Lois. 4) That the weeds be cut on Mineral Street and that a grade .be gstablished on Mineral Street from McCormick Street to O'Hagen St. Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 301 I recommend that these deci• sions of the Council be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A, Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved, Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. July 5, 1949. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting held June 30, 1949 the petition of Mrs, C. J. May and others for street lighting of York Street from Curtis to Hill Street was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council having viewed the site decided to order a street light installed. I recommend that the decision of the Council be con- firmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg ,be approved. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. July 5, 1949. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your instructions, waivers have been asked from property owners for the improve- ment of Balke Street with curb and gutter from Groveland Place to Lowther Street. The waivers obtained are hereby submitted. I recommend that the council proceed with this improvement and that the plat and schedule be introduced at the meeting of July 18, 1949. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of pity Man- ager Rhomberg ,be approved and the waivers made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. PETITION AND WAIVER The undersigned, owner of Lots 20 and 21 of Belmont Addition property abutting upon and ad• jacent to Balke Street hereby peti- tions the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as soon as practicable, to proceed with the construction of Street Improve- ments and does hereby petition said City to enter into a contract far the construction of said im• provement in accordance with and as provided by plans and specifica- tions to be furnished and approved by said City. Said contract to be iet and entered into in the manner provided by statute for bids and contracts for street improvements. In consideration of the construc• Lion of the improvement as afore- said, the undersigned agrees to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost thereof, including the engineering and inspection ex- pense to the City and the expense of making the assessment schedule. It is agreed that the City oY Dnbuquo shall cause assessments to be made against the property of the undersigned. in proportion to the special benefits conferred on area Assessment basis and that such assessment shall be and con- stitute alien upon the properties of the undersgined for the actual cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Petition by the City, and the undersigned agrees to pay said assessments in full, either by a lump sum payment or in ten equal installments as provided by law, not withstanding any provisions of the Statute to the contrary. The undersigned waives any and all rights he has to object to the making of said improvements and 30, Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 consents to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost as afore- said. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the con- tractor far constructing said im- provements by delivery of special assessment certificates or special assessment bonds to the contrac- tor against the property of the undersigned, The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the con- tractor for constructing said im- provements by the issuance and sale of improvement bonds in an- ticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted by said City. It is further agreed that in accepting this petition and in order- ing the construction of said im- provements the Resolution of the City Council may contain recitals that said improvements are order- ed with or without the Petition of property owners, without in any way qualifying this Petition or releasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assessments made against his property as afore- said. Milton J. Pauly 2830 Balks Street Dubuque, Iowa PETITION AND WAIVER The undersigned, owner of Lot 19 of Belmont Addition property abutting upon and adjacent to Balks Street hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Du• buque, Iowa, as soon as practica- ble, to proceed with the construc- tion of Street Improvements and does hereby petition said City to enter into a contract for the con• struction of said improvement in accordance with and as provided by plans and specifications to be furnished and approved by said City. Said contract to be let and entered into in the manner pro- vided by statute for bids and con- tracts for Street improvements. In consideration of the constru~~ lion of the improvement as afore- said, the undersigned agrees to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost thereof, including the engineering and inspection expense co the City and the expense of making She assessment schedule. It is agreed that the City of Du• buque shall cause assessments to be made against the property of the undersigned in proportion to the special ,benefits conferred on area assessment basis and that such assessment shall be and con- stitute alien upon the properties of the undersigned for the actual cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Petition by the City, and the undersigned agrees to pay said assessments in full, either by a lump sum payment or in ten equal installments as provided by law, not withstanding any provisions oY the Statute to the contrary. The undersigned waives any and all rights be has to object to the making of said improvements and consents to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost as afore- said. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the contrac- tor for constructing said improve- ments by delivery of special asaesa- ment certificates or special assess- ment bonds to the contractor against the property of the under- signed, The undersigned further peti• Lions said City to pay the contrac- tor for constructing said improve~ menu by issuance and sale of improvement bonds in anticipation of deferred payments of assess- ments when a contract has been performed and accepted by said City. It is further agreed that in accepting this petition and in order- ing the construction of said im- provements the Resolution of the City Council may contain recitals that said improvements are order- ed with or without the Petition of property owners, without in any ~vay qualifying this Petition or releasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assessments made against his property as afore- said. J. D. Pains 2826 Balks Street Dubuque, Iowa Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 303 PETITION AND WAIVER The undersigned, owner of Lot 24 of Belmont Addition property abutting upon and adjacent to Balks Street hereby petittons the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, as soon as practica- ble, to proceed with the construc- tion of Street Improvements and does hereby petition said City to enter into a contract for the con- struction of said improvement in accordance with and as provided by plans and specifications to be furnished and approved by said City. Said contract to be ]et and entered into in the manner pro- vided by statute for bids and con- tracts for Street improvements, In consideration of the construe- . lion of the improvement as afore- said, the undersigned agrees to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost thereof, including the engineering and inspection ex- pense to the City and the expense of making the assessment schedule It is agreed that the City of Du- buque shall cause assessments to be made against the property of the undersigned in proportion to the special benefits conferred on area assessment basis and that such assessment shall .be and con- stitute alien upon the properties of the undersigned for the actual cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Petition by the City, and - the undersigned agrees to pay said assessments in full,, either by a lump sum payment or in ten equal installments as provided by law, ' not withstanding any provisions of the Statute to the contrary. The undersigned waives any and all rights he has to object to the making of said improvements and consents to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost as afore- said. The undersigned further peti• lions said City to pay the contrac- tor for constructing said improve menu by delivery of special assess- ment certificates or special assess- G ment bonds to the contractor ~; against the property of the under- signed. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the con- tractor for constructing said im- provements by the issuance and sale of improvement bonds in anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted by said City. It is further agreed that in accepting this petition and i n ordering the construction of said improvements the Resolution of the City Council may contain re- citals that said improvements are ordered with or without the Peti- tion of property owners, without in any way qualifying this Peti- tion or releasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assess- ments made against his property- as aforesaid. Lavern E, and Helen M. Richard 2904 Balks Street Dubuque, Iowa PETITION AND WAIVER The undersigned, owner of Lat 25 of Belmont Addition property abutting upon and adjacent to Balks Street hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, as soon as practica- ble, to proceed with tIe construc- tion of Street Improvements and does hereby petition said City to enter into a contract for the con- struction of said improvement in accordance with and as provided by plans and specifications to be furnished and approved by said City. Said contract to be let and entered into in the manner pro- vided by statute for bids and con- tracts for Street improvements. In consideration of the construc- tion of the improvement as afore- said, the undersigned agrees to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost thereof, including the engineering and inspection ex- pense to the City ahd the expense of making the assessment sched- ule. It is agreed that the City of Dubuque shall cause assessments to be made against the property of the undersigned in proportion to the special benefits conferred on area assessment basis and that such assessment shall be and con- stitute alien upon the properties of the undersigned for the actual 3o4 Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Petition by the City, and the undersigned agrees to pay said assessments in full, either by a lump sum payment or in ten equal installments as provided by law, not withstanding any provisions oY the Statute to the contrary. The undersigned waives any and all rights he has to object to the making of said improvements and consents to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost as afore said. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the con- tractor for constructing said im- provements by delivery of special assessment certificates or special assessment bands to the contrac- tor against the property of the undersigned. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the contrac- tcr €or constructing said improve- ments by the issuance and sale of improvement bonds in anticipation of deferred payments of assess- ments when a contract has been performed and accepted by said City. It is further agreed that in accepting this petition and in order- ing the construction of said im- provements the Resolution of the City Council may contain recitals that said improvements are order- ed with or without the Petition of property owners, without in any way qualifying this Petition or re- leasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assessments made against his property as afore said. Rebecca T. and Louis F. Breitbach 2912 Balke Street Dubuque, Iowa PETITION AND WAIVER The undersigned, owner of Lot 2G of Belmont Addition property abutting upon and adjacent to Balke Street hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, as soon as practicable, to proceed with the construction of Street Improvements and does hereby petition said City to enter into a contract for the construction of said improvement in accordance with and as provided by plans and specifications to be furnished and approved by said City. Said con- tract to be let and entered into in the manner provided by statute for bids and contracts for Street improvements. In consideration of the construc- tion of the improvement as afore- said, the undersigned agrees to pay his proportionate share oY the actu- al cost thereof, including the engi- neering and inspection expense to the City and the expense of making the assessment schedule. It is agreed that the City of Dubuque shall cause assessments to be made against the property of the under- signed in proportion to the special ,benefits conferred on area assess- ment basis and that such assess- ment shall be and constitute a lien upon the properties of the under signed for the actual cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Peti• lion by the City, and the under- signed agrees to pay said as~ess~ menu in full, either by a lump sum payment or in ten equal in- stallments as provided by ]aw, not withstanding any provisions of the Statuto to the contrary. The under signed waives any and all rights he has to object to the making of said improvements and consents to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost as aforesaid. The undersigned further petitions said City to pay the contractor for constructing said improvements by delivery of special assessment cer- tificates or special assessment bonds to the contractor against the property of the undersigned. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the con- tractor for constructing said im- provements by the issuance and sale of improvement bonds in antic- ipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted by said City. It is further agreed that in ac• cepting this petition and in order ing the construction of said im• provements the Resolution of the City Council may contain recitals Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 305 that said improvements are order- ed with or without the Petition of property owners, without in any way qualifying this Petition or re- leasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assessments made against his property as aforesaid. Joseph J. Ellerbach Catherine M. Ellerbach PETITION AND WAIVER The undersigned, owner of Lot 27 of Belmont Addition property abutting upon and adjacent to Balke Street hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, as soon as practicable, to proceed with the construction of Street Improvements, and does hereby petition said City to enter into a contract for the considera- tion of said improvement in accord- ance with and as provided by plans and specifications to be fur- nished and approved by said City. Said contract to be let and entered into in the manner provided by statute for bids and contracts for Street improvements. In consideration of the construc• lion of the improvement as afore- said, the undersigned agrees to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost thereof, including the engineering and inspection ex• pense to the City and the expense of making the assessment schedule, It is agreed that the City of Du- buque shall cause assessments to be made against the property of the undersigned in proportion to the special benefits conferred on area assessment basis and that such assessment shall be and constitute a lien upon the proper- ties of the undersigned for the actu- al cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Petition by the City, and the undersigned agrees to pay said assessments in full, either by a lump sum payment or in ten equal installments as provided by ]aw, not withstanding any provisions of the Statute to the contrary. The undersigned waives any and all rights he has to object to the mak- ing of said improvements and con- sents to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost as afore- said. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the contrac- tor for constructing said improve menu by delivery of special assess- ment certificates or special assess- ment bonds to the contractor against the property of the under- signed The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the contrac- tor for constructing said improve~ menu by the issuance and sale of improvement bonds in anticipation of deferred payments of assess~ menu when a contract has been performed and accepted by said city. It is further agreed that in ac- cepting this petition and in order ing the construction of said im• provements the Resolution of the City Council may contain recitals that said improvements are ordered a-ith or without the Petition of property owners, without in any way qualifying this Petition or releasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assessments made against his property as aforesaid. Blair W. Massey Selma Massoy PETITION AND WAIVER Tho undersigned, owner of Lot 28 Belmont Addition property a- butting upon and adjacent to Balke Street hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as soon as practicable, to , proceed with the Street Improve• menu and does hereby petition said City to enter into a contract for the construction of said im- provement in accordance with and as provided by plans and specific~~ lions to be furnished and approved by said City. Said contract to be let and entered into in the manner provided by statute for bids and contracts for Street improvements. In consideration of the construc- tion of the improvement as afore- said, the undersigned agrees to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost thereof, including the engineering and inspection expense to the City and the expense of mak• ing the assessment schedule. It is agreed that the City of Dubuque shall cause assessments to be made 7~~1~~~1 306 Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 against the property of the under- signed in proportion to the special benefits conferred on area assess- ment basis and that such assess- ment shall be and constitute a lien upon the properties of the under- signed for the actual cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Petition by the City, and the undersigned agrees to pay said assessments in full, either by a lump sum pay- ment or in ten equal installments as provided by law, not withstand- ing any provisions of the Statute to the contrary, The undersigned waives any and all rights he has to object to the making of said im- provements and consents to pay his proportionate share of the actu- a] cost as aforesaid. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pap the con• tractor for constructing said im• provements by delivery of special assessment certificates or special assessment bonds to the contrac- tor against the property of the un• dersigned. The undersigned further peti• lions said City to pay the contrac• for for constructing said improve- ments by the issuance and sale oP improvement bonds is anticipa- tion of deferred payments of as- sessments when a contract has been performed and accepted by said City. It is further agreed that in ac- cepting this petition and in order- ing the construction of said im- provements the Resolution of the City Council may contain recitals that said improvements are order- ed with or without the Petition of property owners without in any way qualifying this Petition or re- leasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assessments made against his property as aforesaid. Russell A. Schueller PETITION AND WAIVER The undersigned, owner of Lot 30 of Belmont Addition property abutting upon and adjacent to Balke Street hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, as soon as practicable, to proceed with the construction of Street Improvements and does hereby petition said City to enter into a contract for the construction of said improvement in accordance with and as provided .by plans and specifications to be furnished and approved by said City. Said con• tract to be let and entered into is< the manner provided by statute for bids and contracts for Street im• provements. In consideration of the construc• lion of the improvement as afore- said,the undersigned agrees to pay his proportionate share of the actu• at cost thereof, including the engi- neering and inspection expense to the City and the expense of mak• ing the assessment schedule. It is agreed that the City of Dubuque shall cause assessments to be made against the property of the under- signed in proportion to the special benefits conferred on area assess meat basis and that such assess- ment shall be and constitute a lien upon the properties of the under- signed for the actual cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Petition by the City, and the undersigned agrees to pay said assessments in full, either by a lump sum payment or in ten equal installments as pro• vided by law, not withstanding any provisions of .the Statute to the contrary. The undersigned waives any and all rights he has to object to the making of said improve- ments and consents to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost of aforesaid. The undersigned further petir lions said City to pay the contrac- tor far constructing said improve- ments ,by delivery of special assess- ment certificates or special assess~ went bonds to the contractor a- gainst the property of the under- signed. The undersigned further peti• lions said Gity to pay the contrac• for for constructing said improve meats by the issuance and sale of improvement bonds in anticipation of deferred payments of assess meats when a; contract has been performed and accepted by said City. It is further agreed that in ac- cepting this petition and in order- Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 307 ing the construction of said im• provements the Resolution of the City Council may contain recitals that said improvements are order- ed with or without the Petition of property owners, without in any way qualifying this Petition or re- leasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assessments made against his property as aforesaid. Laverne W. Tarkett Marie A. Tarkett PETITION AND WAIVER The undersigned, owner of Lot 43 of Belmont Addition property abutting upon and adjacent to Bal- ke Street hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as soon as practicable, to proceed with the construction of Street Improvements and does here by petition said City to enter into a contract for the construction of said improvement in accordance with and as provided by plans and specifications to be furnished and approved by said City. Said con- tract to Abe let and entered into in the manner provided by statute for bids and contracts for Street inrpravements. In consideration of the construc- tion of the improvement as afore- said, the undersigned agrees to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost thereof, including the engtneering and inspection expense to the City and the expense of making the assessment schedule. It is agreed that the City of Du- buque shall cause assessments to be made against the property of the undersigned in proportion to the special benefits conferred on area assessment basis and that such assessment shall be and con- stitute alien upon the properties of the undersigned for the actual cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Petition by the City, and the undersigned agrees to pay said assessments in full, either by a lump sum payment or in ten equal installments as provided by law, not withstanding any provisicns of the Statute to the contrary. The undersigned waives any and all rights he has to abject to the mak- ing of said improvements and consents to pay his proportionate share of the actual cast as afore- said. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the contrac- tor for constructing said improve- ments by delivery of special assess- ment certificates or special assess- ment bonds to the contractor a- gainst the property of the under- signed. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the contrac- tor for constructing said improve- ments by the issuance and sale of improvement ,bonds in anticipation of deferred payments of assess- ments when a contract has been performed and accepted by said City. It is further agreed that in ac• cepting this petition and in order- ing the construction of said im• provements the Resolution of the City Council may contain recitals that said improvements are order- ed with ar without the Petition of property owners, without in any way qualifying this Petition or re• leasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assessments made against his property as aforesaid. John H. Budden Adele Budden PETITION AND WAIVER The undersigned, owner of Lot 42 of Belmont Addition property abutting upon and adjacent to Balke Street hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, as soon as practica- ble, to proceed with the construc• lion of Street Improvements and does hereby petition said City to enter into a contract for the con- struction of said improvement in accordance with and as provided by plans and specifications to be furnished and approved by said City. Said contract to be let and entered into in the manner pro- vided by statute foi bids and contracts for Street improvements. In consideration of the construc- tion of the improvement as afore- said, the underslgned agrees to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost thereof, including the engineering and inspection ex- pense to the City and the expense 308 Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, Ig49 of making the assessment schedule. It is agreed that the City of Du- buque shall cause assessments to be made against the property of the undersigned in proportion to the special benefits conferred on area assessment basis and that such assessment shall be and con- stitute alien upon the properties of the undersigned for the actual cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Petition by the City, and the undersigned agrees to pay said assessments in full, either by a lump sum payment or in ten equal installments as provided by law, not withstanding any provisions of the Statute to the contrary. The undersigned waives any and all rights he has to o•hject to the making of said improvements and consents to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost as afore• said, The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the contrac- tor for constructing said improve- ments by delivery of special assess• ment certificates or special assess- ment bonds to the contractor against the property of the under- signed. The undersigned further peti• lions said City to pay the con- tractor for constructing said im- provements by the issuance and sale of improvement bonds in an- ticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted by said City. It fs further agreed that in accepting this petition and in ordering the construction of said improvements the Resolution of the City Council may contain re- citals that said improvements ors ordered with or without the Peti- tion of property owners, without in any way qualifying this Peti- tion or releasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assess- ments made against his property as aforesaid, Bernard M. S:elken PETITION AND WAIVER The undersigned, owner of Lot 40 of Belmont Addition property abutting upon and adjacent t o Balke Street hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, as soon as practica- ble, to proceed with the construc- tion of Street Improvements and does hereby petitiou said City to enter into a contract for the con- struction of said i!nprovement in accordance with and as provided by Plans and specifications to be furnished and approved .by said City. Said contract to be let and entered into in the mauler pro- vided by statute for bids and con- tracts for Street improvements. In consideration of the construc- tion of the improvement as afore- said, the undersigned agrees to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost thereof, including the engineering and inspection ex- pense to the City and the expense of making the assessment schedule. It is agreed that the City of Du- buque shall cause assessments to be made against the property of the undersigned in proportion to the special benefits conferred on area assessment basis and that such assessment shall be and con- stitute alien upon the properties of the undersigned for the actual cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Petition by the City, and the undersigned agrees to pay said assessments in full, either by a lump sum payment or in ten equal installments as provided by law, not withstanding any provisions of the Statute to the contrary. The undersigned waives any and all rights he has to object to the making of said improvements and consents to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost as afore- said. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the contrac- tor for constructing said improve- ments by delivery of special assess- ment certificates or special assess- ment bonds to the Contractor against the property of the under- signed. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the con- tractor for constructing said im- provements ,by the issuance and sale of improvement bonds i n Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 3o~ anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted by said City. It is further agreed that in accepting this petition and in ordering the construction of said improvements the Resolution of the City Council may contain re- citals that said improvements are ordered with or without the Peti- tion of property owners, without in any way qualifying this Peti- tion or releasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assess- ments made against his property as aforesaid. Henry H. Henkel 2921 Balke Street Dubuque, Iowa PETITION AND WAIVER The undersigned, owner of Lot 39 of Belmont Addition property abutting upon and adjacent to Balke Street hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Du• buque, Iowa, as soon as practica- ble, to proceed with the construc• lion of Street Improvements and does hereby petition said City to enter into a contract for the con- struction of said improvement in accordance with and as provided by plans and specifications to be furnished and approved by said City. Said contract to be let and entered into in the manner pro- vided ,by statute Par bids and con- tracts for Street improvements. In consideration of the construc- tion of the improvement as afore- said, the undersigned agrees to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost thereof, including the engineering and inspection a x- pense to the City and the expense of making the assessment schedule. It is agreed that the City of Du- buque shall cause assessments to be made against the property of the undersigned in proportion to the special benefits conferred on area assessment basis and that such assessment shall be and con- stitute alien upon the properties of the undersigned for the actual cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Petition by the City, and the undersigned agrees to pay said assessments in full, either by a lump sum payment or in ten equal installments as provided by law, not withstanding any provisions of the Statute to the contrary. The undersgined waives any and all rights he has to object to the making of said improvements and consents to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost as afore- said. The undersigned further peti• lions said City to pay the rontrac- tar for constructing said improve- ments by delivery of special assess- ment certificates or special assess- ment bonds to the contractor against the property of the under- signed. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the con- tractor for constructing said im- provements by the issuance and anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted .by said City. It is further agreed that in accepting this petition and in ordering the construction of said improvements the Resolution of the City Council may contain re- citals that said improvements are ordered with or without the Peti- tion of property owners, without in any way qualifying this Peti- tion or releasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assess- ments made against his property as aforesaid. Ursula H. Holmes PETITION AND WAIVER The undersigned, owner of Lot 35 of Belmont Addition property abutting upon and adjacent to Balke Street hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, as soon as practicable, to proceed with the construction of Street Improvements and does hereby petition said City to enter into a contract for the construc- tion of said improvement in ac- cordance with and as provided by plans and specifications to be fur- nished and approved by said City. Said contract to be let and entered into in the manner provided by statute for bids and contracts Por Street improvements. 31o Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 In consideration of the construc- tion of the improvement as afore- said, the undersigned agrees to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost thereof, including the engineering and inspection ~ex- gense to the City and the expense of making the assessment sched- ule. It is agreed that the City of Dubuque shall cause assessments to be made against the property of the undersigned in proportion to the special .benefits conferred on area assessment basis and that such assessment shall be and con• atitute a lien upon the properties of the undersigned for the actual cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Petition by the City, and the undersigned agrees to pay said assessments in full, either by a lump sum payment or in ten equal installments as provided by law, not withstanding any provisions of the Statute to the contrary, The undersigned waives any and all rights he has to object to the making of said improvements and consents to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost as afore- said. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the con- tractor for constructing said im• provements by delivery of special assessment certificates or special assessment bonds to the contrac• for against the property of the undersigned. The undersigned further peti- tions said City to pay the con• tractor for constructing said im- provements by the issuance and sale of improvement bonds in an- ticipation oY deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted by said City. It is further agreed that in accepting this petition and i n ordering the construction of said improvements the Resolution of the City Council map contain re- citals that said improvements are ordered with or without the Peti• lion of property owners, without in any way qualifying this Pet- tion or releasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assess- meats made against his property as aforesaid. Earl W. Prey Evelyn Prey Earl W. Prey and Evelyn Prey, husband and wife, holders of contract cover- ing Lot 35 Belmont Add. 2951 Balke Street METTEL REALITY & INVESTMENT CO. .by: A. J. Mihm, Title Holder PETITION AND WAIVER The undersigned, owner of Lot 34 of Belmont Addition property abutting upon and adjacent to Balke Street hereby petitions the City Council of the City oP Du- buque, Iowa, as soon as practica- ble, to proceed with the construc• lion of Street Improvements and does hereby petition said City to '~ enter into a contract for the con- struction of said improvement in accordance with and as provided by plans and specifications to be furnished and approved by said City. Said contract to be let and entered into in the manner pro- vided by statute for bids and con- tracts for Street improvements. In consideration of the construc- tion of the improvement as afore said, the undersigned agrees to pay his proportionate share of the actual cost thereof, including the engineering and inspection ex- pense to the City and the expense of making the assessment sched- ule. It is agreed that the City of Dubuque shall cause assessments to be made against the property of the undersigned in proportion to the special benefits conferred on area assessment ,basis and that such assessment shall be and con• stitute a lien upon the properties of the undersigned for the actual cost of such improvements on and from the date of the acceptance of this Petition by the City, and the undersigned agrees to pay said assessments in full, either by a lump sum payment or in ten equal installments as provided by law, rot withstanding any provisions of the Statute to the contrary. The undersigned waives any and all rights he has to object to the making of said improvements and consents to pay his proportionate Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 311 share of the actual cost as afore- said. The undersigned further peti• lions said City to pay the con- tractor for constructing said im- provements by delivery of special assessment certificates or special assessment bonds to the contractor against the property of the under- signed. The undersigned further petition said City to pay the contractor for constructing said improvements by the issuance and sale of improve- , went bonds in anticipation of de- ferred payments of assessments when a contract has been perform- . ed and accepted by said City. It is further agreed that in accepting this petition and in ordering the construction of said improvements the Resolution oY the City Council may contain re- citals that said improvements are ordered with or without the Peti- tion of property owners, without in any way qualifying this Peti- tion or releasing the undersigned from his obligation to pay assess- ments made against his property as aforesaid, Virginia R. Stierman a n d Robert F. Stierman 623 Garfield Avenue Dubuque, Iowa RESOLUTION N0. 171.49 On June 23, 1949, Robert P. Marshal], for many years Auditor of the City of Dubuque, was called to his eternal reward. His passing was the occasion for great sorrow to his legion of friends in this community. Quiet, unassuming in his demeanor, he won and held the friendship and respect of his superiors, his associates, and all who had the opportunity of know- ing him. His life typified the model husband, father, citizen and thoroughgoing gentleman. As a public official he was courteous, honest and conscientious in the performance of his duty. The posi- tion he occupied with the City of Dubuque was one of great import- ance and trust and he fulfilled his responsibilities is a capable and commendable manner. The City of Dubuque owes to Robert P. Marshall a debt of gratitude and this Council, as the governing body thereof, wishes to repay this obligation by giving public expression of the apprecia- tion and high regard in which he was held by all, both as a public official and as a man; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the C i t y Council of the City of Dubuque that this tribute to his memory be perpetuated by having the same spread on the public records of the City of Dubuque, and be it further resolved that a copy hereof be forwarded by the Clerk to the bereaved family. Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F. W. TH6MPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Welu moved the ad- option of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. RESOLUTION N0. 172-49 Resolution and application for approval to levy an emergency tax. WHEREAS, the revenue in cer- tain funds of the municipality set out in the within application fs inadequate to meet the actual and necessary expenses which must be paid from said funds and any extra- ordinary or unforseen expense which may arise during the en• suing fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the inadequacy of the revenue referred to is deemed to constitute an emergency which requires the levy of an emergency tax; therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE City Council of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, that the State Comptroller be and is hereby petitioned for approval to levy an 31z Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 emergency tax for the year 1949 in the sum of Forty Three Thou- sand One Hundred Twenty Two, ($43,122.00), (not exceeding one mill) said tax to be used as set out below. (Presiding Officer) Albert Wharton Mayor (Secretarial Officer) J. J. Shea City Clerk The foregoing resolution was a- dopted at an Adjourned Regular meeting on the 5th day of July, A, D. 1949. The vote thereon was as follows: Ayes Albert Wharton F. W. Thompson Frank Van Duelman Romolo N. Russo Clarence P. Welu Nays None Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- cnded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carrieed by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None. RESOLUTION N0. 173-49 BE IT RESOLVED .by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and ciga- rette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City. Hawkeye Lodge of City ,of Du- buque, Iowa, 1382 Central Avenue Dale Duncan, 132 Eighth Avenue Myrtle A, Chapman, 53 West 12th Street Lester Eichhorn and Marie Eich- horn, 1725 Delhi Street. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds filed with the appli- cations be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N, RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen Attest: J. J. Shea Ctty Clerk. Councilman Welu moved the a• doption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays - None. RESOLUTION N0. 174--49 WHEREAS, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been submit- ted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following application ,be granted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances oY this City, CLASS "B" PERMIT Dale Duncan, 132 Eighth Avenue Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON .. Mayor F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO .. CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen Attest: J. J. Shea City Clerk Ceuncilman Welu moved the a- doption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None. RESOLUTION N0. 175-49 WHEREAS, heretofore applica• tion for Class "B" Beer Permit was filed by the within named appli• cant and it has received the approv al of this Council; and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicant have been inspected and found to com• ply with the ordinances of this City and he has filed a proper bond: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to issue to the following named applicant a Beer Permit. Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 313 CLASS "B" PERMIT Dale Duncan, 132 Eighth Avenue BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bond filed by such appli- cant .be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N, RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest: J. J. Shea City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- cnded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays - None The matter of the appointment of the members of the Playground and Recreation Commission was taken up for discussion and Mayor ~F'harton suggested that nomina- tions be made for the appointment of the members of the Playground and Recreation Commission, and that after nominations are present- ed that a secret ballot be held. Councilman Russo presented the names of John Petrakis, Joseph Graham and Mrs. Grace Schnei- der. Councilman Welu presented the names of Lionel McAleece, John Petrakis, Carl Hillard and Mrs. Wilbur Dalzell. Mayor Wharton presented the names of Gerald W. McAleece and Wm. Toepel. There being only the names of two women presente8 Councilman Welu moved that Mrs. Grace Schneider and Mrs. Wilbur Dalzell be appointed as the two women members of the Playground and Recreatien Commission for terms of throe years, said terms expiring July 5th, 1952. Seconded by Coun- cilman Russo. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu, Nays -None. A secret ,ballot was then taken on the other names suggested and the tally showed the following re• suit: For John Petrakis, three votes; Gerald W. McAleece, three votes; Joseph Graham, two votes; Wm. Toepel, one vote; Carl Hillard, one vote. Councilman Thompson moved that Gerald W. McAleece and Jahn Petrakis be appointed as members of the Playground and Recreation Commission for terms of three years, said terms expiring July 5th, 1952. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None, Councilman Russo moved that Mr. Frank A. Fluckiger as the rep- resentative of the Board of Educa- tion of the Independent School Dis- trict of Dubuque, Reverend William J. Menster as representative of the Parochial School System and City Manager A. A. Rhomberg be appointed as ex-officio members of the Playgrond and Recreation Commission, Seconded by Council- man Thompson, Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. Councilman Russo moved that a letter of thanks and appreciation be forwarded to the retiring mem- bers of the Playground and Recrea- tion Commission and that t h e Mayor be requested to sign the same on behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Council recessed at 9:25 p, m. and went into session as a meet- ing of the Board of Health for the purpose of considering and discussing the ordinance defining restaurant, itinerant restaurant, employee, utensils, health officer, etc., requiring permits for the ap- 314 Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1949 eration of such establishments, pro- hibiting the sale of adulterated, unwholesome or misbranded focd or drink, regulating the inspection (grading, regrading, and placard- ing) of such establishments, the enforcement of this ordinance, and the fixing of penalties. Council reconvened at 9:40 p.m. ORDINANCE N0. 27--49 An Ordinance defining restaur- ant„ itinerant restaurant, employee, utensils, health officer, etc., requir- ing permits for the operation of such establishments, prohibiting the sale of adulterated, unwhole- some or misbranded food or drink, regulating the fnepectton (grading, regrading, and placarding) of such establishments, the enforcement of this ordinance, and the fixing of penalties, presented and read, Councilman Thompson moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel- man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended re- quiring an ordinance to be road on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Councilman Thompson moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. There being no further business Councilman Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu, Nays -None. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Approved ................................ 1949. Adopted .................................. 1949. Councilmen ~ .................................._.. Attest : ................................................ City Clerk. Special Session, July 5th, 1949 Board Of Health (Official) Special Session, July 5th, 1949. Board met at 9:25 p.m. Present - Chairman Albert Wharton, Messrs. Romolo N. Russo F. W. Thompson, Frank Van Duel- man, Clarence P. Welu. City Man- ager Rhamberg. The proposed ordinance defining restaurant, itinerant restaurant, employee, utensils, health officers, etc., requiring permits for the operation of such establishments, prohibiting the sale of adulterated, unwholesome or misbranded food or drink, regulating the inspection '(grading, regrading and placardi- ing) of such establishments, the enforcement of this ordinance, and the fixing of penalties, was taken up for consideration and discus- sion with Health Director Dr. Al- bert Entringer. There being no further business Mr. Frank Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Clar- ence P. Welu. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Chairman Albert Whar- ton, Messrs. Romolo N. Russo, F. W. Thompson, Frank Van Duel- man, Clarence P. Welu. Nays -None. J. J. SHEA. Clerk, Board of Health. Approved ................................ 1949. Adopted ............................. ... 1949. ..................................... Members of ~ ...................................... Bd. of Health A,tt est : .......................................... . Clerk, Board of Health. 315 I liq 'j' ~~ 316 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 City Council (Official.) Special Session, July 18th, 1949. Council met at 7:30 p.m. Present-Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Absent -City Manager Rhom- berg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Thompson and Van Duel- man. Mayor Wharton read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of levying special assessments and issuing bonds to pay for the im- provement of Esther Street, also for the improvement of Tressa Street, also for considering pro- posals received for the construe- tion of sanitary sewers and appur- tenences in what is known as the CherryGreen Street Sewer District as delimited .by Ordinance No. 16- 49, also for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Dillon Street and acting on any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Coun- cil. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of levy of special assessment and intention of the City Council to issue bonds for the improvement of Esther Street from the south curb line of Mt. Loretta Avenue to the north curb line of Tressa Street, presented and read. Coun- cilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded b y Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, We1u. Nays -None. Resolution No. 176-49. SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for the improving of Esther Street from the south curb line of Mt. Loretta Avenue to the north curb line of Tressa Street, by K-M Construction Company, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, sit- uated and owned, and for the sev eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Lib~bie and Mary Corcoran, Lot 1, Ryder's Sub . ............$258.68 Oliver and Anaclite Larson, Lot 2, Ryder's Sub ............. 92.81 Harry J. and Dorothy Butter, Lot 3, Ryder's Sub ............. 50.78 Harry J. and Dorothy Butter, Lot 4, Ryder's Sub ............. 23.75 Home Owners Corp., Lot 5, Ryder's Sub . ........................ 13.63 Home Owners Carp., Lot 6, Ryder's Sub ......................... 10.87 Carl Scheufele, Lot 8, Ry- der's Sub ............................... 133.73 Carl Scheufele, Lot 1 of 9, Ryder's Sub ......................... 79.23 Horace L. and Hillda 0. Poole, Lot 2 of 9, Ryder's Sub . ........................................ 39.38 Horace L, and Hillda 0. Poole, Lot 10, Ryder'~s Sub. 118.61 Harriet B. Hardie, Lot 11, Ryder's Sub ......................... 55.48 Harriet B. Hardie, Lot 12, Ryder's Sub ......................... 28.56 Home Owners Corp., Lot 13, Ryder's Sub ......................... 16.83 Catherine Williamson, et al, Lot 8, Oak Grove Add...,..... 35.27 Jennie Dougherty, Lot 9, Oak Grove Add ................... 49.16 Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot 10, Oak Grove Add..... 104.92 Louis and Madeline Hagerty, Lot 1 of 1 of 11, Oak Grove Add . .......................... 91.17 Louis and Madeline Hagerty, Lot 2 of 1 of 11, Oak Grove Add ......................................... 41.94 Lester C. and Louise K. Ra- foth, Lot 2 of 11, Oak Grove Add ........:.................... 91.39 Hamer W. and Rose E, Gol- den, Lot 1 of 1 of 12, Oak Grove Add ........................... 244.34 Hamer W, and Rose E. Gol- den, Lot 2 of 1 of 12, Oak Grave Add ............................. 133.85 Lester C. and Louise K. Ra- foth, Lot 2 of 12, Oak Grove Add ............................. 268.55 $1,982.93 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 317 582 Lin. Ft. CombSnation Curb and Gutter @ $2.84 $1,652.88 61 Lin. Ft. Radius Curb and Gutter @ $3.00.......... 183.00 12.21 Sq. Yda. Driveways Concrete @ $5.40 ................ 65.94 $1,901.82 Extra Expense 4% .. (_....... 76.07 Interest for 52 days @ 6% 16.48 $1,994.37 Credit for Sales Tax Re- fund .................................... 11.44 $1,982.93 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits conferred. Passed, adopted and approved this 18th day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELD Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays-None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to issue improvement bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of the improving of Esther Street from the south curb line of Mt. Loretta Avenue to the north curb line oY Tressa Street, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Russo. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. (Resolution Providing for the Is- suance of Public Improvement Bonds.) CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA RESOLUTION N0. 177.49 WHEREAS, the contract here- tofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improving of Esther Street hereinafter describ- ed, has .bean completed and said improvement has been acceptd by the City Council of said City and 'the City Engineer has computed the cost and expense thereof to be $1,982.93 AND WHEREAS, public notice as provided by law, has been published by the City Clerk stating the intention of the City Council to issue bonds to pay the cost of said improvement and a public hearing has been held pursuant thereto, and all objections filed there to have been considered and determined: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to pro- vide for the cost of the improve- ment of Esther Street from the south curb line of Mt. Loretta Ave., to the north curb line of Tressa Street there be issued im- provement bonds to the amount of $1,982.93 Said bonds shall be issued under the provisions of Chapter 396 of the Code of Iowa, 1946; shall bear the date of the 17th day of August 1949, shall be in denominations of $2D0.00, except that there shall be one bond to the amount of $182.93. They shall be numbered from 4013 to 4022 inclusive and shall be divided into ten series, of which the bond numbered 4013 shall con- stitute the first series and shall be payable the first day of April, A. D. 1950, the bond numbered 4014 shall constitute the second series and shall be payable the first day of April, A, D. 1951, the bond numbered 4015 shall consti- tute the third series and shall be payable the first day of April, A. D, 1952, the bond numbered 4016 shall constitute the fourth series and shall be payable the first day of April,. A. D. 1953, the bond numbered 4017 shall constitute the 318 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 fifth series and shall be payable the first day of April, A. D, 1954, the bond numbered 4018 shall con• stitute the sixth series and shall be payable the first day of April, A. D. 1955, the bond numbered 4019 shall constitute the seventh series and shall be payable the first day of April,. A. D. 1950, the band numbered 4020 shall consti- tute the eighth series and shall be payable the first day of April, A. D. 1957, the bond numbered 4021 shall constitute the ninth series and shall be payable the first day of April, A. D, 1956, the bond numbered 4022 shall consti- tute the tenth series and shall be payable the first day of April, A. D. 1959 Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum which interest shall be•pay- able semi-annually, in accordance with the terms of the coupons thereto attached; and said bonds shall be payable out of the pro- ceeds of the special assessment levied for said improvement. Both principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Du- buque. Said bonds shall be sub• stantially in the following form: No . .......................................... Series No ............................... CITY OF DUBUQUE Improvement Bond The City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa promises to pay as hereinafter mentioned to the bear- er hereof, on the first day of April, A. D. 19........; or any time before that date at the option of the City, the sum of .......................... .,..........Hundred Dollars, with inter- est thereon at the rate of Pive per cent, per annum, payable on the presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto at- tached, both interest and principal are payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Du- buque in the State of Iowa. This bond is issued by the City of Du- buque pursuant to and by virtue of Chapter 396 of the Code of Iowa, 1946, and in accordance with a resolution of the City Counci] of said City, duly passed on the 18th day of July, 1949. This bond is one of a series of 10 bonds, 9 for $200.00 numbered from 4013 to 40• 21 inclusive, and one for $182.93 numbered 4022, all of like tenor and date, and issued for the pur- pose of the improvement oY Esther Street from the south curb line of Mt, Loretta Ave., to the north curb line of Tressa Street and described in said resolution; which cost is assessable to and levied along said improvement, and is made by law a lien on all abutting or adjacent property, and payable in ten annual installments, with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of five per cent. per annum, and this bond is payable only out of the money derived from the collection of said special tax, and sold money can be used for no other purpose. And it ie hereby certified and recited that all the acts and conditions and things required to be done prece- dent to and in the issuing of this series of bonds, have been done, happened and performed in regu- lar and due form as required by said law and resolution; and for the assessments, collections and payment hereon of said special tax, the faith and diligence of said City of Dubuque are hereby irrevocably pledged. In Witness Whereof, the City of Dubuque .by its City Council has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Clerk, with the seal of said City affixed this 17th day August, 1949, and has authorized the use of their fac-simile signa- ture to the interest coupons hereto attached. Mayor. City Clork. Countersigned (Seal) (FORM OF COUPON) On the ..................day of .............. ...........A. D. 1949, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer, as provided ip the bond, the sum of ................................ Dollars, at the office of the City Special Session, July 18th, 1949 319 Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, being ............................months interest due that day on its ..................Bond No . ........... . dated, 1949. ............ Mayor. City Clerk. Countersigned BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby instructed to cause said ,bonds to be prepared and when so prepared to execute said bonds, and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby in- structed to register said bonds in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and to then deliver them to the City Treasurer who will also register them in a book to be kept by him for that pur- pose. cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. State of Iowa County of Dubuque J SS. I, Claude J. McDonald, do hereby certify that on June 30th, 1949, I posted copies of the attached No- tice of Levy of Special Assessment and Intention of the City Council to Issuo Bonds along the line of improvement of Esther S t r e e t from the south curb line of Mt. Loretta Avenue to the north curb line of Tressa Street. Signed Claude J. McDonald Subscribed and sworn to ,before me, John J. Shea, a Notary Public, this 30th day of June, 1949, JOHN J. SHEA. Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. BE IT FURTHER RESULVED, that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed to sell said bonds in the manner provided by law, the proceeds of said sale to .be kept in a special fund to be known as Improvement Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the interest coupons attached to the bonds be signed with the foe-simile signature of the Mayor and countersigned with the fac• simile signature of the City Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that as fast as funds allow, begin- ning with the second year after the payment of interest due, these bonds shall be called and retired in the same order as numbered. Adopted thus 18th day of July, 1949. Approved: ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN CLARENCE P. WELU ROMOLO N. RUSSO Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec• onded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• Councilman Russo moved that the statement be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of levy of special assessment and in- tention of the City Council to issue bonds for the improvement of Tressa Street from the east property line of Esther Street to the west property line of Mc- Lenan Street, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded .by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Resolution No. 778--49. , SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay far the improving of Tressa Street from the east prop- erty line of Esther Street to the west property line of McLenan Street, by K-M Construction Com- Ili 1i 32o Special Session, July 18th, 1949 pony, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sev eral lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Carl Scheufele, Lot 1 of 9, RYder's Sub .........................$ 8.81 Horace L. and Hillda 0. Poole, Lot 2 of 9, Ryder's Sub ......................................... 28, 40 Horace L. and Hillda 0. Poole, Lot 10, Ryder's Sub. 199.85 Harriet B. Hardie, Lot 11, Ryder's Sub' ......................... 125.58 Harriet B, Hardie, Lot 12, Ryder's Sub . ........................ 142.83 Home Owners Corp,, Lot 13, Ryder's Sub ......................... 131.06 Home Owners Corp., Lot 14, Ryder's Sub ...........................127.70 Laurence and Eleanor Mc- Neil, Lot 2 of 1 of 7, Ry- der's Sub .............................. 432.08 Carl Scheufele, Lot 2 of 2 of 7, Ryder's Sub ..................... 171.03 Carl Scheufele, Lot 2 of 1 of 2 of 7, Ryder's Sub ............. 169.03 Carl Scheufele, Lot 1 of 1 of 7, Ryder's Sub ..................... 137.74 Wilbur and Edna B. Watters, Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 7, Ryder's Sub ......................... 226.09 Oscar Burgmeyer, Lot 14, Sub. of M. L. 39 .................. 148.08 Edward D. and Ruth B. Wal- ker, Lot 15, Sub. ~of M. L. 39 ......._ ..... ........................... 148.08 Doris P. Hoffman, Lot 16, Sub. of M. L. 39 ...........:: ..... 148.08 Hugh A. and Luella Brown, Lot 2 of 17, Sub. of M. L. 39 ............................................ 112.31 Eugene Singer, Lot 2 of 18, Sub, of M. L. 39 .................... 162.92 Eugene Singer, Lot 2 of 19, Sub. of M, L. 39 ................... 210.21 Edward Norton, Lot 20, Sub. of b'I. L. 39 ........................... 210.21 $3,040.09 1,002 Lin, Ft. Curb and Gutter @ $2.84 ....................$2,845.68 13 Sq. Yds. Driveways Con- crete @ $5.40 .................... 70.20 $2,915.88 Extra Expense @ 4%. ...... 116.64 Interest 6% for 52 days...... 25.27 $3,057.79 Less Credit for Sales Tax Refund .................................. 17.70 $3,040.09 All of which is assessed in pro• portion to the special benefits conferred. Passed, adopted and approved this 18th day of July, 1949, ALBERT WHARTON, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P, WELD Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Russo moved the adoption of the resolution. Sep owned by Councilman Welu. Car• ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays-None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to issue improvement bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of the improving of Tressa Street from the east property line of Esther Street to the west property line of McLenan Street, presented and read. Coun- cilman Thompson moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman 4Velu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. (Resolution Providing for the Issuance of Public Improvement Bonds.) CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA RESOLUTION N0. 1799 WHEREAS, the contract hereto- fore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improving of Tres- sa Street hereinafter described, has ,been completed and said improve- ment has been accepted by the City Council of said Citp and the City Engineer has computed the cost and expense thereof to be $3,040.09. Special Session, July 18th, 1949 3a1 AND WHEREAS, public notice as provided by law, has been pub- lished by the City Clerk stating the intention of the City Council to issue bonds to pay the cost of said improvement and a public hearing has been held pursuant thereto, and all objections filed thereto have been considered and determined: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Couneil of the City of Dubuque that to provide for the cost of the improvement of Tressa Street from the east prop- erty line of Esther Street to the west property line of McLenan St. there be issued improvement bonds to the amount of $3,040.09. Said bonds shall be issued under the provisions of Chapter 396 of the CodE of lows, 1946, shall bear the date of the 17th day of August, 1949, shall be in denominations of $300.00, except that there shall be one bond to the amount of $40.09. They shall be numbered from 4023 to 4033 4nclusive and shall be de- vided into ten series, of which the bond numbered 4023 shall consti• tuts the first series and shall be payable the first day of April, A. D. 1950, the band numbered 4024 shall constitute the second series and shall be payable the first day of April, D. D, 1951, the bond num- bered 4025 shall constitute the third sereis and shall be payable the first day of April, A. D. 1952, the bond numbered 4026 shall con- stitute the fourth series and shall be payable the first day of April, A. D. 1953, the bond numbered 4027 shall constitute the fifth series and shall .be payable the first day of April, A. D. 1954, the bond num• bered 4028 shall constitute the sixth series and shall be payable the first day of April, A, D. 1955, the bond numbered 4029 shall con• stitute the seventh series and shall be payable the first day of Apirl, A. D 1956 ,the band numbered 4030 shall constitute the eighth series and shall be payable the first day oP April, A. D. 1957, the bond num- bered 4031 shall constitute the ninth series and shall be payable the first day of April, A. D. 1958, the bonds numbered 4032 and 4033 shall constitute the tenth aeries and shall be payable the first day of April, A, D. 1959. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of five par cent. per annum which interest shall be pay- able semi-annually, in accordance with the terms of the coupons thereto attached; and said bonds shall be payable out of the pro• ceeds of the special assessment levied for said improvement. Both principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Du- buque. Said bonds shall be substan- tially in the following form: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby instructed to cause said bonds to .be prepared and when so prepared to execute said bonds, and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to register said bands in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and to then deliver them to the City Treasurer who will also register them in a book to be kept by him for that purpose. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed to sell said bonds in the manner provided .by law, the proceeds of said sale to be kept in a special fund to be known as Improvement Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the interest coupons attached to the bonds be signed with the fac-simile signature of the Mayor and countersigned with the fac- simile signature of the City Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that as fast as funds allow, begin• ning with the second year after the payment of interest due, these bonds shall be called and retired in the same order as numbered. Adopted this 18th day of July, 1949. Approved: ALBERT WHARTON Mayor F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELD Attest: J. J, Shea City Clerk. ~"'~~ . 322 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Russo. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. State of Iowa SS. County of Dubuque J I, Claude J. McDonald, do hereby certify that on June 30th, 1949, I posted copies of the attached No- tice of Levy of Special Assessment and Intention of the City Council to Issue Bonds along the line of improvement for the improvement of Tressa Street from the west property line of Esther Street to the west property line of McLenan Street. Signed: Claude J. McDonald Subscribed and sworn to before me John J. Shea, a Notary Public, this 30th day of June, 1949. John J. Shea Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa Councilman Russo moved that the statement be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice to con- tractors of the receipt of proposals for the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in what is known as the Cherry-Green Street Sewer District as delimited by Ordinance No. 16.49. The improvement shall consist of the construction of an eight (8) inch sanitary sewer, lift station and six (8) inch cast iron force main for the Cherry-Green Street Sewer District. The eight (8) inch sewer line begins at the lift station locat- ed on the intersection of the center lines of the alley at the corporation limits and the alley between Cherry and Green Streets; thence easterly along the center line of the alley between Cherry and Green Streets to a point 5 feet westerly from the prolongation of the line .between lots numbered 205 and 206 of Finley's Addition; thence southerly along a line 5 feet westerly of and parallel to the easterly line of lot number 206 of Finley's Addition to the Center of Cherry Street; thence easterly along the center line of Cherry Street to a paint on the prolongation of the line be- tween lots numbered 220 and 221 of Finley's Addition; also westerly a• long the center-line of Cherry St. to a point on the prolongation of the line between lots numbered 1 of 208 and 2 of 208 of Finley's Addition; also from the intersection of the centerlines of Cherry Street and Finley Street southerly along the centerline of the alley 1st south of Cherry Street; also an eight inch vitrified file sanitary sewer begin- ning at said lift station and run- ning north in the alley at the cor- poration limits to the center line of Green Street; thence easterly along the center line of Green St. to a point on the prolongation of the line between lots numbered 197 and 2 of 198 of Finley's Addition; also from the intersection of the center lines of Green and Finley Streets northerly along the confer line of Finley Street to the inter section with Poplar and Karrick Streets; thence northerly along the center line of Poplar Street to a point on the prolongation oY the line subdividing the northeast 102 feet and the southwest 65 feet-9 inches of lot number 145 of Finley Addition also westerly from the intersection of Fiuley and Poplar Street along a line 12 feet scuther- ly from and parallel to the norther- ly line of Karrick Street to a point on the prolongation of the line be- tween lots numbered 141 and 142 Finley Addition; A six inch cast iron farce main to be laid on a line beginning at the lift station located on the intersection of the center lines of the alley at the corporation limits and the alley between Cherry and Green Streets and running north along the center line of the alley at the corporation limits a distance of 880 feet, and continuing north from this point with an eight inch vitrified file sewer main a• crass Asbury Street to the existing sanitary sewer manhole located at the intersection of said alley and Special Session, July 18th, 1949 323 the center line of Seminary Street. presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son, Carried by the following vote: Yeas ^ Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. July 18, 1949 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your instructions sealed bids were received until 10 A. M., July 18, 1949, for the construction of a sanitary sewer, lift station and force main in the Cherry-Green Street sewer dis- trict. Two bids were received as shown on the attached tabulation. I recommend that the contract far this work be awarded to the Thomas Flynn Coal Company, this being the lowest and best .bid re- ceived. Respectfully submitted, R. J. Gallagher, City Engineer. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Engineer Gallagher be approved. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None, (Awarding Contract) RESOLUTION N0. 180.49 WHEREAS, proposals have been submitted by contractors for the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in what is known as the Cherry-Green Street Sewer District as delimited b y Ordinance No. 16.49. The improvement shall consist of the construction of an eight (8) inch sanitary sewer, lift station and six (8) inch cast iron force main for the Cherry-Green Street Sewer District. The eight (8) inch sewer line begins at the lift sta- tion located on the intersection of the center lines of the alley at the corporation limits and the alley between Cherry and Green Streets; thence easterly along the center line oY the alley between Cherry and Green Streets to a point 5 feet westerly from the prolonga- tion of the line between lots num- bered 205 and 206 of Finley's Ad- dition; thence southerly along a line 5 feet westerly of and parallel to the easterly line of lot number 206 of Finley's Addition to the Center of Cherry Street; thence easterly along the center line of Cherry Street to a point on the prolongation of the line between lots numbered 220 and 221 o Y Finley's Addition; also westerly along the centerline of Cherry Street to a point on the prolonga~ tion of the line between lots num- bered 1 of 208 and 2 of 208 of Finley's Addition; also from the intersection of the centerlines of Cherry Street and Finley Street southerly along the centerline of Finley Street to the centerline of the alley 1st south of Cherry Street; also an eight inch vitrified file sanitary sewer beginning at said lift station and running north in the alley at the corporation limits to the center line of Green Street; thence easterly along the center line of Green Stret to a point on the prolongation of the line between lots numbered 197 and 2 of 198 of Finley's Addition; also from the intersection of the center lines of Green and Finley Streets northerly along the center line of Finley Street to the inter section with Poplar and Karrick Streets; thence northerly along the center line of Poplar Street to a point on the prolongation of the line subdividing the northeast 102 feet and the southwest 65 feet•9 inches of lot number 145 of Fin• ley's Addition; also westerly from the intersection of Finley and Pop• lar Street along a line 12 feet southerly from and parallel to the northerly line of Karrick Street to a point on the prolongation of the line between lots numbered 141 and 142 of Finley Addition; A six inch cast iron force main to be laid on a line beginning at the lift station located on the inter section of the center lines of the alley at the corporation limits and the alley between Cherry a n d 324 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 Green Streets and running north along the center line of the alley at the corporation limits a dis• lance of 880 feet, and continuing north from this point with an eight inch vitrified life sewer main across Asbury Street to the exist- ing sanitary sewer manhole locat- ed at the intersection of said alley and the center line of Sem• inary Street, pursuant to Resolu• lion No. 159-49 and' Thos. Flynn Coal Co. contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the plans and specifications; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Gity Council of the City of Dubuque that the contract for the above mentioned improvement be award- ed to Thos. Flynn Coal Co. and the Manager be and he is hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity became effective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Approved and placed on file for one week an July 18th 1949. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file far at least one week. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice to con• tractors of the receipt of proposals for the construction of an eight (8) inch vitrified life sanitary sewer in Dillon Street beginning at the existing manhole in State Street (being 292 feet south of the center line of Curtis Street) and running westerly on or about the center line of the alley 1st south of Curtis Street for 391 feet to M, H, No. 2 at the center of Dillon, thence southerly along the center line of Dillon Street for 457 feet to the terminal point, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that t h e proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Welu, Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. July 18, 1949, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your instructions sealed bids were received until 10 a.m. July 18, 1949 for the con• struction of a sanitary sewer in Dillon Street. Two bids were re- ceived as shown on the attached tabulation. I recommend that the contract for this work be awarded to the Thomas Flynn Coal Company, this being the lowest and best bid received. Respectfully submitted, R. J. Gallagher, City Engineer. Councilman Welu moved that ~' the recommendation of City Engi• Weer Gallagher be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. (Awarding Contract) RESOLUTION N0. 181.49 WHEREAS, proposals have been submitted by contractors for the construction of an eight (8) inch vitrified life sanitary sewer i n Dillon Street beginning at the ex- isting manhole in State Street (being 292 feet south of the center line of Curtis Street) and running westerly on or about the center line of the alley 1st south of Curtis Street for 391 feet to MH. No. 2 at the ceuter of Dillon, thence southerly along the center line of Dillon Street for 457 feet to the terminal point pursuant to Resolution No. 161.49 and Thomas Special Session, July 18th, 1949 32S Flynn Coal Co. contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and material and performing the work as pro• vided for in the plans and specifi• cations.; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the contract for the above mentioned improvement be award ed to Thomas Flynn Coal Co. and the Manager be and he is hereby directed to execute a contract on I behalf of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance, of said ~' work. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity become effective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Approved and placed on file far one week on July 18th 1949. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for at least one week. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Council• man Russo. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Communication of the Holl De• signing Company, by Paul Rossiter, Engineer, submitting proposal for engineering services on East 14th Street Overpass to replace their proposal submitted on June 30,1949 presented and read. Mr. Pau 1 Rossiter addressed the Council in support of the communication. Councilman Russo moved that ac• lion be suspended until the Coun• cif meeting of August 1st, 1949 on the retaining of engineering ser• vices for the construction of an 'Overpass at East 14th Street. Sec- onded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Mrs. Margaret Wall addressed the Council requesting that the City Council take immediate ac- tion in ordering the retaining wall on her property on West Sixteenth Street repaired at once, as this wall is in a very dangerous condi- tion caused ,by the over flow of storm water onto her property. Councilman Welu moved that this matter be referred to the City Manager to take immediate action if there appears a definite hazard. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None, Notice of Claim of Merlyn B. Kurt in the amount of $60.00 for damages caused by the sewer back- ing up into his basement at 874 South Grandview Avenue during the storm of July 5, 1949, present- ed and read, Councilman Russ o moved that the Notice of Claim be refeerred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report and the City Manager instructed to take immediate action if warrant- ed. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Communication of the Maryland Casualty Company submitting at• lathed Power of Attorney for Ardith Halverson, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be receiv ed and the Power of Attorney placed on file. Seconded by Coun• cilmen Welu. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. 326 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 Communication of C. J. Ziegen- fuss submitting application for the purchase of Lots 14 and 15 South Park Hill Addition, presented and read. Councilman Russo moved that the communication be referr ed to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote; Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Communication of Paul V. Bet• ters, Executive Director, The Unit• ed States Conference of Mayors, submitting complete text of the new slum' clearance and housing 'law which has been given final Congressional approval, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be received and the copy of the law placed on file. Seconded by Coun• cilmon Welu. Carried by the fol• lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of the Amveta Dubuque Post No. 3 making application to sponsor the Cole Brothers Air Show at the Dubuque Municipal Airport on September il, 1949, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted upon execution of an agree- ment satisfactory to the C i t y Manager and the Amvets. Second• ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Goun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of the Civil Air Patrol requesting permission Por the hold- ing of an Air Show at the Dui buque Municipal Airport in the latter part of September, 1949, pre• sented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted, on any date between September 12th, 1949 and the 1st of November, upon execution oY an agreement satisfactory to the City Manager and the Civil Air Patrol. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Mayor Wharton moved t h a t Council recess for the purpose of holding a meeting as a Board of Health. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Council recessed at 8:30 p.m. and went into sessicn as a Board of Health for the purpose of dis- cussing with the Health Director the matter of fogging the streets and alleys within the limits of the City of Dubuque. Council re, convened at 8:45 p.m. Petition of the Dubuque Awning & Tent Co. requesting permission to erect a canvass sidewalk canopy extending from the building to within one foot of the curb line at 222 West 7th Street, presented and read. Councilman Van Duel• man moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor and Building Commissioner for investi• gation and report, Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried .by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of Mrs. Marie Wath• ier requesting a refund in the amount of $150.00 on the unexpired portion of Class "B" Beer Permit ATo. 151 as business was discon• tinned on May 31, 1949, presented and read. Councilman Van Duel- man moved that the request be granted and the Ci+y Auditor in• strutted to draw a warrant in the amount of $150.00 in favor of Mrs. Marie A. Wathier to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of Class "B" Beer Permit No. 151, Seconded by 1 .j I A ~! Special Session, July 18th, 1949 3~7 Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of Ray Hutchins and Paul A. Leonard requesting a re• fund in the amount of $100.00 on the unexpired portion of their Class "B" Beer Permit No. 140 as they have discontinued business on July 1, 1949, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of Ray Hutchins and Paul A. Leonard to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of their Class "B" Beer Permit No. 14D. Second• ed by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of Frank McInerny and others requesting the installation of a street light on Pierce Street between Angella and West Locust Streets, presented and read, Coun- cilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Russo. Car• ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of Alphonse M. Link requesting Council to take the necessary procedure to enforce the ordinance making it unlawful to distribute or cause to be dis- tributed, refuse on other people's property and to pollute the air in the area and in the vicinity of the Farley Loetscher Mfg. Co, and the Carr, Adams, Collier Co., causing unhealthy and unsanitary condi- tions, presented and read. Council- man Welu moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager for investigation and report. Sec• onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of the Central Avenue Business District Council request- ing permission to stage a parade nn Thursday, July 28, 1949, pre- sented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the request be granted and the Chief of Police to be in• formed of the action of the City Council. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Eberhardt and others, residents of the northern section oY Fremont Street, from the corner of Lom- bard, requesting the installation oY a street light halfway between the present light, which is located some 150 feet from the corner of St. Joseph Street, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the petition be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel- man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of the Shiloh Circle No, 37 Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic requesting permis- sion to hold a tag day on Sept- ember 10th, 1949, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays - None. Petition of the American Legion requesting permission to hold a carnival on the Municipal Athle• tic grounds on East Fourth Street from August 1st through the 6th, 1949, presented and read. Council- man Thompson moved that the 3a8 ~ Special Session, July 18th, 1949 request be granted. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of the Dubuque Branch No. 257 National Association of Letter Carriers with reference to the passage of an adequate anti- vicious dog ordinance for the City of Dubuque, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of the Dubuque Police- men's Protective Association sub• mitting request for appropriate in- vestigation into the possibilities of adopting a forty hour work-week for the Police Department, present- ed and read. Councilman Welu moved that the petition ,be referr- ed to the City Manager and Chief of Police far investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Petition of O'Connor, Thomas ~ O'Connor, by E. Marshall Thomas, Attorneys far Algonquin Chemical Company, requesting that Lot 1 of Rock Cut Subdivision be rezoned from a residential area to a heavy industrial area, presented and read. Councilman Russo moved that the petition be referred to the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation and report, Seconded by Councilman Welu. Motion lost by the following vote: Yeas -Councilmen Russo and Welu. Nays -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Thompson and Van Duel• man. Petition of Edna H. Connors and others requesting that a two hour parking restriction be placed on Bluff Street between 1st and 3rd Streets, presented and read. Coun• cilman Thompson moved that the petition be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Welu. Car• ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen +^Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Communication of Arnie Stier• man calling the attention of the City Council to a situation which exists at the north end of Foye Street, where it intersects with Napier Street, and requesting that this situation be given immediate attention, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Copy of Sonate File 163, enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa, with reference to boundaries of School Districts, pre- sented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the copy of Senate File No. 163 be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Decision and Order of the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the matter of proposed discontin- uance of Passenger Trains Nos. 21, 22, 23 and 24, between Green Island and Dubuque, Chicago, Mil- waukee, St. Paul and Pacific Rail- road Company, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the Decision and Order be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Special Session, July 18th, 1949 3~9 Decision and Order of the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the matter of application of Joseph F. Wenzel, DBA, River Trails Tran- sit Lines, Dubuque, Iowa, for a certificate of convenience and nec- essity to operate as a motor car- rier of passengers and a limited amount of freight between Du• buque and the Junction of U. S. Highway 61 and Iowa Highway 136 and Delmar, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the Decision and Order be received and placed on file. Sec- onded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Councilman Thompson moved that the City Manager be instruct- ed to notify the officials of the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company of the repeated viola- tions of the City ~°dinance by their train crews in b:xking rail- road crossings. Seconded by Coun- cilman Russo. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yoas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelgran, Welu. Nays -None. Communication of P. J. Hawser, Director, Division of Public Health Engineering, submitting for Coun- cil information a copy of H. F. 4, an act of the 53rd General Assem• bly, the new Iowa Stream and Lake Pollution Law, which become effective on July 4 of this year, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the com- munication be received and the Copy of H. F. 4 ,be placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. "Mays --- Nono. Council Proceedings for the month of February, 1949, presented for approval. Councilman Van Duel- man moved that the Council Pro• ceedings for the month of Febru- ary, 1949, be approved as printed, Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Ordinance No. 27-49, An Ordi- nance defining restaurant, itiner- ant restaurant, employee, utensils, health officer, etc., requiring per- mits for the operation of such establishments, prohibiting t h e sale of adulterated, unwholesome or misbranded food or drink, regu- lating the inspection (grading, re- grading, and placarding) of such establishments, the enforcement of this ordinance, and the fixing of penalties, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading this 5th day of July, 1949, and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE N0. 27-49 An ordinance defining restaurant, itinerant restaurant, employee, uten- sils, health officer, etc., requiring per- mits for the operation of such estab- lishments, prohibiting the safe of adul- terated, unwholesome or misbranded Pood or drink, regulating the inspec- tion (grading, regrading, and placard- ing) of ouch establishments, the en- forcement of this ordinance, and the fixing of penalties. Be it ordained by the Board of Health (City Council) of the city of Dubuque as follows: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS Tee following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and the enforce- ment of this ordinance: A. Restaurant.-The term "re~taur- ant" shall mean restaurant, coffee shop, cafeteria, short order cafe, lun- cheonette, tavern, sandwich stand, soda fountain, and all other eating or drinking establishments, as well as kitchens or other places in which 'ond or drink is prepared for sale elsa~ where; B. Itinerant restaurant"-The teen "itinerant restaurant" shall mean one operating for a temporary period in connection with a fair, carnival, cir- cus, public .exhibition, or other anniiar gathering. For sanitation requirements fur itinerant restaurants see end of ser•- tion s. C. Employee.-The term "emglcyee" shall mean any person who handles food or drink during preparation or serving, or who comes in contact with any eating or cooking utensils, or who is employed in a room in which food or drink is prepared or served. D. Utensils.-"utensils" shall in- clude any kitchenware, tableware, glassware, cutlery, utensils, contain- ers, or other equipment with which food or drink comes in contact during storage, preparation, or serving. E. Health officer.-The term "health officer" shall mean the Director of 'F ~, 330 ~ Special Session, July 18th, Ig49 Health of the city of Duhuque or his authorized representative. F. Person.-The word "person" shall mean person, firm, corporation, or association. SECTION 2. PERMITS. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a restaurant in the city of Dubuque who does not possess an un- revoked permit from the health officer. Such permit shall be posted in a con- spicuous place. Only persons who comply with the requirements of this ordinance shall be entitled to receive and retain such a permit. A person conducting an itinerant restaurant shall also be required to secure a permit. Such a Permit may be temporarily' suspended by the health officer upml the violation by the holder of :+ny of [he terms of this ordinance, .m re- voked after an opportunity for a hearing by the health officer upon serious or repeated violation. Where the grading form of the ordi- nance is in effect, it is not the intent of this section to require annual per- mits. In such cases the permit is of value primarily as a registration de- vice. It permits the health officer to prosecute any persons who begin oper- ating arestaurant without notifying him, and thus without being graded. The grading principle of the ordinance makes it unnecessary that the permit be renewed annually, inasmuch as the continuous announcement of grades through grade placards as determined by periodic inspection is equivalent to the periodic granting of permits. Where the nongrading form of the ordinance is in effect, the health of- ficer may find it advantageous to r%- quire annual permits, and to refuse to issue or renew such permits unless the ordinance requirements are sat- isfied. This section authorizes the health officer to suspend or revoke the per- mit for cause. Suspension of the per- mit Yor violation of the sanitation items of section 6 is provided [or in section 6 and is discussed in the Code material under section 5. When zny of the provisions of this ordinance otter than the sanitation items of section 6 are found to be violated, regardless of whether the grading or the non- grading form of the ordinance is in effect, the restaurant is subject to suspension of permit. Section 2 auth- orizes the health officer to suspend permits temporarily without a hearing. Such authority is necessary in order to permit prompt action for any viola- tion in emergencies when there is a serious health hazard. The permit may be revoked perma- nently far serious or repeated viola- tions of any provision oY any section oP the ordinance. An oppbrtunity for a hearing must be provided before such revocation. The procedure governing reinstate- ment of the permit following suspen- sion Is given in section 8. SECTION 3. PLACARDING OR PUBLIC DISPLAY OF GRADE NOTICE Every restaurant shall display at all times, in a place designated by the health officer, a notice approved by the health officer, stating the grade of the establishment. Where the grading Yorm of the ordl- uance is in effect and restaurants of a grade lower than grade A are permitt- ed to operate, it is imperative that the health officer rigidly enforce proper grade display by al] restaurants and similar establishments, in order that customers may be informed of the grade thereof. The grade display is the means whereby the competitive effect of grading tends to improve restaurant sanitation. Immediately upon the degrading of any restaurant the health officer should require that all grade displays be changed. This may be done by means of rubber stamps or stickers indicating the lower grade. The health officer should carry with him on all inspections the necessary rubber stamps and stickers. The grade notice may be displayed on menu cards or boards or upon a separate placard, and shall be of a type and in a location approved uy the health officer as being readily vistuie to the patrons. SECTION 4. EXAMINATION AND CONDEMNATION OF UNWHOLESOME Samples of food, drink, and other substances may be taken and exam- ined by the health officer as often as may be necessary for the detec`ion of unwholesomeness or adulteration. The health officer may condemn and for- bid the sale of, or cause to be remov- ed or destroyed, any food or drink which is unwholesome or adulterated. While this section authorizes the health officer to examine and cmr demo food or drink which is unwhole- some or adulterated the local health officer will usually find it most prac- ticable to limit such action to spoiled foods, those suspected of having caus- ed nr being able to cause food-peison- ing outbreaks, or other conditions which may involve an immediate hearth hazard, and to refer those cases of suspected adulteration and misbranding which involve no imme- diate health hazard, to the State food control officials or to the U.S. Foa~i and Drug Administration. When cases of food poisoning are. re- ported an immediate epidemiological and laboratory investigation should be made by the local or State health department in an effort to determine the vehicle and the source so as to prevent a recurrence. Section 10 gives the health officer full power to act when infection is suspected. The pro- cedure to be followed in food-poisoning outbreaks is discussed in "Food Con- trol" by S. H. Shrader (1939), pp. 63-69. Samples fur the determination of adulteration and misbranding should be taken and examined in accordance with the methods prescribed by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. SECTION 5. INSPECTION `)F RESTAURANTS At least once every 6 months the health officer shall inspect every res• taurant located within the city of Dubuque. In' case the health officer discovers the violation of any item of sanitation required for the grade then held, he shall make a second inspection after the lapse of such time as he deems necessary for the defect to be remedied, and the second inspection shall be used in determining compli- ance with the grade requirements of this ordinance. Any violation of the same item of this ordinance on such second inspection shall call for im- mediate degrading or suspension of permit. One copy of the inspection report shall be posted by the health officer upon an inside wall of the restaurant, _„L ,.. Special Session, July 18th, 1949 331 and said inspection report shall not ne defaced or removed by any person except the health officer. Another copy of the inspection report shall be filed with the records oP the health department. The person operating the restaurant shall upon request of the health officer permit access to all parts of the es- tablishment and shall permit copying any or all records of food purchased. The first sentence of this sectiou should not be taken to imply that one inspection every 6 months is a desir- able frequency. It should instead be regarded as the legal minimum. Tn actual practice it is desirable to in- spect every restaurant at least every 3 months. Special attention is directed to the requirement that a restaurant be immediately degraded and the grade notice changed, or the permit suspended, if hvo successive inspec- tions disclose violation of the same item. Experience has demonstrated con alusively that a strict enforcement •~f the ordinance leads to a far better anti more friendly relationship between the health officer and the industry than does a policy of enforcement which seeks to excuse violations and defer punishment therefor. The inspector's criterion of satisfactory compliance should be neither too lenient m lily one hand nor unreasonably stringent on the other. Violations of minor or insignificant degree should not be en- tered as a violation on the inspection form but should be called to the man- agement's attention and should be en- tered as a remark. Vi'henever a violation is discovered the inspector should point out to the management the requirement that has been violated, should explain the pub- lic health reason for the require- ment, and should suggest methods for correcting the defect. An educa- tional rather than a policeman type of approach is recommended. The penalty of degrading or suspen- sion of permit is provided in order to prevent continued violation oY the pro- visions of this ordinance, but thn. wording is designed to Protect the industry against unreasonable or dic- tatorial action. Of course, when a condition is found which constitutog an imminent health hazard prompt action is necessary in order to protect the public health; there- fore, the health officer :s au- thorized by section 2 to suspend the permit immediately. However except for such emergencies, no penalty is inflicted on the restaurant upon the first violation of any of the items of sanitation listed in section 6. A restaurant Pound violating any item must first be notified in writing, and must be given a reasonable period of time In which to correct the defect before a second inspection is made. After receipt of the notice of violation, but before the allotted time has elaps- ed, the management has an opportun- ity to appeal to the health officer or board of health from the inspector's interpretation or far an extrmsion of the time allowed for correction. Not until the second inspection has reveal- ed failure to correct the defect is the restaurant subject to degrading or sue- pension of permit. Even then the management still has the legal right to refuse to display the lower grade notice or to continue operating after the permit has been suspended, and to rely for vindication upon court ac- tion instituted by the health officer. It is only fair to state, however, that the courts usually sustain the health officer unless the ordinance require- ment or interpretation to proved to be unreasonable. Violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance other than the sanita- tion items given in section 6 is punish- able only by suspension or revoca- tion oY permit, even where the grading form of the ordinance is in effect. For the procedure in such cases, see the Code discussion under section 2. SECTION 6. THE GRADING OF RESTAURANTS 1'he grading of al] restaurants shad be based upon the following standards. This ordinance does not require Ure periodic announcement of the grades of [he restaurants in the community. Publishing the names of the estab- lishments of different grades would require much •space and is not riec- essary because prospective customers may ascertain the grade of an estab- lishment from the grade placard re- quired by section 3. However, health offtcials periodically should issue news releases which include the following points: (1) The supervision of the lo; al eat- ing and drinking establishments is a public health activity designed Lo minimize the spread of certain dis- eases. This activity is beneficial bath to the public and to the restaurant personnel. (l) The restaurants are graded ac- cording to their compliance with sani- tation requirements. Grade A estab- lishments are the safest, Grade B places have failed to comply with one or more of the less important require- ments, and grade C restaurants have violated one or more of the important items of sanitation, Grade C places are permitted to operate for only a temporary period of 30 days or less; it is a penalty grade which was pro- vided in the ordinance so as to permit restaurants which fail to comply to continue to operate during a short grace period while improvements are being made. (3) Patrons should look °or the grade before patronizing an estab- lishment, and should patronize only the grade A places. SANITATION REQUIREMENTS FOR (GRADE A) RESTAURANT'S All grade A restaurants shall com- ply with all of the following items of sanitation. A convenient summary of the fo- llowing sanitation requirements for restaurants will be found in the res- taurant inspection form. ITEM 1. FLOORS Tire floors of all rooms in which food or drink is stored, prepared, or served, or in which utensils are smash- ed shall be of such construction ss to be easily cleaned, shall be smooth, and shall be kept clean and 'n good repair. Satisfactory compliance.-This item shall be deemed to have been satisfied if: (1) The floors of all rooms in whim food or drink is stared, prepared, or served are of such construction as to be easily cleaned, are smooth. and are in good repair. Floors may be of con- crete, terrazzo, tile, etc., or wood covered with linoleum, or tight wood. Wooden floors containing cracks, hale or broken or poorly fitting planks, or which otherwise fail to be tight, do 33~ Special Session, July 18th, 1949 not comply with this Item. If Floor drains are used they shall be provided with proper traps and so constructed as to minimize clogging, and the floor should be graded to drain. (2) All floors are kept clean and free from litter during the hours of preparing, cooking, and serving of tool. Du.tless methods of Ploor clean- ing shall be used, or dust-arrestiu; sweeping compounds and push-brooms employed; and all except emergen^y floor cleaning shall be done during those periods when Che least amount of food and drink is exposed, such as after closing or between meals. ITEM 2. WALLS AND CEILINGS Walls and ceilings of all rooms shall be kept clean and in good repair. All walls and ceilings of rooms in which food or drink is stared or prepared shall be finished in light color. The walls of all roams in which food or drink is prepared or utensils are wash- ed shall have a smooth washable sur- face up to the level reached by splash or spray. Satisfactory compliance.-This item shall be deemed to have been satisfied if: (1) Walls and ceilings of all rooms in which food or drink is stored, pro- pared, or served are clean and m good repair. (2) Walls and ceilings of all roo us in which food or drink is prepared or stared are painted or finished in light color and refinished as often as necessary in a manner approved by the health officer. (3) The walls of all kitchens ant sculleries have a smooth, washable surface up to the level reaskud by splash or spray, especially splash ~-r spray from the dishwashing vats ur machine. ITEM 3. DOORS AND WINDOWS When flies are prevalent, all opar- ings into the outer air shall be °f- fectively screened and doors shall be self-closing, unless other effective means are provided '.o prevent the entrance of flies. Satisfactory compliance.-This dem shall be deemed to have been satisfied if: (1) All openings to the outer ~~ir are effectively screened with not less than 16-mesh wire or plastic cloth; and al] doors are self-closing and screen doors to the outer air open outward; or (L) Fans of sufficient Power 'u pr;,- vent the entrance of flies are n use at all otherwise ineffectively profs, - ed openings; or (3) Flies are absent. Window and door screens must be tight-fitting and free of holes. This includes the screens for skylights and transoms. This item must be satisfied during the seasons of the year when flies are prevalent. ITEM 4. LIGHTING All rooms in which food or dtinl< is stored or prepared or in which uten- 8118 are washed shall be well lighted Satisfactory compliance.-This lien shall be deemed to have been satisfie~a if artificial light sources are provided which furnish 10 foot_candles on all working surfaces in rooms in which food or drink is prepared or in which utensils are washed, as measured by a suitable light meter (which ordinar- ily may be purchased at reasonable cost or borrowed from the local power and light company), and are in use ex- cept when equivalent natural light is present. This intensity of lighting does not apply to the dining room. Storage rooms shall be considered to be sufficiently well lighted ff approxi- mately 4foot-candles are provided at All rooms in which food or drink is a distance of 30 inches from the floor. ITEM 5. VENTILATION stored, prepared, or served, or In which utensils are washed, shall he well ventilated. Satisfactory compliance.--This Item shall be deemed to have been satisfied if all rooms are adequately ventilated so as to be reasonably free of dis- agreeable odors and condensation. Ventilation equipment supplementary to windows and doors such as ade- quate exhaust fans or stave hoods, shall be provided if necessary. This requirement shall not apply to cold storage rooms. ITEM 6. TOILET FACILITIES Every restaurant shall be nnvide3 with adequate and conveniently locat- ed toilet facilities Por its employees conforming with the ordinances of the city of Dubuque. In restaurants here- after constructed toilet rooms shall not open directly into any room in which food, drink, or utensils era handled or stored. The doors of all toilet rooms shall be self-closing. Toilet rooms shall be kept in ~. clean condition, in good repair, and we!1 lighted and ventilated. Hand-washing signs shall be posted in each toilet room used by employees. !n case privies or earth closets are permitted and used, they shall be separate from the restaurant building, and shall ba of a sanitary type constructed and operated in conformity with the standards of the State board of health. Satisfactory compliance.-Tats item shall be deemed to have been satisfied if: (1) Adequate foist facilities nonven- iently located and complying with the city plumbing code are provided for employees. (2) In restaurants hereafter con- structed there is an intervening morn or vestibule between any toilet room and any room in which food cr drink is prepared, served, or stored or m which utensils are handled or stored, The intervening room or vestibule shall be equipped with tight-fitting, self-closing doors, and shall be of such dimensions as to prevent bola doors from being opened simulta- neously by the same person. (3) The toilet-room doors are pro- vided with springs or checks to maks them self-closing. (1) The toilet room and fixtures era kept clean, sanitary, in good repair, and free from flies. (5) The toilet room is well lighted, and ventilated to the outside air. (0) Durable, legible signs are posted conspicuously in each toilet room di- recting employees to wash their hands before returning to work. a"uch signs may be stencilled on the wall to pre- vent removal. A booth open at the top or nottom shall not qualify as a toilet room. Privies shall be constructed and op- erated in accordance with the stand- ards oP the State board of health. ITEM 7. WATER SUPPLY Running water under pressure shall be easily accessible to all rooms in which food is prepared or utensils are washed, and the water supply shall be adequate, and of a safe, sani- tary quality, Satisfactory compliance.-This item shall be deemed to have been satisfied if: Special Session, July 18th, 1949 333 (1) Running water under pressure is easily accessible to all roams in which Poo3 is prepared er utensils are washed. (2) The water supply is ample is quantity to insure proper cleaning of floors, equipment, and utensils. (3) The water supply conforms with the construction, operation, and sani- tation standards of the State board of health. ITEM S. LAVATORY FACILITIES Adequate and convenient hand- washing facilities shall be provided, including hot and cold running water, soap, and approved sanitary towels. The use of a common towel is prt- hibited. No employee shall resume work after using the toilet' room without first washing his hands. Satisfactory compliance.-Thi; item shall be deemed to have been satisfied if hand-washing facilities, including hot and cold running water, soap, and individual cloth or paper towers, ire provided. Washing facilities must be adequate and convenient to the toile room. Utensil-washing vats shall not be accepted as wa9lting facilities for personnel. Hot water must be on hand at all times or within a reason- able time after 6pening the faucets. Soap and towels mould be provided by the management. No employee shalt return from a toilet to a room where food, drink, or utensils are handled or stored without first having washed his hands. ITEM 9. CONSTRUCTION OF UTENSILS AND EQUIPMENT All multi-use utensils and all show and display cases or windows, coun- ters, shelves, tables, refrigerating equipment, sinks and other equipment or utensils used in connection with the operation of a restaurant shall be so constructed as to be easily cleaned and shall be kept in good repair. Utensils containing or plated with cadmium or lead shall not be used: Provided, that solder containing lead may be used for jointing. Satisfactory compliance.-This item shall be deemed to have been satisfied if: (1) All surfaces with which food or drink comes in contact consist of smooth, not readily corrodible mater- ial. (2) A11 surfaces with which food or drink comes in contact are in good repair, free of breaks, corrosion, open seams, cracks, and chipped planes. Tiris requirement precludes the use of any type of equipment so designed as to permit food or drink routinely to come in contact with V-type threaded sur- faces. In all cases where a rotating shaft is inserted through a surface with which food or drink comes in contact, the inspector shall assure himself that the joint between the moving and stationary surfaces is close fitting. (3) All surfaces with which food or drink comes in contact are easily ac- cessible for cleaning, and are self- draining. (4) All display cases, windows, coun- ters, shelves, tables, refrigeration equipment, stoves hoods, mixers, meat grinders, and other equipment are so constructed as to be easily cleaned, and are in good repair. 45) No utensils containing or plated with cadmium or lead are used, pro- vided that solder containing lead may be used for jointing. The following field test, adopted by the Bureau of Food and Drugs of the Department of Health, City of New York, may be used for the detection ns cadmium. ITEM 10. CLEANING AND BAC- TERICIDAL TREATMENT OF UTENSILS AND ri,QUIPMENT. All equipment, including display cases or windows, counters, shelves, tables, refrjgerators, stoves, hoods and sinks, shall be kept clean and free from duet, dirt, insects, and other contaminating material. All cloths used by waiters, chefs, and other employees shall be clean. Single-serv- ice containers shall be used only once. All multi-use eating and drinking utensils shall be thoroughly cleaned and effectively subjected to an ap- proved bactericidal process after each usage. All multi use utensils used in the preparation or serving of food and drink shall be thoroughly cleaned and effectively subjected to an approved bactericidal process immediately fol- lowing the day's operation. llrying cloths, if used, shall be clean and shall he used for na other purpose. No article, polish, or other substance containing any cyanide preparation or other poisonous material shall be used for the cleaning ur polishing ~ f utensils. Satisfactory compliance.-This item shall be deemed to have been satis- fied if: (1) All equipment, including dis- play cases and windows, counters, shelves, tables, meat blocks, refrig- erators, stoves, and hoods, are kept clean and free from dust, djrt, in- sects, and other contaminating ma- terial. (2) All tablecloths, napkins, and cloths used by waiters, chefs, and other employees are clean. (3) Single-service articles, such as paper cups, plates, straws, and milk bottle caps, are used once only. (4) Al] multi-service eating ant drinking utensils are thoroughly clean- ed after each usage, and all multi- use utensils used in the preparation or service of food and drink are thor- oughly cleaned immediately following the day's operation, in such manner as to be clean to the sight and touch. A suitable detergent shall be aced. (5) After cleaning, all such atensils are effectively subjected to one or more of the following or other equiv- alent approved bactericidal processes. (a) Immersion for at least 2 min- utes in clean, hot water at a temper- ature of at least 170 degrees F. or for 1,2 minute in boiling water. Unless actually boiling water is used an ap- proved thermometer shall be avail- able convenient to the vat. The peur- ing of scalding water aver washed utensils shall not be accepted as sat- isfactory compliance. Where hot water is used for bac- tericidal treatment, there shall be pro- vided a hot water heater (preferably controlled by a thermostat) capable of maintaining a water temperature of at least 170 degrees F. jn the vat at all times during business hours, and water at such temperature shall be available at all times while uten- sils are being washed and given bac- tericidal treatment. The heating de- vice may be integral with the immer- sion vat. It is considered that even jn the case of roadside stands hot water may be obtained through the use of gasoline or kerosene stoves which may, if the wash and rinse vats are correctly constructed, be placed di- rectly thereunder. Provision should be made for compensating for heat loss to the utensils, especially when large numbers are submerged at any time. Care shall be taken in the bacterici- dal treatment of containers by immer- sion in hot water or chlorine rinse to prevent the trapping oY air in the con- i i~ ,' `s 334 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 tainer, thus preventing contact with the entire surface of the container. This may be accomplished by placing all glasses, cups, plates, and saucers in a venting position so that air wit] not be trapped. (b) Immersion for at least 2 minutes in a lukewarm chlorine bath contain- ing at least 50 ppm of available chlor- ine iY hypochlorites are used, or a concentration of equal bactericidal strength if chloramines are used. The bath should be made up at a strength of 100 ppm or more of hypochlorites and shall not be used after its strength has been reduced to 50 ppm. Bacterici- dal treatment with chlorine is ineffec- tive if the utensils have not been thoroughly cleaned. Where chlorine is relied upon for bactericidal treat- ment, the bactericidal treatment re- quirement of this item shall therefore be considered as violated if the utensils so treated are not clean. Chlorine solutions once used shall not be re- used for bactericidal treatment on any succeeding day, but may be reused for other purposes. Where chlorine treatment is used .~ three-compartment vat shall be re- quired, the first compartment to be used for washing, the second for plain rinsing and the third for chlorine im- mersion; provided that for existing installations the second or rinsing com- partment may be omitted if a satisfac- tory rinsing or spraying device is sub- stituted. This will prevent the exces- sive consumption of chlorine by or- ganic matter and washing compound carried over from the washing com- partment. The first basket of utensils will remain in the chlorine bath for at ]eastl minutes while the second basket is in the plain rinse and the third basket is being washed. Upon removal from the chlorine bath the utensils may be rinsed in clean run- ning water, if desired, and allowed to dry either in the basket or inverted on a drain shelf or tray. The health officer shall satisfy him- self by frequent test that the chlorine bath in actual use is of the required strength. (c) Exposure in a steam cabinet equipped with an indicating thermom- eter located in the coldest zone to at least 170 degrees F. Por at least 15 minutes, or to at least 200 degrees F. for at least 5 minutes. For a discussion of steam cabinets see item 14r of the U. S. Public Health Service Milk Code. Steam cabinets should be pro- vided with a valve to permit the dis- charge oP cold air when steam is admitted. (d) Exposure in a properly designed oven or hot-air cabinet equipped with an indicating thermometer located in the coldest zone to hot air at a tem- perature o[ at least 180 degrees F. for at least 20 minutes. Equipment that is too large to immerse may be treated (1) with live steam from a hose, in the case of equipment in which steam can be confined (2) by boiling water rinse, or (3) by spraying or swabbing with chlorine solution of approved strength. Health officers should check with a thermometer the actual temperatures need in the methods which zmploy heat as the bactericidal agent. For all bactericidal processes the actual period of exposure to the temperature or the chlorine rinse should be checked to determine compliance. To nremote ad- equate exposure even during rush hours, restaurants should be encourag- ed to provide a sufficient supply of glasaee, dishes, cups, and tableware, particularly where the process em- ployed requires a ton: exposure period. Drying cloths, if used, shall be clean and shall be used for no other pur- pose. It is recommended that wher- ever possible utensils be permitted to drain dry without the use of drying cloths. In dishwashing machines the use of higher wash water temperatures, high- er detergent concentrations, and the more efficient mechanical removal of soil, make it possible to employ a shorter exposure period far the final treatment (the hot water of chlorine rinse, or, in the case of some glass- washere, the exposure to a yet ,~P steam). When dishwashing machines are used the bactericidal treatment stand- ards given above in 5(a) through 5(d) will not apply, and the health officer shall resort to other methods such as the following for determining the actual results obtained. Where bacteriological laboratory fa- cilities are available, the swab tesS procedure for determining the cumber of bacteria on utensil surfaces to rec- ommended for~the bacteriological ex- amination of utensils which have been cleansed and disinfected by an7 of the abovz methods. ' (0) No article, polish, or other sub- stance containing any cyanide pre- paration or other poisonous material is used for the cleansing or polishing of utensils. The field test, described by Korff and Kaplan m the pctobur 1942 issue of the American Journal of Public Health, may be used for the detection of cyanide in metal polishes. ITEM t1, STORAGE AND HAN• DLING OF UTENSILS AND EQUIPMENT APter bacteridical treatment utensils shall be stored in a clean, dry place protected from flies, dust, and other contamination, and shall be handled in such a manner as to prevent con- tamination as far as pract.icab6;. Single-service utensils shall be pur- chased only in sanitary containers, shall be stored therein in a clean, dry place until used, and shall be handled in a sanitary manner. Satisfactory compliance. - Thia item shall be deemed to have been satisfied if: (1) All containers and utensils are stored at a sufficient height above the floor in a clean, dry place protected from flies, splash, dust, overhead leak- age and condensation and other con- tamination. Wherever practicable con- tainers and utensils shall be covered or inverted. (2) Drain racks, trays, and shelves are made of not readily corrodible material, and are kept clean. (3) Containers and atensils are not handled by the surfaces which come in contact with food or drink. Fingers should not touch the inside surfaces of glasses, cups, dishes, etc., nor the bowls of spoons, the tines of forks, or the blades of knives. Any equip- ment touched by the inspector shall be again subjected to bactericidal treatment before being used. (4) Paper cups, plates, straws, spoons, forks, and other single-service containers and utensils are purchased in sanitary cartons and stored therein in a clean, dry place until used, and after removal from the cartons these articles are handled in a sanitary man- ner. Laundered cloths and napkins shall 'oe stored in a clean place until used. (5) Spoons, spatulas, dippers, scoops, etc., used for dispensing frozen des- Special Session, July 18th, 1949 335 serfs are, when not in use, kept either in water maintained at 170 degrees N'. or in running water. ITEM 12. DISPOSAL OF WASTES All wastes shall be properly disposed of, and al] garbage and trash shall be kept in suitable receptacles, in such manner as not to become a nuisance. Satisfactory compliance. -This item shall be deemed to have been satisfied if (1) All liquid wastes resultin; ' from the cleaning and rinsing of uten- 6 ails and floors, from flush toilets, and Prom lavatories are disposed of in a ~ public sewer or, in the absence of a ' public sewer, by a method approved by the State board of health. Grease traps are recommended where much grease is discharged. ' (2) All plumbing complies with the ? city Piumbmg ordinances and is so designed and installed as to prevent contamination of the water supply through inter-connections and back- siphonage from fixtures, including dishwashing machines and sinks. (3) All garbage is kept in tight, non- absorbent, and easily washable recep- tacles which are covered with close- fitting lido while pending removal. (4) Al] garbage, trash, and other waste material are removed from the premises as frequently as may be ne- cessary to prevent nuisance and un- sightliness, and are disposed of in a manner approved by the health officer. (5) Al] garbage receptacles are washed when emptied, and treated with a disinfectant if necessary 'u prevent nuisance. ITEM 13. REFRIGERATION All readily perishable food and drink shall be kept at or below 50 degrees F. except when being prepared or served. Waste water from refrigeration equip- ment shall be properly disposed of. Satisfactory compliance. -This item shall be deemed to have been satis- fied if: (1) All readily perishable food or drink is kept at or below 50 degrees F. except when being prepared or served. This shall include all custard-filled and cream-filled pastries, milk and milk products, egg products, meat, fish, shellfish, gravy, poultry stuffing, and sauces, dressings, and salads con- taining meat, fish, eggs, or milk or milk products. (2) All ice used is from a source approved by the health officer and is stored and handled in such manner as to prevent contamination. Water used to wash ice shall comply with the safety standards of item 7. (3) To prevent contamination of the refrigerator contents by possible sew- age backflow, all waste water from re- frigeration equipment drains into an open sink or drain, properly trapped and sewer connected; provided that where sewer connections are not avail- ' able clean adequate water-tight drip pans may be used, or the drainage is disposed of in an approved manner. ITEM 14. WHOLESOMENESS OF FOOD AND DRINK All food and drink shall be clean, wholesome, free from spoilage, and so prepared as to be safe for human consumption. All milk, fluid milk pro- ducts, ice cream, and other frozen des- serts served shall be from approved sources. Milk and fluid milk products shall be served in the individual orig- ins] containers in which they were received from the distributor or from a bulk container equipped with an ap- proved dispensing device: Provided. that this requirement shall not apply _~al to cream, which may be served from the original bottle or from a dispenser approved for such service. Ah oysters, clams, and mussels shall be from ap- proved sources, and if shucked shall be kept until used in the containers in which they were placed at the shuck- ing plant. Satisfactory compliance. - This item shall be deemed to have been satisfied if: (1) A11 food and drink are clean, wholesome, free Prom spoilage, and so prepared as to be safe for human con- sumption. The term "food and drink" shall include condiments, dressings, and sauces. (2) All custard-filled and cream- filled pastries served have beer re- baked, after filling at an oven tem- perature of at least 425 degrees F. for at least 20 minutes and cooled to 50 degrees F. or less within 1 hour after rebaking; or the filling has been heated before the pastry shells were filled, so that every particle of the mix was held at a temperature of at least 190 degrees F. for at least 10 minutes and cooled, either before or after filling the pastry shells, to 54 degrees F, or less within 1 hour after heating. (3) All milk, fluid milk products, ice cream, frozen custard, sherbet, ices, and similar frozen desserts served are from sources approved by the health officer. Pasteurized milk and milk pro- ducts should be used where available. (4) All milk and fluid milk products are served in the individual original containers in which they were received from the distributor, or from a bulk container equipped with an approved dispensing device. In the case of milk drinks mixed at soda fountains, etc., this provision shall be interpreted as requiring that the milk used shall include the entire contents of the original container or shall be from an approved bulk dis- penser. Mixing of milk drinks sh~~.ll be done in a sanitary manner. In enforcing this item the health officer may make an exception in the case of cream served with coffee, cer- eals, etc., as in this case it is im- practicable to serve in the original container because of the fact that it is impossible Por the distributor to deliver cream to the establishment in the unit-size containers which would be required in each case. Further- more the use of expensive bulk dis- pensers may not be a defensible re- quirement for all soda fountains, rest- aurants, etc. For such service the health officer may permit transferring from the original bottle, or from a pump, m•n, or other dispenser which complies with requirements and which is Pilled in a sanitary manner, kept clean, and frequently subjected to bac- tericidal treatment complying with the requirements of item 10. (5) Alt oysters, clams, and mussels are from a source approved by the State health department, provided that if the source is outside the State the shipper's Name shall be on the current lists of certified dealers issued by the U. S. Public Health Service. Shucked shellfish shall be kept until used in the containers in which they were placed at the shucking plant. ITEM 'i5. STORAGE, DISPLAY, AN7 SERVING OF FOOD AND DRINK All food and drink shall be so stored, displayed, and served ae to be protect- ed Prom dust, flies, verrnin, dzpreda- tion and pollution by rodents, unne- cessary handling, droplet infection, overhead leakage, and other contamin- 336 Special Session, July 18th, Iggq ation. No animals or fowls shall be kept pr allowed in any room in which food or drink is prepared or stored. All means necesspry for the elimina- tion of flies, roaches, and rodents shall be used. Satisfactory compliance. -This item shall be deemed to have been satisfied if: (1) All food and drink are stored and displayed in such manner as to be protected from dust, flies, ~•ennia, unnecessary handling, droplet infec- tion, overhead leakage, and condensa- tion, sewage back-flow, and other con- tamination, Evidence of the presence of rodents, roaches, ants, or oth~.r ver- min shall be considered as a violation of this item, Food or drink shall not e stored or prepared beneath overhead sewer or drain pipes unless such pipes are provided with suitable means to carry off possible leakage or conden- sation. Food or drink shall not be stored on floors which are subject to flooding from sewage back-flow, such as those below street level. On new construction the location of a restaurant iu a basement below the surface of the ground shall be dis- couraged. The pouring lips oP bottles containing milk or other beverages in non-leakprcoY containers shall not be submerged in water for coaling. (2) All food and drink are handled and served in such a manner as to minimize the opportunities Yor con taminatiun. Serving of sliced butter and cracked ice shall not be by direct contact with fingers or hands, and manual contact with all food or drin- shall be avoided insofar as is passible Sugar shall be served only in covered dispensers or in containers or wrapped packages for individual service; con- tainers should preferably be so de- signed that a spoon cannot oe in sorted. (3) All unwrapped or unenclosed ood and drink on display are protected by glass or otherwise from public hen filing or other contamination, except that approved hand openings for self- service may be permitted on counter fronts. (4) No animals or Yowls are kept or allowed in any room in which food or drink is prepared or stored. (5) All enclosed spaces within double walls, between ceilings, and floors, be- neath floors, and in fixtures and equip- ment, which provide harborage and potential breeding places 4or rodents, have been eliminated by the removal of the sheathing or interior walls which Form the enclosed spaces; or all ex- posed edges of such walls, floors, and sheathing have been protected against gnawing by rats by the installation of approved ratproof material, and all openings in walls, floors, and ceilings through which pipes, electric cables, and other conduits pass have been properly sealed with snugly fitting col- lars of metal or other approved rat- proof material securely fastened in place and so maintained; and propa- gation of rats and invasion and in- festation of the premises by them has been premanently prevented. (For information pn specific ratproofing methods see The Rat and Ratproof Consruction of Buildings, Supplement No. 131 to the Public Health Reports, U. S. Public Health Service). (6) All supplementary means neces- sary for the elimination of Plies, roach- es, and rodents are employed. For the elimination of flies, fly-repellant fans, flypaper, fly traps, or fly-killing sprays or powders may be used. Al] poisonous compounds used in the ex- termination of rodents or insects shall be so colored as to be easily identified; however, poisonous substances should be used with extreme caution and compounds harmless to humans should he substituted wherever possible. ITEM 16. CLEANLINESS OF EMPLOYEES All employees shall wear clean outer garments and shall keep their hands clean at al] times while engaged in handling food, drink, utensils, or equip- ment. Employees shall not expec- torate or use tobacco in any form in rooms in which food is prepared. Satisfactory compliance. -- T h i s item shall be deemed to have been sat- isfied if: (1) The outer garments of all per- sons, including dishwashers, engaged in handling food or utensils are reason- ably clean and are used for no oth+r than restaurant duty. Clean uniforms, coats, or aprons shall be considered satisfactory. Hair nets, head ba.r,ds, or caps should be worn. (2) The hands of all persons are kept clean while engaged in handling food, drink, utensils, or equipment. (3) There is no evidence of spitting or of the use. of any form of tobacco by employees in rooms in which food is prepared. Education o4 food handlers ie prob- ably the most effective method of ob- taining compliance with sanitation re- quirements. Control officials uq there- fore urged to undertake training cours- es for food handlers in their communi- ties. Res0aurant employees should have some knowledge of food-borne diseases and modes of transmission, should be thoroughly acquainted with the re- quirements of this ordinance, should not work when ill or with discharging or Uresumably infected sores nr wounds (see section 3), and should he meticulous about personal hygieac, particularly cleanliness of hands and nails. Manuals far instructions +f food handlers are available 'rem a number of sources, including the City Depart- ment of Public Health, Flint, Michi- gan, the State Health Depa; tment, Austin, Texas, and the Public health Service (From Hand to Mouth, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1@43). ITEM 17. MISCELLANEOUS The premises of all restaurants shall be kept clean and free of litter or rubbish. None of the operations con- nected with a restaurant shall be con- ducted in any room used as living or sleeping quarters. Adequate lockers or dressing rooms shall be provided for employees' clothing and shall be kept clean. Soiled linens, coats, and aprons shall be kept in containers provided for this purpose. Satisfactory compliance. -This item shall be deemed to have been satisfied if: (1) The premises are clean and free of litter and rubbish, which shall be disposed of as required for the res- taurant wastes by item 12. (2~ None of the operations connect- ed with the establishment is conduct- ed i~ any room used as flving or sleep- ing quarters. (3) Dressing rooms or adequate lock- ers not located in the kitchen are provided for employees' clothing and are kept clean. (4) Containers are provided and soil- ed linens, coats, and aprons are kept therein. GRADE B RESTAURANTS Grade B restaurants are those which fail to comply with item 1, 2, 4, 6, or 17, but which conform with all other ) I yi ji: Special Session, July 18th, 1949 337 items of sanitation required for grade A restaurants. Where the grading form of the ordinance is in effect, the above defin- ition is designed to represent restaur- ants which fail to meet certain grade A requirements that are not of major public health significance. Restaur- ants which fail to meet any one oP the more important of the grade A re- quirements on two successive inspec- tions are degraded to grade C. In communities which are not yet in position to limit operations to res- taurants of the highest grade only, this definition serves as the specifica- tions for the second grade. In other municipalities which under section 7 permit none but grade A restaurants to operate (except during temporary degrading periods) grade B serves a useful role as a penalty grade to which grade A restaurants may be temporarily degraded for minor vio- lations which the health officer would hesitate to punish with so severe a penalty as suspension of permit. GRADE C RESTAURANTS Grade C restaurants are those which fail to comply with either the grade A or the grade B requirements. Where the grading form is in ef- fect, this defnition is designed to nerve as a temporary penalty grade for those restaurants which fail to satisfy the °rade A or the grade B requirements. If any restaurant which has been de- graded to grade C fails to qualify for a higher grade within the period spe- cified in section 7, its permit is sus- pended or revoked. ITINERANT RESTAURANTS Itinerant restaurants shall be con- structed and operated in an approved manner. The health officer should approve an itinerant restaurant only if it com- plies with [he following sanitation re- quirements: It shall be located in clean surround- ings and kept in a clean and sanitary condition. It shall be so constructed and arranged that food, drink, utensils, and equipment will not be exposed to insects or to dust or other contamin- ation. Only food and drink which is clean, wholesome, and free from adul- teration shall be sold or served. An adequate supply of water of safe, sani- tary quality shall be easily available and used for drinking and for cleaning~ utensils and equipment. If multiu9e utensils are used in the serving of food or drink, they shall be thoroughly washed with hot water and a sat- isfactory detergent and effectively subjected to an approved bactericidal process after each use and so handled and kept as to be protected from contamination. Adequate provision shall be made for refrigeration of perishable food and drink. Ice used in or with food or drink shall be from a source approved by the health officer and so handled as to avoid contamination. Garbage and refuse shall be kept in tightly covered, watertight containers until removed and shall be disposed of in a place and manner approved by the health officer. Dishwater and other liquid wastes shall be so dis- posed of as not to create a nuisance. No person suffering from any dis- ease transmissible by contact or through food or drink or who is a carrier oP the germs of such a dis- ease shall be employed in any capaci- ty. Adequate and satisfactory toilet and hand-washing facilities shall be readily accessible to employees. No person engaged in the handling or serving of food or drink shall return to his work, after using the toilet, without first thoroughly washing his hands. Upon failure of any person maintain- ing or operating an itinerant restaur- ant, after warning, to comply with any of these requirements it shall be the duty of the health officer summarily to forbid the further sale or serving of food or drink therein. Any person continuing to sell or serve food or drink in such a restaurant after being so forbidden, shall be subject to the penalties provided for violation of this ordinance. SECTION 7. GRADE OF RESTAU- RANT WHICH MAY OPERATE From and after 12 months from the date un which this ordinance takes effect no restaurant shall be operated within the city of Dubuque or its police jurisdiction, unless it conforms with the grade A or grade B or ap- proved itinerant restaurant require- ments of this ordinance: Provided, That when any restaurant fails to qualify for any of these grades the health officer is authorized to sus- pend the permit or in lieu thereof to degrade the restaurant and permit its operation during a temporary period not exceeding 30 days SECTION 8. REINSTATEMENT OF PERMIT; SUPPLEMENTARY REGRADING Any restaurant, the grade of which has been lowered and all grade dis- plays have been changed accordingly, or the permit of which has been sus- pended, may at any time make ap- plication for regrading or the rein- statement of the permit. Within one week after the receipt of a satisfactory application, accom- panied by a statement signed by the applicant to the effect that the violat- ed provision or provisions of this or- dinance have been conformed with, the healtli officer shall make a re- inspection, and thereafter as many additional reinspections as he may deem necessary to assure himeelf that the applicant is again complying with the higher grade requirements, and, in case the findings indicate compli- ance, shall award the higher grade or reinstate the permit. No application for regrading upward should be considered by the health officer unless the restaurant in ques- tion has complied with the require- ments and interpretation of section 4 of this ordinance relative to the dis- play of grade signs after having been degraded. SECTION 9. DISEASE CONTROL No person who is affected with any disease in a communicable form or is a carrier of ouch disease shall work in any restaurant and no restaurant shall employ any such person or any person suspected oP being affected with any disease in a communicable form or of being a carrier of such disease If the restaurant manager suspects that any employee has contracted any disease in a communicable form or has become a carrier of such disease he shall no- tify the health officer immediately. A placard containing this section shall be posted in all toilet rooms. The above requirement prohibits persons having or suspected of having any disease in a communicable form or who are carriers or are suspected of being carriers of such disease from employment in any restaurant. No person having a discharging or pre- sumably infected wound, sore or le- sion shall handle food, drink, utensils, or equipment. This ordinance does not require rou- tine medical examinations for food handlers because it is felt that the 338 Special Session, July ISth, 1949 conflicting opinions oY health officers on the value of such examinations do not warrant such a requirement. The experience of New York City as reported by Dr. William H. Best (Is Routine Examination and Ce[tification of Food Handlers Worth While, Ameri- can Journal of Public Health, 27, 1003- 6, Oct. 1937) indicated that the pro- cedure oY having such examinations made by private physicians was un- satisfactory and that the cost of medi- Cxl examinations made by the health department was not commensurate with the public-health benefits obtain- ed. Accordingly, not even initial health examic~ations - to be made before or at the time of employment -are re- quired by this ordinance, which is recommended for general adoption. For further discussion of this subiect, see Fuchs, A. W., The U. S. Public Health, Service .Restaurant Sanitation Pro- Health, 32, 848 52 (Augn1942)f Journal of Milk Technology, 4 305-10 (Nov.- llec. 1941). However, commnmties which consider it desirable to include such a requirement in the ordinance as adopted locally may do so ;f their official facilities for making the ex- aminations are adequate. SEC INFECTION OSUSP CTEDHEN When suspicion arises as to the posslbillty of transmission of infection from any restaurant employee the health officer is authorized to require any or all of the following measures: (1) the immediate exclusion of the employee from all restaurants; (2) the immediate closing of the restaurant concerned until no further danger of disease outbreak exists, in the opinion of the health officer; (3) adequate medical examinations of the employee and of his associates, with such labo- ratory examinations as may be in- dicated. SECTINTERPRETAT ONMENT This ordinance shall be enforced b~ the health officer in accordance with the interpretations thereof contained in the 1943 edition of the U. S. Public Health Service Code Regulating Eat- ing and Drinking Establishments, a certified copy of which shall be on file at the City Clerk's office. SECTION 12. PENALTIES Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be fined not more than $100.00 and in default of payment thereof by im- prisonment not to exceed 30 days. Each and every violation of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall con- stitute aseparate offense. SECTION lOF EFFECT ND DATE Al] ordinances and parts of ordi- nances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, and this ordi- nance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and its publication as provided by law. SECTION 14. UNCONSTITUTIONAL- ITY CLAUSE Should any section, paragraph, sen- tence, clause, or phrase of this ordi- nance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of said ordinance shall not be affected thereby. Passed upon first reading this 6th day of July, 1949. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 18th day of July, 1999. ALBERT WHARTON. Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P, WELU Councilmen ATTEST: J. J. SHEA. City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph-Herald newspaper this 22nd day oP July, 1949. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. lt. July 22. Councilman Welu moved the ad• option of the ordinance. Seconded .by Councilman Russo. Carried by the fallowing vote; Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu, Nays -None. , July 13, 1949 Hon. Mayor and Members of City Council, City Hall, Dubuque; Iowa Gentlemen:- Enclosed you will find a copy of the proceedings oY the meeting of the three taxing bodies which was held on July 11th. Yours truly, Harry J. Hanover Meeting July 11, 1949 In accordance with Section 405.13 and Section 405.18 and a notice to the members of the Board of Direc- tors of the Independent School Dis• trict of Dubuque, the Board of Su- pervisors of Dubuque County and the members of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, a meeting was held at the City Hall 13th & Central Ave., Dubuque, Iowa, at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Albert Wharton, Mayor, of the City of Dubuque presided, Present: Messrs. Albert Whar- ton, Frank Van Duelman, Frank W, Thompson. R. N. Russo and C. P. Welu, members of Dubuque City Council, Messrs. T. W. Landschulz, Frank Fluckiger, Leo T. Gregory, Frank T. Hardie, members of the City of Dubuque Board of Educa- tion. Messrs. Joe Baule, Clarence Hammerand and Hubert Donovan members of the Dubuque County Board of Supervisors. Special Session, July 18th, 1949 339 Appointment of member of Board of Review. The following applications were filed: Robert J. Lundin, Thomas J. Hill and Wm. V. Toepel. Nomin- ations were in order and the Board of Education nominated Wm. V. Toepel, the City Council nominated Thomas J. Hill and the Board of Supervisors nominated Robert Lun• din. No one having received two of the three votes necessary for the nomination, therefore, no one was nominated. On the second ballot Wm. V. Toepel received two votes and Thomas J. Hill one vote, there- fore Wm. V. Toepel received the nomination, getting the required two thirds vote. Upon motion of T. W. Landschulz and seconded by Joe Baule, Wm. V. Toepel was .appointed to serve on the Board of Review far a four year term commencing in 1950 and through the year 1953, All present voting yes. The matter of the budget of the Board of Review was taken up, and a motion was made by Joe Baule that the Board of Review be paid $12.00 per day each for twenty six working days, said motion was sec- onded by T, W, Landschulz. All present voted yes. A motion by Flank A. Flucklger that the salaries of three deputy assessors, Clem Manomann, John McQuillan and Carl A. Clark ,be raised from $4000.00 per year to $4120.00 per year, was seconded by Frank W. Thompson. The motion carried unanimously. Upon motion by Joe Baule and seconded by Frank Van Duelman, the salary of H. J. Hanover, City Assessor, remains at $6000.00 far the coming year. All voting unani- mously in favor of the motion, The following revised budget of the City Assessor for the year 1950 was read by Mayor Albert Wharton, and upon motion of Frank Flucki- ger and second by C. P. Welu, the same was approved. All voting yes. Administrative Assessor ..............................................................................$ 6,000.00 Three Deputies........$4,120.00 each ................................. 12,360.00 One Deputy ....................................................................... 3,800.00 Office Personnel One Clerk and Stenographer ....................................... 2,700.00 Office Expense OTice Supplies ......................................... ......................... 350.00 Telephone and Tolls .............................. ......................... 25.00 Postage ....................................................... ......................... 100.00 Auto Mileage .......................................... ......................... 100,00 Miscellaneous ......................................... ......................... 500.00 Office Equipment .............................................................. 500.00 Examining Board ............................._....,........................ 150.00 Board of Review Five Members ................................................................ 1,560.00 Mileage for Inspection ................................................. 100.00 Assessment Appeals Expense Fund ... ........................ 1,000.00 Old Age Survivorship Insurance System Tax........ 497.20 Total $22,160,00 2,700.00 1,075.00 500.00 150.00 1,660.00 1,000.00 497.20 $29,742.20 34o Special Session, July 18th, 1949 There being no further business, upon motion of Frank Van Duel- man and second by C. P, Welu, the meeting adjourned. Harry J, Hanover, Secretary Councilman Thompson moved that the communication and min- utes of the meeting be received and made a matter of record. Sec- onded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas- Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. July 12, 1949 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Herewith is submitted Profile No. 1335 showing the proposed grade on Balke Street from the north property line of Strauss St, to the south property line of Grove- land Place. I recommend that the proposed grade be approved as shown on the profile and an ordinance be passed establishing such grade. Respectfully submitted, R. J. Gallagher, City Engineer. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Engineer Gallagher be approved. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council• men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None. ORDINANCE N0, 2&-49 An Ordinance establishing a grade on Balke Street from the north property line of Strauss St. to the south property line of Grove- Iand Place, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the urdinance. Seconded by Councilman Welu, Car• rigid by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van lluel- man, Welu. Nays -None. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended ra• quiring an ordinance to .be read on three separate days. Seconded. by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. Councilman Thompson moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car• rigid by the fallowing vote; Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None, ORDINANCE N0. 29-49 An Ordinance designating the intersection at Main and First Street as a stop intersection, pro- viding for the erection of stop signs, and a penalty for the viola• lion thereof, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended re• quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days, Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None. Councilman Thompson moved that the ordinance .be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None. "r w Special Session, July 18th, 1949 341 July 5, 1949 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Herewith submitted for your con- sideration is plat of Brockman Sub located on English Lane. This plat was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission July 1, 1949. Respectfully submitted, R. V. McKay, Secretary Planning & Zoning Commission Councflman Thompson moved that the communication of the Planning and Zoning Commission be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, ^euncil• men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None. RESOLUTION N0. 1829 Whereas, a plat has been filed showing the subdivision of lot 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 34, lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 34, lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 34,Lot2ofloflof2oflofl of Mineral Lot 34, lot 2 of 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 34, Lot 2 of 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 33, Lot1of1~of1of2ofloPlof Mineral Lot 33, lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 33, lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 33, lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 33, lot 1 of 1 of i of 1 of Mineral Lot 33, lot 1 of i of 1 of Mineral Lot 34, lot 1 of 2 of Mineral Lot 34 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa into Brockman sub and also in• eluded is a proposed widening of English Lane along the Eng- lish Lane frontage of the sub- division, and Whereas said plat has been duly examined, investigated and approv- ed by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Dubuque, and Whereas the owners of the real estate involved have dedicated said portion for widening to the public; and Whereas the Gity Council has ex- amined said plat and has been fully advised in the matter, finds that said plat conforms to the City or- dinances relating thereto and that Brockman Sub and the widening oP English Lane as shown shall be ac- cepted and confirmed and that the said plat should .be approved. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: That the Brockman Subdivision and the widening of English Lane as shown upon said plat be and the same is hereby accepted for the purpose for which it is thus dedicat- ed and the Mayor and Clerk are hereby directed to endorse the ap- proval of the City of Dubuque upon said plat. Passed, adapted and approved this 18th day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen Attest: J. J. Shea City Clerk Councilman Russo moved the a- doption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. July 14, 1949 Honorable Mayor and the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Cventlemen: At a session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, held June 30, 1949 the following mo• tions were adopted. That the petition of Mr, and Mrs. Charles J. Scharff and others re- questing that Bluff Street between 3rd and 4th Streets be placed on a two hour parking ,basis, be re- ferred to the Chief of Police for in- vestigation and report and to em• body in the investgiation and re• port the territory between 1st to 3rd Streets on Bluff. That the petition of the Dubuque Safety Council requesting the mov- 342 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 ing of the West Dubuque Bus Stop, west bound be moved to the North side of Eighth Avenue just West of Main Street from its "present lo• cation on the North aids of Eighth Avenue just East of Main Streit. That the petition of the Thrifty Food Market and c+hers, request- ing that two hour parking restric- tions be placed on Whits Street from East 10th to East 12th Street with the exceptions of Sundays and Holidays, be referred to the Chief of Police for investigation and re• port. I find that the vehicles being parked in these areas are used for the most part for the convenience of the individual for transportation to and from work, with about a third of the space being used for day and night parking purposes, and not to any great extent by the people living in these residences. It is my recommendation that the area on Bluff Street between 1st Street to 4th Street be restrict- ed to two hour parking between the hours of 9:00 A. M. to 6:00 P.M. Sundays and Holidays excepted. In the case of the petition of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Scharff I find that there are ten residences on the East side of Bluff Street be• tween 3rd and 4th Streets. Some of these buildings house a number of roomers, however there were 17 signers to the petition living on the East side of Bluff Street. On the West side of Bluff Street there are 9 residences, also some used for roomers, signed by 14 petition- ers. There is an alley in the rear of the buildings on the East side of Bluff Street, however in the al- ley there mostly garages solid in the rear making alley deliveries most impractical and in some in- stances impossible. I find that there are approximately 23 parking spaces available. Five cars used spaces all day, five spaces were used at ]east 5 hours, six spaces were used 3 to 4 hours, three were used about two hours. In general the block was parked solid full for the mast part all day. In the area on Bluff between 2nd and 3rd Streets approximately 21 spaces are available for parking. Three were used all day, six were used over 5 hours, six were used 5 hours, six were used 4 hours, five were used about 3 hours. Up to the noon hour this block was in general completely filled by parked cars for long periods of time. Alley conditions on the East side are a- bout the same as in the proceeding block. In the area between 1st and 2nd Street, 19 spaces were available, with 7 spaces being used .at the maximum time. In the case of the petition of the Dubuque Safety Council regarding the removal of the Bus Stop, it is my recommendation that the West bound Bus Stop be moved from its present location on the North side of Eighth Avenue just East of Main to the North side of Eighth Avenue just West of Main Street, and that parking meters be placed in the vacated bus stop. In the case of the petition of the Thrifty Food Market and others [ find that the area between East 10th Street and East 12th Street on White Street is being used throught the day ,by long time porkers, to the exclusion of any one who' might have a use for curb parking. This parking too is being done by persons who are employed and use their cars for the purpose of personal transportation. It is my recommendation the parking be restricted to two hours on White Street from East 10th Street to East 12th Street, from 9:00 A. M, to 6:00 P. M., Sundays and Holidays excepted. Respectfully yours, Jos. H. Strub, Chief of Police Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of Chief of Police Strub be approved and the proper proceedings ordered pre- pared. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van P.uel• man, Welu. Nays -None. Special Session, July 18th, 1949 343 July 14, 1949 Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In response to many complaints by residents in the area on Locust Street between West 12th and Lor• as Boulevard, relative to long time porkers rendering unavailability to their properties, I have made an investigation of this area and here- with report my findings and re- commendation. This area is just outside of the present restricted area, and as a result thereof the parking spaces are ,being used exclusively by all day and all night parking to the complete exclusion of the occu• pants or owners of the property contiguous to this area. Chief complaints are about de• liveries being made to these resi- dences, which are more numerous than is the ordinary, due to the fact that much of this property is used for tourist roams and regular roomers. Locust Street is at pres- ent used by four highways; Nos. 3, 61, 151 and 52: The condition in general apart from denying the owners and occupants access to their homes and properties, be• cause of unrestricted parking is conducive to double parking by per• sons making deliveries, which makes for a very hazardous con- dition on a street used by four main highways leading through the city. Restricted parkiug in this area would relaave the congestion. It is my recommendation that parking be restricted to two hour parking on Locust Street from West 12th Street to Loras Boule• vard, between the hours of 9:00 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. Sundays and Holidays excepted. Respectfully yours, Jos. H. Strub, Chief of Police Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of Chief of Police Strub be approved and the proper proceedings ordered pre• pared. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, We1u. Nays -None. lnly 15, 1049 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference to the claim Flora Harkett, submitted to me for in• vestigation and report, on May 7, 11949, claimant, while walking on the sidewalk on the west side of Hill Street between Caledonia Place and West Fifth Street, trip- ped on the cement where one block of cement was raised about an inch and a half higher all the way across, falling to the sidewalk at which time she sustained a fractured wrist, bump on Irer fore- head, black eyes and nervous shock requiring her to go to the hospital and remain in the hospital until June 23, 1949. I went to the place of the accident and observed the condition and find that the con• dition is as she claims. This side- walk is in a prominent place and should be taken care of. Miss Har• kett has agreed to settle for her actual expenses which are hospital bill-$304.85, doctor bill - $65.00, and city ambulance-$4.00 -total $373.85. I recommend that her claim be allowed in the sum of b373.85, that a warrant .be issued payable to her order and delivered to her upon delivery to the City of a release properly executed by her. Yours truly, John J. Kintzinger City Solicitor Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $373.85 in favor of Flora Harkett, as settlement in full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt by the City of Du- buque of a properly executed re- lease. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the Following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. 344 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 July t6, 1949 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of July 5, 1949 the petition of Louis Germain and other residents of South Locust Streot asking the Gity Council to close the Gem Roller Rink at 10 P. M., to have an officer stationed there when the Rink is open, to rid the area of signs and billboards that might endanger the lives of children, was referred to the City Manager and Chief of Police to confer with the management of the roller rink and to discuss the petU tions and objections filed with the Council. We have met with the owners and operators of the Gem Roller Rink and Gem Drive-In Restaurant. A very full and complete discus- sion was had ou alt matters pertin- ent to the complaints raised to the City Council, The owners of the enterprise indicated their willing- ness to comply with auy and all reasonable suggestions and meth- ods for proper operation and tc min- imize the reason of any legitimate complaints. They have further a• greed to have a special officer on duty one hour later than formerly, to install additional lighting on the east and southerly side of their building, to attempt to quiet all loud and unseemly conduct at the closing of the skating periods, and to cooperate fully with the Police Department, It is our feeling that in view of the above, the conditions com• plained of are being remedied. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg City Manager. Jos. H. Strub, Chief of Police Councilman 'Thompson moved that the communication of City Manager Rhomberg and Chief of Police Strub be receivedi and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council• men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. July 16, 1949. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The contract for the collection and disposal of garbage and dead animals made by Thomas J. Ryder and Margaret McGloughlin with the city will expire on October 2, 1949. In order to provide for the orderly continuity of this vital municipal function it is necessary that it be determined whether bidders will submit proposals on a reasonable basis. If a contract cannot be entered into fora rea- sonable amount, the only alterna• five for the municipality is to provide for garbage collection and disposal with its own forces, I recommend that the City Ceun- cil cause the advertising for bids for the collection and disposal of garbage and dead animals and that sealed bids be received until August 1, 1949. An appropriate notice far the receipt of such bids is hereto attached. Respectfully submitted, A. A, Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays - None. July 9, 1949. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: The 6" sanitary sewer in Davis Avenue from Windsor Avenue east- erly a distance of -383 feet has been completed in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 141-49. The work has been tnspect• ed and found to be in conformity with the plans and specifications. I therefore recommend that it be accepted by the City Council. Respectfully submitted, A. A. Rhomberg City Manager. Special Session, July 18th, 1949 345 Councilman Welu moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec- onded by Councilman Russo. Car- ried ,by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. Dubuque, Iowa, July 9, 1949. City Clerk Dubuque, Iowa Dear Sir: Am attaching our statement for work performed on Davis Ave. This work has been completed as 'per City Engineer's plans a n d specifications for the construction of six inch sanitary sewer i n Davis Ave. from Windsor Ave. three hundred and eighty three ft. easterly. Total contract price $1,- 287.50. Larson Construction Co, Oliver Larson. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of July, 1949. Geraldine L, Jenni Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. Councilman Welu moved that the communication be received and made a matter of record, and the statement placed on file. Seconded .by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. July 18, 1949. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works for the month of June 1949, also list of claims and list of pay- rolls for which warrants were issu- ed for the month of June, 1949, Respectfully submitted, A, A. Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Welu moved that the reports be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas -Mayor VTharton, Coun• cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. 346 Special Session, July 18th, Ig49 BUDGET ESTIMATE AND RECORD OF FILING CITY ESTIMATE NOTICli.-The City C'_~uncil of Dubuque of Dubuque Com,ty, Ivw~z, will meet Aogust 1, 1949, nt 7:30 p, m., at t he City Hatl, Dubuquo. Taspaycra will he heard for or against the Following estimate of expendi- truea for the year b eginning April 1, 1950. A detailed statement oP receipts and disbursements, both past and anticipated, will be available at the hearing. J. J. SHEA, It Jnly 20 Clty Clerk, 1 2 3 ! 5 6 Expenditures ~0101'U at1d~ ~HO~t~ mM~3Z'r' For Year ewgC bp~rt c xmM M~ o•eom o~ l0 C ~ ~ ~ b ~y~y ~a~0 ~ m~ ry ~~'f '.~p ~Q1 p0Q M b ti ;f ina,m u ' F+f1 me,W. cno Hmn ~k 7iWrt ' FUNDS ° ~ o ~ ! m»a a ~m !'n~' m ~~' ~ , „ ry m ~a ~ a o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C `~ y ~ ~ oo a + 1 i : ! General ...,..,.,,.,,......,. $ 902,458 $ 390,714 $ 370,372 Grading ................... 23,959 39,088 35,000 Improvement ..:....... ...... ..... 9 323 12,000 "Snow Removal ....., 17,083 23,021 14,400 City Bridge .............. 5,412 139 29,500 Sewer ........................ 105,570 39,696 30,000 Main Sewer ............ 33,178 20,124 22,375 Garbage Disposal.. 14,108 43,383 60,800 Light ...................... 36,844 37,359 40,500 'Total Consol~- dated ..........E Water Works 661,612 $ 291 488 697,847 $ 614,947 $ ............. 176,697 $ 498,260 310 520 ~ ..........$ Fire Maintenance.. , $ 166,326 292,144 $ 182,497 , $ 76,000 236,520 $ .............. 200,205 .............. 7,803 192,402 Fire. Equipment..... 25,608 31,678 46,034 30,000 16,034 Library .................. 43,348 48,834 55,047 ....... 2,500 62,597 Ltbrary (Agri. Land) ................ 109 110 100 ... ....,..... 100 Parking Meter and Lots .................... 19,798 35,179 176,500 116,500 60,000 ,............, Park ....................... 25,533 36,648 46,056 2,500 800 42,756 Dock ........................ 27,806 27,970 33,735 4,86? 7,490 21,378 Dock Bond ............. 6,200 2,000 Playground Im- provement ........ .... 32,067 .............. ............. 32.067 Swimming Pool ...... 23,706 24,655 26,203 .............. 4,826 21,378 Firemen's Pension 34,579 35,593 60,004 .............. 450 49,554 Firemen's Retire- ment ................ 931 900 15,017 .........,,... 1,463 18,564 Policemen's Pen- sion ................ 19,198 16,786 30,030 .,,,.,,„,,,,„ 400 39,630 Policemen's Re- tirement ......... 2,34fi 2,167 11,008 ,„........., 876 10,133 Employee's Retire- ment .................. 3,049 11,972 ......«,,.„, «............ 11,972 Emergency .............. 23,644 28142 .......... ......,.....,. ............. .............. Assessment ............ ... _..... 10,166 10,604 ............. 10,604 Liquor Sales .......... 44,643 66,484 66,000 .............. 66,000 .............. General Bonds ...... 65.759 50,690 76,272 10,000 .._, ........ 66,272 Airport Levies ...., 30,081 152,074 98,766 ............. 6,000 42,766 Strest Const, (Gea Tax) ................. 34,214 82,546 118,000 50,000 88,000 .............. Road (Agri. Land) 114 111 100 ............. _ .,...... 100 Totals ................$1, 692,972 $1,724,210 $1,979,(77 $ 288,867 $ 638,823 $1,461,487 Estimated taxos per $1,004. 00 of asse ssed value $24.588. Taxable valuation (1 948) .......... ..... _ ........ _ ..........................$39,871,664 hioneys and credits (1948 5 mills $12,900,829, t mill $584,062 .................. 12,984,8,1 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 347 RESOLUTION N0, 183.49 Whereas, The Council of the City of Dubuque has duly consider- ed and caused to be prepared the budget estimate of expenditures for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 1950 and ending March 31, 1951, as a basis for the tax levy for the year 1949, the same to .be collected the year 1950 and said budget having been duly ap- proved by it: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that said budget estimate be and the same is hereby ordered filed in the office of the Clerk of Dubuque and the date of public hearing theron is hereby fixed as the 1st day of August, 1949 at 7;30 o'clock p.m, in the Council Chamber in the City Hall. Be It Further Resolved, That said Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause said budget esti- mate of expenditures and proposed tax levy to be published in the official ^ewspaper of the City of Dubuque and an official notice to be given of the time and place, when and where said budget esti- mate will be considered by said Council for final adoption, at which time and place taxpayers will be heard for and against said estimate, said publication to be not less than ten (10) days be- fore said date of hearing, Be It Further Resolved, That in lieu of all the separate annual levies for the General Fund, the Grading Fund, the improvement Fund, the Sewer Fund, the Elec- tric Light or Yower Fund, the Snow Removal Fund, the Garbage Disposal Fund, the City Bridge Fund, and the Main Sewer Fund, there shall .be levied one (1) tax which shall be designed as the "Consolidated Fund." Passed, adopted and approved this 18th day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F, W, THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N, RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None. July 15, 1949. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with the provision of law, as City Manager, I have prepared an annual budget for the I fiscal year beginning April 1, 1950 and ending March 31, 1951 based upon the estimated income and expenses of the various depart- ments of the City of Dubuque. These departmental estimates show the appropriations for each function for the preceding year (1949-50) and also the amount for the ensuing year (1950-51). The proposed budget calls for a millage rate of 24,585 mills. In the corresponding tax proceedings of July last year the millage rate was sot at 25.984 mills, It is to be noted that no levy for an Emer- gency Tax is proposed this year. The estimated taxable valuatign of $42,756,094 is $2,884,430 greater than that of the current year. This results in a $53,262.00 greater tax return at a lesser millage. The budget has been filed with the City Clerk and will .be publish- ed as required by law in order that a public hearing may be had before final action is taken by the Councih Respectfully submitted, A, A. Rhomberg, City Manager. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication of City Manager Rhomberg be received and made a matter of record. Sec- onded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote; Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Coun- cilmen Russo, Thompson, Van Duelman, Welu. Nays -None, 348 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 OFFICIAL NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET PREPARED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1950.1951. Notice is hereby given that the City Manager of the City of Dubuque has prepared a budget on the basis of estimates of the expenses of the various de- partment of said City for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1950, and ending March 31, 1951. Such de- partmental estimates show expenses o1 each depart- ment for the preceding year, and the purpose for which the consolidated lax levy, authorized in Section 40t.11 of the Code of Iowa, 1946, as amended, is to be used, and in addition thereto, the purpose for which al] other tax tevies are to be used, including the revenues from miscellaneous sources. The levy of a consolidated li1x has heretofore been determined by said Council and incorporated in a resolution for such purpose. The budget will be considered for final adoption by the City Council at a special meeting to be held in the Council Chamber at the City Hall on the 1st day of August, 1949. at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Any interested party objecting thereto or protesting to the same, or to any item thereof or any omission therefrom, shall present his objections to said Council on or before that date. This notice is given pursuant to the direction of the Code of Iowa, J.J. SHEA, It July 20 City Clerk ANALYSIS OF TAX LEVIES TO BE MADE IN AUGUST, 1949, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1950.51 ESTIMATED ASSESSED VALUATION-542,750.094 SOURCES OF REVENUE FOR 1950.51 FISCAL OPERATION A.-From Taxes Levy in Funds- Mills Taa Consolidated ._...._......_......._.._...._..._...__..__..._... .._10,250 $438,250.00 Fire Maintenance ._......_. ................_..._..~..__..._. ._... 4.500 192,402.90 Fire Equipment .......................___..._.............._. .._.0.375 10,034.00 Library ........................._.....,_...._..._.._......__..._......_. _...1,229 52,547.09 Park ...,_._.._ ...................__........._._.._._._..._..___........ ....1.000 42,756.00 Playground and Swimming Pool -___ ..... 0.500 2L378A0 Playground improvement ......__...._.......... ... O.i50 32,067.00 Fire Pension ......_..._..._._......_...._ .............. ._..1.159 49,554.~~0 Fire Retirement _...._..._...._.._..__.._._.._.......__. ...... 0.317 .3,554:J0 Police Pension ......__.. ...................._......__..._...._ __ 0.693 L9,630.U4 Police Retirement ._........._._._ .............._........ ._.. 0.237 10,133.00 Employees Retirement ..........._.__._...._..__. ..... 0.286 I1,972.C0 Dock .._ .........................__.__.._...__..,__...._..........._...._ ....0.500 21,378.tw General Bands ... ._ ................_..._................_,._..... _..1.550 66,272.W Airport ..-...._._..__.._...._..._.._.._ .............__._...__. .._..1.000 48.750.00 City Assessment ..._.,._......_._.._._......_..........._ ._.. 0.248 iQ604.00 24.588 $1,051,287.u0 Road Tax on Agricultural Lands (Consoli- dated Fund) __,_.........._. ................._......._..... _.._..._...._....._. IOD.Oq Library Tax on Agricultural Lands (Library Fund) ._ .........................._._............_._._.._._...... .._........_.---.. . 100.00 $1,051,487.00 B.-From Miscellaneous Sources Gen eral lliscel. Revenues Business Licenses ................._.........._..._. ._........._......_._ ..:...$ 4,500.00 Dog Licenses ..........__..._ ............................._.. ..,._.._........._.... ..._ 590.90 Building Permits .,...,.._......_.........._. .... ..................._.... ..... 3,500.00 Plumbing' Permits ..._._......_........__.._......._.. ....._............__..... _... 2,'750.00 ..... ............ Electrical Permits .__. _ ...._.. ........ _......_... 2 _... 750. 0 Police Court Fines and Costs ................... ................ __.. ..... 3QOOO.G0 Beer Permits ........................................................ .........._____ _ 35.COO.OD Cigarette Permits ........., .._._......_........_ _.. .................... _.. 25,000.00 Street and Garage Receipts ............... ...__.._..........,. ...... 3,400.00 Dieting Prisoners _..__.__......_.........._.._ ......_.. ...._._.__........_. .._. 500.00 Miscellaneous Rents _......_ ..............._......_...... _.......__...._._.. _... 755.110 Miscellaneous Sales ...__. .............................._.. ............_._....._.. ._._ 256.00 Ambulance Receipts __ . ..................._ .._. _..._.._._....... _ 4,500.00 Health Deft. Receipts ....___..._ ..............._. ....................... .... 500.00 Bicycle Registration ....._...._...._. ............... ..... _............_ 700.06 Sale of Rea] ProPerty _ ................_......_.___. ._.._...._........._.... ... 1A00A0 State Highway Maintenance ._._ ........ ......__.._......... __ 2,295.00 Total .._.._..... _.._.... ___ ......................................................................$117, 500.00 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 349 AIRPORT FUND Airport Returns ....__ ........ ......_................._......_....................... .$6,000.00 FIRE MAINTENANCE FUND Outside Fire Protection .......................__........._............._ ....$ 1,000.09 FIRE EQUIPMENT FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1950 $ 30,600.00 LIBRARY FUND Book Rentals and Fines ....._............_ ..................__......._........$ 2,506.00 PARKING LOT FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1950 $ 10,506.1!! PARKING METER FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1., 1950 $100,000.00 Meter Collections ....._.........._._.._.._......._.._.._......_.._......._..,.._ 60,000.00 Total ..._ ............._.........._......._.._..........................................................$100, 009.011 PARK FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1950 $ 2,60UA0 Concessions _. _ ...................................... ..........................................__... 504.00 Miscellaneous Collections .,.__._ .................._........_.._...._.._.. 300.00 - Total ...._......_._............_..._ .................._.............._._.....................$ -- 3.300.Ou PLAYGROUNDS AND SWIMMING POO L Swimming Pno] Receipts ......._......_ ....................._.._..._._._.$ 3,500.00 Skating Receipts .....................__..........._........_......_..........._.........., 250.00 Miscellaneous Receipts ..._........_..._.._._.._............._................... 75.00 Total ................._ ..............._..............._........................._.._._...........$ 4,825.90 POLICE PENSION FUND 1% Salary Deduction from Members ._.._ ..................$ 409.00 POLICE RETIREMENT FUND Income from Bond Interest ....._...........__._.._..._......_ .............$ 875 OU FIRE PENSION FUND 1% Salary Deluction from Members .._.__.....__......$ 4aUA0 FIRE RETIREMENT FUND Income from Bond Interest ....................................................$ 1,442.50 DOCK FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1950 $ 4,867.00 Oil Terminal Irease ......_......_....._......._....._. ....................._.._...... 2,200.Ou VlrginialCarolina Lease ........................................_._ ............ 2,100.00 Dock House Lease ......_ ..............._....... _................_.._....._ _._.. 1,890.90 Harbor Lease _....._ .........._.__._.._....._........._ _ ........................._... 300.60 Wharfage Fees .........._......._._......_.._..___ ...................._..._ .. 1,000.00 v; tz,sor.uu BONDED DEBT FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1950 $ lU,U00.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1950 $ 5U,OOOA0 ReceiPta from Gas Tax ................................_.._................._.. 03,000.09 Total .._....._ .......................................,........................................._.....$118,'J OO. UD LIQUOR SALES FUND Estimated City Share _........._...._........_._..._...__._._....._.......$ 96,000.00 Total Estimated Misc. Revenues and Un- encumbered Bal. ...._ ............................._.._..._._...............$ 551,169.50 Total Estimated Receipts from Taxes ................. 1,051,487.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY REVENUE _.._...._$1,602,656.50 WATER WORKS DIVISION (Self-Supporting) Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1950 $ 75,000.00 Estimated Water Iteveuue ..............................._..._........_.... 235,52080 --~ Total ..........._................_ ...................... _......._ _..........._ ................._.....$ 310, 520.40 ESTIMATED GRAND 'DOTAL CI'pY AND WATER WORI{S DIVISION REVENUES $1,913, 1'ifi.GO DETAILED DISTRIBUTION OF PROPOSED EX- PENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1950-5t GROUP I-GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (Consolidated Fund) Item 101~City Council Proposed 1949-60 Ap- 1959-51 Ap- propriationa prnpriatious A. Salaries _........._........._.. .............__........_$ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 B. Travel ...._............_....._..........__ ..................... 175.00 175.00 J. Miscellaneous ......_......._._ ..................... 25.00 25AG Total ...............___.............._.........._.....__....$ 1,700.00 $ 1,7110.00 I '!il ~ 1 '~~ „~ 1 ~, ,~~~ . 35o Special Session, July 18th, 1949 Item 102-City Manager's Office A. Salary City Manager .._-_.._.._.. _•$ 9,000.00 "$ 9,000.00 A. Salary Secretary .......................... ... 3,270.96 3,270.96 A. Salary Stenographer _.._.._.._.._... ... 2,319.62 3,314 62 B. Travel _....._.._........._._ .............._._.._ .. 250.00 '150.00 C. Office ._........__................._..._ ................ ... 125.00 125.00 D. Printing ........................................._.._..... ... 75.00 75.00 F. Maintenance ...___._...... _.._..__........ . 200.00 300.00 G. Material and Supplies .__...._....... _. 325.00 325.00 Total .....___ ................._..._.._......_._........ ...$ 15,560.58 S 15,560.58 Ite m 103-City Clerk's Office A. Salary City Clerk .._ .................... ..$ :5,991.68 $ '!,991.08 A. Salary Extra Help . 150.00 150.90 G. Material and Supplies ..........._. _. 76.00 -75.60 Total ....................._....__..._........._._. .$ 9,216.68 $ 9,216.68 Ite m 104-City Auditor's Office A. Salary City Auditm• .......__....___... _"$ 2,941.79 '$ 2,941.79 A. Salary Clerk ..................._..._.........,..._. _ 2,000.00 2,000.00 F. Maintenance ..............:.._.._ ......_......._ ... 50.00 b0 00 G. Material and Supplies ...._........ _ . 200.00 200.00 Total ..__ ................__.................._.._....... _$ 5,191.79 $ 6,191.'!9 Ite m 105-City Treasurer's Office A. Salary City Treasurer ._..___..__ .°$ 2,889.53 °$ 2,889.81 D. Printing and Advertising ._.. _ 25.00 25.60 F. Maintenance .,._........_..._....._ ............ ... 25.00 25.00 G. Material and Supplies _._..___._ ._ 150.00 150.uD L Surety Bond .............._.._....._._ _....._. ... 100.00 100.00 Total .........__..._..__ ............._.._.........._.._.. _$ 3,189.81 $ 3,189.81 "(Note: 25% of salaries of City Manage r, Gity Auditor and 't'reasurer are paid by Water Dept.) Ite m 106-City Solicitor's Office A. Salary City Solicitor (part timel _.._ .............._.........._........_.._ ...$ 5,79'L.00 $ 5,792.00 B. Trave] _..........._.....__ ................_......_.._ ... 40.00 40.00 C. Office _._......._....._...__._._ ................. .. 40.00 50.00 G. Material and Supplies .__......... ... 35.00 85.09 Total ...._._..__.......__...._.........._..._. _.$ 5,907.00 $ 5,907.00 Ite m 108-City Assessing J. City's Share _.......____ .......................... _.$ 10,606.00 $ 1Q604.00 ($10,G04.OD paid from City Assessment Fund as provided by S.F. 4fi Acts of 52 G.A.) Ite m 109-Civil Engineer's Offi ce A. Salary Engineer _ ....................._.._..... ...$ 4,158.00 $ 4,158.00 A. Salary Assistant ...................___..... ... 3,465.00 :+,46500 A. Salaries Rodmen .......................... .. R,820.00 4,820.00 C. Office ..__....._.,...._,.__ ......................... _ 100.00 100.00 E. Equipment ............................................ .. 200.00 200.90 F. Maintenance ..__ ......................._......_.... ... 500.00 1,700.CG G. Material and Supplies ......__..._. ... 500.00 500.ii9 Total ................................._._.._.._.._...._.. _..$ 17,743.00 $ 13,943.00 Ite m 113-City Elections A. Salaries Clerks, etc ...................._ ..$ 500.00 $ 500.90 G. Material and Supplies -_._..___ ... 400.00 404.00 J. Rents _............__..._ ..................._..._.......... . 50.00 50.00 Total ..................................................... ..$ 950.00 $ 950.00 Ite m 114-City Buildings A. Salaries Janitors _.._......_ .............. ..$ 4,725.00 $ 4,725.00 E. Equipment .................._...__.................. ._ 1,000AO ],000,00 F. Maintenance and Repairs .._.. . 2,500.00 '2,500.00 G. Material and Supplies .............. ... 1,000.00 1,000.00 H. Heat and Light .,.....__........._........ ._ 1,800.00 1,800.90 Total .._._.._ .........................._..._.._._.. ...$ 11,025.00 8 11.026.00 ite m 115-Police Court J. Miscellaneors ....._......_._ ................... _ t•J0.00 100.00 To[ai ._......_............._.._....__......._.._.._...... _.$ 200.00 $ 200.b9 SU BTOTALS GROUP I- GEN- EKAL ADMINISTRATION ... ...$ 78,562.06 $ 79,760.06 (Consolidated Fund-$69,156.06; City Assessment L'cnd- $10 ,609.00) k i Special Session, July ISth, 1949 GROUP II-PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY Ite m 118-Police Department ( Consolidated Fund) Propused 1949-50 Ap- 1950-51 An- propriations propriations A. Salary Chief of Police ........... ..._...$ 4,296.60 $ 9,29;.60 A. Salary Senior Captain ....... ....... 3,492.72 3,992.72 A. Salaries Captains (3) ........ ..._.._ 6,431.04 9,540.56 A. Salaries Des Sergeants (3) ._... 9,521.82 3,521.82 A. Salaries Detectives (4) ....... ........ 12,529.44 12,x•29.94 A. Salarles Motorcyclists (2) . .. 6,098.40 6.098.40 A. Salaries Patrolmen (after 3 .Yrs.) (27) ....._-. _ ..............._._._ ..._... 7U, 852.32 79,708.56 A. Salaries Patrohneu (before 3 yrs.) (2) ....................._...___._... ....... 5,571.72 5,57L72 A. Salaries Patrolmen (dur ing 1st yr.) (3) ......................_... _..... 7,567.50 7,sx67.56 A. Salaries Matrons (2) _ ............ ....... 5,045.04 5,045.04 A. Salaries Special Officers __ _._ 100.00 100AD B. Travel ........... .............._...._.._................... ...__ 50.00 50.00 C. Office ........_._,......_..........._..._ ............... ...... 275A0 275.00 D. Printing _.._....._....._ .........................._. ...._- 150.00 150.09 E. Equipment ._..........._ .....................-_. ._.... 3.500.00 3,50U.J0 F. Maintenance ........._......._.._.._........ ..._. 2,800.00 $b00.u0 H. Material and Supplies ........... ...._ 2,000.00 2,OOD.CO J-1 Feeding Prisoners ................... ..__. 1,500.00 1,500AU J-2 Miscellaneous (injuries) ..._., ........ 300.00 300,00 Total _.-...__.__..._._.......__.._.._....... _.....$142,081.66 $159,153.73 (Consolidated Tax-$94,956.72; Liquor Sa les Fund -$59,197.00) Item 119A-Fire Department Maintenance Fund A. Salary Fire Chief _......_.._.......__ ._...$ 4,296.60 $ 4,290.G0 A. Salaries Senior Captains (2)... 6,98x.•14 0,985.94 A. Salaries Captains (5) ................ ....... 16,07260 16,077.60 A. Salaries Lieutenants (7) _.. _...... 21,344.40 21,394.40 A. Salaries Engineers (4) .......... ....... 12,196.80 12,196.80 A. Salaries Firemen (after 3 yrsJ (33) __._ ............._....._.. ....... 97,421.99 97,421.94 A. Salaries Firemen (during 3 lrs.) (7) _....._.._.._........_...._..._ .,.... (9,501.02 19501.02 A. Salaries Firemen (during 1st Yr•) (3) ....._...._......_._................. .__ 7,507.56 7,56i 66 B. Travel ..._....._.........._._.__...._..._......_.._.. _.._ 50.00 50.G0 C. Office -._..---.._....._.__._..._.._._.._...._ __. 650.00 650.00 D. Printing ....._ ..._ _ _ .................... ..... 35A0 35.00 F-1 . Maintenance _ ........................... ..... 3,750.00 3,750,V0 F-2 . Repairs to Buildings ...._,_ ._... 3,000.00 3,000.00 G. Material and Supplies ..._._.._. .._... 2,700.00 2,700.00 H. Heat and Light _.............._.._.._.._. ..__. 3,000.00 3,000.00 h Insurance ._.._.._.._.._-_....._......_..... _.... 400.00 40090 J-1. Miscellaneous (injuries) ._. ._.... 900.00 900.00 J-2. interest on Warrants ......... ..... 60.00 60.90 J-3. Reserve for Emergency _.. .._.. 268.64 268.64 Total _.____..._._..__..._.._.._............,._.._ __$200,205.00 $200,205.00 (Fire Maintenance Tax-$192,402.00; Balance and Misc. Revenue-$1,000.00; Liquor Sales Fund- $6, 803.00) Item 1196-Fire Equipment Fund E. Equipment _........_...__..___..__..__ ... _.,..$ 55,434.00 $ 91,034.!'0 (Fire Equipment Tax-$ 16,039.00; U nencum• hered Balance-$30,000.00) Item 120-Fire and Police Alarm (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary City Electricians . ...........$ 2,96G.04 $ 2,966A4 A. Salary Extra Help ..._...,..._ .._.... 2,205.00 2,205.00 C. Office _....._.._.___._............__ ............ ....._ 100.00 100.00 F. Equipment __.___.._._..._..._............ .._..__ 150.00 150.00 F. Maintenance ......_...._.........._.,.... __.._... 150.00 150.00 G. Material and Supplies ......... .......... 200.00 200.00 E. Heat, Light and Power ... __..._. 100.00 ~UO,UD Total _-_.._.......----._..._.._.._...... _..__...$ 5,871.04 $ 5,571.04 Item 121-Building Commis sioner's Office (Con• solidated Fund) A. Salary Building Commissioner $ 3,180 $ 3,780.00 C. Office ....................................................... ......... 25.00 25.00 F. Maintenance _.._._....._......._..__........ ._..... 150.00 150.00 G. Material and Supplies ....._. ._.._.... 100.00 100.00 Totail ..._._ .............._.............._..-........ ..........$ 4,055.00 $ 4,055.00 i 351 352 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 Item 122-Plumbing Inspector's Office (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary Plumbing Ispector......... ...$ 3,492.72 $ 3,992.7'2 C . Office ...._............-..-...-..._.._ .................... ... 25.00 25.00 D. Printing ._ ................._.............__.-.._ .... 15.00 16.00 G. Material and Supplies - .............. ._.. 50.00 50.00 J. Plumbing Board .............._......-...... ..._ t80A0 180.00 Total ._-..,...._ ............................._........._ _.$ 3,762.72 $ 3,'(62.72 item rxs~tiectricai Inspector s ~rnce tconsou• dated Fund) A. Salary Electrical Inspector ...$ 3,492.72 $ 5,992.72 C. Office ...__........-.........._..._...___.-..........._- ._ 25.00 25.00 D. Printing ..........- ...................-..........-.-...-.._ .... 15.06 15.00 F. Maintenance ...__..-......._.......... _._ ..- 175.00 175.00 G. Material and Supplies ._......_..... _... 100.00 100.00 Total ................._-._..-......._.-.............._..-. .., $ 3,807.72 $ 3,807.72 Item 124-Dog Pound (Consolidated Fund) J. Enforcement Dog Ordinance...$ 900.00 $ 900.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP II, PRO- TECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY .__.........._ - ....................... _...$416,117.14 $413,189.20 GROUP III-HEALTH AND SANITATION (Consolidated Fund) Propuszd 1999-50 Ap- 1960-51 Ap- propriations propriatiors Item 125-Health Department A. Salary Director (part time). ....$ 2,666.40 $ 9,666.40 A. Salary Sanitary Inspector ._ _- 2,439.36 2,439.36 A. Salary Clerk and Registrar. _... 2,259.18 2,259.18 A. Salary Restaurant Inspecto r... 2,016.00 2;016.00 A. Salaries Nurses (4) ..................... ..... 10,803.87 10,803.37 A. Extra Help ................................__ _... 1,829.52 1,829.52 B. Travel _..___.._.-. ................._.............._ .-. 50.00 56.00 C. Office ...._........_ ................_....._.._........_ _ .... 150.00 15A00 D. Printing ..............._............_...._....,... ._. 50.00 50.00 E. Equipment ...._........_..._...._......_-... ..._ 50.00 54.00 F. Maintenance ..................................... ..... 900.60 900.90 G.Material and Supplies .................... ..... 906.00 900.00 J-1 . Laboratory Expense ........ ..... 400.00 400.00 ---- Total -..-._........_ ............._......__......._ - .....$ 24,519.33 $ 29,519.33 Item 12fi-Control of Contagious Diseases J. Control of Contagious Di s- eases -....._ _.........,-._..._.........-....__ _...$ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.40 Item 127-Sewer Maintenance A. Wages __...._..-_.- ..............._.............-........ ....$ 18,375.00 $ 18,375.00 E. Equipment .-....._.._... ............._....... ...... 700.00 700.V0 F. Maintenance ..........--.--- --- _.... 1,200.00 1,200.00 G. Material and Supplies ............... ..-.. 600.00 600.00 H. Power for Sewer Pumps ._.... ..-. 1,500.00 1,500.00 Total ......_.-._.-.__.. ................_.._.._._....... ..-.$ 22,375.00 $ 22,375.00 Item 128-Garbage Disposal J. Contract for Garbage Collec- tion and Disposal _......_ ..-..$ 24,000.00 $ 36,OOUAi1 Ite m 129-Milk Inspection A. Salary Milk Inspector ......-.... ......$ 3,381.84 $ 4,381.84 E. Equipment _....__.........__._.-.,.....-.... .... 160.00 1611.00 G. Material and Supplies .............. .... 100.00 100,00 Total ..........-......_.-._...-..- ......................_.... ......$ 3,641.84 $ 3,641.84 SU BTOTALS GROUP III - HEALTH AND SANIT A- TION _ ......................_.._.................. .-...$ 75,731.17 $ 8?,731.17 ~GRGOUP IV-HIGHWAY S AND STREETS Proposed 1949-50 Ap- 1950-51 Ap- propriations propriations Item 131-Highways Administra tion (Consol idated Fund) A. Salary Timekeeper ...................__ ......$ 3,992.72 $ 3,492.72 A. Maintenance -....._._._..._..._.._._.- ...... 100.00 100.60 G. Material and Supplies .....-...... ...... 150.00 150.00 Tota] _...-._.._........_......_.......-......-_-... .....,$ 3,742.72 $ 3,742.72 Ite m 132-Street Repairing and Grading A. Wages Lahorers ._......-.._...._... __..$ 28,875.00 $ '28 875.V0 E. Equipment .......-.._-__......._- ........... .... 6,000.00 6,000.00 F. Maintenance -..- ---- - - - --- 5,000.00 x,000.00 G. Mater0ial and Supplies ..-........ ...-. 35,000.00 95,00000 J. Grading _ .............................-............._...... -.... 8,000.00 5,000.00 Total ..._......._ ................__ _............ ......$ 82,875.00 $ 82,875.00 (Consolidated Fund-$33,706 .00; Street Construc- tion Fund-$49,169.00) 1$ w~ Special Session, July 18th, 1949 353 Item 135-Street Construction Fund J. Street Construction ..........-.._. ..._...$125,81.00 $ 68,831.06 Item 133-City Garage (Consol idated Fund) A. Salaries Mechanics ...._-..-..... .....$ 10,500.00 $ 10,,i00.UU C. Office ........-.-...._ _.......-.......-..- ............ ._..-... 75.00 75.00 E. EquiPmeu[ -.._._ ............... _............. ......... 500.00 50Q00 F. Maintenance _........_ ................. ......... 400.00 400.00 G. Material and Supplies _-..... ..._. 2,325.00 2,325.50 H. Heat, Light and Power .... ......... 2,000.00 2 000.00 I. Insurance ._..-..-......-..- ......................_. _....... 50.00 50.60 Total ..................................__..........-.... ... _$ 15;850.00 $ 15,850.00 Item 134-Ash and Can Collec tions (Consolida ted Fund) A. Wages Drivers and Laborers...$ 21,000.00 $ 21,000.00 F. Maintenance ......._.._...._ ............... ......-. 1,400.00 1,400.00 G. Material and Supplies ....._.... ..-...... 1,200.00 1,200.00 Total .-_ ..............._.....-..............._......... ......_$ 23,600.00 $ 23,600.00 Item 138-Street and Traffic Signal Lighting (Consolidated Fund) H. Street Lighting and Tra ffic Signals _ .............. ..........._....... ..-.....$ 40,506.00 $ 40,600.60 Item 140-Street Cleaning (Co nsolidated Fund ) A. Wages, Drivers and Laborers.$ 16,800.00 $ 16,SOO.V0 E. Equipment .,.._ ........................ ....__ 1,000.00 1,000.00 F, baintenance _- .................__-_-..- ._...._ 3,500.00 :i,5D0.U0 G. Material and Supplies .....-..- ....- 3,500.00 3,500.00 --- Total ..-._- ........................................_ ..._...$ 24,800.00 - $ 29,800,00 Item 141-Snow Removal (Con solidated Fund) A. Labor ...-.,._._.__ _-.._ .................... ....._$ 8,400.00 $ 8,4u0.00 E. Equipment .-.-...-._...__..._...._...__.- ...--- 1,000.00 1,000.00 F. Maintenance .........-.._.__.._....._._ .......- 2,000.00 2,000.60 G. Material and Supplies ......_., .,.._ 3,000.00 3,000.00 --- 'Dotal .......,._...-......-..........-...-.,..._ .......... ...._$ 14,404.00 $ L4,400.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP IV-HIGH- WAYS AND STREETS .. .__...$331,598.72 $274,593.72 GROUP V-LIBRARY Ite m 143A-Library Fund and Misc. Library Revenue Proposed 1949-50 Ap- 1950-51 AP- k, propriations propriations A. Salary Librarian ....._.._ ...................-$ 3,465.00 $ 3,600A0 A. Salary Reference Librarian -.... 2,702.76 2,832.00 A. Salary Cataloguer .................._.._..- 2,479.04 2,604.00 A. Salary Iuvenile Librarian .-...... 2,155.20 2,280.00 A. Salary Circulation Head (Part timel .. -_.._.._................_ 1,576.80 1,670.00 E A. Salary School Librarian -...........- 1,330.00 1,649.00 [ A. Salary Asst. of Circulation v' Head _...._._ ...............,-........................ 2,155.20 2,280.00 i, A. Salaries General Assistants (3) 5,537.28 4,730.00 A. Salary Caretaker ._..........._........._... 2,520.00 ' 2,640.00 ' A. Salary Extra Help .................._. 4,479.72 6,OOO.U0 C. Books ...._....-_-..-..-_-.._......-..-............_ 6,272.00 9,000.00 ` D. Periodicals ........_..___.-.-.-......-..._.-_. 1,000.00 1,000.00 E. Binding . _....... ....................-.._......-.......- 2,500.00 3,000.00 F. Building Repairs .................................. 5,472.00 5,000!10 G. Materials and Supplies .............._ 2,300.00 2,500.00 ~ H. Heat, Light and Water .-........._ 3,500.00 3,500.00 I. Insurance _-..- 335.00 560.00 J. Miscellaneous ............... _...__...._......- 300.00 367.00 R SUBTOTAL GROUP V-LI- BRAAY .............................-...-.-_......$ 50,125.00 $ 55,147.00 (Library Tax-$52,547.00; Library Tax Agricu]- . coral Land-$100.00; Misc. Library Revenue- i . $2,500.00) GROUP VI-PARK FUND I Ite E m 144A-Park Administration A. Salary Superintendent _..........._$ 3,720.00 $ 3,90fi.00 E B. Travel .....-._._.._..-......_..........-............_...-.. 100.00 100.00 C. Office -...._...-....._..-......-.,......-......_._............ 350.00 350.00 D. Printing and Advertising .___., 75.00 75.00 J. Miscellaneous ................_.....-._........_.._. 15.00 15.00 v Total -........---........._.-.._._........_...._._.__ $ 4,260.00 $ 4,446.00 354 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 Item 1448-Park Areas, Buildings, Etc. A. Wages of Laborers ........_..._.... ._..$ 22,000.00 $ '18,000AO C. Forestry _........_....._...._.........__ ......... ...... 700.00 2,700A0 E. Equipment _ .....................__._...__ __. 3,500.00 3,500.06 F. Maintenance ....._.._.___......._..._.... .._.. 2,275.00 2,275.40 G. Material and Supplies ......_........ .._. 4,850.00 9,850.00 H. Heat, Light, Water a nd Telephone .............._..........._.. _.._ 3,150.00 3,150.00 I. Insurance .._......_ ....................._......._.... ..... 850.00 850.00 J-1 . Renovations and Replace- ments .....__._......._._..._._......_._... .._ 191.00 2,285.00 Total ...._._.__ .......................................... ....$ 37,516.04 $ 41,610.00 SU BTOTALS GROUP VI-PARK FUND _......_...__.........____...._._.,.,___... .....$ 41,776.00 $ 96,056.00 (Park Tax-$42,756.00; Mis c. Park Revenues- $3,300.00) GR OUP VII-PLAYGROUND A ND SWIMMI NGG P00~ Operation and M aintenance Item 145A-Recreation Administration Proposed 1949-50 Ap- 1950-F1 Ap- propriations propriations A. Salary Director .. .............................. _...$ 3,201,66 $ 3,600.00 A. Salary Office Help ._.... _......_.. _.. 1,200.00 1,500.00 B. Travel ...._.._._ ...................................... _.. 50.00 i00.U0 C. Office ....__.._....._.._.._._..._.._....__...._,..... ._ 120.00 l2U.o0 F.Maintenance of Car ............._...,... _.. 360.00 364A0 GG. Material and Supplies ........._.. _._ 250.00 250.00 Total ..._._,.,._._..._...._.,....__._.......__._ _....$ 5,181.66 $ 5,930.04 Item 1456-Outdoor Recreation A. Salaries Supervisors, Lead- ers, etc ........................._.....___._. ....$ 3,504.00 $ 3,919.00 A. Wages of Laborers .._.._.._.._..__ ._. 1,500.00 2,100.00 E. Equipment ._._.._......_.....__ ................. ..... 750.00 750.04 F. Maintenance ..._........_._.._ ................ .... 1,040.00 1,004.00 G. Material and Supplies .._.._._.. __ 1,000.00 1000 00 H. Light ...._..._........_.........._..........._ ......... .... 500.00 500.64 I. Insurance ..._...__.._......_.._....._......_........ ...- 250.00 254.00 Total _.._ ................................................... .....$ 8,500.00 $ 9,519.00 Item 1450-Indoor Recreation A. Wages .._._.._.._.._..__..._ ........................._....$ 2,000.00 $ '1,000.00 C. Office ............................._....__....._........... ... 25.00 2ti.UG E. E~luipment .,.._ .................... ......_. __. 300.00 300.00 F. Maintenance ........_.._..._......_......_....._ .... 500.00 500.00 G. Material and Supplies ..._._...._.. __. 900.00 400.00 H. Heat and Light _.._.._....._ .............. _._ 900.00 100.00 Total ___.__...__..._.._.._.._....... __.__ ....$ 3,625.00 $ 3,625.00 Item 145E-Swimming Pool A. Salary Superintendent .....-...... .--$ 800.00 $ 450.90 A. Salaries Guards (4) .....__.....,.. __ 1,000.00 1,600.00 A. Salaries Attendants ............_.._ .._ 1,800.00 1,800.00 F. Maintenance -....--..-... - -- -- 1,000.00 1,000.00 G. Material and Supplies .._.._.... .._ 350.00 350A0 H. Light and Power .._..._....._ ............ ... 300.00 JOD.UO I. Insurance _.._.._...._.._ ............._.._._.... .._ 229.04 229.00 - Total __...._......_...._...._..._ ................. _..$ 5,479.00 -- $ 6,129.00 Item 145E-Care of Grounds F. Maintenance ........._ .............................. ._.$ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.60 SUBTOTAL-OPERATION AN D MAINTb;NANCE .....,_. _..........._ ....$ 23,785.66 $ 36,203.00 IMPROVEM ENT Item 146-Improvement Fund J. Improvements ........................................ ._.$ 29,089.34 $ 32,067.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP VII - PLAYGROUNDS AND SWIM- MING POOL ..................._...._.... .._.$ 52,870.00 $ i6,270AU (Playground and Swimming Pool Tax-$2 1,378.00; Pool Receipts-$4,500.00; Skating Re ceipts- $250.00; Miscellaneous-$75.00; Playground Im- provement Tax-$32,067.00) GROUP VIII-MISCELLANEOUS (Consolidated Fund) Item 147-Planning and Zoning Proposed 1949-50 Ap- 1950-51 Ap- propriations propriations J. Miscellaneous _..._....._......._....._..__..._.. $ 4,300.00 $ !,300.00 Item 148E-Ambulance A. Salaries Drivers (2) _..__...._..... .._$ 5,904.36 $ 5,904.36 F. Maintenance ....,._..._.._.._............_.._ .._ 280.00 280.00 G. Material and Supplies ............... .... 350.00 350.00 I. Insurance _.._....._.._.._...-.._.........._.._.._ ... 226.00 225.00 Total _.___...__..._..._.__._..__..............._. ._$ 6,759.36 $ 6,769.36 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 355 Item 148C-Other Miscellaneous J-1. Iowa League of Municipal- ities __._..._.._...._._....._._.._..._........__$ 80.00 $ SO.UO J-2. Damages _ ...................._......_.._......_..._.. 3,300.00 8,300.00 J-3. Printing Council Proceedings 2,700.00 2,700.00 J-5. State Examiners ...................... 2,000.00 2,000.riO J-6. Repairs to Town Clock ____.. 500.00 540A0 J-7. Misc. Unclassified ..._...._.......___ 3,100.00 3,lOQ4D J-8. Workmen's Compensation , Insurance ...___....._....._ .............. 2,500.00 2,509 OD J-9. Interest on Warrants. ._.._.___ 125.00 125.Cp Total __..__.._....._.._.....___._ .............___$ 74,305.00 $ 1.1,305.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP VIII-MIS- CELLANEOUS ..,......_. ...................._....$ 25,364.36 $L5,364.36 GROUP IX-MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS (Consolidated Fund) Item 160-Capital Improvements J. Improvement Projects ..._........__...$ 32,000.00 $ 's2,UD0.U0 Item 161-Bridge Construction J. Bridge and Viaduct Work _...._.$ 28,813.00 $ 2D 500.00 Item 162-Assessments and Sewers J-1. City's Share of Special As- sessments ..._. ....................._...............$ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.0; J-2. Main Sewers and Inlets _...___. 30,000.00 30,00400 Total ..._._........_.._..__...._......._.._......._..__..$ 42,000.00 $ 42.000.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP IX-MU- NICIPAL 1MPROVEMENT5. $10'1,813.00 $103.500.00 EMERGENCY AND RESERVE Reserve in General Misc. Revenues 146.55 146.49 GROUP X-PENSION FUNDS Item 154-Police Pensions Proposed 1949-54 Ap- 1950-51 AP' propriations Propriatione J-1. Police Pensions ......._.,._.._......._._$ 25,041.00 $ 30,030.00 J-2, Police Retirement System..._ 11,052.00 11,008.00 Total _._--.._.._.._........._..._..._.._.._..._........._.$ 36,093.00 -- $ 41,038AU (Police Pension Tax-$29,630.00; Pay Deductions from Members-$400.00; Police Retirement Tax- $10,133.00; Interest an Bonds-$875.00) Item 155-Fire Pensions J-1. Fire Pensions ..._._..._._......___..___...$ 50,010.00 $ 50;009.00 J-2. Fire Retirement System ._.... 15,004.00 15,016 5U Total _ ..............._......_._....._,...._._..._....._.$ 65,014.00 --- $ 65,020.50 (Fire Pension Tax-$49,554.00; Pay Deductions from Members-$450.00; Fire Retirement Tax- $13,554.00; Interest on Bonds-$1,462.50.) Item 156-Employees Retirement Fund 1. City's Share ._......___ .............................. $ 6,180.00 $ 11,972.00 SLBTOTALS GROUP X-PEN- SIONS ._ ....................._............_..........._.._$107,287.00 $118,030.50 GROUP XI-DEBT SERVICE Item 161J•1-City Bonds and Interest A-1 Interest on Bonds .._.._..._._...._.._$ 3,420.00 $ 2,495.00 A-3 Sewer Bond Redemption ......_ 10,000.04 25,000.00 A-5 Funding Bond Redemption...._ 40,000.00 49,000.04 A-6 Reserve ....._.._.___.._.__.,.._.._._...._..._. 726.00 177.00 Total _..__.._...___._ ............................._..._.....$ 54,196.00 $ 76,272.00 (General Bond Fund-$66,272.00; Balance on Hand-$10,000.04) Item 163J•2-Airport Bonds and Interest A-1 Interest on Airport Bonds._...$ 285.00 $ 43.00 A-2 Airport Bond Redemption...... 19,000.00 19.000.40 Total .._.._......_.._.._....._.._.........._._..__.._.....$ 19,285.00 --- $ (0,193.00 (Airport Fund-$19,143.00) SUBTOTALS GROUP XI-DEBT SERVICE ..._._.._._....._.._ ...............__...._..$ 73,431.00 $ 95.415.00 GROUP XII-DOCKS Item 153A-Dock Operation Proposed 1949-50 Ap- 1950-51 Ap- propriations propriatioos A. Salary Engineer ..._.._......_ ...............$ 420.00 $ 42n 00 B. Travel _....._......_._...._._._..........__........._..... 300.00 300.00 F. Maintenance ._._.._.._ .............._._.........._... 50.00 50.00 G. Material and Supplies ..,..._...___. 50.00 50.00 I. Insurance ....___._......__.__ ................._._ 6`15.00 675.00 J-1. Traffic Association ........._.._......... 300.00 300.00 J-2. Improvements ._......_.._._.._....._....__ 575.00 575.00 J-3. Miscellaneous .............._......__........._. 1,000.00 1,000.04 Total ...................__..................._._......_._$ 3,326.00 - - - $ 3,37DA0 3S6 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 357 Item 153B-Dredge Operation A. Salary Engineer ........................ ...._...$ 180.00 $ 180.OD A. Salaries Operators ......_ ........ ......._.. 9,fi60.00 8,660.00 A. Wages Laborers ..._. _._.._....._ ..... 5,417.00 7,000.00 F. Maintenance and Repairs _..._ 2,000.00 L,500A0 G. Material and Supplies ......... ........ 3,000.00 3,000.00 H. Electric Power ........._.__......_.._._ ......._. 4,000.06 4,400.00 I. Marine Insurance ......_....._._..... ._.._... 625.00 625.00 I. Workmen's Compensation In- surance __._ ..............._....._._ _..__ 800.00 950.+10 J. Miscellaneous .__....-.._.__.._._.._ ......___ 150.00 100.00 Total _.._..___..._._.._.._ ................. - .......$ 25,832.00 --' $ 27,065 UO Ite m 1530-River Front Improvement A. Wages ........_.._.._....__........._.._...._,. .....,...$ 500.00 $ 500.60 E. Trucking __.._..,_ ................__......... _..__.... 200.D0 200.00 E. Equipment .............................._... ._..._... 1,000.00 1,OOD.90 E. Tools ... _......_.............._ ...............__........ ._......_ 200.00 200,00 G. Material and Supplies .._._.. ........_. 800.00 1,406.00 Total ..._._..__.___._ ..............._._. -- _.._.....$ 2,700:04 ---- $ 3,360.60 SU BTOTALS GROUP XII- DOCKS ...._........ ............._....,........ ,...... $ 31,552.00 $ 33,735.60 (Dock Tax-$21,378.00; M isc. Dock Re venues- $12,357.00) GROUP XIII- AIRPORT Ite m 157-Airport Fund Proposed 1949-50 Ap- 1950-51 Ap- propriations propr~ations F. Maintenance ._......_.._._.._..........._.. _.._...$ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.Ot1 I. Insurance __ .................................. ........_ 1,500.00 1,500.00 J. Airport Development ..._ ...... ........... 90,073.00 14,113.00 SUBTOTAL GROUP XIII-AIR- PORT ..._.._.._....._---........_........._....,.._..$ 57,173.00 $ 29,613.OU {Airport Tax-$23,fi13.00; Airport Re venne- $6,000.00) GROUP XIV-PARKING METERS AND PARKING LOTS Item 170A-Parking Meters A. Wages ................................_..._._...___$ 3,150.90 $ 3.156.00 E. Equipment .........................................._... 12,000.00 4,000.00 F. Maintenance ..............._.._...___.,......._........ 1,850.00 1,850.00 Total ...__._....__-_..._._,.._......_......__........$ 17,000.00 $ 3,000.10 (Parking Meter Fund-$9,000.00) Item 1708-Parking Lots J. Parking Lots ._ .............._._....._.............$104,500.OD $167,500.04 (Parking Meter Fund-$151,000.00; Park inX Lot Fund-$16,500.00) SUBTOTAL GROUP XIV-PARK- INGG METERS AND PARK• ING LOTS _.._.___.._......_......_............_..$121,500.OD $176,50000 GROUP XV-WATER WORKS Proposed 1949-50 Ap- 1950-61 Ap- propriations propriatinns Estimated Balance on Hand April 1, 1950 .._.._.....__.._.,...__ ................$loD,oa6.oo $ 75 o9a6o Estimated Meter Sales ~.......__._._.........., '110,000.9 223,004.00 Estimated Flat Rate Sales __........... 750.00 1,000.00 Estimated Fire Protection Service 2,500.00 2,SOO.GO Estimated Non-Operation Service 2,5D0.00 ;,500 r~0 Estimated Sales Tax Collections... 4,215.00 4,520.00 Total .........__......_...__.. ....................._......_.._$318,965.00 $310,520.x'0 DISBURSEMENTS Item 149A-Administration A. Salary Superintendent and Cashier ..._.._.._..__ ..................._.._..._...$ 5,336.10 $ 5,336.10 A. Salary Accountant _ ............._........ 3,50fi.fi4 3,50fi.fi1 A. Salary Stenographer and Clerk ......_:_........__.._.._ ..............._... `1,522.52 2,522.52 A. Salary Clerk ..._._.._.........._ .............._.._... 2,383.92 2,383.32 A. Salary Clerk _........._.......... _....._.,.,..__... 2,016.00 2,016.00 A. Salary City Manager (25%)~~-- 3,000.00 3,000.00 A. Salary City Auditor (25 I) ... 980.50 980.60 A. Salary City Treasurer (25%) 963.27 963.47 B. Travel ....................... 125.00 125.00 C. Office Expense and Postage... 1,500.OD 1,500.00 D. Printing and Advertising ...._.. 400.00 400.09 E. Equipment ...._ ................__._._........... 1,150.00 1,1511.90 F. Maintenance ____ ................._......_.__ 300.00 300.00 1 G. Material and Supplies ............... ... 500.00 500.P0 I. insurance _.._.. ...............__.._..._......... ... 75.00 75.00 J-1. Miscellaneous ......................._... ... 340.00 340.60 J-2. State Sales Tax _._..........._._.._ .. 4,215.00 4,215.00 J-3. Old Age Pension ............_.._. _.. .... _.._.......... 3,000AO Total .._........._.._........._............_....._..._ _ - ._$ 29,314.05 --- $ 32,314.u5 Item 1948-Water Operation A. Salary Field Engineer ...._ .......... ...$ 4,019.40 $ 4,019..0 A. Salary Plant Chief Engineer ._ 3,069.04 3,669.04 A. Salaries Plant Engineers (6 ) ]8,794.16 18,794.16 A. Wages Extra Station Lahor.,. _. 5,250.00 ;,250.00 A. Salary Meter Service Man . . 2,785.96 '1,785.86 A. Salary Meter Repair Ma^ ...... .- 3,215.52 3,215.52 A. Salary &Ieter Readers (2) ._._ . 5,266.80 5,266.SD A. Salary Meter Inspector ._ _._ .. 2,633.40 2,633.4D A. Salary Asst, Meter Repairer . 2,869.02 ?,869.112 A. Salary General Foreman ......._ _ 3,797.64 3,797.64 A. Salary Supervisory Help ........, _ 5,623.20 5,623.2p A. Wages Laborers .......................... ._ 16,000.00 16,000.00 E. Equipment ._..........._ ............._._.__. _. 10,000.00 10,000 DO F. Maintenance _......_......_ ............._..._ ... 12,000.00 12,000.90 G. Material and Supplies ....._........, ... 2,000.00 4,OOD.6p H. Heat, Light and Power ..._.... .. 45,000.00 S11,000.9D L [nsurance ..........._ ....................._._....._ .. 5,500.00 5,500,11D J-1. Water Main Material ..__..._ _ 25,000.00 25,000 U0 J-2. Other Betterments ..._._.......... .. 111,911.91 87,771.91 J-3. Store Reserve .....___..._...._... .......... ... 3,000.00 8,000 pD J-4. Miscellaneous ._...__....._...._._.._.. ... 1,500.00 1,500.,0 Total ...__. ..................................... _.__ _..... ..$289,825.95 -- $2T7,085 95 GRAND TOTAL WATE R WORKS APPROPRIATIONS.$319,140.00 $310,000bO NO N - APPROPR1ATi0N RE- SERVE _.,........._.. ........ ........._................... _.$ 325.00 $x20.60 SUBTOTAL GROUP XV-WA- TER WORKS .......__........__....._......... ..$319,965.00 $310,520.D0 RECAPITULATION OF TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND RESERVES (a) City Operatics, Group Ito VIII, Inclusive .............._._.._.. $1,072,144.46 $1,D45,711.51 (b) Municipal Improvements Group IX _ ..._........._....._.._..... 102,813.00 103,500.00 (c) Reserve in Genera] Misc. Revenues ...__....__...._._ .............._. .. 146.55 140,49 (d) Pensions, Group X ..,_...._....... .. 107,237.00 1L8,030.50 (e) Debt Service, Group XI ........... 73,431.00 35,915.00 (f) Docks, Grnup XII ......._...._ _._..... 31,852.00 33,735.D0 (g) Airpm•t, Group XIII _..._...._....__ 57,173.00 29,613.00 (h) Parking Meters and Lots Group XIV ........._...._....___......... 121,500.00 17fi,500.~i0 (i) Water Works, Group XV ._.. 315,140.00 31QUOO.D9 (j) Water Works Reserve _._....... 825.00 520.00 Total ..._.._ ...........................__......._......._. - $1,886,312.00 ------ $1,913,176.50 RECAPITULATION O F REVENUES Tax Revenues ...____..........,._.........._.__....... ..$ 998,225.00 $1,051,487.00 Misc. Revenues and Estimated Balances ................_.._........._..__.. 568,122.00 551,169.50 Water Works Revenue and Es- timated Balance ........_.,.._.._ 319,966.00 31D,520.9t: Total .._.._._.._ ....................__, _...._......... $1,586,312.00 --- $1,913,176..50 3~8 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 RESOLUTION N0. 184~i9 Whereas, Clem J. McGuire has filed with the City Council a re- quest for permission to erect an unloading platform in the alley abutting City Lot 190 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and Whereas said petition was re- ferred to the City Council to view the grounds, and Whereas, the City Council has viewed the grounds and is of the opinion that said request -should be granted. NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Re- solved by the City Council of the Gity of Dubuque, Iowa: Sec. 1. That Clem J. McGuire, his successors and assigns, be, and he is hereby granted the xight and authority to erect an unload- ing platform and maintain an un• loading platform to be three feet in width and twelve feet in length. Sec. 2. That such construction be done under the direction and supervision of the City Manager and Building Inspector, Sec. 3. That the right to con- struct and maintain such unload- ing platform, as hereby granted, shall be subject to the continuous control of the City Council, re• serving the right to said City Coun• cil to impose restrictions and con• ditions upon public interests, in• eluding the right to revoke and rescind the grant hereby made if at any time the public interests should so require, Sec. 4. As a further considera- tion of the rights and privileges hereby granted, said Clem J. Mc• Guire, his successors and assigns, assume any and all liability for the damages to persons or prop- erty which may result from the construction and, or maintenance of such unloading platform and said Clem J. McGuire, hie suc- cessors and assigns, at his own expense agrees to defend any and all claims or actions, which may be made or brought against the City because of the construction and~or maintenance of such un- loading platform, and should the City be required to pay any sum as damages, said Clem J. McGuire, his successors and assigns, agree to fully reimburse the City there- fore and to hold said City harm- less from any damages. Sec. 5. Should the rights and privileges hereiA granted be re• scinded or revoked, said Clem J. McGuire, his successors and as• signs, at his own expense and upon receipt of notice, agrees, within 30 days after receipt of such ^offce, to remove the struct• ure herein authorized to restore the alley in as good condition as it was before said construction. Sec. 6. This Resolution shall be• come effective and the rights here- under shall accure to Clem J. Mc- Guire, his successors and assigns, when this Resolution has been passed by the City Council and accepted by said Glem J. McGuire, which acceptance shall be en• dorsed hereon. Passed, approved and adopted this 18th day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Acceptance of Resolution No. 184-49. Clem J. McGuire, having full knowledge and understanding of all the terms and conditions of Reso• lution No. 184-49, hereby accepts the same as adopted and agrees to comply with all the terms and con• ditions thereof. Signed this 27th day of July, 1949, CLEM J. McGUIRE. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thomp• son. Sarried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council• men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays-None, Resolution No. 185-49.~ Whereas in the construction of the terminal administration build- ing at the Municipal Airport, known as CAA Project No. 9.13• 020-801, contracts were entered in- to as follows: Wickes Engineering and Construction Company, Con- struct Building (General); H, B. Special Session, July 18th, 1949 359 McCarten, Plumbing and Heating, and Horne & Williams, Electrical Wiring and Cable; and Whereas such contracts provided for the completion of the above work on March 16, 1949, and for the payment of liquidated damages far each day the contractors were in arrears; and Whereas the inability of the gen- eral contractor to obtain structural steel at the 'proper time greatly de- layed such work and thereby im- peded the progress of his work and that of the other contractors, Now Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the payment of liquidated damages far failure of the contractors to com- plete the project within the spec- ified period be waived and that the Civil Aeronautics Administration be notified of this action by being furnished two copies of this resolution, Passed, adopted and approved this 1Sth day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON, FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk, Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays-None. Resolution No. 188-~I9. Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette pa- pers within said City and the Man• ager is directed to issue such per- mit on behalf of said City. Name. Address. Joseph A. Paradiso and Frank Paradiso, 1142 Iowa Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed with the application be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 18th day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON, Mayor. ROMOLO N. RUSSO F. W, THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Russo, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays-None. Application of Angela E. Martin for a cigarette permit, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved that the application be referred to the City Solicitor far investigation and re- port. Seconded by C o u n c i l m a n Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van 11ue1- man, Welu. Nays-None. Resolution No, 187--49. Preliminary approval of plans, specifications, form of contract, plat and schedule and all other docu• meats far the improving of Balke Street from the north curb line of Lowther Street to the south curb line of Groveland Place, estimated cost $4,991.57, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council• men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays-None. (Necessity for Improvement.) Resolution No. 1889. Whereas, proposed plans, speci- fications, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City 36o Special Session, July 18th, 1949 Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the district, if any, 2. The streets to be improved. 3. The width of such improve- ment. 4. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a valuation fixed by the Council. 5. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of construction and kind of material to be used. 6. In each case the amount there- of which is estimated to be as- sessed against each lot, for the Im- provement of Balke Street from the north curb line of Lowther Street to the south curb line of Groveland Place. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property own- ers, deems it advisable and neces- sary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this. proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed as- sessments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which hays been approved by the City Council and are now on fide with the City Clerk, That the cast and expense of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all privately owned property lying within assessable distance provided by law and in an amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts theron or is adja- cent thereto according to area and in proportion to the special bene- fits conferred thereby, and any de- ficiency shall be paid out of the general fund, improvement funds or sewer funds, or partly out of each of said funds. Bonds shall be is- sued and sold in anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been per- formed and accepted and the pro- ceeds theretY used to pay the contractor. The above resolution was dntro- duced,approved and ordered placed on file with the Gity Clerk this 18th day of July, 1949. Approved: ALBERT WHARTON, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest: J. J, SHEA City Clerk, Councilman Russo moved the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Tho~pson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays-None. (Fixing date of hearing) RESOLUTION N0. 189-49 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No. 187-49 given its preliminary approval on the pro- posed plans, specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the improve- ment of Balke Street from the north curb line of Lowther Street to the south curb line of Grove- land Place and, WHEREAS, the proposed Resolu• tion of Necessity for said improve- ment has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that on the 8th day of August, 1949, a public hearing will be held at 7;30 o'clock P. M. in the Coun- cil Chamber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of pro- perty subject to assessment for the proposed improvement may appear and make objection to the pro- posed plans and specifications and proposed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed district, to the cost of the improvement, to the amount proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the pass- age of the proposed Resolution of Special Session, July 18th, 1949 361 Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of each hearing to be published in some newspaper published in the city of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its con- sideration and unless property owners at the time of final consid- eration of said resolution have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assess- ment, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections there- to, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its final decision there• on. Passed, adopted and approved thus 18th day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest; J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Van Duleman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays-None. Resolution No. 190--49. Preliminary approval of plans, specifications, form of contract, plat and schedule and all other docu- ments for the construction of eight (8) inch sanitary sewers in the fol- lowing locations: (1) Beginning at the existing M.H. located at the intersection of Burden Avenue and Link Street and running west in Link Street to the intersection with the center line of Balke Street; thence northwesterly along the cen• ter line of Balke Street to a point 100 feet northerly Prom the north- erly property line of Strauss Street. 2. Beginning at the inter- section of the center lines of Balke and Link Streets and running west a distance of 28 feet 8 inches. 3. Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Balke and Strauss Streets and running westerly along the center line of Strauss Street to the intersection of B r u n s w i c k Street, thence southerly in Bruns- wick Street to the intersection with the center line of Link Street, estimated cost $6,838.58, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council• men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays-None. (Necessity far Improvemeht.) Resolution No, 191-49 Whereas, Proposed plans, speci- fications, farm of contract, plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now an file fn the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the district, if any. 2. The size and kind of sewers. 3. Each lot proposed to be as- sesed together with a valuation fix- ed by the Council, 4. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same far each different type of con- struction and kind of material to be used. 5. In each case the amount there- of which is estimated to be as- sessed against each lot, for the construction of eight (8) inch sani- tary sewers in the following loca- tions: (1) Beginning at the existing M.H, located. at the intersection of Burden Avenue and Link Street and running west in Link Street to the intersection with the center line of Balke Street; thence north- westerly along the center line of Balke Street to a point 100 feet northerly from the northerly prop- erty line of Strauss Street. (2) Beginning at the intersection of the center lines of Ba1ke and Link Streets and running west a distance of 28 feet 8 inches. (3) Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Balke and Strauss Streets and running west- erly along the center line of Strauss Street to the intersection of Bruns- wick Street; thence southerly in 36a Special Session, July 18th, 1949 Brunswick Street to the intersec- tion with the center line of Link Street. Be It Therefore Resolved that the Gity Council on its own motion or upon petition of property own- ers, deems it advisable and neces- sary for the pulilic welfare to make the herein mentioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed as- sessments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plaiSs and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said improvement will be assessed upon and against all pri- vately owned property lying within assessable distance provided by law and in amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, prop• arty will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adjacent thereto according to area and in proportion to the special benefits conferred thereby, and any defic- iency shall be paid out of the gen- eral fund, improvement funds or sewer funds, or partly out of each of said funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 18th day of July, 1949. Approved: ALBERT WHARTON~ Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROM00 N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELD Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Thompson move d that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Sec- owded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays-None. (Fixing date of hearing) RESOLUTION N0. 192.49 WHEREAS, the City Council oY the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No. 190-49 given its pre• liminary approval on the proposed plans specifications and farm of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk far public inspection, for the construc- tion of eight (8) inch sanitary sewers in the following locations: (1) Beginning at the existing M. H, located at the intersection of Burden Avenue and Link Street and running west in Link Street to the intersection with the center line of Balke Street; thence north- westerly along the center line of Balke Street to a point 100 feat northerly from the northerly prop• arty line of Strauss Street. (2) Beginning at the intersection of the center lines of Balke and Link Streets and running west a distance of 28 feet 8 inches. (3) Beginning at the intersection of the cantor line of Balke and Strauss Streets and running west- erly along the center line of Strauss Street to the intersection of Brunswick Street; thence south- erly in Brunswick Street to the intersection with the center line of Link Street, and, WHEREAS, the proposed Resolu- tion of Necessity for said improve- ment has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office far public inspection, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLV• ED that on the 8th day of August 1949 a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M, in the Coun- cil Chamber in the City of Du- buque at which time the owners of property subject to assessment for the proposed improvement may appear and make objection to the proposed plans and specifications and proposed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed district, to the Special Session, July 18th, 1949 363 cost of the improvement, to the amount proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the proposed Resolution of Nec- essity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be published in some newspaper published in the city of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time of final consideration of said resolution have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessment, the y shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 1Sth day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F. W. THOMP50N FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELD Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Welu. Car ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None. RESOLUTION N0. 193.49 Preliminary approval of plans, specifications, form of contract, plat and schedule and all other documents for the construction of eight (8) inch sanitary sewers in the following locations: (1) Begin- ning at manhole number 35 on the Kaufman Avenue Trunk Sewer and running southeasterly to the inter- section of the center line of Avoca Street Ext. and the alley second north of Hazel Street; thence south along the center line of Avoca Street Extension to the cen- ter line of Ungs Street; thence along the center line of Ungs Street to the center line of Hoyt Street; thence north along the center line of Hoyt Street to the prolongation of the south line of lot 6 of Pfohl Subdivision. (2) Beginning at the intersection oY the center line of the alley second north of Hazel Street and the Kauf- man Avenue Trunk Sewer and running west along the center line of said alley to the prolongation of the east line of lot No. 83 of Finley Addition. (3) Beginning at manhold number 39 of the Kauf• man Avenue Trunk Sewer and run• ning east along the center line of Hazel Street to the prolongation of the west line of Lot No. 50 of Finley Addition, estimated c e s t $13,776.36, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Second• ed by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council• men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. (Necessity far Improvement) RESOLUTION N0. 194.49 WHEREAS, proposed plans, specifications, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundries of the district, if any. 2. The size and kind of sewers. 3. Each lot proposed to b e assessed together with a valuation fixed by the council. 4. An estimate of the coat of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of construction and kind~of material to be used. 5. In each case the amount thereof which is estimated to be assessed against each lot, far the construction of eight (8) i n c h sanitary sewers in the following iocations: (1) Beginning at manhole number 35 on Kaufman Avenue Trunk Sewer and running southeasterly to the intersection of the center 364 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 line of Avoca Street Ext, and the alley second north of Hazel Streets thence south along the center line of Avoca Street Extension to the center line of Ungs Street; thence east along the center line of Ungs Street to the center line of Hoyt Street; thence north along the center line of Hoyt Street to the prolongation of the south line of lot 6 of Pfohl Subdivision. (2) Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the alley second north of Hazel Street and the Kaufman Avenue Trunk Sewer and running west along the center lime of said alley to the prolonga- tion of the east line of Lot No. 83 of Finley Addition. (3) Beginning at manhole number 39 of the Kaufman Avenue Trunk Sewer and running east along the center line of Hazel Street to the prolongation of the west line of Lot No. 50 of Finley Addition. Be It Therefore Resolved that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property own- ers, deems it advisable and neces- sary for the public welfare to make the herein mentioned im- provement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assess- ments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objectiens thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cast and expense of making. said improvement will be assessed upon and against all privately owned property lying in assessable distance provided by law and in an amount not to ex- ceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is ad- jacent thereto accord,ng to area and in proportion to the special benefits conferred thereby, a n d any deficiency shall be paid out of the general Yund, improvement funds or sewer funds, or partly out of each of said funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in antici- pation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay th contractor. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk this 18th day of July, 1949, Approved: ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Seconded by Councilman Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. (Fixing date of hearing) RESOLUTION NO. 195-49 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No, 193-49 given its preliminary approval on the pro- posed specifications and form of contract and paced same an file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the construction of eight (8) inch sanitary sewers in the following locations: (1) Beginning at manhole number 35 ou Kaufman Avenue Trunk Sewer and running southeasterly to the intersection of the canter line of Avoca Street Ext. and the alley second north of Hazel Street; thence south along the center line of Avoca Street Extension to the center line of Ungs .Street; thence east along the center line of Ungs Street to the center line of Hoyt Street; thence north along the center line of Hoyt Street to the • Special Session, July 18th, 1949 365 prolongation of the south line of lot 6 of Pfohl Subdivision. (2) Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the alley second north of Hazel Street and the Kaufman Avenue Trunk Sewer and running west along the center line of said alley to the prolonga- tion of the east line of Lot No. 83 of Finley Addition. (3) Beginning at manhole number 39 of the Kaufman Avenue Trunk Sewer and running east along the center line oP Hazel Street to the prolongation of the west line of Lat No. 50 of Finley Addition. and, WHEREAS, the proposed Res- olution of Necessity for said im- provement has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLV• ED that on the 8th day of August 1949, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M, in the Council Chamber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property subject to assessment for the pro- posed improvement may appear and make objection to the pro- posed plans and specifications and proposed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed district, to the cast of the improvement, to the amount proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the proposed Resolution of Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is heroby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be published in some newspaper published in the city of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less th~~an two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time of final consideration of said reso- lution have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessment, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which baring the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 18th day of Juiy, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F. W, THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec• onded by Councilman Welu, Car• ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Councib men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None. RE5OLUTION N0. 19619 Preliminary approval of p 1 a n s, specifications, form of contract, plat and schedule and all other documents for the construction of an eight (8) inch sanitary sewer described as follows: In Lincoln Avenue from the existing manhole at the intersection of Lincoln and Rhomberg Avenues to a paint 296.3 feet west; also in Rhomberg Ave. from the center line of Lincoln Avenue to a point 184 feet north, estimated cost $2,144.83, presented and read. Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec• onded by Councilman Russo. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. (Necessity for Improvement) RESOLUTION N0. 197-49 WHEREAS, proposed plans, specifications, Form of contractf plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundries of the district, if any. 2. The size and kind of sewers. 3. Each lot proposed to be assess- ed together with a valuation fixed by the council. 4, An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type 366 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 367 of construction and kind of mate- rial to be used. 5. In each case the amount thereof which is estimated to be assessed against each lot, for the construction of an eight (8) inch sanitary sewer described as fol• lnws: In Lincoln Avenue from the ex- isting manhole at the intersection of Lincoln and Rhomberg Avenues to a point 290.3 feet west; also in Rhomberg Avenue from the center line of Lincoln Avenue to a point 184 feet north. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLV• ED that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property owners, deems it advis- able and necessary for the public welfare to make the herein men• boned improvement and unless groperty owners at the time of the final consideration of this pro• posed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount oP the proposed assess- ments, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared there- for by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said im• provement will be assessed upon and against all privately owned property lying within assessable distance provided by law and in an amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adjacent there- to according to area and in propro- lion to the special benefits con- ferred thereby, and any deficiency shall be paid out of the general fund, improvement funds ar sewer funds, or partly out of each of said funds. Bonds shall be issued and sold in anticipation of deferred payments oY assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted and the proceeds thereof usd to pay the contractor. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered place on file with the City Clerk this 18th day of July,. 1949. Approved: ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F. W, THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van I),uel• man, Welu. Nays -None. (Fixing date of hearing) RESOLUTION N0. 198.49 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution Na, 196.49 given its preliminary approval on the pro- posed plans, specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the construction of an eight (8) inch sanitary sewer described as fol- lows: In Lincoln Avenue from the existing manhole at the intersec- tion of Lincoln and Rhomberg Ave- nues to a point 296.3 feet west; also in Rhomberg Avenue from the center line of Lincoln Avenue to a point 184 feet north and, WHEREAS, the proposed Reso- lution of Necessity for said im- provement has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLV- ED that on the 8th day of August 1949, a public hearing will be held at 7:3D o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of prop- erty subject to assessment for the proposed improvement may appear and make objection to the propos- ed plans and specifications and proposed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed district, to the cost of the improvement, to the amount proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the proposed Resolution of Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to .be published in some newspaper published in the city of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior tc the day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time of final consideration of said reso- lution have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessment, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 18th day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F, W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None. RESOLUTION N0. 199.49 Preliminary approval of plans, specifications, form of contract, plat and all other documents for the construction of a storm sewer in Adair Street from the end of the existing storm sewer to the existing storm sewer in Rosedale Avenue, estimated cost $14,038.00, presented and read. Councilman Russo moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Council• man Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Ysas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None, (Necessity for Improvement) RESOLUTION N0. 200.49 WHEREAS, proposed plane, specifications, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the office oP the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The size and kind of sewers. 2. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same far each different type of construction and kind of mate- ' rial to be used for the construction of a s-torm sewer in Adair Street from the existing storm sewer to the existing storm sewer in Rosedale Avenue BE IT THEREFORE RESOLV- ED that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property owners, deems it advis- able and necessary for the public welfare to make the herein men• boned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the cost of the proposed improvement they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Coun• cil and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and expense of making said improve- ment will be paid oul of the sewer fund. The above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered plac- ed on file with the City Clerk this 18th day oY July, 1949, Approved: ALBERT WHARTON Mayor, F. W, THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. 368 Special Session, July 18th, 1949 Councilman Welu moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Sec• onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. (Fixing date of hearing) RESOLUTION N0. 201-49 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No, 199-49 given its pro- liminary approval on the propos- ed plans specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the con- struction of a storm sewer in Adair Street from the existing storm sewer to the existing storm sewer in Rosedale Avenue and, WHEREAS, the proposed Reso• lotion of Necessity for said im• provement has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLV- ED that on the 8th day of August 1949, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock p.m, in the Council Chamber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of prop- erty may appear and m a k e objection to the propose d plans and specifications and proposed form of contract and at the same time to the boundaries of the proposed district, to t h e cost of the improvement, and to the passage of the proposed Reso- lution of Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby direcetd to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be pub- lished in some newspaper publish- ed in the city of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless prop- erty owners at the time of final consideration of said resolution have on file with the Clerk objec- tions to the cost of the proposed improvement, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objet- lions thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objec- tions and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 18th day of July 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Russo moved the adoption of the resolution. Second• ed by Councilman. Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None. (Ordering Construction) RESOLUTION N0. 202.49 BE IT RESOLVED BY T H E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE that pursuant to a resolution of necessity Na. 200-49 which was duly passed .by this Council, for the construction of a storm sewer in Adair Street from the existing storm sewer to the existing storm sewer in Rosedale Avenue be and the same are here by ordered and constructed by this Council upon its awn motion and with or without the petition of property owners. All the work shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore approved and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost and expense of the said improvements be paid for out of the sewer fund after the work has been completed and accepted by the City Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and he is hereby ordered and directed to advertise for proposals for the con- struction of the various improve- ments herein provided for in the manner provided by law, the said improvements shall be completed on or before 30 calendar days after notice to proceed is issued. Special Session, July 18th, 1949 369 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and adop- tion by the City Council. Passed, adopted and approved this 18th day July 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F, W, THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest: J. 1. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the resolution, Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. RESOLUTION N0. 203.49 Preliminary approval of plans, specifications, form of contract, plat and all other documents for the grading of Adair Street from the north property line of Loras Blvd. to the south property line of Rosedale Avenue, estimated cost $4,900.25, presented and read, Coun- cilman We1u moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. (Necessity for Improvement) RESOLUTION N0. 204.49 W H E R E A S, proposed plans, specifications, farm of contract, plat have been duly prepared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now an file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1, The streets to be improved. 2. The width of such improve- ment 3. An estimate oY the coat of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each different type of construction and kind of mate- rial to be used for the grading of Adair Street from the north prop- erty line of Loras Blvd, to the south property line of Rosedale Avenue BE IT THEREFORE RESOLV- ED that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property owners, deems it advis- able and necessary for the public welfare to make the herein men- tioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final consideration of this pro- posed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the cost of the proposed improvement they shall be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvement shall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and specifications which have been prepared therefor by the City Engineer which have been approved by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and ex- pense of making said improvement will be paid out of the street construction fund. Tho above resolution was intro- doted, approved and ordered place on file with. the City Clerk this 18th day of July, 1949. Approved: ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F. W, THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELD Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Thompson moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None, (Fixing date of hearing) RESOLUTION N0. 205.49 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolutfon No. 203-49 given its preliminary approval on the pro- ~, . 0 37o Special Session, July 18th, 1949 posed plans specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the grading of Adair Street from the north property line of Loras Blvd. to the south property line of Rose- dale Avenue and, WHEREAS, the proposed Reso- lution of Necessity for said im• provement has been introduced and is now on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLV- ED that on the 8th day of August 1949, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of prop- erty may appear and make obje~- ttan to the proposed plans and specifications and proposed form of contract and at the same time to the coat of the improvement, and to the passage of the proposed Resolution of Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be published in some newspaper published in the city of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not leas than two (2) nor more than four (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time oY final consideration of said reso- lution have on file with the Clerk objections to the cost of the pro• posed improvement, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hear- ing the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. Passed, adopted and approved this 18th day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Welu moved the adoption of the resolution. Second• ed by Councilman Thompson. Car ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. (Ordering Construction) RESOLUTION N0. 206119 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE that pursuapt to a resolution of necessity No. 204-49 which was duly passed by this Council, for the grading of Adair Street from the north property line of Loras Blvd. to the south property line of Rosedale Avenue be and the same are hereby order- ed and constructed by this Council upon its own motion and with or without the petition of property owners, All the work shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore approved and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost and expense of the said improvements be paid for out of the street construction fund, after the work has been complet• ed and accepted by the City Coun• cil. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and he is hereby ordered and directed to advertise for proposals for the con- struction of the various improve- ments herein provided for in the manner provided by law, the said Improvements shall .be completed on or before 14 calandar days after notice to proceed is issued. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and adop• lion by the City Council. Passed, adopted and approved this 18th day July 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN ROMOLO N. RUSSO CLARENCE P. WELU Councllmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Special Session, July 18th, 1949 371 Councilman Russo moved the adoption of the resolution. Second• ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council• men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Walu. Nays -None. Councilman Welu moved that the City Council go on record commending the Chief of Police and the Police Department for a job well done in handling the traffic at the Boat Races. Second- ed by Councilman Russo, Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council• men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Welu. Nays -None. There being no further business Councilman Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Council- man Welu, Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council• men Russo, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Welu. Nays -None. J. J. SHEA City Clerk, Approved .............................. 1949. Adopted ................................. 1949. Councilmen Attest :.................................................... City Clerk. Board Of Health (Official) Special Session, July 18th, 1949. Board met at 8:30 p.m. Present -Chairman Albert Wharton, Messrs. Romolo N. Russo, F, W, Thompson, Frank Van Duelman, Clarence P. Welu. Absent -City Manager A. A. Rhomberg. The matter of fogging the street and alleys within the limits of the City of Dubuque was discussed with Dr. Entringer, Health Direct- or, who recommended that a I 1 alleys within the limits of the City of Dubuque be fogged, Mr. Clarence Welu moved that the recommendation of Dr. Entring- er, Health Director be approved and a contract awarded to the Turnquist Fogging Service for the fogging of the alleys within the limits of the City of Dubuque in an amount not to exceed $1,225.00, the work to be under the super- vision of the Health Director. Sec• onded by Mr. F. W. Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Chairman Albert Whar- ton, Messrs, Romolo N. Russo, F. W, Thompson, Frank Van Duelman, Clarence P. Welu, Nays -None. There being no further business Mr, Frank Van Duelman moved that the Board of Health meeting adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Romolo N. Russo, Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Chairman Albert Whar- ton, Messrs. Romolo N. Russo, F. W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman Clarence P. Welu. Nays -None. J. J. SHEA Clerk, Board of Health. Approved ................................ 1949. Adopted ............................... 1949. I Members of { ................................... I Bd, of Health t I Attest: ............................... Clerk, Board of Health. 37a Special Session, July 18th, 1949 Board of Nealth (Official) Special Session, July 28th, 1949. Board met at 4:30 P. M. Present-Chairman Albert Whar- ton, Messers, Romolo N. Russo, F. W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman, City Manager Rhomberg. Absent-Mr. Clarence P. Welu. Chairman Wharton stated that this meeting is called for the pur• pose of discussing the polio situa- tion with Dr Entringer, Health Di- rector. RESOLUTION N0.207-49 WHL'REAS, Poliomyelitis or In- fantile Paralysis has stricken a considerable number of children in the City of Dubuque and as a re- sult thereof this community has become an epidemic area; and WHEREAS, it is generally con- ceded that the congregation of young people is conducive to the spread of this dread disease: NOW, THEREFORE,. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that as a general preventive measure that the congregation of children the age of sixteen or younger at church services, Sun- day Schools, theatres, carnivals, roller skating rinks, playgrounds, parks and other places of public assembly be and the same is here- by prohibited. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there be strict enforcement of all sanitary rules and regulations with special emphasis with refer- ence to the covering of food stuffs in restaurants, groceries, meat mar- kets and other public places and to the proper covering and han- dling of garbage, the eradication of flies and insect pests and to the extermination of rodents and to the prosecution of all violators of all such sanitary measures; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the public at large is invited and urged to assist in this cam- paign to the end that public health be conserved and safeguarded. Passed, adopted and approved this 28th day of July, 1949. ALBERT WHARTON Chairman, ROMOLO N. RUSSO F. W. THOMPSON FRANK VAN DUELMAN Members of the Board of Health. ATTEST: J. J. SHEA, Clerk, Board of Health Mr. Frank Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Mr. Romolo N, Russo. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Chairman Albert Wharton, Messers. Romolo N. Russo, F. W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman. Nays-None. Absent-Mr. Clarence P. Welu. There being no further business Mr. Frank Van Duelman moved that the Board of Health meeting adjourn. Seconded by Mr. F. W. Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Chairman Albert Wharton, Messers. Romolo N, Russo, F, W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman. Nays-None. Absent-Mr. Clarence P. Welu. J. J, SHEA, Clerk, Board of Health. Approved .................................... 1949 Adopted ...................................... 1949 ... Members of ~ ................................... Bd. of Health i .................................... Clerk, Board of Health. Regular Session, August Ist, 1949 373 r C i t{~ ~ O ~ ~ ~' ~ public hearing upon the Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the {~! YY year beginning April 1, 1950, pre- (Official.) sented and read. No written ob- Regular Session, August 1st, 1949 jections filed from taxpayers and Council met at 7:30 P.M. ne objectors present in the Council Present -Mayor Wharton, Coun- Chamber at the time set for said cilmen Russo, Van Duelman, Welu. hearing, Councilman Van Duelman City Manager Rhomberg. Absent- moved that the proof of publication Councilman Thompson. be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Wharton stated that this Councilman Welu. Carried .by the is the regular monthly meeting of following vote: the City Council for the purpose of yeas -Mayor Wharton, Council- acting upon such business as may men Russo, Van Duelman, Welu. properly come .before the meeting. Proof of publication, certified to Nays - None. by the publishers, of notice of a Absent -Councilman Thompson. BUDGET ESTIMATE AND RECORD OF FILING CITY ESTIMATE NOTICk}-The City C.uncil of Dubuque oP Dubuque Couttty, Irwa, will meet August 1, 1999, at 7:30 p. m., at the City Hall, Dubuque. Taxpayers will be heard for or against the following estimate of expendi- trues for the year beginning April 1, 1 950. A detailed statement of receipt and disbursements, both Past and anticipated, will be available at the hearing. J. J. SHEA, It July 20 City Clerk. 1 2 3 4 6 6 Expendituree For Year ~L~Olhi ~,m k n atdCtO I z7 p, p m ~HOpt~ cnW m m41HZa ak o m~ ~°ro m°m °wb0 im m "wm" n w °ad~oC ~^~m~ °Htd~o ~km~y • " ~ " a m t'mrG ~ ~ m" m uoH ,. "px m ~ ,b~'n ~ ' FUNDS ° ' x aG o ~, as m a M,~,~ m w ~ w' m p y ~ i ~a „ r ~ • y ao m a ~ General ....•..,,...•.........$ 902,458 $ 390,714 $ 370,372 Grading ................... 23,969 34,083 35,000 Improvement .......... ............ 9,323 12,000 Snow Removal ...... 17,083 23,021 14,400 City Bridge ..........•.. 2,412 139 29,500 Sewer ........................ 105,570 39,696 30,000 Main Sewer ............ 33,178 20,124 22,376 Garbage Diapcaal.. 44,108 43,383 60,800 Light ...................... 36,844 37,359 40,500 'Total Consoli- dated ..........$ 66x,612 $ 597,847 $ 614,947 $ ............. $ 176,697 $ 938,260 Water Works ...., ....$ 291,488 $ 292,144 $ 310,620 $ 76,000 $ 235,520 $ .............. 402 803 192 7 200 266 Fire Nlalntenance_ 186,326 182,497 Fire Equipment.,.... 26,608 31,678 , , , ...•....- 46,084 30,000 16,084 Library .... _.....,... 43,348 48,834 66,047 ............. 2,600 b2,647 Library (Agri. Land) .............. . 104 110 100 .............. _ ......., -100 Parking Meter and 179 19 798 35 hots 176,500 116,600 80,000 .............. , .................... , Park ....................... 35,633 36,648 Dock ....................... 27,805 27,970 46,056 2,600 800 42,768 33,735 4,887 7,490 21,878 6,200 2,000 Doclc Bond ....... Playground Im- provement ....... .... .. ...... 32,067 .............. ...,.......... 32,067 .,wlmming Pooj ~ 23,708 84,655 Firemen's Pension 30,579 35,593 26,203 ...........•.. 4,825 21,378 60,004 .............. 950 49,56 Firemen's Retire- ment .,,......._.... 931 900 15,017 ........•...., 1,965 13,564 Policemen's Pen- sion .......,,..._.... 19,1x8 18,786 30,030 .............. 400 89,830 Policemen's Re- tirement ......... 2,946 2,767 11,008 .•............ 676 10,133 Employee's Retire- ment .................. ............. 3,049 11,972 .......•....., ,...•......... 11,972 F.mergencY .............. 23,644 28,142 Assessment ............ _... 10,156 ........ .............. •............ .............. 16,804 10,604 .............. ........... Liquor Sales .......... 44,643 66,484 Genera] Benda ...... 02.759 50,646 66,000 66,000 .............. 76,272 10,600 ............ 86,272 Airport Levies ...... 30..081 152,074 98,756 6,000 42,768 Street Const. (Gas Tax) .............. 89,214 82,546 118,000 50,600 88,000 .............. Road (Agri. Land) 114 111 100 ....... .. _........ lOD ...........$1,642,972 $1,720,210 Totals $1,979,177 $ 288,867 $ 638,823 $1,061,487 .... Estimated taxes per $1,000.00 of assessed value $24.688. ,$39,871,664 Taxable valuation (1948).,...._ ........................._.........,..,....................... Moneys and credits (19481 6 mills $12,400,829, 1 mill $584,062 .................. 12,984,81