1955 August Council Proceedings 32b Special Session, July :21-, ~1~~"S ~ Regular Session, August 1, 1955 327 ~ a ~ i~l ~;,i theverified proof of publication ~ ~ F E ~ and the notice of hearing upon said ~~.i~ IJ f~ ~~7~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~a~ ~ Budget Estimate, ~ (OFFICIAL) Be It Further Resolved, that, the OFFICIAL Regular Session-August i, 1955, taxes required to be collected in Special Session-July 21st, 1955. the year be and the same are here- Council met at 7:30 P.M. ~ Council met at 7:30 P.M. by levied in the various funds in Present -Mayor Kintzinger, ~ Present Mayor Kintzinger, the amounts in said Budget Esti• Councilmen Austin, Kolb, Schuel- Councilmen Austin, Kolb, Schuel• mate, ler, Welu. City Manager Schiltz, ler, Welu, City Manager Schiltz• Passed, adopted and approved Mayor Kintzinger. read the call Mayor Kintzinger stated that this this 1st day of August, 1955, and stated that service thereof had is the: regular monthly meeting of CHARLES A• KINTZINGER been duly made and that this meet- the City. Council for the purpose Mayor ing was called for the purpose of of acting upon such business as CLARENCE P. WELU may properly come before the RAY F, KOLB appointing a Deputy City Clerk and - ~ RUBEN V. AUSTIN acting on any other business as meeting,. I Proof ofpublication, certified to LEO N• SCHUELLER may properly come before a regu• l Councilmen lar meetin of the Cit Council, by the publishers of notice of pub, g y lic hearing on the Budget Estimate Attest, J. J. SHEA, Councilman Welu moved that City Clerk William J. O'Brien be appointed ~ of Expenditures for the fiscal year gy William J.' O'Brien beginning .January 1st, 1956 and Deputy City Clerk Deputy City Clerk, Seconded by j Councilman Kolb. Carried by the ending December 31st, 1956, pre, following vote: ( sented and read, Councilman Kolb Councilman Schueller moved the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• ~ moved that the proof of publica• adoption of the resolution. Second, cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, tion be received and filed, Second- ed by Councilman Welu. Carried Welu• ed by Councilman Austin, Carried by the following vote, Nays-None, ~ by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- There being no further business Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. i None,. Counc lman Welu moved to ad• ~ Welu. Nays- journ, Seconded by Councilman Na s-None. RESOLUTION N0. 177.55 1{olb. Carried by the following y vote: RESOLUTION NO.176.55 A Resolution establishing the tax Yeas-Mayor. Kintzinger, Coun- I Whereas, the Council of the levies for the year 1955 the taxes cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, City of Dubuque, caused to be pre- to be collected in the year 1956 and Welu. pared and published, as provided used for municipal purposes of Nays-None, ~ by law, the Budget Estimate of the City of Dubuque. J. J. SHEA, ; Expenditures for the fiscal year Be ItResolved by the Citq Coun- City Clerk beginning January 1,1956 and end- cil of the City of Dubuque that by William J, O'Brien ing December 31, 1956, and the there be and there is hereby levied Deputy City Clerk ~ hearing upon said Budget Estimate the taxes for municipal purposes. was fixed for the 1st day of August, for the ensuing year 1955 0£ the Approved ..............1955, j 1955 at 7:30 P.M, at the Council following number of mills on the - ' Adopted ...................,.,...,.....,..1955, Chamber in the City Hall; and dollar of all taxablA property with- . ' j Whereas, this being the time and in corporate limits of said City place for said hearing, said Budget 22139 mills for General Fund• i Estimate was taken up for. final 11.0507 mills for Public Safety Councilmen ~ consideration by the Council and Fund. all parties in interest have been 4.6579 mills for Sanitation Fund. given the opportunity to be heard 3,5395 mills for Street Fund• for or against said 'Budget Esti• 2.9771 mills for Municipal Enter, mate. prise Fund; Attest: LEO F, FROMMELT, ~ It Is Therefore Resolved by the 2,9372 mills for Recreation Fund, City Clerk City Council for the City of Du- 1.0842 mills for Utilities Fund• ' buque, Iowa; .4182 mills for City Asse§sment• ~ That the Budget Estimate of Ex- 4.6304 mills for Debt' Service, penditures for the fiscal' year be• Fund, I in 8476 mills for Fire Fension r 1 1956 and end g anua gmmng J y December 13, 1956, heretofore pre- Fund. ' pared' and published be and the ,3972 mills for Fire Retirement same is hereby finally approved Fund. and adopted and the Mayor and ,5996 mills 'for Police Pension Clerk are directed. to certify the Fund,.. .same to the County Auditor of Du• ,3107 mills for Police Retirement ( buque County, Iowa, together with Fund, i - 328 Regular Session, August 1, 1955 Regular Session, August 1, 1955 329 .2851 mills for Social Security ORDINANCE N0.37.55 Fund. Proof of publication certified to Adopted this 1st day of August, An Ordinance Amending. and. by the publisher of notice of pub- 1955,. .4751 mills for Employees Re- Changing the Zoning Map and Zon• lac hearing to consider the propos- CHARLES A. KINTZINGER tirement Fund (State), ing Ordinance of the City of Du- al to dispose of Lot 12A in Yates Mayor Be It Further Resolved that the btulue, Iowa, as provided by Ordf- Subdivision (being the vacated al- CLARENCE P, WELD 1.25 mills on the dollar is hereby nonce No. 3-34 desiunated the Zon• { ley between Lots 12 and 13 in Yates RAY F, KOLB ' levied upon all lots or parcels of ing Ordinance, sb as to change the Subdivision) in the City of Du- RUBEN V. AUSTIN land containing ten acres or more herein. described area from Two ~ buque, Iowa, to Lucille Hildebrand LEO N. SCHUELLER which are occupied in good faith Family Residence District Classi- of Dubuque,. Iowa for $75.00, pre- Councilmen and- used for agricultural or horti- fication' to Multiple Family Resi- ~ sented and read, Councilman Aus- Attest: J. J. SHEA, culturalpurposes, dente District Classification; said ~ tin moved that the proof of publica- City Clerk Be It Further Resolved that the ordinance having been passed upon lion be received and filed, Second- By William J: O'Brien Mayor and Clerk be and they are first reading on June 27th; 1955; ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by Deputy City Clerk hereby directed to certify the sums and ordered placed on file with' the. following vote: Councilman Austin moved the of money that the said tax levies the City Clerk for public inspection ado lion of the resolution, Second• will produce, as shown by the Bud• pending public hearing on August ~ Yeas-Mayor 1{intzinger, Coun- Cd b Councilman Kolb. Carried b et Estimate of Ex enditures, cilmen Austin, Kolb Schueller y y g p 1, 1955, was presented for final the following vote; adopted b ahis Council on the 1st p Welu. Y ado lion. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- day of August, 1955 to the Auditor ( Nays-None. cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, ORDINANCE N0, 37.55 I of Dubuque County on Or before An ordinance Amending and Chant;- Welu. . ' August 15th; 1955, ing the. zoning Map and Zoning + RESOLUTION N0. 178.55 Ordinance of the Cltj~ of Dubuque,' { Nays-None. Pass@d, adopted and approved a s4?~ acs gnateadtne ono in~oo ai Whereas, the City Engineer has Proof of publication certified to this 1stday of August, 1955. Hance, so as to change the herein ~ prepared a plat. of the vacated al- by the publisher of Ordinance No. CHARLES A. KINTZTNGER described area from Two Family ley between Lots 12 and 13 in 43.55. An Ordinance Providing for Mayor ftes,aenee nistrict classification to ~ ~ Y the A ointment of a De ut Multiple Family Residence District IateSaUbd1V1„lOn Iri the Clt Of pp p Y Clty CLARENCE P. WELD classification. ( Dubuque, Iowa, assigning the Lot Clerk and prescribing his Powers, RAY F. KOLB Re it resolved by tha City Council RUBEN V. AUSTIN efseoti n~t1. oThatbtY~e zoning Map of ~ Number 12A in Yates Subdivision Kolb,nmoved hat the p oof of~pub- LEO N, SCHUELLER tt,e City of Dubuque, as provided by, thereto; and ' Ordinance No. 3-34, designated the llcation be received and filed. Sec- Councilmen zoning Ordinance, ue and the same ~ Whereas, the City Council has onded by Councilman Welu, Car- is here b amended and ch n Ramined Sald lot and is of the Attest; J. J, SHEA, y a gea by e P ried by the following vote; changing flour its present T,vo Family ~ City Clerk Residence District ciassification to ~ opinion the same should be ap• yeas-Mayor Kintzinger,' Coua- By William J. O'Brien lYrulllt>te Family Residence District 1 proved; and cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, De ut Cit Clerk Classification the property described p Y Y as fono,vs: ~ Whereas, Lucille Hildebrand has Welu, Councilman Welu moved the Lots 4, E, z and s Julia Lang- ~ offered to purchase the said Lot Nays-None, adoption of the resolution. Second• Section'92.5 Ti,is ordinance shah be 12A for $75.00 and the City Council Proof of publication certified to ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by itsffinailnassage fadonhon aaa Hater. is of the. opinion the property is by the publisher of notice of pub• the following vote: oration as by la,v provided, not needed for public purposes and lit hearing on Ordinance No. 45.55, Yeas-Mayor'. Kintzinger, COUn• Introduced this z7th day.. of June,: that the price of $75.00 is the best An Ordinance Vacating a Portion ' cilmen Austin, Kolb Schueller 1955' pp Ruie requiring' reading. nn t1,reE ~ price obtainable; of West 29th Street A roving the Welu, separate days suspenaea by unani- Plat of the Vacated area and Au- Nays-None. mous vote the 27th aay of June, rs55. s Now Therefore Be It Resolved by thorizing the Conveyance of said Passed, adopted and appro~~ea thl~ the City Council of the City of Du- Proof o£ publication certified to rst aay of august, ts55. Vacated Portion, presented and by the publisher of notice of pub• cxARLES A. I~tNTZtNMIa or buque, Iowa: read. Councilman Kolb moved that lit hearing on Ordinance No. 37.55, cLARENC); P, w>JLtr S~ctian 1. That said plat be and the proof of publication be received RAY F. KOLE an ordinance amending and chang• RUBEN v. AusTtN the same is hereby approved and and filed, Seconded by Councilman iug the Zoning Map and Zoning LEO N, scxvELLER the Mayor and City Clerlt author- Schueller. Carried by the following Ordinance of the Cit of Dubu ue, councihnen ~ ized to endorse the approval of the vote: Iowa, as provided by 'Ordinance Attest: a city clerk City Council thereon. Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- No: 3.34 by .changing the Zoning Ry wtuiam J, o Brien cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller; Deputy city creek Section 2; That the offer of Lu- Classification of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and Pubiistiea officially in mhe mete- ` tills Hildebrand in the amount of Welu. 8 Julia LangWOrthys Sub., from itS graph-Herald nervspaper this 4th day Nays-None. I of august, rs55. $75,00 for the said Lot 12A in present Two Family Residence Dis- J. J, sxEA,City clerk Yates Subdivision be and the same ORDINANCE N0.45S5. tract Classification to Multiple Fam- $y Winiam a. o'13rien Its-~ Deputy City clerk is hereby approved and the Mayor An Ordinance- Vacating a Por- ily Residence District Classified- i lion, presented and read, Council- Councilman Kolb moved'.. the and City Clerk are hereby author- lion of West 29th Street, Approving loan Kolb moved that the proof of adoption of the adoption of the or- ized anti empowered to execute .the Plat of the Vacated area-and publication be received and filed, dinance, Seconded by Councilman ~ the quit: claim deed of the City Authorizing the Conveyance of said Seconded by Councilman Welu, Welu. Carried by the following of 'Dubuque releasing and convey- Vacatead .Portion, said ordinance Carried by the following vote: vote;;.... ing to Lucille Hildebrand all its havinb been passed upon first read- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- rigltt, title and interest in and ing on July 5th, 1955, and ordered cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller; to the above described reaY estate placed. on file with the City Clerk Welu, Welu, and to deliver the same to the said for public inspection pending pnb- - Nays-None; Nays-None. Lucille Hildebrand upon receipt of lac hearing on August 1, 1955, was $75 in cash, presented for final. adoption. 330 Regular Session, August 1,1955 Regular Session, August 1,.1955 331 ORDINANCE ND. ae.5s August 1, 1955 1955, and it has been determined • 1955, presented for. approvah Coun• - ~~t Ordinance vacating a Poruon or that- the bid of Thbs, Flynn Coat cilmen Austin moved that. the west 29th Street, Approving the To the Honorable Mayor Plat of the Vacated area ana Au- Co. of Dubu ue Iowa in the Council Proceedin s for the months thorizing the, Conveyance of said and City Council, q ~ g vacatea Peraon. Dubuque, Iowa - amount of $15,61320 was the low- of November, December 1954,and wnereas, the Punning ana zon. cst bid for the furnishing of all the. month of January, 1955 be ap• ins Commission has recommended the Dear SIT; vacation of wort 2sth sweet from pursuant to labor and materials and performing proved as printed,:.: Seconded by ° the west property line or centrai your instruction, the work as provided for in the Councilman Schueller. Carried.. by avenue to its westerly ter,nihus; ana sealed bids were received up to Whereas, the owners of the abut- 10;00 A,M, on August 1, 1955, for ~ plans and specifications; now there- the following vote::.; ling property have petitioned for said fore, Yeas MayOT KlntZingET, COUn• vacation; and the construction of concrete curb ~ cilmen -Austin Kolb , whereas, it appears that the xoly and gutter for the Cit of Dubu ue Be It Resolved by the City Coun• Schueller Ghost church Inc, is the owner of Y q cil of the City of Dubu ue that the Welu. all abutting property; and 1955 Curb and Gutter Project No. q wnereas; the pet,ttoner has sub- 2. Attached is the tabulation of bids contract for the above mentioned Nays-None. , mitred a plat of rho area proposed to im rovement be awarded to Thos, Notice of claim<of Ivan S,-Dow he vacated asaighing a lot number received. p thereto; Flynn Coal Co. and-the Manager for damages to his car resulting Now Therefore, Be It Ordained By I recommend that the contract be and- he is hereby directed to From a defective street, 'presented Tne city council of The city of be awarded to Thomas Flynn Coal Dubuque: execute a contract on -behalf of and read. Councilman Austin section 1: That west ssth street Company who submitted the low- from the west property line of can- est bid received which was 12.21% the City of Dubuque for the com- moved that the claim of Ivan S. trot Avenue to its westerly terminus plate performance of said work; Dow be referred to the City Solici• be and the same is hereby vacatea under the engineer's estimate. for far investi a ana conveyed to xoly Ghost church Respectfully submitted, Be It Further Resolved that g tioii and report. fnc. as abutting property owners and ~ U bn g g Seconded b ' COUriClhnan KOIb, the Mayor and City cleric are Hereby L; J, SCHILTZ, p the si pin ` of said Contract Y authorized to execute ana aeuver a City Manager and the approval of the contractors Carried by the following voter .quit claim deed conveying an right, bond the Cit Treasurer is author- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• tide and interest of the city of Du- LJSao y cilmen Austin Kolb Schueller buque to aaia grantee, sub]ect to ease- 4 ized 'and instructed to return the ments for pnbuc uttlitiea now in Councilman Kalb moved that the bid` de Welu. blase. i posits''of the unsuccessful section 2. That the plat of the va- recommendation. of the City Man- ? bidders. Nays-None, sated area be and the same is hereby agar be approved. Seconded by approved ana the Mayor ana city Passed and adopted this 1st day, Communication bf Dubuque lark or Councilman Austin. Carried by the C auth ized to endorse the ap 1 Trades. and Labor' Congress peti• 0 of August, 955.... , pr vat of the City thereon, foll0wlrig Vote: II ana cho is3he eby auth rizea ana a Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- CHARLES A. KINTZINGER' tinning for permission'to'use car Ma or tain city streets for the annual ectea to file a certlfiea Dopy of this cilmen' Austin; Kolb, Schueller, i Y Labor Day Parade, presented and nratnance in the office of the county Welu. CLARENCE P. WELU read. Councilman Schueller moved Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa, Section 4. This Ordinance shall be Nays-None. RAY F, KOLB in full force ana effect from and after that the petltl0n be granted, S0G its final passage, adoption and ptib- RUBEN V; AUSTIN (Awarding Contract) onded by Councilman Kolb. Carried tication as by .law provided. LEO N. SCHUELLER rntroaueea the Stn day of'July, 1s55. RESOLUTION N0. 179.55 by the following Vote: 0 C nc' men u it Rwe requiring reading on three Whereas sealed proposals have Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger' Coun• separate nays suspended by unani- Attest: J. J. SHEA, moue vote the 5th day of July, 1955. been Submitted by COritTaCtOr5 for cllmen''AUStln~ Kolb, Schueller, Passed, adopted and approved this Clty Clerk. _ tat day of August, 1955. the' constructioir of concrete curb By William J. O'Brien Welu. cxAaL>is A. I{INTZIN~E o and gutter on the following por- Deputy City Clerk Nays-None, cLAAENCE P, wEr.u tions of the fallowing portions of Petition of Thomas L; Hickson et RAr F. xoT.a the following named streets, to wit; f Cpuncihnan Kolb moved the. al requesting that Chaney Road be xusEN v. AusTIN ado tion of the resolution, Second- hFO N. scxuEr.LEa, Kaufmann Avenue-from the West i curbed and .guttered. from the in• Councilmen Pro art Line of Carter Road to ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- p Y tersection of Chaney.~Road and Hill- :lttest: J. J. sxEA Tied by the following vote: c;ty clerk the East Property Line of Lot 2 of Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun•.. crest Road to the. south on Chaney sy WILLIAM J. aBxIEN, 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 of 2 of 2 of 1 of 2 Road far a distance of approxi• Deputy, City clerk of 1 of Highland Farm. Ruan Drive , cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, motel y Pubnshea offiolally ,n the Tele- Welu, y 550 feet, during the ear graph-xeraia Newspaper thts •ith day ' -from the South Property Line of 1955, presented and read. Council- . of August, 1x55. Pennsylvania Avenue to the North ~ Nays-None. J. J. sxEA, city cleric € mane Austin moved that'the peti• ay winiam J, o•Brlen, Property Line of Ideal Lane. Ideal Proof of publication, certified to tion be referred to the Clty Man• t s 1. Deputy city C,ierk Lane -from the City Corporation j ~ by the publisher of a statement of agar and City Engineer' and a plat Proof of publication.'certified to Limits to the East Property Line of f receipts and a list of claims far and schedule be drawn as soon as by the publisher of notice to Con- Earl Drive. Earl Drive -from the which warrants were issued for the.. possible. Seconded. by Councilman tractors of the receipt of proposals North Property Line bf Ideal Lane month of June, 1955, presented and Kolb: Carried by the following for the construction of City of Du- ~totheSouthPropertyLineo~PennF read. Councilman Schueller moved vote: - buque 1955 Concrete Curb and Gut• sylvania Avenue. Southern Avenue that the proof of publication be re• yeas-Mayor Kintzinger; Coun• ter Project No. 2, presented and -from the existing curb and gutter ~ ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun• cilmen Austin, 'Kolb, Schueller, read; Councilman Kolb moved that ' on Lot 2 of 2 of L of 1 of Mineral cilmen Kolb. Carried. by the fol- Welu; the proof of publication be received Lot 9 to a point 301 feet south on lowing vote:... Nays--None. and filed. Seconded by Councilman Southern Avenue pursuant to Reso• Yeas-Mayor. Kintzinger, Coun-' cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, July 26, 1955 i 1 Austin: Carried by the following tut on No; 61.55 and notice to bid• vote: ders published in a newspaper pub- Welu: To the Honorable.. Mayor and City Yeas-Mayon Kintzinger, Coun• lished in said City on July 7, 1955 Nays-None. ,Council, Dubuque, Iowa. cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, and July 8,1955; and Council Proceedings for the Gentlemen: Since the inaugura- Welu. Whereas, said sealed proposals months of November; December of tion of the one-way street' system Nays=None, were opened and read an August 1, 1954 and the month of January, in Dubuque an increased number << 332 Regular Session, August 1, 1955 Regular. Session, August 1, 195.5 333 of vehicles have used Bluff Street fuel oil for a heating stove and one ager be approved. Seconded. by is receiving help from the County from Loras Boulevard south to 2nd contains a plant of shrub chemical Councilman_Welu, Carried by, the Welfare Office, Street. for use in the nursery business. ' following vote;: Respectfully submitted, Over a 'considerable portion of 3, The. decorative stone is used Yeas -Mayor Kintzinger; Coun• L. J, SCHILTZ,. this distance the traffic on Bluff at present to dress up the various cilmen Austtn, Kolb, Schueller, City Manager " Street is comparable with that on plantings° which are in cans or Welu, LJSao Locust, Main' and Iowa Streets, planted throughout the area. Nays-None. Councilman Welu moved that the however, the conditionfor driving 4, The' farm machinery has been July 26, 1955 recommendatfon of the City: Man- is more hazardous than the other removed. ~ To the Honorable Mayor ager be_ approved, Seconded- by slTeets'due to the minimum amount 5. The ads ..indicating sale: , of and City Council, Councilman. Kolb.. Carried by the of. lighting, power mowers and other things on ';F Dubuque, Iowa, following vote: I have investigated the possibility .the radio and in the paper have Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- of installing additional lights on been discontinued, Gentlemen: cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller; Bluff_Street similar to those on Lo• 6, The storage of lumber and The communication of Linehan Welu: rust Street and find that the instal- .other .material has been discon- ( ~ & Molo petitioning the City Conm Nays-None, lotion would cost an additional tinned and removed.. cil to revue the present fee of $60.OO~per month and tive would get 7, -The umber and.. boxes aad E $2.00 for inspection of water soft• July 28, 1955 more than twice the amount of containers- have been either. re- ner installations was referred to To the Honorable Mayor light. moved or .are piled neatly in ac• ~ the City Manager for investiga- and City Council, I recommend that new 6;000 lu- cordance tivith Ordinance No. 43- lion, Dubuque, Iowa men fixtures mounted on frfoot 49; ~ I have investigated=the rate s brackets -be installed. on present Mr. Retteuberger has substantial- charged" with other cities far the Gentlemen: poles at the. intersections and at ly agreed with the order and com• ~ inspection fee of water softners The petition of Ruth B. Ratter• mid-block points from Dodge Street plied with. the Zoning Ordinance ~ and find that only one of the cities man and others requesting a stop to Loras Boulevard, and the remises are in a nAat and P ~ i char,e mare for water' softners s gn at the intersection of Merz I am attaching the lan chid out clean .condition. b P than other. similar installations and Stafford Streets was referred b the:Interstate Fewer Co n These rein'se . Y mpg y. p r s will be observed such as water heaters. to the City Manager for rnvestiga- Respectfully submitted, and if any violation appears; it will A report from the Plumbing In- lion and report, ' L. J. SCHILTZ, promptly be called to the attention specter indicates the inspection of T have had an investigation made City Manager: of the owner. water softners is not an different Councilman Austin moved that Respectfully submitted, ~ y of this request by the Felice Traf- the recommendation o£ the City L. J. SCHILTZ, from that of a water heater, fit Department and a report sub' Nlana er be a raved. Seconded b Cit Mana er•. ~ I therefore recommend that the milted by the Chief of Police. g PP Y Y g Councilman Schueller. Carried,by permrt fee inspection of water soft• Councilman Kolb moved that khe This report indicates Merz Street. ..the followin vote: _ ners be reduced from $2,00 to p g communication of the City.. Man• is serving an increasingly larber Yeas..-Mayor T{intzinger, Coun- ager be received and filed. Sec- $1'00' residential area as well as Jeffer- cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, ended by_Councilman Welu. Car- Respectfully submitted, son Junior High School and that Welu, rigid by the following vote: L: J. SCHILTZ, visibility at this intersection is Nays-Novo. Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, .Coun- Crty Manager.. blocked by retaininv walls and - July 26, 1955 cilmen Austin, Kalb, Schueller, ~ Councilman Kolb. moved that the shrubbery. To the Honorable Mayor and''City Welu, i recommendation of the City. Man• It is recommended that the pe-' Council; Dubuque,' Iowa.. Nays-None, ager be approved, Seconded by tition be granted and'that Schedule Gentlemen: Thi petition of Lee July 26, 1955 Councilman Schueller, Carried by III, Section B. be amended by add Stocker calling attention to certain To the Honorable Mayor the following vote:. ing thereto: Merz Street and Staf• conditons at Rebtenberger Tree and and City Council, Yeas -Mayor Kintzinger;' Coun- ford Avenue. .Landscape.. Service, 65 Meadow Dubuque, Iowa, cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller,. This change would affect the ' Lane, was referred to the Cit Man• Welu. Y , Gentlemen; ~ Nays-None, stopping. of traffic traveling north ager for action. A request has been received ask- and south on Stafford Avenue aG ~I , Jul 26 1955 An inspection made at the prem• ing that a street light be installed Y ~ this intersection, ises on Julyl8th bythe Building on West 3rd Street at the end of ! To the Honorable. Mayor" Respoetfullysubmitted, ' Commissioner indicated: the follow, 'the street west of Algona Street. and City Council, L, J, SCHILTZ, ing action was taken. In as much'as this'is a dead end Dubuque, Iowa City Manager 1. There are two: sectional fire- 'streetfor about one block in length ~ Gentlemen; LJSao places and one barbecue rack on with residences constructed' on , the premises at the corner of each side of the street, I recom- The communication of the Coun• :Councilman Welu moved that the Dodge Street. and Meadow Lane, mend that a street light be in- ty,Auditor asking consideration be recommendation of the City Man- The signs. indicating they are for stalled 'at approximately the end given. to the suspension o£ person• aver be approved,. Seconded ' by sale are removed, the premises of the concrete curb: al property taxes of Harvey Oswald Councilman Schueller; Carried 'by ace neat and clean and no indica• Respectfully submitted, was referred to the City Manager. the following vote; ; ` lion of a business nature is pres• L. J. SCHILTZ, I recommend that the City Coun• 'Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger,' Caun- ent in this regard, City Manager. cil approve the petition for the cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, 2. There are three- barrels in the Councilman Kolb moved that the suspension of taxes .:because of in• Welu. yard, Two are for the storage of recommendation of the'City Man- firmity and. inability to pay as he Nays-None, - ~i j 334 Regular Session, August 1 1955 ~ ~ Regular Session, August 1, 1955 335 July 30, 1955 LJSao Councilman Austin moved that August 1, 1955. To the Honorable Mayor Councilman Schueller moved the recommendation of the Plan- To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, that the recommendation . of the'. ning & Zoning Commission be ap- and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa ' Cfty Manager be approved and that proved and the. City Solicitor to Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: ' the Plumbing Inspector be instruct- prepare proceedings. Seconded by Gentlemen: A list of properties containing ; ed to issue a Restricted Plumbers Councilman Schueller, Carried by This is to advise that I' have ap• License to Mr, Harold Sherman, j the fallowing vote: proved the following bonds and. lots often acres or more and pos• ~ Yeas-Ma or Kintzin er Coun- sibly eligible .for agricultural land 'Seconded by Councilman Welu. Y g policy and desire to have your itp• "Carried by the following vote: cilmen Austin, Kolb,. Schueller, proval on same for filing, subject credit. is hereby submitted. i According to our City Drdinance Yeas-'Mayor Kintzinger, Council Welu. to the approval of the City Solici• an application for tax exemption men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, tor; Nays-None. Petition of Eugene R. Zimmer- HEATING on agriculture land of ten acres or July 26, 1955 man requesting a refund of $50.00 ' more must be submitted to the City To the Honorable Mayor Giese Sheet Metai Company, The Council before the land is ap- ;and City Council, on his unexpired portion of Class Ohio Casualty Ins. Co. proved. i Dubuque, Iowa ( B Beer Permit No, 122 as he dis- Horne Heating Company, Western Marked in blue pencil are those .Gentlemen; continued business on July 19,1955, Surety Company properties that have requested tax At a joint meeting of the Du• ! presented and read. Councilman Albert N, Eisbach, Western Surety exemption for, agricultural land. buque Planning & Zoning Commis- Kolb moved that the petition be Company Marked in red on the list are I sion and the Dubuque Dock Com- granted and the Auditor instructed Thomas J. Mulgrew Company, those properties that I believe are mission held July 25, 1955 in City' 'to draw a warrant. in the amount ,American Surety Company eligible for this agricultural land Hall the Dock Commission _held of $50.00 in favor of Eugene R. Joseph M, Powers, American Sure• Zimmerman to cover the unexpired ty Company credit and should be approved in July 25; 1955. in City Hall the Dock. ~ portion of Class " B" Beer Permit Alvin Anderson, Merchants Mutual addition to those that have submit- .Commission presented for approval No. 122. Seconded b Councilman ted a request.:. their proposed Dredging, Filling Y Bonding Co. Ver trul ~ Schueller. Carried by the following SIDEWALK y y yours and.. Storm Sewer drawings (no vote; James G. Becker, Western Surety L. J. SCHILTZ, road, railroad, factory site details): Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council ; Cit Manager !After full discussionsame were ap• Company Y tin Kolb chueller Welu. men Aus , S , LJSao proved bythe Planning & Zoning Nays-None, EXCAVATION .Councilman Welu moved that the !Commission, This .for, your general Petition of Eugene R. Zimmer- : A; Fondell and Sons, U. S. Fidelity list be approved as submitted. Sec- information. € man requesting a refund of $75.00 and Guaranty Co. onded by Councilman Kolb. Carried Respectfully submited, on his unexpired portion of Ciga- Respectfully submitted, Dubuque Planning & Zoning ~ L. J. SCHILTZ, by the following vote: rette License No, 187 as 'he has dis- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ; Commission continued business on July 19,1955, City Manager men Austin, Kolb; Schueller, Welu. By Richard V. McKay, Sec.. presented and read. Councilman LJS/J Nays-None. Councilman Welu moved that the Kolb moved that the petition be Councilman Kolb moved that the July 30, 1955 'communication of he Planning & a bonds be approved as submitted, Zonin Commission be received ,ranted and the Auditor instructed , Seconded b Councilman Austin. 'Po the Honorable Mayor g to draw a warrant in the amount of . Y and City Council, and filed.'Seconded by Councilman $75.00 in favor of Eugene R. Zim- Carried by the fallowing vote; Dubu ue Iowa ;Kalb. Carried by the following vote; merman to cover the unexpired Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• q l men Austin Kalb, Schueller, Welu, Gentlemen:. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- portion of .Cigarette License No. The petition of the Dubuque men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu; 187, Seconded by Councilman Nays-None. Stamping Company requesting that Nays-None. July 26, 1955 Schueller. Carried. by the fallowing ORDINANCE NO. 46.55 a restricted plumbers license be ' To the Honorable Mayor vote; An Ordinance. Amending Ordi• issued. to Mr: Harold Sherman, their and: City Council,.. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ; nonce No. 33.49; known as the Traf• maintenance superintendent, was Ilubuque, Iowa men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, , fic Code of the City of Dubuque, by referred to the City Manager. Gentlemen: ~ a Nays-None. repealing Section 1A of Schedule I The Plumbing Inspector has The attached drawing shaves de~ ` Petition of F, J, Fitzpatrick re- thereof and enacting a substitute made' 'an' investigation to deter- tails of a small parcel of Harrison ~ questing a refund of $150.00 an his therefor: and by repealing Section mine if Mr, Sherman would be eli- St; which has never previously been unexpired portion of'Class "B" Beer B, of Schedule III thereof and en• gible for a restricted plumbers li- vacated, the vacation of which is Permit No, 20 as be discontinued' acting a substitute therefor, pre- cense and has found that the terms 'now requested by Carr; Adams & business on July 30, 1955, present- sented and read. Councilman Welu of -the ordinance have been coin- Collier Co, their etition to Cit ed and read, Councilman Kolb ' moved tbhat the reading just had. be p Y ~ plied with. Council of June 6th, 1955. As this moved that the petition be granted considered the first reading of the It is .therefore recommended that area is surrounded. by petitioners and the Auditor instruoted to draw ' ordinance. Seconded by Council• the City Couhcil authorize the property,` and of no value ta'City a warrant.in the amount of $150,00 man Kolb. Carried by the foll~w~ Plumbing Inspector to issue: a Re- of Dubuque, the Planning &'Zoning in favor of F. J. Fitzpatrick to cov- ing vote: stricted Plumbers License to Mr. Commission respectfully recom~ er the unexpired portion of Class ' Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Harold Sherman, 'Maintenance Su• mends to your Honorable Body the "B" Beer Permit No. 20. Seconded men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. perintendent of the Dubuque Stamp- granting of'their petition, by Councilman Schueller. Carried 'Nays-None. ing Company. Yours tivly, by the fallowing vote: CouncIlman Welu moved that the ' Respectfully submitted, Dubuque Planning & Zoning Yeas-Mayor" Kintzinger, Council- rules requiring reading of an ordi• L, J. SCHII.TZ, Commission men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. nonce on three separate days '~be City Manager ' By Richard V. McKay, Sec: ` Nays-None. suspended. Seconded by Council- i t 336 Regular Session, August 1, 195 ~ Regular Session, August 1, 1955 337 man Kalb. Carried by the following milted to this Council for approval Edward J. Lyons, 576 Central Ave• RESOLUTION N0. 163.55 vote; and the salne have been examined: nue Preliminary resolution for the ' Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Now, Therefore, Be It Further Resolved that the construction of (type and place of men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, 1Velu, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- bends filed by such applicants be improvement) the 1955 Water Main .Nays-None, cil of the City of Dubuque that the and the same are hereby approved, project No. 1, consisting of a east oROtrlArvcE nlo. a6•s5 fallowing applfcatons be granted Passed adopted and a roved iron water main in: Alpha Avenue `tAn Ordinance Amending Ordinance and the licenses are to be issued ' pp ' No. 33-ts, ]mown as the Traffic this ls~t day of August, 1955, Born Avenue, Fairfax Avenue, Mar• coae of the city of .Dubuque, by upon the compliance with the terms CHARLES A. KINTZINGER mora Avenue, 'Missouri Avenue, repeating Section lA of Schedule I Of the 01'dlnanCBS Of th16 Clot thereof and enacting a substitute Y. May Or Ridgeway Avenue, and WISCOnSIn therefor; and by repealing Section CLAS5 "B" PERMIT CLARENCE P. WELU Avenue. B of Sohedule III thereof and enact- ing a substitute therefor. Mrs. Mary Wolbers, 1563 Central RAY F. KOLB Whereas, the City Council deems Be it ordained by the city Council Avenue RUBEN V. AUSTIN it necessar to institute roceedings of the City of Dubuque; Y p section 1. mhat section IA of Justin L, Johanningmeier, 1879• LEO N, SCHUELLER for the construction of (nature of Schedule I of Ordinance No. 33-49, 1881 Central Avenue Councilmen im rovement with be innin known as the Traffic Code oP the p g g and city of Dubuque, be and the same Mrs. Josephine Nicks, 103 East 22nd Attest; J. J, SHEA, terminal points) the 1955 Water is hereby repealod ana the following ,Street City Clerk Main Pro ect No, 1 consistin of a enacted in lieu thereof; ~ g ^schedule I Edward J, Lyons, 570 Central Ave- By William J. O'Brien cast iron water main in: section lA-In the alley between nue. Deputy City Clerk Iowa Street and Central Avenue from Alpha Avenue from the. North t-vest Fourth street to west Thir• Passed, adopted and approved Councilman Kolb moved the property Line of Ridgeway Avenue ceenth streot.^ this 1st da of Au section 2. That section >3 of Y gust, 1955. adoption of the resolution, Second- to the South Property Line of In- scneaule III of ordinance No. 33-4s, CHARLES A. KINTZINGER ed by Councilman Schueller, Car• diana Avenue, known ae the Traffio code or the Mayor Tied b the followin vote: eieby r p a~iea ana n~he ofoli wing CLARENCE P, WELD Yeas Ma or Kintzinger Council- Born Avenue from the South Y , Property Line of Indiana Avenue to enacted in lieu thereof: RAy F, KOLB ~ men Austen Kolb, SChuellel•, Welu. B, North bound and southbound { ~ the sOUth Property Line Of Ridge• vehicles must stop before entering: RUBEN V. AUSTIN ~ Nays-None. way Avenue, Roseaale street at Avoca street; LEO N, 5CHUELLER Fairfax Avenue from the North East 21st street at Washington RESOLUTION N0. 182.55 street; Councilmen. ' Pro ert Line of Lot 487 East 21st Street at Elm street; Attest; J. J. SHEA Be It Resolved by the City Coun• p Y ,Lenox Fourtk street at White street; ~ cil of the City of Dubuque that the Addition to the. North Property East 17th street at white street; City Clerk Line Of Lenox Avenue. Linooln Avenue at Stafford Ave- B ( foilOwing, having Complied with the nue; y William J, 0 Brien provisions of law relating to the Marmora Avenue from the East East. 2sth streot at white street; Deputy City Clerk sale of ci alettes within the City property Line of Wisconsin Avenue Cherry Street at Finley Street; i g East 17th street at washmgton .Councilman Welu moved the [ of Dubuque, be granted a permit the East 'Property Line of Fair- street; adoption of the resolution. Second- ' to sell cigarettes and cigarette pa• fax Avenue. croon street at Fimey street; ed b Councilman Schueller, Car- Missouri Avenue from the South staffora street at Mort street." Y pers within said City and the Man• Section 3: This Ordinance shoo bo ried by the following vote; ages is dfrected to issue such per- Property Line of Lenox Avenue to d t rultsffinal gag agefeadopti n ana yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ~ the South Propert Line of Rid e- mit on .behalf of said City. Y g publicat;on as by law proviaea. cilmen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Edward J. Lyons, 576 Central Ave- way Avenue. Introduced the 1st day of August, Welu. 1955. nue Ridgeway Avenlie from the west Rule requiring reading on three Nays-None. Mrs. Mary Wolbers, 1563 Central property Line of Born Avenue to separate days suspended by unam- mous vote the ist aay of August, 1s55. RESOLUTION N0. 181.55 Avenue the East Property Line of Alpha Passed, adopted ana annrovea this ~ Be It Further Resolved that the Avenue. 1st aay of August, 1s55. Whereas, heretofore applications cl3ARLns A. xINTZ1Nt;ER for Class "B" Beer Permits were bonds filed with the applications Wisconsin Avenue from the South cLARENCE P. wEL[; 'Mayor filed by the within named appli- be approved. .Property Line of Pennsylvania Rnr F. xoLE cants and they have received the ~ Passed; adopted and approved Avenue to the West Property nuBFN v. AusT1N approval of this Council; and this 1st da of Au ust 1955, Line of Marmora Avenue. LEO N. scxuELLER Y g Naw Therefore Be It Resolved counoilmen Whereas, the premises to be oc- ` ~ CHARLES A. KINTZINGER Attest: J. J, shoo copied by such applicants have been I Mayor by the City Council of the City of rk city cle Dubu ue Iowa: y Wiliam' J. a$rien inspected and found to comply with ~ CLARENCE P. WELD q Deputy city clerk the ordinances of this Cit and RAY F. KOLB 1, That the Cit En sneer is here- Published officially m The Tele- Y Y g graph-xerala newspaper this 4tk day they have. filed proper bonds> Now, RUBEN V. AUSTIN by instructed to prepare prelimi- of August, 1955, Therefore, LEO N. SCHUELLER nary. plans and specifications, an J, J. SHEA, City Clerk By winiam J. o')Irien Be It Resolved by the City Colin- Councllmen estimate of total cost, and a plat 1t a•4 Deputy city clerk cis of the City of Dubuque that the Attest: J. J. SHEA, and schedule for said improvement Couneilpian Welu moved the Manager be and he is directed to City Clerk and place same on file with the. city adoption of the ordinance. Second- issue to the following named ap• By William J: O'Brien clerk. ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by plicants a'Beer Permit, Deputy City Clerk 2. That the property to be bene- the following vote: CLASS "B" PERMIT Councilman Welu mAVed the fitted by said improvement is (gen• Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Mrs. Many Wolbers, 1563 Central adoption of the resolution. Second- Cral description of all property in men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Avenue ed by Councilman Schueller. Car• district) all real estate abutting on Nays-None.. Justin L. Johanningmeier, 1879- ried ~by the following vote: the above described portions of the RESOLUTION N0. 180.55 1881 Central Avenue Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- above named streets. Whereas, applications far Class Mrs, Josephine Nicks, 103 East 22nd men Austin, I{alb, Schueller, Welu. 3. The .estimate of total cost of "B" Seer Permits. have been. sub- Street Nays-None, said improvement herein ordered 3~8 Regular Session, August 1, 1955 ~ Regular Session, August 1, 1955 339 shall include an estimate of the Be It Resolved by the City Coun• ~ ~ Councilman Welu moved the public welfare to make said_ im• cost of engineering, preliminary cil of the City of Dubuque, adoption of the resolution. Second- provement. reports, property valuations, .esti- 1. That the valuations set out in ed by Councilman Kolb, Carried by 2. Said improvement. shall be mates, plans, specifications, notices, the attached list are hereby de- the following vote; constructed and done in a~cord- legal services, acquisition of land, termined to be-the present fair mar- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ante with said .plans and specifi- consequential damages or costs, ket value, with the proposed im• men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, cations and portion of the. total easements, rights of way,. construc• provement completed,. of each lot Nays~None. cost of making said improvement lion, (repair) supervision, inspec• within -the proposed assessment dis• RESOLUTION N0. 186.55 shall be assessed against all pri• lion,-.. testing, notices of publics- trio for (Short Title) the 1955 ' Resolution of necessity for con- vately awned property lying within lion, interest, and printing and Water Main Project No, 1. struction of (Short Title) the 1955 the assessment district shown on sale of bonds. And the City Clerk is hereby di- Water Main Project No. 1, also set- such plat in an amount not to ex• 4. These proceedings are covered rected to report the same to the ling time and place of hearing and teed the amount provided by law under Chapter 391A of .the 1954 City Engineer who shall show such prescribing notice for (Short Title) and in proportion to the special Code of Iowa. valuations on the schedule hereto the 1955 Water Main Project No. 1, benefits conferred thereby and the 5. That said improvement is ordered for said improvement, consisting of a cast iron water remainder of the total cast shall hereby designated (Short Title) the passed, adapted and approved main in: be paid out of the Water Works 1955 Water Main Project No, 1, and Alpha Avenue from he North General fund, this 1st day of August, 1955. may be referred to by such title in CHARLES A. KINTZINGER property Line of Ridgeway Avenue 3, Bonds shall be issued and sold all subsequent'proceedings, to the South Property Line of In• in anticipation of deferred pay Mayor Passed, adopted. and. approved liana Avenue, ments of assessments when a con• this 1st day of August, 1955. CLA'RENCE P, WELD Born Avenue from the South tract has been performed and ac• CHARLES A. K1IVTZINGER RAY F. KOLB Property Line of Indiana Avenue cepted .and the proceeds thereof RUBEN V. AUSTIN Mayor to the South Property Line of used to pay the contractor, LEO N,SCHUELLER CLARENCE P. WELU Ridgeway Avenue. 4. On the 6th day of September, Councilmen ' RAY F. KOLB Fairfax Avenue from the North 1955 at 7:30 P.M., the City. Council Attest: J. J, SHEA, RUBEN V. AUSTIN ~ Property Line of Lot 487, Lenox will meet in the City Council cham• City Clerk LEO N. SCHUELLER Addition to the North Property bers in the City Hall, in the City Councilman BY William J. O'Brian Line of Lenox Avenue, of Dubuque, Iowa and hear property Attest: J. J. SHEA, Deputy City Clerk I Marmora Avenue from the East owners subject to the assessment City Clerk Councilman Welu moved the Property Line of Wisconsin Avenue and interested parties for and By William J. 0"Brien adoption of the resolution, Second- to the East Property Line of Fair- against the improvement, its cost, ' Deputy City Clerk ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by fax Avenue. the assessment thereof, or the 'Councilman Welu moved the the following vote: I Missouri Avenue from the South boundaries of the district, adoption of the resolution, Second- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Property Line of Lenox Avenue to 5. The City Clerk is hereby au• ed by, Councilman Schueller. Car- men' Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu: the South Property Line of Ridge- thorized and directed to cause pub• Tied by the following vote: Nays-None. way Aveuue. lit notice of the date, time and Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- (PRELIMINARY ,4PPROVAL ~ Ridgeway Avenue from the West place of hearing to be given by pub- men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. OF PLANS, ETC.) Property Line of Born Avenue to lication once- each week for two .Nays-None, the East Property Line of Alpha consecutive weeks the first of which Honorable Mayor and Members .RESOLUTION NA, 185.55. Avenue. publications shall be not less than of the City Counal of the City of Be It Resolved by the City Coun• Wisconsin Avenue from the South fifteen nor more than twenty five Dubuque, Iowa. cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa Property Line of Pennsylvania Ave• days .prior to said hearing and by `I herewith submit a proposed that the proposed plans, specifica~ nue to the West Property Line of mailing a copy of said notice by plat of the 1955 Water Main Proj- lions, form of contract, plat and Marmon Avenue, ordinary mail to the owners of said ect No. l and a proposed schedule of schedule, including valuations ap• ~ Whereas, proposed plans and property to be assessed, as shown valuations of the lots within the Fearing thereon, and all other docu• specifications, plat and .schedule Eby the records in the office of the district serval by said improve- ments contained herein are hereby ~ have been duly prepared and ap• County Auditor not less than fif- ment: approved and order filed in the of• proved by the City Council of the teen days prior to said hearing, K, J, CULLEN fice of City Clerk for public inspec• City of Dubuque and are now on Approved on first reading this City Engineer lion, and are to be considered a file in the office of the City Clerk 1st day. of August, 1955. Councilman Walu moved that the Part of .this resolution. showing, among other things, the communication of the City Engf• Passed, adapted and approved following: CHARLE6 A. KINTZINGER naer be received' and filed. See• this lst day of August, 1955. a. An estimated total cost of the Mayor ~ onded by Councilman Schueller. CHARLES A, KINTZINGER work, CLAR'ENCE P. WELU Carried by the following vote: Mayor b, fihe amount proposed ta, be RAg F, KOLB ' Yeas-Mayor 'Kintzinger, Council- CLARENCE P. WELU assessed against each lot for the RUBEN V, AUSTIN men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. RAY F, KOLB improvement for the construction LEO N. SCHUELLER Na s-None. RUBEN V, AUSTIN of (descri lion of im rovement Councilmen Y P P ) Attest: J. J. SHEA , RESOLUTION N0. 18455 LEO N. SCHUELLER the 1955 Water Mam Prolect No, 1. Resolution determining valua• Councilmen Be It Therefore Resolved by the By William J. O'Brien lions of each lot within the pro Attest: J, J, SHEA, City Council of the City of Dubuque, Deputy City Clerk posed assessment district for (Short City 'Clerk Iowa: Councilman Walu moved that the Title). the 1955 Water Main Project By William J. O~Brien 1, That the City Council deems resolution be approved and placed No. L Deputy City Clerk it advisable and necessary for the on file with the City Clerk for pub- 340 Regular Session, August 1, 1955 Special Session, August 1, 1953 341 lic inspection for at least one week " before final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Kolb, Carried by the followtng vote: (OFFICIAL) Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Special ~ Session-August 1, 1955. men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Board met at 8:10 P;M, Nays-None. j Present -Chairman Charles A. Councilman Kalb mbved that the ~ Kintzinger, Messrs. Ruben V. Aus- rules be suspended to allow any- ~ tin, Ray F, Kolb, Leo N, .Schueller, one present in the Council to ad- Clarence P, Welu. i dress the Council. Seconded by .Absent--Dr, A. J. Entringer. Councilman Welu• Carried by the Communication of Division of fo]lo~fifng cote: Public Health Engineering, State Yeas=Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Department of Health, lies Moines, men Austin,.. Kolb, Schueller, Welu. I Iowa, advising that the application Plays-None. ~ far renewal of license by Mr. Ray Mayor Kintzinger expressed the I Fleckenstein to operate Healy's city's official thanks to the private ' Mobile Home Park at 3275 Cen• citizens who helped at the scene. of tral .Avenue has been. approved, the fire at Mount Carmel Infirmary presented. and read, Mr, Clarence as .well as the city's Fire, Police P. Welu ,moved that the communi- , and Water Departments. cation .be received and filed, Sec- Police Chief Hugh Callahan rep- onded by Mr, Ray F, Kolb. Carried resented the other department by the following vote: heads in expressing appreciation Yeas -Chairman Charles A, £or the public recognition, Kintzinger, Messrs, Ruben V. Aus- Councilman Welu moved that a tin, Ray F, Kolb, Leo N, Schueller, resolution of commendation be sent ~ Clarence P. Welu• to the"police, Fire and Water De• Nays-None. partments commending them on Absent-~Dr• A, J, Entringer. their heroism,. comradeship and There being no further business cooperation, Seconded by Council- Mr, Clarence P. Welu moved the man Schueller. Carried by the for- Board o£ Health meeting adjourn. lowing vote: Seconded by Mr, Leo N, Schueller. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Councih Carried by the following vote, men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Yeas-Chairman Charles A, Kint- Nays-None. zinger, Messrs. Ruben V, Austin, ~ Ray F. Kolb, Lea N. Schueller, there being na' further business Councilman Welu moved to ad Clarence P. Welu, journ, Seconded by Councilman Nays-None. Kolb. Carried by the following vote: Absent=Dr. A. J, Entringer. ' Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- J, d, SHEA, men Austin, .Kalb, Schueller, Welu. r Clerk, Board of Health Nays-None. ! By William J, O'Brien J. J. SHEA Deputy City Clerk , i City Clerk _ ~ Approved 1955• . By William J. O'Brien Adopted Deputy City Clerk ,..1955. .Approved , ..........1955, Adopted 1955. Members of Bd. of Health ~ Councilmen ~ „ I~ _ ~ Attest: Glerk, Attest: ' City Clerk a" 342 Special Session, August 10, 1955 Special Session; -August 10, 1955 343' ~ ~'u ler, C, F. Childs & Co., Inc., King RESOLUTION NO. 187.55 Passed and approved August 10, . ~a ~ Quirk & Co., Inc,, First of Iowa Cor• 1955.. poration, interest at the rate of Resolution providing for the sale CHARLES A. KINTZINGER (OFFICIAL) 2~4%; we will and award of $2 000 000 Dock Bonds pay the sum of ~ ~ ~ Mayor Special Session, August 10th, $2,005,660,00 and. accrued interest, and approving and authorizing the CLARENCE P. WELU White, Weld & Co., F. S. Smithers agreement of such sale and award. RAY.F. KOLB 1955. Whereas, notice of sale of Dock RUBEN V. AUSTIN Council met at 7:30 P.M. & 'Co., Dean Witter & Co,, Rand & ~ Bonds of the Cit of Dubu ue Du• Co., Julien Collins & Company, Y q ~ LEO. N. SCHUELLER Present - Mayor Kintzinger, Shannon & Company, ~Ravenscroft buque County, Iowa, in the amount Councilmen Councilmen Austin, Kolb, Schuel- & Company, interest at the rate of of $2,000,000 'has heretofore been Attest: William J. O'Brien ler, Welu. City Manager Schiltz, 2~/a%, we will pay the sum of given in strict compliance with the Deputy City Clerk - Mayor Kintzinger read the call $2,001,760 and accrued interest, t provisions of Chapter 75 of the Recorded August 10, 1965. and stated that this meeting is Chemical Corn Exchange Bank, C; Code of`Icwa by publication of no- William J, O'Brien. lice for two ar more successive called far the purpose of institut• J Devino & Co., Wood, Struthers Deputy City Clerk ing proceedings and taking action & Co., New York Hanseatic Corpo• weeks in at least one newspaper lo• Councilman Kolb moved the Gated in Dubuque County; and for the issuance of $2,000,000 Dock ration, E. F. Hutton & Company, adoption of the resolution. Second• Bonds of the City of Dubuque and Brown Brothers Harriman & Co„ Whereas; all sealed bids were re- ed by Councilman Schueller. Car• acting on such business as may McMaster, Hutchinson & Co., inter ceived'- and placed on file after ried by the following vote: properly come before a regular est at the rate of 2'/a%, we will paq which open bids were called for and .Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• meeting of the City Council.._ par ($2,000,000) and accrued inter I'; received as follows: None. And men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Councilman Schueller moved that est plus a premium of $18,792.20. ' thereafter-such sealed bids were Nays-None. the rules be suspended to allow Mr. Mercantile Trust Co.; Aubrey G. i opened, the substance of the best Councilman Welu moved that the John Evarts to address the Coun- Lanston & Co., Stern Bros. & Co, sealed 'bid being as follows: Mer- City Treasurer be authorized and Gil. Seconded by Councilman Kolb. City Nat'l. Blc, & Tr, Co., W, H, candle Trust Co., St. Louis, Mis- directed to return the. deposits of Carried by the following vote: Morton & Co., Heller, Bruce & Co. souri et, al, interest ,at the rate all bidders exce t the best bidders p , Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• and Shaw, McDermott & Co., mter• of 2~/a%, we will. pay two million for the purchase of $2,000,000 Dock men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, est at the rate of 2i/s%, we will nine hundred and eighty one and Bonds of The City of Dubuque, Na s-None, a ou 2 ODO 981.80. and accr e Y pYY ud 80 100 dollars.. 2 00 981.80 and 0 / Iowa a on a o n' n S c d d by C ti cihna ~ Mr, Jahn Evarts on behalf of the interest, The First National Bank accrued interest; Schueller, Carried by the follow• Trades & Labor Congress presented of Chicago, Halsey, Stuart & Co., ~ ing vote: Councilman Austin with a pen and Inc., William Blair & ,Corn an Now; Therefore, Be It Resolved p Y, pencil set as a token of apprecia• Bacon, Whipple & Co.; The Milwau• by the Ci Council of the Cit of Yeas-Mayor Kmtzin~er, Council• lion for his distinguished service kee Company, McDonald•Moore & Dubuque, awa as follows; y men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. as an outstanding Mayor and Coun• Co., Burns, Corbett & Picard, Inc., Nays-None. - Gilman. interest at bhe rate of 2~/a%, we Section L That upon. being ad- Communication`of the City Solici- Proof of publication, certified to will pay you par and accrued inr vised in the premises, it is hereby for submitting far 'Council consid• by the publisher of notice of meet- terest plus a premium of $21,940.00, determined that the bid. of Mercan• eration an amended ordinance in- ing of the City Council for bhe pur• First Securities Company of Chico- the Trust Co,, St, Louis, Missouri, corporating bhe conditions that .the pose of instituting proceedings and go, Baxter Williams & Company, et. aL'for the purchase of said Dock Planing & Zoning Commission rec• taking action for the issuance of Central Republic Company, A. M. Bonds; as advertised, upon terms of ommehd, presented and read. Coun• $2,000,000 Dock Bonds, presented Krensky & Co,, Natl. Bank of Corn- par and accrued interest plus a Gilman Welu moved that the com• and read. Councilman Kolb moved merce, Seattle, interest at the rate premium of $981',80 is the highest munication be received and "filed, that the proof of publication be re• of 2~/4%, we will pay one hundred and hest bid received and that said Seconded by Councilman Kolb. Car- bonds bearing interest at the rate ried by the following vote: ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun• plus a premium of $3200.00. The ' of two 'and one•eighths per cent ,Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Gilman Welu. Carried by the follow- Northern Trust Company, Blyth & (2~/s%) per annum be and the same 'men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, ing vote: Co., Inc,, Paine, Webber, Jackson & are hereby awarded to said Mer- Nays-None. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Curtis, F. S; Moseley & Co., Braun, candle Trust Co., et. al. Proof of publication, certified to men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Bosworth & Co., Incorporated, ' by the publisher of notice of public ~1ays-None. Quail & Co., interest at the rate of l Sectioh S. That the form of agree- hearing to dispose of the City's in= Proof of publication, certified to 2 /a%, we will pay the par. value ment of sale of said bonds to Mer- terest in the following stye°ets or by the publisher of notice of sale plus a premium of $18,325,00. Con- candle Trust Co., et, al. be and the .portion of streets: East 19th Street of $2,000,000 Dock Bonds, presented tinental Illinois National Bank and same is hereby' approved, and the :from the west line. of Sycamore and read. Councilman Kolb moved Trust Company of Chicago, interest Mayor"and Deputy City Clerk are ,Street to the east line of Lynn that the proof of publication be re- at the rate of 2/a%, we 'will pay hereby authorized to execute said Street. The south one-half of East ceived and filed, Seconded by Coun• par and accrued interest and a pre- agreement for and on behalf of the 17th Street from the east line of Gilman Welu. Carried by the fol- mium of $11,990.00; Harris Trust City' of Dubuque, Iowa and to affix Sycamore Street to the west line lowing vote: and Savings Bank, Chicago, The the corporate seal of said City of Lynn Street, Ash Street from the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• First Boston Corporation, John Nu• thereto. south line of East 18th Street to men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, veep & Co., Iowa-Des 'Moines Na• Nays-None, tional Bank, The White-Phillips Co., Section 3, That all resolutions or !the North line of East 14th Street.' The fallowing sealed bids were Inc., interest at the rate of 2'/a% East 18th Street from the east line parts of resolutions in conflict here- of Lot C, Block l3 to the west line opened and read for the purchase we will pay you the par value there- with' be and the same are .hereby of Lot B. Block 16 in Railroad Addi• of $2,000,000 Dock Bonds: Harriman of and accrued interest and apre- repealed, lion. East 17th Street from the east Ripley & Co., Salomon Bros. & Hutz• mium of $1306.00, 344 Special Session, August 10, .1955 Special Session, August lU, 1955 345 line of Lot X to the west line of ORDINANCE N0. 47.55 line of East 19th Street to the Block 15, and of Lots 1 to 10, both Lot Y in East Dubuque Addition An ordinance vacating certain , north line of East 15th Street to included, of Block 16, in Railroad No, 2, The westerly thirty two (32) streets, .parts of streets and alleys ~ Dubuque Packing Company. Addition, all in the City of Du• _ feet of Lynn Street from the north lying and situated in East Dubuque bu ue. line of East 16th Street to a point Addition No. 2 and Railroad Addf• Whereas, Dubuque Packing Com- q thirty-two (32) feet south of the lion in the Cit of Dubu ue Iowa pang has petitioned the Council Whereas, the above .described nm•th line of East 17th Street. The y q of the City of Dubuque; Iowa far portions of lots were heretofore and providing for the granting and'.. 1 the vacation of East 19th, Street conveyed by petitioner to the City alley lying between, Lynn and Ash conveying of title to said vacated' ~ from the west line of Sycamore of Dubuque for the purpose of wid- Streets from the south line of East .areas, as also the easterly eighteen. Street to the east line' of Lynn erring Ash Street but Ash Street 14th Street. The alley lying between (18) feet of all lots abutting upon ~ Street;' the south one-half of East was not so widened and said per- Ash and Marsh Streets from the the west side of Ash Street from' south line of East 15th Street to the south line. of East 19th Street'.. E 17th Street from the east line of lions of said lots are no longer re- the north line of East 14th Street, to the north line of East 15th Street Sycamore Street to the west line quired for that purpose; and. presented and read, Councilman and the westerl ei hteen 18) feet of Lynn Street; Ash Street from yZrhereas, the petitioner, in con- Welu moved that the roof of ub- y g ( the south line of East 18th Street sideration of certain. conveyances, p P of all lots abutting upon the east ' to the north line of East 14th has pro osed to make certain con- licatfon be received and filed. Sec- side of Ash Street from the seuth' ; Street; East 18th Street from the p' ended by Councilman Kolb, Carried line of East 19th Street to the north i ~ veyances to the City of Dubuque by the followin vote: ~ east line of Lot C, Block 13 to the as hereinafter set forth; and g line of East 15th Street to Dubuque: west line of Lot B, Block 16 in Whereas, petitioner has prepared Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Packing Company, presented and. Railroad Addition; East 17th from and submitted. plats of the areas men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. read. Councilman Welu-moved that. the east lino of L'ot X to the west. proposed to be vacated and con- Nays-None. the reading just had be considered ~ line of Lot Y in East Dubuque veyed assigning lot numbers there- the first reading of the ordinance, Addition No. 2; the westerlythirty- to; Now, Therefore; Mayor Kintzinger moved that Seconded by Councilman Kolb. Car-, ~ two (32) feet of Lynn Street from the rules be suspended to allow ried by the following vote: ? the north line of East 16th Street Be It Ordained by the Council anyone to address the City Council of the Cit of Dubu ue as follows: if they care to do so. Seconded by Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council to a point thirty-two (32) feet south -Section One. That the preamble Councilman Kolb, Carried by the men. Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu; ~ of the north .line of East 17th following vote; Nays-None. Street; the .alley lying between 'hereof be and the 'same is hereby Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Councilman Welu moved that the Lynn and Ash... 'Streets from the made a part of this ordinance by men. Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. rule requiring the reading of an I south line of East 15th Street to the reference, Nays-None, ordinance on three separate days I north line of East 14th Street; and Section Two. That East 19th John C, Oberhausen,. represent- be suspended, Seconded by Council-, tlae alley lying between Ash and Stroet from the west line of Syca• ing Max Blum and Herald Walser man Kolb, Carried by the follow- Marsh Streets from the south line more Street to the east line of Lynn addressed the Council protesting ing vote; of East 15th Street to the north Street be and the same is hereby Yeas•~-Mayor Kintzinger, Couneil- line of East 14th Street; and vacated, subject to rightof•way foi and objecting to the proposed.va- Whereas, said petition was re• railroad tracks now in place: cation of certain streets and alleys men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu: Section Three. That the south Nays-None, ~ ferred to the Planning and Zoning to the bubuque Packing Company, Commission for its recommenda• one-half of East 17th Street from stating that the conditions of the Councilman Welu moved that the ( lions thereon, and its recommenda- the east line'of Sycamore Street to proposed ordinance tended to "se- rule requiring the reading of an i the west line of Lynn Street be and ordinance on three se tfon has been received; and verely restrict access to the prop- paste days:. the same is hereby vacated. y be sus ended, Seconded b Whereas, said streets, parts of ert of Mr; Blum and Mr. Walser, P y Couneil• `Section Four. That Ash Street man Kolb, Carried b ~ streets and alleys are not needed or Mr; M, H, Czizek, representing the y the Follow- from the' south line, of East 18th q g P y in vote, useful as public thoroughfares; and Dubu ue Packin Com an ad- g Stroet to the north line of East 14th dressed the Council in rebuttal to Yeas'-Mayor I{intzinger, Council- ' Whereas, said Dubuque Packing Street be and the same is hereby Mr, Oberhausen's objections. He men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, ~ Company further requests the con- vacated. stated that the expension program Nays-None, j veyance to it of the easterly eight- Section Five, That Easti 18th and the future of the Packing Com• I een (18) feet of all lots abutting Street from east line of Lot G, pony depended upon the approval (Official Pu6licafion) ; upon the west side of Ash Street Block 13 to the west line of Lot B, of the proposed vacations. Mr. ORDINANCE N0. 47.55 ` and the. westerly eighteen (18) feet Block 16 in Railroad Addition be Blum, ;Mark Ohnesorge, Larry An ordinance vacating certain, ` of all lots abutting upon the east and the same is hereby vacated.' ' Rhomberg also addressed the Coun- streets, parts of streets and alleys ~ side of Ash Street from the south Section Six. That East 17th Street cil voicing their protests on the lying and situated in East llubuque line of East 19th Street to the from the east line of Lot X to the vacation of the said streets and al- Add. No. 2 and Railroad Add. in north line of East 15th Street and west line of Lot Y in East Dubuque leys the City of Dubuque, Iowa and. pro- more particularly described as: Addition No. 2 be and the same is viding for the granting and convey-, The easterly 18 Feet of Lots 534 hereby vacated. Councilman Welu moved that the ing of title to said vacated areas, to 548, both lnciuded, in East Du• !Section Seven. That the westerly objections be overruled and that as also the easterly eighteen (18) ! buque Addition No. 2, and the east- thirty-two (32) feet of Lynn Street the Council proceed with the adop- feet of all lots abutting upon the erly 18 feet of Lot 2 of Block 14 and from the north line of East 16th lion of the ordinance. Seconded by west side of Ash Street from the of Lots 11 to 20, bath included, of Street to a point thirty-two (32) feet Councilman Schueller. 'Carried by south. line of East 19th Street to Block 13 in Railroad Addition to south of the north line pf East 17th the following vote:. the north line of East 15th Street the City of Dubuque, and the West• Street be and the same is hereby Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Couneil- and the westerly eighteen (18) feet erly 18 feet of Lots 550 to 563, bath vacated, men Austin, Kolb, 'Schueller, Welu; of all lots abutting npoh the east included, in East. Dubuque Addi• .Section Eight, That the alley ly - Nays~None. side of Ash Street from the south' lion. No. 2 and Lots 1 and 2 of ing between Lynn and Asl Streets ?34b Special, Session, August 10, 1955Special Session;.Augustl0, 1955 347 from. the south line of East 15th ceptance of the- terms and condi- -lion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, 1955, at 7:30 'P: M, C. S. T: Second• Street to the north line of East 14th lions of this Ordinance in writing I and providing for the granting and ed by .Councilman Welu. Carried Street be and the same is hereby by Dubuque Packing Company and conveying of the title to said va-' by the following vote: vacated. ,the delivery of petitioner's Warran• cated areas, as also the easterly. Yeas-Mayor. Kintzinger, Council- Section Nine; That the alley lying', ty Deed, described by subparagraph eighteen (18) feet of all lots abut- men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. between Ash and Marsh Streets 11-A hereof, and payment by the pe- ling upon the west side of Ash' Nays-None, ; from the south line of East 15th titioner of the cost of publishing E Street- from the south line of East preliminary Approval of Plans, Ete. Street to the north line of East' and recording this Ordinance, the ~ 19th Street to the north line of RESOLUTION N0. 188.55 14th Street be and the same is here- Mayor and City Clerk be and they East 15th. Street and the westerly by vacated, 'are hereby authorized and directed ~ eighteen (18) feet of all lots 'abut- Be It Resolved by the City Coun• to execute and deliver Quit Claim ling upon the east side of Ash cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa Section Ten, That it is hereby de• ~ that the proposed plans, specifica• termined that the fore oin or• Deed conveying all right, title and Street from the south line of East g g p interest of the Cit of Dubu ue in .19th Street to the north line of East lions, form of ,contract, and. all lion of .the foregoing streets and and to said vacated areas and por• ~ ! 15th :Street to Dubuque Packing other documents contained herein alleys are not necessary for public ~ p y.. g Y for the construction of an Iron Re- use nor'sufficientl traveled to jus• lion of lots abutting Ash Street, as Com an aad a rees to abide b Y ( moval and Hardness Reduction tify their maintenance at public ex• hereinbefore described, to Dubuque + the terms thereof. pense, Facking Company, I Dated at Dubuque, Iowa this 11th Plant, consisting of aerators, sludge 'Section Thirteen, That the plats ~ day of August 1955, blanket `or upflow basins, recarbo• Section Eleven. That title to said nation basins chemical feed and vacated parts of streets and alleys, of said vacated. areas be and the DUBUQUE PACKING COMPANY administration building, rapid sand together with the easterly and west- same are hereby approved and the By H, W, Wahlert filters, including the',equipping of erly eighteen (18) feet of lots abut- Mayor and City. Clerk authorized President.: six existing filter cells, and all re• to execute the same on behalf of Published official) p•p g ling upon tihe east and west sides yin the Tele• lated i in valves and electrical of Ash Street from East 19th Street 'the City of Dubuque. graph.. Herald Newspaper this .15th work, The proposed facilities`"are I to .East 15th Street, as described Section Fourteen. That the' City day of ..August, 1955. designed to treat raw well water at aforesaid, be and the same are here- Clerlt be and he is hereby directed It August 15 a nominat rate of 10 million gal• ~ by granted and conveyed to Du• to record a certified' copy of this J, J, SHEA; Ions per dray. The 'structures are ~ buque Packing Company upon the Ordimance in the office of the City Clerk to be of reinforced concrete mason- following terms and conditions: County Recorder of Dubuque Coun• ~ By William J. O'Brien ry 'construction supported on con- A. At the time of the delivery of ty, ff Deputy City Clerk Crete piling, are hereby approved the Quit Claim Deed conveying the Section Fifteen. This Ordinance i Councilman Welu moved the and ordered filed in-.the office of herein described portion of real es• shall be in .full force and effect adoption of the ordinance. Seconded .City Clerk for public inspection and late, hat Dubuque .Packing Com• from and after its final passage, by Councilman Kolb... Carried by are to be considered a part of this t an conve b Warrant Deed to adoption and publication as by law he following vote: resolution. p Y Y Y Y the City of Dubuque Lots 9, 10,11 provided. ! Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Passed and adapted this 10th day and 12 in Block 5 in Railroad Addi• Introduced the 10th day 'of Aug• men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. of August, 1955. lion and the westerly eight (8) feet ust, 1955, Nays-None. CHARLES A:' KINTZINGER of Lot. A, Block 13` in Railroad Ad• Rule requiring reading on three August 10, 1955 Mayor dition, in the City of Dubuque, separate days'suspeaded by unatu• To the Honorable Mayor CLARENCE P. WELD Iowa; the westerly eight (8) feet mous vote this 10th day of August, and City Council, RAY F, KOLB of Lot C, Black 13 in Railroad Ad• 1955: Dubuque, Iowa RUBEN V. AUSTIN dition, in the City of Dubuque; the Passed, adopted 'and approved Gentlemen, LEO N. SCHUELLER westerly eight.. (8) feet of Lot L, in this 10th' day of August, 1955, I herewith submit Plans and Spec- Councilmen East Dubuque Addition No. 2, in the CHARLES A, KINTZINGER ifications prepared by Consoer, Attest: J. J, SHEA,, City of Dubuque, Iowa; and the Mayor Townsend Consulting Engineers for City;Clerk westerly eight (8) feet of Lot X, in CLARENCE P, WELU the construction of an Iron. Re- BY William J. O'Brien, East Dubuque Addition No, 2, in RAY F. KOLB € moval and Hardness Reduction Deputy City Clerk the. City of Dubuque, Iowa, from RUBEN V. AUSTIN .plant for-the city water system. Councilman Austin: moved the the northerly line thereof to a point LEO N, SCHUELLER These plans and specifications adoption of the resolution, Second- thirty-two. (32) feet south thereof. Councilmen E have been reviewed by the Water ed by Councilman ;Welu, Carried by S, .That, when requested, Du• Attest: J, J. SHEA, Aepartment Superintendent and the following vote: buque .Packing Company cooperate City Clerk ~ have received his approvah. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- with the City of Dubuque in pro- By William J, O'Brien 3 recommend that the City Coun• men Austin, Kolb,. Schueller, Welu. curing a right•oflvay for a street Deputy City Clerk cil approve the plans and specifi• Nays-None. connecting 14th Street and 16th ACCEPTANCE OP ORDINANCE cations and set the. date for taking RESOLUTION'N0, 189.55 Street between' Ash and Marsh N0. 4755 of bids: Whereas the City Manager has Streets by the most practical route, Dubuque Packing Company does Respectfully submitted,. submitted proposed plans, specifi• together with a railroad spur at a hereby accept the terms and pro- L, J, SCHI~LTZ, cations, form of contract and esti• point. designated by the City to visions of Ordinance No. 47.55 en• City Manager.. mated cost for the extension and seiwo other industries. titled: Councilman Austin that the Plans improvement of the municipal wa- C, That Dubuque Packing Com• "An Ordinance vacating. certain and Specifications be approved as ter plant by the furnishing of all pony accept the terms and condi• streets, parts of streets and alleys submitted and bids will be received. labor, equipment and materials: for lions of this Ordinance in writing, lying and situated in East Dubuque at the City':Glerk's office, City Hall, the construction of an Iron Remov Section Twelve, That upon the ac• Addition No, 2 and Raih~aad Addi• Dubuque; Iowa, until September 21, al and Hardness Reduction Plant, h~ v ' "..1:' 348 Special Scsslon; August 10, 1955 Special Session; August 1Q 1955 349 consisting of aerators; sludge blan• Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- thereof, and section 59 to Schedule Passed, adopted and approved lcet or upflow basins, recarbona- men Austin, Kolb, Sohueller, Welu. VI thereof to provide one way traf~ this 10th day of August; 1955, tier basins, chemical feed and ad• .Nays-None, fit on portions of Elm Street, pre• GHA~RLES A. K1NTZ1NCrER - ministration building; rapid sand August 10, 1955 sented and read, CouncIlman Welu Mayor filters, including 'the equipping of Ta the Honorable Mayor moved that the reading just had CLARENCE P, WELU six existing filter cells and all re• and City Council, be considered the first reading of - RAY F, KOLB lated .piping, .valves and electrical Dubuque, Iowa i the ordinance,. Seconded by Coun fIUBEN q, AUSTIN ~x~ork. The proposed facilities are Gentlemen: i cilman Kolb, Carried by the fol• LEO N, SCHUELLER designed to treat raw well water at police Chief Callahan has' rec• lowing vote: Councilmen a nominal rate of ten million gal- ommended that a stop sign' be ~ Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Attest; J, J, SHEA, 'lens per'day, The structures are to erected on Bunker Hill Road at the ~ rnen Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, City Clerk be reinforced concrete masonry intersection of Green Street, Nays-None: By William J, O'Brien construction supported an concrete I cantor in this recommendation Councilman Welu moved that the Deputy City Clerk piling, and because of the heavy traffic due rule requiring 'the 'reading of an Published officially in the 'Pele• Whereas it is necessary and de• to the swimming pool and Irving ~ ordinance on three separate days graph "Herald Newspaper this 15th sirable that a public hearing be School. ~ be suspehded. Seconded by Councih day of August, 1955~~ had on said proposed plans, speci- Respectfully submitted, ~ man Kolb: Carried b the follawin J, J. SHEA y g , fications; and farm of .contract, L. J, SCHILTZ, ~ vote: Gity Glerk, that bids be received for said work City Manager Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• By William J. O'Brien at said hearing and that. notice tie Councilman Kolb moved that the men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, ' Deputy City Clerk riven of said hearing and invrta ,recommendation of the Chref of j Nays-None, It August 15 - tivn for bids all in accordance with police and City NIanaget be ap- I Councilman Weltt moved' the " Chapters Z3 and 397 of the 1954 proved, Seconded by Councilman ~ , (official Publication) adoption of the ordinance. Second• Code of Iowa. Welu. Carried b the followin ~ ORDINANCE NO, 48.55 Y g 1 ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by Now Therefore Be It Resolved, vote: ! An Ordinance amendin Ordi• g the following vote: by the City Council of the City of Yeas-Nlayor Kintzinger, Council- nonce No. 33.49 by adding new sec• Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Dubuque, Iowa: men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. tiers 2e and 1•f to Schedule I men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu; 1. That said plans, specifications, Nays-None. ( thereof; and section 59 to Schedule Nays-Node. form of epntraot and estimates of Au ust 10, 1965 i! VI the"reef to provide one w2y traf• g Petition of Clarence' Splinter et, cost of construction ~he laced on To the Honorable Ma or fit on portlons of Elm Street, p Y al, requesting that a street light file with the City Clerk for public and City Council,° Be It Ordained by the City Coun- be installed at the corner of Prim- - inspection and that a public hearing Dubuque; Iowa cil of the .City of Dubuque: rose Street and Berkley Place,. pre- be had thereon In the Council Gentlemen: Section 1~ That Schedule I of Or- sented and read. Councilman Welu Chamber in the City Hall in the ° With the 'surfacing of Elm 5t. ~ dinance No, 33.49 be and the same moved that .the. petition be referred City of Dubuque, Iowa, at 7:30 from 24th 'ta 26th St. considerable ' is hereby amended. by adding two to the City Manager and Electrical 1?.M on the 21st day of September, traffic will use the street on each new sections thereto as follows. Inspector for investigation and re• 1955. side of the railroad tracks. The ! "1•f, On the pmtian of Elm street port, Seconded by Councilman Kolb. 2. That'the City Clerk be 'and he width of this portion of"the street • ~ Carried.. by the following vote: ; lying east' of the railroad tracks is hereby authorized and directed is insufficient fore two way traffic in said street between East 24th Yeas-Maym• Kintzinger•, Council to give notice of said hearing and and the parking of cars, ~ Street and East 26th Street, men Austin; •Kolb; Schueller, Welu. publish invitation for bids for the I recommend that Elm St, from Nays-None, construction of the work in the 24th to 26th St. East of the Rail• ~ 2•e, On the portion of Elm Street lying west of the railroad tracks in Petition of John Bell requesting manner required by law and in par• road' Tracks be one way north ~ said street between East24th Street a refund of $75.00 on' Cigarette L• titular in accordance with the pro• bound and West of tracks south tense No. 201 as he discontinued visions of Section 397,17 of the bound. and East 26th Street, I 1954 Code of Iowa, Also that parking be restricted ~ Section 2, That. Schedule VI of business on August 9, 1955, presenD Passed and °adopted 'this 10th, on the west side of Elm St, from r Ordinance No. 33-49 be and the ed and read, Councilman, Kolb same. is hereb amended b moved that the petition be granted 1955. 24th to 26th Street. ~ y y adding and the City Auditor instructed to CHARLES'A. KINTZINGER Respectfully submitted, anew section thereto as follows: draw a warrant in favor o£ john Mayor L, J, SCIIH,TZ, r "59, On the west side of Elm Be11 in the amount of $75,00 to CLA~RENCE P. WELU City Manager t Street from East 24th Street to cover the amount of the unexpired RAY F. KOLB Councilman Kolb moved that'the East 28th Street" portion of his Cigarette Permit' No. RUBEN V, AUSTIN recommendation of the City Manag• Section 3. This' Ordinance shall 201. Seconded by Councilman Welu; LEO N. SCINELLER er be approved. Seconded by Coun- be in full force and effect from and Carried by the following vats; Councilmen cilman Aastin, Carried by the fal• after its final passage, adoption Yeas-Ma or Kintiin er Council- Attest: J. J.-SHEA, lowing vote: ~ and .publication as provided. men AltstitlyKolb, Schueller, Welu: City Clerk Yeas-Mayan Kintzinger, Council- By William J. O'Brien men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Introduced the 10th .day of Aug• Nays-None. ust, 1955, Petition of John Bell re ue g Deputy City Clerk Nays--None, q stir Councilman. Austin moved the ORDINANCE N0, 48.55 - Rule requiring reading on three a refund of $150.00 on Class "B" adoption of the resolution. Second• An Ordinance amending Ordi. separate days suspended by unani• Beer Permit No, 30 as he discon- ed by Councilman Welu. Carried by nonce A'o, 33.49 by adding. new rnaus vote the 10th day of August, tinned business on August 9, 1855, .the following vets: sections 2e and 1•f to Schedule I 1955, presorted and read;-"Councilman 350 Special Session, August 10, 1955 ~ Special Session, . August 10, 1955 351 ' Kolb moved that the petition be 'Trades and Labor Congress extend- Fassed, adopted and approved Yeas-MayorKintzinger Council- granted. and-the City Auditor in• ing an invitation to the Mayor and this 10th day of August, 1955. men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. strueted to draw a warrantin favor City Council to participate in the CHARLES A. KINTZINGER Nays-None. of John Bell in the amount of annual Labor Day parade, Septem Mayor Petition of Gerald Hoffman et. al, $150.00 tocover theamount of the her 3, 1955, presented and read. GLARENCE P. WELD requesting thaf Chaney. Road be unexpired portion of his Class "B" .Councilman Schueller .moved that RAY F. KOLB curb and guttered fmrn St. Anne's Beer Permit No. 30. Seconded by the invitation be .accepted. Second- RUBEN V. AUSTIN Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, pre- Councilman Schueller, Carried by ' ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by LEO N. SCHUELLER sented and read, Councilman Welu _ the following vote: the following vote: Councilmen moved that a plat and schedule be Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Attest: J. J, SHEA, prepared. Seconded by Councilman men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, City Clerk Kolb, Carried by the following Nays-None, men Austin, Kolb; Schueller, Welu:' f By William J. O'Brien vote; .Nays-None. Deputy°City Clerk Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, CauncIl• Communication of Giles G. Kirk- woad, 845 Itane Street concerning 'Petition bf Dr, John A. Link et. Councilman Welu moved the men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. an error on their assessments for `al, requesting a street light be in• adoption of the resolution. Second- Nays-None. sewer, curb and gutter on Kane .stalled at the .corner of Wllbricht ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by ORDINANCE N0.49.55 Street. They claim that ,there is a ,Lane and Montana Street, present- the following vote: An Ordinance amending Section ' discrepancy in''the County Plat, as ed and read. " Councllman Welu Xeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- 24 of Ordinance Na. 21.55 by re• it shows a frontage of 109 feet. on moved that the petition be referred men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. pealing the same and enacting a ' Kane Street whereas their correct to the City Manager and Electrical Nays-None. substitute. therefore ...reducing„the frontage is only 25 feet, and they Inspector for investigation and re~' ~ RESOLUTION N0. 191.55- fee for watersoftener permits from have paid an assessment on 84 feet Port. Seconded by Councilman Kolb. Whereas, 'heretofore applications $2.00 to $1.00, presented and read. that does not exist, presented and Carried by the following 'vote: for Beer Permits were .filed by the Councilman Welu moved that `the read. Councilman Austin moved Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- within named applicants°and they reading just had be considered the that City Treasurer issue a refund have received. the approval of this first reading of the 'ordinance. Sec• men'Austin Kolb Schueller Welu. Council and onded by Councilman Kolb, Carried upon the advice of the City Manag• I Nays-None. Whereas the premises to be oc- by the following vote: er. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Yeas-Ma or Kintzin er Carried by` the following. vote: Notice of Claim of Kenneth E,; cupied by such applicants have been men AustinyKolb Schueller,oWelu, Strang for damages to his auto re• inspected and found to comply with Yeas-Mayor. Kintzinger, Council- the ordinances of this City and Nays-None. salting.. from a defective manhole men Austin, Kolb, Schueller,. Welu. they have filed proper bands: Now, Councilman. Welu moved that the covering, presented and read, Coun• Therefore, q g g Nays-None, rules re uirrn the readin of an Gilman Austin moved that the no- Be It Resolved by the City Caun• ordinance on three separate days Communication 'of'Loras College lice of claim be referred to the City bil of the Cit be sus ended. Seconded b Co requesting' the issuance of a re• Solicitor for investigation and re• y of Dubuque that the p y uncil• stricted plumber's license to Mr, port. Seconded by Councilman Kolb, Manager be and he is directed to man Kolb. Carried by the following George R. Murphy 'who is super- Carried by the following vote: issue to the following named ap- vote: visor of the plumbing maintenance plicants a Beer Permit. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Yeas-Ma or Kintzin er Couneil• men Austin Kolb Schueller Welu. repair work at Loras College, pre- y g ~ ' CLASS B PERMIT sented and read. Councilman Weln' men Austin, Kolb; Schueller, Welu, ~ John L. Savory and Viola Savory, Nays-None. ' moved that the communication be Nays-None. 827 Dodge Street ORDINANCE N0. 49-55 referred to the City Manager and Edward J. Tracy, 1598 Elm Street An Ordinance amending Section the Plumbing Inspector for inves• RESOLUTION N0, 190.55 i CLASS "C" PERMIT 24 of Ordinance No, 21-55 by re• ligation... and. report. Seconded by Whereas; applications for Beer; Harold 0, Specht, 3003 Asbury pealing the same and enacting a Councllman Schueller.. Carried bypermits have been submitted to this Street substitute therefore. reducing ,the the, following vote:. Be It Further Resolved that.. the fee for watersoftener permits from Council far approval aril the same; bonds filed by such applicants be $2,00 to $1.00. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- have been examined: Now, There- and the same are hereby approved. Be It Ordained by the Crty Coun• men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu: fore, r Passed, adopted and approved Gil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Nays-None. Be It Resolved by the City Coun- ~ this 10th day of August, 1955. Section 1, That Section 24 of Or• Petition of the Auxiliary of Am• Gil of the City of Dubuque that the CHARLES A. KINTZINGER dinance No. 21.55 be and the same vet Past No. 3 requesting permis• .Following applications be granted ' Mayor is hereby repealed and the follow- sion to condact a tag day or poppy and the licenses are to be issued ~ CLARENCE P; WELD ing enacted in lieu thereof: - day August 12th and ..13th, 1955, upon the compliance with the RAY F. KOLB '°Section 24. Permit Fees; There presented and read. Councilman terms of the ordinances of this RUBEN V. AUSTIN shall be charged for the inspection Kolb moved that the ,request be .City. LEO N. SCHUELLER of all plumbing work, either new, granted providing that there pare no CLASS "B" PERMIT Councilmen replaced br reconstructed, a permit conflicting dates. Seconded by Attest; J. J. SHEA, fee as follows; John L, Savor and Viola Sava Councilman Welu Carried by the y City Clerk For the first four fixtures 827 Dodge Street ~ , following vote By William J. OBrien or fixture openings ........'$2,00 ea. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Edward J, Tracy, 1598 Elm Street" " Deputy City Clerk For each additional fixture men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. CLASS "C" PERMIT Councilman Welu moved the or fixture opening 1.00 Nays-None. Harold 0. Specht; 3003 Asbury: adoption of the resolution, Second- Each garage wash rack, set- Communication of Dubu ue Street ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by fling basin, oil separator, q the following vote: blow off basin, sewage 3~2 ~Pecial Session, August 10, 1955 Special Session, August 17, 1955 353 ejector or similar equip Published officially in the Tele- r.•i~ ~ . ~ ~1~ ~ i of constructing works and improve-. went ~h~a11 ~be considered graph ~Jierald Newspaper this 15th ~ ~ ments~ as authorized by Chapter 384' as a fixture, da,y of August, 1955. ~ ~ ~ _ J, J. SHEA, of the Code of Iowa,. 1954, includ- For each bar, soda foun• (OFFICIAL) ing the grading and fllling of lands tain, refrigerator, air City Clerk Special Session, August 17th, under control of the Dock Board of conditioning unit or sim- BY William J, O'Brien 1953, said City there be and. there are filar equipment requiring Deputy City Clerk Council met at 4:30 P.M. hereby authorized to be issued. the indirect connections ~to It August 15 Present - Mayor Kintzinger, negotiable interest bearing bonds of the sewer, each opening Councilman Welu moved the Councilmen Austin, Kolb,. Schuel• said City of Dubuque in the princi- shall be considered as a adoption of the ordinance. Second- ler, Welu. City Manager Schiltz. pal .amount of $2,000,000'; each of fixture, and the fee for ed by Councilman Kolb, Carried by Mayor Kintzinger read the call which shall be designated as a each such waste open- the following vote: ~ and stated that service thereof had ''Dock Bond", dated August 1, 1955;. ing shall be 1,00 Yeas-Mayor.Kintzinger, Council- been duly made and that this meet- of the denomination of $1000, bear- men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, ing is called far the purpose of act- ing interest at the rate of two and For each domestic hot wa• Nays-None. ing on a resolution approving the one-eighth per cent (2r]s%) per an• ter storage tank or range Communication of Clarke College form of bond to be used for the num, payable June 1, 1956; and boiler 1,00 requesting the Council to change $2;000,000 Dock Bonds of the City semiannually thereafter on the first. For each domestic hot way the name of Seminary Street to of Dubuque and. acting on such busi• day of December and June of each ter storage tank or range Clarke Drive, presented and read, ness as may properly come before a year from the date of said bonds boiler Including furnace Councilman Welu moved that pe• regular meeting of the City Coun• until the principal is paid, except coils and electric heating tition be referred to the City Solici- cll. as the provisions hereinafter set apparatus 1.00 for to prepare proper proceedings. ~ RESOLUTION NO. 192.55 forth with respect to .redemption. For each water softener, or Seconded by Councilman Schueller. A RESOLUTION providing far the prior to maturity may be and be• similar device .connected Carried by the following vote:. issuance of $2,000,000 Dock bonds come applicable. Said bonds shall to the water supply 1,00 Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, .Council- of the City of pubuque, Iowa, and be numbered consecutively from 1 men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. providing for the payment of the to 2,000, inclusive, and' shall mature For the reinspection.of anY Nays-None, principal and interest of said in numerical order $90,000 on De• work found defective or William Maas addressed the cemher 1 of each of the years 1956 installed contrary to the bonds` re uirement Council to determine if Lynn Street Whereas, pursuant to a petition to 1961,. inclusive; $104,000 on De• q s governing was vacated from 16th Street to heretofore filed with this City Coun- cemher 1 of each of the years 1962 one installationof plumb- 14th Street. ciI by the Dock Board of the City to- 1971, inclusive, $105,000 on De• g 5.00 of Dubuque, Iowa, and the special cemher 1 of each of the years 1972 There being no further business to 1974 inclusive .and 1 All such fees shall be paid to Councilman Kolb moved to adjourn, election duly called and held in $ 05,000 on the City Treasurer who shall issue 'Seconded by Councilman Welu. Car• and for said City on April 6, 1955, June 1, 1975; provided, however, his receipt therefor, and such re- reed by the following vote; this City Council acting for and that bonds numbered 1061. to 2000 ceipt shall ,be presented to the on behalf of said City of Dubuque, inclusive, as may be outstanding City Plumbing inspector before any Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Iowa, has been authorized to issue from time to time shall be re• permit is issued to an men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. ~ deetnable b said Ci rior y person ap• the Dock Bonds of -said City in the Y ty p to ma• Nays-None, turit u on terms of ar and ac- plying therefor," f aggregate principal amount of y p p Section 2, This Ordinance shall J, J. SHEA, I $2,000,000 for the purpose of can- trued interest in whole, or from be in fullforce and effect from and City Clerk j strutting works and improvements time to time in part in the inverse after its final passage, adoption BY William J. 0"Brien as authorized by Chapter 384 of the 'order of their numbering on any and publication as by law provided. Deputy City Clerk Code of Iowa, 1954, including the interest payment. date on or after ~ grading and filling of lands under December 1, 1966. Notice of any Introduced the 10th day of Aug• Approved ....:1955, the control of said Dock Board and such redemption. identifying the ust, 1955. Adopted 1955, no petition or objections have been bond or bonds to be redeemed shall Rule requiring reading on three filed or made protesting the issu• be published at least once not less separate days suspended by unani• ~ than thirty days prior to the re• ante of said bonds ursuant to no p moue vote the 10th day of August, ,I Eice of the proposed action for such demption date in a newspaper of 1955.. issuance; and general circulation throughout the Councilmen ' Whereas, none of said bonds au• State of Iowa. All such bonds as Passed, adopted and approved to which said Cit reserves and ex• this 10th day of August, 1955• E, 8horized as-aforesaid has been is- y sued and it is deemed advisable at ! ercisos the right of redemption CH ARLES 'Mayor ~ this time Co adopt this resolution or the i A. KINTZINGER Attest; I to rovide for the issuance of said. shall thavehbeentgiven, and fresaid RENCE P. WELD Cit Clerk p retirement of which funds are duly RAY F. KOLB Y bonds and for the levy of taxes to RUBEN V. AUS~'IN pay the interest thereon as the .provided, will cease to bear inter- same will become due and. to create est on the redemption date. LEO N,SCHUELLER Councilman a sinking fund. to pay the principal Section 2, That .interest on said Attest: J, J, SHEA, at or before maturity; bonds to the date of maturity of the City Clerk Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by principal shall be evidenced by By WilliarnJ,.O'Brien the City Council of the City of proper interest coupons attached to Deputy City :Clerk Dubuque, Iowa,: as follows: each hand and maturing on the Section L That for the purpose dates herein provided; both princi- j i 354 Special. Session, August 17, 1955` Special Session; August 17; 1955. 355 pal of said bonds and the interest is~ paid except as the provisions form and time as required by law; -0n the hack of each bond there thereon hall be payable in lawful hereinafter set. forth .with respect.: that the indebtedness of said City, shall also be endorsed a certificate money of the .United States of to redemption prior to maturity including this bond, does not ex• by the.. City Treasurer evidencing America, at the office of the City may be and become applicable here- geed any constitutional or statutory the registration of the issuance of Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, to. All such interest as may accrue limitation; that for the prompt pay- the bonds in substantially ,the. fol• Iowa; that said bonds have the seal on this bond prior to maturity to ' ment of the interest on this bond lowing farm: of said City affixed thereto and be be payable upon presentation and as the same becomes due and for The issuance of this bond has signed by the Mayor and attested surrender of Cho interest coupons the payment of the principal at or been duly and properly registered - by the Deputy City Clerk of said hereto attached as they severally ~ before maturity, the full faith and in my office, City; and that the coupons attached become due; both principal hereof; credit of-said City are hereby irre• . to said bonds shall be signed and and interest hereon .are .hereby I vocably pledged; and that legal and City Treasurer, Dubuque, Iowa attested by said officials by their made payable in lawful money of sufficient provision has been made On the back of each bond provi- respective facsimile signatures and the .United States of America at for the levy of-taxes on all of the sion shall also be made for regis- safd officials by the execution of the office of the City Treasurer. taxable property in said City for tration of ownership in the follow- said bonds shall adopt as and for in and of the City of Dubuque,. the payment of the principal here- ing form; their awn proper signatures their Iowa. of and interest hereon ~as the same Date of Name of signature res ective facsimile signatures a • This bond is one of a series of will respectively become due. Registration Registered of City.. p p gwner Treasurer gearing on said coupons, bonds issued by said City for the: This bond is 'subject to registra• ~ • • Section 3, That said bonds hereby purpose of constructing works and. lion as to principal in the name of ' ° ° ° authorized shall be subject to reg• improvements as authorized by the holder u on the books of the " ° istration as to rinci a1 in the name Cha ter 384 of the Code of Iowa, P .Section 5. That said bonds be p p p ~ City Treasurer of said City, such executed as herein provided as soon of the holder on the books of the 1954, .including .the grading and ~ registration to be noted hereon by as after the adoption of this reso- City Treasurer, such registration to filling of lands under the control. said Treasurer, after which no lution as may be and thereupon be evidenced by notation upon the of the Dock Board of said. City, in ~ transfer"hereof; except upon such shall be delivered to the Treasurer back of such bonds sa registered, conformity with a resolution duly books .and similarly noted hereon, of said City, who shall register the No•bond so registered shall be sub- passed and approved by the City ~ shall be valid unless the last regis• fact of the issuance of same in the jest to transfer except upon such Council, and the issuance of .said tration shall have. negotiability of book rovided for that ur ase' and P P P bonds has been a raved t au o hereto attached which similarl noted on the series of pp he c ns e , books and y ( P shall deliver said bonds to the pure back of the bond sa registered, un• by the requisite vote at an elec• shall continue negotiable by deliv chaser thereof upon receipt of the less the last registration shall have. lion duly called, noticed and held erg merely notwithstanding regis- purchase price, namely par and ac- been to bearer, Such registration in and for said. City.., tration. hereof. trued interest plus a premium of of any said bonds: shall not, how- Said City reserves the right and In .Witness Whereof, the said City $981.80 and' all action heretofore ever, affect the. negotiability of the option to call and redeem bonds of ~ of Dubuque, by its City Council, taken in connection with' the sale coupons attached to said bonds, but this issue numbered 1061 to 2000, has caused its corporate seal to be of said bonds is hereby ratified and such coupons shall continue trans- inclusive, as may be outstanding i hereunto affixed, and this bond to confirmed in all respects, ferable by delivery merely. _ from time to time prior to maturity. be signed by its Mayor and attested Section 6. That as required by .'Section 4, That said bonds and upon terms of p'ar and accrued in• by its Deputy City Clerk, and the law, including Chapter 76 of the • the interest coupons. to be thereto terest in whole or in part in thee: coupons hereto attached to be Code of Iowa, 1954, and for the pur• attached shall be in substantially inverse order of their numbering ~ signed and attested by said offi- pose of providing for the levy and the following forme on any interest payment dato otr cials by their respective facsimile collection of a direct annual tax (Form of Bond) or after December 1, 1966. Notice signatures, and said officials, by sufficient' to pay the interest on UN~rrr;il STATES OF AME1t~ICA of the exercise of such right of re• ( the execution hereof, do adopt as said bonds as it falls';due and also STATE OF IOWA demption identifying the bond or and for their own proper signatures to pay and discharge the principal COUNTY OF DUBUQUE bonds to be redeemed will be given their respective facsimile signatures thereof at maturity, there be and CITY OF DUBUQUE by publication at least once not appearing on said coupons, all as of there is hereby levied upon all of ay of Aagust 1956. the taxable ro ert No DOCK BOND $1000 gedemptionhdate m anews a ertof the first eat bile`said bonds ~ • a io thro bout the f d ~ Ma for ~ h of the years w ih said City in Know All Men By These Presents. eneral encul n ug Y or any of them ate outstanding, a That the City of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa and,all such bonds as f Attest, tax sufficient for that purpose, and County 'of Dubuque and State of to which said City reserves and ex• Deputy City Clerk in furtherance of this provision, but Iowa, hereby acknowledges itself to ercises such right of redemption (Farm of Coupon) not in ]imitation thereof, there be owe and for value received hereby and as to which notice. as aforesaid No, . $ and there is hereby levied on all promises to pay to bearer, or if shall have been given and for the On the first day of the taxable property in said :City this hand be registered, then to the retirement of which funds are duly 195...., the City' of Dubuque, Iowa, the following direct annual tax, to• registered holder hereof, the sum Provided will cease to bear interest will pay to bearer .Dollars wit; of One Thousand Dollars ($1000) on on the redemption date. at the office of the ,Year of levy Amount the°first day of December; 19...:....; It is hereby. certified and recited City Treasurer, Dubuque; Iowa, for 1955 $146,670 together with interest on said sum that all acts, conditions and things.. interest duo that day on its Dock 1956 130,588 at the rate of two and'one•eighth required.. by the Constitution.. and. Bond dated August 1; 1955, No, 1957 _ 128,675 per cent: (2~/s%) per annum, from laws of the State of Iowa to exist, 1958 126,763 date hereof payable June 1, 1956; Co be bad or, to be -done precedent 1959 124,850 Mayor 1960 122,938 firs d ysaof December anndral surm and xderformedhanpeneudlabeennadodnee F Attest, ~ °Deputy CityClerk 1962 ~ 132,815 each year until safd p p P g 356 Special Session, August 17, 1955 Special Session, August 17, 1955 357 1963 130,605 to such current funds in the sums. Passed, adopted and approved I RESOLUTION N0. 195.55 1964 128;395 thus advanced when the taxes here- this 17th day ,of August, 1955. Whereas, heretofore applications 1965 128,185 in provided shall have been collect- CHARLES A. KINTZINGER for Beer Permits were filed by the 1966 126,975 ed. Mayor within named applicants and they 1967 125,765 Section 7. That ali other resolu- CLARENCE P, WELU have received the approval of this ~ 1968 124,555 lions or parts thereof insofar as E RAY F, KOLB Ceuncil; and 1969' 123,345 may be in. conflict herewith be and ~ RUBEN V. AUSTIN Whereas, the premises to be oc- 1970 ' 122;135 the same are hereby repealed. LEO N, SCHUELLER cupied by such applicants have been 1971 121,925 passed and approved August 17, Councilmen inspected and found to oomply with 1972 120,1;94 1955 the ordinances of this City and they 1973 119,463 CHARLES A, KINTZINC~ER Attest: J: J. SHEA, have filed proper bonds: Now, 1974 106,132 City Cleric Mayor Therefore, ~ All action heretofore taken far CLARENCE ~P. WELU By William J, O'Brien Be It Resolvod by fhe Clty Coun- the levy of the taxes hereinbefore RAY F. KOLB Deputy City Clerk cil of the City of Dubuque that the provided to be levied in the year RIPBEN V. AUSTIN Councilman Kolb moved the !Manager be and he is dfrected to 1955 for' collection in 1956 is here- LEO N. SCHUELLER adoption of the resolution, Second- (issue to the following named appli• by ratified and confirmed in all re• Councilmen spects. Attest: William J, O'Bri'en ~ ed by Councilman Schueller, Car• cants a Beer Permit. De of y Tied by the following vote: CLASS "8" PERMIT A certified copy of .this resolution p Y Cit Clerk shall be filed with the County Audi• Recorded August 17, 1955 Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Andrew Blume, 1097 Jackson :Street for of Dubuque County and said. WILLIAM J, O'BRTEN men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Thomas F. McDonough, 1064 Uni• Auditor shall be and he i h r Deputy City Clerk Na s-None, versity Avenue s e eb Y Y instructed in and for each of the Councilman Welu moved the Be It Further Resolved that the years 1955 to 1974,. inclusive, to en• .adoption of the i°esolntion. Second- ~ RESOLUTION N0. 194.55 bonds filed by such applicants be ter for collection and assess the tax ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by Whereas, applications for Beer and the same are hereby approved, hereby authorized. When annually. the following vote; Permits have been submitted to passed, adopted and approved entering said taxes for collection, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- this Counal for approval and the -this 17th -day erf August, 1955, ~ the County Auditor shall include men Austin, Kolb, Schueller; Welu, same have been examined: Now, ' CHARLES A. KINTZIIVGER the same as part of the tax levy Nays-None, Therefore, 1llayor for debt service fund purposes of Petition of Harry J. Murphy and. Be It Resolved by the City Coun• CLARENCE P. WELU said City, and when collected, the ..Dorothy Murphy requesting a re• cil of the City of Dubuque that the RAY F. KOLB proceeds of said taxes shall be con- fund of $75,00 on their Cigarette. ~ following applications be granted RUBEN V. AUSTIN vexted into the debt service fund of License No. 150 as they have dis• and the licenses are to be issued LEO N. SCHUELLER said City and set aside therein as 'continued. business on Au ust f g upon the compliance with the terms Councilmen a special account to be used solely 1955,. presented and read. Council- of the ordinances of this City. and only for the payment of prin- man Kolb moved that the request. Attest: J. J. SHEA, cipal and interest of the bonds here- be granted and the City Auditor CLASS "B" PERMIT City Clerk by authorized and for no other pur• instructed to draw a warrant in By William J, O'Brien pose whatsoever; provide, however, the amount of $75.00 in favor of Andrew Blume, 1097 Jackson Street De ut Cft Clork Thomas F. McDonough, 1064 Uni- p Y Y that whenever a sufficient amount ' Haimy J. and Dorothy Murphy to ver°sity Avenue Councilman Kolb moved the of bonds hereby authorized have cover the amount of the unexpired ° ! ~ adoption of the resolution. Second• been retired pursuant to the right poa°tion of .Cigarette. License No. Passed, adopted and approved i ed by Councilman. Schueller. Car• of redemption as hereinbefore pro- 150. Seconded by .Councilman this 17th day of August, 1955, ried by the'following vote; vided, or otherwise, that the Schueller. Carried by the following CHARLES A, I{INTZllVGER ~ Yeas-Mayor Kfntzinger, Council- amount realized through the fore- vote: Mayor 'men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. going provisions for the levy of Yeas--NIayor Kintzinger, Council- 7 taxes. and then an hand is sufficient men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. CLARENCE P. WELU i Nays-None, to retire all of the remainin bonds Na s-None. RAY F. KOLB g Y August 9, 1955 at the time outstanding and to pay RESOLUTION N0.193.55 RUBEN V, AUSTIN To the Honorablo Ma or and all interest to accrue thereon to Ee It Resolved b the Cit Coun• LEO N, SCHUELLER Y the date of such retirement then Y Y Councilmen Nlernbers of the City Council cil of the City of Dubuque that the City of Dubuque, Iowa the assessment and collection of following, having complied with the Attest: J, J, SHEA, any further taxes. as hereinbefore provisions of law relating to the City Clerk Gentlemen; provided shall be abated-and appro• sale of cigarettes within the 'Cit B William J, O Brren In' accor.,dance with the rovisions Y p priate notice of such abatement of Dubuque, be granted a permit to Deputy City Clerk' of the Code of 'Iowa, T954, Che Civil shall be filed with the County Audi- sell cigarettes and. cigarette papers. Service Commission conducted wrt- tor, within said City and. the Manager is Councilman Kolb moved the ;ten- examination for those seeking That the. principal or interest directed to issue such permit on be- adoption of the resolution, Second- the position of Assistant Engineer coming due at any time when there half of said City. ed by Councilman Schueller. Car• at the Water Pumping Station. This are insufficient funds on hand to Andrew Blume, 1097 Jackson Street ried by the following vote: examination was held .August 9, pay the same be promptly paid Be It Further Resolved that the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- 1955„ when due from current funds on band. filed with the application be men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, The following is a list of those ' hand, and reimbursement be made approved, Nays-None, who passed the written examina• , , 3~8 Special Session, August 17, 1955 r Regular Session, 5eptember6, 1955 g ar Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ~ F ~ _ ing example for'all persons in pub- lion with an avera a of 70% better. men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. ~ ` E lic office, William A, Kenyon :................83.1% Nays-None- Passed, adopted and approved George W, Bogarth ............79.1% J. J, SHEA CHARLES eptember, 1955• iOFFICIAL) this 6th day of S A, KINTZINGER William A: Fransen ...78.75% City Clerk Norbert G• Siegworth ..,....:.75% By William J. O'Brien Regular Session, September 6, Mayor Elmer L, Tschiggfrie De ut Citi Clerk RAY ENCE P. WELU ..71.25% 1955 Respectfully submitted p....y. ,,,x,,,1955• Council met at 7,30 P:M, ~F, KOLB Approved LEO N. SCH1TFflf,1i•R. JOSEPH A. CAREW Present--Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• Chairman Adopted ........1955• cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu, City C, E• DOVE LOUIS J• LAGEN ~ Manager Schiltz. Councilmen g E. B. LYONS -Mayor Kintzin er stated that phis Attest: LEO F• FROMMELT M Commiss onl Service ` ` _ the hCity gCounclo f hly meeting of ~Cfty Clerk ` Councilmen or the purpose Councilman Kolh moved the adoption of the resolution. Second, Attest: J• J• SHEA, ~ of acting on such business as may ed b Councilman Schueller, Car, Clerk ~ roperly come before the meeting- Y p Councilman Welu moved that the ried by the following vote: By William J, O'Brien ~ Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger Council• on of Councilman Austin Deputy , ~ res)gnati Attest: be accepted. Seconded by Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, ...Subscribed: and sworn to before City Clerk man Zi<olb• Carried by the following Nays-None, me, a Notary Public this -16th day vote; Councilman Welu moved that of August, 1955. Yeas-~Mayar Kintzinger, Council- Leo F. Frommelt be appointed City MAE A. MOORE ~ men Kolb, Schueller, Welu• Clerk. Seconded by Councilman Notary Public.. ( Nays-None. Schueller. Carried by the following Councilman Kolb moved that the 4 Councilman Welu moved that Mr. vote:. report be received and made a mat- ~ C. E. Dove be appointed as Councll- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ter of record. 5econded•by Council- F man to fill the vacancy an the City men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, ~Velu• man Austin. Carried by the follow- Council caused by the resignation Nays-•-None. ing vote: of Councilman Ruben V. Austin', 'Mayor Kintzinger swore into of• Seconded ' by Councilman Kolb. fice Mr, Leo F. Frommelt, the newly Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- appointed City Clerk, who took his men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Carried 'by the following vote; ' place at the Council table, Nays-None. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. ~Proaf of publication, certified to Councilman Kolb.. moved the Nays-None, by the publisher of a statement of suspension of rules to allow any- ~ Mayor Kintzinger' swore into of- receipts and also a list of claims one in the Councll Chamber to fice Mr. C• E• 'Dove, the newly ap• for which warrants Y're dra~e address the Council if they so de• during the month of Jul 1955, p - sire. Seconded by Councilman Welu, pointed Councilman, who took his sented and read. Councilman Kalb Carried by the following vote: seat at the Council table, moved that the proof of publica• Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- RESOLUTION NA. 196.55 tion be received and filed, Second, ' men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, 'Whereas, J. J. SHEA, has since ed by Councilman Schueller, Car- Nays-None. February 1932, continuously served ried by the follpwing vote: s the City of Dubuque as a Faithful, Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Mr, Eugene Willis addressed the men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu• City Council on behalf of his diligent and conscientious City Nays-None, cliehts, Margaret A• Callahan and Clerk; and, Proof of publication certified to Mr, John Giellis, requesting that Whereas, because of ill 'health, the alle between Hedley Court and it has become impossible for him by the publisher of notice to pr~p~ Y to perform the duties of that of- erty owners of the construction of Buena Vlsta Street be opened for ~ a cast iron water main in Alpha the convenience of his clients. He fice any longer; Avenue from the North Property was advised by the Council to have Now Therefore Be It Resolved. by Line of Ridgeway Avenue to the his clients submit a petition , in the City Council of the City of Du• South Property Line of Indiana Ave- writing. Councilman Schueller buque: nue. Born Avenue- from the South moved that the City Council view That J• J. Shea, be and he is property Line of Indiana Avenue the grounds, Seconded by Council- hereby relieved o£ the office of City to the South Property Line of man Welu• ..Carried by the follow- Clerk of the City of Dubuque, and, Ridgeway Avenue. Fairfax Avenue .ing 'vote; That the Mayor be and he is here- from the North Property Line of by direoted to convey the deep re- - Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- gret of bhe City Council at the loss ~t 487, Lenox Addition to the men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu• of the services of J. J, Shea, who North Property Line of Lenox Ave• ..Nays-None. nue• Marmora Avenue from the East There bein no further business through his many years in the sere pro ert Line of Wisconsin Avenue g ice of his friends and fellow eiti• p Y Councilman I{olb moved to adjourn, zees of theCity of Dubuque has by to'the East Property Line of Fairfax Seconded by Councilman Welu. Car- his zealous, careful and honest per- Avenue- Missouri Avenue from the riAd'liy the following vote; ` formance of his duties, set ashin- South ~Praperty Line of Lenox