1955 October Council Proceedings .t . Adjourned Special Session, October 3, 1955 395 - - RESOLUTION N0. 215.55 Whereas, pursuant. to published `E ' .notice, a public hearing was held by the City Council on the. pro• (OFFICIAL) posed plans, specifications and Adjourned special session Octo- form of contract for the extension ber 3, 1955, and improvement of the municipal Council met at 7:30 P.M, water plant by the construction of an Iron Removal and Hardness Re• Present Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- duction Plant; .and cilmen Dave, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Whereas, at said- time and City Manager Schiltz, r place, proposals far the construo- Mayor Kintzinger read the call tion of said work were received and stated that this is a reconvened pursuant to published notice; and meeting of the City Council, held September 21, 1955 for the purpose 'Whereas,. at said. time and of acting an bids previously re- Place the City Council adjourned ceived on Water Works Additions said meeting to October 3, 1955 at and Improvements~Iron Removal :7:30 P:M. at which time the said and hardness ~Reduction'Plant, meeting was reconvened and said proposals further considered by the October 3, 1955 City Council; and To the Honorable Mayor Whereas, Cunningham Brothers and City Council, has submitted a proposed supple- Dubuque, Iowa mental agreement providing for the ~ Gentlemen: omission of certain work and the Bids received for the construe- addition of certain work; tion of the Hardness Reduction and Now Therefore Be It Reserved Iron Removal Plant have been ana- by' the City Council of the City: of lyzed by the Consulting Engineer- Dubu ue, Iowa: ' ing Firm of Consoer, Townsend and Sec 1 That Fall abjectibns to Associates, along with the Water Department Superintendent and said improvements as modified by City Manager. It is the opinion of the supplemental agreement be and all that the city's interests would the same are hereby overruled anti be best served iby awarding the con- the same is hereby ordered con- tract at this time, even though the structed, bid is above the estimated cost. Sec. 2. That the base bid of Cun• ~ By accepting the low bid it will. ningham Brothers, Inc., of Beloit, be necessary to issue additional Wisconsin, together with Items 1 to Water Revenue Bonds late in 1956 4 in the gross amount of $1,417,- in order to have sufficient funds 729.00, less deductive alternate ~ available for the complete project. Items 2, 4 and 9 in the total amount This procedure is practical and in of $13,195,00, less adjustments due order as provided in the last bond to selection of equipment as fol- issue. There will be no change in, lows: Item 0.12 $5,680.00; Item rates because of this bond issue, 0.13, $157.00; Item 0.20, $382.00; I recommend that the contract Item 0-21, $174.00; Item 0.36, be awarded to Cunningham Bros. $100.00; Item 0.39, $200.00; Item j Inc. of Beloit, Wisconsin who sub- 0.40, $100.00; plus adjustments due mitted the lowest and best bid to selection of equipment as follows; received. Item 0.7, $6,125.00; Item 12A, Respectfully submitted, $300A0; less a net credit due' to L, J. SCIiILTZ, contract supplement in the .amount f 2 'n City Manager o $8,6 3,00, make g a total ad- LJSao justed base bid in the amount o£ $1,395,543,00, be and the same is Councilman Kalb moved the hereby determined to be the lowest adoption of the recommendation.' and best bid and the same is here- Seconded by Councilman Welu. Car-' by accepted; ried by the following vote: Sec. 3. That fhe City Manager be Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger; Council- and he is hereby authorized to en- men, Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. ter into a contract on behalf of Nays-None, the City for said work in the form j 396 Adjourned Special Session, October 3, 1955 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 397 heretofore approved as adjusted by ~ ~ hot mix-hot laid asphaltic concrete.. Section 2 hereof and the contract F surfacing: Supplement and deliver the same € ` Grandview Avenue Extension upon the submission and approval from the North Pro ert Line of of the contractor's performance (OFFICIAL) Delhi to the South Prope ty Line of bond and insurance certificates. Regular Session, October 3, 1955. Laras Blvd. Passed and adopted this 3rd day ' Council met at 7,40 P,M. Jones Street from the West Prop• of October, 1955. 'Present-Mayor Kintzinger, Caun• erty Line of Main Street to the East CHARI;ES A; KINTZINGER cihnen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, property Line of Locust St. Mayor City'Manager 'Schiltz. Leibe Street from the East Prop• CLARENCE P. WELU Mayor Kintzinger stated that this erty Line of Jackson Street to the BRAY F. KOLB is a regular meeting of the City end of Leibe Street. LEO N. SCHIPELLER Council for the purpose of acting Shields Street from the North C. E. DOVE on such business as may properly Property -Line of Dodge Street to Councilmen comebefore the meeting, the South Property Line of Jones Attest: -LEO F. FROMNIELT, Proofs of Publication, certified Street, City Clerk to by the Publishers, of Notice of East 30th Street from the East Councilman Kolb moved the Levy of 'Special Assessment and ~In• Property Line of Central Avenue to adoption of the resolution. Second- tention of the City Council to issue 65' east of the East Property Line ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- Bonds for the surfacing with hot of Elm Street, ried by the following vote: mix, .hot laid asphaltic concrete University Avenue from the East Yeas-Councilmen Dove, Kolb,. surfacing for, Grandview Avenue Property Line of Alta Vista to bhe Schueller, Welu. ' Extension, Jones Street, Leibe West Property Line of Lot 2 of 2 "Nays-None. Street, Shields Street, East 30th of Summit Addition, ' There being no further business Street, University Avenue and University Avenue from the East Washington Street, presented and property Line of Auburn Street to Councilman Kolb moved to ad• road, Councilman Kolb moved the the West Property Line of Lot 13 journ, Seconded by Councilman. proofs of publication be received in Finley Waples and Burtons Ad• Schueller, Carried by the follow- and filed. Seconded by Councilman dition, ing vote: Welu. Carried by the following Washington Street from the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• vote,. North Property Line of -Leibe Street cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, YeasJMayor Kintzinger, Council- to the end of Washington Street Nays-None, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. North, by Mulgrew Blacktop, Inc., LEO F, FR'0'MMELT } Nays-,None. contractor in front of and adjoin- City Clerk in the same a s ecial tax be and g P CITY OF DUBU UE IOWA Q is hereby levied on the several lets, Approved ................................1956. Schedule of Assessments and parts of lets, and parcels of Adopted .................,,.....,,.,.,,,,,,1956, ~ RESOLUTION N0. 216.55 real estate all as named, situated Resolved by the City Council of and owned, and for the several the City of Dubuque, 'Iowa, that to amounts set opposite each lot or pay for. the cost of the improve- parcel of real estate, as set forth ( ments of the following streets with in the schedule. . ' Councilmen, j , , Grandview Ave. Extension Hot Mix Hof Laid Asphaltic Concrete surfacing Assessm't City's Cost Tot. Cost City of Dubuque, Lot 1, ~Pinehurst Sub....... 4,636.28 4,636.28 Attest . City of Dubuque, Lot 21, Pinehurst Sub..... 119.08 119.08 City Clerk ~ City of Dubuque, Lot 22, Pinehurst Sub..... 223,30 223:3D Donald P, & Eliz. M, Noonan, Lot 23, pinehurst Sub 179.89 179.89 Donald ~P, & Eliz. M. Noonan, Iat 27, Tschirgi &Schwinds Sub . 498,60 498.60 City of Dubuque, I,ot 6, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub . 488,33 488.33 Ray J. & Mae Cosley, Lat 7, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub 469.00 469.00 Ray J. & Mae Cosley, Lot 8, Tschirgi & Schwinds Sub 133.68 133.68 Alberta A, & B. Giegerich, Lot 38, Tschir- gi &Schwinds Sub 818.44 818,44 Earl J. & Jane H, McNamara, Lot 1 of 58 E,~/a, Tschirgi &Schwinds Sub, 241,70 241.70 _ _ 398 Regular Session; October 3,' 1955 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 399 Earl J, & Jane H. McNamara, Lot 56, ~ X318.3 Ton Stabilized Base Emily P. Stampfer, Lot 1 W.r/z Tschirgi &Schwinds Sub. 95:68 91.68 Stone @ 335 1,066.31 of 543, City Lot 149.91 Earl J. & Jane: H, McNamara, Lot 57 W. 1,610:88 Ton Stabilized Emily P, Stampfer, Lot 1 '/z Tschirgi &Schwinds Sub....:.. 91.68 91.68 Base Stone @ 3,35 5,396.45 of 1 of 544, City Lot 62.28 Earl J. & Jane H, McNamara, Lot 1 of *64,10 Ton Asphaltic Can• Edes Robe Tanning Co., 57 E.'~ Tschirgi &Schwinds Sub 241.70 241.70 Crete Binder Course @ SILot 540, City Lot 1,270.86 Earl. J. & Jane H. McNamara, Lot 1 of 10.85 695,49 58 E.'!z Tschirgi &Schwinds Sub 241.70 241.70 32439 Ton Asphaltic Con- oan Distributing Co., Earl J. & Jane H, McNamara, Lot 58 W Crete Binder Course @ Lot 539A, City Lot 22519 ~Z Tschirgi &Schwinds Sub 91,68 91.68. 10.85 3,519.62 Chicago Dubuque Motor Joseph V. & Margaret Mai, Lot 59, W r/z X74.19 Ton Asphaltic Con- Trans. Co., Lot 539, City Tschirgi &Schwinds Sub..:....•. 91,68 91.68. Crete Surface Course @ Lat 202.80 Wm. V, &Verena Toepel, Lot 1 of 59 10.85 804,96 Chicago-Dubuque Moto r E.~i Tschirgi &Schwinds Sub. 24190 241.70 375.45 Ton Asphaltic Con- Co., Lot 538, City Lot 216.67 Wm. V. &Verena Toepel, Lot 61, Tschirgi Crete Surface Course @ Chicago-Dubuque Moto r & Schwinds Sub...:. 0 10,85 4,073:63 Trans. Co., Lot 537, City Joseph V. & Margaret Mai Lat.60 Tschir 483.40 483.4 *185 Gal. Tack Coat @ 20 37.00 Lot 50.92 ~ gi &Schwinds Sub. 183.36 183.36. 936 Gal. Tack. Coat @ .20 187.20 Phillips Petroleum Co., Lot , Etta Whelan, Lot 1, Loetscher & Trueb's ` Work Order No. 5 425.00 560, City Lot 1290,20 Sub ' 119,26 357.80 477.06. Anthony A, & Bette Hell- ~ Total Cast .............::......16205.66 in Lat 561 5.39' Cit Patrick & Valerie Kearns, Lot 3, Loetscher ~ g, , Y & ~k ~b s Sub ' Less Cit Share 2 603.76 Lot 292.61 r ~ 37.82 113.47. 15129 Y , & Theresa Hanfeld, Lot 4, Fred & Veronica W. Barth, Loetscher & Triteb's Sub . 4727 141.82 189.09 Assessable Cost ...............13,601.90 Lot 561, W.4T-N.25', Lavern J, &Mar Louise Kowalske, Lot 4%a' Extra Expense 544,07 City Lot 70.04 - 5; Loetscher & Trueb s Sub. 4620 138.62 184,82 ' 5% Interest for 52 days 9824 Anthony & Bette. Helling, Wm Haag, Lot 6, Loetscher' & Trueb's Lot 561, E,56' N 25', City 52,99 Sub 46.20 138.62' 184.82 14,24421 Lot Frank Est. & Margt. Hansen,. Lot 7, Less Total cost of improve- Fred & Veronica Barth, Lot Loetscher & Trueb's Sub.....:::"... 46.20 138.62 184.82 merit assumed by city 4,699.16 2 of 562, City Lot 38.46 { Albert J, & Myrtle Schermer, Lot 8, " Fred & Veronica Barth, Loetscher & Trueb's Sub 46.74 14022 188.98 9,545.05 Lot 1 of 562, City Lat,.. 121.94 Ardath ~H: Jagnow, Let 9, Loetscher & All of which is assessed in pro- llian A. Trausch & Mar- b°s Sub 46.74 140.22 186.96 portion to the special benefits con- Ll'tha M, Clemens, Block True 11 Dubuque Harbor Co. John E. Gasell, Lot ' 10, Loetscher & t ferred, ' Trueb's Sub 46.74 14022. 186.96 G Add . 453:12 John ~B, Meyer, Lot 2 of 11, Loetscher & Jones Street-Hot Mix Hot Laid Lillian A. Trausch &Mar- Trueb's Sub' . 97:68 293,04.... 390.72 Asphaltic Concrete Surfacing tha M. Clemens, Lot 1 of F A, J. Hartig, Lot 1 of 8 of 12, Mineral Lot ~ Emily P. Stampfer, Lot 559, 2, Block 11, Dubuque Y 172 ' ' 687.02 687.02 ~ C thermel8'N zpbCit Lott 1142.92 Lltha MAClemendhLo...._.... 392.15 Lilhan Harwood, Lot 1 of 1, Moreheiser Mar- ~b, , 147.75 147.75 558, N. . /s y t 2 of y y th Gillispie etal, Lat 558, 2, Block 11, Dubuque HoMoreheiser Suberan Church .Lot 2 of 1 77 08 77 08 R S32' N.~Z City Lot 20356 Harbor Co. Add 41.63 Holy .Trinity Lutheran Church, Lat. 2, Mathew & Catherine Davis, Lillian A, Trausch. & Mar- ~ ~ ~ Gity Lot'Bernadette M. 57.91 Harborckemens, Lot 2 of Holy Trimly Lutheran Church Lot 3, 11, Dubuque Moreheiser St b . 30 34 3034 John A 5 & W 8910 •S. /s th Co. Add.............. 30.05 Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Lot 2 of Rielly, Lot 558,E 70'-S.r/z Lilhan A. Trausch &Mar• 2.1-7 & 2.7 Moreheiser City Lot 44.25 tha M. Clemens, Lot 2 Sub. 4 5, -1.1-6, ' Sub, No benefit Regina Duggan, Lot 557, N, of 2.1.3, Block 11, Du• Sophia Schmitt, Lot 15, Moreheiser Sub..... 18.74 18.74 ' 40 City Lot 106.21 buque Harbor Co. Add... 225:09 D, F. & Theresa McCaffery, Lot 16, Mare- Emily P. Stampfer, Lot 557, Lillian A. Trausch ~ Mar- ' Keiser Sub 50.94 50:94 5:35' City Lot 53.98 tha M. Clemens, Lat 1 of : Sarah Zollicoffer, Lot 17, Moreheiser Sub, 134.15 134.15 Glara L,Hillyard, Lot 2 of 2.1.3, Block il, Dubuque Emil & Bertha Apel, Lot 18, Moreheiser 541, City Lot 377.62 Harbor Co. Add.........:_ 105.44 Sub ' 278.56 278:58 Clara L. Hillyard, Lot 1 of Lillian A, Trausch & Mar- " 541, City Lot 1,058:67 tha M. Clemens, Lot 2 - Albert Smith, Lat 19, Moreheiser Sub, 835,50 835.50 Clara L. Hillyard, Lot 542, of 1-1.3, Block 11, Du- _ _ City Lot 370.84 buque Harbor Co, Add... 69.82 Clara L, Hillyard, Lot 2 of Lillian A. Trausch & Mar- - Totals $9,545,05 $4,699.16. $14,244.21 2 of 543, City Lot 1,42 tha M. Clemens, Lot 1 of Clara L. Hillyard, Lot 1 of 1.1.3, Block il, Dubuque 2 of 543, City Lot 7.32 , 'Harbor Co. Add 91.67 . 400 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 401 Lillian A• Trausch & Mar- Dubuque Transfer & Stor- Dubuque Stamping Mfg. Lillian A. Trausch & Mar- tha M. Clemens, Lot 4, age Co„ Lot 6, Leibes Co,, Lat 1 of 1 of 4, Min- tha M, Clemens, Lot 1 of Block 11, Dubuque Har- Sub, No. 1 187.49 eral Lot 322 51,64 2 & Vac. St. Block 11, bar Co. Add 31.69 Dubuque Transfer & Stor• Dubu ue Harbor Co, City of Dubuque,. Flat Iron age Co:, Lot 7, Leibes Dubuque Stamping Mfg. q " ~Co. Lot 2 of 1 of 4 Min- Add. _ 321;67 Park 408.86 Sub, No. 1 18249 ' ' ~ eral Lot 322 47.52 Lillian A• Trausch &Mar• Dubuque Transfer & Stor- tha M. Clemens, Lot 2 of All of which is assessed 9nlpro2 Sub, No; lot 8, Leibes 494.30 I) 22~ Lot 5ta M neralMLot 70.57 Dubuq ac. St. Block 11, e Harbor Co. ortion to the special benefits con- e Transfer & Stor- Add. 96,72 p Dubuqu Dubuque Storage &Trans- Lillian A. Trausch & Mar- g 518 Lin. Ft• Street Car Tie Sub, Co,, Lot 9, Leibes. fer Co•, Lot B, Leibes tha M, Clemens D No. 1 438.60 Sub. No. 1 136.35 ~ Lot 2 Removal & Replacement ubuque Transfer. & Stor• of 2.1.3 & Vac. St. Block +rith 5" Class "B" Con• 11, Dubuque Harbor Co, age Co,, Lot A, Leibos 9132.98 • A,SM. & Marg't Schueller 340.90 1, Bases Stones Stabilized Add . 249.97 Raised or Lowered @ llian A. Trausch &Mar• 3 No? of Catch Basins 2,175.60 & L J E e @ 3.35 4,16928 Ll'tha M, Clemens, Lot 1 of 29,00 87.00 ~ & , V, Gartner, 2.1.3 & Vac. St. Block 429 Sq. Yds. Brick Remov- Lot 1, S.~Z Leibes Sub. 176,04 Tons Asphaltic Con• ii, Dubuque Harbor Co, al & Replacement with No. 2 494.30 Crete Binder Course @ Add, _ 480.07 - Carl E, Kuehnlo, Lot i, N: 10.85 1,910.03 Lillian A. Trausch & Mar- ' 4" Class "B" Concrete at ' -Intersections and Gutter 1/z Leibes Sub, No. 2 187,49 217.48 Tons Asphaltic Con• tha M. Clemens, Lot 2 Lines @ 4:20 1,801.80 Nick & Angeline Tsacada• erete Surface Course @ of 1-1.3 & Vac, St, Block 22281 Tans Asphaltic kis, Lot 2, Leibes Sub: 10.85 2,359.66 11, Dubuque Harbor Co. Concrete Paving-Binder No. 2 10227 325.0 Gals. Tack Coat Add. -57.95 Course @' 10.85 2,471.74 Oscar E, Bruggeman, Lot R.C.I. @ 20 65Ap Lillian A. Trausch &Mar• 237.25 Tons Asphaltic 3, Leibes Sub. No. 2 494.30 Extra Work Order No, 4_.. 217.17 tha M, Clemens, Lot 1 Concrete Paving-Surface of 1.1-3 & Vac. St: Block Course @ 10.85 2,574.16 Dubuque Storage &Trans• '8721.14 11, Dubuque Harbor Co. fer Co., Lot 4, Leibes ' 5 No. of Manholes Raised Sub. No. 2 187.49 5% Interest for 52 da s 62,99 Add..._........................ 327.35 ' ~ or Lowered @ 29.00 145.00 Dubuque Storage &Trans- 4% Extra Expense .Y....... 348.85 Liliian A. Trausch & Mar- 123 Gals. Tack Coat 1t.C:1 tha M, Clemens, Lot 4 & @ .20 fer Co„ Lot 5, Leibes 24:60 Vac. St. Block 11, Du- Sub. No. 2 102,27 9,132:98 Stanle Home Products buque Harbor Co. Add..... 840.62 9,279.90 Y 1 Lillian A. Trausch &Mar- 4% Extra Expense 371.20 Co• Inc., Lot 6, Leibes All of which is assessed in pro- portion ~to the special benefits con- tha M, Clemens, Lot 1 5% Interestfor 52 Days 67.02 Sub. No. 2 102.27 ferred. of 5 & Vac. St, Block Stanley Home Products 11, Dubuque Harbor Co, 9,718.12 Co. Inc. Lot. 7, Leibes Shields St. Hot Mix Hot Laid Add. 901.58 All of which is assessed in pro- 'Sub. No. 2 187.49 Asphaltic Concrete Surfacing William' B. & ,Celia G. portion to the special benefits Con• Stanley Home Products Poinsett, Lot 6 & Vac. ` Co. Inc., Lot 8 Leibes Clara L, Hillyard, Lot 1 of St. Block 11 Dubu ue ferred. ~ '541, City Lot 545.38 ~ q Sub. No 494.30 Harbor Co. Add 953.94 ` p g anley Home Products ~ Clara L. Hillyard, Lot 542, ' LeiAbs haltictConcreM'Surfacinaid St Co. Inc,, Lot 9, Leibes 'City Lot 504.38 8,854.96 Mary Rommas )Iltal, Lot i, Sub. No. 2 494.30 Clara L. Hillyard; Lot 1 of N.'/z Leibes Sub• No. 1 326,58 Stanley Home Products 2 of 543, City Lot 13.58. All of which is assessed in pro• toe A• & Margaret C. Co. Inc., Lot 10; Leibes Emily Stampfer, Lot 1 of portion to the special benefits eon- Busch Lot 1 S. /z Leibes Sub• No, 1 1. 167.72 StSub. No. 2 7,87,49 X13, Stay Lot 498.88 ferred. Total Assessed Cost 8 854:96 II anley Home Products y ampfer, Lot i of George & Cath• Hurst, Lot Co. Inc., Lot 11, Leibes 1 of 544 Cit Lot 524.62 Total Deficiency to be Paid 2, N.~/z Leibes Sub. No. 1 107.72 Sub. No. 2 , 102,27 Y ug , & Theresa G, Re• Stanley .Home Products Hurd 'Most Sash & Door by City (Amount in ex- H gan,JLot 2, S.1/z Leibes Co. Inc., Lot 12, Leibes Co,, Lot 545, City Lot 535.35 cess of 10%) 207.99 Sub. No. 2 507,87 Hurd Mast Sash & Door ~ 9,062.95 Sub, No. 1 79.77 q Lot 3 Leibes Co. Inc. Lot A, Leibes Hurd Most Sash & D 545 38 1,058,89 Cu. Yds, Excava- g D Sub uNo~lnsfer & Star- 187.49 StSub. No. 02 e Products 392.03 Co., Lot 547, City Lot or tion (Earth) @ .95 ..........1,005.95 55825 1,083,4 Ton Stabilized Base Dubuque Transfer & Stor- Stanley Home Products Hurd Mast Sash & Door Stone @ 3.35 3,629:39 age Co, Lot 4, Leibes Co. Inc., Lot B, Leibes Co., Lot 548, City Lot 74930 1 No, of Relocate Manhole Sub. No, 1 494.30 Sub, No. 2 156.$L Lillian A. Trausch &Mar• & Cap. existing manhole Dubuque Transfer & Stor- Dubuque Storage &Trans•: tha M. Clemens, Lot 1 & @ 273.00 . 273.00 Sub. No, 1 494.30 eral Lot 322 n Vac, St. Block 11, Du• 175 Lin. Ft, 12" Reinf. Con- age Co., Lot 5, Leibes fer Co,, Lot 1 of 7, 'Mi 1,127.49 _:,:buque Harbor Co. Add. 149.97 Crete Pipe & 3 95 691.25 5 . 402 Regular Session, October 3~ 1955 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 403 1 No. of Catch Basins- Leo L, Hartmann, Lot 339, Leroy W. & Bessie M Rog Karl J, & Mary Uthe, Lot Complete @ 131.00 131,00 N.1/z~E, 170' Davis Farm gensack; Lot 4, Glendale 53, N. r/z Glendale Add. .4.45 121,17 Ton Asphaltic Con- Add. 34.89 Add . 19.08 Mike Maggio, Lot 53, S. ~/z Crete Binder Course @ Ed. F. & Marie A: Balbach, Nick Gratz, Lot 5, Glen• Glendale Add 3.74 10.85 Ca 113,91 Ton Asphaltic C 1,314.69 Lot 2 of Sub. of S,~Z~E. dale Add . 1'1,03 rl G. & Laura Spoerl, on• 170' of 339 & N. 10' E. Mable Essman, Lot 6, Glen- D'Lot 54, Glendale Add..... 6.46 Crete Surface Course @ 170' of 340 Davis Farm dale Add . g,~ ubuque Cold Storage Co,, 10,85 1,235,92 Add. Lot 1 Sub. of 1.3.8 Min- 12.59 Art D. & Louise Pitz, Lot eral Lot 322 .1,282.92 464 GaL Tack Coat R:C:1 ° " ° ' Dona ' @ .20 92.80 maE, 70 Lofr 339 & N. M 2 ~nGlen ppele dd, 197,60 Dubuque Storage &Trans• nn, Lot 1 of Sub. of S. etal, Lot fer Co., of 2 Sub. of Extra Work Orders No: s ~/z G da e Add....... .74.95 13 B Mmeral Lot 322 12,17 1 & 2 280.28 10' E, 170' of 340 Davis ~ Farm Add. 15,21 Albert Scheppele, Lot 22, Dubuque Storage &Trans- Total Cast 8,65428 Glendale Add............., 40.89 fer Co,, Lot 2 of 3.8 Min- " Less Deficiency to be paid Leo J. & Ruth C. Eisbach, Nick Gratz, Lot 21, Glen- eral Lot 322 857,80 by City (Amount in ex• Lot 1, L, Eisbach Place.... 30.25 dale Add, 19.08 Dubuque Cold Storage Co,, I!i Cass of 10%) 198.62 Anne Mellay, Lot 2, L, Eis- Nick-Gratz, Lot 20, Glen- Lot 2 of 7 Mineral hat bath Place 7.98 dale Add.......... 11,03 322 58,33 Laura G. Mohr, Lot 19, N. 'Dubuque Storage &Trans- 8,455,66 Arnold J. & Alvina C. 4% Extra Expense 338,23 Schueller, Lot 307, W. r/a, Glendale Add.._ 4:57 fer Co., Lat 1 of 7 Min- 5% Interest for 52 days 61.07 170' Davis Farm Add..... 368,34 Carl Jansen, Lat 19, S,~Z eral 'Lot 322 649.45 A. R, Flick, 'Lot. 308, W, Glendale Add 415 Charles H. & Violet E 8;854.96 170' Davis Farm Add... 129.73 Frank Smith, Lot 25, Glen• 'Schultz, Lot 2 of 2 of Total Deficiency to be paid Arthur N, & Mathilda d-ale Add 197.60 E, 170 337 Davis Farm by City (in excess of Welbes, Lot 309, W. 170' Charles A Hess & Marie Add . 104.00 10%) 198.62 Davis Farm Add, 56.99 Hess Stemes, Lot 26, N, Ida B, Cartigny, Lot i of 2 of E, 170' 337 Davis 4% Extra Expense 7.94 Leona M. Heim, Lot 310, 1/z Glendale Add, 43.06 5% Interest far 52 days 1.43 W. 170' Davis Farm Charles A. Hess etal, Lot Farm Add . 104.00 26 S, '/z Glendale Add. 31,88 Carl M, Herburger, Lot 1 Add 25.73 E. 170'_ of 337 Davis 207.99 Ervm & Alvina Auderer, Charles A, Hess eta1, Lot Lot 311, S. 26,33 W. 170 27, N. 2T Glendale. Add.. 26.30 Farm Add . 160,32 ` 9,062.95 Davis Farm Add, 8,42 Aloys &Addie Mueller, All of which is assessed in pro• Rase Henkels, Lat 311, N. Lot 27, S 22'11" Glen- 6,912.44 14,68 portion tq the special benefits con• 33.67 W, 170 Davis ? dale Add Farm Add, 3,03 oys &Addie 'Mueller, 575 Cu. Yds. Excavation ferred. " • • E Old Macadam. & Gravel John A, & Nanette S. Ma• r A Lot 28, N, 3T Glendale East 30th' St. (Hot Mix-Hot Laid tous, Lot 1-336 E, 170 Add . @ 1.31 75325 Asphaltic Concrete Surfacing) Davis Farm Add............ 216.84 Glendale Add 13,65 875 Tons Stabilized Base Leonard M. & Velma Healy, K. E, & Marcella Noonan, M. Winter Lot 28 S, 13 304 @ 3.35 1,020.91 tone Lot 306, W 170' Davis 'Lot L of 335 E, 170' M. Winter, Lot 29, Glen- 6 No, of Manholes Raised Farm Add. 368,34 Davis Farm Add.::...,.... 76.31 dale Add . 11.03 or Lowered @ 29.00 174,00 Leonard M. & Velma Healy, Mildred Ball, Lat '1 of 334 Leonard A, & Leone Birch, 257.54 Tons Asphaltic Con- Lot 305 W. 170' Davis E, 170' Davis Farm Add, 33.47 Lot 30, Glendale Add........ 8,72 Crete Binder Course @ Farm Add 129,73 Roy M, & Lena M. O'Hearn, Kenneth Licht, Lot 48, 10,85 2,794,31 ward & Anna Naumann, Lot 333,. E. 170' Davis Glendale Add 197.60 270.94 Tons Asphaltic Con- E Lot 304, 'N,~Z W,170' Farm Add 25.62 Mildred 'Schwind, Lot 47, crate Surface Course @ Davis Farm Add, 34,89 Arthur A, & Emma L, Bast, Glendale Add . 74,95 Ursie M. Nehls & Wm, C. Lot 332,E 170' Davis ' Maleta J. Gratz, Lot 46, 10.85 2,939,70 170' Davis Farm Add... 22,24 A Farm Add, 11.12 Glendale Add.......... 40.89 511,0 Gals. Tack Coat R.C:1 Nehls, Lat a04, S.'/z W. ' ]fred A. & Germaine Au- Clarence P. & Edna E. @ " • • • 10220 - Katherine`Kluesner, Lot 1, darer, Lot 2 of 2 of E. Gratz, Lot 45, Glendale Extra Work Order No. 7 248,73 L, Kluesner Place 12.89 170'•334;. &E. 170'-335; & Add . 19,08 L,'J. &'Madonna Kluesner, 2.of E, 170' of 336 Davis - Gl~ndneweiller, Lot 44, 8,033.10 ` Lot 2, L. Kluesner Place 12.89 Farm Add, 182.52 Ralph ale Add, 11.03 'Linda' Voltz, Lot 342, N.'/z Ray H. Naggle, Lot 1 of 2 Ralph Trieweiller; Lot 43, 5% Interest for 52 days 58,02 Glen W.170' Davis Farm Add. 9,51 of E. 170'-334; 2~E, 170'- dale Add 8,72 4% Extra Expense.......,,...... 321,32 John. G, Kessler etal, Lot 335; & 2 of E, 170' of I{enneth .Licht Lot 49 302, S.'/z' W 170' Davis 336 Davis Farm Add.... 46:12 Glendale Add . 146,22 8,412.44 Farm Add, 8.58 Herbert Waller, Lot. 1, Frank A. & Rose M: Post, City Share 1,500,00 John N, Hipschen, Lot' 338; Glendale Add 197,60 Lot 50, Glendale Add,.... b5.47 W.80'-E:170' Davis Farm Herbert Waller, Late 2, Simon Vogt, Lot 51, Glen 8,912,44 Add. 61.05 Glendale Add _ 74.95 dale Add 29.98 All of which rs assessed in pro• Susan Huss; Lot 338,E 90'- Earl Lewis, Lot 3, Glendale Karl J, & Mary Uthe, Lot portion to the special benefits con- E,170' Davis Farm Add, 68.68 Add. 40.89 52, Glendale Add......... 14.11 'ferred, 404 Regular Se~ssian, October 3, 1955 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 405 University Ave, (Delhi to Asbury) Loren & Irene Fleege, Lot Robert McGivern Est,, Lot Rainbo Oil Co., Lat 1 of 1 Hot Mix•Hot Laid Asphaltic 1 of 2-1.1.2 N. 10' Min- 5, E. 50' Finley Waples Finleys Add 613.27 Concrete Surfacing eral Lot 172 14,36 &Burtons Add, 434.02 Adella H. Pitchner, Lot 2 Elmer R. & Elsie Bradley, Loren & Irene Fleege, Lot Margaret McGivern, Lot 5, of 1, Finleys Add. 332.82 Lot 1 of 1, Tschirgi & 1 of 1.1-2 S. 40' Mineral W. 10' Finley Waples & Mettel Realty & .Inv. Co,,. U'Schwinds Sub 211,75 Lot 172 54.41 Burtons Add, 86:54 Lot 2, SE 41' Finleys niversity of Dubuque, Lot Add . 117:37 Elsie M. Bradley, Lat 6 of Margaret McGivern, Lot 6, Anton M, Sadler, Lot 2, 13 Mineral Lot 172 . 13, E. 50' Tschirgi & 13 435125 Finley Waples & Bur- Ire 25' Finleys Add....... 47.73 Schwinds Sub . 362.71 Hazel Yokom Lat 1 of tons Add.... 517.30 University of Dubuque, Lot ~ I e Kirkwood, Lot 3, S. ' 13, E. 11' Tschirgi & E• 58 Mineral Lot 172_.. 420,74 Margaret McGivern, Lot 7, ~z Finleys Add............ 45,18 M, L. & Lillian Harwood E. 10' Finley Waples & Olga Murray etal, Lot 3, U Schwinds Sub 79.80 ~ Burtons Add, 85;96 N. ~Z Finleys Add, 12;25 Lot 1 of 1-13 W, 2' Min• ~ - ' ' niversrty of Dubuque, Jennie McGivern, Lot 7, Laura M. Craig, Lot 7, Lot 14, E, 38.9' Tschirgi eral Lot 172 14,44 & Schwinds Sub, 282,18 M, L, & Lillian Harwaad, W. 50' Finley Waples & Reche's Sub . 417.11 University of Dubuque, Lot 2 of 13, Mineral Lat Burtons Add . 428,87 Laura May Craig, Lot 8, of 14, E: 1'12' Tschirgi 172 346.02 Fred & Emily Frary, Lot 8, Reche's Sub, 417.11 L y Laura Ma Crai Lot 9 - Rc Schwinds Sub......... 8125 M, L, Harwood, Lot 2, Ma- Finle Waples &Burtons Y g, University of Dubuque, Add . 512.00 Reche's Sub. 417,11 bels Sub 38,74 _ Lot 2 of 15 Tschirgi & University of Dubuque, Bertha Hird, Lot 9, N, '/Z, 24,299,75 Schwinds Sub . 154.95 Lot 6, Reches Sub, 417;12 Finley Waples &Burtons University of Dubuque, Add . 8 ~Cu, Yds. Street Car Tie Lot 1 of 15 Tschirgi & Universit of Dubuque Y Removal @ 42,00 5796,00 Schwinds Sub . 68.33 Lot 5, Reches Sub........:.... 417.12 i p ~ 1 Sq. Yds, Brick Removal Y ' LeLot 9 S. /z rFinle aWa• 4 74 Edward & Marjorie University of Dubuque, ~ ' Stumm, Lot 1 of 2 of 16 Lot 4, Reches Sub . 417:12 Ales &Burtons Add, 98.73 & Replacement with 4" Ernest J, Buchet, Lot 1Q Class "B" Concrete at Y q..... 46,06 fversity of Dubuque, Finley Waples &Burtons Intersections & Gutter Subhir i & Schwinds ~1e>t 3 Reches Sub . 417.12 7 Lines @ 4.20 31122D ' Add . 508.37 No. of Manholes Raised Universit of Dubu ue niversity of Dubuque; John M, & E, D. Ward, Lot or lowered @ 29.00 203.00 Lat 2 of 2 of 16, Tschirgr ULot 2, Reches Sub 417,12 11, Finley Waples & Bur- 1 No, of Catch Basins mversit of Dubu u & Schwinds Sub, 65.65 Lot 1 Reches Sub, e tons Add . 507.57 University of Dubuque, Raised or Lowered @ Lot 2 W. 30' of Sub, Mary F. Lynch, Lot 12, Fin- 29.00 29.00 Lots 30 31 M r i- Y q 417.12 & o he s Universit of Dubu ue, ley Waples &Burtons 635.27 Tons Asphaltic Con- ers Add. 181.06 Lat 17 Reches Sub, No. 2 3102.39 Add . 507,57 Crete Binder Course @ University of Dubuque, University of Dubuque, John E. & Evelyn- Kringle, 10.85 6,892,69 Lot 2 of 1 of Sub. Lots Lot 37, Reches Sub......... 26.41 Lot 13, Finley Waples & 654:28 Tons Asphaltic Con- . 30 & 31 Morhoisers University of Dubuque, Burtons Add . 481.90 Crete Surface Course @ Add . 8321 Lot 38 Reches Sub, 71,09 ' John E. & Evelyn ~Kringle, 10,85 ..............................7,098.92 University of Dubuque, University of Dubuque, ~ Lot 14, Finley Waples & 293 Gal. Tack Coat R:C.1 . Lot 2 of 4 Sub. Lots 30 & Lot 39, Reches Sub, 71.09 ' Burtons Add 38.30 @ 20 58.60 31 Morheisers Add......... 32,93 University of Dubuque, Alice M, & Wm. A. Clark, Extra Work Order No. 6 13,60 University of Dubuque, Lot 40 Reches Sub..:...... 6,53 Lot 1 Mineral Lot 170 318.82 Lot 1 of 4 of Sub, Lots 3 0 Lot 2 of 1 Mineral Lot rtha Hird, Lot 1 of 2, ~ 23,204,01 & 31 Morheisers Add, 287.12 Westminster Pres. Church 2642 B Mineral Lot 170 587:23 _ Henry G, Seige, Lot 3, NE 172 , 7 Carlton & Dorothy Met• 5% Interest for 52 days 187158 40' of Sub, Lats 30 & 31 Westminster Pres Church, ~ ~ tille, Lot 2 of 2, Min- 4% Extra Expense 928,16 Morheisers Add..... 290;17 Lot 1 of 2.14 Mineral er 24299,7 hn & Hilda Donatsch, rlton & Dorothy Met- Lot 3 SW 20 of Sub. ; ° • ~ al Lot 170 36.27 All of which is assessed in r 5 Jo D u btu q u e Presbyterian 1212,25 C Mlle, Lot 1 of 3, Mineral p o' Lots 30 & 31 Morheisers Press, Lot 1, Herbsts Lot 170 326,44 portion to special benefits con- Add . 140.95 Bub, 38fi,94 Harry J. Smith, Lot 2 of 3 ferred, John & Hilda Donatsch, Ida Steibel, Lot 2, Herbsts Mineral Lot 170 3627 Lat 2, E. 20' of Sub. Lots Sub. ~ University Ave. Alta Vista to Delhi 391.15 Harry J. Smith, Lot 4, Min- (Hot Mix•Hat Laid Asphaltic 30 & 31 Morheisers Add, 132.46 Gilbert & Hllda Wise, Lot eral-Lot 170 362,71 Concrete Surfacing) University of Dubuque, 3, Herbsts Sub . 393.39 Arthur Trausch, Lat 5, Lot 1 of 2-1.2 Mineral B e r Lat 172 362,71 Het h a Subrd Lot•• 4 398.11 ArMthurrTrZot 170 418.64 Church of the Nativity, • rbsts ' ~ ~ ausch, Lot Z of Church of the Nativity University of Dubuque, Bertha Hird, Lot 5, 6, ~Mmeral Lot 170 35.18 Place 2,563,71 Lot 2 of 2.1-1-2 Mineral M, Clark, Lot 1 of 6 Delbert J. & Mary Hayford, E. ~Z Herbsts Sub 184.26 : Alice Lot 172 36.27 Bertha Hird, Lot 5 W. '/z, Mineral Lot 170 633.36 Lot 1-1=11.1-1 Slattery's Dorothy Arthofer, Lot 1 John D, & Dorothy Corker, Sub . 1,82529 Herbsts Sub 186.00 of 2-1-1.2 S. 90' Mineral .Bertha Hird, Lot 6, Lot 2 of 7, Mineral Lot Peter W, & Ruth Klauer, Lot 172 312.07 Herbsts Sub . 436,41 170 338.84 Lat 2~1-1 Slattery's Sub, 9538 a . 406 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 407 { nnie E. French, Lot 4, Harry F. Eldridge, Lot 3 PeLot 2.1• Slate ry s Sub. er. 635.84 G 7,c LawrenceseDubuque~f 10.85 M Summit Add . 344,97 of 4, Mineral Lot 80 431:52 Perfection Oil Co. Inc., Archie W. & Viola M, Belle Cousin Lot 5 Sum- Thomas F, & Ruth McDon• Lot 2.2 Slattery's Sub, 763.01 Morarend, Lot 1 of 6, mit Add, 344,97 ough, Lot 2 of 4 Mineral Edna Moes, Lot 2.1-2 Slat• Lawrences Dubuque 352.68 Sophia J. Kerper, Lot 6, L°t 80 431,52 tery's Sub 381.50 Belle & Clara Cousins, Lot Summit Add................. 344,97 Anna E, Paisley, Lot 1 of Mary T. Schiltz, Lot i, 5, Lawrences Dubuque.... 360.56 Clarence P, & Agnes Dono- 4, Mineral Lot 80 180,66 Schiltz Sub 172.95 Belle & Clara Cousins, Lot van, Lot 1 of 2, Clemen- Louis F, & Mathilda B• ° ! Mary T, Schiltz, Lot 2, 4, Lawrences Dubuque.... 349.88 son's Sub . 344,97 Schmitt, Lot 3, N. ~/i Schiltz Sub 8091 Claire M, Wagner, Lot 3, Wm. J. & Grace B, Glass°n, Mineral Lot 80 86.14 Mary T. Schiltz, Lot 3, W, z/a Lawrences Du• Lot 4, Clemenson's Sub, 82.83 George H°hmann, Lot 3, S. 'Schiltz Sub 46.71 buque 90.97 Stephen A. Jr. & Marijo '/z Mineral Lot 80 46,54 Mary T. Schiltz, Lot 4, Claire M. Wagner, Lot 3, O'Brien, Lot 1 of 31, Mt. Floyd V. Jr. & Patricia ' E. ~a Lawrences Du- Pleasant Add . 29,67 Jean Efferding, Lot 2 of Schiltz Sub. 30.01 Eva S. Falkenhainer, Lot Wm. 2 Marsh's Dubuque N°. 2 423,89 R tiVe sP L°t 2 Lawrences 37.64 Lot J60& S rM eLangwor- FI2-2-1 Mineral Lot 80 151,24 th oyd V, Jr. & Patricia Gert• E, Cross & Anna ' y s Add• 172.52 Jean Efferding, Lot 1 of North, Lot 1, Marsh's Dubuque 62.40 Wm. J. & Grace Glasson, 2-2-i, Mineral Lot 80 287,32 Dubuque No. 2 423,89 James L: & Patricia A, Lot 59, S, M, Langwor- Floyd V. Jr. & Patricia Clara Addyman, Lot 3, Norton, Lot 1, Lawrences th 's Add. 17 g, Lot 2 of 39.08 Louise M, & Gertrude Z.52 Jean Efferdin Marsh's Dubuque No. 2... 127.17 'Dubuque 1-2.1, Mineral Lot 80 112,16 Claire M, Wagner, Lot 2 Roussel, Lot 58, S. M, Floyd V. Jr. & Patricia EI45~Marsh'sliDubuque4N°; 55.36 James Law&nPatDciauquAe 1721 Emma &oAhy's Add......... 510.54 Jean Efferding Lot 1 of nna Cowan etal, 1.2-1, Mineral Lat 80 138,81 j 2 Norton, Vacated Street Lot 57, S, M, Langwor• Floyd V. Jr. & Patricia Delmar A• & Anna E. Gav- adjoining Lot 1 4.92 thy's Add . . 213,90 Jean Efferdin L ' in, Lot 4, N. 5' Marsh's Florence Cody, Lot 1, Ril Emma & Anna Cowan etal, 1, Mineral ~g~ 80 t 1 of 261,46 'Dubuque No. 2 3,98 ey's Place 866.86 ! Lot 2 of 56, S. M, Lang- Delmar A. & Anna E. Gav- Edward & Mabel Schnei- ~ worthy's Add . 158.71 Floyd V• Jr. & Patricia in, Lot 5, S• 40', Marsh's der Und 3'z), Lot 2, Ril- n George Ketoff, L°t 1 of 56 Jean Efferding, Lot 1 of Dubuque No. 2 28,40 ey's Place 116.57 S, M, Langworthy's Add. 13.82 2, Mineral Lot 80 174.98 Henry & Lydia Valentine, Sidney & Barth Creswick George Ketoff, Lot 55, S. Gregory F, Wiemold, Lat Lot 5 N. 10' Marsh's Un Dubu ue No. 2 5.93 Raym ~/z) G'M. Langworthy's Add,...... 172.52 2 of 2, Mineral Lot 80 72.74 q and & Eliz, Keller, eorge Ketoff, Lot 54, S, George E. Trout Trustee, Henry & Lydia Valentine, Lot 2 of 5 S. 134.3' Rileys M. Langworthy's Add,...... 158.71 Lot 12, Bradstreets Add• 30.35 Lot 6, Marsh's Dubuque Sub . 482.31 Harry Kopple, Lot 53, S, Wm. A. & Veronica Alder- No• 2 27.13 C, F. Cody, Lot 2 of 5 N. M. Langworthy's Add....... 186:26 son Und. ~a) Robert J. & Nadine Bowen, 14' Rileys Sub 1314 Harry Kopple, Lot 52, S. Walter H. & Virginia Suhr L°t 16, Marsh's Dubuque C. F. Cody, Lot 1 of 5 Ril- M, Langworthy's Add•..... 172:52 Und, r/z) Lot 2 of 13 Ro o. 2 423:89 ey's Sub.............:....... 3.14 Interstate Power Co., Lot Bradstreets Add, 10.94 ' bert E. Twaites, Lot 17, C, F, Cody, Lot 3 of Sub, 51, S• M. Langworthy s Wm. L, & Josephine Johan- Marsh's Dubuque No. 2 423,89 of 2,1.3 & i-4 Rileys Sub. 32.64 Add : 172,53 ningmeier, L°t 1 of 13 M ary A. Hannig, Lot 15, Rachael Gotto, Lot 2 °f 39.34 Interstate Power Co•, I~ot 172,5,3 Bradstreets Add 22.89 'Marsh's Dubuque No. 2 127.17 Sub. of 21-3 & 1.4 Rileys 50, S. M, Langworth 's Wm, A, & Veronica Alder- Mary A. Hannig, L°t 14, Sub........ Add. son Und. VZ) 'Marsh's Dubuque Nc. 2 59.35 Frank J, & Collette J, a Interstate Power Co., Lot Walter H, & Virginia Suhr ' Joseph V. Schuler, Lot 13 Suchanek etal, Lot 1 of 49, S. M. Langworthy's Und.'/z) Lot 2A, Mineral Marsh's Dubuque No, 2 34.34 Sub, of 2-1.3 & 1-4 Rileys Add . 172.53 Lot 80 14,75 & Emma Met• Fe F, A. & Marcella Martin, 27,13 'er,bLot 1 Rile s Sub, 31.64 Gilbert G, g 1 2 rd A. & Gladys Nesler, Lot 12, Marsh's Dubuque Nicholas J. & Theresa Mey- calf Lot 48, S. M. Lan - Lot 1 W. 50' of N. 100' No. 2 y worthy s Add . 7 .53 Martins Dubuque 42389 Martin J, & Dorothy C. Nicholas J. & Theresa Mey- Gilbert G. & Emma Met- Ralph H. & Mildred A• Schuster, Lot 18, Marsh's er, Lot 3 of 31, Mt, Pleas• ' calf, Lot 47, S. M. Lang- Mueller, Lot 1, E, 64' of Dubuque No. 2 668.40 ant Add........ 42,90 worthy's Add................ 172:53 N. 100' Martins Dubuque 542.58 Tillie Braconier, Lot 1 of Nathan C• Bradley, Lot 2 John Eva M. Martin, Lawrence & Bernice Tay- 11 Lawrences Dubuque.... 399.82 of 31, M~t. Pleasant Add, 11.44 Lot 46, S. M. Langwor- lor, Lot 1, S, 50' of N, Mildred Schaetzle, Lot 1 of Roy D, & Zora Brammer, thy's Add 172;53 150' Martins Dubuque,... 144.97 10, Lawrences Dubuque 82.66 Lot 1 of 1 of 30 E. VZ John & Eva M. Martin, Albin F, & Emma Fang- - Irwin & Bertha Ames, Lot Mt, Pleasant Add• 30:69 Lot 45, W. 3' S, M. Lang- man, Lot 1 S, 50' Mar- 1 of 9, Lawrences Du• Minnie E, French, Lot 1 of worthy's Add 20.69 tins Dubuque 67.65 buque 44.76 2, Summit Add. 338.10 o Cath. & N. W Brodeur, Mary & Leo S• Grom- Grace E• Wagner, Lot 1 of Minnie E. French, Lot 3, Lat 45, E. 41'11" S. M. mersch, Lot 2, Martins ' 8, Lawrences Dubuque.... 28.66 Summit Add 344;97 Langworthy's Add. 283,67 Dubuque 39.17 408 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 409 G. F, & Evelyn Pinski, Lot Dubuque Storage & Trans- 'Councilman Welu moved the j 1, Grandview Avenue Extension: - 3 Martins Dubuque 30.94 ter Co. Lot 5 Leibe's > adoption of the resolution, Second- from the North property line of G. F. & Ev21yn Pinski, Lot Sub. ~No, 2 305:37 ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by 'Delhi to the South Property Line Heights , 2.29 anley Home Products o Inc,, No 6, Leibe's Sub. the following vote; ~ of Loras Blvd. or Kintzin 49 W, 10 0 x o r St 305,87 Yeas-'Mayolb, Schueger, Council- I Pro rtn Lin °reet from the West Martin J. & Marie Fang- No. 2 men Dove, K ller, Welu. p y e of Mom Street to the man, Lot 49, E, 102!5 Stanley Home Products Nays-None, !East Property Line of Locust St. ' Oxford Heights 23;57 Fnc,, Lot 7, Leibe's Sub, ' Norbert Thole, Lot 48, Ox• No. 2 305,37 Proof of Publication, certified ~to ` 3. Leibe Street from the East ford Heights 36,79 Stanley Home 'Products by the Publisher of notice to au• !Property Line of Jackson Street to Minnie Gieseman, Lot 1 of Inc., Lot 8, Leibe's Sub. thorize the issuance of bonds for ~ the end of Leibe Street. 47, Oxford Heights 625.16 No. 2 305,37 the purpose of paying the cost of 4, Shields Street from. the North Ralph A. & Viola G. Scher- Stanley Home Products the City 1955 Hot ~Mix~Hot Laid As- ~ Property Line of Dodge Street to rer Lot 2 of 47 Oxford Inc., Lot B Vac. Alle pha ' ~ _ 37,22 Leibe's Sub. No. 2 ......y~ 68.71 senltic Concrete Project No. 1, prer ~ the South Property Line of Jones Heights tad sand read. Councilman Kolb 'Street. Edna Fesler, Lot 1 of 1.46 Stanley Home Products moved the proof of publication be 5, East 30th Street from the East Oxford Heights 482;31 Inc,, Lot 9, Leibe's Sub. received and filed. Seconded by I Property. Line of Central Avenue Ralph A. & Viola G, Scher- Nc, 2 49,78 Councilman Welu. Carried by the ' to 65' east of the East Property rer, Lot 2 of 1.46, Oxford Stanley~'Home Products I following vote: Line of Elm Street, Heights 27,14 Inc., t 10, Leibe's Sub. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- 6, University Avenue from the No; 2 49.78 ~ men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. East Property Line of Alta Vista $23,433.4D Stanley Home Products Nays-None. to the West Property Line of Lot 2 40 Sq. Yds. Asphalt Remove Inc., Lat 11, Leibe's Sub, i of 2 of Sarnmit Addition. al (Univ. & Nevada) In• No. 2 RESOLUTION N0. 217.55 49,78 7, University Avenue from the chides Stone @ 2.00 80.00 Stanley Home Products Resolution providing for the is- East Property Line of Auburn 55Removal &tRepl cement Leibe's Sub.ANo, lac, 'St,, 3298 suance of Street Bonds for the pur- Street to the West Property Line pose of providing for the payment of Lot 13 in Finley Waples and - with 5" Class "B" Con- Stanley Home Products of the assessed cost of the City of Burtons Addition, crate @ 420 231.00 Inc., Lot 12, Leibe's Sub, Dubuque 1955 Hot Mix~Hot Laid ~ 139 Cu, Yd, Street Car No, 2 16,98 ' Asphaltic Concrete Surfacing Proj- 8. Washington Street from the Block Removal @ 42,00 5,838,00 cot No. L North Property Line of Leibe 793 Sq. Yds. Brick Remov- 2,100:23 Wheroas the contract heretofore Street to the end of Washington ' al & Replacement with 274,0 Tons Stabilized Base entered into by the City of Du- Street North there shall be issued 4" Class "B" Concrete & Shone @ 3,35 917,90 buque; Iowa, for the improvement 'Street bonds in the amount of Intersections & Gutter ~ $93,995.93 Dollars in anticipation of v3.9 Tons Asphaltic Con• hereinafter described has been com- - ' Line @ 4.20 3;330.60 the deferred payment of assess- Grote Binder Course @ plated and the City Manager has meats levied for such improve- 599,33 Ton Asphaltic Con- 10,85 367.81 certified the completion thereof to crate Border Course @ 40.282 Tons Asphaltic Con- the City Council and the City Coun- merit. 10.85 . 6,5D2.73 crate Surface Course @ ~ Gil has ascertained the cost there- 2, Such bonds shall be called 563:87 Ton Asphaltic Con- 10.85 437,06 € of and has determined that $93 - Street bonds; and shall bear the - crete~urface Course @ 133 Gals, Tack Coat R,C, 1 996.93 Dollars of C?ae cost thereof date of November 2, 1955; and 10.85 6,117.99 @ ,20 26,6D shall be assessed against the prop- shall be numbered consecutively; 367 Gal. Tack Coat R.C. 1 Extra Work Order No. 3 256.16 arty subject to assessment there- and they shall be numbered, divid- @ .20 73,40 for; and ed into series, and be in such de- 7 No, of Manholes to be 2,005:53 nominations and for such maturit Raised or Lowered @ Whereas public notice, as proved- dates as are shown in the follow- 29,00 203,00 5% Interest for 52 days 14,48 ,ed by law, has been published by inQ table; 4% Extra Expense 80.22 the City Clerk stating the intention 22 376,72 - ' of the City. Council to issue bonds 1. 1 to 18 both inclusive-$500.00 2,100,23 for the purpose of providing for each, April 1, 1956, ~ 4% Extra Expense 895.07 the payment of the assessed cost of 5% Interest for 52 Days 161.61 All of which is assessed in pro- said improvement and a public 2, 19 to a6 both inclusive-$500,00 portion to the special benefits con- hearing has been held, pursuant to each, April 1, 1957, 23,433.40 ferred. such notice and all objections made 3, 37 to 55 both inclusive-.$500,00 All of which is assessed in pro- Passed, adopted and approved ` theroto have been considered and each, April 1, 1958. portion to the special benefits con- this 3rd day of October, 195'5, ° deteriined; 4. 56 to 74 both inchsive-$500.00 ferred. 'CHARL'ES A. KINTZIN'GER Now Therefore Be It Resolved by each, April 1, 1959, Mayor the City Council of the Cit of Du- 5, 75 to 93 both in Washington St, Ftot•Mix Hot•Laid CLARENCE P. WELU buque y each, Aprll 1, 1960, eve, $500,00 Asphaltic Concrete Surfacing RAY F. KOLB 1, That ,to provide for the pay- 6. 94 to 112 both inclusive, $50D.00 LEO N. SC merit of the assessed cost of the im- each Aril Oscar E. Bruggeman, Lot 3, HUELLER p following sere p 1, 1961, Leibe's 'Sub. No 2 305.37 CHARLES E. DOVE rovement of .the ets 7. 113 to 131 both inclusive, Dubuque Storage Rc Trans- Councilmen by surfacing the same with hot $500.00 each April 1, 1962, far Ca, Lot. 4, Leibe's Attest: LEO F. FROMMEUf mix, hot laid asphaltic concrete 8. 132 to 150 both inclusive- 'Sub. No. 2 305.37 City Clerk surfacing, to wit: $500.00 each, April 1, 1963, z•`. 410 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 _ Regular Session, October 3, 1955 411 9. '151 to 169 both inclusive, Assessment Fund No, 1175 created the facsimile signature of the May- 7. University Avenue from the $500.00 each, April 1, 1964. by the collection of said special tax, or and countersigned with the fac- East Property. Line of Auburn 10. 170 to '187 both inclusive, and said fund can be used for no simile signature of the. City Clerk. Street to the West Property Line $500.00 each, April 1, 1965. other purpose, 9. That as fast as funds allow, of Lot 13 in Finley Waples and 10. 188- $496.93, AprIl 1, 1965. It is hereby certified and recited beginning with the second year Burtons Addition. 3. Said bonds shall bear interest that all the acts, conditions and after the payment of interest due, g, Washington Street from' the at the rate of 5 per cent per an- things required to be done, pre- `these bonds shall be called and re- North Property Line of Leibe Street num., payable semi-annually in ac- cedent to and in issuing this series tired in the same ordor as num- to the end of Washington Street cordance with coupons thereto at- of bonds, have been done, hap' bered. North, presented and read; Council- tached: pened, and performed, in regular Adopted this 3rd day of October, man Kolb moved that the notice be 4, Said bonds shall not make the and due form, as required by law 1955. made a matter of record. Seconded City of Dubuque liable in any way, and said Resolution, and for the as• CHARLES A, KINTZINGER by Councilman Schueller, Oarried • except for the application of said sessmont, collection and payment ~ Mayor by the following vote; ' special assessment funds. hereon of said special tax, the full 5. Said bonds shall provide that faith and diligence of said Gity of CLARENCE P.IVELU Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- they may be payable at any time Dubuque are hereby irrevocably RAY F, KOLB men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. prior to the maturity date stated pledged, LEO N. SCHUELtiER Nays-1None, therein at the option of the City In Testimony Whereof the City of CHARLES E. DOVE _ of Dubuque and shall be in sub- Dubuque by its Council .has caused Councilmen Proofs of Publication, certified to this bond to be signed b its Ma or Attest: LEO F, FROMMELT by the Publishers.. of notice of Levy stantially the following form: Y Y of Special Assessment and Inten- and countersigned by its City Clerk City Clerk No . and the Seal of said. City to be Councilman Welu moved the tion of the City Council to issue ' thereto affixed, this 2nd day of Na bonds. for the construction of an .Series No:....... vember, 1955: adoption of the resolution, Second- eight inch sanitary sewer in Bunker ed by Councilman Kolb, Carried by Hill Street from the existing .man- CITY OF DUBUQUE (SEAL) the. following vote: hale in Green Street to the south Street Bond • Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- property line of Finley Street, pre- Mayor men Doves Kolb, Schueller, Welu, sented and read, Councilman Kolb The City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa promises to pay as herein- • ~ Nays-None. Cit Clerk moved that the proof of publica- after mentioned to the bearer here- Y ' tion be received and filed. Second- of on the first day of (Form of Coupon) No or at an time before that date, at On the day of ing that copies of noW cite, certify- ed by Councilman Schueller, Car- y of levy of ried by the following vote; the option of the City of Dubuque, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, promises special asessment and intention of yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- the sum of Five Hundred dollars. to pay to the bearer, as provided in the City' Council to issue bonds, c$men. Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, with interest thereon ~at the rate said bond, the sum of were posted for the improvement of 5 per cent. per annum, payable Dollars, in the office of the City of 'the following streets by surfac- Nays-None. semi-annually, on the presentation Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, ing the same with 'hot mix, hot laid I and surrender of the interest cou- being months' interest due asphaltic concrete surfacing, to CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA ' ' pons hereto attached. Both princi- that date on its Bond wit; Schedule of Assessments pal and interest of this bond are " payable at the office of the City No ........dated € 1. Grandview Avenue Extension RESOLUTION N0. 21655 ' Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, .................:.Y.. from the North property line of Resolved by the City CouncIl of in the State of Iowa. This bond is Ma or Delhi to the South Property Line of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that to issued by the City of Dubuque un- Lbras Blvd, pay for the construction of an ............Y der and by virtue of Chapter 396 Cit Clerk Eight (8) inch Sanitary Sewer in of the 1954 Code of Iowa, as amend- 2. Jones Street from the West Bunker Hill Street beginning at-the ed, and the Resolution of said City 6. That the Mayor and City Clerk Property. Line of Main Street to the existing manhole in Green Street duly passed on the 3rd day of Oc- be and they are hereby instructed East Property Line of Locust St, to the South Property Line of Fin• Resolution No. to cause said bonds to be prepared Leibe Street from the East ley Street by Schueller & Company, r 1955 bein 3. t be g o , 217.55, and when so prepared to execute Property Line of Jackson Street to Contractor in front of and adjom- aid bonds and that the Git Clerk ing the same, a special tax be and cries of s Y Lei e treet. is Bond is one of a s the end of b S . Th is hereb levied on the several lots to 188 bonds, 187 for $500,00 num- be and he is hereby instructed Y bered from 1 to 187 inclusive, and register said bonds in a book kept 4. Shields Street from the North and parts of lots, and parcels., of one for $496.93 numbered 188, all For that purpose and to then de- Property Line of Dodge Street to real estate all as named, situated 'k tenor and date and issued liver them to the City Treasurer.. the South Property Line of Jones and owned, and for the 'several ofhe , r r treet. amounts set o osite each lot o i the Cit Treasurer rs S pp in the cast 7. That y the u ose of a g for p rp p Y • - of the City of Dubuque 1955 Hot hereby instructed to sell said bonds 5. East 30th Street from the East parcel of real estate, as set forth Mix Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete in the manner provided by law, the: Property. Line of Central Avenue in the schedule. Surfacing Project No,1 as described proceeds of said sale to be placed to 65' east of the East Property in said Resolution, in said City, in a special fund to be known as Line of Elm Street. which cost is payable by the abut- Special Assessment Fund No. 1175 Ling and adjacent property along -and paid out by him to pay the 6:, University Avenue from the said improvements and is made by cast of said contract. East_Froperty Line of Alta Vista law a lien on all of said property. It 8. That the interest coupons at• to the West Property Line of Lot 2 i~ is payable only out of the Special tached to the bonds be signed with of 2 of Summit Addition, ~ 412 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 _ Regular Session, October 3, 1955 413 Lift Station Sewer. Total 3 bonds for the purpose of providing of, on the first day of D; I. & D, G. Meyers, Lot 2 of 2 E,150'-5.23' far the payment of the assessed or at any time before that date, at Wilson's Dubuque 118,32 61.18 179:50 cost of said improvement and apub- the option of the City of Dubuque, D, h & D, G. Meyers, Lot 2 of 3, Wilson's lie hearing has been held, pursuant the sum of Three Hundred dollars Dubuque . , 216,09 11'1,73 327,82 to such notice and all objections with interest thereon at the rate made thereto have been considered of 5 per cent per annum, payable Gert. E. & Earl Marsch, Lot 1 of 3, Wilson's anNoweTherefodxe Be It Resolved by a d~surre der of the mtesentation Dubuque 391,01 202;18 593,19 rest cou• Margie P-a~tterson, Lat 1 of 5, Links Sub, 392.25 166.08 558.33 the City Council of the City of pons hereto attached. Bath princi- Mary Riddle, Lot 1 of 2 of 1, J, P, Mattel's bu ue; pal and interest of this bond are q Sub ......................................i., 251.24 107,60 364;84 Du ay- payable at the office of the City Mary Riddle, Lot 1 of 3 of 1, J. P, Mattel s 1, That to provide for the p Sub, 251,24 107.60 3fi4.84 merit of the assessed cost of the Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, construction of an eight (8) inch in the State of Iowa, This band is City of Dubuque, Lot 1 of 1.1.1-1.2, J. P. Met- , tai's Sub........:.. No Benefit sanitary sewer 'in Bunker Hill issued by the City of Dubuque un- Earl C, & Frances Weiniger, Lot 1 of 189, Street from the existing manhole der and by virtue of Chapter 396 Finley's Add No Benefit in Green Street to the South Prop- of the 1954 Code of Iowa, as amend- ' ' ° arty Line of Finley Street there ed, and the Resolution of said City C] - arence & Dorothy Gensemer, Lat 2 of 189, shall be issued sewer bonds in the duly passed on the 3rd day of IhFinley's Add 382,44 382:44 terstate Power Co,, Lot 2, Farber Place 312.91 312.91 amount of $3,083:87 Dollars in an- October, 1955, being Resolution No. Mathilda Farber, Lot 2 of 1, Farber Place No Benefit ticipation of the deferred payment 219.55. of assessments levied for such im• 'This Bond is one of a series of 3,083,87 provement. 11 bonds, 10 for $300.00 numbered 2, Such bonds shall be called Sew- from 189 to 198 inclusive, and one er bonds; and shall bear the date for $83:87 numbered 199, all of 496.5 Lin, Ft, 8" V.T.P. @ Proof of publication of notice of of November 2, 1955; and shall be like tenor and date, and issued for • 2.60 1,290,90 the City to authorize the issuance numbered consecutively; and they the purpose of constructing an 6 No. of 8"x6" Y Branches of sower improvement. bonds for shall bo num'bered, divided into eight (8) inch sanitary sewer in @ 9.18 . 55.08 the purpose of paying cost of eon- series, and be in such denomina• Bunker Hill Street as described in 1 No, of Concrete Man• struction of an eight .inch sanitary lions and for such maturity dates said. Resolution, in said City, which 'holes Complete @ 285,00 285.00 sewer in Bunker Hill street from as are shown in the following table, cost is payable by the abutting and 1 No. of Drop Concrete the existing manhole in Green 1. 189-$300.00, April i, 1956, adjacent property along said im- Manholes Complete @ Street to the south property line of 2. 190-$300.00, April 1, 1957, provements and is made by law a 297,00 297.00 Finley Street, presented and road, 3, 191--$300.00, April 1, 19'58, lien on all of said property, It is Moved by Councilman Kolbthat the 4. 792-$300.00, April 1, 1959, payable. only out of the Special As- 1,927,98 `Proof of Publication be received 5. 193-$300.00, April 1, 1960, sessrnent Fund No, 1176 created by 5% Interest for 52 Days 13.92 and filed. Seconded by Councilman 6, 194-$300.00, April 1, 1961, the collection of said special tax, 20% Extra Expense 385.60 Schueller. Carried by the following 7, 195300,00, April 1, 1962, and said fund can be used for no vote: 8, 196-$300,00, April 1, 1963, other purpose, 2;327,50 Yeas-•14layor Kintzinger, Gbun• 4 9. 197$300,00, April 1, 1984, T~t is hereby certified and recited Cherry-Green Street Lift cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, We'lu. 10, 198300.00, April 1, 1965, that all the • acts, conditions and Station T56.37 'Nays-None. ~ 10. 199-$83,87, April 1, 1965. things required to be done, prece- RESOLUTION N0. 219.55 3, Said bonds shall bear interest dent to and in issuing this series 3,083,87 Resolution providing for the is- a't the rate of 5 per cent per annum, of bonds, have been done, hap• All of which is assessed in pro- suance of Sewer .Bonds for the pur- payable semiannually in accordance paned, and performed, in regular portion to the special benefits con- pose of providing for the payment with coupons thereto attached: and due farm, as required by law ferred. of the assessed Bost of Bunker Hill 4~ Said bonds shall not make the and said Resolution, and fox the Passed, adapted and approved Street Sanitary Sewer. City of DtEbuque liable in any way, assessment, collection and payment this 3rd day of October, 1955, Whereas the contract heretofore except for the application of said hereon of said special tax, the full CHARLES A, KINTZI(JGER entered ,into by the City of Du- special assessment funds, faith and diligence of said City of 'M'ayor buque, Iowa, far the improvement 5, Said bonds shall provide that Dubuque are hereby irrevocably OLARENCE P. WELU hereinafter described has been com- ~ Choy may be payabl@ at any time pledged. RAY F. KOLB plated and the City Manager has prior to the maturity date staked In Testimony Whereof the Cityof LEO N, SCHUEL'LER certified the completion thereof therein at the option of the City Dubuque by its Council has caused CHAR'L'ES E. DOVE to the City Council and the City of Dubuque and shall be in sub- this bond to be signed by its Mayor Councilmen Council has ascertained the cost starctially the following form:. and countersigned by its City Clerk ' Attest: LEO F. FRUMbIEfIP thereof and has determined tha and the Seal of said City to be t Cit Clerk N0' ° ~ thereto affixed, this 2nd day of No- y $3,083;87 Dollars of the cost there- vember, 1955, Counellman Kolb moved the of shall be .assessed against. the Series No adoption of the resolution. Second- property subject to assessment CITY OF DUBUQUE (5EAL) ed by counciman Welu. Carried by therefor; and Sewer Band the following vote; Whereas public notice, as gravid- • • ° • • Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• ed by law, has been published by The City of Dubuque in the Stake 'Mayor cilmen Dave, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, the City Clerk stating the inten- of Iowa promises to pay as herein- „ Nays-None. lion of the Ciity Council to issue after mentioned to the bearer here- City Clerk 3..,. 414 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 415 (Form of Coupon) sue bonds, were pasted, along the 1 of Block 1 of St. Anne's Subdivi- melt Street, and while this dis• On the............day of line of improvement of Bunker Hill lion in the City of Dubuque and tance is not great, there is a great the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom• Street from the existing manhole Lots 386, 387, 388, 408, -409 and number of people using this street, ices to pay to the bearer, as pro• in Green Street to the South Prop= 410 in Lennox Addition Co the City Also the school building blocks off vided m Dodabonn the offi a of eight (6) i ch lsanitaryesewert pre- SinglDeufamily dism their present some light. trict classification I recommend that a street light the .City Treasurer in the City of seated and read. Councilman Kolb to Local Business District Aclassi- be installed on Emmett Street ap- Dubuque, being .:.:,......:months' in- moved that the notice be made a fication. proximately half way between Bluff. terest due that date on its matter of record. 'Seconded by Section 2, That the City Clerk be and St. Mary's Streets. - Band No dated Councilman Schueller, Carried by and he is hereby authorized and di-Respectfully submitted, „ 'the following vote; noted to record a certified copy of L. J. SCHILTZ, 'Mayor Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- this ordinance in the office of the City Manager ' ; Sao cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, County Recorder of Dubuque Coun• LJ City Clerk !NaysJNone, tY• ~Councilinan Welu moved that the 6. That the Mayor and Cit Clerk Section: 3: This Ordinance shall be recommendation be approved. Sec- Y Proof of publication showing a in full force and effect from and onded b Councilman Kolb. Car• . be and they are hereby instructed Statement of the receipts and also Y bo cause said bonds to be pre ared after its final passage, adoption and Tied by the fallowing vote: A a list of claims for which warrants- and when so prepared to execute were. drawn during the month of publication as by law provided. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- said bonds and that the City Clerk August, 1955, by-the City Auditor, Introduced the 6th day of Sep• cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. be and he is hereby instructed to was presented and read, Council- tember, 1955. Nays-None. register said bonds in a book kept man Kolb moved that the proof of Rule requiring reading on three September 26, 1955 for that purpose and to then de- publication be received and filed, separate days suspended by unani• liver them to the City Treasurer. Seconded by Councilman Dove, Car- mous vote the 6th day of Septem• To the Honorable Mayor 7. That the Cit Treasurer is and City Council, Y vied by the following vote: ter, 1995. Dubuque, Iowa hereby instructed to sell said bonds yeas--Mayor' Kintzinger, Coun- Passed, adopted and approved Gentlemen: in the manner providedby law, the cilmen Dove; Kolb, Schueller, Welu. this 3rd day of October, 1955, proceeds of said sale to be placed :.Nays-None. CHARLES A. KINTZINGER A't the present time the West side in a special fund to be_known as Ma or of Algona Street is restricted to all Special Assessment Fund No. 1176 Proof of Publication of official Y parking from. University Avenue to GLA~RENCE P. WELU Bennett Street and the east side and paid out. by him to pay the cost notice of public hearing on an RAY F. KOLB is restricted fore a distance of 300 of said contract. Ordinance amending ;the Zoning LEO N. SCHUDLLER feet south of Campus Lane, 8. That the interest coupons at- Map:. and Zoning Ordinance: by C. E. DOVE tached to the bonds be signed with changing the Zoning Classification Oouncilmen Algona Street narrows at Grace the facsimile signature of the May- of Lot 1 of Block 1 of St. Anne's Attest: LEO F, FROMMELT Street and there is also a turn in dr and countersigned with the fat- Subdivision and Lots 386, 387, 388, City Clerk the street between Grace and Ben- simile signature of the City Clerk. 408, 409 and 410 of Lennox Addi- Published officially in the Tele• nett Streets. The parking of vehi- 9. That as fast as funds allow, be- tion from a single family classifi- graph•Herald newspaper. this .6th cles on the east side of Algona ginning with the second year after cation to Local Business District A Street between Grace and Bennett , Classification,, presented and read, i day of October 1955. the payment of interest due these Streets prohibits the use of the bal- l t 10.6 bonds shall be called and retired Councilman Kolb moved that the LEO F. FROMMELT, ante of the street for two-way traf- in the same order as numbered. Proof of Publication be received City Clerk: fit. In addition vehicles parked' on Adopted this 3rd day of October, and filed, Seconded by Council- Councilman Welu moved the the east side of Algona Street bey 1955. man Welu. Carried by the follow- adoption of the ordinance. Second- tween Grace and Bennett Streets CHARLES A, KllVTZIlVGER ing vote; ed by Councilman Dove, Carried by usually park fairly close together Mayor and there is a definite hazard be• CLA~RENCE P. WELU Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coe u, the following vote; cause of restricted vision, cihnen Dove Kolb Schueller W l Yeas Ma or Kintzin er Coun- . , Y g, RAY F. KOLB Nays-None. cilmen ,Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. It is recommended that parking LEO N. SCHUELLER be restricted on both sides of Al- CHARLES E. DOVE 'Nays--None. Oi2DINANCE N0. 51.55 September 26, 1955 gona from Campus Lane to Bennett Councilmen An Ordinance amending the Zone. To the Honorable Mayor Street and the west side from' Cam- Attest; LEO F. FROMMELT, ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of and City Council, Aus Lane ~to University Avenue, 'City Clerk the City of Dubuque to change Lot Dubuque, Iowa ' Respectfully submitted, Councilman Kalb moved the l of Block l of St. Anne's Subdivi- Gentlemen: L. J. SCHILTZ, adoption of the resolution. Second- Sion and Lots 386, 387, 388, 408, r The pe'tition'of Mrs. Edna Singrin City Manager ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- 409, and 410 of Lennox Addition and others requesting a street light LJS;Io ried by the following vote: to Local Business A District classi- at Emmett Street was referred to Councilman Dove moved that the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• fication, the City Manager and Electrical In- recommendation be approved and cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. 'Be It Ordained by the City Coun- Spector far recommendation and proper proceedings be drawn. Sec- Nays~None. cil of the City of Dubuque; report, onded by Oouncilman Schueller. Notice of John L. White, certify- Section I. That the Zoning Map An investigation was made as Carried by 'the following -vote: ing that copies of the notice of and Zoning Ordinance of the City to the advisabIlity of installing a Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• levy of special assessment and in- of Dubuque be and the same is street light half way between Blufif cilmen Dove; Kolb; Schueller, Welu, Mention of the City Council to is• hereby .amended by' changing Let Street and St. Marys Street on Em- Nays=None. 416 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 417 October 3, 1955 less than two years from the date To the Honorable Mayor of this Resolution, ~as provided in Councilman moved that the re• Leo J. Diener (Diener Appliances), and City Council, Ordinance No, 34-55. port be made a matter of record. American Surety Co. Dubuque; Iowa Passed, .adopted and approved- Seconded by Councilman Schueller. Seubert & Fesler, Hawkeye Secur- Gentlemen: this 3rd day of October, 1955. Carried by the following vote: ty Ins. Co. CHARLES A. KIlVTZPNGER Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• This is to advise you that the Harry Miner (Key City Plumbing & construction of an 8" sanitary sew- 'Mayor cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Heating), Western Surety Co. ' e er in Marion Street from the exist- CLA~RENGE P. WELU Nays-None, Montgomery Ward & Co,, Inc,, In- ing sewer in Marion Street to Cher- RAY F, KOLB September 21, 1955 demnity Ina. Co. of North Ameri• okee Drive has been completed by LEO N, SCHUELLE~R To the Honorable Mayor ca, the Dubuque Plumbing. and Heat- CHARLES E. DOVE and City Council, Respectfully submitted, ing 'Company in accordance with Councilmen Dubuque, Iowa L, J, SCHILTZ plans and specifications, Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT, Gentlemen; 'City Manager I; therefore recommend the ac• City Clerk I herewith submit reports of the LJS:J ceptance of 'this sewer, Councilman Kolb moved the adop- City Auditor, City Health Depart- . tion of the resolution. 'Seconded by ment and City Water Works for Councilman Kolb moved the Respectfully submitted, Councilman Schueller. Carried by the. month of August as well as bonds be received and filed. Sec- L. J. SCHH.TZ, the following vote; list of claims and list of payrolls onded by Councilman Dove, Car- City'Manager Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- for which warrants were issued far ried by the following vote: Councilman Kolb moved that the men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. the month of August. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- recommendation of the acceptance Nays-None, Respectfully submitted, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. of the sewer be approved. Seconded September 28, 1955 L. J. SCHIIIPZ, Nays-None, by Councilman Welu, Carried by To the Honorable Mayor City Manager the following vote: and City'Council, LJS,lo September 23, 1955 Yeas-'Mayor Kintzinger, Coun• Dubuque, Iowa Councilman Kolb moved that the To the Honorable Mayor cilmen Dove, Kolb, 'Schueller, Welu, Gentlemen; reports be made a matter of roc- and City Council, Nays=None.. Mr. Henry J. Ludwig has request- ord, Seconded by Councilman Dubuque, Iowa ed the Council to issue him a re- Schueller. Carried b the following RESOLUTION N0. 220.55 stricted plumbers license under y Gentlemen: Resolution accepting Sanitary Section A of Ordinance 21.55, vote: The Planning & Zoning Commis- Sewer constructed in Marion Street Yeas--,Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- I have investigated this request cilmen Dove, Kolb, 'Schueller, Welu, sion has studied carefully the peti- pursuant to Ordinance No. 34.55. to see if the qualifications required tion of The Leo Bly Co, dated Feb, Whereas under the provision of under this section have been cam- Nays-None. 4, 1905 together with counter pe- Ordinance No. 3455 Vern Carris plied with and find there is no full October 3, 1955 titian of the C. NL St, P, & P, R, R. has constructed a sanitary sewer in time maintenance crew employed To the Honorable Mayor Co. dated Sept. '1, 1955 both at- - ~ Marion `Street; and at the place of business but the ap- and 'Cfty Council, Cached, and is constrained to feel Whereas the 'City Engineer has plicant does maintenance work Dubuque, Iowa that the public interest requires inspected the same and the City himsolf after working hours, Gentlemen: that the Planning & Zoning Com- Manager has recommended its ac- Mr. Ludwig, operator of the Du• ( This is to advise that I have ap- mission recommend to your Hbn- ceptance; and buque Laundry and Dry 'Cleaners, proved the following bonds and arable Body denial of the petition, Whereas the permittee under does not qualify under the plurnb• policy and desire to have your ap- The property involved is (1) di- Ordinance has filed with the City ing ordinance for a restricted proval on same for filing; rectly in line with future develop Council a certified statement show- plumbers license. PERSONAL ment's shown on Master Plan (2) is ing that all amounts paid out by Respectfully submitted; Leo F, Frommelt City Clerk, Bond . at present closely related to rail them. in connection with the con- L, J. SOHILTZ, No, 28214 07 1583 '55 U.S. Fidel- 'road movements on Pine St., and - struction of said sewer amount to City Manager any additional need far railroad ity and Guaranty Co, 1458,00; Councilman Schueller moved the facilities might easily require r Victor J. Grice Airport Commis- Now Therefore Be It Resolved by approval of the recommendation. sinner, Bond No, 28210 07 1433 55 same (3) has underground utility the City Council of the City of Seconded by Councilman Welu, Car- U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co. facilities running through it at pros- Dubu ue. ried by the following vote: ent. It is important to possible q Yeas~Mayor Kmtzmger, Ctiun- EXCAVATION City nnprovements in so many ways Secti®n 1. That said sewer is here- cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Louis Buechel, 2230 Central Ave- 'the Planning & Zoning Commis- by accepted by the City of Dubuque Nays--None, nue, Policy No. MCS 333604, U.S. sion feels it should be retained by 'and that the same be hereafter a September 28,.1955 Fidelity and Guaranty Co. the City. public sewer under the exclusive To the Honorable Mayor SIDEWALK Respectfully submitted, charge and control of the City of and City Council Arthur H. Eiehman, Standard Acci• Dubu g g - Dubuque; Dubuque, Iowa dent Ins, Co; quo Plannin & Zonin .Section 2. That the acceptance of Gentlemen; Commission HEATING said sewer by the City of Dubuque I herewith submit report of the By Richard V. McKay, and the establishment of the same City Treasurer for the month of 0"NeIlI Fuel & Heating Co., West- Secretary as a public sewer shall not be con- August '1955, ern Surety Co, - strued to relieve Vern 'Carris from Respectfully submitted, Melvin L, Kreiman, Western Sure- Councilman Schueller moved that his obligation to keep said sewer L, J. SOHII,TZ, ty Co, the matter be turned back to the Richard J, Burke American Bond• Planning & Zoning Commission for )n good repair for a period of not City 'Manager ing Co, ~ further study and report. Seconded 418 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 419 by Councilman Welu, Carried by Moved by'Councilman Welu to re- cil view the grounds. Seconded by Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- the following vote; fer the petrtion to the Planning:;& Councilman Welu, Carried by the men Dave, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Mayor Kintzinger, abstaining, Zoning Commission for report. Sec- following vote: Nays-None, onded by Councilman Kolb. Carried Mayor Kintzinger=abstaining. OR®iNANCE N0, 60.55 ' Yeas-Councihnen Dove, Kalb, by the following vote; Yeas-Councilmen Dove, Kolb, Vacating a portion of Harrison Schueller, Welu, Schueller, Welu, Yeas~Mayor Intzinger, Council- Street and 'the same be conveyed to Nays-None.. Nays-None. Carr Adams & Collier Ca Begin- . men Bove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. , Nays-None. September 12, '1955 nin at a oint on the west line of September 23, 1955 ~ g p To the ~Ionorable Mayor, September 23, '1955 To the Honorable Mayor City Lot 549A 7.08' south of the and City Councll, To the Honorable Mayor City Council and City Manager south line of Dodge Street, thence Dubuque, Iowa and City Council, City of Dubuque, ,Iowa along the west line of City Lot Gentlemen: 549A and Lot 1 of City Lot 549 a Gentlemen: Dubuque, Iowa In connection with the develop- distance of 97.92'; thence along the The Planning & Zoning Commis- Gentlemen: ment of Area "B" on City Island north line of Lot lA of City Lot sion respectfully recommends to The Planning & Zoning Commis- the Dock Commission received bids 549 and Lot 1 of Lot 10 of City your Honorable Body approval of lion respectfully recommends to for the Extension to the Haw' Lot 552 a distance of 56,70 ; thence the attached petition of C. M. ~5t, your Honorable Body, approval of thorne Street Box Storm Sewer on northeasterly 104,65' to the point of P, & P. 'R. R. requesting vacation bhe petition of Angelo Kerper, dated August 9th, 1955 and the low bid- beginning, presented and read. of certain streets and alleys in Sept. 22, 1955 attached 'hereto, As der.: was.- Kenneth Gaber and the Councilman Welu moved that this ' Wiltses-Dubuque and Railroad Sub• the proposed new street meets the bid was in the amount of $36,796.60, be the first reading of the Ordi- corresponding road in Flora Park :After. due consideration the bid divisions with one provision: a decided im rovement will result, nonce. Seconded by Councilman ~ That a strip of ground across p was accepted on August 24th, 1955 Kalb. Carried by the following vote: Lot No. 20 Jaeger's Sub. be dedi• Yours truly, and a contract.. with. Kenneth Gaber yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ' Gated to the City for street pur- Dubuque Planning & Zoning was entered into. This is the sec- men Dove, :Kolb, Schueller, Welu. poses, same to correspond in width Commission and contract entered into in the Nays-Noite, with the width of Fengler St, and By Richard V, McKay, development project, The funds Councilman Welu moved.. that the properties on both side o'f Feng- Secretary now contracted for are as follows the rule requiring reading on three Dredging. Contract with se ler St, now awned by the City of parate days be waived, Seconded Dubuque. Moved by Councilman Welu the LaCrosse Dredging Co. $762,355.57 by Councilman Kolb, Carried by the Yours very truly, recommendation of the Planning & Hawthorne Storm Sewer following vote: . Dubuque Planning & Zoning Zoning Commission be accepted. with Kenneth Gaber.... 36,796.60 Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Cauncil- t Commission Seconded by Councilman Kolb, Car- men Dove,. Kolb, Schueller, Welu, ried by the fallowing vote: Total $799,152.17 Nays-None. ' By Richard V, McKay, yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Yours very truly, Secretary men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Board of Dock Commissioners 'Councilman Welu moved that a Moved by Councilman Welu that Nays-None. By Fred E. Neyens, Secretary public hearing be held on the ordi- the recommendation of the Plan- cc-JA: Y, McDonald nonce on November 7th, 1955 at Councilman Schueller moved that 7:30 P,M. in the Council chamber ping & Zoning Commission be ap- Frank Wagner the rules be suspended to allow j and that the City Clerk be instruct proved. Seconded by Councilman anyone Ito address the Council who Fred Neyens ed to publish notice of the hearing Schueller, Carried by the following so desires. Seconded by Council- J. A. Kerper in the manner required by law. vote; Bartels & McMahan man Dove. Carried by the following Seconded by Councilman Kolb, Car• Yeas-'Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- vote: Moved by Councilman Welu that ried by the following vote: cilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Mayor Kintzinger-abstaining, the communication be received and yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- - Nays-None, 'Yeas-Councilmen Dave, Kolb, filed, Seconded by Councilman men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Kolb: Carried by the following Schueller, Welu. Nays-None. September 22, 1955 Nays-None, vote: To the Honorable Mayor Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Petition of Marie M, Lang. re• and City Council, Mr, John W. Kintzinger, attorney men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, questing the council to view the Dubuque, :Iowa for the Leo' F, Bly Lumber Co. Nays---None. ground in the alley, behind Lots 7, made an appeal in behalf of his Petition of Dubuque County 3, and 9 T-Ierbst Sub. with reference Gentlemen: client stating that Mr. Bly would Board of Supervisors, by Harold P, to opening the alley if and when I hereby petition your honorable be willing to have a deed from the Meloy, County Auditor, for approv- the sewer is run down to Pearl St, body to vaoate ~St: Anne Drive in City subject to certain conditions. al on the sale of lots far less than presented and read. Councilman St. Anne's Subdivision in the City In the. event the Express Highway taxes on Lot 2 of Lot B Coopers Ad- Welu moved that the request be of Dubuque. goes through the area involved Mr, dition, Lots 234 and 235 Union Ad- granted and that the Council view The reason for this request is Bly would deed the ground back to dition; Lots l4 and 16 Quigleys Sub. the grounds. Seconded by Counei]• that property has been deeded to the City at the same price he paid of Lot 710, Lot 6 McGraths Sub. man Schueller, Carried by the fol- . the City for a street 65 feet north for the property, at the time of S.1/z of Lot 5 of Lot 9~A, A. P, lowing vote: of the platted street known as St, purchase from the City, Moved by Woods Addition, presented and Yeas-'Mayor Kintzinger, Council• Anne Drive. The property deeded Councilman Schueller that the mat- read; Councilman Welu moved that men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, for a street will be an access to ter be turned back. to the Planning the council view the various par- Nays-None. Flora Park. & Zoning Commission, together eels of real estate, Seconded by 'Communication of Mr, and Mrs. Respectfully submitted, with the petition of the Leo F. BIy Councilman Kalb. Carried by the Lawrence Lubbers, o'bjectin'g to the ANGELO J, KERPER ;Lumber Co, and also that the Coun- following vote: installation of a sewer on Tressa A20 13egular ~essiou, Qctnbar 3, -],9~.ij Ile~ular Session, October 9, 1905 ~'~l Street, _prosented and road, Coun- ~'eas-Mayor T~intzinger, Counejl- Yeas- Mayor Kintzinger, Cbuncil- Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Counail- cilman ;Kglb .moved fhat the com- men Dove, Kglb, Schueller Welu. me]5 Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. munication be received .and filed. Nays-None, ~ Nays-None, Nays-None. Seconded by Councilman Welu. Communication ql Richard L, Petition of L. J. Danglemeyer, Councilman Welu moved that the Carried,b .the fgllgwin vote, Zimmer rgtestin the installation rules be suspended to allow anyonl: Y g , P g of al for the installation of addi- to address the council if they so Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Councih of a sewer on Tressa St. presented tional street lights on Central Ave. desire, Seconded by Councilman men Dove, Kolb, Schueller,'Welu, and read, Councilman ~Velu moved. from 22nd to 24th Street on Cen- Kalb. Carriedby the following voter Nays-Ngne, that the egmmunication be received teal Avenue- presented and read, yeas-~iVlayor. Kintzinger, Cquncil• and filed. Seconded by Councilman Councilman Kolb moved that the Communication of Herbert Klink- men Dove, Kolb,. Schueller, Welu. hammer, .objecting to he installa- Schueller, tarried by ;the fglla}v petitibn b0 referred to the City R F: Sefzik spoke in behalf of his ing vote: Mona er and Electrical In ector tion of a sewer on Tressa street, g ~ own comtunication objecting. to Yeas-Mayor Kimzinger, Couneil- for in' ection' and report. Seconded • presented and read, Councilman men Dove l~olb, Schueller Welu. by Councilman Schueller. Carried ' changing the name of the street,. Kolb ,moved .that the commumca- ,Nays-Ngne, ~ by the following vote: Petition of E. J, Hafeman, Point tion be received and filed. Second- Drlve In, requesti a refund of _ ed by Councilman Welu. 'Carried Fetiti'o-n of Raymond T. Trumm Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ~by .the following vote; requesting grade and proper sur- men-Dove, Kolb, Schuellor, Welu, $75'.00 on his cigarette License No. Yeas..-Mayor'Kintzinger, Council- facing of alley located between Nays-Done; 48 as he has discontinued business Clinton Street and 27th Stree g as of September 30, 1955; presented men Doyo, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, t, Petit~bn of Loras Colle a request- and read, Councilman Kolb moved Nays-None, which runs parallel to Queen Street, ing permission to have a fireworks that. the petition be granted and - presented and read, display on the evening of October the Cit Auditor instructed to draw Communication of Samuel T. l'u- Mayor Kintzinger moved that the 7th on the College Campus, pre- Y sateri, pratosting `the proceedings rules be suspended to allow anyone seat'ed' an'd' read: Moved by Council- inufavror of Eh J. Iiafeman; Paln~k to vacate the alley behind Lot''1'86 to address the Council who so de- man Welu that the request be give ln, to cover the unexpired in Flnleys Addition, also a renewal sires. Seconded by CounGlman granted: Seconded by 'Councilman onion of his cigarette license No. cf request to establish a grade and Welu, Carried by the following Schueller, Carried by the follow- 48. Seconded by Councilman Weln, hard sumfacing of the alley, present- vote: ing voter Carried b the following vote: ed and read. Councilman Welu Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Couneil- JMa or Kintzinger, Council- Y Yeas Y Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger,. Couneil- moved'that the communication be men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,. men Dove, Kolb;.. Schueller, Welu, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. kept on file in the event of a re• Nays-None. Nays~Nbne, Na s Nbne: quest for vacation be made in the Y - future. Seconded by Councilman NTr. Ray Trumm spoke in behalf Communication from- Ameri°an Petition of Robert E. Hevey, re- Koib, Carried by-the following vote; of 'his awn petition stating that a Municipal Association extending an questing a refund of $75,00 on his Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- high bank prevents him frgm ;get- invitation to attend the 32nd annual cigarette License No, 244 as' be has men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, ting into the alley, Councilman American Municipal Congress, in discontinued business as of Septem- Nays-,None, Welu moved `that the ..council .view Miami; November 2~7~30, presented ber. 30 1955; prosentod and road. hhe;grounds. Seconded'by Council- and read. Councilman moved com- CoimcIlman Kolb moved that the Communication of Garland Lynch, man Schueller, :Carried by the fol- munication be referred to City petition be granted and the .City pretesting the proceedings to va- lowing vote: Councih Seconded by Councilman Auditor instructed to draw a war• cote the alley behind Lot i87 in Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Schu211er, Carried` uy the following rant in the amount of $75A0, in Finleys Addition, alsq a renewal of men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. vbter favor of Robert E. Hevey, to cover request tq establish agrade -and Nays-None. hard surfacjng of the alley, present- Yba's-y'Maybr Kintzinger, Council- the unexpired portion of ]iis ciga- ed and read, Councilman Welu Petition 9£ •Mr, and Mrs, .Jgseph tnon Dove, Kolb; Schueller; Welu, retie license Na; 244. Seconded by moved that the communication be Tauke requesting grade and open Nays-None. Councilman Welu, Carried by the the .platted street of North Glen fallowing vote; kept on file in the event of a re- ~Pe'tition of Mrs, V. J. Welsh et yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Couneil• quest for vacation be made.in the Oak from Edina Street to Lot .58 al,,, requesting that the name of of Voelker Highlands, presented men Dove, Kolb; 'Schueller, Welu, future. Seconded by Councilman Clarke Street be changed to St. Nays-None, and read„Mayor Kintzinger moved Kolb.- Carried by the following vote: that the rules be suspended 'to al. ~ Fatribk Street, presented and read. petition of Fred Herber, request- Yeas-+Mayor'Kintzinger, .Council- Councilman Dove moved that the in a refund of $75,00 on his ciga- men Dove,'~Ko1b, Schueller, Welu, low anyone to address ~e Cquncil petition be held in abeyance until g who. so desires, Seconded by Coun- rette license Nb. 2'85, as he has dis- Nays-,None, the next regular meeting. Seconded continued business as of September cil e n , arr'e ma, W lu. G_ l d by the ,fol• by- Councilman Schueller, Carried Communication of M, D. Finton, lowing vote: 25,.1855, presented and read. Coun- Chairman of Parking & Intro .City Yeas-rMayor Kintzinger, Couneil• by tho following vote: cilman Kolb moved that the re- Traffic Committee of Dubu ue men Dove, ,Kolb, Schuellor 'Welu, Yeas: Mayor Kintzinger, Council- quest be granted and the Crty Audi- , , q chueller Welu. n Dove Kolb S me , , ~ to draw a warrant in for instructed t N~~a s-rNone. , Chamber of Commerce, commend- Y e- Nays-Non , t e amount of 75,00 m favor of h in rho council f r the foresi kited r g o g M .Joe Tauke s oke:m behalf of P n x- . over the u e e Herber to c munication of ~R, F. Sefzik Fr d , step taken by having a traffic and lus own petition stating that he 'Coin ' parking survey made of the City, would donate-the ground up to the objecting to changing fhe name of prod portion of his cigarette li- presented ,and :read. Councilman oak trees, in order to have the:pe- Clarke Streob to St, ~Eatrick Street, cease No, 285: Seconded by Coun- presented and read; Councilman cilman Welu. Carried by the follow Kolb moved that the communi°a- tition granted. Councilman Welu Kolb moved that the commumca• ing vote: • tion be received and filed and that moved that the council view the tion be made a matter. of record, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- the council. appreciates the expres• grounds. Seconded by (;ouncilman Secoonded by COUncilmanWelu: Car- then Dave; Kolb, Schueller, Welui sign. Seconded by CouncilmanWelu. Schueller, Carried byahe.following ried by the following vote: Nays-None: 'Carried by the following:vate: ,vote: 42~ Regular Session, October 3 1955 : Regular Session, October 3, 1955 425 . , 13th and' East 19th Streets between cient for the. erection of a stop 3, ,Install trade lights: that should work out would be the Elm anal the railroad tracks. was sign at this time. I recommend that 4th Street-Bluff and Iowa charging gf -$1.00 fine. with each referred to the City Manager, the petition be denied; Struets parking ticket. ~e`ry truly yours, I have had the Police Depart- Loras Blvd. -Bluff and If the .above recommendations merit make an investigation of L. J, SCHIhTZ, White Streets are .approved by the City Council these conditions existing. at this City Manager 12th Street-White Street work could proceed immediately location and the effects the re• 20th Street-White Street on the established one way streets Councilman Dove moved that the quested changes would make on Dodge Street-Bluff Street and the installation of parking petition of Robert W, Henkel et al parking and traffic, 4. Np,parkin #neters and traffic lights, This as recommended be denied, at this gat any time; phase of the program could be Tam attaching a report of the tune, Seconded by Councilman Bluff Street from Jones to Police Chief which rs quite lengthy; Welu. Carried' by the following 1st-West Side completed in about #hree months time, If recommendations number however; to summarize it is recom- vtite: Bluff Street from Jones to ~ and 8 are approved the City mended that "the request far angle Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Dodge--both Sides Manager caulk be authorized to parking on 18th and 19th Streets men Dube; Kolb; Schueller; Welu. Bluff Street from 8th to proceed with the acquisition of neo- be denied because it would mean 10th-East Side essar Nays-None. Loras Blvd, from White to Y property with the thought that there would be only Zl feet October 3,1955 Bluff :Bath Sides of starting construction of RobinsAti of street width abaila'ble for mov- To the I~onarable Ma or Avenc}e in 1856 and the parking in ~trafftc. Also this arkin would Y 4th Street from Bluff to g ~ P g and City Couneil,~ lots as soen as bonds would be Iowa-North -Side provide for ;only an additional Dubuque, Iowa 4th Street from Iowa to issued and property acquired, eight rats. White=South'Side Very truly yours, Gentlemen; During.. the last few L, J, SCHILTZ, Tn regard'.to parking restrictions, weeks the-.City Council has had an White Street :from 4th to City Manager it ins recommended that two hour opportunity to' review the parking turn--West Side parking be established on the and traffic survey and': is now in -Additional restrictions on park- Councilman Dove moved that-the north side of East 18th Street be- a position to make some decisions ing on Bluff Street when off-street recommendations of the City Man- . tween Elm and the railroad tracks fore. cart in out the- recommenda- alter be approved. Seconded by y g parking facilities are available, Councilman Schueller, Carried b and both sides of East 19th Street tions that are made. 5. Improve the curb radius at the following vote; y between- Elm Street and the rail- T have contacted the Iowa State 21st and White Streets and 21st Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council- road tracks, Hi hwa Commission re 2rdin the and Central Avenue, Res ectfull submitted g Y g g men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. P Y inaugurating of on°e Ways streets 6, Extend the parking metered Nays-None. L. J. ~SOHHO'Z; and the extension of primary roads areas as shown in the report except MayorKintzinger moved that the City Manager within the city and have the- as- the 30 minute be extended from 6th rules be suspended to allow any: LJSao surance of the Chief: Engineer; Mr. to 10th Streets on Main and that 2 one to address the council if -they John Batter, that they will.. co- hour restriction be on Main Street so desire. Seconded by Councilman Councilman Welu moved that the operate with the. city in augurating from Jones to 4th and on Central Welu, Carried by the following petition be referred back to the 'this program, from 3rd to 6th and that 9 hr, park- vote: City Manager for further investi- In order that plans can' be f ing be allowed on 8th Street from Yeas-r~iayorKintzinger, Council- gation and report. Seconded by ~ a oint half wa between Bluff and Councilman. Schueller, Carried b worked out both 'for parking and P Y men Dove, Kolb, .Schueller, Welu, ` Y traffic, it wlll be necessary for University to University, Nays--None, the following vote: 7, Issue ,Fames A. Hauser, 405 Main St. the City Council to make some de- $450,000.00 Revenue Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger; Coun- cigions, some of which can be car- Bonds for the acquisition and im- asked the council' for fjrst consid• oilmen Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. tied out immediately and others provement of four parking lots lo- i Nays--None, neoessitating a longer period o'f Gated at the areas recommended eratiomfor a panting lot in the 4th tSm'e, or other locations meeting the same St, area, Peter J, Takos, objected October 3, 1955 demands in relation to cost. to section 2 of the master plan, To the Honorable Mayor After studying the. recommenda- E,d. Maus objected to making Cen- and City Council, tions of the Associated. Consultants, 8. Extend and improve Robinson tral Avenue a one way street. Avenue to make it 42 which will Dubuque, Iowa I feel that the CouneiL can carry .Oct. 1,.1955 ' Gentlemen: The etition of Rob- out many of the recommendations provide parking an both sides. Hon. Mayor and Members P within a short per-iod of time and Parking conditions to be same as of the City: Council, ert W. llenkei and others request- those on 8th Street, Funds for this ` ing 'the installation of a stop sign also plan to inaugurate those plans im rovement to 'be aid from the City: of ])ubuque which are to be carried out over a P P Gentlemen; Maude Sornmerfeld i 'I at Mineral and l'+iilley Streets was ref'er'red to the City Manager and longer period. parking meter fund. We may use has made claim against the City:in Police Traffic De artment for in- I-. reoommend that: the. followin parking meter funds to widen the amount of $15,000 for. injuries P g streets where additional parking is sustained .from a fall on a defec• vestigation and report, steps be taken to improve our traf- provided. By financing Robinson five sidewalk near 1784 Dodge St. fi n rkin onditions: ca dpa gc e A ne An investigation was made by the v u with Parking Meter Funds on February 21, 1955, Police Department. and from their 1. That Central.. and White we can proceed with its immediate On .investigation I find she sus- . records it shows that there has Streets- be converted to one Way development, tained a fractureof the right pubic been one accident in 1954 and one streets from-4th. to 21st Streets; 9, Recommended that additional bone, and was hospitalized for 30 in 1955 at these streets. [ study be made of the suggested days, was confined to bed at home 2" The extension of Locust and collection of fines because of the for an additional 3 weeks and has The amount of traffic using -Bluff Streets as one way streets additional clerical help needed to sustained permanent partial dis• Dither of these streets is not suffi• no7th to-16th Street, keep records, One alternate system ability, a, 426 Regular Session, October 3, 1955 Special Session, October 17, 1955 427 ,q _ ~ ~ (Awarding Contract) I have discussed the matter with There bein no further business 1 ~ ~ GPI g her attorneys and they have agreed Councilman Welu moved to ad- f~ , , + R~SOLUTIAN NA. 225-55 to accept $2000 in full settlement, journ. Seconded by Councilman ~~ti J F ~ Whereas, sealed proposals have I recommend that: this settlement Kolb. Carried by the following vote: (OFFICIAL.; been submitted by contractors for be approved and that the City Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Special Session, October 17,1955,' the alterations and repairs to Num- Auditor be instructed to issue a men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. 'ber Five Engine House, Grandview Council met at 7:30 P:M. and Bradley Street pursuant to warrant payable to Maude K. Som- Nays-None. , Present -Mayor Kintzinger, Resolution No. 210.55 and notice merfeld and Richard Roedell, her LEO F. FROMMELT, Councilmen Kalb, Schueller, Welu, to bidders published in a news- - attorney, in the amount of $2000 City Clerk City Manager Sohiltz. paper published in said City on and. to deliver the same upon re- Absent-,Councilman Dove. September 28, 1955 and October ceipt of a properly executed re- Approved 1956. Mayor Kintzinger stated that this 5th, 1955; and lease. is a special meeting of the City Whereas, said sealed. proposals Respectfully Adopted :x.;..,..1956. Council that service thereof had were opened and read on October T. H. NELSON been duly. made for the purpose of 17th, 1955, and it has been deter- Councilman Kolb moved that the 1""""""""' receiving sealed proposals for al-' mined that the bid of Schiltz Con- recommendation be approved and terations and repairs ~to Number struction Company, Dubuque, Iowa Five Engine House, Grandview Ave- in the amount of $4,330,00 was the the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant `in the amount of Councllmen nue and Bradley Street, and act- lowest bid for the furnishing of all " ing on' any other business as may' labor and materials and performing $2000.00, payable to Maude K, Som• roperly came before the regular merfeld and Richard Roedell, her P the work as provided for in the t . attorney and to deliver the same meeting of the City Council, specifications; now therefore, 'Proof of publication, certified to Be It Resolved b y upon receipt of a properly executed - y the Cit Coun- release. Seconded by Councilman Attest : by the' ]'tiblisher, of Notice to Con- cil of the City of Dubuque that the Welu. Carried by the following City Clerk tractors,., of the Receipts of Pro-: contract for the above mentioned vote: posals for the Alterations and Re-; improvement be awarded to Schiltz Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- pairs' to the' Number Five Engine Construction Company, Dubuque, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. House, Grandview Avenue and Iowa: and the Manager be and he is Bradley Street, presented and read, hereby: directed to execute a con- e Nays-None. Councilman Kolb moved that the . tract on behalf of the City of Du- Proof of Publication; be received buque for the complete perform- Councilman Welu moved that the and filed. Seconded by Councilman;, once of said work. following persons be appointed to Welu. Carried by the following Approved and placed on file for commissions and board of the City vote; one week on October 17, 1955, of Dubuque, Iowa. Kay Neyens to Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger, Council- passed and adopted this 17th day Playground and Recreation Com• men Kolb, Schueller, Welu, of October, 1955, mission, to fill bhe unexpired term Nays None, CHARLES A. KINTZINGER, of Shirley Cochrane, term expiring ( Absent-Councilman Dove. July 5, 1958. Frank Glab to the October 17, 1955 Mayor Planning & Zoning Commission, to To the Honorable Mayor CLARENCE P, WELU fill the unexpired term of Jahn and City Council, RAY F, KOLB, Carroll, term expiring May 24,1959, Dubuque, Iowa. LEO N, SCHUELLER, Seconded by Councilman Kolb. Car- Gentlemen: Pursuant to your in- Councilmen ried by the following vote: structions, sealed bids were receiv- Attest: LEO F. FROMMELT, ed at 10:00 A.M. October 17, 1955 City Clerk Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- for alterations and repairs to Num- Councilman Schueller moved the men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu: ber Five Engine House, adoption of the resolution. Second- Nays-None. I herewith submit the bid of the ed by Councilman Kolb, Carried an Du- b the followin vote. ' n om g ructio C i anst , Y Sch ltz C p Y buque, Iowa, in the amount of Yeas-rMayor~Kintzinger, Council- r Kintzin er moved that an Mayo g appropriate letter of sympathy be $4,30.00, this being the lowest bid, men Kolb, Schueller, Welu, e ate John and recommend the acceptance of Nays-None. sent to the widow of th 1 H, Maclay. In furthering his re- same. Absent-Councilman Dove. marks Mayor Kintzinger stated that Respectfully submitted,. ~ Mr, John -H, Maclay served as L, J. SCHILTZ; Communication of Miss Betty mayor of the City of Dubuque and City Manager Linssen, requesting relief of pay r nd Councilman Kolb moved the ment of license fee, for peddler's tirin 1 of his effo is a n gave u g y license for a few more weeks be- time in behalf of the City. Seconded adoption of the recommendation, fore Christmas, presented and read. by Councilman Welu, Carried by Seconded by Councilman Schueller,. 'the following vote: Carried by bhe following vote; Councilman Kolb moved that the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- communication be referred to the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ~ memKolb, Schueller, Welu. City Manager for consideration, men Dove, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays'--None, Seconded by Councilman Schueller, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Dove, Carried by the following vote: 1 428 Special Session, October 17, 1955 Special Session, October 17, 1955 429 Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- SIDEWALK Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council- claim showing any negligence on men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Leo Dodge, Hawkeye Security men Kolb, Schueller, Welu, the part of the City and recommend Nays-None. Ins, Co. Nays-None. that the claim be denied. Absent-aCouncilman Dove, HEATING Absent-Councilman Dove, Sincerely, Communication of Oscar E. Brug- Joseph W. Loucks, Merchants Petition of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. H. NELSON Mutual Bondin Thurston et al protesting to re• geman, 215 Liebe. St. % Mrs. Lena g Co• Councilman Welu moved the strieted parking on the north side recommendation of the Cit Ward, objecting. to assessment of J. F. Stampfer Company, Fire- y Solici- of East 19th St., presented and Liebe Street and Washington. man's Fund Indemnity Co. read. for be approved. Seconded by Street, presented and read, Sears Roebuck. & Co., Standard Councilman Welu moved that the Councllman Schueller. Carried by Councilman Schueller moved that the following vote; the council view the grounds. Sec- Accident Ins, Co, petition be referred to the file of onded by Councilman Kolb. Carried Carl Mettille (Mettille Roofing & application submitted at a previous Yeas-,Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ' by the following vote: Sheet Metal Works), Hawkeye meeting covering the parking prob- men, Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Security Ins, Co. lem which is being presently con- Nays-,None. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Respectfully submitted, sidered, as a result of the buliding Absent-Councilman Dove, men Kalb, Schueller, Welu. L. J. SCHILTZ of a new super market in the area Nays-None. ' City Manager of East 19th Street, Seconded by ORDINANCE N0. 62.55 Absent-Councilman Dove. ~ Councilman Schueller. Carried by Vacating St. Anne's Drive in 'St. Councilman Kolb moved that the, the following vote: Anne's Subdivision, in the City of ~ Communication of Columbia Cas-' bonds be approved. Seconded lry Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- .Dubuque, presented and read. Coun- ualty Company, appointing M, P. Councilman Welu, Carried by the men Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Gilman Welu moved that the read- Hagan as Agent of their company' following vote; Nays-None. ing. just had be the first reading of and granting a Power of Attorney Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Absent-Councilman Dove, the Ordinance, Seconded by Coun• for the execution of Bonds on be- men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. October 14, 1955 cllman Kolb. Carried by the follow- half of the company to M, P. Hogan' Nays--None. Hon. Mayor and Members ing vote; or Gertrude Wersinger, with copy' Absent-Councilman Dove, of the City Council, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• of Power of Attorney attached, pre-` October 17 1955 City of Dubuque, Iowa. rented and read. ~ men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. ' Councilman Welu moved the TD the Honorable Mayor Gentlemen: I have examined the and City Council, claim of A, A, Freund of Dubuque Nays-None, communication be made a matter': Dubuque, Iowa, for damages as a result of a fall Absent-Councilman Dove. of record. Seconded by Councilman Gentlemen; This is to advise that on a defective crosswalk and have Schueller, Carried by the fallow- I have approved the following bond discussed the matter with claimant, Councilman Welu moved that the ing vote: and. desire to have your approval greed to accept $35.50 in rule requiring reading on three He has a Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- on same for filing, subject to the full settlement of his claim and I 'separate days be waived, Seconded men Kolb, Schueller, Welu, approval of the City Solicitor: E recommend that this settlement be by Councilman Kolb. Carried by Na s--None. the following vote: y EXCAVATION approved and that the Auditor be Absent-Councilman Dove, instructed to issue a warrant pay- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• A. J, Fischer, United States able to A. A. Freund in the amount men Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Communication of Dubuque Safe- Fidelity and Guaranty Company, ~ of $35.50 and deliver the same upon Nays~None. ty Council requesting a study of the: Respectfully submitted, receipt of a properly executed re-Absent-Councilman Dove. area about the hazard on Alpine L. J. SCHILTZ, lease. ' Street between West Fifth Street' City Manager Sincerely, Councilman Welu moved that a and University Avenue, requesting. Councilman Kolb moved that the T. H, NELSON ublbc hearin be held on the ardi- P g parking on one side only, presented bond be approved. Seconded by Councilman Welu moved that the nonce on December 5th, 1955 at and read. Councilman Welu moved Councilman Welu, Carried by the recommendation of the City Solici- 7:30 P. M, im the Council. chamber that .the matter be referred to the' following vote; ' City Manager and Traffic Depart- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- for be approved, and the Auditor and that the City Clerk be instruct ment for consideration and report... men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. ~ be instructed to draw a warrant ed to publish notice of hearing in Seconded by Councilman Kolb, Car- Nays-None. in the amount of $35.50 payable to the manner required by law. Sec- ~ onded by Councilman Kolb. Carried A, A, I`reund and deliver the same ried b th f i Absent--°Councilm e ollow n ote: an Do e y , g ~ v ~ by the following vote: upon receipt of a properly executed Yeas-Ma or Kmtzm er Coun- Y g, cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Communication of Bethany Home release. Seconded by Councilman Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council• 'Nays-None, for the Aged requesting eonsidera• Schueller, Carried by the following men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. tion for a no parking area along vote; Nays-rNone, Absent-Councilman Dove, the curb in the rear of the home, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Absent-CouncIlman Dove. October 14,1955'. along the curb of High Bluff Street, men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. To the Honorable Mayor presented and read. Nays-None. ORDINANCE N0. 63.55 and City Council, Councilman Welu moved that the Absent-Councilman Dove.. An Ordinance amending. Ordi- Dubuque, Iowa. communication be referred to the October 12,1955 nonce No. 33.49, known as the Gentlemen: This is to advise that City Manager and the Traffic De- Hon, Mayor and Members Traffic Code, by adding new Sec- I have approved the following partment to get in touch with Mr, of the City Council, tions 60 and 61 to Schedule VI bonds and desire to have your ap• Rumbaugh, the superintendent of ~ City of Dubugge, Iowa, thereof, presented and read. Coun- proval on same far filing, subject the home, Seconded by Councilman Gentlemen; I have examined the Gilman Welu moved that the read- to the approval of the City Solici• Kolb, Carried by the following claim of Robert D, Hoppmann for ing just had be considered bhe first tor; vote: damages and find nothing in the .reading of the ordinance. Seconded 430 Special. Session, October 17, 1955 Special Session, October 17, 1955 431 by Councilman Kolb, Carried by Attest: Leo F, Frommelt, ing those in the area that are now eration and report, Seconded by the following vote: City Clerk having trouble with their septic Councilman Kolb. Carried by the Yoas-`Mayor I{intzinger, Council- Published officially in the Tele- tanks. following vote; men Kalb, Schueller, Welu, grap'h~Herald newspaper this 21st Petition of William A, Paar' et al Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Nays-None, day of October, 1955, requesting the council bo take the men Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Absent-Councilman Dove. 1 t 10-21, necessary action 'to permit the con- Nays-None. - • Councilman Welu moved the rule LEO F. FROMMELT, struction of a sewer on Tressa and requiring the reading of an ordi- City Clerk Absent- Councilman Dove. nonce on three. separate days be Esther Streets, presented and read. , Communications from the follow- Councilman Schueller moved that petition of Alfred G. Porter (Roc- suspended. 'Seconded by Council- in arties objecting to the instal- the petition be referred to the City ing IncJ requesting. a refund. of man Kolb, Carried by the following g P Manager Dr. A: J. Entringer of the vote: latron of a sewer on Tressa St.: ~ $100,00 on his Class "B" permit No. Yeas=Mayor Kintzinger, Council- .Lewis 0, Jacobs, 848. Tressa St. City Health Department, City Coun- 19, as he hats discontinued business cil and the City Engineering De- as of October 6, 1955, presented men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. ' Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Holland, 830 Mt.' partment, before the proper plat and read. Councilman Kolb moved Nays-None. Loretta Ave. and schedule is prepared. Seconded that. the petition be granted and A'bsenT-Councilman Dove. Mrs, Frank Hardie Sr., 935 .Tressa' by Councilman Welu. Carried by the City Auditor instructed to draw ORDINANCE N0, 63.55 'St. the following vote: a warrant in favor of Alfred G. Por~ An Ordinance Amending Ordi- Mr. & 'Mrs. F, R. Shaffer; 820. Mt. Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- ter (Racing Inc.) in the amount of nonce No, 33.49, known as the Traf- Loretta Ave. men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. $100.00 to cover The unexpired por- fic Code, by adding new Sections Jahn Kass, R. R, No, 2, owner ofNays-None. tion of his class "B" beer permit 60 and 61 to Schedule VI thereof, property at 839 Disney Street Absent-Councilman Dove. No. 19, Be It Ordained by the City Coun- L, L. McNeil, 954 Tressa St. cil of the City of Dubuque; Presented and read, Councilman Petition of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Petition of Charles E, Kritz; re- Koeff, et al, 2775 Balke Street ob- queuing a refund of $50,00 on his - Section 1. That Schedule VI of .Kolb moved that the communica- jetting to"the vacation of the alley cigarette license No, 222, as he has Ordinance No. 33.49, known as the tions be received and filed, Carried between Clinton Street and 27th discontinued business as of October Traffic Code 'of the City of Du• ' Eby the following vote: Street, presented and read, Council- 17, 1955, presented and read. Coun• buque, be and the same is hereby Yeas~Mayor Kintzinger; Council- man. Welu moved that the petition Gilman Kolb moved that the peti• amended by adding new Sections ;men Kolb Schueller Welu, be referred to the Planning & Zon- tion be granted and the City Audi- { 60 and 61 thereto, as follows; NaysJNone. ing Commission. Seconded by Coun- for instructed to draw a warra>vt in "60.-'On bath sides of Algona Absent-Councilman Dove: Gilman Kolb. Carried by the follow- 'the amount of $50.00 to cover the Street from 'Campus Lane to Ben- ' Councilmah Schueller moved that ing'votei unexpired portion of ..his cigarette nett Street; the rules b2 suspended in order to Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Permit No. 222, 61 JOn the west side of Algona , lot anyone' present in the Council men Kolb Schueller Welu. Street from Campus Lane to Um- ~ August 31, 1955 Chamber speak if they so desire, Na s None. = varsity Avenue;' y J To the Honorable Ma ar Section 2, .This' Ordinance shall Seconded'by Councilman Welu, Car- Absent-Councilman Dove. y be in full force and effect from and ried by the following vote; and City Council, after its final passage, adoption Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- `Petition of R. F, Sefzik, et al. Dubuque, Iowa and publication as by law provided, men Kolb; Schueller, Welu, objecting to changing the name of Gentlemen: Introduced the 17th day of Oeto- Nays-None, Clarke St;; presented and read. This is to advise you that the City ' bar; 1955, Absent-Councilman Dove. Councilman Welu moved that the of Dubuque 1955 Bituminous Con• petition should be referred back Crete Surfacing Project,No. l under Rule. requiring reading on three Mayor Kintzinger stated that of to" the original intention of the construction of the Iowa Road separate days suspended by unani- those present that are for the in- council as expressed at the last Building Company,.. has been coin- moos vote the 17th day of Ootober, ! stallation of the sewer should speak . r 1955.. , First. W, J, Kelly, Joe Locher, W, meeting, that the petition be held plated in accordance with the plans Passed,: adopted.. and approved A, Paar, R, McCarron; and William in abeyance until the next regular and specifications, this 17th day of October 1955, p sp meeting. Seconded by Councilman > Gas er all oke in favor of the I Therefore, recommend the ac- CHARLES A. KIlVTZTNGER project stating that .the present Kolb. Carried by .the following ceptance of the improvement," Mayor _conditions; by using.: septic tanks, vote: CLARENCE P. WELU is ver unsatisfactory and unsani- Yaas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Respectfully submvtted, RAY F. KOLB y men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. L; J. SCHILTZ, tary, Some also stated that the City Manager LEO N. SCHIPEIILER condition of the clay soil is not Nays-None, Councihnen favorable for the correct. operation Absent-Councilman Dove. LJSao Attest: LEO F, FROMMELT of septic tanks, The group that was Councilman Welu moved that the City Clerk. against the insballation of the sew- Petition of Lucille Smith, et al., recommendation of the City Man• f requesting the council to prohibit alter be approved. Seconded by Councilman Welu moved the er were allowed to voice their opin- adoption 'of the Ordinance. Second- ions; which consisted of Mr. and parking at all times on the North Councilman Schueller. Carried by ed by Councilman Kolb, Carried by Mrs. Dr. B, B, Bahme, John Kass; side' of West Eighth Avenue from the following vote: the followin vote: R. Zimmer Gao, Klinkhammer Mrs. Wilson Street to Roberts Street, g ~ Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- :Yeas-Ma or Kintzinger, Council- Shaffer and Lewis Jacobs. This presented and read, 'Councllman y men Kblb, Schueller, Welu, men Kolb, Schueller, Welu, group objected mainly to the pro- Welu-moved that the petition be Nays-None, posed cost of the sewer plus the referred, to the City Manager and Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Dove. fact that they. would only be help- the Traffie Department for consid- . Absent-Councilman Dove. 0 °'k 432 Special Session, October 17, 1955 Special Session, October 17, 1955 433 FINAL ESTIMATE Elm Street from the North Prop- Be It Further Resolved, that the FINAL ESTIMATE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA arty Line of 22nd Street to the City Treasuror be and he is hereby CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA ' RESOLUTION N0. 226.55 ScuCh Property Line of 24th Street. Whereas, the contract for the Elm Street from the North Prop• directed to pay to the contractor RESOLUTION. N0. 228.55 City of Dubuque 1955 Bituminous arty Line of 24th Street to the from the funds to be realized from Whereas, the contract for the Concrete 'Surfacing Project No. 1 South Property Line of 26th Street. the sale of Improvement bands is- improvement of Garfield Avenue has been completed and the City sued upon the above described im- (West Side only) with Concrete Garfield Avenue from -tihe North Engineer has submitted his final provement in amount equal to the Curb and Gutter from the N,P,L. estimate showing the cost thereof Property Line of Marshall Street to amount of 'his contract, less any of Whittier Street to the S.P.L. the South Property Line of Stan• retained er including the cost of estimates, no- p tentage provided for of Emerson Street has been com• ton Street, therein, cites, inspection, and preparing the plated and the City Engineer has assessment and plat, now therefore, Hennepin Street fro-m the West Fassed, adopted and approved submitted his final estimate show Be It Resolved, by the City Coun- Property Line of Stafford Street this 17th day of October, 1955, ing the cost thereof including the cil of the Cit of Dubu ue to the East Property Line of Wind- cost of estimates notices ins ec- That the ost of sard improve- 'sore Avenue. App CHARLES A. KINTZIINGER tion, and preparing the assess enh mart is hereby determined to be Ida Street from the 'South Prop• Mayor and plat, now therefore, $84,800A5, arty Line of Delhi Street to the CLA~RENCE P. WELU Be It Resolved, by the City Coun• That $77,986:51 of the cost there- North Property Line of Grace RAY F KOLB cil of the City of Dubuque, of shall be assessable upon private Street. LEO N, SCHUELLER 'That the cost of said improve- property; $2,059.59 shall be paid by Lindberg Terrace from the East Councilmen meet is hereby determined tq be the Chicago Great Western Rail- property Line of Eagle Street to $1;132,48, road Company, and $4,753.95 shall fhe end of Lindberg Terrace. Attest: LEO F, FROMNIELT, be paid from the Street Construe- City Clerk That $1,132,48 of the cost there- - tion Fund of the City of Dubuque. Marshall Street from the West of shall be assessable upon private Passed, adopted and approved Property Line of Rhomberg Avenue Councilman Kolb moved that the property and $None shall be paid this 17th=day of October, 1955, to fhe East Property Line of Lin- resolution be adopted. Seconded by from the Fund of the City of Du• CHARLES A. K'IlVTZINGER coin Avenue. Councilman Schueller. Carried by buque, Mayor O'Hagen Street from the South the following vote; Passed, adopted and approved CLARENCE P. WELU Property Line of University Avenue Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- this 17th day of October, 1955. RAY F, KOLB to the North Property Line of Min- men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. OHARLES A. KINTZINGER LE0 N, SCHUELLER eral Street. ~ Nays-JNone. T~Iayor Councilmen Absent-Councilman Dove. CLARENCE P. W'DhU Pearl Street from the North Prop- A~ttest: L190 F. FROMMELT, arty Line of 0°Hagen Street to the RAY F, KOLB 'City Clerk end of Pearl Street. October 17, 1955 L+EO N, SCHUFiLLER Councilman Welu moved the To the Honorable Mayor Councilmen adoption of the resolution, Seconded Pleasant Street from the West and City Council, Attest: LEO. F, FROMMELT, by Councilman Kolb. Carried 'by the Property Line of Viola Street to Dubuque, Zowa City Clerk following vote, the East Property Line of Stafford Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Street has been completed and the Gentlemen: Councilman Welu moved the men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. City Manager has examined the The improvement of Garfield adoption of the resolution. Second- Nays-None, work and filed his certificate stat- Avenue (West side only) with Con• ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by Absent-Councilman Dove, ing that the same has been tom- crate Curb 'and Gutter from the the Following vote: plated according to the terms of North Property .Line of Whittier Yeas--Mayor Kintzinger, Council- (A Resolution Accepting Improve- the contract, .plans and specifics- Street to the South Property Line men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. mart and Directing the Clerk to tions and recommends its accept- of Emerson Street has been cam- NTays--~Nbne. Publish Notice.) ante, now therefore, plated in accordance with plans and. Absent--Councilman Dove, CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Be It Resolved, by the City Coun- specifications by the Thomas Flynn (q Resolution Accepting Improve- . RESOLUTION N0. 227.55 cil of the Cit of Dubuque, that the Coal Company, Y mart and Directing the Clerk to Whereas, 'the contract for the im- recommendation of the City Man• I hereby recommend the accept- Publish Notice.) provement of the following streets agar be approved and that said im- once of this improvement, CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA f in the same with Bitumi I b sur ac g novement be and the same is here- , Y p Respectfully submitted, RESOLUTION N0. 229.55 nous Concrete paving, tawit: by accepted and the City Engineer L, J. SCHILTZ - ~ urn Street from the North Whereas the contract fo Aub be and he is hereby direoted to' pre- City 'Manager ~ r the East Property Line of Grace Street pare a plat and schedule showing LJSao improvement of Garfield Avenue to the South West Property Line the lots or parcels of real estate (West Side only).:wth Concrete of University Avenue, subject to assessment far said im• Councilman Schueller moved that 'Curb and Gutter from the N~P.L. of Clinton 'Street from the West provement and file the same in the the recommendation of the City Whittier Street to the S.P.L: of ' Property Line of Windsor Avenue office of the City Clerk subject to Manager be approved. Seconded by Emerson Street has been completed to the East 'Property Line of Queen public inspection and said Clerk Councilman Kolb. Carried by the and the City Manager has examined Street, shall upon receipt of such plat and following vote: the work and filed his certificate Eagle Street from the North schedule publish the native of the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- stating that the same has been com• Property Line of Thomas Place to Council's intention to levy special cilmen Kolb, Schueller, Welu, pleated according to fhe terms of the the South Property Line of Viola assessments therefor, as required. contract, plans and specifications Nays Nene, and recommends its acceptance, Scree. t, by law. Absent-Councilman Dove, now therefore, • 43~ Special Session, October 17, 1955 Spe~oial Sesszoia, :October 17, 1955 ~~5 Frank P. Delany, Park Commis- NINTH °PRECINCT, :.Jud es~Mrs. Be It Resolved, by the City Coun- Passed, adopted and approved sinner-Nominated b Petition. Nlayme Cassutt Mrs. Florence Ben• Gil o£ the City of Dubuque, that the this 17th day of October, 1955. y + recommendation of the 'City Manag• CHARLES A. KIlVTZINGER Respectfully submitted this 11th zer, Mrs. Emma -Hinz, Clerks-Mrs. er be approved and that said im- Mlayor day of Ocbober, A. D, 1955. Belle Leidinger, Mrs. Mildred Koehl- provement be and the same is here- CLARENCE P. WELD CHARLES A, KINTZINGER er• by accepted and the City Engineer RAY F. KOLB Mayor TENTH'PRECINGT, Judges---44Irs• be and he is hereby directed bo pre- LEO N. SCHUELLER LEO F. FROMMIELT Loretta .Kammueller, Mrs. Anna pare ~a plat and schedule shaving Councilmen City Clerk Kunz, Mrs, Florence Powers, Clerks the. Tats or parcels of real estate Attest: LE0 F. FRONI'MELT, CouncIlman Schueller moved that -P1Irs. Hattie Donatsch, Mrs.:Stella subject to assessment for said im- 'City Clerk... the communication be made amat- Ball. provement and file the same in the Councilman Schueller moved the ter of record, Seconded by Council- ELEVENTH:PRECIlVCT. Judges- - office of the City Clerk subject to adoption of the resolution, Second- rnan Kolb, Carried by the following 'Mrs. Lucille :Jaeger, Mrs, Etba public inspection and said Clerk ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by vote: Schroeder, Mrs. Hilda Hoefflin• _ shall upon receipt of such plat and the following vote: Clerks-Mrs• Ida Murray, Mrs• Hazel schedule publish the notice of the Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- Kirkwood. men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. TWELFTH PRECINCT, Ju es- ' Council's intention to levy special men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, ~ Mrs, Linda Grashorn, Mrs• 'Ida assessments. therefor, as required Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Dove. Biehl, Mr, Phillip O'~DOwd. Clerks- by law. Absent-Councilman Dove. ~Be 'It Further Resolved, that the October 17, 1955 Councilmen Welu read the list of Mrs. Elsie Bottge, Mrs, Minnie City Treasurer be and he is 'hereby To the, Honorable Mayor the following names to serve as Recker directed to pay to the contractor and City' Council, Precinct Judges and Clerks of Elec- 'THIRTEENTH !PRECINCT. Judges from the funds to be realized from Dubuque, Iowa tion, to serve at the Municipal Gen- -Mrs. Rose Gulick, Mrs. Veronica the sale of Improvement bonds is• Gentlemen; eral Election, bo be held on Tues- Schueller, Mr. Chas, Haudenschield• da November 8, 1955. Clerks-Mrs: Freda +Foell, Mrs. Ma- sued tipom the above described im- I herewith submit reports ~of the Y bel Essman. provement in amount equal to the City Auditor, City Treasurer, City FIRST PRECINCT. Judges-Mrs. FOURTEENTH PRECINCT, Judg- j, amount of his contract, less any Health Department and Cit Water Margaret Cannon, Mrs, Bernice Mc- Y es- Mrs. IDorobh Bauer Mrs. Aman• x ~ retained percentage provided for Works for the month of September Cauley, Mr, Harry Krakow, Clerks- da Millius, Mrs. Marjorie Bogue. therein. as well as list of claims and list Mrs, Josephine O Brien, 'Mrs. Lil• Passed, adopted and approved of payrolls far Which warrants lion Jones, Clerks=Mrs, Gwen Bohn„ Mrs, Ve- SECOND PRECINCT. Jud es - ronica Agard. this 17th day of October, 1955, were issued for the month of Sep- g 'FIFTEENTH PRECINCT. Judges Approved: tem'ber• Mrs, Lois Fox, Mrs. Edna Bennett, -Mrs; Frances Grippes, Mrs. Lu- Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Valerie Link, Clerks-Mrs, cille Gantert, Mrs. 'Helen Pape. CHARLES MayoINTZING~ER L, J, SCHILTZ, Dorothy Kircher, Mrs. Julia Heu- Clerks-,Mrs. 'Minnie Lucas, :Mrs, Cit Mana er ser, ` I~ ~ F~KOI B WELU LJS,Io Y g THIRD PRECINCT. Judges-Mrs, H SIXTEEhNTH PRECINCT. Judges ~ LEO N: SCHUELLER Councilman Kolb moved that the Anna Kingsley, 'Mrs, John Retten- -Mrs, Helen Schetgen, Mrs, Ethel Councilmen reports be received and filed. Sec- meier, Mrs. Edna Wunderlich, Hostetter, Mr, Leo Siegert• Clerks- Attest: LE0 F, FROMNIDLT, ended by Councilman Schueller, Clerks-Mrs. Vera McAllister, Mrs, Mrs. Ethel Asmussen, Mrs.Meretta 'city Clerk Carried by the following vote: Eunice Kilby, Donegan. Kolb moved the Yeas-~Ma or Kintzin er, Council- FOURTH PRECIN 'Councilman Kolb moved he o ncilman Y g CT. Jud es - Cu g I adoption of the resolution. Second- men Kolb, Schueller, Welu, Mrs. Kay McEvoy, Mrs, Emma Os• adoption of the schedule. Seconded Councilman Schueller. Car- Nays-None, born Mrs. Genevieve Sisson, Clerk by Councilman Schueller. Carried ed by s I i ried by the following vote: Absent-~Gouncilman ..Dove, -Mrs. Margaret Endsley, Mrs, by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Council- October 11, 1955 Anton Freund, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Gbuncil• men Kolb, Schueller, Welu• Ta the Members of the 1+~r rrI PRECIlVCT. Judges-Mrs, men Kolb, Schueller, Welu• j: Nays-None. City Council, Evelyn Madden, Mrs, Grace Wright, Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Dove. Dubuque, Iowa Mrs. Ruby Steuck. Clerks~Mrs. Absent-Councilman Dove• _ RESOLUTIOPI NO. 230.55 Gentlemen: Laura Hohman, Mrs, Sadie Trader, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- We have this date canvassed the SIXTH PRECINCT. Judges--Mrs, Petition of North End Wrecking Gil of'the City of Dubuque that the petitions for nomination for Munici- MillieCords Mrs, Olive 'Satterlee Co. et al. requesting for a rezoning following; having complied with the pal officers bo Abe voted on at the of ~t1ae area on wort side of .Central. Mrs, Helen Schadle, Clerks-Mrs, Avenue from West 32nd Street to _ provisions of law relating to the Municipal Election to be held on Louise Forward, Mrs. Lillian Flee e, sale -of cigarettes within the City November 8, 1955, on file in bhe of- g the City Limits -to Local Business 'SEVENTH PR;ECINGT, Judges- B District resented sand read. of Dubuque, be granted a permit to Fice of the City Glerk at the close ~ p sell cigarettes and cigarette papers of the business day on October 10, Mr. 'Hubert Melssen, Miss Emma Councilman Kolb moved that the Van Fleet, Mrs. Helen Winchel, petition be referred Ito bhe Plan- : e Mana er 1955 and find said canvass the fol- • aaid Cit and th g , within Y Clerks-Mrs. Loretta Goff, Mrs. nm & Zo m n Commission, econd- g g S lowin on uch ermit g , rs directed to issues p Alexia Hanley, ed by Councilman Welu, Carried by beh-elf of said City, Charles E. Dove, City Gouncil• Ralph Smith (Smith Oil Co.), 901 man-Nominated by Petition.. EIGHTH PRECINCT. Judges- the following vote: Rhom!berg Avenue Charles A'. Kintzinger, City Coun- Mrs. Harriett Larkin, Miss Irene Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, Coun- Be It Further Resolved that the Gilman-Nominated by Petition, Fuhrman, Mr. Louis J. Lager. Gilmer Kalb, Schueller, Welu. bond filed with the application be Clarence P. Welu, City Council- Clerks-Mrs. Jane Fuhrman, Mrs• Nays-None. man-aNominated by Petition Anna 'Weber, Absent-,'Councilman Dove. approved. r: a+. ,y; 436 Special Session, Ootober 17, 1955 'Communication of Arnold J. Breitbach requesting to be exempt- ed from the peddler's fee, being he is a disabled veteran, on house to house sales, presented and read, Councilman Kolb moved that the communication be referred Ito the City Manager for consideration, Seconded'by Councilman Welu. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas=Mayor Kintzinger, Council- men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays=None. Absent-'Councilman Dove. - Mayor Kintzinger moved that the rules be suspended in order that anyone present in the council cham- ber may address the council if they so desire. Seconded by Coun- cilman'Welu. Carried'by the follow- ing vote, Yeas-Mayor Kintzinger, ~Council• men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. _z. Nays-None, Absent-~ouncilm'an Dove. Mr. John Ward spoke in behalf of his mother, relative to the street 'assessment` on Liebe Street, men- - boning the fact that the assess- merit is too high, due to her re- stricted use of the street. There being no further business Councilman Kolb moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the following vote: - f - YeasJMayor Kintzinger, Councll• men Kolb, Schueller, Welu. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Dove. ' LEO F. FROMNIELT City Clerk Approved ................................1956, Adopted ..,.1956, ' Councilmen Attest: City Clerk E