1955 September Council Proceedings I;: 3~8 Special Ses"sion, August 17, 1955 ~ Regular Session, September 6, 1955 359 lion with an average of 70% or "Yeas- better, Mayor Kintzinger, Councll• ` ~ f~ E 1 ~ ~ ~ ing example for all persons in pub- men Austrn William A. Kenyon Y ~ ,Kolb, Schueller, Welu. lic office, ........83.1% Na s-None, George W. Bogarth ~ ~ °=y'.',1:::.. t1= Passed, adopted and approved ....79,1% J. J, SHEA, William A: Fransen .....::..:..78,75% this 6th day of September, 1955. Norbert G, Siegworth .........,..75% City Clerk (OFFICIAL) A, KINTZINGER CHARLES Elmer L, Tschiggfrie ,,........71.25% By William J, O'Brien ~ Regular Session, September 6, Mayor Respectfully submitted DeAutY City Clerk 1955. CLARENCE P, WELU JOSEPH A, CAREW ~ Approved t Council met at 7:30 P,M, RAY F. KOLB Chairman Adopted 1955, LEO N. SCHUET1f.FR .........:1955. ~ Present--Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• C, E. DOVE LOUIS J. LAGEN cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu, City Councilmen E. B, LYONS i Manager Sehiltz, Attest: LEO F, FROMMELT Members, Civil Service . Mayor Kintzinger stated that phis City Clerk Commission Councilmen , is the regular monthly meeting of Councilman Kolb moved the Attest: J. J. SHEA, the City Council for the purpose adoption of the resolution. Second• Clerk of acting on such business as may ed by Councilman Schueller. Car• By William J. O'Brien properly come before the meeting. ried by the following vote: Deputy Councilman Welu moved that the yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Subscribed. and sworn to before Attest: resignation of Councilman Austin men Dove, Kolb Schueller Welu, me, a Notary Public this -16th day City Clerk ~ be accepted, Seconded by Council Nays=None, of August, 1955, rnan Itol'b. Carried b the following Councilman Welu moved that MAE A. MOORS ~ vale: Leo F. Frommelt be appointed City Notary Public.. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Clerk, Seconded by Coancihnan men Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Schueller, Carried by the fallowing Councilman Kolb moved that the Nays-None. vote: report be received and made a mat- ~ Councilman Welu moved that Mr. yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• ` ter of record. Seconded•by Council- C. E. Dove be appointed as Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, man Austin, Carried by the follow- man to fill the vacancy on the City Nays-None. ing vote: I Council caused by the resignation Mayor Kintzinger swore into of• Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ~ of Councilman Ruben V. Austini fice Mr, Leo F. Frommelt, the newly men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Seconded by Councilman Kolb' appointed City Clerk, who took his Nays-None. Carried 'by the following vice: place at the Council table. Councilman Kolb.. moved the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, ouncil• ;proof of publication, certified to suspension of rules to allow any- men Kolb, Schueller, Welu,, by the publisher of a statement of one in the Council. Chamber to Nays-None, receipts and also a list of claims address the Council if they so de• ~ Mayor Kintzinger' swore into bf• for which warrants were drawn sire. Seconded by Councilman Welu, fice Mr, C, E, Dove, the newly ap- during the month of July, 1955, pre• Carried by the following vote: f pointed Councilman, who took his sented and read, Councilman Kolb Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- 1 seat a~t the Council table. moved that the proof of publica• men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. ~ RESOLUYiON N0. 196.55 lion be received and filed. Second• Nuys-None, Whereas, J, J. SHEA, has since ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- Mr. Eugene Willis addressed the February 1932, continuously served ried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• City. Council an behalf of his the City of Dubuque as a faithful, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. clients, Margaret A, Callahan and diligent and conscientious City Nays-None, Mr, John Giellis, requesting that Clerk; and, Proof of publication, certified to the alley between Hedley Court and 11 Whereas, because of ill heal#h, b ~e ublisher of notice to prop• Buena Vista Street be opened for it has become impossible for him erty owners of the construction of the convenience of his clients, He ~ f to perform the duties of that of• a cast iron water main in Alpha was advised by the Council to have fice any longer; Avenue from fhe North Property his clients submit a petition. in Now Therefore Be It Resolved by Line of Ridgeway Avenue to the writing, Councilman Schueller ~ the City Council of the City of Du• South Property Line of Indiana Ave• moved that the City Council view buque: nue. Born Avenue from the South tho grounds. Seconded by Councll. That J, J. Shea, be and he ~ property Line of Indiana Avenue man Welu. Carried by the follow- hereby relieved of the office of City to the' South Property Line of ing vote; Clerk of the City of Dubuque,. and, That the Mayor be and he is here- Ridgeway Avenue, Fairfax Avenue Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- from the North Property Line of men Austin Kol the doe re- b Sc to conve p hu t d e roc e lle dr Y rW ~ b Nays-rNone; ~ elu, y Lot 487, Lenox Addition to the gret of the City Council at the loss North Propert Line of Lenox Ave• There being' na further business of the services of J: J, Shea, who nue, Marmora Avenue from the East Councilman I{olb moved to adjourn. ! through his many years in hhe sere pro ert Line of Wisconsin Avenue Seconded by Councilman Welu, Car• ice of his friends and fellow ci~ti• to'the East Property Line of Fairfax ried bq the following vote; zoos of the City of Dubuque has by his zealous, careful and honest per- Avenue, Missouri Avenue from the formance of his duties, set a shin. South Property Line of Zenox z` 360 Regular Session; September 6, 1955 } Regular Session, September 6, 1955 361 Avenue to the South Property Line showing, among other things, the Approved on first reading this 1st vania Avenue to the West Property of Ridgeway Avenue. Ridgeway Ave- following; day of August, 1955, Line of Marmora Avenue; and,.. rue from the West Property Line CHARLES A. KINTZINGER Whereas the City.: Engineer has of Barn Avenue to the East Prop- a. An estimated total cost of the Mayor submitted and filed with the City erty Line of Alpha Avenue. Wiscon- work, , GLA'RENCE P. WELU Clerk detailed plans and specifica- sin Avenue from the South Proper- b. The amount proposed to be as- ( RAY F, KOLB tions, form of contract and notice ty Line of Pennsylvania Avenue to sessed against each lot for the im- RUBEN V. AUSTIN to bidders for said improvement; the West Property Line of Marmara provement for the construction of ~ LEO N. SCIiUELLER Now Therefore, Be It Resolved Avenue,-presented and read, No (description of improvement) the 'Councilmen that said plans, specifications, form written objections and no objectors 1955 Water Main Project No. 1. ! Attest: J, J. SIiEA, of contract, and notice to bidders present in the 'Council Chamber at Be It Therefore Resolved by the ( City Clerk are hereby approved, and that the the time set for public hearing. City Council of the City of Dubuque, By William J. O'Brien City Clerk is hereby authorized and Councilman Kalb moved that the Iowa:: 1 Deputy City Clerk directed to publish said notice tiff proof of publication be received All objections are hereby over- bidders, in the manner provided and flled.'Seconded by Councilman 1, That the City Council deems'it ruled. a-nd the foregoing resolution by law, once each week for two Welu, Carried by the following vote; advisable and necessary for bhe passed, adopted and approved as consecutive weeks, the first of Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger,, Council- public welfare to make said im- proposed, this 6th day of Septem- which publications shall be not less men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. provement. ber, 1955. than twelve (12) days before the Nays-None. 2, Said improvement shall be con- CHARLES A. KINTZINGER date set in said notice for receiv- RESOLUTION N0. 186.55 structed and done in accordance Mayor ing bids and that each .bid shall Resolution of necessity for con- with said plans and specifications CLARENCE P. WELU be accompanied by a certified check struction of (Short Title) the 1955 and. portion of the total cost of 11 RAY F. KOLB on an Iowa bank for not less than Water. Main Project No, i also set- making said improvement shall be 1 LEO N. SCHUELLER $1700,00. assessed against all privately owned j C• E, DOVE Posed, adopted and approved this ting time and place of hearing and property lying within the assess- 1 Councilmen 6th day of September 1955, prescribing notice for (Short Title) ment district shown on such plat ~ Attest: Leo F. Fromrnelt CHARLES A. KINTZINGER the 1955 Water Main Project No. 1, in an .amount not to exceed the City Clerk Mayor Consisting of a cast iron water amount provided by law and in pro- ) RESOLUTION N0. 20855 CLARENCE P. WELU main in: portion to the special benefits can- ~ Alpha Avenue from the North ferred thereby and -the remainder Resolution Approving Detailed RAY F. KOLB Property Line of Ridgeway Avenue of the total .cost shall be paid out Plans, Specifications, Form of Con• LEO N, SCHUE'LLER to the South Property Line of In- of the Water Works General fund. tract and Notice to Bidders, and C. E, DOVE - liana Avenue. Directing Advertisement to Bidders. Councilmen ~ Born Avenue from the South 3. Bonds shall be issued and sold Whereas the City Council of the Attest; Leo F. Frommelt Property Line of Indiana Avenue to in anticipation of deferred pay- City of Dubuque, Iowa has hereto- City Clerk the South Property Line of Ridge- ments of assessments when aeon- ' fore adopted Resolution No. 186.55 August 17th, 1955 ~ tract has been performed and as being a Resolution of Necessity for To the Honorable Mayor way Avenue, cepted :and ...the proceeds thereof the construction of a cast iron and City Council, Fairfax Avenue from the North used to pay the contractor, water main: Dubuque, Iowa Property Line'of Lot 487 Lenox Addition to the North Property 4. On the 6th day.. of September, Alpha Avenue from the. North Gentlemen: Line of Lenox Avenue, 1955 at 7:30 p.m., the City Council Property Line of Ridgeway Avenue This is to advise that I have ap. Marmora Avenue from the East will meet in the City Council chain € to the South Property Line of In- proved the following bonds. and Property Line of Wisconsin Avenue bees in the City Hall, in the City ~ liana Avenue, policy and desire to have your.. ap• to the East Property Line of Fair- of Dubuque, Iowa and hear proper- Born Avenue #rom the South proval on same for flling, subject fax Avenue, ty owners subject to the assess. Property Line of Indiana Avenue to the approval of the City Solici- ment and interested parties. for ~ to the South Property Line of tor; Missouri Avenue from the South and against the improvement, its Ridgeway Avenue. HEATING CONTRACTOR'S BOND Property Line of Lenox Avenue to cost the assessment thereof or the Fairfax Avenue from the North the South Property Line of Ridge- boundaries of the district. ~ Property. Line of Lot 487, Lenox Fred Schonethal (Wean Heating way Avenue. Addition to the North Property ;Sales) Maryland Casualty Coin- - Ridgeway Avenue from the West 5, The Gity Clerk is hereby au- Line of Lenox Avenue, pant Property Line of Born Avenue to thorized and directed to cause pub- Marmora Avenue from the East Holland Furnace Company,' Ohio the East Property Line of Alpha lic notice of the date, time and Property Line of Wisconsin Avenue Casualty Insurance Company Avenue. place of hearing to be given by to the East Property Line of Fairfax Respectfully submitted, ` Wisconsin Avenue from the South publication once each week for two Avenue. L. J, SCHILTZ, - Property. Line of Pennsylvania Ave- consecutive weeks the first. of Missouri Avenue from the South City Manager rue to the West Property Line of which publications shall be not less Property Line of Lenox Avenue to LJSao Marmora Avenue. than fifteen nor more than twenty the South Property Line of Ridge- Councilman Kolb moved That the five days prior to said hearing and way Avenue. bonds be approved and made a mat• Whereas, .proposed plans and by mailing a copy of said notice by Ridgeway Avenue from the West. ter of record. Seconded by Council- specifications, plat and schedule ordinary mail to the owners of said ' Property Line of Born Avenue to man Schueller. Carried by the fol- have been duly prepared and ap- property. to be assessed, as shown the East Property Line of Alpha lowing vote: proved by the City Council of the b the record i Y s n the office of the Avenue. Yaas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- City of Dubuque and are now on County Auditor not less than fif- Wisconsin Avenue from the cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. file in the office of the City Clerk ,teen days prior to said hearing, South. Property. Line of Pennsyl- Nays-None. I, 362 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 363 August 15, 1955 September 1, 1955 Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Seconded by Councilman Welu. To the Honorable Mayor To the Honorable Mayor ~ men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Carried by the following vote: and City Council, and City Council, Nays--None. Yeas-Mayor I{intzinger, Council• Dubuque, Iowa Dubuque, Iowa September 1, 1965 men Dove, Kalb, Schueller, Welu. Gentlemen; Gentlemen: To the Honorable Mayor Nays-None. The petition of Dr. John A. Link ~ and City Council, September 1, 1955 The Communication of Arthur J. requesting the installation of a Dubuque, Iowa To the Honorable Mayor Miller submitting an offer of street light at the intersection of ~ Gentlemen: and City Council, $100.00 far Lat 74 Mechanics Addi- Virilbrecht Lane and Montana Street The petition of Margaret A. Cal- tion owned by the City of Dubuque, was referred to the City Manager lahan and John W. Giellis request- Dubuque, Iowa was referred to the Cit Council ing the opening of an alley run- Gentlemen; Y for investigation and report The letters of Mr. Erdwig Schenk to view the grounds. ning north from Lowther to Strauss , The Council a on viewin the Wilbrecht Lane, up to the pre- Streets between Buena Vista Street and Harry 0 Connell requesting P g sent time, has been a private lane ~ permission of the City Council to grounds decided bhat if the valua- and just recently the City has been and Hedley Court, was referred to leave theirtelevision towers on tion of this property was in line deeded property to widen Wilbrecht ~ the City Council to view grounds. city property to the rear of their with the offered price, they would Lane to a 40 foot width thereby The decision of bhe Council upon homes were referred to the City approve the sale, making it acceptable as a city ~ viewing the grounds was that the Council to view the grounds. Upon investigation as to fhe valu• street. The property was deeded to proper grade be determined to see The decision of the City Council anon, it was. determined that a the City for street purposes. ~ if damages could be sustained by was that in view of the fact bhat $100.00 is a reasonable price. Because this street will be used any adjoining property and to then ,bhese towers have been in place confer wiith the petitioners to see if some one and half to three years I recommend tlhat the decision of as an access to Flora Park and in- the alley would be cut all the way the Council be confirmed and that dications are that new residences and create no hazard to the pub• through or just partially, lie, that ermission be r the petitioner pay any costs in will be built on this street in a p g anted to I recommend that the decision of the etitioners for their television - connection with the transaction, short time, I recommend that a ~ the Council be confirmed, p o e b rem 'n i t r of Very truly yours, street light be insballed at the. in• t w rs o ai n he p ese Respectfully submitted, location until such a, time as the L. J. SCHILTZ, tersection of Wilbrecht Lane and L, J. SCHILTZ, Cit p p y p Cit Manager Montana Street, y needs the ro ert for. ublic Y Respectfully submitted, € City Manager improvement. LJSao LJSao L. J. SCHILTZ, I recommend that the decision of 'Councilman Kolb moved that the City Manager Councilman Schueller moved the the Council be confirmed. recommendation be approved and WSao approval of the recommendation Respectfully submitted, referred to the City Solicitor to and referred to the City Engineer. L. J. SCHILTZ, prepare proper proceedings, Sec• Councilman Kalb moved that the Seconded by Councilman Welu. Car• City Manager ~ recommendation be approved, Sec• tied b the followin vote: onded by Councilman Schueller, Y g LJSao onded by Councilman Schueller. Yeas-Ma or Kintzinger Carried by the following vote; y ,Council• Councilman Welu moved the ap• Carried by the following vote: ~ men Dovo, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• Yaas-rMayor Kintzinger, Council• Nays-None, proval of bhe recommendation, Sec- - cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. ~ September 1, 1955 onded by Councilman Schueller, Nays-None. Nays-None. To the Honorable Mayor Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Ma or Kintzin er Coun- August 17, 1956 September 1, 1955 and City Council, cilmen Dave Kolb Schueller To the honorable Mayor Dubuque, Iowa , Welu, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Gentlemen: 'Nays-None, and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa The petition of Garland Lynch ])u'buque, Iowa ~ August 31,1955 Gentlemen: and others requesting that the alley To bhe Honorable Mayor Genblemen: A request has been made for the ~ be opened between Bunker Hill and City Council, I herewith submit reports of the installation of a street light on Road and Finley Street was re- Dubuque, Iowa ' City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Mt, Carmel Road in the vicinity of ferred to the City Council to view Gentlemen: ' Health Department and City Wator the 700 black,. the grounds. The communication of Loras Col- Works for fhe month of July as Due to the fact that the Mt, Car• Upon viewing the grounds, it lege requesting a restricted plumb- well as list of claims and list of mel Road has become athorough- was the decision of the Council bhat ers license for Mr, George Murphy payrolls.. for which warrants ware fare for a great number of vehicles, opening of this alley would be of no was referred to the City Manager. issued for the month of July, 1955. I recommend that four street lights particular benefit to the adjacent T have had the Plumbing Inspec- ' Respectfully submitted, be installed on Mt, Carmel Road property owners as they had ac- .tar make an investigation to de• L. J. SGHIIffZ, between Cannon Street and the in• cess to garages and that in the termine if a restricted plumbers Cit Manager tersection of Mt, Carmel Road and opinion of the City Council this Y license could be issued to Mr, Mur• LJSao the Rockdale Road, alley could be vacated. phy for work performed for Loras Respectfully submitted, I recommend that the decision Colle Councilman Kalb moved that the L, J, SC'HILTZ, of the Council be confirmed. ge' .reports be received and. placed on City Manager Respectfully submitted Mr. Murphy has been in olaargo file. Soconded by Councllman Welu. LJS:Io L, J, SCHILTZ ~ of all maintenance a~t Loras College Carried by the following vote: Councilman Kolb moved the ap• City Manager and fulfills all the requirements of Xeas-Mayor Kintzinger Coun- LJSao Section 12A of Ordinance 21.55... proval of the recommendation. Sec- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, onded by Councilman Schueller. Councilman Schueller moved the I therefore recommend that the Nays-None. Carried by bhe following vote: approval of the recommendation, City Council authorize the issuance ' 364 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 365 of a restricted plumbers license to complaint concerning Rettenberger Health Engineering, State: Depart- City Solicitor far investi ation and Mr. George Murphy. Tree & Landscape Service conduct- g Respectfully submitted, ing a commercial business in a resi- ment of Health, granting approval report. Seconded by Councilman L, J. SCHILTZ dential area of the plans and specifications of Kolb. Carried by the 'following ,presented and read, the Iron Removal and Hardness Re- vote: City Manager Councilman Kolb moved that the duction Plant, presented and read. Yeas-Ma or Kintzin er Counoil- hTSao communication be received and Y g filed, Seconded b Councilman Councilman Kolb, moved that the men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Councilman Schueller moved the Schueller. Carried by the follow communication be received. and Nays-None, approval of the recommendation ing vote; placed. on file. Seconded by Council- ' August 25, 1955 and that the Plumbing Inspector yeas-Mayor Kintzinger,. Coun- man Welu. Carried by the follow- Honorable Mayor and .Members be instructed to issue a restricted ing vote: plumbers license to Mr. Geor e cllmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. of the City Council, g Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Murphy, Seconded b Councilman Nays-None, Gentlemen: Y cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, The claim of Frank J. Blaser, Sr., Welu. Carried by the following Communication. of Rt. Rev. J. .Nays-None, and others Sor damages to their vote: Fred Kriebs, pastorof Sacred Heart Notice of claim of Elizabeth Ann property incident to the improve- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Church acknowledging receipt of Nelson by her father, Joe G. Nelson, ment of Avoca Street was referred cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, message of congratulations of May- as next friend and natural guard- to this office for investigation and Welu. or, City Council, and City Manag• ion, in the amount of $2441;22 for report, Nays-None, er on the Diamond Jubilee of Sac- injury caused to Elizabeth Ann Nel- I have discussed this. matter with August 31, 1955 red"Heart Parish, presented and son by falling a distance of approxi- attorneys for the claimant and they To the Honorable Mayor read. Councilman Welu moved that motel 60 feet downward in Ea le have the communication be received and Y g agreed to accept $200.00 -in and City Councll, Point Park on August 16, 1955, pre- full settlement of ithe claim. I reo- Dubuque, Iowa filed. Seconded by Councilman sented and read. Councilman Welu ommend that this settlement be Gentlemen: Kolb. Carried by the following vote: moved' that the notice of claim be approved and that the auditor be The petition of Clarence Splinter Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- 1 referred to the City Solicitor for instructed to issue a warrant pay requesting' .the installation of a cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. investigation and report. Seconded able to Robert Clewell, as attorney street light'on Primrose Street and Nays-None.. by Councilman Kolb. Carried by for Frank J; Blaser, Sr., Alois J. Berkley Place was referred to the petition of Edward. Maahs, Kath- ~bhe following vote: Blaser and Mrs. Mary Luther and City Manager for investigation Brine B, Maahs, David Kintzinger Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, ' Coun- to deliver the same upon receipt and report. and Charlotte M, Kintzinger re- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, of a properly executed release. Upon investigation it was deter- questing the vacation of St. George Nays-None, Respectfully submitted, mined that a light is definitely Street, and to convey the westerly Communication of Louis Buechel T. H. NELSON needed at this location as it is now half of said Street to Edward W. applying for renewal of excavation Councilman Kolb moved that the completely built up with new homes Maahs & Katherine B. Ma'ahs, and permit in accordance with Ordi- recommendation be approved and and the street carries aconsider- to convey the easterly half of said Hance No. 45.51, presented and the City Auditor instructed to draw able amount of traffic. Street to David N. Kintzinger and ( read. Councilman Welu moved that a warrant fn the amount of $200,00 I recommend that a street light Charlotte M, Kintzinger, presented ~ the ..request be granted. Seconded payable Ito Robert Clewell, as at- be installed at the intersection. of and read. Councilman Schueller by Councilman' Schueller. Carried torney for Frank J, Blaser, Sr,, Primrose Street and Berkley Place, moved that the petition be referred by the following vote; Alois J, Blaser, and Mrs. Mary Respectfully submitted, to the Planning & Zoning Commis- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Luther and to deliver the same L, J. SCHILTZ, sion. Seconded by Councilman men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, upon receipt of a properly executed City Manager Welu. Carried by the following Nays-None. release, Seconded by' Councilman LTSao vote: Notice of claim. of Marcellus Pot• Schueller. Carried by the following Councilman Welu moved the ap• Yeas-,Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- ~ tebaum in' the amount of $12.44 vote; _ proval of the recommendation. See- oilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, We'lu. ;plus 12 quarts' of oil for damages i Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Councll- onded by Councilman Welu. Car- Nays-None, to his car resulting from striking men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. ried by the following vote; Communication of Morris Hartz- a rock in the street in front of 574 ~ Nays~None. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- man petitioning for permission to Loras Blvd., 'presented and read. August 19, 1955 men Dove, Kolb, Schueller,. Welu. connect to the City water main in Councilman Welu moved that the Honorable Mayor and Members Nays-None. Jackson Street at 36th Street, far notice of claim be referred to the of the City Council Petition of Navy Mothers Club the purpose of running water serv- City Solicitor for investigation and Gentlemen; No, 44, by Mrs. Ann Frankfurt, ice to Dubuque Oil Company on report. Seconded by Councilman The claim of Mrs. Lena 0^Neill requesting permission to hold Tag Sageville Road, presented and read. Kolb. Carried by the following of 815 West 'Locust. St., in the 0 toter 22 1955 re ent C i Da on c s ed ounc lman ch e y , p S uell r moved that vote: amount of $5000 for damages sus- and read, Councilman Kolb moved the petition be referred to the City YeasJlYIayor Kintzinger,. Coun- Caned in a fall on an icy sidewalk that permission be granted provid- Manager and the Water Depart- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. January 7,1955 was referred to this ing no conflicting dates exist. Sec- ment: Seconded by Councilman `Nays.-None, office. onded by Councilman Schueller, Dave, Carried by the following Notice of claim of Anton A. Fre- I have discussed the matter with Carried by the following vote: vote; and for injuries sustained when she her attorneys and she has agreed Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- fell on loose gravel that was spilled to accept $650,00 in full settlement. men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, on crosswalk at Prospect & West I recommend that this settle~ Nays-None. Nays-None, 5th Streets,. presented and read, ment be approved and that the Communication of Leland ' P. Communication of P. J. Houser, Councilman Welu moved that the auditor be instructed to issue a Stocker asking consideration of his Director of Division of Public notice of claim be referred to the warrant payable to Mrs. Lena 366 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 367 O'Neill and Donald R, Breitbach Councilman Welu moved that ,the. Yoas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- That $93,996,93 of the cost bhere- her attorney in the amount of rule requiring bhe reading of an men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. of shall be assessable upon private . $650,Ob and deliver the same upon ordinance on bhree separate days Nays-None, property and $1,500.00 shall be receipt of a proper release, be suspended. Seconded by Coun• Counciman Welu moved that the paid from the Trust and Agency Respectfully, cihnan Kolb. Carried by the fol• rule requiring the reading of an ar• 30th Street Paving Fund and T. H. NELSON lowing vote; dinance on bhree separate days be $7,510.91 shall be paid from the Councilman I{olb moved that the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- suspended. Seconded by Councilman Street Construction Fund of the recommendation be approved and men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Kolb, Carried by the following vote; City of Dubuque. the City Auditor instructed to draw Nays-None. Yeas-JM'ayor Kintzinger, Council- Passed, adopted and approved a warrant payable to Mrs. Lena (Official Publication ~ men Doye, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, this 6th day of September, 1955. ) CHARLES A. KINTZINCrEIt O'Neill and Donald R. Breitbach ORDINANCE N0. 50.55 ~ ~ Nays-None. her attorney in the amount of An Ordinance changing the name Councilman Welu moved that the Mayor $650A0 and deliver the same upon of seminary Street to Clarke Drive. ordinance be placed on file with bhe CLARENCE P. WELU receipt of a proper release, Second- Be It Ordained by the City Coun• City Clerk for'public inspection be- RAY F. KOLB ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: I fore final. adoption. Seconded by LEO N. 'SCHUELLER tied by the following vote: Section 1. That the nano' of Semi• Councilman Kolb. Carried by the C, E. DOVE , Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• nary street from Hee'b :street to ~ following vote: Councilmen men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Asbury street be and same is here- "Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, 'Coon- Attest: Leo F, Frammelt, by Chan ed to Clarke Drive, cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu; City Clerk Nays--None, g Nays-None. (A ,Resolution Accepting Improve Coynmunication of Mrs, Chas. Section 2. That the 'City Clerk September 6, 1955 ment and Directing the Clerk to be and ~he is hereb authorized and To the Honora'hle 'Mayor ' Bradley protesting against Chang- y Publish Notice) directed to-record a certified copy ing the name of Seminary 'Street and City Council, CITY OF DUBUQUE,. IOWA to Clarke Drive, presented and of this.: Ordinance in the offices of Dubuque, Iowa RESOLUTION N0. 198.55 the County Recorder and County read, Councilman Welu moved that Gentlemen: Whereas, the contract for the Auditor of Dubuque County, Iowa. the communication be received and This is to advise you that the improvement of the following filed. Seconded by Councilman 'Passed, adopted and approved s „ Kolb. Carried by fhe following this 6th day of September,'1955, ~ City of Dubuque 1955 Hot Mix-Hot streets by surfacing the same with CHARLES A, KINTZ]NGER ` Laid Asphaltic 'Concrete Surfacing shot mix, hot laid asphaltic con- vote; Mayor Project No. 1" under construction Crete surfacing, to~wit; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• of Mulgrew Blacktop Inc., has been 1. Grandview Avenue Extension moo Dove Kolb Schueller Welu, CLARENCE P, WELU > completed in acebrdance with plans from the North property line of RAY F, KOLB i Nays-None, and specifications. Delhi tb'the South Property Line LEO N. SCHUELLER Councilman Kolb moved that the C. E. DOVE I, therefore, recommend 'the `ac. of Loras Blvd. rules 'be suspended to' allow any- Councilmen ceptance`of the improvement. 2. ~Iones Street from the West one to' address the Council Who so Attest: LEO F, FROMMELT Respectfully submitted, Property Line of Main Street to desires. Seconded by Councilman City Clerk ~ L; J. SCHILTZ, the East Property Line of Locust Schueller, Carried by the following published officially in the Tele• ~ City Manager 5t, vote: LJS;Io 3. Leibe Street from the East graph Herald 'Newspaper this 12t1? Property Line of rackson Street to Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- day of September, 1955. ' Councilman Kolb moved bhat the men Dave, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. LEO F. FRO ~ T i recommendation ~be approved. Sec- the end of Leibe Street, Nays-None. City Clerk onded by Councilman Schueller. 4, Shields Street from the North Mr. Francis O'Connor addressed lt, September 12 Carried by'the following vote: Property Line of Dodge Street to the Council an behalf of theSisters Councilman Welu moved the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council, the South Property Line of Jones men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Street, of Charity of Clarke College stat- adoption of the ordinance. Second- Nays-None. 5. East 30th Street from the East ing that it is only appropriate and ed by Councilman Kolb, Carried by Property Line of Central Avenue to fittingly proper that Seminary the following vote; i FINAL ESTIMATE 65' east of the East Property Line Street be changed to Clarke Drive. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA of Elm Street. Mr. Harald Nachtman also ad- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Weiu. RESOLUTION N0. 191.55 6, University Avenue from' the dressed the Council in favor of the Nays---None. change of Seminary Street to East Property Line of Alta Vista Clarke Drive. ORDINANCE N0. 51.55 t Whereas, the contract for the to the West Property Line of Lot City of Dubuque 1955 Hot Mix-Hot 2 of 2 of Summit Addition. ORDINANCE N0. 5A•55 An Ordinance amending the Zon• Laid Asphaltic Concrete Project No. 7, University. Avenue from the ing Map and Zoning Ordinance bf 1 has been completed and the City East Property Line of Auburn An Ordinance changing the name the City of Dubuque to change Lot Engineer 'has submitted ,his final Street o the West Property Line of Seminary Street to Clarke Drive, 1 of .Block 1 of St. Anne's Subdi- estimate showing the cost thereof of Lot 13 in Finley Waples and Bur• presented and read. Councilman vision and Lots 386, 387, 388, 408, including the cost of estimates, no• tons Addition. Welu moved that the reading just 409 and 410 of Lenox Addition to tires, inspection, and preparing the g, Washington Street from the Arad be considered the first reading Local Business A, District Classifi• assessment and plat, now therefore, North Property Line of Leibe Street of the ordinance, Seconded by cation; presented and read; Council• Be It Resolved, by the City Coun• to the end of Washington Street Councilman Kalb. Oarried by the man Welu moved that the reading cil of the City of Dubuque, North 'has been completed and the following vote; just had be considered the first Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• reading of the ordinance, Seconded That the cast of said improve- City Manager has examined the cilmen Dave, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, by Councilman Kolb; Carried by ment is hereby determined to be work and filed his certificate stat- Nays=None. the following vote: $103,007;84, ing that the same has been com• - a: 368 Regular Session; September 6, 1955 j Regular Session, September 6, 1955 369 t pleted according to the terms 4f bhe ~Gouncilman Kolb moved that the ages be approved and that said Geo, I. Beaver, Continental Casual- contract, plans and specifications recommendation be approved. Sec• improvement be and the same is ty Company and recommends its acceptance, onded by Councilman. Schueller, herby accepted and the City En- Modern Heating Company, The now. therefore, Carried. by the following vote; gineer be and he is hereby directed Travelers Indemnity Company Be It Resolved, by the City Coun• Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- to prepare a plat and schedule George Pinski, U:S. Fidelity and cil of the City of Dubuque, that Elie men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, showing the lots or parcels of real Guaranty Co. recommendation of the City Manag- Nays-None, estate subject to assessment for TELEVISION CABLE SYSTEM er be approved and Chat said ira• said improvement and file the same provement,be and the same is here- FINAL ESTIMATE _ in the office of the City Clerk sub- Dubuque-Jerrold Television Cable by accepted -and the City Engineer CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA ject to public inspection and said Corp,, 1043 Main Street, Policy be and 'he is hereby directed to RESOLUTION N0. 199.55 Clerk shall upon receipt of such Nn, XP 205800, The Fidelity and re area lot and schedule show- Whereas the contract for -the Casualty Co. P p p' plat and schedule putilish the no- ing the lots or parcels of real estate construction of an eight (8) inch tice of the Council's intention to 'Respectfully submitted, sanitary sewer in Bunker Hilt Street L, J. SCHILTZ, subject to assessment for said im- levy special assessments therefor, beginning at the existing manhole City Manager provement and flle the same in the as required by law. office of the City Clerk subject to in Green Street to the South Prop• Be It Further Resolved that the LJS/J ' public inspection and said Clerk erty Line of Finley Street has been City Treasurer be and he is hereby Councilman Kolb moved .that the completed and the City Engineer bonds be approved. Seconded by shall upon receipt of such plat and directed to pay to the contractor schedule publish the notice of the has submitted .his. final estimate from the funds to be realized from Councilman Welu. Carried by the Councll's intention to levy special thews tof estitmatesepnotncesdlm the sale of Improvement bonds is- fOlYea~Mayar Kintzinger, Council- . assessments therefor, as required spection, and preparing the assess- speed upon the above described im- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. by law, rovement in amount equal to the merit and plat now therefore Nays-None. Be Iti Further Resolved, that the Be It Resolved, by the City ~Coun- amount of his contract, less any re• To the Honorable Mayor and City Treasurer be and he is hereby cil of the City of Dubuque, tained percentage provided for Members of the City Council directed to pay to the contractor therein. That the cost of said improve- Passed, adopted and ~appraved of the City of Dubuque, Iowa from the funds to be realized from merit is hereby determined to be this 6th da of Se tember 1955. , Gentlemen: the sale of Improvement bonds is- Y p On June 14th, 1955 Gerald Trie• $3,083,87. A ro sued upon the. above described im- That $3,083.87 of the cost there pp ved: Weiler of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, provement in amount equal to the CHARLES' A. KIIdTZIlVGER amount of his contract, less any re• of shal~be assessable upon private Mayor filed a claim with the City Clerk of tained percentage provided for propert of the Cit of Dubu ue.. CLARENCE P. WELU the City of Dubuque, claiming dam- Passed, adopted and; approved 'RAY F. KOLB ages in the sum of $8,77 claimed to ' therein, this 6th day of September, 1955, 'f have been sustained by him when Passed, adopted and approved CHARLES A. KINTZIlVGE!R ~ LEO N. SCHUELLER his car hit a hole in the pavement this 6th .day of September, 1955. Mayor C. E, DOVE at the intersection of Loras and Councilmen Approved: CLARENCE P. WELU Cox Streets in the City of Dubuque, CHARLES A. KINTZINGER RAY F. KOLB Attest; Leo F. Frommelt; Said claim was referred to this of- City Clerk Mayor LEO N, SCHUELLER fice far investigation and report. CLARENCE P. WELU C. E, DOVE September 6, 1955 After due investigation it was de- To the Honorable Mayor RAY F. KOLB Councilmen termined that the City of Dubuque and City Council, LEO N. SCHtrELLER Attest: heo F. Frommelt, was guilty of no negligence which C, E. DOVE Dubuque, Iowa City Clerk would 'render it liable in lama es Councihnen ! Gentlemen; and it is therefor respectfully'rec- Attest; Leo F. Frommelt (A Resolution Accepting Improve- This is to advise that I have. ap- merit and Directing the Clerk to proved the following bonds and ommended that said claim be de- City Clerk. publish Notice,) policy. and desire to have your ap• nied. August 22, 1955 CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA proval on same far filing, subject 'Respectfully submitted, To phe Honorable. Mayor. RESOLUTION N0. 200.55 to the approval of the City Solici- R. M. CZIZEK, ' and City Council, Whereas, the contract for the tor:. Asst. City Solicitor Dubuque, Iowa..... construction of an eight (8) inch PERSONAL Counoilman Welu moved that the Gentlemen, sanitar sewer in Bu recommendation be a roved. Sec- . Y raker Richa d Fe en 1 Hill r P umbin Ins ectar pp Y g P This is to ::advise you that the Street begmmng at the existing Bond No. 6fi5345 Western Surety onded by Councilman Kolb. Car- construction of an eight (8) inch manhole in Green 'Street to the Company ried by the fallowing vote: sanitary sewer..: in Bunker H~11 South Property Line of Finley Joseph A. Ratterman, "Assistant Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coancll- Street from the existing manhole Street has been completed and the Plumbing Inspector, American men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. in Green Street to the South Prop- City Manager has examined the Surety Company Nays.-None. erty Line of Finley Street has Work and filed his certificate ~stat- SIDEWALK To the Honorable Mayor and been completed in accordance with ing that'the same has been com• Cletus Palm, American Surety Com- Members of the City Council the plans and specification, pleted according to the terms of the pony of the City of Dubuque, Iowa I hereby. recommend that bhe im- contract,. plans and specifications HEATING Gentlemen: provement be accepted. and recommends its acceptance, W. J. Jordan, General Casualty Co. On June 22nd,1955, Don B, Tauke Respectfully submitted, now therefore, of America of the City of Dubuque filed. a L; J. SCHILTZ, 'Be It Resolved, by the City Cotin- C. L. McDowell (McDowell's Skelgas claim with the City Clerk far City Manager cil of the City of Dubuque, that bhe & Appliances), The Ohio Casualty damages sustained by him when LJS1o > .recommendation of the City"`Man- Ins, Company his sewer backed up into his base. 970 Regular Session; Septem}~er 6, X955 regular Session, September 6, 1955 971 merit, The amount claimed as dam• for damages in the sum of $6,25, duly prepared and approved by the Five Engine House, Grandview Ave• ages is in the sum of $68.79 Said and was referred to this office City Council of the City of Dubuque nue and Bradley Street, and; claim was referred to this office for investigation and report. and are now on file in the office Whereas, the proposed Resolution for investigation and report, A'ftex due investigation: it was of the City Clerk showing among of Necessity for said improvement After due investigation it ap- determined that no negligence: was otherthings the following; has been introduced and is now on pears that the City of Dubuque was committed by the City of Dubuque An estimate of the cost of the file in the City Clerk's office for guilty of no negligence which would which. would render it liable in proposed improvement, stating the public inspection, render it Ilable in damages and it is damages and it is therefor respect• sumo for each •different type of con• Be It Therefore Resolved that on therefor respectfully recommended fully recommended that said claim struetion and kind of material to the 21st day of September 1955, a that said claim be denied. be denied. be used for the Alterations and Re- public hearing will be held at 7;30 Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, pairs to the Number Five Engine o'clock P.M. in the Council Chamber R, M. CZIZDK, R. M. CZIZEK, Houso, Grandview Avenue and in the City of Dubuque at which Asst. City Solicitor Asst City Solicitor Bradley Street. time the owners of property may Councilman Dpve moved that the Councilman Welu moved that the 13e It Therefore Resolved that the appear and make objection to the recommendation be approved. Sec- recommendation be, approved. Sea City Council on its own motion proposed specifications and era onded by Councilman Kobb, Car- onded by Councilman Kolb, Carried deems it advisable and necessary posed form of contract, to- the cost 'hy the followin vote; tied by the follpwing vote: g far the public welfare to make the of the improvement, and to the pas• Xeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Xeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Coun'ci'1• herein mentioned improvement, sage of the proposed Resolution of men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, and unless property owners at the Necessity and the City Clerk be and Nays-None, Nays--None. time of the final consideration of he is hereby directed to cause a no• September. 6, 1955 this proposed resolution have on tice of the tune and place of such To the Homora~ble Mayor and To the Honorable Mayor file. with the City Clerk objections hearing to be published in some Members of the City Council and City Council, tp the'amaunt of the proposed as• newspaper published in the City of of the City of Dubuque, Iowa Dubuque, Iowa sessments, they shall be deemed to Dubuque, the last of which shall Gentlemen;. Gentlemen: have waived all objections thereto. be not less than two (2) not' more On May 19th, 1955 Mxs. Ethel Herowith submitted are specifica• Gardner filed a claim with the tions for alterations to Number Said improvement shall be con- than four (4) weeks prior to the'day City- Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Five En ine House. This ro psal strueted and done in accordance Fixed for its consideration and un• Iowa fox damages sustained by her includesgremodeling present bath with the specifications which have less property owners at the time of when her chimney collapsed. Said room fnstallin radiators new been prepared therefor, and which final consideration of said resolu• claim alleges that such lama a-was g have been approved by the City tion have on file with the Clerk pb- g floor covering, new roof and vari- Council and are now on file with jections to the improvement, they sustained as the result of work be- ous other items, the City Clerk, That the cost and shall have been deemed to have ing done. by the City while trim• This work has been contemplated expense of making said improve- waived ail objections thereto, at nnng trees, Such claim was referred for some time and I recommend meat shalt be paid out of .the Pub• which hearing the Council will hear to this office far investigation and that bids 'be taken and the im lie Safety fund. such objections and enter on record report... provements made, its final decision thereon. After .:due .investigation it was Re ectfully The above resolution was intro• ' doted, approved and prdered placed 'Passed, adopted and approved determined that no negligence was L, ~ SpHP[,TZ, this 6th da of Se tember, 1955. committod by the. City of Bubuque City Manager on file with the City Clerk this 6th y p which. would render it liable in Councilman Welu moved that the day of September, 1955. CHARLES A. KINTZINGER damages and it is thereFar respect• specifications be received and filed Approved and placed on file for Mayor final action. CLARENCE P. WELU 'I fully. recommended that said claim and the recommendation be ap• RAY KOLB be denied, proved, Seconded by Councilman Approved: LEON. SGIiUELLER Respectfully submitted, Korb, Carried by the fallowing vote: CHARLES A. KI~NTZINGER C. E. DOVE R, M, CZIZEK, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Mayor Councilmen Asst. City Solicitor men Dove Kolb Schueller Welu, CLA~RENCE P.IVELU Attest; LEO F. FROMMEIIf, Councilman Welu moved that the Nays-None. RAY F. KOI.R City Clerk- recommendation be approved. Sec• RESOLUTION NO 201.55 LEO N, SCHtIELLER onded hy'Councilrnan Dove. Carried Preliminary approval of plans, C. E, DOVE, September 6, 1955 by the following vote; specifrcations, foam of contract and ~ Councilmen Tp the Honorable. Mayor Yeas-MMayor Kintzinger, Council- all other documents for the alters- Attest; h);0 F. FROMMELT, and City Council, tion and repair of No, 5 Engine Cit Clerk Dubuque, Iowa men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Y House, presented and read. Council- Nays--None, Gentlemen: ` man Welu moved the adoption of (Fixing date of hearing) From time to time I have dis- To the Honorable Mayor and the resolution. Seconded 'by Coun• RES0LUTION N0. 20355 cussed with the City Attorney the Members of the City Council Gilman Kolb, Carried by the fol• of the City of Dubuque, Iowa Whereas, the City Council of the fapt that Qrdinance Na Q-33 is out- lowing vote; Cit of Dubu ue Iowa, has by moiled and should be rewritten. Gentlemen; Y q On June 18th, 1955, Mary' Wie• Yeas=Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Resolution No, 201-55 given its Portions of this prdinance have cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, reliminar a royal on the ro• been re Baled and other ortions land filed a claim with the City Na s-None, p y pp p p p Clerk of the City of Dubuque, claim- y posed specifications and form of conflict with later prdinanees~ (Necessity far Improvement) contract and laced same on file In order that the ordinance re u ing damages sustained 'by her when p g ` hot car ran aver a defective drive- RESOLUTION N0, 202.55 in the office of the City Clerk for luting business licenses be brought way at 2743 White Street in the Whereas, proposed plans, s~ecifi- public inspection, for the Altera• up to date the City Solicitor has City of Dubuque. Said claim was cations, form of contract have been tions and Repairs to the Number drawn up several ordinances as sub, i 372 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 373 stitutes for Ordinance No. 433 and the reading just had be considered the sale oP Christmas Trees at a section 7. Ordinance No. 4.33 is it is my'recommendation that these the first reading of the ordinance,' temporary location. hereby rapealea. (f) V~here used herein, the term Section 8. Billiard and Pool Hails ordinances be enacted by the City Seconded by Councilman Kolb. Car- Public Dance. Hall, shall mean any shall not be operated between the Council in that they do .not substan- ried 'by the following vote: room, space or place where pum;c hours of twelve o'clock midnight and dances are conducted a,nd shall in- sx (D) o'clock A;M, except for heat- Bally Change the former ordinance Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- crude any room, hall or auditorium ing and cleaning the same. There but combines some of its provisions men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. in a buuairng owned by clubs or shall be no obstructions places in lodges, the .windows so as to prevent a clear Wlth OTdlnariCCS 'Ori Telated SU'bjeCtS• Nays-Nt)ne, Section 4: The license fees fbr the view of the interior from the street. The eneral licensin Ordinance following businesses and vocations Such a business shall be conducted g g Colincibnan Welumoved that the are hereby established in the follow- in a single room without any connec- has been consolidated without much rules requiring bhe reading 'of an ing amounts: lion with or to any other room ex- khan es exce t that CirCUS CaTnl• (a) Billposter and Distributor cept toilet rooms and or a basement g P ~ ordinance On three SepaCate,. days lioense-$25.60 'Per year; which is used for storage and heating val, side show,. dog and pony show, be suspended. Seconded by Council- tb> Billiard ana pool ban license- purposes, or some other legitimate and Wild west show has been man Kolb. Carried b the follow- $a.oD Por eaoh pool or biuiara table, business or trade. where suer, buai- lum ed IntO a d2'f1ri1t10n Of an 0 eri Y per year; nesa is conducted in connection.. with p P ing- vote; (c) Bowling A11ey license-$5.00 some other business in the same a1T SNOW, per year for each bowling alley, or room, all of the provisions hereof YCaS-~MayOT K1ntZingCT, ~'OUriClI- similar device; shall apply and tho one business The OTdlnariCe On aUCt10nS mOTC (d) The license fee far an Open shall not be .separated from the men Dove, Kolb; Schueller, Welu, Air show seal] be clearly states 'that a permit is need- $75 for the first other business by screens, curtains ed and sets an annual fee for auc• Nays-None, day and $25 for eaoh suaaaeaing say; ar nart;tians. except with the con- provided that where the Council sent of and -under .the restrictions tioneeT$. ( shall find that the profits from said imposed by the City Council. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ; show are devoted to civic, chari- Passed, adapted and approved this The ordinance on peddlers and ORDINANCE N0, 52.55. to ee, patriotic or other public pug- 6th Say. of September, 196 ZINGER s s rt ma remit he CHARLES A. KINT trariSlent meTCharitS has been TC• An Ordinance Providing License ~ or in y t fee in whale Fees for certain Businesses and Vo- part. Mayor Wrltteri SO that it appheS t0 TCSI• (e) The license fee for the sale of CLARENCE P. WELU dents and nOn•TeSlderit3 alike. cations Conducted in the City of Christmas trees by temporary march- RAY F. KOLB Dubuque; Requiring.. the Securing of ants is hereby fixed at $10 for the LEO N. SCHUELLER- Thee ordinance far junk dealers a License therefor; Defining the season; C. E. DOVE. terms; Repealing Ordinance No, 4.33; (f) The license fee for any hotel, Councilmen eombin'es Ordinances 4.33, 3.38 and and Prescribing the Penalty far Vio-, rooming or lodging house, for trans. Attest: Leo F. Frommelt. 12.39 In th1S OnO OTdlnanCe and ration hereof, Tents, containing lase than 30 roams City Clerk 1nC1UdeS hC TOV1S10n3 fOT fenClri Be It Ordained by the Clty Council is fixed at $5 per year; Publishod officially in the Tele- P g of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: More than 29 liut less''than 50 graph-Herald Newspaper this 13th that the Council .had previously au- section 1. From and°after the ef- rooms„ $7.50 'per year; day of September, 1955. fect,ve date of this Ordinance it More than 49 but less than 70 Leo F. Frommelt,. thOrlZed. shall be unlawful. for any person,. rooms, $12.50 per year; It 9/13 City Clerk. The ordinance for taxicabs has Firm. or corporation to engage m any More than 69 but less than 100 COUIlCIlman WeIU moVCd the business or vocation hereinafter rooms, per year; not been changed but merely con- names, without first procuring a More than~099 but less than 200 adoption of the ordinance. Second- ~olidated into one ordinance: lioense therefor and' paying the rooms,-$37.50 per year; and ed by Councilman Kolb, Carried by license fee or fees as prescribed' More than 199 rooms, The ordinance for licensing of nerein far snap. business or vocation: year; $75.Do Pei- the following vote, fortune tellers has been .:placed in section 2, It to not intenaea by (g) The license fee for any lunch Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Council- this Ordinance to repeal, abrogate; wagon is hereby fixed at a separate ordinance and provides .annul or in any way impair or inter- year,. $50.00 per men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, that fin er riots be furnished b fare with existing provisions of other g P Y (h) The license Pee for any public Nays-None. them before the: ermit is ranted. laws or ordinances, .excepting'- those Dance Hall having 2540 square feet .ORDINANCE N0. 53.55.. P g specifically repealed by this Ordin- of clear floor space, or less, is here- ance. Where this Ordinance imposes b $ year; the An Ordinance Regulating and Li- The- ordinance for restaurants y fixes at 15.00 per a greater restriction .upon persons,.. license fee for a public llance Hall and skating, 1'lnl{S merely. aTe premises or personal property than is having mole thane. 250D square feet CC]1Sing AliCtIOnS and AUCt10n00rS' amendments setting Out the hcen$e imposed or required by such existing of clear floor space is hereby fixed Fixing L1CCriSC FCCS; and Providing urovisions of law, ordinances, con- at $25.D0 per yoar. In addition to the provisions in the same ordinance tract or deed, the provisions of this foregoing license fee a charge of a Penalty' for violation, pTeserited Ordinance shall control. aS they regulate. The fee for these $5.00 for any public Dance shall be and read. Councilman Welu moved Section 3. DEFINITIONS. Fore the exacted to cover the expense of two have been increased. purposes of thin ordinance the follow- that the reading just had be con- ' ing definitions shall a 1 proper police supervision. ~ Respectfully submitted, pp y' Vii) The license fee for shooting sidered ,the first' reading of the (a) Billposters and distributors galleries is hereby fixed at $2.00 per persons engaged in L, J, SCHILTZ shall mean all day; $5.00 per week; or $10.00 ,:per ordinance. Seconded by Council• City Manager the business of Posting bills, or the month; man Kolb. Carried by the following business of distributing handbills, The license fe a (i) e for a th VOte' i LJSaO s mpces 'or advertisements of any eater, kind, except by mail. motion picture theater, opera house, Yeas-Ma or Kintzin er Council- or other building or hall used y g ~ Councilman Welu moved that b Binia for the O rd and Pool halls shall nuli]ie entertainments, havin, aseat- men DOVe KOIb 'SClIUe11eT WeIU. communication 'be received and "'can any business in which pool in ca acit ' tables or billiard tables are operated g P Y of 250 or leas, is hereby 1~Tays-NOne, filed. Seconded b Councilman for princi al fixed ,at $25.OD Per year; y profit, whether as a p ar f !Councilman Welu moved t o the business or co Those havin a that the P nducted g seatin ca acit f _ Kolb. Carried'by the following vote: g n y o in .connection with some other buai. more than 250, but less than 400, rule requiring reading of an ordi- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, COUriCIl- noss, except non-profit corporations $50.00 per year; men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, and fraternal associations a gratin g a seating. capacity of nonce Dn three Sl', agate da S be P g Those havin P Y Nays-Non@, their aownb~men bersbles primarily for .more than 399, but less than 500. Sll9pCndEd. SeCOrided by COUriCllman (c) Bowling Alley as used herein $75.60 per year; Kolb. Carried by the following shall mean any business which, as Those having a seating capacity. of VOte; ORDINANCE N0. 52.55 su0 or-more, $100.00 per year. its principal business or in connection Section 5. The Cit y YCa5-Ma DT 'K1ntZlri , An Ordinance Providin License `°ith a°n'o other 1,uainesa, operates y council ma , Y gar Council- g bowling alleys, box ball alleys, duck upon proper application and showing, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, WeIU. Fees "for CeT'ta121 BUS1nCSS0S and pin alleys, or similar devices Por exempt:.. any disabled veteran, or Vocations Conducted in the Ci of profit, excepting charitable corpora- crippled, disabled or. indigent person, Nays Norie. ty lions, or fraternal associations operat- from all or part of the provisions _ Dubuque; Requiring the Securing of ing such devices primarily for.. their. of this Ordinance.. (Official Publication) --0RDINANCE N0. 53.55 o}vn members, y person, firm or An Ordinance Re ulatin and Li a Liconse therefor; Defining the section:=s: An g g (d) Open Air Show, as used herein, corporation. who violates any of the tensing Auctions, and Auctioneers; terms; Repealing Ordinance No, shall mean any traveling show ex- provisions of this Ordinance shall he Fixing License Fees; and Providing a 4.33; and PreSCrlbing the Penalty hibition or amusement conducted for deemed. guilty of a misdemeanor and penalty for violation. profit in the open air, or in any tent; upon conviction thereof shall be fined Be it Ordained by the Clty Council for Violation hereof, pTeserited and or other temporary structure. not, more than $100.00, or in default of the City of Dubuque, Iowa; (e) Christmas Tree Merchants oP such fine shall be im nsoned far Section 1, It shall be unlawful dog Toad. COUIlCllman WeIU moved- that shall mean any business engaged iri a period of not to exceedp30 days.. .any person, .firm or corporation to i, 374 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 ~ Regular Session, September 6, 1955 375 conduct an auction or engage in the Section b of Ordinance 3-33 shall Section 2 DEFINITIONS: upon the payment of .the proper fee, business of auctioneer within the City not apply. ~ (a) The word "person" as used issue a license. of llubuque without first procuring a Section 12. The provisions of this heroin shall include the singular and Section 5. Whenever a merchant license and permit therefor and pay- ordinance shall not apply to judicial ~ plural and shall also mean and in- claims to be permanently located in ing the fees as hereinafter prescribed. sales, Salsa by public officers or sales dude any person, firm or corporation, this city, and the nature of his buai- Section 2. Auctioneer shall mean by Executors, Administrators or Guar- association, club, co-partnership or peas is ouch as to cause some doubt as uny person, tirm m• corporation who dians, society, or any other organization, to such representation, the City Man- engages in the business of selling or Section 13. Any person, 'firm or € (b) A °peddler" is defined as any tiger may request the City Solicitor oftermg for sale real or personal prop- corporation who violates any of the j individual, whether a resident of this to enter into an agreement or ar. erty at public auction. provisions of this ordinance shall be City or not, traveling by foot, mot- rangement with such m e r c h a n t Section, 3. Any person desiring to guirty of a misdemeanor and upon or vehicle or other type of convey. whereby the interest of the City and hold an auction sale within the City conviction thereof shall be punished 1 once, from place to place, from house its inhabitants will be protected, of Dubuque shall first make applica- by a fine not exceeding $100.00 or by ~ to house, or from street to street, oP- which agreement and arrangement lion to the City Manager for seer- imprisonment not exceeding 30 days, fering and exposing goods, wares, mil therefor, Said application shall or by both such fine and imprison- shall be reported to the City Coun- yet forth the name of the applicant, meat. i products, merchandise or services for. cif for its approval. the name of the auctioneer, the ]o- Passed, adopted and approved this sale, or taking or soliciting orders cation of the auction sale, the name of Pth day of September, 1955. ~ for goods, wares, products, merchan- Section 6. the clerk of the sale, and an inventory CHARLES A. KINTZINGER, p disc or services for future delivery, (a) The license fee for peddlers of the merchandise proposed to be Mayor ~ whether he collects advance PaY- is hereby fixed at $10 per day, $25 sold. The inventory herein required CLAREPICE P. PJELU ments for such sales, or not; provid- per week, $50 per month or $300 per shall show the quantity and descrip= RAY F. KOLB ed, that such definition shall not in- year: lion oP each item, including the man- LEO N. SCHUELLER elude any individual who calls upon or b T license fee for transient uPacturer's bomber, if any, and shall C, E. DOVE Solicits business establishments, pro- O he separately list each item brought upon Councilmen ~ fessional offices or inatltutions, exclu- merch 2 is is hereby fixed at $ID per the premises for sale within GO days Attest: Leo F. Frommelt aively, or persons who call on pros. day, $ 6 per week, $50 per month, ' prior to the application, City Clerk peetive customers by appointment; or $300 per year; Section 4. The inventory required Published officially in The Tele- only. (e) None oY the license fees pro- by the foregoing section shall be graph-Herald Newspaper this 13th day (c) The term "transient merchant" vtded for by this ordinance shall be prepared in triplicate and signed by of September, 1955. shall mean any person, whether a so applied as to occasion-an undue the applicant, One copy thereof shall LEO F. FROMIZELT ~ resident of this mty or not, who on-', burden upon interstate commerce. In be attached to the application, one It A/13 Clty Clerk: gages in the business of selling goods, any ease where a license fee is be- copy shall be furnished to the auction- CODUCIlman WeIU moved the wares, merchandise, or services from lfeved by a .licensee or applicant eer and one copy shall be posted in a any fixed or temporary location, for license to place, au undue huT- conspicious place on the premises adoption of the ordinance. Second- ~ which is temporarily maintained, den upon such commerce, he may ap• where the auction is hela. ed by Councilman Kolb, Carried by $ within the City of Dubuque, or when ply to the Manager for an ad3ust- Sect[on 5. Upon determination that the followin Vote; such a business is intermittently car- ment of the fee so that it shall not the application is in order, the pay- g ried on and there is no intention to be diaeritninatory, unreasonable, or ment of the permit fee of $S.OD and Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger; CODUCil- ~ condnet the same permanently with-, unfair as to such commerce, 5ueh the payment of a clerlds license fee of men Dove Kolb Sehueller 1'Velu. in the Ctty, and in addition to the application may be made before, at, $5.00 the City Manager shall issue a , , + foregoing, the term shall apply to ar within six months after payment ' permit for the save applied for and a Nays-None. ~ any person who temporarily locates of the prescribed license fee, The clerlt's license for such sale. ORDINANCE N0. 54.55 in the City and engages in the talc- applicant shall, by affivadvit and Section 0, Only the items of mer- ing of orders for merchandise or sea supporting testimony, show his msth- chandise listed on the inventory An QrdlnanCe Regulating and 1,1- vices on his or its own account, od of business and the gross volume shall be sold or offered for sale at CenSln Peddlers and Transient such auction and, as each item is g whether for immediate or future de or estimated gross volume of buai- sold, the clerk of the sale shall strike McTOhantS, PTCSCTlhing the L1CenSe livery. Hess and such other information as it from the inventory Posted on the ? 6ectien 3, Application for a license the 'City Manager may deem neoea- premises, fees, and Providing a Penalty for under this Ordinance shall be filed in' sary in order to determine the ex- ' Section 7. Notice, If the owner in- t110 UlOlatl0ri here0f, pTCSented and ~ duplicate. with the City Manager, on tent, if any, of such undue Barden tends to offer a bid at a public auc- a form to be furnished by him, which. on such commerce. The City Men- tion, or to have someone bid for him, Tead. CODUCllman WeIU moved that shall be signed by the applicant alter shall then conduct an inveatiga- he shall give a written or oral notice the reading just had be considered and give the following information: Lion, comparing applicant's business of such fact at the opening of each (a) Type of license applied for; with other buainesaea of like nature auction period, and, in the absence of the f1TSt Teading Of the Ordinance. (b) Name of applicant; and shall make findings of fact from such notice, he shall not submit a Sec'Orided by CODUCilmari K'Ol'b, Car• (c) Address, both .legal and local; which he shall determine whither bid, nor shall he employ or induce (d) A brief description of the na- the fee' fixed by this ordinance is un. `tiny .person to bid for him, oat shall Tled by the fO110Wlrig Vote: lure of the business and the goods to' fair, unreasonable or discriminatory the auctioneer employ or induce any 1'eaS--Mayor Kintzinger, QOU11C11- be sold or services performed and, in as to applicant's business and .shall person to bid at such sale for the men DOVE Kolb SChUC11eT WeIU, the case of products of the farm or fix as the license fee for the ap- owner, nor shall he knowingly take , , , orchard, whether produced or grown: plicant, an amount that is fair, rea- any bid from the owner or any per- Nays-None. , by the applicant; sonable and nondiscriminatory, or if son employed by him. In addition to the fee has already been paid, shall the penalties herein described, any COUriCllman WeIU moved that the (e) If employed, the name and ad. order a refund of the amount over sn^h solo may be treated as fraudu- TUle re uirin the readin Of an dress of the employer, together with and above the fee so ffxefl. Infixing q g g credentials establishing the exact re- le~tt by the bn)'er. the fee to be charged, the City SP^tion 3. Misrepresentation, No ordinance Ori three Separate days lationahlp; Manager shall have the power to article or piece of merchandise sold be SUSpended. Seconded by CODUCII- (f) 'The length of time for which: base. the fee upon a percentage of or offered for axle shall he misrepre- the night to do business is desired;. gross sales, •or any other method man Kolb. Carried b the followin e hat the fee asaesa- sure t rented as to quantity, quality or price Y g (g) The names of two rehabl, which will a value, Vote: property owners of the City of Dubu ed shall be uniform with that assess- Section 9. Premises. The premises que, who will certify as to the spell-' ed on businesses of like nature, so where an auction sale is being held Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Couneil• , cants good repute and business re- long as the amount assessed does not shall be well lighted and illuminated men Dove, Kolb, SChuelleT, WeIU. sponaibility, or in lieu thereof, the exceed the fees as rescrlbe8 by See- , p fnance, Should nt all times during said sale. o h.' f this Ord Nays-None, applicants fingerprints and any t lion 6 0 Section 10. The permit for any er information that may be required' the City Manager determine the auction sale shall expire 30 days from (Official Publication) by the City .Manager to properly in- Gross sales measure of the. fee to be the date of its issuance and any auc- veskigato such reputation and bnsi- the fair haeis, he may require the Hon ecndneted thereunder shall be ORDINANCE N0, 54.56 An Ordinance Regulating and Li- Hess responsibility. applicant to submit, either at the ecncluded within said period unless a time of termination of applicant's new permit is aTiplied for, the fees tensing Peddlers and Transient Mer. (h) A fiat of all planes of reai- efiants, Prescribing the License fees, dente of the applicant for the Pive business in the City, or at the end of paid and Hermit issued, and Providing a Penalt for the Vio- years immediately preceding the tip- each three month period, a sworn Section 11 Any individual desiring lotion hereof, y placation, statement of the gross sales and pay to act as afi auctioneer at any auc- the amount of fee therefor, provided lion for which a permit is required BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY At the time of filing the applica- that no additional fee during any one tinder this ordinance, shall first make COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBU- lion a fee of $6 shall he paid to the calendar year shall be required after application to the City Manager, on QIJE, IOWA: City Manager to cover the coat of in- the licensee shall have paid an f^,rms nrovidPd by him, for a license Section 1. It shall be unlawful for vestigating the facts stated therein. amount equal to the annual license and pay the following license fee: any person, firm or corporation to Section 4. Upon receipt of the tip- as prescribed in Section 6 of this engage in the business of transient To act as auctioneer at auction pUcation the City Manager shall ordinance. merchant or peddler, as hereinafter sales of real estate, livestock nr cause an investigation of the appli- h^usehnld goods. sold at the dorm- defined, within the corporate limits taut to b2 made and if, as a result Section 7, The license grantedhere- nila of'the owner, $25.00 per year of the City of Dubuque, without first of such investigation, the reputation under shalt be personal to the appli- nr 85.00 per day obtaining a license therefor and pay- and business responsibility of the tip- .cant only and shall not be loaned or Tn act as auctioneer at all types ing the license fee as hereinafter plicant are found to be good he shall, .transferred. of auction sales $100.00 per year. Provided. 376 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 Regular Session,. September 6, 1955 377 - Section 6. In the event an license corporaiton who engages in the bus- preserved, and shall be exhibited Y Councilman Wehr moved the inese of buying automobiles, or auto. when requested to by any sheriff, issued hereunder shall become lost or ado Lion of the ordinance. Seconded mobile parts, or tires, for. resale in chief of police, constable or mislaid, the Licensee shall report such p police fact to the Chief of Police immeai. by Councilman Kolb. Carried by the whole or in part as junk or as used officer, or the parent or guardian of ately. parts. said minor Section 9. Peddlers or transient mer- fO110Wlrig Vote; Section 2, No person, firm or cor- Section 6. Every pawnbroker or chants are hereby required to exhibit Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, G'OUriCll- poration shall engage in the bus- Junk dealer conducting their business. mesa of junk dealer, junk collector, in the City df Dubuque who shall their icenses at the .request of any men DOVe, Kolb, Schueller, WelU, auto salvage dealer or pawnbroker Purchase or receive from any per- citizen, without first obtaining a license son any tool or implement such as Section 10. Sections 2 to 6 inclusive NayS-None, therefore and paying the license Fee is commonly used by carpenters, hereof shall not apply to holders of ORDINANCE N0. 55.55 as .herein Prescribed. bricklayers, plasterers, plumbers ror milk or bakery peddlers licenses, other mechanics in the construction An Ordinance Re ulatin Section 3, The license fee for junk Section 11. Persona selling milk or g g and dealers Shan be $50.00 per year; or erection of buildings shall, with- milk .products or fruit juices exclu. censing Junk Dealers Junk Collect- The license fee for junk collectors in 24 hours after the purchase. or re. aively from house to house in the Cit ceipt of such tool or implement, give Y ~ shall be $64.00 per year; of Dubuque anal] first obtain a milk LOTS, Auto Salvage Dealers and The license fee for auto salvage notice to the Chief of Police, Cap. peddlers license and pay an annual PawribTOkerS; PTOSCrlbing LICeIlSe dealers shall be $50.00 per year; tain of Police or Police Sergeant at license fee of $5.00. The license fee for pawnbrokers the Police Station in said City, stet- Section 12. Persons selling bakery Fees; Regnlating P2WnbTOkerS; and shall be $100.00 per year; ing the date on which said tool or goods exclusively from house to house prOVldlrig a Penalty fOT the Vi01a• implement was purchased or received Section 4. From and after the ef- and the name oP the person from in the City of Dubuque shall first ob-' t10ri hereof and repeating ~Tdl- fective date of this Ordinance every whom same was purchased or re- tain abakery peddlers license and pawnbroker and junk dealer shall ceived and the awnbroker, or junk pay an annual fee of $76.00. riariCeS 3-38 and 12.39, presented keep a record in the English hut- dealer so purchasing or receiving Section 13, Pedding shall not be and read. COUriCllriari WeIU mOVed gunge, and in a book kept for that such tool or implement shall not sell conducted upon the public streets', that the reading JUSt had be COri• purpose in which shall be intelli. or dispose of the same for a period from temporary stands or vehicles to' gently and accurately entered the of 48 hours after the notice ahr.ve .which: people are attracted by talk.. Sldered the f1TSt reading Of tle time of purchasing or receiving each specified is given, and until the ex- ing, singing, music, unusual noises or, ordinance• Seconded by Councilman article: of personal property our_ piration of such time shall !reap Said entertainment or by the use of flares chased or received, and the follow- tool or implement in his store, shop or lighta• Kolb. Carried by the following vote: ing• data: or place of business in such place Section 14. Food commodities sold'. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, COUriCIl• (1) The. name of the person from that the same can be readily seen along and upon the street, including men DOVe, Schueller, WelU, whom the article of property teas and examined, ice cream, shall at all times be sub- Purchased or received, and his Mace Section 7. From and after the ject to inspection by the Health Of-` NayS-None. of residence, showing street and effective date of this Ordinance no ficer or his deputy and this inapec-' COUriCllmari WeIU mOVed that the number where possible; junk shall be stored or automobile tion shall apply to the quantity,! (2) A detailed and accurate dos- salvage operation carried' on within weights, measure and sanitation of role requiring the reading Of an cription of each article purchased or 20 feet of any property dine of 106 the article offered for sale, un. ordinance on three Boparate days be received; feet of any street line,' within the' wholesome, rotten or decayed foods (3) A statement giving the na- City of Dubuque, unless the Drenrses shall not be sold or offered for sale Suspended, Seconded by COUriCllman tore of the transaction and whether .upon which such junk is stored nr and it shall be the duty of the! Kolb. Carried by the fO110W1rig Vote; the article. or property was received automobile salvage work is per- Health officer or his deputy to con- in purchase or as security. formed is completely enclosed by a demo such foods wherever found. Y2a3-,MaYOr K1ntZlllger, COUriCll• (4) .The weight or quantity of :solid metal fence not leas than 8 Section 15. Vehicles upon which men Dove Kolb Schueller WeIU. each article purchased or received; feet in height. such foods are carried the containers ' ' ' ' (5) The amount paid for or loaned Section 8. Any person, firm° or in which the .same are handled and NayS-None. nn each article of property par- corporation who violates any of the the food products shall be clean and chased or received; provisions of this ordinance shall be sanitary, protected against fifth, dust,. (Official Publication) (6) The'date and hour of each '..deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and ORDINANCE N0. 55.55 ' flies; or other contaminating cub- f transaction and if said article of prop- upon conviction thereof, shall he Pined stances b An Ordinance Regulating and Li y proper cover or screens. In! censing .Junk Dealers, Junk Collec- erty was received as security the not to exceed One Hundred Dollars the absence of an agreement in writ- exptrattori' date of the period of re- ($100) or imprisoned not to exceed tors, Auto Salvage Dealers and ing whenever any of the articles or demptiori thereof; thirty (30) days in jail. Pawnbrokers; Preacribin License commodities are sold upon the streets Fees; Regulatin Pawnbrokers; and (7) The time when and the per- Section 9. That Ordinance No. 3-36 by the bushel or fractional part there- g 'and No. 12-39, be and the name are of the measure thereof shall be as- Providing a Penalty for the Viola- son to whom such article of property hereb r cettained b avoirdupois weight, com-; tion hereof and repealing Ordinane- was disposed of, if sold, or the time Y epealed. Y when, and the name of the person Passed, adopted and approved this es 3-38 and 12-39, puted as by law provided.. The license who redeemed the same, if said prop- ' 9th day of September, 1965, shall be attached to the vehicle from: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY erty was taken as security. CHARLES A• KINTZINGER which such products are sold. COUNCIh OF THE CITY OF DUBU- Mayor Section 15. Disabled soldiers or sail- QUE' Such record or book shall be open CLARENCE P. WELU ors who have been honorably dis- Section 1. For the purpose of this ~ to public inspection by any sheriff, RAY F. KOLB charged from the United States- Ordinance the following definitions chief of police,. constable or ponce LEO N. SCHUELLER Service'or crippled disabled or indig- shall apply: officer.. Failure to keep such record C. E. DOVE ent persons may be exempted from (a) The term "Pawnbroker" shall book, or making false entries there- Councilmen the provisions of this ordinance pro- mean any person, firm oa cor- in, or refusal to produce the same 'Attest• LEO F, FROMMELT viding they file an application with: Poration who makes .loans or, ad- when requested by the persons en- City Clerk the City Council setting forth the'', vancements upon.. pawn, pledge or titled to inspect the same, shall sub- published officially in the Tele- grounds on which .they request ex- deposit of personal property, or who jeer the offender to the penalty hero- graph Herald Newspaper this 13th emptlon, received actual possession of- person- , inafter provided. day of September, 1955• Section 17 Any person violating; al property as security for a loan, Section 5. No pawnbroker or .junk Leo F. Frommelt any of the provisions of this Ordi-. with or without a mortgage or bill of dealer and no clerk, agent or can- lt, 9/13 nonce shall, upon conviction thereof, sale. ployee oP any pawnbroker nr junk City Clerk be punished by a fine not to exceed. (b) The term "junk dealer" shall dealer shall purchase or receive from One Hundred Dollars ($100) orb m-i mean any person, firm'or corporation CODUCIllmari WeIU moved the Y i any minor, under the age of 18 yearn prisonment not to exceed thirt 30 who buys, sells, or collects junk, auto. an Y ( ) mobile arts. or tires, of ever kind Y junk, used or aeconahand tmni- ladoption of the ordinance. Second• days or by both such fine or imprla. p y tore, fixtures, goods, wares or mer. ell b Councilman Kolb. Carried b onment. and description, either as his or tts chandise, or any pro erty of any kind Y Y j 6th allay CHARLESb A. KINTZINGER s ra) Tmetals mor J machi erll ta~a en or oemployeee If r ny paw broke Boor ' thY0a5 O M OT KlntZingOr, CODUCIl• ! CLARENCE P, VMVELU Paper, bottles, tinware, furniture, Junk dealer shall Purchase or reretve men Dove, KOIb, Schueller, WeIU, RAY F. KOLB used plumbing and electrical ma- any .property of any kind or char- NayS~Norie. LEO N. SCHUELLER' terials and fixtures, used autombiles, acter whatsoever from any minor ' oven the age oQ IS years, without C. E. DOVE automobile parts or tires, platinum, first .obtaining and receiving the ORDINANCE N0, 56.55 Councilmen gold or silver, or any other article written consent to the purchase or Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT or thing usually bought, sold, or dealt receipt of said property, signed and Ari OTdlriariCe PTOVidirig for the City Clerk with as junk, executed by the parent or guardian Published officially in the Telegraph (d) The term "junk collector" shalt of said minor, which said consent RegUlatlOri Of Taxicabs, RegUlTirig a Herald Newspaper. this 13th day of mean any person who travels about shalt describe the .property bentg re L1CCnBC Therefor, PreSCTlblrig the September, 1955, the City from house to house or place ceived or purchased, and consent to Leo F. Frommelt to place, collecting or Haying junk. License Fee and Providing a Pen- City Clerk (e) The term "auto salvage deal- the sale thereof by sa(d minor, and alt for Violation Thereof and Re~ 1t, 9.13 er" shall mean any person, firm or such consent shall be retained and Y 37S Regular Session, September 6, 1955 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 379 pealing Ordinance 44.4®, presented (b> For two or more pasaengera to bankruptcy, legal incapacity or in- first reading of the ordinance, Sec- ana including five passengers from ability of the aaaurear~ onded b CouncIlman Kolb. Carried slid read. Councilman WeIU moved one part of the City to any other such pokey shall be issued forage. Y that the readiri i1St had be Con- PaM thereof, including such passen- , rind covering the life of the License by the following vote: g ~ applied for. Failure to keep such a sidered the first readiri of the ger'a ordinary luggage, the sum of Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- . g Seventy-five Cents (75c); Aolicy in full force and effect shalt Ordinance, SCCOnded by C0UI1CIlman (c) Where two or more passengers. be cause for revocation of the Li- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, WeIU. board a taxicab at the same place, Dense. Nays-None. KOIb, C'arrled by the fO1loWing Vote: prom that place to any other parts. of Section 10 The L[cense Tag o r YCa5--vMayOr Kintzinger, COUIlCll• the City as designated by each pas• PFate shall be fastened upon the ve- Councilman Welu moved that the senger, the passenger alighting shall hide and shall not be removed until rule requiring the reading of an or- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, WeIU. pay 60c and each other passenger the expiration oP the Licensed pe- riod. dinance on three separate days be Nays-•-NOnB, shall pay 35c ae he ]eaves the taxi- cab at his destination. These fares Section 11. A license plate issued SUSpended. 'Seconded 'by Council- . 'COUI1Cllman WeIU moved that the include the passengers' ordinary lug- far one vehicle shall not be attached rule requiring the reading of an or- gage: or affixes to any vehicle other than man Kolb. Carried by the following the one licensed, Vote: dinanee on three separate days be (d) Waiting time may be charged Section 1Z. The Chief oP Police, Yeas-Ma or Kintzin er Council- for on the following terms: At the with the approval of the City Coun- Y g , SUSpended. Seconded by Council- rate of Three Dollars ($3} per hour, cil, may set apart places upon the men ,Dove, KDIb, SOhueller, WeIU, man Kolb. Carried by the f011oWing No charge shall be made for wait. streets in the vicinity of depots, ho. ing time under ten (10) minutes, leis or other places where taxicabs NaYS-None. VOtI',; Section 7. Every vehicle oparat4 may stand and where passengers (Official Publication) Y2aS--MayOT K1ntZingOrr COU11C11• ing as a taxicab shall have exposed may be solicited but nothing herein ORDINANCE N0. 57.55 men 1)OVe, Kolb, Schueller, WeIU. in a conspicuous place to clear view ~ shall permit such soliciting to be within the passenger's compartment made away from the cab or so as An Ordinance Providing for the Li- NayS-None. a printed table large enough to be to subject the sidewalks to the an• tensing and Regulating of Fortune read by the passengers in the taxi- noyance or interference of traffic. Tellers, Clairvoyants, and the like, (Official Publication) cab, of the fixed rates; and it shall Operating an unlicensed taxi-cab or Establishing a License fee and Pro- ORDINANCE N0. 66.55 be unlawful to operate or permit to permitting a licensed taxi-cab to be viding a penalty for the violation be operated any such vehicle unless operated by an unlicensed driver or hereof. An Ordinance Providing for the ,said rates are posted as herein. pro- ehaffenr, or driving a licensed or BE IT ORDAINED BY THE C I T Y Regulation of Taxicabs, Requiring a vided. Each time a taxicab is op. unlicensed taxi-cab, without being a COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU• License Therefor, Prescribing the Li- :crated and permitted to be operated licensed chaifeur, or violating any of BUQUE, IOWA: tense Fee and Providing a Penalty .carrying a passenger or pasaengera the provisions hereof shall subject Section 1. From and after t h e for Violation Thereof and Repealing without so posting the rates as the offender to the penalty herein adoption of this Ordinance it shall Ordinance 44-46. aforesaid shall constitute a separate provided for, be unlawful for any person, firm or BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY offense. Section 13. The provisions herein corporation to engage in the practice COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU. Section 8. It shall be unlawful for relating to insurance policies and of telling fm~tunes, palmistry, ctair- BUQUE, IOWA: the operator of any taxicab to stop, licenses shall apply to vehicles rent- voyance, phrenology or similar art, ' Section b No person shall operate pant or drive about the streets and ed out without a driver or operator. without first obtaining a 1 i c e n s e a taxicab in the City of Dubuque un- public places of Dubuque, and by Section 14. Any person, firm or therefor and paying the license 4ee less it is licensed, nor shall any such word, sign or signal, solicit passen- corporation who violates any provi- hereinafter prescribed. cab be operated by an unlicensed gers for his vehicle; but nothing sion oP this ordinance shall be deem- Section 2, Application. for a li. driver or chauffeur. :herein shall be construed to prevent ed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon tense under this ordinance shall be Section 2. Taxicab License. Motor .the taking an of passengers any- conviction shall be fined not more filed in duplicate with the C i t y vehicles ar taxi cabs having a caps- where within the Clty upon the re- than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) Manager, on a form to be furnished tit of ten (10 or less persons shall P and in default of such fine and costs y ) quest of any ouch ersons, shall be imprisoned for a period of by him, which shall be signed by the pay a License of Twenty Dollars Section 9. As a condition to the applicant and give the followhig in- ($20) per year for each such vehicle. granting of a license fo taxicabs, not exceeding thirty (30) days in jail. formation: Section 3. The chauffeur or driver the person, firm or cor oration seek- Section 15. That Ordinance No. 44- (a) Type of license applied Por. of any taxi cab or motor bus shall p 45 as amended by Ordinance No. 56- ing such license shall file in the oL 61 be and the same is hereby re. (b) Name of applicant. Wear upon his clothing the button or fice of the City clerk a Public Li. (c) Address, both legal and local. tag issued to him far which he shall ability Insurance Policy executed by pealed. (d) The length of time the right to ay the sum of One Dollar and Fifty a Surety Company authorized to do Passed, adopted and aPProved this P ~ do business is desired. Cents ($1.50) per year. 5th day of September, 1955. Section 4. Motor Bus License. Ex- business in the State of Iowa, such CHARLES A. KINTZTNGER (e) The applicants fingerprints cept motor buses operating under a Policy to be approved by the City Mayor and a physicians certificate that the franchise, the License for operating Manager. The minimum liability of CLARENCE P. WELU applicant is free from communicable a motor bus or other vehicle used for such policy shall be as follows: RAY F. KOLB diseases the transportation of persons for hire (a) To cover the assured's liability LEO N. SCHUELLER (f) A statement of good more[ and having a capacity of ten (10) or for personal injury or death oP one C, E. DOVE character signed by the Chief of Po- mor0 persons shall be Twenty.five person, as a result of one accident Councilmen lice of each place the'apPnoant prac- Dollars ($26) per year For each such or other cause, $5,000,00: for all per. Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT ticed previously, sons receiving personal injuries as a City Clerk vohicle, Section 3. The license fee for the Section 5. The following definitions result of one acc[dent or other cooed' Published officially in the Telegraph practice oP fortune telling, palmla- shall apply; $15,000.00 such liability to include in-' Herald Newspaper this i3th day of try, phrenology, clairvoyance, or s1m- jury or death to passengers bein September, 1965. ' (a) Taxi Caba shall mean any mot- carried upon such vehicles or er g Leo F. Frommelt tar profession or art is hereby fixed sons r th n a motor bus P at 5.oa er da 2b.00 er week or or vehicle othe a $ p y, $ P traveling over fixed routes under a injured or killed through the opera- City Clerk $50A0 per month. ~ franchise) which is used for the lion of such vehicles; and (c) 'for' lt, 9-13 transportation of passengers for hire damage to or destruction of property Section 4. Any person who shall with or without a driver and where -other than that of the assured, as a ` C9UriCllman WeIU moved 'the violate. any of the provisions of this the capacity of such vehicle is limit- result of any one accident or cause., adoption Of the Ordinance. SOCOrid• ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a $5,000.00, ! misdemeanor ar.d upon conviction ed to less than ten (10) persons, ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by thereof shall be Fined not more than (b) Chauffeur shall mean any per- Eaeh policy shall contain the fol- In Ote: 5100 or imprisoned not more than' stln who operates an automobile in lowing endorsement: "It is under- the f0110W g V - the transportation of persons and stood and agreed that before the tn- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger COUriCIl- 30 days or both. Passed. adopted r' who receives any compensation for surance policy to which this endorse- > and approved this 5th day of• Sep- such services in Wages, commisaions. merit is attached may be suspended men DOVe, KOl'b, Schueller, WeIU. tember, 1955. or otherwise paid directly or indirect- or cancelled the City of Dubuque will NayS-None. CHARLES A. KINTZIM~Eo ]y or who, as owner or employee, op. be given ten (10) days prior written ORDINANCE N0. 57.55 CLARENCE P. WELU erat0s an automobile carrying pas- notice of such proposed suspension RAY F, KOLB sengers for hire, or cancellation. It is further under- An Ordinance Providing for the LEO N. SCHUELLER Section 6. The following rates and stood and agreed that the oblige- atlri Of For• C. E. DOVE Re I i ad Licens n n ri es for the trans ortation of pas- lion and olicy oP such oliciea shall g ~ g p c P P P Councnmen sengers by taxi-cabs are hereby fixed not be affected by any act or orris- tune Tellers, Clairvoyants, and the Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT as the rates and prices to be charg- sion of the named assured or any like, 7;Stabhshing a 1,1'CenSe fee and City Clerk ed far services rendered by ,the employee of the named assured with Published officially in the Telegraph means atiove stated, to-wit: respect to any condition or require. Providing a penalty for the V101a• Herald Newspaper this 13th day of (a) For one passenger from one merit attached thereto, nor by any t10n hereof, presented and read. September, 1956. part of the City of Dubuque to any default of the assured in payment of LEO F. FROMMELT other part thereof, including such premium or in the giving of any no- Councilman Welu moved that the Clty Clerk passenger's ordinary luggage, the lice required by said policy or other- reading JUSt had be COnSldered the 1t 9/13 sum of Sixty Cents (600); .wise, nor by the death, [naolveneg' 380 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 '.381 _ Councilman Welu moved the ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by adoption of the resolution, Second- the following vote: of 'Chicago, Illinois, to design and I Tenenbom's Super Market, Inc., 630 ed by Councilman Kolb, Carried by Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- supervise construction of an Iron i Locust Street the following vote, men Dove, Kalb, Schueller, Welu. Removal and Hardness Reduction Walter W. Knoll,. 205 Kaufm-an Ave• Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Nays-None. Plant; and Hue men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. ORDINANCE N0. 59.55. Whereas, certain permits are re- Thomas E. Brewer, 501 East 22nd quired by the Corps of Engineers Street Nays-None, An Ordinance Amending Ordi• in the construction work; Gus Pusateri, 1098 Main Street: ORDINANCE N0. 58.55 nonce No. 21.42 by Requiring Li-, Naw, Therefore, Be It Resolved James M. Kane, 1205 Cleveland An Ordinance Amending Ordi• tenses for the operation of Roller- that. the consulting Engineering- Avenue nonce No. 27.49 by Repealing Sec- Skating Rinks and Providing a Fee. ti~on 2 thereof and Enacting ASub- therefor, presented and read, Coun- firm of Consoer, Townsend & Asso- 'Passed, adopted and approved cIlman Welu moved that the read- ciates of Chicago, Illinois, is hereby this 6th day of September, 1955, stitnte Therefor Proving far a Li- authorized to apply for a permit to CHARLES A, KIlVTZINGER cerise and. License Fee, presented trig just had be considered the first construct a 30 inch steel drain and read, CouneiIman Welu moved reading of the ordinance, Seconded` Mayor that the reading just had be con- by Councilman Kolb. Carried by the line into the Mississippi River, as CLARENCE P. WELU sidered the first reading of the ordi- following vote: a representative 'of the. City of Du• RAY F. KOLB Hance. 'Seconded by Councilman Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• buque, Iowa. LEO N. SCHUELLER Kolb. Carried by the following vote; :men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Passed, adopted and approved C. E. DOVE Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Nays-None. this 6th day of September, 1955. CouncIlmen men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Councilman Welu''moved that the' CHARLES A. KINTZPNG~ER Attest: LEO F, FR'OMMELT, Nays-None,, rule requiring the reading of an 'Mayor City Clerk Councilman Welu moved that the ordinance on three separate days CLARENCE P, WELU Councilman Welu moved the rule requiring the reading of an be suspended, Seconded by Council- RAY F. KOLB adoption of the resolution. Second- man Kalb. Carried b LEO N, SCHUELLER ed by Councilman Kolb, Carried. by ordinance' on three separate days y the follow• C, E. DOVE the following vote: be suspended. Seconded by Council- trig vote: Councilmen Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- man Kolb. Carried by the following Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Attest: LEO F. FROMMEUT, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, vote: men Dove, Kalb, Schueller, Welu. City Clerk Nays=None. Yeas-'Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Nays-None, Councilman Welu moved the RE50LUTION N0. 206.55 men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. (Official Publication) Nays-None. oRDINAivcE No. 5x.55 adoption of the resolution. Second- Whereas, heretofore applications 'An Ordinance Amending oratnance ed'by Councilman Kolb. Carried by for Beer Permits were filed by the (official Pubnoation> No. 21-4z by Requiring Licenses for the following vote: within named applicants and they • ORDINANCE N0. 58.55 the operation of Roller - Skating! Yeas-~Ma or Kintzin r e CouncIl- Rinka and Providin a Fee therefoa have r8 Y C1 g g eve h , dtea ro ~ _ val of this 3 An Ordinance Amending ordi ! BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY pp 'Hance No. 27-49 by Repealing Sec- COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- men Dote, KOl'b, Schueller, Welu. Council; and tion 2 thereof and Enacting ASub- QUE, IOWA: NayS~NOne, WhP.rea5, the premlSC5 t0 be OC- stitute Therefor Providing for. a LL Section 1, That Ordinance No: 21.42 RE50LUTION N0. 205.55 copied bysuch applicants have been tense and License Fee. be and the same is hereby amended' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY : by adding a new Section 4A thereto Whereas, appllCatlOnS for Beer 1nSpeCted and found t0 Comply Wlth COUNCIL OF. THE CITY OF DU- ~ follows: BuQuE, IowA: "4A - No peraom aha11 engage in' Permits have been submitted to this'' ~ the ordinances of this City and section 1, That section 2 of Ordi- !the business of operating a rover. Council for approval and the same they have filed proper bonds: Now, Hance No, 27-49 be and the same is 'skating rink v~~ithout first obtaining a hereby repealed and the following !license therefor and paying the ti- have. been examined: Now, There• Therl:fOre, , enacted in lieu thereof; 'tense fee in the amount of $iD0.00 fore, Be It RCSO1Ved by the CLty?COUn• °section 2. It shall be unlawfm for .per year.^ Be It Resolved b the Cit Coun- <cil of the Cit of Dubu ue that the any. person, firm or corporation to pawed, adopted and approved this Y Y Y ~ q operate a restaurant or itinerant res- 6th day of .September, 1956. C11 Of the Clty Of Dubuque that the Manager 'be arid,he 1S d1rCCtC(1 t0 taurant in the city of Dubuque with- cxARLES A: xINTZINGER following applications be granted issue to the following named ap• out first procuring a permit therefor Mayor and the licenses are to 'be issued. i plicants a Beer Permit, and paying a fee as follows: CLARENCE P: WELU For a restaurant $20,00 per year, RAY F, KOLB Upon the COmpllanCe wlth the terrilS ~ CLASS B PERMIT For an itinerant restaurant. $20.00 LEO N. SCHUELLER ' n 6.oD of the ordinances of this Cit . eek a d per year, $10.00 per w $ c. E. DovE Y I Wardie Hartshorn (Transfer of ad- per day. Councilmen CLASS "B" PERMIT I dress from 399 East 20th Street), In the event of the violation of any !Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT of the provtalona of'this oratnance - city.. clerk Wardie Hartshorn (Transfer of ad- ' 236 West 1s# Street by a permit holder, the xeitn so~_ puhliahea officialiy in the Telegraph dress from 399 East 20th Street) Grange. J. Kohn, 399 East"20th m ora 1 i er ma revoke or to p Y Herald News a er this 13th da of- f C Y P P Y Pend the permit." .September, 1956. 236 West 1St Street Street -r Passed, adopted and approved this LEO F, FROMMELT Grange J. Kohn, 399 EBSt 20th V1nCent A. McClean, 38 West 4111 6th. day of September, 1965. City 'Clerk' CHARLES A. KINT~INGER It - 9-13 Btreet SlTeat Mayor Councilman Welu moved the Vincent A: McClean 38 West 4th. Carl L, Noel 1080 Universit AVe• CLARENCE P. WELU , , Y RAY F. KoLS adoption of the ordinance. Second• Street Hue LEO N, SCHUELLER ed b Councilman Kolb. Carried by Carl L, Nael, 1080 University Ave• J, Louis Spielman and Susan Spiel• C'c unD~ en the following vote: Hue man, 6ni Rhomberg Avenue Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT • Yeas-Ma or Kintzin r un '1- J, Louis S ielman and Susan S iel Carl E. Me er 1828 Central Avenue e Co cl Y Y g P P , City Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, We1u. man, 601 Rhomberg Avenue James H. Scherer, 1187 Iowa Street Herald Newspaper this 13th aay of Nays~lVone. Carl E, Meyer, 1828 Central Avenue Walter R, Johnson, 336 Main Street September, 1s65.LEO r, FROnInIELT James H. Scherer, 1187 Iowa Street CLASS "C" PERMIT city clerk RE50LUTION N0, 204.55 Walter R Johnson, 336 Main Street National Tea Company, 896.98 Main lt. - s-la, Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Councilman Welii moved the Iowa has contracted for the service CLASS "C" PERMIT Street adoption of the resolution. Second- of Consoer, Townsend & Associates National .Tea Company, 896.98 Main Tenenbom's Super Market, Inc., 630 Street Locust Street 382 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 383 Walter W. Knoll, 205 Kaufman. Ave• Councihman Welu moved the be referred to the City Manager and ence in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on adoption of the resolution. Second- Electrical Inspector for investiga• October 2nd through October 5th. nue tion and report. Seconded by Coun- This conference is one attended by Thomas E. Brewer, 501 East 22nd ed by Councilman Kalb. Carried by Gilman Kolb. Carried by the fol• our ~Gity Engineer and Street Com• Street the following vote: lowing vote: missioner in the past, where ideas Gus Pusateri, 1098 Main Street Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- obtained have been put into prac• James M. Kane,1205 Cleveland Ave- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, tice at a saving to the city. nue Nays-None, Be it Further Resolved that the Nays-None, I recommend that Kenneth Cul• Petition of Roger C. Johnson re• Petition of John Alden et al re• len and Cletus Allen be authorized bonds filed by such applicants be questing a refund of $75.00 on hls to attend this meetin and the same are hereby approved. Cigarette License No, 29'1 as he has questing that .the present Local gat city ex- Passed, adopted and approved Business District on Windsor Ave• pense, this 6th day of September, 1955. discontinued business as of Septem• nue be extended to include • the Respectfully submitted, CHARLES A. KINTZINGER ber 5, 1955, presented and read. southwest corner of Garfield and L, J, SCHILTZ, Mayor Councilman Kolb moved that the re• Windsor Avenue (Part of Lot 7 City Manager CLARENCE P, WELD quest be granted and the City Audi- Cooks Addition), presented 'and LJ'S;la for instructed to draw a warrant in read, Councilman Welu moved that ' RAY F. KOLB favor of Roger C. Johnson in the Councilman Kolb moved that the LEO N. SCHUELLER amount of $75.00 to cover the un- the petition be referred to the Plan- recommendation be approved, Sec• C. E. DOVE expired portion of his Cigarette ning & Zoning Commission. Second- onded by Councilman Schueller. Councilmen License No. 291. Seconded by Coun• ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by Carried by the following vote: Attest: LEO F. PROMMELT, Gilman Schueller, Carried by the the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• City Clerk following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Councilman Welu moved the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. adoption of the resolution,. Second- men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. ed by Councilman Kolb, Carried by Nays--None, Communication of Chicago, Mll• September 6, 1955 the following vote: Waukee, St. Paul and Pacific Rail- To the Honorable Mayor Yeas-'Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Petition of Elmer E, Meyor re- road Company requesting that the and City Council, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, questing a refund of $75A0 on his City of Dubuque refrain from vacat- Dubuque, Iowa Nays-None. Cigarette License No. 191 as he has ing or granting any rights, wheth• Gentlemen: discontinued business as of Septem• er temporary or permanent, in any A request has been made for the RESOLUTION N0. 207.55 ber 6, 1955, presented and read. portion of Pine Street which would installation of a street light be- Be Tt Resolved by the City Coun- Councllman Kolb moved that the in any manner interfere with the tween 30th and Leibe Streets on f Dubu ue .that the request be granted and the City maintenance and operation of the Jackson Street because of the great the 'Cit o q , Gil of Y d to draw a war- uditor instructe an s tracks therein trucks of in and out following, having complied with the rant in favor of Elmer E. Meyer in Railroad Comp y number of g ng "provisions of law relating to the or which would impair the mainte• of the H & W main entrance dur• sale of cigarettes within the City the amount of $75.00 to cover the nonce of adequate and legal clear- ing the night hours. of Dubuque, be granted a permit to unexpired portion of his Cigarette antes for said railroad tracks and I have investigated this request sell cigarettes and cigarette papers License No, 191. Seconded by Coun• cars and locomotives operated and find that it would be in the within said City and the Manager Gilman Schueller.. Carried by the thereon; and (2) that the City of best interest of the public to have is directed to issue such permit on following vote:. Dubuque, refrain from vacating ar a street light at this location. behalf of said City, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Councii• granting any permanent rights in men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, any portion of Pine Street or per- I recommend therefor, that a Wardie Hartshorn (Transfer of ad- N,ay~ None, mitting the construction of a build- street .light. be installed between dress from 399 East 20th St.), 30th and Leibe Streets on Jackson 236 West 1st Street Petition of Elmer E. Meyer xe. ing or other permanent improve- Street at a location to be deter- Grange J. Kohn, 399 East 20th questing a refund of $100,00 on ment tie gin which would preclude mined by the electrical inspector, Street his Class B Beer Permit No. 15 the la in out and operation of Respectfully submitted, discontinued business as .additional trackage which would be as he has L, J. SCHILTZ Carl E. Meyer, 1828 Central Avenue of September 6,1955, presented and necessary or convenient m serving City Manager Thomas E. Brewer, 501 East 22nd read. Councilman Kolb moved that present or future industrial areas LJSao Street the request be granted and the City in Dubuque, presented and xead. Walter R. Johnson, 336 Main Street Auditor instructed to draw a war- Councilman Welu moved that the Councilman Schueller moved that Be It Further Resolved that the rant in favor of Elmer E, Meyer in communication be referred to the the recommendation be approved, bonds filed with the applications be the amount of $100.00 to cover the Planning & Zoning 'Commission. Seconded by Councilman Dove. Car- approved. unexpired .portion of his Class "B" Seconded by'Councilman Kolb, Car- ried by the following vote: Seer Permit No. 15. Seconded by ried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Passed, adopted and approved Councilman Schueller, Carried by Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council- this 6th day of September, 1955, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. CHARLES A, K1NTZINGER the following vote: Nays-None. Mayor Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Nays-None, CLARENCE P. WDLU men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. August 28, 1955 September 6, 1955 1tAY F KOLB Nays-None. To the Honorable Mayor To the Honorable Mayor LEO N. SCHUELLER Petition of Mrs. Edna Singrin et and City Council, and City Council, E. DOVE al requesting a street light to be in- Dubuque, Iowa Dubuque, Iowa Councilmen stalled on the middle `of Emmett Gentlemen: Gentlemen: Attest: LEO F. FROMMEUP, Street, presented and read, Council- The American Public Works As- I am submitting herewith a re• City Clerk man Welu moved that the petition sociation is holding their confer- port of the Associated Consultants 384 Regular Session, September 6, 1955 Special Session, September 21, 1955 385 for traffic and parking in the City .Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- 7:30 P,M, at which time the councll of Dubuque. men Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu. _ ~ E ~ ~ wlll further. consider the plans, I recommend that this report be Nays-None. h = ~ specifications and bids for the referred to the City Council and LEO F. FROMMELT Water Works Hardness Reduction Cit Manager for further stud and City Clerk Y Y Approved ...1955. (OFFICIAL) and Iron Removal Plant, Seconded that the City Manager prepare a by Councilman Kolb, Carried by the recommended schedule so that the Adopted ::.................:............1955. Special Session, September 21, following vote, Council can determine the order in 1955. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ' which the work may be undertaken Council met at 7:30 P.M, men Dove Kolb Sehueller Welu. with the funds available in the cur- ' rent budget. C~Present - Mayor Kintzinger, Nays-None. Respectfully submitted, Councilmen uncilmen Dove, Sehueller, Welu. Mayor Kintzinger thanked all City Manager Schiltz. Mayor Kin't• contractors and sub-contractors, L. J. SCHILTZ, singer read the call and stated that who furnished bids, in behalf of the City Manager this .:meeting. is called for the pur- City Council and the City. Adminis- LJSao pose of receiving sealed proposals tration Attest: for the construction of an Iron Re- Proof of Publication, certified to Councilman Kolb moved that the City Clerk moval and Hardness Reduction by the Publisher of Notice to Con- report be referred to the City Coun- Plant and acting on any other busi- tractors of the Reeeip't of Proposals cil and City Manager. Seconded by ness as may properly come before for the construction of a cast. iron Councilman Sehueller, Carried by a regular meeting of the City Coun- water main in Alpha Avenue from the'following vote; cil. the North Property line of Ridge- Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Proofs of Publication certified to way Avenue to the South Property men Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu. by the publishers of the Telegraph Line of Indiana Avenue. Born Ave- Herald and the Des Moines Register nue from the South property line of Nays-None, of a public hearing to be held of Ridgeway Avenue. Fairfax Avenue Council Proceedings for the Water Works additions and Im- from the North Property Line of months of February, March, April provemen:ts Iron Removal and Hard- Lot 487, Lenox Addition to the and May; 1955 presented for ap- r ness Reduction. Plant, and the re• North property Line of Lenox Ave• proval. Councilman Welu moved ceiptof proposals for the construc• nue. Marmora Avenue from the that the Council Proceedings be ap- tion of an Iron Removal and Hard• East Property Line of Wisconsin ness Reduction Plant, presented and Avenue to the East Property>Line conded b rinted Se e a rov d s Y p ne p t Missouri Ave u neilman Kolb moved tha of Fairfax Avenue. , read, Cou . . . . Councrlman Kolb, Carrred by the the' proofs of publrcatron be re- from the South Property Lme of following voter ceived'and filed, Seconded by Coun- Lenox Avenue to the South Prop• Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger,' Council- Gilman Sehueller. Carried by the fol• erty Line of Ridgeway Avenue. men Dove, Kolb; Sehueller, Welu. lowing' vote: Ridgeway Avenue from the West Nays.-None. Yeas~l4layor Kintzinger,: Council- Property Line of Born Avenue.. to men Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu, the East property Line of Alpha Councilman Welu moved that the Nays-None: Avenue, Wisconsin Avenue from • following persons be reappointed to No written' objections were re• the South Property Line of Penn- n n oral ob'eetors were s lvania Avenue to the West Prop• ceived a d o Y ' i n n board of the Cit J commrss o s a d s Y of Dubuque, Iowa. Rev. Karl G, present in the council chamber. erty Lme of Marmon Avenue, pre- Schroeder and William B. Zuker to The following bids on Water sented and read. Councilman the' Library Board. Victor J. Grice Works additions' and Improvements Sehueller moved that the proof of to the Airport Commission. George Iron Removal and Hardness Reduc- publication be received and filed. R. Murphy to the Airport Zoning lion Plant, were received, opened Seconded by Councilman Kolb. Car• Commission. Mrs. Wilbur Dalzell, and read: ried by the following vote: John Petrakis, Gerald W. McAleece, 1.' Conlon Construction Co, of Du- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Rev. Eugene Weimer and Frank buque, Iowa and Donovan construc- man Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu, ne Na s-No Y Fluckrger to the Playground and lion 'Co, of St, Paul, Mmn. Recreation Commission. J. H. 2. Cunningham Bros. Inc. of Be• September 21, 1955 Schiltz to Board of Adjustment. Sec- loit, Wisconsin. To the Honorable Mayor onded by Councilman Kolb. Carried Councilman Welu moved that the and City Council. by'the following vote: bids be referred to the City Man- Dubuque, Iowa Yeas-'Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ager for recommendation and re• Gentlemen: men Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu, part. Seconded by Councilman Kolb: pursuant to your instructions, Carried by the following vote: sealed bids were received up to Nays-None. _ Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- 10:00 A.M, on September 21, 1955, There being no further business men Dove, Kolb, Sehueller, Welu, for the construction of the 1955 Councllman Sehueller moved to ad- Nays-None. Water Main Project No. 1. Attached journ. Seconded by Councilman Councilman Welu moved that is the tabulation of bids received, Welu, Carried by the following upon the completion of all other I recommend that the contract be voter business, this meeting stand ad- awarded to the Saffron Construc- journed until October 3, 1955 at lion .Company, who submitted the ~u ~ 386 Special Session, September 21, 1955 Special Session, September 21, 1955 3$7 lowest bid ieeeived which was 5.9% Be It Resolved by the City Coun• pairs to the Number Five Engine provements be paid for out of Pub- - under the Engineer's estimate, cil of the City of Dubuque that the F House, Grandview Avenue and lit Safety Fund. Fayment will be Respectfully submitted, contract for the .above mentioned Bradley Street. made to the contractor out of Pub• L, J. SCH~H,TZ improvement be awarded to Saf- Be It Therefore Resolved that lit Safety Fund as provided by law City Manager fran Construction Co, and the Man- the City Council on its own motion after the work has- been completed Councilmen Kolb moved that the alter be and he is hereby directed or upon petition of property own- and accepted by the City Council. recommendation of the City Man• to execute a contract on behalf of ers deems it advisable and necessary Be It Further Resolved that the alter be approved. Seconded. by the City of Dubuque for the com• for the public welfare to make the 'Ci'ty Clerk be and he is hereby or- councilman Welu. Carried by the plete performance of said work, herein mentioned improvement, dered and directed to advertise far following vote; Be It Further Resolved, that upon and unless property owners at the proposals for the construction of Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Couneil• the signing of said contract and the time of the final consideration o'f the various improvements herein men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. approval of the contractors bond this proposed resolution have on provided for in -the manner provid- Nays-None. the City Treasurer is authorized file wifh the City Clerk objections ed by law, the said improvements and instructed to return the bid de• to the amount of the proposed as- shall be completed on or before 45 (Awarding Contract) posits of the unsuccessful bidders, sessments, they shall be deemed to days from date of contract. RESOLUTION N0. 209.55 Passed and adopted this 21st day have waived all objections thereto. Be It Further Resolved that this Whereas, sealed proposals have of September, 1955. Said improvement shall be con- resolution being deemed urgent and been submitted by contractors for CHARLES A. KINTZIlVGER strutted and done in accordance of immediate necessity shall be in ' the construction of a cast iron wa- Mayor with the plans and specifications 'force and effect from and after its ' ter main in: CLARENCE P. WELU which have been prepared therefor passage and adoption by the City Alpha Avenue from the North RAY A. KOLB by the Building Commissioner Council. Property Line of Ridgeway Avenue LE'0 N. SCHUELLER v+hich have been approved by the Passed, adapted and approved to the South Property Line of In• CHARLES E. DOVE City Council and are now on file this 21st day of 'September, 1955. liana Avenue. Councilmen with the City Clerk, That the cost CHARLES A, K1NTZINGJ7R Born Avenue from .the South Attest: LEO F, FROMMELT, and expense of making said im• Mayor Property Line of Indiana Avenue City Clerk provement shall be paid out of the CLARENCE ~P. WELU to the South Property Line of Councilman We1u moved the public safety fund. RAY F, KOZB Ridgeway Avenue. adoption of the resolution, and that The .above resolution was intro- 'L'EO N. SCHUELLER Fairfax Avenue from the North Saffron Construction Co, be award- laced, approved and ordered placed CHARLES E. DOVE Property Line of Lot 487, Lenox Ad- ed the contract. Seconded by Coun• on file with the City Clerk this 6th Councilmen i ' o the North Pro ert Line oilman .Schueller, Carried by the day df September, 1955. The fore- Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT, d tion t p Y oin resolution was finall assed City Clerk g g YP f Lenox Avenue. following vote: o Marmora Avenue from the East Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Council- and adopted, as proposed, by the Councilman Kolb moved the - ado io D e b h ell r City Council, .this 21st day of Sep Pt n of the resolution. Second men ov Kol Sc u e Welu. Property 'Line of Wisconsin Avenue , to the East Property Line of Fairfax Nays-None, tember, 1955. ed by Councilman Welu. Carried Avenue. Proof of Publication, Certified to, GHARLES A, KINTZINGER by the following vote: Mayor Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Counc)1• Missouri Avenue from the South by the Publisher, of Notice of Hear- • ~ CLARENCE P. WELU men Dovo, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Line of Lenox Avenue to m, upon proposed lans and s eci• Pr ert p p 0 P Y Na s-None RAY T. KOLB Y uth Pro er Line of Ri a fica'tions, farm of contract and cost the So p ty dg way Avenue, of, improvement for the alteration LEO N. SCHUELLER Communication of the Travelers Ridgeway Avenue from the West and repair of Number Five Engine CHARLES E. DOVE Indemnity Co, enclosing Revoca• Councilmen tion of Power o' f Atto rn A enue to House Grandview Ave. and Brad- a of Rich• Property Line of Born v Y the East Property Line of Alpha ley St„ presented and read, Coun Attest: LEO F. FRO'MMELT and T, Johnson, N. G. Kendall, Ar• ' Avenue. cihnan Kalb moved that the proof City Clerk lone McDuff, B, W. McKlllip, Rob• Wisconsin Avenue from the South of publication be received and filed. (Ordering Construction) ert D. Mowers, Richard P, Pooler, Property Line of Pennsylvania Ave- Seconded by Councilman Welu. Car- RESOLUTION N0. 210.55 all of Des Moines, Iowa-$200.00 nue to the West Property Line of ried by the following vote; Be It Resolved by the City Coun- Limit dated February 9, 1954, pre- Marmora Avenue pursuant to Reso- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Councih cil of the, City of Dubuque that par- sented and read. Councilman Kolb m K moved that the communic ti en Dove olb chueller 1 a on n notice to bid S We u. be 208.55 a d lution No. s an a resolution of necessit u t to y made a matter ders published in a newspaper pub- Nays~None. Na. 202.55 which was duly passed of record. Seconded lished in said City on September (Necessity for Improvement) by this Council, for the Alterations by 'Councilman Schueller. Carried 9th, 1955 and September 16th, 1955; RESOLUTION N0. 202.55 and Repairs to the Number Five by the following vote; and Whereas, proposed plans, specifi- Engine House, Grandview Avenue Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, "Coun• Whereas, said sealed proposals cations, form of contract, have been and Bradley Street be and the same cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. were opened and read on Septem• duly prepared and approved by the. are hereby ordered and constructed Nays-None. ber 21,.1955, and it has been deter- City Council of the City of Dubuque. by this Council upon its own mo- Communication of Clarke College, ' mined that the bid of Saffron Con- and are now on file in the office of tion and with or without the peti- bySister Mary Joseph Therese, ex• struction Co. of Dubuque, Iowa in the City Clerk showing among oth• tion of property owners. All the pressing sincere appreciation to the amount og $16,530.00 was the er things the following: work shall be constructed in accord• the City Council for their favor lowest bid for the furnishing of all 1, An estimate of the cost of the ante with the specifications hereto• able consideration of their request labor and materials and performing proposed improvement, stating the fore adopted and now on file in the that Seminary Street be renamed the work as provided for in the same for each different type of con- office of the City Clerk. Clarke Drive, presented and read. plans and specifications; now there• struction and kind of material to Be It Further Resolved that the Councilman Kolb moved that the fore, be used, for the Alterations and Re; cost and expense of the said im- communication be received and ,i 388 Special Session, September 21, 1955 Special Session, September 21, 1955 389 ' fIled. Seconded by Councilman ed, are low and swampy areas. 10. The alley in Block 8, Wiltses- Councilman Welu moved that the ' Welu, Carried 'by the following ~ Therefore, before any filling opera- Dubuque, petition be referred to the Plan- vote, lion can be undertaken, the entire Under the terms of a contract to ping & Zoning Commission. Second- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- area must be under one ownership be entered into between Dubuque ed by Councilman Kalb. Carried by men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, and be developed as a comprehen- Packing Company and this peti- the following vote: Nays-None. sive project, tioner, said packing company wiIl Yeas-'Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Communication of the City of Dubuque, Iowa convey Ito the petitioner all of the men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Ames .extending.. an invitation to September 19, 1955 lots and lands owned'by it abutting Nays-None, the Honorable Ma or and Cit To The Honorable Mayor and upon :said streets and alleys and, Y Y Members of the. Council thereupon, this petitioner will own Petition of property owners, ad- Council to attend the League of of the City. of Dubuque all of the lots situated in Wiltses• joining English Lane for construe- Iowa Municipalities Convention ~to Gentlemen: Dubuque and Railroad Addition lion of a sanitary sewer behind be held October 5th and 6th ~at their homes with construction= to Hotel Fort Des Moines, Des Moines :The undersigned Chicago; Mil- north of East 19th Street, - ~ Waukee St, Paul and Pacific Rail- < This company has extensive plans ~ start in the Spring of 1956, present- Iowa, presented and read, Council- road Com an hereb ed and read.. Councllman Kolb p y, y petitions for the expansion of its railroad fa• man Kolb moved that the tom- moved that the petition be referred your honorable body to vacate the cilities in order to meet the de• munication be referred to the coun- streets, parts o'f streets and alleys mands upon it for service to the in• 1 to the City Engineer and that prop- cii for further consideration, Sec- herein set 'forth and described and dustrial areas being developed in i er plat and schedule be prepared, onned by Councllman Schueller, Seconded by Councilman Schueller. to convey such vacated areas to this section of the city. It must pre• Carried 'by t'he following vote; Carried by the following vote: your petitioner, .and in support pare for the installation of addi- Yeas-rMayor Kintzinger, Council- hereof states: tional trackage and enlargement pf Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men 'Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. The streets, parts of streets and its railroad yards, 'Presently all of men, Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Nays-None, alleys hereby petitioned to be va- the streets and alleys for which va- Nays-None. toted and conveyed areas follows: cafion is requested, are low and Petition of Chicago Milwaukee & 1. East 19th Street fromthe west swampy areas, This is also true of Petition of Camillus R. Hein, et St. Paul & Pacific ~R. R. Co., by al, far the vacation of an alley be• line of Marsh Street easterly to the the .lands abutting upon them, Clewell, Cooney & Fuerste, its At- tween Lowther & Strauss Streets end of the street. Therefore, before any. filling g parallel with Brunswick torneys, together with a petition by runnin 2. East 20th Street from the west operations can be undertaken the ,presented and Dubuque Packing Co., by Mr. H. W. ~ and Balke Streets line of Hickory Street easterly to entire area must be under one own- Wahlert, President, Petitioning the read.' Councilman Schueller moved the end of the Street. ership and be developed as a com- council to vacate the streets, parts that the petition be referred to the 3. Wayne Street from the west prehensive project. of streets and alleys set forth in Planning & Zoning Commission the etition and to conve such line of Brook Street easterly to the .The Petitioner further states that al P so Y that the ~ count' i il vacated` areas 'to the petitioner, end of the street, it-will prepare and submit to the , vrew the covering streets;_parts of streets 4. Hickory Street from the north Council a plat or plats of the areas ~ ofovnewinn their regular schedule I g property, Seconded by and alleys in East 19th. St,, East line of East 19th Street to 'the proposed to be vacated and con- Councilman Welu. Carried by the 20th St,, Wayne St,, Hickory St., al- south line of East 20th Street. veyed;_and assign lot numbers to ~ following vote: . the re ective streets and alle s ley rn Block 26 Railroad Addn., 5. The alley rn Block 26, Rail- Y ~ ~ s .that n I Yeas--aMayor Kintzinger Council• o co veyance can be made Brook St;,alley in Block 6 Wiltses road Addition from the north line men Dove Kolb Schueller with res ect t Welu, p hereto, Dubu ue alle in q y Block 5 Wiltses of East 19th Street to the south line Among the industries to be bene- Nays-None, Dubuque, Linden Street and the of East 20th Street. alle in Block 8 ' t filed by the extension of trackage y , Wrl ses Dubuque, Br , , , Petition of Earl J. McNam r 6, ook Street from th n a a and e orth , and enlargement of yard facrlrtres presented and read, Councilman line of East 19th Street to 'the south Al A. Gicgerich requesting water Schueller moved that the rules 'be is .Dubuque Packing Company, Ac- I service for three lots created by the ~ line of East 20th Street; and also, cordingly, said Company has joined I > suspended to allow anyone in the Brook Street from the north line citys extension of Grandview Ave, - Council Chamber to address the ~ with this Petitioner in requesting from Custer Street north to line of East 20th Street to the south such vacations and conveyances.' No. 70° 20' E of Lot 56 in Tschir r Council. Seconded by Councilman line of Wayne Street; and also, g' Respectfully submitted, Kolb, Carried by the following vote: Brook Street from the north line of & Schwinds Subdivision, presented Chicago; Milwaukee, 'St, Paul and read. Councilman Kolb moved Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Wayne Street northerly to the end & Pacific R, R. Co. men hove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. of the street, to refer the petition to the City Nays.-~Nbne. 7. The alle in Block 6 Wiltses• By Clewell, Cooney & Fuerste Manager. Seconded by Councilman. Y ~ Tts Attorneys Welu. Carried by the following Dubuque from the north line of Mr, Robert W, Clewell, attorney, ~ Dubuque Packing Company does vote: addressed the council in behalf of East 20th Street Ito the south line hereby torn with Chicago, Milwau• ~ of Wayne .Street. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• his client, the Chicago, Milwaukee, kee, 'St, Paul and Pacific Rallroad men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, St. Paul & Pacific R. R. Co, statin 8. The alley in Block 5, Wiltses• g Company in requesting the City that no other industry 'has an in- Dubuque, from the north line of Council of the 'City of Dubuque to Nays-'None, terest in the property and that the Wayne Street northerly to the end vacate the streets, parts of streets Petition of Mr. Robert W. Henkel, Railroad Company will acquire the of thealley. , and alleys set forth and described et al, requesting the installation property not now owned by the 9, Linden Street from the south in the foregoing petition, and the and erection of stop signs at the Packing Company. This would en- end thereof northerly to the south conveyance of the vacated areas to Corners of 'Mineral and Finley able the Railroad Company ~to serv- line of Wayne Street and Linden said Railroad Company, Streets, presented and read, Coun- ice the Packing Company properly. Street from the north line of Wayne Dubuque Packing Company cIlman Welu moved to refer the pe- Presently all of the streets and al- Street northerly to the end of the By H, W. Wahlert tition to the City Manager and Traf- leys for which vacafion is request- ~ Street, President fie Department, Seconded by Coun- ,r 390 Special Session, September 21, 1955 Special Session, September 21, 1955 391 oilman Dove. Carried by the follow- notice of claim be referred to the Passed, adopted and approved Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, CouncIl- ing vote: City Solicitor for investigation and this 21st day of September, 1955. men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- -report. Seconded by Councilman CHARLES A. KIDITZINCrER Nays-None, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Schueller. Carried by the follow- Mayor RESOLUTION N0. 213.55' Nays-None, ing vote: CLARENCE P. WELU Be It Resolved by the City Coun• Petition of Frank J. Pusateri re- Yeas-Mayor 'Kintzinger, Coun- RAY F• KOLB oil of the 'City of Dubuque that the questing a refund of $75.00 on his cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. LEO N, SC'HUELLER fallowing, having complied with the ' cigarette License No. 195 as he has Nays-None. CHA~RLDS E. ~DO'V~E provisions of law relating ~to the discontinued business as of August Notice of claim of Syl. A, Weiner Councilmen sale of cigarettes within the City 15, 1955, presented and read, Coun• of 201 E, 22nd St. in the amount of Attest: LEO F. FROIMMELT, of Dubuque, be granted a permit 30,27 for visible damage to 1992 to sell cigarettes and cigarette pa- oilman Kolb moved that the re• $ City Clerk Pontiac Station Wagon by striking Councilman Kolb moved the adop• pers within said City and the Man- quest 'be granted and the City Au- loose piece of concrete, lying in lion of the resolution, Seconded by ager is directed to issue such per• ditor instructed to draw a warrant street, from alley and street re- Councilman Welu. Carried by the mil on behalf of said City. in favor of Frank J, Pusateri in followin vote: the amount of $75.00 to cover the Pair, at 19th St. between Jackson g Wartburg Seminary Snack Bar, 333 - ~ and Washington St., presented and Yeas-'Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- y~rartburg Place unexpired portion of his cigarette read. Councilman Kolb moved that cilmen Dove, Tiolb, Schueller, Welu. Louis E. Lorenzi, 342 Eighth Ave- license No. 195. Seconded by Coun- the notice of claim be referred to Nays-None, rue Gilman Welu. Carried by the follow- the City Solicitor for investiga• RESOLUTION N0. 212.55 Mt, St, Bernard Seminary, Inc,, ing vote: lion and report, Seconded by Coun• Whereas, heretofore applications Carter Road Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- oilman 'Schueller. Carried by the for Beer Permits were filed by the Be It Further Resolved that the men Dave, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, following vote: within named applicants and they bonds filed with the applications Nays-None. Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council- have received the approval of this be approved, Petition of Dubuque Baseball Inc, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Council; and Passed, adopted and approved John Fetrakis, requesting a re- Nays-None. Whereas, the premises to be oc- th'is 21st day of September, 1955. fund of $100.00 on their Class "B" Notice of Claim of Melvin A. cupied by such applicants have been CHARLES A. KINTZINGER permit No. 26 as -they have discon- Reynolds of 2180 Grace St, in the inspected and found to comply with Mayor timed business as of September 6, .amount of $50,00 for damage and the ordinances of this City and CLARENOE F, WELU 1955, presented and read. Council- inconvenience caused by the back they have filed proper bonds: Now, RAY F. KOLB man Kolb moved that .the request. ing up of the sewer in his base- Therefore, LEO N, SCHUELLER be granted and the City Auditor ment, presented and read, Council- Be It Resolved by the City Coun• CHARLES E. DOVE instructed to draw a warrant in fa• ed that the notice of oil of the City of iDubuque that the Councilmen n I{olb mov ma Mana er be and he is directed to Attest; LEO F, FROMMELT vor of Dubuque Baseball Inc,, John claim be referred to the City Solici• g Petrakis, in the amount of $100.00 issue to the following named ap- Cit Clerk for for investigation and report; licants a Beer Permit. Councilman Kolb moved the ado - P P inof e unex iced ort o er; to cover th 'man Schnell P P Seconded by Council their Class "B" permit'No. 26. Sec- Carried by the following voter CLASS "B" PERMIT lion of the resolution, Seconded by onded by Councilman Welu. Gar• yeas--'Mayor Kintzinger, Council- John E. Noel and June M. Noel, Councilman Schueller, Carried by ' ried by the following vote: man Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. 2400 Central Avenue the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Councll- Nays-None. Louis E. Lorenzi, 342 Eighth Avenue Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- . men Dave, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. ~ Joseph A. Kramer and Louis P. cilmen Dave, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 211.55' O'Connor, 55 East 7th Street Nays-None, Whereas, applications for Beer ~ „ RESOLUTION N0. 214.55 .Notice of Claim of Robert D. permits have been submitted to CLASS C PERMIT Hoppmann of 645 Angella St, by Arthur H, Eichman, 2119 Rhomberg A resolution accepting the offer this Council for approval and the Donald !Hoppmann, Father, in the same have been examined: Now, Avenue of Arthur J. Miller for the purchase amount of $24,00 for injury caused Thomas Oeschger, &15 West 5th of Lot 74 in Mechanics Addition, Therefore, by striking an opening in the street Be It Resolved by the City Coun• Street and approving the form of quit while riding a bicycle, presented cll of the 'City of Dubuque that the Be Qt Further Resolved that the claim deed and authorizing. and di• ouncilman Kolb moved bonds filed b such ~a licants be recting the Mayor and City Clerk and read. C Y PP ion be ranted , licat s win a g folio g PP , r a roved. to execute said claim deed resent- . are he eb ame n th s that the notice of claim be referred a licenses are to be rssued a d e y PP ~ P and th n a roved ed and read. Moved b Councilman to the City Solicitor for mvest~ga• Passed, adopted a d pp y lion and report. Seconded by Coun- upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. this 21st day of September, 1955. Welu that the resolution be set oilman Schueller, Carried by the CLASS a PERMIT CHARLES A, KJNTZINGER down for public hearing on the 7th following vote: " " Mayor day of November, 1955 and that ' Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- John E. Noel and June M. Noel, CLAR:ENCE P. WELU the City Clerk be instructed to give cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. 2400 Central Avenue RAY F. KOLB Public notice by publication in the Nays-None, Louis E. Lorenzi, 342 Eighth Ave• LEO N. SCHUELLER Telegraph Herald, once each week Notice of claim of Chris Beeke rue CHAIILES E, DOVE for two consecutive weeks the last of 2295 'Francis St. in the amount Joseph A. Kramer and Louis P. Councilmen of which shall be not less than ten of $9.72 for damages to gas tank O'Connor, 55 East 7th Street Attest: LEO F, FROMMELT, days prior to said hearing, Second- . of his automobile, and loss of gaso• CLASS "C" PERMIT City Clerk ed by Councilman Kolb, Carried by line, by striking large rock in alley Arthur H. Eichman, 2119- Rhom- Councilman Kolb moved the adop- the following vote: adjacent to Dairy Queen on ~Rhom• berg Avenue lion of the resolution. Seconded by Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• berg Ave,, presented and read. Thomas Oeschger, 815 West 5th Councllman Schueller. Carried by men Dave, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Councilman Kolb moved that the Street the following vote: Nays--None. 392 .special Session, September 21, 1955 Special Session, September 21, 1955 393 September 8, 1955 buque County showing the amounts Commissioner Howard E, Filed in my office at Dubuque, Hon, Mayor and Members legally payable to claimants and Kifer 75A0 Iowa this 8th day of September, of the City Councll statement of costs in connection Note: Each Commissioner 1955. Gentlemen: with the condemnation of the Sew• did three days work, LEO J. MARTIN I have investigated the claim of age Disposal Plant Site. ~ Sheriff of Dubuque County, I6wa Mazie A, Walker for damages sus- I recommend that the City Aud% TOTAL $8866,08 Councilman Welu moved that the tained in a fall on the crosswalk for be instructed to issue warrants I further certify that the fore- Recommendation 'be approved and at 8th and Main on June 20, 1955, drawn on the Sanitation Fund pay- going statements are true. the City Auditor instructed to is- Mrs, Walker has sustained out of able to the following persons in the LEO J, MARTIN sue warrants drawn on the Sanita• packet expenses in the amount of following amounts and to deliver Sheriff, Dubuque County, Iowa tion Fund payable to Herman J. $342.00, I have discussed the mat- the same to the Sheriff of Dubuque Before the Sheriff of Dubuque Lott $4200.00, Marcella Lott ter with her and she has agreed County, fovea: County, Iowa $4200.00, Leo J. Martin, Sheriff, to accept $134.00 in full settlement I-Irman J, Lott .......:........$4200.00 $466.08 and to deliver the same to of her claim. I recommend that this Marcella Lott $4200.00 REPORT OF CONDEMNATION the Sheriff of Dubuque County, settlement be a roved and that the f 466,08 COMMISSION Iowa. Seconded by Councilman PP Leo J. Martin Sherif Auditor be instructed to issue a Respectfully, 1n the matter of the Condemna• Kolb. Carried by the following warrant payable to Mazie A, Walk• tion of Certain Lands known as vote; er and deliver the same u on re• T. H.'NELSON ceipt of a properly executed re- Lot 3 of Fractional Government Yeas Mayor Kintzinger, Council• lease, Before the Sheriff of Dubuque Lot 1 of section 6, Township 88, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, County, Iowa North, Range 3, East of the 5th Nays-None, Respectfully, P:M,, in Dubuque County, Iowa for Communication of Joseph Jacob• T, H. NELSON In the Matter of the Condemna• the establishment of a Sewa a Dis• son re uestin tion of certain Lands known as: g q g permission to widen Councilman Welu moved that the posal Plant by the City of Dubuque, the distances between curbs on recommendation be approved and Lot 3 of Fractional Government ! To: Leo J. Martin, Sheriff of Du• East 18th St, and East 19th Street the City Auditor instructed to draw Lot 1 of Section 6, Township 88, buque County, Iowa, so as to provide angle parking, in a warrant in the amount of $134,00, North Range 3, East of the 5th We, the undersigned, being duly the construction of a new building payable to Mazie A, Walker, and to P, M, in Dubuque County, Iowa, for appointed and qualified commis- on Elrn St: between 18th and 19th deliver the same upon receipt of a the establishment of a Sewage Dis- sioners appointed to assess the dam- St,, fiogether with a plot of the new properly executed release, Second- posal Plant by the City of Dubuque. ages. sustained by the respective super market, was presented and ed by Councilman Schueller.-Carried To the City Council of the City of owners lienholders encumbrances read, ,Councilman Kolb moved that by the following vote: Dubuque, Iowa; and other persons interested in the the communication and plot be re• Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- I Leo J, Martin Sheriff of Du~ appropriation of the following de- ferred to the City Manager. Second• m,en Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. buque County, Iowa, hereby certify ~ scribed lands: ed by Councilman Welu, Carried Nays-None, by the following vote: and return that the attached 4te• September 20, 1955 port of Condemnation Commission" ! PRONERTY AFFECTID Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Honorable Mayor and Members is a true and correct copy of the Lot 3 of fractional Government men Dove, Kolb, 'Schueller, Welu, of the City Council Report of Condemnation Commis- ( Lot 1 of Section 6, Township 88, Nays-None. LEO F, FROMMELT Dubuque, Iowa sion filed in this office on Septem• north, range 3, east of the 5th Pmi. Gentlemen; ber 8, 1955, in Dubuque County, Iowa, respect- City Clerk This is to advise you that Law fully report as follows: Approved ......................1956. No, 34599 entitled 'Russell Scher- I further certify that the Com• C That we proceeded to view the Adopted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1956. ~ rer, Executor of the Estate of Ida missioners in the above entitled - Schemer Deceased v. Cit of Du- case awarded damages as follows: i respective premises at the time or : Y Herman J. Lott 4200.00 ~ times fixed in the notice to persons buque has been dismissed by plain- ~ $ interested in said premises, and do • ~ Marcella S. Lott 4200.00 i tiff at plaintiffs costs and at no $ hereby assess and appraise the dam- " ex ense to the tit , Algonquin Chemical Company..None Councilmen P Y ages of the respective persons in• ' Respectfully, I further certify that costs inci- ~ terested in said premises as fol- T, H. NELSON dent to this proceedings are as lows: ' follows: Berman J, Lott Councilman Kolb moved that the $4200.00 communication be made a matter Serving Notices 6.69 ~ Marcella S. Lott $4200.00 Attest: Algonquin Chemical Company None ' " °"Y"""""'"""""""''" of retard. Seconded by Councilman Sheriff, Meals for Commis Cit Clerk ' ' Schueller. Carried by the following sioners 7.89 Signed: vote: Notary Public Seals 1:50 Frank J. Glob Jr. Yeas-'Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Commissioner Frank J. Howard E. Kifer • men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Glob Jr, 75.00 John W, Lundin Nays-None. " Harold 'Curoe Commissioner John' W. Se tember 21 1955 C ' P Connnass oner Harold Curoe 7500 ' Jharles H. Rhomberg Honorable Mayor and Members oseph J, Behr of the City Council Signed and sworn to before me Dubuque, Iowa mmissioner Joseph J. this 8th day of 'September, 1955. Gentlemen; C Behr 75,00 (Seal) Geo, F. Hamilton I herewith hand you the certifi• Commissioner .Charles H. Notary Public for Dubuque Cate of Leo J, Martin, Sheriff of Du- Rhomberg 75.00 County, Iowa